8 – 11 MARCH 2018 The NEC, Birmingham www.crufts.org.uk Celebrating healthy, happy dogs SCHEDULE SCHEDULE

SCHEDULE - Fosse Datafossedata.co.uk/downloads/pdf/CRUFT_MAR_18_Schedule.pdf · 8 – 11 MARCH 2018 • The NEC, Birmingham • Celebrating healthy, happy dogs SCHEDULE

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8 – 11 MARCH 2018 • The NEC, Birmingham • www.crufts.org.uk

Celebrating healthy, happy dogs


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Crufts 2018 1

Benched General Championship Show

held under Kennel Club Limited Rules and Regulations on Group System of judging


Organised by the KENNEL CLuB LIMITEDPresident: HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO

Chairman: Mr S.C. Luxmoore

Crufts Show Committee: Mr N. Brooks-Ward, Mrs C.E. Cartledge, Mr M. Cooke, Dr I. Gabriel, Mr D. Guy, Mr I. Kettle,

Mr G. King (Chairman), Mr T. Mather (Vice Chairman), Mrs G.F. Simpson

Chief Steward: Mr I. Kettle Assistant Chief Steward: Mr G. Jackson-Haines

Chief Arena Steward: Mr E.M. Paterson Director, Obedience, Agility & Events: Mr M. Cooke

Arena Director: Mr N. Brooks-Ward Chief Obedience Steward: Mr R. Kebble

Show Manager: Mrs V.C. McAlpine Events Manager: Mrs C.L. Guiver

Group Stewards:Ms J. Gordon, Mr B. Hanney, Mr S. Harrison-Stratford, Mrs J. Jackson-Haines, Mr T.H. Johnston, Mr R. Link, Mrs J. Millard, Mr S. Milner, Mr R.L. Mosedale,

Mrs H. Norbury, Mr R. Price, Mr M. Thorne, Mr D. Wallhead

Guarantors to the Kennel Club:Mr S.C. Luxmoore (Chairman of the Kennel Club),

Hushwing Barn, Magdalen High Road, Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalen, Norfolk PE34 3BG.Mr G. King (Chairman of Crufts Committee), 42 Holmwood Road, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey SM2 7JP.

Mr S.A. Croxford (Vice Chairman of the Kennel Club),Shade Cottage, Coventry Road, Wigston Parva, Hinckley, Leics LE10 3AP.

Mr T. Mather JP (Vice Chairman of Crufts Committee), 70 Higher Road, Hunts Cross,Liverpool L26 1TD.

Mr M. Cooke, 2 Pear Tree Cottage, Ingon Lane, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 0QF.Mrs G.F. Simpson, Lythe House Farm, Stape, Pickering, North Yorkshire YO18 8HP.

Cover PhotographCRufTS 2017 BEST IN SHOw

Spaniel (American Cocker) — Sh Ch Afterglow Miami InkOwned by Mr J. Lynn & Mr R. Da Silva

Photograph: OnEdition/The Kennel Club ©

A dog docked on or after the 6th April 2007 may not be entered for exhibition at this show

All Judges at Crufts agree to abide by the following statement:"In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider

would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog."

© The


nel C


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2018Crufts Committee thank the following

for their generous contributionto the 2018 Show:




Agria Pet Insurancefrontline


James wellbelovedRoyal Canin uK


Arden Grange Pet foodsNatural InstinctNatures Menu


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(1) If it is a Champion, Show Champion, Field Trial Champion, Working Trial Champion, Obedience ChampionorAgilityChampionundertheRulesoftheKennelClub.

(2) IfitisenteredintheKennelClubStudBook,orqualifiesforentryintheKennelClubStudBookby22ndJanuary2018.

(3) IfitisenteredintheKennelClubStudBook,orqualifiesforentryintheKennelClubStudBookby22ndJanuary2018throughFieldTrialsorWorkingTrials.

(4) Ifithaswonanyofthefollowingprizesinabreedclass(asdefinedinKennelClubRegulationsfortheDefinitionsofClassesatChampionshipShows)ataChampionshipShow,includingCrufts,whereChallengeCertificateswereofferedforthebreedbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018.

i. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class ii. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class iii. First, Second or Third in Junior Class iv. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class v. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class vi. First, Second or Third in Limit Class vii. First, Second or Third in Open Class viii. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class (5) If it has won a First Prize in anybreedclassatCrufts2017 (NB: This is in addition to those

dogs which have qualified in classes listed under a. (4) above). (6) IfaBeagle,haswonaFirstPrizeataHoundShowbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary

2018heldundertheRulesandRegulationsoftheMastersofHarriersandBeaglesAssociation. (7) IfithasbeendeclaredBestofBreedataPremierOpenShow,providedthereweremorethan

three breed classes (more than five classes for Stud Book Band E breeds)scheduledforthebreedbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018.

(8) IfithaswonBestinShow,ReserveBestinShoworBestPuppyinShowataGeneralorGroupOpenShowbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018.


IfithaswonanyofthefollowingprizesatGeneralandGroupChampionshipShows,scheduledbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018,innon-CCclassesforbreedsnormallyallocatedChallengeCertificates(provided there are more than three breed classes or more than five classes for Stud Book Band E breeds).

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i. Best of Breed ii. Best Puppy in Breed iii. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class iv. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class v. First, Second or Third in Junior Class vi. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class vii. First, Second or Third in Limit Class viii. First, Second or Third in Open Class



(1) If ithasbeendeclaredBestofSexorReserveBestofSexofaBreedorgainedanyof thefollowingPrizesinBreedorVarietyClassesataChampionshipShow,includingCruftsbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018.

i. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class ii. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class iii. First, Second or Third in Junior Class iv. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class v. First, Second or Third in Limit Class vi. First, Second or Third in Open Class vii. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class (see note 2) (2) If it has won a First Prize in anybreedclassatCrufts2017(NB: This is in addition to those

dogs which have qualified in classes listed under c. (1) above). (3) IfithasbeendeclaredBestofBreedataPremierOpenShowprovidedthereweremorethan

three breed classes (more than five classes for Stud Book Band E breeds)scheduledforthebreed.

(4) IfithaswonBestinShow,ReserveBestinShoworBestPuppyinShowataGeneralorGroupOpenShowheldbetween23rdJanuary2017and22ndJanuary2018.

d. ENTRY INTO AV IMPORTED REGISTER CLASSES AT CRUFTS 2018. AdogiseligibleifithasbeenawardedBestofSexorReserveBestofSexorgainedanyofthefollowing


i. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class iii. First, Second or Third in Junior Class iv. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class vi. First, Second or Third in Open Class

e. ENTRY IN FIELD TRIAL CLASSES AT CRUFTS 2018. A dog is eligible for entry in Field Trial classes for its breed if it has at any time won an award, a Diploma


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f. ENTRY IN SPECIAL WORKING GUNDOG CLASSES AT CRUFTS 2018. AdogiseligibleforentryinSpecialWorkingGundogclassesforitsbreedifithasatanytimebeen


g. ENTRY IN SPECIAL WORKING TRIAL CLASSES AT CRUFTS 2018. WiththeexceptionofBloodhounds,adogiseligibleforentryinWorkingTrialClassesforitsbreedifit


h. OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS AT CRUFTS 2018. AdogiseligibleforentryifithaswonaKennelClubObedienceCertificateataShowheldbetween


i. AGILITY CHAMPIONSHIPS AT CRUFTS 2018. AdogiseligibleforentryifithaswonaKennelClubAgilityCertificate(Large,MediumandSmalldogs)


j. OVERSEAS QUALIFICATIONS. ThefollowingqualificationsrefertoKennelClubfullyrecognisedbreedsonly. (1) AnyChampionfromacountrywithwhichtheKennelClubhasareciprocalagreementqualifies

automaticallyifitisdomiciledintheUKandisontheKennelClubBreedRegister. (2) AnyFCIInternationalBeautyChampionandthetwoShowChampiontitlesCIBfor'non-working

breeds'andCIEfor'workingbreeds'. (3) WinnersofJuniorDogandJuniorBitchclasses,plustheBestDogandtheBestBitchatspecified

ShowsinEuropeancountriescoveredbytheUKPETTRAVELSCHEME. (4) WinnersofJuniorDogandJuniorBitchclasses,plusCACIBDogandCACIBBitchatFCIWorld

WinnersShow2017.Winners of JuniorDog, JuniorBitch,VeteranDog,VeteranBitch plusCACIBDogandCACIBBitchatEuropeanWinnersShowin2017.ThisappliestodogsresidentincountriescoveredbytheUKPETTRAVELSCHEME.

(5) USA–WinnersofBestofBreed,BestofOpposite,AwardsofExcellenceattheAKCInvitational,December2017.Additionally,BestofBreed,BestofOpposite,GrandChampionSelectDogandBitch,AwardofMeritWinners(ifoffered)andBestBredbyExhibitor(ifoffered)atoneNationalBreedSpecialityShowperbreedchosenbytheParentBreedClubandagreedbytheAKC.

(6) CANADA –ThetopfivedogsfromeachgroupaccordingtotheDogs in Canada Top Show Dog pointsystem,aswellastheBestofBreed,BestofOpposite,SelectDog,SelectBitchandAwardofMeritWinnersattheNationalSpecialtiesagreedbytheCanadianKennelClub.Additionally,allGroupPlacementWinners(1st,2nd,3rdand4th ineachGroup)at theRenaissanceDogAssociationShowheldonSaturday,15thApril2017areeligible.

(7) AUSTRALIA –OneShowhasbeennominatedfor2017ineachoftheeightstates.WinnersofJuniorDogandJuniorBitchclasses,plustheBestDogandtheBestBitchtoqualifyateachShow.

(8) JAPAN –WinnersofBestDogofeachbreed(BOBDog)andBestBitchofeachbreed(BOBBitch),aswellasBestPuppyDogofeachbreed(BPOBDog)andBestPuppyBitchofeachbreed(BPOBBitch)attheFCIJapanInternationalChampionshipShow2017,Tokyo,whichistheJKCAnnualShow.

(9) NEW ZEALAND –WinnersofJuniorDogandJuniorBitchclasses,plustheBestDogandBestBitchtoqualifyfromtheNZKCNationalShow.

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(10)GUERNSEY –AllGroupWinners,BestPuppyinShow,ReserveBestPuppyinShow,BestVeteraninShowplusBestJuniorinShowfromtheSpring,AutumnandWinterOpenShowsin2017.

(11) JERSEY –AllGroupWinners,allPuppyGroupWinners,allJuniorGroupWinnersplusBestVeteraninShowfromthethreenominatedChampionshipShowsin2017.

(12) BERMUDA –AllGroupWinners,BestPuppyinShowplusBestVeteraninShowfromtheannualAllBreedInternationalChampionshipShowsinOctober2017.

(13) HONG KONG –WinnersofCACDogandCACBitchforallKennelClubrecognisedbreedsfromthe2017InternationalChampionshipShow,HongKong.

NOTES ON QuALIfICATIONS 1. ABreedClassisaclassconfinedtoonebreed. 2. AwardsasabovequalifyadogforentryatCrufts2018onlyiftheclassinwhichtheawardwas


3. InanyclassscheduledatCrufts2018forwhichanagelimitappearsinthedefinitiontheageiscalculatedtothe8thMarch2018.

4. JuniorandVeterantitlesarenotrecognisedbytheKennelClub. 5. Noentrieswillbeaccepted“NotforCompetition”. 6. Dogsqualifyingafter8thJanuary2018canonly be entered on-line. 7. Forafulllistofoverseasqualifyingshows,pleasegotowww.crufts.org.uk


• DOCKED DOGSDogs which were docked before 6th April 2007: If your dog was docked either in the UK or in a foreign country before 6th April 2007 then it may compete at Crufts.

Dogs which were docked on or after 6th April 2007: If your dog was docked on or after 6th April 2007 it is not, under the law, permitted to be shown at Crufts (where the public are admitted on payment of a fee).

• CROPPINGNo dog with cropped ears is eligible to compete at any Kennel Club licensed event.

uK PET TRAVEL SCHEME — Bringing dogs into the uKCrufts exhibitors must ensure that their dogs fully comply with the entry rules for bringing dogs into the UK. In the case of dogs being brought from some countries, this will involve a process which can take a number of months to complete prior to travel to the UK and Crufts.For further details please see www.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad

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DEfINITIONS Of CLASSES(Vide Kennel Club Regulations for Definitions of Classes)

a. In the following definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any Show award that counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club. A CACIB or CAC is taken to be the equivalent to a Challenge Certificate and should be taken into account when entering classes.

b. Wins at Championship Shows in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows.

c. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including the seventh day before the date of closing of postal entries shall be counted when entering for any class i.e. Monday, 1st January 2018. Wins in Variety classes do not count for entry in Breed Classes but when entering for Variety classes, wins in both Breed and Variety classes must be counted. A First Prize does not include a Special Prize of whatever value.

d. If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered which is ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the following options:

(1) Withdrawal The dog may be withdrawn from competition subject to the conditions of Regulations F(1)

9(j) and 20. (2) Transfer a) If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its breed, colour, sex, weight or

height the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height and, in the event of there being no equivalent class, Minor Puppy and Puppy excepted, to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height.

b) If an exhibit is entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy class, Puppy class or Junior Class, which is over age but under twelve calendar months of age, eighteen calendar months of age or 24 calendar months of age respectively, the Show Secretary shall transfer the exhibit to the Puppy class, Junior class or Yearling Class respectively for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height and in the event of there being no Puppy, Junior or Yearling Class to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height.

c) For any reason other than the above, the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the Open Class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height.

d) If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the dog may not be transferred to any other class.

MINOR PuPPY — For dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on 8th March 2018.PuPPY — For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on 8th March 2018.JuNIOR — For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on 8th March 2018.YEARLING — For dogs of twelve and not exceeding twenty-four calendar months of age on 8th

March 2018.NOVICE — For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at

Open and Championship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).

uNDERGRADuATE — For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Championship Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).

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GRADuATE — For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or four or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.

POST GRADuATE — For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.

MID LIMIT — For dogs which have not become show Champions under Kennel Club Regulations or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the KC, or won 3 or more CACIB/CAC/Green Stars or won 5 or more First Prizes in all at Championship Shows in Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where CCs were offered for the breed.

LIMIT — For dogs which have not become show Champions under Kennel Club Regulations or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club, or won 3 or more CACIB/CAC/Green Stars or won 7 or more First Prizes in all at Championship Shows in Limit and Open Classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.

OPEN — For all dogs of the breed for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.VETERAN — For dogs of not less than seven years of age on 8th March 2018.fIELD TRIAL — For dogs which have won an Award, Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit in actual

competition at a Field Trial held under Kennel Club or Irish Kennel Club Field Trial Regulations.GOOD CITIZEN DOG SCHEME — For dogs which have achieved their Good Citizen Dog Scheme

Bronze Award Certificate or above. Certificates should be available at the Show for inspection, if requested. N.B. DOGS ENTERED IN THIS CLASS MuST ALSO QuALIfY fOR ENTRY IN THE uSuAL wAY.

IMPORTED REGISTER — For breeds confined to the Imported Breeds Register and only when an Interim Breed Standard has been published by the Kennel Club.

SPECIAL wORKING TRIAL — With the exception of Bloodhounds, a dog is eligible for entry in the Working Trial Classes for its breed if it has gained a qualification not less than U.D. Excellent under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations. A Bloodhound is eligible for entry in the Working Trial Classes if it has won a prize at a Working Trial for Bloodhounds held under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations.

SPECIAL OPEN RACING OR LuRE COuRSING (Greyhounds or whippets only) — For Kennel Club registered Whippets that have either (a) during the year ending at the closing date for Crufts entries, won a race at a club affiliated to the Whippet Club Racing Association or (b) during the year ending at the closing date for Crufts entries, competed at a recognised Lure Coursing club and achieved a creditable score/level of performance sufficient to demonstrate natural ability; and for Kennel Club registered Greyhounds that must also be registered with the GBGB or the NCC.

SPECIAL SHOw BORDER COLLIE HERDING TEST — A Border Collie is eligible for entry in this class if it has passed its Show Border Collie Herding Test. N.B. DOGS ENTERED IN THIS CLASS MuST ALSO QuALIfY fOR ENTRY IN THE uSuAL wAY.

SPECIAL wORKING GuNDOG — A dog is eligible for entry in Special Working Gundog classes for its Breed if it has a Working Gundog Certificate, a Kennel Club Show Gundog Working Certificate or won an award, Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit in competition at a Field Trial held under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club. N.B. Dogs entered into this class no longer have to qualify for entry in a breed class first.

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES CLASSES — See page 16 for definition.

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Held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

Judge: Mr P. Harding

(See pages 64, 84, 100 and 113 for details of Classes)

1. Definition of Young Kennel Club Stakes Class (KC Regulation F(A) Definition of Classes):

For Any Variety dog or bitch exhibited and handled by a fully paid up member of the Young Kennel Club. The dog should be registered either:

a. solely or jointly in the member’s name; or b. in the name of a member of the family (i.e. a group of people related by blood or

marriage) and under these circumstances the dog must be resident at the YKC member’s address.

2. Dogs eligible to enter a YKC Stakes Class at Crufts will be those that have qualified at General and Group Championship Shows scheduled between 9th January 2017 and 8th January 2018 for postal entries and between 9th January 2017 and 22nd January 2018 for on-line entries as follows:

a. Winner or best placed dog in a YKC Stakes Group Class; or b. best placed dog in its Group in a YKC mixed Group Class.

3. Dogs qualified to enter a YKC Stakes Class at Crufts are NOT; a. eligible for entry in a breed class at Crufts unless qualified as per pages 4, 6, 8

and 10 of the Crufts schedule; b. required to be eligible to enter a breed class; c. required to enter a breed class before being eligible to enter a YKC Stakes Class.

4. Dogs declared Best of Breed which have been beaten in the YKC Stakes Class remain eligible to compete in the Group or Best in Show competitions. (In accordance with the 2 year suspension to the Kennel Club Show Regulations which stipulate that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in the Group or Best in Show competitions).

5. The Kennel Club registered owner(s) of dog(s) that have qualified for a YKC Stakes Class at Crufts will be sent an official invitation and entry form to enter. Only entries received on this official entry form or on-line will be accepted.

6. The entry fee for a YKC Stakes Class is £5.00 per dog per class. However, if a dog is entered into both a breed class and YKC Stakes Class, the fee payable is £30.00, in these circumstances the YKC Stakes Class will be considered as a subsequent entry.

7. The winner of each YKC Stakes Class will be invited to return on Sunday, 11th March 2018 to compete in the YKC Members’ Stakes Final to be judged in the Arena by Mr P. Harding.

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REMOVAL Of EXHIBITSExhibitors are reminded that when entering Crufts they agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the show, one of which is as follows:“Exhibits may only be removed from 4.00 pm onwards each day and this is the earliest time at which any dog can be removed unless by written order of the veterinary surgeon or of the show management and then only in very exceptional and unforeseen circumstances which must be reported to the Kennel Club.”

It is stressed that the reasons for early removals will onlybe acceptable to the Committee if they are genuinely


Please Note: Permission to remove exhibits earlier than4.00 pm CANNOT be granted before the Show

HANDLING Of DOGS AT CRufTSExhibitors are reminded that it is not acceptable to handle a dog in a manner which causes its feet not to touch the ground when on the move. Exhibitors should note that such practices could constitute harsh handling and reports will be referred to the Committee under Kennel Club Show Regulation F11. The same applies to the practice of picking up dogs, often terriers, by their necks, leads or tails when lifting them to and from the table during judging. Such practice is both undesirable and unnecessary. If a dog winning Best of Breed has been handled as per the foregoing, the handler will not be permitted to handle the dog in the Group and a replacement handler will be required for the dog to compete further. Similarly, if a dog is handled in this manner in the Group an alternative handler will need to be appointed for Best in Show. All judges will be made aware of the Regulation and Ring Stewards will be briefed to monitor this and refer any concerns to the Group Stewards.

KENNEL CLuB AND CRufTS LOGOSThe Kennel Club logo and the Crufts logo are the registered service marks of the Kennel Club and may not be used without the authorisation of the Kennel Club.It is the policy of the Kennel Club to enforce its rights in respect of these registered marks and action will be taken against any unauthorised use.

SECURITY NOTICEIn the interests of Security please do NOT leave any

personal items unattended at any time during the show.They may be removed and dealt with accordingly.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR EXHIBITORSPlease take care when completing your entry form and bear the following in mind:

• Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS • You may enter all your breeds on one form but please use a separate form

for each owner/partnership • Please check all details carefully - it may avoid being disqualified from your

win(s) later

• Please ensure you sign your entry form and your cheque

• Please write your breed(s) on reverse of cheque

You may also enter on-line at www.crufts.org.uk

PLEASE NOTE: On-line entries will only be accepted if fully completed throughall stagesand theexhibitorhas received the twofinale-mailconfirmationsfromFosseDataSystemsLtd.andNetbanx

Please note when completing the entry form that the 'can we contact you' option has been amended to bring it into line with Data Protection requirements and to enhance your privacy so please note this is now an OPT IN.

The Crufts entry forms are being processed byFosse Data Systems Ltd.

If you have any queries regarding your entry pleaseDO NOT CONTACT THE KENNEL CLUB

All dog entry queries will be dealt with byFosse Data Systems Ltd.

Tel: 01788 860960 • E-mail: [email protected]

All Gamekeepers’ Class enquiries to BASC on 01244 573019

If entering by post, payment must be made by Cheque or Postal OrderIf you wish to pay by Credit Card you must make your entry on-line

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KENNEL CLUB REGISTRATION - AUTHORITY TO COMPETEInordertoshowyourdogatCruftsyourdogmusthaveaKennelClubRegistrationNumberoranAuthorityToCompeteNumber(ATC).IfyourdogdoesnothaveanATCnumberitcannotbeenteredforCrufts.ATCapplicationsforCruftsentriesmustbereceivedattheKennelClubby22nd December 2017.WeareunabletoguaranteeissuinganATCnumberforanyapplicationreceivedafterthisdate.ToapplypleasecompletetheForm14–ApplicationforanAuthorityToCompete(ATC)number.www.Crufts.org.ukPleasebeadvisedifyouwishtoapplyforanAuthoritytoCompetenumberforyourdogyoucannowapplyonlineasweno longer canacceptAuthoritytoCompeteapplicationsviaemail.

TRAVELLING WITH YOUR DOGCruftsexhibitorsmustensurethattheirdogsfullycomplywiththeentryrulesforbringingdogsintotheUK.Inthecaseofdogsbeingbroughtfromsomecountries,thiswillinvolveaprocesswhichcantakeanumberofmonthstocompletepriortotraveltotheUKandCrufts.Forfurtherdetailspleaseseewww.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad.If you require a health certificate for your dog to travel back home from Crufts, this cannot be supplied by the volunteer veterinary staff in the Veterinary Centre. However, as a service to exhibitors, Crufts has arranged for a veterinary surgeon from the 608 Veterinary Group to visit Crufts each day to arrange certification for you. This service will be available between 4.00 pm and 5.30 pm each day in the Veterinary Centre and exhibitors will be required to pay veterinary staff at the time of examination - the cost being £45 per certificate. Payment must be in cash as cheques and credit/debit cards cannot be accepted. Appointments can be made at the Veterinary Centre throughout the day.

SHOWING AND HANDLING DOGS IN THE UKThosetakingpartindogshowsintheUKareexpectedtomaintainandabidebythehigheststandardsinaccordancewithKennelClubRulesandRegulations(KCShowRegulationF3refers).ItistheexhibitorsresponsibilitytomakethemselvesawareoftheRuleandRegulationsthatappearintheShowSchedule.Inparticulartheyshouldbeawarethat:No substance which alters the natural colour, texture or body of the coat may be present in the dog’s coat for any purpose at any time during the Show.NosubstancewhichaltersthenaturalcolourofanyexternalpartofthedogmaybepresentonthedogforanypurposeatanytimeduringtheShow.Anyothersubstance(otherthanwater)whichmaybeusedinthepreparationofadogforexhibitionmustnotbeallowedtoremaininthecoatoronanyotherpartofthedogatthetimeofexhibition(KennelClubShowRegulationF(B)refers).Noactoroperationwhichalters thenaturalconformationofadogoranypart thereofmaybeperformedexcept:a)OperationscertifiedtothesatisfactionofthetheKennelClubBoard;b)Theremovalofdewclawsofanybreed;c)OperationstopreventbreedingprovidedthatsuchoperationsarenotifiedtotheKennelClubbeforeneutereddogsareshown;NormustanythingbedonecalculatedtointheopinionoftheKennelClubBoardtodeceive.TheKennelClubBoardwithoutpreviousnotice,mayorderanexaminationofanydogordogsatanyshow.Anyexaminationthusorderedwillbemadebyapersonhaving,executiveauthoritywhoshallhaveawrittendirectivefromtheKennelClubintheirpossession.Samplesmaybetakenforfurtherexaminationandanalysis.Anindividualhastherighttolodgeanobjectiontoadogonlyifhe/sheistheownerorhandlerofadogcompetinginthesamebreedorclass.Anobjectionmay,however,belodgedbyanofficialoftheShoworbyanyonesodeputedbytheKennelClub.Itwillbetheresponsibilityoftheindividualwholodgestheobjectionortheofficial(asappropriate)tosubstantiatethegroundsoftheobjection.The KennelClubwillsubstantiatethegroundsforanobjectionmadeonitsbehalf.

RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE EXHIBITION OF DOGS IN THE UK A. (1) Dogsshouldbepresentontheirbenchesatalltimesexcept: (a) Whenbeingjudged (b) Whenbeingpreparedforexhibitionand/orbeingexercised (2) IncertaincircumstancesdogsmustbepresentontheirbenchesatalltimesifrequestedbytheShowManagement. (3) DogsmayberemovedfromtheirbenchesbyorderoftheVeterinarySurgeon,VeterinaryPractitionerorShowManagement. B. PreparationofexhibitsshouldgenerallytakeplaceonbenchesorintheareaprovidedbytheShowSociety. C. Exceptwhensecurelybenchedorcaged,alldogsmustbeonaleadforthedurationoftheshow(includingintheexercise

area),exceptwhencompetinginthering. D. Cages,groomingtablesandtrolleysarenotallowedattheringside. E. Nodogshallbeallowedinajudgingringotherthanactualexhibitsintheclassbeingjudged.

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F. PrintedawardsmaynotbedisplayedintheringexceptwhenjudgingistakingplaceforGroupsandBestinShow.Nothingmaybecarried,wornordisplayedbyahandleroradogintheringwhichiscapableofindicatingtheidentityoftheexhibit,ownerorcompanywhichmightbesponsoringthathandlerordog.Normustanythingbesaidoranyactionbetakenwhichidentifiestheexhibitotherthanbyringnumber.

G. Theattractingoftheattentionofexhibitsbyanymethodfromoutsidetheringisprohibited. H. Everyexhibitormustensurethatwhilstthedogisbeingexhibited,itshandlershalldisplaythecorrectringnumber.

HANDLING:Exhibitorsareremindedthatit isnotacceptabletohandleadoginamannerwhichcausesitsfeetnottotouchthegroundwhenonthemove.ExhibitorsshouldnotethatsuchpracticescouldconstituteharshhandlingandreportswillbereferredtotheCommitteeunderKennelClubShowRegulationF11.Thesameappliestothepracticeofpickingupdogs,oftenterriers,bytheirnecks,leadsortailswhenliftingthemtoandfromthetableduringjudging.Suchpracticeisbothundesirableandunnecessary.IfadogwinningBestofBreedhasbeenhandledaspertheforegoing,thehandlerwillnotbepermittedtohandlethedogintheGroupandareplacementhandlerwillberequiredforthedogtocompetefurther.Similarly,ifadogishandledinthismannerintheGroupanalternativehandlerwillneedtobeappointedforBestinShow.AlljudgeswillbemadeawareoftheRegulationandRingStewardswillbebriefedtomonitorthisandreferanyconcernstotheGroupStewards.


