Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

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Page 1: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you
Page 2: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

• develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers • build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

Please visit gov.uk for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous spend. Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governors hold them to account for this.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment. We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it on your website as evidence of your ongoing review into how you are using the money to secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an example of how to

complete the table please click HERE.

Page 3: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Key achievements to date: Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

• Gaining the School Game Mark to a gold standard for the last 3 years.

• Competing in all levels of events across West Lancs area.

• Children selected for District football team.

• 93% of children in Year 6 leaving the school and being able to swim


• The schools impressive achievements in Tag Rugby and Athletics.

• Giving more children the opportunity to compete by entering A/B teams

for sporting events.

• Increasing the children’s opportunities in OAA.

• Identifying the children who need additional support with their FMS.

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your students now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend, identify current need and priorities for the future.

Page 4: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Academic Year: 2017/18 Total Sports Premium fund allocated: £18900 Date Updated:01/09/18

SPORTS PREMIUM PACKAGE PROVIDED BY West Lancashire School Sport Partnership funding allocated to Package: £8460

Following the announcement that the Primary PE and Sport Grant has increased to £16,000.00 plus £10.00 per pupil, your School has entered into a one year Service Level Agreement with West Lancashire Sport Partnership between September 2017 and August 2018. Your continued service will include delivery of PE and School Sport on a weekly basis in your School by a School Sport Specialist who meets Lancashire County Council minimum operating standards. Each half term your school will access a different School Sport Specialist who will deliver their specialist area of the National Curriculum. The 6 areas that your School will receive support in include: Gymnastics, Dance, Invasion Games, Target Games (replacing Net/Wall), Striking and Fielding and Athletics. Timetables for the academic year have been sent out to schools detailing the order of rotation. The School Sport Specialist will deliver curriculum PE lessons, provide Continued Professional Development for school staff and deliver Lunchtime and After School Clubs during their weekly visits to your school. The Specialists will plan all curriculum sessions to meet the needs of your pupils and assess against the core tasks within the Lancashire Scheme of Work. Champions of Character, School Games Level 1 Events and Change 4 Life Activities will be embedded into your delivery programme. In addition to the provision provided by a School Sport Specialist, as a member of West Lancashire Sport Partnership your school will have access to all services/opportunities that we deliver throughout the academic year. These opportunities are detailed within our service brochure of which you have a copy. Throughout the academic year you will also have the opportunity to sign up to a range of ‘Bolt On’ programmes delivered at discounted member rates. The Primary PE and Sport Grant provides us with a fantastic opportunity to work collaboratively across West Lancashire to ensure that we deliver an inclusive PE and School Sport programme that meets the needs of every Young Person in your School.

COST OF SERVICE Your membership to West Lancashire Sport Partnership which includes 1.5 day delivery per week from a School Sport Specialist will be charged at the agreed rate of £8,460.00 per academic year.

Page 5: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage allocated


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated or part of package:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Breakfast, Lunch and After School


Walking Bus & Walk on Wednesdays

Playground Leader Training

Designated staff to lead

Children to regularly check the rota

to ensure they attend their duty.

Check the equipment regularly to

ensure is safe for use.

WLSP package

Staffing to run


WLSP package

Children are being offered more

than 30 minutes of physical

activity 4 days a week through a

wide range of sports such as

dance, basketball, bench ball,

dodgeball, target games etc…

This has also impacted on the

number of sporting achievements

across school and children

participating in school

competitions with B and C


A number of children actively

walking to school.

Children are punctual for school

and more engaged in learning

Children have planned activities

which are ensuring that children

are taking part in mild to

vigorous activity. Giving

children the opportunity to lead

sports to younger children. Less

active children more involved in

Clubs to continue next year.

Increase the numbers taking

part. Promote walking bus and

waking Wednesdays throughout

the year.

Training up the current Year 5’s

so that this can continue next


Action Plan and Budget Tracking Against the 5 key indicators, how are we using Sports Premium Funding to have an impact in our School. Clarify the success criteria and evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

Page 6: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Playground/field Markings

Forest Schools Bolt on

Mini Wheelers

Took part in Joe Wicks School


Work alongside fully qualified

WLSP staff

Work alongside fully qualified

WLSP staff

Register and sign up to his YouTube



WLSP Bolt On


WLSP Bolt On


physical exercise.

Given the children the

opportunity to participate in a

range of activities during PE

lessons and afterschool clubs.

Also the children are able to use

these to organise their own

games at playtimes/dinner times.

Has impacted the whole school

because the playground is

accessible to all years.

Children have got an

inspirational process with regular

opportunities to achieve and

develop confidence and self-

esteem through hands on

learning experiences in a

woodland environment.

45 children (reception) have

been involved.

Positive effect on 45 children

(reception)to develop their

special awareness. Balance skills

and build confidence on enabling

them to cycle.

Children more confident to use

bikes for exercise

19 out of the 20 pupils feel they

have increased confidence in

taking part in physical activity


Ensuring they are used daily

and maintain them to ensure

they are clearly visible for all


Will be continued for as long as

funding remains. Training to be

provided for a member of staff

to champion this.

Will be continued for as long as

funding remains. Training to be

provided for a member of staff

to champion this.

Page 7: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you


Shares sports competitions

Provide transport when necessary to

get children to and from the sports




Shares package


All junior classes took part in the

Joe Wicks Fitness Workout.

All children in each class

participated in 15mins of

vigorous activity through

different circuit training


All year 5/6 children participate

in regular swimming lessons

with the SHARES Swimming


During the SATS term, Year 4s

have the opportunity to go in

preparation for year5

This means that throughout the

year over 90 children have the

opportunity to participate in

swimming lessons. (Results for

y6 above)

Higher volume of children have

had the opportunity to represent

Cobbs Brow against other

schools in the local area. Cobbs

Brow take 2/3 teams to each

event which gives over 20

children the chance each event.

