Scientific Computing Seminar AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues * C. Bekas Y. Saad Comp. Science & Engineering Dept. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities * Work supported by NSF under grants NSF/ITR-0082094, NSF/ACI-0305120 and by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute

Scientific Computing Seminar

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Scientific Computing Seminar. AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues *. * Work supported by NSF under grants NSF/ITR-0082094, NSF/ACI-0305120 and by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute . C. Bekas: SC Seminar . Introduction and Motivation. Target Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Scientific Computing Seminar

Scientific Computing Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues*

C. Bekas Y. SaadComp. Science & Engineering Dept.University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

* Work supported by NSF under grants NSF/ITR-0082094, NSF/ACI-0305120 and by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

Introduction and Motivation

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

Target ProblemCompute a large number of the smallest eigenvalues of large sparse

matrices Numerous important applications, including:

• structural engineering• computational materials science (electronic structure calculations)• Signal/Image processing and Control

Shift and Invert techniques can be very successful(Grimes et al 94, MSC.NASTRAN) …

BUT quickly become impractical to use:

For very large problem sizes (…N>106) a supercomputer is needed

When we need to compute several hundreds or thousands of eigenvalues (deep in the spectrum) reorthogonalization costs dominate and become prohibitive!

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

Introduction and Motivation

Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) (Hurty ’60, Graig-Bampton ’68)Well known alternative. Used for many years in Structural Engineering.But it too suffers from limitations due to problem size…

AMLS, (Bennighof, Lehoucq, Kaplan and collaborators) Multilevel CMS method (solves the dimensionality problem) Automatic computation of substructures (easy application) Approximation: Truncated Congruence Transformation Builds very large projection basis without reorthogonalization Successful in computing thousands of eigenvalues in vibro-acoustic analysis (N>107) in a few hours on workstations (Kropp–Heiserer, 02)

Accuracy issues AMLS accuracy is adequate in Structural Eng. (in the order of the discretization error) , but higher accuracy is needed in other applications, (i.e. electronic structure calculations) AMLS is an one shot approach: no (iterative) refinement is done

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

Recent Advances

The success of AMLS in Struct. Eng. and its potential for other applications has sparked several new research initiatives.

Some include:

- Bekas and SaadPurely algebraic analysis of AMLS1) Approximation to a nonlinear (Schur) eigenvalue problem2) Approximation of the resolvent (A- I)-1 by a careful projection3) Improvements: a) 2nd order expansions, b) Krylov projections and combinations

- Yang et alAlgebraic substructuring. Careful selection of added eigenvectors for improved accuracy.

- Elssel and VossA priori error bounds for algebraic substructuring.

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

In this talk

We will describe

- Approximation mechanism behind AMLS. We will review our recent purely algebraic analysis of AMLS (Bekas – Saad, 04).

- Iterative application of AMLS1) Refinement of approximated eigenvalues2) Multiple shifts in AMLS3) Computation of eigenvalues in an interval

- Numerical examples

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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1 2

Subdivide into 2 subdomains: 1 and 2

Component Mode Synthesis: a model problem



Consider the model problem:

on the unit square . We wish to compute smallest eigenvalues.

Component Mode Synthesis

• Solve problem on each i

• “Combine” partial solutions

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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CMS: Approximation procedure. Ignore coupling!

Component Mode Synthesis: Approximation

CMS: Approximation procedure (2)

• Solve B v = v • Remember that B is block diagonal• Thus: we have to solve smaller decoupled eigenproblems

• Then, CMS approximates the coupling among the subdomains by the application of a carefully selected operator on the interface unknowns

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Recent CMS method: AMLS

Block Gaussian eliminator matrix: such that:

Where S = C – E> B-1 E is the Schur Complement

Equivalent Generalized Eigenproblem : UTAUu= UTU u

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS Approximation

AMLS: Approximation procedure. Ignore coupling!

Solve decoupled problems Form basis


AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: Multilevel application








Scheme applied recursively.Resulting to thousands of subdomains. Successful in computing thousands smallest eigenvalues in vibro-acoustic analysis with problem size N>107

In the following we analyze the approximation mechanism of one step of AMLS, adopting a purely algebraic setting.

This will naturally lead to improved versions of the method

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: approximation to a nonlinear eigenproblem!

AMLS: Approximation procedure. DO NOT ignore coupling this time

Leads to:

Substitute equation (1) in equation (2) to give equivalent non-linear problem:

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: approximation to a nonlinear eigenproblem!



Basic Property

We can show that:

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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AMLS: approximation to a nonlinear eigenproblem!

Neumann Series of the Resolvent:

Truncate the series. Keep the first two terms only. Then…

Approximate problem:



C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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AMLS: The projection view-point

Initial problem:

We can show that if: Then, is eigenvalue of (1) and

Respective eigenvector

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: The projection view-point

1. AMLS solves approximately (truncation)

4. Remedy: augment the space of approximants by eigenvectors of B. Why?

2. AMLS, change of basis:

3. Thus:

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: The projection view-point

We examine the difference:

Expansion in terms of eigenvectors of B:

Then, this difference is:

Thus: the difference is large in eigenvectors of B with eigenvalues close to the smallest eigenvalues of A.

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS: The projection view-point

Therefore: augmenting the space of approximants with ‘’smallest’’eigenvectors of B is well justified. Can we bound the error?

