TORRANCTB T-TTIRATJX Torraneo. California— THURSDAY, JUNE i). PAINTING PAPERHANC1NC "Bob" Richhart ITF1 ————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517 _• Artistic Workmanship Best Quality Materials Reasonable Prices | Estimates Cheerfully Given" 1811 GRA'MERCY AVENUE Phone Torrance 71 Sixth Graders School Home CoiilinuM; Fair May Marry _ _ —rLeagtuTTennis In I lml » l-en-jthe—t-ase—prpnVpted-C'lty JudROT*1" 1'" !••* " f Robert Lc.ssinE to release Victor!."1 "' 1 ' 'radi -youngs tors at tho| Extonuatins! Eknii-ntary—miliool .- uf tin- bit; thrill -——PistolClub * Holds Annuaf Dinner-Meet Townsend Club" """"Activtties By BETH PAIGE ; lobert LcssinR to release Victor'. 1 "" 1 v " ' u '"" ° 1.11 ol lom Mr and Mrs T.M , , „., -,--,; , , . mnlches plave.l durlm.' the past ' " '' ' '" acheco, >„, of l^dondo Loach SM , (, n The' Tartars lost to San nntl daughter Erlln, itocly :ol friends after ivtln.'s Pii-ales who walked off | terday or -- hat ls;, 7. v ,,,,..,:,|,| MnnPl.f ti lrl '' a | with top h c. n 1. trri'l ncrtl'~lliii'(1, h .. Ton-nncp_iiiul Sa Ted Slnmnson left yes- motor trip to the -s. Narbonne ! Cripple Ci •ing lost to T1 ,,, v ,, VI , I'edro. Car id El .Sogund Ninety-thrro !,„•:,I n tended the .annual dn hip of the Tun-am, cTthePraw PokerjGames at the last Friday ,,.,:.., »..,-"| Th ,. Krioiselers^eft for Detroit I loll was elected vice,.... -us Cn'l mbi rnm-i~i by "'"'" Sl ""1 ' live wcck- s airor.-the—pfcrtoh—group, su «• -y whi- AI- \L'i»itoi AI ' tl ' 1 ' l""' l' h "--ii »K their.cm- they Percy Hemiett, and Ton - , '^ a|J- 0 drove-leisurely to KanHas- City, was named svcrclary-tt iu polite re- | M|ssour|) whc. lv - they with—Mrs, -Kneisoler's fallinrAlhPeoptel~€alliirg At People! EMBASSY PAtACE :c~lr~oehip tos through the building hile spectators .stand and -nsely watch the playing f a hand of jreker, and Open 1 P. M. Daily Close 2 A. M. 15331 So. Vermont Phone Gardena 5B11 .listrlct.-eoloradorfelub -Tuesday They exiiecl to go on to tl"> I Auditorium and Black Hills in South Dakota b< fore returning home. Two stun,.- told by members"—--=-^-u- lentsal-' last -wook pleasingly illustrated wot- of a Townsend merit- j eard. *!l .station attond- I'rincipal Mi-rl i-ullimenleil. Seen Near j Agapito Residence Mr. and Mrs. (). VVTHmlson, I75:i Anuroo avenue, were Sun- Jay visitors ajl Sherwood Lake. Knelseler, the Civi team pros»ntod with the Ur. i but iin| Aldon W. Smith trophy for scor-1 belated d ing the most points during th year and t'apt. John ~3i olr.cted president of th the third term, _ _!The-—Civili ied of William H. Staim< d tlmt-tlii'.v- thelr places IMinsilHlily— iieir fathers illy jjnmin.-; up uni ; liii|M.rl:inl!"-——~"~ ii'i-.s HI thi.s sixth .1-0 Miv, Jiilint Youn Lomitan Files to Settle-Estate Youth's Case Given l>''tition-ecl Los f Juvenile Coiirt ttiorlOl 1 M. Cljency, 2117 L'-l2nd | imitii. •mi nly from there. they_.Avcnt to Colo-—for lfis~:'vu7aT~3oios which" were ,\,, ':',,,'„ i>,<-Ton-amv •IWiiHi-nd- rado .Sprlngsrtotho Grand pin-| accompanied by Tom Ulrieb and : ,-,-,'ier Hi '"::'.. who i-. yon, then to Bould Llovd. =»t»rm ot_admim_U^A—1-7-yoar-old Walteria boy fe—of—hei'' J who - wan- 'arrested by Officers I. Worden,.! Haslam and Tolson early Sun- j Cash and! day morning for Vioinr: dnink-.m.l rnrtte^prttt==i LHarbor Chambers _S^..^ rGardena Tonig-ht—Ioth notified. -Monday morning- hoi. plead guilty to the charge before i '____ —— ~-- •••-——-———-"-' City .Iud;;e Robert Lossing and:' lludoiriluliHTrsorToTlvir. and ^•E^V AKK1VALS | hi.s cusi- was turned over to ju- j Mrs. 1{. A. llulx-r, 14-14 Post Gardena will be host to the! Two babies were born at Tor-j Veuile authorities. | Avenue, who lias been, attending ' a 'e- Harbor District Chambers ofjranee Memorial' hospital Tuos-1 •- —•—-———:——— j Turner's . Diplomatic school at Among the special guests pr< Commerce tonight at the dinner-;day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rid-j SCHOOL HEAD LEAVING Washington^ D. C. arrived home sent wen- Mayor and Mrs. Wil session beginning- at 0:30 o'clock Vy, 22201 Main street, claimed j FYcdcriclc K, Marlinr Rodondo ' Tupsdayr: IT"—r-^---• •---- " 1 fjam H. Tolson, at- the VV'ednosday'-Progressive 1 !