SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY AUTHORITY MEETING Thursday February 20, 2020 10:00 a.m. A G E N D A 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 3. Approval of Minutes of Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019 – attached 4. Introduction of Guests 5. Staff Recognition 6. Volunteer & Sponsorship Appreciation Coffee Break 7. Chair’s Address 8. Election of Officers 9. Committee Appointments – attached a. Appointments to Forestry Committee 2020 b. Appointments to Property & Building Committee 2020 c. Appointments to Parks Committee 2020 d. Appointments to Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020 e. Conservation Ontario Voting Delegate, 1 st Alternate, 2 nd Alternate Lunch Break 10. Matters Arising from the Minutes a. 2020 Meeting Schedule – attached b. GM/S-T Position update – Dan Gieruszak c. RAGBOS – subsequent meeting to be scheduled 11. Consent Agenda a. Finance Report – attached b. Program Report – attached c. Agricultural Advisory Committee draft minutes – October 7, 2019 attached d. Executive Committee minutes – October 18, 2019 – attached e. Executive Committee minutes – Administrative Review – December 5, 2019 – attached f. Executive Committee minutes – Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019 – attached g. Forestry Committee draft minutes – December 5, 2019 – attached h. Executive Committee draft minutes – February 6, 2020 attached i. News Articles for Members’ information – attached

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Thursday February 20, 2020 10:00 a.m.


1. Adoption of Agenda

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

3. Approval of Minutes of Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019 – attached

4. Introduction of Guests

5. Staff Recognition

6. Volunteer & Sponsorship Appreciation

Coffee Break

7. Chair’s Address

8. Election of Officers

9. Committee Appointments – attacheda. Appointments to Forestry Committee 2020b. Appointments to Property & Building Committee 2020c. Appointments to Parks Committee 2020d. Appointments to Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020e. Conservation Ontario Voting Delegate, 1st Alternate, 2nd Alternate

Lunch Break

10. Matters Arising from the Minutesa. 2020 Meeting Schedule – attachedb. GM/S-T Position update – Dan Gieruszakc. RAGBOS – subsequent meeting to be scheduled

11. Consent Agendaa. Finance Report – attachedb. Program Report – attachedc. Agricultural Advisory Committee draft minutes – October 7, 2019 – attachedd. Executive Committee minutes – October 18, 2019 – attachede. Executive Committee minutes – Administrative Review – December 5, 2019 – attachedf. Executive Committee minutes – Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019 – attachedg. Forestry Committee draft minutes – December 5, 2019 – attachedh. Executive Committee draft minutes – February 6, 2020 – attachedi. News Articles for Members’ information – attached

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12. Correspondence – attached

13. New Businessa. Appointment of Auditorb. Appointment of Solicitorc. Vehicle Purchases – Donna Lacey

14. Other Businessa. MECP consultations – Barrie & London sessions – Dan Gieruszak, Barbara Dobreen,

Bill Stewartb. Audit Planning, Bakertilly correspondence – Dick Hibma – attached

15. In Camera Session – Relating to an identifiable individual(s) and potential litigation.


Upcoming Meetings & Events: - February 25, 26 – Lake Huron Nearshore Workshops, Kincardine, Southampton - March 14 – Bruce & Grey Federation of Agriculture Politicians Day, Elmwood

Community Centre - April 2 – Authority Meeting (Date to be confirmed) - April 6 – Conservation Ontario AGM, Toronto - April 25 – Arbour Day Tree Sale, Sulphur Spring CA - May 2 – Greenock Swamp Tour - Bootlegging Lore - May 12-14 – Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival - May 16 – Greenock Swamp Tour - Legends of the Great Swamp

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTES MEETING: Authority Meeting DATE: Wednesday December 11, 2019 TIME: 1:00 p.m. LOCATION: Administration Office, Formosa

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Allen, Mark Davis, Barbara Dobreen, Mark Goetz, Cheryl Grace, Tom Hutchinson, Steve McCabe, Don Murray, Mike Myatt, Diana Rae, Christine Robinson, Bill Stewart

ABSENT WITH REGRET: Maureen Couture, Sue Paterson

STAFF PRESENT: Dick Hibma, Interim General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations Laura Molson, Manager, Accounting Shannon Wood, Manager, Communications Donna Lacey, Coordinator, Forestry Nancy Griffin, Conservation Education Coordinator Janice Hagan, Administrative Assistant

Chair Dan Gieruszak called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

1. Adoption of Agenda

Dick Hibma requested to remove the correspondence from the consent agenda for further discussion.

MOTION #G19-78 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Steve McCabe THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.


2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

No persons declared a pecuniary interest relative to any item on the agenda.


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Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019


3. Minutes of the Authority Meeting – November 7, 2019 MOTION #G19-79 Moved by Cheryl Grace Seconded by Mark Davis THAT the minutes of the Authority meeting, held on November 7, 2019 be approved as circulated.


4. Presentation

a. Outstanding Achievement Award – Nancy Griffin Shannon Wood informed the SVCA Members that Nancy Griffin had been recognized by her Conservation Education peers throughout Ontario for her outstanding performance and dedication in teaching outdoor education for over 30 years. She had been presented with the 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award at the Rekindle the Sparks conference, Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre, November 2019. The Members congratulated Nancy.

5. Matters Arising from the Minutes

None at this time.

6. Consent Agenda

MOTION #G19-80 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Cheryl Grace THAT the reports, minutes, and information contained in the Consent Agenda, [items 6a, b, d], along with their respective recommended motions be accepted as presented.

a. Program Report b. Finance Report: THAT the Finance Report to October 31, 2019 be accepted as distributed. d. News Articles for Members’ information


7. New Business

a. Budget Vote

After a brief discussion the following motions were carried: MOTION #G19-81 Moved by Mike Myatt Seconded by Paul Allen THAT the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority adopt the 2020 Budget as approved in principle at the October 2019 meeting; and further THAT the Authority share of the costs will be raised through general revenues, reserves, donations, general surplus and special and general levies in accordance with the Conservation Authorities Act, and further

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Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019


THAT the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer is hereby authorized to forward levy notices to the member municipalities. A recorded vote was taken for the 2020 Budget with the following results:

Arran-Elderslie Mark Davis Yea Brockton Dan Gieruszak Yea Chatsworth Diana Rae Yea Grey-Highlands Paul Allen Yea Hanover Sue Paterson Absent Howick Mark Goetz Yea Huron-Kinloss Don Murray Nay Kincardine Maureen Couture Absent Kincardine Bill Stewart Yea Minto Steve McCabe Yea Morris-Turnberry Mark Goetz Yea Saugeen Shores Cheryl Grace Yea Saugeen Shores Mike Myatt Yea South Bruce Mark Goetz Yea Southgate Barbara Dobreen Yea Wellington North Steve McCabe Yea West Grey Tom Hutchinson Yea West Grey Christine Robinson Yea

The result of the vote was 93% of the weighted average of those present in favour. Therefore, Motion #G19-81 was CARRIED. MOTION #G19-82 Moved by Bill Stewart Seconded by Diana Rae THAT the amount of $1,705,349 be raised by General Levy in 2020; and further THAT General Levy payments shall be due in two equal instalments on March 31 and June 30; and further THAT late payments shall be subject to the Authority’s normal late payment charge of 1.50% per month thereafter; and further THAT in accordance with Section 27(4) of the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, the minimum sum that shall be levied against a participating municipality for administration costs shall be $1,100.


b. Report from Forestry Committee Meeting, December 11, 2019

Donna Lacey presented the tender submissions for the sale of standing timbers reviewed by the Forestry Committee. After discussion the following motions carried:

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Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019


MOTION #G19-83 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Tom Hutchinson THAT the SVCA Tender #SVCA_01_2019 regarding location Lots 69, Concession 2 EGR, former Holland Township, Municipality of Chatsworth, Grey County, submitted by Moggie Valley Timber, in the amount of $18,000 be accepted for the sale of standing timber as per the recommendation of the SVCA Forestry Committee.


MOTION #G19-84 Moved by Bill Stewart Seconded by Steve McCabe THAT the SVCA Tender #SVCA_02_2019 regarding location Lot 12-13, Concession 3, former Carrick Township, Municipality of South Bruce, Bruce County, submitted by Moggie Valley Timber, in the amount of $23,000 be accepted for the sale of standing timber as per the recommendation of the SVCA Forestry Committee.


MOTION #G19-85 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Don Murray THAT the SVCA Tender #SVCA_03_2019 regarding location Lot 39-42, Concession 2 & 3 SDR, former Bentinck Township, Municipality of West Grey, Grey County, submitted by Bester Forest Products Ltd., in the amount of $72,015 be accepted for the sale of standing timber as per the recommendation of the SVCA Forestry Committee; and further, THAT any remaining tender deposit cheques be returned immediately, upon said acceptance.


c. Planning Services Agreements - update Erik Downing reviewed the report and noted that a formatting error resulting in an incorrect title on the chart, which should have read: “Natural Heritage Comment From Shared CA?”. He noted that while there are no anticipated challenges, the deadline for Planning Services Agreements was the end of January and staff recommend a 6-month extension. MOTION #G19-86 Moved by Christine Robinson Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the deadline for Planning Services Agreements be extended to the end of June 2020; and further, THAT any municipality unable to make the deadline will inform SVCA staff and a report to the Authority will be prepared regarding the circumstances causing the delay for the SVCA members to consider.


d. Section 28 Violations Process Report Erik explained the Regulatory function and process, and noted it is staff’s implicit duty to act to resolve violations, and when a resolution is not forthcoming then enforcement is necessary. The Members recommended a revised, less heavy-handed violation letter to assist in the mediation process.

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Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019


After further discussion the following motion was passed: MOTION #G19-87 Moved by Christine Robinson Seconded by Tom Hutchinson THAT SVCA staff submit a review to the Authority on regulatory property violations; and further, THAT options and recommendations for change & improvement be submitted.


8. Other Business

a. Accounts Payable Report MOTION #G19-88 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Bill Stewart THAT the Accounts Payable, totaling $293,228.67 be approved as distributed.


MOTION #G19-89 Moved by Mike Myatt Seconded by Paul Allen That the Members of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority approve the discontinuance of the practice of submitting monthly listings of payments made by cheque or through online payments in the Board Agenda package for approval after payments have been made.


b. Proposed Meeting Schedule

The Members discussed the proposed meeting schedule and requested an online poll be carried out to determine availability for a January meeting.

c. Correspondence The Correspondence was removed from the Consent Agenda section 6 to discuss the motions set forth by the Township of Ramara, indicating that it desired an exit clause be provided in the Conservation Authorities Act to permit municipalities to exit CA jurisdictions. Dick Hibma reviewed the issues between Ramara Twp and the Lake Simcoe Region CA [LSRCA] noting that Ramara Twp tends to issue building permits without consultation with LSRCA. As well LSRCA is in the process of legal action against the Township due to unpaid levies. Dick noted that for a municipality to dissolve the relationship with a conservation authority, it must have a robust plan for flood warning/management and conservation regulations. There was no further discussion. MOTION #G19-89 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Tom Hutchinson THAT the correspondence be received as presented.


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Authority Meeting – December 11, 2019


d. Christmas in the Country Report Shannon Wood discussed the recent Saugeen Valley Foundation event, Christmas in the Country, which had been relocated from Sulphur Spring CA to the village of Formosa. She told the members that there were over 7000 people in attendance and hundreds of volunteers. The partners involved in the planning of the event included the Formosa Lions and the Municipality of South Bruce. Financial reports would follow. A coffee break was called at 3:30 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 3:40 p.m.

9. Closed Session – Personnel Matters

MOTION #G19-91 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Bill Stewart THAT the Authority move to Closed Session, In Camera, to discuss personnel matters; and further THAT Dick Hibma remain in the meeting.


