Volume 33, Number 2 Queen Anne High School Alumni Association July 2014 Picnic at the Park By Claudia (Kettles) Lovgren ’65 Where will the “bears” be fed on Sunday, August 17? Gas Works Park. What time will they be fed? That would be 11:30 am – 4 pm. What will they be fed? Burgers and hotdogs on the grill from Al’s, beverages plus side dishes brought by their fellow alumni bears. How will the bears get to the park for the picnic? The Gas Works Park is at the north end of Lake Union and parking is available (Meridian Ave. N. and N. Northlake Way). For detailed directions www.qagrizzlies.org. How can the bears help? The picnic is open to all of our alums. Your donations (suggested $5.) are needed to help cover escalating park fees and food and beverage costs. So, QA Grizzlies, shed your fur for shorts and be there at the annual all-years summer picnic! We must keep meeting like this! It’s fun and tasty! And we don’t need no “stinking app” since we have just let you know about this enjoyable annual event. Fall Luncheon Set for Nov. 1 By Jeri Samuelsen ’63 Well, folks, it’s that time again— start planning on coming to the Fall Luncheon and Annual Meeting on Nov 1, 2014, at the Seattle Yacht Club. Social time will start at 11:30 am. Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm. The cost: $35. WWII flyer and Boeing test pilot Al Jones ’38 will tell some stories of his time in the air (see story, “Planes, Trains & Trucks.”). This year’s meal choices will be: Salmon with tropical salsa & rice, or Turkey and all the extras. The veggie choice is Potato Leek Quiche with fresh fruit. Bread, salad and dessert are included. continued on page 2 As this issue was going to press we learned the news of the death of Queen Anne and University of Washington legend Bob Houbregs ’49, who passed away May 28, 2014 at age 82. Bob moved from Vancouver, B.C. as a child and attended Warren Avenue School. He played baseball and basketball at Queen Anne. He set scoring records in college, played in the NBA and was a kind and helpful mentor to Grizzlies for years at the MWOQA luncheons. Their annual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts 16 Donations Form 14 Editor Column 2 Fall Luncheon Preview 1,2 Grizzly Angels 13 Grizzly Events 16 Men/Women of QA 10 Memorials 12 Merchandise 15 Picnic Preview 1 President’s Message 2 Reunion Calendar 9 Scholarships 4-7 Spring Luncheon Review 14 Who’s News 3 SCHOLARSHIP ISSUE see page 4

SCHOLARSHIP ISSUEannual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts16

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Page 1: SCHOLARSHIP ISSUEannual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts16

Volume 33, Number 2 Queen Anne High School Alumni Association July 2014

Picnic at the ParkBy Claudia (Kettles) Lovgren ’65

Where will the “bears” be fed on Sunday, August 17? Gas Works Park.

What time will they be fed? That would be 11:30 am – 4 pm.

What will they be fed? Burgers and hotdogs on the grill from Al’s, beverages plus side dishes brought by their fellow alumni bears. How will the bears get to the park for the picnic?The Gas Works Park is at the north end of Lake Union and parking is available (Meridian Ave. N. and N. Northlake Way). For detailed directions www.qagrizzlies.org.How can the bears help?The picnic is open to all of our alums. Your donations (suggested $5.) are needed to help cover escalating park fees and food and beverage costs.

So, QA Grizzlies, shed your fur for shorts and be there at the annual all-years summer picnic! We must keep meeting like this! It’s fun and tasty! And we don’t need no “stinking app” since we have just let you know about this enjoyable annual event.

Fall Luncheon Set for Nov. 1By Jeri Samuelsen ’63

Well, folks, it’s that time again—start planning on coming to the Fall Luncheon and Annual Meeting on Nov 1, 2014, at the Seattle Yacht Club. Social time will start at 11:30 am. Lunch will be served at 12:15 pm. The cost: $35.

WWII flyer and Boeing test pilot Al Jones ’38 will tell some stories of his time in the air (see story, “Planes, Trains & Trucks.”).

This year’s meal choices will be: Salmon with tropical salsa & rice, or Turkey and all the extras. The veggie choice is Potato Leek Quiche with fresh fruit. Bread, salad and dessert are included. continued on page 2

As this issue was going to press we learned the news of the death of Queen Anne and University of Washington legend Bob Houbregs ’49, who passed away May 28, 2014 at age 82. Bob moved from Vancouver, B.C. as a child and attended Warren Avenue School. He played baseball and basketball at Queen Anne. He set scoring records in college, played in the NBA and was a kind and helpful mentor to Grizzlies for years at the MWOQA luncheons. Their annual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY.

BOB HOUBREGS ’491932-2014

Inside:Acknowledgments 7,10Contacts 16 Donations Form 14Editor Column 2Fall Luncheon Preview 1,2Grizzly Angels 13Grizzly Events 16Men/Women of QA 10Memorials 12Merchandise 15Picnic Preview 1President’s Message 2 Reunion Calendar 9Scholarships 4-7Spring Luncheon Review 14Who’s News 3

S C H O L A R S H I P I S S U Esee page 4

Page 2: SCHOLARSHIP ISSUEannual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts16

2 | The KUAY July 2014

President’s Message

By Sherry (Peck) Moody ’66

Oh, thank goodness that summer is finally here. Congratulations

to all of us. We survived the wet and cold winter of 2013. My letter says goodbye to one, and welcomes another. We bid a fond farewell to Elizabeth (Weeks) Pankey ’68, who has been the KUAY editor since February of 2012. She told us of her decision in the last KUAY, but I think we were ever hopeful … So to Elizabeth, thank you for your excellent editorial skills and friendship these last two years. May the Grizzly within you, sustain you! Welcome, Carly Avery, daughter of Cheryl (Bledsoe) Avery ’73! Carly is a UW graduate, and a graduate of The Art Institute of Seattle, Associate of Applied Arts, and Graphic Design. Elizabeth has graciously agreed to help Carly get acclimated to our Grizzly way of life.

Our Spring Luncheon has come and gone. It was another success. Thanks to all in attendance and to the stalwart alums who donated their time and effort to make it a grand event. We did have a couple of classes reserve tables for mini reunions, so if that is of interest to you, keep it in mind for either fall or spring. Give Jeri Samuelsen ’63 a call: 425-791-5885. We have had comments from many who attended, telling us what an enjoyable time they had, meeting and sharing stories from yesteryear. … If you were there, please tell your friends to come to the picnic or fall lunch, or better yet, bring them! If you have a reunion on the horizon, mention these events, and if you need a few KUAY’s for your event, we can supply them, just let us know.

KUAY & QAHSAA The KUAY is published semiannually by the Queen Anne High School Alumni Association, free for members and friends of the Association. To be placed on the mailing list or to help with Association activities, write to: P.O.Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109-0128 or email: [email protected]. Donations are enthusiastically requested, as they sustain the Association. Board meetings are generally held each month and are open to all graduates. Phone Sherry (Peck) Moody ’66 at 206-282-3585 for details. See website for minutes.The KUAY is printed by Pacific Publishing Co., Seattle. The QAHSAA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Editor’s ColumnCarly Avery

Hi all! I’m the new editor, Carly, daughter of Cheryl (Bledsoe) Avery ’73. I’m very excited to be a part of this project and keep the KUAY going. I remember seeing them in my mom’s mail when I was younger and never thought I would actually be working on it some day. How weird! By day, I currently spend my time as the sole member of the marketing team at the Howard S. Wright Seattle office. It’s a great job that I love with an awesome and well-known company in this area. When I’m not at work, you can probably catch me running around Queen Anne (where I live) or the rest of Seattle. I just completed the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon in June and it was a great experience. I am also a big fan of Seattle sports, so you might see me at some games. I look forward to hearing more about everyone and keeping in touch through this newsletter! I hope you all like the work I’ve done.

Fall Luncheon continued from page 1

Come and have an enjoyable afternoon, great scenery, great food, as well as wonderful raffle baskets and memorabilia displays. This is a good time to catch up with old friends or make some new ones, with fellow classmates. Why not bring a friend along? The annual election of new board members will be held during a short business meeting.