-' i!;iiighter~and Mr."and Mrs.'i"fi'each suporintondont'of schools,! " ' clubhouse,. Orchaul and IGlst-Vorn Diiiin, 837 220th street, I will take that position at Chit- street. . i i Keystone, :«" 220th street, Key-j next fall. _ resident. Ii-vlng-P." Austin-of [Stone, pjon will . preside and the pal spuaJcer will ho Ed'1 BEST YJiSK.MITK ItOUTE I R Fletcher, who will bring his par-' Mgtorists from the Southland j schools will gradual aphcrnalla for "testini; human'•ilanning trips to Yosemito Na- ! h .elemejitary Mr. and Mrs. 6. A. Krrtwe. I Cj. ' A 1553 El Prado, celebrated their ! Mt.;.., H silver wedding anniversary by : taking a trip tu the Grand Can- yon. They returned In •day:-—————— Ti: VACATION SAVINGS 5c Large or Small Flashlight .Batteries deficiencies." A numbefof localjtional Park are 'advised that the residents are planning to attend, | best present route is through according to: the Chamber of I ?resno' and-Wawonar ----- •-—--- .._.-_. J Attending the cliarter presen- t lltntloh dinner of the newly or- I' lized Scutlr.\T:-;i "Los Angeles TUAlLEIt STOLEN D. E. Phillips j 1511 Acacia a 1632 219th , nouso j,,,, " Safeway Ban^ Proclucf •ations. We wore .very pleased _ Colden w-as n guest at tile''gigantic meeting hold recently in the .Brel Hnrto school. An amusing report was . lloadi|Uar- hall but tbo the day be- Uot-.i SIIOliT AM) SN'Ari'V er Birda .Uikiug C. \\hyt II; irry M. Ah- ,|e and Tor- ! J ads in The Herald! undergo treatment for lot .of punch. Head I trouble that has __That Hi us" t'hat'n' ly odorloi • • EASTMAN Verichvome FILMS uNo.. 120 8 -Exposure .- No. 127^8 Exposure 116—8 Exposure. No. 118 8 Exposure. . 616 8 Exposure .. .2Jc .23c ..32c ..41 c . 32c TOBACCOS Were You Pleased_,_. . With Your Last Shoe Repair JFob? * There's a world of difference between ancient cob bling methods and our modern, factory-like way of re- -building shoes. NoLcontent are we to remain plodding old cobblers. Every day we seek to give you a better looking and wearing job than ever before. We do a neat factoxy^like—job—wUhotit-marrlTTf"yb"ur shoes or leaving big, ugly tacks showing. _ ___ __ WE^RE YOUNG AND V/IOOROUS~~SWD~WE r Rl: BOUND TO PROGRESS! it For the best shoe repairing in this or any other city bring your sh6os to ... KEWNEY'S SHOE REPAIRING ' * 1308 SARTORI . . . Across from Sam Levy's Patricia (ieiileco, 15 - year - old daughter of Mr. C. Dour lliidi last ! Univen ni. \Vi I the cla Pound Tin—Tobacco VELVET..................... .. 73' Large Tin—Tobacco UNION LEADER. Pound Tin—Tobacco GRANGER ........ 69 Pound Tin—Tobacco PRINCE ALBERT ..-'.. 73' 90 Proof Whiskey Bourbon KENTUCKY M* PRIDE..... ............. .."..Pt. i 3 Humbolt Brand BEER.. Coronado Brand BEER Comrad 80 Proof GIN........ .... .....Pint 59' Rye or Bourbon Whiskey OLD $ fi 00 QUAKER Pint A '/ 2 pt. Whiskey 80 Proof i MORNING GLORY The HAND That GRASPS It Medicine is a potent weapon against disease but the hand that grasps it must be trained to respect its power. Only your physician should prescribe and his medicine should be com pounded by a skilled pharmacist whose integrity assures highest _.„._.. ... standard drugs. Because of our es tablished reputation, many people prefer to entrust pre scriptions to the RB Cut Rate. 1316 SARTORI AVE. DRUGS TORRANCE 731 COMING SOON-ANOTHER ARDWARE STORE IN TORRANCE FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT AD ON OR ABOUT JUNE 23 ""-"-• -"-- -.--————-. ^^^^ TORRANCE HARDWARE CO. VERNON COIL, Manager 1334 EL PRADO - NEXT TO tORRANCE HERALD n of Torrance .boulevard, products as ••joss leaders," am •d hpino-todiiy from -Tor-' ihjs practice has 'been contrary Mcmonal hospital where ' to Sa lev. ay 's policy, deru-ejit u.-. appendectonjx. .. _T,,,. | llt ,, s( d..^,,,,,,,,.,,, jn ,„,,- J( ' k - . ...LI _____ l-fucting actual operations undo and Mrs C \ Benzel 1 tllis P"Hcy is contained in the Anil.