School Performance Plan School Name Paradise Professional Development ES Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone): 900 Cottage Grove Ave Las Vegas, NV 89119-6889, (702) 799-5660 Superintendent/Assistant Chief: Pat Skorkowsky / Lorna James-Cervantes For Implementation During The Following Years: 2016-2017 The Following MUST Be Completed: Title I Status: Served Designation: Focus School Grade Level Served: Elementary Classification: 2 Star NCCAT-S: Review *1 and 2 Star Schools Only: Please ensure that the following documents will be available upon request Use of Core Instructional Materials Scheduling Model School Visits Members of Planning Team * ALL Title I schools must have a parent on their planning team that is NOT a district employee. Name of Member Position Name of Member Position Yvonne Baca Parent Kristie Cole Principal Elanie "Doris" Kanae Office Manager Carrie Reasbeck Assistant Principal Valerie Grosso Special Education Teacher Michelle Jarmon-Brown Counselor Nancy Burns Title I Strategist Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES 2016-2017 Clark County School District Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 1 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

School Performance Plan - Clark County School District · School Performance Plan School Name Paradise Professional Development ES Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone): 900

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School Performance Plan  

School NameParadise Professional Development ES

Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone):900 Cottage Grove Ave

Las Vegas, NV  89119-6889, (702) 799-5660

Superintendent/Assistant Chief: Pat Skorkowsky / Lorna James-Cervantes 

For Implementation During The Following Years: 2016-2017 

The Following MUST Be Completed:

Title I Status: Served

Designation: Focus School

Grade Level Served: Elementary

Classification: 2 Star

NCCAT-S: Review

*1 and 2 Star Schools Only:Please ensure that the following

documents will be available upon request ☑ Use of Core Instructional Materials ☑ Scheduling ☑ Model School Visits

Members of Planning Team * ALL Title I schools must have a parent on their planning team that is NOT a district employee.

Name of Member Position Name of Member PositionYvonne Baca Parent Kristie Cole Principal

Elanie "Doris" Kanae Office Manager Carrie Reasbeck Assistant PrincipalValerie Grosso Special Education Teacher Michelle Jarmon-Brown CounselorNancy Burns Title I Strategist

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 1 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016



Based on your schools NSPF results, identify what additional data have been reviewed and analyzed in development of the SPP.

School Data For General Education Including FRL English Language Learner (ELL) Data Special Education Data

Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF)Formative Assessments Practice Teacher/Administrator Observation Data Teacher/Administrator Observation DataTeacher/Administrator Observation Data Content/ESL Staffing and Professional Development Special Ed Staffing and Professional DevelopmentNA NA NANA NA NAOther: Three Year Trend for Third Grade Other: Other:Other: Other: Other:

Summary Statement: Please provide a brief description for how the analyzed data will impact your Inquiry and Action Planning process.The 2014-2015 NSPF is unavailable due to statewide testing irregularity and lack of SBAC data and 2015-2016 is pending completion of 2016 testing.

The 2013-2014 NSPF indicates Paradise is a 2-Star School that has room for substantial improvement in the area of student achievement with specific subgroup populations, including IEP, ELL, and FRL. According to the 2013-2014 NSPF, the overall percent of students proficient in reading increased by 5%. Paradise increased reading proficiency in the IEP and ELL subpopulations by 4 percentage points and FRL increased 7 percentage points. However, the school's proficiency in the same subgroups in math decreased. The IEP subpopulation decreased from 5% proficient to 0%, the ELL subpopulation decreased from 38% to 31% proficient and FRL decreased from 48% to 42% proficient. Paradise continues to score below the district and state proficiency levels.Additionally, Paradise Professional Development School plans to continue and expand the professional development model that was implemented during the 2015-2016 school year. Due to a large proportion of novice, probationary teachers, Paradise PDS established a systematic approach for providing professional development and developing leadership through coaching/mentoring emphasizing effective teaching behaviors. Cognitive coaching and professional development on effective teaching behaviors took place monthly with instructional observations followed by an immediate coaching session emphasizing reflective professional practice. Documented coaching feedback was provided by coaching consultants and administrators to ensure teachers received immediate, written feedback on their use of effective teaching behaviors modeled during professional development sessions. This data provides the basis for the action steps and budget planning reflected in the School Performance Plan.

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 2 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 1  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☑ General Education ☑ FRL ☑ ELL ☑ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 1:Increase Grade 3 proficiency rates in reading.

