Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor: Prof. Dr. Raymund E. Horch Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial Vascularization Using The Arterio-Venous Loop Model Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Medizinischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg vorgelegt von Ahmad Eweida aus Ägypten

Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial ...€¦ · Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor:

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Page 1: Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial ...€¦ · Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor:

Aus der

Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Direktor: Prof. Dr. Raymund E. Horch

Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial

Vascularization Using The Arterio-Venous Loop Model


zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde


Medizinischen Fakultät

der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität


vorgelegt von

Ahmad Eweida



Page 2: Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial ...€¦ · Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor:



 Gedruckt mit Erlaubnis der

Medizinischen  Fakultät  der  Friedrich-­‐Alexander-­‐Universität    Erlangen-­‐Nürnberg  



Dekan:   Prof.Dr.  Dr.  Schüttler      Referent:   Prof.  Dr.  Raymund  E.  Horch      Korreferent:   Prof.  Dr.  Dr.  Emeka  Nkenke      Tag  der  mündlichen  Prüfung:   14.8.2012  

Page 3: Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial ...€¦ · Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor:







Page 4: Scaffold Guided Mandibular Reconstruction With Axial ...€¦ · Aus der Plastisch-und Hand Chirurgischen Klinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Direktor:


Table of Contents  Zusammenfassung .................................................................................................. 5

Hintergrund und Ziele ........................................................................................ 5 Material und Methoden ...................................................................................... 5 Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen ......................................................................... 5 Praktische Schlussfolgerung .............................................................................. 6

Summary ................................................................................................................ 7 Background and Objectives ............................................................................... 7 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................... 7 Results and Observations ................................................................................... 7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 8

Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9 Mandibular reconstruction ................................................................................. 9 1. Alloplastic materials .................................................................................... 9 2. Soft tissue coverage of mandibular reconstruction plates ......................... 10 3. Nonvascularized bone grafts (NVBG) ...................................................... 10 4. Free vascularized bone flaps (VBFs) ........................................................ 10 5. Synthetic biomaterials (scaffold guided mandibular regeneration) ............. 11 Vascularization of scaffolds ............................................................................. 12 Vascularization concerns in the mandible ........................................................ 14

Aim of the work ................................................................................................... 16

Materials and Methods ......................................................................................... 17 Study design ..................................................................................................... 17 Scaffold preparation ......................................................................................... 17 Animal surgery ................................................................................................. 19 Animal Harvest and Radiological evaluation .................................................. 21 Preparation and Explantation of the mandible ................................................. 22 Biomechanical evaluation ................................................................................ 23 Histological evaluation ..................................................................................... 23

Results .................................................................................................................. 28 Long term follow up ......................................................................................... 28 Radiological ..................................................................................................... 28 Macroscopic and Biomechanical ..................................................................... 29 Histological ...................................................................................................... 30

Discussion ............................................................................................................ 36

References ............................................................................................................ 43 List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 52

List of Pre-publications ........................................................................................ 50 Acknowledgment ................................................................................................. 51

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Hintergrund und Ziele

Die Rekonstruktion großer und komplexer Knochendefekte ist eine der

anspruchsvollsten Fragestellungen in der heutigen klinischen Praxis. Um das

Problem der Hebemorbidität eines autogenen Knochenersatz zu umgehen,

werden heutzutage synthetische Biomaterialien verwendet. Die meisten der

heutigen Ansätze basieren dabei auf einer extrinsischen Blutversorgung. Dieses

Verfahren ist jedoch bei der Rekonstruktion nach Tumorentfernung nicht immer


Ziel unserer Arbeit war die Evaluation eines axial und somit intrinsisch

vaskularisierten synthetischen Knochenersatzes an einem Großtier-modell. Der

Erfolg dieses Konzeptes erlaubt der Wiederherstellung von ausgedehnten,

mandibulären Knochendefekten nach onkologischer Resektion.

Material und Methoden Bei der vorliegenden Pilot-Studie wurde das Konzept des axial vaskularisierten

synthetischen Knochenersatzes an einem Großtier-Modell (Ziege) untersucht.

Hierbei wurde eine arterio-venöse Schleife basierend auf die Arterie und die

Vene Fazialis zentral in ein biphasisches Keramik-konstrukt eingebracht,

welches durch Zugabe von thrombozytenreichem Plasma (PRP) und

Knochenwachstumsproteinen (BMP) zur Osteogenese angeregt wurde. Nach

einer Beobachtungsintervall von 6 Monaten erfolgte die Charakterisierung der

Knochenneubildung und-vaskularisation mit Hilfe von Computertomographie

(CT) sowie durch biomechanische und histomorphologische Verfahren.

Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen Die technische Eignung der axialen Vaskularisation eines synthetischen

Knochenersatzes mittels einer arterio-venöser Schleife konnte beim Großtier-

Modell bestätigt werden. Hierbei wurde ca. 80% des Knochenvolumens

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regeneriert. Die biomechanische Untersuchung hat einen Brechpunkt von

1662.19 Newton und somit eine gute Stabilität nachgewiesen. Die

histomorphologische Untersuchung bestätigte die Wiederherstellung des

Knochens sowie auch die reichende Vaskularisation des Konstrukts.

Praktische Schlussfolgerung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Eignung das axial vaskulariserten,

synthetischen Knochenersatzes bei der Wiederherstellung eines kritischen

mandibulären Defektes erstmalig nachgewiesen. Der wiederhergestellte Knochen

war voll entwickelt, ausreichend vaskularisiert, und funktionsfähig. Erweiterung

dieses Modells durch Vergrößern bzw. Verstrahlen des mandibulären Defektes

kann den klinischen Szenarios ganz gut ähneln.

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Background and Objectives Reconstruction of large and complex bone segments is one of the most

challenging problems facing modern clinical practice. In order to diminish the

donor site morbidity associated with autogenous bone transfer, synthetic

biomaterials are being used nowadays to regenerate lost bone due to disease or

trauma. The majority of currently applied regenerative medicine approaches rely

on extrinsic vascularization, which could not be applied to reconstruction after

cancer ablation.

Our objective was to investigate the feasibility of regenerating a critical

size mandibular defect in a goat using an axially vascularized synthetic bone

substitute. Confirming the feasibility would help introducing regenerative

medicine to reconstruction after cancer surgery.

Materials and Methods This study is an experimental pilot study introducing the concept of axial

vascularization of bone substitutes to regenerate a critical size mandibular defect

in a large animal model (goat). In this study we used the facial vessels to create

an arterio-venous loop in order to vascularize a biphasic ceramic scaffold. The

scaffold was charged with platelet rich plasma and bone morphogenic proteins in

order to augment osteogenesis. After a 6 months- follow up period, the new bone

formation and vascularization were assessed through radiological (CT),

biomechanical (3 points bending), and histological studies.