^.....':^-....'.^^^ : : .J following bulletin issued to divi- uosts Air. and Mrs. H. M. : slon »'»»»Bers ol gateway t.y „„ ,,.,.,.,„ „,,, ,!L. A. Warren, president of the Dam. mil Mrs. Torranc.- C and their nine-vear-oli , 'I'orrain-o lloxio Ham will leave Tuesday o laven, Conn., and othe cities. They will atteni ntial festivities of Yal •ity graduates and alum •lels was a member o ss of I'Jl.'l. THER ^E --- L "• JG^- —— - \BOUT i company: . -. a pe.licy of m.t using, farm pro- 1' ducts as loss leaders. In the future will you see that no farm ', products are sold at less than •; 20 percent over your landed 1 warehouse cost, except to meet competition. "When it becomes necessary to meet a lower price than that quoti-d by you, please get doc umentary evidence to support the meeting of competitive price-. It the lower pi-ire appears in -a newspaper advertisement, please get copies of it and mail it to me. if the price is made by the use of window posters or price cards, please have photo graphs taken by a local pho tographer and mail copies of those to me. "This is of vital importance in carrying, out the policies which we adopted in good " faith" and. as a matter of fact, I see no reason why we should ever sell this type of merchandise on .my oilier basis as H'mattcr of good business." •" Ferry School Play Draws Big Crowd ; A capacity audience enjoyed j the presentation of "Such a Night," mystery comedy given , by the Perry school graduating class this week. Principal Jit-own di.rocted the production which used a number of girls in boys' narts because of the small num ber of boys in the class of 1038. _lhe_sehool orchestra— nddod tm- the enjoyment of the program ; by. playing several numbers. The cast of the play included: Margaret Chamber, Ixmise Whi.-- ler, Dorothv Ward, rharli.ttr 101- liott. Kaorn Hmada. Hevorloy Mitchell, Udi Imnianura, Shiio Nagaoka, Mildred Lambert, Mai - their eastern Townsend clubs by going In il,,--l,«ri rigidly in ————— llolel Ko.sslvil. ————— '1 her,' will l,,--a pjirtv-.-inrt- -rmr ——— —— - li-.-l.mi-nts a! on: ball tonight. The birthday pan.v will bo held " "'''•' m,-mber ot the ".Inno .fiati;!Jilty^__._ ... here will be a gift for vol. Mrs. Lulu Kent is taking a tri to Colorado, and t'heiefore wi i" 1 '^ tin- ("invotitlnn. - |.'rnm he state w<' hear of four tralnliuid of dolegati-s being mad,- up an three from Pennsylvania. l!i.(.ISri-:ii LOCATION Kesidenls of Precim-ts No. and 2. on the west -,i,l,- of T,n ranco, may i-iri.-t,-r i,, vote a -IIUI Ton-am-,- boulevaid. Mrs 11. I. liorors, depmy logislrai M?1^ y -V -Ur tSHEET'E^ METAL 'S^ WORK ^3 MACHINE GUARDS BLOW PIPE VENTILATION SKYLIGHTS TANKS PANS Coliunbia Sheets Used Exclusively Torrance Sheet Metal Shop Kobt. T. AIcCiilluiu 1418 MARCELINA j 1 1 4 ' _. - 1 our pattt property "n»fnt liM —— -your-- nan "TTfal In --••Uicke re he and hi ranee wi Little Rot Loekes. n fornia to\ along. Thai li handy pi " 1-elVI'S, Wt lit-vival t -BI B To| next dpoi mouth-Do' That .Ir the onlx_ , He has- ShrlnersV*" over his d Tlmt T< the Torra »,ng a wr, gold fish. —— ttvr^tmrlr store & he can-4 that gold placed in small bo\\ - That M of the pr makes he sale and finest coi my 'potat has cvoi too, it l». That l-'l announccc the proud Don adop " Tlmt of the Cl Store on supply ol sticks wh asking, ^a. Although we do not have a complete stock of hardware and supplies as yet, our store Is open for business. Perhaps we can supply a few of your needs until our big opening on June 23. Watch for the announcement, GRADUATION SPECIAL 25% OFF oh all Genuine ROOS CEDAR CHESTS WALNUT FINISH ... All Equipped with Lock~and Key $19.95 CHEST, $14.96 SAVE $4 99 $24.95 * CHEST $18.71 SAVE $624 $26.95 * CHEST $20.21 SAVE ^74 * Equipped with Cuarclex Liner ami Moth Proof Insurance Policy. LA MODE FURNITURE 1S13 CABRILLO G. J. Arcq PHONE 546 you got -II ice for si) Kastern u same pat for That Cl having hii modeled ;i the platu live. Sl'U The To all the mi slder"- -Si

