Science Against the People: the story of JASON. Copyright

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--Peter Stubbs, Editor of NEW SCIENTIST, in NEW SCIENTIST, August 24, 1972.





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December 1972 l \uOIl;,,': ~ ru~l.n,. i ,

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Copyright 1972 by Berkeley SESPA

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Some of the pictures used come from NARMIC and Project Air War (see Bibliography)



I NTRODUCTI ON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I 1

CHAPTER I, The StoJr.Y 06 Ja..6on •••••••••••••••• I1 ••• 3

CHAPTER II, Ja..6on People • •••••••••••••••••••• I •••• 18

CHAPTER III, Why They Vo It ••••••••••••••••••••••• 33

CHAPTER IV, A~~ounta.bility ••••••• ••••••••••••••••• 38

CHAPTER V, Con~Lu.6lon •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40

BIBLIOGRAPHy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 43



DOD u.c.

· .. · . . · .. · . . · .. · ..

Some abbreviations used:

Institute for Defense Analyses President's Science Advisory Committee Defense Communications Project Group

(later called DSPG) Advanced Research Projects Agency

(an arm of the DOD) Department of Defense University of California

Inrrodutrion In June of this year, a world­

famous American scientist was chased out of the College de France by a group of young French scientists who were outraged at his contributions to the Vietnam War. Dr. Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist from Cal Tech, had come to Paris to lecture on the theory of ele­mentary particles, but the audience which met him wanted to ask about his work for the Pentagon, through his participation in the Jason group. Gell-Mann's response to this challenge was, "I am not free to answer."

At an international symposium on physics held in Trieste in September, five Jason physicists (Professors Wigner, Wheeler, Townes, Weinberg, and Montroll) were confronted by 300 persons who denounced them as war criminals. The only response by the five came from Professor Wigner, who said, "I am flattered by your accusa­tions. They are compliments for me. " When the meeting was moved to a suburb, 100 riot police were called on to block the protesters. (~Monde, 9/30/72).

At a summer school on the history of physics, held at Varenna, Italy, in August, there was circulated a Statement on Vietnam, saying, in part:



The Jason group was specific~lly cited in this statement for the~r contribution to the technology of the war. This statement was signed by almost all (about sixty) of the participating scientists -­mostly Europeans, and some of them were men of considerable prestige. This same statement was circulated for signatures at a large phy~ics meeting in the United States ~n September (the high-energy con­ference at the National Accelera­tor Laboratory). Only 21 scien­tists signed out of over 7001 and most of the signers were Euro­pean.

Can American scientists evade these issues? We feel that we make up a community of shared work and common understanding students, teachers, and researchers. Can it be a matter of indifference to us that some members of the community -- even some of its leaders -- serve a military ad­venture that most of us regard as criminal?

The overall involvement of scientists with government is an enormous subject. The issue is posed perhaps most sharply by the Jason group, an elite panel within the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA). The President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), which works directly for the President, is still more select than Jason and presumably more influential. But in Jason, we see long-range strategic advice to the Depart­ment of Defense associated with the symbols of academic science. The forty-odd members of Jason include some of the very best known physicists in America,


working at the mo~t pre~tig~o~s universities. Wh1le ma1nta1n1ng their public personalities as esteemed professors, they have been quietly helping the Depart­ment of Defense with -- with what? They are "not free to answer."

automated battlefield. It has made possible the policy of mini­mizing American casualties while continuing to devastate Indochina and its people through technolo­gical warfare; it has made possible Nixon's plan to prosecute the war indefinitely or until he can

The first aim of this study is achieve "peace with honor;" it to assemble some of the story of is being readied for other, future this classified work: ~ especial- wars. ly significant contr1but10n of Jason to the Vietnam War was re­vealed in the Pentagon Papers. In a 1966 report', a Jason group drew up general outlines for a system of sensors, communications links, aircraft, mines and bombs intended to stop transport of soldiers and supplies into South Vietnam. This system, adapted and expanded by the Pentagon, has become what is now known as the

Thus, everyone concerned with anti-democratic forces in our society should be vitally interes­ted in the nature of Jason and its activities. In this report, we present the best information available to us on this important issue.

In addition to tracing the con­sequences of this one Jason pro­ject, we will give a few indica­tions, from the meager unclassified material available, of the wide range of Jason's still-secret work.

The second chapter summarizes rather fully several Jason. members' own account of their own experiences and attitude in this work. The bulk of this chapter is based on personal interviews conducted in 1972.

Finally, we offer an analysis of the issues raised, and suggest some proposals for action.

While this report focuses on the activities of the Jason group, Jason is by no means an isolated or unique phenomena. This case­study of Jason serves to illus­trate the nature of relationships which exist generally between elite academic scientists and government, military and business agencies. These relationships facilitate the routine implemen­tation of policy decisions of sweeping social consequences without the knowledge or consent of the people or their elected representatives.

~ha~r61r ~.

Thfil 5.r[)r~ Of Ja!i[)n rHE ORIGIN OF JASON

At the end of World War II many )f the country's leading scientists, ~ho had been involved in such war cesearch as the atomic bomb and cadar, left full-time government ~ork and returned to the college ~ampuses. The military, of course, jid not want to lose all this valuable talent. In addition to its own "in-house" laboratories, the Defense Department sought to 3stablish ongoing consulting lia­son with first-rate scientists.

worked on. A group of the very brightest young -scientists was recruited into a sub-group of IDA called Jason. The whole suc­cess of this enterprise depended upon establishing it as a mark of highest prestige to be invited into this elite group.


400 Army-Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22202


The original political-philoso-At first this service was ob- phical outlook of IDA and Jason

tained through the RAND corporation was boldly stated in terms of cold­and some scientific advisory com- war ideology. Their literature mittees attached directly to the of ten years ago told of the crea-Pentagon; some scientists also tion of IDA as arising from "the consulted for industrial corpora- inescapable realization that Inter-tions working on defense contracts. national Communism is imperialistic The industrial consulting jobs in nature and that its goal is no paid extremely well, but the scien- less than world domination." Then, tists involved felt that they were noting that "the real war was not close enough to the center of American science versus Soviet power to influence policy decisions. science", IDA traced its birth to On the other hand, scientists in the fact that "the government, ~ashington often felt restricted specifically the Department of by the particular government agency Defense, in an attempt to strengthen they consulted for and also found its application of the scientific the government consulting fee scales method toward the solution of to be very low. Therefore the broad problems of military policy­idea of a new, independent' research and strat7gy,.sought some machin­and consulting organization arose: ery by wh1ch 1t could reach more this was the Institute for Defense effectively into the reservoir of Analyses, IDA. Set up nominally te7hno~0~ical ta17nt !n the nation's as a private, non-profit corpora- sC1ent1f1c commun1ty. tion, IDA worked on the basis of contracts with the Pentagon for particular research problems of interest to the military. - IDA could determine its own salary scales and it hoped to attract high. calibre scientists with the prOl1U.se of considerable "freedom" in their choice of problem to be


The most detailed public ac­count of Jason's contribution to the Vietnam War is contained in the Pentagon Papers: the 1966 Jason summer study which gave birth


to a new form of technological warFar. e, now known as the auto­mated, or electronic, battlefield. The situation leading up to this report is as follows.

Even while campaigning for re­election on a IIpeace" platform in 1964, Lyndon Johnson was accepting plans from his military advisors for increased levels of fighting in Vietnam. Early in 1965 he launched the program of sustained bombing against North Vietnam: Operation Rolling Thunder. After more than a year of this campaign, there was a growing opposition to the war among the American public, and there was also disillusionment within some parts of the government over the failure of the bombing to achieve its military objectives.

Early in 1966, a clique of Har­vard-MIT scientists with high level connections in Washington persuaded Defense Secretary Robert McNamara to sponsor a special study on ~technical possibilities in rela­tion to our military operations in Vietnam." With this prompting, McNamara formally requested the scientists to look into the feas­ibility of "a fence across the infiltration trails, warning sys­tems, reconnaissance (especially night) methods, night vision de­vices, defoliation techniques and area denial weapons."

This special scientific study group was assembled under the aus­pices of the Jason Division of IDA; the group of 47 scientists repre­sented "the cream of the scholarly community in technical fields" ••• "a group of America's most distin­quished scientists, men who had helped the Government produce many of its most advanced technical weapons systems since the end of the Second World War, men who were not identified with the vocal academic criticism of the Admin­istration's Vietnam policy." This Jason study group met during the summer of 1966, starting off with a series of briefings by high of­ficials from the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department and the White House. They were given access to secret materials.

The Jason report, given to Mc­Namara at the beginning of Septem­ber, was in four parts:"l. The Effects of US Bombing in North Vietnam; 2. Viet Cong/North Viet­nam Army Logistics and Manpower; 3. An Air Supported Anti-Infil­tration Barrier; and 4. Summary of Results, Conclusions and Recom­mendations. 1I This report was re­garded as particularly IIsensitive" and the only persons to receive copies, outside of McNamara, were General Wheeler and Mr. Rostow. The writers of the Pentagon Papers evaluated this Jason report as exerting "a powerful and perhaps decisive influence in McNamara's mind," concerning future US poli­cies in Vietnam.

As the New York Times's pre­sentation of the Pentagon Papers summarizes--

"Their [the Jason Summer Study's] report evaluating the results of the Rolling Thunder campaign began:

"'AS of July 1966, the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam had had no measurable direct effect on

Hanoi's ability to mount and support military operations in the South at the current level.'

"They then pointed out the reasons that they felt North Vietnam could not be hurt by bombing: It was primarily a sub­sistence agricultural country with little industry and a prim­itive but flexible transport system, and most of its weapons and supplies came from abroad.

"These factors, the scien­tists said, made it 'quite unlikely' that an expanded bomb­ing campaign would 'prevent Hanoi from infiltrating men into the South at the present or a higher rate.'

" In conclusion, the Pentagon study says, the scientists ad­dressed the assumption behind the bombing program -- that damage inflicted on a country reduces its will to continue fighting. The scientists crit­icized this assumption, the study says, by denying that it is possible to measure the re­lationship.

" 'It must be concluded', the scientists said, 'that there is currently no adequate basis for predicting the levels of u.S. military effort that would be required to achieve the stated objectives -- indeed, there is no firm basis for determining if there is any feasible level of effort that would achieve these objectives.'"

The Gravel Edition of the Penta­gon Papers continues (p. 120):

Having submlllc:d a aaillg,ul1 condemnation of the bombing. the Study Ci",!,p .aI und.:r IOniC ohli!!ation to off.:r c"mlrue:livc allemati,'es ond Ihis Ihey did, ~izin~ nell ",rpminlll)" on the ''ef)' idea McNamara had SUj1gated-the 1Ulti­Inllltrlllion halri.:r, The product of their summer's \\ork wa' a rc:asonllbly detailed prormal fnr 0 multisnlcnl harrier across lhe DMZ and lhe Laolian p;anhandlc: UIIIl \\',tIIld maL.: exic'.sive: usc of r.",enll} innovllied mina and scnsors. The calral ronion of their ra:c:ommend .. li ... n foil" .. ,!;;

The barrier would ha.'e IW., wmewbul different pan .. one llaiSru:d againit foot trufti~ land one I1l1l1insl uhi..-tes, The preferred ~lion for Ibe anli-f\lOl­lraffle harrier is in Ihe rellion along Ihc: soulhern edge of Ihe DMZ to the l.aotian border and then n"nh of T~heponc to the vicinity of Muon. Sen,

ClIt~Rllin!l .. bout 100 by 20 kilomrt.:n, 11l1s IIro!a is vlnually unp"pulaled, and the lerruin is quile ru~~d. cOllluining moslly V-shaped Vane)'5 in which Ihe opponunily for alternate lrails appean lower than il is elscwhere in the syst.:m, Th~ laeotion of choke for thc anti-vehicle pan of the system is the ure;&, about 100 by 40 kilometers, now covered by Operalion Crickel, In thi. area the road netwurk tends 10 be more constricted thon elscwhere, and lho:re oppears 10 he :I smaller area a,'oilable for new road~ An a1terna­th'c localion for Ihe ;,nti-pcrK'nnel sYstem is nonb of thc DMZ 10 the LaQlinn border and lhea north alon!!' the crest of the mouniaillS dividing Laos from North ViCIIlIUII_ It is less desirable economically and mililurily because u( its greater k-nSlh, !!reater distDJK:C from U.s. I>ases, and IlreDler prollimily to polential N"rth Vietnamese: counter-cffons.