See coupon on page 14 or register online at www.qagrizzlies.org. Registrations are due by Oct. 24th. Also, mark your calendars: the Spring Luncheon is April 25, 2015. Cost: $35.

Our picnic is set for Sunday, August 17, at Gas Works Park, so mark your calendar, grab your sunscreen and join us! A side dish or dessert would be appreciated (but not required) for other hungry Grizzlies to share. Your alumni association will provide the burgers, dogs, etc.! Jim LePenske ’62 will bring Al’s Grill, so the barbeque will be another classic. Look for details in this newsletter.

Let’s put another event on the calendar. The Fall Luncheon will, once again, be at the Seattle Yacht Club on Saturday, November 1, thanks to Kerry McMahan ’54. Always a fun afternoon, so come eat, drink and be merry with a bunch of bears. (This is our annual meeting, and elections will be held for certain board positions.) Details in this newsletter!

I’m making this a short letter, but do consider a tax deductible donation to your alumni association. We try very hard to have events that all will enjoy, plus, your donations help fund our all-important scholarships. As the saying goes — “It takes a village …”

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3 | The KUAY July 2014

WHO’S NEWSCompiled By Kim R. Turner ’61

1920/1981: Three generations of Grizzlies in one family – not that unusual for Queen Anne/Magnolia families. RuthEllen Jones ’75, sends the following: her grandmother, Mary Minaglia ’20; her mother, Pat (Minaglia) Jones ’52; uncle, Doug Wyman ’60; her late brother, William Jones ’76; sister, Sandra Jones, who transferred to Garfield from where she graduated in 1978; and her cousin, Anne (Minaglia) Duggen ’81, who gave a speech at Queen Anne’s last commencement exercises. RuthEllen works in the tax industry. All Queen Anners!

1930s and 40s: Eleanor (Mann) Barnes ’32 celebrated her 100th birthday last December; daughter Diana J. (Barnes) Noe ’66 sent us a photo of Eleanor at the 2006 summer picnic. She still lives on Magnolia. Jerry (Schillreff) Rutherford ’40 celebrated her 92nd birthday in May; lives at Chateau at Bothell Landing.

1950s: Zoaunne Leroy ’50, has been acting in the play, “4000 Miles” in New Haven, Conn. Her characterization was written up in the New York Times for March 2, 2014, Arts Section, p.9. This data was sent to us from Zoe Kelly Donald ’51, who lives in Connecticut. Ed Lajala ’53 lives in Sedona, AZ. His picture is now

on a mural in the new UW Husky Baseball Park; several members of Queen Anne baseball teams from the 1960s also attended the March 21st opening (see story). Nancy Pat (Beatty) Richmond ’53 has just completed the requirements for a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in California. She has also passed the national exams of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Jay Holland ’54 is living in Edgewood, WA. Linda (Vieths) Storbakken ’58 lives in the Skagit Valley but still manages to Chair the Magnolia Seafair Parade, scheduled for August 2 at 10 am. Howard Brandt ’58 died April 13th in Silver Springs, MD; he was one of the

best-known quantum physicists from QA, and was the inventor of the turbutron, a high power millimeter-wave source. Pat (Butler) Ellison ’59 lives in Portland, Oregon.

1960s: Denise “Leah D” (Ford) Frank ’62 is moving away from New York City after a 50 year residence. Robert “Bob” Pound ’63 lives in Arizona. Dorothy L. (Byers) Salmon ’65 is chairman of the board of Pathway Home, a non-profit in Napa Valley, CA, which

Dorothy Salmon ’65

helps soldiers with PTSD re-enter life back home. Steve Myrvang ’66 has a second book out in his “Reach” series, “A Close Reach” (Goodreads.com). Members and friends of the KUAY band, the Neurotics, met last summer (see next issue). Susan Hulbert ’68 is an accountant and living in Brier, WA.

1970s-80s: Marcia Ann Durfee ’70, MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, succumbed in March after a lengthy illness. She was an active worker for PATH. Her sister Melissa (Durfee) Davis ’75 sent the news. John James ’74 looks forward to the 40th reunion! Cathrine Conarroe ’75 runs CiCi Maui Designs (her jewelry outlet in Lahaina) and has been living in Hawaii since 1979. Christine (Pringle) Shreve ’77 has lived in various places, but is now in Chicago. Phil Sorensen ’78 was just appointed as a Pierce County Superior Court Judge, his brother Eric Sorensen ’80 reports. Kenneth Anderson ’80 has been working for a large aerospace company since 1986; lives in Bothell.

Eleanor (Mann) Barnes ’32

Howard Brandt ’58

2014 Board of DirectorsMaggie (Nichols) Birch ’64 Katharyn Gaylord ’63Glo (Gleason) Holcomb ’46Jo (Wayt) Johnson ’64, SecretaryAnne (Messenger) Jordens ’63, TreasurerClaudia (Kettles) Lovgren ’65Scott Mayhew ’68 Sherry (Peck) Moody ’66, PresidentJeri Samuelsen ’63Craig Smith ’69 Doug Streib ’68 Kim R. Turner ’61, Vice-PresidentJeanne (Hayes) Warren ’61John Wedeberg ’63 Jackie (Moore) Zobrist ’63, Corresp. Secr.

We need your input to create the Who’s News column. Send news of Grizzlies to:Who’s News Editor, QA Alumni Assoc.,

P.O.Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109, or email : [email protected].

Photos at 300 dpi or higher res. are welcome.

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4 | The KUAY July 2014

By: Kerry McMahan ’54

Our 32nd annual scholarship competition resulted in 30 scholarship awards made possible by the exceptional generosity of classes, reunion groups, individual donations and the collective donations of many Queen Anne alumni. There were 49 applications received by the March 31st deadline. From these, 26 scholarships were awarded to high school seniors and 4 to college students.

Those interested in competing for a 2015 award should download the NEW application from the QA website next fall and take great care to follow the completion instructions.

Do not use an obsolete application form.

High school applicants must submit official transcripts, signed by / from their school’s registrar, which must contain their fall semester grades. Post-high school applicants must submit their high school, community college and most recent college transcripts.

Anything less than an official, signed transcript will disqualify the applicant from competition!

The 2014 winners are:

Max Allen – graduated from Jserra Catholic High School, San Juan Capistrano, CA with a 4.28 GPA and enrolled

this fall at the University of Dallas majoring in business administration. His honors and activities include Link Crew leader, National Honor Society tutor, AP Scholar award, all league varsity track and all county cross country, He is the son of Thomas and Sue Schuller Allen ’80. He is awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife Carol A. Rois.

Emma Ambacher – graduated from Decatur High School, Federal Way, WA with a 3.93 GPA and Highline

Community College with a 4.0 GPA in the Running Start program and enrolled this fall at Seattle University, majoring in criminal justice-forensic science. Her honors and activities include 3rd place, Washington State Science Fair, Decatur High School Theater Company, Phi Theta Kappa scholastic honorary and two years on the Highline Community College President’s List. She is the daughter of William and Michelle Chamberlin Ambacher and the granddaughter of Lois Softky Ambacher ’52. She is awarded the Judge William H. Simmons ’46 Memorial Scholarship donated by his brother John Simmons ’52.

Riley Backman – graduated from Shorewood High School with a 3.96 GPA and enrolled this fall at the

University of Washington majoring in biology. His activities and honors include National Honor Society vice-president of tutoring, LINK Crew Leader, Shorewood Band drum major, and Shorewood Jazz Ensemble. He is the son of Janet and Terry Backman ’80. He is

awarded the Hal Will ’46 Memorial Scholarship donated by alumni.

Riley Baird – graduated first in his class from Waiakea High School, Hilo, HI with a 4.0 GPA

and enrolled in the University of California-San Diego majoring in mechanical engineering. His honors and activities include National Honor Society, AP Scholar Award three consecutive years, Key and Interact Clubs, Robotics Club and varsity track in sprints, hurdles and 4 x 100 relay. He is the son of Peter and Melissa Smith Baird and the grandson of James Baird ’47. He is awarded the Donald McNeil ’65 Scholarship.

