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The United States is among the elite considering its primary goal of protecting foreign interest. Our nation takes military and economic action towards achieving growth. We rely on the government to take necessary action towards protecting our soverign interests. The Open Door Policy, building of the Panama Canal, and Vietnam War are each specific periods where the United States had chosen to take action for personal purpose. Our advancement of government and technology is due to our ability to intervene in foreign countries.

The Open Door Policy relates to how the United States allowed for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China. The policy received universal approval in the United States. America was reaching its climax in foreign relations. The United States had recently gained the philippines, Guam, and Hawaii after the Spanish-American War, we had initial interest in China due to textile manufacturers finding markets for cheap cotton goods. The United States created the Open Door policy for personal benefit and to keep China in stability. The policy provided that each power maintain free access to a port and pay China's desired tax. The policy gave America the glorious opportunity to take advantage of China and grow the economies markets. We protected our foreign interests through creating a policy which allows for a free trading market for any nation willing to participate.

The Panama Canal represents the heart of American ideology of pursuit. President Theodore Roosevelt envisioned a shorter route for Americans to ship good cheaply between Atlantic and Pacific coasts. President Roosevelt dispatched U.S. Warships to Panama City and Colon in support of Panamanian independence (to build the bridge it was necessary to gain independence). Panama declared independence in 1903 with United States support. Minister Philippe Varilla negotiationed a ten million dollar payement to Panama. The United States build the canal in 1914, it represented the power of the United States.

The Vietnam War displayed the United States desire to enter foreign affairs. In attempt to remove Communist efforts in Vietnam, the United States entered troops to fight with South Vietnam. In the policy of containment, it is necessary for America to step in and protect their interests. Communism growth is against our given standard policies. We deplore communism for its underlying belief of counterfeit equality. The United States payed and supported groups against Communist efforts. Towards the end of the war, the United States retreated and left South Vietnam to fight on their own. They fell to communism, the United States attempt to remove the threatening influence had failed.

The United States is keen to enter foreign affairs to protect their national interests. The Open Door policy, Panama Canal, and Vietnam War each display the United States' desires to intervene if they feel it is necessary. This reason of intervention allows for the United States to be recognized among the prominent five within the United Nations.