SEABREEZE HIGH SCHOOL April 2017 CRAB CLAUSE A cooperative effort of Seabreeze High School and the SHS PTSA Seabreeze Sandcrabs are held to high ethical standards in our pursuit of academic achievement. As a student of Seabreeze High School, I understand that academic dishonesty defeats the purpose of education. Cheating, plagiarism, stealing, and lying are neither acceptable nor tolerated. Every task and accomplishment will be a true reflection of my effort. Dear Seabreeze Family, Spring Break is behind us and the nal grading period for 2016-2017 is underway. We have hit the ground running with all the events, requirements, and pressures that the students have to undertake prior to the end of the year. It is an important Ɵme of year with standardized tesƟng, end of course exams , Advanced Placement tesƟng and the myriad of other requirements that are placed upon our students. Our student support systems – parents, teachers and administrators – are criƟcal to their success. It is important to remember that we need to provide encouragement, direcƟon and support for our students as they start their journey into the ‘tesƟng season’. Please reinforce with your students the importance of seƫng goals to help them achieve the success they desire as they close out the school year. It is also criƟcal that you support us and have your child in school every day. With all the anƟcipaƟon the end of the school year brings for current students it also brings excitement for our incoming ninth grade class. Family registraƟon nights this year occurred on the following dates: March 23 (S thru Z), March 28 (L thru R), March 30 (F thru K), and April 4 (A thru E). Our school community is very excited that next year we introduce the Cambridge/AICE InternaƟonal Diploma program for our rising 9th grade students. It provides excellent opportuniƟes for our upcoming ninth grade students and current students in following years as we expand the program. This Ɵme of year brings much excitement and some anxiety to our fantasƟc senior class as well. The weeks aŌer spring break are lled with senior acƟviƟes as we prepare for their big day in the Ocean Center on May 26th! All families should have received a bulleƟn outlining important senior events (Prom, Grad Bash, Senior Awards, Honors Banquet, Baccalaureate,) with dates and Ɵmes. This calendar, prepared by AcƟviƟes Director Tonia Morgan, is an iƟnerary of all senior acƟviƟes scheduled to take place as we approach graduaƟon. The senior calendar of events is also posted on the website or can be obtained in the main and acƟviƟes oces. As we close the school year I would like to thank our enƟre Sandcrab community for the support they have shown our students, faculty, and stathroughout the year. The year has been memorable lled with many success stories throughout our campus and community. On a personal level I would like to thank everyone for their conƟnued support and encouragement as we do our best to provide every student the opportunity to achieve their own personal success story. Professionally yours, Joseph Rawlings Principal

SEABREEZE HIGH SCHOOL April 2017 CRAB CLAUSE · SEABREEZE HIGH SCHOOL April 2017 CRAB CLAUSE A cooperative effort ... Diploma program for our rising 9th grade ... the Senior Class

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CRAB CLAUSE A cooperative effort of Seabreeze High School and the SHS PTSA

Seabreeze Sandcrabs are held to high ethical standards in our pursuit of academic achievement. As a student of Seabreeze High School, I understand that academic dishonesty defeats the purpose of education. Cheating, plagiarism, stealing, and lying are neither acceptable nor tolerated. Every task and accomplishment will be a true refl ection of my effort.

Dear Seabreeze Family,Spring Break is behind us and the fi nal grading period for 2016-2017 is underway. We have hit the ground running with all the events, requirements, and pressures that the students have to undertake prior to the end of the year. It is an important me of year with standardized tes ng, end of course exams , Advanced Placement tes ng and the myriad of other requirements that are placed upon our students. Our student support systems – parents, teachers and administrators – are cri cal to their success. It is important to remember that we need to provide encouragement, direc on and support for our students as they start their journey into the ‘tes ng season’. Please reinforce with your students the importance of se ng goals to help them achieve the success they desire as they close out the school year. It is also cri cal that you support us and have your child in school every day.

With all the an cipa on the end of the school year brings for current students it also brings excitement for our incoming ninth grade class. Family registra on nights this year occurred on the following dates: March 23 (S thru Z), March 28 (L thru R), March 30 (F thru K), and April 4 (A thru E). Our school community is very excited that next year we introduce the Cambridge/AICE Interna onal Diploma program for our rising 9th grade students. It provides excellent opportuni es for our upcoming ninth grade students and current students in following years as we expand the program.