Sean Bland – graduated from Christian Brothers High School, Sacramento, CA and

enrolled this fall at the University of California-Davis. majoring in chemical engineering. His honors and activities include Honor Roll, Mathletes Club officer, 1st violin - string orchestra and Dolce Fuocco String Ensemble. He is the son of Todd and Mary Margaret Montgomery Bland ’78. He is awarded a Jay Taylor, faculty, Memorial Scholarship donated by Victor Anderson, faculty.

Megan Bleiler – graduated from Canyon High School, Canyon Country, CA and enrolled this

fall at California State University, Chico,majoring in nursing. Her activities include Key Club, Support Our Soldiers, captain and MVP – varsity volleyball. She is the daughter of David and Joy Bleiler and the granddaughter of Leslie Bleiler ’53. She is awarded the Class of 1962 Scholarship.


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5 | The KUAY July 2014

Garrett Childress – Valedictorian, graduated first in his class from Sam Barlow High School, Gresham, OR

and enrolled at Oregon State University this fall majoring in civil engineering His activities include National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Honors, captain and all conference varsity football, varsity basketball and all Oregon and all Northwest Symphonic Band He is the son of Anthony and Kathy Childress and the grandson of James L. Francis ’64. He is awarded the Jay Taylor, faculty, Memorial Scholarship donated by Bradley and Rebecca Taylor.

Toni Cox – graduated from Tacoma School of the Arts, Tacoma, WA, and enrolled this fall at Adelphi

University, Garden City, NY majoring in dance and exercise science. Her activities include YMCA competitive gymnastics, school community service leader for United Way, Habitat for Humanity and Hilltop Urban Gardens. She is the daughter of Anthony and Helene Cox and the great granddaughter of Irving Clithero ’32. She is awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Cory Di Lodovico – begins her 2nd year pursuing a Master of Science degree in Marriage and Family

Therapy at Seattle Pacific University. Her activities include multiple research and writing projects related to her major. She is the daughter of Doreen and Robert Wilson, Jr. ’62, the granddaughter of Terris Howard ’52 and Helen Anne Heath Hudnall ’53, and great granddaughter of Robert Wilson ’30. She is awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Lauren Doherty – graduated from Doherty Home School High School with a 4.0 GPA and

Cascadia Community College Running Start program with a 3.88 GPA and enrolled this fall at Central Washington University majoring in aviation in their professional pilot program. She has participated in numerous community service activities and was awarded Faculty Honors for Scholastic Achievement during all quarters at Cascadia Community College. She is the daughter of Brian and Allison Doherty and the granddaughter of Ruth Allison Fay ’40. She is awarded the Class of 1973 Scholarship.

Cameron Eckmann – graduated from Grace Christian High School, Anchorage, AK, with a 4.0 GPA and enrolled

this fall at Taylor University, Upland IN majoring in mathematics and international ministry. His activities and honors include National Honor Society, 1st place Applied Mathematics Competition, Jazz Ensemble, scholar athlete award, varsity track and JV cross country skiing, He is the son of Martin and Robin Bruhn Eckmann ’79. He is awarded the Victor Anderson, faculty, Memorial Scholarship donated by alumni.

Daisy Ernst – graduated from Albany High School, Albany, CA with a 3.9 GPA and enrolled this fall at Sonoma

State University, Rohnert Park, CA majoring in music. Her activities and honors include Albany School Pep Band, Chamber Music Club, 1st chair French horn for school wind ensemble, vocal section leader, Women’s Chamber Ensemble and city of Kensington Symphony Orchestra. She is the daughter of Michael and Mary

Ernst and the granddaughter of Eldon Ernst ’57 and the great granddaughter of Kenneth Ernst ’23. She is awarded a Class of 1962 Scholarship donated by Burton Walls ’62.

Phillip Grossenbacher – graduated from Meadowdale High School with a 3.8 GPA and enrolled this fall

at Indiana Institute of Technology, majoring in biomedical engineering. His activities and honors include National Honor Society, Link Crew, captain-varsity baseball, student store manager and winner of the VFW Voice of Democracy award. He is the son of Diane and Roger Grossenbacher ’70. He is awarded the Bruce Bowe ’62 Memorial Scholarship donated by Don Williams ’62.

Tanner Hammond – graduated from Poston Butte High School, Queen Creek, AZ with a 4.2 GPA and enrolled

this fall at Northern Arizona University majoring in history. His honors, awards and activities include Principal’s Honor Roll, Scholar of Distinction, Student of the Month and Boy’s State. He is the son of Janine and Jon Hammond ’81. He is awarded the Charles Heffelfinger Faculty Memorial Scholarship.

Levi Hawkes – graduated from Kentwood High School with a 3.83 GPA and enrolled this fall

at Central Washington University majoring in music. His activities and achievements include State Solo and Ensemble Male Quartet, Presidential Academic Award, All State Symphonic Choir and multiple drama performances and stage set construction projects. He is the son of Sam and Meagan Hawkes and the grandson of Dwayne Hawkes ’60. He is awarded the David L. Williams ’61 Memorial Scholarship donated by Don Williams ’62.

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6 | The KUAY July 2014

Zachary Haydon – graduated from Faith Academy of Marble Falls High School, Marble Falls, TX with

a 4.0 GPA and enrolled at Texas A & M University, College Station, TX this fall majoring in agriculture. His honors and activities and awards are National Honor Society president, president-Burnett 4-H Horse Club, vice president-4-H County Council, 4-H Texas State Pleasure Horse Champion, Southern Regional Ranch Horse Champion and Academic All State Football Team. He is the son of Russell and Kelly Haydon and the grandson of James Hunt ’57 and Nancy Cropp Hunt Peterson ’57. He is awarded the William Tobin ’46 Memorial Scholarship donated by the Tobin Family.

Grace Helmcke – graduated from Cascade High School, Everett, WA with a 3.7 GPA and enrolled at

Western Washington University this fall majoring in theatre. Her activities and awards include National Honor Society cabinet, Senior Class cabinet, two Drama Club and one Choir letters, choir concerts and parts in multiple drama productions. She is the daughter of Kurt and Chrystal Helmcke and the great granddaughter of Marjorie Pratt Stoddard ’37. She is awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Lindsey Hineman – graduated from Glacier Peak High School, Snohomish, WA with a 3.99 GPA and

enrolled this fall at the University of Idaho, Moscow, ID majoring in architecture. Her activities include swim team, People to People Student Ambassador, Biotechnology for Global Health, Canine Companions for Independence, National Congressional Art Show and Youth Art Month Art Show. She

is the daughter of Eric and Lora Hineman and the granddaughter of Judith Stevens Hineman ’58. She is awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Claire McConnell – begins the final year of a five year structural engineering program at the University of

Illinois, Urbana-Champagne, IL, with a GPA of 3.72. Her activities include ski instructing, climbing club and several professional on-campus engineering student organizations. She is the daughter of Catherine and Barry McConnell ’76. She is awarded an Alfred L. Meyer ’57 Scholarship.

Michaela Meyer – graduated from Meadowdale High School with a 3.8 GPA and enrolled

at Pepperdine University this fall majoring in English and philosophy. Her activities and honors include National Honor Society, AP Scholar with Honors, section leader, school jazz band, Girl Scouts and led the varsity volleyball team to 5th place in the Washington State 3A Tournament. She is the daughter of David and Deidre Meyer and the granddaughter of Jeri Ball Cusimano ’66. She is awarded the Kitt Tasanasanta ’80 and the Gates Foundation Scholarship.

Lauren Mittenthal – graduated 1st in her class from Eastlake High School with a 4.0 GPA and enrolled this

fall at Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, TX. Her activities and honors include National Honor Society, ASB Executive Board, LINK Crew leader, Athletic Council and varsity basketball. She is the daughter of John and Karen Mittenthal and the granddaughter of the late Art Snyder ’54 and Jan Totten Snyder ’55. She

is awarded the Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife Carol A. Rois.

