Scarecrow Competition 2014 Scarecrow Competition 2014 Teacher’s Application Pack

Scarecrow Competition 2014 - Wakefield · scarecrow • Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling • To help young people develop

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Page 1: Scarecrow Competition 2014 - Wakefield · scarecrow • Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling • To help young people develop








Page 2: Scarecrow Competition 2014 - Wakefield · scarecrow • Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling • To help young people develop



The Challenge

Challenge Schedule


1. Entry form2. Information for students3. Photo consent

Contact details

If you require any further information about the challenge or if would like to talk to a member of the recycling improvement team please do not hesitate to contact us.

Neil West, Education OfficerMobile: 07918 625 674Email: [email protected]


Page 3: Scarecrow Competition 2014 - Wakefield · scarecrow • Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling • To help young people develop


There are over 1,500 landfill sites in the UK and in 2001 these sites produced a quarter of the UK’s emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Currently most of Wakefield’s rubbish is buried in landfill sites. However, it is estimated that 60% of the rubbish we throw away can be recycled or re-used.

When we recycle, materials are reprocessed into new products. This means that less rubbish is sent to landfill sites. When we make new products from recycled materials we also save energy. This is because less energy is used when making products from industry-ready recycled materials compared with extracting, refining, transporting and processing raw materials.

Most recent statistics (June 2010) state that young people, aged 0-15 years, make up 18.4% of the overall population of Wakefield, the majority of which are educated at one (or more) of the 152 Schools located within the District, including 90 Junior and Infant Schools (3-11), 18 Secondary Schools (11- 16) and 4 Independent Schools.

Wakefield Council covers over 350 km2 and spends around £500,000 collecting 5,000 tonnes of litter from the streets each year and £450,000 clearing fly tipped waste from across the District.

The education programmes developed for young people focus on raising awareness of waste minimisation and recycling and encourage pupils to take ownership for their environment. The messages delivered address issues such as sustainability and adopting recycling as a lifestyle choice. Pupils are encouraged to act as recycling ambassadors both at School and home.

Educating young people in School allows positive engagement with pupils to help raise awareness of the detrimental effects of environmental crime, antisocial behaviour and poor waste management in their communities.

By addressing the above issues we can also challenge young people to find out through research, the benefits of recycling and what can be achieved and produced from recycled materials using innovative creative ideas and designs.

It is a constant process to keep the District clean and tidy. This is achieved through action, education and enforcement. We would love you to help us with this and unleash the creative abilities of Wakefield District’s young people.

Shanks Waste Management Ltd was contracted by Wakefield Council at the start of 2013 to deliver a waste management solution across the Wakefield District. Shanks is working in partnership with Wakefield Council to improve the existing Household Waste Recycling Centres and build a state-of-the-art waste management facility in South Kirkby by 2015.

Shanks is pleased to support local Schools and projects that deliver key environmental and waste related messages.

Visit our joint website at:



Page 4: Scarecrow Competition 2014 - Wakefield · scarecrow • Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling • To help young people develop


Wakefield Council’s strategic messageWe will maintain and protect the local environment

Key messages:• Improve knowledge of the 4Rs (Recycle, Reduce, Re-use and Repair) and the waste


• Encourage young people to care for the environment and their local neighbourhood

• Take responsibility for their individual actions and the area in which they live

• Highlight the importance of managing waste appropriately and understand the social and environmental impacts of not doing so

• Identify what happens if we don’t manage waste accordingly

• Consider the environmental and social impacts of poor waste management

The aim of the challenge is:• To increase awareness and improve understanding of waste minimisation amongst young

people within the District

• To enable young people to understand that waste items can be re-used in many different and creative ways

The objectives of the challenge are: • To engage and challenge local Schools to develop and apply creative skills by designing a


• Raise awareness in young people about caring for the environment, sustainability and recycling

• To help young people develop teamwork and presentation skills

To support young people to understand:• Why re-use and recycling are important

• How materials can be re-used and recycled

• How we can reduce waste, including repairing items

• What happens when we do not reduce, re-use and recycle

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Wakefield Council and Shanks Waste Management are challenging Primary Schools (Years 3 - 6) to design and create a scarecrow out of waste that would normally be sent to landfill.

Each entry must include:• Team Name

• A short description to say how they

• decided which waste materials they would use and why

• decided upon the idea or theme for their scarecrow

• how they would use their scarecrow in their neighbourhood to encourage more recycling

WorkshopsThe Education Officer at Shanks Waste Management will be offering Schools a ‘Make Models from Waste’ workshop in the spring term. These will be offered on a first come, first served basis, and will look at the subject of re-using and recycling waste at School and at home on a daily basis.