MOTION #G19-95 Moved by Tom Hutchinson Seconded by Bill Stewart THAT the Authority adjourn from Closed Session, In Camera, and rise and report.


There were no actions to report from the Closed Session, In Camera. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. by the Chair.

__________________________________ _________________________________ Dan Gieruszak Janice Hagan Chair Recording Secretary

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1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041, [email protected], www.svca.on.ca

Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands,

Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North,

Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey

SVCA Committees

Executive Committee: This Committee is comprised of:

• Chair (elected)

• First Vice Chair (elected)

• Second Vice Chair (elected)

• Past Chair/Member at Large (elected if past Chair is no longer on the Authority)

• Additional Member (appointed by Chair prior to each meeting)

Meetings of the Executive Committee are at the discretion of the Chair. This Committee may be called upon to address items of an urgent or confidential nature. This Committee generally deals with legal matters, personnel matters, urgent financial matters, and hearings related to approval or refusal of Section 28 applications.

Property and Building Committee: This Committee is comprised of the Chair plus 3-4 Authority members. This Committee deals with matters regarding land disposition, acquisition, and donation or leasing. There are no regularly scheduled meetings.

Forestry Committee: This Committee is comprised of the Chair plus 3-4 Authority members. This Committee deals primarily with reviewing and approving tenders for the sale of timber on SVCA lands. This Committee meets infrequently.

Parks Committee: This Committee is comprised of the Chair plus 3-4 Authority members. This Committee deals with matters related to the 3 campgrounds. There are no regularly scheduled meetings.

Agricultural Advisory Committee: This Committee is comprised of three Authority members and eight representatives from the agricultural community. This committee mandate is to improve communications between various agricultural groups and SVCA and to bring forward recommendations to Authority Members. There are four meetings per year.

Source Protection Management Committee: This Committee is comprised of the Chair, First Vice Chair and the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer. This Committee represents the interests of SVCA on Source Water Protection management matters. This Committee meets about three times per year.

Conservation Ontario: The Chair, Vice Chair and General Manager/Secretary- Treasurer represent SVCA at the four Conservation Ontario council meetings per year in Toronto.


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2019 Committee Members:

Executive Committee:

Chair: Dan Gieruszak1st Vice Chair: Maureen Couture2nd Vice Chair: Barbara DobreenMember at Large: Mark Davis

Property & Building Committee:

Chair: Paul AllenDon MurrayMike MyattDiana RaeBill StewartDan Gieruszak - Ex Officio

Forestry Committee:

Chair: Don MurrayBarbara DobreenTom HutchinsonMike MyattDan Gieruszak - Ex Officio

Parks Committee:

Chair: TBDMaureen CoutureMark DavisCheryl GraceSue PatersonDan Gieruszak - Ex Officio

Agricultural Advisory Committee:

Chair Ken BridgeMark GoetzSteve McCabeDon Murray

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1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041, [email protected], www.svca.on.ca

Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands,

Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North,

Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey

2020 Authority Meeting Schedule

Thursday February 20 – Annual Meeting / Volunteer Recognition 10:00 a.m.

Thursday April 2 1:00 p.m.

Thursday May 7 1:00 p.m.

Thursday June 4 1:00 p.m.

Thursday August 6 1:00 p.m.

Thursday October 1 – Budget Review 10:00 a.m.

Thursday November 5 1:00 p.m.

Thursday December 3 1:00 p.m.


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1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041, [email protected],


Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey

Highlands, Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North,

Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey

Report To: Authority Members, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority

From: Laura Molson, Manager, Accounting

Date: February 20, 2020

Subject: Finance Report

Please find attached the Finance report for the period ending December 2019 for your review.


THAT the Finance Report to December 31, 2019 be accepted as distributed.


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% Actual/ Budget YTD

Approved Budget

Budget YTD

Actual YTD

% Actual/ Budget YTD

Surplus/ (Deficit)

Administration 433,718 433,718 481,332 111% 461,671 461,671 484,093 105% (2,761)

Flood Control Flood Warning System 209,912 209,912 167,104 80% 209,912 209,912 188,017 90% (20,913)

Water Management Flood Control Structures 152,762 152,762 141,871 93% 152,762 152,762 161,400 106% (19,529) Water Quality 98,302 98,302 99,764 101% 98,302 98,302 108,164 110% (8,400)

Environmental Planning & Regulations 719,555 719,555 910,385 127% 719,555 719,555 738,244 103% 172,141

Information Technology & GIS 186,109 186,109 186,109 100% 186,109 186,109 158,857 85% 27,252

Community Relations Information 228,864 228,864 248,822 109% 228,864 228,864 250,882 110% (2,060) Education 93,852 93,852 89,156 95% 93,852 93,852 91,714 98% (2,558)

Land Management Non-Revenue Parks & Lands 141,466 141,466 141,888 100% 141,466 141,466 127,981 90% 13,907 Property (General) 64,205 64,205 64,571 101% 64,205 64,205 53,050 83% 11,521

Total - General Levy Programs 2,328,745 2,328,745 2,531,002 109% 2,356,698 2,356,698 2,362,402 100% 168,600

Revenue Expenses

Saugeen Valley Conservation AuthorityFinancial Report

General Levy ProgramsDecember 31, 2019


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% Actual/ Budget YTD

Approved Budget

Budget YTD

Actual YTD

% Actual/ Budget YTD

Surplus/ (Deficit)

Land Management Revenue Parks: Brucedale C. A. 76,950 76,950 87,353 114% 53,775 53,775 56,632 105% 30,721 Durham C. A. 236,400 236,400 274,282 116% 232,900 232,900 228,619 98% 45,663 Saugeen Bluffs C.A. 248,900 248,900 306,434 123% 242,870 242,870 267,764 110% 38,670 Rental Properties 5,670 5,670 5,672 100% 4,400 4,400 2,753 63% 2,919 Agricultural Lands 14,000 14,000 14,575 104% 8,000 8,000 7,390 92% 7,185 Motor Pool 212,500 212,500 184,171 87% 190,800 190,800 204,245 107% (20,074)

Forest Management Authority Forests 220,000 220,000 116,030 53% 212,232 212,232 190,630 90% (74,600) Saugeen Forestry Services 231,200 231,200 236,006 102% 195,032 195,032 213,857 110% 22,149

Capital Projects Water Management 10,000 10,000 149,578 1496% 10,000 10,000 149,578 1496% -

Total-Non General Levy & Capital Programs 1,255,620 1,255,620 1,374,101 109% 1,150,009 1,150,009 1,321,468 115% 52,633

SummaryTotal - General Levy Programs 2,328,745 2,328,745 2,531,002 109% 2,356,698 2,356,698 2,362,402 100% 168,600Total-Non General Levy & Capital Programs 1,255,620 1,255,620 1,374,101 109% 1,150,009 1,150,009 1,321,468 115% 52,633

3,584,365 3,584,365 3,905,103 109% 3,506,707 3,506,707 3,683,870 105% 221,233

Budget YTD surplus/(deficit) 77,658


Agricultural Outreach Program 64,000 64,000 87,647 137% 64,000 64,000 87,647 137% 0

Saugeen Valley Conservation AuthorityFinancial Report

Non-General Levy Programs and Capital ProjectsDecember 31, 2019


Revenue Expenses

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1078 Bruce Road 12, P.O. Box 150, Formosa ON Canada N0G 1W0 Tel 519-367-3040, Fax 519-367-3041, [email protected], www.svca.on.ca

Watershed Member Municipalities Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Brockton, Township of Chatsworth, Municipality of Grey Highlands,

Town of Hanover, Township of Howick, Municipality of Morris-Turnberry, Municipality of South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss, Municipality of Kincardine, Town of Minto, Township of Wellington North,

Town of Saugeen Shores, Township of Southgate, Municipality of West Grey

Program Report February 20, 2020


Planning for tree planting is well underway with agreements signed for planting over 21,000 seedlings having gone out to interested landowners. The original deadline for funding applications for this planting year was February 1st, but this has been extended now until February 14th. It is anticipated that this will remain a light year for planting, and that a waiting list for next year will be created. Additional funding from Bruce Power has been confirmed to help offset the landowner’s costs for planting.

The Arbour Day Tree Sale has been scheduled for April 25th at the Sulphur Spring Conservation Area, and staff will be asked to volunteer to assist with this event as we cannot have a successful event without this volunteer help.

Requests from landowners for assistance with entering the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program continue to come in steadily.

On February 6th, staff were happy to host the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Grey Bruce Local Information Meeting. This meeting was attended by approximately 50 Producers and 6 equipment dealers. Staff have assumed the role of Secretary Treasurer for this group.

Forestry staff are assisting with the annual Grey Bruce Woodlot Conference which will be taking place on March 28th in Elmwood. Planning for this conference is ongoing.

The update of the Authority forest inventory is ongoing. As the inventories are completed and time permits, Operating Plans for each property will be developed. There have been a few calls received requesting that staff remove fallen trees from our property line where they obstruct or impede the neighbours enjoyment of their property. This work will be completed as time permits, before spring.

In late January, staff attended an Enforcement Workshop hosted by the Ontario Professional Foresters Association. This workshop was to serve as a reminder to all practitioners that we are a regulated profession, and what that means to both members and the public. The secondary subject was the Enforcement of legal matters like tree by-laws, vandalism, littering and other tree and property related issues.


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Water Quality

Staff have been conducting maintenance on the Authority’s 23 groundwater monitoring wells in fulfillment of SVCA’s commitments to the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN). This includes downloading dataloggers and weather stations, determining well depths and fixing or replacing faulty equipment. This year the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) provided CAs with extra sample analysis allotments. SVCA jumped on the opportunity to conduct two additional sampling runs which will provide valuable insight into over-winter water chemistry conditions, an area where sufficient data is lacking. Staff continue to take storm event samples at the ISCO (automated water sampler) near Ripley, as well as download and process flow and meteorological data. With temperatures consistently bouncing above and below the freezing mark this winter, SVCA has been able to collect data on several mid-winter runoff events. This data provides valuable insight into nutrient and sediment transport pathways. Staff continue to sort benthic invertebrate samples collected earlier in the spring. Benthos are excellent indicators of water quality due to their varying tolerances to pollution. They are often used as early-warning indicators for ecological or chemical changes in aquatic habitats.

Flood Warning

A Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety message was issued on January 10, 2020. The watershed received an average of 50mm of rain (up to 70mm in some in areas) within a 24-hour window. Combined with a melting snowpack, this produced streamflows about equivalent to the annual average spring freshet for the Saugeen River watershed. Stream gauge maintenance and upgrades are ongoing. Staff are trialing the use of “Yagi” antennas for LTE-based data transmissions. If successful, staff will look at replacing some of the outdated dataloggers with modern cell-based dataloggers. Additionally, staff have installed WiFi cameras at a couple of strategic locations. This affords us the ability to capture real-time video and time-lapse images, enabling us to verify sensor data and monitor ice conditions. Using the open-source programming language known as ‘R’, staff recently finished coding a one-stop-shop dashboard of all pertinent flood forecasting information. When the program is opened, it automatically updates and produces 72-hour streamflow hydrographs for all 21 stream gauges in the watershed. Additionally, 7-day forecasts and precipitation graphs from each of our rain gauges are instantly updated giving forecasters a near real-time decision-making tool. While the Dashboard is only available internally, staff are looking at ways to embed these graphs on the Flood Warning section of SVCA’s website. Recently the Flood Warning / Water Quality Coordinator provided “River Watch” training for all SVCA staff that may be utilized to monitor flood conditions in the future. With an emphasis on safety, staff were trained on flood sites of interest, items to look out for (e.g. ice jams, high water marks), and given some background on the various flood control structures maintained by the Authority. QA/QC of stream gauge (hydrometric) data is ongoing. Staff recently completed the process of transferring all historical hydrometric and water quality data into the new database “WISKI” (Water Information System by Kisters), effectively retiring the old system “Basin Runoff Forecast Unit.”