Hannah Olliges – graduated from Lake Stevens High School with a 3.87 GPA and enrolled this fall at the

University of Washington majoring in computer science. Her honors and activities include National Honor Society, AP Scholar, Scholar Athlete, multiple Department Scholar honors, varsity swim, dive and track teams. She is the daughter of Paul and Laurie Olliges and the granddaughter of Judith Coleman Smith ’57, Donald ’57 and Betty McClean Thompson ’58 and the great granddaughter of Nellie Leishman Coleman ’36. She is awarded the Jay Taylor, faculty, Memorial Scholarship donated by friends and faculty.

Michael Parsons – graduated from John F. Kennedy High School, La Palma, CA with a 3.67 GPA and

enrolled this fall at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA, majoring in chemistry. His activities, honors and awards include AP Scholar award, Academic Achievement Award, JROTC Cadet of the Year, ASB officer, Boy’s State, Model UN officer and La Palma Police Explorer Scouts. He is the son of Les and Mary Parsons and the grandson of Kerry McMahan ’54. He is awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife Carol A. Rois.

Tyler Richardson – graduated from Timpanogos High School, Orem, UT with a 3.87 GPA and enrolled

this fall at Brigham Young University majoring in civil engineering. His honors, activities and awards include National Honor Society, Honor Roll, class officer, varsity baseball,

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7 | The KUAY July 2014

elementary school tutor and Eagle Scout. He is the son of Matthew and Lisa Jackson Richardson ’81. He is awarded the Karen A. Johnson ’71 Memorial Scholarship donated by her husband Doug Cahoon ’72.

Carly Rix – begins her 2nd year at Gonzaga University majoring in nursing, carrying a 3.4 GPA while making

time to participate in crew. Her long range plans include earning a master’s degree and becoming a nurse practitioner. She is the daughter of Charles Rix and Maureen Rix McMahan and the granddaughter of the late Pat McMahan, Sr. ’48. She is awarded the Class of 1948 Memorial Scholarship.

James Sapp, Jr. – begins his 2nd year at Columbia Basin Community college continuing his

participation in their welding program and carrying a 3.07 GPA. He continues his community service activities with the Pasco Jaycees and other groups. He is the son of Jim and Liz Sapp and the grandson of Joe ’51 and Robin Krause Taller ’59. He is awarded the Maxine Amundson McMahan ’45 Trade and Vocational Scholarship.

Cole Scruggs – graduated with Honors from Clackamas High School, Clackamas OR, with a 4.36 GPA and enrolled at California Polytechnic

State University, San Luis Obispo, CA this fall majoring in civil engineering. His honors, awards and activities include National Honor Society, AP Scholar, Key Club varsity basketball and all league and all state in varsity baseball. He is the son of Mark and Bonnie Scruggs and the grandson of Louise “Micki” Hiatt Scruggs ’55. He is awarded the Class of 1952 Memorial Scholarship donated by John Simmons ’52.

Rachel Sorensen – begins her sophomore year at the University of Washington carrying a 4.0 GPA as an

Arts and Sciences pre-major. Her awards and activities include Dean’s List and Interdisciplinary Honors Program, intramural soccer and dodge ball and volunteering at a U district homeless shelter. She is the daughter of Susan and Philip Sorensen ’78. She is awarded the Charles Wheaton ’68 Scholarship.

Richard Weber – graduated from Laguna Hills High School, Laguna Hills, CA with a 4.0 GPA

and enrolled this fall at California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, majoring in software engineering. His honors, activities and awards include International Baccalaureate Diploma, AP Scholar with Honors, varsity track, lacrosse and (MVP) football. He is the son of Christian and Melinda Weber and the grandson of Frieda Ching Wong ’55. He is awarded the Dan Kinnaird ’61 Memorial Scholarship donated by Patricia Fox Kinnaird ’61.

Angelee Yalowicki – graduated from Edmonds-Woodway High School with a 3.77 GPA and is

enrolled at Edmonds Community College in the Running Start Program working toward completion of courses required to pursue a degree in radiation therapy. Her activities and interest include National Honor Society, soccer and sports medicine teams and music, where she has been a member of band, Wind Symphony and full orchestra. She is the daughter of Nelda and Kelly Yalowicki ’82. She is awarded the Betty (Charouhas) Bebee ’45 Memorial Scholarship donated by the Bebee family.

Every issue we thank our alumni board and other volunteers who keep us going. None of our alums are paid for what they do. All Grizzlies owe these people many thanks. Without them there is no alumni association. We also acknowledge the following supporters. We need all of you. Please join in!

Kindnesses—Our Thanks to:

The Ballard Boys and Girls Club for providing meeting space for the board.

Mike ’67 and Alexandra (Dalinkus) Smith ’67, owners of LeRoux Fine Apparel in Magnolia Village, for selling our QA Alumni logo merchandise. Go take a look.

Terris Howard ’52, Carol McGuinn ’67, Bill Bloch ’62, Allan White ’54, Pat (Sykes) Ronhaar ’47, Joye (Olson) Wyckoff ’41, Ardena (Bramwell) Pendleton ’56 and Joe Ferluga ’49 for continuing to screen newspapers for the death notices used in our Memorials. We appreciate all those who write us about our fellow alumni passages.

Chef’n Products, David Holcomb ’72 for continuing to offer raffle baskets, and our other donors for their raffle basket donations.

Tully’s Coffee, on Nickerson St., for coffee and tea at our August picnic.

Jim LePenske Jr. ’62 and his brother-in-law Darwin Sizer for storing Al’s Grill and supplies between picnics. They also show up and cook hamburgers at the August picnic!

Kerry McMahan ’54 for sponsoring our luncheons at the Seattle Yacht Club, who are always so cooperative with our events.continued on page 10


Page 8: SCHOLARSHIP ISSUEannual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts16

8 | The KUAY July 2014

Planes, Trains and Trucks By Claudia (Kettles) Lovgren ’65

Al Jones ’38 is a “frequent flier” at our Spring and Fall luncheons and I have had the fortunate experience to talk to this very young at heart and vibrant QA Grizzly from time to time.

At the recent Spring Luncheon I noticed Al was wearing the QB pin. This pin indicates a member of the Quiet Birdmen organization. It was started after WWI by pilots that flew combat during the war. There are stringent qualifications to become a member.

My grandfather, Grant Kettles, wore such a pin. He was in the Canadian Air Force, then flew for Cordell Hull over North Africa, was Henry Ford’s (I am only the names I drop) pilot when Ford built the Ford Tri-Motors and became the first aerial survey pilot for the State of Michigan. He was inducted into the Michigan Museum of Flight. He also taught me to drive a stick shift one summer in Canada (yes, it took only one).

So, when I saw Al’s pin, I knew he had quite a story to tell. As unusual, I was right. Of course the first of the story starts with Magnolia Grade School, entering QAHS in 1934 and graduating as Class President in 1938.

Al enrolled in a pilot program at Boeing Field in 1939. Al then went to Canada to become a Canadian Air Force instructor pilot flying the Harvard aircraft. After a year of instructing Al requested transfer to the UK to be assigned to the Royal Air Force Bomber Command. The time was 1942 and the war in Europe was favoring the Germans. Al flew 40 night bombing missions in Wellington bombers, from England to North Africa.

Al was then able to transfer to the US Air Force and was assigned to Night Flyers to fly the Beaufighter and the Black Widow. Their mission was to destroy any ground transportation such as locomotives and trucks the Germans used to supply infantry located in France and Western Germany. The USAAF moved their base operation into Germany shortly before the Germans surrendered in May 1945.

Al was then deployed to Guam to aid in the invasion of Japan. The atomic bomb was dropped in August and their orders were changed to return to the US.

Al was personal pilot for General Fred Evans (Commanding General of the Fourth Air Force). After a year he transferred to the Air Force Reserve and remained there for 26 years, becoming a full Colonel and also pursuing a commercial pilot position.