Results and Observations We were able to demonstrate the technical feasibility of creating a local

vascular axis through arterio-venous anastomosis within a synthetic bone

substitute to regenerate a critical size mandibular defect. About 80% of the

volume of the resected segment was regenerated. The biomechanical test showed

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that the mandible broke at a force of 1662.19 Newton. The histological study

confirmed bone regeneration and adequate vascularization of the scaffold.


We were able to demonstrate for the first time through long-term follow

up, radiological, histological, and biomechanical studies the feasibility of

regenerating a critical size mandibular defect in a large animal using an axially

vascularized bone substitute. The regenerated bone was mature, adequately

vascularized and functionally competent.

Further upgrading of this model by inducing a large segmental and

possibly irradiated mandibular defect would be helpful to put the model in a real

challenge and a very similar condition to clinical scenarios.

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From the beginning of the 8th century, the work of Middle Eastern

Muslim physicians such as Avicenna, Albucasis, and Rhazes was of paramount

importance in guarding knowledge, particularly the contributions of Greek and

Roman scholars, until the 13th century. Many contributions from that period in

the field of craniofacial and neurosurgery created a solid ground for modern

medicine in this field (74).

In reconstructive surgery, the reconstruction of large and complex bone

segments remains one of the most challenging problems in modern clinical

practice. Worldwide, an estimated 2.2 million grafting procedures are performed

annually to repair bone defects in orthopaedics, neurosurgery, and dentistry (36).

Craniofacial bone grafting represents about 6% of all bone grafting procedures

(24). These procedures aim to replace bone lost due to trauma or disease.

Mandibular reconstruction

Conventional methods for mandibular reconstruction involve the use of

alloplastic materials, soft tissue coverage of mandibular reconstruction plates,

nonvascularized bone grafts (NVBGs), free vascularized bone flaps (VBFs), and

recently a variety of synthetic biomaterials.

1. Alloplastic materials

The potential for aesthetic reconstruction without donor site morbidity

has led many on the search for suitable alloplastic materials. Although these

implants offered some restoration of continuity and bulk, overall success has

been disappointing, especially when these devices are applied primarily in

previously irradiated areas of the head and the neck (55). For these reasons, these

devices are not currently favoured and should be avoided, if possible.

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2. Soft tissue coverage of mandibular reconstruction plates

An option for mandibular reconstruction includes the use of mandible

reconstruction plates covered with soft tissue. The pedicled pectoralis major

myocutaneous flap was widely used to cover titanium plates to prevent extrusion.

Soft tissue free flaps were also used to cover the reconstruction plates. Although

free flap coverage of the reconstruction plates showed better results than pedicled

flaps, the most common complication was still plate exposure (16, 17, 89). Also

failure to deliver autogenous bone to reconstruct the mandible will prevent later

dental rehabilitation and will eventually lead to reconstruction plate fatigue as the

contralateral molar loading exerts a torsional force which is more likely to cause

plate fracture (22). That is why soft tissue coverage of mandibular reconstruction

plates represents an alternative in patients who have lateral mandibular

continuity defects with a poor prognosis, in whom dental rehabilitation is not

desired or planned.

3. Nonvascularized bone grafts (NVBG)

These are suitable for smaller defects usually not subjected to

radiotherapy and in patients medically too compromised to tolerate free flap

surgeries. The rates of bony union and implant success with NVBG is less than

that with vascularized bone flaps (VBF) even in comparative studies where the

patients receiving VBF were older, had larger defects, and were treated primarily

for malignant disease with an associated higher incidence of radiation therapy


4. Free vascularized bone flaps (VBFs)

VBFs have revolutionized mandibular reconstruction. Even when these bone

flaps are transferred from distant sites into areas of irradiation, compromised

blood flow, and salivary contamination, the union of bone segments and the

support of functional loads are the usual result. Osseointegrated implants also

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can be successfully placed within vascularized bone free flaps, contributing to

rehabilitation and a stable dental arch (64).

An ideal VBFs provides adequate shape, width, and length of vascular bone,

but unfortunately, the ideal vascularized bone graft for all oromandibular

reconstructions does not exist; therefore, each patient and defect must be

evaluated separately to determine the best surgical approach. Fibular

osteocutaneous free flaps, scapular osteocutaneous free flaps, iliac crest

osteocutaneous free flaps, radial forearm osteocutaneous free flaps, and the

Latissimus-Serratus-rib free flap are all available options for mandibular


For reconstructing critical size bone defects in clinical practice, vascularized

free flaps may be regarded as the “gold standard”. However, the use of these

bone grafts in the clinical practice presents several major inconveniences. The

harvesting of autologous bone often results in a significant donor site morbidity,

the extent of which may vary, according to the location of the site and possibly to

the intervention technique (10, 12, 14, 82). The problems include bleeding, pain,

infections, donor site fractures and prolonged hospital stay (39, 77).

5. Synthetic biomaterials (scaffold guided mandibular


Trying to reduce or even abolish donor site morbidity was a major trigger

that made researchers try to harness the regenerative capacity of the human body

to repair itself. In the last few decades new strategies started to emerge aiming at

mimicking the normal healing process in regenerating lost or damaged tissues.

The term "tissue engineering" was officially coined at a National Science

Foundation workshop in 1988 to mean "the application of principles and

methods of engineering and life sciences toward fundamental understanding of

structure-function relationships in normal and pathological mammalian tissues

and the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve

tissue function"(83). Tissue engineering and Regenerative medicine depend on

the presence of a biomaterial promoting cell growth and proliferation. In order to

regenerate the damaged or missing tissues, such biomaterials must effectively

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interact with the surrounding tissue and incite the host to populate the graft with

new tissue. This necessitates the establishment of an early and robust angiogenic

response leading to the development of a blood supply for the restoration of

structure and function (8, 41). Tissue regeneration could be reinforced by adding

cells or growth factors to the biomaterials (69) but the vascularization of

biomaterials is considered a determining issue in the success of critical size

defect regeneration (33).

Vascularization of scaffolds

The majority of currently applied regenerative medicine approaches rely

on the so-called extrinsic mode of vascularization. In this case the neovascular

bed originates from the periphery of the scaffold, and thus should be implanted

into a site of high vascularization potential. The pattern of vascularization in this

context is a ‘’random’’ pattern of vascularization where the construct is not

depending on a definite vascular axis for its supply (46).

