Savage Flower Kingdom

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Savage Flower Kingdom v2.0

Welcome to the world of Savage Flower Kingdom – where

everything will try to kill you for dessert or for fun. Nevertheless, it

is a strange, mystical and adventurous kingdom with a lot of

hidden treasures and mysteries. Let’s go to adventure!

All you need to play

This pocketmod, friends, paper, pencil, a few six-sided dice and


Creating your hero Your hero is represented by these four Abilities, they are:

Physical: To do with physical challenges, stealth, searching,

lockpicking and speed.

Mental: To do with problem solving, knowledge, logic and


Combat: To do with combat, initiative and resisting.

Social: To do with negotiation, interaction, and bargain.

To create a hero you must distribute Character Points (CP)

between the abilities. The minimum points you can put in the

abilities is 1 and the maximum is 3 for a beginning hero.

Pick a class

Adventurer (can be a thief, knight, barbarian or warrior): Starts

with 1d6+12 HP, 8 CP and gets to pick 1 skill.

Wizard: Starts with 1d6+8 HP, 8 MP, 8 CP and gets to pick 3 spells.

Dwarf: Starts with 1d6+14HP, 7 CP and gets the Goblin Rage skill.

Elf: Starts with 1d6+10 HP, 6 MP, 7 CP and gets to pick 2 spells.


Defence (DEF) is a Target Number when dealing with attack. To

calculate your DEF; add 7 to your Physical ability. DEF may only be

upgraded by using armour or any magical items or spells.

Experience (xp) and advancement You get 1 to 3 XP at the end of a scenario/quest, usually 2 XP. You

then may spend:

1. 1 XP to gain 1 HP or 1 MP.

2. 3 XP to gain 1 skill or to gain 1 spell.

3. 5 XP to add 1 to an ability of your choice.

Doing actions and stuffs

When in doubt, roll 2d6 plus appropriate ability trying to get the

Target Number (TN) or more to succeed. Refer to difficulty table


Difficulty TN Easy 7

Moderate 9 Hard 11

Tough 13

Critical hit and fumble

You get a FUMBLE on a natural roll of 2 and a CRITICAL HIT on

a natural roll of 12. A fumble is bad and a critical hit is good. In

combat you automatically miss on a fumble and automatically hit

on a critical hit dealing a double damage. E.g. Miri the Maid rolls a

2, she accidently drops the sandwich on the ground getting dirt

and bugs on it. “Yay way the go Miri!” says Jarred Strongbiceps.


To use magic you need to expand 1 MP and you need to make a

Mental roll to see if you succeed. If you fail, the MP is wasted.

Barrier (TN 7, self or a group): Caster creates an immobile invisible

barrier for number of turns based on how many MP you spend.

Enemy cannot attack you when the barrier is up.

Detect Magic (TN 7): Caster detects magic around him/her.

ESP (TN 7, 1 target): Caster is able to read another’s mind. Target

must be present near the caster.

Fireball (TN 9, Ranged, 1 target): The caster creates fire from

his/her hand and releases it at 1 target. If successful, it deals 1d6

damage. It can also be used to scares weaker monster.

Glow (TN 7, 1 target): Caster touches an item or person and makes

it glow for 1d6 turns.

Identify Magic (TN 7): Caster identifies magical item or target.

Caster can also identify the type of magic being used by someone

else (like attack & defensive spells, magical traps, etc.)

Invisibility (TN 9, 1 target): Caster touches a target and makes

target invisible for 1d6 turns.

Lightning Bolt (TN 11, Ranged, 1 target): Caster releases a bolt of

lightning from his/her hand. If successful, it deals 2d6 damage.

Levitate (TN 10, Ranged, 1 target): Caster may move target up and

down but not horizontally at will for 1 turns.

Power Boost (TN 9, 1 target): Give a +2 to one ability of your choice

for 1 turn.

Stone Skin (TN 8, 1 target): Caster touches 1 target. Target

temporarily a +2 to their Defence score for 1 scene.

Skills Skills with * can be picked twice (twice means: +2 to roll instead of

+1; or you may make a second roll; or you may do the skill twice

per scene). You indicate it like this - i.e. Athlete (2), Eagle Eye (2)

*Athlete: +1 to Physical roll involving jumping, running,

swimming and climbing.

*Berserker Rage: +1 to melee attack roll.

Bloody Magic: you may use HP as well as MP to cast a spell.

Chef: you are able to turn monster into a Lunch Box Meal. At the

end of combat you may make a mental roll against TN 4 +

monster’s Combat stats. If successful you gain a Lunch Box Meal.

You may only do this once at end of combat.

*Eagle Eye: +1 to ranged attack roll.

*Goblin Rage: Whenever you are facing a creature related to

goblins through name or physical appearance, you automatically

get a +1 to your attack.

