SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 9, Class 1 ByteBuffer Tomorrow Get quizzes back from last week… Wednesday Quiz at start of lab 1

SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 9, Class 1 ByteBuffer Tomorrow Get quizzes back from last week… Wednesday Quiz at start of lab 1

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Aggregation vs Composition Aggregation Uncolored on UML Does not need aggregates to exist May not be composition Composition Colored on UML Created from its components Certainly is aggregation (Contained in the diagram here) SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 3 AggregationComposition

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SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 9, Class 1 ByteBuffer Tomorrow Get quizzes back from last week Wednesday Quiz at start of lab 1 Quiz 8, Question 5 Because one uses the other and neither extends the other, nor does either implement the other JLabel is using ImageIcon, though they are both separate classes in and of themselves JLabel is gaining more of ImageIcons functionality but is using it as a component SE-2811 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 2 Aggregation vs Composition Aggregation Uncolored on UML Does not need aggregates to exist May not be composition Composition Colored on UML Created from its components Certainly is aggregation (Contained in the diagram here) SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 3 AggregationComposition Syntax for try-catch try { } catch (/**/) { } --- OR --- try { } finally { } SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 4 Syntax for try-catch try (TYPE NAME = new SOMETHING) { } catch (/**/) { /**/ } finally { } SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 5 POSSIBLE PROGRAMS SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 6 Treasure Hunt Image shows on screen Click various places When you click, the thing you clicked does something Scurry off Play an animated movie Move to another position on the screen SE-2811 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 7 Treasure Hunt Simulator The person randomly walks over the map. When he randomly goes over things, they do various things. (A variation on the Treasure Hunt game) SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 8 Memory Pairs of people are randomly scattered on the screen Each person originally shows as a house icon. The first house icon you click on shows the person in the house. The second house icon you click on shows the second person. The third house icon you click on is like the first, except now the first two will be hidden (unless they match) 9 Wheres Waldo Hundreds of people are randomly created and scattered over the screen. Exactly one is Waldo - red-and-white striped hat - red-and-white striped shirt - blue pants - bag - cane The rest have various permutations of clothing color and accessories, possibly including some of the above. SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 10 SE-2811 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 11 SE-2811 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 12 SE-2811 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 13 Exercise Choose the principle classes for the Treasuer Hunt App Decide their relationships SE-2811 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 14