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The 2019-2020 snow survey season is underway. This program allows flood forecasters to estimate potential levels of snowmelt and predict runoff volumes. Most recent results (measured January 31st) indicate that there is an average snow depth of 10.3 cm and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) of 46 mm across the watershed.

Conservation Education

The teachers’ unions continue to ramp up their job actions as negotiations have reached a standstill. While there have been several one day strikes already this winter, part of the EFTO job action includes the decision to not participate in field trips. Staff are adjusting their schedules and programming to continue their commitment to providing valuable education opportunities. DEER For the past 22 years, Bruce Power has sponsored free conservation education programs including busing for all schools in the Bluewater District and Bruce Grey Catholic District School Boards through Saugeen Conservation’s education staff. Last year, in efforts to streamline costs for the program, Bruce Power reduced the sponsorship from 64 days to 50 days. That left a number of schools in the two boards without program days. This year’s contract has been increased to 54 days to include those schools that were missed in 2019. With the ongoing EFTO and OECTA job actions, Bruce Power has granted permission for SVCA staff to present the programming at the schools when necessary, instead of the three field trip locations, and will cover staff mileage to and from each school. This winter 21 full days of programming will be provided through the DEER programming to 43 classes from across Grey Bruce. Schools participating this winter include Holy Family School, Hanover; Lucknow Central Public School; Dawnview Public School, Hanover; Notre Dame School, Owen Sound; Amabel Sauble Community School; Paisley Central Public School; Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School; East Ridge Community School, Owen Sound; Port Elgin-Saugeen Central Public School; St. Teresa of Calcutta School, Walkerton; Georgian Bay Community School, Meaford; Sullivan Community School, Desboro; Normanby Community School, Ayton; St. Mary’s High School, Owen Sound; Peninsula Shores District School, Wiarton; Northport Elementary School, Port Elgin; Elgin Market Public School, Kincardine; St. Anthony’s School, Kincardine; Mildmay Carrick Public School; Hanover Heights Community School and Osprey Central Public School. WREN Winter Conservation Education programming will include some community youth groups from the Hanover and Chesley areas. Field trips with schools originally scheduled have been put on hold for now. Flood Waters and You Invitations to participate in the Flood Waters and You student safety program will go out mid-February. This program has been running successfully since 1987 with its safety reminders for students about hypothermia, ice safety and the dangers of fast-moving flood waters. These hands-on curriculum-based programs will take place in watershed schools during late March and early April. Earth Week 2020 An application for funding for Saugeen Conservation’s 2020 Earth Week Program was sent mid-November and has received full approval ($3,000.00) by Enbridge. Enbridge has sponsored this program completely for the past 5 years and as of this past spring all SC watershed schools will have participated in these free programs. Now we are ready to start the cycle over again with more programming designed to teach about

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the importance of our natural resources through engaging hands-on activities and presentation. Watch for more information on this program as spring nears. Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival With the current moratorium on field trips with EFTO and other restrictions on time for the OECTA teachers, this year’s water festival in May is in limbo. Final decisions on whether we can host a Festival this year will be made April 1st. Meetings: Saugeen Nature Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival & Bruce Grey Forest Festival

Water Resource and Stewardship Services

Capital Works - Flood Erosion Control Structures SVCA will be working on the final report requirements for Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Water and Erosion Control Infrastructure (WECI) funding program for funds received over 2019-2020. SVCA has invoiced the Province for the final payment. SVCA continues to reach out to the Municipality of West Grey regarding the upcoming WECI application deadline for 2020- 2021 and works for the West Grey capital projects. Inverhuron Flood Control Project Ongoing: the Inverhuron Flood Control Project outlet continues to be monitored. High Lake Huron water levels continue to provide on going challenges to maintain an open outlet. Staff are in contact with municipal staff as well as the landowner at the outlet. Shore ice has yet to develop and reduce the wave action from bringing rock and debris up to the culvert and blocking it. SVCA staff have reached out to a Coastal Engineer to meet with staff at the outlet to consider some longer-term actions for the structure in high water regimes. Nearshore Workshops - SVCA, Environment and Climate Change Canada in partnership with Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation The SVCA is receiving funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to host Nearshore Coastal Workshops within our watershed. SVCA has partnered with the Coastal Centre (LHCCC) to assist with the logistics of this workshop. Two free workshops will be hosted by SVCA and LHCCC, one in Kincardine on February 25th and one in Southampton on February 26th. The Kincardine event will be recorded and LIVESTREAMED! Speakers at the workshops will be:

• Robin Davidson Arnott – University of Guelph, Professor Emeritus, Dept of Geography; Author of Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology. Robin will talk about the natural coastal processes that shape our shoreline on Lake Huron, while providing a synopsis about how these processes affect those living along our coast.

• Peter Zuzek - Zuzek Inc., a Coastal Geoscientist with 25 years of experience working on consulting assignments across the coastal regions of the world. Zuzek Inc. is dedicated to increasing the health and resilience of the world's coastal communities and ecosystems by managing complex multidisciplinary investigations on coastal erosion and flooding.

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• Hannah Cann – Coastal Stewardship Coordinator at the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, Hannah has spent the past 3 years working on the Lake Huron Coastal Action Plan. Hannah will discuss 'green' options we can adopt on our coastal properties to protect ourselves from storm surges and climate changes, save ourselves money, and improve coastal habitats in the process!

• SVCA and GSCA Planning and Regulations staff will also present as the staff regularly review proposals for development along the Lake Huron shoreline. With recent highwater levels, SVCA and Grey Sauble Conservation have experienced an increased interest in the maintenance of existing erosion control structures, and for the installation of new structures. Planning and Regulations staff will discuss Conservation Authority policies and procedures and will highlight the importance of adhering to Ontario shoreline regulations in order to reduce the risk of flooding and erosion on your property.

TD Tree Days Planting Planning has begun on the TD Tree Planting that is scheduled for this fall. Staff have reached out to the Town of Hanover, the Municipality of Kincardine, and the Township of Wellington North as three new locations are being considered for the fall tree plant in partnership with TD Friends of the Environment. Other Funding Opportunities-Applications SVCA staff continue to seek out opportunities for project funding to support various stewardship projects in the watershed. In addition, staff have prepared reports for existing/completed projects in 2019 i.e. for Bruce Power and Enbridge (Brucedale Conservation Area) and are seeking project opportunities for 2020. Potential applications for projects will including various SVCA departments in a wholistic way. Staff also reach out to, and provide support for, our municipal partners so that they are in a better position to access funds to implement stewardship projects that will improve Saugeen watershed health. SVCA Agricultural Outreach Program- SVCA Water Infiltration Project Completed Activities Participant soil health surveys have been completed, lab results received, and individual and project reports have been completed without the remaining active carbon test results. SGS had ensured that the test results were submitted by January 14th. Bruce Soil and Crop had invited the Ag Outreach Program to host a booth and present on the project at their AGM on January 23rd. Erik Downing also attended and presented at the AGM. Remaining Deliverables Reporting materials will be made available for partnered events and publications to improve the reach of the SVCA Ag Program. SVCA will prepare a presentation for the Bruce and Grey Ontario Federation of Agriculture Politicians meeting in March. Lake Huron Stewardship Cluster - Canadian Agriculture Partnership (CAP) Funding The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) funding supports the ongoing efforts of Healthy Lake Huron (HLH) and is a collaborative effort between municipalities, conservation authorities, county health units and the provincial and federal governments. OMAFRA is the lead provincial office that is supporting this endeavour. The concept of the Stewardship Cluster is based on the fact that many producers seek advice from trusted sources. Increasing the number of trusted sources and having more local influencers to engage with local farmers, may find the local farmers more willing to include or to adopt more best management practices on their properties. SVCA staff have reached out to influencers in the Ag community to participate in the activities in the CAP program.

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One of the activities of the program supported the attendance of Environmental Planning and Regulations staff to attend several Agricultural events and learning workshops. This will support and improve staff understanding of the Ag Community as well as an increased knowledge on best management practices that farmers are implementing to improve soil health. Staff of SVCA, MVCA, ABCA and SCRCA have been completing the reports to address deliverables of the CAP project for the following activities associated with the agreement: Activity 1 - Capitalize on Existing Resources: Development and analysis of a catalogue of organizations in the Healthy Lake Huron watersheds that do soil health, BMP and stewardship outreach. Draft reporting has been submitted to the funder. Activity 2 – Build Awareness: Development and analysis of a catalogue of events held by organizations in the Healthy Lake Huron watersheds that focused on soil health, BMPs and stewardship outreach. Draft reporting has been submitted to the funder. Activity 3 – Build Capacity: Development of a list of “expert resources” in the Healthy Lake Huron watersheds. Development of a list of survey questions to be used for direction in the interviews. Interviews with these experts have begun and a brief report has been developed. This report will be refined as more interviews are completed over the winter months. Activity 4 – Strengthen Understanding: A list of events that CA staff can attend has been developed, and staff have begun to attend events. To date, staff have attended at least eight different events, with more scheduled over the next month. A draft synthesis has been developed to start to pull together some of the lessons learned and outcomes from these events. Activity 5 – Recognize Efforts: Staff have done a jurisdictional review of existing recognition programs in the Lake Huron watershed and within other parts of Ontario. Twenty different programs were surveyed as part of this review. A draft report on these programs and what elements should be included in potential Lake Huron program has been developed. Database parameters and a surveying tool have been developed and used to capture information regarding recognition programs in Ontario. A jurisdictional scan has been completed and report created. Follow-up phone calls were added to the jurisdictional scan survey to provide better qualitative information behind the resulting program proposal. Activities 6 through 10 – on going work will continue with activities over 2020 into 2021. Meeting/Events Attended for Water Management Department: Stewardship Grey Bruce Stewardship Cluster Meeting, ABCA, SCRCA and MVCA Grey Bruce Sustainability Network Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation Land Improvement and Contractors of Ontario/Drainage Superintendents Association Grey Bruce Farmers Week Seed and Feed- Grey County Federation of Ontario AGM FarmSmart, University of Guelph

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Meetings attended: Dec. 12 – Great Lakes Municipal Forum in Goderich – LHCCC – topics included lake levels and changing climate – lakeshore erosion – microplastics in the Great Lakes, etc. Jan. 9 – Bruce County Council – 2 separate letters from municipalities pertaining to Conservation Authorities, 1 for and 1 against. Of note there was a deputation by the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, so I had the opportunity to engage with them after their deputation. Led to invitation to attend their event in Elmwood on March 14th. Jan. 17 – with Laura Molson, attended at West Grey Council meeting to speak to our 2020 budget. We detailed our process in developing the budget and responded to some questions. Council members were supportive of the CA and its programs but expressed a desire to see the Agriculture Outreach program re-established if funding can be found for it. Jan. 22 – with Chair Gieruszak, attended the Grey Sauble CA AGM and conducted their election process. Cathy Little, Councillor in Grey Highlands, was returned as Chair, and Scott Greig, Councillor in Owen Sound, was acclaimed as Vice-Chair. Jan. 23 – attended a meeting with staff in the tax department at Saugeen Shores to address a multi-year issue pertaining to tax arrears on a unique parcel within the Saugeen Bluffs property. I’m awaiting documentation to confirm our discussion and agreement on a path forward to a successful resolution. The process is underway within MPAC to have this unique parcel consolidated with the remainder of the Saugeen Bluffs property. Jan. 24 – attended a workshop at Upper Thames River CA (London, Ont.) to familiarize with a spreadsheet tool that can be used to assess the vulnerability to Drinking Water Source Protection posed by changing climate. Feb. 4 – attended with 2nd Vice-Chair Dobreen, along with GSCA Chair Little, Vice-Chair Greig, and CAO Tim Lanthier, a briefing with MPP Walker at his Owen Sound office. We stressed the value of CAs to the Province in general, as well as in flood protection as per the Flood Advisors Report, that we are part of the solution with respect to the Made in Ontario Environmental Plan, and asked to be considered as a valued partner to the Province. Considerable time has been spent working with my peers at Maitland Valley CA and Ausable-Bayfield CA in preparation for a yet to be scheduled meeting with MPP Thompson. A planned meeting with Huron-Kinloss Mayor and Bruce County Warden Mitch Twolan had to be deferred and we’re looking to reschedule as soon as possible. There has been lots of communications taking place between Conservation Ontario through to you as Board Members pertaining to the provincial consultation sessions on Jan. 31, Feb. 7, and Feb. 14 seeking stakeholder input to proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and development of regulation thereafter. We’ve had a couple of teleconference discussions with representatives of RAGBOS. They are exploring a potential opportunity to partner with CAs in a flood plan mapping initiative.

