School of Sport & Health Sciences University of Exeter Careers Day 2007 Martin Corck Managing Director

School of Sport & Health Sciences University of Exeter Careers Day 2007 Martin Corck Managing Director

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School of Sport & Health Sciences

University of Exeter

Careers Day 2007

Martin Corck

Managing Director

Say goodbye to daytime TV!


•Practical jargon free advice

•Honest view from an employer

•Suggestions for action


•Key tips to make the transition

•Small change – big difference!

•Power of 5

Leap of Faith!

•Trust and self-belief

•Architect of your own destiny

•No short cuts

•Have vision – reach high

•Trust your instincts

A Two Way Exchange

•It’s not a game!

•The world has not been waiting for you!

•Have a real proposition

•Where can you add value?

•Seek a good fit – scale-ability

•Secure CPD commitment

Maximise your offer

•Experience matters!

•Translate your experience and hobbies

•Research and quote

•Match up your application

•Celebrate success

•Offer constructive critique

Gap Year – A Perfect Training Ground

•‘Travelled the world’ ‘Planned and executed a challenging logistical project’

•‘Stayed alive!’ ‘Risk assessment and successful implementation’

•‘On the lash’ ‘Significant investment into team bonding and building relationships’

•‘Worked to survive’ ‘Range of skills in a challenging environment and high sense of responsibility’

Elevator Pitch

•Make my day – you’ve got 10 seconds!

•Big and bold

•Box it

•Believe it!

How NOT to do it!

‘I’m not really sure what direction to take so I’ve come to you!’

‘Found you somewhere on the internet’

‘Like the sound of your company – think you do something in sport? Sounds fun.’

‘Hope you can teach me at your cost’

‘It’s near to where I live!’

How TO do it!

‘Full of fresh ideas!’‘Waiting to be released’

‘Seeking to make a major contribution to your organisation’

‘Hungry to succeed!’

‘I offer determination, hard work and energy!’

‘Flexible and fun!’

Interview – Avoid the Lottery!

•Dress up – not down. Add a memorable item

•Connect with your interviewer

•Know why you are there and what you want!

•Be clear on your offer

•Research and prepare

(WWW – Wicked, Willing, Worker! )


•Map out your likes / dislikes

•Scale of operation

•Stepping stone to where?

•Lifestyle balance

•Use your own networks

•2012 / Health of the nation

Power of Five!


•5 key actions

•5 key months

•5 warm leads

•5 in a team – mentors

•5 key skills to offer

Good luck!



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Tel. 01245 328303