UNATTENDED DOGS:Cruftsisapublicshowandforthesafetyofallconcerneddogsshouldnotbeleftunattendedonthebenchesoranywhereelseatanytime.

CATEGORY 3 BREEDS AT CRUFTS:TheKennelClubiscommittedtothehealthandwelfareofdogsandtoensuringthathealthydogsarebeingexhibitedandtherebygivenawardsatshows.TheBestofBreedawardrelevanttoaCategory3breedcannotbeconfirmeduntilthedoghaspassedanexaminationbytheShow’sofficialveterinarysurgeon.Ifthedogfailstopasstheexaminationitisineligibletocompeteintherelevantgroup.(KennelClubShowRegulationF(1)27.a.refers).


DOCKED TAILS: If your dog was docked either in the UK or in a foreign country before 6th April 2007 then it may compete at Crufts. If your dog was docked on or after 6th April 2007 it is not, under the law, permitted to be shown at Crufts.

CROPPED EARS:NodogwithcroppedearsiseligibletocompeteatanyKennelClublicensedevent(KennelClubShowRegulationB19refers).

SHOW STACKERS:TheuseofshowstackersareprohibitedatCrufts.

DOGS IN VEHICLES: Appropriateactionwillbe taken immediately in theeventdogsbeing left invehiclesand found tobe inadistressedcondition.

CODE OF CONDUCT:Pleasevisithttp://crufts.org.uk/media/7242/crufts-overseas-exhibitors-guide.pdf(pages5&6).

USEFUL QUESTIONS ANSWEREDWhat time should I arrive at Crufts with my dog(s)? Itisadvisedthatyouarriveattheshowbetween7.00amand8.00am.Afterthistimethetraffictotheshowbecomesverybusyanditisbesttoarriveearlysothatyoumaysettlethedogonitsbench.Pleaseallowanhourtogetfromthecarparktoyourbenchinthemornings.Thereareshuttlebusesfromsomeofthecarparksandthebusesalsotakedogs.However,awalkfromthecarparkprovidesgoodexerciseforyourdog.What do I need to bring with me?Pleaseensurethatyoubring: • Yourowndogbowlandwater-thisisessential • Groomingbrush • Blanketforthebench • PassesCar ParkingExhibitorscanapplyforacarparkpassontheentryformforwhichthereisachargeof£10percaror£12percarifpaidontheday.DogexhibitorsareencouragedtoparkintheSouthorEastCarParksasfirstchoice(seepage65forfurtherdetails)Can I get to the NEC on the train with my dog?Yes.BirminghamInternationalStationissituatedtwominutesfromtheNEC.SecurityPleaseneverleaveyourdogaloneonthebench,andalsotakecareofanyitemsofvalue.Where can I exercise my dog?Therearespecificexerciseareas(filledwithwoodenchippings)anditisexpectedthatallexhibitorsclearupaftertheirdogsinallareas.Therearebagsavailablefortheremovalofwasteinallareasofthehalls.

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Are there vets at Crufts if I need assistance? There isa largeveterinary teamonsite for thedurationof theshow.There isnocharge foranyemergency treatment.Pleasealsobeaware that their role isnot toadministerany treatment forpre-existingconditions,buteverypatientiswelllookedafter!Where can I groom my dog? Youareabletogroomyourdogneartothebenchingarea,butpleasemakesurethatyoudonotblockanywalkways.Therearealsospecificareassignpostedforbreedsthatrequireextragrooming.PleasebesurethatyouareawareoftheKennelClubRulesandRegulationsongroomingofdogsforshowpurposes,includingclearingupanygroomingwaste.Ring Stewards and additional helpTheGroupstewardscanberecognisedbytheirgreenblazersandstewardbadges.Theyareineachhallandtheyensurethesmoothrunningofthejudgingintheringsandarealsotheretoassistexhibitorstofindtheirringsandappropriatebenching.Theyarealsothereforanyemergencysituation.When can I leave the show? Thereisasettimeof4.00pmwhichallexhibitorscanleavetheshow.Earlyremovalsareonlygiveninexceptionalcircumstances.What happens if I win Best of Breed?YouwillbetoldbythestewardtoreporttotheArenacollectingringbyaspecifictime.TheGroupstewardscanalsohelpyou.OnceyouareintheArena,youwillbetoldhowtheGroupjudgingwillproceed.YouwillalsohaveyourphotographtakenwhichwillappearontheCruftsresultswebsiteforhistoricalrecording.PleaseensurethatyouallowtimetogettotheArenaandtakeallyourluggagewithyou.Youwillbeallowedtohaveoneextrapersoninthecollectingringonly.Ifyouhaveanyotherguests,theywillbeabletowatchintheArenafreeofchargeoneverydayexceptSunday.IfyourdogwinsBestofBreedontheSunday,thentwoguestswillautomaticallybeissuedwithtwoBestinShowtickets.ALL BEST OF BREED PRE-GROUP CHECK:AbasicfinalcheckofeachBestofBreedwillbeundertakeninthecollectingringbyanofficialfromtheshowmanagementandvetteams.TheCruftsCommitteeismindfulthatithasadutyofcaretoalldogsenteredattheshowandparticularlythosecompetingintheArenaatCruftswhichisaverydifferentexperiencetocompetingintheGroupatotherGeneralChampionshipShowsandcanbeoverwhelmingforbothdogandhandler.Thereforetoprotectthewelfareofthedog,allbestofbreedswillberequestedtoundergoabasiclowkeyobservationtoensureeachdogisreadytocompeteintheGroup.Theobservationwillfocusonobviousvisibleconditionswhichcouldcompromisethedog’sperformanceintheGroupCompetition.(KCRegulationF(1)15brefers).Where do I collect winners’ money?Prizemoneywillnotbepaidattheshow-itwillautomaticallybesenttowinnerswithin30daysoftheshow.What do I do if I have an entry query at the show?Ifyouhaveanyqueriesorproblemsduringtheshow,theDogExhibitors’EnquiriesOfficeissituatedintheOrganiser’sOfficeinHall3andisthereexpresslytohelpyou.Pleasetellusatonceifyouthinksomethingiswrong.Wearetheretoassistandareanxiouseveryoneshouldhaveatrouble-freeandenjoyableday.Can I bring an unentered dog to the show?Unfortunatelyonlythosedogsenteredoneachdayareallowedaccessintothehall.

CLASS ELIGIBILITYClass definitions are included in the show schedule and exhibitors should make themselves aware for which class theirdogiseligible.ChampionsfromacountrywithwhichtheKennelClubhasareciprocalagreementareeligibletoenterthefollowingclasses: • OpenClass • AgerestrictedClassesJuniorChampionsarenotrecognisedbytheKennelClubandtherefore,whenenteringpleasedonotput'Ch'beforethedog'sname.Overseas wins:ACACIBisequivalenttowinningaChallengeCertificateintheUKandshouldbecountedassuch.ACACisequivalenttowinningaChallengeCertificateintheUKandshouldbecountedassuch.AnypointswonthatcounttowardsthetitleofChampion,undertherulesofanygoverningbodyrecognisedbytheKennelClubmustbeincludedwhendecidingclasseligibility.Forexample,undertheAmericanKennelClubsystem,three,fourandfivepointmajorwinsareequivalenttoaChallengeCertificate.

Please visit http://www.crufts.org.uk/content/dog-exhibitors/international-exhibitors-guidance/ for the full version and translation in different languages. for further information please contact the Kennel Club by telephone on 00 44 1 (0) 1296 318540 or by e-mail: [email protected] full breed standard information visit – www.breedinforamtioncentre.org.uk

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Crufts has nominated specific awards at particular shows in countries as qualification for Crufts 2018. For breeds confined to the Imported Breeds Register and only when an Interim Breed Standard has been published by the Kennel Club. Such breeds may be exhibited in this class only with the winning dog being eligible to compete for Best in Group or Best in Show.Listed below are the breeds concerned (those which the Kennel Club has an approved interim breed standard):






IfqualifiedsuchdogswillonlybeeligibletoentertheAnyVarietyImportedRegisterclasses which will be scheduled each day. If any other Imported Register breeds are subsequently issued an Interim Breed Standardtheywillbeeligibletoenter.Thiswillbenotifiedviaapressrelease.

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IMPORTANT INFORMATIONPlease Note: All soft cages MUST be folded and stored under the benches

– they MUST NOT block the gangways

It is your responsibility to clear up after your dog

ВАЖНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯВнимание: все мягкие клетки ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО следует складывать и хранить под скамейками

– они НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ создавать препятствий в проходах

Вы должны убирать за своей собакой

VIKTIGT MEDDELANDEObservera: alla transportväskor MÅSTE vikas ihop och förvaras under bänkarna

– de FÅR INTE blockera gångarna

Du är själv ansvarig för att hålla rent efter din hund

INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES Note: toutes les cages pliantes DOIVENT être pliées et rangées sous les bancs.

Elles NE DOIVENT PAS bloquer les allées

Il est de votre responsabilité de nettoyer derrière votre chien

WICHTIGE INFORMATIONBitte beachten - Alle weichen Käfige müssen zusammengefaltet und unter den Bänken

aufbewahrt werden. Sie DÜRFEN NICHT die Gänge blockieren

Es ist Ihre Verantwortung, nach Ihrem Hund sauberzumachen

BELANGRIJKE INFORMATIEOpmerking: Alle zachte hondentransportboxen MOETEN opgevouwen en onder de banken

geplaatst te worden - ze mogen de gangpaden NIET blokkeren

Er wordt van u verwacht dat u de rommel die uw hond maakt opruimt

TÄRKEÄÄ TIETOAPyydämme huomioimaan: Kaikki kevythäkit PITÄÄ taittaa kokoon ja säilyttää penkkien alla

– ne EIVÄT SAA tukkia käytäviä

Jokaisen omistajan omalla vastuulla on siivota koiransa jäljet

AVISO IMPORTANTESírvase notar: Todas las jaulas flexibles DEBEN plegarse y guardarse debajo de los bancos

- NO DEBEN obstruir los pasillos

Es su responsabilidad recoger los deshechos de su perro

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Arrangements for dog exhibitors travelling by car to Crufts 2018 are as follows:

DISABLED BADGE HOLDERSPlease note: The NEC charges £12.00 per car for parking at its venue - including Disabled Badge Holders.YoucanapplyandpayforacarparkingpassontheCruftsentryformatareducedfeeof£10.00,however,itwillonlybevalidwhenusedalongsideanofficialdisabledbadgeontheday.Thefollowingprocedurewillremainunchangedforparkingwhetheracarparkpassispaidforinadvanceorontheday.WhenyouarriveonsiteattheNECpleasefollowsignagedirectingyoutothedisabledbadgeholdercarparks.TheNEChasalimitednumberofspacesavailabletodisabledbadgeholdersadjacenttoHall5.Thesespacesaretheinitialonestobeallocatedandaredonesoonafirstcomefirstservedbasis.Pleasenotethatthisareaisfilledveryearly.Oncethisareaisfull,disabledbadgeholdersarethendirectedtotheSouthCarParksorthemostappropriatearea-pleasefollowtheNECsignage.AshuttlebusserviceisprovidedfordisabledvisitorsfromthesecarparkstothePiazza,wheretherearedogentrancedoorsatHall1andHall5.Attheendofthedayareturnservicewilltakeyoubacktothesecarparks.TheNECshuttleshavegoodaccessibilitybutmaynotbeabletoaccommodatecertaincagesandtrolleysduetotheirsize.

EXHIBITORS WHO ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A HELPERDogexhibitordropoffwillbeconductedfromthecarparkoppositeHall5between0600and0800hours.Pleasenotethataccessisstrictlybetweenthesehoursandaccessafter0800hoursisnotpermitted.VehicleswithdogexhibitordropoffpassesshouldaccesstheNECinnerareaviaGate1,wheretheywillbedirectedimmediatelyleftintothecarparkingareaoppositehall5.Theyshouldthenfollowsignstakingthemalongadesignatedtaxiroutewhichrunsthelengthofthecarpark,alongsidethefencingtoaholdingareaoppositeVEdoor5.7.VehicleswillthenbeheldonthecarparkandallowedaccesstotheirnominatedVEdoorwhenspaceisavailableanditissafetodoso.Accesswillbemonitoredbyourtrafficteam.Pleasenotethattherewillbeadropofftimeallowedof10minutespervehicleinordertogiveallexhibitorstheopportunitytounloadandremovetheirvehiclestooutercarparksbefore0800hours.Vehiclesremainingatthedogexhibitordoorsovertheirtimelimit,willbeatriskofbeingremovedbyourtowvehicle.Onceexhibitorshavecompletedtheirdropoff,theywillleavesiteviaGate2andparktheirvehicleinNECoutercarparksasinpreviousyears.VehiclesshouldnotremainonHall5carpark.ShouldexhibitorswishtounloadtheirvehiclefromthedesignatedcarparkareaoppositeHall5,viaVEdoor5.7,theycandosofromthecarparkbutwillstillberestrictedtothe10minutedropofftimetoenablefurtherexhibitorstheopportunitytounload.PleaseensurepassesareclearlydisplayedonyourvehicleATALLTIMES, includingarrivalatGate1so thatourstaffcanallowyouthroughwithoutunnecessarydelay.TheremainderofthecarparkoppositeHall5willbeavailableforbluebadgeholdersasinpreviousyears..Exhibitorsrequiringthisfacilityareaskedtocompletepaymentontheentryform.Specialpasseswillbeissuedonafirstcome,firstservedbasisandwillbedespatchedwithexhibitorspassespriortotheshow.Thechargetousethisfacilitywillbe£14.00perday includingparkingfee.THERE WILL BE NO PICK UP FACILITY.

EXHIBITORS WHO ARE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY A HELPERUnaccompanieddogexhibitorsandthosenotwishingtodropoffcanparkinSouth,EastorWestcarparks.Please note that only a limited number of spaces are available in the West car park and the West car park has only one exit so there may be delays in leaving this car park.PleaserefertothelocationmaponPage65.ItshouldbenotedthatshuttlebuseswillberunningfromtheSouthandEastcarparksallday.Thereis,however,noshuttlebusservicetoandfromtheWestcarpark.AllNECshuttleswillaccommodatedogs,howeveradditionalcoachesboughtintosupplementtheshuttlesmaynotbeabletotransportdogs.CarparkticketscoveringSouth,EastorWestcarparkscanbeorderedinadvance,price£10.00,onthedogentryformenclosedandwillbedespatchedwiththeexhibitorspassespriortotheshow.Thispasswillenableyoutoparkinanyofthethreecarparkingareas(subjecttoavailability).

ENTRANCES FOR DOG EXHIBITORSTheentrancesfordogexhibitorswillbeviadoors1.4,3.1(westcarparkpassholdersonly),1.1,4.1(coachdrop-offonly),5.7and5.9asindicatedontheplanonPages66and67.

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COACH PARTIES TO Please apply to the Organisers at the addresses given


NEwCASTLE FOREST HALL, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNEPicking up at Washington/Birtley Services, Durham Services, Scotch Corner, New Services at Wetherby, Ferrybridge & Woodall Services.Mrs Dorothy Dixon, Kasado Kottage, 10 Killingworth Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE12 7BR. Tel: 0191 268 8903. (3rd day only) [dependent on numbers].

MOTHERwELLPicking up at 237 Biggar Road, Motherwell and then motorway services and en-route to NEC.Mrs Brenda M. Brown, Ralindi, 237 Biggar Road, Newarthill, Motherwell ML1 5LX. Tel: 01698 860714; E-mail: [email protected]. (2nd day only).

LARKHALL Picking up at Station Car Park, Larkhall and Carlisle onwards.Astrid Ogilvie, Hailstonemyre Cottage, Ayr Road, Larkhall ML9 3DW. Tel: 01698 791467 / 07527 977482 (day). (3rd day only).

ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTSBY AIR: Birmingham International Airport is adjacent to the centre.

BY CAR: The National Exhibition Centre is located off Junction 6 of the M42 or Junction 4 of the M6.

BY COACH: The National Exhibition Centre will levy a charge of £20.00 for parking coaches, which cannot be pre-paid but will be payable on the relevant day directly to the NEC authorities at the entrance to the car park.

Please note that the NEC does not allow dogs in the Piazza

POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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will be offered as follows:

Best in Show £200

Reserve Best in Show £100

Best in Group £50

Reserve Best in Group £25

Best of Breed £25

Best of Opposite Sex £10


fIRST: £30 SECOND: £20 THIRD: £15


fIRST: £30 SECOND: £20 THIRD: £15

Prize Money will not be paid at the Show - it will automatically be sent to winners within 30 days of the Show

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NOTICES TO EXHIBITORSADMISSION Exhibitors will be admitted to the show on production of their passes. Exhibitors will receive a free admission pass for each dog entered. Partners (i.e. two or more registered owners) entering ONE DOG ONLY will receive ONE additional free helper's pass. An exhibitor entering ONE dog only which is owned by only ONE person is also entitled to an additional free helper's pass. Further admission passes can be purchased at a reduced rate for any day.

CATALOGuES Special arrangements are made for Exhibitors to reserve their Catalogues at a reduced price by applying on the entry form in advance of the show.

ENTRY fORMS All entries must be submitted on a Crufts official entry form. Two entry forms are enclosed with each Schedule. Please use separate entry forms for different owners. Additional forms may be obtained from Crufts, The Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB. Tel: 01296 318540. E-mail: [email protected]

fOuLING Of THE SHOw PREMISES Exhibitors are reminded that a person in charge of a dog which fouls any part of the show open to the public is liable to a fine of £10.00. Plenty of “pooper” scoops are available for the use of exhibitors, so there is no excuse for not cleaning up after your dog.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Special discount rates for Exhibitors and visitors have been arranged at a comprehensive range of hotels for the exhibition period. Please visit the Crufts website www.crufts.org.uk for further details. The Hilton Metropole on site at the NEC is the Crufts 2018 headquarters hotel; see the Crufts website for a link to the hotel.

Please note: Camping is not permitted overnight at the venue.

LITTER Exhibitors’ help would be very much appreciated in keeping the exhibition halls clean and tidy by placing all litter in the bins provided.

PRIZE CARDS First, Second, Third, Reserve, and Very Highly Commended prize cards will be offered in all classes.

PAYMENT Of PRIZE MONEY (See page 29) Prize Money will not be paid at the Show - it will automatically be sent to winners within 30 days of the Show.

CuPS, TROPHIES AND SPECIAL PRIZES Owing to their value and conservation needs, they will no longer be offered.

PIAZZA Please note that the NEC does not allow dogs in the Piazza.

ROSETTES First, Second and Third in all Classes, Best Dog, Best Bitch, Reserve Best Dog, Reserve Best Bitch, Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Breed, Best Veteran in Breed plus Obedience, Agility, Flyball, Heelwork to Music, Groups and Best in Show.

NO SMOKING It is against the law to smoke in the premises.

•PleaseNote• 1. Members of the Kennel Club Board, the Crufts Committee and their partners together with

members of their household, should not exhibit dogs or compete or handle at Crufts. 2. Except for Groups and Best in Show, Crufts Committee members will not judge at the Show,

except in an emergency or when the appointment was confirmed before the judge became a member of the Crufts Sub-Committee.

3. Group Stewards or Show Officials (excluding Ring Stewards) should not exhibit, compete or handle at the Show.

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The Kennel Club is committed to the health and welfare of dogs and to ensuring that healthy dogs are being exhibited and thereby given awards at shows.The Best of Breed award relevant to Category 3 breeds cannot be confirmed until the dog has passed an examination by the Show's official Veterinary Surgeon. If the dog fails to pass the examination it is ineligible to compete in the relevant group.The Category 3 breeds are listed below:

Bloodhound Neapolitan Mastiff

Bulldog Pekingese

Dogue de Bordeaux Pug

German Shepherd Dog St. Bernard


POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANUARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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THuRSDAY, 8th MARCH 2018

The Committee reserves the right to alter the Order of Judging at the Show.All judging will commence at 9.00 am.

Any alteration in commencement of judging times will be notified as detailedin Rule 8 on page 124.

Please Note: In addition to being advertised in the weekly dog press, wherever possible, any alteration to this schedule (including any change of judge) will be included on the Crufts website

www.crufts.org.uk. Please make regular checks.

All Judges at Crufts agree to abide by the following statement:"In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider

would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog."

Hall Ring Breed Judge

1 1 Border Collie [Dogs] Mrs H.E. Broadhurst 1 2 Border Collie [Bitches] Mrs B. Smith 1 3 Collie (Rough) [Dogs] Mrs F. Kaye 1 4 Collie (Rough) [Bitches] Mr B. House 1 5 Polish Lowland Sheepdog Mr J. Luscott Collie (Smooth) Mrs S. Robertson 1 6 Australian Shepherd Mrs A.E. Allan 1 7 Bearded Collie [Dogs] Mr R. Ballantyne 1 8 Bearded Collie [Bitches] Mr A.J. Bush 2 9 German Shepherd Dog Mr D.C. Bowen 2 10 Australian Cattle Dog Mr K. Baldwin Norwegian Buhund Mrs M.J. Deuchar 2 11 Shetland Sheepdog [Dogs] Mrs M. Withers 2 12 Shetland Sheepdog [Bitches] Mr A. Wight 2 13 Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) Mrs J. Lawless [Ireland] *Belgian Shepherd Dog (Laekenois) Mrs J. Lawless [Ireland] *Anatolian Shepherd Dog Mr G. Duffield *Turkish Kangal Dog Mr G. Duffield *Komondor Mr G. Duffield 2 14 Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) Mr P. Lawless [Ireland] Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Mr P. Lawless [Ireland] *Catalan Sheepdog Mrs A. Fieldsend *Estrela Mountain Dog Mrs S. Bird 4 15 Briard Ms A. King *Beauceron Mr R. Oldham *Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) Mr R. Oldham 4 16 Samoyed Ms J. Johnson

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4 17 Swedish Vallhund Mr K.R. Newhouse Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Mrs T. Taylor 4 18 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Miss S.E. Taylor 4 19 Old English Sheepdog Mrs P.J. Barnes 4 20 Finnish Lapphund Mrs L.J. Salt Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mr S.J. Mallard 4 21 Lancashire Heeler Mrs S. Zijlstra-Shaw Hungarian Puli Mr J. Ritchie *Maremma Sheepdog Mrs J. Downes 4 22 Bouvier des Flandres Mr S.W. Hall Giant Schnauzer Mrs C.A. Daniels *German Pinscher Mr R.C. Kinsey *Russian Black Terrier Mr R.C. Kinsey 4 23 Alaskan Malamute Mr S.C. Luxmoore 4 24 St. Bernard Mrs N. Goodwin Portuguese Water Dog Mrs R. Reddin 5 25 Siberian Husky Mrs P.M. Evans 5 26 Dobermann Mrs R. Wright 5 27 Rottweiler Mrs D. Hoy 5 28 Tibetan Mastiff Dr R.W. James Mastiff Dr R.W. James *Neapolitan Mastiff Dr R.W. James 5 29 Leonberger Mrs S. Thomas *Hovawart Mr S.W. Hall *Greenland Dog Mr S.W. Hall 5 30 Bernese Mountain Dog Mrs A. Haden 5 31 Dogue de Bordeaux Mr A. Bicknell 5 32 Bullmastiff Miss F.M. Miller 5 33 Boxer Mr D. Smith 5 34 Newfoundland Mr D. Butcher 5 35 Great Dane Mr G. Hooker 5 36 *Canadian Eskimo Dog Mrs P. Luxmoore-Ball *Great Swiss Mountain Dog Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary] A.V. Imported Register (Working) Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary] A.V. Imported Register (Pastoral) Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary] Pre-Judging of Eukanuba UK Champion Stakes from 2.30 pm 3 YKC YKC Stakes Finals (Working) Mr P. Harding YKC Stakes Finals (Pastoral) Mr P. Harding

* denotes breeds without Challenge Certificates

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fRIDAY, 9th MARCH 2018

The Committee reserves the right to alter the Order of Judging at the Show.All judging will commence at 9.00 am.

Any alteration in commencement of judging times will be notified as detailedin Rule 8 on page 124.

Please Note: In addition to being advertised in the weekly dog press, wherever possible, any alteration to this schedule (including any change of judge) will be included on the Crufts website

www.crufts.org.uk. Please make regular checks.

All Judges at Crufts agree to abide by the following statement:"In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider

would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog."

Hall Ring Breed Judge

1 1 Lakeland Terrier Miss W. Johnston Parson Russell Terrier Mr W. Browne-Cole 1 2 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Mr P.E. Bakewell *Jack Russell Terrier Mrs J. Wood 1 3 Sealyham Terrier Mr W.R. Irving Bedlington Terrier Mrs S. Davies 1 4 Kerry Blue Terrier Miss A. Bradley Scottish Terrier Mrs A. Falconer 1 5 Cesky Terrier Mrs W. Tobijanski Skye Terrier Miss C. Collins Irish Terrier Mr D. Munro 1 6 Welsh Terrier Mrs C.J. Dorking Glen of Imaal Terrier Mrs F. Kaye Airedale Terrier Mr T. Huxley 1 7 Fox Terrier (Wire) Mr A. Goodsell Fox Terrier (Smooth) Mr C.J. Wiggins 1 8 West Highland White Terrier Mrs T. Gaydon Manchester Terrier Mrs P. Gore 2 9 Cairn Terrier Mrs S.S.A. Kinton 2 10 Bull Terrier (Miniature) Mr D.A. Clark Bull Terrier Mr D.A. Clark 2 11 Australian Terrier Mr M. Phillips Norwich Terrier Mr T.G. Mason Dandie Dinmont Terrier Mrs K. Plastow Norfolk Terrier Mrs D.A. Britten 2 12 Border Terrier Mr C.G. Stafberg [Sweden]

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2 13 Staffordshire Bull Terrier [Dogs] Mr P. McGlynn 2 14 Staffordshire Bull Terrier [Bitches] Mr P. Stanway 4 15 Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) Mrs C. Dare 4 16 Dachshund (Wire-Haired) Mrs H.J. Caple 4 17 Dachshund (Min. Smooth-Haired) Mrs K.A. Herrington 4 18 Dachshund (Min. Wire-Haired) Mrs R.E.A. Barney 4 19/20 Irish Wolfhound Mr C.C. Amoo 4 21 Whippet [Dogs] Dr G. Bodegard [Sweden] 4 22 Whippet [Bitches] Mrs E.A. Macdonald 4 23 Dachshund (Min. Long-Haired) Mr D. Smith 4 24 Finnish Spitz Mr K.S. Wilberg Norwegian Elkhound Mr B. Middleton Dachshund (Long-Haired) Miss L. McNaughton 5 25 Bloodhound Miss J.E. Corner Ibizan Hound Mr S. Donnaby Saluki Mrs D. Rogers 5 26 Deerhound Dr S.A.F. Helps Pharaoh Hound Mr A. Bongiovanni *Foxhound Mr A. Bongiovanni 5 27 Otterhound Mr P.J. Jolley Greyhound Mr R. Newsham *Hamiltonstovare Mr P.J. Jolley 5 28 Borzoi Mrs D.C. Martin *Sloughi Dr R.W. James 5 29 Beagle Mr C.D. Ashmore 5 30 Basset Fauve de Bretagne Mr P. Seier Sörensen Basenji Mr J. Horswell 5 31 Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Ms L. Lewis Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) Mr P.C. Knudsen [Denmark] 5 32 Basset Hound Mr P. McGarry Arthurs *Portuguese Podengo (Warren Hound) Mrs A. Pedder 5 33 Afghan Hound Mr M. Cocozza 5 34 Rhodesian Ridgeback Mrs L. Barnes 5 35 *Cirneco Dell'Etna Mr T. Jakkel [Hungary] A.V. Imported Register (Hound) Mr T. Jakkel [Hungary]

5 35/36 Breeders' Competition Final Mr W.R. Irving - Pre-Judging at 1.30 pm 3 YKC YKC Stakes Finals (Terrier) Mr P. Harding YKC Stakes Finals (Hound) Mr P. Harding

* denotes breeds without Challenge Certificates

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SATuRDAY, 10th MARCH 2018

The Committee reserves the right to alter the Order of Judging at the Show.All judging will commence at 9.00 am.