Al returned to Seattle and married his high school sweetheart, Naides McCormick (passed in 1992) and had a girl and a boy. From 1947 – 1957 Al was a World Airways pilot. In 1957 Boeing offered him a test pilot position in Kansas for the B47 and the B52. After six years he transferred back to Seattle to fly tests and training flights on the 707 models and follow up models through the 747.

He retired as Chief Pilot of Flight Crew Training in 1981, after 24 years at Boeing.

This seems like a lot of information, but what a great way to learn more of our history in a personal way. You never know what you will learn at one of our functions and the connection you have as Grizzlies.

Thank you Al Jones for your service to our country and for taking the time to tell about it!

QA Grads Saving Aircraft HistoryBy John Hennes ’51

The Museum of Flight in Seattle exhibits beautifully restored aircraft of all vintages. How do these planes get to be so good looking? The museum has a large Restoration Center at Paine Field in Everett where volunteers spend hours, days and years turning salvaged wrecks into gorgeous museum pieces. Many of them in flyable condition.

Among the volunteers are two Queen Anne grads, T.C. Howard ’52 and Neil Crawford ’42. The Seattle Times recently published a piece by Seattle Sketcher Gabriel Campanario (Mar. 21, 2014), who was given a tour by Terry “TC” Howard of the Restoration Center. His sketch of Howard is shown here. Howard noted that one of the planes he’s working on is the first 727 jetliner to come off the Boeing assembly line in 1963. The MOF Restoration Center is open to the public.

T.C. Howard ’52, Courtesy Gabriel Capanario, Seattle Times.

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9 | The KUAY July 2014

Class Date/Time Location Contact’44 Sat., July 12, Noon Mama Melina Ristorante 5101 25th

Ave NE, SeattleChad Manning, 206-283-6550 [email protected]

’49 Sun, Aug. 17, 4:00pm Nile Golf and Country Club Dick Gilbert, 360-621-5939 [email protected]

’54 Thur, Aug. 21, 3:00pmFri, Aug. 22, 5:00pmSat, Aug. 23, Noon

Happy Hour, Anthony’s at ShilsholeSeattle Yacht ClubPicnic, Edmonds City Park

Dee Hawkes, 425 [email protected]

’59 Sat., July 19, 5:00pm

Sun., July 20

Elliott Bay Clubhouse Classmate only Party7-Day Alaska Cruise

Karen (Wittmack) Harris, [email protected] Wilkins, [email protected]

’64 Fri., Sept 19, 10:00amFri., Sept 19, 5:00pmSat., Sept. 20, 5:00pm

Golf at the Nile Golf ClubChannel Marker Pub & GrillNile Golf & Country Club

Helena (Butterfield) [email protected]

’69 Fri, Sept. 12, 6:30pm Elliott Bay MarinaPalisade Alani Room & Patio Tent

Scott Stevens, 203-749-2131Craig [email protected]

’74 Sat., Aug 23, 6:00pm Seattle Space Needle June (Erdman) Bartell 425 [email protected]

’79 Sat., Sept. 6, 6:00pm Ampersand Lounge,Belltown

Jeff Spencer, 253-761-0727Steve Hall, [email protected]

Class Date/Time Location Contact’55 Sept. 11, 2015 Seattle Yacht Club Jean (Hendrickson) White

[email protected]

’56 June 2016 Location to be determined Perry Perry, 425-408-0536Larry Austin, [email protected]

’65 June 20-22, 2015 Save the dates Sandra (Rustuen) [email protected]



Grizzly ReunionsPlanning a reunion? Contact LD Zorbist at [email protected] or 206-285-0582 for details on how we can support your efforts.

Details at www.qagrizzlies.org/reunions.htm

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10 | The KUAY July 2014

MWOQA NewsBy Dee Hawkes ’54

To best appreciate the Bob Houbregs QA Golf Classic, you have to be there for the good conversation, food, fellowship, and to enjoy an outstanding day. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t play golf, just to hang out with other Grizzlies. Last summer, while the golfers were chasing the white ball, the football teams from the mid 50’s also enjoyed themselves. Of course, the main attraction is Bob’s tournament, which includes both men and women. Set your calendar to either play or to be at the Everett Golf and Country Club on Monday, September 15th. If you plan to play, registration starts at 10:00, which is followed by a box lunch before teeing off. The golfer’s package costs $160. This includes a tax donation to the Men & Women of Queen Anne (MWOQA) Scholarship Fund for students playing college sports. On behalf of the MWOQA Committee, the welcome mat is out for you to join fellow classmates either to play or just hang out. For more information, contact Roger Jensen ’61 (206-354-5478), Don Lorentz ’60 (206-948-4197) Craig Smith ’69 (206-707-4650) or Dee Hawkes ’54 (425-485-5665).

The annual MWOQA Christmas Luncheon, which was started in 1973 to honor graduates who have passed on, will return to Anthony’s Homeport at Shilshole Bay at 11am Tuesday, December 30th. All classes are welcome to attend, enjoy the luncheon, table introductions, raffle, and awards ceremony, meet the scholarship winners, and renew old high school friendships. Come early and reserve a table for your class. For more information, send an email to [email protected]. It is now a Grizzly tradition.

McClure Celebrates 50 Years By Craig Smith ’69

The annual McClure Mixer was held on April 5th. This year the event celebrated the 50-year anniversary of the school.

The mixer is an adults-only fundraiser and auction that raises money to fund school programs throughout the year. It took place at the Queen Anne Community Center.

The event featured a speech from an alumnus, Craig Smith (QA ’69) who was an eighth-grader when the school opened in 1964, and shared his experiences and stories from that first year. The other speaker was Warren Arnhart, who was the McClure Principal in 1964. Craig told a story that in the fall of 1964, his buddy, Greg Gardner (QA ’69) and he cut school in the afternoon to watch the Yankees vs Cardinals World Series game at Craig’s house across the street. When they returned in the afternoon, Principal Arnhart was there to greet them at the door. In his office, Warren sat the boys down and first asked them, “Who won?”. What a nice thing to say to lighten the moment for a couple of nervous boys. Love you, Warren.

Chris Karam, PTSA co-president and event chairperson, provided retro images at each table of “McClure through the years”, taken from Craig’s 1964 McClure Yearbook. Shannon Conner feels “pretty fortunate” to have spent her first year as principal at McClure during its 50th anniversary. McClure has been through many iterations, Conner said, and this anniversary was a way to celebrate the history, the education, the triumphs and the hiccups along the way. The event had approximately 300 people attend, and they hope to keep growing it.


Catching up on 50 years at McClure: Warren Arnhart, Principal (left) and Craig Smith ’69.

Acknowledgments continued from page 7

Memorabilia Gifts—Our Thanks to:

Cindy Marriott for a 1925 annual from her mother, Pearl Marriott ’25.Cindy Goff of Olympia who passed on 3 annuals she found at a garage sale, belonging to Aurora (Stewart) Bolding ’43.Dana (Tobin) Gunter, daughter of the late Bill Tobin ’46 (our former alumni president) for 23 annuals from his personal collection.Lael (Peters) Kovtun ’47 for 4 annuals from the 1940s.Jackie (Hanor) Ford ’56 for letter sweater and choir sash.Marv Wilson ’60 for class pins & a beanie cap.Bert Walls ’62 for a large print of the school.Maggie (Nichols) Birch ’64 for a QA pendant and a Century 21 pin.Teacher Marv Hartley for a QA sweater and some football jerseys.

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11 | The KUAY July 2014

Ike and John Simmons ’52

It was 1959, towards the end of President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s second term. A young Air Force Captain, John Simmons ’52 was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, AK. He was a pilot flying out of the base and also the Commander of the Air Police Squadron. When the President landed, on his way to Japan, Simmons was asked by the Base Commander to serve as Honor Commander during Ike’s visit.