The aiNuppnnc:d barrier wOlild. if necCSSDry, be supplemenled hy a manned ~(ence" ennna:c:tinl! the Calolern end of the , .. "rin' 10 tht SCD_

The conslntctinn of thi: air-supporled barrier could he inilialed usin!! currently ov~ilable or ncarl)' available cumponents, with some 1Iel.'Css:.ry modifiClltinns. and could pcrh;ops he installed by a yellr or so from JlO"ubcad­HOWC\,Cf. we anticipate Ihat the Nonh Vic:tnamo:w would lellrn 10 eupe \\ ith a barrier huill Ihis wl>y aftet some period of time wbich we cannot estimate, bUI which we fear RID)' be shon. Weapons and sensors which can moke a much more effc:ctivc harrier, only 50me of which are nnw under dcvelopment. are not liLely tn be a,'ailuble in leu thon 18 monlm. 10 1 yean_ E.'en tlac:se. it mU51 he npo:c:ted. will e\'cntu,lily he ovc:~ome hy the Nonh Victnamese:. 50 th:.t further impnwc:m.:nts in w>!uponly will he nccn~ry, Thus "'C ':11\ i"'1!e " dyn~mjc ~b;o:tle nJ the barri"r," in wloich the harrier no rept:llledl~' impro\'ed lind stren1!thencd "y the intmducti .. n of ne\l\' cnm­ponent!>. and \1\ hich \\ ill hnpefulh permit 11'1 to keep the North Vietnamese 01T balunce h~ ,c:ontinllully "",ing liN' pn,Mcm.. f(\r lhem.

Thi\ harrier i\ in c"nccl't not ,.:,.' ,liIr~rC:1l1 from whal ha- UIN .. d), helln

lugested e1sewbere; the new upeclt are: the very large acaIc of area denilll, especillly mine lIeids kilomelen deep rather than the convenlionlll J~ 200 meten; the very larJlC numbers and penistent employmenl of weapons, sensoR, and aircrofl' sonies in the barrier area; and tbe emphuis on rapid IUId carefully pilUlned incorporation of more el(ec:tive wopnn' and sen",n inlo lhe syslem.

The system Ihat could be available in a Yllar or so would, In our con­c:eplion. contain lsic) the following componenll:

-Gra,'e1 mines (bolh selr-stllrilizing for horassmcnt and IIOII-IItrililin; for area denial).

-Possibly. "button hamblets" dC\'CIoped by Picalinny Ancnal, 10 ou,. IIk!nt thll_ranJ1C of the senson againsl , foot uollic.·

-SADEYE, BLU-l6B ch~IUI, for IIIIacks on lrea-type tarpt' of un­certain locations.

-Acouslie detllcton, hosed on improvements of lhe "Acousllc Sana­buoys" currently undllr tesl by lhe Navy,

-P-lV patrol ai~rafl, eqUipped for lICOUIIic sensor monlloring, Oravel di~pen~n!!, ,'ccl(\rinjl strike aircr"ft, and infrared dctec:tlon of camp­IIrcs in bivouac areas.

-Grlvel Dispensinj1 Airc:rafl (A-I's, or possibly C-123'.) -Strike Airc:rllfl -Photo-reconnaissance Alrcruft -Photo Interprelen -(Possibly) ground teams 10 plllnt mines and senIOR, pther Infonna-

lion, and sclcctivcl,' harass lralllc on foot lrails_ The anI i-troop infillration system (which would tIso function .plnlt

tupply ponen) would operale as fonoWl. There wCluid be I eonstandl' renewed mine lIeld of 1I0nsterilizins Gravcl (and pouibly bullon bomblell), dlstribuled in pallerns covering Intcrc:onnec:ted vaUIlYS Ind slopes (suitable for alternate Irails\ o,'er the: enlire barrier region. The actuII mined .,ea would encomposs the equh'lIIenl of • strip about 100 by 5 kUomcters. There would also be a plillern of IIcouslic detccton 10 listen fClr mine explosions Indlcatinll an allempted penelration, The mine IIcJd II Intended 10 deny opening of a11ernale fOUta for troop infiltra\on and should be emplaced lint. On the lrails and bivouacs currently used, from which mines may­we tenlatively 8ssllme-he cleared withClIII great difllCUIt" I _ dense pattern (If lenlO" would be designed to locate groups 0 inflllralors. Air "rik .. UJinj1 Gravel and SADEYES would Ihen be called Iplnst tbne Ilrgell- The !Cnsor p"ncms would be monitored 24 houn I day by patrol aircrafl_ The struck areas would be rcsccded wilh new mina.

The Inti-vehicle system would consist of acoustic detec:ton distributed every milc or so lion. all lruc:kable roads in thll h"erdl,Clad ..... monitored 24 houn I day by patrol ai",.,.ft, with vectored strike Ilrcraft IllinIl SAD­EYE to fCSJK'nd 10 si!,'llols thot IrUCU or truck convoys are movInp. Tbe patrol airc:raft would dislrihule sclf-sterilizinlt Gravel ltVer JIIrts of lhe road net al dusk. The self-sterilizntion feature is needed 10 Ih.t road­watching and mine-i"anting tcams could be used in this !:,rco. ,Il0l0-rcconDaluanc:e alreralt would cover the entire area each few dayllO look for tbe developmenl of new truckable roads, to .. If the lransport of sup­pl:n is be.nllWitchcd to ponen, Ind 10 idenlify any other dian. ill the Infiltnlion system. II may llso be desirable to use Found teams 10 planl larser anli-truck mines lion; the roads, IS III interim measure peadinl ... devclopment of effCC1ive air-ilropped anli-vehicle mlltel-


The COSI of such a ~ptcm (I-olh parts) has t-cen cstimMed to be aboul S~OO milium pcr )ear. of ,.hich by fllr Ihe major fraclion is ~renl for Gra,'el an.1 S.\DEYlS, The ke\' requiremenls woul'" be (all numbers urc: appruxin.ale bccau,~ of assuOIlnions which had 10 hc nm ... e re!!arding .... craJ~Ii.::1I ", syslem ':(,OJpun"nls in licl'" me. end r~!,!ar"'ing Ihe magnilude o(inliltrall,'n): 20 0l:11I"r: Gra,'el mioe. per mo.llh: possibly :!S million bUllon homblcb per momh; 10.00fl SADEYE-ULU-2f1H cluslers" per //Ium!.; 16IJO a.OU,lIt s"n,ors per nll1ll1h I~"uminll pre!a:ntly "mployed b:lllui •• wilh 2·wtck li[e I. plus liS url'ropriat.ly equipped P·2V palrol aircraft; a /lcel <', aboul SO A-I's or 2(1 C-J23's for Gravel disrensing (141111 ,~ · I sMtles or 600 C·I:!) sOl'lie. pcr monlh); 500 slrike sortie. per monlh I f-iC "'1"i\'al.nl): bnJ ,utliciellt pholo-n:connbi,sance .orlics. de· p.:ndlO!; Oil Ih~ aircrafl. 10 cover 2500 square mile, each week. wilh an arrrop".I" "';"n .,f pholo int"rpreler., E,'en 10 make Ihi, 'rMem work, Ihere ,.oulJ o. r.quircd ."I"'rinlelllali"n and fUrlher de, dopm"nt for fdia;:. p""elr.li')Il, moislure re.i.lan.:e. an'" pruper "".persion "f GrR"cl; ""',cl"rmenl of a o.'ler aeuu"ic ~en'or Ihan currenlly CXlsl~ 'especially in an ~1I('mpl 10 elimin~": Iht lIee'" for h"lIon oomhlels); aircrllft m' .... ifica­lion~; po»ibl" modl/kahans in BlU-2f111 fuzing; alld refinemenl l'f slrike­na\ i:.,tion t.l~tics~

For Ihe fUlure, rapid de\cl""pmenl of new mines (such as Iripwire, sm"lIer Mr.d rnorc ct!ecllvtly camuullalled Gravel. and ,'ariou~ olher kinds of mines), as ... ~II as sliII beller scn$Or: information proccssing syslems will Ite essenlial.

Th~ nol only h~d Ihis dblingui.hed arrlly of American Icchnologisls en­cIOrsed Ihe hurier ideb McNamara had askc'" Ihem 10 consi"'er, Ihcy had pro­vided lite Sccrelar), wilh an allr.clive, well.lhoullhl-OUI and hi!,!hly "'Llailed pro· pos:tl as a real 1,II~rnaliw la fur:hcr CScd .. lion of Ihe inerrCClivt air war allain'l Nunh Vieln~m, Dill. Irue 10 Ih",r ,.:ienlifi~ aru:nlalion~, Ihe Sludy !l"lUP mcmbenl cnuld nOI coo<·lud. Iheir wort wilhoul uamining Ihe kin.!s of counl'"r·mca,ures Ihe North Vlelnamese mighl lake 10 circum,'cnl Ihe Barrier. Thus. Ihey rea, .... n,:"':

Assuminll Ihal surprise is nOI Ihro .... n away. countermeasur", will of cnurse slill be found. hul they may 10k. :.ome lime to bring inlo opera lion, Thc most elfeclive coun!e. measures wc can anlicipale Rrc mine sweeping: provision of sheller alllainSI SADEYE mikcs ~nd Gravel d;'flC:rsi .... n: spoofing of sensors la deeeh'" Ihe s}'"lem (lr decay aircraft inlo IImbu.h.:s. lind in ~neral D cc>n,i"~rahl.: sler-up of North Vidllame~e anli-alrcrafl .:ap •• bilily along thc r(la'" nel. Counler·.:ounlermca,ures musl be IIU inlegral parI of lhe 'ptem de\,elopmenl.

Apart from Ihe laclical counlermeasurcs again'I Ihe harrier il\elf, one has 10 consider stralegic altemath'cs D\'nilabl.: 10 Ihe Norlh Vielnamese in case Ihc barrier is suceesdul. Amon/! Ih",e Drc: a mo\'e inlll Ihe Mekong Plain: infiltralion from Ihe sea eilher direcll)' 10 S\,N (Or Ihrou!!h Cam­bodia; 110<1 mo"emcnl do .... n Ih~ Mek(Ons rr"", Thokhek (held by Ihe Palhet Lar,-Nllnh Vielnamese) inlo Cambo"'ia.

Finaih·. it .... i11 he dimeu" for us 10 Cn" oul h:>\\' elTecli\'e Ihe harrier is in the uh,cnce of dearh' "i.i"!" NOrlh Vielnam".c r.~p"nses. ~u~h 8\ cn.! runs Ihrough Ihe Mekonr r!,lin, Jk.:~u'. of s"priie, :llre:.d)' ~Iorcd in Ihe pipe­lin.:. an'" OCC:lII.e of Ihe ::ell"r.,1 ,h.!.",e" of Clur qUanlil:llh'c ",liOlale. of cilher ~urply or IrClop inflllnlli"ll, " IS IIl.el)' Il' he ~ome lim. hefart lhe enecl of e'en a ... holl) suc.:c~,'ul o:lrrier becom.' Olllieeilble, .II. greally Sh'rred.ul' i nldli~"nce err,'rl i. ~;III.'" f .. r. inc\u.llnl! continue.:! r.,ad·\\;.ICh oeli"il) in Ihe :Ire;" of Ih. OI"h'r:o/lI" ", ... I~ . ~11'" (1, .... 01 Hnd re,annai>S:ll1ce aCli, ily ,,'ulh .,' Ihe :onti·pcr",nnel o~rricr ,

This, Ih"n. \\as Ihe nc\\ aplll'n inlrod"",'.! mlo Ihe Vieln.m discu,~ion, in W~,hin!!IOn :II Ihe oet!mnin): lit' ')"rlcmhcr.

