Scribd Chapters 130800

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  • 8/7/2019 Scribd Chapters 130800



    Nestled amongst the high grass at the base of a fallen log, Bastion, chief watchman of his

    town, sat smoking a pipe. He watched as the rings of smoke floated gently to the sky and

    seemed to merge with the white clouds that passed overhead.

    A string hung, tied to his foot, as it was attached to a float that bobbed upon the water,

    and a hook that dangled underneath. It was a warm summer day, and a good day to sit

    back and enjoy life around the pond. His sword and cloak, resting by his side, were

    always at the ready as he lounged basking in the sunlight.

    It had been many a day since the call to arms had stirred him from his restful place, and

    today seemed to be another one of those days. If he really had been looking to catch

    something, the absence of bait on his hook told the real story.

    Only the rumble in his stomach and an empty cup broke his somber moment. Well I

    guess its time to get moving, he said, as he stood and stretched, letting out a distasteful

    grunt while scratching his belly.

    Food! Food is what I need, and maybe a bit of cider, he said, eagerly. He reached down

    to grab his cloak when a sparkle in the sky caught his eye. He watched as it seemed to

    float and dance above the pond, traveling this way and that. He shaded his eyes from the

    bright sunlight to get a better glimpse, but all he could make out was the flutter of wings.

    Hmm, maybe a meal if it comes down closer, he thought to himself, never taking his eye

    off the shiny object. Frogs were always in the search for tasty bugs and the pond was a

    buffet of flying delights.

    Bastion turned to get a better look at his would-be meal when a tug on his leg sent him

    falling to the ground. Blasted string!! he yelled, as he rolled over to untie the string from

    his foot. He stood-up quickly and searched the sky, but it had gone.

    Now youve done it Bastion! he said to himself. Some watchman you are, cant even keep

    an eye on your dinner, he shook his head, disgusted over his clumsiness. Oh well, might

    as well finish my patrol before I head home.

    Bastion gathered the rest of his things and neatly placed them in a bag and slung it over

    his shoulder. He strapped the sword around his waist and tied the cloak around his neck,

    as he began to walk around to the far side of the pond. He did not hop and bounce, like a

    normal frog. Instead he stood on two legs and walked like a man, but when he did jump

    his strong legs lifted him high into the sky.

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    The tall grass was good cover for him, as his watchful eyes looked constantly from side

    to side for any type of threat. Though the grass was a great hiding spot, it also hid

    dangers from both him and his town. He counted on his sharp sight and keen hearing to

    avoid any confrontation and only drew his sword when escape was not an option.

    He walked until he came to a clearing that opened to the northern end of the pond. Lily

    pads spotted the water, as their brilliant white blooms sat like cotton upon a platform of

    green. The water seemed calm and tranquil, and Bastion would have passed on by if not

    for a hint of pink lying across one of the white blooms.

    He listened intently for a moment and he could swear he heard crying. He waded out into

    the water quietly as the crying seemed to grow louder. He then floated right up to the lily

    pad and watched intently.

    This is no bug, he thought. Oh, how silly can I be, when have I ever heard a bug cry? he

    said as he shook his head ruefully.

    Bastion lifted his head out of the water, slowly, to get a better look at what he had found.

    There, lying on a snow-white flower, wearing in a pink dress sobbing into her arms was

    an imp. A kind of fairy of sorts, with large glittering wings and flowing blonde hair. Oh

    my! Bastion blurted out than quickly covered his mouth with his hands, knowing he had

    given himself away.

    Startled, the imp quickly sat up and ducked behind the flower.

    Dont go! Bastion pleaded. Im sorry I scared you. Its just that, he quickly searched for the

    words. You are so beautiful. I mean to say, Bastion paused looking carefully at the imp.

    What are you?

    The imp poked her head above the flower giggling into her hands. She cleared her throat

    and regained her composure, lifting her head high, looking like a noble. I am an imp! she

    said in a pompous manner. My name is Larien. And you are?

    Bastion bowed his head before her and then sat up, also proud. My name is Bastion, chief

    watchman of this pond and I am at your service, my lady.

    Well its finally good to meet you, Larien said with a chuckle. I had been looking for you

    all day and had almost given up hope of finding you.

    Looking for me? Bastion said, puzzled.

    Yes, we imps are attracted by magic and this pond is brimming with it, she said as she

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    studied Bastion intently.

    But, I am not magical, I am just a frog, Bastion replied.

    Just a frog! Larien said, laughing. When had you known a frog to talk?

    Well, all of us here talk. And I had never met any other frogs, Bastion said still puzzled

    by the questions.

    But the snakes, they speak, those foul creatures. he said angrily.

    Yes! Dark magic, are they. Larien said, as chills ran through her body.

    Suddenly a concerned look came over Lariens face.

    You dont know do you? she asked, nervously.

    Know what? Bastion asked.

    Oh no, Ive said too much, Larien said in a panic. I may have endangered you all if they

    found out.

    Larien jumped and began to fly into the sky. She stopped and paused in mid-air, looking

    back at Bastion. Please forget you ever saw me, she pleaded. Now go! Go before its too


    She turned, and like a flash, flew out of sight.

    Well thats something you dont see every day, Bastion muttered.

    Magic? Heh, me? I think not! he said in disbelief.

    For some time Bastion floated next to the lily pads, trying to convince himself, that the

    encounter with the imp was real and he thought about how he would go about telling the

    rest of the town what had happened. He already knew what they would say, and how

    crazy it actually sounded.

