Sculptures during the Stone Age 1. What materials do you think may have been used to make sculptures during the Stone Age? During the Stone Age I think that the materials used to make sculptures were stones and rocks. During the Stone Age materials such as glass and marble where not discovered therefore the people during this era could only use what they had to make sculptures which was mostly rock. All sorts of stone such as limestone where used to create tools to help shape sculptures. They would have to create tools from stone then shape and craft stone to shape it the way they want to. 2. What factors do you think influenced what the sculptures where about? I think that there was many factors that influenced what the sculptures represented and where about but I think they were mainly influenced by lifestyle. During the Stone Age things such as survival where very important e.g. hunting for food, living circumstances, lifestyle and daily routines. Sculptures during this time must have been based on these kinds of things because not a lot of things that happened in that area are as interesting to us as they would have been for people living in that era. They must have created sculptures in shapes of them hunting or animals that they hunted or things that they saw or important things that helped them through life because that is what influenced and represented them. It’s what they felt during this time and I think that lifestyle influenced what their sculptures where about. 3. What do you think these early sculptures looked like and why? I think that these sculptures must have been very un precise and much exaggerated. The way they looked must have been very old looking and very untidy because of the tools used to make these sculptures. They did not have the professional tools that we have in the modern days and the tools they had where man made using stones and it must have been harder to shape and carve the sculptures because they would have to remember what they saw by memory because they could not take pictures. The sculptures might Irbaaz Syed

Sculptures during the stone age

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Sculptures during the Stone Age

1. What materials do you think may have been used to make sculptures during the Stone Age?

During the Stone Age I think that the materials used to make sculptures were stones and rocks. During the Stone Age materials such as glass and marble where not discovered therefore the people during this era could only use what they had to make sculptures which was mostly rock. All sorts of stone such as limestone where used to create tools to help shape sculptures. They would have to create tools from stone then shape and craft stone to shape it the way they want to.

2. What factors do you think influenced what the sculptures where about?

I think that there was many factors that influenced what the sculptures represented and where about but I think they were mainly influenced by lifestyle. During the Stone Age things such as survival where very important e.g. hunting for food, living circumstances, lifestyle and daily routines. Sculptures during this time must have been based on these kinds of things because not a lot of things that happened in that area are as interesting to us as they would have been for people living in that era. They must have created sculptures in shapes of them hunting or animals that they hunted or things that they saw or important things that helped them through life because that is what influenced and represented them. It’s what they felt during this time and I think that lifestyle influenced what their sculptures where about.

3. What do you think these early sculptures looked like and why?

I think that these sculptures must have been very un precise and much exaggerated. The way they looked must have been very old looking and very untidy because of the tools used to make these sculptures. They did not have the professional tools that we have in the modern days and the tools they had where man made using stones and it must have been harder to shape and carve the sculptures because they would have to remember what they saw by memory because they could not take pictures. The sculptures might have been bigger to the size that the actually thing they saw was because they wanted to show what they had seen clearer.

Irbaaz Syed