*Heavy Hitter: You deal an extra +1 damage.

*Locksmith: +1 to a Physical roll involving lock picking and

identifying locks.

*Lucky One: You may reroll one bad roll in 1 scene.

*Natural Armour: Reduce 1 damage dealt to you. Reduce 2 instead

if this skill is picked twice.

*Natural Mage: You get a +1 to you spell casting roll.

*Negotiator: +1 to any roll involving social interaction like

negotiation, bargaining, flirting, etc.

*Strong: +1 to any roll involving pushing, pulling, carrying.

Resting Resting a full evening recovers full HP and MP. Resting for an

hour recovers 1d6 HP and 1d6 MP.


In Savage Flower Kingdom whenever you fall, you roll 2d6 for

damage. You may roll for Physical ability against TN (usually 9) set

by GM to halve the damage. On a critical hit you are not damaged

at all.


Some monsters have poison as their attack. Whenever it hits, the

victim needs to make a Combat roll against the TN. The base TN

for poison attack is 9 unless the GM thinks otherwise. (The GM

also controls how much damage the player receives if they fail

their roll.)


Initiative is the order of who acts when in combat. To determined

initiative, each combatant rolls 1d6 adding their Physical score.

The highest goes first. Any ties will act simultaneously.

When you turn arrive you pick one of the options below:

1. Attack: Attack a target with a weapon. Roll 2d6 and add

Combat to try and get an equal or higher number than the

target's DEF.

2. Use Magic: Cast a spell.

3. Move: A character may move into melee range and engage a

target, move away from a target, or move into cover.

4. Other Action: This is for actions surrounding picking locks,

reloading a bow/crossbow, opening a window, using an item,


5. Flee: To flee, combatant needs to make the Physical roll

against opponent with the highest DEF.

Equipment table

You start with 10 gold pieces.

Weapon Range Damage Cost Unarmed Melee 2 0 Knife, Dagger Melee 1d6-2 3 Hand Axe, Club, Light Hammer, Mace, Sword, Staff

Melee 1d6 5

Spear (throwable) Melee/ Ranged

1d6 5

Battle Axe, Broad Sword, War Hammer

Melee 1d6+1 8

Great Sword, Maul, Pole arm, Great Axe

Melee 1d6+2 10

Short Bow Ranged 1d6 5 Long Bow, Cross Bow Ranged 1d6+1 8 Armour Description Cost Shield Reduce 1 damage 3 Leather Armour +1 DEF 3 Mail Armour +2 DEF 8 Plate Armour +3 DEF 10 Other Mundane Items Description Cost

20 Arrows/20 Crossbow Bolts Ammo for your ranged

weapon 5

Rope A sturdy rope. 3 Torch Light up your way! 5

Lunch Box Meal Meal for one. Heals 1d6

HP when consume. 5


Monsters are define by these stats: Combat, Ability, DEF

(Defence), HP (Hit Points) and Dmg (Damage). Anything in

bracket [like this] is the a monster skill. Here are some monsters


Blink Cat: Combat 2, Ability 2, DEF 8, HP 6, Dmg 1d6.

[Disappear] On a successful bite it will disappear. Roll 1d6, if the

result is 1-2 it will appear far from its target (ranged) on a roll of 3-4

it will appear close to another target (melee), on a roll of 5-6 it stays

or GM just choose where the Blink Cat goes.

Giant Centipede: Combat 3, Ability 1, DEF 7, HP 2, Dmg 1d6-2.

[Poison] Whenever Giant Centipede successfully bites a target; the

target must make a Physical roll against TN 8. If it fails, the victim

loses another 1d6 HP.

Goblin Cat: Combat 1, Ability 0, DEF 6, HP 5, Dmg Spear or Sword.

A bunch of mischievous cat like creatures that inhabit the forest.

They wear animal skin for armour and a skull for helmet and

usually wield a crude weapon made from stones.

[Flanking] +1 to attack roll when attacking a target along with one

or more attacker with Flanking. This effect is not cumulative.

Orc: Combat 2, Ability 1, DEF 7, HP 8, Dmg Club.

A large cannon fodder.

[Heavy Hitter] This monster deals +1 damage.

Carnivore Plant: Combat 1, Ability 2, DEF 10, HP 20, Dmg Bite

(1d6). [Swallow] On a successfully bite roll 1d6, if the result is odd

it swallowed the victim. During his turn, he must make a Physical

roll against TN of 9 to free himself; if fail, he receives 1 damage.

Advice to Game Master

This is a basic game with a lot of things to fill in. GM is free to

create or remove rules, monster, skills, spell, etc. Make it personal.

The number one rules for any RPG is to have fun!

Experimental Playground © 2013