    So he decided to keep this little secret to himself. But before he could paddle back toshore, he heard a sound that sent shivers down his spine.

    Thissssss way! She went thissssss way!! hissed, in an ominous voice.

    Fool sssssserpent! You have losssssst her again!!! a reply came.

    Bastion remained motionless, for he knew those voices. It was Voltar and his sister

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    SNAKES!! Baldar said in a quivering voice, as he back-stepped and cringed back into the


    Baldar was deathly afraid of snakes and trembled at the very word. Bastion smiled and

    tried to hold back a laugh. For he loved to tell him that, so every once in a while he

    would throw that into his report even if it didnt actually happen. It was a good way for

    him to end quickly his report and get a little amusement at the same time.

    Bastion then turned and walked down the path. He had a quaint little cottage on the other

    side of the apple tree. He would stop and acknowledge everyone he passed. Good day

    Mrs. Brandymen. he said, as he watched her scurry her little tadpoles inside. How are the


    Doing fine, Bastion. Any luck finding you a lady? she said, with a chuckle.

    Bastion laughed, though it was not a real laugh, but more of a courtesy chuckle, as not to

    offend the dear lady.

    Oh no my lady, since your husband pulled you off the market, I fear I shall never find a

    more perfect women. he said in jest.

    Bastions comment caused Mrs. Brandymen to blush and give a shy giddy laugh as she

    walked into her home. Many of the town folk would question Bastion from time to time

    about finding a good woman and settling down. But each time the question arose he

    would reply with some off-the-wall comment that would end the questioning. He

    continued on his path, nodding his head in acknowledgement to all he passed with a

    quick, Good day, never missing out on anyone that he might have come across. He

    finally reached his home and closed the door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Home at last! he said, in a weary voice, as he hung up his cloak and laid his sword upon

    the table. He strolled over to his favorite chair and sat down with a thud. He propped his

    feet up on a stool, and it was not before long that he fell fast asleep.

    He was not asleep for more than a few hours when he felt something tickling his nose and

    a soft voice calling his name.

    Bastion! Wake up Bastion!!

    Bastion rubbed his eyes and stirred from his slumber. He was suddenly startled, as he

    saw the imp, floating in front of his nose. The Imp had caught him with such surprise that

    Bastion flipped backwards in his chair.

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    He peered up from behind the chair, and nervously asked, What are you doing here,


    Larien fluttered down, and landed upon the ground. She sat on the floor with her hands

    covering her crying eyes, and whimpered.

    What have I done to you poor Bastion?

    What do you mean Larien? Bastion asked.

    Larien looked up, trying to hold back the tears, and gave a halfhearted smile.

    I have a tale tell you. Will you listen to me?

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    2. A TALE of SORROW

    Bastion stood up and dusted himself off. He grabbed his chair and stood it back on its

    legs, and gazed long at Larien as she sobbed inconsolable on the floor. Bastion let out abig sigh and shook his head and walked into the other room. He emerged moments later

    with a candle and a small table, and placed them in the center of the room. He struck a

    match and lit the candle, soon all the room was a glow. He sat back down reached for his

    pipe. He did not light it, he just felt more secure holding it and sucking on the end.

    Well! Bastion said, as he tried to clear his throat. What is this tale you need to tell, as he

    gestured Larien to come sit at the table.

    Only a few hours ago you told me to forget I ever saw you, but now you are here. Bastion

    said inquisitively. This must be important.

    Larien stood and with a quick flutter of her wings, floated over and sat at the tables edge.

    I am truly sorry Bastion. she said in a consoling voice.

    You have done nothing yet to be sorry about as far as I can reckon. he replied.

    No, I am sorry for what I am about to tell you, she sighed.

    Oh, but where to begin?

    Years ago, a Great War took place, between the free people of this land and a dark

    wizard. The wizard Melena, a fine wizard in her own right, led the people into battle. The

    war of the wizards lasted many years without either side getting the upper hand. Powerful

    were the spells casted on either side, which left many a land in ruin. If it was not for the

    courage of the people of a small town and a fearless warrior, who stood before the dark

    wizard, along with the help of Melena, struck him down and defeated him.

    So they thought.

    A few years went by and one of the towns people betrayed Melena. Nobody knows whyhe did this or what he had to gain. But he led the dark wizard into castle, undetected by

    all, and there he unleashed his greatest spell.

    How can you call that magic great? Bastion said, abruptly.

    Magic of that power is great Bastion. It is how you use it which makes it dark or light.

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    Shall I continue? Larien said, impatiently.

    Oh yes, please go on. he said, sorry that he had interrupted her.

    The spell the dark wizard cast was so powerful that it brought the walls of the castle

    crashing to the ground and all that where inside perished, including my lady Melena. Thedark wizard then looked for revenge and sought out the town folk that defied his wishes

    and the warrior that vanquished him. Too easy it was for him, with the help of the traitor

    to track them down. And as they slept, he casted a spell upon the people of the town.

    But it did not have the effect he desired. For Melena, in private, did not truly believe that

    the dark wizard was dead, and she knew someday he would return to seek vengeance.

    So, she casted a spell upon the town, to help protect them if he were to return. I dont

    believe either of them expected that this result would have happened. The dark wizard

    was confident that his spell had worked and his revenge was complete. But little did he

    know at the time that the towns folk were not dead, but changed. They were hidden out of

    sight so none could find.