 Root Causes:Teachers' Tier I/Tier II reading and math instruction inconsistently reflected effective teaching behaviors including Components of an Effective Lesson, CORE literacy components, and direct/explicit instruction to meet the needs of students and close skill gaps as determined by diagnostic data.

 Measurable Objective 1:Increase the percent of 3rd grade students proficient in reading from 31% to 36%% by 2017 as measured by SBAC.

 Measurable Objective 2:Increase the percentage of Grade 3 reading proficiency from 6% (Sept) to 51% (May) and from 1% (Oct) to 37% (April) as measured by Evaluate.


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed for

Implementation(people, time, materials, funding sources)

List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the

action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



1.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists.

2 On-site Learning Strategists (Title 1 funded $75000. / 1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (title I Set Aside.) Substitutes (Title I Set Aside.) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (1003a funded $11,500.)

PD sign-ins & evaluations; Classroom observations including actionable, documented feedback utilizing protocol aligned to effective teaching behaviors/NEPF; Core academic instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria

Casey PD/Coaching (Second Thursday/Friday Sept.-May; Aug 24/25 Write Tools PD/Coaching (10 days Sept-May)) Site administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented feedback resulting from coaching session See Section B "District Support" of the 1003(a) application for additional monitoring information.



Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 3 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016


Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position ResponsibleMonitoring


1.2 Family Engagement (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students.

Training Resources/materials (Leader In Me Continuation Grant funds-$100K) Books/Handouts (Title 1 funds-$1055) Licensed/Support Staff Extra-duty (Title I funds $600.) Refreshments (Title I funds $351.) 7 Habits Facilitator Training-Admin (Title 1 funds $2500.) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (1003a funds $11500.)

Agendas/Sign-ins for parent sessions; Parent signatures indicating receipt/understanding/commitment to practice foundational skills at-home with student

Monthly (Sept. 2016-May 2017) Parent Sessions organized by administration; monthly reports of student academic mastery/resources provided by instructional staff with support for reports/resources provided by Title I Strategists/Lighthouse Team.



1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required)Continuation From Last Year:

YesNCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7

Teachers will consistently preplan, implement & self-evaluate effective teaching & learning behaviors in all lessons with specific emphasis on the following: obj, relevancy, key vocab, gradual release, checking for understanding,engagement & closure. CTT's & lic teacher work w/Tier 2/3 students, ELL, IEP and FRL

On-site Learning Strategist (1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (Title I Set Aside) Substitutes (Title I Set Aside) Leadership Team Planning (1003a funded $11500.) 5 CTTs (Title 1 funded $74750.) RenLearn (STAR/AR) (Title I funds $12928) Learning A-Z (Title I funds $1259.40) iReady Instructional Materials (Title I funds $11010.66) iPads (Title I funds $17190.) Headphones (Title I funds $870.)

Classroom observations including actionable feedback utilizing protocol aligned with identified, specific, effective teaching behaviors criteria; Core academic instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria

Monthly PD Sessions provided administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented actionable feedback See Section B "District Support" of the 1003(a) application for additional monitoring information.


Comments:Grade 3 proficiency #s in the measurable objectives are from 3 year trend data; ALL tested students


1.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7Zoom Pre-K, Zoom Project Facilitator, and Zoom Reading Center w/ 4 tutors explicitly teach early literacy skills with an emphasis on vocabulary and comprehension development

Zoom Funds ($1.4 Million)

IStation student/class Usage Reports; Tier 2/3 reading intervention lesson plans

Pre-K Teacher/Project Facilitator Zoom Project Facilitator monitors and reports progress in weekly update Administration


Comments:CC = Common Core


Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 4 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 2  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☑ General Education ☑ FRL ☑ ELL ☑ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 2:Reduce the overall achievement gap percentage points between highest performing and ethnic/racial subgroups in both reading and math.

 Root Causes:Teachers' Tier I/Tier II reading and math instruction inconsistently reflected effective teaching behaviors including Components of an Effective Lesson, CORE literacy components, and direct/explicit instruction to meet the needs of students and close skill gaps as determined by diagnostic data.

 Measurable Objective 1:Reduce the reading proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and the schools lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 33% to 27% by 2017 as measured by state assessments.

 Measurable Objective 2:Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and the schools lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 36% to 30% by 2017 as measured by state assessments.