Their wOlk comrl.lcd. Ihe Ja,on Chllur mel \\ilh M~:-l •• Olar:l and McNollgh. Ion in \\'a~hinglon on AII~"sl ~O an.! pre.enlc" Iheir ,,"nelu,ions and reeoOl­mell"':lIi,,",, \kN :lmar~ W3' apparently 'I"'I)!!I~' and f:.\'orably impressed ... ilh the "",rk of Ihe Summer Slud\, he.:au~c he an.1 MeN.u!!hICln flew 10 lItas<Dchu. 5.11S "n Seplem/ler 6 10 mc,,1 " 'ilh m"mher~ of Ihe Slud)~ a~ain for mN" "'ellailed di,cu,sions, E,en IIdore goint! 10 M:"',,.:h\l~CII~. h,",e\'er. Mc-..amarR had asked Gener:11 Wheeler 1(1 hrinc! Ihe rwpo,al III' wilh Ihe Chich and 10 r.quest field commenl. After ha' in!! a,l.cd C1NCPAC for an c,'aluali,'n, Whe~ler ,enl McNamara Ihe rrcJiminar)' r(,:lelian, of Ihe Chich, They a~reeJ wilh Ihe Sc"rclnr~'s SlIg£!C'liC>1l 10 e'l~hlhh a proj"cl man,'!!.:r r General Slaroird I in DDR&:E, 0111 e~pr"ssed concern Ihal. " Ihe ,'cry suh>lanlbl funds require.1 for the harrier ,,'siem would be "blained frl'm currenl s.:n'iec re~ourccs Ihereb}' olTeelint! a .... ersdy imporlanl cllrrent rraS~~!!l~,"

The conservatism of the mil­itary hierarchy was overcome by McNamarals enthusiasm. The new project, given the deliberately vague name of Defense Communica­tions Planning Group (DCPG), was set up under the Director of De­fense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) .

Military r&d chief Foster:

The Director of Defense Re­search and Engineering since 1965 has been Dr. John S. Fos­ter, Jr., Berkeley, Livermore

PhD in physics from and director of UC Lab 1961-65. The di­

rectors of DCPG (later re-named Defense Special Projects Group) have been--

1966-68: Lt. Gen. (Army) Alfred D. Starbird; he later

the ABM was put in project.

charge of

1968-70: Lt. Gen. (Air Force) John D. Lavelle; he was later the commander in In­dochina held responsible for "unauthorized" air raids over North Vietnam.

1970--: Maj. Gen. John R. Deane, Jr., who gave exten­sive testimony to the Sen­ate hearings on the elec­tronic battlefield.

Under DCPG the development of the electronic battlefield has been rapid. The details have been mostly secret, but we can piece together bits from such sources as Congressional hear­ings (particularly the Report of the Electronic Battlefield Sub-

'I trl Til II 'li lT ., SIT Tlrftl cia III II 1111 Tit ' :.




committee of the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, u.S. Senate, 92nd Congress first session, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1971).

within a year and a half (late 1967), one part of the anti-infiltration scheme was in operation in much the form pro­posed by Jason. This was IGLOO WHITE, the air-supported anti­vehicle system extending into Laos from South Vietnam.

In the latest version of this system which has been released, acoustic and seismic sensors are strewn by F-4 jet planes. Each sensor has its own transmitter. A patrol plane (now often an unmanned "drone" YQU-22B) picks up signals from sensors over a wide area and relays them to In-

filtration Surveillance Center. This is an IBM 360/50 computer installation in Nakon Phanom, Thailand, where summaries of the sensor data are prepared for planning strikes by bombers. The computer output may be pre­sented in sophisticated forms such as oscilloscope display on a map. Computers also are in­volved in the choice of ordnance and allocation of targets to specific planes. Pilots ordi­narily never see their targets, and indeed it is intended to replace manned bombers by un­manned drones. (Electronic Battlefield Report, p. 9; Michael Klare, War Without End, pp. 185-187; George L. Weiss, "The Air Force's Secret Elec­tronic War", Military Aviation, 1971.) Both sensors and bombs have been provided with new camouflages, as recommended by Jason; here is a seismic detec­tor whose antenna masquerades as a forest plant.



At the same time that the ~ision of the Jason study was ~eing brought to reality, it was expanding and ramifying. Far from substituting for general oombardment of populations, the ~ew weapons and the new method Jf automated intelligence and tactics became welcome rein­forcements to everything the nilitary was doing.

The ramifications began as early as February 1968. The ~LF's general offensive at Tet had taken many towns and mili­tary posts, and the u.s. Marine stronghold at Khesanh was under sustained heavy attack. For several days there was a persis­tent rumor that the u.s. might be preparing to use tactical nuclear weapons. This rumor was based on a brief visit to Viet­nam by a team of American civil­ian scientists with experience in military technology. The White House vehemently denied that it was considering any use of nuclear weapons, and the Pen­tagon said the scientists' trip ;.las "to assist in the appraisal" of new non-nuclear weapons; there. was speculation in Wash­ington that the role of the ;roup was related to the use of electronic devices to impede the infiltration of North Vietnamese into the South. (See New York Times, 2/11/68, p. 70.) Two of the people in this group of sci­entists were Richard Garwin and Henry Kendall, physicists in the Jason Division. The other two appear to have been technical experts from the Pentagon and the electronics industry.

The new sensors were judged a useful adjunct of g~ound troop operations. Hand-emplaced

acoustic and seismic sensors be­came standard equipment for u.s. ground forces in Vietnam, accor­ding to Gen. Deane's testimony.

The once-dubious military seized on automation as the cure for the crisis of its conven­tional war. If the u.s. Army in Vietnam was "in a state approa­ching collapse" (Armed Forces Journal, 6/7/71) and the u.s. public was impatient for Nixon to proceed with troop with­drawals, then it was just the moment to turn over as much as possible of the surveillance to electronic devices and as much as possible of the shooting to remote-controlled bombers.

If, moreover, the u.s. and its allies had failed to "win hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese rural population, then weapons which made the countryside unhabitable became more acceptable. This strategy of "generating refugees" was described admirably by Pro-fessor Samuel Huntington in 1968:

"In an absentminded way the United States in Vietnam may well have stumbled upon the answer to 'wars of national liberation~. The effective response lies neither in the quest for a conventional military victory, nor in esoteric doctrines and gimmicks of counter­insurgency warfare. It is instead forced-draft urbanization and mod­ernization which rapidly brings the country in question out of the phase in which a rural revolution­ary movement can succeed." (For­eign Affairs, July, 1968, p. 655.)

Not only does the uprooting of the people from their productive resources undercut a prime motive force of revolution in underdeve­loped countries, agrarian reform; but the forced concentration of millions of refugees into cities sets the stage for the develop­ment of an infant capitalist econ-








)my, dependent, of course, on J.S. corporations.

The population of Saigon, Which has swelled from 300,000 to over 3 million people, is being overwhelmed by this type of dev­~lopment, including CocaCola, prostitution, and inflation.

Automated warfare also has at­tractive domestic economic con­sequences. To maintain a large ground force in some foreign ter­ti,tory means an outflow of American capital, which is harmful to the J.S. economic position in relation to other industrialized nations. it also means unemployment for American workers. On the other hand, if the military dollar is Spent for the production of equip­~ent -- airplanes, electronics, ~unitions -- then the domestic economy is given a boost. (In the latter case military spending is still a profound inflationary fressure. )

Reliance on automation has tome to dominate the thinking of some of the generals, not only about Vietnam, but about all future wars, as well.

In a remarkable address on October 14, 1969, then Chief of Staff Gen. W.C. Westmoreland ~ave the first public report on ~e development of the elec­tronic ba~tlefield. After re­viewing the success of the new ~ethods of locating an enemy -naturally elusive and cunning in his use of dense jungle for c.oncealment" in Vietnam, and ~xplicitly giving credit to the )cientists' contributions to this success, he rhapsodized )ver the vistas before us:

"Comparing the past few years )f progress with a forecast of ~e future produces one con­llusion: we are on the threshold )f an entirely new battlefield :Dncept. . ..

"On the battlefield of the future, enemy forces will be located, tracked and targeted almost instantaneously through the use of data links, computer assisted intelligence evalua­tion, and automated fire con­trol. With first round kill probabilities approaching cer­tainty, and with surveillance devices that can continually track the enemy, the need for large forces to fix the opposi­tion physically will be less important •••

"Today, machines and techno­logy are permitting economy of manpower on the battlefield, as indeed they are in the factory. But the future offers more pos­sibilities for economy. I am confident the American people expect this country to take full advantage of technology -- to welcome and applaud the devel­opments that will replace wher­ever possible the man with the machine."


Notice the broadening of scope to other theaters of war in this testimony of Dr. John S. Foster, Jr. (Hearings before Senate Armed Services Committee, 5/14/69, p. '1853) :







s. 1192, S. 2407, and S. 2546

Senlltor Sl\UTU. Ou pnge 1-17 of your statement you speak of bat­tlefield sensors thnt hnn' revolut.ionIzed land combat. DOloU believe these sensor bllrrit'rs will be useful anywhere outside 0 Southeast Asia ~ I would uo inwrestpd to know what yon think about them being used in Europe.

Dr. FOSTEU. Yes, I have thought about this matter 0. "rent deal, Senator Smith, and I believe the~ sensors are Ilpplicnbfe to other nrel\!'I. Let )lie ju:;t. illlli (!l\t.c very qniC'kly tIle types of things that are being accomplished in Southeast Asia.

Soldiers on the gl'OJlnd curry these 8eIL')ors to particular plnces on trails where they :;uspect thll.t the enemy will pnss. They bury them there. They then r('til'e to Home nearh~' oh::;ervntion point, protected by trenches and In'hind SIlIIIllJllbl'S, when' they wnit for enemy movements. 'Vhell they hellr till' l'nemy ('ollle thl'Ough those sensor fields they signal to OU1' al'tillery, by telephone lint', 1l1ll1 artillery rounds nre fired llnd fall on the enemy. Irhey l:au henr the (')lemy screaming nnd yell­iUI!, and they then walt for the next intrusion.

This system has been so effective, and there is more detail in the back of my stntement, thnt there has been no case where the enemy has successfully come through a sensor field. In most instnllces, by the use of this technique, the enemy has been forced to abandon those llpprol\ches and use others. It is a very, very successful system, whether it is delivered by air or by foot soldiers on the ground.

'Vith regard to Europe, the kind of things one could do there would be to utilize aircraft to seed sensors in forested areas. Immediately after thut, ~und commanders would know whether or not there are enemy soldiers, trucks, or tnnks in these lnrge forested areas.

He will constantly know this because the entire areal would be mined with these sensors. The enemy will not be able to mo\'e tanks in Europe over large arens without makinA' so much ncoustic:11 noise that these sensors would detect the moyement. Either seismic or ncoustic types of sensors CUll be used.

This enthusiasm for the wide application of the new concepts led to a change in plans. In 1970 Gen. Lavelle, then director of DCPG, had told Congressmen that he expected it to be closed out the following year, since its initial mission -- to prove that the instrumented battle­field was a workable system -­had been completed. However, when Gen. Deane, DCPG's new

director, appeared before the Committee the following year, he told a different story. The Secretary of Defense had decided not to abolish DCPG but to give it a new mission. Under the neW name of Defense Special Projects Group (DSPG), his organization was to focus on "expanding the sensor technology to provide the world-wide capability in both tactical combat applications and


installation security." Also included in Gen. Deane's request for funds from the Congress were one or more special development projects of "high priority." The details of these high­priority projects have been de-leted from the public testimony. One of these special projects seems to be an unmanned aerial platform for observation and fire-control [aiming and firing of weapons] using lasers, tele­vision, and other advanced elec­tronic means; another seems to deal with making this or some other sensor system work in some special location or environment, which is secret.

Congressman Whitten of the House Appropriations Committee was unhappy about this new mis­sion for DSPG and questioned Gen. Deane about it (Hearings, 6/4/71) :

"Last year, my recollection is that you told the Congress you were planning to phase this operation out, and Congress ag­reed to phasing it out. Instead you have change the name, en­larged it~ and now the world is your playground. You are going to take on the world and do this around the world. Where is the support for any such expansion as this? .•.

"General Deane: .•. When I arrived in this organization last July, the plan was to phase it out, sir. A number of people prevailed upon Dr. Foster to reconsider that decision.

"Mr. Whitten: Do you have the names of those people? We would like to know who they are and find out if they are within their rights. I don't know if they stand in a better position than the folks who have to sign Your checks. Who were they?

"General Deane: They were people who were members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the DSPG, sir.

IIMr. Whitten: Could you give us some of their names for the record?

IIGeneral Deane: Dr. Garwin, Dr. Slichter, Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Buchsbaum, Dr. Lewis, and Mr. Deitchman."