Any alteration in commencement of judging times will be notified as detailedin Rule 8 on page 124.

Please Note: In addition to being advertised in the weekly dog press, wherever possible, any alteration to this schedule (including any change of judge) will be included on the Crufts website

www.crufts.org.uk. Please make regular checks.

All Judges at Crufts agree to abide by the following statement:"In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider

would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog."

Hall Ring Breed Judge

1 1 Keeshond Mr R. Oldham Schnauzer Mrs G.Y. Allen *Canaan Dog Mrs H. Lightfoot

1 2 Miniature Schnauzer Mrs Pat Power

1 3 Vulnerable Breeds Competition - Pre-judging from 3.00 pm Mr T. Mather

1 4 Akita Mrs S. O'Neill Clark *Kooikerhondje Mr P. Hayes *Japanese Akita Inu Mr S. Rann

1 5 Schipperke Mr F. Kane Chow Chow Miss A.Y. Robinson

1 6 Japanese Shiba Inu Mr J. Horswell Japanese Spitz Mrs N. Woodhouse

1 7 Dalmatian Mrs S.A. Neath Duggan

1 8 German Spitz (Klein) Mrs S.L. Jakeman German Spitz (Mittel) Mrs S.L. Jakeman

2 9 Grooming Area for Poodles

2 10 Poodle (Standard) Mrs B. Cherry

2 11 Poodle (Toy) Mrs E. Holmes-Leak *Eurasier Mrs H. Fitzgibbon

2 12 Poodle (Miniature) Ms M. Rodgers A.V. Imported Register (Utility) Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]

2 13 Shih Tzu Mr N. Stevens

2 14 Lhasa Apso Mr J. Scarll

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4 15 Bulldog Mr D. Killilea

4 16 French Bulldog Miss M.A.E. Persson [Sweden]

4 17 Tibetan Spaniel Mrs J. Reynolds

4 18 Tibetan Terrier Miss S.J. Bird

4 19 Boston Terrier Mr K. Sinclair Shar Pei Mr B. Bull

4 20 Griffon Bruxellois Mr P.A. Young English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Mrs V.H. Blore

4 21 Pug [Dogs] Mr B.P. Welham

4 22 Pug [Bitches] Miss A.J. Ellis

4 23 Havanese Dr A. Schemel MRCVS Pekingese Miss J.M. Lee

4 24 Japanese Chin Mrs T.M. Jackson

5 25 Chinese Crested Mr M. Burns *Australian Silky Terrier Mr M. Burns

5 26 Bichon Frisé Mrs J. Brown-Emmerson Affenpinscher Dr M. Brown

5 27 Chihuahua (Long Coat) Dr F. Yeoh

5 28 Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Mrs P. Valentine

5 29 Papillon Mr R. Banfield

5 30 Pomeranian Mrs C. McCutcheon-Clarke

5 31 Italian Greyhound Mr A. Wight Miniature Pinscher Miss A.A. Coull

5 32 King Charles Spaniel Mrs R.A. Lloyd

5 33 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel [Dogs] Mr R. Sansom

5 34 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel [Bitches] Miss C.G. Greenall

5 35 Maltese Mrs B.E. Dabbs Yorkshire Terrier Miss T.M. Eades

5 36 Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) Ms A. Oliver *Bolognese Mr J. Horswell *Coton de Tulear Mr J. Horswell

3 YKC YKC Stakes Finals (Utility) Mr P. Harding YKC Stakes Finals (Toy) Mr P. Harding

5 Obed. Obedience Championships [Bitches] Miss S. Dunstan

* denotes breeds without Challenge Certificates

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SuNDAY, 11th MARCH 2018

The Committee reserves the right to alter the Order of Judging at the Show.All judging will commence at 9.00 am.

Any alteration in commencement of judging times will be notified as detailedin Rule 8 on page 124.

Please Note: In addition to being advertised in the weekly dog press, wherever possible, any alteration to this schedule (including any change of judge) will be included on the Crufts website

www.crufts.org.uk. Please make regular checks.

All Judges at Crufts agree to abide by the following statement:"In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider

would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog."

Hall Ring Breed Judge

1 1 Spaniel (Irish Water) Mrs P.A. Blay Spanish Water Dog Mr C.B. Bexon

1 2 Irish Red & White Setter Mrs M.R. Justice

1 1/2 Eukanuba Pup of the Year Final - Pre-Judging at 2.30 pm

1 3 Irish Setter [Dogs] Mrs W.K. Morley

1 4 Irish Setter [Bitches] Mrs A.M.F. Howes

1 5 Gordon Setter Mrs K. Macara

1 6 English Setter Mr J. Barber

1 7/8 Pointer Mr S. Rose

2 9 Spaniel (American Cocker) Miss B. Dummett

2 10 Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Miss G. Tully

2 11 Spaniel (Field) Mr R. Mosedale Spaniel (Sussex) Mr G. Clarke Spaniel (Clumber) Mrs H.M. Talbot

2 12 Spaniel (English Springer) Mrs J. Cule

2 13 Spaniel (Cocker) [Dogs] Mr D.W. Shapland

2 14 Spaniel (Cocker) [Bitches] Miss D. Lumley

4 15 Weimaraner Mr A. Rutland

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4 16 German Shorthaired Pointer Mr G.R. Haran German Wirehaired Pointer Mr C. Atkinson *German Longhaired Pointer Mr C. Atkinson

4 17 Brittany Mrs J. Robinson *Lagotto Romagnolo Mrs C. Baxter A.V. Imported Register (Gundog) Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]

4 18 Hungarian Vizsla Miss E.W. Newton

4 19 Italian Spinone Mr M. Spencer

4 20 Bracco Italiano Mrs K. Newman-Jones Large Munsterlander Dr R.W. James

4 21 Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Mr D.R. Alcorn Retriever (Curly Coated) Mrs P.D.A. Williams

4 22 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Mrs B.M. Hutchison

4 23 Retriever (Flat Coated) [Dogs] Mr R.A. Strudwick

4 24 Retriever (Flat Coated) [Bitches] Mr F. Kane

5 25/26 Gamekeepers’ Classes - Gamekeepers Mr J. Kean - Working Gundogs [Dogs] Mrs D. Rose - Working Gundogs [Bitches] Mr J. Stubbs

5 27/28 Retriever (Golden) [Dogs] Mr B.W. Catterall

5 29/30 Retriever (Labrador) [Dogs] Mr R.A.S. Stafford JP

5 31/32 Retriever (Labrador) [Bitches] Mr S.P. Williamson

5 33/34 Retriever (Golden) [Bitches] Mrs G. Hewitson

5 36 Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) Mrs C. McDonald Pets as Therapy Stakes Finals Mr P. Harding

3 YKC YKC Stakes Finals (Gundog) Mr P. Harding

5 Obed. Obedience Championships [Dogs] Miss S. Dunstan

Arena Agility Championships Mrs L. Shore (Small, Medium and Large Dogs)

* denotes breeds without Challenge Certificates

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Competition for

BEST OF GROUPS & BEST IN SHOWFIRST DAY - Thursday, 8th March 2018

Working GroupJudge: Mr Dave Killilea

Pastoral GroupJudge: Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter

SECOND DAY - Friday, 9th March 2018

Terrier GroupJudge: Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews

Hound GroupJudge: Mr Albert Wight

THIRD DAY - Saturday, 10th March 2018

Utility GroupJudge: Mr Mike Gilchrist

Toy GroupJudge: Mrs Irene McManus

FOURTH DAY - Sunday, 11th March 2018

Gundog GroupJudge: Mr Keith A.W. Young


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INDEX OF BREEDSfirst Day — Thursday, 8th March 2018•WORKINGandPASTORALGROUPS•

Breed PagewORKINGAlaskan Malamute ................................................................................................................................ 47Bernese Mountain Dog ......................................................................................................................... 47Bouvier des Flandres ............................................................................................................................ 47Boxer .................................................................................................................................................... 48Bullmastiff ............................................................................................................................................. 48Canadian Eskimo Dog .......................................................................................................................... 48Dobermann .......................................................................................................................................... 49Dogue de Bordeaux .............................................................................................................................. 49German Pinscher .................................................................................................................................. 49Giant Schnauzer ................................................................................................................................... 50Great Dane ........................................................................................................................................... 50Great Swiss Mountain Dog ................................................................................................................... 50Greenland Dog .................................................................................................................................... 50Hovawart ............................................................................................................................................... 51Leonberger ........................................................................................................................................... 51Mastiff ................................................................................................................................................... 51Neapolitan Mastiff ................................................................................................................................. 51Newfoundland ....................................................................................................................................... 52Portuguese Water Dog ......................................................................................................................... 52Rottweiler ............................................................................................................................................. 52Russian Black Terrier ............................................................................................................................ 53St. Bernard ............................................................................................................................................ 53Siberian Husky ...................................................................................................................................... 53Tibetan Mastiff ...................................................................................................................................... 53Any Variety Imported Register (Working) .............................................................................................. 54YKC Stakes Finals (Working) ............................................................................................................... 64

PASTORALAnatolian Shepherd Dog ....................................................................................................................... 54Australian Cattle Dog ............................................................................................................................ 54Australian Shepherd ............................................................................................................................ 54Bearded Collie ..................................................................................................................................... 55Beauceron ............................................................................................................................................ 55Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) ................................................................................................. 55Belgian Shepherd Dog (Laekenois) ...................................................................................................... 56Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) ......................................................................................................... 56Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) ...................................................................................................... 56Border Collie ........................................................................................................................................ 57Briard .................................................................................................................................................... 57Catalan Sheepdog ................................................................................................................................ 57Collie (Rough) ...................................................................................................................................... 58Collie (Smooth) ..................................................................................................................................... 58Estrela Mountain Dog ........................................................................................................................... 58Finnish Lapphund ................................................................................................................................. 59German Shepherd Dog ......................................................................................................................... 59Hungarian Puli ...................................................................................................................................... 59Komondor ............................................................................................................................................. 60Lancashire Heeler ................................................................................................................................. 60Maremma Sheepdog ............................................................................................................................ 60Norwegian Buhund ............................................................................................................................... 60Old English Sheepdog .......................................................................................................................... 61Polish Lowland Sheepdog .................................................................................................................... 61Pyrenean Mountain Dog ....................................................................................................................... 61Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) ...................................................................................................... 61

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Samoyed ............................................................................................................................................... 62Shetland Sheepdog ............................................................................................................................. 62Swedish Vallhund.................................................................................................................................. 63Turkish Kangal Dog .............................................................................................................................. 63Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) ........................................................................................................................ 63Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)....................................................................................................................... 63Any Variety Imported Register (Pastoral).............................................................................................. 64YKC Stakes Finals (Pastoral) ............................................................................................................... 64

Second Day — friday, 9th March 2018•TERRIERandHOUNDGROUPS•

Breed PageTERRIERAiredale Terrier...................................................................................................................................... 68Australian Terrier ................................................................................................................................... 68Bedlington Terrier .................................................................................................................................. 68Border Terrier ........................................................................................................................................ 69Bull Terrier ............................................................................................................................................. 69Bull Terrier (Miniature)........................................................................................................................... 69Cairn Terrier .......................................................................................................................................... 70Cesky Terrier ......................................................................................................................................... 70Dandie Dinmont Terrier ......................................................................................................................... 70Fox Terrier (Smooth) ............................................................................................................................. 70Fox Terrier (Wire) .................................................................................................................................. 71Glen of Imaal Terrier ............................................................................................................................. 71Irish Terrier ............................................................................................................................................ 71Jack Russell Terrier............................................................................................................................... 71Kerry Blue Terrier .................................................................................................................................. 72Lakeland Terrier .................................................................................................................................... 72Manchester Terrier ................................................................................................................................ 72Norfolk Terrier ....................................................................................................................................... 72Norwich Terrier ...................................................................................................................................... 73Parson Russell Terrier........................................................................................................................... 73Scottish Terrier ...................................................................................................................................... 73Sealyham Terrier ................................................................................................................................... 73Skye Terrier ........................................................................................................................................... 74Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier ................................................................................................................ 74Staffordshire Bull Terrier ...................................................................................................................... 74Welsh Terrier ......................................................................................................................................... 75West Highland White Terrier ................................................................................................................. 75YKC Stakes Finals (Terrier) .................................................................................................................. 84

HOuNDAfghan Hound ...................................................................................................................................... 75Basenji .................................................................................................................................................. 76Basset Fauve de Bretagne ................................................................................................................... 76Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand)........................................................................................................... 76Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) ............................................................................................................. 76Basset Hound ....................................................................................................................................... 77Beagle ................................................................................................................................................... 77Bloodhound ........................................................................................................................................... 77Borzoi .................................................................................................................................................... 78Cirneco Dell'Etna .................................................................................................................................. 78Dachshund (Long-Haired) .................................................................................................................... 78Dachshund (Miniature Long-Haired) ..................................................................................................... 78Dachshund (Smooth-Haired) ................................................................................................................ 79Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-Haired) ............................................................................................... 79Dachshund (Wire-Haired) ..................................................................................................................... 79Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired) ..................................................................................................... 79Deerhound ............................................................................................................................................ 80

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Finnish Spitz ......................................................................................................................................... 80Foxhound .............................................................................................................................................. 80Greyhound ............................................................................................................................................ 80Hamiltonstovare .................................................................................................................................... 81Ibizan Hound ......................................................................................................................................... 81Irish Wolfhound ..................................................................................................................................... 81Norwegian Elkhound ............................................................................................................................. 81Otterhound ............................................................................................................................................ 82Pharaoh Hound ..................................................................................................................................... 82Portuguese Podengo (Warren Hound) ................................................................................................. 82Rhodesian Ridgeback ........................................................................................................................... 82Saluki .................................................................................................................................................... 83Sloughi .................................................................................................................................................. 83Whippet ................................................................................................................................................. 83Any Variety Imported Register (Hound) ................................................................................................ 84YKC Stakes Finals (Hound) .................................................................................................................. 84

Third Day — Saturday, 10th March 2018•UTILITYandTOYGROUPS•

Breed PageuTILITYAkita ...................................................................................................................................................... 85Boston Terrier........................................................................................................................................ 85Bulldog .................................................................................................................................................. 85Canaan Dog .......................................................................................................................................... 86Chow Chow .......................................................................................................................................... 86Dalmatian .............................................................................................................................................. 86Eurasier ................................................................................................................................................ 86French Bulldog ...................................................................................................................................... 87German Spitz (Klein) ........................................................................................................................... 87German Spitz (Mittel) ............................................................................................................................ 87Japanese Akita Inu ............................................................................................................................... 87Japanese Shiba Inu .............................................................................................................................. 88Japanese Spitz ..................................................................................................................................... 88Keeshond .............................................................................................................................................. 88Kooikerhondje ....................................................................................................................................... 88Lhasa Apso ........................................................................................................................................... 89Miniature Schnauzer ............................................................................................................................. 89Poodle (Miniature) ................................................................................................................................ 89Poodle (Standard) ................................................................................................................................. 90Poodle (Toy) .......................................................................................................................................... 90Schipperke ............................................................................................................................................ 90Schnauzer ............................................................................................................................................. 90Shar Pei ................................................................................................................................................ 91Shih Tzu ................................................................................................................................................ 91Tibetan Spaniel ..................................................................................................................................... 91Tibetan Terrier ....................................................................................................................................... 91Any Variety Imported Register (Utility) .................................................................................................. 92YKC Stakes Finals (Utility) .................................................................................................................. 100

TOYAffenpinscher ........................................................................................................................................ 92Australian Silky Terrier .......................................................................................................................... 93Bichon Frisé .......................................................................................................................................... 93Bolognese ............................................................................................................................................. 93Cavalier King Charles Spaniel .............................................................................................................. 94Chihuahua (Long Coat) ........................................................................................................................ 94Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) .................................................................................................................... 95Chinese Crested ................................................................................................................................... 95Coton de Tulear .................................................................................................................................... 95

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English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) .......................................................................................................... 96Griffon Bruxellois................................................................................................................................... 96Havanese .............................................................................................................................................. 96Italian Greyhound ................................................................................................................................. 96Japanese Chin ...................................................................................................................................... 97King Charles Spaniel ............................................................................................................................ 97Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) ..................................................................................................................... 97Maltese ................................................................................................................................................. 98Miniature Pinscher ................................................................................................................................ 98Papillon ................................................................................................................................................. 98Pekingese ............................................................................................................................................. 99Pomeranian .......................................................................................................................................... 99Pug ....................................................................................................................................................... 99Yorkshire Terrier .................................................................................................................................. 100YKC Stakes Finals (Toy) ..................................................................................................................... 100

Obedience Championships (Bitches) ................................................................................................. 100

fourth Day — Sunday, 11th March 2018•GUNDOGGROUP•

Breed PageGuNDOGBracco Italiano .................................................................................................................................... 101Brittany ................................................................................................................................................ 101English Setter ..................................................................................................................................... 102German Longhaired Pointer ............................................................................................................... 102German Shorthaired Pointer ............................................................................................................... 102German Wirehaired Pointer ................................................................................................................ 103Gordon Setter ..................................................................................................................................... 103Hungarian Vizsla ................................................................................................................................. 103Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla .............................................................................................................. 104Irish Red & White Setter ..................................................................................................................... 104Irish Setter ......................................................................................................................................... 104Italian Spinone .................................................................................................................................... 105Lagotto Romagnolo ............................................................................................................................ 105Large Munsterlander ........................................................................................................................... 105Pointer ................................................................................................................................................ 106Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) .............................................................................................................. 106Retriever (Curly Coated) ..................................................................................................................... 106Retriever (Flat Coated) ...................................................................................................................... 107Retriever (Golden) ............................................................................................................................. 107Retriever (Labrador) .......................................................................................................................... 108Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) ................................................................................................. 108Spaniel (American Cocker) ................................................................................................................ 109Spaniel (Clumber) ............................................................................................................................... 109Spaniel (Cocker) .................................................................................................................................110Spaniel (English Springer) ...................................................................................................................110Spaniel (Field) ......................................................................................................................................111Spaniel (Irish Water) ............................................................................................................................111Spaniel (Sussex) ..................................................................................................................................111Spaniel (Welsh Springer) .....................................................................................................................112Spanish Water Dog ..............................................................................................................................112Weimaraner .........................................................................................................................................112Any Variety Imported Register (Gundog) .............................................................................................113YKC Stakes Finals (Gundog) ...............................................................................................................113

Gamekeepers’ Classes ........................................................................................................................114

Obedience Championships (Dogs) ......................................................................................................113

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first Day — Thursday, 8th March 2018working & Pastoral


ALASKAN MALAMuTE Judge: Mr S.C. LuxmooreKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 23 Hall 4 1. Veteran Dog 11. Veteran Bitch 2. Minor Puppy Dog 12. Minor Puppy Bitch 3. Puppy Dog 13. Puppy Bitch 4. Junior Dog 14. Junior Bitch 5. Yearling Dog 15. Yearling Bitch 6. Post Graduate Dog 16. Post Graduate Bitch 7. Mid Limit Dog 17. Mid Limit Bitch 8. Limit Dog 18. Limit Bitch 9. Open Dog 19. Open Bitch 10. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 20. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BERNESE MOuNTAIN DOG Judge: Mrs A. HadenKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 30 Hall 5 21. Veteran Dog 31. Veteran Bitch 22. Minor Puppy Dog 32. Minor Puppy Bitch 23. Puppy Dog 33. Puppy Bitch 24. Junior Dog 34. Junior Bitch 25. Yearling Dog 35. Yearling Bitch 26. Post Graduate Dog 36. Post Graduate Bitch 27. Mid Limit Dog 37. Mid Limit Bitch 28. Limit Dog 38. Limit Bitch 29. Open Dog 39. Open Bitch 30. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 40. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BOuVIER DES fLANDRES Judge: Mr S.w. HallKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 22 Hall 4 41. Veteran Dog 48. Veteran Bitch 42. Puppy Dog 49. Puppy Bitch 43. Junior Dog 50. Junior Bitch 44. Post Graduate Dog 51. Post Graduate Bitch 45. Limit Dog 52. Limit Bitch 46. Open Dog 53. Open Bitch 47. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 54. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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BOXER Judge: Mr D. SmithKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 33 Hall 5 55. Veteran Dog 65. Veteran Bitch

56. Minor Puppy Dog 66. Minor Puppy Bitch

57. Puppy Dog 67. Puppy Bitch

58. Junior Dog 68. Junior Bitch

59. Yearling Dog 69. Yearling Bitch

60. Post Graduate Dog 70. Post Graduate Bitch

61. Mid Limit Dog 71. Mid Limit Bitch

62. Limit Dog 72. Limit Bitch

63. Open Dog 73. Open Bitch

64. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 74. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BuLLMASTIff Judge: Miss f.M. MillerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 32 Hall 5 75. Veteran Dog 84. Veteran Bitch

76. Minor Puppy Dog 85. Minor Puppy Bitch

77. Puppy Dog 86. Puppy Bitch

78. Junior Dog 87. Junior Bitch

79. Yearling Dog 88. Yearling Bitch

80. Post Graduate Dog 89. Post Graduate Bitch

81. Limit Dog 90. Limit Bitch

82. Open Dog 91. Open Bitch

83. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 92. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CANADIAN ESKIMO DOG Judge: Mrs P. Luxmoore-BallRing Number 36 Hall 5

93. Veteran Dog 99. Veteran Bitch 94. Puppy Dog 100. Puppy Bitch

95. Junior Dog 101. Junior Bitch

96. Post Graduate Dog 102. Post Graduate Bitch

97. Open Dog 103. Open Bitch

98. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 104. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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DOBERMANN Judge: Mrs R. wrightKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 26 Hall 5

105. Veteran Dog 115. Veteran Bitch

106. Minor Puppy Dog 116. Minor Puppy Bitch

107. Puppy Dog 117. Puppy Bitch

108. Junior Dog 118. Junior Bitch

109. Yearling Dog 119. Yearling Bitch

110. Post Graduate Dog 120. Post Graduate Bitch

111. Limit Dog 121. Limit Bitch

112. Open Dog 122. Open Bitch

113. Special Working Trial Dog 123. Special Working Trial Bitch

114. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 124. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DOGuE DE BORDEAuX Judge: Mr A. BicknellKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 31 Hall 5

125. Veteran Dog 134. Veteran Bitch

126. Minor Puppy Dog 135. Minor Puppy Bitch

127. Puppy Dog 136. Puppy Bitch

128. Junior Dog 137. Junior Bitch

129. Yearling Dog 138. Yearling Bitch

130. Post Graduate Dog 139. Post Graduate Bitch

131. Limit Dog 140. Limit Bitch

132. Open Dog 141. Open Bitch

133. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 142. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN PINSCHER Judge: Mr R.C. KinseyRing Number 22 Hall 4

143. Veteran Dog 149. Veteran Bitch 144. Puppy Dog 150. Puppy Bitch

145. Junior Dog 151. Junior Bitch

146. Post Graduate Dog 152. Post Graduate Bitch

147. Open Dog 153. Open Bitch

148. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 154. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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GIANT SCHNAuZER Judge: Mrs C.A. DanielsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 22 Hall 4

155. Veteran Dog 162. Veteran Bitch 156. Puppy Dog 163. Puppy Bitch 157. Junior Dog 164. Junior Bitch 158. Post Graduate Dog 165. Post Graduate Bitch 159. Limit Dog 166. Limit Bitch 160. Open Dog 167. Open Bitch 161. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 168. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GREAT DANE Judge: Mr G. HookerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 35 Hall 5

169. Veteran Dog 178. Veteran Bitch 170. Minor Puppy Dog 179. Minor Puppy Bitch 171. Puppy Dog 180. Puppy Bitch 172. Junior Dog 181. Junior Bitch 173. Yearling Dog 182. Yearling Bitch 174. Post Graduate Dog 183. Post Graduate Bitch 175. Limit Dog 184. Limit Bitch 176. Open Dog 185. Open Bitch 177. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 186. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GREAT SwISS MOuNTAIN DOG Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 36 Hall 5

187. Veteran Dog 193. Veteran Bitch 188. Puppy Dog 194. Puppy Bitch 189. Junior Dog 195. Junior Bitch 190. Post Graduate Dog 196. Post Graduate Bitch 191. Open Dog 197. Open Bitch 192. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 198. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GREENLAND DOG Judge: Mr S.w. HallRing Number 29 Hall 5

199. Puppy Dog 204. Puppy Bitch 200. Junior Dog 205. Junior Bitch 201. Post Graduate Dog 206. Post Graduate Bitch 202. Open Dog 207. Open Bitch 203. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 208. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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HOVAwART Judge: Mr S.w. HallRing Number 29 Hall 5

209. Veteran Dog 215. Veteran Bitch 210. Puppy Dog 216. Puppy Bitch 211. Junior Dog 217. Junior Bitch 212. Post Graduate Dog 218. Post Graduate Bitch 213. Open Dog 219. Open Bitch 214. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 220. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

LEONBERGER Judge: Mrs S. ThomasKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 29 Hall 5

221. Veteran Dog 230. Veteran Bitch 222. Minor Puppy Dog 231. Minor Puppy Bitch 223. Puppy Dog 232. Puppy Bitch 224. Junior Dog 233. Junior Bitch 225. Yearling Dog 234. Yearling Bitch 226. Post Graduate Dog 235. Post Graduate Bitch 227. Limit Dog 236. Limit Bitch 228. Open Dog 237. Open Bitch 229. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 238. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

MASTIff Judge: Dr R.w. JamesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 28 Hall 5

239. Veteran Dog 246. Veteran Bitch 240. Puppy Dog 247. Puppy Bitch 241. Junior Dog 248. Junior Bitch 242. Post Graduate Dog 249. Post Graduate Bitch 243. Limit Dog 250. Limit Bitch 244. Open Dog 251. Open Bitch 245. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 252. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

NEAPOLITAN MASTIff Judge: Dr R.w. JamesRing Number 28 Hall 5

253. Veteran Dog 259. Veteran Bitch 254. Puppy Dog 260. Puppy Bitch 255. Junior Dog 261. Junior Bitch 256. Post Graduate Dog 262. Post Graduate Bitch 257. Open Dog 263. Open Bitch 258. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 264. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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NEwfOuNDLAND Judge: Mr D. ButcherKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 34 Hall 5

265. Veteran Dog 274. Veteran Bitch 266. Minor Puppy Dog 275. Minor Puppy Bitch 267. Puppy Dog 276. Puppy Bitch 268. Junior Dog 277. Junior Bitch 269. Yearling Dog 278. Yearling Bitch 270. Post Graduate Dog 279. Post Graduate Bitch 271. Limit Dog 280. Limit Bitch 272. Open Dog 281. Open Bitch 273. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 282. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PORTuGuESE wATER DOG Judge: Mrs R. ReddinKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 24 Hall 4

283. Veteran Dog 290. Veteran Bitch 284. Puppy Dog 291. Puppy Bitch 285. Junior Dog 292. Junior Bitch 286. Post Graduate Dog 293. Post Graduate Bitch 287. Limit Dog 294. Limit Bitch 288. Open Dog 295. Open Bitch 289. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 296. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

ROTTwEILER Judge: Mrs D. HoyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 27 Hall 5

297. Veteran Dog 308. Veteran Bitch 298. Minor Puppy Dog 309. Minor Puppy Bitch 299. Puppy Dog 310. Puppy Bitch 300. Junior Dog 311. Junior Bitch 301. Yearling Dog 312. Yearling Bitch 302. Post Graduate Dog 313. Post Graduate Bitch 303. Mid Limit Dog 314. Mid Limit Bitch 304. Limit Dog 315. Limit Bitch 305. Open Dog 316. Open Bitch 306. Special Working Trial Dog 317. Special Working Trial Bitch 307. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 318. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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RuSSIAN BLACK TERRIER Judge: Mr R.C. KinseyRing Number 22 Hall 4 319. Veteran Dog 325. Veteran Bitch 320. Puppy Dog 326. Puppy Bitch 321. Junior Dog 327. Junior Bitch 322. Post Graduate Dog 328. Post Graduate Bitch 323. Open Dog 329. Open Bitch 324. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 330. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