John writes: “Naturally, as any good patriotic “Grizzly” would have done, I acquiesced. The photo shows me escorting the President, reviewing the Army and Air Force Honor Guards. President Eisenhower said to me, “I don’t recognize those uniforms, what are they?”. I responded, “Mr. President, those are the new dress uniforms for the Army.” President Eisenhower responded, “I haven’t seen them before!”

Grizzlies Celebrate New Husky Ballpark By Craig Smith ’69

The University of Washington inaugurated a new Husky Baseball Park on March 21, 2014. About 50 former UW ballplayers were honored on the field and participated in the pre-game ceremonies, including singing the National Anthem. The photo shows five QA grads who took part in the ceremonies. These all played baseball at QA for Coach Mel Waite in the 1960s and later played baseball for the UW.

From the left: Craig Smith ’69, Marc Pease ’69, Dave Bell ’64, Dick Batley ’66 and Phil Lund ’65. Craig and Marc were on the QA 1969 championship baseball team that won the METRO League championship at Sick’s Stadium, beating Ingraham 2-0.

Queen Anne Library Centennial By Kim Turner ’61

… In which a good time was had by all. The venerable Queen Anne Public Library at 4th West and West Garfield celebrated its centennial as our last issue went to press. Members of the Blethen family attended, as the funds for the property were given to the city in 1913 by the Blethens, founders of the Seattle Times. The location itself was a compromise between neighborhood factions, and the current location satisfied all groups. The library was extensively renovated in 2007.

The centennial celebration, held on 12 January 2014, was attended by incoming Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, Library Board President Dan Dixon, City Librarian Marcellus Turner, Frank and Ryan Blethen of the Seattle Times, and many others. Queen Anne grads Kim Turner ’61, Del Loder ’46, John Hennes ’51 and QA librarian Marion (Edgerton) Parker ’34, all of whom worked on the book, “Queen Anne, Community on the Hill”, were in attendance. Members of the Queen Anne Historical Society displayed historic memorabilia. During the ceremonies, Kim Turner gave a short talk on the beginnings of the library, which was well-received by the capacity crowd of well-wishers. This photo shows Mayor Ed Murray standing behind Kim Turner.

Capt. John Simmons ’52 escorting President Eisenhower in 1959.

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12 | The KUAY July 2014

’31 Warren Greeley of Moses Lake, WA, Feb 17, 2013’34 Ernest Biggs of Bainbridge Island, WA’34 Bob Meins of Seattle, WA, May 25, 2006’34 Betti (Stoddard) Evans of Kirkland, WA, Jan 31, 2014’35 Mary (Paulson) Hanset of Seattle, WA, Oct 25, 2013’35 Harry Stimmel of Roseburg, OR, Oct 20, 2013’36 Glen Courtney of Seattle, WA, Mar 25, 2014’36 Mary Ann (Stimmel) Hill of Mill Creek, WA, May 11, 2014’37 Jack Chambers of Mercer Island, WA, Dec 12, 2013’37 Al Chriest of Burien, WA, Nov 10, 2013’37 Gene Fay of Lacey, WA, Dec 21, 2006’37 Bee (Hamilton) Sylvester of Seattle, WA, Feb 17, 2014’38 Bob Blakely of Bozeman, MT, Nov 26, 2013’38 John Monsey of Edmonds, WA, Apr 27, 2014’38 Betty (Phennah) Covey of Mukilteo, WA, Apr 14, 2014’40 Helen (Andersen) Sagdahl of Port Angeles, WA, Jan 10, 2014’40 Jim Rowland of Seattle, WA, Jan 29, 2014’40 Sherman Sloan of Seattle, WA, May 3, 2014’41 Harry Peterson of Bothell, WA, Dec 31, 2006’41 Juanita (Vermillion) Dorage of Federal Way, WA, Feb 02, 2002’42 Eugene Lamb of Edmonds, WA, Sept. 27, 2011’42 Naida (Landen) Randrupp of Seattle, WA, Mar 15, 2014’42 Jack Nordstrom of Normandy Park, WA, Apr 11, 2014’42 John Sudler of Centralia, WA, Jan 8, 2014’43 Bill Finger of Seattle, WA, Mar 11, 2014’43 Margaret (Moore) Shulz of Seattle, WA, Mar 2, 2014’44 Ruby (Bisson) Buckley of Kettle Falls, WA, Dec 21, 2013’44 Jeannie (Craigen) Sherwood of Silverdale, WA, Nov 23, 2013’44 Donald Douglass of North Bend, WA, Oct 8, 2013’44 Sheryl (Hays) Martinis of Lake Forest Park, WA, Feb 12, 2014’44 Ray Mathis of Seattle, WA, Jan 3, 2014’44 Loretta Fay (Pettengill) Reynolds-Richar of Shoreline, WA, Jan 4, 2014’44 Bob Redding of Laurel, MT, Jan 29, 2014’45 Bill Batley of Mill Creek, WA, Dec 8, 2013’45 Nancy (Rowles) Baxter of San Mateo, CA, Jun 22, 2008’45 Dale Woepse of Laguna Hills, CA, Oct 7, 2013’46 Ellwood Johnson of Everson, WA, Mar 2, 2014’46 Doris (Vermillion) Marker of Pampa, TX, Dec 26, 2013’47 Lee Amundson of Mount Vernon, WA, Sep 10, 2013’47 Duane Bloomstrom of Kenmore, WA, Apr 21, 2014’47 Bruce King of Lynnwood, WA, Apr 26, 2013’48 Kathy (Brown) Brown of Calabasas, CA, Jan 29, 2014’48 Robert Olson of Bellevue, WA, Jan 14, 2013’49 Loretto (Canty) Hightower of Olympia, WA, Jan 5, 2014’49 Melvin Mathis of Union Gap, WA, Apr 16, 2014

’49 Dick Segale of Ormond Beach, FL, Jan 8, 2014’49 Bev (Smith) Rome of Kerrville, TX, Feb 19, 2014’50 Roy Bathum of Bellevue, WA, Jan 14, 2014’51 Marlene (Auchter) Reid of Kent, WA, Mar 26, 2014’51 Hal Henkel of Bellingham, WA, Jan 13, 2014’51 Connie (Hodge) Porter of Raymond, WA, Dec 22, 2006’51 Thomas Walsh of Los Altos, CA, Mar 17, 2014’52 Joe Daniels of Pineville, LA, Feb 23, 2014’52 Noni (Knight) Wineland of Seattle, WA, Nov 22, 2013’52 Thomas Mount of Seattle, WA, Feb 16, 2014’52 Frank Myers of Lompoc, CA, Mar 11, 2013’53 Jo Ann (Dahle) Notsund of Salem, OR, Feb 20, 2014’53 Mel Saul of Cape Coral, FL, Jan 27, 2014’54 Don Fisher of Sunnyside, WA, Jun 12, 2013’54 Ann (Horsfall) Pittman of Brinnon, WA, Mar 12, 2011’54 Marlene (Patterson) Chamberlin of Seattle, WA, Apr 24, 2005’54 Carolyn (Rapp) Nicolai of Santa Clarita, CA, May 17, 2014’54 Ethel (Sams) Twogood of Mandan, ND, Feb 10, 2014’54 Goldie (Stevens) Haldeman of Seattle, WA, Sep 11, 2013’55 Judy (Anderson) Moffett of Seattle, WA, Jan 28, 2014’58 Cappy Huleen of Redmond, WA, Dec 31, 2013’58 Roger Overbeck of Yakima, WA, Apr 19, 2014’59 Karen (Andrews) Martin of Seattle, WA, Jan 30, 2012’59 James Trick of Anacortes, WA, Jun 08, 2013’59 Jean (West) Knowles of Shipshewana, IN, Dec. 17, 2013’60 Steven Butler of Seattle, WA, Jul 19, 2013’62 Art Daughters of Seattle, WA, Apr 30, 2014’62 Gerene (Fuller) Olson of Olympia, WA, Feb. 16, 2014’62 Faith (Grafmyre) Smith of Kapowsin, WA, Mar 13, 2014’62 Janet (North) Oliver of Seattle, WA, Feb 1, 2014’64 Dean Bateman of Seattle, WA, Mar 15, 2014’64 Pearl (Isquith) Harris of Flower Mound, TX, Jul 9, 2013’64 Julius Johnston of Andover, MA, Jun 16, 2009’64 Mel Laknas of Portland, OR, Nov 20, 2005’64 Don Lucas of Bellingham, WA, Aug 30, 2002’64 Fred Nolte of Shoreline, WA, Nov 20, 2006’64 Susan Stuurmans of Medford, OR, Apr 07, 2009’64 Shirley (Vanni) Palmer of Snohomish, WA, Nov 26, 2013’64 Nicholas Walleri of Beaverton, OR, Dec 9, 2005’64 Donna (Wessel) Winfrey of Sigourney, IA, Nov 22, 2012’64 Mike Wilson of Boise, ID, Mar 26, 2012’65 Penny (Hodge) Wright of Bremerton, WA, 2005’67 James Hodge, Feb 28, 2014’67 Clifford Pecknold of Seattle, WA, Apr 27, 2014’69 April (Falkin) Jensen of Seatac, WA, Jan 26, 2014’69 Shelley (Palmer) Comer, Nov 5, 2013’70 Lee Cullison of Lynnwood, WA, Dec 6, 2013’70 Marcia Ann Durfee of Seattle, WA, Mar 31, 2014’70 Christina (McLean) Knoth of Sunnyside, WA, Jul 22, 2013’70 Michael Tryon of Chelan, WA, Jan 7, 2014’74 Teresa Chapman of Seattle, WA, 2005’75 Rusty Cripe of Bremerton, WA, Jan 3, 2014’76 Julian “Guy” LaHara, Mar 27, 2014QA Staff Victor Anderson of Des Moines, WA, Feb 5, 2014