Three of these names appear on the Jason membership list: Garwin, Caldwell, and Lewis. (Harold Lewis is the chairman of Jason.) Three names -- Garwin, Slichter, Buchsbaum -- appear on a list of PSAC members. Sy Deitchman is identified by Foster, in other testimony, as one of the originators of the idea of the instrumented battle­field. Solomon Buchsbaum is an executive for Bell Labs and a former vice-president of Sandia Corporation, a major weapons developer. Charles Slichter is a physics professor at the Univer­sity of Illinois

• • t .



Thus we are drawn to conclude that the clique of top-level scientific advisors were instru­mental not only in initiating the electronic battlefield ideas (1966), not only in helping the implementation of the system in Vietnam (1968), but also in ex­tending this new warfare system to a world-wide capability (1970) .

The overall picture is not one of a sudden miraculous cure of a specific American military crisis. New devices have been adopted in many cases reluctantly; and they have not always worked very well; and the NLF has met ingenuity with ingenuity, as Jason foresaw, sometimes quickly nullifying a technological mar­vel with a homely organic countermeasure (for example, an open pail of urine left in the forest smells like a platoon of Viet Cong to a helicopter-borne "people-sniffer") . (See Jack Anderson's column of July 10, 1970; interviews with u.s. soldiers quoted by Ann Rosen­berg in The Technological War­lords, 1971.) Even IGLOO WHITE did not seem so infallible after the North Vietnamese went on the offensive in the spring of 1972, using tanks and other heavy equipment within South Vietnam. (San Francisco Chronicle, 97I6/72 , p. 10; Electronics, 9/11/72, p. 49.)

The picture is, rather, one of continual involvement of u.S. science in the proliferation of new weapons. A former Berkeley professor, now a director of a major research lab and a member of Jason, once remarked that there is no such thing as an ex­periment that fails; if you do not get the results you wanted on the first program, take what you have learned and use it as the basis for a new, larger re­search proposal.

The technological wing of the military-industrial complex does not necessarily win wars. We have seen that it certainly can help prolong them. Each new gad­get can be used as an excuse for a new escalation -- as the laser­guided "smart bomb" (though it had seen combat use before) was presented as one of the justifi­cations for the most recent bomb­ing escalation in North Vietnam. (New York Times, 5/24/72)

The impressive and expensive technological arsenal does trans­fer the burden of the u.S. mili­tary effort from men to machines, as General Westmoreland said. The other side, which already had a near-monopoly on public support in Indochina, has also a near­monopoly on traditional military virtues; and, of course, on ca­sualties. If a sensor can't tell the difference between soldiers and civilians, (Klare, War Without End, p. 173; Con­gressional Record, 3/23/71, p. s362l), the air-strike that it brings forth may still kill someone, and is sure to contri­bute to the destruction of the countryside.

Today Indochina, tomorrow the world! The new technology has already contributed to the capture of Che Guevara in Bolivia, and we have seen that it is considered adaptable to use, in other theaters. The Army gives sensor system re­search "number two priority, fol­lowing only the Vietnam war." (Klare, War Without End, p. 205.) Such is the key position occupied by the scientific weapon-makers.


We have concentrated on the electronic battlefield because it is an especially clear instance of Jason's intervention contri­buting decisively to the prolong­ation of the Indochina war.

Hints of what is hidden appear in annual reports published by IDA (from copies supplied by New York Regional Anti-war Faculty and stu­dents) :

1965 Report: areas of Jason inter­est ••• "counterinsurgency, including the problem of personnel detection."

1966 Report: "Increased Government attention to such problems as counterinsurgency, insurrection, and infiltration led to the sug­gestion that Jason members might be able to provide fresh insights into problems that are not entirely in the realm of physical science."

1967 Report: "Jason's work during 1966 related primarily to two of the larger current issue~ of ~a-. tiona1 security: (1) ant1ba1l1st1c missile (ABM) systems for the united States; and (2) the war in Vietnam." ••• "Jason continued work on technical problems of counterinsurgency warfare and system studies with relevance to Vietnam. " 1970 Report: In 1969 IDA establ­ished an Office of Civil Programs to supervise its work in the "ci­vil sector". Mr. Seymour J. Deitchman was appointed Director of this new office. (Deitchrnan has already been identified as deeply involved in the electronic battlefield development; and he was also identified, by Foster in earlier congressional testimony, as director of ARPA's Project Agile, the organization which conducts world-wide counter-insur­gency research. Thus, we may draw some parallel between IDA's ex­pected role in the domestic civil sector and the weil -known "civilian programs" executed by the united States in Vietnam.)

In some of these reports we can find listed titles of a few Jason research papers that seem to be relevant to Vietnam:

"A Study of Data Related to Viet Cong/ North Vietnamese Army Logis­tics and Manpower" (1966)

"Explosively Produced Flechettes" (1966)*

"Interdiction of Trucks from the Air at Night" (1966)

"Air Sown Mines for Specialized Purposes" (1967)

"Manned Barrier Systems -- A Pre­liminary Study" (1967)

Some studies with suggestive titles were: "Project SEESAW", "REDEYE Countermeasures", and "The M.A.D. Report" (1967)

*The flechette, or 'nail bomb', con­tains several hundred l-inch barbed nails in each 3-inch bomblet. It is designed to enter the body. shred­ding muscles and body organs as it passes through the body.


A list of IDA (unclassified) seminars includes the following provocative titles:

"The Electronic Soldier; Concepts For The Future Infantryman" (1969)

"Operations of the D.C. Executive Command Center During the Inau­guration Weekend" (1969)

"The Value of Life In Combat Risk Situations" (1969)

"Crime and Its Correction In D.C." (1969)

"Insurgency Patterns In India To­day" (1969)

Since most Jason work is highly classified, and it is customary to keep secret the titles and even the very existence of most highly classified reports, we can conclude that this information represents only the tip of the iceberg.

IDA's current recruiting bro­chure lists many technical areas of activity. Included are--

Tactical Systems, Strategic Sys­tems, Sea Warfare, Weapons Effects, Missile Defense, Strategic Offen­sive and Defensive Systems, Mil­itary Force Application Studies, Economic Analysis, Strategic Missile Survivability and Pene­tration, Nuclear Effects, Regio­nal Security Studies, Political­Military Analyses, Government Organization and Crisis Management, Advanced Sensors, Climate Modi­fication, Laser Technology, Advanced Avionics, ..•

These topics cover applications of advanced technology to several areas of interest to military­government interests. These may be categorized as--

Strategic War (nuclear war, pre­sumably with Russia);


Tactical or Limited War (such as Vietnam today) ;

Police Actions Abroad (counter­insurgency at lower levels);

Domestic Policing, Surveillance and Control Methods;

Economic, Political and Social Analyses of domestic or foreign situations.

One of the distant branches of the sensor development has been described by Joseph A. Meyer, a computer specialist working for the National Security Agency and funded by the Department of Defense ("Crime Deterrence Transponder Systems", IEEE Transactions AES-7 no. 1, January 1971):

"A transponder surveillance system is based on three ideas. First, parolees, bailees, or recidivists will each carry a small radio transponder, which cannot be removed, as a condition of their release. This trans­ponder will emit a radio signal which gives a positive and unique identification. Second, a net­work of surveillance transceivers will interrogate transponders in a neighborhood. Third, a real­time computer will receive the transponder reports, update loca­tion and tracking inventories for each subscriber, and control the surveillance process. Every subscriber must be accounted for at all times •... For urban areas, a mesh of transceivers would scan the streets, commun­icating with central computers to provide a public surveillance network."

Meyer goes on to discuss spe­cial problems: Harlem -- "a high crime area"; group actions and large-scale confrontations; juveniles; etc.









Among the references cited by Meyer to back up his ideas are several IDA reports.

Jason people have often stressed that Jason does non-military as well as military work, mentioning . tudies on air traffic oontrol and the SST. However, since they will not tell us about ourrent military projects there is no fair way for us to assess the balance.

The following assessment was given in 1969 in a magazine inter­view by Dr. Alexander H. Flax, then IDA's vice-president for research and presently president of IDA: "'We don't expect to divert the forces of IDA into civilian prOjects. That would be inap· propriate. ' Nor will the think. tank cultivate more basic research. 'That is not IDA's cup of tea,' said Flax ••• 'I doubt this year if funding from other than DOD will get up to $1 million,' said flax. The Institute's overall budget is about $13 million a year. • Probably, in the future, we'll have greater flexibility in leeking out new horizons,' Flax added. But those horizons do

not presently encompass a time when civilian work will outweigh IDA' e military oommitment. n (scientific Research, 8/18/69, p. 29 ff.)

In the fall of 1971, Professor Watson gave a seminar in Berkeley (at the Rad Lab) on the results of the Jason summer study project that he had JUBt finished work­ing on. This Was an overall re­view of the national research and development work in the field of lasers. watson reviewed for his audience the academic and industrial areas of interest 1n laser research oovered in the unclassified part of the Jason report. His figures indicate4, however, that of the government's $100 million annual outlay for laser work 90% was directed to military projects. Watson co~ld not discuss the military part of Jason's report because it is all classified.

Aocording to IDA's 1970 report, 90 % of their gov~rnment income comes from the Department of Defense.


~hm~Tf?r 2. JiHion Pf?o~lf?

Jason people are "insiders". They have access to secret infor­mation from many government offices and they expect their advice to be at least seriously considered, if not followed, by top-level policy-makers. Those who engage in criticism of government policies without the benefit of such inside access are termed "outsiders". SESPA people are outsiders, along with plenty of other people.

When a debate arises between insiders and outsiders, invariably the argument is used that only the insiders xnow the true facts and that therefore the outsiders' positions should not be taken seriously.

In our efforts to learn as much as possible about the work of Jason, we have not only gone over various published sources of information, but we also per­sonally interviewed as many Jason people as we could find locally. What we learned was hardly any­thing new and concrete about Jason projects (the interviewees were very secretive about anything that might conceivably be classi­fied information), but a great deal about the attitudes and perspectives these men hold toward their service to the gov­ernment and the military.

In May, June and July, 1972, several Berkeley SESPA people arranged interviews with U.C. physics Professors Kenneth Watson and Charles Townes, molecular biology and physics Professor Donald Glaser, and Princeton physics Professor Marvin Gold­berger, who was visiting in Berkeley; Professor Luis


Alvarez (Berkeley physics) would not agree to a meeting but did engage in some individual con­versations; Stanford physics Professor Sidney Drell was con­fronted with some questions during an October visit to this campus. The following is a summary of these encounters.

KENNETH WATSON (Professor of Physics,

UC, Berkeley)

Watson was one of the group that founded Jason in 1959. At first they were thinking of forming their own private con­sulting company, but they finally decided to let IDA be their bus­iness manager; this avoided the problem of profits (taxes). There is usually a 6-week summer study session and then a couple of long weekend meetings during the school year. Government people corne and outline problems they would like Jason to solve. Most of the work is for the De­fense Department. The purpose of Jason is to supply purely technical information for the government; it is non-political. Jason has never taken a position on any subject, as an organization: We are just a group of individuals.

When asked what projects Jason had worked on, he would consis­tently refuse to comment on any specifics, because of official secrecy of their work. He would even refuse to comment on those things about Jason which have already appeared in public (through the Pentagon Papers).

As to his personal attitude about the military, he said that since it is an $80 billion budget he couldn't make a blanket statement. When pressed to give some averaged evaluation, he said, "If I felt very strongly against [the military], I wouldn't


be in Jason. It's a thousand­dimensional space. It's much more complicated than to give a ' simple answer to such a compli­cated question."

At a faculty meeting during the time of the Cambodian invasion, 1970, watson was heard to comment, "Why is everyone getting so upset about such a little war?U

It is generally believed that watson is heavily involved in military-related outside consulting work beyond Jason, but no detailed information on this 'is available.

During our interview he said that there was often a close continuity between the problems he worked on for Jason and the pure research he carried out in the Uni vel's! ty, and he pointed out that therefore there was often no clear-cut separation between the time he spent on one thing and the time he spept on the other.


CHARLES TOWNES (Professor of Physics,

UC, Berkeley. Nobel Prize, 1964, for work leadinq to invention of the maser and the laser.)