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Following up on the December meeting pertaining to reporting on violations, and the process we use pertaining to violations under Sec. 28 of our regulations, we queried the Conservation Ontario Sec. 28 Working Group and I’m currently sorting through the 19 responses. There is a consistent theme, along with considerable input pertaining to fees, policies, and experiences in the legal realm. I’ll be working with Erik to bring forward a report with recommendations at a subsequent meeting. In my continuing organizational review, I’ve spent considerable time assessing and thinking about our current structure and staffing and discussing various aspects with the supervisors to get a better picture of each area of responsibility, program status, challenges, and opportunities. The receipt of a letter of resignation from our Field Superintendent has highlighted the need for some change! My review may drive additional recommendations for more immediate changes or be part of a package of recommendations for the Board and a new General Manager / S-T to consider as we move through 2020.

Environmental Planning & Regulations

Meetings attended and other ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING & REGULATIONS (EPR) Department Work and Updates: November 25-26, 2019 Lake Huron Shoreline administers training by Professor Emeritus Robin Arnott-Davidson for entire department. December 5, Administrative Review was completed with the SVCA Executive Committee relating to a wetland alteration application. December 5, a Section 28 Hearing was completed with the SVCA Executive Committee associated with a wetland alteration application. December 31, Paul Elston retired as a Regulations Officer from the SVCA. January 2020 - Erik has been subpoenaed to be a witness as an Ontario Municipal Board proceeding regarding a proposed gravel pit in the Township of Southgate scheduled for March. January 16, Conservation Ontario Conservation Authorities Act Update Webinar participation by EPR Department and SVCA Members. January 20, Jamie Hagman started as the new Resources Information Technician. January 20, Realtors Association Grey Bruce of Owen Sound (RAGBOS) meeting with SVCA GM/S-T, Community Relations Manager, and Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations. January 22, participation in Natural Legacy Advisory Committee Meeting #2. Soil and Crop Improvement AGM, LICO Drainage Conference, and Tile Drainage training attended by department staff. This is part of a Stewardship initiative to train agencies working with agricultural groups and farmers to better understand the farming community by review agencies. Receiving outside funding. Owen Sound Natural Gas pipeline project meeting and permitting completed January 2020. February 4, Radio Advertisements prepared for airplay on area radio stations.

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February 5, Phase 2 Southern Bruce County Natural Gas Line project meeting. Kincardine Official Plan review is underway with Brandi Walter. Lake Huron is at/near record high levels. Department staff are getting inquiries about erosion and shore works on private, municipal, and public/crown land as trails and roadways are put at jeopardy, as well as from private owners looking to repair shore walls. This review will accelerate if lake levels remain up with any sort of wind setup at the shoreline. Works in these areas require SVCA permission. During previous high lake-levels, the SVCA’s Regulation was not applicable to these areas (no SVCA permit required). This has meant a significant workload increase. Twenty or more permits issued for shoreline works to protect property at this time. Very few in the years prior due to low lake levels. The need for updated Planning Service Agreements in Grey and Wellington County has precipitated dialogue regarding new draft agreements. Planning service agreements not updated by January 2020 were recommended to be cancelled by SVCA in 2018 to all member municipalities. June 2020 is now the intended agreement finalization deadline. Initial new inquiry numbers to SVCA for 2019 surpassed 2018 (2018 was busiest year to date for department). Planning Act applications in 2019 surpassed 2018 file responses. 2019 issued permits (331) were beyond the final 2018 final permit numbers (271 permits issued in 2018 being more than ever before by SVCA annual). Department user fee revenue is higher than anticipated compared to anticipated revenue given the workload. The Annual Report, currently being drafted will include full analysis of file load over the last number of years. Social Media advertisements continue for the EPR department. Community Relations with the EPR department have implemented an education and outreach plan to improve public perception, by direction of the SVCA Executive. Radio advertisements are proceeding as well. Issued Permit Report: 20-021 Proton, 220245 Southgate Road 24; CON 2 SWTSR PT LOT 220. Addition, pond, pool, detached garage, grading. Regulated Area. 20-020 Carrick, 877 Concession 10E, Lot 13 Part Lot 14 Concession 10. Construction of a dwelling with an attached garage, installation of a laneway, sewage disposal system, pond to the south of the dwelling, and related excavation, filling, and grading. Regulated Area. 20-019 Normanby, 062212 Road 63, Part Lot 64 Concession 2 WGR. Construction of an approximately 4000 square foot accessory building. Regulated Area. 20-018 Artemesia, 380081 Road 140, Part Lots 139 and 140 Concession 3 SWTSR. The construction of a 960 square foot Sugar Shack, a 2000 square foot Wood Storage Shed, and a loading dock, and the installation of a septic system and any related filling and grading. Regulated Area. 20-017 Kincardine Township, 238 Bruce Rd 23, Pt Lot 27, Con A. To relocate an above ground pool and to construct a 920 square foot addition to a dwelling, with full basement, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 20-016 Neustadt, 708 Queen Street. To construct a 1,776 square foot dwelling with attached garage and porch, the installation of a new septic system and driveway, and all related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 20-015 Sullivan, SC-13, 215857 Concession 4; SC-14, 216013 Concession 4. HDD Pipe installation. Watercourse.

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20-014 Sullivan; Bentinck, SC-07, SC-09, SC-11. Temporary dewater and trench installation of a pipeline. Watercourse. 20-013 Sullivan; Bentinck, SC-08, SC-06, SC-06AA, SC-10, SC-16. Temporary dam and dewater pipe installation. Watercourse. 20-011 Bentinck, 234009 Concession 2 WGR. Dictional drill of a gas line. Watercourse. 20-010 Sullivan; Bentinck, SC-04, 233857 Concession 2 WGR; SC-12, 215857 Concession 4. Gas line installation via trenching. Watercourse. 20-009 Bentinck, 233707 Concession 2 WGRLot 51. 2 WGR, SC-02. Temporary dam and pump gas line installation. Watercourse. 20-008 Sullivan; Bentinck, RA South of SC-02; Wetland Around SC-06AA; Road Allowance South of SC-07; Area Around RC-07; Area Around RC-08A; Area Around SC-10; Area Around SC-16. Open Cut Regulated Area works to install a gas line. Regulated Area. 20-007 Bentinck, 402804 Grey Rd. 4, SC-01. Open cut installation of a pipeline under the Saugeen River. Watercourse. 20-006 Saugeen, McEwing Bridge on Mill Creek, Sideroad 18 & 19, Lot 18-19, Con 2. To remove an existing 15-metre span bridge and concrete abutments and replace with a 34-metre clear span bridge, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area; Watercourse. 20-005 Southampton, Lot 20 N Alice Street, Parts 7 & 8. Construction of a single detached dwelling, construction of a stormwater management facility and related works such as excavation, filling, site grading and drainage, and restoration. Regulated Area. 20-004 Southampton, Lots 20 N Alice Street, Parts 5 & 6. Site grading, driveway construction, construction of a stormwater management facility and all related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 20-003 Markdale, Markdale Town Pond Dam, north side of the west end of Terra Drive, Lot 98 to 100, Plan 582 Blk C. Removal of the Markdale Town Pond Dam on Armstrong Creek and the rehabilitation and restoration of the watercourse channel, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area; Watercourse. 20-002 Brant, 245 LAKE ROSALIND RD 2; CON 3 NDR PT LOTS 68 & 69. The installation of approximately 20 metres of 0.5-inch PE natural gas pipeline using the horizontal directional drill method to service customer. Regulated Area. 20-001 Neustadt, 714 Queen Street. To demolish a 170 square foot enclosed porch and construct a covered, non-enclosed porch in the same footprint. Regulated Area. 19-331 Bruce, 25 Richardson Rd. Single Detached Dwelling, Sewage Disposal System, and Driveway. Regulated Area. 19-329 Bentinck, Lot 29, Plan 1097. Clearing, excavation, and lot grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-328 Bentinck, Lot 28, Plan 1097. Clearing, excavation, and lot grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-327 Bentinck, Lot 25, Plan 1097. Clearing, excavation, and lot grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-326 Bentinck, Lot 30, Plan 1097. Clearing, excavation, and lot grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-325 Bentinck, Lot 31 Plan 1097. Clearing, excavation, filling, and lot grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-324 Saugeen, Lot 47, 48, Lake Range. Stormwater Management outlet installation on glacial lake bluff. Regulated Area.

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19-323 Kincardine Township, 1619 Brice Road 7; Part Lot 16, Conc 6. The emergency cleanout of an unnamed tributary to the Penetangore River, and related excavating, filling and grading to stabilize banks. Watercourse. 19-322 Brant, 481 LAKE ROSALIND RD 4A; CON 3 NDR PT LOT 69. To demolish an existing wooden deck and reconstruct an approximate 280 square foot deck in the existing footprint, with related landscaping. Regulated Area. 19-321 Egremont, 612985 Southgate Sideroad 61. To construct a 990 square foot dwelling with attached 990 square foot garage and attached 990 square foot shop, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-320 Bruce, Part Lots 53-56, Lake Range, Parts 1-5 Plan 3R5909. Installation of a culvert, and related clearing, excavation, filling, and grading in preparation of future development. Regulated Area. 19-319 Durham, 453 Lambton St. W., Lot 5 Plan 500. To demolish a 152 square foot, single story dwelling addition and construct a 400 square foot, single storey dwelling addition in its place, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-318 Southampton, 121 Shore Road; Plan 1620 Lot 10 Shore Road E/S. Installation of a driveway and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-317 Bentinck, 108 Scott's Hill Road; Plan 1150 Lot 7. Construction of an approximately 800 square foot detached accessory building and related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-316 Sullivan, 015219 Grey Bruce Line, Pt Lot 27, Con 13. To construct two additions to a dwelling totaling 888 square feet, a 160 square foot detached storage shed, to reconstruct an existing detached deck, and to relocate concrete stairs into a slope, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-315 Osprey, 328304-3rd Concession, Lot 35, Concession 2 NDR. Excavation, filling, and grading of 200 truckloads of fill material within 120 metres from Hatherton Wetland Provincially Significant Wetland. Regulated Area. 19-314 Bentinck, Part Lot 64 Concession 2 WGR. Construction of an approximately 2694 square foot dwelling, attached garage, the installation of a septic system and laneway and related excavation, filling and grading. Recognition of pond on property. Regulated Area. 19-313 Sullivan, 135220 Concession Rd 8, Pt Lot 27, Con 8. To construct a 516 square foot detached covered porch that shall not be enclosed on its south side, to extend an existing driveway, and to remove the accumulated sediment and vegetation from a 1230 square foot manmade pond, with related excavation, filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-312 Bruce, Pt Lot 19, Con 7 on Concession Rd 6. The installation of systematic tile drainage adjacent to wetlands. Regulated Area. 19-311 Bentinck, 173740 Mullock Road; PT LT 25 Con 4 RP17R;2511 PART 3. Construction of an approximately 1925 square foot dwelling, 1200 square foot detached accessory building, the installation of a septic system and laneway and related excavation. filling and grading. Regulated Area. 19-310 Egremont, 612970 Southgate Sideroad 61; Con 21 Lot 25. Installation of systematic tile drainage, construction of 3,200 sq. foot shed with related sewage disposal system, and regrading of area within 120m of PSW. Regulated Area.

