SDS4410 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS 1 SDS 4410: Interpersonal Communication Course Instructor: Philip Daniels M.S. Email: [email protected] Office location: 1313C Norman Hall Office hours: Wednesdays by appointment 1:45-4:45, Section 0998, Fall 2017 Mode of instruction: On Campus Wed @ 10:40am-1:40pm, Norman Hall 250 Canvas website: http://lss.at.ufl.edu 3.0 Credit hours Catalog description: The application of basic principles of interpersonal communication with emphasis on the affective dimensions. Attention is given to using basic counseling strategies and psychological techniques as an aid to effective communication. Course goals: By the end of the course, students will be able to: Examine the elements and dynamics of interpersonal, intrapersonal, and small group communication 1 Facilitate personal reflection and increase awareness of self, in order to enhance conscious, deliberate communications 2 Analyze how technology and media influence communication 3 Increase their ability to relate in a multicultural world 4 Create more effective and healthy communities through empathic communication 5 I hope this course will help you to: Develop an understanding of the many variables that go into communication with self and others Explore how the concepts you learn apply to your personal and professional lives and how you communicate with others Apply what you learn to your own life by using the tools and activities in this course to become an active participant in effectively communicating with others I would like to personally welcome you to the course of Interpersonal Communication. I am excited to get to know and work with you during our time together. I have a passion to help students succeed; and expect you to be in my class to benefit yourself, expand your knowledge, and critically think about relevant issues of how to improve yourself and relationships. Please be prepared to actively engage and participate, as this will be an interactive class. I look forward to serving you! Philip

SDS 4410: Interpersonal Communication...2017/08/11  · SDS4410 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS 4 100 points – Discussion Facilitation By the second week of class, you will all

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Page 1: SDS 4410: Interpersonal Communication...2017/08/11  · SDS4410 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS 4 100 points – Discussion Facilitation By the second week of class, you will all


SDS 4410: Interpersonal Communication

Course Instructor: Philip Daniels M.S. Email: [email protected]

Office location: 1313C Norman Hall Office hours: Wednesdays by appointment 1:45-4:45,

Section 0998, Fall 2017 Mode of instruction: On Campus Wed @ 10:40am-1:40pm, Norman Hall 250

Canvas website: http://lss.at.ufl.edu 3.0 Credit hours

Catalog description: The application of basic principles of interpersonal communication with emphasis on the affective dimensions. Attention is given to using basic counseling strategies and psychological techniques as an aid to effective communication.

Course goals: By the end of the course, students will be able to:

Examine the elements and dynamics of interpersonal, intrapersonal, and small group communication


Facilitate personal reflection and increase awareness of self, in order to enhance conscious, deliberate communications


Analyze how technology and media influence communication 3

Increase their ability to relate in a multicultural world 4

Create more effective and healthy communities through empathic communication 5

I hope this course will help you to:

• Develop an understanding of the many variables that go into communication with self and others

• Explore how the concepts you learn apply to your personal and professional lives and how you communicate with others

• Apply what you learn to your own life by using the tools and activities in this course to become an active participant in effectively communicating with others

I would like to personally welcome you to the course of Interpersonal Communication. I am

excited to get to know and work with you during our time together. I have a passion to help

students succeed; and expect you to be in my class to benefit yourself, expand your

knowledge, and critically think about relevant issues of how to improve yourself and

relationships. Please be prepared to actively engage and participate, as this will be an

interactive class. I look forward to serving you!

– Philip

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• Develop skills of empathy, perspective-taking, and dialogue through practice with each other in the classroom

• Exhibit the interpersonal communication skills learned throughout the semester in your interactions with peers and the instructor

Textbook: Adler, R.B., Rosenfeld, L.B., & Proctor, R.F. (2014). Interplay: The process of

interpersonal communication (13th ed.) New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-939048-9 (Note: There have been substantial changes since the 12th edition; please make sure you have the correct edition of the textbook.)

Etiquette and Netiquette Expectations: All students are expected to follow rules of

common courtesy in the classroom, in all email messages, and in any online discussions. Failure to abide by these expectations can result in loss of participation points.

• Be professional at all times. You are preparing yourself to be a career professional. Remember that you are establishing your professional identity.

• Be respectful of other people. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. While it is okay to disagree, please do so with respect to others.