This type of vascularization requires an optimal implantation site so that

the construct can be able to get its adequate blood supply. This is actually not the

case in most of the clinical scenarios such as cases of secondary reconstruction or

post radiotherapy. Furthermore, diffusion limits oxygen and nutrition supply to

cells to a maximum range of 200 µ into a given matrix (37) so that suboptimal

initial vascularization will definitely limit survival of cells in the centre of large


These issues of vascularization implemented the need for novel

angiogenic approaches and new in vivo models evolved with the aim to generate

constructs with a dedicated neovascular network not under the immediate

influence of the local environment, i.e. an intrinsic mode of vascularization


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Intrinsic vascularization

This intrinsic vascularization approach is based on a concept that an

artery or vein can serve as a source of new blood vessels for prefabrication of

tissue for transplantation. Prefabrication is a technique of re-vascularization of a

tissue graft by implanting an arterio-venous loop (AVL) or a vascular pedicle

underneath or within a tissue graft, resulting in spontaneous angiogenic

development from the loop or pedicle and subsequent revascularization of the

tissue graft (27, 38, 62). This type of vascularization is not randomised and the

construct depends on a defined vascular axis for its nourishment. That is why it is

some times called ‘’intrinsic axial vascularization’’ (47).

It is important here to mention that the prefabrication depends on the

intrinsic mode of vascularization while ‘‘prelamination‘‘, a term introduced by

Pribaz and Fine in 1994 (73), depends on the extrinsic mode of vascularization of

the tissue or construct. Prefabrication basically means implanting a vascular

pedicle into a new territory, while prelamination refers to implanting tissues or

constructs into a flap to create a customized structure. The end result of both

techniques is an axially vascularized construct that could be transferred to the

recipient site as a pedicled or free flap. The prelamination technique, however,

could not be used to vascularize constructs at the defect site (28).

Intrinsic axial vascularization via the AV loop

Recently, the superiority of the AVL as a vascular carrier for intrinsic

axial vascularization has been clearly demonstrated. The AVL develops a

perfused capillary network that remodels to generate arterioles, post-capillary

venules, and venules (52). Three mechanisms are held responsible for this

phenomenon: a local inflammation due to the surgical trauma on the vessels, a

rise in mechanical stress on the vascular walls of the graft and the vein due to

arterializations and finally gradients in oxygenation along the matrix. A local

inflammatory response secondary to the surgical trauma induces a surge of

angiogenic substances. For example, pro-inflammatory chemokines are known to

induce up regulation of VEGF from platelets and endothelial cells (57, 65, 78). A

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rise in pulsatile pressure and shear stress is another factor leading to enhanced

neovascularization. Insertion of a vascular graft into the arterial circulation is

known to generate a rise in VEGF production from the affected endothelium

both due to mechanical stimulation as well as sustained injury (9, 13, 44). The

combination of shear stress with turbulent flow present at the microvascular

anastomoses is known to be a major activator of endothelial cells (20). Gradients

in partial pressure of oxygen or hypoxia within the matrix may also play a role in

induction of the marked angiogenic phenomena (3, 40).

In general, this approach represents a significant step forward in

vascularization of tissues and development of axially vascularized bone

substitutes (AVBS). It was thoroughly investigated and has been applied in a

variety of tissues including bone, liver, cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue (2, 5,

30, 45, 49, 63). Further work beyond the small animal model of the rat and into

larger animal models such as goat and sheep affords the ability to monitor

vascularization in real-time using angiography techniques and complex 3D

reconstructions demonstrating the power of this model system (7).

Vascularization concerns in the mandible

Vascular pattern

Within the craniofacial bones, the vascular supply is more consistent with

that of the cancellous bone where the blood, in contrast to compact bone, reaches

its anatomical destinations more directly without significant branching. Together

with a relatively large surface area to bone volume; these bones are less prone to

vascular compromise. It is to be noted also that most of the mid-facial bones are

covered by mucosa over large areas of their surfaces. Thus, every part of these

bones retains its periosteal blood supply. The blood supply of the mandible,

however, is a mixture of that of the compact and cancellous bones and is

therefore more susceptible to compromise (35, 54).

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Although the craniofacial region has this abundant blood supply, it is

commonly compromised after treatment with radiotherapy following cancer

surgery (42). Radiotherapy causes damage to normal epithelial, dermal, and

endothelial cells. The resulting hypocellularity and hypoxic environment leads to

scarring and fibrosis that make secondary reconstruction of the surgical site

difficult (76).

Defect size

Bone regeneration is principally a part of the fracture healing process.

The majority of fractures heal well under standard conservative or surgical

therapy. However, extended bone defects following trauma or cancer resection

require more sophisticated treatment, as spontaneous bone healing is unexpected.

In a similar way, bone regeneration at the central region of large constructs

usually fails due to absence of adequate extrinsic vascularization (71). That is the

reason why all the clinical trials for craniofacial reconstruction using

regenerative medicine modalities without axial vascularization have never

addressed reconstruction following cancer. The trials were confined to

reconstruction post-infection, trauma, benign tumours, or congenital anomalies

(15, 25, 81, 85).

We are presenting in this study a new model for scaffold guided

mandibular reconstruction applying the techniques of intrinsic axial

vascularization to regenerate a critical size mandibular defect. We are using the

facial vessels as local vascular axes to create an AV loop which is used to

vascularize a bone construct at the same site of the defect abolishing the need for

any tissue transfer or donor site harvest. The study tries to mimic the clinical

scenario after cancer surgery in the head and neck region where the vascular bed

is not optimal for extrinsic random-type regeneration due to extensive tissue loss

and radiotherapy.

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Aim of the work

The study aims at investigating the feasibility of regenerating a critical

size mandibular defect in a goat model using an axially vascularized synthetic

bone substitute.

Confirming the feasibility will help upgrading the model into a clinically

relevant size to investigate its efficiency in irradiated mandibular defects where

extrinsic vascularization is not efficient.

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Materials and Methods

Study design

This study represents an experimental pilot study introducing the concept

of axial vascularization of bone substitutes to regenerate a critical size

mandibular defect in a large animal model (goat). In this study we used the local

vascular axes (facial vessels) to create an arterio-venous loop in order to

vascularize a biphasic ceramic (HA-ßTCP) scaffold. The scaffold was charged

with platelet rich plasma and bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) in order to

augment osteogenesis.