All of the scarecrows will be collected by Shanks, dates to be confirmed

Schools will only be able to enter one recycled scarecrow into the competition (if your School makes more than one scarecrow, contact us to see if we have the space for displaying more than one). However, it might be fun for you to have a School vote on any competing scarecrows you would like to represent your School.

The ChallengeThe Challenge

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Exhibition and public voteAll of the scarecrows entered into this year’s competition will be exhibited in a prime location (details to be confirmed) within the District, giving local residents a chance to witness the excellent talents of your pupils. This activity proved to be a huge success in 2012 with over 1000 people visiting the exhibitions at the Ridings Shopping Centre, Wakefield and Carlton Lanes Shopping Centre, Castleford. Visitors were able to view the scarecrows created by the pupils and examine the supplementary materials submitted by students to support their entries, such as design planes and photos of the pupils creating the scarecrow.

Judging and prizesThe judging of this year’s competition will take place at the Exhibition.

Visitors will be asked to vote for their favourite scarecrow, with the winning School announced at the Awards Ceremony (see details below). The public vote will also run on the Recycle for Wakefield Facebook page at Facebook.com/RecycleforWakefield (dates tbc) giving people that cannot attend the exhibition an opportunity to vote.

The awards ceremony At the end of the School year Wakefield Council (Communities) holds an Awards Ceremony at Wakefield Town Hall to celebrate the achievements of Schools across the District. Awards will be presented for a number of categories including the Primary School Scarecrow Competition, the secondary School Recycled Fashion Show Challenge as well as the awards for the Cleaner Greener Schools Challenge.

Wakefield Council and Shanks Waste Management are challenging Primary Schools (Years 3 – 6) to design and create a scarecrow out of waste that would normally be sent to landfill.

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Challenge ScheduleChallenge Schedule


September 2013 -December 2013

Competition advertised to Primary Schools across the District

The deadline for entering the competition is 31st March 2014

January 2014 - May 2014

Make Models from Waste workshops offered from January to March

See the challenge outline for detail

TBC Exhibition and public vote Winner of public vote announced. (A detailed brief will be sent to all participating Schools prior to the event)

Online Facebook vote During exhibition The public vote will run on the Recycle for Wakefield Facebook page (Facebook.com/RecycleforWakefield), whilst the scarecrows are being exhibited, giving people who cannot attend the exhibition an opportunity to vote

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If you would like to take part in Wakefield Council’s Recycled Scarecrow Competition 2014, please fill out the form below and return it to [email protected] by 28th February 2014.

Please provide us with details about your School.

School Name

School Address

Post Code

Name of contact teacher(s)

School Telephone Number

Contact Telephone Number (if not as above)

School Email address

Contact Email address (if not as above)

Please give us some details about your scarecrow.

Team Name

Name of scarecrow

Recycled Scarecrow Competition 2014School Entry Form - Appendix 1Recycled Scarecrow Competition 2014School Entry Form - Appendix 1

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Please provide us with details about your pupils. Name of Child

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30

Thank you for entering this year’s competition. Please do not hesitate to contact Neil (see page 2) if you require further information.

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Can you design a scarecrow? What materials could you use to make your scarecrow? Example: Plastic bottles

How can you apply the 4 Rs (Reduction, Re-use, Recycling and Recovery) to the materials listed above? Example: Plastic bottles can be RECYCLED

Is there somewhere near your School where your scarecrow can live?

Pupil Activity Sheet - Appendix 2Pupil Activity Sheet - Appendix 2

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Your child has been selected for inclusion in photographs. These may be published by Wakefield Council or Shanks Waste Management in the following places: publications, local press and media, trade press, and via a range of advertising channels including outdoor media and online.

DeclarationI grant permission for photographs of my child to be used in printed and electronic publicity materials generated by the organisations named above. I also agree that my child’s name can be published alongside their photograph where necessary. I acknowledge that the photographer will only be used for the purpose(s) stated and that I have a right to change my mind.

Child’s Name

Your Name

Relationship to the child


If you have any queries regarding use of these photographs or change your mind, please contact Shanks Waste Management’s marketing team on [email protected]

Photo Consent Sheet - Appendix 3ChildPhoto Consent Sheet - Appendix 3 Child