Seamless Automated Test Management at Scale Organizing Massive Test Automation @ bol.com Jeroen Ruijgers and Viktor Clerc

Seamless automated test management at scale with bol.com

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Seamless Automated Test Management at Scale Organizing Massive Test Automation @ bol.com

Jeroen Ruijgers and

Viktor Clerc


▪  Housekeeping

▪  About bol.com & XebiaLabs

▪  bol.com’s Challenge

▪  Test Automation @ bol.com

▪  Questions

Your  Presenters  

▪  Responsible for development, marketing, and support of test management and analytics solutions as part of its delivery automation product suite.

Jeroen Ruijgers Sr. Software Engineer, bol.com

▪  Worked as a (Java) software engineer on various Scrum teams since 2010.

▪  Currently member of a support team that focuses on test automation.

▪  Has given several trainings related to Java and test automation

Viktor Clerc Product Manager, XebiaLabs


Started by Bertelsman Online


bol.com becomes separate (and only)



6 employees

#1 online retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium

> 900 employees


Started with Scrum

•  5 million customers •  9 million products

> 35 scrum teams


5 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

Introducing  XebiaLabs  

We  help    DevOps    achieve  Con4nuous  Delivery  at  scale.  

Sales  in  US,  EMEA  and    APAC  

Headquartered  in  Boston,  MassachuseLs  

200+  premiere  customers  

6 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

XebiaLabs  Products  

Visualize,  orchestrate  and  manage  your  Con6nuous  Delivery  

pipelines  from    end  to  end.  

Automate  your  applica6on  deployments  so  releases  occur  in  a  repeatable,  standard  and  efficient  way.  

Manage,  analyze  and  op6mize  all  your  test  tools  in  one  complete  


XebiaLabs  products  are  designed  to  help  Enterprise  DevOps  professionals  achieve  true  Con'nuous  Delivery  at  scale.  

7 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

8 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

Key  Features  of  XL  TestView  

Visualize  and  analyze  test  results,  trends,  and  correlation  in  real-­‐time  

Collect  results  from  –  and  control  –  all  major  test  


Automate  go/no-­‐go  decisions  

Optimize  testing  for    value  and  speed  


Install  and  configure    in  minutes  


Positioning Test Automation as part of Continuous Delivery • Practice at bol.com

History of testing and test automation at bol.com

Organizing it all: making sense of test results • Practice at bol.com

What’s Up?

First Principle Agile Manifesto

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software”

Continuous Delivery The Three Basic Principles

Basic Principle 1: Rigorous Automation

Basic Principle 2: Extreme Feedback

Basic Principle 3: Continuous Change



Acceptance Driven Testing

Development = TestTest = Development

Automate ALL

User Acceptance

Test effort


•  Focus on Test Automation •  Special team with focus on improvements for all Scrum teams •  Teams do test automation themselves

•  Running Tests as Often as Possible •  Not only once a day, but also after deployments (to test) •  Focus on fast test à Fast feedback à Earlier insight in regression

•  Development of MayFly (Soon to be Open Sourced!) •  User story-based •  Creates separate dev and test environments per application •  More information @ Goto Amsterdam 2015

Continuous Delivery & Test Automation at bol.com

•  All testing done manually until 2010

•  2010 Started automating with QFTest

•  2012 Evaluated other tooling and started working with Around that time also developed in-house tool for testing databases

Where did we come from?

History of Testing at bol.com

•  FitNesse is mostly used •  It is Java based and we are a Java company •  The wiki format makes easy reading for business

•  New tools are introduced

Where are we now?

History of Testing at bol.com


•  Started with 1 project containing all tests •  Sharing knowledge •  Structured the same as our use cases, i.e.


•  Nightly runs from the beginning •  Indication by labels (nightly) •  First sequential per application

WebshopSuite •  Later parallel by split running of suites on the lowest level (a.k.a. suites with only tests)


FitNesse Implementation

•  Maven is used to bootstrap FitNesse •  In combination with a JUnit Runner

•  Specialized Jenkins job for parallel execution •  Knows the structure of FitNesse and fires corresponding jobs

•  The tests are executed by Jenkins Slaves •  Specialized Linux and Windows hosts with browsers •  Chrome, Firefox, IE8 and IE11

•  Suites are run and results are sent to the reporting tool •  Data stored in MySQL database •  Reports generated by BIRT

Nightly structure Running & Reporting

•  1 FitNesse project is too big •  More smaller projects need more maintenance

•  BIRT was getting very slow •  To much data to process •  Reports did not look very fancy

•  Re-running (failed) tests was not intuitive •  No links in reporting •  Need to know where to find it in Jenkins

Issues with the setup

Running & Reporting

•  One endpoint for reports

•  XL TestView takes over orchestration from Jenkins •  Custom scripting options for parallel execution of suites •  Custom graphs for bol.com •  We need a dashboard with all tests for a day, per team & application

•  Added analytics for test stability •  Reports on duration and flakiness

•  Developed in close collaboration between bol.com and XebiaLabs •  Tailored to the needs of bol.com •  Ideal kick-start of the development of (now) XL TestView

Introducing XL TestView at bol.com

Running & Reporting

Introducing  XL  TestView  

The first test results management and analysis tool that allows you to define and execute tests across your full spectrum of test tools, then aggregate, and visualize results to provide insight into your application’s quality.

Test Results in Perspective

More Test Results! ;-)

Aligning Results for Go-Live Recommendations

Never Change a (Winning) Jenkins Setup

XL TestView at bol.com: Running & Reporting

XL TestView at bol.com: Running & Reporting

XL TestView at bol.com: Running & Reporting

XL TestView at bol.com: Running & Reporting

XL TestView at bol.com: Running & Reporting

•  Continuous Delivery needs Test Automation

•  Test automation done right needs structure and oversight!

•  XL TestView helped bol.com and can help you make sense of your test results

Key Take-Aways

31 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

Key  Benefits  of  XL  TestView  

Visualize and analyze your entire software testing process.

Become more informed, organized and in control of your software testing process.

Intelligently optimize your testing to make it faster, more automated and more effective.

Quickly make confident, data-driven, go/no-go deployment decisions for smooth and successful software releases.

32 Copyright  2015.    Confiden4al  –  Distribu4on  prohibited  without  permission    

See  for  Yourself…  

Learn  more:      https://xebialabs.com/products/xl-­‐testview/      Free  trial:    hLps://xebialabs.com/download/xl-­‐testview/  

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’til next bol.com!


Jeroen Ruijgers Senior Software Engineer, bol.com

[email protected]

Viktor Clerc Product Manager, XebiaLabs

[email protected]