Charging of the scaffolds, the animal surgery, and the postoperative care

was performed in the Tissue Engineering Laboratories, University of Alexandria,

Egypt. The Radiological study was performed in the Faculty of Medicine,

University of Alexandria, Egypt. The Biomechanical study was performed in the

City for Scientific Research, Borg El-Arab, Egypt. The histological analysis was

performed in the Tissue Engineering laboratories, Department of Plastic and

Hand surgery, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Scaffold preparation

Scaffold material

The scaffold was composed of 60% Hydroxyapatite (HA) and 40% ß Tri-

calcium phosphate (ßTCP), has 75% porosity, with an average pore size of 150

micron, and compressive strength of 3.83MPa (BioGraft Dental Bone Granules

and Blocks, India).

The scaffold was manufactured as a 3x2x1 cm cube with 2 holes (1.5 mm

in diameter each) traversing the scaffold to allow mounting the scaffold to the

titanium plate. The scaffold had a groove on one lateral surface to accommodate

the anastomosed loop (Figure 1). The scaffold was mounted to a titanium

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miniplate (L- Plate 10 holes 2.0 mm, G.P.C. Medical Ltd., India) using a

stainless steel wire.

PRP preparation

Under aseptic conditions, 10 ml of the goat’s blood was collected from

the right internal jugular vein shortly before induction of anaesthesia. The blood

was dispersed in a 15 ml falcon tube containing Sodium citrate 3.2 % as

anticoagulant in a proportion of 1 Na citrate to 9 Blood (1:9). The blood was

centrifuged at 200 g for 30 minutes with the lowest acceleration & lowest brake

(Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R, Germany). This was called the first spin. Three

phases resulted from the first spin namely from top to bottom: plasma, platelets-

leucocytes, & RBCs. The RBCs were discarded and the supernatant was re-

centrifuged (2nd spin) at 2000 g for 5 minutes to pellet the platelets. The upper

half of the supernatant resulting from the 2nd spin (now considered the platelet

poor plasma - PPP) is collected and re-centrifuged to pellet any remaining

platelets which were then added to the first pellet to form the platelet rich plasma

(PRP). The 10ml of blood yielded 2.5 ml PRP. The rest of the PPP was

discarded. The concentration of the platelets was not measured and we relied on

a pre-estimated number of platelets in the sheep's blood (�350,000/µl). Counting

under the light microscope was done only in preliminary experiments in order to

fix and standardize the protocol.

Charging the scaffold with PRP & BMP2

1. Preparation of diluted Fibrinogen and mixing with PRP:

Fibrin (TISSUCOL®-Kit 5.0 Immuno, Baxter, Germany) was used as a slow

release system for charging the scaffold with BMP. 5ml of Aprotinin

solution was added to the powdered fibrinogen and mixed for 3 minutes. The

mixture was diluted by adding 17.5 ml of Fibrinogen diluting solution

(TISSUCOL®-dilution buffer). 3.1ml of the diluted fibrinogen solution was

added to 2.5 ml of autogenous fresh prepared PRP to form the mixture A.

2. Preparation of Thrombin and mixing with BMP2.

5ml of Cacl2 solution was added to the powdered thrombin and mixed in a

warm water bath for about 10 minutes. 0.123 ml of the thrombin solution

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was added to 0.3 ml of the recombinant human BMP2 solution (InductOs®,

Wyeth USA) to form the mixture B.

3. Final mixing within the scaffolds:

Both A and B solutions are added onto the scaffold using a totally aseptic

technique. The mixture is forced into the scaffold through a vacuum

technique using a 50 ml tummy syringe. This technique allows even

distribution and solidification of the fibrin and BMP2 within the scaffold

material. A plastic tube was left inside the groove during preparation to

avoid filling the groove with the charging materials during vacuum charging.

The scaffold is then transferred to the operating room to be implanted in the


Animal surgery The animal used in this study is an adult 3-year-old male goat (Genus:

Capra, Species: C. aegagrus, Subspecies: C. a. hircus, Breed: Egyptian Barki).

All the animal care and operative procedures were done according to the NIH

guidelines for animal surgery and were approved by the ethics committee of the

University of Alexandria and the local governmental authorities (84).

Premedication and Anaesthesia

Food was withdrawn from the animal 24 hours before the operation and

the water was withdrawn 2 hours before the operation.


1. Xylaxzine HCl 20mg/ml (Xyla-ject) 1 ml IM.

2. Atropine sulphate 10mg/ml: 1ml IM.

3. Thiopental Na 50mg/ml: 2ml IV (on endotracheal intubation)


Inhalational anesthesia using O2 and Isoflorane with mechanical

vetillation (Penlon Sigma Delta sevoflurane vaporizer, Penlon Nuffield 200

Ventilator, USA).

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1500-2000ml IV fluids were introduced throughout the operation (0.9%

saline, Glucose 5%).


Pen&Strep (Benzylpenicellin 200 mg/ml + dihydrostreptomycin sulphate

250mg/ml) in a dose of 0.04 ml/Kg. First dose was given on induction of


Operative procedures

The animal was laid in a right lateral decubitus on the operating table.

The left mandibular and submandibular regions were disinfected with Povidine

Iodine solution (Betadine®). Sterile draping of the surgical field was performed.

A 10 cm long skin incision was made in the left submandibular region opening

the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Dissection was continued using bipolar

diathermy with creation of subcutaneous flaps till reaching the masseter muscle.

The facial vessels were identified and retracted under surgical loup

magnification. The masseter muscle was detached from the mandible using

bipolar diathermy. The rest of tissues and periosteum were removed from the

angle of the mandible using periosteal elevator. Using the Oscillating Saw (5400-

031 Stryker TPS, USA) a 3 x 2 cm full-thickness marginal defect was created at

the angle of the mandible as previously designed (29). Continuous irrigation with

normal saline 0.9% was done throughout the sawing procedure. The bone

segment was dissected from the underlying medial pterygoid muscle using

bipolar diathermy. Haemostasis was performed using bipolar diathermy.

The BMP2/PRP charged scaffold being already mounted to the titanium

miniplate, was fixed to the mandible using three cortical screws (2.0 mm width,

length 6mm) (Figure 2). The facial artery and vein were further skeletonised and

drawn into the groove. The microanastomsis was done under the surgical

microscope (SHIN NIPPON OP-2, Japan) using 9/0 prolene sutures. The AV

loop was further secured in place by application of 2 strips of Type I bovine

collagen 5x1cm each (Wyeth, USA) (Figure 3).

