Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie Ahern Guidance Counsellor 1

Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

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Page 1: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon

Leaving Certificate Subject Choice

Ms. Marjorie Ahern Guidance Counsellor


Page 2: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Leaving Certificate Programme

• Leaving Certificate is a 2 year programme.▫ A Full time commitment is required over 2 years.

• Usually 7 subjects are taken for the Leaving Certificate.▫ Each LC subject is extensive and requires a lot of

work. Big jump in standard from J.C.▫ 8th Subject – L.C.V.P./ Music/ subject taken outside

school With extra subjects, other subjects can suffer if the

work load is too great. – Be realistic▫ For points purposes best 6 subjects are counted.

• Almost all subjects are of equal importance.▫ Extra points will be awarded in all Universities and

IT’s for honours Mathematics in LC 2012 to 2015


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Points System

Grade HonoursOrdinary

A1 100 60A2 90 50

B1 85 45B2 80 40B3 75 35

C1 70 30C2 65 25C3 60 20

D1 55 15D2 50 10D3 45 5

LCVP points

Distinction 70 Merit 50 Pass 30


Page 4: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Leaving Certificate Programme

Subject Levels▫ Higher and Ordinary level all subjects.▫ Foundation level Mathematics▫ Particular care needs to be taken with Mathematics.

Failure in this subject can be detrimental to overall L.C.

• LC subject selection▫ Core subjects: English, Irish, Mathematics, &

French▫ Optional subjects: Usually 3 other subjects are


• Highly Desirable Subjects1.a science subject / A European language


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Optional Subjects – Scoil Mhuire


• Business

• Accountancy


• Biology

• Physics

• Chemistry

• Ag. Science


• Home Economics

• Tech. Graphics

• History

• Geography

• Art

• Music /L.C.V.P. ( 8th Subject)


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Useful websiteInformation about LC subjects can be

found on the following websites:

•www.ncca.ie - overview of each subject

•www.careersportal.ie – details of subject

•www.qualifax.ie - Min entry requirements & some subject



Page 7: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Entry Requirements

Generally there are 2 sets of ‘Entry Requirements’ which must be met before ‘points’ can be


•A) College Entry Requirements

▫Particular subjects, specific grades & minimum no. of honours / passes in the L.C. required to apply to an individual college.

•B) Specific Course Requirements

▫Particular subjects and/or levels required to gain entry to specific faculties or courses.


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Minimum Entry Requirements of Major CAO Colleges


Institution Minimum grades Required subjects

NUI Colleges: UCD, NUIM, NUIG, UCC. (RCSI, Shannon, Miltown)

2HC3 + 4OD3(UCC from 2014- 4 higher level and 2 ord level)

OD3 in English, Irish, Maths & Modern Language*.

Trinity College Dublin 3HC3 + 3OD3 OD3 in Maths, English & another Language

Dublin City University 2HC3 + 4OD3 OD3 in Maths, English or Irish

University of Limerick 2HC3 + 4OD3 OD3 in Maths, English & Irish or another Lang.

Dublin Institute of Technology

2HC3 + 4OD3 (H.D.)

5OD3 (O.D. or H.C.)

OD3 in Maths, English or Irish

Institutes of Technology (DK*)

2HC3 + 4OD3 (H.D.)

5OD3 (O.D. or H.C.)

OD3 in Maths, English or Irish

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Specific Course Requirements

•These requirements are in addition to Minimum Entry Requirements.

•They are specific L.C. subjects / grades required for entry to particular courses.

•They tend to be in the following subject areas:▫Science subjects▫Languages▫Mathematics

• E.g. Veterinary Medicine in UCDEntry Requirements: ▫ 2HC3 + 4OD3, OD3 in English, Irish, Modern Language

& Mathematics, HC3 in Chemistry.


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Sample Requirements

Irish• Primary Teaching – HC1• Journalism & Irish (DCU)

– HB1• Comp. Sc., Linguistics &

Irish (TCD) – HB3• Gno & Gaeilge (DCU) –


French• Law with French Law –

HB3• Commerce with French

(UCD) – HC3• Law and French (TCD) –


A Language• Many courses require a

language but may not specify a particular one:

• Film & Broadcasting with a language (DIT) – HC3 in Ir or Fr.