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Winter / Spring 2020



1078 Bruce Rd. 12

Formosa ON

N0G 1W0


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Planning to build

or expand?

Thinking about

digging a pond?

Please call us first!

519-367-3040 x243

[email protected]

Saugeen Conservation

is a proud member of

Conservation Ontario is the

umbrella organization for all

36 Conservation Authorities

across Ontario.

Time to Think Trees!

Nancy Griffin, SVCA’s very own Conservation Education Coordinator was recognized by her peers throughout the Ontario conservation education community, for outstanding achievement.

Nancy has dedicated her life to teaching outdoor education to students throughout the Saugeen Watershed and has been doing so for over 30 years.

The Outstanding Achievement Award is given to individuals who have made a significant and long-standing difference in conservation education, by fostering awareness and stewardship of land, water and/ or air.

Anticipating a NewClimate Reality

Special Awards

This year marks the 70th Anniversary of Saugeen Conservation.

The SVCA was established in March of 1950, the 13th Conservation Authority to be established in the Province of Ontario.

The driving force behind SVCA’s formation was the severe flooding occurring in the Town of Walkerton. As a result, the first capital project was the construction of the dykes in the 1950’s and 1960’s.



In early January, rainfall, combined with melting snow resulted in localized flooding across the watershed.

The SVCA kept watershed residents, municipalities and ministries updated on the conditions and issued a Watershed Conditions Statement / Safety Bulletin.

“Looking ahead, heavy rain events and wild temperature fluctuations will contribute to more mid-winter floods compared to the conventional spring-thaw we’ve seen in the past”, stated Shaun Anthony, Flood Warning/ Water Quality Coordinator.

Contact us for information on our 2020 tree planting program. Incentive programs are available.

Ask us about our services, such as tree planting, tree marking, the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP), woodlot inventories, presentations, and more!

Contact or call us at [email protected] ext. 231 or visit www.svca.on.ca.

Working togetherto keep our

future green!


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DEPARTMENT EXTENSIONS: Environmental Planning #234 • Forestry #233 • Communications #229

Conservation Education #237 • Stewardship Services #235

Got A Question?Give us a call at 519-367-3040 or email us at [email protected]

Staff attended a number of the educational sessions at Grey Bruce Farmer’s Week in early January. Each day, over a week, various aspects of farming were featured, from Beef Day to Ecological Day, Crops Day and more.

Staff participated with displays and demonstrations and provided technical expertise and advice on various farm conservation initiatives.

Lisa Thompson, MPP, (right), stopped by to say hello, with staff person Jo-Anne Harbinson, Manager of Water Resources and Stewardship Services.

SVCA Participates in Grey Bruce Farmer’s Week

As of February 1st, you can now book a campsite at Durham or Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area on-line.

It’s easy. Go to saugeen.goingtocamp.com and book the site of your choice. More information about both parks can be found at www.svca.on.ca We’re also on Facebook.

SVCA’s new Conservation Areas Guide is almost here!

The new publication will list all SVCA Conservation Areas along with permitted uses, maps, historical information on the properties and more.

We’ll keep you posted! The booklet will be available by the long weekend in May.

Saugeen Conservation regularly attends various events and hosts them as well. Check out the list of events below. We’ll see you there!

! Lake Huron Nearshore Workshop , Kincardine(Feb. 25)! Lake Huron Nearshore Workshop Southampton (Feb 26),! Flood Water and You Safety Program (end of March / April) In-school programs! Grey Bruce Woodlot Conference , Elmwood (March 28) Community Centre! Earth Week In-school (elementary)(April 20 - 23)! Arbour Day Tree Sale Sulphur Spring CA(April 25th)! Greenock Tour , Greenock Swamp(May 2)! Is the Coast Clear Grand Bend, LHCCC(May 12 - 13),! Grey Bruce Children’s Water Festival Chesley(May 12 - 14)! Greenock Tour , Greenock Swamp(May 16)! Wonders of Wetlands , Brucedale CA(June 3)! Greenock Tour Greenock Swamp(June 6),! Youth Expo Sydenham Sportsman Property(June 6)! Yellow Fish Road Stormdrain Marking , Flesherton (June 23)! Memorial Grove Ceremony , Durham Community (June 28) Centre! Greenock Tour ), Greenock Swamp(July 4! Greenock Tour , Greenock Swamp(July 25)! Greenock Tour , Greenock Swamp(August 8)! Nature Day Camp Sulphur Spring CA(August 24 - 28) ! Volunteer Appreciation Evening , Walkerton Legion(August 27)! Greenock Tour , Greenock Swamp(Sept. 5)! Bruce Grey Forest Festival Allan Park CA(Oct. 6 - 8)! Witches and Warlocks Ride , Town of Hanover(Oct. 24)! Christmas in the Country , Formosa(Dec. 3 - 6)

Schedule of Events

The weather outside can be frightful, but that doesn’t stop staff from working outdoors.

During the month of January, staff were out and about conducting forest inventories, snow surveys (to estimate the amount of water in the snowpack), water sampling, carrying out conservation education programs and more.

Outstanding in Our Field

The NEW Legends of the Greenock Swamp Tours are here! Book your tour today on eventbrite.ca or email Shannon Wood at [email protected] Three great tours - three great adventures!

Enjoy the stories and legends associated with Southern Ontario’s single largest forested wetland. Sample local foods, tour a historic Inn and and let history come alive as actors take you on an adventure portraying characters from long ago.

All this and more! Great for gifts too!

Legends of the Great SwampBook Your 2020 Tour Today

It’s Almost Here!

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING: Agricultural Advisory Committee DATE: Monday October 7, 2019 TIME: 9:30 am LOCATION: Formosa Administration Office

ATTENDEES: Ken Bridge, Bruce County Federation of Agriculture Mark Goetz, Authority Member, SVCA Gord Flewwelling, Wellington County Federation of Agriculture Gerald Poechman, Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario Mike Ryan, Grey County Federation of Agriculture

OTHERS PRESENT: Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Donna Lacey, Forestry Coordinator Laura Molson, Recording Secretary

ABSENT WITH REGRET: Robert Emerson, Adam Garniss, Steve McCabe, Paul Wettlaufer,

ABSENT: Don Murray, Dale Pallister

No quorum was present. The following is for information purposes.

Donna Lacey, Forestry Coordinator gave a presentation on the Emerald Ash Borer. She showed pictures of the insect in different stages of its life cycle and demonstrated how they cause damage to ash trees. She offered advice on managing forests to minimize the effect of the Emerald Ash Borer. Donna also reviewed other tree pests that are currently impacting our forests. The committee asked many questions and offered support about reminding the farming community that their forests are another type of crop that can be managed. The Chair thanked Donna for her presentation and she then left the meeting.

Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer presented the report prepared by Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning and Regulations concerning permitting the perpetual cleanout of drains and applying the DART Protocol for private drains/watercourses. The conclusion of the report was that an extended permitting, or DART protocol style triage is not currently possible under the current framework of the Conservation Authorities Act and the SVCA Regulation.


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Agricultural Advisory Committee– October 7, 2019


Wayne outlined the challenges facing the Authority members while trying to create a responsible budget for the 2020 fiscal year, including recent cuts to provincial funding and the lack of commitment from the province to continue funding going forward. He explained that the Authority has chosen to continue renting the Woods property as a source of funding for next year and that they have made the difficult decision not to fund the Agricultural Outreach program in 2020. In order to attract more interest in the Agricultural Advisory Committee meetings it was suggested that we could specifically target groups with invitations if there was an agenda topic that may be of interest to them. MPP’s and MP’s as well as municipal councilors could also be invited to attend the meetings to improve their knowledge and gain a better understanding of the committee. It was agreed to set the next meeting date after the Authority’s annual general meeting in January, as committee members would be appointed at that meeting. In reviewing the Terms of Reference for the committee it was noted that elections for Chair and Vice Chair would be at the first meeting of the year. The committee members left at 11:25am.

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE: Thursday October 18, 2019 TIME: 1:00 p.m. LOCATION: Brockton Conference Room, 100 Scott St. Walkerton, ON

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureen Couture, Mark Davis, Barbara Dobreen


OTHERS PRESENT: Grant McLevy, Grey County Senior Manager, Human Resources

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Motion #E19-16 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Maureen Couture THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.


3. Declaration of pecuniary interest

No persons declared a pecuniary interest relative to any item on the agenda.

4. Closed Session – Personnel Matter

Motion #E19-17 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Maureen Couture THAT the Executive Committee move to Closed Session, In Camera, to discuss a personnel matter; and further THAT Grant McLevy remain in the meeting.



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Executive Committee –October 18, 2019

Motion #E19-19 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Executive Committee adjourn from Closed Session, In Camera, rise and report; and further THAT the Executive Committee re-convene the regular meeting.


5. Direction coming out of In-Camera

Motion #E19-20 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Mark Davis That the Chair be given direction to contact Dick Hibma as the preferred candidate and execute a contract for Interim General Manager/Secretary.


6. New Business

None was brought forward. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. on motion of Barbara Dobreen and Mark Davis. _______________________________ ______________________________ Dan Gieruszak Chair

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW DATE: Thursday December 5, 2019 TIME: 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Formosa Office

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureen Couture, Barbara Dobreen, Mark Davis, Cheryl Grace, Steve McCabe, Mike Myatt

OTHERS PRESENT: Greg & Nicole Hymers Trevor Reading, Building Sales Representative, John Ernewein Ltd. Dick Hibma, Interim General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations Matt Armstrong, Regulations Officer Janice Hagan, Recording Secretary Members of the Public

1. Call to Order:The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:59 a.m.

Motion E-19-21 Moved by Mike Myatt Seconded by Maureen Couture THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.


2. Administrative Review of Completeness of Permit ApplicationDick Hibma reviewed the purpose of the Administrative review is only to determine if the submitted application is complete and not to discuss the merits of the application. He explained that if an application is deemed to be incomplete, the applicant can request an Administrative Review. Approval or denial of the permit is not under consideration.

Matt Armstrong introduced the applicants, Greg & Nicole Hymers. He described the location of the property and reviewed the submitted report. Matt corrected a date error in the report. On page 5, 1st paragraph, the year should read 2019, not 2018.