This me of year brings much excitement and some anxiety to our fantas c senior class as well. The weeks a er spring break are filled with senior ac vi es as we prepare for their big day in the Ocean Center on May 26th! All families should have received a bulle n outlining important senior events (Prom, Grad Bash, Senior Awards, Honors Banquet, Baccalaureate,) with dates and mes. This calendar, prepared by Ac vi es Director Tonia Morgan, is an i nerary of all senior ac vi es scheduled to take place as we approach gradua on. The senior calendar of events is also posted on the website or can be obtained in the main and ac vi es offices.As we close the school year I would like to thank our en re Sandcrab community for the support they have shown our students, faculty, and staff throughout the year. The year has been memorable filled with many success stories throughout our campus and community. On a personal level I would like to thank everyone for their con nued support and encouragement as we do our best to provide every student the opportunity to achieve their own personal success story.Professionally yours,Joseph RawlingsPrincipal

Y earbook InformationImportant Informa on our Seabreeze Parents and Students should be aware of.

1. A en on 2017 Seniors,Yearbook distribu on will take place on Thursday, May 4, 2017. Seniors must have all outstanding obliga ons paid before this date. If you have not already purchased a yearbook they can be purchased, that day, for $80.00 no personal checks will be accepted. Cash or money order only 2. Any students that preordered the 2017 Sandcrab yearbook, must show a valid school ID in order pick up their book3. Underclassmen can begin picking up their yearbooks on Monday, May 8 in the auditorium concession stand, during lunch or a er school ONLY. The yearbook price will increase to $80 a er April 14, 2017. No checks will be accepted a er this date. All students must present school ID to pick up their yearbook4. Any student that purchased senior cap & gown pictures. Should have received their order or they can pick them up in Ms. Coy’s room 2-211.5. For those 2017 seniors that did not get their cap & gown pictures taken at school can call MPG’s studio in Holly Hill to make an appointment. Please call the studio (386) 672-1090 to reserve your appointment.6. MPG Portraits is the school’s offi cial photography company for all 2018 graduates. Visit their web site at www.mpgportraits.com to see all of the great new looks for seniors. Call and confi rm your session appointment with MPG Portraits at (386) 672-1090. MPG Portraits1625 Ridgewood AvenueHolly Hill, FL 32117www.mpgportraits.com7. MPG Portraits will begin mailing 2018 senior picture appointments in May. If you do not receive an appointment card in the mail by May 19th, please call MPG Portraits at (386) 672-1090. Your appointment can be changed to fi t your schedule by calling the studio and changing your scheduled me.

8. Yearbooks can be purchased, for $65.00, during lunch in room 2-211 on Tuesday and Thursday. The yearbook price will increase to $80 a er April 14, 2017. Also, a er this date only cash or money orders will be accepted. NO CHECKS 9. Important Dates for 2017-18 School year:• Underclass pictures will take place in the auditorium during the month of September or October. Students will follow the schedule provided by their teacher. Student will receive a proof. Orders can be placed once the proof is received• The Senior Panoramic picture for the class of 2018 will take place in October 18, 2017 at 7:45 am in the gym. • All seniors interested in becoming a Senior Spotlight in the yearbook must have a typed resume turned into Ms. Coy, room 2-211, no later than Monday, October 16, 2017 at 3:00 pm. • Remember those ads for the Senior Class of 2017. Ads go on sale in August. The deadline for senior ads is in October. All pictures and informa on must be turned in by this date. Do not turn in any irreplaceable pictures. • Club pictures will take place in either November or December. See club sponsor for details.• Any 2018 senior that would like a baby picture in the yearbook please bring a picture to Ms. Coy, in 2-211 as soon as possible, spots fi ll up quickly and are on a fi rst come fi rst serve basis. Write your name in pencil on the back of the picture & do not turn in any irreplaceable pictures.

One-on-One Professional Tutoring

(Certified Specialists)


also SAT/ACT prep

617 S. Yonge Street Ormond Beach, Florida 32174

Muffi Chanfrau President

386-673-9437tutorctr @ .com


h ps://intranet.volusia.k12.fl .us/departments/school-way-cafe/SiteAssets/Pages/Die an%27s-Desk/November, Wellness Newsle er, Seasons Gr(EAT)ings 16-17.pdfh ps://intranet.volusia.k12.fl .us/departments/school-way-cafe/SiteAssets/Pages/Die an%27s-Desk/December 16-17, Wellness Newsle er, The Simple Truth.pdf


Seabreeze High School would like to recognize the following businesses for their generous dona ons to our teacher recogni on program..Mario’s RestaurantPast Times restaurantDancing Avacado KitchenMama Mia’s PizzeriaRose VillaBer es Good EatsUMI Hibachi ExpressThe River GrilleThe Black Sheep