ST. BERNARD Judge: Mrs N. GoodwinKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 24 Hall 4 331. Veteran Dog 338. Veteran Bitch 332. Puppy Dog 339. Puppy Bitch 333. Junior Dog 340. Junior Bitch 334. Post Graduate Dog 341. Post Graduate Bitch 335. Limit Dog 342. Limit Bitch 336. Open Dog 343. Open Bitch 337. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 344. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SIBERIAN HuSKY Judge: Mrs P.M. EvansKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 25 Hall 5 345. Veteran Dog 354. Veteran Bitch 346. Minor Puppy Dog 355. Minor Puppy Bitch 347. Puppy Dog 356. Puppy Bitch 348. Junior Dog 357. Junior Bitch 349. Yearling Dog 358. Yearling Bitch 350. Post Graduate Dog 359. Post Graduate Bitch 351. Limit Dog 360. Limit Bitch 352. Open Dog 361. Open Bitch 353. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 362. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

TIBETAN MASTIff Judge: Dr R.w. JamesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 28 Hall 5 363. Veteran Dog 370. Veteran Bitch 364. Puppy Dog 371. Puppy Bitch 365. Junior Dog 372. Junior Bitch 366. Post Graduate Dog 373. Post Graduate Bitch 367. Limit Dog 374. Limit Bitch 368. Open Dog 375. Open Bitch 369. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 376. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201854

ANY VARIETY IMPORTED REGISTER (wORKING) Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 36 Hall 5 377. Puppy Dog 382. Puppy Bitch 378. Junior Dog 383. Junior Bitch 379. Post Graduate Dog 384. Post Graduate Bitch 380. Open Dog 385. Open Bitch 381. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 386. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch


ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG Judge:MrG.DuffieldRing Number 13 Hall 2 387. Junior Dog 390. Junior Bitch 388. Open Dog 391. Open Bitch 389. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 392. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

AuSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Judge: Mr K. BaldwinKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 10 Hall 2 393. Veteran Dog 400. Veteran Bitch 394. Puppy Dog 401. Puppy Bitch 395. Junior Dog 402. Junior Bitch 396. Post Graduate Dog 403. Post Graduate Bitch 397. Limit Dog 404. Limit Bitch 398. Open Dog 405. Open Bitch 399. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 406. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

AuSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Judge: Mrs A.E. AllanKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 6 Hall 1 407. Veteran Dog 416. Veteran Bitch 408. Minor Puppy Dog 417. Minor Puppy Bitch 409. Puppy Dog 418. Puppy Bitch 410. Junior Dog 419. Junior Bitch 411. Yearling Dog 420. Yearling Bitch 412. Post Graduate Dog 421. Post Graduate Bitch 413. Limit Dog 422. Limit Bitch 414. Open Dog 423. Open Bitch 415. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 424. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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BEARDED COLLIE Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr R. Ballantyne Mr A.J. BushKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Meg Purnell-CarpenterRing Number 7 Hall 1 Ring Number 8 Hall 1 425. Veteran Dog 436. Veteran Bitch 426. Minor Puppy Dog 437. Minor Puppy Bitch 427. Puppy Dog 438. Puppy Bitch 428. Junior Dog 439. Junior Bitch 429. Yearling Dog 440. Yearling Bitch 430. Graduate Dog 441. Graduate Bitch 431. Post Graduate Dog 442. Post Graduate Bitch 432. Mid Limit Dog 443. Mid Limit Bitch 433. Limit Dog 444. Limit Bitch 434. Open Dog 445. Open Bitch 435. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 446. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

BEAuCERON Judge: Mr R. OldhamRing Number 15 Hall 4

447. Veteran Dog 453. Veteran Bitch 448. Puppy Dog 454. Puppy Bitch 449. Junior Dog 455. Junior Bitch 450. Post Graduate Dog 456. Post Graduate Bitch 451. Open Dog 457. Open Bitch 452. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 458. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (GROENENDAEL) Judge: Mr P. Lawless [Ireland]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 14 Hall 2 459. Veteran Dog 466. Veteran Bitch 460. Puppy Dog 467. Puppy Bitch 461. Junior Dog 468. Junior Bitch 462. Post Graduate Dog 469. Post Graduate Bitch 463. Limit Dog 470. Limit Bitch 464. Open Dog 471. Open Bitch 465. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 472. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (LAEKENOIS) Judge: Mrs J. Lawless [Ireland]Ring Number 13 Hall 2

473. Puppy Dog 478. Puppy Bitch

474. Junior Dog 479. Junior Bitch

475. Post Graduate Dog 480. Post Graduate Bitch

476. Open Dog 481. Open Bitch

477. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 482. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (MALINOIS) Judge: Mr P. Lawless [Ireland]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 14 Hall 2

483. Veteran Dog 490. Veteran Bitch

484. Puppy Dog 491. Puppy Bitch

485. Junior Dog 492. Junior Bitch

486. Post Graduate Dog 493. Post Graduate Bitch

487. Limit Dog 494. Limit Bitch

488. Open Dog 495. Open Bitch

489. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 496. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG (TERVuEREN) Judge: Mrs J. Lawless [Ireland]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 13 Hall 2

497. Veteran Dog 504. Veteran Bitch

498. Puppy Dog 505. Puppy Bitch

499. Junior Dog 506. Junior Bitch

500. Post Graduate Dog 507. Post Graduate Bitch

501. Limit Dog 508. Limit Bitch

502. Open Dog 509. Open Bitch

503. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 510. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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BORDER COLLIE Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mrs H.E. Broadhurst Mrs B. SmithKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Meg Purnell-CarpenterRing Number 1 Hall 1 Ring Number 2 Hall 1 511. Veteran Dog 525. Veteran Bitch 512. Minor Puppy Dog 526. Minor Puppy Bitch 513. Puppy Dog 527. Puppy Bitch 514. Junior Dog 528. Junior Bitch 515. Yearling Dog 529. Yearling Bitch 516. Undergraduate Dog 530. Undergraduate Bitch 517. Graduate Dog 531. Graduate Bitch 518. Post Graduate Dog 532. Post Graduate Bitch 519. Mid Limit Dog 533. Mid Limit Bitch 520. Limit Dog 534. Limit Bitch 521. Open Dog 535. Open Bitch 522. Special Working Trial Dog 536. Special Working Trial Bitch 523. Special Show Border Collie 537. Special Show Border Collie Herding Test Dog Herding Test Bitch 524. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 538. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

BRIARD Judge: Ms A. KingKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 15 Hall 4 539. Veteran Dog 546. Veteran Bitch 540. Puppy Dog 547. Puppy Bitch 541. Junior Dog 548. Junior Bitch 542. Post Graduate Dog 549. Post Graduate Bitch 543. Limit Dog 550. Limit Bitch 544. Open Dog 551. Open Bitch 545. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 552. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CATALAN SHEEPDOG Judge: Mrs A. fieldsendRing Number 14 Hall 2 553. Veteran Dog 559. Veteran Bitch 554. Puppy Dog 560. Puppy Bitch 555. Junior Dog 561. Junior Bitch 556. Post Graduate Dog 562. Post Graduate Bitch 557. Open Dog 563. Open Bitch 558. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 564. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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COLLIE (ROuGH) Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mrs f. Kaye Mr B. HouseKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Meg Purnell-CarpenterRing Number 3 Hall 1 Ring Number 4 Hall 1

565. Veteran Dog 576. Veteran Bitch 566. Minor Puppy Dog 577. Minor Puppy Bitch 567. Puppy Dog 578. Puppy Bitch 568. Junior Dog 579. Junior Bitch 569. Yearling Dog 580. Yearling Bitch 570. Graduate Dog 581. Graduate Bitch 571. Post Graduate Dog 582. Post Graduate Bitch 572. Mid Limit Dog 583. Mid Limit Bitch 573. Limit Dog 584. Limit Bitch 574. Open Dog 585. Open Bitch 575. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 586. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

COLLIE (SMOOTH) Judge: Mrs S. RobertsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1

587. Veteran Dog 594. Veteran Bitch 588. Puppy Dog 595. Puppy Bitch 589. Junior Dog 596. Junior Bitch 590. Post Graduate Dog 597. Post Graduate Bitch 591. Limit Dog 598. Limit Bitch 592. Open Dog 599. Open Bitch 593. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 600. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

ESTRELA MOuNTAIN DOG Judge: Mrs S. BirdRing Number 14 Hall 2

601. Veteran Dog 607. Veteran Bitch 602. Puppy Dog 608. Puppy Bitch 603. Junior Dog 609. Junior Bitch 604. Post Graduate Dog 610. Post Graduate Bitch 605. Open Dog 611. Open Bitch 606. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 612. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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fINNISH LAPPHuND Judge: Mrs L.J. SaltKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 20 Hall 4

613. Veteran Dog 620. Veteran Bitch

614. Puppy Dog 621. Puppy Bitch

615. Junior Dog 622. Junior Bitch

616. Post Graduate Dog 623. Post Graduate Bitch

617. Limit Dog 624. Limit Bitch

618. Open Dog 625. Open Bitch

619. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 626. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG Judge: Mr D.C. Bowen Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 9 Hall 2

627. Veteran Dog 637. Veteran Bitch

628. Minor Puppy Dog 638. Minor Puppy Bitch

629. Puppy Dog 639. Puppy Bitch

630. Junior Dog 640. Junior Bitch

631. Yearling Dog 641. Yearling Bitch

632. Post Graduate Dog 642. Post Graduate Bitch

633. Limit Dog 643. Limit Bitch

634. Open Dog 644. Open Bitch

635. Special Working Trial Dog 645. Special Working Trial Bitch

636. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 646. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

HuNGARIAN PuLI Judge: Mr J. RitchieKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 21 Hall 4

647. Veteran Dog 654. Veteran Bitch

648. Puppy Dog 655. Puppy Bitch

649. Junior Dog 656. Junior Bitch

650. Post Graduate Dog 657. Post Graduate Bitch

651. Limit Dog 658. Limit Bitch

652. Open Dog 659. Open Bitch

653. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 660. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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KOMONDOR Judge:MrG.DuffieldRing Number 13 Hall 2 661. Puppy Dog 666. Puppy Bitch 662. Junior Dog 667. Junior Bitch 663. Post Graduate Dog 668. Post Graduate Bitch 664. Open Dog 669. Open Bitch 665. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 670. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch


Judge: Mrs S. Zijlstra-ShawKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 21 Hall 4 671. Veteran Dog 678. Veteran Bitch 672. Puppy Dog 679. Puppy Bitch 673. Junior Dog 680. Junior Bitch 674. Post Graduate Dog 681. Post Graduate Bitch 675. Limit Dog 682. Limit Bitch 676. Open Dog 683. Open Bitch 677. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 684. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

MAREMMA SHEEPDOG Judge: Mrs J. DownesRing Number 21 Hall 4 685. Puppy Dog 690. Puppy Bitch 686. Junior Dog 691. Junior Bitch 687. Post Graduate Dog 692. Post Graduate Bitch 688. Open Dog 693. Open Bitch 689. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 694. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

NORwEGIAN BuHuND Judge: Mrs M.J. DeucharKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 10 Hall 2 695. Veteran Dog 702. Veteran Bitch 696. Puppy Dog 703. Puppy Bitch 697. Junior Dog 704. Junior Bitch 698. Post Graduate Dog 705. Post Graduate Bitch 699. Limit Dog 706. Limit Bitch 700. Open Dog 707. Open Bitch 701. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 708. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGJudge: Mrs P.J. BarnesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 19 Hall 4 709. Veteran Dog 718. Veteran Bitch 710. Minor Puppy Dog 719. Minor Puppy Bitch 711. Puppy Dog 720. Puppy Bitch 712. Junior Dog 721. Junior Bitch 713. Yearling Dog 722. Yearling Bitch 714. Post Graduate Dog 723. Post Graduate Bitch 715. Limit Dog 724. Limit Bitch 716. Open Dog 725. Open Bitch 717. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 726. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

POLISH LOwLAND SHEEPDOG Judge: Mr J. LuscottKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 727. Veteran Dog 734. Veteran Bitch 728. Puppy Dog 735. Puppy Bitch 729. Junior Dog 736. Junior Bitch 730. Post Graduate Dog 737. Post Graduate Bitch 731. Limit Dog 738. Limit Bitch 732. Open Dog 739. Open Bitch 733. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 740. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PYRENEAN MOuNTAIN DOG Judge: Mr S.J. MallardKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 20 Hall 4 741. Veteran Dog 748. Veteran Bitch 742. Puppy Dog 749. Puppy Bitch 743. Junior Dog 750. Junior Bitch 744. Post Graduate Dog 751. Post Graduate Bitch 745. Limit Dog 752. Limit Bitch 746. Open Dog 753. Open Bitch 747. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 754. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PYRENEAN SHEEPDOG (LONG HAIRED) Judge: Mr R. OldhamRing Number 15 Hall 4 755. Veteran Dog 761. Veteran Bitch 756. Puppy Dog 762. Puppy Bitch 757. Junior Dog 763. Junior Bitch 758. Post Graduate Dog 764. Post Graduate Bitch 759. Open Dog 765. Open Bitch 760. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 766. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201862

SAMOYED Judge: Ms J. JohnsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 16 Hall 4

767. Veteran Dog 776. Veteran Bitch

768. Minor Puppy Dog 777. Minor Puppy Bitch

769. Puppy Dog 778. Puppy Bitch

770. Junior Dog 779. Junior Bitch

771. Yearling Dog 780. Yearling Bitch

772. Post Graduate Dog 781. Post Graduate Bitch

773. Limit Dog 782. Limit Bitch

774. Open Dog 783. Open Bitch

775. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 784. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SHETLAND SHEEPDOG Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mrs M. withers Mr A. wightKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Meg Purnell-CarpenterRing Number 11 Hall 2 Ring Number 12 Hall 2

785. Veteran Dog 796. Veteran Bitch

786. Minor Puppy Dog 797. Minor Puppy Bitch

787. Puppy Dog 798. Puppy Bitch

788. Junior Dog 799. Junior Bitch

789. Yearling Dog 800. Yearling Bitch

790. Graduate Dog 801. Graduate Bitch

791. Post Graduate Dog 802. Post Graduate Bitch

792. Mid Limit Dog 803. Mid Limit Bitch

793. Limit Dog 804. Limit Bitch

794. Open Dog 805. Open Bitch

795. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 806. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

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Crufts 2018 63

SwEDISH VALLHuND Judge: Mr K.R. NewhouseKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 17 Hall 4

807. Veteran Dog 814. Veteran Bitch 808. Puppy Dog 815. Puppy Bitch 809. Junior Dog 816. Junior Bitch 810. Post Graduate Dog 817. Post Graduate Bitch 811. Limit Dog 818. Limit Bitch 812. Open Dog 819. Open Bitch 813. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 820. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

TuRKISH KANGAL DOG Judge:MrG.DuffieldRing Number 13 Hall 2

821. Junior Dog 824. Junior Bitch 822. Open Dog 825. Open Bitch 823. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 826. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

wELSH CORGI (CARDIGAN) Judge: Mrs T. TaylorKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 17 Hall 4

827. Veteran Dog 835. Veteran Bitch 828. Puppy Dog 836. Puppy Bitch 829. Junior Dog 837. Junior Bitch 830. Yearling Dog 838. Yearling Bitch 831. Post Graduate Dog 839. Post Graduate Bitch 832. Limit Dog 840. Limit Bitch 833. Open Dog 841. Open Bitch 834. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 842. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

wELSH CORGI (PEMBROKE) Judge: Miss S.E. TaylorKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 18 Hall 4 843. Veteran Dog 852. Veteran Bitch 844. Minor Puppy Dog 853. Minor Puppy Bitch 845. Puppy Dog 854. Puppy Bitch 846. Junior Dog 855. Junior Bitch 847. Yearling Dog 856. Yearling Bitch 848. Post Graduate Dog 857. Post Graduate Bitch 849. Limit Dog 858. Limit Bitch 850. Open Dog 859. Open Bitch 851. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 860. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201864

POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

ANY VARIETY IMPORTED REGISTER (PASTORAL) Judge: Mr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 36 Hall 5

861. Puppy Dog 866. Puppy Bitch 862. Junior Dog 867. Junior Bitch 863. Post Graduate Dog 868. Post Graduate Bitch 864. Open Dog 869. Open Bitch 865. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 870. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16 871. Any Variety Working Dog or Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16 872. Any Variety Pastoral Dog or Bitch

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Crufts 2018 65

WestCar Park










N4 N6













M6Junction 4












Bickenhill Lane



M6/M1/M6 Toll







Terminal 1

Terminal 2


ail Link

To Lond

on E

uston Statio



ox 70 m





Rail Statio


To B











x. 1

0 m









Hall 16



















Ramada EncoreHotel

Premier InnPlease use a taxito reach this hotel from the NEC

Hilton BirminghamMetropole Hotel

Crowne PlazaHotel


Novotel, IbisEtap Hotels

Please use a taxi to reach these hotels from the NECor access via the Air-Rail link

Express byHoliday Inn

Please usea taxi to reach this hotel from the NEC

The ArdenHotel

Please usea taxi to reach thishotel from the NEC














A2 A1


Site Map

Key P1/P2 Piazza entrancesA1/A2/A3 Atrium entrances

Visitor & Business Centre - T: +44 (0)121 780 4141Welcome desk

The NEC woodland

Car parksSouth: S1-S7East: E1-E5North: N1-N12West: West car park


Private hire taxi pick up / drop off

Car park toilets (Including accessible toilet)Airport


Box office & Arena entrance

Pedestrian footpathsPedestrian footpaths subway

VIP parkingA


Disabled parkingB

NEC visitor parking/outdoor exhibition area


West Midlands bus stopD

NEC Express 1E

NEC Express 3F

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5

Shuttle bus to halls

Arena bus stop (to East Car Parks)

Taxi rank

• Outlet Shopping• Genting Hotel & Spa• Bars and Restaurants• Cinema• Genting International Casino• The Vox Conference Centre

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Crufts 201868


Second Day — friday, 9th March 2018Terrier & Hound


AIREDALE TERRIER Judge: Mr T. HuxleyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 6 Hall 1

873. Veteran Dog 880. Veteran Bitch 874. Puppy Dog 881. Puppy Bitch 875. Junior Dog 882. Junior Bitch 876. Post Graduate Dog 883. Post Graduate Bitch 877. Limit Dog 884. Limit Bitch 878. Open Dog 885. Open Bitch 879. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 886. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

AuSTRALIAN TERRIER Judge: Mr M. PhillipsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 11 Hall 2

887. Veteran Dog 894. Veteran Bitch 888. Puppy Dog 895. Puppy Bitch 889. Junior Dog 896. Junior Bitch 890. Post Graduate Dog 897. Post Graduate Bitch 891. Limit Dog 898. Limit Bitch 892. Open Dog 899. Open Bitch 893. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 900. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BEDLINGTON TERRIER Judge: Mrs S. Davies Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 3 Hall 1

901. Veteran Dog 908. Veteran Bitch 902. Puppy Dog 909. Puppy Bitch 903. Junior Dog 910. Junior Bitch 904. Post Graduate Dog 911. Post Graduate Bitch 905. Limit Dog 912. Limit Bitch 906. Open Dog 913. Open Bitch 907. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 914. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 69

BORDER TERRIER Judge: Mr C.G. Stafberg [Sweden]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 12 Hall 2

915. Veteran Dog 926. Veteran Bitch 916. Minor Puppy Dog 927. Minor Puppy Bitch 917. Puppy Dog 928. Puppy Bitch 918. Junior Dog 929. Junior Bitch 919. Yearling Dog 930. Yearling Bitch 920. Graduate Dog 931. Graduate Bitch 921. Post Graduate Dog 932. Post Graduate Bitch 922. Mid Limit Dog 933. Mid Limit Bitch 923. Limit Dog 934. Limit Bitch 924. Open Dog 935. Open Bitch 925. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 936. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BuLL TERRIER Judge: Mr D.A. ClarkKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 10 Hall 2

937. Veteran Dog 944. Veteran Bitch 938. Puppy Dog 945. Puppy Bitch 939. Junior Dog 946. Junior Bitch 940. Post Graduate Dog 947. Post Graduate Bitch 941. Limit Dog 948. Limit Bitch 942. Open Dog 949. Open Bitch 943. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 950. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BuLL TERRIER (MINIATuRE) Judge: Mr D.A. ClarkKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 10 Hall 2

951. Veteran Dog 958. Veteran Bitch 952. Puppy Dog 959. Puppy Bitch 953. Junior Dog 960. Junior Bitch 954. Post Graduate Dog 961. Post Graduate Bitch 955. Limit Dog 962. Limit Bitch 956. Open Dog 963. Open Bitch 957. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 964. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201870

CAIRN TERRIER Judge: Mrs S.S.A. KintonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 9 Hall 2 965. Veteran Dog 974. Veteran Bitch 966. Minor Puppy Dog 975. Minor Puppy Bitch 967. Puppy Dog 976. Puppy Bitch 968. Junior Dog 977. Junior Bitch 969. Yearling Dog 978. Yearling Bitch 970. Post Graduate Dog 979. Post Graduate Bitch 971. Limit Dog 980. Limit Bitch 972. Open Dog 981. Open Bitch 973. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 982. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CESKY TERRIER Judge: Mrs w. TobijanskiKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 983. Veteran Dog 990. Veteran Bitch 984. Puppy Dog 991. Puppy Bitch 985. Junior Dog 992. Junior Bitch 986. Post Graduate Dog 993. Post Graduate Bitch 987. Limit Dog 994. Limit Bitch 988. Open Dog 995. Open Bitch 989. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 996. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER Judge: Mrs K. PlastowKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 11 Hall 2 997. Veteran Dog 1004. Veteran Bitch 998. Puppy Dog 1005. Puppy Bitch 999. Junior Dog 1006. Junior Bitch 1000. Post Graduate Dog 1007. Post Graduate Bitch 1001. Limit Dog 1008. Limit Bitch 1002. Open Dog 1009. Open Bitch 1003. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1010. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

fOX TERRIER (SMOOTH) Judge: Mr C.J. wigginsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 7 Hall 1 1011. Veteran Dog 1018. Veteran Bitch 1012. Puppy Dog 1019. Puppy Bitch 1013. Junior Dog 1020. Junior Bitch 1014. Post Graduate Dog 1021. Post Graduate Bitch 1015. Limit Dog 1022. Limit Bitch 1016. Open Dog 1023. Open Bitch 1017. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1024. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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fOX TERRIER (wIRE) Judge: Mr A. GoodsellKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 7 Hall 1 1025. Veteran Dog 1032. Veteran Bitch 1026. Puppy Dog 1033. Puppy Bitch 1027. Junior Dog 1034. Junior Bitch 1028. Post Graduate Dog 1035. Post Graduate Bitch 1029. Limit Dog 1036. Limit Bitch 1030. Open Dog 1037. Open Bitch 1031. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1038. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GLEN Of IMAAL TERRIER Judge: Mrs f. KayeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 6 Hall 1 1039. Veteran Dog 1046. Veteran Bitch 1040. Puppy Dog 1047. Puppy Bitch 1041. Junior Dog 1048. Junior Bitch 1042. Post Graduate Dog 1049. Post Graduate Bitch 1043. Limit Dog 1050. Limit Bitch 1044. Open Dog 1051. Open Bitch 1045. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1052. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

IRISH TERRIER Judge: Mr D. MunroKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 1053. Veteran Dog 1060. Veteran Bitch 1054. Puppy Dog 1061. Puppy Bitch 1055. Junior Dog 1062. Junior Bitch 1056. Post Graduate Dog 1063. Post Graduate Bitch 1057. Limit Dog 1064. Limit Bitch 1058. Open Dog 1065. Open Bitch 1059. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1066. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

JACK RuSSELL TERRIER Judge: Mrs J. woodRing Number 2 Hall 1 1067. Veteran Dog 1075. Veteran Bitch 1068. Minor Puppy Dog 1076. Minor Puppy Bitch 1069. Puppy Dog 1077. Puppy Bitch 1070. Junior Dog 1078. Junior Bitch 1071. Post Graduate Dog 1079. Post Graduate Bitch 1072. Limit Dog 1080. Limit Bitch 1073. Open Dog 1081. Open Bitch 1074. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1082. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

Page 74: SCHEDULE - Fosse Datafossedata.co.uk/downloads/pdf/CRUFT_MAR_18_Schedule.pdf · 8 – 11 MARCH 2018 • The NEC, Birmingham •  Celebrating healthy, happy dogs SCHEDULE

Crufts 201872

KERRY BLuE TERRIER Judge: Miss A. BradleyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 4 Hall 1 1083. Veteran Dog 1090. Veteran Bitch 1084. Puppy Dog 1091. Puppy Bitch 1085. Junior Dog 1092. Junior Bitch 1086. Post Graduate Dog 1093. Post Graduate Bitch 1087. Limit Dog 1094. Limit Bitch 1088. Open Dog 1095. Open Bitch 1089. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1096. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

LAKELAND TERRIER Judge: Miss w. JohnstonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 1 Hall 1 1097. Veteran Dog 1104. Veteran Bitch 1098. Puppy Dog 1105. Puppy Bitch 1099. Junior Dog 1106. Junior Bitch 1100. Post Graduate Dog 1107. Post Graduate Bitch 1101. Limit Dog 1108. Limit Bitch 1102. Open Dog 1109. Open Bitch 1103. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1110. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

MANCHESTER TERRIER Judge: Mrs P. GoreKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 8 Hall 1 1111. Veteran Dog 1118. Veteran Bitch 1112. Puppy Dog 1119. Puppy Bitch 1113. Junior Dog 1120. Junior Bitch 1114. Post Graduate Dog 1121. Post Graduate Bitch 1115. Limit Dog 1122. Limit Bitch 1116. Open Dog 1123. Open Bitch 1117. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1124. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

NORfOLK TERRIER Judge: Mrs D.A. BrittenKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 11 Hall 2 1125. Veteran Dog 1132. Veteran Bitch 1126. Puppy Dog 1133. Puppy Bitch 1127. Junior Dog 1134. Junior Bitch 1128. Post Graduate Dog 1135. Post Graduate Bitch 1129. Limit Dog 1136. Limit Bitch 1130. Open Dog 1137. Open Bitch 1131. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1138. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 73

NORwICH TERRIER Judge: Mr T.G. MasonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 11 Hall 2 1139. Veteran Dog 1146. Veteran Bitch 1140. Puppy Dog 1147. Puppy Bitch 1141. Junior Dog 1148. Junior Bitch 1142. Post Graduate Dog 1149. Post Graduate Bitch 1143. Limit Dog 1150. Limit Bitch 1144. Open Dog 1151. Open Bitch 1145. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1152. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PARSON RuSSELL TERRIER Judge: Mr w. Browne-ColeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 1 Hall 1 1153. Veteran Dog 1162. Veteran Bitch 1154. Minor Puppy Dog 1163. Minor Puppy Bitch 1155. Puppy Dog 1164. Puppy Bitch 1156. Junior Dog 1165. Junior Bitch 1157. Yearling Dog 1166. Yearling Bitch 1158. Post Graduate Dog 1167. Post Graduate Bitch 1159. Limit Dog 1168. Limit Bitch 1160. Open Dog 1169. Open Bitch 1161. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1170. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SCOTTISH TERRIER Judge: Mrs A. falconerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 4 Hall 1 1171. Veteran Dog 1179. Veteran Bitch 1172. Minor Puppy Dog 1180. Minor Puppy Bitch 1173. Puppy Dog 1181. Puppy Bitch 1174. Junior Dog 1182. Junior Bitch 1175. Post Graduate Dog 1183. Post Graduate Bitch 1176. Limit Dog 1184. Limit Bitch 1177. Open Dog 1185. Open Bitch 1178. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1186. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SEALYHAM TERRIER Judge: Mr w.R. IrvingKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 3 Hall 1 1187. Veteran Dog 1194. Veteran Bitch 1188. Puppy Dog 1195. Puppy Bitch 1189. Junior Dog 1196. Junior Bitch 1190. Post Graduate Dog 1197. Post Graduate Bitch 1191. Limit Dog 1198. Limit Bitch 1192. Open Dog 1199. Open Bitch 1193. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1200. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201874