    But it was not long before the dark wizard found out about his failure and the existence of

    the town folk. Though he did not know where they were.

    How did he find out about them? asked Bastion.

    Before Melena died she spent many days working on a spell. She wanted to be sure if she

    died her knowledge could be passed on. So when the walls of the castle came down andshe breathed her last breath her final spell was cast. And out of the ash and flames and

    with the love and desire of Melena, the Imp was born. Actually there were three of us,

    and all shared the likeness of the one who was our creator.

    For a long time we searched for the towns folk, driven by Melenas will. Until one day my

    sisters found them and carried them off and hid them from sight, far away from the dark

    wizards grasp. My sisters feared that someday they would come looking for them, so they

    never told me where they were, they thought it safer that way. Then one day, agents of

    the dark wizard captured my sisters. The dark wizard did unspeakable things to them. It

    was more than they could bear.

    They told him the towns folk were alive. And that they were transformed into frogs. But

    what he could not get from them is where the town folk were.

    The dark wizard was enraged by this news, he summoned his dark magic and created

    serpents to seek the town folk out. But what I didnt know is that he knew about me and

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    when my sisters were gone I took up the search once more.

    Well how did you know where to search? Bastion inquired.

    Before they were captured, my sisters placed a marker so they would always know where

    to start. Then our ability to sense magic would lead us to them.

    What kind of marker did they leave? he asked.

    Three flat stones lying together on top of a hill by a pond.

    Funny we have a hill that has.. Bastion stopped himself in mid sentence realizing the


    Yes Bastion, Covington is the town folk, and you are the warrior. Larien said as if a

    weight was lifted from her heart.

    That cannot be, I would have a memory of that. he said defiantly,

    The magic cast so long ago erased your memories, but could not take away who you are.

    Larien said, softly.

    You know, deep down in your heart it to be true.

    Why are you telling me this now? Bastion demanded.

    Because my eagerness to find you has put you all in great peril, I fear. The snakes were

    following me, and I fear they will discover where you are. Larien said, as she began to

    cry once more.

    This is hard for me to believe Larien, but yet, you are here. If someone told me two days

    ago that they had seen fairies I would have told them they were mad.

    Wizards! Magic! This sounds like one of Mrs. Brandymens bed time stories. he said

    trying to make light of the situation

    And who is this, Dark wizard? Bastion said in a mocking voice. Does he have a name?

    Larien looked up at Bastion, annoyed by his banter. Her body began glow brightly, as the

    brilliant white light formed an aura around her.

    Nobody knows who the wizard truly is, or what his name may be. But know this, he

    knows your name Bastion.

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    Her light began to dim as Bastion stood and looked out the window. His mind struggled

    with the realization of what she said to be true.

    If what you said is the truth Larien, than all of Covington is in great danger. This is

    happening all too fast, and I am not sure of what I need to do.

    Bastion paused, searching his mind for an answer but nothing came to him.

    What do I need to do Larien?

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    Larien stood and began to pace back and forth upon the table. She stopped and looked to

    the ground as if she was trying to recall a past memory.

    We need to tell the town Bastion, that is certain. But there is a problem.

    They wont believe us! Bastion blurted out.

    No, thats not it at all. I believe the traitor is still amongst you.

    Really? Bastion asked.

    And he may still recall everything that happened, so long ago.Larien said.

    Larien sat down again and went into deep thought. For some time she sat there as Bastion

    grew impatient, walking back and forth in front of the table. Occasionally, Larien would

    look up and stare out the window, gazing at the twinkling stars above. Bastion would turn

    around quickly, hoping for a reply, but none would come.

    So Bastion returned to his chair, and propped his feet back on the stool. He sat staring at

    Larien, as his eyes grew heavy. Soon, he nodded off to sleep.

    The next morning Bastion awoke, he stretched his arms to the sky and let out a big yawn.

    He had a pleasant smile upon his face, as he got up and went to the kitchen to make

    himself something to eat. He grabbed two slices of bread and opened his refrigerator,

    which was actually just a big cage, and grabbed himself a fly. A fly on rye. he said,

    amusing himself at the silly rhyme. He then poured himself a glass of cider and sat upon

    the table. He grabbed his sandwich and went to take a great big bite.

    How awful!!! A little voice said.

    Well I am a frog after all. Bastion said, as he popped the sandwich into his mouth.

    A sudden fearful look came over Bastion, as he finally realized he was not alone and

    spun around quickly. There, fluttering in the air was Larien.

    Oh dear, I thought it was all a dream. He said, in a panic.

    A dream! Larien said, as she began to laugh. Do you often dream of imps?

    Well, I had hoped it was a dream, No offense to you my lady.

    None taken, Bastion. she said, smiling.

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    Well, lets get moving, we have a lot to do today. she beckoned.

    Bastion quickly chugged down his cider, and let out a tremendousBurp, that shook the

    walls of the house. He smiled giddy as he walked into the other room.

    Larien flew down to the table. Did you forget your manners, Bastion?

    Oh, I am sorry. Excuse me. he said, politely.

    Very well. Larien grinned. I thought long and hard last night on what we should do and I

    think I have come up with a plan. We should call a meeting of the town folk and tell them

    about the snakes, and how we should prepare the town for when they come.

    What about, the so called traitor? Bastion asked.

    Leave him to me. Larien said. I will ferret him out.

    Now, how do we get the message out to the town folk?