The Daytona Beach ResortBe y’s A1A CaféStarlite DinerDus n’s Bar-B-QueAlfi e’s RestaurantLuLu’s Oceanside GrillPirate’s CovePeach ValleyCharlie Horse


In the event of an emergency, a parent informa on/mee ng area will be set up in the Cafeteria at Seabreeze High School and Mr. Rawlings and/or Mrs. Gibbons will be available to meet with parents and give them informa on concerning the safety of their children. Should Seabreeze High School need to be evacuated the parent informa on/mee ng area will be located at Mainland High School, Daytona Beach, FL 32124. 386-226-0300



by Don Zolidis

Amaryllis is determined to win her Girl Scout troops’ cookie-selling contest, but she’ll need more than charm to win fi rst prize (a unicorn!) and avoid last place (which means ge ng kicked out of the troop!) So when sales droop, she naturally turns to the fi nancial sector for advice. Soon she’s faking a terminal illness,

franchising her methods, and contrac ng with a payday lender to off er 30-year loans for cookies. A hysterical homage to Glengarry Glen Ross and a send-up of the wild excesses of the fi nancial crisis. Show plays April 6 in-school, April 7 and 8 at 7:00 PM. All ckets only $5.00!

View a newsle er size and price list for adver sing on the PTSA page of the website.

1/2 page $100 per issue1/4 page $50 per issue1/8 page $ 25 per issue


1/8 of page- $25 for one issue

Great for personal ads, thank you notes or congratula ons!

Great deals on other sizes!



In an eff ort to make the campus a safer more secure place for all, access to the North student parking lot will be limited to students with current parking permits and will not be u lized for dropping off /picking up students. Parents are to u lize the loop in front of the school to drop off and pick up students. For safety and to minimize usage parents are encouraged to pull as far forward into the loop as possible.


Give Back Program Riptides Raw Bar & Grill will be donating 10% of Students, Faculty and Family checks back to the club, organization or sports team of choice.

When you or your family dine at Riptides simply keep a copy of the check (not the credit card) the itemized check.

Take that to a participating club, organization or Sports team

Riptides will donate the amount of the check before taxes and not including discounts to the organization that you have chosen

For example: You and your family come for lunch, your check is $40 make sure you get the itemized copy of the check, turn it in to the

basketball team and riptides will give the team $4.

We look forward to supporting all of your extracurricular activities

MID-TERM ENDS9/14/2016


GRADING PERIOD ENDS10/20/201612/20/201603/09/201705/26/2017






Teen Zone sponsors have been working this school year providing tutoring on campus for members of the club. Scheduled Wednesday dates a er school were planned to help the students, and meals were / are provided on campus. We also had dinner on restaurants off campus such as: Don Peppers, Hibachi Express, Rip des (to come). Our group also a ended an Embry Riddle Basketball game in which the Major Teen Zone sponsors provided pizza and prizes. Students in the club also were recipients of a bike raffl e, and a gi party prior to Christmas break.The Teen Zone Club wrote le ers to soldiers who are past Seabreeze graduates as part to take part in community involvement. We will fi nish off the year with an event to be announced by the Teen Zone Program.Sponsors: Katelyn Bradley Dana Silvernail


The Florida Department of Educa on has con nued the policy on the possession of electronic devices during standardized tes ng. If students are found with an electronic device that reproduces, transmits, calculates, or records (e.g. a cell phone, camera, pager) in their pockets, clipped to their belts, at their desks, or anywhere that can be easily accessed during tes ng (even if in a purse or backpack), the test will be invalidated. It does not ma er if the devices are turned off or if students do not use them. This includes IPODs, MP3 Players, Phones, tablets, and any other electronic device

fi ng the descrip on above.For all informa on on tes ng, pleae visit our website page at

www.seabreezehigh.org/tes ng


All mee ngs begin at 6:00 and are held in the Media center w/light refreshments, see you there!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (Open House)Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016Monday, November 14, 2016Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, January 09, 2017Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017Monday, May 08, 2017

call 258-4674 ext. 54614,Jeane e Oberst for updates


Seabreeze High School once again earned Five Star School recogni on! Seabreeze was only one of three high schools to be recognized out of the 56 schools in our system that qualifi ed for the award. Thank you Pa Dahms, ext. 54601 for taking on the role of 5-Star Coordinator this year!