SKYE TERRIER Judge: Miss C. CollinsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 1201. Veteran Dog 1208. Veteran Bitch 1202. Puppy Dog 1209. Puppy Bitch 1203. Junior Dog 1210. Junior Bitch 1204. Post Graduate Dog 1211. Post Graduate Bitch 1205. Limit Dog 1212. Limit Bitch 1206. Open Dog 1213. Open Bitch 1207. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1214. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SOfT COATED wHEATEN TERRIER Judge: Mr P.E. BakewellKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 2 Hall 1 1215. Veteran Dog 1224. Veteran Bitch 1216. Minor Puppy Dog 1225. Minor Puppy Bitch 1217. Puppy Dog 1226. Puppy Bitch 1218. Junior Dog 1227. Junior Bitch 1219. Yearling Dog 1228. Yearling Bitch 1220. Post Graduate Dog 1229. Post Graduate Bitch 1221. Limit Dog 1230. Limit Bitch 1222. Open Dog 1231. Open Bitch 1223. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1232. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

STAffORDSHIRE BuLL TERRIER Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr P. McGlynn Mr P. StanwayKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Zena Thorn-AndrewsRing Number 13 Hall 2 Ring Number 14 Hall 2 1233. Veteran Dog 1245. Veteran Bitch 1234. Minor Puppy Dog 1246. Minor Puppy Bitch 1235. Puppy Dog 1247. Puppy Bitch 1236. Junior Dog 1248. Junior Bitch 1237. Yearling Dog 1249. Yearling Bitch 1238. Undergraduate Dog 1250. Undergraduate Bitch 1239. Graduate Dog 1251. Graduate Bitch 1240. Post Graduate Dog 1252. Post Graduate Bitch 1241. Mid Limit Dog 1253. Mid Limit Bitch 1242. Limit Dog 1254. Limit Bitch 1243. Open Dog 1255. Open Bitch 1244. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1256. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mr T. Mather

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Crufts 2018 75

wELSH TERRIER Judge: Mrs C.J. DorkingKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 6 Hall 1

1257. Veteran Dog 1264. Veteran Bitch 1258. Puppy Dog 1265. Puppy Bitch 1259. Junior Dog 1266. Junior Bitch 1260. Post Graduate Dog 1267. Post Graduate Bitch 1261. Limit Dog 1268. Limit Bitch 1262. Open Dog 1269. Open Bitch 1263. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1270. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

wEST HIGHLAND wHITE TERRIER Judge: Mrs T. GaydonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 8 Hall 1

1271. Veteran Dog 1280. Veteran Bitch 1272. Minor Puppy Dog 1281. Minor Puppy Bitch 1273. Puppy Dog 1282. Puppy Bitch 1274. Junior Dog 1283. Junior Bitch 1275. Yearling Dog 1284. Yearling Bitch 1276. Post Graduate Dog 1285. Post Graduate Bitch 1277. Limit Dog 1286. Limit Bitch 1278. Open Dog 1287. Open Bitch 1279. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1288. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch


AfGHAN HOuND Judge: Mr M. Cocozza Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 33 Hall 5

1289. Veteran Dog 1298. Veteran Bitch 1290. Minor Puppy Dog 1299. Minor Puppy Bitch 1291. Puppy Dog 1300. Puppy Bitch 1292. Junior Dog 1301. Junior Bitch 1293. Yearling Dog 1302. Yearling Bitch 1294. Post Graduate Dog 1303. Post Graduate Bitch 1295. Limit Dog 1304. Limit Bitch 1296. Open Dog 1305. Open Bitch 1297. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1306. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201876

BASENJI Judge: Mr J. HorswellKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 30 Hall 5 1307. Veteran Dog 1314. Veteran Bitch 1308. Puppy Dog 1315. Puppy Bitch 1309. Junior Dog 1316. Junior Bitch 1310. Post Graduate Dog 1317. Post Graduate Bitch 1311. Limit Dog 1318. Limit Bitch 1312. Open Dog 1319. Open Bitch 1313. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1320. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BASSET fAuVE DE BRETAGNE Judge: Mr P. Seier SörensenKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 30 Hall 5 1321. Veteran Dog 1328. Veteran Bitch 1322. Puppy Dog 1329. Puppy Bitch 1323. Junior Dog 1330. Junior Bitch 1324. Post Graduate Dog 1331. Post Graduate Bitch 1325. Limit Dog 1332. Limit Bitch 1326. Open Dog 1333. Open Bitch 1327. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1334. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BASSET GRIffON VENDEEN (GRAND) Judge: Ms L. LewisKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 31 Hall 5 1335. Veteran Dog 1342. Veteran Bitch 1336. Puppy Dog 1343. Puppy Bitch 1337. Junior Dog 1344. Junior Bitch 1338. Post Graduate Dog 1345. Post Graduate Bitch 1339. Limit Dog 1346. Limit Bitch 1340. Open Dog 1347. Open Bitch 1341. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1348. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BASSET GRIffON VENDEEN (PETIT) Judge: Mr P.C. Knudsen [Denmark]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 31 Hall 5 1349. Veteran Dog 1356. Veteran Bitch 1350. Puppy Dog 1357. Puppy Bitch 1351. Junior Dog 1358. Junior Bitch 1352. Post Graduate Dog 1359. Post Graduate Bitch 1353. Limit Dog 1360. Limit Bitch 1354. Open Dog 1361. Open Bitch 1355. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1362. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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BASSET HOuND Judge: Mr P. McGarry ArthursKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 32 Hall 5

1363. Veteran Dog 1372. Veteran Bitch 1364. Minor Puppy Dog 1373. Minor Puppy Bitch 1365. Puppy Dog 1374. Puppy Bitch 1366. Junior Dog 1375. Junior Bitch 1367. Yearling Dog 1376. Yearling Bitch 1368. Post Graduate Dog 1377. Post Graduate Bitch 1369. Limit Dog 1378. Limit Bitch 1370. Open Dog 1379. Open Bitch 1371. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1380. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BEAGLE Judge: Mr C.D. AshmoreKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 29 Hall 5

1381. Veteran Dog 1391. Veteran Bitch 1382. Minor Puppy Dog 1392. Minor Puppy Bitch 1383. Puppy Dog 1393. Puppy Bitch 1384. Junior Dog 1394. Junior Bitch 1385. Yearling Dog 1395. Yearling Bitch 1386. Post Graduate Dog 1396. Post Graduate Bitch 1387. Mid Limit Dog 1397. Mid Limit Bitch 1388. Limit Dog 1398. Limit Bitch 1389. Open Dog 1399. Open Bitch 1390. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1400. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BLOODHOuND Judge: Miss J.E. CornerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 25 Hall 5

1401. Veteran Dog 1409. Veteran Bitch 1402. Puppy Dog 1410. Puppy Bitch 1403. Junior Dog 1411. Junior Bitch 1404. Post Graduate Dog 1412. Post Graduate Bitch 1405. Limit Dog 1413. Limit Bitch 1406. Open Dog 1414. Open Bitch 1407. Special Working Trial Dog 1415. Special Working Trial Bitch 1408. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1416. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201878

BORZOI Judge: Mrs D.C. MartinKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 28 Hall 5 1417. Veteran Dog 1426. Veteran Bitch 1418. Minor Puppy Dog 1427. Minor Puppy Bitch 1419. Puppy Dog 1428. Puppy Bitch 1420. Junior Dog 1429. Junior Bitch 1421. Yearling Dog 1430. Yearling Bitch 1422. Post Graduate Dog 1431. Post Graduate Bitch 1423. Limit Dog 1432. Limit Bitch 1424. Open Dog 1433. Open Bitch 1425. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1434. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 35 Hall 5 1435. Veteran Dog 1441. Veteran Bitch 1436. Puppy Dog 1442. Puppy Bitch 1437. Junior Dog 1443. Junior Bitch 1438. Post Graduate Dog 1444. Post Graduate Bitch 1439. Open Dog 1445. Open Bitch 1440. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1446. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DACHSHuND (LONG-HAIRED) Judge: Miss L. McNaughtonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 24 Hall 4 1447. Veteran Dog 1454. Veteran Bitch 1448. Puppy Dog 1455. Puppy Bitch 1449. Junior Dog 1456. Junior Bitch 1450. Post Graduate Dog 1457. Post Graduate Bitch 1451. Limit Dog 1458. Limit Bitch 1452. Open Dog 1459. Open Bitch 1453. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1460. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DACHSHuND (MINIATuRE LONG-HAIRED) Judge: Mr D. SmithKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 23 Hall 4 1461. Veteran Dog 1470. Veteran Bitch 1462. Minor Puppy Dog 1471. Minor Puppy Bitch 1463. Puppy Dog 1472. Puppy Bitch 1464. Junior Dog 1473. Junior Bitch 1465. Yearling Dog 1474. Yearling Bitch 1466. Post Graduate Dog 1475. Post Graduate Bitch 1467. Limit Dog 1476. Limit Bitch 1468. Open Dog 1477. Open Bitch 1469. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1478. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 79

DACHSHuND (SMOOTH-HAIRED) Judge: Mrs C. DareKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 15 Hall 4 1479. Veteran Dog 1486. Veteran Bitch 1480. Puppy Dog 1487. Puppy Bitch 1481. Junior Dog 1488. Junior Bitch 1482. Post Graduate Dog 1489. Post Graduate Bitch 1483. Limit Dog 1490. Limit Bitch 1484. Open Dog 1491. Open Bitch 1485. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1492. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DACHSHuND (MINIATuRE SMOOTH-HAIRED) Judge: Mrs K.A. HerringtonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 17 Hall 4 1493. Veteran Dog 1502. Veteran Bitch 1494. Minor Puppy Dog 1503. Minor Puppy Bitch 1495. Puppy Dog 1504. Puppy Bitch 1496. Junior Dog 1505. Junior Bitch 1497. Yearling Dog 1506. Yearling Bitch 1498. Post Graduate Dog 1507. Post Graduate Bitch 1499. Limit Dog 1508. Limit Bitch 1500. Open Dog 1509. Open Bitch 1501. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1510. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DACHSHuND (wIRE-HAIRED) Judge: Mrs H.J. CapleKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 16 Hall 4 1511. Veteran Dog 1518. Veteran Bitch 1512. Puppy Dog 1519. Puppy Bitch 1513. Junior Dog 1520. Junior Bitch 1514. Post Graduate Dog 1521. Post Graduate Bitch 1515. Limit Dog 1522. Limit Bitch 1516. Open Dog 1523. Open Bitch 1517. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1524. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DACHSHuND (MINIATuRE wIRE-HAIRED) Judge: Mrs R.E.A. BarneyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 18 Hall 4 1525. Veteran Dog 1534. Veteran Bitch 1526. Minor Puppy Dog 1535. Minor Puppy Bitch 1527. Puppy Dog 1536. Puppy Bitch 1528. Junior Dog 1537. Junior Bitch 1529. Yearling Dog 1538. Yearling Bitch 1530. Post Graduate Dog 1539. Post Graduate Bitch 1531. Limit Dog 1540. Limit Bitch 1532. Open Dog 1541. Open Bitch 1533. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1542. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201880

DEERHOuND Judge: Dr S.A.f. HelpsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 26 Hall 5

1543. Veteran Dog 1550. Veteran Bitch 1544. Puppy Dog 1551. Puppy Bitch 1545. Junior Dog 1552. Junior Bitch 1546. Post Graduate Dog 1553. Post Graduate Bitch 1547. Limit Dog 1554. Limit Bitch 1548. Open Dog 1555. Open Bitch 1549. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1556. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

fINNISH SPITZ Judge: Mr K.S. wilbergKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 24 Hall 4

1557. Veteran Dog 1564. Veteran Bitch 1558. Puppy Dog 1565. Puppy Bitch 1559. Junior Dog 1566. Junior Bitch 1560. Post Graduate Dog 1567. Post Graduate Bitch 1561. Limit Dog 1568. Limit Bitch 1562. Open Dog 1569. Open Bitch 1563. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1570. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

fOXHOuND Judge: Mr A. BongiovanniRing Number 26 Hall 5

1571. Junior Dog 1574. Junior Bitch 1572. Open Dog 1575. Open Bitch 1573. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1576. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GREYHOuND Judge: Mr R. NewshamKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 27 Hall 5

1577. Veteran Dog 1585. Veteran Bitch 1578. Puppy Dog 1586. Puppy Bitch 1579. Junior Dog 1587. Junior Bitch 1580. Post Graduate Dog 1588. Post Graduate Bitch 1581. Limit Dog 1589. Limit Bitch 1582. Open Dog 1590. Open Bitch 1583. Special Racing/Lure Coursing Dog 1591. Special Racing/Lure Coursing Bitch 1584. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1592. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 81

HAMILTONSTOVARE Judge: Mr P.J. JolleyRing Number 27 Hall 5

1593. Veteran Dog 1599. Veteran Bitch 1594. Puppy Dog 1600. Puppy Bitch 1595. Junior Dog 1601. Junior Bitch 1596. Post Graduate Dog 1602. Post Graduate Bitch 1597. Open Dog 1603. Open Bitch 1598. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1604. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

IBIZAN HOuND Judge: Mr S. DonnabyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 25 Hall 5

1605. Veteran Dog 1612. Veteran Bitch 1606. Puppy Dog 1613. Puppy Bitch 1607. Junior Dog 1614. Junior Bitch 1608. Post Graduate Dog 1615. Post Graduate Bitch 1609. Limit Dog 1616. Limit Bitch 1610. Open Dog 1617. Open Bitch 1611. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1618. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

IRISH wOLfHOuND Judge: Mr C.C. AmooKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 19/20 Hall 4

1619. Veteran Dog 1628. Veteran Bitch 1620. Minor Puppy Dog 1629. Minor Puppy Bitch 1621. Puppy Dog 1630. Puppy Bitch 1622. Junior Dog 1631. Junior Bitch 1623. Yearling Dog 1632. Yearling Bitch 1624. Post Graduate Dog 1633. Post Graduate Bitch 1625. Limit Dog 1634. Limit Bitch 1626. Open Dog 1635. Open Bitch 1627. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1636. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

NORwEGIAN ELKHOuND Judge: Mr B. MiddletonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 24 Hall 4

1637. Veteran Dog 1644. Veteran Bitch 1638. Puppy Dog 1645. Puppy Bitch 1639. Junior Dog 1646. Junior Bitch 1640. Post Graduate Dog 1647. Post Graduate Bitch 1641. Limit Dog 1648. Limit Bitch 1642. Open Dog 1649. Open Bitch 1643. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1650. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201882

OTTERHOuND Judge: Mr P.J. JolleyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 27 Hall 5 1651. Veteran Dog 1658. Veteran Bitch 1652. Puppy Dog 1659. Puppy Bitch 1653. Junior Dog 1660. Junior Bitch 1654. Post Graduate Dog 1661. Post Graduate Bitch 1655. Limit Dog 1662. Limit Bitch 1656. Open Dog 1663. Open Bitch 1657. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1664. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PHARAOH HOuND Judge: Mr A. BongiovanniKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 26 Hall 5 1665. Veteran Dog 1672. Veteran Bitch 1666. Puppy Dog 1673. Puppy Bitch 1667. Junior Dog 1674. Junior Bitch 1668. Post Graduate Dog 1675. Post Graduate Bitch 1669. Limit Dog 1676. Limit Bitch 1670. Open Dog 1677. Open Bitch 1671. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1678. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PORTuGuESE PODENGO (wARREN HOuND) Judge: Mrs A. PedderRing Number 32 Hall 5 1679. Veteran Dog 1685. Veteran Bitch 1680. Puppy Dog 1686. Puppy Bitch 1681. Junior Dog 1687. Junior Bitch 1682. Post Graduate Dog 1688. Post Graduate Bitch 1683. Open Dog 1689. Open Bitch 1684. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1690. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Mrs L. Barnes Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 34 Hall 5 1691. Veteran Dog 1701. Veteran Bitch 1692. Minor Puppy Dog 1702. Minor Puppy Bitch 1693. Puppy Dog 1703. Puppy Bitch 1694. Junior Dog 1704. Junior Bitch 1695. Yearling Dog 1705. Yearling Bitch 1696. Post Graduate Dog 1706. Post Graduate Bitch 1697. Mid Limit Dog 1707. Mid Limit Bitch 1698. Limit Dog 1708. Limit Bitch 1699. Open Dog 1709. Open Bitch 1700. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1710. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 83

SALuKI Judge: Mrs D. RogersKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 25 Hall 5

1711. Veteran Dog 1720. Veteran Bitch 1712. Minor Puppy Dog 1721. Minor Puppy Bitch 1713. Puppy Dog 1722. Puppy Bitch 1714. Junior Dog 1723. Junior Bitch 1715. Yearling Dog 1724. Yearling Bitch 1716. Post Graduate Dog 1725. Post Graduate Bitch 1717. Limit Dog 1726. Limit Bitch 1718. Open Dog 1727. Open Bitch 1719. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1728. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SLOuGHI Judge: Dr R.w. JamesRing Number 28 Hall 5

1729. Puppy Dog 1734. Puppy Bitch 1730. Junior Dog 1735. Junior Bitch 1731. Post Graduate Dog 1736. Post Graduate Bitch 1732. Open Dog 1737. Open Bitch 1733. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1738. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

wHIPPET Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Dr G. Bodegard [Sweden] Mrs E.A. MacdonaldKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Albert WightRing Number 21 Hall 4 Ring Number 22 Hall 4 1739. Veteran Dog 1752. Veteran Bitch 1740. Minor Puppy Dog 1753. Minor Puppy Bitch 1741. Puppy Dog 1754. Puppy Bitch 1742. Junior Dog 1755. Junior Bitch 1743. Yearling Dog 1756. Yearling Bitch 1744. Undergraduate Dog 1757. Undergraduate Bitch 1745. Graduate Dog 1758. Graduate Bitch 1746. Post Graduate Dog 1759. Post Graduate Bitch 1747. Mid Limit Dog 1760. Mid Limit Bitch 1748. Limit Dog 1761. Limit Bitch 1749. Open Dog 1762. Open Bitch 1750. Special Racing/Lure Coursing Dog 1763. Special Racing/Lure Coursing Bitch 1751. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1764. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

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Crufts 201884

ANY VARIETY IMPORTED REGISTER (HOuND) Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 35 Hall 5

1765. Puppy Dog 1770. Puppy Bitch 1766. Junior Dog 1771. Junior Bitch 1767. Post Graduate Dog 1772. Post Graduate Bitch 1768. Open Dog 1773. Open Bitch 1769. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1774. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16

1775. Any Variety Terrier Dog or Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16

1776. Any Variety Hound Dog or Bitch

POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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Crufts 2018 85

CLASSIfICATIONThird Day — Saturday, 10th March 2018



AKITA Judge: Mrs S. O'Neill ClarkKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 4 Hall 1 1777. Veteran Dog 1786. Veteran Bitch 1778. Minor Puppy Dog 1787. Minor Puppy Bitch 1779. Puppy Dog 1788. Puppy Bitch 1780. Junior Dog 1789. Junior Bitch 1781. Yearling Dog 1790. Yearling Bitch 1782. Post Graduate Dog 1791. Post Graduate Bitch 1783. Limit Dog 1792. Limit Bitch 1784. Open Dog 1793. Open Bitch 1785. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1794. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BOSTON TERRIER Judge: Mr K. SinclairKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 19 Hall 4 1795. Veteran Dog 1804. Veteran Bitch 1796. Minor Puppy Dog 1805. Minor Puppy Bitch 1797. Puppy Dog 1806. Puppy Bitch 1798. Junior Dog 1807. Junior Bitch 1799. Yearling Dog 1808. Yearling Bitch 1800. Post Graduate Dog 1809. Post Graduate Bitch 1801. Limit Dog 1810. Limit Bitch 1802. Open Dog 1811. Open Bitch 1803. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1812. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BuLLDOG Judge: Mr D. KillileaKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 15 Hall 4 1813. Veteran Dog 1824. Veteran Bitch 1814. Minor Puppy Dog 1825. Minor Puppy Bitch 1815. Puppy Dog 1826. Puppy Bitch 1816. Junior Dog 1827. Junior Bitch 1817. Yearling Dog 1828. Yearling Bitch 1818. Graduate Dog 1829. Graduate Bitch 1819. Post Graduate Dog 1830. Post Graduate Bitch 1820. Mid Limit Dog 1831. Mid Limit Bitch 1821. Limit Dog 1832. Limit Bitch 1822. Open Dog 1833. Open Bitch 1823. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1834. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201886

CANAAN DOG Judge: Mrs H. LightfootRing Number 1 Hall 1 1835. Puppy Dog 1840. Puppy Bitch 1836. Junior Dog 1841. Junior Bitch 1837. Post Graduate Dog 1842. Post Graduate Bitch 1838. Open Dog 1843. Open Bitch 1839. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1844. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CHOw CHOw Judge: Miss A.Y. RobinsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 1845. Veteran Dog 1852. Veteran Bitch 1846. Puppy Dog 1853. Puppy Bitch 1847. Junior Dog 1854. Junior Bitch 1848. Post Graduate Dog 1855. Post Graduate Bitch 1849. Limit Dog 1856. Limit Bitch 1850. Open Dog 1857. Open Bitch 1851. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1858. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

DALMATIAN Judge: Mrs S.A. Neath DugganKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 7 Hall 1

1859. Veteran Dog 1869. Veteran Bitch 1860. Minor Puppy Dog 1870. Minor Puppy Bitch 1861. Puppy Dog 1871. Puppy Bitch 1862. Junior Dog 1872. Junior Bitch 1863. Yearling Dog 1873. Yearling Bitch 1864. Post Graduate Dog 1874. Post Graduate Bitch 1865. Mid Limit Dog 1875. Mid Limit Bitch 1866. Limit Dog 1876. Limit Bitch 1867. Open Dog 1877. Open Bitch 1868. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1878. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

EuRASIER Judge: Mrs H. fitzgibbonRing Number 11 Hall 2 1879. Veteran Dog 1885. Veteran Bitch 1880. Puppy Dog 1886. Puppy Bitch 1881. Junior Dog 1887. Junior Bitch 1882. Post Graduate Dog 1888. Post Graduate Bitch 1883. Open Dog 1889. Open Bitch 1884. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1890. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 87

fRENCH BuLLDOG Judge: Miss M.A.E. Persson [Sweden]Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 16 Hall 4

1891. Veteran Dog 1901. Veteran Bitch 1892. Minor Puppy Dog 1902. Minor Puppy Bitch 1893. Puppy Dog 1903. Puppy Bitch 1894. Junior Dog 1904. Junior Bitch 1895. Yearling Dog 1905. Yearling Bitch 1896. Post Graduate Dog 1906. Post Graduate Bitch 1897. Mid Limit Dog 1907. Mid Limit Bitch 1898. Limit Dog 1908. Limit Bitch 1899. Open Dog 1909. Open Bitch 1900. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1910. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN SPITZ (KLEIN) Judge: Mrs S.L. JakemanKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 8 Hall 1 1911. Veteran Dog 1918. Veteran Bitch 1912. Puppy Dog 1919. Puppy Bitch 1913. Junior Dog 1920. Junior Bitch 1914. Post Graduate Dog 1921. Post Graduate Bitch 1915. Limit Dog 1922. Limit Bitch 1916. Open Dog 1923. Open Bitch 1917. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1924. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN SPITZ (MITTEL) Judge: Mrs S.L. JakemanKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 8 Hall 1 1925. Veteran Dog 1932. Veteran Bitch 1926. Puppy Dog 1933. Puppy Bitch 1927. Junior Dog 1934. Junior Bitch 1928. Post Graduate Dog 1935. Post Graduate Bitch 1929. Limit Dog 1936. Limit Bitch 1930. Open Dog 1937. Open Bitch 1931. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1938. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

JAPANESE AKITA INu Judge: Mr S. RannRing Number 4 Hall 1 1939. Veteran Dog 1945. Veteran Bitch 1940. Puppy Dog 1946. Puppy Bitch 1941. Junior Dog 1947. Junior Bitch 1942. Post Graduate Dog 1948. Post Graduate Bitch 1943. Open Dog 1949. Open Bitch 1944. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1950. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201888

JAPANESE SHIBA INu Judge: Mr J. HorswellKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 6 Hall 1 1951. Veteran Dog 1960. Veteran Bitch 1952. Minor Puppy Dog 1961. Minor Puppy Bitch 1953. Puppy Dog 1962. Puppy Bitch 1954. Junior Dog 1963. Junior Bitch 1955. Yearling Dog 1964. Yearling Bitch 1956. Post Graduate Dog 1965. Post Graduate Bitch 1957. Limit Dog 1966. Limit Bitch 1958. Open Dog 1967. Open Bitch 1959. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1968. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

JAPANESE SPITZ Judge: Mrs N. woodhouseKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 6 Hall 1 1969. Veteran Dog 1978. Veteran Bitch 1970. Minor Puppy Dog 1979. Minor Puppy Bitch 1971. Puppy Dog 1980. Puppy Bitch 1972. Junior Dog 1981. Junior Bitch 1973. Yearling Dog 1982. Yearling Bitch 1974. Post Graduate Dog 1983. Post Graduate Bitch 1975. Limit Dog 1984. Limit Bitch 1976. Open Dog 1985. Open Bitch 1977. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 1986. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

KEESHOND Judge: Mr R. OldhamKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 1 Hall 1 1987. Veteran Dog 1994. Veteran Bitch 1988. Puppy Dog 1995. Puppy Bitch 1989. Junior Dog 1996. Junior Bitch 1990. Post Graduate Dog 1997. Post Graduate Bitch 1991. Limit Dog 1998. Limit Bitch 1992. Open Dog 1999. Open Bitch 1993. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2000. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

KOOIKERHONDJE Judge: Mr P. HayesRing Number 4 Hall 1 2001. Veteran Dog 2007. Veteran Bitch 2002. Puppy Dog 2008. Puppy Bitch 2003. Junior Dog 2009. Junior Bitch 2004. Post Graduate Dog 2010. Post Graduate Bitch 2005. Open Dog 2011. Open Bitch 2006. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2012. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 89

LHASA APSO Judge: Mr J. ScarllKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 14 Hall 2

2013. Veteran Dog 2022. Veteran Bitch 2014. Minor Puppy Dog 2023. Minor Puppy Bitch 2015. Puppy Dog 2024. Puppy Bitch 2016. Junior Dog 2025. Junior Bitch 2017. Yearling Dog 2026. Yearling Bitch 2018. Post Graduate Dog 2027. Post Graduate Bitch 2019. Limit Dog 2028. Limit Bitch 2020. Open Dog 2029. Open Bitch 2021. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2030. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

MINIATuRE SCHNAuZER Judge: Mrs Pat PowerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 2 Hall 1 2031. Veteran Dog 2040. Veteran Bitch 2032. Minor Puppy Dog 2041. Minor Puppy Bitch 2033. Puppy Dog 2042. Puppy Bitch 2034. Junior Dog 2043. Junior Bitch 2035. Yearling Dog 2044. Yearling Bitch 2036. Post Graduate Dog 2045. Post Graduate Bitch 2037. Limit Dog 2046. Limit Bitch 2038. Open Dog 2047. Open Bitch 2039. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2048. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

POODLE (MINIATuRE) Judge: Ms M. RodgersKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 12 Hall 2