    Oh thats easy. Bastion said. I will just speak with the town crier.

    You have a town Crier? Larien said puzzled.

    Well No, I just call Gerald that. If you want a rumor or gossip to spread, just go to him

    and soon the whole town will know. Bastion said in amusement.

    But now I must be off. Bastion said, as he tied his cloak around his neck and grabbed his

    sword. I have a patrol to do and if those snakes are coming this way, we need to know

    when they will arrive. Plus, if I dont report to Baldar he may climb in a hole and never

    come out, the coward.

    Be careful, Bastion. I will wait here for you, till you return. she said, anxiously.

    Bastion hopped out the door and made his way down the path. It did not take him long to

    find Gerald. There he was whispering something through the window to the old frog, Mr.

    Forndale. Gerald, seeing him, cut short his daily gossip and hoped quickly over to


    Well, hello Bastion, how goes the patrol of the pond? he said, eagerly waiting for a reply.

    Good day Gerald, everythings going fine, thank you.

    Gerald, I have a need of your assistance.

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    Anything Bastion! Anything!

    Can you let the town folk know, Id like to have a little meeting this evening. If its not, too

    much trouble?

    No trouble at all, I will hop right too it. he said.

    Bastion smiled and shook his head as Gerald jumped from frog to frog quickly

    whispering his message in their ears. Now, off to the pond. Bastion said to himself, as he

    headed down the path.

    The pond had a quiet, eeriness, to it today. On any good day the birds would be chirping,

    and the buzz of dragon flies, flying over the pond could be heard. But everything seemed

    quite still. Bastion approached the tall grass cautiously. He looked and listened, but he

    could not see or hear anything out of the ordinary, except unusual quiet.

    He slowly made his way in, careful not to alarm anything that may be sitting or hidden in

    the grass. He traveled some distance and could almost see the clearing to the northern end

    of the pond. When suddenly the ground shook, and the grass crackled beside him.

    Bastion drew his sword, as he peered up, as the long black figure crept high above him.

    Sssssssilly frog. an ominous voice hissed. Nowhere to run, thissss time.

    The snake darted down upon Bastion, as he hopped safely to his side. Bastion looked

    quickly, and saw there was nowhere for him to run. He hopped out of the way once more,

    as the snakes head came down like a flash, hissing and biting down at him. With a flick

    of his wrist bastion left a painful mark upon the snakes head. The snake recoiled back and

    hissed in pain as he looked to strike again.

    I will not be an easy meal for you Voltar, for I bite back. Bastion said, as he flashed his

    sword towards the snake.

    He Sssssspeaks, the frog ssspeaks to me. Voltar hissed, followed by an evil laugh.

    Suddenly, a flash of black behind him caught Bastions eye. Without warning, he was

    knocked senseless to the ground. The world seemed to spin before him as a veil of

    darkness engulfed his eyes.

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    Night began to fall on Covington. Larien paced, franticly, having heard no word from

    Bastion, and his arrival back to his home was way overdue. Where could he be? She said

    to herself, as thoughts of dread filled her mind. We have only but an hour before the

    people will arrive.

    Just outside the door, frogs from all over Covington began to walk up the path. Their

    lanterns illuminated the ground, as the frogs sat and waited, for the meeting to take place.

    Larien held her breath and hid in a corner when a knock on the door frightened her.

    Bastion, Bastion! Open the door! What is this meeting all about? Baldar screamed.

    Larien didnt know what to do at first. She could easily have opened a window and flown

    away, but she could not. Too many lives were in her hands, and the town needed to know

    the dangers they faced. She drew all the courage she could muster, and lifted herself from

    the corner of the room and stood directly behind the front door. She quietly cleared her

    throat and took a deep breath.

    Bastion is not here. She said, in a stern voice, which drew attention of the frogs to the

    house. I am Larien, and Bastion has entrusted me to give you a message. The chatter in

    the yard, between the frogs, hearing a female voice coming from the house, raised many

    a speculation. Questions and crude comments between the female frogs had the whole

    yard clamoring. Suddenly the idle talk was silenced, as a brilliant light behind the door

    illuminated out through the cracks and gaps. Please, hold your voices until I am done.

    Larien paused and took another deep breath. Bastion wanted me to tell you that the townwas in grave danger. He would have told you himself but he had not returned from the

    pond. You all must leave Covington before its too late.

    Baldar stepped up to the door, with an annoyed look upon his face. How is it you and not

    I, the ruler of Covington given this message? I for one could not listen to someone I

    cannot see, or take seriously your words from behind a door. Come, show

    yourself.Baldar insisted, as he turned to get the approval from the crowd.

    Please, you must listen to me. Larien pleaded. The snakes, they are coming. You need to

    leave this town before its too late.

    Do not listen to her. Baldar said angrily. She is just trying to scare you as Bastion does to

    me, with these rumors of snakes.

    No that is not true, I am only trying to help Larien said tearfully.

    SILENCE!!! Baldar roared. The wizard and his snakes will never find Covington.

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    An uneasy silence came from the house, as the word echoed between the frogs of

    Covington. Wizard!!

    The light behind the door grew brighter, as the frogs shielded their eyes from the glare.

    The front door to Bastions home began to open. The frogs, fearing what they could not

    see cowered to the ground. Larien came forth with an ominous look. Her voice rattled

    like thunder when she spoke.

    Murderer! Traitor! We do not have to wait for the snakes, for there is one among us.