Our Clerical Staff can be the fi rst place to start when you need informa on. School Phone: 386-258-4674

Mrs. Jeane e Oberst- Principal Secretary, ext. 54614Mr. Cliff Benoit- Textbooks, Bookroom, ext. 54633Ms. Buff y Briggs -Guidance, ext. 54606Mrs. Teresa Pehr- Registrar, ext. 54642Mrs. Marta Goodner - Discipline/Busses, ext. 54628Mrs. Pamela Vance-A endance, ext. 54616Ms. Maria Kos dakis- Tes ng, ext. 54692Mr. Paula Schaack, Scheduling, ext. 54690Mrs. Comitale-Dahms, Main Offi ce ext. 54600Mrs. Joyce Smith- ESE, ext 54670Ms. Erika Sco , Bookkeeping, ext. 54522

Have a ques ons about an ac vity or event?Contact our Ac vi es Director:Ms. Tonia Morgan ext. 54651 [email protected] .us



Your check is welcome at Seabreeze High School. The District recognizes that occasionally a parent may inadvertently overdraw a checking account and a check may be returned by the bank. In order to recover these funds in a private and professional manner, Volusia County Schools has contracted with CHECKredi, a company specializing in the collec on of returned checks.

Each check wri en to the school must be made out to Seabreeze High School with the maker’s name pre-printed on the check (no starter checks) and must include the maker’s physical address and phone number (including area code). Please use blue or black ink.

When a person writes a check to a school or the District, the person wri ng the check agrees that, if the check is returned, it may be re-presented electronically on the same account for the full face amount and a fee established by Florida law.

CHECKredi will contact you by mail and by telephone in order to make arrangements to pay before a emp ng to re-present the check electronically. Payments of the check and fee may also be made online at www.checkredi.com using a credit card, debit card or electronic check without any addi onal fees. For a convenience fee, payments may be made over the telephone at (877) 524-7334 by credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Payments cannot be made at the school or the District.


JR/SR PROMSaturday eveningApril 22, 20178:30 p.m. – MidnightDaytona 500 ClubInterna onal Speedway Infi eldProm Sponsor, Leah Paul GRAD BASHUniversal Studios/Islands of AdventureFriday, April 28, 2017For more informa on click on the Grad Bash link in the top right of the page. SENIOR CELEBRATIONThursday, May 4, 2017Seabreeze Auditorium/CafeCap/Gown & Yearbook distribu on

SENIOR EXAMSMonday, May 1st- Friday, May 12th SENIOR AWARDS CEREMONYMonday, May 15, 20176:00 p.m.Seabreeze Auditorium*A endance to the 2016 SeniorAwards Ceremony is by invita onInvita ons mailed on Fri, May 1st

DISTINGUISHED HONORS BANQUETTuesday, May 16, 20176:00 p.m.Daytona Beach Resort*By invita on only. Honor Graduates with a weighted 3.5 G.P.A or above.

Gradua on Rehearsal - MandatoryWednesday, May 24, 20177:30 amOcean CenterSeniors come dressed for rehearsal as they would for a regular school day. Rehearsal is Mandatory! If for any reason you cannot a end, you must inform Assistant Principal, Kathy Gibbons in advance.

GRADUATION 2017Seabreeze Class of 2017Friday, May 26, 20174:00 p.m. (arrive dressed cap/gown no later than 3:00 p.m.)Ocean Center, Daytona Beach Florida

Parking Passes are $5 per vehicle. Gradua on ckets are $3 per person with no purchase limit

(excludes graduates). Tickets will be available to purchase beginning May 10 from the main offi ce at Seabreeze High School.

BACCALAUREATE- A PTSA Sponsored EventWednesday, May 17, 2017 @ 6:00 p.m.First United Methodist Church336 S Halifax Dr., Ormond Beach

Scholarship informa on is available in the Guidance Offi ce – Contact Guidance for more informa on –

• h p://www.naviga ngyourfi nancialfuture.org/Documents/Newsle ers/current_hs.pdf

• https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-in/applying-101/college-applica on-fee-waivers



Herff Jones Company (Seabreeze High School’s Offi cial Cap and Gown and Gradua on Materials company)$65.00 Cap, Gown, Tassel “Keeper” Package (includes tax, diploma package and senior dues)There is a deadline for ordering this material so please place your order(s) by *December 31, 2016. *Note: Cap/Gown orders received in Jan 2017 through gradua on day, May 26th, will be $85.00 ($20 late fee included).Mail Herff Jones Company112 N Wymore Rd., Winter Park, Florida 32789By Phone 1-407-647-4373Online www.herff orlando.com


Senior Class Panoramic – to place an order for your 2017 class panoramic, log on to www.gradimages.com Click on High School Senior Class Photos. Need assistance? Contact customer service department at 800.261.2576.

