Science v. Faith

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  • 8/12/2019 Science v. Faith


    Science v. Faith Reflection

    Since the beginning of time, science and faith have argued on virtually everything. In the

    past, the possibility of a Christian scientist in the eyes of the public seemed like an oxymoron.

    How can one appreciate the beauty of this world controlled by a Creator when science teaches

    seemingly contradictory ideas? Although it may seem that science and faith are contradictory,

    the moment we understand that science and faith cohesively work together is when we gain true

    knowledge. One cant appreciate science without God and God without science.To begin with, the predominant worldviews of scientists arent generally in accordance

    with the Christian worldviews. The two most popular worldviews of scientists are relativism and

    agnosticism. These worldviews argue that when it comes to morality and religion, one can

    believe whatever he or she wants because there are no real answers to these questions. In other

    words, science cant answer with absolute certainty so therefore, there isno real answer. Each

    person has to deduce their own values on morality and religion for themselves. Wouldnt these

    predominant worldviews suggest that science and faith gain knowledge in contradictory ways?Although it may seem that a scientist and a person of faith may gain knowledge in

    contradictory ways, there is a connection between these two different thought processes.

    Generally, scientists gain knowledge through observations of nature as well as events in nature.

    Scientists try to understand the physical cause-and-effect behavior of nature. They try to explain

    past observations as well as predict future outcomes of nature. On the other hand, a person of

    faith gains knowledge through the Bible which says that God is in complete control of the whole

    universe. Although there is no theory of the existence of God because it cant be tested by

    observation or experiment, it doesnt mean that these two ways of gaining knowledge are

    contradictory. One of Gods most beautiful ways of revealing himself is through nature and

    science gears toward understanding nature. In that sense, science doesnt disclaim God but

    through the understanding of natural processes, people get to appreciate Gods work more thanthey could by just faith alone.

    Finally, scientific knowledge has its own limits as does faith knowledge. Scientific

    knowledge cant answer certain questions like what is the purpose of life or what is love. Also

    science cant answer supernatural events or miracles in the Bible because they break natural

    laws. Knowledge that one acquires through faith cant describe how God governs the natural

    world. No one will ever completely understand that. I dont think there is room for supernatural

    explanations in science because science cant explain miracles in nature. We shouldnt attribute

    these miracles to a god of the gaps mentality but instead marvel at what God does through

    science. What it can explain and what it cant. Down the road, when science discovers concepts

    that it couldnt explain, it will only add to the power of God and the control that He has for every

    minuscule detail in the whole universe.