• Applied Languages (DCU) – HC3 in Fr, Ge, Ir or Sp.

• Speech and Language Therapy (TCD) – HC3 in En, Fr, Ge, Ir, It, Ru or Sp.

• Cadet School – OD3 in a modern Language.


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Sample Requirements

Mathematics• Honours Engineering –

HC3• Business Studies

(DCU) – OC3/HD3• Optometry (DIT) - OB3• Economics & Finance

(UCD) – HC3• Business (TCD) –

OC/HD• Science (UCD) –

OB3/HD3• Commerce (UCD) –

OB3/HD3• Law and Accounting

(UL) – OC3/HD3

Science• Particular care needs to be

taken with science subjects.• Many courses require any

one science subject • Some courses require 2

science subjects, particularly TCD and UCC.

• UCAS courses • Nursing – OD3 in a Lab. Sc.• Medical/Para medical courses

Chemistry• Pharmacy*, Human Nutrition,

Veterinary Medicine, Medicine & Dentistry (UCC) – HC3


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Chemistry is essential for …

Human Nutrition Dietetics in DITDentistry, Pharmacy & Medicine in UCC,Applied Chemistry degrees, Pharmacy in TCDVeterinary Medicine

HC3 in Chemistry is required for all of the above HC3 in Chemistry is required for all of the above coursescourses

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Appliance of Science

1 3Biology Mathematics

Biology Horticulture

Agriculture Marine Biology

Chemistry PhysicsChemistry Biochemistry

Chem. Engineering Medicinal Chem.

Physics ChemistryPhysics Astronomy

Electronics Computing

Mathematics ChemistryCivil Mechanical

Aeronautical Electrical

Chemistry PhysicsPharmacy Nursing

Opthalmic Optics Nutrition

Chemistry BiologyMedicine Dentistry

Vet. Medicine British Association for the Advancement of Science







Leaving Certificate Science Subjects

COLLEGE SUBJECTS in order of importance to college subject



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Specific Course Requirements

• Unlikely that a TY student will know exactly, which courses/careers they wish to pursue at this stage.

• But from looking at their interests, abilities and aptitudes they may be able to identify broad areas of interest and hence check potential course entry requirements.

• Course Entry Requirements can be accessed:a) In the college’s prospectuses

b) On the college’s websites

c) Directory of LC Entry Requirements

d) www.qualifax.ie – Min. Subject Requirements

• It is only when all course entry requirements are met that students are qualified to apply for a course.


Page 15: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

General Advice

If a student is not really sure what she wants to do in the


Pick a broad range of subjects in order

to keep options open

• E.g.

▫ one language

▫ one science

▫ one business

▫ one humanities / applied science.

• This combination would allow access into a broad range of courses/careers.


Page 16: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Choosing a Subject

A wise choice of subjects requires:






Subject Teachers, Guidance Classes,

L.C. Books, Publications, Websites, Other Students

Guidance Counsellors, Current Teachers

Family, Friends, 6th year students

Consider all the information, views and


Then, ultimately each student must make up

their own mind.

Page 17: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

Choosing a Subject

Key Questions1. What subjects do I like? (motivation)

2. What subjects am I relatively good at?

(Look at JC Results)

1. If I’m interested in a particular course/career area, what subjects are essential? ( Course Entry Requirements)

2. If not essential, what subjects would be useful/helpful for this course/career area?


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Important Points

•Art is generally not needed for Art and Design courses. A portfolio is however.

•For Business courses, Maths is generally a requirement rather than Business subjects.

•Accounting: Only course with an a/c requirement - B. Comm in Accounting-NUIG (HC1)

•H.Economics – If you didn’t do it for J.C. not an issue. Not required for any specific course at 3rd Level.

•Chemistry: A must for Pharmacy, Human Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, Pharmacy & Dentistry (UCC)


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Important Points

• Every student is unique (interests, abilities and aptitudes), hence they should choose subjects based on these and not current friendships or the opinions of others.