2049. Veteran Dog 2058. Veteran Bitch 2050. Minor Puppy Dog 2059. Minor Puppy Bitch 2051. Puppy Dog 2060. Puppy Bitch 2052. Junior Dog 2061. Junior Bitch 2053. Yearling Dog 2062. Yearling Bitch 2054. Post Graduate Dog 2063. Post Graduate Bitch 2055. Limit Dog 2064. Limit Bitch 2056. Open Dog 2065. Open Bitch 2057. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2066. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201890

POODLE (STANDARD) Judge: Mrs B. CherryKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 10 Hall 2

2067. Veteran Dog 2076. Veteran Bitch 2068. Minor Puppy Dog 2077. Minor Puppy Bitch 2069. Puppy Dog 2078. Puppy Bitch 2070. Junior Dog 2079. Junior Bitch 2071. Yearling Dog 2080. Yearling Bitch 2072. Post Graduate Dog 2081. Post Graduate Bitch 2073. Limit Dog 2082. Limit Bitch 2074. Open Dog 2083. Open Bitch 2075. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2084. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

POODLE (TOY) Judge: Mrs E. Holmes-LeakKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 11 Hall 2 2085. Veteran Dog 2092. Veteran Bitch 2086. Puppy Dog 2093. Puppy Bitch 2087. Junior Dog 2094. Junior Bitch 2088. Post Graduate Dog 2095. Post Graduate Bitch 2089. Limit Dog 2096. Limit Bitch 2090. Open Dog 2097. Open Bitch 2091. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2098. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SCHIPPERKE Judge: Mr f. KaneKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 2099. Veteran Dog 2106. Veteran Bitch 2100. Puppy Dog 2107. Puppy Bitch 2101. Junior Dog 2108. Junior Bitch 2102. Post Graduate Dog 2109. Post Graduate Bitch 2103. Limit Dog 2110. Limit Bitch 2104. Open Dog 2111. Open Bitch 2105. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2112. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SCHNAuZER Judge: Mrs G.Y. AllenKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 1 Hall 1 2113. Veteran Dog 2120. Veteran Bitch 2114. Puppy Dog 2121. Puppy Bitch 2115. Junior Dog 2122. Junior Bitch 2116. Post Graduate Dog 2123. Post Graduate Bitch 2117. Limit Dog 2124. Limit Bitch 2118. Open Dog 2125. Open Bitch 2119. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2126. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 2018 91

SHAR PEI Judge: Mr B. BullKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 19 Hall 4 2127. Veteran Dog 2134. Veteran Bitch 2128. Puppy Dog 2135. Puppy Bitch 2129. Junior Dog 2136. Junior Bitch 2130. Post Graduate Dog 2137. Post Graduate Bitch 2131. Limit Dog 2138. Limit Bitch 2132. Open Dog 2139. Open Bitch 2133. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2140. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SHIH TZu Judge: Mr N. StevensKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 13 Hall 2 2141. Veteran Dog 2150. Veteran Bitch 2142. Minor Puppy Dog 2151. Minor Puppy Bitch 2143. Puppy Dog 2152. Puppy Bitch 2144. Junior Dog 2153. Junior Bitch 2145. Yearling Dog 2154. Yearling Bitch 2146. Post Graduate Dog 2155. Post Graduate Bitch 2147. Limit Dog 2156. Limit Bitch 2148. Open Dog 2157. Open Bitch 2149. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2158. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

TIBETAN SPANIEL Judge: Mrs J. ReynoldsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 17 Hall 4 2159. Veteran Dog 2168. Veteran Bitch 2160. Minor Puppy Dog 2169. Minor Puppy Bitch 2161. Puppy Dog 2170. Puppy Bitch 2162. Junior Dog 2171. Junior Bitch 2163. Yearling Dog 2172. Yearling Bitch 2164. Post Graduate Dog 2173. Post Graduate Bitch 2165. Limit Dog 2174. Limit Bitch 2166. Open Dog 2175. Open Bitch 2167. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2176. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

TIBETAN TERRIER Judge: Miss S.J. BirdKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 18 Hall 4 2177. Veteran Dog 2187. Veteran Bitch 2178. Minor Puppy Dog 2188. Minor Puppy Bitch 2179. Puppy Dog 2189. Puppy Bitch 2180. Junior Dog 2190. Junior Bitch 2181. Yearling Dog 2191. Yearling Bitch 2182. Post Graduate Dog 2192. Post Graduate Bitch 2183. Mid Limit Dog 2193. Mid Limit Bitch 2184. Limit Dog 2194. Limit Bitch 2185. Open Dog 2195. Open Bitch 2186. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2196. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201892

ANY VARIETY IMPORTED REGISTER (uTILITY) Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 12 Hall 2

2197. Puppy Dog 2202. Puppy Bitch

2198. Junior Dog 2203. Junior Bitch

2199. Post Graduate Dog 2204. Post Graduate Bitch

2200. Open Dog 2205. Open Bitch

2201. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2206. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch



AffENPINSCHER Judge: Dr M. BrownKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 26 Hall 5

2207. Veteran Dog 2214. Veteran Bitch

2208. Puppy Dog 2215. Puppy Bitch

2209. Junior Dog 2216. Junior Bitch

2210. Post Graduate Dog 2217. Post Graduate Bitch

2211. Limit Dog 2218. Limit Bitch

2212. Open Dog 2219. Open Bitch

2213. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2220. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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AuSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER Judge: Mr M. BurnsRing Number 25 Hall 5

2221. Veteran Dog 2227. Veteran Bitch

2222. Puppy Dog 2228. Puppy Bitch

2223. Junior Dog 2229. Junior Bitch

2224. Post Graduate Dog 2230. Post Graduate Bitch

2225. Open Dog 2231. Open Bitch

2226. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2232. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BICHON fRISÉ Judge: Mrs J. Brown-EmmersonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 26 Hall 5 2233. Veteran Dog 2242. Veteran Bitch

2234. Minor Puppy Dog 2243. Minor Puppy Bitch

2235. Puppy Dog 2244. Puppy Bitch

2236. Junior Dog 2245. Junior Bitch

2237. Yearling Dog 2246. Yearling Bitch

2238. Post Graduate Dog 2247. Post Graduate Bitch

2239. Limit Dog 2248. Limit Bitch

2240. Open Dog 2249. Open Bitch

2241. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2250. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BOLOGNESE Judge: Mr J. HorswellRing Number 36 Hall 5

2251. Veteran Dog 2259. Veteran Bitch

2252. Minor Puppy Dog 2260. Minor Puppy Bitch

2253. Puppy Dog 2261. Puppy Bitch

2254. Junior Dog 2262. Junior Bitch

2255. Post Graduate Dog 2263. Post Graduate Bitch

2256. Limit Dog 2264. Limit Bitch

2257. Open Dog 2265. Open Bitch

2258. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2266. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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Crufts 201894

CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr R. Sansom Miss C.G. GreenallKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Irene McManusRing Number 33 Hall 5 Ring Number 34 Hall 5

2267. Veteran Dog 2279. Veteran Bitch

2268. Minor Puppy Dog 2280. Minor Puppy Bitch

2269. Puppy Dog 2281. Puppy Bitch

2270. Junior Dog 2282. Junior Bitch

2271. Yearling Dog 2283. Yearling Bitch

2272. Undergraduate Dog 2284. Undergraduate Bitch

2273. Graduate Dog 2285. Graduate Bitch

2274. Post Graduate Dog 2286. Post Graduate Bitch

2275. Mid Limit Dog 2287. Mid Limit Bitch

2276. Limit Dog 2288. Limit Bitch

2277. Open Dog 2289. Open Bitch

2278. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2290. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mr T. Mather

CHIHuAHuA (LONG COAT) Judge: Dr f. YeohKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 27 Hall 5

2291. Veteran Dog 2302. Veteran Bitch

2292. Minor Puppy Dog 2303. Minor Puppy Bitch

2293. Puppy Dog 2304. Puppy Bitch

2294. Junior Dog 2305. Junior Bitch

2295. Yearling Dog 2306. Yearling Bitch

2296. Graduate Dog 2307. Graduate Bitch

2297. Post Graduate Dog 2308. Post Graduate Bitch

2298. Mid Limit Dog 2309. Mid Limit Bitch

2299. Limit Dog 2310. Limit Bitch

2300. Open Dog 2311. Open Bitch

2301. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2312. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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CHIHuAHuA (SMOOTH COAT) Judge: Mrs P. ValentineKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 28 Hall 5

2313. Veteran Dog 2322. Veteran Bitch 2314. Minor Puppy Dog 2323. Minor Puppy Bitch 2315. Puppy Dog 2324. Puppy Bitch 2316. Junior Dog 2325. Junior Bitch 2317. Yearling Dog 2326. Yearling Bitch 2318. Post Graduate Dog 2327. Post Graduate Bitch 2319. Limit Dog 2328. Limit Bitch 2320. Open Dog 2329. Open Bitch 2321. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2330. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

CHINESE CRESTED Judge: Mr M. BurnsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 25 Hall 5

2331. Veteran Dog 2341. Veteran Bitch 2332. Minor Puppy Dog 2342. Minor Puppy Bitch 2333. Puppy Dog 2343. Puppy Bitch 2334. Junior Dog 2344. Junior Bitch 2335. Yearling Dog 2345. Yearling Bitch 2336. Post Graduate Dog 2346. Post Graduate Bitch 2337. Mid Limit Dog 2347. Mid Limit Bitch 2338. Limit Dog 2348. Limit Bitch 2339. Open Dog 2349. Open Bitch 2340. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2350. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

COTON DE TuLEAR Judge: Mr J. HorswellRing Number 36 Hall 5

2351. Veteran Dog 2359. Veteran Bitch 2352. Minor Puppy Dog 2360. Minor Puppy Bitch 2353. Puppy Dog 2361. Puppy Bitch 2354. Junior Dog 2362. Junior Bitch 2355. Post Graduate Dog 2363. Post Graduate Bitch 2356. Limit Dog 2364. Limit Bitch 2357. Open Dog 2365. Open Bitch 2358. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2366. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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ENGLISH TOY TERRIER (BLACK & TAN) Judge: Mrs V.H. BloreKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 20 Hall 4 2367. Veteran Dog 2374. Veteran Bitch 2368. Puppy Dog 2375. Puppy Bitch 2369. Junior Dog 2376. Junior Bitch 2370. Post Graduate Dog 2377. Post Graduate Bitch 2371. Limit Dog 2378. Limit Bitch 2372. Open Dog 2379. Open Bitch 2373. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2380. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GRIffON BRuXELLOIS Judge: Mr P.A. YoungKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 20 Hall 4 2381. Veteran Dog 2388. Veteran Bitch 2382. Puppy Dog 2389. Puppy Bitch 2383. Junior Dog 2390. Junior Bitch 2384. Post Graduate Dog 2391. Post Graduate Bitch 2385. Limit Dog 2392. Limit Bitch 2386. Open Dog 2393. Open Bitch 2387. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2394. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

HAVANESE Judge: Dr A. Schemel MRCVSKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 23 Hall 4 2395. Veteran Dog 2403. Veteran Bitch 2396. Minor Puppy Dog 2404. Minor Puppy Bitch 2397. Puppy Dog 2405. Puppy Bitch 2398. Junior Dog 2406. Junior Bitch 2399. Post Graduate Dog 2407. Post Graduate Bitch 2400. Limit Dog 2408. Limit Bitch 2401. Open Dog 2409. Open Bitch 2402. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2410. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

ITALIAN GREYHOuND Judge: Mr A. wightKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 31 Hall 5 2411. Veteran Dog 2418. Veteran Bitch 2412. Puppy Dog 2419. Puppy Bitch 2413. Junior Dog 2420. Junior Bitch 2414. Post Graduate Dog 2421. Post Graduate Bitch 2415. Limit Dog 2422. Limit Bitch 2416. Open Dog 2423. Open Bitch 2417. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2424. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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JAPANESE CHIN Judge: Mrs T.M. JacksonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 24 Hall 4

2425. Veteran Dog 2434. Veteran Bitch 2426. Minor Puppy Dog 2435. Minor Puppy Bitch 2427. Puppy Dog 2436. Puppy Bitch 2428. Junior Dog 2437. Junior Bitch 2429. Yearling Dog 2438. Yearling Bitch 2430. Post Graduate Dog 2439. Post Graduate Bitch 2431. Limit Dog 2440. Limit Bitch 2432. Open Dog 2441. Open Bitch 2433. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2442. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

KING CHARLES SPANIEL Judge: Mrs R.A. LloydKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 32 Hall 5

2443. Veteran Dog 2452. Veteran Bitch 2444. Minor Puppy Dog 2453. Minor Puppy Bitch 2445. Puppy Dog 2454. Puppy Bitch 2446. Junior Dog 2455. Junior Bitch 2447. Yearling Dog 2456. Yearling Bitch 2448. Post Graduate Dog 2457. Post Graduate Bitch 2449. Limit Dog 2458. Limit Bitch 2450. Open Dog 2459. Open Bitch 2451. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2460. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

LOwCHEN (LITTLE LION DOG) Judge: Ms A. OliverKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 36 Hall 5

2461. Veteran Dog 2468. Veteran Bitch 2462. Puppy Dog 2469. Puppy Bitch 2463. Junior Dog 2470. Junior Bitch 2464. Post Graduate Dog 2471. Post Graduate Bitch 2465. Limit Dog 2472. Limit Bitch 2466. Open Dog 2473. Open Bitch 2467. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2474. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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MALTESE Judge: Mrs B.E. DabbsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 35 Hall 5

2475. Veteran Dog 2482. Veteran Bitch

2476. Puppy Dog 2483. Puppy Bitch

2477. Junior Dog 2484. Junior Bitch

2478. Post Graduate Dog 2485. Post Graduate Bitch

2479. Limit Dog 2486. Limit Bitch

2480. Open Dog 2487. Open Bitch

2481. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2488. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

MINIATuRE PINSCHER Judge: Miss A.A. CoullKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 31 Hall 5

2489. Veteran Dog 2496. Veteran Bitch

2490. Puppy Dog 2497. Puppy Bitch

2491. Junior Dog 2498. Junior Bitch

2492. Post Graduate Dog 2499. Post Graduate Bitch

2493. Limit Dog 2500. Limit Bitch

2494. Open Dog 2501. Open Bitch

2495. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2502. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PAPILLON Judge:MrR.BanfieldKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 29 Hall 5

2503. Veteran Dog 2514. Veteran Bitch

2504. Minor Puppy Dog 2515. Minor Puppy Bitch

2505. Puppy Dog 2516. Puppy Bitch

2506. Junior Dog 2517. Junior Bitch

2507. Yearling Dog 2518. Yearling Bitch

2508. Graduate Dog 2519. Graduate Bitch

2509. Post Graduate Dog 2520. Post Graduate Bitch

2510. Mid Limit Dog 2521. Mid Limit Bitch

2511. Limit Dog 2522. Limit Bitch

2512. Open Dog 2523. Open Bitch

2513. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2524. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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PEKINGESE Judge: Miss J.M. LeeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 23 Hall 4

2525. Veteran Dog 2532. Veteran Bitch 2526. Puppy Dog 2533. Puppy Bitch 2527. Junior Dog 2534. Junior Bitch 2528. Post Graduate Dog 2535. Post Graduate Bitch 2529. Limit Dog 2536. Limit Bitch 2530. Open Dog 2537. Open Bitch 2531. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2538. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

POMERANIAN Judge: Mrs C. McCutcheon-ClarkeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 30 Hall 5

2539. Veteran Dog 2548. Veteran Bitch 2540. Minor Puppy Dog 2549. Minor Puppy Bitch 2541. Puppy Dog 2550. Puppy Bitch 2542. Junior Dog 2551. Junior Bitch 2543. Yearling Dog 2552. Yearling Bitch 2544. Post Graduate Dog 2553. Post Graduate Bitch 2545. Limit Dog 2554. Limit Bitch 2546. Open Dog 2555. Open Bitch 2547. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2556. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

PuG Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr B.P. welham Miss A.J. EllisKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mrs Irene McManusRing Number 21 Hall 4 Ring Number 22 Hall 4 2557. Veteran Dog 2568. Veteran Bitch 2558. Minor Puppy Dog 2569. Minor Puppy Bitch 2559. Puppy Dog 2570. Puppy Bitch 2560. Junior Dog 2571. Junior Bitch 2561. Yearling Dog 2572. Yearling Bitch 2562. Graduate Dog 2573. Graduate Bitch 2563. Post Graduate Dog 2574. Post Graduate Bitch 2564. Mid Limit Dog 2575. Mid Limit Bitch 2565. Limit Dog 2576. Limit Bitch 2566. Open Dog 2577. Open Bitch 2567. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2578. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mr T. Mather

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YORKSHIRE TERRIER Judge: Miss T.M. EadesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 35 Hall 5

2579. Veteran Dog 2586. Veteran Bitch 2580. Puppy Dog 2587. Puppy Bitch 2581. Junior Dog 2588. Junior Bitch 2582. Post Graduate Dog 2589. Post Graduate Bitch 2583. Limit Dog 2590. Limit Bitch 2584. Open Dog 2591. Open Bitch 2585. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2592. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16

2593. Any Variety Utility Dog or Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16

2594. Any Variety Toy Dog or Bitch

KENNEL CLuB OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Judge: Miss S. DunstanObedience Ring Hall 5See page 115


POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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fourth Day — Sunday, 11th March 2018


Dogs which were docked before 6th April 2007:If your dog was docked either in the UK or in a foreign country before 6th April 2007 then it may compete at Crufts.

Dogs which were docked on or after 6th April 2007:If your dog was docked on or after 6th April 2007 it is not, under the law, permitted to be shown at Crufts (where the public are admitted on payment of a fee).

BRACCO ITALIANOJudge: Mrs K. Newman-JonesRing Number 20 Hall 4Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

2596. Veteran Dog 2604. Veteran Bitch 2597. Puppy Dog 2605. Puppy Bitch 2598. Junior Dog 2606. Junior Bitch 2599. Post Graduate Dog 2607. Post Graduate Bitch 2600. Limit Dog 2608. Limit Bitch 2601. Open Dog 2609. Open Bitch 2602. Special Working Gundog Dog 2610. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2603. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2611. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

BRITTANYJudge: Mrs J. RobinsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 17 Hall 4

2612. Veteran Dog 2621. Veteran Bitch 2613. Puppy Dog 2622. Puppy Bitch 2614. Junior Dog 2623. Junior Bitch 2615. Post Graduate Dog 2624. Post Graduate Bitch 2616. Limit Dog 2625. Limit Bitch 2617. Open Dog 2626. Open Bitch 2618. Field Trial Dog 2627. Field Trial Bitch 2619. Special Working Gundog Dog 2628. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2620. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2629. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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ENGLISH SETTERJudge: Mr J. BarberKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 6 Hall 1

2630. Veteran Dog 2642. Veteran Bitch 2631. Minor Puppy Dog 2643. Minor Puppy Bitch 2632. Puppy Dog 2644. Puppy Bitch 2633. Junior Dog 2645. Junior Bitch 2634. Yearling Dog 2646. Yearling Bitch 2635. Post Graduate Dog 2647. Post Graduate Bitch 2636. Mid Limit Dog 2648. Mid Limit Bitch 2637. Limit Dog 2649. Limit Bitch 2638. Open Dog 2650. Open Bitch 2639. Field Trial Dog 2651. Field Trial Bitch 2640. Special Working Gundog Dog 2652. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2641. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2653. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN LONGHAIRED POINTER Judge: Mr C. AtkinsonRing Number 16 Hall 4 2654. Veteran Dog 2662. Veteran Bitch 2655. Puppy Dog 2663. Puppy Bitch 2656. Junior Dog 2664. Junior Bitch 2657. Post Graduate Dog 2665. Post Graduate Bitch 2658. Open Dog 2666. Open Bitch 2659. Field Trial Dog 2667. Field Trial Bitch 2660. Special Working Gundog Dog 2668. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2661. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2669. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER Judge: Mr G.R. HaranKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 16 Hall 4

2670. Veteran Dog 2679. Veteran Bitch 2671. Puppy Dog 2680. Puppy Bitch 2672. Junior Dog 2681. Junior Bitch 2673. Post Graduate Dog 2682. Post Graduate Bitch 2674. Limit Dog 2683. Limit Bitch 2675. Open Dog 2684. Open Bitch 2676. Field Trial Dog 2685. Field Trial Bitch 2677. Special Working Gundog Dog 2686. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2678. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2687. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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GERMAN wIREHAIRED POINTER Judge: Mr C. AtkinsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 16 Hall 4 2688. Veteran Dog 2697. Veteran Bitch 2689. Puppy Dog 2698. Puppy Bitch 2690. Junior Dog 2699. Junior Bitch 2691. Post Graduate Dog 2700. Post Graduate Bitch 2692. Limit Dog 2701. Limit Bitch 2693. Open Dog 2702. Open Bitch 2694. Field Trial Dog 2703. Field Trial Bitch 2695. Special Working Gundog Dog 2704. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2696. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2705. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GORDON SETTER Judge: Mrs K. MacaraKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 5 Hall 1 2706. Veteran Dog 2718. Veteran Bitch 2707. Minor Puppy Dog 2719. Minor Puppy Bitch 2708. Puppy Dog 2720. Puppy Bitch 2709. Junior Dog 2721. Junior Bitch 2710. Yearling Dog 2722. Yearling Bitch 2711. Post Graduate Dog 2723. Post Graduate Bitch 2712. Mid Limit Dog 2724. Mid Limit Bitch 2713. Limit Dog 2725. Limit Bitch 2714. Open Dog 2726. Open Bitch 2715. Field Trial Dog 2727. Field Trial Bitch 2716. Special Working Gundog Dog 2728. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2717. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2729. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

HuNGARIAN VIZSLA Judge: Miss E.w. NewtonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 18 Hall 4 2730. Veteran Dog 2741. Veteran Bitch 2731. Minor Puppy Dog 2742. Minor Puppy Bitch 2732. Puppy Dog 2743. Puppy Bitch 2733. Junior Dog 2744. Junior Bitch 2734. Yearling Dog 2745. Yearling Bitch 2735. Post Graduate Dog 2746. Post Graduate Bitch 2736. Limit Dog 2747. Limit Bitch 2737. Open Dog 2748. Open Bitch 2738. Field Trial Dog 2749. Field Trial Bitch 2739. Special Working Gundog Dog 2750. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2740. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2751. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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HuNGARIAN wIREHAIRED VIZSLA Judge: Mr D.R. AlcornKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 21 Hall 4 2752. Veteran Dog 2760. Veteran Bitch 2753. Puppy Dog 2761. Puppy Bitch 2754. Junior Dog 2762. Junior Bitch 2755. Post Graduate Dog 2763. Post Graduate Bitch 2756. Limit Dog 2764. Limit Bitch 2757. Open Dog 2765. Open Bitch 2758. Special Working Gundog Dog 2766. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2759. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2767. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

IRISH RED & wHITE SETTER Judge: Mrs M.R. JusticeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 2 Hall 1 2768. Veteran Dog 2778. Veteran Bitch 2769. Puppy Dog 2779. Puppy Bitch 2770. Junior Dog 2780. Junior Bitch 2771. Yearling Dog 2781. Yearling Bitch 2772. Post Graduate Dog 2782. Post Graduate Bitch 2773. Limit Dog 2783. Limit Bitch 2774. Open Dog 2784. Open Bitch 2775. Field Trial Dog 2785. Field Trial Bitch 2776. Special Working Gundog Dog 2786. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2777. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2787. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

IRISH SETTER Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mrs w.K. Morley Mrs A.M.f. HowesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Keith A.W. YoungRing Number 3 Hall 1 Ring Number 4 Hall 1 2788. Veteran Dog 2802. Veteran Bitch 2789. Minor Puppy Dog 2803. Minor Puppy Bitch 2790. Puppy Dog 2804. Puppy Bitch 2791. Junior Dog 2805. Junior Bitch 2792. Yearling Dog 2806. Yearling Bitch 2793. Undergraduate Dog 2807. Undergraduate Bitch 2794. Graduate Dog 2808. Graduate Bitch 2795. Post Graduate Dog 2809. Post Graduate Bitch 2796. Mid Limit Dog 2810. Mid Limit Bitch 2797. Limit Dog 2811. Limit Bitch 2798. Open Dog 2812. Open Bitch 2799. Field Trial Dog 2813. Field Trial Bitch 2800. Special Working Gundog Dog 2814. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2801. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2815. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

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ITALIAN SPINONE Judge: Mr M. SpencerKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 19 Hall 4 2816. Veteran Dog 2827. Veteran Bitch 2817. Minor Puppy Dog 2828. Minor Puppy Bitch 2818. Puppy Dog 2829. Puppy Bitch 2819. Junior Dog 2830. Junior Bitch 2820. Yearling Dog 2831. Yearling Bitch 2821. Post Graduate Dog 2832. Post Graduate Bitch 2822. Limit Dog 2833. Limit Bitch 2823. Open Dog 2834. Open Bitch 2824. Field Trial Dog 2835. Field Trial Bitch 2825. Special Working Gundog Dog 2836. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2826. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2837. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO Judge: Mrs C. BaxterRing Number 17 Hall 4 2838. Veteran Dog 2847. Veteran Bitch 2839. Minor Puppy Dog 2848. Minor Puppy Bitch 2840. Puppy Dog 2849. Puppy Bitch 2841. Junior Dog 2850. Junior Bitch 2842. Post Graduate Dog 2851. Post Graduate Bitch 2843. Limit Dog 2852. Limit Bitch 2844. Open Dog 2853. Open Bitch 2845. Special Working Gundog Dog 2854. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2846. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2855. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

LARGE MuNSTERLANDER Judge: Dr R.w. JamesKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 20 Hall 4 2856. Veteran Dog 2865. Veteran Bitch 2857. Puppy Dog 2866. Puppy Bitch 2858. Junior Dog 2867. Junior Bitch 2859. Post Graduate Dog 2868. Post Graduate Bitch 2860. Limit Dog 2869. Limit Bitch 2861. Open Dog 2870. Open Bitch 2862. Field Trial Dog 2871. Field Trial Bitch 2863. Special Working Gundog Dog 2872. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2864. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2873. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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POINTER Judge: Mr S. RoseKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 7/8 Hall 1

2874. Veteran Dog 2886. Veteran Bitch 2875. Minor Puppy Dog 2887. Minor Puppy Bitch 2876. Puppy Dog 2888. Puppy Bitch 2877. Junior Dog 2889. Junior Bitch 2878. Yearling Dog 2890. Yearling Bitch 2879. Post Graduate Dog 2891. Post Graduate Bitch 2880. Mid Limit Dog 2892. Mid Limit Bitch 2881. Limit Dog 2893. Limit Bitch 2882. Open Dog 2894. Open Bitch 2883. Field Trial Dog 2895. Field Trial Bitch 2884. Special Working Gundog Dog 2896. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2885. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2897. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

RETRIEVER (CHESAPEAKE BAY) Judge: Mrs C. McDonaldKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 36 Hall 5 2898. Veteran Dog 2907. Veteran Bitch 2899. Puppy Dog 2908. Puppy Bitch 2900. Junior Dog 2909. Junior Bitch 2901. Post Graduate Dog 2910. Post Graduate Bitch 2902. Limit Dog 2911. Limit Bitch 2903. Open Dog 2912. Open Bitch 2904. Field Trial Dog 2913. Field Trial Bitch 2905. Special Working Gundog Dog 2914. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2906. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2915. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

