http://edtool.sostenipra.cat/ Lead Partner Contact Andalusian Institute of Technology PCT Cartuja 93 - Calle Leonardo da Vinci 2, 41092 Sevilla - Spain Project Coordinator: Ms Anne Furphy E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +34 954 46 80 10 Fax: +34 954 46 04 07 Capitalizing experiences for MED sustainable future The ECO- SCP Final Conference in Marseille (France) Upcoming Events • March 24 th and 25 th 2015: Joint Capitalization conference for MED Program, Brussels (Belgium) ECO-SCP partners will attend the event in Brussels and will disseminate and capitalize the results and tools and enlarge networking and synergies. In this Issue The ECO- SCP final conference P.1 Policy recommendations: a path towards a sustainable future P.2 Promotion of Sustainable Production Process P.2 edTOOL: a new tool for Eco design products and services P.3 The final Issue After 18 months of intensive work, the ECO-SCP Program produced its final results, tools and event. All Partners from Spain, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and France wish you a merry Christmas and an happy new year ! The final conference of the ECO-SCP project was held in Marseille on the 2 nd of December; AVITEM, the local partner hosted the event. This meeting organized by the Agency for Sustainable Cities and Territories in the Mediterranean (AVITEM) aimed at: diffusing the main conclusion of the ECO- SCP-MED project among a wide community of businesses, researchers, experts involved in various fields of public policies targeting “sustainable consumptions and production” practices; Highlighting innovative and integrated practices in the field of sustainable consumption and production. Sharing policy recommendations among experts and policy-makers at local, regional, national and international levels for addressing environmental global challenges; Raising interest towards cooperation as a lever for capitalizing best practices and mainstreaming them in policies at regional, national or international levels Partners presented the results of the project while stakeholders and external experts presented some relevant achievements on the theme of “Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Mediterranean: territorial approaches for matching global challenges”. Ludovic ASSO – CCI Nice Côte d’Azur – France ISSUE DECEMBER 2014 The Final Issue Eco-SCP-Med The final Issue 2014 Eco-SCP-Med Newsletter Integrating experiences and recommendations in Eco-innovation for Sustainable Production and Consumption Find us www.ecoscpmed.eu Eco-SCP-Med @Eco-SCP-Med Eco-SCP-Med Marseille, France Claude Holyst, Regional Agency for Environment (ARPE) during the Event

SCP Med Newsletter - UAB Barcelonaicta.uab.cat/Ecotech/ECO-SCP-MED/difusio/ECO-SCP... · PCT Cartuja 93 - Calle Leonardo da Vinci 2, 41092 Sevilla - Spain Project Coordinator: Ms

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Page 1: SCP Med Newsletter - UAB Barcelonaicta.uab.cat/Ecotech/ECO-SCP-MED/difusio/ECO-SCP... · PCT Cartuja 93 - Calle Leonardo da Vinci 2, 41092 Sevilla - Spain Project Coordinator: Ms


Lead Partner Contact Andalusian Institute of Technology PCT Cartuja 93 - Calle Leonardo da Vinci 2, 41092 Sevilla - Spain Project Coordinator: Ms Anne Furphy E-mail : [email protected] Phone: +34 954 46 80 10 Fax: +34 954 46 04 07

Capitalizing experiences for

MED sustainable future

The ECO-SCP Final Conference in Marseille (France)

Upcoming Events

• March 24 th and 25 th 2015: Joint Capitalization conference for MED Prog ram, Brussels


ECO-SCP partners will attend the event in Brussels and will disseminate and capitalize the

results and tools and enlarge networking and synergies.

In this Issue

The ECO-SCP final

conference P.1

Policy recommendations: a

path towards a sustainable

future P.2

Promotion of Sustainable

Production Process P.2

edTOOL: a new tool for Eco

design products and services


The final Issue

After 18 months of intensive

work, the ECO-SCP Program

produced its final results, tools

and event.

All Partners from Spain, Italy,

Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and

France wish you a merry

Christmas and an happy new

year !

The final conference of the ECO-SCP project

was held in Marseille on the 2 nd of December;

AVITEM, the local partner hosted the event.

This meeting organized by the Agency for

Sustainable Cities and Territories in the

Mediterranean (AVITEM) aimed at:

� diffusing the main conclusion of the ECO-

SCP-MED project among a wide

community of businesses, researchers,

experts involved in various fields of public

policies targeting “sustainable

consumptions and production” practices;

� Highlighting innovative and integrated

practices in the field of sustainable

consumption and production.

� Sharing policy recommendations among

experts and policy-makers at local,

regional, national and international levels

for addressing environmental global


� Raising interest towards cooperation as a

lever for capitalizing best practices and

mainstreaming them in policies at regional,

national or international levels

Partners presented the results of the project

while stakeholders and external experts

presented some relevant achievements on the

theme of “Sustainable Consumption and

Production in the Mediterranean: territorial

approaches for matching global challenges”.