GradImages – GradImages will be photographing all graduates at the gradua on ceremony May 26th. Visit our website, www.gradimages.com and click on PRE-EVENT EMAIL REGISTRATION. Enter your email and up to 6 emails of loved ones who would like to share in your accomplishment by viewing and ordering your photos. A er gradua on, order online at www.gradimages.com or call 800-261-2576. EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT Get $5 off on orders of $25 or more just by registering your informa on with us before your event.


Seabreeze High School a ending Grad Bash on Friday, April 28th, 2017A ending seniors will depart from Seabreeze at 4:30 pm and return at approximately 3:30 am. The event starts at 7:00 pm and concludes at 2:00 am. The cost to a end is $103.00 (includes ckets to both theme parks and charter bus transporta on to and from the venue)Permission forms are required to a end. Parent Permission and Notarized Ac vi es Medical/Liability Waiver formsPayment for Grab Bash – pay on Online (OSP website) or to Ms. Morgan in the Ac vi es Offi ce. Payments accepted star ng Jan 2017 through March 9 (end of the day).• Talent Announcement!o April 28th Fi h Harmony


Updated 3/31/17

Aug -May YEARBOOK $55/$65/$80: Yearbooks are $55 if purchased by 12/20/16. Price increases to $65 starting 12/21/16 – 4/14/17. Yearbook purchases 4/15 to end of the school year will be $80. Cash only accepted.

Oct –May 1

FLORIDA BRIGHT FUTURES SCHOLARSHIPS: Registration starts October 1st. You must be registered by May 1, 2017 to be eligible. www.floridastudentfinancialaid.gov Questions, please contact your students school counselor.

Wed Oct 19 –May 26

1st Senior Class Assembly/Class Panoramic: CAP & GOWN “Keeper” Pkg. $65: $85 ($20 late fee for orders placed after 12/31/16. Contact Herff Jones @ 407-647-4373 or www.herfforlando.com. Cash,money order or check (make check payable to: Herff Jones). Cap, Gown & Tassel are required to participate in Senior Awards, Baccalaureate, and Commencement Exercise.

Wed Oct 19 Senior Parent Meeting & Financial Aid Night: SHS Cafeteria. Itinerary: 5-5:30pm Financial Institutions offering assistance; 5:30-6:15 PM Parent Meeting; 6:15-7PM Financial Aid meeting.

Wed Oct 19-May 27

Grad Images COMMENCEMENT PHOTOS: graduates will be photographed at the graduation ceremony. Visit www.gradimages.com, & click on Pre-Event Email Registration. Enter your email and up to 6 emails of loved ones who would like to view and order your photos. Order online or call (800)261-2576.

Wed Jan 4 -Mar 9

GRAD BASH PAYMENTS ACCEPTED ($103): Universal Orlando! Bring payment to the Activities office or pay online. Cash or check accepted (checks payable to: Seabreeze H.S.). Sorry, No refunds! Parent permission and activity liability/medical (notarized) release forms are necessary to attend. Pick up forms from Ms. Morgan in the Activities office or online @ www.sebreezehigh.org Deadline is Thu March 9th

Wed Feb 1 2nd SENIOR CLASS ASSEMBLY: all seniors are required to attend. Senior Events calendar will be distributed and other important senior deadlines discussed.


Feb 9 – 10

Herff Jones will be on campus to deliver senior graduation announcements & take final cap/gown orders.

Thu Feb 23 SENIOR CAP/GOWN PORTRAITS: cap/gown provided by MPG Studios. Photos taken from 9 – noon,auditorium lobby. Appointments are required. See Ms. Coy in 2-211 to schedule an appointment.

Thu Mar 9 GRAD BASH DEADLINE: $103 & permission forms due by the end of day. No late payments accepted.

Mon –Tue

Apr 3 – 11

MOST INFLUENTIAL AWARDS: Recognition for a teacher/coach/administrator or staff member that has made an impact or been a positive influence on your life. If you would like to recognize a person, see Mrs. Oberst in the front office. Applications available starting Monday, April 3, and are due to Mrs. Oberst by Tuesday, April 11, end of day.

Apr 13 - 21

PROM TICKETS ON SALE $40. Thu Apr 13th thru Fri Apr 21st, prom tickets on sale online or from the ticket window bldg. 6-105. Check or cash accepted. *Prom guest forms available in Student Resources.

