Sci 7 Learner's Module

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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


    8 "#$%& ( )*+&,*&- .&$#,/0 1$2+$3 4)&*5,% 6$#27

  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


    : "#$%& ( )*+&,*&- .&$#,/0 1$2+$3 4)&*5,% 6$#27

    Science- Grade 7Learners Material : Second Part First Edition, 2012ISBN: ___________

    Republic Act 8293, section 176 indicates that: No copyright shall subsist in anywork of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the governmentagency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such workfor profit. Such agency or office may among other things, impose as a condition the paymentof royalties .

    Published by the Department of EducationSecretary: Br. Armin Luistro FSCUndersecretary: Dr. Yolanda S. Quijano

    Inilimbag sa Pilipinas ng ____________

    Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS)Office Address: 2 nd Floor Dorm G, PSC Complex, Meralco Avenue. Pasig

    City, Philippines 1600Telefax: (02) 634-1054 or 634-1072E-mail Address: [email protected]

    Development Team of the Learners Material

    Unit 3: Energy in Motion

    Reviewer : Josefina Ll. PabellonCoordinator: Merle C. TanAuthors: Alvie J. Asuncion, Leticia V. Catris, Cerilina M. Maramag,

    and Marie Paz E. Morales

    Unit 4: Earth and Space

    Reviewers : Eligio C. Obille Jr., Risa L. Reyes, and Merle C. TanCoordinator: Merle C. TanAuthors: Ivy P. Mejia, Eligio C. Obille Jr., and Merle C. Tan

    Illustrators : Alvin J. Encarnacion , Rizaldo Ramoncito S. SalivaLayout Artist : Cecile N. Sales

  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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    01 234 564789:; 4? @9: >4A614= 23A2 234 564;41B4 9C =8CC46412natural resources in the Philippines is related to the countrys location. ItDA; A>;9 8A282:=4E 01 238; 4? @9: A64 F981F 29 >4A61 9BA28919C 234 /38>855814; 81C>:41B4; 82; B>84;;91? @9: 4A61 AG9:2 234 4174>954 9C A86 23A2 ;:669:1=; 234'A623 D3464 A>> D4A2346 47412; 3A5541 234 A2

  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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    9-4 :&$6 $#, 6&, 1'2, /$8,#;< =;6'>$6, 6&, &,'*&6 ?1 ,$@& /$8,#49A4 B,;@#'3, 6&, *#$%& 1?# ,$@& /$8,#49C4 D( E&'@& /$8,# '; 6,>%,#$6+#, '(@#,$;'(* E'6& '(@#,$;'(* $/6'6+7,%,#$6+#, 7,@#,$;'(* E'6& '(@#,$;'(* $/6'6+7, 6&, *#$%&0 @$( 8?+ *,(,#$/'M, 6&$6 6&, &'*&,# 6&, /$8,# ?1 6&,$6>?;%&,#, N6&$6 '; @/?;,# 6? 6&, 5+(O0 6&, &?66,# 6&, 6,>%,#$6+#,?;%&,#, 1#?> 6&, *#$%& $(7 6&,'(1?#>$6'?( '( 6&, 7';@+;;'?( 6&$6 1?//?E;4

    S&, !"#$#%$&'"' is the layer closest to Earths surface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

  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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    Earths %'5/3;#$4$2

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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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    A" B+,7$ )*$ -&))+$ C2)* 7,6 23 )*$ 6+,/)27 -,/$" D*2/ 2/ :&51 !"#$%'($$)*"+,$- E,-$+ 2) F&))+$ G"

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    E" A+2(%0 )*+ )+6>+%/)$%+ %+/0-&.7 (5 =()),+ F /&0 =()),+ = -& 4($%&()+1((G"

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    JK" L*/) 3/%-/1,+ 0-0 4($ >$) -& )*+ MN/M-7O P& )*+ 4N/M-7O

    JQ" L*4 0-0 4($ >$) )*+7+ 0/)/ -& )*+ M /&0 4 /M+7? %+7>+2)-3+,4O

    J9" R+72%-1+ )*+ .%/>* %+7$,)-&. 5%(6 (17+%3/)-(&7 -& =()),+ F"

    JS" R+72%-1+ )*+ .%/>* %+7$,)-&. 5%(6 (17+%3/)-(&7 -& =()),+ ="J!" TM>,/-& )*+ 7-6-,/%-)-+7 -& )*+ .%/>*7 (5 =()),+7 F /&0 ="

    JE" TM>,/-& )*+ 0-55+%+&2+7 -& )*+ .%/>*7 (5 =()),+7 F /&0 ="