Ludovic ASSO – CCI Nice Côte d’Azur – France


D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4

The Final Issue

Eco-SCP-Med The final Issue 2014

Eco-SCP-Med Newsletter Integrating experiences and recommendations in Eco-innovation for Sustainable Production and Consumption

Find us





Marseille, France

Claude Holyst, Regional Agency for Environment (ARPE) during the Event

Page 2: SCP Med Newsletter - UAB Barcelonaicta.uab.cat/Ecotech/ECO-SCP-MED/difusio/ECO-SCP... · PCT Cartuja 93 - Calle Leonardo da Vinci 2, 41092 Sevilla - Spain Project Coordinator: Ms

Within ECO -SCP project, the

Province of Bologna

coordinated the efforts of all

partners in outlining a “map”

of the most common policies

for sustainability in

European regions in order to

get some policy

recommendations to be

converted into concrete

policy tools.

As for the theoretical

framework, according to a

recent Schmidt-MacArthur

Fellowship study titled

“Meeting the financing needs

of circular businesses”,

investors who are aware of

circular economy business

models “all agree conceptually

that they can capture some

value from this,” but the “key

barrier so far is risk and lack of

data.” Investors are wary about

getting involved in new

business models when it is

hard to quantify the risks and


edTOOL: a new tool for Eco design products and services

During the Regional Conference

held in Barcelona on 1st October,

the edTOOL was presented. The

conference, organized by Sostenipra

research group, UAB and with the

collaboration of IAT and the Catalan

Government, was followed a training

session: 4-hour practical training

workshop on edTOOL with local

companies. Similarly, edTOOL has

also been presented in training

sessions and seminars in

Thessaloniki (Greece), Lucena

(Spain), Bilbao (Spain), Nice

(France), Madrid (Spain) and


edTOOL is currently available at

http://edtool.sostenipra.cat both in

English and French. The User Guide

(English and French version too)

and the promotional video are also

available from the same webpage.

Xavier Gabarrell – UAB - Spain

20 main policy recommendations focusing both on actors (policy makers and firms), and on actions to be implemented. There are four fields of intervention:

1. Integration and harmonization: it is not a coincidence that the first of these recommendations

stresses the necessity to foster green and circular economy.

2. awareness education and dissemination: knowledge and general awareness of environmental

and sustainability issues is the fertilizer to make production and sustainable consumption


3. networking and competitiveness: networking and improving the cooperation between the

various stakeholders is the key that can open many doors

4. tools: like grants, guarantees, innovative financing systems, eco-design, LCA, environmental

footprint, GPP... are our toolbox.

On the basis of these observations and data, we may conclude that mainstreaming policy tools for

sustainability means to activate virtous circles composed of different tools and different actors. This is

due to the fact that policy refers to several fields of actions and interventions ranging from laws and

legislations, basic principles and guidelines to be adopted by governing bodies to direct and address

actions for achieving long-term goals and suggestions for sustainable territorial growth. That's why

participative models are the best way to enforce the exchange of best practices and know how in the

field of policies for sustainable consumption and production.

Viviana Melchiorre – Province of Bologna – Italy

Policy recommendations: a path towards a sustainable future

Public entities could be

decisive in fostering circular

economy, but not providing

grants or loans, rather than

with guarantees to reduce risks

for investors, or support via

public procurement. These are

just some examples of

profitable policies to foster

SCP and eco-innovation. Let's

move a step back. The first

question we posed starting to

work on the project was: What

is policy? The notion of policy

is very blurry and elusive.

Definitions and taxonomies

range from strict ones with a

strong emphasis on multilevel

government actions and

objectives, and broader ones

relying on the problem that has

been addressed and the way

to approach it.

We consider policy all act and

actions affecting issues of

collective relevance,

implemented by official

authorities’ law officers but

even by simple civil servants;

not only the political debate,

but even the media or the

scientific ones.

The modality of activation

changes depending on the

kind of actors involved. If

institutions at the different

levels are concentrated on the

public health, firms and

citizens are more prone to

individual interests, profits and

personal well-being. The way

to address them to SCP

policies stands on the issues of

incentives, of a wider and

easier implementation of tools

such as GPP, LCA and eco-

design, of the spread of eco-

innovation, and of education

and dissemination.

In the framework of Eco-scp-

med project, on the base of an

integrated analysis carried out

with the contributions of all the

project partners, the Province

of Bologna highlighted a set of

Promotion of Sustainable Production Process results and tools in Nice

17 trainees participated at the ECO-

SCP training on IPPC / IED on the

4th of December. Among all the

actuality of industrial legislation, they

have been following a special course

on IED Directive implementation and

ECO-SCP tools and results.

They received all the relevant

material of ECO-SCP toolkit on IED

and a translation into French of the

Environmental Assessment guide

and report.

Ludovic ASSO – CCI Nice Côte

d’Azur – France

The Regional Event held in Barcelona on 1st October 2014

edTOOL: the French version launched in Nice !!! UAB and Inedit assisted CCI Nice Côte d’Azur for the launch of the French version of the

edTOOLS during a special event on Eco conception in the frame of the Factory Lab of Saint-

Jeannet (at Tradmatik http://www.tradmatik.fr).

Ludovic ASSO – CCI Nice Côte d’Azur – France

Strategic policies

The Trainees attending the training in Nice