 Measurable Objective 3:Increase third grade reading proficiency from 6% in September, 2016 to 51% in May, 2017 (A Version) and from 1% in October, 2016 to 37% in April, 2017 (B Version) as measured on Evaluate .


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed for

Implementation(people, time, materials, funding sources)

List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the

action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks,

and Position Responsible



2.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey, Write Tools and site strategists; Zoom Initiatives: Zoom PD for teachers, project facilitators, and Zoom PPTs on curriculum and strategies. PD for admin, provided by Zoom, focuses on the expectations of Zoom. Admin and Zoom staff will attend PD and conferences focused on teaching and supporting English Learners

2 On-site Learning Strategists (Title 1 funded $75000. / 1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (Title I Set Aside.) Substitutes (Title I Set Aside) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (Title I Set Aside.) Zoom Initiative Resources: Estimated Costs $500,000 for 29 Zoom elementary and secondary schools to be paid for with non-SB 405 funds: ELL general funds, Title III, and Title I

PD sign-ins & evaluations; Classroom observations including actionable, documented feedback utilizing protocol aligned to effective teaching behaviors/NEPF; Core academic instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria; Zoom Initiative Evidence: Student Achievement Data as measured by WIDA/iReady (3 times per year)

Casey PD/Coaching (Second Thurs/Fri Sept-May; 8/24, 8/25) Write Tools PD/Coaching (10 days Sept-May) Site administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented feedback resulting from coaching session; Zoom Initiative Timeline: Administration and Assistant Chief (2016-17 school year)



Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/EvidenceTimeline and Position




2.2 Family Engagement (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students. Zoom Initiatives: Two ZOOM Family Nights will be held (one in the winter and one in the spring), Zoom newsletters will be sent out starting in December.

Training Resources/materials (Leader In Me Continuation Grant funds-$100K) Books/Handouts (Title 1 funds-$1055) Licensed/Support Staff Extra-duty (Title I funds $600.) Refreshments (Title I funds $351.) 7 Habits Facilitator Training-Admin (Title 1 funds $2500.) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (1003a funds $11500.) Zoom Initiatives: Resources: Parent Engagement Project Facilitator (Zoom)

Agendas/Sign-ins for parent sessions; Parent signatures indicating receipt/understanding/commitment to practice foundational skills at-home with student; Zoom Initiatives: Evidence: Attendance counts and/or sign-in sheets from family events, Parent survey data, Site logs of parent contact and activities

Monthly (Sept. 2016-May 2017) Parent Sessions organized by administration; monthly reports of student academic mastery/resources provided by instructional staff with support for reports/resources provided by Title I Strategists. Zoom Initiatives: Timeline: Administration and Assistant Chief (2016-17 school year)



2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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Teachers will consistently plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust tier 2/3 reading intervention instruction based on diagnostic data, including computer-based components and targeted face-to-face instruction whereby students who struggle (ELL,IEP,FRL) are retaught using multiple approaches.

On-site Learning Strategist (1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (Title I Set Aside) Substitutes (Title I Set Aside.) Leadership Team Planning (Title I Set Aside) 5 CTTs (Title 1 funded $74750.) RenLearn (STAR/AR) (Title I funds $12928) Learning A-Z (Title I funds $1259.40) iReady Instructional Materials (Title I funds $11010.66) iPads (Title I funds $17190.) Headphones (Title I funds $870.)

Classroom observations including actionable feedback utilizing protocol aligned with identified, specific, effective teaching behaviors criteria; Core academic instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria

Monthly PD Sessions provided administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented actionable feedback



2.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: 1.2, 1.7Teachers will consistently plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust tier 2/3 reading intervention instruction based on diagnostic data, including computer-based components and targeted face-to-face instruction whereby students who struggle (ELL,IEP,FRL) are retaught using multiple approaches. Zoom Initiatives: Zoom Pre-K: Zoom pre-K half days Mon-Thurs; Zoom Full-Day Kindergarten; Zoom Reading Center: 30 minutes additional Tier I literacy instruction; Zoom Summer Academy and Intersession Academy provide 17 additional days of instruction