    Larien said, as she floated above Baldar. Look upon me worm and reveal your past. She

    shouted angrily.

    Baldar, cringing in fear, slowly turned his head and gazed upon Larien. His heart stopped

    and voice became a whisper, as he looked at the imp, but saw a vision from the past.

    Melena, is that you. It cant be. I watched you die.

    Was this worth your treachery, Baldar? Larien asked as she looked down upon him.

    Baldar turned away, unable to look on the vision of Melena. He sobbed, as he confessed

    to all, what he had done. All I ever wished for was to be ruler of my own lands. That was

    the promise given to me.

    Lariens light began to dim, as the frogs gasped with astonishment over the imp. Please,

    all of you, come listen to my tale. Larien said in a gentle voice. I believe it will answer all

    of your questions.

    When Larien had finished, the frogs sat consoling one another, for it was the truth that

    they had learned.

    Some of the frogs of Covington had looks of scorn upon their faces. We shall handle him

    now Larien. the frogs said. But when they turned to look for Baldar, he was nowhere to

    be found. Search the town, find the traitor! They screamed.

    No, do not, for you shall not find him here. Larien said sadly. He has gone back to the

    wizard. You must prepare your defenses for when the snakes come, and they will come

    here, Im sure of it. But now I must find Bastion, if he still lives.

    Bastion began to stir as his eye tried to focus upon the room around him. Dizzy he was

    and his head throbbed unmercifully from the bump on the back. The constant rhythmic

    tapping of fingers echoed in his aching head. Im not dead. he said to himself as he

    desperately tried to focus his eyes. Soon he was able to make out the slender bars of a

    cage, as he struggled to lift his head off the floor, as the ground seemed to sway back and

    forth. I am not on the ground either. he said, as he tried to sit, and peer over the edge.

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    Suddenly, the rhythmic tapping stopped, and the most sinister voice, that he had ever

    heard, spoke to him. Welcome Bastion of Covington, we meet again.

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    Bastion trembled, as the haunting voice began to laugh. You have eluded me for quite

    some time, but finally I have you, and soon the rest of your town will be mine. The

    wizard said in a gruff voice. I dont know what you are talking about. Bastion said

    wearily. Or why I am here.

    Dont know? Well let me help you remember.

    Suddenly, two sinister eyes appeared outside the cage. They were almost as large as the

    apples that fell at Covington tree, twice as big as the average size frog. They peered in

    angrily, as bastion shuffled himself over to the other side of the cage. Do you remember

    this? The wizards voice boomed, as the hilt of a very large sword came into Bastions


    This is the sword you thrust into my chest, and then left me for dead, you and that petty

    of a witch Melena. It took me years to recover from that wound, along with a great deal

    of magic. But it gave me time to plan my revenge. All I needed was a pawn, to do my

    bidding, and to open the gates to the castle and invite me in. Isnt that right Baldar? There,

    sitting on a ledge cowering, was Baldar.Yes my lord. He said in a quivering voice.

    Bastion wondered how long he was unconscious. The only reason Baldar would be here

    was if Larien found him to be the traitor. So, Bastion guessed two or three days. He

    wondered if the town was still alright and if Larien delivered the message.

    The wizard walked over and sat on a very large throne. But now that I have you, what

    should I do with you?He sat back to pondered long and hard.

    Bastion began look around for away to escape. The door to the cage was locked and as he

    looked down, he could see snakes crawling across the floor. Even if I get the door open I

    cannot jump to the ground. He thought. But he could feel a breeze, and he looked upon

    the wall and there was a window. Only the sky could be seen through it, so he knew he

    was quite high. He tested the bars to the cage, to see if he could slide through them or

    bend them apart, but it seemed to be no use.

    He heard the wizard laugh. Search all you like Bastion, even if you get out of that cage,

    my pets will track you down, and you shall never escape from here.

    Bastion decided to buy himself some time. He thought the wizard was a bit over

    confident and because he wasnt dead already there must have been other plans in the

    works. Who are you dark wizard? He asked.

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    The wizard gave a sinister chuckle, and leaned forward in his throne. Who am I? He said,

    as he seemed to grow larger, and a tempest of storm clouds formed over his head.

    Ancient and evil, devourer of countrysides, born at the dawn of time. I have walked

    through ages uncounted and been called by many names. But for you Bastion, I will tell

    you my true name. For I am Omnitrex, wizard of darkness and despair. Upon mentioninghis true name Lightning crashed from the clouds above his head, illuminating the wizard

    in an evil glow. The wizard began to laugh at the spectacle he created, upon mentioning

    his name, and for the moment was distracted.

    Bastion, searched frantically till he saw his cloak and sword sitting atop the book case by

    the window. He went to the bars of the cage once more, and pushed with all has might.

    Suddenly the bar began give way, making an opening large enough for him to squeeze

    through. Once he was free he climbed up on top the cage. He began to rock the cage back

    and forth which attracted the snakes below him, who slithered and hissed at him. Bastion

    waited for the right moment and when the cage swung as far as it could he jumped,

    catching the book case with tips of his fingers.

    The snakes were almost upon him when he grabbed his sword and slashed one of the

    serpents, only to see it disappear in a cloud of dark smoke. The wizard now seeing what

    was happening chanted some words and pointed his closed hand at bastion. His fingers

    flew open as lighting shot out from its tips. Bastion jumped out of the way, as the

    lightning crashed against the wall behind him singeing the stone. Bastion was desperate

    as more snakes climbed the bookshelf and the wizard moved closer chanting another


    He looked towards the window and closed his eyes, and with all his strength leaped as far

    out as he could, arms stretched as if he were reaching for something that was not there.