• Be calm. If you are upset or frustrated, keep this out of your communications with your fellow students or instructors. An angry or sarcastic comment does little to win respect or cooperation. Think about what you are going to say in a respectful, professional manner. Provide adequate information when asking for help or assistance from your instructors or classmates.

• Humor and sarcasm. Because everyone has a personal sense of humor, humor and sarcasm that might be funny to you could be very hurtful to others. Be very careful when interjecting humor and refrain from using any remarks that are sarcastic in nature.

• Harassment and other offensive behavior. The learning environment is no place to harass, threaten, or embarrass others. Comments that can be viewed as offensive, sexist, or racist will not be tolerated. It is never appropriate to put anyone down because of his or her age, race, religion, color, sex, or sexual preference.

• Offensive material. Students may not post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that is racially, religiously, or ethnically offensive or is harmful, abusive, vulgar, sexually explicit, or otherwise potentially offensive.

• Capital letters and bolding. In written and online communication, the use of capital letters and/or bolding is used for emphasis. In much of the corporate world, writing in all caps is considered yelling. Yelling is not tolerated in a residential classroom and, therefore, is not acceptable in any online communications with students.

• Technology in the classroom: Computers or tablets may be used in the classroom for taking notes during lecture only. However, use of these technologies during discussions, student presentations, or activities is not permitted unless you have received permission from the instructor. Use of cellphones is not permitted at all during class time. If there is an emergency that requires you to use your cell phone, please discuss this with the instructor prior the beginning of class.

This syllabus represents my current plans and objectives. As we go through the semester, those plans may need to change to enhance the class learning opportunity. However, such changes will be clearly communicated to all students in class and through online announcements on Canvas.

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Course Structure:

Teaching Philosophy and Class Structure: To encompass the wide range and complex topics of interpersonal communication, I practice a social constructivist and active learning style that will challenge students to use their critical thinking skills. The goal of my teaching philosophy is for the student to further develop their personal awareness, reflection, and growth in relationship with themselves and others based on their individualized strengths and areas of growth. This student-centered approach is actively engaging through individual, peer-to-peer, and group experiences. Knowledge will be gained and expanded via readings, short lectures, class discussions and debate, audiovisual aids, and writing exercises. While designing this course I have considered different types of learning styles, development levels, and personalities to best serve each student. Therefore, this course will be individualized for each class as we get to know each other as the semester progresses. There is an expectation to practice skills, lead discussions, and reflect how interpersonal communication skills affect yourself and others, both personally and professionally. I look forward to our time together and watch you grow! Course Descriptions and Objectives: This main purpose of this course is to enhance your knowledge of communication principles, which in turn leads to improving your skills in perceiving others, interacting with people, and overcoming communication barriers. Both the emotional and cognitive components of communication will be discussed. During this course we will explore our own communication patterns and how others perceive what we express to them. Grades are earned by successful completion of the following activities: 100 points - Class Participation and Attendance These points are determined by attendance, preparedness, participation, and etiquette. You are expected to read each assigned chapter and to show up on time to class prepared to engage in class discussions. If you do not voluntarily participate in discussions, I may call on you to respond. It is vital that you read the material prior to class because this course is not lecture-based. In class, you will be expected to practice the skills that you have already learned from the textbook outside of class. Most classes will consist of mini-lectures on pertinent topics, large group and small group discussions, and experiential activities. Respectful and professional interactions with others are a component of your participation grade. Please revisit the etiquette section of this syllabus if you have questions regarding respectful and professional behavior, or feel free to talk to me about questions or concerns. Additionally, your group members will evaluate you (and you will evaluate them) regarding participation and commitment to group projects and discussions at the end of the semester (peer evaluation rubric will be provided by week 13). The group evaluations of your participation will affect your grade for this component. If you have to miss a class, email the instructor as soon as possible to discuss whether it can be excused. Excused absences include absences due to illness, a religious observation, or an emergency. Two or more unexcused absences will result in a reduction of one letter grade. Use of cellphone or other devices during class will result in a reduction of participation points for that day.

