SCM Great Times #2

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  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    Setia City Mall NewsletterIssue #2 February 2011

    In this issue:

    Whats new?

    Wheel o Fortune:Our Chinese NewYear celebration

    In prole: PacicCoee Company

    Latest updates romthe construction site

    Great times

    The inspiration behindthe interior design oSetia City Mall

    Art and


  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    First upby Daniel Stee

    Marketing Director

    Time is denitely fying by. The year o therabbit is well underway, and we are alreadybringing you the second issue o Greattimes, the Setia City Mall newsletter. Wehope to develop this publication into a nicelittle supplement to the regular news andinormation we share with you on ourFacebook and Twitter pages. Its great unbuilding an exciting new shopping mall,and I trust that the insights, inormation,updates and interviews we provide giveyou a little taste o that.

    In this issue, we take a look at how theinterior design o the mall is progressing,

    cover our recent Chinese New Yearcelebrations, and also catch up with PacicCoee Company about providing theperect cup o coee. All that, plus theusual line up o regular eatures.

    I you have any comments, issues orconcerns, eel ree to drop me a line [email protected].

    We wish you a prosperous year ahead.

    Kindest regards,


    08 Site specifc

    ConstructionManager BarneyPhillips reveals thelatest rom theconstruction site

    Whatsin store?02Whats new at Setia City Mall?

    04Art and architecture: Theinspiration behind the interiordesign o Setia City Mall

    07 In prole: Pacic Coee Company08Site specic:

    latest updates rom theconstruction site

    02 Whats new?

    Bowling legendsWangsa Bowl joinSetia City Mall

    07 In profle

    We explore PacicCoee Companyspassion or theperect cup o coee

    04 Feature:

    Art and architecture

    We talk to IndraRamanathan romiPartnership aboutSetia City Mallsinterior design

  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    Leasing news

    More excitingnames or youI youve been paying attention toour Facebook and Twitter pages, youwould already have seen the recentadditions to the Setia City Mall lineup, including,SHINS, Sweet Chat Ca, FitnessConcept, Memory Lane and PacicCoee Company. But exclusively inGreat times, we can now tell youthat party kings TGI Fridays, periperi chicken masters Nandos, healthsupplement experts GNC, and ladiesashion queens Bonita, will all becalling Setia City Mall home.

    Stay tuned to our Facebook and

    Twitter pages or all the latestretailer news.

    On site saety

    A commitmentto Incident andInjury FreeOur key ocus on site remains tooperate incident and injury ree,where every worker goes homesaely, every day. Unortunately, wehave had one accident this month,when a worker hurt his leg ater hejumped rom a platorm. Lessonslearnt rom the incident have beenrecorded and communicated, toensure it doesnt happen in theuture. The injured worker isexpected to make a ull recovery andwe are looking orward towelcoming him back at work soon.




    Things move very rapidlybuilding a shopping mall,but heres a quick snapshoto whats going on aroundthe project.

    Online competition

    We are pleased to announce the rstSetia City Mall Facebook riendscompetition. We are giving away thechance or you and a riend to getan insiders look at the creation oSetia City Mall.

    As the building o our exciting newretail destination continues, we willbe inviting our people to come onan exclusive behind the scenes touro the mall in progress.

    To be one o the lucky winners,please tell us in 50 words or less:Why you are looking orward to theopening o Setia City Mall.

    All entries must be submitted by4pm Friday 4 March to: [email protected].

    I you are yet to join the Setia CityMall online community, be sure tocheck it out or the very latestupdates and inormation. You canLike us on Facebook, Follow us onTwitter or simply check out ourwebsite rom time to time.

    Visit our

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    Follow us on

    Gotong Royong

    The recent Gotong Royong Campaignseries, organised by our riends at S PSetia, was a great success thanks to allthose residents who participated. TheSetia City Mall team were also there tolend a hand on the 23rd o January. Theparticipation rom the residents o Indah9 and 11 was overwhelming; making usvery happy with the pride the Setia Alamcommunity has or itsel. Our teamthoroughly enjoyed the day, and lovedhearing your enthusiasm about the mall.We look orward to many more jointactivities between the Lend Lease andS P Setia teams.

    Wangsa Bowl

    We are super excited that bowling legendsWangsa Bowl will be added to the antasticline up o amily entertainment acilities atSetia City Mall, although we are slightlynervous about the inevitable competitionswithin the centre management team thatwill result. Strikes, spares and successul7-10 splits aplenty Im sure.

    The new outlet will be located on Level 2,opposite Golden Screen Cinemas, and willprovide over 30 lanes.


    by Robert Spinks

    Development Director

    2011 has begun very well or SetiaCity Mall; you only need to take onelook at the construction site to seehow well the structure hasprogressed since the last issue oGreat times. I was on site recentlyand was pleased with how well theteam were doing, not only with therate o construction, but also withtheir dedication to saety. It makesme proud to be associated withsuch a great project.