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Executive Committee Administrative Review – December 5, 2019

Matt pointed out that the area of interest was designated a Provincially Significant Wetland [PSW] in the tributary of the Saugeen watershed. A violation occurred in 2017 when the wetland was drained and excavated without SVCA permission. Once staff became aware of the violation a remediation plan was proposed to resolve the violation. SVCA was notified by the Hymers that they would not be proceeding with the remediation plan and submitted other proposals involving moving clay from the rear of the property to fill in the wetland. Staff requested an EIS study and a Floodplain Analysis to address concerns that the proposal would have an adverse impact on Conservation Land and the Control of Flooding tests of SVCA’s Regulation. Greg Hymers indicated that he had been given permission from the Wellington County to proceed with the project. Trevor Reading told the committee that a wetland must be larger than .5 hectares to be deemed a significant wetland and that there must be an out/inlet. He explained that this was a dug pond separate from the watershed and is only fed by rainwater. Matt explained the difference between wetland and a wetland complex and that size is not always a determining factor, and as well connectivity can be underground. He clarified that even if the area were to be changed from PSW, it is still considered a wetland and that it would no longer be a wetland if it was filled in with clay sourced from other areas on the property. The Hymers responded that they didn’t think there was enough existing wetland material to fill in the pond and it was their intention to create a lawn. The changes of the area from previous years was discussed and Trevor claimed that the area was not always a pond. After further discussion the following motion was passed: Motion E-19-22 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Cheryl Grace THAT the Authority considers the permit application by Greg and Nicole Hymers with respect to filling within a wetland and floodplain at 6196 16th Line, Pt Lot 17, Con 17, Geographic Township of Minto, Town of Minto, to be incomplete and requires submission of an Environmental Impact Study and Floodplain Analysis acceptable to SVCA staff.

Carried The members discussed next steps and it was noted that an EIS and Floodplain Analysis would not be required should the Hymers agree to the original remediation plan proposed by SVCA staff. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:07 a.m. on motion of Maureen Couture. _______________________________ ______________________________ Dan Gieruszak Janice Hagan Chair Recording Secretary

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – SECTION 28 HEARING DATE: Thursday December 5, 2019 TIME: 10:30 a.m. LOCATION: Formosa Office

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureen Couture, Mark Davis, Barbara Dobreen, Steve McCabe

OTHERS PRESENT: John Mulhall & Catherine Yake, Landowners Alexandra A. Ferrier, Solicitor, Fallis Fallis & McMillan Linda Söber, Ecologist, SAAR Environmental Limited Dick Hibma, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations Alyssa Gowing, Regulations Officer Janice Hagan, Recording Secretary Members of the Public

10:35 a.m. The Executive Committee convened as a Hearing under Section 28(12) of the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.27 and amendments.


Application to Alter a Regulated Area No. 19-220

Applicant: Catherine Yake and John Mulhall 8611 Highway 89 Part Lot 14, Concession 14; Part Lot 14, Concession 13 Roll No. 2349000016155550 Geographic Township of West Luther Township of Wellington North

A copy of the report detailing this application is appended to the office copy of these minutes.


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Executive Committee Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019

Dick Hibma reviewed the procedures for the meeting and requested permission to record the meeting for the purposes of accurately completing the minutes. The solicitor for the applicants requested a copy of the recording. The Chair welcomed Catherine Yake and John Mulhall to the meeting and read aloud the introduction (attached to office copy). The applicants were advised that they could ask questions throughout the hearing and that they must be under oath to provide evidence to the Hearing Committee. Alyssa Gowing, under oath, introduced the permit application by reading aloud the staff report. This report is appended to the office copy of these minutes. She explained that staff recommended permit application #19-220 to Alter a Regulated Area, after the fact, be denied for the following reason:

- The alteration of wetland in converting it to crop land fails to meet the Control of Flooding, Erosion, and Conservation of Land tests of Ontario Regulation 169/06, as amended.

Erik Downing, under oath, told the Committee that the current landowners had purchased the property after the violation had been carried out but that it is the responsibility of the current landowners to remediate the violation. Solicitor Alexandra Ferrier questioned staff about qualifications, definitions of wetlands, and how the area had been designated as a Provincially Significant Wetland [PSW]. Staff responded that MNRF previously assessed the area as a PSW in 1980’s. A Wetland Evaluation Record is available, however SVCA staff are unaware if MNRF staff had ever visited the area. Discussion took place around the definition of a wetland, and the solicitor noted that staff had not included the last part of the definition from Conservation Authorities Act in the report: Wetland means…..but does not include periodically soaked or wet land that is used for agricultural purposes and no longer exhibits a wetland characteristic referred to in clause (c) or (d). Based on this definition the solicitor asked if staff could define the property as a wetland. Staff agreed that based on a site visit in August and December (2019) the property did not exhibit characteristics of a wetland; however, it is the understanding of staff that an alteration had occurred prior. Assessment had been based on aerial imagery and MNRF designation. Onsite forensics i.e. soil sampling was not done in this instance. The solicitor questioned staff on the response to the idea put forth by Söber that planting vegetation along the municipal drain was a positive restoration. Staff do not have the opportunity within SVCA policy to consider substituting compensation of one area of land to restore another area. The solicitor discussed soil types and in this case the soil was deemed by staff to be Listowel Silt Loam which is characteristically soaked periodically as per OMAFRA definition. Staff believe that the property is characteristic of the Listowel Silt Loam. Staff stated that they did not see evidence that a watercourse had previously existed and that according to the definition of a watercourse, water would have to flow regularly or continuously, which is determined at staff discretion. The solicitor questioned staff on whether they had seen any evidence of erosion or impact of flooding on adjacent properties. Staff responded that they had not assessed any adjacent areas or downstream communities. Staff did not agree farming was necessarily a wise use of the property but perhaps a cattle pasture if it remained a wetland. Staff recommend removal of the tile drainage from the regulated area and replanting with native plant species.

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Executive Committee Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019

When asked if the tile drainage was cut off, would the area revegetate naturally, staff responded that this could be possible if the soil still contained the native seed bank. Staff would require confirmation that the area would be restored if this option was included in the restoration plan. When asked if the current owners are responsible for previous owner’s violations, staff responded that the conservation authority is unable to register a violation on the title of the property and they became aware of the violation in January 2018, after the property had been sold to the current owner in 2015. Erik told the Committee that it was unfortunate that a legal search was not done when the transaction occurred. The applicants John Mulhall and Catherine Yake, Solicitor Alexandra Ferrier, and Linda Söber were sworn in. Catherine Yake shared a history of the property which is included in the applicant’s report. The property has been in the family since 1917. The drain on the property was dug by her grandfather in 1940, and in the 1960’s the family worked with the township to convert it into a municipal drain. Engineering reports were dated 1967. In 2014 the municipality cleaned out the drain and submitted an invoice to the landowner in 2018. She told the committee that there was never a watercourse on the property as is marked on the maps provided. John Mulhall told the committee that the mapping is quite liberal in its catchment. He indicated on the map the actual location of the water furrow and stated that the watercourse on the map doesn’t exist. He noted that it would be impossible to drive the equipment on the field if there was a watercourse. Catherine reviewed the December site visit she had with Alyssa and Linda Söber, and said that SVCA staff had given her the understanding that the property wasn’t part of a PSW. They had discussed how they could get the property reclassified; however, she later received a letter from staff stating that they were required to restore the property. Linda Söber introduced herself and told the committee that she has over 30 years expertise as a biologist. Her early work had been done with the MNR as a civil servant where she was trained to evaluate wetlands, flood plains and fringes. Her company, SAAR Environmental Limited, has been contracted by the MNRF to evaluate wetlands and is highly experienced in this area. A coffee break was called at 11:57 and the meeting was called back to order at 12:04 pm. Linda noted that there is a Provincially Significant Wetland [PSW] presented on the mapping for the location in question. In her opinion the portion of the property indicated as a wetland is an error and should not be on the map. She noted that her team conducted a soil probe analysis and the soils were not hydric wetland soils. There is plant growth indicating that it is not consistent with being a wetland. She stated that the area is not connected with a sub-surface watercourse, has aerobic soils, and has other vegetation not typically in a wetland. The municipal drain is deep and dries up mid-June and if there was a hydrological sub-surface connection then there would be more permanence. Showing the map in her report, Linda reviewed the location of the property in relation to Luther Marsh and noted that there is no connection as per the Ontario wetland manual. She described a surface water feature under CA Act Section 28 and noted that the property does not have linkage or a depression in which a flow of water regularly or continuously occurs. Linda reviewed the term “Development” as defined in the Act and noted that crop rotations and historic farming use do not constitute development, interference with wetlands or alterations to shorelines or watercourses. Linda discussed agrarian use and the land in question has a documented history of agrarian use. She noted that the Provincial Policy

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Executive Committee Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019

Statement includes Natural Heritage which notes in PPS 2.1.9 that “nothing in policy 2.1 is intended to limit the ability of agricultural uses to continue.” In her opinion, the area does not meet the regulated definition of a wetland currently or in the past. Her team recommends that the redline be changed on the map. Alexandra Ferrier, Solicitor for the landowners, indicated several legal issues. She noted that staff should not use precedence setting as a factor because the Hearing Committee is a first adjudicative body which is not binding. Horizontal precedent is not legally binding and should not be a concern. The application is fact specific and all the facts would need to be identical regarding expert evidence on any other applications. Alexandra is not aware of SVCA decisions being published, and the applicant would be willing to sign a non-disclosure clause as a condition of approval if necessary and would consent to a save harmless clause including an indemnification clause. She stated that while wetlands are important and protected by legislation and guarded by conservation authorities; however, farms and farming activity are also important and protected by robust legislation such as the Farm and Food Protection Act. She stated that there needs to be a balance and she quoted the Provincial Policy Statement, “nothing in policy 2.1 is intended to limit the ability of agricultural uses to continue.” She also stated that this parcel of land has been continuously used for farming for over a century and has been rotated regularly with no cessation. She stated that her best hypothesis for determining it was a wetland is from aerial photos which are not precise for the measurement of wetlands; however, no evidence has been brought forward that the property has been harmed by converting it from cattle pasture to cropland. The Chair indicated that the Committee would proceed to an In-Camera session for deliberation, and Alexandra requested that Planning & Regulations staff not remain in the meeting. MOTION # E19-23 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Executive Committee move to Closed Session, In Camera, to discuss the permit application; and further THAT Dick Hibma & Janice Hagan remain in the meeting.

Carried MOTION # E19-24 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Executive Committee adjourn from Closed Session, In Camera, rise and report: and further THAT the Executive Committee re-convene the regular meeting.


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Executive Committee Section 28 Hearing – December 5, 2019

MOTION # E19-25 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Maureen Couture THAT Application to Alter a Regulated Area No. 19-220, submitted by Mr. Mulhall and Ms. Yake, seeking permission for undertaking the conversion of an area of the Luther Marsh PSW to crop land after the fact in a Regulated Area, at 8611 Highway 89, on Part Lot 14, Concession 14 and Part Lot 14, Concession 13, in the Geographic Township of Luther, in the Township of Wellington North, is approved pending completion of a non-disclosure agreement as to the proceedings of the Hearing conducted on December 5, 2019, indemnification agreement pertaining to activities undertaken on the property and any effects the activities may have, and a save harmless agreement to the benefit of SVCA regarding any claims arising as a result of the project.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:24 p.m. on motion of Maureen Couture. _______________________________ ______________________________ Dan Gieruszak Janice Hagan Chair Recording Secretary

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING : Forestry Committee DATE : December 11th, 2019 TIME : 10:00 am LOCATION: Saugeen Conservation Main Meeting Room, Formosa

CHAIRMAN: Tom Hutchinson

MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Dobreen, Dan Gieruszak, Tom Hutchinson, Mike Myatt


OTHERS PRESENT: Dick Hibma, Interim General Manager/ Secretary-Treasurer Donna Lacey, Forestry Coordinator Aaron Swayze, Forestry Technician Joe Allan, Klemmer Lumber Ltd.

In the absence of quorum, Dick Hibma called the meeting to order at 10:30 am.

Barbara Dobreen arrived at 10:56 am.

1. Election of Committee Chair

Motion #FC19-01 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mike Myatt THAT Tom Hutchinson serve as Forestry Committee Chair.

Carried Tom Hutchinson assumed the position of Chair for the meeting at 10:57 am.

2. Adoption of Agenda

MOTION #FC19-02 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mike Myatt THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.