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The Masseter muscle was sutured back to the deep fascia of the lower flap

using Vicryl 3/0 continuous sutures except in the place of entry of the facial

vessels where it was sutured to the platysma muscle. Closure of the skin was

done through simple sutures using Prolene-0 sutures without drain. The wound

was then sprayed with a local antibiotic spray (oxytetracycline 2.5mg +crystal

violet 190mg/100ml) and covered with betadine-impregnated gauze sutured to

the wound margins with prolene 0 sutures. The whole procedures took about 5

hours with an approximate blood loss of about 100 ml.

Postoperative care

Analgin; metamizole Na 0.5 g/ml, a dose of 1ml was given daily for 10

days for analgesia. The same antibiotic used on induction of anaesthesia was

continued for 10 days postoperative. Only water was allowed on 1st day

postoperative. Semisolid diet was allowed from the 2nd day to the end of the first

week. Normal solid diet was allowed after 1 week postoperative. Sutures were

removed after 3 weeks. The wound was sprayed twice per week during the first

postoperative month using the antibiotic spray. Patency of the AV loop was

monitored using a hand-held Doppler throughout the first postoperative week.

The animal was monitored through the 6-month follow up period for the general

health, wound condition, and mandibular performance.

Animal Harvest and Radiological evaluation

10 minutes before sacrificing the animal, 5000 IU Heparin was injected

direct intravenously in the right jugular vein. The animal was slaughtered and

decapitated allowing blood to flow profusely from the neck vessels. After

decapitation, the whole vascular system of the head was flushed with warm

(40°C) Ringer-heparin (100 IU/ml) solution injected into both carotids till clear

fluid output was reached from the jugular veins. At least 500 ml Ringer-Heparin

was used for each side. The head was then sent fresh to perform the CTA

(Computerised Tomographic Angiography).

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The CTA was performed using a 16 multi-slice CT scanner (PHILIPS

MX 16 slice, Philips Medical Systems; Netherlands) with automatic contrast

injection under the following settings: 120kV peak voltage, 2.400 mA tube

charge, 1.5mm slices thickness with 0.75mm incrimination. Metal artefact

reduction option was applied. An 18-gauge cannula was fixed to the left carotid

artery of the goat head and connected to the injector. 60 ml contrast injection

(Ultravist-300, Bayer; Germany) in a dilution of 1:1 with Ringer’s solution was

used at a rate of 3ml/seconds with 8 seconds acquisition delay. The contrast was

left to flow freely out of the veins into a special container mounted at a level

below the goat’s head in order not to induce artefacts. The head was scanned first

as plain CT then scanning under contrast injection was performed. A flush dose

of Ringer’s solution was injected thereafter to clear the vascular system of the

rest of the contrast. The results were saved as DICOM files and further

processed, analysed and 3D reconstructed using OsiriX v.4.0 32-bit program for

Apple Macintosh.

Preparation and Explantation of the mandible

Before excision of the mandible, the vascular system of the head was

injected with India ink to facilitate vessel identification later on through

histological evaluation (46). 48 g Mannitol 4% (D-Mannit, Carl Roth GmbH &

Co.KG) was mixed with 60g gelatine (Carl Roth GmbH & Co.KG) and 75ml

Ringer’s solution in a warm water bath (45°C). 75ml India ink was added to the

previous mixture and the whole mixture was kept warm at 45 degrees Celsius.

The vascular system of the goat’s head was once again washed by injecting about

200ml of warm Ringer’s solution in the carotid vessels of both sides. 150ml of

the India ink mixture was then injected in the left carotid artery of the goat’s

head under manual pressure. The head was kept for at least one hour after

injection in 4 degrees Celsius in order to let the mixture solidify inside the

vessels. The mandible was then sharply dissected from the head and the soft

tissues were removed in order to perform the biomechanical study. The titanium

screws were removed and the stainless steel wire was cut in order to remove any

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artificial connection between the titanium plate and the mandible. The titanium

plate could be rocked within the regenerated bone.

Biomechanical evaluation

The Equipment used is the 3 points bending apparatus; Autograph AG-IS

100 KN, SHIMADZU. In room temperature, the apparatus was adjusted so that

the 2 resting points where 4 cm apart. The mandible was placed horizontally on

the 2 resting points so that the medial side is facing upwards (towards the

pressing blade) and in a tilt so that the pressing blade will apply the load on a line

overlying the anterior boundary of the proposed defect (29). The rate of

application was adjusted to 1 mm/minute (Figure 4).

The study was aborted immediately after reaching the break point to avoid

destroying the specimen, which will be further studied histologically. The result

was plotted in the form of a graph where the Force (N) is plotted against the

stroke (mm).

Histological evaluation

After performing the biomechanical testing, the specimen was cut to

include the scaffold and a 5mm margin of the native mandibular bone all around.

The specimen was put in formaldehyde 4% solution for 24 hours. The specimen

was then decalcified along 8 weeks by impregnation in

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution with continuous shaking. After

adequate decalcification, the specimen was sharply cut so that 5 regions of

interest would be examined (Figure 5). The specimens were dehydrated by

passing them through increasing strength of alcohol. The specimens were then

cleared with Xylol and embedded in paraffin. Sectioning was performed using

the microtome (Microm HM 355 S, Thermo Fisher scientific Inc., PA, USA) and

the slides were cut 3 µ thick.

The sections were then stained with Haematoxylin & Eosin stain and with elastic

van Gieson stain (EVG) and examined under light microscope (Olympus IX-2,

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Tokyo, Japan) for vascularity and new bone formation. Staining with elastic van

Gieson stain was used to be able to adequately differentiate between the

remnants of the scaffold material and the newly formed collagen (53).

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Figure 1: Grooved scaffold, the red arrow shows entry of the artery, the

blue arrow shows entry of vein, the black arrow points to the site of anastomosis.

Figure 2: Scaffold fixed to the mandible, vessels anastomosed inside the groove.

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Figure 3: vessels covered by collagen occluding the groove.

Figure 4: 3 points- bending mechanical loading.

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Figure 5: Schematic illustration of the scaffold; the dotted blue line shows the

level of cutting off the specimen, dotted red lines show the regions of interest to

be studied, dotted white line shows the place of the groove (AV loop).

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Long term follow up

General health of the animal

The animal tolerated the surgical procedure. The goat returned to full

activity after 24 hours of the operation. Throughout the 6 months follow up

period, no considerble changes in body weight or activity was noticed.

Wound status

The left mandibular region showed slight swelling early postoperatively

with no tenderness, overt signs of infection or dehiscence. The swelling was

conservatively managed and resolved completely within one month.

Mandibular performance

The animal tolerated normal diet after one week of the operations. No

deviations or defective chewing was noticed.