On-site Learning Strategist (1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (Title I Set Aside) Substitutes (Title I Set Aside) Leadership Team Planning (Title I Set Aside) 5 CTTs (Title 1 funded $74750.) RenLearn (STAR/AR) (Title I funds $12928) Learning A-Z (Title I funds $1259.40) iReady Instructional Materials (Title I funds $11010.66) iPads (Title I funds $17190.) Headphones (Title I funds $870.) Zoom Funds: Zoom Pre-K: Resources: 1 Teacher, 1 Family Assistant, NVACS-aligned thematic units; Zoom Kindergarten: CCSD Literacy Framework with supplementary materials for differentiated instruction (Zoom); Zoom Reading Center: Resources: CCSD Zoom Reading Center Framework, Zoom Project Facilitators, long-term sub, 3 PPTs, and Reading Center facility (furniture, books, instructional supplies, technology, and software)(Zoom); Zoom Summer Academy and Intersession Academy: Resources: Themed units aligned to Literacy Framework and NVACS, Math curriculum based on WestEd program, licensed and support staff, transportation personnel, nurses, crossing guards, subs, presenters, and classroom supplies (Zoom)

iReady/Imaging Learning Reports; Tier 2/3 reading intervention lesson plans STAR Growth and instructional planning reports; ZOOM Pre-K: Evidence: Student Achievement Checkpoints (3 times per year), WIDA (2 times per year)Timeline: Zoom Pre-K Teacher, Family Assistant, and Administrator (2016-17 school year); Zoom Kindergarten: WIDA, iReady Data (3 times per year); Zoom Reading Center: Evidence: DRA and District/State Assessments (3 times per year); Zoom Summer Academy and Intersession Academy: Evidence: District/State Assessments (3 times per year), WIDA ACCESS pre- and post-tests

Teacher, Admin, Strategists quarterly review/analysis of iREADY reports & STAR data Teacher maintains daily tier 2/3 instructional lesson plans; Zoom Pre-K: Timeline: Zoom Pre-K Teacher, Family Assistant, and Administrator (2016-17 school year) Zoom Kindergarten: Zoom Kindergarten teachers, Administrator (2016-2017 school year); Zoom Reading Center: Timeline: Administration and Assistant Chief (2016-17 school year); Zoom Summer Academy and Intersession Academy: Timeline: Administration and Assistant Chief (2016-17 school year)



Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 7 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 3  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☐ General Education ☐ FRL ☐ ELL ☐ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 3:Increase the percentage of school-based personnel trained in cultural competency.

 Root Causes:There is a need for training in the area of cultural competency as evidenced by the District student achievement gap data.

 Measurable Objective 1:100% of staff will participate in a mandatory cultural competency professional development session during the 2016-2017 school year as measured by sign-in sheets.


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed

for Implementation(people, time, materials, funding


List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the action

step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



3.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: All staff will participate in a professional development session provided by the District's Equity and Diversity Department.

Training materials from Equity and Diversity Department

sheets, Teacher observation data (NEPF)

The principal is responsible for ensuring this action step takes place during banked-time PD sessions.



Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position Responsible Monitoring Status

3.2 Family Engagement (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: No NCCAT-S Indicators:

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


3.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: Retention through financial incentives, opportunities for professional growth, administrative support and leadership, school culture and working conditions.

Zoom funding

Teacher Survey Data, Possible data from HR, including retention/turnover rates. Timeline:

Administration and Assistant Chief (2016-17 school year)



Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 12/09/2016 Page 9 Nevada Department of Education - June 2016

COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Interventions


Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:2. Ensuring teachers are effective

Root Causes:Teachers' Tier I small group reading instruction inconsistently reflected effective teaching behaviors including Components of an Effective Lesson, CORE literacy components, and direct/explicit instruction to meet the needs of students and close skill gaps as determined by diagnostic data. Teachers' Tier I small group math instruction inconsistently reflected effective teaching behaviors including Components of an Effective Lesson and direct/explicit instruction to meet the needs of students.Measurable Objective 1:Increase proficiency in reading and math among respective subpopulations by 5% by 2017 as measured by state assessments. Reading: IEP from 4% to 9%; ELL from 28% to 33%; FRL from 48% to 53% Math: IEP from 0% to 5%; ELL from 31% to 36; FRL from 42% to 47%.Measurable Objective 2:Reduce the reading proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 33.6 to 28 by 2017 as measured by state assessments.Measurable Objective 3:Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 43.6 to 35.9 by 2017 as measured by state assessments.