    JH" R(+7 )*-7 /2)-3-)4 *+,> 4($ /&7C+% )*+ U$+7)-(& -& )*+ /2)-3-)4)-),+< R( .%++&*($7+7 %+)/-& *+/)O L*/) -7 )*+ +3-0+&2+O

    I%++&*($7+7 /,,(C 7$&,-.*) )( +&)+% 1$) >%+3+&) *+/) 5%(6 +72/>-&." #*+ )%/&7>/%+&) 2(3+%-&. (5 )*+ .%++&*($7+ /,,(C7 3-7-1,+ ,-.*) )( +&)+%C-)*($) (17)%$2)-(&" P) C/%67 )*+ -&7-0+ (5 )*+ .%++&*($7+ /7 +&+%.4 -7/17(%1+0 14 )*+ >,/&)7? 7(-,? /&0 ()*+% )*-&.7 -&7-0+ )*+ 1$-,0-&." F-%C/%6+0 14 )*+ *+/) -&7-0+ -7 %+)/-&+0 -& )*+ 1$-,0-&. 14 )*+ %((5 /&0 C/,,"

    #*+ )%/&7>/%+&) 2(3+%-&. /,7( >%+3+&)7 )*+ *+/) 5%(6 ,+/3-&. 14 %+5,+2)-&.)*+ +&+%.4 1/2G -&)( )*+ C/,,7 /&0 >%+3+&)-&. ($)7-0+ C-&07 5%(6 2/%%4-&. -)/C/4"

    he Earths atmosphere is comp /%+0 )( / .%++&*($7+" V($ G&(C )*/)1+7-0+7 &-)%(.+& /&0 (M4.+&? T/ rths atmosphere contains )%/2+ ./7+7 7$2*/7 2/%1(& 0-(M-0+? C/)+% 3/>(%? 6+)*/&+? /&0 (W(&+" X-G+ )*+ .,/77 -& /.%++&*($7+? )*+ )%/2+ ./7+7 */3+ a similar effect on the uns rays " #*+4allo sunli ht to pass throu h resultin in the armin up of the Earthssurface. ut they absorb the ener y comin from the Earths surfaceG++>-&. )*+ Earths temperature 7$-)/1,+ 5(% ,-5+ (& T/%)*" #*+ >%(2+77 14

    hich the Earths /)6(7>*+%+ arms up is called reenhouse effect andthe trace ases are referred to as reenhouse ases.

  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


    !8;"#$%& ( )*+&,*&- .&$#,/0 1$2+$3 4)&*5,% 6$#27

    "#$%&' () *+, -&' $&''.+/%0' $-0'0 1#2' 3+' $1-00 #.3+' $&''.+/%0'4

    "#$ %&$$'#()*$ $++$,- .* / '/-)&/0 1&(,$** /'2 .- 3/&4* -#$ 5/&-#67.-#()- -#$ %&$$'#()*$ $++$,-8 5/&-# 3()02 9$ :$&; ,(028 -(( ,(02 +(& 0.:.'%-#.'%*8 *),# /* 10/'-* /'2 /'.4/0*6

    "( +)&-#$& )'2$&*-/'2 -#$$++$,- (+ %&$$'#()*$ %/*$* 0((< /-=.%)&$ >6 ?- ,('-/.'* *(4$ 2/-//9()- @$')* /'2 5/&-#8 10/'$-*-#/- /&$ /04(*- (+ -#$ */4$ *.A$/'2 .+ ;() &$4$49$& +&(4$0$4$'-/&; *,#((0 *,.$',$8 /&$ '$/&$/,# (-#$&8 *( -#$; /&$ ,/00$2 -3.'10/'$-*6 "#$ ,(41(*.-.(' (+/-4(*1#$&$ /'2 -#$ /:$&/%$

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    C(-# 5/&-# /'2 @$')* #/:$ ,/&9(' 2.(D.2$8 / %&$$'#()*$ %/*8 .' -#$.&atmospheres. he small amount of carbon dio ide on Earths ives the ri ht

    -$41$&/-)&$ +(& 0.:.'% -#.'%* -( *)&:.:$6 7.-# -#$ #.%# *)&+/,$ -$41$&/-)&$

    "#$%&' 5) *+-3 $-0 #0 6&'0'.3 #. 3+'-37/06+'&' /8 9'.%0 3+-3 ':61-#.0 #30+#$+ 0%&8-;' 3'76'&-3%&'4


  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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  • 7/25/2019 Sci 7 Learner's Module


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