Fri Apr 21 MANDATORY SENIOR ASSEMBLY: seniors will be called to the auditorium for their final class assembly.

Sat Apr 22 JR/SR PROM: Daytona 500 Club, Daytona International Speedway • 8:30 pm – 11:30 pm. Formal attire required. Seniors only-Prom guest permission forms (for a non-SHS student) can be picked up from Student Resources- Mrs. Goodner. (NOTE: No admittance to Prom beyond 10 pm)

Fri Apr 28 GRAD BASH 2016: Arrive by 4:00 pm, dressed appropriately. Meet in the auditorium. Departing SHSfor Universal Orlando @ 4:30 pm. Approximate time of return - 3:30 am. (Bring spending $$).


May 1-12 AP TESTING: schedules provided by AP Teachers and are also located on the online Activities Calendar.

Wed May 3 OBLIGATIONS: Obligations must be cleared to pick-up your cap & gown, yearbook, & diploma. Don’t delay! Stop by the activities office, main office, bookroom or media center for obligation information or check online SHS web • TAB Student - Senior page.

Thu May 4 Senior Celebration (3:00- 5pm) *CAP/GOWN & YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION plus food, entertainment, prizes & music: (Café & Auditorium). Cap/Gown packages will be available for purchase $85 as well as Yearbooks $80 (cash only). Reminder - obligations must be cleared to pick up your cap/gown package and/or yearbook.

Fri May 12 NON-PARTICIPATION FORM: If you choose not to participate in the graduation ceremony, a signed Non-Participation form is required. The Non-Participation form is available from Data Processing (bldg. 3) Non-Participation forms are due to Mrs. Gibbons, in the Data Processing office, by Friday, May 12th.


May 15- 19

SENIOR EXAMS: Monday - Periods 6 & 7, Tuesday - Periods 4 & 5, Wednesday - 3 Period, Thursday, Periods 1 & 2 & Friday – Make-up day.

*Mon May 15 SENIOR AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT: Seabreeze Auditorium 6:00 PM. Seniors receiving an award and/or scholarship(s) will be notified by special invitation. Invitations in the mail on May 1st. Seniorrecipients are to arrive by 5:00 pm, *wearing their cap & gown, and report to the cafeteria to check in.

*Tue May 16 DISTINGUISHED HONORS BANQUET: Daytona Beach Resort 6:00 PM. Invitations will be mailed home to all Honor Graduates with a minimum cumulative weighted 3.5 G.P.A. & above. RSVP is requiredto Mrs. Oberst 258-4674 ext. 54614 (Semi-formal banquet attire).

*Wed May 17 BACCALAUREATE: First United Methodist Church 6:00 PM –336 S. Halifax Ormond Beach. A PTSA sponsored service. Seniors are to arrive by 5:15 pm *wearing cap & gown.

Wed May 24 Mandatory GRADUATION REHEARSAL: Report to the Ocean Center by 7:30 AM. Be prompt! Seniors come dressed in the same manner as if attending school. Seniors who do not attend rehearsal cannot participate in the graduation ceremony. Conflict? Contact: Assistant Principal, Mrs. Gibbons 258-4674 ext. 54620.

*Fri May 26 GRADUATION CEREMONY: Daytona Beach Ocean Center 4:00 PM. The graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 4:00 PM. Seniors are to report to the Ocean Center no later than 2:45 pm *wearing caps & gowns. Graduation Admission $3.00 per person - Parking $5.00. Tickets will be presold at Seabreeze-Main Office starting May 10th. It’s recommended you purchase tickets in advance. There is no limit to the number of graduation tickets you may purchase.


Cap and gown are required. TASSEL is worn on the right side of cap.

Young Ladies: Wear a cool, comfortable dress or skirt. Wear shoes with a medium size (height) heel or flats (no tennis shoes or flip flops permitted). Avoid wearing jewelry on the outside of the gown. Avoid bringing a purse or cell phone.Young Men: Absolutely, no jeans, shorts, flip flops or tennis shoes. Wear dark blue or black slacks, shoes and socks. Wear a collared button up shirt (suit or sports coat is optional) with tie.