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100 points – Discussion Facilitation By the second week of class, you will all be assigned to one of three groups. Your group will develop and lead three class discussions lasting approximately 30 minutes each. These discussions will be based on an aspect of the chapter covered that week. This is not a summary of the chapter. You are expected to incorporate information from at least one peer-reviewed article to support your discussion. You can incorporate media into your discussion, such as video clips, song clips, or passages from a book or article; however, this use of media will be to add to your discussion, not to replace it. You will be expected to be prepared with questions for your classmates that will serve as prompts for your discussion. We will discuss in class how discussion facilitation is different from a class presentation or lecture. The first class discussion will be facilitated by the instructor to model what is expected. See Appendix I for grading rubric. 100 points – Journals You will be expected to complete four journal assignments during the semester. This is an independent assignment, not a group assignment. For each journal, you will write 2-4 pages double-spaced in Times New Roman font 12. Please discuss what you have learned from both the textbook and the classroom discussions. These journals will be worth 25 points each, for a total of 100 points. The journals will be graded based on your ability to: a) think critically about the information, b) synthesize information across chapters and discussions, and c) discuss how the information learned can have an impact on your professional and personal life. We all have different levels of comfort with sharing personal information. I do not expect you to share any personal information that you are not comfortable sharing; therefore, your level of sharing detailed personal information will not be a factor in grading. However, I do expect you to share your thoughts and emotions related to course material and class discussions. See Appendix II for grading rubric 100 points – Quizzes You will take two quizzes during this semester. The purpose of these quizzes is for me to assess that you are on track and learning the necessary skills. The quizzes will consist of short- answer questions. Because this course is about communication and collaboration rather than memorization, you will take these quizzes as a group. However, no books or notes may be used.

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300 points – Final Assessment: Paper, Presentation, and Role Play Your final assessment assignment will include three components: a paper, a presentation, and a role play exhibiting skills learned throughout the course. This assignment will be completed with your group, and therefore requires that you utilize interpersonal communication skills to effectively communicate and work as a team. For this assignment, you will first choose a fictional character who you think is ineffective at communicating. You may choose a character from a movie, a television show, or a book. You will choose your character by week five, and you must inform the instructor for approval. You are expected to complete the following three components: Paper, Presentation, Role Play Paper. As a group, you will identify specific examples of when and how your character is ineffective at communicating. Using material you have learned in class, determine what skills the character is using that are ineffective and what skills they could use instead to be more effective and competent at communicating their ideas, emotions, wants, and needs. This paper will be 8-10 pages, double-spaced in Times New Roman font 12. Each group will write and turn in one jointly-written paper that describes the following:

a. The character chosen and why b. Contextual factors that impact the character c. Cultural factors that impact the character d. How the character’s language affects the character e. What emotions you believe are influencing the character f. Specific examples of ineffective/incompetent communication (at least 5) and

what you believe the character was attempting to communicate and what clues led you to those conclusions (Nonverbals? Facial expression? Tone of voice?)

g. Specific examples of interpersonal communication skills you have learned in this class that you would like to teach the character

Presentation. Your group will then present to your class on the character you chose. You can show a clip (no more than five minutes) to show examples of the character’s communication. Please make sure this clip is appropriate for class. Your presentation of the character must include the information you addressed in your paper (see points a through g above).

Role Play. The final component of the project will be a role play conducted after you have presented your character. One of your team members will play the chosen character, and the rest of the group will attempt to teach new skills to the character. You must explain to the character what they are doing that is ineffective, and then teach them at least five new skills. Explain the skills to the character. Remember, you should also be using skills you learned in this class as you talk to the character. After the presentation and role play, there will be a Q&A session with the class regarding your project. The combination of your presentation and role play should last one hour and fifteen minutes. See Appendix III for grading rubric

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Time management is crucial to your academic success, so be prepared to create a schedule that works for you and stick to it. There will be 10% grade penalty per week for all late assignments. However, I understand that life happens. Should you find yourself not able to meet a deadline, please contact me prior to the deadline, so that we can discuss a resolution. Course Point Breakdown Class Participation and Attendance – 100 points Discussion Facilitation – 100 points Journals – 100 points Quizzes – 100 points Final Assessment – 300 points Total Points: 700

A 90% - 100%

B 80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

F Less than 60%

You are responsible for earning your own grade. You begin my class with an A and

what you earn from then on is your choice and personal responsibility. I expect your work

to be done with excellence and maximum effort put forth. I am here to serve and guide you.

Please ask me for help and/or be receptive to critical feedback to help you develop as a

mature, educated, intentional, and enlightened student.