More interest in different sports

from children in the juniors.

Continue to look for more

opportunities such as this one

that the whole school can

participate in. Increase the 93%

of children currently able to

swim 25m.

Continue to offer a range of

competitions. Promote different

sports and offer B and C teams

to promote sports to less-active


Page 8: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage allocated


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated or part of package:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Children are exposed to high quality

PE weekly

Notice boards around school to raise

the profile of PE and Sport for all

visitors and parents.

Introduction of Champions of

Character within our PE Lessons led

by a School Sport Specialist to

promote the development of specific

character traits in all of our pupils

Character Development through

Outdoor and Adventurous Activity

Bolt On

Regularly update to ensure the

correct information is put on the


Embed half termly Champions of

Character themes into whole school


WLSP Package (£8930)

WLSP Bolt On


Children become fitter and

participate fuller in all lessons.

CPD for teachers working

alongside high quality sports

coaches has increased teachers

knowledge and understanding.

The notice boards are full of

information about

matches/clubs/results and pupils

are keen to get

In a questionnaire completed

14/12/2017 92% of Key Stage 2

pupils claimed to have a better

understanding of the character

traits Resilience and Honesty

and 86% felt they could now

demonstrate these in wider

school life beyond PE.

Children have taken part in a

range of bespoke Outdoor and

adventurous activities. The

children have had the

opportunity to participate in

challenging outdoor experiences

with the aim to develop

communication, problem

solving and decision making

skills in young people. These

Whole school CPD to further

develop teacher’s confidence in

delivering high quality PE


Link the Champions of

Character programme to the

schools whole school reward


Page 9: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Sports Council

School Games Mark Application

Sports Days

Providing the two councilors with

transport to enable them to get to and

from meetings.

Ensure this continues for the

following years and strive to achieve

the platinum award in the near


Provide the whole school with an

opportunity to participate in fun,

competitive environment.

Ensure all equipment is accessible

and the field is safe for use.

Track to be marked out.

experiences have inspired under-

achieving pupils in the class-

room and really boosted their

self-confidence and self-esteem.

Children have met with

members of different schools.

They have come together to bid

for playground equipment to

help get everyone active. They

have visited the mayor and have

investigated physical literacy to

fully understand the importance

of healthy lifestyles. They have

then reported this back to their


Cobbs Brow have achieved the

Gold Award for the last 3 years.

This shows that we have an

outstanding PE curriculum and

been recognized for the

commitment, engagement and

delivery of competitive sport.

Every year group participates in

an annual sports day where

friends and family are invited to

celebrate each child’s sporting

achievements. All children

participate in at least one race.

Ensure relationship maintained

with WLSP to provide children

with the sports council.

Ensure criteria is studied and

applied within sports

Maintain this as an annual event

Page 10: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage allocated

7% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

In order to improve progress and

achievement of all pupils the focus is

on up-skilling the staff.

Attendance at CPD Courses linked to


Purchase of any additional resources,

schemes of work, equipment to

support staff in the teaching of high-

quality PE. Sports teams to be

provided with new kits

Audit staff development needs

across the PE Curriculum and

implement programme of CPD

through working in partnership

with our School Sport Specialists

Continue to look for CPD courses

that are relevant to our school’s


Resource audit regularly to ensure

the equipment is safe to use.


WLSP Package



Trends in assessment data across

PE Curriculum have increased.

Staff feel more confident

delivering high quality PE sessions

An improved subject knowledge

across a range of sports which can

then be used to improve that of

other staff members. Building

relationships with local schools.

High Quality PE sessions across

the whole school. Children

provided additional kits for A and

B teams.

Work with School Sport

Specialists to introduce a team

teaching approach

PE equipment audit done


Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage allocated


School focus with clarity on intended

impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding


Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested

next steps:

Page 11: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

To offer a broad range of high quality activities to all pupils both within and beyond the curriculum using specialist staff PE Plus Links to community clubs Dance Club

Commission external coaches to

bring expertise into school

To work with small targeted groups

of YP with poor physical literacy

to develop fundamental movement


Promote local community clubs to

the children when possible.

Children offered opportunity to

attend a dance club once a week

and take part in local competitions.

WLSP Package

WLSP Bolt On



Increased number of identified

less-active children are now

attending sports afterschool clubs

All children increase their physical

literacy. Children more confident

to participate in PE lessons and

attend other out of school sports


Increased amount of girls taking

part in dance and representing their


Staff will work together and

share good practice which will

lead to better confidence all

round and more staff keen to

get involved thus ensuring the

extra activities will not only

continue but there will also be

an expansion

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage allocated

0% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Page 12: Schools must use the funding to make · Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.This means that you

Keeping competitive school sport at

the heart of schools and provide more

young people with the opportunity to

compete and achieve their personal


SEN Competitions

School Games Level 1 Competitions

delivered by your School Sport


Track pupils to ensure that every

pupil has the opportunity to

represent the school in appropriate

competition/festival activities by

the end of KS2.

Work closely with School Games

Organiser and Primary Sports

Associations to access


Ensure children are provided with

opportunities to compete against

each other when completing PE


Numbers increased across a range

of sports including football, rugby,

handball and basketball. Girls

participation has increased in

football clubs and a girls team

being formed to compete in local


SEN children who have not

competed in sports before have

now been involved in more

competition increasing confidence

and moral.

Increase numbers participating

and engage and promote

community exit routes

Ensure SEN competitions

identified, and children given

opportunity to compete.

Staff to identify SEN children

to take part in events.