    Down he fell from the top of the tower and hope of seeing his friends once more were

    gone, as he began to give in to his impending death. Suddenly a hand grasped his and his

    eyes opened wide. LARIEN he screamed, as she floated the two of them away from the


    The dark wizard came to the window and cursed the two of them. You may have escaped

    me Bastion, but you will never reach Covington in time to save them.

    Curse you Bastion! I will have my revenge!

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    Bastion and Larien floated for some distance, until they landed in a field. Larien was

    exhausted and could hardly stand. Rest now Larien, you have done well.

    Winded, Larien smiled. I have been waiting over a day for you to jump out that window.

    You knew I would jump? Bastion said.

    Well , it was the only real chance for you to escape, that is why I placed your sword and

    cloak there, to give you a little incentive.She said, smiling

    Well what happened if you missed my hand? Bastion said, curiously.

    Hmm, that thought never crossed my mind. She said, as she closed her eyes and fell


    Bastion sat as Larien slept on his lap. Brave little imp you are. He said softly. They sat

    for a few hours, Bastion though, could not rest. He worried too much about Covington to

    sleep. After a little while, he nudged Larien. We must be off, my lady. Time is of the


    Larien awoke, still weary from their flight. I am still very tired Bastion. I dont know if I

    can carry us there.

    Bastion smiled and said. Who is going to carry who?

    Bastion stood up and cradled Larien in his arms, and began to run. Fast was Bastion, as

    he started to cover the distance quickly. I hope I am running the right way, Ive never been

    this far away from home. Larien smiled, and giggled a little, then pointed Bastion in the

    right direction.

    Bastion ran for a few hours carrying Larien when he too started to get tired. How much

    further do you think it is to the pond? He said, huffing and puffing.

    We still are a long way off, Im afraid. At this pace I fear we wont be in time. She said.

    My feet wont carry us any faster Im afraid.

    Larien giggled, and like flash flew out of Bastions arm. She swooped in behind him and

    grabbed him by the cloak and lifted from the ground as they began to soar through the

    sky. Im feeling much better now. She laughed. Lets get to Covington.

    Bastion looked in amazement at the world beneath them as they flew fast across the

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    country side. I never knew the land was so beautiful from this vantage point. He said.

    Suddenly off in the distance Bastion could see the familiar sight of the pond, and the top

    of the old apple tree. But smoke bellowed from below it and a red glow could be seen.

    Bastion drew his sword as thoughts of dread filled his mind.

    Hurry Larien, we may be too late.

    Two large snakes were in Covington rounding up the town folk as some made a last stand

    in the keep. Large torches were being swung side to side upon the walls trying to keep

    the snake away. In the courtyard one of the snakes had a frog pinned in a corner as she

    desperately tried to defend her children. There!! Bastion pointed. Larien swooped in and

    let go of Bastion. He fell and landed square on the back of the snake. The snake hissed

    and spun as she tried to knock Bastion off. He held on tight, and raised his sword. This is

    the end of you Morgana! he screamed, as the sword flashed down upon the snake, and in

    a puff of smoke it was gone.

    Are you ok Mrs. Brandymen?

    Yes Bastion we are all fine.

    Please get your children inside and hide. He said as he scurried them through the door.

    Bastion no sooner closed the door when he was knocked to the side by the tail of a snake,

    as his sword fell from his hand. He looked as the snake stood high above him as its red

    eyes glowed with anger. You killed my sisssster. Die now. Voltar hissed.

    The snake drew back to strike as Bastion lay helpless, when a brilliant light flew in and

    ran into the eyes of Voltar. The snake hissed in pain as it was temporarily blinded. Way

    to go Larien! Bastion yelled, as he got to his feet and grabbed his sword. He ran and

    jumped as high as he could and Larien caught him once more. Let us put an end to this

    fight Larien!! Bastion screamed, as she turned them around and flew directly at the

    snake, Bastion drew his sword back as Larien picked up speed and like a flash flew by

    Voltar. The snake looked puzzled for a moment then erupted into a black cloud.

    Cheers rang out from the keep as Larien and Bastion landed in front of the drawbridge.The bridge came down and all the frogs came running out, congratulating Bastion in the

    defense of their town. Bastion put up his hands to silence the crowd. If it was not for

    Larien, none of us would be here now. She is the one you should be thanking. Bastion

    turned to Larien and kneeled and bowed before her. The towns people, seeing this

    gesture, bowed also. Larien smiled and blushed at the honor bestowed to her.

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    They walked around Covington, seeing the damage that was caused by the snakes,

    putting out fires and collecting anything of use that was not broken or damaged. Bastion

    climbed the hill, and sat upon the stones and peered down at the town. He watched as the

    frogs scurried around, collecting thing and hugging one another, as they made their

    attempt to repair their town.

    Why do you look so sad? Larien said, as she fluttered up the hill and sat down beside

    Bastion. You won a great battle Bastion, you should be happy.

    I suppose. But what have we truly won? This wizard lives, and sooner than later he will

    send more snakes to Covington.

    Then you should move your town Bastion. Find a place that is just as wonderful and

    lovely as Covington.