SAVINGS · TORRANCTB T-TTIRATJX Torraneo. California— THURSDAY, JUNE i). PAINTING PAPERHANC1NC "Bob" Richhart ITF1 ————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517

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Page 1: SAVINGS · TORRANCTB T-TTIRATJX Torraneo. California— THURSDAY, JUNE i). PAINTING PAPERHANC1NC "Bob" Richhart ITF1 ————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517



————"th Tbrrnricer Since 1517 _• Artistic Workmanship• Best Quality Materials• Reasonable Prices

| Estimates Cheerfully Given"1811 GRA'MERCY AVENUE

Phone Torrance 71

Sixth Graders

School HomeCoiilinuM; Fair May Marry

_ _—rLeagtuTTennis

In I lml »l-en-jthe—t-ase—prpnVpted-C'lty JudROT*1" 1'" !••* " f Robert Lc.ssinE to release Victor!."1 "' 1 '

'radi -youngs tors at tho| Extonuatins! Eknii-ntary—miliool

.- uf tin- bit; thrill

€-——PistolClub * Holds Annuaf


Townsend Club" """"ActivttiesBy BETH PAIGE ;

lobert LcssinR to release Victor'. 1 "" 1 v " ' u '"" ° 1.11 ol lom Mr and Mrs T.M , , „., -,--,; , , „ . mnlches plave.l durlm.' the past ' " '' ' '" acheco, >„, of l^dondo Loach SM ,(,n The' Tartars lost to San nntl daughter Erlln,

itocly :ol friends after ivtln.'s Pii-ales who walked off | terday or

--hat ls;, 7.v,,,,..,:,|,| MnnPl.f ti lrl ''

a | with top h c. n 1. trri'lncrtl'~lliii'(1, h .. Ton-nncp_iiiul Sa

Ted Slnmnson left yes-

motor trip to the-s. Narbonne ! Cripple Ci•ing lost to T1 ,,,v ,, VI ,I'edro. Car

id El .Sogund

Ninety-thrro !,„•:,I n tended the .annual dn hip of the Tun-am,

cTthePraw PokerjGames at the

last Friday ,,.,:.., »..,-"| Th,. Krioiselers^eft for Detroit I loll was elected vice,.... -us Cn'l mbi rnm-i~i by "'"'" •Sl""1 ' live wcck-s airor.-the—pfcrtoh—group, su

