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Aug 30, 2014Campaign To Keep Scotland In U.K. Leans On Star Power

BY Ben LawsonAs the voteon whether Scotland will remain a part of the United Kingdom draws nearer, more and more celebritiesare voicing their opinions on the matter.Sir Paul McCartney become the most recent figure to sign an openletter urging Scots to shoot down the independence campaign.Hundreds of British celebrities have now signed a "Let's Stay Together" campaign letter.The letter reads "The decision on whether to leave our shared country is, of course, absolutelyyours alone. Nevertheless, that decision will have a huge effect on all of us in the rest of the United Kingdom. We want to let you know how very much we value our bonds of citizenship with you, and to express our hopethat you will vote to renew them."Celebritiessuch as Mick Jagger, Stephen Hawking,J.K. Rowling and countless more have attempted to catch Scotland'sattention and at first things looked good for their side of the issue.Independence would give Scotland more freedom in governing themselvesbut critics argue there is a lot of uncertainty of knowingwhat effect it could have on the economy in Scotlandand the U.K. as a whole.But after the latestdebate between Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmondand Better Together campaign leader Alistair Darling, the gap seems to be narrowing.A recent poll by the Daily Mail showed that, of 1,001 Scottish residents surveyed, 47.6 percent planned to vote No and 41.6 percent planned to vote Yes. That's a slim margin.That could also be because even more celebrities are voicing support for an independent Scotland."They may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!" (Via Paramount Pictures / "Braveheart")No, not that celebrity support. We meant actors like Brian Cox and Alan Cumming supporting Scottish independencein real life.Scottish actor Sean Connery has even said he will move from the Bahamas backto his home country if the referendum passes. Voters will decide if Scotland will remain a part of the U.K. on Sept. 19.