- Philip

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Tentative Course Due Dates:

***Dates, Assignments, and Schedule may change

Date Reading Assignment Due

Class Process

8/23 None Introductions & syllabus

8/30 Ch. 1 Interpersonal Process Discussion Facilitation by Instructor – Debate, Discussion, and Dialogue

9/6 Ch. 2 Interpersonal Communication in a Changing World

Discussion Facilitation – Group 1

9/13 Ch. 5 Language

Journal 1 Discussion Facilitation – Group 2

9/20 Ch. 3 Communication and the Self Discussion Facilitation – Group 3

9/27 Ch. 4 Perceiving Others Ch. 6 Nonverbal Communication

Quiz 1 Quiz 1 Discussion Facilitation – Group 1

10/4 Guest Speaker Journal 2

10/11 Ch. 7 Listening Discussion Facilitation – Group 2

10/18 Ch. 8 Emotions Discussion Facilitation – Group 3

10/25 Ch. 11 Managing Conflict

Journal 3 Quiz 2

Quiz 2

11/1 Ch. 9 Dynamics of Interpersonal Relations Discussion Facilitation – Group 1

11/8 Ch. 10 Communication Climate Discussion Facilitation – Group 2

11/15 Ch. 12 Interpersonal Contexts: Friends, Family, and Intimate Relationships

Journal 4 Discussion Facilitation – Group 3

11/22 Thanksgiving (no class) Enjoy 😊

11/29 None Final Presentations: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

12/6 None Final papers due for all groups

Final Reflections Video

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University of Florida Policies

Policy on Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Students requesting

accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of Students Office (http://www.dso.ufl.edu/drc/). The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. You must submit this documentation prior to submitting assignments or taking the quizzes or exams. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, students should contact the office as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations.

Policy on Academic Misconduct: Academic honesty and integrity are fundamental

values of the University community. Students should be sure that they understand the UF Student Honor Code at http://www.dso.ufl.edu/students.php.

The University of Florida Honor Code: As students of the University of Florida, you

have accepted the honor code, which governs all students. For clarification or further explanation, please consult your undergraduate catalog or the University of Florida Student Guide (at www.dso.ufl.edu). Preamble: In adopting this honor code, the students of the University of Florida recognize that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the university community. Students who enroll at the university commit to holding themselves and their peers to the high standard of honor required by the honor code. Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the honor code is bound by honor to take corrective action. A student-run Honor Court and faculty support are crucial to the success of the honor code. The quality of a University of Florida education is dependent upon community acceptance and enforcement of the honor code. The Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold our peers and ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."

Getting Help: Resources for Students The University of Florida recognizes that pursuit of an online degree requires just as much student support as pursuit of a traditional on-campus degree and therefore, each online program is responsible for providing the same student support services to both students who are in residence on the main campus and those who are seeking an online degree through distance learning. Resources are available at http://www.distance.ufl.edu/getting-help and at the following:

Online Computing Help Desk- e-Learning Support Services: The UF Computing Help Desk is available to assist students when they are having technical issues. Online Library Help Desk: The help desk is available to assist students with access to all UF Libraries resources. Disability Resource Center: If you have a physical, learning, sensory or psychological disability, please visit our Disabilities Resource Center. Counseling and Wellness Center: Would you like to speak to a counselor about a problem that you are having? Please visit our counseling and wellness center. Dean of Students Office: Do you need help resolving a conflict or would you like access to the student code of conduct? Visit the Dean of Students site. Student Complaints: If you have an unresolved administrative issue while enrolled in a distance learning program, please contact us at [email protected]

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Appendix I: Discussion Facilitation Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional Points

Length of Time (30 minutes)

Discussion was less than 28 minutes or was still incomplete by 32-minute mark

Presentation lasted between 28 and 32 minutes, but was waning before 28 minutes or was not fully completed by 32 minutes

Discussion facilitation lasted between 28 and 32 minutes


Rationale for choice of topics

It was unclear which topics from the chapter were incorporated or far too many topics were incorporated without rationale provided

Two to three related topics from the chapter were chosen, but rationale was not articulated clearly or discussion questions were not clearly linked

Two to three related topics from the chapter were chosen and rationale was articulated. The topics were clearly linked to discussion questions


Clarity in synthesis of information from sources

It was unclear how outside sources were related or relevant to the chapter topics chosen

There was a clear explanation of all outside sources used, including at least one peer-reviewed journal article, and outside sources were synthesized with chapter topics and discussion questions

Group met the criteria of “satisfactory”, but also showed an exceptional understanding of the synthetization of content and articulated it clearly to classmates