    There is also plenty o great newscoming rom our leasing team, whoare busy securing all the excitingretailers who will call Setia CityMall home. We have given you justa taste o the many names we haveso ar, but rest assured theres agreat mix o exceptional amiliaraces on board, as well as some

    very exciting new names.One o these new names is thesupermarket, Urbanresh, whichwe are all very excited about. Thestore design, service and productsthey plan to oer will be wellreceived by all o you Im sure.There will be more inormation onthem over the coming months.

    Thanks also or all your interactionswith us on Facebook and Twitter,we love getting your eedback andhearing what you have to say.The more you give us, the morewe give you.

    Meet the team

    Dayal Prabhakaran

    Retail Project Manager

    Can you elaborate on what

    you do?

    I work within the retail delivery teamto make sure that all the shops inSetia City Mall open smoothly. It isimportant or us to monitor theprogress o the contractorsrenovation works and to ensure theycomply with the approved design,which helps to maintain a highstandard throughout the mall. It isalso part o my responsibility toensure retailers comply with all thesaety and regulatory requirements.Our presence is to answerconstruction questions, deal withpeculiar situations and to help solveany technical problems that arise.

    What is the best thing about

    your job?

    The best thing about my job is thethrill o seeing designs on papertransorm into reality, more overbeing integral to the realisation o aretailers vision. Additionally, the uno pulling together all the elements

    through discussions with retailers,contractors and our own leasingteam is a un challenge.

    How would you describe working

    on Setia City Mall?

    I would say that its challenging,but a great deal o un as well. Imextremely proud o being part osuch a strong team and I woulddenitely say that its a milestonein my career. I am highly motivatedand inspired by the quality o mycolleagues here, but most o allIm very excited to be a part omaking Setia City Mall an amazingretail destination.

    Setia City Mall Newsletter Issue #2Great times

  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    Oriental and the new 147 Room AscottServiced Residences in Kuala Lumpur.Indra and his team are radically changingthe aesthetics o interior architecture,and in doing so are helping to dene anew design culture.

    It was this commitment to pushing theboundaries that led to their appointmenton Setia City Mall. Ater working clos elywith lead architects Archicentre, theoverarching theme was settled on by Indraand his team, and is currently being renedor inclusion in the project. The concept isgeared around creating an environmentthat is comortable, proportional, warmand clean.

    Bringing Setia City Mall to life

    The interiors o Setia Mall will be in a

    predominantly neutral palette, withfashes o energy and excitement at keyplaces such as lit lobbies and mainentrances. A subtle application o vibrantcolours and textures, along with thedeployment o 3D print technology, willensure the retailers o Setia City Mall arethe ocus, whilst the mall itsel will exudeits own distinctive personality.

    A variant o earthly textured foors andthe addition o carpet in the entertainmentzone will create a warm and riendlyenvironment that will make shoppers eelboth welcome and comortable. A uniquerecessed lighting system will also reducethe need or overly bright direct lighting,adding to the ambiance o the mall and


    Indra The Artist

    Indra is also a renowned abstractcontemporary artist who has had twosold out solo shows. His work is in thepermanent collections o the some o thelargest corporations in Malaysia, andalso some leading global collectors.



    Meet Indra Ramanathan, the Interior

    Design Architect working on Setia City Mall.

    Indra is a leading gure in the eld oarchitectural design, interior design andart. Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Indraspent his ormative years being educatedin Melbourne, Australia; Cuneo, Italy;London and New York. Indra now practicesin Malaysia, with projects in Trinidad andTobago, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore andthe Philippines.

    Indra is the Managing Partner oiPartnership, the diverse team responsibleor the look and eel o Setia City Mallsinterior design. Other projects created

    under iPartnership include an impressivearray o corporate oces, the awardwinning Sultan Lounge at the Mandarin

    ensuring the retail shops glow elegantly.

    And, adding a playul element to thedesign, there will be a recessed squigglethat runs the length o the Lower Groundfoor, eventually bringing the interiorexperience out to the lakeside ountains.All o this will be complimented by diusedskylights, which will food the atriums andvoids with natural daylight.

    Although still a work in progress, theinterior design o Setia City Mall is setto urther enhance an already excitingproject. And with a leading team suchas iPartnership bringing in their highlyevolved culture o design to the mix, itis certain that it will become a spaceeveryone resonates with.

    When you put apiece o art with

    the rame on thewall, it no longer is

    just a piece o art,it becomes a relie.Indra Ramanathan

    (Above)Lit lobby concept

    (Let)An oil paintingby Indra

    (Right)The iPartnership team

    (Above) Atrium concept

  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    06 07

    Wheel of


    In profle:

    Pacifc CoeeCompany


    A special thanks to all who attended theSetia City Mall booth at the recent S PSetia Chinese New Year celebration. Ourteam had a great time meeting all o youand thoroughly enjoyed your enthusiasmand excitement towards Setia City Mall.

    Children under 12 were invited todetermine a prize by spinning a wheel.They then had to answer a questionrelated to saety and environmentalsustainability successully to receive theprize. Some o the questions asked include:What is the purpose o wearing a seat

    belt? What do red, yellow and green meanon a trac light? And name three itemsyou can recycle.