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13 | The KUAY July 2014

BENEFACTORS ($500 or more)’52*John Simmons - In memory of my brother, Judge William H Simmons ‘46’57*Al Mayor’61*Patricia (Fox) Kinnaird - In memory of my loving spouse Dan Kinnaird ’61’62*Don Williams - B In memory of Bruce Bowe ’62’62*Don Williams - In memory of David L Williams ’61’68*Charles Wheaton’80 Todd HaganGuest*DV & Ida McEachern Charitable Trust - E

SPONSORS($100 - $499)’38*Jean (Sekiguchi) Smith - In memory of my brother, Kenichiro Sekiguchi Lincoln HS’37’43*Nao (Sekiguchi) Wenkam - In memory of my brother, Kenichiro Sekiguchi Lincoln HS’37’45 Ann (Lomen) Sandstrom’45 Barbara (Sawyer) Scott’48*Class of 1948 Committee - In memory of our departed Class of ’48 mates.’48 Class of 1948 Committee - In memory of our departed Class of ’48 mates.’49*Thelma (Knox) Beck - In memory of Randy Gibbons ’70’51 Laurie Miller - In memory of Don Lilly’51 Patsy (Hunter) Durham - In memory of my sister Mary (Hunter) Gordon ‘50’53 Betty Lou (Friedlander) Treiger’53 Les Bleiler’55*Roberta (Nelson) McLean - In memory of Susan (Nelson) Bockman ‘57

’56*Marilyn (Grant) Bozich - In memory of Betty (Charouhas) Bebee ‘45’57*Bob Telfer - In memory of Wendy (Carrington) Torkelson ’57 & William Scherer ’57’58 Marilyn Dillard’59 Everett Howe - In memory of Marilyn (Brown) Howe ’59’60*John Cleveland’61 Steve Haynes’62 Jim LePenske’64 Danny Mann’65 Bob Hunter’66 Lorie Dahl’66 Harlan Falkin - In memory of my sister April (Falkin) Jensen ’69’69 Carroll Hershey - In memory of Jay Taylor, Faculty, and April Falkin ’69.’70*Scott Calkins’70 Christy (Fox) Allen - In memory of Michael Tryon ’70’72 Doug Cahoon - In memory of my wife Karen A Johanson ’71Guest*Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Prog - Courtesy of Kitt TasanasantaGuest*Bob & Margaret Boyce - In memory of Jay Taylor, FacultyGuest*Board and Staff of Hearing, Speech & Deafness Ctr - In memory of Bob Olson ’48Relative Shirley Will - In memory of Sherman Sloan ’40QA Staff*Marv Hartley - In memory of Jay Taylor, Faculty

PATRONS ($1 - $99)’*Anonymous Donor’38 Al Jones’39 Robert Webber’40 Clarence Suder’41*Joye (Olson) Wyckoff - In

memory of Sherman Sloan ’40’41 Marty Burkland’42 Sally Flood’43 Gerard Torrence’44 Gordon Christian’45 Joe Green’45 Norma (Sherer) Fitzmaurice’46 Georgia (Baldwin) Gordon’47*Patricia (Sykes) Ronhaar’47 Harold Quinby’47 Norma (Verrier) Taylor’48 Jeanne (Eiseman) Nichols’48*Jane (Laney) Wiggins’48 Donna (Woepse) Hirsch - In memory of my brother, Dale Woepse ‘45.’51*Ed Sobota’51 Louise (Sutlovich) Major’53 Carolyn (Sherry) Lewan - In memory of Marion Kline ’28’53 Russ Elsom - In memory of Bruce (Mtn Goat) Blake ’53’54 Susanne (Richard) Elderkin’56 Linda (Rafael) Hadley’56*Linda (Rafael) Hadley’56 Ron Hall’57*Eldon Ernst’57 Doug Chapple’58 John Gessner’58 Ginny (Meyer) Iverson’58 John Shelton’61 Kim Turner’62*Sandy (Voolich) Gaines’62 Jim LePenske - For two faculty spouses meals at spring luncheon’65 Karen (Schramm) Swaney - In loving memory of my brother Don Schramm’68’66 Tim Moody’66 Sherry (Peck) Moody’68 Evelyn (Denison) Turner’69 Bill Woodham’71 Sharon (Sawyer) Brand’77 John DanceGuest J D Brown - In memory of Jay Taylor, Faculty

* General scholarshipsB Bowe Scholarship FundE McEachern Scholarship FundH Heffelfinger Scholarship FundM McNeil Scholarship FundR Rois Scholarship Fund

ANGEL INFORMATIONOur Association is funded primarily by donations, plus sales of merchandise and raffles. We are unique among alumni groups in not having paid memberships. Your gifts are greatly appreciated and needed not just to provide scholarships but also to cover the KUAY, logo merchandise purchases and miscellaneous expenses. All our efforts are by unpaid volunteers. In these difficult times we hope you can find a way to help the QAHSAA continue its mission.

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14 | The KUAY July 2014


Yes, add my name to the QA Legacy Donors “Angels” List (or update my contact information).

Class Year__________ Phone #___________ Email _____________________________Name_______________________________ Maiden Name________________________Address_____________________________ City/ST/ZIP+4_______________________ For Scholarships $___________ Unrestricted $______________If this is a new address or name, please check here______Comments may be added on a separate pieCe of paper.Make checks payable to: QAHSAAMail to: QAHSAA - P.O. Box 9128 - Seattle, WA 98109-0128

The QAHSAA is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by Federal Law.

Queen Anne Legacy Donation 2014

Date_______________Check#____________Scholarships$_______Unrestricted$_______Total $___________

Tax deductible donationSave this section for your records.