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3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest No person declared pecuniary interest relative to any item on the Agenda. Dan Gieruszak arrived at 11:45 am. 4. Minutes of the Meeting of October 31st , 2019 MOTION #FC19-07 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mike Myatt THAT the minutes of the Forestry Committee, held on October 31st, 2018, be adopted as received. Carried 5. Matters Arising From the Minutes

a. ATV Use on Authority Properties – Discussion

There was a short discussion about permitted uses in regard to signage.

6. New Business a. 2019 Tenders


Property Location: Lots 69, Concession 2 EGR, former Holland Township, Municipality of Chatsworth, Grey County One tender was received prior to the official closing date and time and was evaluated as complete tender submission.

Moggie Valley Timber Ltd. Total Bid Price $ 18,000 The official copy of the tender opening record is attached to the office copy of these minutes.

MOTION #FC19-03 Moved by Mike Myatt Seconded by Barbara Dobreen It is recommended to the Authority that SVCA Tender SVCA_01_2019, submitted by Moggie Valley Timber Ltd., Williamsford, in the amount of $18,000 be accepted for the sale of standing timber. Carried

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Property Location: Lot 12-13, Concession 3, former Carrick Township, Municipality of South Bruce, Bruce County One tender was received prior to the official closing date and time and was evaluated as complete tender submission.

Moggie Valley Timber Ltd. Total Bid Price $ 23,000 The official copy of the tender opening record is attached to the office copy of these minutes.

MOTION #FC19-04 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mike Myatt It is recommended to the Authority that SVCA Tender SVCA_02_2019, submitted by Moggie Valley Timber Ltd., Williamsford, in the amount of $23,000 be accepted for the sale of standing timber. Carried


Property Location: Lot 39-42, Concession 2 & 3 SDR, former Bentinck Township, Municipality of West Grey, Grey County Three tenders were received prior to the official closing date and time and all were evaluated as complete tender submissions.

Bester Forest Products Total Bid Price $ 72,015 Klemmer Lumber Ltd. Total Bid Price $ 50,000 Complete Woodlot Management Total Bid Price $ 59,500 The official copy of the tender opening record is attached to the office copy of these minutes.

MOTION #FC19-05 Moved by Dan Gieruszak Seconded by Barbara Dobreen It is recommended to the Authority that SVCA Tender SVCA_03_2019, submitted by Bester Forest Products, Walkerton, in the amount of $72,015 be accepted for the sale of standing timber, and further THAT the remaining tender deposit cheques be returned immediately upon said acceptance. Carried Janice Hagan presented information on how HST is not applicable while cutting standing timber in Canada.

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b. 2019 Year End Report

Donna Lacey presented the Year End Report, a copy of which is attached to the office copy of these minutes.

MOTION #FC19-06 Moved by Mike Myatt Seconded by Dan Gieruszak THAT the 2019 Forest Management Program Year End Report be accepted as presented.


c. 2020 Forestry Activities - Discussion Donna Lacey reported that the Forestry Department is continuing to move forward in updating inventories and creating a more defined harvest schedule. The Department will continue to carry out sustainable forestry and manage forested properties for improved forest health.

7. Correspondence There was no correspondence. Recess was taken at 12:19 pm. Meeting resumed at 12:41 pm. 8. Other Business MOTION #FC19-08 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Tom Hutchinson THAT in the absence of the chair, Mike Myatt assumes the role of vice chair. Laura discussed HST clarification. 9. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:03 pm on motion of Barbara Dobreen. 10. Next Meeting THAT the next meeting be held in the spring – around the start of April. Tom Hutchinson Aaron Swayze Committee Chair Recording Secretary

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Conservation through Cooperation MINUTESMEETING: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE: Thursday February 6, 2020 TIME: 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: Township of Arran-Elderslie Municipal Office

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureen Couture, Mark Davis, Barbara Dobreen


OTHERS PRESENT: Grant McLevy, Grey County Senior Manager, Human Resources

The meeting was called to order at 9:55 a.m.

1. Adoption of the Agenda

Motion #E20-01 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Maureen Couture THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.


2. Declaration of pecuniary interest

No persons declared a pecuniary interest relative to any item on the agenda.

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting – July 25, 2019

Motion #E20-02 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting, July 25, 2019 be approved as circulated.



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Executive Committee – February 6, 2020

b. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting – October 18, 2019

Motion #E20-03 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Mark Davis THAT the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting, October 18, 2019 be approved as circulated.


c. Minutes of Administrative Review – Hymers – December 5, 2019 Motion #E20-04 Moved by Maureen Couture Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the minutes of the Administrative Review - Hymers, December 5, 2019 be approved as circulated. Carried

d. Minutes of Section 28 Hearing – Yake/Mulhall – December 5, 2019

Motion #E20-05 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mark Davis THAT the minutes of the Section 28 Hearing – Yake/Mulhall, December 5, 2019 be approved as circulated. Carried

4. New Business

a. Review of Position Description for General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer The current Position Description for the GM/S-T was discussed. Dick Hibma noted that there were several responsibilities inappropriately ascribed to the GM/S-T, i.e. organization and administration of the Land Management program and other related items. He recommended future consideration of eliminating these items in order to focus on strategic and operational plans.

b. Review and approval of advertisement content Grant McLevy reviewed the hiring process, and draft print and online advertisements for the GM/S-T position were presented and discussed and several changes made. Motion #E20-06 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Mark Davis That the use of the 2019 Position Description for the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer be approved as amended; and further THAT the draft Internet advertisement and draft print media ad for the recruitment of the new GM/S-T of SVCA be approved as amended. Carried

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Executive Committee – February 6, 2020 A short break was called at 11:25 a.m. and the meeting was called back to order at 11:30 a.m.

c. Next Steps and Timing

i. Immediately - Advertisements published with a closing date of March 20th. Resumes would be received by Grant directly from the candidates.

ii. March 25 - Binder with resumes to be forwarded to the Executive Committee. iii. March 31 - Executive Committee members to review and submit top ten resumes by

email to Grant. iv. April 2 – Scheduled Executive Committee meeting – meet with Grant in Formosa at

10:00 a.m. to determine top five candidates. v. April 16th & 17th – Interviews at a location to be confirmed. (Walkerton Clean Water

Centre was suggested). vi. June 1st – start date for new GM/S-T.

Grant left the meeting at 11:44 a.m.

5. Other Business

a. MECP consultations – Barrie Session Barbara Dobreen reported that she and Steve McCabe had attended the MECP consultations on January 31st. She noted that the main message received from attendees is the lack of consistency between conservation authorities. Other topics of discussion at the meeting included concern regarding the Drinking Water Source Protection program being transferred to municipal jurisdiction.

b. February 14 Consultation re Conservation Authorities Act Changes It was noted that Dan Gieruszak, Bill Stewart and Dick Hibma plan to be in attendance. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:58 a.m. on motion of Barbara Dobreen and Maureen Couture. ______________________________ ______________________________ Dan Gieruszak Janice Hagan Chair Recording Secretary

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Mildmay Town Crier, December 19, 2019


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BlackburnNews.com - Local syrup producers gather Saturday

Blackburn News, January 6, 2020

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News Centre

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Warm Conditions and Rain Could Lead to Early

Spring Flooding Conditions Regional | by Cody Misner

According to both authorities, snow pack throughout the watersheds has diminished greatly due

to warm temperatures.

Both the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority and the Saugeen River Conservation Authority

are advising Grey Bruce Residents that warm temperatures, melting snow and forecasted rain

could cause waterways to experience spring flooding conditions over the next few days.

According to both authorities, snow pack throughout the watersheds has diminished greatly due to

warm temperatures.

This has caused the soil to become saturated with a concern that forecasted rain will lead to run off

and could flood low lying areas.

The conservation authorities have said that any potential flooding would not exceed usual spring

flooding conditions.

They have advised residents and municipal staff to ensure culverts are clear and to stay clear of

waterway embankments.

Regional Warm Conditions and Rain Could Lead to Early Spring Flooding Conditions Ne...

Bayshore Broadcasting, January 11, 2020

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More from Submitted (https://www.kincardinenews.com/author/submitted)

Published on: February 12, 2020 | Last Updated: February 12, 2020 9:16 PM EST

Planting trees to offset carbon – an investment in the future

Letters to the editor

There’s been some opinions in the news lately about the negative impacts of tree planting, but let’s apply some critical thinking.

In Bruce and Grey Counties, we live in rural communities. We have land all around us. Most of that land was originally forested and was de-forested to make way for farms, factories, roads, and residences. We need to try, wherever we have the space, to

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replace the lost forests that worked their lifetimes to sequester carbon.

Lawns, poorly drained farmland, fields devoted only to hay crops, buffer strips along creeks, streams and rivers, school yards, municipal parks–these are all places ideal for replacing tree canopy.

Forget the argument that trees simply rot when they die and release their stored carbon. That’s like saying we may as well shoot ourselves now because we’ll eventually die and our lives will have been for nothing. Horse hooey.

Much of a tree’s sequestered carbon will be in the main trunk, which can be milled into lumber for construction, furniture, and fencing. Carbon is also sequestered in the root system, under the soil. Leaves, bark, and twigs that fall to the ground each year become part of the soil. Branches from a dead tree decay slowly until they become part of the soil. Yes, a small part of the stored carbon is given back into the atmosphere, but the majority stays locked in the timber or in the ground where the process of converting it to fossil fuel begins.

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Dig out a shovel full of wet earth from a forest and you’ll notice an oil slick on the water that collects in the hole. That’s sequestered carbon that you’ve just disturbed, providing a vector for it to re-enter the atmosphere. Yes, trees require some care, especially in the early years. But so does everything that lives. Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority provide tree seedlings at an incredible bargain. $1 to $1.50 per seedling, depending on species.

Minimum order is 50 per species and orders have to be in by March 21.

The simplest thing we can do to start repaying our individual carbon debt is to plant trees. Not many of us can afford to set aside the 10 acres needed to offset a lifetime of carbon burning, but five or 10 on the lawn, a few hundred along our street, a few

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thousand in local parks – by the time our kids have grown up we’ll have done a lot to help them out, not only by replacing lost tree canopy, but also by enhancing biodiversity, improving carbon sequestering, and generating some good old oxygen pumped into the air for free. I can’t think of a better way to invest in the future.

As I write this, I look out the window at the ice and snow and grey skies. It definitely feels like the dead of winter. However, spring is just around the corner, and the thought of tree planting puts a smile on my face. I hope it does the same for you. Here is the SVCA web address to order trees:


Rob Shave

Southampton, ON

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OfJi.ce of the MayorJim Harrison

P.O. Box 490Trenton, Ontario, KïV 5R6

TEL: (613) 392-2841FAX: (613) 392-5608

January 15,2020

The Honourable Doug FordPremier of OntarioLegislative BuildingQueen's Park, Toronto, ON M7A 141

RE: Resolution - Gonservation Authorities

Dear Premier Ford:

This letter will serve to advise that at a meeting of City of Quinte West Council held on

January 13, 2020 Council passed the following resolution:

Moved by CassidySeconded by Alyea

Whereas the City of Quinte West has been well served by both the Lower TrentConservation Authority and the Quinte Conservation Authority and

Whereas we have working service agreements with both Authorities and

Whereas we value the efforts of the Conservation Authorities to monitor floods, tomanage source water protection and to ensure the integrity of the watershedswithin our municipality and conserve our natural environment and

Whereas the current Provincial government is reviewing the mandate andpotential funding to Conservation Authorities

Be it resolved that the City of Quinte West requests that the ProvincialGovernment improve their funding of Conservation Authorities to provide a morestable funding base that would prevent any downloading of costs to municipalities

And further that the Provincial Government will maintain and not dímínísh the coremandate of Conservation Authorities

And further that we forward this motion to the Minister of Environment,Conservation and Parks, the Minister of Natural Resources, the Premier, theLeaders of all opposition parties, all of our local municipal partners, and AMO toseek their support and concurrence. Garried

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We trust that you will give favourable consideration to this request.