Townes is undoubtedly the most involved and the mast in­fluential of the science advisers we have spoken witb. In addition to his original and continuing association with Jason and IDA, he has served on PSAC and on special advisory committees for the President, bas consulted for the ABC and the State Department, planned NASA policy, and helps direct affairs of the National Academy of Sciences. He also accepted a position as chairman of a new top-level soience ad­visory committee for General Motors Corporation.

As vice-president for research of IDA, Townes helped. set up the entire IDA service, as well as its Jason division. Be felt that the in-group of soientists who had been influential in the government during World War II were getting rather old and some new blood was needed, so Jason was formed, wi t.h some of the country's best young physi­cists, in the expectation that they could have an influence from inside the government.


In an earlier discussion, Townes described the government science advising business gene­rally. He said that there was a good deal of incest, in that people with the most experience would be re-used; and there was a prac­~ise of br~n~ing younger people 1nto subs1d1ary committees where they could learn by experience how to handle things, then grad­ually move up if their performance was found satisfactory. He listed the criteria as: talent, objec­tivity and willingness to work· it is also ba~ic that the advi~er accept the idea that he works privately for the agency or the person whom he is advising, com­plete secrecy is required even though the scientific recommen­dations given are often not followed. He stated that the human element -- the personal relations between the adviser and the advisee -- is very im­portant to the success of the advising process; yet he con­tinually stressed that the advising was strictly objective, non-po­litical, and related only to technical evaluations. He measured the success of IDA and Jason by the fact that several of its people were advanced to serve on PSAC.

Regarding Jason's major work on questions o~ strategic weapons, Townes saw the1r role as working effectively between the two rivals: the Defense Department and the State Department. Defense, concerned primarily with the security of the U.S., was usually in favor of more weapons; State, concerned with keeping o~her countries happy, was more 1nterested in arms control. Jason's job was to transfer information between the two while making both parties feel that you were helpful to them.


Townes was involved in Vietnam war issues more through PSAC than through Jason. He claims that the Jason 1966 report re­commending an end to the bombing of North Vietnam was not followed by the Administration because it had certain flaws -- some of the statements in that report came "from the depth of the heart" ra-ther than from objective analysis PSAC later did another study of . this same problem and was more , careful in its evaluation of the \ effectiveness of the bombing. Their report was delivered to President Johnson just a few months before the bombing was stopped (1968). When asked what he thought about Nixon's present bombing campaign in North Vietnam Townes replied that the situation' is different now and he is not in close touch with all the facts. His personal feeling is that he is against the bombing, but he would not make a public statement against Nixon's bombing policy because he is not well informed technically.

Philosophizing broadly, Townes said he thought the world would be better off if we didn't have military establishments; but, since this is not the way the world is, since we don't like to be kicked around, we do need a military.

Townes spoke about his feelings regarding the use of laser-guided bombs in Vietnam. His original I research led to the invention of the laser, although he states , that he has not had anything to do with laser·-guided bombs. He would like to see the U.S. get out of Vietnam or arrange a truce. But this has not happened, and one has to accept the fact that a bombing policy is in effect. Laser-guided bombs allow one to pinpoint on the target rather than scattering bombs allover the countryside. Thus, although

it is a difficult decision, Townes felt that laser-guided bombs were a good and humane contribution.

In his office, on campus, Townes has a heavy steel file cabinet with a dial-combination safe lock. The nameplate r~ads, "General Services Administration Approved Security Container, Mosler" • Another sticker reads, "Institute for ·Defense Analyses - IDA #1998; P.O. 14425". Another notice on the safe asks that anyone discovering this cabinet to be open should immediately contact Townes, giving his home address and phone number. Townes told us he thinks it is important to have a classified safe here on campus so that he can work with classified documents. In this way, he explained, the Uni­versity makes useful contributions to the government.

DONALD GLASER (Professor of Physics

and Molecular Biology, UC, Berkeley. Nobel Prize, 1960, for the invention of the bubble chamber.)

Glaser joined Jason about 1960; there were ten or fifteen members at that time, and he was recruited by Ken Watson. He joined because ~e wanted to be more effective in helping the government; also, ~rough IDA they could be paid ligher consulting fees than the ;overnment was allowed to pay jirectly. An important motivation for scientists participating in Jason was the view that the Pen­tagon was often irresponsible in ?roposing large new weapons sys­tems that would be very wasteful ~f money and/or would escalate the arms race, and Jason could hope to argue convincingly against such programs. Jason had extremely nigh levels of clearance to gov­~rnment information: Top Secret is a low level of clearance.

Among Jason members there were a variety of political points of view, and one could also see considerable changes in individual political outlooks over the years, according to Glaser. He admits that politics was not a small and incidental part of their considerations, and at various stages social and political scientists, economists, and others joined the conversations in an attempt to balance as many of the recognized factors in decision-making as they could deal with.

Glaser himself took part in the Jason 1966 summer study ana­lysing the effectiveness of the U.S. bombing in North Vietnam. Their report, which recommended a halt in the bombing, was greeted with favor by McNamara, but President Johnson did not follow that advice. In such cases when Jason's advice was not taken, Glaser explained, the government felt that "non-technical factors" deserved overriding consideration. In a more relaxed moment he ex­pressed his feeling, "I now think it was a con job -- they used us technically but didn't listen to us." Since that time (1966), Glaser stated, he has not par­ticipated in Jason activities, but he has not officially resigned because he would like to maintain his security clearance in case he should want to return to gov­ernment service.

His general evaluation of his Jason work is as follows: Smart scientists make better weapons than dumb ones. If you prune

. out some bad projects, you definitely help the government: Jason was able to help both the military and civilian parts of the government. Regarding the political implications of helping the military, Glaser felt that the military has a legitimate role and it is better


if that role is done well. He is not in favor of enormous nuclear overkill but he is in favor of effective weapons serving purposes such as those in World War II, th~ defense of western Europe after that wa~, blocking nuclear missiles from Cuba, .and supplying fighter planes to Israel. He disagrees with u. s. policies in Vietnam and in Greece but ' overall be supports the idea that the u.s. carries a responsibility for development of much of the world.

His current scientific research is in bacterial genetics. This could very well lead to same form of biological warfare but you can't foresee the applications of science. You need the govern­ment to control this. Certainly science can be used for dangerous purposes. On the whole, as Glaser saw it, our society is successful, people don't want revolution. And it is necessary that we con­stantly improve our weapons to be prepared to defend ourselves aqainst the next Hitler. When asked if the next Hitler might arise in America, he expressed confidence that it would more likely be in China or Bussia.


MARVIN GOLDBERGER (Professor of Physics, Princeton University)

Goldberger was chairman of Jason's steering committee from 1959 through 1966. Be was appointed to PSAC in 1965 and his last full-time participation with Jason was the summer study of 1967. He is at present not a member but is an A~visor to the steering committee. While chair­man, he had a major responsibility for ohoosing topics of Jason summer study programs, including the 1966 study ana report on the Vietnam war. Jason had been COD­cerned about the war in Southeast Asia for a number of years and had an infot'mal study group during the summer of 1964. Prior to 1966, however, there was no actual in­volvement in speoific war-related areas. By mid·1965, Goldberger himself was becoming disillusioned about the u. S • involvement in the war. In early 1966, the steering committee decided that Jason should become involved more deeply and joined forces with the "Charles River Gang" (Kaysen, Kistiakowsky, Wiesner and . Zacha~ias) who had independently proposed an involvement by the scientific community. The com~ bined group met for three weeks briefing on the war at-Wellesley and two major study areas were identified: (1) An analysis of the effectiveness of the bombing

of North Vietnam, and (2) The feasibility of construction of an anti-infiltration barrier, an idea originally suggested by Roger Fisher. It was this latter topic that was pursued by the true Jason group at Santa Barbara. The whole effort was attributed to Jason, but this is incorrect.

Goldberger regarded the barrier project as a serious attempt to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The bombing campaign was a fail­ure and a military victory by ground forces was impossible. By this time, Goldberger regarded the U.S. role in the war as completely immoral and was trying in some realistic way to work towards U.S. withdrawal.

With regard to the part of the study dealing with the air war, Goldberger stated that the con­clusions reached were obvious at the outset. It simply was an ineffective method, militarily, of achieving the military ob­jective of cutting off the flow of men and materiel. The problem was the reluctance on the part of the military to give it up. Even if it contributed I or 2% effectiveness to the total war effort, the military saw it as worthwhile.

Goldberger saw the barrier idea as something that could be substituted for the air war which would drastically reduce civi­lian casualties and which might lower the overall temperature of the war. McNamara like the idea and in the wake of the Jason report, set up a large project in the Pentagon to develop and implement it. The Current electronic battlefield is a much more sophisticated eVolution from the Jason barrier Concept. The original Jason Outline used only "state of the art" devices consisting of

existing mines, sensors, and anti-truck, anti-personnel weapons designed to be deployed in the shortest possible time. The idea was to block the truck supply routes and to make travel over the Ho Chi Minh trail sys­tem sufficiently hazardous to slow down infiltration.

Goldberger and others hoped that the barrier, if successful, would lead to some sort of reasonable resolution of the war. This might take various forms, one of which would have been the withdrawal of U.S. ground forces either totally or into enclaves around the populated areas but disengaged from offen­sive actions with a reduction of the fighting to a level that it would be reported only on page 34 of the New York Times. That is, barring a political solution, the war might just peter out.

With regard to the Jason group more generally, Goldberger fe~ls that overall it is a good thing. Since it is unfortunately necessary for the U.S. to main­tain a defense establishment to deter strategic wars, we should have the benefit of the best technical advice. In addition, it is valuable to have an im­partial critical group familiar with defense problems to counter­balance technically absurd mili­tary proposals. Jason members are and have been the most effective and vocal opponents of the Safeguard ABM system and their credentials have made their opposition credible. (However, when asked about their failure to stop the U.S. deployment of MIRV - the multiple warhead nuclear missile - Goldberger said, "It (our advising) is a one percent effect; we're not very important.") The group is currently involved in projects on behalf of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well as in many other unclassified

civilian activities (such as air traffic control).

Goldberger is currently not working for the government except as a consultant to the Arms Con­trol and Disarmament Agency. He and many others would probably be willing (and in some cases anxious) to return to Washington if McGovern were elected. He said that working at high levels of the government is "very seduc­tive" in many ways. But it is often much harder to try to work constructively within the system than to be an outside critic. Good people are needed for both jobs.

LUIS ALVAREZ (Professor of Physics, U.C. Ber-keley; Nobel Prize, 1968, for contributions to elementary par­ticle physics)

Alvarez has repeatedly refused to meet with SESPA people to dis­cuss his involvement with Jason, although he has engaged in con­versations with three of us individually. He states that his position in Jason is as one of the eight-man group of "Jason Advisors", along with Herbert York, W.K.H. Panofsky and Marvin Goldberger. Alvarez feels that Jason is a young man's organiza­tion and he can help it best by keeping in touch with their activities and offering advice based upon his World War II experiences.


He has acknowledged his contribution to the development of "star-light viewing devices" that have been widely used by the u.s. military in Vietnam. As a member of a government a~vi~ory committee in the early s1xt1es, he urged the govern­ment to push the development of this technology because he saw that it would be an impor­tant weapon to use against guerrilla soldiers, who often use the night-time darkness to cover their movements.

President Nixon has recently appointed Alvarez to serve on PSAC.

When SESPA started compiling its material on Jason for this publication, we wrote to each of the above five Jason professors, saying, "Enclosed is a draft ver­sion of our summary of discussions that were held with you. We in­vite you to comment on this draft; and we would be interested in any additions or corrections that you think should be made to this draft."

From Professors Alvarez, Glaser and Goldberger we received coop­erative replies; and a number of their comments have been incor­porated into the final versions we have presented.

From Professor Watson, we have received the following letter (dated October 10,1972):

"This is in reply to your re­quest for comments on your SESPA report following our conversation. This report contains several misrepresentations and/or quota­tions out of context. More sig­nificantly, it violates the con­ditions under which I agreed to meet with SESPA, which were that I would listen and you people would talk.

You do not have my permission to issue this report of our con­versation.