The CT images showed the detailed anatomy of the head and neck region

of the goat with minimal artefacts due to the metal parts. The CTA imaging

technique has adequately showed the vascular pattern of the head and neck

region of the goat. Differences in tissue perfusion were evident pre and post

injection. The scaffold was found in place. No evidence of tilt or break within the

mandible, the plate or the scaffold was noticed. The scaffold preserved its overall

3D shape. The scaffold could still be identified from the surrounding bone

through its anatomical site and the difference in the Hounsfield unit where the

scaffold material ranged from 946 HU to 1174 HU while the surrounding

calcified bone ranged from 1214 HU to 1391 HU. The new calcified bone

formation was evident more at the upper, anterior, medial and lateral aspects of

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the defect and was continuous with the mandibular bone density (Figure 6). The

new bone was crossing the mid zone of the scaffold and crossing over the

titanium plate. Contrast enhanced areas of cavitation within the newly formed

bone were detected and were continuous with marrow cavity of the mandible.

(Figure 7)

3D reconstruction allowed measuring the volume of the newly formed bone. It

measured 2.0993 cm3 representing about 80.15% of the volume of the resected

segment (2.6192 cm3). The defect area covered by new bone was 2.928 cm2

representing 51.8% of the original defect area (5.648 cm2). The newly

regenerated tissue volume showed enhancement with IV contrast injection where

the average HU increased from 832.03±481.17 HU to 858.34±441.04 HU. The

venous end of the loop could be identified on contrast injection as it came out of

the groove of the scaffold (Figure 8). However, neither the artery nor the AV

loop itself could be identified as a definite contrast enhanced structure within the

scaffold groove.

Macroscopic and Biomechanical

The naked eye examination after explantation confirmed the CT findings.

New bone growth was evident creeping from the defect edges and crossing the

mid-zone of the scaffold. The bone was covering parts of the titanium plate and

screws. The new bone seemed mature with evident ridges on its surface. Small

India ink-stained vessels were seen sprouting from of the groove where the AV

loop lied. The sprouting vessels were more evident on the venous side of the loop

(Figure 9). The outer most parts of the scaffold far from the defect margins were

still preserving their shape and structure.

The Biomechanical three points bending test showed that the mandible

broke at a force of 1662.19 Newton (Figure 10). The exact line of break could

not be identified as the test was immediately aborted after reaching the maximum

point to prevent disturbing the specimen before histological examination.

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Histological examination confirmed mature bone formation along the

medial, lateral, upper and anterior parts of the scaffold, previously detected by

CT and naked eye examination. These areas revealed lamellar bone formation

with osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts confirming an on-going remodelling

procedure (Figure 11). Marrow-like spaces were also detected in these regions

filled with loose connective tissue. The newly formed bone was highly

vascularized as detected by the India ink filled vessels (Figure 12). In the central

parts of the scaffold immature woven bone formation was detected with collagen

deposited around the scaffold material by the osteoblasts. Remnants of the

scaffold material were still clearly detected. The scaffold remnants could be

identified clearly from the new collagen by the elastic van Gieson stain where the

scaffold appeared brick red in contrast to the bright pink collagen (Figure 13).

India ink-filled vessels were detected in the central parts of the scaffold about

5mm away from the outer surfaces of the scaffold (Figure 14).

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Figure 6: CT image showing the integrated scaffold to the mandible

Figure 7: CT image showing integration between the marrow spaces and the

scaffold spaces.

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Figure 8 3D reconstruction image of the goat head (view from inferior). The blue

arrow shows the contract enhanced facial vein. The upper image is before

contrast injection.

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Figure 9: The explanted mandible, red arrow shows the sprouting vessels from

the venous side of the groove.

Figure 10: Biomechanical results showing break point.

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Figure 11: H&E section showing mature bone, V: India ink filled vessel, N:

Mature new bone

Figure 12: EVG section of the scaffold edge, M: adjacent medial pterygoid

muscle, B: mature bone with osteoclasts. V: India ink filled vessel

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Figure 13: EVG stained section showing the differentiation between scaffold

material (brick red) and collagen (pink).

Figure 14: H&E stained section showing India ink filled vessels at the central

part of the scaffold.

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We present a novel model for scaffold guided mandibular regeneration

with axial vascularization using the AV loop. In our design of this new model,

we tried to mimic as much as possible the clinical scenarios associated with head

and neck cancer ablation. In such a clinical scenario the vascular bed is not

optimal for extrinsic random-type regeneration due to extensive tissue loss and

radiotherapy. This experimental model was previously characterized through

anatomical, mechanical, and pilot surgical studies (29).

The defect design preserved the mandibular continuity and did not breach

the oral mucosa in order not to add to the complexity of the procedure, which

involves micro-anastomosis inside the construct. The animal tolerated the

relatively long operation and the technically demanding procedure. The animal

rapidly returned to normal diet and the observations through the long follow up

duration did not reveal any significant added morbidity to the animal. Though

simple, the defect was critical size (88), and significantly affected the mechanical

properties of the mandible (29). The defect could be considered practically as a

one-wall defect, which makes bone regeneration through osteoconduction from

the native mandible in this context a real challenge.

We used the facial vessels as a local vascular axis to create the AV loop.

In a clinical setting of cancer ablation and post-resection irradiation, local vessel

availability and reliability in creating an AV loop could be questionable.

Regarding the availability of the vessel per se, it is practically feasible to

preserve a medium-sized vascular axis in the region of cancer ablation. This is

done routinely in conventional surgical practice when preparing the recipient

vessels for free flaps. Being medium sized, the facial vessels can be used even

after exposure to irradiation as recipient vessels for free flaps (91) and thus can

be technically suitable to axially vascularize a bone substitute. However, the

problem would be in finding a vascular axis with an adequate length and arc of

rotation to be able to axially vascularize a bone construct. This point could be

overcome by using an interposition vein graft between the artery and the vein

used to create the AV loop (72). Regarding the local vessel reliability for

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induction of adequate angiogenesis in a previously irradiated field, there is no

solid data throughout the literature quantifying the effect of radiotherapy on

neoangiogenesis in the AV loop model. This point needs further investigations to

detect the effect of dose, timing, and fractionation of irradiation on the AV loop

model. This can affect further standardization of the model to be used either for

primary or for secondary reconstruction after cancer ablation.