School Website www.seabreezehigh.orgSenior Information link http://www.seabreezehigh.org/seniors

**Note: Dates, times, & locations are subject to change.Questions? Contact Ms. Morgan, Activities Director (386)258-4674 ext. 54651


Going into high school, there is no way to prepare ourselves for the experiences that we will have. We would never think to prepare ourselves to deal with the death of a close friend. The hallways were the most quiet we had ever heard when the student body of Seabreeze High School learned that Robert Harris had passed away. Close friends and family were le heartbroken at the loss of such a miraculous and beau ful human being. Wherever Robert Harris went, he le a trail of smiles and good vibes. With an amazing outlook on life and a contagious smile, Rob touched the lives of every individual who he met. Whether it was a friendly compliment or a hilarious joke, he was always able to cheer up anyone who was feeling low. Rob’s ability to use words to s r up emo ons inspired the Senior Class of 2017 to use part of his poem as our senior quote. That is why Seabreeze High School and the close friends of Rob have chosen to plant this tree in memory of the life that he lived. We hope that this tree will bring beauty to this campus in the same way that Robert brought beauty to the lives of those who he met. As this tree con nues to grow, it will symbolize the growth we all will achieve in hopes of making Robert Harris and his loved ones proud.

Elise DeBrangoandThe Class of 2017


The Perfect Fit club collects, organizes and displays clothes in a thri shop type clothing store for Seabreeze High School students. All clothing is free and available to all students. The store is located in the large conference room and is open during lunch on Wednesdays or as needed a er school. Sponsor contact informa on: Julie Wilson [email protected] .us


Medical Teens of America would like to invite Health Professions that are interested in being a Guest Speaker by coming in at lunch to explain their job in the Medical fi eld. You would provide insight to students about the educa onal requirements to earn a health care career along with helpful advice and personal stories that will inspire our students who would like to contribute in the medical industry one day. Refer to the SHS bell schedule on www.seabreezehigh.org for which day of the week you may be available to speak at lunch. We welcome all special es and disciplines of healthcare careers and from an offi ce, private prac ce, home or hospital se ngs. If interested in volunteering as a Guest Speaker, please email Ms. Bosco at [email protected] .us with your availability.


Seabreeze Athle cs would like to thank Biggby Coff ee, Jamie Eads and Randy Frank for their dona on of free hot coff ee, hot chocolate, iced refreshments, cups, creamer, sugar, and s r-s cks . They have been very suppor ve of our soccer teams and their coff ee rocks!


It is important that all students a end a brief volunteer training session before earning any service hours. Most students a end as a Freshman. This session is off ered 1st Tue/month by Mrs. Tully. Please encourage your student to a end the fi rst session possible as there are many opportuni es to earn service hours beginning with the start of school each year.


High School Curriculum Fair at the guidance table and during the break out session, High School 101, Family Night Registra onFreshman orienta on General Mee ng of Na onal Honor Society All class level assemblies and in par cular the Senior assemblies held throughout the year.

Bright Futures status is reviewed with individual students during their senior checks. Seabreeze Guidance has printed our own Bright Futures brochures since the state did not publish a 2014 brochure; its available to allEnglish classes: register all seniors for Bright Futures. Qualifi ca ons are reviewed at this me


EASIER TO USE!!!!Pay lab fees, club dues, order merchandise and much more! Check it out at www.seabreezehigh.org

NOTE: A convenience fee will be applied per each transac on.

• Create an account• A ach a student using name, 1ALPH (CAPITAL LETTERS)• Add things to cart, start checkout• Use dropdown to choose student name for purchase• Complete checkout

NEW SEABREEZE WEBSTORENEW SEABREEZE WEBSTORE“it ’s a whole new site!”“it ’s a whole new site!”

I T ’ S T H A T T I M E O F Y E A R ! !I T ’ S T H A T T I M E O F Y E A R ! !

school clothes school supplies school sports physical.....

Ma Nirschl, D.C. 53 North Old Kings Rd Ste C Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: (386) 672-6565

Physicals $35*with $5 being donated back to SHS Athle csSame day AppointmentsOpen M-F @ 9 am - 4 pm

G o o d L u c k & H a v e a G r e a t S e a s o n !





WRITING CHECKS TO SCHOOLSYour check is welcome at Seabreeze High School. The District recognizes that occasionally a parent may inadvertently overdraw a checking account and a check may be returned by the bank. In order to recover these funds in a private and professional manner, Volusia County Schools has contracted with CHECKredi, a company specializing in the collec on of returned checks.

Each check wri en to the school must be made out to Seabreeze High School with the maker’s name pre-printed on the check (no starter checks) and must include the maker’s physical address and phone number (including area code). Please use blue or black ink.

When a person writes a check to a school or the District, the person wri ng the check agrees that, if the check is returned, it may be re-presented electronically on the same account for the full face amount and a fee established by Florida law.