Donations may be made online with a credit/debit card via PayPal at: www.qagrizzlies.org

QAHS AlumniFall Luncheon &Annual MeetingSeattle Yacht Club1807 E. Hamlin St

(S. of Montlake Bridge)Saturday, November 1, 2014

11:30 am Social12:15 pm Lunch

(Save this portion as a reminder)

Queen Anne HS Alumni AssociationFall Luncheon November 1, 2014

Name:________________________________________Year: ____ Meal: ___

Name:________________________________________Year: ____ Meal: ___

Meal Choices:T Roast TurkeyS Salmon & RiceV Potato Leek Quiche

Salad and Dessert included with each meal.

donations aCCepted

Please include maiden namePhone# for contact: _______________________

$35 per person - make checks to QAHSAAPlease indicate “Fall Luncheon” on check andmail reservation form with payment by October 24, 2014to: QA Alumni Luncheon, P.O.Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109

Cash Only Bar & raffleor register and pay online at www.qagrizzlies.org/News_Events/Events/Fall. Q?s Call Jeri at 425-791-5885 or [email protected]

SPRING LUNCHEON 2014By Kim R. Turner ’61

A smaller crowd of 90 attendees enjoyed the recent alumni Spring Luncheon at the Seattle Yacht Club, April 12th, 2014. The weather became totally gorgeous, in spite of earlier predictions of rain. The diners included eight attendees each from the classes of 1960 and 1964, and seven from the class of 1957. The raffle baskets were eagerly sought after and the logo sales were well over $200.

Kim Turner ’61 was the successful bidder for a framed, signed “Dennis the Menace” cartoon, with author/cartoonist Hank Ketcham’s ’37

name boldly written. Tovi (Paul) Andrews ’60, put it best in a letter received following the luncheon: “Great food and company. Our table of 1960 grads was well entertained.” Al Jones ’38 was the oldest alum in attendance; Sally (Ghormley) Villaluz’79 was the youngest.

Faculty who attended included Warren Arnhart, Bobbie Barnhart, Walt Bone, Bob Brubaker, John Doty, Marv Hartley, Reese Lindquist, Gary Stubbs and Dan (Doc) Walther. Joanne Brubaker, Cecile Lindquist and Ann Walther accompanied their spouses. Kim Turner’s short program denoting some Notable Grizzlies of the past was well-received. Among the

notables was Lillian E. (Rice) Gates ’10, grandmother of Microsoft’s Bill Gates. She was proud of being one of the first graduates from Queen Anne.

History Books Still Available

The community histories of Queen Anne and Magnolia are still available. For Queen Anne go to www.qahistory.org or call Michael Herschensohn at 206-412-0702. For Magnolia, go to www.magnoliahistoricalsociety.org or call Dee St George at 206-284-5480.

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15 | The KUAY July 2014

Name Year(First, Maiden, Last)

Address City/State/Zip

Phone Email

Your QAHS Merchandise

You may now order your logo merchandise online with a cred-it/debit card or PayPal at: www.qagrizzlies.org - click on “QA Alumni Store”

Order Your Logo Merchandise...Today!Note: Sizes 2XL & 3XL are $3.00 more than listing

$10 QA ceramic mug w/stripes __ $ 1 Antenna ball __ $ 7 School print __ $ 7 Tote bag polypro maroon N __ $ 7 Tote bag polypro orange N __

$ 8 Playing cards (2 decks) __ $10 Golf towel __ $12 Golf balls (3pk/5tees) __ $20 Golf balls & towel combo __ $15 License plate frame, metal __

Non-clothing items

Order your choices using this form and pay by check, or view & order items online and pay by credit/debit card!

www.qagrizzlies.org Items are also sold at most reunions and alumni events, and can also be viewed, bought or ordered from:

LeRoux in Magnolia3220 West McGraw St.

Seattle WA 98199

Mail checks payable to: Queen Anne Alumni Association

PO Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109-0128

Questions? Contact: Tim Moody

(206) 282-3585 or [email protected]

To cover postage & handling, add: $4 for orders up to $25 $6 for orders $26-$50 $8 for orders over $50

Total Items _____Total Cost$______Postage &Handling $ ______

Subtotal $ ______Add a donation $______

Check enclosed for $_______

Date Ordered

*Make a Donation, Support the QA Legacy, Update your contact information and Order QA merchandise all at once. QAHSAA is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization. All gifts are tax deductible to extent permitted by Federal Law.

If this is a new address or name, please check here

Your Queen Anne HS Merchandise Form *

N = New Item

or order online with credit/debit card at www.qagrizzlies.org

Thank you for your order.

CLOTHING ITEMS SIZES$13 Mourning bear T-shirt, maroon M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$15 Prowling bear T-shirt, stone blue N S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$15 Prowling bear T-shirt, ash grey S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$18 QA Grizzly T-shirt, navy blue N S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$16 QA Grizzly T-shirt, white S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$35 Denim shirt, blue S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$45 Sweatshirt, ¼ zip, navy, no pckts N S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$45 Sweatshirt, ¼ zip, grey, no pckts S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$50 Sweatshirt, full zip,navy,pckts N S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$50 Sweatshirt, full zip,maroon,pckts N S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$50 Vest (reversible), blue S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ $10 Knit pea cap, maroon & orange N Onesizefitsall$14 Baseball cap, white Adjustable back$15 Baseball cap, maroon S-M___ L-XL___

CLEARANCE CLOTHING ITEMS LIMITED TO SIZES AVAILABLE$13 School building T-shirt, white M___$36 Ladies’ Polo SS shirt, maroon S___ M___ L___ $36 Ladies’ vee-neck SS shirt, maroon S___ $36 Ladies’ vee-neck SS shirt, white M___ L___ XL___ $36 Polo short-sleeve shirt, maroon S___ M___ 3XL__$36 Polo short-sleeve shirt, white M___ L___ 2XL___$37 Polo long-sleeve shirt, maroon S___ M___ 2XL___ $60 Sports jacket - Ladies’ sizes YL___ YXL___$60 Sports jacket - Men’s sizes S S___ M___ L___

Page 16: SCHOLARSHIP ISSUEannual fall golf classic is named for him. We will have a more complete report on Bob in the next KUAY. BOB HOUBREGS ’49 1932-2014 Inside: Acknowledgments 7,10 Contacts16

16 | The KUAY July 2014




Queen Anne High SchoolAlumni AssociationP.O.Box 9128Seattle, WA 98109-0128


Grizzly Events: Mark Your CalendarVisit www.qagrizzlies.org for the most up-to-date information.

See page 9 for reunion info

July 2014QA Alumni Contact Info:

Address Changes & Memorials (Obits):LD Zobrist, [email protected] or 206-285-0582Photos & KUAY Editorial Board:John Hennes, [email protected] or 206-284-2266KUAY Who’s News:Kim Turner, [email protected] or 206-706-4184Events:Jeri Samuelsen, [email protected] or 425-791-5885Reunions:LD Zobrist, [email protected] or 206-285-0582Merchandise:Tim Moody, [email protected] or 206-282-3585Scholarships:Kerry McMahan, [email protected] or 206-523-0079KUAY Editor:Carly Avery, [email protected] President:Sherry (Peck) Moody, [email protected] or 206-282-3585MWOQA:Dee Hawkes, [email protected] or 425-485-5665

9th Annual Class of ’68 Golf Tournament, Sat., July 19 at Cedar Crest Golf Course, Marysville. Contact Doug Streib 253-831-5201, [email protected].

Magnolia Seafair Parade, Sat., Aug. 2, 10 am. Join other Grizzlies in the parade. Meet at 34th W and W Raye St.

Alumni All-Years Summer Picnic, Sunday, Aug. 17, 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Gas Works Park.

Annual Men & Women of QA Houbregs Memorial Golf Tournament, Mon., Sept. 15, Everett Golf & Country. Contact Dee Hawkes 425-485-5665, [email protected] or Roger Jensen 206 354 5478, [email protected].

Fall Alumni Luncheon, Sat., Nov. 1, 11:30 a.m. at Seattle Yacht Club.

Next KUAY Copy Deadline, Dec. 20, 2014.

MWOQA Christmas Luncheon, Tue., Dec. 30, 11:00 am at Anthony’s Homeport Shilshole Bay. See website for updates. Spring Alumni Luncheon, Sat., April 25, 2015 at Seattle Yacht Club.

Did this come to you in error? If the addressee does not live at this address, please let us know and we will remove it. Any forwarding or contact information would be helpful, too. You can reach us at [email protected], 206-285-0582 or the return address above. Thank you.