    That may work for a short time. He said somberly. But it will be just a matter of time

    before he found us once again.

    I must go to the wizard once more. He said sadly.

    Larien sat long with bastion, not saying a word. He could sense that she was troubled

    with what he had told her. Larien, what is it?

    You cant defeat him by yourself. Larien tearfully told him. The last time you faced him

    you were a man, and had the power of Melena behind you. Now you are a frog and

    Melena is no more.

    I must try, for the sake of Covington. At least if I fail, it will buy some more time for our

    people to leave and find a safer place.

    I dont wish you to go, for more selfish reasons. I never told you the whole story that night

    at your house. I was afraid too. I did not want to put more on your shoulders than I

    already had.Larien said, nervously.

    Please tell me, if it will make you feel better. Bastion said.

    Melena loved you Bastion, as you did her. She and the town folk followed you when you

    went out after the wizard. They were your strength. Without them you would have never

    made it into his castle or faced him in his chambers. That is why the wizard hated you so,

    and why I love you. For I am part of Melena, and my love for you is what brought me


    Bastion smiled, Than you should know, the love for you and the town folk is why I must

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    Larien fluttered her wings and flew up to Bastion and kissed him on his cheek, she smiled

    softly and then flew down the hill to Covington.

    Bastion with a smile, sighed, and then went back to his thoughts of what he needed to do.

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    Morning came and Bastion left the town early. He crept out as quietly as possible and ran

    down to the pond. He looked back at Covington, as if he feared he would never see it

    again. Then he turned and hopped through the high grass. He got to the northern end

    which opened to a clearing. Beyond that was the long fields and then the countryside.

    Well Bastion. He said.Best be on your way.

    To his surprise, a voice answered back.

    You are going nowhere without us. Larien giggled.

    Bastion turned around and standing there was Larien, with the town folk by her side.

    What are you doing here Larien, and why are the town folk here.

    We have decided to come with you Bastion. What affects you, affects us all. We had a

    meeting last night, and we voted. None of them wish to live in the fear of the snakes or

    wizards, and they know you cant defeat him by yourself.

    How did you get a meeting together so quickly? Bastion questioned.

    Larien laughed. That was easy, I met Gerald, coming down the hill. I was quite amazed at

    how fast the word was spread.

    Gerald stepped forward. Bastion, we know we cant fight the wizard for you. But we all

    believe that we can get you there to face him.

    Bastion laughed. Well to tell you the truth, I had hoped that some of you would show up.

    Thank you, Covington.

    Bastion, Larien and the Town folk walked for hours. It seemed like an endless march to

    them. Some thinking that they were walking to their doom while others felt, if they could

    get Bastion Inside, they had a chance. But all of them knew, no matter what happened, it

    was better than living in fear.

    Soon, a mountain range stood before them, and at the base of the mountain was a smallcastle. Dark and eerie it stood, with a high tower in its center, which looked out over the

    land. They crawled as close as they dared, to get a better look.

    Why dont I see any guards in the castle? Bastion wondered.

    The wizard had no more use for men once Covington fell. There was nobody left to fear

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    or challenge him. But look closer and you will see his true guards now.Larien said, as she

    pointed down.

    Snakes! Lots of them are slithering at the gates. They crawled back out of sight and

    returned to the town folk. Bastion looked at them intently. Well I guess it is not as bad as

    I thought. But we need a diversion to draw the snakes away from the gates. This will

    allow, Larien and I to get inside and make our way to the wizards chamber. All you need

    to do is keep them distracted for a short time. Once we are inside, RUN, save yourselves,

    and make your way back to Covington. The frogs nodded as they drew their swords and

    made their way down towards the gates. Well I guess this is it Larien. Bastion said with a


    Baldar hopped frantically up the stairs to the wizards chamber. He was met in front of the

    door by a large snake that hissed down upon him.

    Let him enter my pet. The wizard said.

    Balder hopped cautiously by the snake and up to the throne were the wizard sat. My lord,

    the frogs of Covington are attacking the gates.

    The wizard smiled. Good, go down and give them a warm welcome. Baldar pulled out

    his sword. I owe that imp some pay back for what she had done to me. He said angrily.

    The wizard leaned back in his throne and laughed an evil laugh.

    The town folk did what they set out to do, they drew the attention of the snakes to them.Bastion cringed as he witnessed the ferocious battle begin.

    Now Bastion, Larien yelled, as they sprinted out of the rocks unseen by the snakes and

    through the gate. They turned around when they heard footsteps and saw Gerald

    following behind them.

    What are you doing Gerald? Go back!! Bastion yelled.

    I have come to help you Bastion. I can be of some use.

    Bastion looks behind Gerald and saw a rather large snake had followed him in to the


    That may very well be Gerald, look behind you.

    Larien floats up beside Bastion. Go Bastion we will hold him off.

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    Bastion turned and ran up the stairs. We will fight him like we fought the others Gerald,

    so hold on tight. Larien grabbed Gerald and began to fly around inside the room. She

    swooped in and Gerald swung his sword but the snake ducked out of the way. She turned

    and swooped in once more, but before Gerald could swing, the snake flipped his tail,

    Knocking him out of Lariens hands and he tumbled to the ground.

    The snake slithered up, and Gerald, in a panic, threw his sword, missing the snake.

    Petrified at what he had done, he curled up into a ball quivering. The snake arched back

    then struck down and just before he reached Gerald, burst into a cloud of smoke. Floating

    above the smoke was Larien holding Geralds sword.