«• -y whi- AI- \L'i»itoi AI' tl ' 1 ' l""'l' h "--ii »K their.cm- they Percy Hemiett, and Ton - , '^a|J- 0 drove-leisurely to KanHas- City, was named svcrclary-tt iu polite re- | M|ssour|) whc. lv -they

with—Mrs, -Kneisoler's

fallinrAlhPeoptel~€alliirg At People!


:c~lr~oehiptos through the building hile spectators .stand and -nsely watch the playing f a hand of jreker, and

Open 1 P. M. Daily Close 2 A. M.

15331 So. Vermont Phone Gardena 5B11

.listrlct.-eoloradorfelub -Tuesday They exiiecl to go on to tl"> I Auditorium and Black Hills in South Dakota b< fore returning home.

Two stun,.- told by members"—--=-^-u- lentsal-' last -wook pleasingly illustrated —

wot- of a Townsend merit- j eard. *!l .station attond-

I'rincipal Mi-rl i-ullimenleil.

Seen Near j Agapito Residence

Mr. and Mrs. (). VVTHmlson,I75:i Anuroo avenue, were Sun- Jay visitors ajl Sherwood Lake.


the Civiteam pros»ntod with the Ur. i but iin| Aldon W. Smith trophy for scor-1 belated d ing the most points during thyear and t'apt. John ~3i olr.cted president of th the third term,

_ _!The-—Civiliied of William H. Staim<

d tlmt-tlii'.v- thelr places IMinsilHlily— iieir fathers

illy jjnmin.-; up uni ; liii|M.rl:inl!"-——~"~

ii'i-.s HI thi.s sixth .1-0 Miv, Jiilint Youn

Lomitan Files to Settle-Estate

Youth's Case Givenl>''tition-ecl Los f Juvenile Coiirt

ttiorlOl 1

M. Cljency, 2117 L'-l2nd | imitii. •mi nly

from there. they_.Avcnt to Colo-—for lfis~:'vu7aT~3oios which" were ,\,, ':',,,'„ i>,<-Ton-amv •IWiiHi-nd- rado .Sprlngsrtotho Grand pin-| accompanied by Tom Ulrieb and : ,-,-,'ier Hi '"::'.. who i-.yon, then to Bould

Llovd. =»t»rm

ot_admim_U^A—1-7-yoar-old Walteria boy fe—of—hei''J who - wan- 'arrested by Officers I. Worden,.! Haslam and Tolson early Sun- j Cash and! day morning for Vioinr: dnink-.m.l


LHarbor Chambers _S^..^ rGardena Tonig-ht—I—

othnotified. -Monday morning- hoi. plead guilty to the charge before i '____

—— ~-- •••-——-———-"-' City .Iud;;e Robert Lossing and:' lludoiriluliHTrsorToTlvir. and ^•E^V AKK1VALS | hi.s cusi- was turned over to ju- j Mrs. 1{. A. llulx-r, 14-14 Post

Gardena will be host to the! Two babies were born at Tor-j Veuile authorities. | Avenue, who lias been, attending ' a 'e-Harbor District Chambers ofjranee Memorial' hospital Tuos-1 •- —•—-———:——— j Turner's . Diplomatic school at Among the special guests pr< Commerce tonight at the dinner-;day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rid-j SCHOOL HEAD LEAVING Washington^ D. C. arrived home sent wen- Mayor and Mrs. Wil session beginning- at 0:30 o'clock Vy, 22201 Main street, claimed j FYcdcriclc K, Marlinr Rodondo ' Tupsdayr: IT"—r-^---• •---- " 1 fjam H. Tolson, at- the VV'ednosday'-Progressive 1 !-' i!;iiighter~and Mr."and Mrs.'i"fi'each suporintondont'of schools,! " ' clubhouse,. Orchaul and IGlst-Vorn Diiiin, 837 220th street, I will take that position at Chit- street. . i i Keystone, :«" 220th street, Key-j next fall._

resident. Ii-vlng-P." Austin-of [Stone, pjon will . preside and thepal spuaJcer will ho Ed'1 BEST YJiSK.MITK ItOUTE I R