Let: mB “smallest” eigenvectors of B

XB: restriction to the B-part (upper part) of the space of approximants. Then:

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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The algebraic framework we have described leads to improvements:

Nonlinear Schur complement problem: Introduce an additional term of the truncated Neumann series Utilize corresponding 2nd order projection

Approximation of the resolvent (B- I)-1: Approximate with Krylov subspaces on B-1 and Utilize corresponding projection

Combinations of the above improvements lead to hybrid algorithms with enhanced stability and robustness

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Augmenting with Krylov Subspaces

We need to approximate

Therefore it is natural to consider the Krylov subspace

Vk is an orthonormal block Krylov basis

The columns of US are eigenvectors of the nonlinear Schur complement problem

or in general the block Krylov subspace many j

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Second Order Approximation

Neumann Series of the Resolvent:

AMLS approximation

Can we do better? 2nd order approximation

Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem:

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Second Order Approximation: Solving the QED

Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem:

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

Linearization leads to equivalent generalized eigenproblem:

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Second Order Approximation: Projection view point

Eigenvector of A:Better approx. by the QEP

We can add more eigenvectors of B…or add “second order” vectors:


Construct basis


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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Second Order Approximation: Error bounds

Augmenting the space of approximants with eigenvectors of B and “second order vectors” leads to quadratic error bounds compared to adding just eigenvectors

Let: mB smallest eigenvectors of B

XB: restriction to the B-part (upper part) of the space of approximants. Then:

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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The algebraic framework we have described leads to improvements:

Our previous workNonlinear Schur complement problem:

Introduce an additional term of the truncated Neumann seriesApproximation of the resolvent (B- I)-1:

Approximate with Krylov subspaces on B-1 and Utilize corresponding projection

Recent Work Framework for the iterative refinement of the AMLS approximations Utilization of many different shifts (A-k I)-1 that can be used for… …computation of eigenvalues deep in the spectrum More robust method. Currently examining connections with shift-invert Lanczos (Grimes et al) and Rational Krylov (Ruhe)

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Iterative Refinement (1/3)

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Iterative Refinement (2/3)



AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Iterative Refinement (3/3)

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Using Multiple Shifts in AMLS (1/3)

MATRIX: BCSSTK111st shift: 3, close to eigenvalues in the interval [2.9,3]2nd shift: 69, close to eigenvalues in the interval [68,70]


AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Using Multiple Shifts in AMLS (2/3)

Smallest eigenvectors of

Smallest eigenvectors of


AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Using Multiple Shifts in AMLS (3/3)

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Numerical Experiments

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Numerical Experiments: Standard v.s. Krylov

Thus: Small /favors the Krylov version

Matrix: BCSSTK11(N=1473), Reorder using Nes. Disec., size of Schur complement NS=94

Bef. reord./

After reord./

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Numerical Experiments: Standard v.s. Krylov

Number of Schur eigenvectors: 5Number of added vectors:

AMLS: 30 eigenvectors of B (left) and 40 eigenvectors of B (right) Krylov: 30=5 x 6 (left) and 40=5 x 8 (right)


C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Numerical Experiments: Standard v.s. Krylov

Number of Schur eigenvectors: 5Number of added vectors:

AMLS: 30 eigenvectors of B (left) and 40 eigenvectors of B (right) Krylov: 30=5 x 6 (left) and 40=5 x 8 (right)


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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Second order method

Matrix: BCSSTK11Approximate S() u= u with a Quadratic eigenvalue problem instead of the original generalized eigenvalue problem of AMLS

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Second order method

Matrix: BCSSTK11Compare 2nd order AMLS (20 added vectors) v.s. standard AMLS with increasing number of added eigenvectors of B (mB=20,40,60,100)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Eigenvalues: smallest to larger






AMLS, mB = 100AMLS, mB = 60AMLS, mB = 40AMLS, mB = 202nd order AMLS, mS = 10

2nd order: 10 Schur vectors: 20 added Krylov vectors. 30 vectors in total

AMLS: 10 Schur vectors: 20, 40, 60 and 100 added eigenvectors of B

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Combine AMLS with Krylov AMLS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010






Eigenvalues: smallest to larger






AMLS, k=20Krylov AMLS, m=2

Matrix: 5-point stencil discretization of the LaplacianUse only the 2 smallest Schur vectors. Then, for larger eigenvalues the Krylov version can fail.

REMEDY: Augment subspace with eigenvectors of B too!

VB: eigenvectors of BVK: Krylov basisUS: Schur eigenvectors

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Combine AMLS with Krylov AMLS

Matrix: 5-point stencil discretization of the LaplacianUse only 2 smallest Schur vectors. Then, for larger eigenvalues the Krylov version can fail.

REMEDY: Augment subspace with eigenvectors of B too!

VB: eigenvectors of BVK: Krylov subspaceUS: Schur eigenvectors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010







Eigenvalues: smallest to larger






AMLS, k=30Krylov - Standard AMLS, m=2, k=20

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AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

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Iterative Refinement

Matrix: 5-point stencil discretization of the Laplacian

Next shift k is 1st smallest approximate eigenvalue at step k-1

Next shift k is 5th smallest approximate eigenvalue at step k-1

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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Multiple Shifts

Dimension of each Qi : 40

Matrix: 5-point stencil discretization of the Laplacian

Dimension of each Qi : 60

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar

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AMLS is a promising alternative to Shift-Invert methods for very large problems

In this work we have presented an analysis of AMLS based on a completely algebraic framework:

• AMLS is a nonlinear (spectral) Schur complement method that utilizes…• Projection on carefully selected eigenspaces to approximate the solution

Improvements• Based on the algebraic framework we have proposed Krylov projection subspaces and second order approximations (and combinations) with significant improvements.

Iterative Refinement• Approximations can be iteratively refined, allowing for very good accuracy• Many different shifts are combined and thus we can compute eigenvalues deep in the spectrum

Current Work• Investigate strategies to compute all eigenvalues in a (large) interval [a,b]

AMLS, Spectral Schur Complements and Iterative Computation of Eigenvalues

C. Bekas: SC Seminar