SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES. The sea turtles were the first to come. The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

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Page 1: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about


Page 2: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

The sea turtles were the first to come. The sea turtles been around since 110

million years.

Research I learned about

Page 3: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

My main idea for researching the sea turtles is to see what's the point of the sea turtle and why their here.

Main Idea

Page 4: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

Unfortunately honu (greens) are suffering from suffering from a disease called fibropapillomatosis. The helpes family virus causes the growth of white to blackish, cauliflower like tumors. These grow on the soft tissues of the turtles body, internal and externally, and inhibit foraging, breathing, mobility, and digestion. It is unclear what causes this disease, but research is on going world wide to find a cure.


Page 5: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

No, the sea turtle does not affect anything else.

Do sea turtles affect more than just your research area

Page 6: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

It helps the turtles because its trying to get people to help and find a cure for the turtles

Discovery made the work in your research area

Page 7: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

The research applies to my life because its asking for help for help for the turtles, and my nickname is turtle so they can find a cure for the turtles.

Applies to my life

Page 8: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

I predict that lots of people will help and donate to the turtles so they can find a cure for the turtles.

Future developments

Page 9: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

The advantage of know about these sea turtles is to help take care of the turtles and try to make a difference for them.


Page 10: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

Clutch- a nest or batch of eggs caruncle- sea turtle hatchlings temporary

egg tooth. Pelagic- living in the open ocean

3 vocab

Page 11: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

Important idea about my research is that sea turtles need help

They are getting endangered Last year 2,885 loggerhead nest were


Important ideas

Page 12: SEA TURTLES BY: KIANA FLORES.  The sea turtles were the first to come.  The sea turtles been around since 110 million years. Research I learned about

I interviewed Courtney brown Why? I like turtles because they are cute

and they walk really slow. But sometimes they are mean.

What do you know about them They know how to protect them selves with

there shells and going inside its shell when in danger.