Jim HarrisonMayor



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From: Ruth Alcaidinho <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 10:50 AMSubject: Strathroy-Caradoc Regular Council Meeting January 20, 2020 - Approval of Resolution LTVC - Watershed Management Programs

Please be advised the following resolution sent to member municipalities of the Lower ThamesValley Conservation Authority, was presented for consideration by Council at their regular meetingof Monday, January 20, 2020 and approved as follows:

Moved by Councillors Brennan and Kennes:

WHEREAS Conservation Authorities have been protecting people and conserving and

restoring watersheds with local communities for over 50 years; and

WHEREAS Municipalities must work together to ensure resilient and healthy watershedsfor residents, and

WHEREAS Conservation Authorities will be important partners in concrete and cost-

effective initiatives to address climate change,

THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc

supports the important role Conservation Authorities provide to local communities in

delivering watershed management programs; and that this resolution be circulated to

Municipalities, Conservation Authorities and the Provincial Government (Minister of

Environment, Conservation and Parks), in Ontario. Carried.

Kind Regards,

RuthRuth AlcaidinhoDeputy Clerk/Insurance Co-OrdinatorLegal & Legislative ServicesTel:  519-245-1105  Ext 237Fax: 519-245-6353Email:  [email protected]

Legal & Legislative ServicesMunicipality of Strathroy-Caradoc52 Frank Street  |  Strathroy, ON  |  N7G 2R4

Visit us online at www.strathroy-caradoc.ca

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Baker Tilly SGB LLP7 Victoria Street SouthP. O. Box 129Walkerton, ONCanada, N0G 2V0

D: + 1 519-881-2100 1 800-263-4088

F: + 1 519-881-2602

Thursday, January 9, [email protected]

Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority1078 Bruce Road 12Box 150Formosa, ON, N0G 1W0

Re: Audit of the Financial Statements of Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority

Dear Sirs:

This report is intended solely for the use of the Board of Directors and should not be distributed withoutour prior consent. We accept no responsibility to a third party who uses this communication.

We have been engaged to express an audit opinion on the financial statements of Saugeen ValleyConservation Authority ("the authority") for the year ended December 31, 2019. Canadian AuditingStandards ("CAS") require that we communicate the following information with you in relation to your audit.

Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure andprocedures for financial reporting. This includes the design and maintenance of accounting records,recording transactions, selecting and applying accounting policies, safeguarding of assets and preventingand detecting fraud and error.

Auditor Independence

We will, through our planning process, identify any potential independence threats and will communicateany concerns we identify. The authority, management and the Board of Directors have a proactive role inthis process, and are responsible for understanding the independence requirements applicable to theauthority and its auditor. You must bring to our attention any concerns you may have, or any knowledge ofsituations or relationships between the authority, management, personnel (acting in an oversight orfinancial reporting role) and our Firm, its partners/principals and audit team personnel that may reasonablybe thought to bear on our independence.

In determining which relationships to report, these standards require us to consider relevant rules andrelated interpretations prescribed by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and applicablelegislation, covering such matters as:

(a) Holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly, in a client;

(b) Holding a position, either directly or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significantinfluence over the financial or accounting policies of a client;

(c) Personal or business relationships of immediate family, close relatives, partners or retired partners,either directly or indirectly, with a client;


Baker Tilly SGB LLP trading as Baker Tilly is a member of Baker Tilly Canada Cooperative, which is a member of the global network of Baker Tilly International Limited. All members of Baker Tilly Canada Cooperative and Baker Tilly International Limited are separate and independent legal entities.


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(d) Economic dependence on a client; and

(e) Provision of services in addition to the audit engagement.

In accordance with our professional requirements, we advise you that we are not aware of anyrelationships between the authority and our Firm that, in our professional judgement, may reasonably bethought to bear on our independence.

Accordingly, we hereby confirm that our audit engagement team, our Firm and the other Baker TillyCanada offices are independent with respect to the authority within the meaning of the Code of

Professional Conduct Rule 204 of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario.

Our Responsibilities as Auditor

As stated in the engagement letter, our responsibility as auditor of your authority is to express an opinionon whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, results ofoperations and cash flows of the authority in accordance with Canadian Public Sector AccountingStandards.

An audit is performed to obtain reasonable but not absolute assurance as to whether the financialstatements are free of material misstatement. Due to the inherent limitations of an audit, there is anunavoidable risk that some misstatements of the financial statements will not be detected (particularlyintentional misstatements concealed through collusion), even though the audit is properly planned andperformed.

Our audit includes:

• Assessing the risk that the financial statements may contain material misstatements that, individually

or in the aggregate, are material to the financial statements taken as a whole;

• Examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial


• Assessing the accounting principles used, and their application;

• Assessing the significant estimates made by management;

• Concluding on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting

and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or

conditions that may cast significant doubt on the authority's ability to continue as a going concern; and

• Evaluating the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the

disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in

a matter that achieves fair presentation.

As part of our audit, we will obtain a sufficient understanding of the business and internal control structureof the authority to plan the audit. This will include management's assessment of:

• The risk that the financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud and error; and

• The internal controls put in place by management to address such risks.

The engagement team must undertake a documented planning process prior to commencement of theaudit to identify concerns, address independence considerations, assess the engagement teamrequirements, and plan the audit work and timing. It may be necessary to contact members of the Boardof Directors if significant matters arise from planning procedures.

An audit does not relieve management or those responsible for governance of their responsibilities for thepreparation of the authority's financial statements.


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Board of Directors Members' Responsibilities

The Board of Directors' role is to act in an objective, independent capacity as a liaison between theauditor, management and the board of directors to ensure the auditor has a facility to consider anddiscuss governance and audit issues with parties not directly responsible for operations.

The Board of Directors' responsibilities include:

• Being available to assist and provide direction in the audit planning process when and where


• Meeting with the auditor as necessary and prior to release and approval of financial statements to

review audit, disclosure and compliance issues;

• Where necessary, reviewing matters raised by the auditor with appropriate levels of management,

and reporting back to the auditor their findings;

• Making known to the auditor any issues of disclosure, corporate governance, fraud or illegal acts, non-

compliance with laws or regulatory requirements that are known to them, where such matters may

impact the financial statements or the Independent Auditor's Report;

• Providing guidance and direction to the auditor on any additional work the auditor feels should be

undertaken in response to issues raised or concerns expressed;

• Making such enquiries as appropriate into the findings of the auditor with respect to corporate

governance, management conduct, cooperation, information flow and systems of internal controls;

• Reviewing the draft financial statements prepared by management, including the presentation,

disclosures and supporting notes and schedules, for accuracy, completeness and appropriateness,

and approving same to be passed to the Board of Directors for approval; and

• Pre-approving all professional services and allowable consulting services to be provided by the


Audit Approach

Outlined below are certain aspects of our audit approach which are intended to help you in dischargingyour oversight responsibilities. Our general approach to the audit of Saugeen Valley ConservationAuthority is to assess the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements and then respond bydesigning audit procedures.

Illegal Acts, Fraud, Intentional Misstatements and Errors

Our auditing procedures, including tests of your accounting records, will be limited to those considerednecessary in the circumstances and will not necessarily disclose all illegal acts, fraud, intentionalmisstatements or errors should any exist. We will conduct the audit under CAS, which include proceduresto consider (based on the control environment, governance structure and circumstances encounteredduring the audit), the potential likelihood of fraud and illegal acts occurring.

These procedures are not designed to test for fraudulent or illegal acts, nor will they necessarily detectsuch acts or recognize them as such, even if the effect of its consequences on the financial statements ismaterial. However, should we become aware that an illegal or possible illegal act or an act of fraud mayhave occurred, other than one considered clearly inconsequential, we will communicate this informationdirectly to the Board of Directors.

It is management's responsibility to detect and prevent illegal actions. If such acts are discovered or theBoard of Directors becomes aware of circumstances under which the authority may have been involved infraudulent, illegal or regulatory non-compliance situations, such circumstances must be disclosed to us.


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Related Party Transactions

During our audit, we conduct various tests and procedures to identify transactions considered to involverelated parties. Related parties exist when one party has the ability to exercise, directly or indirectly,control, joint control or significant influence over the other. Two or more parties are related when they aresubject to common control, joint control or common significant influence. Related parties also includemanagement, directors and their immediate family members and companies with which these individualshave an economic interest.

We will ensure that any related party transactions that are identified during the audit have beenrepresented by management to have been disclosed in the notes to financial statements, recorded inaccordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards, and have been reviewed with you.Management is required to advise us if any related party transactions have occurred that have not beendisclosed to us. The Board of Directors is required to advise us if they are aware of or suspect any otherrelated party transactions have occurred which have not been disclosed in the financial statements.

Significant Accounting Principles and Policies

The authority's financial statements will be prepared by management using various accounting principles,which have been incorporated into the authority's accounting policies and disclosed in the notes to thefinancial statements. Where accounting policies have changed from one period to the next, such changeswill be noted and the effect of these changes will be disclosed.

The accounting policies adopted may be acceptable policies under Canadian Public Sector AccountingStandards; however, alternative policies may also be acceptable under Canadian Public SectorAccounting Standards. The authority and the Board of Directors have a responsibility to not adopt extremeor inappropriate interpretations of Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards that may haveinappropriate or misleading results. Alternative policies, if adopted, may produce significant changes in thereported results of the operations, financial position and disclosures of the authority.

The Board of Directors has a responsibility to review the accounting policies adopted by the authority, andwhere alternative policies are available, make determinations as to the most appropriate policies to beadopted in the circumstances. If members of the Board of Directors are concerned that the adoption orchange of an accounting policy may produce an inappropriate or misleading result in financial reporting ordisclosure, this concern must be discussed with management and us. If the Board of Directors believesthat a policy or policies adopted are inappropriate or produce a misleading result in the circumstances,these concerns should be discussed with us directly, either privately or in Board of Directors meetings.


Our risk-based approach focuses on obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to reduce the risk ofmaterial misstatement in the financial statements to an appropriately low level. This means that we focusour audit work on areas that have a higher risk of being materially misstated.


Materiality is defined as:

Materiality is the term used to describe the significance of financial statement information to decisionmakers. An item of information, or an aggregate of items, is material if it is probable that its omission ormisstatement would influence or change a decision. Materiality is a matter of professional judgement inthe particular circumstances.

Materiality is used throughout the audit and in particular when:

a) Identifying and assessing risk of material misstatement;


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b) Determining the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures; and

c) Evaluating the effect of uncorrected misstatements, if any, on the financial statements and in formingan opinion on the Auditor's Report.

Audit Procedures

The objective of the tests of controls is to evaluate whether certain controls operated effectively. Theobjective of the tests of details is to detect material misstatements in the account balances andtransaction streams. Substantive analytical procedures are used to identify differences between recordedamounts and predictable expectations in larger volumes of transactions over time.

In response to our risk assessment and based on our understanding of internal controls, we will use asubstantive approach for the audit.

Assignment of Engagement Partner and Key Audit Personnel

The Firm is responsible for assigning an engagement practitioner as lead partner responsible for theauthority's audit and other engagements. Such individual and his/her roles are to be identified to the Boardof Directors. The key individuals involved in the audit are:

Should any member of the Board of Directors wish to discuss or review any matter addressed in this letteror any other matters related to financial reporting, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Yours very truly,

Baker Tilly SGB LLPChartered Professional Accountants