Fletcher, who will bring his par-' Mgtorists from the Southland j schools will gradual aphcrnalla for "testini; human'•ilanning trips to Yosemito Na- !

h .elemejitary

Mr. and Mrs. 6. A. Krrtwe. I C j. ' A 1553 El Prado, celebrated their ! Mt.;.., H silver wedding anniversary by : taking a trip tu the Grand Can-yon. They returned In•day:-—————— Ti:


5c Large orSmall

Flashlight .Batteries

deficiencies." A numbefof localjtional Park are 'advised that the residents are planning to attend, | best present route is through according to: the Chamber of I ?resno' and-Wawonar —

----- •-—--- .._.-_. J Attending the cliarter presen- t lltntloh dinner of the newly or- I'

lized Scutlr.\T:-;i "Los Angeles


j 1511 Acacia a 1632 219th , nouso j,,,,

" Safeway Ban^ Proclucf

•ations. We wore .very pleased _ Colden w-as

n guest at tile''gigantic meeting hold recently in the .Brel Hnrto school. An amusing report was

. lloadi|Uar- hall but tbo

the day be-

Uot-.i SIIOliT AM) SN'Ari'V

er Birda.Uikiug

C. \\hyt II; irry M. Ah- ,|e and Tor- !

J ads in The Herald! undergo treatment for lot .of punch. Head I trouble that has

__That Hius" t'hat'n' ly odorloi

• • EASTMAN • Verichvome FILMS

uNo.. 120 — 8 -Exposure .- No. 127^8 Exposure

116—8 Exposure. No. 118 — 8 Exposure. .

616 — 8 Exposure ..

.2Jc .23c


..41 c

. 32c


Were You Pleased_,_. .With Your Last Shoe Repair JFob?

* There's a world of difference between ancient cob­ bling methods and our modern, factory-like way of re-

-building shoes. NoLcontent are we to remain plodding old cobblers. Every day we seek to give you a better looking and wearing job than ever before. We do a neat factoxy^like—job—wUhotit-marrlTTf"yb"ur shoes orleaving big, ugly tacks showing. _ ___ __


it For the best shoe repairing in this or any other city bring your sh6os to ...

KEWNEY'S SHOE REPAIRING '• * 1308 SARTORI . . . Across from Sam Levy's

Patricia (ieiileco, 15 - year - old daughter of Mr. C. Dour

lliidi last

! Univenni. \Vi

I the cla

Pound Tin—Tobacco VELVET..................... .. 73'Large Tin—Tobacco UNION LEADER.

Pound Tin—Tobacco GRANGER ........ 69Pound Tin—Tobacco PRINCE ALBERT ..-'.. 73'

90 Proof Whiskey Bourbon KENTUCKY M*PRIDE..... ............. .."..Pt. i 3

Humbolt Brand BEER..Coronado Brand BEER

Comrad 80 Proof GIN........ .... .....Pint

59'Rye or Bourbon Whiskey OLD $ fi 00QUAKER Pint A

'/2 pt. Whiskey 80 Proof i MORNING GLORY

The HAND That GRASPS ItMedicine is a potent weapon against disease but the hand that grasps it must be trained to respect its power. Only your physician should prescribe and his medicine should be com­ pounded by a skilled pharmacist whose integrity assures highest

_.„._.. ... standard drugs. Because of our es­ tablished reputation, many people prefer to entrust pre­ scriptions to the RB Cut Rate.





JUNE 23""-"-• -"-- -.--————-. ^^^^



n of Torrance .boulevard, products as ••joss leaders," am •d hpino-todiiy from -Tor-' ihjs practice has 'been contraryMcmonal hospital where ' to Sa lev. ay 's policy, deru-ejit u.-. appendectonjx. .. _T,,,. | llt ,,s( d..^,,,,,,,,.,,, jn ,„,,- J( ' k - . ...LI _____ l-fucting actual operations undo • and Mrs C \ Benzel 1 tllis P"Hcy is contained in the Anil.^.....':^-....'.^^^ : :.J following bulletin issued to divi-uosts Air. and Mrs. H. M. : slon »'»»»Bers ol gateway t.y „„ „ ,,.,.,.,„ „,,, ,!L. A. Warren, president of the

• Dam.

mil Mrs. Torranc.- Cand their nine-vear-oli

, 'I'orrain-o lloxio Ham will leave Tuesday o

laven, Conn., and othe cities. They will atteni

ntial festivities of Yal •ity graduates and alum •lels was a member o ss of I'Jl.'l.