Sincerely yours,

Kenneth M. Watson"

From Professor Townes, we received the following letter (dated October 6, 1972):

III am replying to your note of September 29 enclosing a statement which you say is a summary of discussions held with me and you are considering pub­lishing. The whole statement is so different in fact and in mean­ing from my information and from views I expressed that I find it difficult to see how it can be adequately corrected. Relatively few sentences in the statement are free of some sub­stantial error or misrepresen­tation. You do not have my per­mission to publish such a mis­representation. In addition to ethical issues, a publication of this type would raise serious questions of damage to academic freedom and of libel.


Charles H. Townes"

Many SESPA members were delighted with this response. ("Great. If he wants to sue us for libel, then we can get more discussion of this whole business in open court.") However, in an attempt at accommodation, a second letter ~as sent to these professors, urging them to point out in detail any portions of our material which they thought ~ere inaccurate. Townes' reply was a reiteration of his earlier position: condemning the entire piece and "strongly request (ing)" that we do not


ealitOt'Ttm Sbote UnjVf~r~itv. FutfP.n-< .­attribute these views and state-ments to him; but he did not cite even one example of any-thing in our summary that he objected to. Watson has not replied at all.

MURRAY GELL-MANN (Professor of Physics at Cal. Te~h. Gell-Mann is presently a member of PSAC. Nobel Prize, 1969, for contributions to the theory of elementary particles.)

In 1970, the Student Mobiliza­tion Committee published a set of secret minutes it had obtained on a 1967 Jason seminar on problems of counter-insurgency. The reg­ular Jasonite participating was Dr. Murray Gell-Mann and the main thrust was to find ways of getting social scientists usefully in­volved in solving problems of interest to the military. Selected quotes:

"Gell-Mann: Can we find out what effect increasing police density or ear cutting, or other negatives have on villager attitudes?"

"The assembled experts also oc­casionally strayed to the subject of whether a Jason social science (SS) division was necessary or


possible." ... "A Jason S.S. group could focus on domestic as well as foreign countries. M. Gell-Mann suggested a focus on third (world) countries." •••

"Gell-Mann: The Jason idea has these advantages:

1) Jasons have a choice of problems.

2) The government has the use of their time.

3) They choose their own col­leagues.

4) They can affiliate with agencies more readily.

5) The Jason prestige helps corruption and makes S.S. available to necessary tasks."

"Gell-Mann: There are appeals: congenial group, money, interesting problems -- like the existence of Thai communists."

Gell-Mann has recently become involved in the ecology movement: "We can see a need for humane rationality and, in some cases, an opportunity for scientists to participate ••• " (Physics Today, May, 1971). One question put to Gell-Mann in his Paris confron­tation was: "How could he be interested in the preservation of the American countryside from pollution by highways, without worrying about some 20 million bomb craters that pit the Vietnamese earth?" (Le Monde, 6/15/72).

There is a story, widely cir­culated among physicists, that at some time several years ago Gell-Mann made a personal visit to Vietnam to study u.s. military problems there first-hand.

SIDNEY DRELL (Professor of Physics at Stanford, and Deputy Director of Stanford's Linear Accelerator.)

On October 2, 1972, Drell visited Berkeley and gave a physics lecture at the Radiation Laboratory. Several SESPA people wanted to question him about his Jason work and, after his plan­ned lecture, he stayed to defend his work for the government. The Daily Californian reported the discussion with SESPA as follows:

"SESPA: I am very concerned with the role of science and its ef­fect on warfare. Science helps the warfare. Science helps the war go on. How do you feel about the structure of science and the Vietnam War? Do you contribute to the electronic battlefield?

Drell: The organization I work for - Jason - is accused of this and that. Jason is a very secre­tive organization. I know very little about it. Since I've been in Washington, I've seen the government do things I like and things I dislike. We need to have critics not just on the outside, but on the inside too.

SESPA: What do you work on exac­tly?

Orell: I don't feel obligated to tell you. Look at the record though. If one has any confidence in one's government, one must do something, I think.

SESPA: There's a problem though: there is no record of what you do in Jason. Oh, excuse me, there is about a one percent record.

It's nice to say, Sid (Orell), that the responsibility rests with the President, but that's not all true. We have to ask about our scientists who advise the Presi­dent ~about the Vietnam War).

orell: There's a system in which all scientists are involved: some are on the outside; some are on the inside. I am on the inside, and you and other scientists are on the outside. I like this sys­tem of critics in and out of the government.

SESPA: Explain why you feel you must support Nixon.

Orell: Mr. Nixon is our President, and I wiIl do anything, within reason, to support him. Take, for example, the SALT talks.

SESPA: The SALT talks aren't really the point. When you say 'support the President' does that mean you'd kill Vietnamese?

Drell: Oh, Charley, why don't you debate someone else? I thought this would be serious."

Earlier, we told of the 1968 trip of Garwin and Kendall (two Jason people) to vietnam, ap­parently to work on the imple­mentation of the electronic battlefield system. A private source has informed us that Ken­dall, upon his return from that trip, stopped off at Stanford and had a long discussion with

Orell on these problems. (Orell at this time was on PSAC.) SESPA asked Orell to comment on this report. He would neither confirm nor deny that he had met with Kendall on that occasion. He stated only that he had con­ferred many times with Kendall on many topics. When pressed to be more spec:i.fic, Orell finally admitted that he was "not totally ignorant" of the episode in ques­tion, but he refused to talk to SESPA about it.

While Gell-Mann was being confronted by young scientists in Paris last summer over his Jason work, Orell had similar experiences in Rome and in Corsica. As reported in Physics Today (Oct. 1972, p. 63), "Orell was asked to denounce his partici­pation in Jason and to condemn publicly 'American war crimes.' Orell refused, offering instead to discuss Jason with the students any time after giving his first physics lecture. This offer was rejected, and then Orell asked those who wanted him to start lecturing to stand. Only about five students rose, and Maurice Levy, director of the institute, said that if Orell could not talk the school would terminate." And so it did.


The current Chairman of the Jason group is Professor Harold Lewis Professor of Physics at U.C. Santa Barbara. On Septem­ber 28, 1972, SESPA wrote to Dr. Lewis asking if he could supply an up-to-date list of the people who are part of the Jason group. The best previous source we had was a list of Jason members (43) published in 1970 by NAC~, and we asked Lewis if he would at least indicate what corrections should be applied to up-date that information. His reply follows:




------------------------------- !~l'~ -----------BEIUtELEY • DAVIS' IR\"tNE • LOS ANCELES • RI\'EllSIDE • SAN DIEGO' SAN FllANCISCO I ~ :1;', ." '; SANTA BAlUIAJIA • IANTA CRUZ

~~~! ~/

Dr. Charles Schwartz Department of Physics University of California Berkele.y, California 94720

Dear Charlie:



october 4, 1972

Were it not that hard experience has taught me the consequences of the release of people's names, I would have no objection whatever to correcting your list (the number of correct names on it exceeds the number of incorrect ones, but the preponderance is by no means overwhelming). Unfortunately, however, SESPA has compiled a miserable record, especially in New York, in its disregard for both truth and for minimal standards of human decency. When the personal harassment of individuals reaches the point at which a family receives anonymous phone calls threatening the lives of the children, I think that you and other honest people ought to seriously consider the Pandora's box you have opened by giving this harassment some legitimacy. You have no monopoly on outrage about the war in Vietnam, and history shows us what happens to a movement when it provides a haven for thugs. Gresham's law is applicable.

SESPA often asks people whether they are concerned about the uses to which their work will be put, and I ask you the s~e question with regard to lists of names.

I really regret having to write such a negative letter, because I know that you and I could discuss the issues (fewer than you probably think) on which we differ in substance. The world has been making grudging and halting progress toward peace, and SESPA is more of a hindrance than a help.

Best regards,

/h'(' H. W. Lewis


Our response to Lewis' refusal to make public the membership of Jason is reproduced below:


Dr. B. W. Lewis Department of Physics University of California


November 30, 1972

Santa Barbara, California 93106

Dear Dr. Lewis,

As justification for refusing to help us up-date our list of Jason members, you cite alleged phone threats against a physicist whom SESPA had exposed. We find it absurd to compare these actions on the part of a few frustrated and powerless people to the bombing, burning, maiming and killing of millions of Asian people, which has "been deliberately facilitated by the privileged Jason scientists who hide behind a veil of "scientific objectivity" and military secrecy.

You ask us to think about the consequences of making the work of Jason public knowledge. This we have done. SESPA is in favor of democracy; of public officials, including science advisors, who can be held accountable and responsible for their actions by the American public, whom they supposedly serve. A prerequisite for this is an informed and alert populace. Our aim, then, in publishing this information, is to aid in the process of accountability through normal political channels.

SESPA does not advocate threats against individuals. On the contrary, it is the arrogant and anti-democratic withholding of knowledge and power from citizens which may frustrate some to the point of desperate acts.

As for your comments on the prospects for world peace, the facts are clear. SESPA and SESPA members have been leaders in the active opposition to the war in South-East Asia, and the policies which engendered that war. In stark contrast, Jason scientists have been instrumental in providing the genocidal technology required for prosecuting the un-ending war in South-East Asia. While many of them, today, publicly profess to be against the war, they continue to contribute their scientific talents to the military.

In the last analysis, the difference between you and ourselves is a basic political difference. You seem to believe that world peace can be brought about only by the secretive manipulations of "Nixon, Kissinger and Jason scientists. We believe that it is the right, and indeed, the obligation, of the American people, working with the people of other nations, to bring about peace and justice in the world.

Science For The peo!~'~ ~ ~~Charles Schwartz ~



f························· ...... · .. ···•············· • • • • I ! i • : • t • • • • • : • • I • I I •

! • • • • • • • • •


Columbia University

NOlLma.n ChlL.i~:t HenlLy Foley

R.ic.ha.lLd Ga.lLw.in* Leon LedelLma.n

Ma.!v.in RudelLma.n

Calif. Institute of Technology

MUILILa.y Ge!l-Ma.nn* FlLedelL.ic.k Za.c.ha.IL.ia.~en

GeolLg e Zwe.ig

University of Chicago

RobelL:t GomelL S. CoulL:tna.y WIL.igh:t

New York University

Jo~eph Kel!elL

University of Rochester

E!!.io:t:t Mon:tlLoll

NASA, Houston

Jo~eph Cha.mbelL!a..in

Stanford University

S.idney VlLe!l* Wol~ga.ng Pa.no~~ky*

A!len Pe.:telL~on

):\1. I. T.

HenlLy Kenda.l! S:teven We.inbelLg

Harvard University

GeolLg e K.i~:t.ia.kow~ky*

Rockefeller University

Kenne:th Ca.~e

National Bureau of Standards

Lew.i~ BILa.nhc.omb*


RobelL:t Lelev.ielL

.................................................... 30

........................................ ' ... ~ ......... ~ .... ~ ..... ~ ..


Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Studies Roge~ Va~hen F~eeman Vy~on Val Fi~ch· Edwa~d F~ieman

Sam T~eiman John Wheele~ Eugene Wigne~

Ma~vin Goldbe~ge~·

U.C. Santa Barbara Vavid Caldwell Ha~old Lewi~

U.C. No~man K~oll

William Nie~enbe~g

San Diego

U.C. Berkeley Lui~ Alva~ez· Vonald Gla~e~ Cha~le~ Towne~· Kenne~h Wa~~on

U.C. Santa Cruz Ma~~hew Sand~

Wal~e~ Munk He~be~~ Yo~k.·

I • indica~e~ ~omeone who ha~ al~o ~e~ved on PSAC)

Basic source: List of Jason members published in "The University-Mi1itary-Po1ice Complex: A Directory and Related Documents", published, 1970, by the North American Congress on Latin America, Inc., NACLA, P.O. Box 226, Berkeley, Ca. 94701. We have updated the locations of several people and added two names (Christ and Lederman: given in PHYSICS TODAY, 10/72, p. 63). Four names have been removed from the 1970 list: one person (Christofi1os) is deceased; three persons (Bjorken, B1ankenbecler and Sa1peter) are no longer members, according to private information we have received •


• : • • •

I 1 i

• • :



A number of Jason scientists also involve themselves in the interaction of science with politics through non-governmental organizations. Drell, Goldberger, Glaser and Townes are all leading figures in the Federation of Ameri­can Scientists (FAS), a 26-year old group of liberal, establish­ment scientists which tries to influence government policies on weapons development through Congressional lobbying.

In a recent mailing, FAS Chair­man Goldberger asks scientists to "join with us in asking the Ad­ministration for a full account­ing of past and present Executive Branch actions" concerning work on ''leather-modification in Viet­nam and elsewhere. We can whole­heartedly agree with Goldberger that, "American pioneering in the use of weather modification as a weapon of war is, all in all, an intolerable misuse of science." SESPA would ask FAS whether they also judge American pioneering in the use of the automated battlefield to be an intolerable misuse of science, and whether the many former (and current) Jason and PSAC people in the FAS should be expected to cooperate in a "full disclosure" of these and other weapons they have studied for the military.

Certainly not all Jasons agree with FAS politics. Kenneth Watson was identified (by Senator Fulbright during Senate subcommittee hearings in 1969) as a member of the right-wing American Security Council.





4,1 00 ,000+

Mostly, the work, and even the existence, of Jason has been shielded from public view. Most scientists who know of their col­leagues' association with Jason take an attitude of "each is free to do as he pleases." The first student protest against IDA occur­red in 1967, at Princeton Univer­sity, which hosts IDA's communica­tions research facility. Since that time, the SMC publication (1970) and the Pentagon Papers (1971) have done much to increase our awareness of Jason's work.

Since last spring, the SESPA group at Columbia University in New York has been conducting a campaign around the five Columbia physics faculty members who work for Jason. SESPA has picketed and distributed informational leaflets not only at the campus physics building but also at the homes of some of the individual professors.

On April 24, 1972, a group including professors from twenty colleges and universities in the New York area joined with SESPA people and other Columbia students and supporters to occupy the physics building at Columbia for four days. This non-violent act of civil disobedience was "a pro­test against the intensification of the air war in Indochina and the participation of physics professors at Columbia in the activities of the Jason Division of I.D.A." (Physics Today, cited above; see also SESPA magazine Science for the People, Sept. 1972, p: 36.)





~hm~t61r ~.

UJh~ Th61~ []o It There is nothing new about

great scientists working at new weapons: Archimedes, Leonardo, Kelvin all served their princely masters well in warfare. In our time this service has become endemic, with regiments of sci­entists in every advanced nation working at new generations of weapons. And it should not be thought that these scientists work only at the instigation of the military; quite the contrary, the most novel weapons can not be anticipated by non-scientists and are often resisted by a con­servative majority of career soldiers. The atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb, intercontinental missiles, nuclear submarines, chemical and biological agents, the automated battlefield -- all of these had, and needed, first­rate scientists to champion them, not just to supply them to the Pentagon's order.

It is tempting to classify scientists, as other people concerned with political and military affairs, according to the labels Hawk and Dove. Indeed there are a number of scientists who show extreme xenophobia or bellicose anti­communism, and may fairly be called hawks. Such was the late John von Neumann, and such, of course, is Edward Teller. But doves have been responsible for Some of the most lethal innova­tions in modern warfare. One thinks of the gentle and socially conscious J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Many of the Jason people fall in the second group. Some of them will speak clearly against the Vietnam war; a number of

them have done so publicly. Some of them have given Congres­sional testimony critical of some Pentagon project. Some of them have done good work on some environmental problems. They are all creative scientists and often admired teachers. In the interviews they commonly expressed concern about working for the good of humanity, and hope that Jason gave them a way to do so.

We detect several main types of justification for their work for the Pentagon.

I. THE MODEST COVER-UP: Jason's work must be harmless because the government so often does not follow their advice.

This argument is belied by (for one) Dr. John Foster, the chief scientist for the Depart­ment of Defense, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, May 14, 1969 (p. 1782).

"I hope you will not be misled by those who suggest that DOD's academic research represents a sort of 'sandbox for scholars,' irrelevant to Defense missions, unproductive technically, and, worst of all, inimic"al to the best interests of universities. The facts are quite different, and the historical record shows how authentically important aca­demic research has been in serving national security.

"How have universities assis­ted in preserving the national security? It is not just the significant research results that have been produced, nor just the advanced training of thousands of students in tech­nical areas central to defense, nor even the ability of scarce specialists who consult with you

and us on the Nation's most cri­tical defense problems. It is more fundamental. It is the great national advantage we pos-· sess because we are able to bring together essentially independent and well-informed people -- from government, industry, and univer­sities -- over long periods for voluntary work on our tough problems. This is the core of our capacity for technical superiority. "

Although many liberal academic scientists, even government ad­visers, find themselves opposed to Dr. Foster on numerous issues, they understand and cultivate his crucial role in maintaining a high level of government support for academic research. The quid­pro-quo by which "independent" academic scientists serve the federal government and the gov­ernment generously pays for the kind of abstract research that the scientists enjoy conducting on their campuses is relatively subtle and indirect. This bene­volent arrangement is implied in Foster's testimony (this is what that word "independent" boils down to); it is more frankly spelled out in this letter, dated February 26, 1964, from the Army Office of Research and Development to the chairman of the Department of Physics at

Jason's 1966 plan for Vietnam: "20 million Gravel mines per month; possibly 25 million button bomblets per month; 10,000 SADEYE­BLU-26B clusters per month; 1600 acoustic sensors per month," along with assorted aircraft to mine, monitor and attack over an area of many hundreds of square miles.

Columbia University (copy supplied by N.Y. Regional Anti-War Faculty and Students):

"Any outright statement as to our ability to support specific work at the University is, of course, not possible. Neverthe­less, the possibility exists that from time to time we may be able to directly support an effort or to assist the University in getting support from other Army agencies. To this extent then the assistance we request need not be a unilateral arrangement."

The modest writing off of Jason's war advising does not carry conviction. Granted that Jason members' advice is not always followed, still it is clear that it is highly valued and it is sometimes followed, with far-reaching consequences; and it is even clearer that it is intended to be followed.

A more realistic defense of scientific consulting through Jason is

2, THE COUNTERBALANCE THEORY, which in its more extreme form might be called the boring-from­within theory. Jason people claim to moderate the excesses of the military by providing a liberal outlook, and by their independent perspective, free of vested interest in projects pro­posed by particular government agencies.

One aspect of this concerns the few occasions on which these informed "insiders" take issue publicly with some government policy. Most often mentioned are the names of Bethe, Garwin, York and Panofsky who were prominent ~n the public debate over the ABM (anti-ballistic missile system) in 1968-69.

The case of Richard Garwin is particularly interesting in this

connection. At age 44, he is one of the younger stars of the gov­ernment scientific advisory sys­tem, having extensive service with Jason and PSAC while a pro­fessor of physics at Columbia University and director of the affiliated IBM Watson Laboratory. Alvarez described Garwin as one of the brightest and most know­ledgeable people in the advising business, an opinion which seems to be widely shared. Several Jasons have pointed out that Garwin was appointed to a second term on PSAC even after he had published (with Bethe) the famous article in Scientific American which publicly criticized the Pentagon's plans for the ABM system. This is offered as proof that Jason and PSAC people retain their independence.

A second story about Garwin concerns the SST (super-sonic transport airplane). Apparently, he knew of a secret PSAC report which was critical of the govern­ment's plans for the SST; by leak­ing information to some Congress­men, Garwin eventually forced the White House to release the report.

\ihat interests us particularly about Garwin is the fact that it was his name which came up most consistently in our research on the development of the automated battlefield. Garwin was placed on Jason's steering committee in 1967; he was the leader of the 1968 (Tet) scientist group visit­ing Vietnam, and he was later identified as one of the members of the scientific advisory commit­tee to the DCPG (1970).

On the basis of this meagre evi­dence alone we could conclude that Garwin's secret service for the Pentagon and for the White House has been so rewarding to them that they are willing to tolerate his occasional public deviations.

In any case, the "insider" style

of criticism appears to be limited to means rather than ends. There is no evidence that Jasons advised, say, that the U.S. start abiding by the Geneva Agreement of 1954, or even that it abstain from any of the cruelest excesses of the war. Jason's counsel to stop the bombing of the North was on the basis that it wasn't working, not on the basis that it was better for Vietnamese to live than to die. The objectives of the mili­tary effort were not open to question in the mind of the Pentagon, who was paying for the advice. Jason seems to have accepted this definition of the bargain. Not whether to suppress guerrillas in Thailand, but only how.

Indeed, many scientists argue that their professional role is to answer scientific questions, and only as citizens can they influence policy. Though the Jason scientists did not rely on this argument, it is more in tune with the "neutral technician" role they se~ to take: using their objectivity and perspective on the military endeavor, not to influence what it is doing' but to help the military do w atever it is doing better.

Now we see a still more con­vincing explanation for working in Jason:


The government should act on the basis of the best available information. If Jason didn't offer scientific advice, someone else, less competent, would. "Smart scientists make better weapons than dumb ones."

Now there is no doubt that both the scientific excellence of these top advisors and their relative objectivity can help the earnest McNamaras and their generals to accomplish their ob-


jectives better. If we agree, and many of the Jasons do, that those objectives have been noxious, then this would seem a strange reason to justify their service to them! More explanation is required.

3A, THE PLEA OF IGNORANCE, or, we didn't know it was loaded. Perhaps Jason members assumed through the early years of their involvement that the American presence in Vietnam was benign? After all, politics is not their field. Indeed, in some of them, we detect a certain alacrity to excuse (even exaggerate?) their own political naivete.

This seems a mere pose -- and one which they do not sustain, for at other moments they concede that pol~tics is of the essence. By 1966, they had available to them the writings of Jean La­couture, Bernard Fall, and David Halberstam, as the rest of us did, and in addition they had all the secret reports which we could see only in tendentiously censored versions. They could get the true story of Ngo Dinh Diem's "installation in power, of his Strategic Hamlet program, of his overthrow, of the activities of the CIA -- things which the public learned only later, after much effort.

