1 PNA/ONDA SBAS SBAS Implementation Implementation in in the the regions regions of of ACAC ACAC and and ASECNA ASECNA (SIRAJ) (SIRAJ)

SBAS Implementation in the regions of ACAC and …galileo.cs.telespazio.it/medusa/public/National workshops...SIRAJ Action plans 1. Elaboration of a National GNSS Implementation Plan

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Page 1: SBAS Implementation in the regions of ACAC and …galileo.cs.telespazio.it/medusa/public/National workshops...SIRAJ Action plans 1. Elaboration of a National GNSS Implementation Plan


SBASSBAS ImplementationImplementation inin thethe regionsregions ofofACACACAC andand ASECNAASECNA (SIRAJ)(SIRAJ)

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SIRAJ Overview SIRAJ objective Introduction to APV Procedures Where can APV be useful APV Benefit Al-Hoceima case Safty case Flight trials Flight validation Main outcomes

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SIRAJ Overview

SIRAJ : SBAS implementation in the regions of ACAC and ASECNA

SIRAJ is a Research & Development project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, managed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA).

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SIRAJ 0bjective

SIRAJ aims at performing concrete actions in support of the EGNOS service extension to areas covered by the Arab Civil Aviation Commission (ACAC) and the Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afriqueet à Madagascar (ASECNA)

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SIRAJ Action plans

1. Elaboration of a National GNSS Implementation Plan (one for each selected country), proposing a roadmap for EGNOS introduction and exploitation in the Civil Aviation and in the period 2011- 20212. Implementing service demonstrations and EGNOS benefits proof of concepts3. Drafting an action plan for the EGNOS service extension 4. Promotion of EGNOS through workshops and trainings.

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Pildo Labs (Barcelone, Spain) Telespazio (Italie) Egisavia (France) Navya Solutions (Spain)


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Structure of the Structure of the projectproject

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Introduction to APV Procedures

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Two very distinctive approach types

Non-Precision Approach (NPA)Main characteristics:– No vertical guidance– Typical nav aids: VOR, NDB, basic


Precision Approach (PA)Main characteristics:– Vertical guidance– Typical nav aids: ILS, MLS

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All types of GNSS approach have a role to play

GPS NPA – Good first step, safety benefits– Aircraft may not fly continuous descent final approach

APV Baro-VNAV– Vertical guidance for continuous descent final approach– Not all aircraft have suitable Baro-VNAV systems

APV SBAS– Vertical guidance for continuous descent final approach– Low equipage of aircraft at present– Slightly lower minima than APV Baro-VNAV

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Where can APV be useful?

Large Airports – As a fallback when ILS is out for maintenance to maintain capacity

Medium Sized Airport – Improve flexibility of approach design, provide APV on secondary runways

Small Airports – Cleaner approach procedures, where conventional procedures are abnormal i.e. steep approach gradient, no direct approach etc..

In addition – Sites with environmental constraints, helicopters

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APV Benefits

Reduction in minima (compared to current NPA)

Improved operational context (i.e. direct approaches, better pilot situational awareness)

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Minima : ILSMinima : ILS ≠≠ APVAPV

DH ILS minima (cat I):200 DH ILS minima (cat I):200 ftft DH APV minima :250 DH APV minima :250 ftft

(APV (APV look look alikealike ILS)ILS)

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Al-Hoceima case

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Airport situation

Al-Hoceima city

Al-Hoceima airport

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Choice of Al Hoceima airport

Al-Hoceima airport (Morocco) has been identified to experiment the implementation of an APV SBAS approach (LPV minima) relying on EGNOS and for performing demonstration flight tests.

Al-Hoceima airport has been chosen for the following reasons: the probability of having EGNOS availability during the flights is

high (83%), it is a small airport with only conventional non precision

approaches (not equipped with ILS), Approach procedures have higher minima (about 2000ft) the traffic is growing, It is an airport of interest for some companies like Royal Air Maroc

Express. The Al-Hoceima airport has a strong potential to be a concrete

illustration of all the benefits expected with the EGNOS serviceextension.

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EGNOS coverage

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Safty case

The expected benefits of the introduction of the APV SBAS approaches procedures are asfollows:

Safety Benefits:- Reduced ATCOs workload associated with navigation monitoring and air/ground communications needs;- In the event of loss of conventional navigation aids, a full procedural service would be available to allow arrivals maintained. The APV SBAS approaches procedures will allow (equipped) flights to operate nearly as they do today.

Capacity and Efficiency Benefits-The selection of appropriate descent minima will be the decision of individual flight crew. This remain transparent to ATC and consequently reduce their workload;-No real-time monitoring of GNSS systems is required to be provided to ATC, thus contributing to reduce their workload;

Cost BenefitsStudies have shown that the cost for the APV SBAS approach procedures ground installations will be significant lower compared to installation of conventional navigation equipment (e.g. ILS) required to cover the same airspace and provide similar service.

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Flight trials(1/3)

The flight validation was conducted with a Beechcraft King Air 100.

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Flight trials(2/3)

The aircraft was equipped with the appropriate RNAV equipment for conducting LPV operations: a Garmin GNS480 connected with other required avionics (antenna, CDI/VDI).

The complete set allows flying during all phases of flight, from en-route to precision approach down to LPV minima.

The IFP to be validated, designed by Pildo and ONDA, was coded inside a test database produced by Jeppesen and Garmin.

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Flight trials(3/3)

The pilots inserted the data inside the FMS-like Garmin device and conducted the trials in the relevant navigation mode using the GPS/SBAS guidance.

Guidance during the entire flight, including aircraft positioning, was provided by the CDI/VDI fed by the GNS480.

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In order to record continuous data and monitor the EGNOS during the campaign, a flight data recording and monitoring system was installed on the aircraft.

The system (standalone platform) included a Septentrio PolaRX2 GPS/SBAS receiver, whilst the data was also recorded by using ARINC output labels of the GNS480.

In addition, the PILDO in-house flight validation platform has been used for the validation too.

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Flight validation plan

The flight programme consisted of 7 approaches. When reaching the minimums, either a landing or a missed approach was conducted.

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Flight validation plan

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ProcProcéédure Aldure Al--Hoceima Hoceima

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Trajectories flown during the approaches

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Minima avec API 2,5%Minima avec API 2,5%

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Minima avec API 4%Minima avec API 4%

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Main outcomes

The main outcomes of the validation of the new GNSS procedure are as follows:

The EGNOS availability performance APV-I was fully achieved during all the approaches.

The coding of the procedure in the avionics database was done satisfactorily.

The horizontal and vertical sensibility of the CDI was successfully tested.

The procedure is safe from the obstacle clearance point of view.

No significant obstacles were found when overflying the surroundings of the airport either.

The flyability of the procedure was correct.

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