• Students should be careful to try pick a balance between learning and understanding subjects.

• Students should be aware of balancing subjects that

helps to maximise points


subjects that may be of benefit to them in the future.


Page 20: Scoil Mhuire, Ennistymon Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Ms. Marjorie AhernGuidance Counsellor 1

The Subject Choice Process


Students Choose 7 subjectsStudents Choose 7 subjects

Core subjects will includeCore subjects will includeIrishIrishEnglishEnglishMathsMaths3rd Language3rd Language

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Plus 3 Other Subjects from…• Business• Accounting• Biology• Chemistry• Physics• Agricultural Science

• Art• Home Economics• History• Geography• Technical Drawing• Religious Education

(12 Options)


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Stage 1

•Students are given an open choice when choosing their subjects.

•They are asked to choose any 3 subjects from the list of 12 offered

Forms are returned by February 9th


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Stage 2

•Students are given a form with subject option pools

•If they get the 3 subjects they asked for, they will have a subject in each pool

•Students are given a form to confirm the subjects they have chosen in stage 1


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8th Subject Option





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8th Subject Option

•Music It is school policy that students do not

studyMusic and LCVP (9 subjects = an overload of subjects)

•LCVP Students take LCVP as an 8th subject if they have the correct combination of subjects

(outlined by the Department)


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LCVP Combinations available in Scoil Mhuire

• Ag. Science & Chemistry or Physics• Home Economics, Ag. Science, Biology - Any 2• Home Economics and Art – Design Option or Craft Option• Accounting, Business, Economics - Any 2• Physics & Chemistry• Biology & Chemistry or Physics • Home Economics & Accounting or Business • Ag. Science & Accounting or Business • Art Design or Craft Work Option & Accounting or

Business• Music & Accounting or Business


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L.C.V.P.• If students meet any one of these subject

combinations – they must do L.C.V.P. unless they do H.L. Maths where they have a choice

2 reasons for this ► HL Maths is timetabled against LCVP → LCVP once a week

►If a student wished to change to O.L Maths because it becomes too time consuming or too difficult, L.C.V.P can be the equivalent of HC1 for points purposes

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Subjects with Assessments/Practical's

Subject Work Submitted prior to L.C.

Submitted % Written Exam

Ag. Science


Oral Exam

March L.C.

End of May L.C.

25% 75%

Home Economics.

Journal Nov. L.C. 20% 80%

History Research Project

April L.C. 20% 80%

Geography Geographical Investigation

April L.C. 20% 80%


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Subject Work Submitted Prior to L.C.

Submitted % Written Exam

Art Practical Art Exam

May L.C. 62½% 37½%

T. Drawing Paper 2 June 50% 50%

Music Performance May L.C. 25% or 50% if taken as elective

25% or 50%

L.C.V.P Portfolio March L.C. 60% 40% (May)


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Do’s & Don'ts• Choose subjects you enjoy• Choose subjects you are

good at• Choose subjects you need

for your chosen career• Keep your options open

for the future by making a balanced choice now

• Talk to your Guidance Counsellor and subject teachers

• Talk to your parents or guardians

• Choose a subject because your friend is taking it

• Choose a subject just because you like or dislike the teacher

• Choose a subject because you think it will be easy

• Choose a new subject without finding out more about it

• Make a decision at the last minute without thinking about it

• Don't panic!


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To Sum Up!Choose subjects you like and enjoyChoose subjects that will give you your

best results The more subjects you do well in, the

better your L.C. resultBetter results give you more options


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Useful websites

•www.careersportal.ie•www.qualifax.ie•www.ncca.ie•www.scoil-mhuire.ie•www.careerdirections.ie•www.scoilnet .ie


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Other Sources of Information•Career Choice2012 – The Essential

Guide to 3rd level Colleges in Ireland

•The 2012 National Guide to 3rd level & Higher Education

•Directory of L.C. Entry Requirements 2012 not available for sale but can download it from the IGC website www.igc.ie


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Thank you for your attention.Thank you for your attention.