CHECKredi will contact you by mail and by telephone in order to make arrangements to pay before a emp ng to re-present the check electronically. Payments of the check and fee may also be made online at www.checkredi.com using a credit card, debit card or electronic check without any addi onal fees. For a convenience fee, payments may be made over the telephone at (877) 524-7334 by credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Payments cannot be made at the school or the District.

Seabreeze DECA would like to thank Fields BMW of Daytona Beach for their generous dona on to our club to purchase a heat press machine, e m b r o i d e r y machine, screen prin ng kit, t-shirts, and other much needed supplies to

start a school based enterprise in our classroom. They are not just an amazing business, but also an amazing supporter and we appreciate all that you do!


Volusia County Schools is excited to announce a new on-line school choice (formerly referred to as a variance) applica on. Eff ec ve March 1 families may apply to a end a school that is not their zone school from the comfort of their home! The applica on is located on Parent Portal. Once logged into the Parent Portal simply select the school choice applica on tab and then the student. Once the applica on is complete, hit submit and your work is done. No fi ca ons regarding the applica on’s status will be on your Parent Portal account. If you desire to complete a paper applica on, that process is s ll available by picking up an applica on at any school.Choice is limited to schools with capacity (listed on the VCS website) and transporta on will not be provided. A lo ery procedure will be used if there are more applicants than seats.Please note the deadline for applica ons for the 2017-18 school year is the last day of this school year (May 26, 2017). Decisions will be made in May and you will be no fi ed via your parent portal account if you applied electronically. If you applied using the paper applica on process, no fi ca ons are provided via U.S. mail.If you have any ques ons, please contact the Offi ce of Student Assignment at 386-947-8786 or visit www.myvolusiaschools.org.


Seabreeze will be taking a group of students in 2018 on our 6th Bi-Annual European Travel Program! We’ll be travelling to ci es and mountains in the countries of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Germany. We’ll even spend a day at the top of Mt. Pilatus in the Swiss Alps! Any student that has taken (or is scheduled to take) AP classes, or is a part of the AICE program is eligible to travel with us. Our i nerary consists of 12 days’ worth of cultural exposure, sightseeing, culinary experimenta on, and fun in the beginning part of June. Please see Mr. Weinrich in 3-214 or email him at [email protected] .us for more informa on.

ATTENTION Seabreeze students!

Are you interested in a ending college? Need help with your scholarship search? Do you struggle with organiza on and me management? Then the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determina on) program could be for you! See Mrs. Seeber in room 4-200 or check out our website at Seabreezeavid.weebly.com for all the exci ng details!



Congratula ons to Zoe Taylor for her Na onal Award for her photo from the Na onal Scholas cs Art Awards. Last week during Spring Break both zoe and her teacher were no fi ed of this incredible award. Zoe won a silver medal and her photo will be awarded this summer in New York City at Carnegie Hall. What a tremendous honor!

Congratula ons, Zoe!!


Come see what the Band is all about at our SPECTRUM Concert on Saturday, April 29th at 7pm in the auditorium. This is a free concert and is open to the public, however, a dona on will be accepted during the concert.May 11th, 2017 @ 7pm is our ice cream social in the Auditorium. All incoming and returning band, orchestra, and guard members are urged to a end. All paperwork, music, and important informa on will beavailable on this night.Alumni: Please contact Jarrod Koskoski if you are able to play with the orchestra and bandfor gradua on, May 27th 2016 at the Ocean Center @ 6 pmj [email protected] .us All Alumni are encouraged to a end an a erschool rehearsal on May 23rd and 25th from 3pm to about 4:30pm to get ready for gradua on. Band Camp takes place July 31st – August 4th. Freshman and Rookies will meet Monday July 24th -26th 9am to 3pm each day with the Band Offi cers to learn the basics before the full Band meets July 31st – August 4th (Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm with an hour for lunch at noon). The Band B-B-Q will be on Friday August 4th. Get complete informa on on May 11th at the Ice Cream Social. Band Offi cers need to report on Monday July 24th – 26th at 9am each day. INCOMING FRESHMAN AND ROOKIE PARENTS:Get all the info, paperwork, marching schedule and music for next year at our Annual Parent/Student Mee ng and Ice Cream Social set for Wednesday, May 11th. The mee ng begins at 7pm in the Auditorium.Percussion will have to contact Cliff Benoit for more info at 258-4674 ext. 54692, email: [email protected]. Summer dates will be coming up soon. Color Guard audi ons are on May 1st – 3rd star ng at 4pm in the Dance room.



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