Ability to facilitate thoughtful discussion and dialogue

The discussion questions were too few, too many, or too vague to stimulate conversation. Discussion went off track or intentions of facilitation and questions were unclear. Or, disrespect was shown toward other students during the discussion

There were an adequate amount of discussion questions to keep the conversation flowing smoothly and group members respectfully acknowledged the participation of classmates

Group members met the criteria of “satisfactory” and also used communication skills to stimulate conversation and to validate and encourage other students. A safe space was offered even if controversial topics were discussed


Total: _____/33

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Appendix II: Journal Assignment Grading Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional Points

Length and format

Length and formatting requirements were not met

Requirements were mostly met with some minor mistakes

Length and formatting requirements were met completely


Critical thinking skills exhibited

Information from the book or from class was reiterated with no application of critical thinking skills applied

Student showed some critical thinking skills regarding the textbook content and class discussions

Student showed exceptional critical thinking abilities


Synthesis of information with information from past chapters or class discussions

Student did not link information between different chapters and discussions

Student made some connections between material learned throughout the course

Student consistently and clearly linked information from several chapters, topics, and class discussions


Explanation of thoughts and feelings regarding application of skills to your professional or personal life

Student did not explain personal responses or reactions and did not link any material to life experiences

Student shared some thoughts, feelings, or reactions regarding personal emotions and/or application of skills learned to their life experiences

Student shared thoughts, emotions, and clear examples of how the material learned has impacted or will impact their life


Total: _____/25

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Appendix III: Final Assessment Grading Rubric

Paper (175)

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional Points

In-depth explanation of character that addresses all points outlined in the assignment description

The required points were not addressed or were lacking in pertinent details

All of the required points were addressed, but some could have used more detail

All the required points were addressed with full detail


In-depth analysis of the characters currently used skills and which skills you would like to teach the character; Included evidence and/or clues for how the analysis was made

The character’s current communication style was not assessed or was assessed inaccurately; evidence, observations, or clues were absent or insufficient to support assertions

The character was adequately analyzed and current skills and needed skills were clearly defined; evidence was provided for assertions

Met the requirements of “satisfactory” and showed an advanced level of analysis, planning, and synthesis of course information


Mechanics, including length, format, grammar, spelling, and organization

There were significant concerns with any of the aspects of the mechanics of this paper

Paper was clearly organized and met length requirements; spelling and grammatical errors were minimal

The paper was clearly organized and met length requirements with no spelling or grammatical errors


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Presentation (50)

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional Points

Presentation was thought-provoking and clearly incorporated course material; All of the information included in the paper was articulately summarized to the class

Presentation was lacking in important details and/or clarity of thought and intention; class material was not incorporated or synthesized

Presentation included a summarization character and included all of the main points addressed in the paper. Concepts learned in class were incorporated and explained.

Presentation was advanced in linking relevant information regarding the character to information learned in class. Skills learned in class were utilized in the implementation of presentation.


Role Play and Q&A (75)

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional Points

The group adequately explained to the character their current communication style and adequately explained and taught the new interpersonal communication skills

It was unclear which behaviors were being “corrected” or which skills were being taught; explanation was inaccurate or confusing

Students were clear in explaining communication problems and in teaching and explaining new skills; students used skills taught in this course throughout their conversation with the character

Students met the criteria of “satisfactory” and also showed an advanced understanding of and application of the skills learned in class


Students were prepared to respond to questions from the class and presentation/role play met length requirements

Students were not prepared to answer questions and did not meet length requirements

Students met length requirements and were prepared for most questions

Students met length requirements and were clearly able to answer all questions from the class


Total: ____/300

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I have read and understand all the assignments, requirements, and expectations within this

syllabus for SDS 4410: section 0998, Fall 2017. I also understand that my grade for this class

will depend upon my successful completion of these assignments, and my signature below

attests to my understanding.


Print Name

Date _________

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Student Information Sheet

Contact Information (Please print clearly so I can read your handwriting)

Name (and preference): ________________________________________________

Program Track/Major: _________________________________________________

Telephone number(s): __________________________________________________

Email address: ________________________________________________________

Age: Check one □ 20/younger or □ 21/older

Official UF athlete? (If so, what sport?) ____________________________________

What motivated you to take this course/what do you hope to gain from the experience?






Do you have any questions for the Instructor?






Is there anything else that I need to know about you to help me to teach you more effectively?






Please use as much space as needed and/or additional pages.

Thank you,