We used a scaffold composed of 60 % HA and 40 % ß- TCP. Throughout

the literature and among the calcium phosphate ceramics, the biphasic calcium

phosphates, composed of different concentrations of the stable phase,

hydroxyapatite (HA), and the more soluble phase, usually composed of ß-

tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP), have presented significant advantages due to their

controlled bioactivity and balance between resorption/solubilization, which

guarantees the stability of the biomaterial while promoting bone ingrowth. It has

been shown that hydroxyapatite crystals are very slowly degradable, with

resorption rate of only 5-15 % per year (31, 87). This could explain the

preservation of the main 3D shape of our scaffold after 6 months. Depending

upon the concentration of the more stable and soluble phases, it is possible to

obtain a ceramic that can be applied to large bone defects, in load-bearing areas,

and as customized pieces which will maintain their shape over long periods of

time (18, 19, 21, 51).

The results showed that bone formation was more prominent at the

peripheral parts of the scaffold than the central parts. This could be explained by

the more extensive vascularity noticed at the outer zones of the scaffold than the

central parts. It could be explained also by the relatively limited

osteoconductivity of the scaffold due to the small pore size where the average

pore size of our scaffold was about 150 µ. The porosity and pore size are

important parameters for the possibility of tissue ingrowth into the substitute

material and to what extent the material is osseointegrated or transformed into

vital bone tissue. Size, interspace and connection of pores (interconnecting or

blind pores) determine nutrient diffusion as well as cell migration and adhesion.

Normal cortical bone has a pore size of 1–100 µ, while cancellous bone has a

pore size of 200–400 µ. A pore size of 100–500 µ is regarded as the ideal

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precondition for the ingrowth of surrounding bone tissue into the implanted

material, and pores smaller than 100 µ can lead to fibrovascular encapsulation of

the implant (48). However, the more the porosity, the less the mechanical

stability of the scaffold, which is an important factor in load bearing areas such

as the mandible. Pore size also influences vessel ingrowth into the scaffolds,

which was most pronounced in the scaffolds with the largest pores (23, 45, 59).

Equilibrium between increasing the porosity and pore size, on one hand, and

maintaining acceptable compressive strength for mandibular reconstruction, on

the other hand, was crucial for the successful regeneration in our model.

We charged the scaffold with BMP2 and PRP in fibrin glue. Because we

used no cells, the use of BMP in our model was mandatory in order to get

significant bone formation. Previous studies indicate that, for most applications,

the union rates with BMPs are comparable or possibly better than with the use of

autografts, supporting that using BMPs could avoid the need for cell

transplantation. After the first publication on bone induction via growth factors

reported by Urist in 1965 (86), a number of animal models and clinical studies on

bone regeneration with BMPs have been carried out. Since 2002, rhBMP-2 and

rhBMP-7 have been available as therapeutics for use in humans and are now in

clinical use in orthopedics and spine surgery for nearly a decade. BMPs support

proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal cells into chondroblasts and

osteoblasts, production and maturation of cartilage and bone matrix, and

differentiation of circulating osteoclast precursor cells into osteoclasts. This

effect, especially osteoclast differentiation, was evident in our histological

sections of the newly formed bone. Raida et al. (75) have also proved that BMP-

2 promotes vascularization.

Other than high cost, one concern regarding the use of BMP in the

clinical setting is the danger of heterotopic bone formation. In our model there

was slight new bone formation crossing over the titanium blade and screws. It

was reported that BMP when used to induce or augment spinal arthrodesis,

heterotopic bone formation could potentially result in compression of the thecal

sac or exiting nerve roots, calcification of the spinal cord or nerve roots, or

unintended fusion of adjacent spinal segments (60).

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While overzealous bone formation constitutes a localized complication of

BMP use, antibody formation against implanted BMP may represent a potential

systemic complication (58). Although no adverse effects have yet been reported

with antibody formation to either rhBMP-2 or rhBMP-7, such antibody

formation may be worrisome. At a minimum, antibody formation may limit

future treatments with the same BMP subtype in patients in whom antibodies are

detected. Subsequent exposure to the same antigen may induce a significant

immune response and thus routine postoperative serological evaluation may be

indicated. Although these potential complications may be regarded as

‘‘theoretical’’, the clinician should be aware of them in a clinical setting. Also,

the patient should be educated of these possibilities in the process of obtaining

informed consent.

Another theoretical disadvantage of BMPs is the simultaneous induction

of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This means that a potentially contrary

development to the main target is also initiated. This negative effect can be partly

counteracted by combining the BMPs with PRP. Cenni et al. (11) have proven

the inhibition of osteoclast activation using PRP. Park et al. (68) further

supported the combination of both and presented an in vitro study using BMP-2

and PRP pointing out that PRP with suboptimal doses of BMP-2 improved bone

formation and enhanced bone density. The combination of PRP and 1.2 mg

rhBMP-2 (1.5 mg/mL) with osteoinductive scaffolds in clinical case reports has

also shown excellent results (80, 81).

Platelet-rich plasma is defined as a portion of the plasma fraction of

blood having a platelet concentration above baseline (56). Supporters of platelet-

rich plasma technology suggest that the benefits include an increase in hard and

soft tissue wound healing and a decrease in postoperative infection, pain, and

blood loss (26). Although there have been numerous publications on the use of

platelet-rich plasma for several clinical applications, including maxillofacial

surgery (90), there is still controversial discussion regarding the use of PRP and

whether or not it favors bone regeneration (34, 66, 70). Hu et al. (43) highlighted

the enhancement of not only osteogenesis, but also angiogenesis. They

concluded that PRP possibly started the process of angiogenesis, recruiting the

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endothelial cells lining the blood vessels and beginning the initiation of bone


Using Multislice CT technology, we were able to calculate the calcified

regenerated bone volume and area. It was concluded from previous studies that

the conventional CT is not efficient in differentiating the scaffold from the newly

formed bone (67). Those studies investigated a scaffold completely formed of

ßTCP that rendered a radiodensity of 445-1142 HU due to its low calcium

content in comparison to HA-containing scaffolds. Furthermore, the CT studies

were performed only after 12 weeks where complete ossification of the newly

formed bone is unlikely. The metal parts in our model did not cause significant

artifact effect. The cause of this was the adjustment of the CT settings during

image acquisition. The use of a high peak voltage, high tube charge, and thin

sections helps reduce metal-related artifacts (50).

The newly formed bone volume represented about 80.15% of the volume

of the resected segment. However 51.8% of the defect area was covered by new

bone. This was logic as the maximum regions of bone regeneration were those

near to the defect margins representing the thick part of the mandible, while the

non-regenerated distal regions (away from the defect margins) represent only the

thin non-bulky region of the normal goat mandible. With such a challenging

defect design, with no cells used, and with this dose of BMP2, similar results

were not reported previously in literature regarding mandibular regeneration of

large animal models. Previous studies used cells (93), bone marrow extract (67),

or extensive doses of BMPs (1, 4).

