Scientific Communication CITS7200 Lecture 10 Giving a Talk

Scientific Communication CITS7200 Lecture 10 Giving a Talk

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Scientific Communication CITS7200

Lecture 10Giving a Talk

Page 2: Scientific Communication CITS7200 Lecture 10 Giving a Talk

• Good presentation skills are vital in many professions and contexts

• Research seminars, conference talks, project meetings, budget meetings, sales talks, funding applications, job interviews, meeting your future in-laws, …

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Key points

• Know your audience– What do they know?

What do they want to know?

• Figure out what they will learn and why they want to learn it

• Be professional– Organise yourself, your materials,

and your time

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What to say and how to say it

• A good talk can usually be split into five parts

1. Definition and motivation of the problem

2. General theory3. Details4. Conclusions5. Question time

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Define and motivate the problem

Defineand motivatethe problem!

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Define and motivate the problem

• First impressions count!• Be concrete, not abstract

– Be concrete in motivation and in details– Generalise in conclusions, if appropriate

• Motivate with applications, philosophy, history, predictions, dollars, …

• Cover background only where necessary for understanding or for motivation

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• Set up the notation and terminology– Keep notation (especially) to a minimum– Keep examples as simple as possible

• Remind, but do not assume• Emphasise your contributions• Often a “road map” to the talk

helps to impose structure

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The general theory

• Describe the methodology• Describe the key results• Explain the significance of the

results• Sketch the proof/evidence of the

results– Pictures/graphs help

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The details• Present one key result which is

– Important– Non-trivial– Representative

• Now give details– But this is the part of the talk that is

least important, and should be first to be cut

– Refer them to the paper/notes, if necessary, or to later discussion

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The conclusion

• Put your results back in context– Once again, motivate the problem– Make clear your contribution

• Discuss any limitations• Discuss some interesting open

problems• Conclude: thank the audience, and

invite questions and comments

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Handling questions

• Always allow time for questions– There are always questions!

• Allow/encourage questions during the talk, if you are confident enough

• Try to anticipate likely questions• Try to learn from the questions

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Visual and aural aids

• High tech– PowerPoint, LaTeX, HTML, PDF, others

• Medium tech– Overheads, slides

• Low tech– Pen and plastic, whiteboard

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General points

• Use large font sizes• Write points, not sentences• Do not put too much on one “slide”• Make the medium invisible

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High tech

• Use presentation software if possible– Forces you to prepare in advance– Helps you to organise your talk– Makes changing your talk easier– Looks professional and well-prepared

• But plan for equipment failure, or portability issues– Have a lower-tech back-up plan

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Medium tech• Overheads are good as a

back-up mechanism• But printed overheads can look

boring– And a mixture can look odd

• Always use permanent pens• With slides, video or audio:

be in control of the situation yourself, and prepare

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Low tech

• Recommended only for confident speakers

• Allow you to tune the presentation on-the-fly

• Allow you to build up complex pictures/equations/graphs on-the-fly in any order, and to control the audience’s attention

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• Stick pointers are easier to aim– But don’t bang on non-rigid screens!

• Laser pointers give you more range– But avoid these if your hands shake

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Voice issues• Face the audience, not the projector

screen, nor the computer screen, nor the OHP, nor the desk, …– And don’t get between them!

• Talk to (multiple) individuals, or at least to the back of the room

• Vary the tone and level of your voice• Use “normal” language

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Getting through to the audience• Use repetition

– Remember that with a talk, people cannot “refer back” to earlier comments

• Use examples– Don’t get bogged down in

abstractions and generalities– Never present the details of proofs– Feel free to say “more details are given

in the paper/notes”

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Know your audience• Scientists (or business people,

or the general public)– Will be interested only in general results

• Computer scientists– Use notation carefully and focus on the

problem• Theoretical computer scientists

– Will want to know exactly what your contribution is

• Experts– Will want to know how your work beats


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• Never over-run your allotted time– Talks which are too short are always better

than talks which are too long

• Be aware of how long you have, and stick to it

• Design multiple exit points, or identify material that can be skipped– Cut out details first

• Make sure you’re aware of the time

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Handling nerves

• Everyone gets nervous• Make your nerves work for you

– Be animated: show them you care!

• But be prepared too– Deep breathing– Know your introductory “speech”– Use written reminders if necessary– Bring water, so you can pause and

re-group when necessary