Sculpture in general

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Image-making has always been predominant interest of mankind. Even Neanderthal men used this form of art to shape and decorate the rocks of caves. In the beginning, those were themes from their everyday life, mainly various species of animals. Later on, their focus of interest became the swelling curves of female form emphasizing the fertility on which the survival of the tribe depended.

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Image-making has always been predominant interest of mankind. Even Neanderthal men used this form of art to shape and decorate the rocks of caves. In the beginning, those were themes from their everyday life, mainly various species of animals. Later on, their focus of interest became the swelling curves of female form emphasizing the fertility on which the survival of the tribe depended. However, the birthplace of first masterpieces of sculpture trace to Greece with the anthropomorphic representations in general and the nude male in particular are considered the greatest achievement of Greek sculpture. The ancient art of sculpture is regarded as one of fine arts and visual arts at the same time, since it denotes three-dimensional works employing materials that can be moulded, shaped or manipulated, such as stone, clay, plaster, bronze, metals or wood. The sculptures in the main represented an object or person of religious worship. Furthermore, apart from human figures, and its tendency to large works, sculpture arsenal was and still is abundant in ordinary tools, weapons, vessels or even animals. Throughout history, an interest for art of sculpting has never decreased. Every cultural period has its traditional processes of carving and modeling and once again with the emphasis on the human body. Renaissance can boast about famous sculptures such as Donatellos Bronze David and Michelangelos David. The main distinction is between sculpture in the round i.e. free standing sculpture and the various types of relief, which are at least partly attached to a background surface.

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