We may agree that Jason politics were somewhat weak, in that knowing what was going on in Indochina they abetted it. But it would be embarrassing for these highly skilled scientists, with access to so much information, to claim that their politics are so weak that they did not know what was going on in Indochina!

There is no need for us to belabor the plea of ignorance because they do not make much of it. Even Donald Glaser, who is not pleased with the use the


government made of his Jason work in 1966 and does not report having done any since, seems perfectly sanguine about offering his services to the Pentagon in the future and taking his chances on the consequences.

This is an instance of

3B. THE POSITIVE-INTEGRAL THEORY. This concedes that something went awry somehow in Vietnam but maintains that this is more than offset by all the good the u.S. military is doing elsewhere -- in Europe and the Mid-East, maybe, or in deterring the Soviet Union, or even (some would say) in Taiwan. Or if you can't manage to cite enough good it's doing now, then throw in the good it may do in the future.

Thus Charles Schwartz des~ribes the underlying assumptions when he worked at IDA (1962):

"Basically the assumptions boiled down to something like this: war is bad and nuclear war is terrible; the U.S. is the major force for good in the world; and communism -- either in the form of Soviet power plays or in the form of scattered guerrilla movements -- represents the major force for evil. Thus all questions of overall purpose were assumed answered."

Now we do not agree that the Vietnam war is a unique lapse from a generally constructive U.S. policy. We do not find the Yankee dollar so much less imper­ialistic in Latin America than in the Far East; we do not see that much less corruption in Chiang Kai-shek's government than in Ngo Dinh Diem's; we do not see any reason to expect Nixon to fight his next war any more altruistically or mercifully than the one ' in Indochina (though he will certainly try to fight it more successfully).

But even if the Jason doves re.gard the Vietnam war as an ~erration, their appeal to the ~sit~ve-integra1 theory puts them ~n a peculiar position.

: is as if they witnessed inex­~sab1e police brutality, and l('lstead of exposing it, joined ,«'. the crime, on the grounds ~at other policemen somewhere ~~e were helping nice old ladies ~oss the street. Non sequitur!

To help the government do ~i1 more effectively is not a ~ to induce it to do good.

Above all, to arm the govern­:nt for counter-insurgency does It strengthen it for defense of berty. Counter-insurgency search is by definition research

how to support unpopular re­mes, on how to subject lightly med populations to the will of avi1y armed minorities. True, pu1ar regimes may need defending

some future war, but the chniques that will be needed 1~ ~e techniques of defending v~l~ans, not of bombing and esett1ing" them. Techniques ve10ped perhaps by the North etnamese -- not by Jason.

We a:e left with a depressing nc1us~on. The liberal physicist s no basis at all to think he doing any good by his eager

rvice to the war machine.

Maybe he doesn't care.

J. Robert Oppenheimer described is amorality frankly: " ... when u see something that is tech­cally sweet you go ahead and it and you argue about what do about it only after you

ve had your technical success. at is the way it was with the Dmic bomb. I do not think ybody opposed making it." The

context is relevant: Oppenheimer was pleading innocent to the charge of having applied moral standards when he later opposed the thermonuclear bomb! But his self-analysis seems incomplete, for he must have had "technically sweet" alternatives open to him in 1939 -- say, astrophysics. If it was not a moral, social objective which made the Manhattan Project seem more important, what then?

It seems clear that it was power. The confirmation that one can raise one's hand and make a city appear -- or make a city disappear, and that is likely to be easier. In short, there is one plausible motive for the Jason dove:

4. BEING WHERE THE ACTION IS. The Kissinger complex. He is attracted by the secrecy, by feeling close to the real center of power, by the gratification of having been admitted, by the size of the appropriations being discussed, by the sense of urgency, by the thrill of making history.


~hi3~t6lr ".

Att[)ul1ti3bil irLJ One comment heard from several

Jason people was that they were men deeply concerned over the possibility of their talents being used for harmful ends. This concern was usually phrased in terms such as, "I have to make the decision, according to my own conscience, of whether I should continue to consult for the govern­ment."

This seems to us to be a wholly inadequate way to put the question. A person's conscience is not formed in a vacuum but needs to be respon­sive to the opinions and desires (and the rights) of others in the community; yet this needed dialogue is prevented from taking place be­cause of the adherence to the sec­recy rules of the military. More important, however, in refuting this criterion of "personal con­science" is the fact that the work done by these scientific advisors has major impact on policies that spell life or death for people all over the world. In such circum­stances, a posture of "I will decide what is best" is enormously arrogant.

In contrast to the Jason's cri­terion of "private conscience" we propose that their work should be evaluated through a process of public accountability. As scien­tists, these men have taken the fruits of all science - past and current - to use in their secret designs for the military establishment: thus they should stand accountable to all scien­tists. As professors at the universities (which most of the Jasons are) these men have taken the credentials of esteem and achievement from the entire academic community to propel 38

themselves into their positions of influence with the govern­ment: thus they should stand accountable to all teachers, students and-researchers who comprise the academic corpus. And finally, as the results of their work are critical in deter­mining policies of this nation, and those policies are often of vital significance to people ac­ross the globe, these men must stand accountable before all citizens of America and arr­people of the world.--- ---

An issue which arises in any campus controversy of this type is the appeal to academic free­dom. When students try to stop, interfere with, or even question too closely, some university func­tion (class, lecture, research project) that has a connection to some political controversy - they are accused of violating the aca­demic freedom of those who sche­duled the activity in question. Such squabbles over "time, place and manner" often obscure the desired debate over the political substance. In the same way, our assertion that professors are answerable to the community for their Jason work may be obscured by charges that we want to res­trict their academic freedom to engage in research of their choice.

Indeed, the cry of "academic freedom" has already been raised by Professor Townes i~ his letter asking us not to publ~sh the summary of our discussions with him. Townes does not explain what aspect of academic freedom he sees as relevant to this situation. It would appear, however, that he is claiming the right, under aca­demic freedom, to keep his Jason, and other, outside consulting . activities a secret from the publ~C view. In fact, it is academic privilege which Professor Townes

so staunchly defends. Special privilege, claimed by the profes­sor but not offered to the graduate student. The freedom of the big shot to do whatever he pleases without concern to his obligations to the University or anybody else. Are we to expect that a professor's secret, paid, highly political work will have no effect, even co­vert or unconscious, on the "ob­jective" knowledge he imparts in the classroom? Can students evaluate classroom presentations from highly respected experts with­out knowing what they are paid for on the side?

This issue of outside consult­ing by university faculty goes beyond the immediate issue of Jason. The universities abound with faculty who consult, not only for the military, but for many governmental agencies and private corporations as well; consulting which takes time away from legitimate academic pursuits while adding signifi­cantly to the personal income of the consultant professor.

"Academic freedom" cannot be a legitimate excuse for not revealing the full scope of one's outside consulting acti­vities - the point of academic freedom was originally to pro­tect the powerless and sometimes unpopular scholar from the tyranny of the establishment.

Professor Townes, and his like, have no right to use this tradi­tion to conceal the establish­ment's secrecy and their choice in selling out to it.

Clearly we can not depend on the institutions of establish­ment science to correct the abuses of consulting privilege. On the Contrary, a committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science recommended the following "cannon of ethics for applied scientists and tech­nicians" :

"Absolute secrecy where patients and industrial advantages are con­cerned; discretion in diplomatic matters where secrecy is essen­tial during preliminary negotia­tions so that the negotiators are free to change their minds; security in matters of defense. confidentiality towards clients and patients; and loyalty to employin~ institutions where institut~onal aims are at stake." (emphasis adde~ --- --

(Science, Vol 163, 1969, p. 787)

With a few notable exceptions (such as radiation physicists John Gofman and Arthur Tamplin), it is clear that academic con­sultants will not spontaneously become accountable and responsible to the public. It is up to those of us in the scientific and aca­demic community, and in the general public, who see the dan­gers of unbridled academic privi­lege to bring about academic accountability by our ~wn initia­tive.

~hi3~ r fi1 r S. ~ onc;lu§ ion

In summary, we have seen that Jason scientists not only drew up the original plans for the automated battlefield in Vietnam, they also pointed the way for the future refinements of the system, continued to write study reports on particular aspects, made some personal visits to the field of battle to observe imple­mentation of the scheme, and per­sisted in encouraging the mili­tary to expand its development of this new kind of warfare capability for worldwide use in the future.

(One thing we can be certain of: what we have presented in this booklet is only a small part of the whole story of scientists' complicity with the military. There is undoubtedly more secret work on the Vietnam war that Jason has carried out which has been kept from outside view; there is more than Vietnam that Jason works on for the military; and there is more than just the Jason group through which academic scientists work for war.)

(Most of the Jasons we spoke with would rather talk, and boast, of their contributions toward peace through work on arms control - concerning strategic nuclear bombs, missiles and submarines vis-a-vis the Soviet Union. Some have pointed with pride to the nuclear test ban treaty and the recent SALT agreement. A full discussion of these issues is outside the scope of this book­let but it should just be noted here that the arms race has yet to be stopped and the Nixon policy - peace through strength - calls for new escalations in the tech-


nology of strategic armaments; and we may expect scientists of the Jason calibre have been and will be instrumental in helping the Pentagon get the "best" new weaponry that this country can produce.)

The overall result of Jason's, and other government scientists' contributions to the Vietnam war may be summarized as follows. Science has not won the war for the U.S., but it has been essen­tial in preventing, or at least in postponing, a defeat for the u.S. aims in Indochina. (At this writing, it is unclear whether the "peace" which was announced to be "at hand" just before the Presidential election will prove to be a reality or a fraud.) Certainly, for the people of Indochina, the new style of American warfare, relying on. high technologies and enormous firepower, has exacted a very painful price for their resis­tance to Nixon-America's idea of peace with honor.

It is also clear that the new military capabilities developed in Vietnam - automated devices to locate, track and, when desired, to destroy any object -will be available for use in the future. These devices, and their refinements, will stand as a potent threat to liberation movements abroad and at horne.

If we were reading a Greek tragedy, we might say that the Jason scientists cannot be blamed for the monsters they have created, they are merely fulfilling ~he . destiny laid out by Orwell ~n ~~s prophetic book,~. But, b7~ng alive now, in the m~dst of th~s story, we would rather act than weep.


The European scientists and students who confronted Gell-Mann, Drell and the other Jasons last

;ummer asked that these men ac­~nowledge their contributions ~o the u.s. war effort in Vietnam lnd asked them to denounce this :ontinuing criminal war.

From us - American citizens, American scientists, American students and teachers - the demands upon these of our own colleagues should be no less. We have a right, indeed a duty, to demand from the Jasons full accountability for their service to the military.

Just what this accounting should encompass and just what political processes should be employed to attain this end is something that needs to be ~idely discussed. The first step should be to circulate the infor­mation in this booklet so that the people on each campus can con­front the Jason-types who reside ~r visit in their midst. The second step should be to under­take intensive research in order to uncover the full extent of ~utside consulting by faculty: then the people in each location ~an decide the best ways for them to move on these issues. Ne will present, below, a few of ~ur . own thoughts on this subject.

1. Many of us, like the authors )f this booklet, are already con­~inced that the u.s. military !stablishment, as it is now, con-3titutes the dominant force for leath, destruction and the sup­)ression of popular movements for Liberation throughout the capitalist ruled world. What we say to the Jason scientists is, Cease all (our services for the Pentagon; ~epudiate the u.s. militaristic )olicies and the corruptions of 3cience in that service; reveal ihatever inside information you lave about the military. Ellsberg lid.

Those scientists who continue to work actively in support of imperialistic and warlike poli­cies must be viewed, in some sense, as our enemies; we shall oppose them politically, as we have opposed Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and their many henchmen, both in and out of uniform, who have been their willing agents in prosecuting the war.

2. To members of the scien­tific profession as a whole, we speak as follows. Silence, acquiescence, laissez-faire attitudes towards the military involvements of a few scien-tists cannot be a sufficient reply to the questions of social responsibili ty in science.. If we are to maintain our own hopes that science can really amount . to more good than evil, if we are to keep - or to regain - the respect of the non-scientific public, then we must take s9me actions to offset the desecra­tions that our profession has incurred through the Vietnam atrocity. We call on all scien­tists to follow, not the highest bidder or the biggest qealer,. but the worthiest uses of science and technology. The call for a more humane re-orientation of scientific efforts has been heard before; perhaps the story of Jason, because it is such a clear and odious ex­ample of the misuse of science, can serve as a pivot for a new turning. We ask all our fellow scientists to adopt these minimum habits:

(a) Gather, and publicize tnfor­mation on the misuses of science;

(b) Reject the rule of sec~ecy, insist on public accountability for all scientific endeavors;

(c) Maintain dialogue on these issues with your colleagues, both in and out of government service, and do not shy from letting the Jason-types know what you think of them and their work.


3. To the general academic community we ask the questions:

- What do you think about professors who consult for warmaking? for profit-making? for power-making? for status-making? Is it even known how much outside consulting is done by your local faculty "apparatchiks"? What special outside interests do they consult for? What justifications can there be for maintaining secrecy about either the extent or the substance of this consulting work?

- Isn't it paradoxical to allow secret military consulting by faculty members on campuses where secret military research projects are outlawed?

- When faculty members, such as Jason people, consult outside the university, whose interests do they serve?

- Their own? - The university's? - Their employers?


Air War: The Third Indochina War, A handbook prepared by Project Air War and the Indochina Resource Center; Indochina Resource Center, 1322 18th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. (1972)

Automated Air War, a slide show and script prepared, with much background material, by NARMIC, a project of the American Friends Service Committee, 160 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. (1972 )

Ecocide in Indochina: The Ecolo of War, Barry Weisberg, Editor; Can 1e d Press, San Franc1sco, 1970.

The Enemy: What Every American Should Know About Imperialism, by Felix Greene, Vintage Books, New York, 1971.

The Pentagon Papers, New York Times version, Quadrangle Books, New York, 1971. Senator Gravel Edition, (Vol. IV), Beacon Press, Boston, 1971.

The Technological Warlords, by Ann Rosenberg; Computer People for Peace, 291 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, New York 11230.

War Without End, by Michael Klare, Vintage Books, New York, 1972.


For on-going publication of many related topics, actions and analyses,


"Science for the People," bimonthly magazine of SESPA, 9 Walden Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 02130. (Contains a list of SESPA groups throughout the country.)

also, "Spark," published semi-annually by the Committee for Social Responsibility in Engineering, 475 Riverside Drive, New York City 10027.


Future information about Jason, and related developments, may be connnunicated through "Science for the People Magazine"; the SESPA groups in Berkeley and New Yo.rk (Columbia U.); NYRAWFAS, c/o HDC, 156 Fifth Avenue, Room 523, New York, N.Y. 10010; Minneapolis Collective, Science for Vietnam, 1507 University Avenue, SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414; Co11ectif Intersyndical Universitaire d'Orsay "Vietnam - Laos - Cambodge", Batiment 211, 91 Orsay, France.