L "•JG^- —— - \BOUT

i company:

. -. a pe.licy of m.t using, farm pro- 1' ducts as loss leaders. In the

future will you see that no farm • ', products are sold at less than •; 20 percent over your landed

1 warehouse cost, except to meet competition.

"When it becomes necessary to meet a lower price than that

• quoti-d by you, please get doc­ umentary evidence to support the meeting of competitive price-. It the lower pi-ire appears in -a newspaper advertisement, please get copies of it and mail it to me. if the price is made by the use of window posters or price cards, please have photo­ graphs taken by a local pho­ tographer and mail copies of those to me.

"This is of vital importance in carrying, out the policies which we adopted in good " faith" and. as a matter of fact, I see no reason why we should ever sell this type of merchandise on .my oilier basis as H'mattcr of goodbusiness." — •"

Ferry School Play Draws Big Crowd ;

A capacity audience enjoyed j the presentation of "Such a Night," mystery comedy given , by the Perry school graduating class this week. Principal Jit-own • di.rocted the production which used a number of girls in boys' narts because of the small num­ ber of boys in the class of 1038.

_lhe_sehool — orchestra— nddod — tm- the enjoyment of the program ; by. playing several numbers.

The cast of the play included: Margaret Chamber, Ixmise Whi.-- ler, Dorothv Ward, rharli.ttr 101- liott. Kaorn Hmada. Hevorloy Mitchell, Udi Imnianura, Shiio Nagaoka, Mildred Lambert, Mai -

their eastern Townsend clubs bygoing In il,,--l,«ri — rigidly in ————— llolel Ko.sslvil. —————

'1 her,' will l,,--a pjirtv-.-inrt- -rmr • ——— —— - li-.-l.mi-nts a! on: ball tonight.

The birthday pan.v will bo held " "'''•'

m,-mber ot the ".Inno .fiati;!Jilty^__._ ...

here will be a gift for vol.Mrs. Lulu Kent is taking a tri to Colorado, and t'heiefore wi i" 1 '^ tin- ("invotitlnn. - |.'rnm he state w<' hear of four tralnliuid of dolegati-s being mad,- up an three from Pennsylvania.

l!i.(.ISri-:ii LOCATIONKesidenls of Precim-ts No.

and 2. on the west -,i,l,- of T,n ranco, may i-iri.-t,-r i,, vote a -IIUI Ton-am-,- boulevaid. Mrs 11. I. liorors, depmy logislrai





Coliunbia Sheets Used Exclusively

Torrance Sheet Metal Shop

Kobt. T. AIcCiilluiu 1418 MARCELINA

j 1•




_. - 1 our pattt property

"n»fnt liM—— -your-- nan

"TTfal In--••Uicke re

he and hi• ranee wi

Little Rot

• Loekes. n fornia to\ along.

Thai lihandy pi

" 1-elVI'S, Wtlit-vival t -BIB To| next dpoi mouth-Do'

That .Irthe onlx_

, He has- ShrlnersV*" over his d

Tlmt T<the Torra

»,ng a wr, gold fish.

—— ttvr^tmrlr store & he can-4 that gold placed in

small bo\\

- That Mof the pr makes he sale and finest coi my 'potat has cvoi too, it l».

That l-'l — announccc

the proud

Don adop

" Tlmt T«of the Cl Store on supply ol sticks wh asking, ̂ a.

Although we do not have a complete stock of hardware and supplies as yet, our store Is open for business. Perhaps we can supply a few of your needs until our big opening on June 23. Watch for the announcement,

• GRADUATION SPECIAL •25% OFF oh all Genuine

ROOS CEDAR CHESTSWALNUT FINISH ... All Equipped with Lock~and Key $19.95 CHEST, $14.96 SAVE $4 99 $24.95 * CHEST $18.71 SAVE $624 $26.95 * CHEST $20.21 SAVE ^74* Equipped with Cuarclex Liner ami Moth Proof

Insurance Policy.


you got -II ice for si) Kastern u same pat


That Cl having hii modeled ;i

the platu live.


The To all the mi slder"- -Si