School WorkComparison of Tragedy

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  • 8/20/2019 School WorkComparison of Tragedy


     A Comparison of Tragedy

    For a story to be a tragedy it has to follow the principles set

    by Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, or those of Arthur Miller

    who is a twentieth century playwright. A tragedy, in Aristotle's

    view, usually concerns the fall of an individual whose character is

    good but not perfect and his misfortunes are brought about by the

    tragic flaw. This flaw is the part of the character that personifies

    him as being tragic. Miller uses this definition of a tragedy but

    also broadens it including the common man. All of these

    characteristics are seen in the plays Julius Caesar, Death of a

    Salesman, and Oedipus Rex.

    Although the title of the play Julius Caesar focuses on

    Caesar, the play itself is really based on Brutus. "Brutus had

    rather be a villager than to repute himself a son of Rome."(Act I,

    scene II, line 172). This was said by Brutus after Cassius told him

    how Caesar had become a towering figure over Rome and how

    Caesar controls Rome. Notice the good in Brutus, and the

    extremes he will go to in order to protect democracy in Rome

    even if it means killing the one he loves, Caesar. Brutus possesses

    one of the most tragic flaws. He is too nice of a person and

    therefore he gets taken advantage of. He lets Cassius persuade

    him into killing Caesar for the good of Rome. Because he does

    for others more than himself he makes a fatal mistake, he lets

    Antony live. Brutus says to the conspirators, "For Antony is but a

    limb of Caesar"(Act II scene I line 165) meaning that if Caesar is

    killed Antony will die off too. Brutus clearly does not regard

    Antony as being a threat, but little does Brutus know that

    Antony will stir up the town to seek revenge after the

  • 8/20/2019 School WorkComparison of Tragedy


    assassination of Caesar. This mistake will cost him his own life.

    When he dies he becomes a prime example of tragedy because not

    only did he bring about his own death he dies by his own hand.

    In Death of a Salesman, Willy Lowman's tragic flaw is that

    he is a dreamer who is unable to face the realities of

    a modern day society. Willy builds his whole life around the

    philosophy that if a person is well liked and good looking then

    he will be successful. Willy says to Biff , "I thank Almighty God

    that you are both are built like Adonises."(Act I page 33) Later,

    Willy makes the comment, "Be liked and you will never

    want."(Act I page 33) His need to be well liked is so strong that

    he often lies about his success; at times he even believes his own

    lies. Willy always thinks his sons will always be successful

    because they are good looking and good at sports, but in reality

    they are failures just like Willy. At the end when Biff tries to tell

    Willy that he is just a commoner and that he cannot live up to his

    father's expectations, that they are "a dime a dozen." Willy thinks

    he is just saying this to spite him. Willy says, "I am not a dime a

    dozen! I am Willy Loman and you are Biff Loman!"(act II page

    132). After this Willy decides to commit suicide so Biff can get

    the twenty thousand dollar insurance money and he will finally

    make something of himself. "He had the wrong dreams"(requiem

    page 138) states Biff at Willy's funeral, but Charley, Willy's best

    friend, says "A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the

    territory."(requiem page 138) Unfortunately, Willy never realized

    that his dreams and values were flawed and he died for it.

    In Oedipus Rex Oedipus has a flaw that is unavoidable and

    also uncontrollable. His flaw is fate. The plot juxtaposes

  • 8/20/2019 School WorkComparison of Tragedy


    Oedipus's ignorance to his own identity with his tragic despair as

    he learns that he has killed his father and married his mother.

    Oedipus refuses to believe all of the prophecies until his prophet

    finally discloses the truth. He knows that he is the one who

    killed his father because he is the one who murdered Laius who

    in fact turned out to be his father that tried to get rid of him.

    After his wife, Jocasta, finds out that Oedipus knows the truth she

    commits suicide. "How could I bear to see when all my sight was

    horror everywhere?"(ode 4 line 1289) This is said after Oedipus

    punishes himself by digging his eyes out. Oedipus then wanders

    the land a beggar guided by his daughter, Antigone.

    Clearly, then, all of these stories represent a great example

    of tragedy. They follow the rules preset by Aristotle and also the

    rules of Arthur Miller. We have sympathy for the protagonist in

    each play but at the same time we know that their down fall is

    brought about by their own ignorance. Even though the character

    is tragic he is also a great man because they suffer for the well

    being of others.

  • 8/20/2019 School WorkComparison of Tragedy
