scikit-learn Case Study Professor Patrick McDaniel Jonathan Price Fall 2015

scikit-learn Case Study - Penn State College of Engineeringpdm12/cse597g-f15/slides/cse597g-machine-learning-2.pdf · Page Malware Classification • "A difficult challenge of anti-malware

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scikit-learn Case Study

Professor Patrick McDaniel

Jonathan Price

Fall 2015


More Advanced Usage

• Here, we will do a more advanced usage of scikit

learn to solve an actual security problem. We will

using the Microsoft Malware Classification Kaggle

competition as our test case, and examine the

solution of Nate Lageman (who has previously

given a talk on this subject).

• You will improve upon one of these learning

methods as an assignment.


Malware Classification• "A difficult challenge of anti-malware is the vast number of

files that need to be examined. As the number of files

continues to grow, the need for better malware

classification increases. By successfully classifying

malware into respective families, we can relieve some of

the load caused by the sea of files that need to be

classified. Knowing the family of a particular malicious files

allows us to make predictions about that file. For instance,

we could sort multiple malicious files, assign threat values,

and delegate resources appropriately. The goal of this

project is to classify malicious files into their respective

families of malicious software. There are 9 malicious

families associated with this dataset."


The Workshop

• We will walk through a high level design for

classifying the malware data. We will use two

prior works as a guide, and gain basic experience

in the following:

‣ Binary Analysis

‣ Feature Engineering

‣ Classification methods in scikit-learn

• This will be a high level discussion, to show what

is possible in this field, rather than designing these

solutions from scratch


The Data

• Set of known malware files representing a mix of 9

different families.

• Each malware file has an Id, a 20 character hash

value uniquely identifying the file, and a Class, an

integer representing one of 9 family names to which

the malware may belong.

• Raw data contains the hexadecimal representation of

the file's binary content, without the PE header (to

ensure sterility).

• A metadata manifest, which is a log containing

various metadata information extracted from the

binary, such as function calls, strings, etc.


Feature Extraction

• You’ve looked at sample data as pre-work, lets do

some feature engineering

• What features does the data have that you can

think of?

• What did Nate use?


Feature Extraction

• You’ve looked at sample data as pre-work, lets do

some feature engineering

• What features does the data have that you can

think of?

• What did Nate use?

‣ Byte Frequency

‣ First 10k bytes

‣ Keyword frequency (metadata)


Feature Extraction


Feature Extraction



• We will go over the implementation and

effectiveness of five different classification


‣ Random Forests

‣ Support Vector Machines

‣ K-Nearest Neighbor

‣ Gradient Boosting


Random Forest

• Ensemble learning method

‣ (This means it uses multiple learning methods)

• Collection of decision trees, outputs the mode of

the decided class

• We control:

‣ Max depth of trees

‣ # of Trees

‣ Features per tree


Random Forest

• Effect of # Of Trees:


Random Forest: Results

• 100-Tree forest with no pruning, using 5-fold cross



Support Vector Machine

• Basically the SVC we talked about last lecture

• We control:

‣ Kernel

• Linear

• Polynomial

• Exponential (rbf)

‣ Degree


SVM: Results

• Rbf:

• Polynomial:


K-Nearest Neighbor

• Classified as the majority vote of an objects k-

nearest neighbors

• We control:

‣ Weights (Uniform, distance)

‣ K

• Build model by increasing k by 1, stop when log-

loss stops improving.



• From Wiki:

• With uniform weights, what class would the new

object be at k=1, 2, 3, 4...?


KNN: Results

• K = 7


Gradient Boosting

• Another ensemble classifier

• Also uses decision trees

‣ But regression trees this time

• We control:

‣ Tree #

‣ Learning Rate

‣ Max Depth of trees


Gradient Boosting: Results



• Random Forest and Gradient Boosting preformed

the best (why?)

• Counting and frequency features preformed the

best (why?)



• Improve this!

• Take the script code and improve (one) of the

methods we went over. Pick your favorite.

• Use the modified dataset distributed to the class

(Its smaller, this will take less time)

• Bonus: Read the report of the winning Kaggle

entry and compare it to the methods we went over.