Monitoring Status

On Task   


Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed for

Implementation(people, time, materials, funding sources)

List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the

action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



4.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists

2 On-site Learning Strategists (Title 1 funded $75000. / 1003a funded $57897.) Roy Casey Coaching/PD; 20 Days (1003a funded $24500.) Write Tools PD/Coaching; 10 days (1003a funded $30000.) Write Tools Resources/Materials (Title I funded $1199.85.) Lic Prep Buy-Out; (1003a funded $4800.) Substitutes (1003a funded $8835.) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (1003a funded $11,500.)

PD sign-ins & evaluations; Classroom observations including actionable, documented feedback utilizing protocol aligned to effective teaching behaviors/NEPF; Core academic instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria

Casey PD/Coaching (Second Thurs/Fri Sept-May; 8/24, 8/25) Write Tools PD/Coaching (10 days Sept-May) Site administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented feedback resulting from coaching session See Section B "District Support" of the 1003(a) application for additional monitoring information.



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Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position ResponsibleMonitoring


4.2 Family Engagement (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators:All staff (licensed/support) will attend PD specifically aligned to establishing a "culture of leadership" at Paradise (1) to provide our students with the leadership tools and background to set and achieve goals for a productive, purposeful future, (2) to provide adults (staff and parents) with knowledge and resources to effectively employ leadership strategies in their own lives and with the students they impact, and (3) to fully implement and recognize the transformational process of becoming a Leader in Me "Lighthouse School"

PD; Resources/materials; On-site coaching/mentoring; Progress Monitoring/Feedback (Leader In Me Continuation Grant funds-$100K) Books/Handouts (Title 1 funds-$1055) Licensed/Support Staff Extra-duty (Title I funds $600.) Refreshments (Title I funds $351.) 7 Habits Facilitator Training-Admin (Title 1 funds $2500.) Leadership/Lighthouse Team Planning (1003a funds $11500.)

PD sign-ins & evaluations; Classroom observations including actionable, documented feedback utilizing protocol aligned to Leader in Me "Culture of Leadership"; instructional lesson plans indicating preplanned effective teaching behaviors criteria in teaching the 7 Habits Lighthouse Team work session notes

Leader in Me PD for New Staff (August) Lighthouse Team meets weekly as needed to assess, identify action plan, monitor implementation and evaluate progress of Leader in Me process and structures at the school Leader in Me Consultant works with staff monthly to ensure effective implementation (August) Site administrators conduct monthly observations w/ documented feedback resulting from coaching session See Section B "District Support" of the 1003(a) application for additional monitoring information.

On Task


4.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


4.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


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COMPONENT III: Budget Plan  

COORDINATION OF FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE PLAN WITH OTHER PROGRAMS: Provide the sources of funds your school is currently receiving and identify the purposes for which those funds are

spent. Sources of funds may include General Budget, Title I , Title II, Title III, Migrant, Immigrant, Neglected & Delinquent, 21st Century After School Programs, Gear Up, IDEA, McKinney-Vento/Homeless, Head Start, state-funded Pre-Kindergarten, Teacher Incentive Fund, Striving Readers, and other state/federal funds.

Source of Funds

applicable to Priority


Amount Received for

this School YearPurposes for which funds are used (include targeted audience, specific activities, intended outcomes, etc.)



Zoom Funds $25,000,000Total funding for Zoom schools . Funding will provide for Pre-K half days, 4 days a week; Full Day Kindergarten; Reading Skills Center; Summer Academy Intersession; Professional Development; Recruitment/Retention Initiatives; and Family Engagement Opportunities. The intended outcome is to raise students with WIDA scores academic achievement.

Goals 1, 2 and 3

Title I $200,640 Strategist, CITs, Renaissance learning, Learning A-Z, 10 Sony cameras, Headphones for computers, ipads3 (10 packs), iReady materials, Student leadership incentives, parent involvement. Goals 1 and 2

1003a $108,966 Schoolwide planning and data analysis, 7 Habit of Effective People, Learning strategist for onsite coaching. Ron Casey coaching, Travel for TLIM symposium,. Goals 1 and 2

Title I Set Aside $39,041 Sub-Release, prep buy-out for PD, Extra-duty pay for PD, and Stipends for Lighthouse Leadership Team, systematic professional development and on-site coaching (On-site Strategist, Casey, Write Tools), Substitutes for peer observations, Goals 1 and 2

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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Title I Schools operating a Schoolwide Program must complete Items 1 through 5 on this page. 