    You must be more careful with your sword Gerald. she said smiling.

    Gerald stood up and jumped for joy. Thats the way Larien!He yelled.

    Suddenly, a puzzled look came over Gerald, and a sword poked through the front of his

    cloak. Larien. he murmured, than fell to the ground.

    Out of the shadows came Baldar with a sinister laugh.

    Gerald No! Larien screamed in terror as she watched him fall.

    Now little trouble maker, you are mine. Baldar growled, as he swung his sword at Larien.

    An eerie look came over Larien and she glowed brightly as anger began to build inside

    her. At the same time, the courage that Baldar had began to drain away at the sheer sight

    of her. Like a flash Larien swooped and grabbed Baldar, staring him in the eyes, as she

    lifted him high in the sky.

    Shaking with fear Baldar said Please let me go.

    Larien without hesitation replied, Whatever you say. She let him go, and he fell to his

    death, upon the rocks. So ends the traitor. She whispers to herself.

    Larien flew down to Gerald and sat down beside him and began to cry.

    Oh Gerald you fool, why did you have to try to be so brave.

    Suddenly, a voice replied. Im not dead yet. Actually I think its just a scratch. I always

    seem to pass out at the sight of my own blood.

    Larien reached over and slapped Gerald.

    What was that for?

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    For being a brave fool. She replied.

    Larien stood up and look at the stairs. Will you be alright, Bastion is going to need me


    Go Larien, finish this!

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    Did you really think it would be that easy? A voice from the window spoke.

    Larien, glowing brightly floated in through the window with a stern look upon her face.

    The wizard spun around surprised seeing the imp before him. He began to grow angry

    seeing a vision of the wizard Melena. Puny little imp, do you think any of your magicwould harm me? What do you plan to do? Make me glow? He snarled.

    You are right wizard, my magic cannot harm you. Larien said defiantly. But it can do


    Suddenly an explosion of blinding light shot out from Larien, this startled the dark

    wizard as he shielded his eyes, but it did not harm him. Instead it surrounded Bastion and

    began to spin about him. Faster and faster it swirled and Bastion started to feel strange.

    The wizard seeing that Larien casted a spell, drew back his hand then unleashed alightning bolt at her. The bolt struck Larien and threw her to the wall as she crumbled to

    the floor. The wizard walked up to her as she lay motionless on the floor.

    The wizard stood above Larien as she slowly opened her eyes. Foul spawn of a miserable

    witch. You dont know how much joy this brings me, to put an end to Bastion and the

    frogs of Covington and as an added treat watch the last memory of Melena fade into dust.

    Larien looked upon the wizard, her eyes still defiant to his words as she gasped. You are

    right about one thing, but are gravely mistaken about another. Isnt that right, Bastion?

    The wizard spun around, and standing before him as he did once before was Bastion, not

    the frog but the man. Terror entered the wizards eyes as the sword was once again thrust

    into the wizards chest.

    This cant be possible, I cant be defeated. The wizard muttered, then fell to the ground in a

    pile of dust.

    But before Bastion could do anything else. The glowing light returned around him, it

    swirled around and he could feel himself changing once more. Bastion looked down at

    his hands and he was a frog once again.

    He saw Larien, lying on the floor and ran to her.

    Larien looked at Bastion confused. Why are you not still a man? The wizard is dead and

    his curse was broken. I had hoped it would have freed you from his spell.

    I am what I am, Watchman and guardian of Covington. And that is what I will always be

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    thanks to you.Bastion said.

    He looked at Larien and the light around her was fading. Are you going to be alright

    Larien?Bastion said concerned.

    For a long time I travelled across the land, and I have seen many wonderful places.Bastion, can you take me to Covington once more?

    I would carry you to the ends of the earth if you asked me Larien. Covington will be a

    good place to start. He said, as tears filled his eyes.

    Gerald came running up the stairs with a sling around his arm. The snakes, they are all

    gone. You did it Bastion! He looked down and saw Bastion holding Larien with tears in

    his eyes and he broke down and started to cry. Larien whispered, Im not dead yet Gerald.

    And then leaned over and smiled so he could see her.

    Gerald smiled, at the subtle joke she had made, but also realized it was a matter of time.

    Gather anyone thats around, we need to get back to Covington.Bastion said.

    The frogs followed Bastion in a precession back towards Covington, Slowly Lariens

    Light faded, when they finally reached the town it was all but a twinkle. Bastion carried

    Larien up to the stones, and laid her down upon them. Weve made it Larien, we are here.

    Larien looked up and could see the apple tree and she knew she was home.

    Bastion, I will always love you, and if I had one last wish With that Lariens light was

    gone and her body gradually faded away.

    Bastion sat upon the hill and sobbed as all of the frogs came to pay their respects to the

    brave little imp. For some time they stood teary-eyed, looking at the stone were Larien

    once laid. Soon, the town folk made their way down the hill and back to their lives as the

    frogs of Covington. Bastion, heartbroken left the hill and walked back to his home.

    He sat for some time in his house, in his favorite chair, unwilling to talk to anyone for

    quite awhile. He knew he needed to go on with his life, so finally when a knock on the

    door stirred him, he decided to answer it. He opened the door and standing in front ofhim was a beautiful frog. She smiled at him and gave him a wink and said, Hello Bastion,

    Im Larien.

    Bastion began to grin, and with a chuckle said, that was some wish!