Through our novel protocol for post-mortem CTA in goats, we were able

to adequately show the vascular pattern of the head and neck region of the goat.

The newly regenerated tissue volume showed enhancement with IV contrast

injection. Although it is not a precise objective method for quantitative

assessment of vascularization, it gives a crude idea about the vascularity of the

region, as the change in attenuation after contrast injection (measured by HU

units) is directly proportional to the concentration of the contrast material. This is

actually the basic idea for the protocols and software packages currently

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available for the perfusion CT technology (61). This vascularization was also

confirmed in our model through the histological sections.

The venous end of the loop could be identified on contrast injection as it

came out of the groove of the scaffold. However, the artery could not be

identified as a definite contrast enhanced structure entering the scaffold groove.

This could be attributed to technical adjustments regarding the acquisition delay

time. Another possibility would be the eventual blockade of the arterial side of

the loop before or after animal sacrifice with retrograde filling of the venous side

of the loop. The loop itself was not expected to be visualised inside the scaffold

after a 6 months follow up period. The Long-term studies have shown that

although initial shunting has the form of an arteriovenous fistula, arteriovenous

exchange after 6 weeks is partially taken over by the newly formed vascular

network. The pattern of blood flow within the construct resembles that of an

organoid with afferent artery, an efferent vein and a well vascularized

parenchyma in between and the main axis of the loop would be no longer

available (71). A better visualization technique would be the micro CT

technology, with a slice thickness less than 100 µ. The vasculature could be also

directly visualized after injecting a special contrast material (e.g. Microfil). The

micro-CT is however expensive, not suitable for in vivo assays and is not

suitable for large specimens (6, 92).

The Biomechanical three points bending test showed that the mandible

broke at a force of 1662.19 Newton. Our previous studies showed that the

average force needed to break a mandible with a similar defect was 210.63 ±

108.92 N while the average force used to break the normal mandible was 640.2 ±

137.89N. Although the biomechanical 3 point bending test does not mimic the

normal physiological stresses on the goat mandible, which is very difficult to

analyze and simulate (79), it showed that the newly formed bone added to the

mechanical properties of the mandible indicating a well-functioning new bone


The maturity of the regenerated bone was also confirmed by histological

examination. The presence of osteocytes in lacunae and maturation of the woven

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into lamellar bone with bone remodeling evidenced by osteoclastic activity are

all signs of a structurally mature bone formation in our model. The histologically

mature bone was more evident at the peripheral parts of the scaffold in contact

with the defect margins, indicating a conductive pattern of bone growth from the

defect margins. The histological sections revealed adequate vascularization of

most of the scaffold regions. The vascularization was more evident at the


Direct vascular sprouting from the loop was not expected to be clearly

evident after a 6 months follow up period (71), however, India ink filled vessels

deep inside the scaffold could be seen and could never be attributed to extrinsic

vascularization. Further quantitative analysis of the precise role of the AV loop

in vascularizing the scaffold in this model needs to be performed.

To the best of our knowledge, successful trials for mandibular

reconstruction using intrinsic axial vascularization have not been reported yet.

Moreover, the concept of induction of axial vascularization of synthetic tissue

engineering constructs at the very same site of reconstruction without the need

for tissue transfer has also not been introduced.

We are presenting a clinically relevant model for axially vascularized

mandibular regeneration. The model had the advantage of similarity to the

clinical scenarios, technical feasibility, usage of already clinically approved

products, and functionally irrelevant donor site morbidity. Also, the presented

approach does not necessitate sophisticated and, under GMP (Good

Manufacturing Practice) conditions, expensive cell culture techniques that might

pose regulatory problems in clinical practice. Further development of this model

may include segmental resection of the mandible accompanied by radiation

therapy and final assessment of the vascularization potential of the AV loop. We

conclude that a model like the one presented in this thesis may well be

considered a typical preclinical model.

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List of Abbreviations AV: Arterio-venous

AVBS: Axially Vascularized Bone


AVL: Arterio-Venous Loop

BMP: Bone Morphogenic Protein

Co.KG: Compagnie


CT: Computerized Tomography

CTA: Computerized Tomography


DICOM: Digital Imaging and

Communications in Medicine

EDTA: Ethylene-Diamine-

Tetraacetic Acid

EVG: Elastic Van Gieson

g: Gram

GmbH: Gesellschaft mit

beschränkter Haftung

GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice

GPC: Global Products Corporation

HA: Hydroxyapatite

HU: Hounsfield Unit

IM: Intra Muscular

IU: International Unit

IV: Intra Venous

Kg: Kilo gram

Kv: Kilo volt

Ltd: Limited.

mA: Milli-Ampere

ml: Millilitre

mm: Millimetre

N: Newton

Na: Natrium (Sodium)

NVBG: Non Vascularized Bone


O2: Oxygen

OP-1: Osteogenic protein-1

PA: Pennsylvania

PPP: Platelet Poor Plasma

PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma

rh: Recombinant Human

USA: United States of America

VBF: Vascularized Bone Flaps

VEGF: Vascular Endothelial

Growth Factor

3D: Three Dimensional

ßTCP: Beta Tri-calcium Phosphate

µ : Micron

µ l: Micro litre

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List of Pre-publications

• Eweida AM, Nabawi AS, Marei MK, Khalil MR, Elhammady HA.

Mandibular reconstruction using an axially vascularized tissue-

engineered construct. Ann Surg Innov Res. 2011;5:2.

• Eweida AM, Nabawi AS, Elhammady HA, Marei MK, Khalil MR,

Shawky MS, Arkudas A, Beier JP, Unglaub F, Kneser U, Horch RE.

Axially vascularized bone substitutes: a systematic review of literature

and presentation of a novel model. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012;

Epub ahead of print.

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I would like gratefully to thank Prof. Dr. Raymund E. Horch, who kindly

guided me through my research work, for the great help and support he gave me

to complete this peace of work.

I would like also to thank Prof. Horch’s team, namely Dr. Ulrich Kneser,

for helping me with my research.

I would like to acknowledge the help of Mrs Arnold, Mr. Fleischer, and

Mrs Weigand for their valuable technical assistance and Dr. Mohamed Kaed for

his assistance with CT imaging.

The study was partially funded by a research grant from the University

of Alexandria, Egypt (Alexandria University Research Enhancement Program;

Alex REP, code HLTH-09).