    We gave away lots o prizes to somevery clever young children, including SetiaCity Mall t-shirts, notepads and pens aswell as RM2 and RM5 Ang Pows. A bigcongratulations to all our prize winners.

    Extra congratulations also need to go to 7year old Gigi Goh, who landed on our GrandPrize, answered the question correctly, andreceived an iPod Nano worth RM549. Thesmile on her ace really brightened our day.

    We look orward to meeting more o youat uture events.

    Tell us a bit about your company.

    What are some o the key acts?

    The concept o Pacic Coee wasinspired by the coee culture o Seattle,where coeehouses were communityhubs, serving great Italian espressobased coee in generous Americansizes. Pacic Coee Company wasestablished in Hong Kong in 1992,and has now expanded to China, Macau,Singapore and Malaysia.

    How are you dierent rom other

    coee shops?

    Pacic Coee boasts o a huge selectiono coee and even non-coeebeverages, with over 50 choices o hotdrinks, iced drinks, teas, ice-blendedbeverages (Chillino) and juices. It is adelight to discover the many excitingfavours such as Cookies & Cream,Mocha Brownie, Vanilla Latte, BerryFrenzy, Passionruit, Vanilla Snowfakeand Hazelnut Latte, just to name a ew.

    Another unique aspect o Pacic Coeelies in our wide array o delicious cakesand pastries. One can expect to savourreshly prepared sandwiches, pies andquiches. Pacic Coee places a greatdeal o importance on the quality andreshness o ingredients, which ensureswe always oer our customers a greatexperience. The company also oers

    many specialty items that excite theconsumers taste buds.

    How do you brew the perect cup

    o coee?

    At Pacic Coee, we have a passion orcoee and are committed to bringingcustomers the perect cup, anywhere,anytime. In keeping with our mission,Pacic Coee has always strived toprovide customers with great qualitycoee and beverages, a reallycomortable place to hang out andplenty o complementary ood choices.To make every customers visit to our

    coeehouse a pleasant one, we areparticular in every little detail, be it thequality o our ood and beverages, thewelcoming design o our outlets, thesoothing music or simply the wideselection o magazines and newspaperson oer. We strive to make our customerexperience an aordable luxury.

    Why did you choose to open in SetiaCity Mall?

    We are very impressed with Setia CityMall, especially its strategic locationthat will serve more than 1.4 millionpeople and its ambition to drive thegrowth o the Klang Valley. We areexcited to be a part o the amily andcant wait to add our perect cup ocoee to the project inspired byS P Setia and Lend Lease. The newstore will also help to strengthen ourbrand presence in the Klang Valleyor many years to come.

    What is your aspiration or the new

    outlet at Setia City Mall?

    In every Pacic Coee concept anddesign, we strive to add in elementsthat serve the community. We areworking towards a amily orientatedconcept coeehouse. We have apassion or coee and are committedto bringing our customers the bestservice, convenience and ambiance.

    For more inormation on Pacic CoeeCompany, please go

    or join them on

    Our team hada great timemeeting all oyou

    (Above)The Wheel o Fortune boothattracting lots o attention

    (Below)Thinking long and hardabout his answer

    (Above)iPod winner Gigi Goh withthe Setia City Mall team

  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


    By Barney Phillips

    Construction Manager

    Momentum on the construction o Setia

    City Mall has really started to build in thelast ew months, especially as we hit ourstride on the main structure. We are nowright out o the ground and rapidly erectingthe retail mall. What this means or theteam is that the work is more repetitiveand predictable, especially as most o thework is on the upper levels. T hankully,rain is starting to have a lower impact onus. This is because we have entirelycovered the Lower Ground foor withconcrete, ensuring were out o the mud.

    Our aim is to complete around 0.4Ha(1 acre) o foor area each week. That willmean that most o the building will becompleted by hal way through the year,with only the structure or Golden S creenCinemas continuing ater June.

    We have ve tower cranes now in place,and two large and s everal smaller mobilecranes working on the job as well. We havealso now started work on the car parkstructure, which you will see taking shape

    very shortly. At rst we plan to use thelower level o the car park as a supportarea or the construction o the retail mall,but will start on the upper levels o the carpark during April.

    The increased pace o the structure

    construction, plus the addition o masonry,mechanical and electrical teams means wenow have more than 600 workers on site.This team is currently doing about 50,000man hours per week; with the total hoursworked rapidly approaching the one millionmark.

    I you drive past at night you will see usworking well into each evening. The scaleo the building is now really noticeable. You

    only need to look at the photos and see justhow small a person is in some o the views.March is a very exciting time or us as westart on the structural steel or the rooand also take delivery o our frst escalators.

    08 09


  • 8/6/2019 SCM Great Times #2


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    just another place to shop. It will be a funand affordable experience for all the family,encompassing amazing green space,fabulous food, great entertainment and,of course, fantastic shopping.

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