1. Describe the school's strategies to attract effective, highly-qualified teachers to your school.Paradise offers a team approach to supporting teachers on staff. Master schedules allow for common grade level planning time at least four days per week. Curr. specialists/consultants serve as professional coaches offering non-evaluative suggestions to assist and help new teachers assimilate to curriculum expectations. Teachers are encouraged to pursue higher professional aspirations through organized school or district professional development. Teachers' input is routinely sought and valued.

 2. Describe the school's strategies to increase family engagement in accordance with Section 1118 of NCLB (see resource link), such as family literacy services and the provision to parents on how the school will share academic information in a language they understand.Family Academic Time events (Leadership Day, Zoom Nights, Story N Snack, Family Picnic, Academic Nights, Library Night, etc.) bring families together to experience instructional activities and obtain take-home activities for extended learning in core academic areas. On-site computer access & staff guidance is provided to parents to accomplish educational and service-related tasks, including transportation, food service, medical records, etc. Monthly Coffee N Conversation mtgs for parents, staff, administration & community.

 3. Describe the school's plans for transition and articulation between school programs (ie: assisting preschool children from early childhood programs such as Head Start, Even Start, or a state-run preschool program to elementary school, elementary school to middle school, and middle to high school, etc.).Fifth grade teachers work with our school counselor and the MS counselors to prepare students for transition into the middle school setting. Likewise, our pre-k instructional staff work with kinder staff to prepare students for transition into full-day kinder. Kindergarten round-up provides pre-assessment of readiness skills and resources for parents to work with students in summer prior to kinder.

 4. Identify the measures that include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments.Weekly grade level collaboration encourages teachers to analyze and discuss academic assessment data. Assessment scoring, results validity and parameters for assessment use are established by Grade Level Teams and Learning Improvement Team coordination.

 5. Provide assurance that federal, state, and local services are coordinated and integrated into the school improvement effortsResources for Paradise school improvement are coordinated to facilitate school improvement in ELA and Math. Our efforts reflect resources from federal, state and local entities, including Title I, PASS, FOCUS, etc. and the school continuously seeks to locate additional resources to meet school improvement initiatives.

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APPENDIX A - Professional Development Plan  

1.1Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists.


Goal 1 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)  

2.1Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey, Write Tools and site strategists; Zoom Initiatives: Zoom PD for teachers, project facilitators, and Zoom PPTs on curriculum and strategies. PD for admin, provided by Zoom, focuses on the expectations of Zoom. Admin and Zoom staff will attend PD and conferences focused on teaching and supporting English Learners


Goal 2 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)  

3.1All staff will participate in a professional development session provided by the District's Equity and Diversity Department.


Goal 3 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)  

4.1Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists


Intervention Additional PD Action Step (Optional)

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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APPENDIX B - Family Engagement Plan  

1.2School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students.


Goal 1 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)  

2.2School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students. Zoom Initiatives: Two ZOOM Family Nights will be held (one in the winter and one in the spring), Zoom newsletters will be sent out starting in December.


Goal 2 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)  


Goal 3 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)  

4.2All staff (licensed/support) will attend PD specifically aligned to establishing a "culture of leadership" at Paradise (1) to provide our students with the leadership tools and background to set and achieve goals for a productive, purposeful future, (2) to provide adults (staff and parents) with knowledge and resources to effectively employ leadership strategies in their own lives and with the students they impact, and (3) to fully implement and recognize the transformational process of becoming a Leader in Me "Lighthouse School"


Intervention Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 1Priority Need/Goal 1:Increase Grade 3 proficiency rates in reading.

 Measurable Objective(s):

Increase the percent of 3rd grade students proficient in reading from 31% to 36%% by 2017 as measured by SBAC.Increase the percentage of Grade 3 reading proficiency from 6% (Sept) to 51% (May) and from 1% (Oct) to 37% (April) as measured by Evaluate.




1.1 Professional Development:1.2 Family Engagement:1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: Grade 3 proficiency #s in the measurable objectives are from 3 year trend data; ALL tested students1.4 Other: CC = Common Core


Mid-Year End-of-Year

1.1Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists.




Next Steps

1.2School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students.



Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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Next Steps

1.3Teachers will consistently preplan, implement & self-evaluate effective teaching & learning behaviors in all lessons with specific emphasis on the following: obj, relevancy, key vocab, gradual release, checking for understanding,engagement & closure. CTT's & lic teacher work w/Tier 2/3 students, ELL, IEP and FRL




Next Steps

1.4 Zoom Pre-K, Zoom Project Facilitator, and Zoom Reading Center w/ 4 tutors explicitly teach early literacy skills with an emphasis on vocabulary and comprehension development N/A



Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 2Priority Need/Goal 2:Reduce the overall achievement gap percentage points between highest performing and ethnic/racial subgroups in both reading and math.

 Measurable Objective(s):

Reduce the reading proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and the schools lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 33% to 27% by 2017 as measured by state assessments.Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and the schools lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 36% to 30% by 2017 as measured by state assessments.Increase third grade reading proficiency from 6% in September, 2016 to 51% in May, 2017 (A Version) and from 1% in October, 2016 to 37% in April, 2017 (B Version) as measured on Evaluate .




2.1 Professional Development:2.2 Family Engagement:2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment:2.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year


Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey, Write Tools and site strategists; Zoom Initiatives: Zoom PD for teachers, project facilitators, and Zoom PPTs on curriculum and strategies. PD for admin, provided by Zoom, focuses on the expectations of Zoom. Admin and Zoom staff will attend PD and conferences focused on teaching and supporting English Learners




Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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School will provide training/resources to support families in building knowledge/skills at home and establishing effective habits for developing young leaders. Instructional staff will provide parents/guardians with evidence of students' academic mastery of foundation skills with suggestions/resources for practice at home especially ELL, IEP and FRL students. Zoom Initiatives: Two ZOOM Family Nights will be held (one in the winter and one in the spring), Zoom newsletters will be sent out starting in December.




Next Steps

2.3Teachers will consistently plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust tier 2/3 reading intervention instruction based on diagnostic data, including computer-based components and targeted face-to-face instruction whereby students who struggle (ELL,IEP,FRL) are retaught using multiple approaches.




Next Steps


Teachers will consistently plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust tier 2/3 reading intervention instruction based on diagnostic data, including computer-based components and targeted face-to-face instruction whereby students who struggle (ELL,IEP,FRL) are retaught using multiple approaches. Zoom Initiatives: Zoom Pre-K: Zoom pre-K half days Mon-Thurs; Zoom Full-Day Kindergarten; Zoom Reading Center: 30 minutes additional Tier I literacy instruction; Zoom Summer Academy and Intersession Academy provide 17 additional days of instruction




Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 3Priority Need/Goal 3:Increase the percentage of school-based personnel trained in cultural competency.

 Measurable Objective(s):

100% of staff will participate in a mandatory cultural competency professional development session during the 2016-2017 school year as measured by sign-in sheets. 



3.1 Professional Development:3.2 Family Engagement:3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment:3.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year

3.1 All staff will participate in a professional development session provided by the District's Equity and Diversity Department.



Next Steps



Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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Next Steps




Next Steps

3.4 Retention through financial incentives, opportunities for professional growth, administrative support and leadership, school culture and working conditions.



Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/InterventionsPriority Need/Interventions:2. Ensuring teachers are effective

 Measurable Objective(s):

Increase proficiency in reading and math among respective subpopulations by 5% by 2017 as measured by state assessments. Reading: IEP from 4% to 9%; ELL from 28% to 33%; FRL from 48% to 53% Math: IEP from 0% to 5%; ELL from 31% to 36; FRL from 42% to 47%.Reduce the reading proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 33.6 to 28 by 2017 as measured by state assessments.Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 43.6 to 35.9 by 2017 as measured by state assessments.



4.1 Professional Development:4.2 Family Engagement:4.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment:4.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year

4.1Instructional staff will attend site-based PD specifically aligned to build teacher content knowledge and support instructional application of effective teaching behaviors to plan, teach, monitor progress and adjust instruction as determined by formative assessments. Some prep buyout/sub-release will be provided for PD & coaching with Roy Casey,Write Tools and site strategists



Next Steps


All staff (licensed/support) will attend PD specifically aligned to establishing a "culture of leadership" at Paradise (1) to provide our students with the leadership tools and background to set and achieve goals for a productive, purposeful future, (2) to provide adults (staff and parents) with knowledge and resources to effectively employ leadership strategies in their own lives and with the students they impact, and (3) to fully implement and recognize the transformational process of becoming a Leader in Me "Lighthouse School"

Nevada Department of Education Paradise Professional Development ES  2016-2017Clark County School District

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BarriersNext Steps




Next Steps




Next Steps

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