RETRIEVER (CuRLY COATED) Judge: Mrs P.D.A. williamsKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 21 Hall 4 2916. Veteran Dog 2925. Veteran Bitch 2917. Puppy Dog 2926. Puppy Bitch 2918. Junior Dog 2927. Junior Bitch 2919. Post Graduate Dog 2928. Post Graduate Bitch 2920. Limit Dog 2929. Limit Bitch 2921. Open Dog 2930. Open Bitch 2922. Field Trial Dog 2931. Field Trial Bitch 2923. Special Working Gundog Dog 2932. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2924. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2933. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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RETRIEVER (fLAT COATED) Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr R.A. Strudwick Mr f. KaneKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Keith A.W. YoungRing Number 23 Hall 4 Ring Number 24 Hall 4 2934. Veteran Dog 2948. Veteran Bitch 2935. Minor Puppy Dog 2949. Minor Puppy Bitch 2936. Puppy Dog 2950. Puppy Bitch 2937. Junior Dog 2951. Junior Bitch 2938. Yearling Dog 2952. Yearling Bitch 2939. Undergraduate Dog 2953. Undergraduate Bitch 2940. Graduate Dog 2954. Graduate Bitch 2941. Post Graduate Dog 2955. Post Graduate Bitch 2942. Mid Limit Dog 2956. Mid Limit Bitch 2943. Limit Dog 2957. Limit Bitch 2944. Open Dog 2958. Open Bitch 2945. Field Trial Dog 2959. Field Trial Bitch 2946. Special Working Gundog Dog 2960. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2947. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2961. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

RETRIEVER (GOLDEN) Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr B.w. Catterall Mrs G. HewitsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Keith A.W. YoungRing Number 27/28 Hall 5 Ring Number 33/34 Hall 5

2962. Veteran Dog 2976. Veteran Bitch 2963. Minor Puppy Dog 2977. Minor Puppy Bitch 2964. Puppy Dog 2978. Puppy Bitch 2965. Junior Dog 2979. Junior Bitch 2966. Yearling Dog 2980. Yearling Bitch 2967. Undergraduate Dog 2981. Undergraduate Bitch 2968. Graduate Dog 2982. Graduate Bitch 2969. Post Graduate Dog 2983. Post Graduate Bitch 2970. Mid Limit Dog 2984. Mid Limit Bitch 2971. Limit Dog 2985. Limit Bitch 2972. Open Dog 2986. Open Bitch 2973. Field Trial Dog 2987. Field Trial Bitch 2974. Special Working Gundog Dog 2988. Special Working Gundog Bitch 2975. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 2989. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

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RETRIEVER (LABRADOR) Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr R.A.S. Stafford JP Mr S.P. williamsonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Keith A.W. YoungRing Number 29/30 Hall 5 Ring Number 31/32 Hall 5

2990. Veteran Dog 3004. Veteran Bitch

2991. Minor Puppy Dog 3005. Minor Puppy Bitch

2992. Puppy Dog 3006. Puppy Bitch

2993. Junior Dog 3007. Junior Bitch

2994. Yearling Dog 3008. Yearling Bitch

2995. Undergraduate Dog 3009. Undergraduate Bitch

2996. Graduate Dog 3010. Graduate Bitch

2997. Post Graduate Dog 3011. Post Graduate Bitch

2998. Mid Limit Dog 3012. Mid Limit Bitch

2999. Limit Dog 3013. Limit Bitch

3000. Open Dog 3014. Open Bitch

3001. Field Trial Dog 3015. Field Trial Bitch

3002. Special Working Gundog Dog 3016. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3003. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3017. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

RETRIEVER (NOVA SCOTIA DuCK TOLLING) Judge: Mrs B.M. HutchisonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 22 Hall 4

3018. Veteran Dog 3028. Veteran Bitch

3019. Minor Puppy Dog 3029. Minor Puppy Bitch

3020. Puppy Dog 3030. Puppy Bitch

3021. Junior Dog 3031. Junior Bitch

3022. Yearling Dog 3032. Yearling Bitch

3023. Post Graduate Dog 3033. Post Graduate Bitch

3024. Limit Dog 3034. Limit Bitch

3025. Open Dog 3035. Open Bitch

3026. Special Working Gundog Dog 3036. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3027. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3037. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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SPANIEL (AMERICAN COCKER) Judge: Miss B. DummettKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 9 Hall 2

3038. Veteran Dog 3049. Veteran Bitch

3039. Minor Puppy Dog 3050. Minor Puppy Bitch

3040. Puppy Dog 3051. Puppy Bitch

3041. Junior Dog 3052. Junior Bitch

3042. Yearling Dog 3053. Yearling Bitch

3043. Post Graduate Dog 3054. Post Graduate Bitch

3044. Limit Dog 3055. Limit Bitch

3045. Open Dog 3056. Open Bitch

3046. Field Trial Dog 3057. Field Trial Bitch

3047. Special Working Gundog Dog 3058. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3048. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3059. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SPANIEL (CLuMBER) Judge: Mrs H.M. TalbotKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 11 Hall 2

3060. Veteran Dog 3069. Veteran Bitch

3061. Puppy Dog 3070. Puppy Bitch

3062. Junior Dog 3071. Junior Bitch

3063. Post Graduate Dog 3072. Post Graduate Bitch

3064. Limit Dog 3073. Limit Bitch

3065. Open Dog 3074. Open Bitch

3066. Field Trial Dog 3075. Field Trial Bitch

3067. Special Working Gundog Dog 3076. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3068. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3077. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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SPANIEL (COCKER) Dog Judge: Bitch Judge:Mr D.w. Shapland Miss D. LumleyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Referee: Mr Keith A.W. YoungRing Number 13 Hall 2 Ring Number 14 Hall 2

3078. Veteran Dog 3092. Veteran Bitch 3079. Minor Puppy Dog 3093. Minor Puppy Bitch 3080. Puppy Dog 3094. Puppy Bitch

3081. Junior Dog 3095. Junior Bitch

3082. Yearling Dog 3096. Yearling Bitch

3083. Undergraduate Dog 3097. Undergraduate Bitch

3084. Graduate Dog 3098. Graduate Bitch

3085. Post Graduate Dog 3099. Post Graduate Bitch

3086. Mid Limit Dog 3100. Mid Limit Bitch

3087. Limit Dog 3101. Limit Bitch

3088. Open Dog 3102. Open Bitch

3089. Field Trial Dog 3103. Field Trial Bitch

3090. Special Working Gundog Dog 3104. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3091. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3105. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

N.B. Best of Breed will be judged by both judgesIn the event that the Group Judge is not available at the appropriate time,

the breed will be refereed by Mrs C.E. Cartledge

SPANIEL (ENGLISH SPRINGER) Judge: Mrs J. CuleKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 12 Hall 2

3106. Veteran Dog 3117. Veteran Bitch 3107. Minor Puppy Dog 3118. Minor Puppy Bitch 3108. Puppy Dog 3119. Puppy Bitch

3109. Junior Dog 3120. Junior Bitch

3110. Yearling Dog 3121. Yearling Bitch

3111. Post Graduate Dog 3122. Post Graduate Bitch

3112. Limit Dog 3123. Limit Bitch

3113. Open Dog 3124. Open Bitch

3114. Field Trial Dog 3125. Field Trial Bitch

3115. Special Working Gundog Dog 3126. Special Working Gundog Bitch

3116. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3127. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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SPANIEL (fIELD) Judge: Mr R. MosedaleKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 11 Hall 2

3128. Veteran Dog 3137. Veteran Bitch 3129. Puppy Dog 3138. Puppy Bitch 3130. Junior Dog 3139. Junior Bitch 3131. Post Graduate Dog 3140. Post Graduate Bitch 3132. Limit Dog 3141. Limit Bitch 3133. Open Dog 3142. Open Bitch 3134. Field Trial Dog 3143. Field Trial Bitch 3135. Special Working Gundog Dog 3144. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3136. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3145. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SPANIEL (IRISH wATER) Judge: Mrs P.A. BlayKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - BitchRing Number 1 Hall 1

3146. Veteran Dog 3155. Veteran Bitch 3147. Puppy Dog 3156. Puppy Bitch 3148. Junior Dog 3157. Junior Bitch 3149. Post Graduate Dog 3158. Post Graduate Bitch 3150. Limit Dog 3159. Limit Bitch 3151. Open Dog 3160. Open Bitch 3152. Field Trial Dog 3161. Field Trial Bitch 3153. Special Working Gundog Dog 3162. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3154. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3163. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SPANIEL (SuSSEX) Judge: Mr G. ClarkeKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 11 Hall 2

3164. Veteran Dog 3173. Veteran Bitch 3165. Puppy Dog 3174. Puppy Bitch 3166. Junior Dog 3175. Junior Bitch 3167. Post Graduate Dog 3176. Post Graduate Bitch 3168. Limit Dog 3177. Limit Bitch 3169. Open Dog 3178. Open Bitch 3170. Field Trial Dog 3179. Field Trial Bitch 3171. Special Working Gundog Dog 3180. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3172. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3181. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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SPANIEL (wELSH SPRINGER) Judge: Miss G. TullyKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 10 Hall 2 3182. Veteran Dog 3194. Veteran Bitch 3183. Minor Puppy Dog 3195. Minor Puppy Bitch 3184. Puppy Dog 3196. Puppy Bitch 3185. Junior Dog 3197. Junior Bitch 3186. Yearling Dog 3198. Yearling Bitch 3187. Post Graduate Dog 3199. Post Graduate Bitch 3188. Mid Limit Dog 3200. Mid Limit Bitch 3189. Limit Dog 3201. Limit Bitch 3190. Open Dog 3202. Open Bitch 3191. Field Trial Dog 3203. Field Trial Bitch 3192. Special Working Gundog Dog 3204. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3193. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3205. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

SPANISH wATER DOG Judge: Mr C.B. BexonKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 1 Hall 1 3206. Veteran Dog 3215. Veteran Bitch 3207. Minor Puppy Dog 3216. Minor Puppy Bitch 3208. Puppy Dog 3217. Puppy Bitch 3209. Junior Dog 3218. Junior Bitch 3210. Post Graduate Dog 3219. Post Graduate Bitch 3211. Limit Dog 3220. Limit Bitch 3212. Open Dog 3221. Open Bitch 3213. Special Working Gundog Dog 3222. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3214. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3223. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

wEIMARANER Judge: Mr A. RutlandKennel Club Challenge Certificate - Dog Kennel Club Challenge Certificate - Bitch

Ring Number 15 Hall 4 3224. Veteran Dog 3235. Veteran Bitch 3225. Minor Puppy Dog 3236. Minor Puppy Bitch 3226. Puppy Dog 3237. Puppy Bitch 3227. Junior Dog 3238. Junior Bitch 3228. Yearling Dog 3239. Yearling Bitch 3229. Post Graduate Dog 3240. Post Graduate Bitch 3230. Limit Dog 3241. Limit Bitch 3231. Open Dog 3242. Open Bitch 3232. Field Trial Dog 3243. Field Trial Bitch 3233. Special Working Gundog Dog 3244. Special Working Gundog Bitch 3234. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3245. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

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ANY VARIETY IMPORTED REGISTER (GuNDOG) Judge: Dr T. Jakkel [Hungary]Ring Number 17 Hall 4

3246. Puppy Dog 3251. Puppy Bitch

3247. Junior Dog 3252. Junior Bitch

3248. Post Graduate Dog 3253. Post Graduate Bitch

3249. Open Dog 3254. Open Bitch

3250. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog 3255. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

YOuNG KENNEL CLuB STAKES fINALS Judge: Mr P. HardingYKC Ring Hall 3See page 16

3256. Any Variety Gundog Dog or Bitch

KENNEL CLuB OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Judge: Miss S. DunstanObedience Ring Hall 5See page 115


POSTAL ENTRIES CLOSE ONMONDAY, 8th JANuARY 2018 (PO POSTMARKED)On-line entries close: Monday, 22nd January 2018

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GAMEKEEPERS' CLASSESAll classes are sponsored by Chudleys Dog Food

Judges: Mr J. Kean (Gamekeepers);Mrs D. Rose (Working Gundogs - Dogs); Mr J. Stubbs (Working Gundogs - Bitches)

Ring Numbers 25, 26 & 35 Hall 5

COMPETING wITH DOCKED DOGS IN THE uKDogs which were docked before 6th April 2007: If your dog was docked either in the UK or in a foreign country before 6th April 2007 then it may compete at Crufts.Dogs which were docked on or after 6th April 2007: If your dog was docked on or after 6th April 2007 it is not, under the law, permitted to be shown at Crufts (where the public are admitted on payment of a fee).

TheBASCGamekeepers'classesconsistoftwocategoriesasfollows: 1. THEGAMEKEEPERCLASSESarestrictlyconfinedtogundogownerswhoareemployedasbonafidehead,single-handed,beatorunder-

keepers,riverkeepersorstalkers,orthoseretired(Thedogmayhoweverbehandledbyanyoneelseattherequestoftheowner). 2. THEWORKINGGUNDOGCLASSESarefordogswhohaveregularlyworked in theshootingfield,andtheownersmustprovidewritten



PLEASE NOTE: Entries for Gamekeepers' classes cannot be made on-line and therefore must be made on a 'paper' entry form.

For each of the GAMEKEEPER/WORKING GUNDOG CLASSESsendyourcompletedentryformtoCruftsbyposttotheaddressontheentryform.This must beaccompaniedbytherelevantsigneddeclaration(thiscanbefoundonthereverseoftheentryform).For the two TEAM COMPETITIONS: 1.PhotocopytheCruftsentryformfourtimes,completelyfillinoneformperdogandownerclearlyindicatingwhichisthereservedog,stapleor

pinallfourformstogether(Nootherentriesontheseformsplease). 2.Puttheteamnameoneachform. 3.AlsoindicatenameandaddressoftheYoungHandleraccompanyingyourteam(ifyouarebringingone). 4.ThedeclarationmustbecompletedbytheGamekeeperorshootorganiserwhereyoupredominatelyworkyourdogandmustaccompanyall

individualGamekeepers'Classentries(thiscanbefoundonthereverseoftheentryform). 5. SendalloftheabovetoCruftsbutpleaseensurethatallthepaperworkisproperlycompletedotherwiseyourentrymaybecomevoid.

DogsenteredinGamekeepers'ClassesONLYdonothavetoqualifyforentryintoabreedclassfirst.OnlythewinnersoftheGamekeeperClasses(nottheWorkingGundogClasses)willcompetein"Best inShow-Gamekeepers'Ring"fortheNortheskMemorialTrophy.Itistheresponsibilityofthehandlertoreporttothecollectingringstewardbeforetheadvertisedstarttimeoftheirindividualclass.Dogswillnotbeallowedentryintotheshowringifjudgingofthelastdogintheclasshascommenced.Prizeswillbeawardedatthejudge'sdiscretion.

ANY VARIETY POINTER, SETTER, H.P.R.(Bracco Italiano, English Setter, Gordon Setter, Irish Red & White Setter, Irish Setter, Pointer, Brittany, German Longhaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Italian Spinone, Hungarian Vizsla, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Large Munsterlander, Weimaraner) 3258. For Gamekeepers (Dodson & Horrell Trophy)For Working Gundogs 3259. Best Dog (The Countrymans weekly Trophy) 3260. Best Bitch (TheTuffiesDogBedsTrophy)

ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL 3261. For Gamekeepers (The BASC Nickerson Memorial Trophy) For Working Gundogs 3262. Best Dog (The Shooting Times Trophy) 3263. Best Bitch (The Sporting Shooter Trophy)

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ANY OTHER VARIETY SPORTING SPANIEL(Field, Cocker, American Cocker, Sussex, Irish Water, Welsh Springer, Clumber, Lagotto Romagnolo, Spanish Water Dog) 3264. For Gamekeepers (Gamekeepa feeds Trophy)For Working Gundogs 3265. Best Dog (The Sportsman Game feeds Trophy) 3266. Best Bitch (The Marsh Trophy)

LABRADOR RETRIEVER 3267. For Gamekeepers (The Malmesbury Trophy for Best Dog) (Crufts Liphook Game farm Ltd. Perpetual Challenge Cup for Best Bitch)For Working Gundogs 3268. Best Dog (The Gilbertson & Page Trophy) 3269. Best Bitch (The Joint Aid for Dogs Trophy)

ANY OTHER VARIETY RETRIEVER (Flat Coated, Curly Coated, Chesapeake Bay, Golden, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 3270. For Gamekeepers (The BASC John George Memorial Trophy)For Working Gundogs 3271. Best Dog (The Shooting Gazette Challenge Cup) 3272. Best Bitch (The Marsh Trophy)

BASC REGIONAL GAMEKEEPER TEAM COMPETITION 3273. (Teams of 3 dogs plus 1 reserve led by a BASC Gamekeeper). No fee payable. This competition

is very kindly sponsored by Crufts. (BASC Old Man of the woods Trophy) Special Award One (The Derek Vaines Trophy) For the smartest team

ANY VARIETY GuNDOG 3274. Any Variety Gundog (Class restricted to Retired Gamekeepers) (BASC John Anderton Rose Bowl) 3275. Any Variety Gundog (Class restricted to Student Gamekeepers/Gamekeepers under 25 yrs of age) (BASC Young Gamekeeper Trophy). To enter this class, entrants must sign the current

declaration to confirm they are “gundog owners who are employed as bona fide head, single-handed, beat or under-keepers, river keepers or stalkers and that they are under the age of 25, or if a student they must have a declaration signed by their college lecturer/tutor to confirm they are currently enrolled on a gamekeeping course.

BASC REGIONAL wORKING GuNDOG TEAM COMPETITION 3276. (Teams of 3 dogs plus 1 reserve not necessarily owned by, but qualified by the keeper/shoot

organiser as dogs which serve his/her shoot regularly during the shooting season). Sponsored by Crufts. (The Subaru uK Ltd. Trophy)

BEST YOuNG HANDLER 3277. Best Young Handler under 14 years handling any working gundog (dog or bitch) participating

or eligible to participate in the above classes. A form must be completed for each entry. No fee payable. (The Judges will, in their opinion, choose "the best matched pair"). (The Mustwork Trophy - Best Young Handler under 14 years)

3278. Best Young Handler aged 14-18 years handling any working gundog (dog or bitch) participating or eligible to participate in the above classes. A form must be completed for each entry. No fee payable. (The Judges will, in their opinion, choose "the best matched pair"). (The Captain Heilgers Perpetual Challenge Cup - Best Young Handler 14 to 18 years)

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BEST IN SHOw PARADE(in the Arena) for:

THE BEST IN THE GAMEKEEPER CLASSES(Crufts Northesk Memorial Trophy)


The British Association for Shooting & Conservation offers the following:

for Gamekeepers: 1. The BASC Nickerson Memorial Award for the best English Springer Spaniel. 2. The Gamekeepa feeds Trophy for the best Any Other Variety Sporting Spaniel. 3. The Malmesbury Trophy for the best Labrador Dog. 4. The BASC John George Memorial Trophy for the best Any Other Variety Retriever. 5. The Dodson & Horrell Trophy for the best Any Variety Pointer Setter HPR. 6. The John Anderton Rose Bowl for the Best Dog or Bitch, Any Variety, owned by a retired

Gamekeeper. 7. The Old Man of the woods BASC Gamekeepers Team Regional Challenge Trophy. 8. The Derek Vaines Trophy for the Smartest Gamekeeper Team. 9. The BASC Young Gamekeeper Trophy for the Best Dog or Bitch, Any Variety, owned by a Student

Gamekeeper/Gamekeeper under 25 yrs of age.

Crufts offers the following for Gamekeepers:The Northesk Memorial Trophy for the best Gundog in the Gamekeepers Classes.The Liphook Game farm Ltd. Perpetual Challenge Cup for the best Labrador Retriever Bitch owned by a Gamekeeper.The above two trophies will be presented but may not be taken away, however winners will be given commemorative trophies to keep.

for working Gundogs: 10. The Shooting Times Trophy for the best English Springer Spaniel Dog. 11. The Sporting Shooter Trophy for the best English Springer Spaniel Bitch. 12. The Sportsman Game feeds Trophy for the best Any Other Variety Sporting Spaniel Dog. 13. The Marsh Trophy for the best Any Other Variety Sporting Spaniel Bitch. 14. The Gilbertson & Page Trophy for the best Labrador Retriever Dog. 15. The Joint Aid for Dogs Trophy for the best Labrador Retriever Bitch. 16. The Shooting Gazette Challenge Cup for the Best Any Other Variety Retriever Dog. 17. The Marsh Trophy for the Best Any Other Variety Retriever Bitch. 18. The Countrymans weekly Trophy for the Best Any Variety HPR Dog. 19. TheTuffiesDogBedsTrophy for the Best Any Variety Pointer Setter HPR Bitch. 20. The Subaru uK Ltd. Trophy for the Regional Working Gundog Team Competition. 21. The Mustwork Trophy for the Best Young Handler under 14 years. 22. The Captain Heilgers Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Young Handler 14 to 18 years.

All the above Trophies are perpetual and may not be won outright

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OBEDIENCE CHAMPIONSHIPSThe Obedience Championship for Bitches — Saturday, 10th March 2018

The Obedience Championship for Dogs — Sunday, 11th March 2018

Judge: Miss S. Dunstan(N.B. Judging will commence at 9.00 am)


The dogs entitled to compete for these Championship Competitions are those who have been awarded a Kennel Club Obedience Certificate between 9th January 2017 and 8th January 2018.Entry Forms are sent direct to the owners of all qualifying dogs with full particulars of the conditions of the Championships. Please note there is an entry charge of £20.00 per dog.The First Prize winner in each Championship will be entitled to be described as Obedience Champion. As all competing dogs must have won at least one Obedience Certificate, the Championship will be the equivalent of two Obedience Certificates.The tests for the Championship are those required for Class “C”, and if the winning dog or bitch has lost more than 15 points out of the 300 the Championship Award must be withheld. The Obedience Championships will be held in accordance with the Obedience Regulations in force at the time of publication of the Schedule. Would all Competitors please note the following Kennel Club regulations: (a) no bitch in season shall be allowed to compete in Obedience Classes; (b) no person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time

whilst within the boundaries of the Show; (c) a draw for the running order in Championship Class C will be conducted by the Kennel

Club and exhibitors notified accordingly.

CLASS C a. For Championship Class C at Championship Shows, dogs must have won out of Novice,

Class A and Class B and have won Open Class C on one occasion and have been placed not lower than third on three further occasions, all Open Class C places and wins must have been won under different Judges at Kennel Club licensed shows.

b. At Open Shows, and in the Open C Classes held at Championship Shows, open to all dogs.

c. At Limited Shows, open to all dogs except Obedience Certificate winners and dogs which have obtained any award that counts towards the title of Obedience Champion or the equivalent thereof under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club.

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d. The detailed tests will be:

(1) Heel Work. The dog shall be required to walk at heel free, and also be tested at fast and slow pace. The dog shall also be required, whilst walking to heel at normal pace, to be left at the stand, sit and down positions. 60 points

(2) Send Away, Drop and Recall 40 points

(3) Retrieve any one article provided by the Judge 30 points

(4) Distant Control 50 points

(5) Sit 2 minutes, handler out of sight 20 points

(6) Down 10 minutes, handler out of sight 50 points

(7) Scent discrimination 50 points

(8) TOTAL 300 points

The following Perpetual Challenge Cups are presentedfor the Obedience Championships but cannot be taken away:

The Challenge Cup for the winner of the Obedience Championship in Dogs

The Challenge Cup for the winner of the Obedience Championship in Bitches

On Saturday evening, 10th March 2018there will be a display in the Arena

involving the 2018Crufts Obedience Champion (Bitch)

and Crufts Reserve Obedience Champion (Bitch)

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Sunday, 11th March 2018

Judge: Mrs L. Shore

The dogs entitled to compete for these Championships are those who have been awarded a Kennel Club Agility Certificate between 9th January 2017 and 8th January 2018.The Kennel Club will write to you to confirm you have qualified with details of how you should enter your dog via the ASO system - please note there will be a charge for entry of £20.00 per dog.The Tests for the Championship are those required for Championship Class, and if the winning dog has not been awarded a clear round in the final round, the Championship Award must be withheld. The Agility Championships will be held in accordance with the Agility Regulations in force at the time of publication of the schedule. Would all competitors please note the following Kennel Club regulations: (a) No bitch in season shall be allowed to compete in Agility Classes; (b) No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time

whilst within the boundaries of the Show; (c) A draw for the running order of the agility and jumping rounds will be conducted and

competitors notified accordingly.

CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSESTo consist of two qualifying rounds of Standard Kennel Club Classes, one Agility Class and one Jumping Class and a final round of Agility. i. The Agility Rounds must contain the following elements: A-Ramp, Dog Walk, See Saw, Hurdles, Hoop (Tyre), Long Jump, Pipe Tunnel and Weaving

Poles, together with any other obstacles as described in Kennel Club Regulations, at the discretion of the judge.

ii. The Jumping Round must contain the following elements: Hurdles, Hoop (Tyre), Long Jump, Pipe Tunnel and Weaving Poles and must exclude

contact obstacles. iii. The final Agility Round may contain the Table obstacle and must contain all the obstacles

described in (i) of this Regulation, together with any other obstacles as described in Kennel Club Regulations, at the discretion of the judge.

Points will be awarded for placings in the Agility round and Jumping round. 1st place - 1 point; 2nd placed - 2 points, etc., to the final placed dog, eliminated dogs excepted.

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The top 50% of the entry up to a maximum of twenty dogs with the lowest accumulated total will be eligible to compete in the Final Round.Elimination in either of the qualifying rounds will exclude the dog from competition in the Final Round.In the event of a tie, the time/faults will be taken into account for both qualifying rounds to determine the placings on the following basis: 1. The dog with the least course faults in both the Agility and Jumping Rounds takes the

higher place. 2. In the event that these dogs are still equal, the dog with the fastest combined time takes

the higher place.The Rounds will be electronically timed with a manual back up timing. Electronic timing results will take preference.

Standard Marking will apply.

The following Cups are presented for the Crufts Agility Championship Classes

but cannot be taken away:

The Peter Meanwell Large Agility Champion Class Cup

The Peter Meanwell Medium Agility Champion Class Cup

The Peter Meanwell Small Agility Champion Class Cup

These are perpetual cups

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Sponsored by

Judge: Mr w.R. Irving

Awards on offer:Best Breeder & Reserve Best Breeder

All teams will be pre-judged in Rings 35 and 36 in Hall 5 on Friday, 9th March 2018. Pre-Judging will begin at 1.30 pm and the teams need not arrive until 12.30 pm. The Competition will be held in the Main Arena at 5.30 pm.

This year the Crufts Breeders’ Competition comprises of a maximum of 40 teams that will compete on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, KC Regulation F(1)9(d) does not apply.

The regulations for this special competition are as follows:

• Eachteammustcomprisethreeorfourexhibitsofthesamebreed.• Eachdogmusthaveitsownhandler.• Dogsdonotneedtobeenteredinabreedclassattheshow.• Alldogsmusthavethesameregisteredbreederorbreederpartnership.

No combination of different breeders is permitted.• Judgesattheshowareineligibletoenter.• Breederscanonlyenterone team.• Any Variety Imported Register Breeds may not compete in this


The entry fee for each group will be £20, payable online via www.Crufts.org.uk

Note: To take part in the competition the dogs do not need to be qualified for or entered in the main breed competition at Crufts 2018.

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The Grand finalof the Kennel Club Vulnerable Breeds Competitiontakes place at Crufts on Saturday, 10th March 2018

Judge: Mr T. Mather

Awards on offer:Best Vulnerable Breed 2017 & Reserve Best Vulnerable Breed 2017

Following feedback from competitors it has been decided that this year’s finalists will bemade up of the Best of Breed winners at the Group Championship Shows.

The competition for Best Vulnerable Breed is open to all vulnerable breeds competing at the following Group Championship Shows:

Hound: The Hound AssociationGundog: National Gundog AssociationTerrier: National Terrier ClubWorking: National Working and Pastoral Breeds SocietyPastoral: National Working and Pastoral Breeds SocietyToy: United Kingdom Toy Dog Society

Winners of Best of Breed at the above shows will be invited by the Kennel Club to attend the final held at Crufts 2018.

Note: To take part in the competition final the dog need not be qualified for or entered in the main breed competition at Crufts 2018.

The following breeds are eligible to compete:Bearded Collie, Bloodhound, Bull Terrier (Miniature), Collie (Smooth), Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Deerhound, English Setter, English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan), Fox Terrier (Smooth), Glen of Imaal Terrier, Gordon Setter, Irish Red & White Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Wolfhound, Kerry Blue Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, Lakeland Terrier, Lancashire Heeler, Manchester Terrier, Mastiff, Norwich Terrier, Otterhound, Sealyham Terrier, Skye Terrier, Spaniel (Clumber), Retriever (Curly Coated), Spaniel (Field), Spaniel (Irish Water), Spaniel (Sussex), Spaniel (Welsh Springer), Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

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RULES and REGULATIONS(Correct at time of going to print but may be subject to amendment at any time)

1. TheShowwillbeheldunderKennelClubRulesandShowRegulations. 2. Entries: EntryfortheShowisrestrictedtodogsqualifiedinaccordancewithdetailspublishedonpages4,6,8and10ofthisschedule.

AllpostedentriesmustbemadeonorbeforeMonday,8thJanuary2018(POPostmark).On-lineentriescanbemadeupuntilmidnightonMonday,22ndJanuary2018.Ifanenvelopecontainingentriesbearsmorethanonepostmark,thelatestdatewillbeconsideredtobethedateofposting.No acknowledgement of entries will be sent but if exhibitors enclose a stamped, addressed postcard, this will be signed and returned.

3. Authority to Compete: AlldogsresidentoutsideoftheUKmustbeissuedwithaKennelClubAuthoritytoCompetenumberbeforeentrytotheshow/eventcanbemade.AlloverseasentrieswithoutanAuthoritytoCompetenumberwillbereturnedtotheexhibitor/competitor.

4. Entry Fees: Theentryfeeforeachdogis£30.00(inclusiveofVAT)forthefirstentry,subsequententrieswiththesamedogarefreeofcharge.AnexceptionismadeforGamekeepersClasses,YKCClasses,ObedienceChampionshipsandAgilityChampionships,whereotherchargesapply(pleaserefertoentryform).Entryfeesmustbeforwardedwiththeentryforms.Onnoaccountwillentriesbeacceptedwithoutfees.Exhibitorsareaskedtonotethatchequessenttocoverentryfeesmustbeinorderforimmediatepayment.Thosewhicharenotsoforanyreasonwhatsoever(includingtechnicalirregularities)willnotbeacceptedandtheentriestherewithwillbereturned.Entry fees will not be refunded once an entry has been made.

5. Power to Refuse Entry:TheCommitteereservestherighttorefuseanyentries. 6. Admission Passes: Exhibitorswillreceiveafreeadmissionpassforeachdogentered.Partners(i.e.twoormoreregisteredowners)entering

ONE DOG ONLYwillreceiveONEadditionalfreehelper'spass.AnexhibitorenteringONE dog only which is owned by only ONE person isalsoentitledtoanadditionalfreehelper'spass.Furtheradmissionpassescanbepurchasedatareducedrateforanydayinadvancebyfillingintheappropriateportionoftheentryform.IfthesehavenotbeenreceivedfivedaysbeforetheShow,applicationshouldbemadeforthemimmediatelytoFosseDataSystemsLtd.,4MitchellCourt,CastleMoundWay,RugbyCV230UY;Tel:01788860960.RingCardswillbeavailableonthebenchesonarrivalattheShow.

7. Lead and Collar: ExceptwhensecurelybenchedorcagedalldogsmustbeonaleadforthedurationoftheShowincludingintheexercisingarea,exceptwhencompetingintheringinanObedienceclassorAgilityTest,ortakingpartinaDemonstration.

8. Arrival of Dogs and Commencement of Judging: DogswillbeadmittedtotheNECfrom6.30amoneachdayoftheshow.Nodogwillbeadmittedafter12.00noonexceptunderveryexceptionalandunforeseencircumstancesandbyspecialpermissionoftheShowManagement.DogscannotbeadmittedtotheNECexceptonthedayoftheShowonwhichtheyaretobeexhibitedandmustnotbeleftintheHallsovernight.

Judgingwillcommenceat9.00 ameachday.Intheeventthatitbecomesnecessarytocommencejudgingatanytimeotherthanindicatedasabove,exhibitorswillbenotifiedwhenthepassesaredespatchedandanannouncementwillappearintheDogPress.Pleasealsocheckwebsite www.crufts.org.uk.

9. Dog Cages: TheCommitteepermitsdogcagesonthebenches.THERE WILL BE NO CAGES PROVIDED FOR TOY BREEDS. Exhibitors who bring cages for their dogs must ensure that they are of an adequate size for the breed and fit the bench size provided for that breede.g.AiredaleTerrier24",Spaniel(Clumber)24",Boxer24",WelshCorgi(Pembroke)20",BassetHound24"andPoodle(Standard)28". Only one dog will be permitted in each cage. If cages do not fit on the bench they should be folded and placed under the bench. No cages to block gangways.Allotherdogcages,withtheexceptionofToydogbaskets,mustbeleftinthespecialareasprovidedneartheentrancesforexhibits.It is a Kennel Club requirement that exhibitors display the exhibit/bench number on their crate, cage or container at all times.

10. Soft Crates:TheCommitteepermitssoftcratesonbenchesonly.Exhibitors who bring soft crates for their dogs must ensure that they are of adequate size for the breed, have sufficient ventilation and fit the bench size provided for that breed and can be securely fastened. Only one dog will be permitted per soft crate. If soft crates do not fit on the bench they should be folded and placed under the bench. Soft crates left on the floor are a potential hazard particularly when occupied by large breeds. No soft crates can be placed on the floor with the dog in them.

11. Benching: Allbreedswillbebenchedinthecatalogueorder,andowners’dogsofthesamebreedwillbebenchedconsecutively,withoutextrafee.Nobenchnumbersshallbechangedfromonepentoanotherandnodogshallbebenchedonanybutitsownnumberedpen.Undernocircumstancesmaypartitionsbetweenthepensbemoved.

12. Feeding of Dogs: Exhibitorsmustmaketheirownarrangementsforfoodandwaterfortheirexhibits.13. Sales of Dogs and Acceptance of Dogs for Exhibition: Allnegotiations for thesaleofdogsmustbeconductedbetweenbuyersand

sellers.TheacceptanceofadogforexhibitionshallnotbetakentoimplythattheCommitteewarrantsorguaranteesthatthedogisinafitstateforexhibitionorcomplieswiththeRegulationsforthePreparationofDogsforExhibitionandtheCommitteeshallnotbeliableinanywaywhatsoeverif thedogissubsequentlyfoundeithertohavebeenunfitforexhibitionornothavecompliedwiththesaidRegulations.

14. PuppiesundersixcalendarmonthsofageonthefirstdayoftheShowarenoteligibleforexhibition.15. Exclusion of Dogs: IfintheopinionoftheShowManagementorJudgeanydogisconsiderednotinafitstateforexhibitionowingtodisease,


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16. Exhibits only allowed: NoanimalotherthanadogdulyenteredfortheShowmaybebroughtwithintheprecinctsoftheShowduringitscontinuance,exceptanydogsregisteredtoassistthedisabled,ordogsrequiredforeducationalorinstructionalpurposesorbypermissionoftheKennelClubBoard.

17. Condition of Removal of Dogs: Exhibitsmayberemovedfrom4.00pmonwardseachdayandthisistheearliesttimeatwhichanydogcanberemovedunlessbywrittenorderoftheVeterinarySurgeon,VeterinaryPractitioneroroftheShowManagementandthenonlyinveryexceptionalandunforeseencircumstanceswhichmustbereportedtotheKennelClub.DogsmustberemovedfromtheirbenchesnotlaterthanhalfanhourafteralljudginghasbeencompletedwhichisthetimetheShowcloses.Dogs must not be left in the Halls overnight.

18. Dogs in Vehicles on Hot Days.YourdogisvulnerableandatriskduringhotweatherandtheKennelCluboffersthefollowingguidancetohelpguideyouthroughthedo’sanddon’tstravellingtoandwhilstatKClicensedevents.

• Whentravellingtoashowpleasetakeamomenttoconsiderwhethertheroutetotheshowisonabusyholidayroute,andleaveearliertoavoidincreasedtimeintrafficjams.

• Ifyourvehicleisnotair-conditionedseriouslyconsiderwhethertravellingtotheshowisagoodideaatall.• Thevehicleshouldbeasfullyventilatedaspossible,andplentyofstopsshouldbetaken,withlotsofwateravailabletodrink.• Ensureyourdogisnotsittinginfullsunlight.Thereshouldbeplentyoffreeflowingairaroundthedog.• Whenattheshow,neverleaveyourdoginthevehicle.• Keepthedogintheshade-takeyourownshadeforexamplealargeumbrellaandalwayshaveplentyofwateravailabletodrinkso

yourdogstayswellhydrated.• Avoidyourdogtakingpartinunnecessaryexertion,orfromstandinginexposedsunlightforextendedlengthsoftime.

Remember,ifyoufeelhotyourdogisverylikelytofeelmuchhotteranddehydrated,andthiscouldleadtodireresults.Pleaselookafteryourdog’swelfare.WARNING: IF YOUR DOG IS FOUND TO BE AT RISK FORCIBLE ENTRY TO YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE NECESSARY WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED. AnyonewhosedogisenteredataKennelClublicensedeventshouldtakeallreasonablestepstoensuretheneedsoftheirdog(s)aremet,andshouldnotputadog’shealthandwelfareatriskbyanyaction,default,omissionorotherwise.BreachofKennelClubRegulationsinthisrespectmaybereferredtotheBoardfordisciplinaryactionunderKennelClubRulesandRegulations.Exhibitors/CompetitorsareremindedthatshowsocietieshavetherightunderKennelClubRegulationtorefuseanyentry.

19. NotforCompetitionentrieswillnotbeaccepted.20. Judges: ShouldanyJudgebepreventedfromfulfillinganengagement,theCommitteereservestoitselftherightofappointinganotherJudge,

subjecttothetermsofKennelClubShowRegulationsF(1)21(d)and24(f).21. Order of Judging Classes: AllJudgesarerequiredtojudgetheclassesineachbreedintheorderinwhichtheyareenteredintheJudging

Book.22. Payment of Prize Money (see page 29):PrizeMoneywillnotbepaidattheShow-itwillautomaticallybesenttowinnerswithin30daysof

theShow.23. Absence of Dogs from Benching: Nodogmaybeabsentfromitsbenchexceptforthepurposeofbeingpreparedforexhibition,judged,

exercised,orbyorderofaVeterinarySurgeon,VeterinaryPractitionerortheShowManagement.Afterbeingpreparedforexhibitionthedogmustbereplacedonitsbench.Nodogshallbeabsentfromitsbenchforthepurposeofbeingexercisedorpreparedforexhibitionforlongerthanthirtyminutes.Dogs should not be left unattended on benches at any time.

24. Dog Fouling and Grooming Waste: Anyowner,exhibitor,handlerorotherpersoninchargeofadogisrequiredtoremoveimmediatelyanyfoulingcausedbytheirdog(s)and/oranygroomingwasteatanyKennelClubShowwithinthelicensedvenueandwithintheenvironsofthateventincludingcarandcaravanparksandapproaches.A person in charge of a dog which fouls any part of the Show open to the public is liable to a fine of £10.00.

25. Safety of Dogs and Property:TheCommitteewilldoitsutmosttoensurethesafetyofthedogsbroughtforexhibitionbutitmustbeclearlyunderstoodbyexhibitorsandallotherpersonsattheShowthattheCommitteewillnotberesponsibleforthelossordamagetoanydogsorproperty,orpersonalinjurywhetherarisingfromaccidentoranyothercausewhatsoever.

26. Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition: PreparationofexhibitsshouldgenerallytakeplaceonbenchesorintheareaprovidedbytheShowSociety.Theuseofchalk,powders,oranyothersimilarsubstancesisprohibitedwithintheprecinctsoftheShow.Seepage132forregulationsforthepreparationofdogsforexhibition-F(B).

27. Cooking Stoves: TheuseofcookingstovesintheprecinctsoftheShowisforbidden.28. Gangway and Ringside Obstruction: Gangways,entrancesandexitsmustbekeptclear.Cages,groomingtablesandtrolleysarenot

allowedattheringside.Anyobstructionswillberemovedbyauthorisedofficials.29. Best in Show: DefinitionofaCategory3Breed:AbreedfromtimetotimedesignatedbytheKennelClubBoardasrequiringparticular


a. ShowsJudgedontheGroupSystem(Definition:ShowsjudgedontheGroupSystemincludeclassesforbreedswithinmorethanoneGroup,asdefinedinKennelClubRegulationB(A);andrequiresaJudgetodeclareaBestofeachGroupafterwhichtheexhibitssodeclaredwillcompetefortheawardofBestinShowandReserveBestinShow).

(1) BestofBreedWhereabreedisseparatelyclassifiedaBestofBreedmaybedeclaredbutonlyfromthosedogswhichhavereceiveda first prize in a breed class at the show.WhereseparateclassesareprovidedforeachsexofabreedaBestofeachSexmustbedeclared.NOTE:TheBestofBreed/BestAnyVarietyNotSeparatelyClassified/BestAnyVarietyImportedRegisterawardrelevanttoaCategory3BreedwillnotbeconfirmeduntilthedoghaspassedanexaminationbytheGeneralandGroupChampionshipShowVeterinarySurgeon.

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(2) BestofGroupBestofGroupandsubsequentGroupplacingsmustbeselectedfrom:(a)TheBestofBreedwinnersineachGroup:(b)ThebestwinningdogfromtheAnyVarietyNotSeparatelyClassifiedclassesineachgrouporoneachday:(c)ThebestdogfromAnyVarietyImportedRegisterclassesineachGrouponeachday.NOTE:ThedogdeclaredBestofBreed/BestAnyVarietyNotSeparatelyClassified/BestAnyVarietyImportedRegisterfromabreeddesignatedbytheKennelClubasaCategory3BreedisnoteligibletocompeteintheGroupcompetitionunlessithaspassedanexaminationbytheShow'sVeterinarySurgeon(ifthedogfailstopasstheexaminationitisineligibletocompeteintherelevantGroup).

(3) BestinShowBestinShowmustbeselectedfromtheBestofGroupwinners.ReserveBestinShowmustbeselectedfromtheremainingGroupwinnersfollowingtheselectionforBestinShow.

30. Best of Groups and Best in Show Competition: ExhibitswillnotbeadmittedtoGrouporBestinShowcompetitionafteraperiodoftenminuteshaselapsedsincetheannouncementthatexhibitsarerequiredforjudging,unlesstheyhavebeenunavoidablydelayedbypreviousjudgingnotbeingcompletedontime,andthenonlywiththespecialpermissionoftheShowManagement.

31. Best Puppy in Breed: TherewillbeaBestPuppyinBreedtobejudgedafterBestofBreedhasbeendeclared.Thosedogseligibletocompetewillbethosebetweensixandtwelvecalendarmonthsofageon8thMarch2018.AnydogbetweensixandtwelvemonthsofagedeclaredBestofBreedshouldautomaticallybeawardedBestPuppyinBreed.

32. Best Veteran in Breed: TherewillbeaBestVeteraninBreedtobejudgedafterBestofBreedandBestPuppyinBreedhasbeendeclared.Thosedogseligibletocompetewillbethose7yearsofageandoveron8thMarch2018.Anydog7yearsofageorolderdeclaredBestofBreedshouldautomaticallybeawardedBestVeteraninBreed.

33. Correspondence: Allcorrespondence,enquiries,etc.,shouldbeaddessedtotheShowManager,Crufts,TheKennelClub,ClargesStreet,LondonW1J8AB.Tel:01296318540.

34. Alterations: Nomodificationswill bemade to thisScheduleexceptbypermissionof theKennelClubBoard,whichwill be followedbyadvertisementintheCaninePresswhereverpossible.

35. Mating of Bitches: ThematingofbitcheswithintheprecinctsoftheShowisforbidden.36. Photography and Video Rights: TheOrganisersofCruftswouldliketobringtheshowregulationonphotographyandfilmingtotheattention

ofexhibitors,tradestands,pressandvisitors.Show Regulation:Thetakingofphotographsorvideofootageintheexhibitionpremisesforsaleorrewardisstrictlyprohibited,includingsocialmediafilming,exceptwiththewrittenpermissionoftheOrganisers.PressaccreditedphotographersareprovidedwithpermissiontotakephotographsONLYforuseinnewspapers,magazinesandinternetsites-thisisfornewspurposesonly.TheOrganisersreservetherightattheirabsolutediscretiontoconfiscatecamerasand/orfilmsforinfringementofthiscondition.ThereisnoobjectiontothegeneralpublictakingphotographsorvideofilmofgeneralviewsoftheShow,providedthattheseareforprivateuseonly.Specificdogsmaybephotographedonlywiththeapprovaloftheexhibitor.Nophotographyorfilmingispermittedinbreedjudgingringswhilstjudgingisactuallytakingplace.However,judgesmayallowittohappenattheendofclassesoraftertheChallengeCertificateisawarded.Filmingandflashphotographyisallowedfromoutsidetheringsatalltimesunlesstheoperationofthecameraisactuallyaffectingexhibits.However,ifapowerfulflashunitisusedoritisclearthatexhibitsarebeingaffected,aringstewardorthejudgeisempoweredtostopthepersonconcerned.CinematographortelevisionequipmentmayonlybeusedattheShowifapermithasbeenissuedbytheOrganisers.Therearealsocertainrestrictionsontheuseofcamerasforstillphotographyandprivatevideofilms.FulldetailsoftheseandfilmingpermitsmaybeobtainedfromthePressOffice,TheKennelClub,ClargesStreet,Piccadilly,LondonW1J8AB.

37. PleasenotethatCruftsisbeingfilmedandyourimagemayappearontelevisionandinothermedia.ByattendingCruftsyouconsenttobeingfilmed/recordedaspartoftheShowforsecurityandbroadcastinallmedia(nowknoworhereinafterinvented)withoutpayment.

38. Kennel Club Regulation F(B):AllexhibitorsmustbefamiliarwithKennelClubRegulationFAnnexB-RegulationsforthePreparationofDogsforExhibition.

39. Ring Numbers: Everyexhibitorshallensurethatwhilstthedogisbeingexhibited,itshandlershalldisplaythecorrectringnumber.40. TheuseofshowstackersareprohibitedatCrufts.41. Handling of dogs at Crufts: Exhibitorsareremindedthatitisnotacceptabletohandleadoginamannerwhichcausesitsfeetnottotouch


42. All Best of Breed Pre-Group Check: Abasicfinalcheckofeachbestofbreedwillbeundertakeninthecollectingringbyanofficialfromtheshowmanagementandvetteams.TheCruftsCommitteeismindfulthatithasadutyofcaretoalldogsenteredattheshowandparticularlythosecompetingintheArenaatCruftswhichisaverydifferentexperiencetocompetingintheGroupatotherGeneralChampionshipShowsandcanbeoverwhelmingforbothdogandhandler.Thereforetoprotectthewelfareofthedog,allbestofbreedswillberequestedtoundergoabasiclowkeyobservationtoensureeachdogisreadytocompeteintheGroup.Theobservationwillfocusonobviousvisibleconditionswhichcouldcompromisethedog’sperformanceintheGroupCompetition.(KCRegulationF(1)15brefers).

43. Theowner,exhibitor,handlerorotherpersoninchargeofadogatKennelClublicensedeventmustatalltimesensurethatthedogiskeptunderpropercontrolwhilstatthelicensedvenue,includingitsenvirons,carparksandapproaches.Thisregulationappliesbefore(atanytimeduringthesetupperiodatthevenue),duringtheeventandafterwards(atanytimeduringthebreakdownoftheevent).

44. Allchildrenmustbekeptundercontrolandparentswillbeheldresponsibleforanydamagecausedandchargesincurred.

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BY POSTComplete an order form and return it to:Crufts Qualifier Medal Applications, Mr D F Clark, 24A Bolingbroke Road, London W14 OAL.

BY TELEPHONEUnfortunately, we are unable to acceptorders by telephone.

[email protected]/[email protected] visit our website www.enterprizes.co.uk

PAYMENTCheques – please make payable to: Mr D Clark, write your address, postcode and cheque card number on the reverse ofthe cheque.

Visa/MasterCard/Maestro/Delta – Creditcard details are not taken over the internet –DMJ Enterprizes will telephone on receipt ofemail order.

DELIVERYThe Qualifier Medal will be sent to yourdelivery address by post. Please allow 28 days for delivery.

GUARANTEEIf you are not completely satisfied with yourpurchase, we will exchange the goods or refundyour money without question. Please note thatengraving instructions must be in CAPITALLETTERS – mistakes that are not our engraversfault will not be refunded.

RETURNSIf you decide to return the medal to us, please usethe Post Office Recorded Delivery service. Thiswill provide you with proof of posting, and enableyou to use the Royal Mail trace and track system.

THE PRICEA personally engraved Qualifier Medal costs£31.50 (includes p&p). The Medal is alsoavailable without engraving at a cost of £23.50(includes p&p). Please add an additional £5.00per medal for all overseas postage. (£36.50).

The medal is double-sided and is available from the year 2001Each medal can be individually engraved with your dog’s name. The medal has an antique copper bronze finish.The front of the medal has been cast with a two-dimensional face and the reverse is three-dimensional. Approx size 70mm x 70mm, approx gauge 8.5mm, approx weight 6oz. Presentation BoxDeluxe green leatherette box with Crufts logo interior and green velvet pad.


130 celebrating healthy, happy dogs www.crufts.org.uk

Why not celebrate this moment with a permanent reminder of your dog’sachievement with the OFFICIAL Qualifier Medal

CongratulationsYour dog has qualified for Crufts!

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BY POSTComplete an order form and return it to:Crufts Qualifier Medal Applications, Mr D F Clark, 24A Bolingbroke Road, London W14 OAL.

BY TELEPHONEUnfortunately, we are unable to acceptorders by telephone.

[email protected]/[email protected] visit our website www.enterprizes.co.uk

PAYMENTCheques – please make payable to: Mr D Clark, write your address, postcode and cheque card number on the reverse ofthe cheque.

Visa/MasterCard/Maestro/Delta – Creditcard details are not taken over the internet –DMJ Enterprizes will telephone on receipt ofemail order.

DELIVERYThe Qualifier Medal will be sent to yourdelivery address by post. Please allow 28 days for delivery.

GUARANTEEIf you are not completely satisfied with yourpurchase, we will exchange the goods or refundyour money without question. Please note thatengraving instructions must be in CAPITALLETTERS – mistakes that are not our engraversfault will not be refunded.

RETURNSIf you decide to return the medal to us, please usethe Post Office Recorded Delivery service. Thiswill provide you with proof of posting, and enableyou to use the Royal Mail trace and track system.

THE PRICEA personally engraved Qualifier Medal costs£31.50 (includes p&p). The Medal is alsoavailable without engraving at a cost of £23.50(includes p&p). Please add an additional £5.00per medal for all overseas postage. (£36.50).

The medal is double-sided and is available from the year 2001Each medal can be individually engraved with your dog’s name. The medal has an antique copper bronze finish.The front of the medal has been cast with a two-dimensional face and the reverse is three-dimensional. Approx size 70mm x 70mm, approx gauge 8.5mm, approx weight 6oz. Presentation BoxDeluxe green leatherette box with Crufts logo interior and green velvet pad.


130 celebrating healthy, happy dogs www.crufts.org.uk

Why not celebrate this moment with a permanent reminder of your dog’sachievement with the OFFICIAL Qualifier Medal

CongratulationsYour dog has qualified for Crufts!

Mr*/Mrs*/Miss*/Ms* Initials: Surname:


Post Code: Daytime Tel.No:


Qualifier MedalOrder Form

Please complete the following using BLOCK CAPITALS and delete (*) where applicable

Description Number ofmedals required

Cost Total Amount DuePrice IncludingPostage & Packaging

Medal – engraved @ £31.50 each £

Medal – without engraving @ £23.50 each £

Overseas postage (£36.50 each)Please add £5 per medal (£28.50 each)

OverseasPostage £




Credit Card/Debit Card: Mastercard*/ Visa*/Switch*/ Delta*

Card Expiry Date: Switch Issue No: Security No:(last 3 digits on reverse of card)

Please make payable to: MR D CLARK

Please photocopy this form if you require more than one engraved medal(Photocopy not necessary if more than one medal is required with same engraving)




Available from year 2001

Please complete the name of your dog in the boxes below in CAPITAL LETTERS and state if youwould like the name on: – One*/Two*/Three* lines. The MAXIMUM number of letters allowedon each line is 16. Please leave one box blank if a space is required between two words. All names will be engraved in: – CAPITAL LETTERS.Start each line in the first box – ALL NAMES WILL BE CENTRED





Qualifier Medal

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1. These Regulations must be observed when a dog is prepared for exhibition and/or exhibited at any Kennel Club Licensed event. Objections may be referred to the Kennel Club Board for disciplinary action under these Show Regulations and/or for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rule A11.

(a) A dog found to have been exhibited in breach of these Regulations will automatically be disqualified from exhibition at the show and from any award gained thereat.

(b) Unless the exhibitor provides a satisfactory explanation for the dog being exhibited in breach of these Regulations then he/she may be subject to further penalties of either a fine or as listed under Rule A11.

2. (a) No substance which alters the natural colour, texture or body of the coat may be present in the dog’s coat for any purpose at any time during the Show. No substance which alters the natural colour of any external part of the dog may be present on the dog for any purpose at any time during the Show.

(b) Any other substance (other than water) which may be used in the preparation of a dog for exhibition must not be allowed to remain in the coat or on any other part of the dog at the time of exhibition.

3. No act or operation which alters the natural conformation of a dog or any part thereof may be performed, except:-

(a) Operations certified to the satisfaction of the Kennel Club Board. (b) The removal of dew claws of any breed. (c) Operations to prevent breeding provided that such operations are notified to the Kennel Club

before neutered dogs are shown. Nor must anything be done calculated to in the opinion of the Kennel Club Board, to deceive.

4. The Kennel Club Board without previous notice may order an examination of any dog or dogs at any Show. Any examination thus ordered will be made by a person having executive authority who shall have a written directive from the Kennel Club in their possession. Samples may be taken for further examination and analysis.

5. An individual has the right to lodge an objection to a dog only if he/she is the owner or handler of a dog competing in the same breed or class. An objection may, however, be lodged by an official of the Show or by anyone so deputed by the Kennel Club. It will be the responsibility of the individual who lodges the objection or the official (as appropriate) to substantiate the grounds for the objection. The Kennel Club will substantiate the grounds for an objection made on its behalf.

6. Any objection by an individual related to an infringement of these Regulations must be made in writing to the Show Secretary at his/her office before the close of the Show and the individual must produce evidence of identity at the time of lodging the complaint.

The attention of exhibitors is drawn to the fact that any advertisement for a coat preparation or shampoo or similar in either Schedule or Catalogue does not imply that the use of such preparation may not contravene Kennel Club Regulations for the preparation of Dogs for the Exhibition - f(B). This also applies to any coat preparation or shampoo or similar on sale at Crufts. The attention of exhibitors is directed to the Declaration they are required to sign on the Entry form.

Compiled by fosse Data Systems Ltd01788 860960 • [email protected] • www.fossedata.co.uk

PLEASE NOTEThis Schedule is correct at time of going to print, however, may be subject to change at any time

Page 135: SCHEDULE - Fosse Datafossedata.co.uk/downloads/pdf/CRUFT_MAR_18_Schedule.pdf · 8 – 11 MARCH 2018 • The NEC, Birmingham •  Celebrating healthy, happy dogs SCHEDULE

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Page 136: SCHEDULE - Fosse Datafossedata.co.uk/downloads/pdf/CRUFT_MAR_18_Schedule.pdf · 8 – 11 MARCH 2018 • The NEC, Birmingham •  Celebrating healthy, happy dogs SCHEDULE

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