SATuRN: GUIDE TO CONTRIBUTORS Southern Africa Treatment and Resistance Network Introduc)on: SATuRN aims to provide ongoing communicaCon to keep people up to date and wellinformed about HIV & TB drug resistance. In this document, we request contribuCon from our collaborators in the form of blogs, reports, news and tweets. We also present guidelines for it and examples of previous published material. We trust that this informaCon is useful and we look forward to receive blogs, reports and news informaCon about your work and interests! Website & Newsle7er: The idea is to first publish contributed material at the website and summarize it on the newsleSer every quarter. In this way, the producCon of a quaternary newsleSer is not a stressful process with a deadline, but a summary of the informaCon that was added to the website in the previous 3 months. Annual Report: The SATURN annual report is compiled from material on webpages and newsleSer plus informaCon provided by collaborators, such as list of publicaCon and summary key achievements.

SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

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Page 1: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

SATuRN:  GUIDE  TO  CONTRIBUTORS  Southern  Africa  Treatment  and  Resistance  Network  


SATuRN  aims  to  provide  ongoing  communicaCon  to  keep  people  up  to  date  and  well-­‐informed  about  HIV  &  TB  drug  resistance.    

In  this  document,  we  request  contribuCon  from  our  collaborators  in  the  form  of  blogs,  reports,  news  and  tweets.  We  also  present  guidelines  for  it  and  examples  of  previous  published  material.  

We  trust  that  this  informaCon  is  useful  and  we  look  forward  to  receive  blogs,  reports  and  news  informaCon  about  your  work  and  interests!  

Website  &  Newsle7er:    

The  idea  is  to  first  publish  contributed  material  at  the  website  and  summarize  it  on  the  newsleSer  every  quarter.  In  this  way,  the  producCon  of  a  quaternary  newsleSer  is  not  a  stressful  process  with  a  deadline,  but  a  summary  of  the  informaCon  that  was  added  to  the  website  in  the  previous  3  months.  

Annual  Report:    

The  SATURN  annual  report  is  compiled  from  material  on  webpages  and  newsleSer  plus  informaCon  provided  by  collaborators,  such  as  list  of  publicaCon  and  summary  key  achievements.  

Page 2: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

A  Blog  is  a  first  or  third  person  perspecCve  essay  that  covers  a  subject  that  may  be  of  interested  to  SATuRN  members.  For  example,  results  of  a  new  trial,  a  published  manuscript  (normally  from  another  group)  that  is  worth  commenCng  about  it,  a  collaboraCve  visit  and/or  an  event  aSended  .  A  blog  can  have  one  or  more  authors.    

Examples  of  blogs  published:  

Blog:  'Totally  drug-­‐resistant'  tuberculosis  in  India:  should  we  be  worried?  Author:  Richard  Lessells  -­‐  2012-­‐01-­‐23  

Links:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/blogs.php?id=2  

Blog:  It's  all  about  the  process  -­‐  A  doctor  and  LSHTM  MSc  student  experiences  at  Africa  Centre/SATuRN  Author:  Dr.  Baljinder  Singh  -­‐  2012-­‐10-­‐01  

“Following  my  interest  in  mulC-­‐drug  resistant  tuberculosis,  I  was  put  in  touch  with  Dr  Richard  Lessells  at  the  Africa  Centre  but  on  arriving  in  Mtubatuba,  was  instantly  inspired  by  the  SATuRN  group's  groundbreaking  work  on  HIV  drug  resistance,  prompCng  me  to  focus  my  MSc  thesis  on  this  area.”    

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/blogs.php?id=18  

Blog:  AIDS  XIX  2012  conference:  impressions  of  a  South  African  researcher  Author:  Siva  Danaviah  –  2012-­‐09-­‐12  

“As  a  summary  of  my  acCviCes  during  the  meeCng,  I  was  able  to  aSend  several  interesCng  sessions  regarding  mother  to  child  transmission,  viral  latency  and  of  course  the  viral  resistance  and  an  excellent  talk  on  HIV/TB  co-­‐infecCon.  Below  are  a  few  of  the  highlights  of  my  experience  at  AIDS2012..“  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/blogs.php?id=16  

Blog:  Na)onal  Strategic  Plan  2012-­‐2016:  Integra)ng  research  and  all  sectors  of  society  to  fight  HIV,  STIs  and  TB  in  South  Africa  Authors:  ,  Lungani  Ndwandwe,  Tulio  de  Oliveira  

"In  prevenCng  the  spread  of  HIV,  STIs  and  TB  infecCons  and  to  miCgate  the  impact  of  the  dual  HIV  and  TB  epidemics  in  society,  the  Department  of  Health  (DoH)  has  developed  a  NaConal  Strategic  Plan  (NSP)  that  will  shape  the  department  acCviCes  for  the  next  5  years,  with  regards  to  the  handling  of  these  diseases.”  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/blogs.php?id=13  

Blogs:  400  to  600  words  &  1  picture  (size:  600x400  pixels)  


SATuRN  Guidelines  for  contributors:  Blogs  

“A  recently  published  manuscript  of  tuberculosis  strains  resistant  to  all  tested  first-­‐  and  second-­‐line  anC-­‐TB  drugs  in  Mumbai  has  garnered  much  aSenCon  in  the  media.  What  has  actually  been  reported:  Is  this  a  new  form  of  TB?  What  is  the  significance  for  global  TB  control?”    

Page 3: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

Reports  is  a  third  person  essay  that  describes  a  manuscript,  resource  or  group  that  is  associated  to  SATuRN.  For  example,  a  new  publicaCon  or  a  presentaCon  at  a  conference,  a  summary  of  a  research  group  in  SATuRN  (i.e.  a  featured  partner)  or  a  SATuRN  associated  training  event.  The  main  difference  between  a  report  and  a  blog  is  that  a  report  cover  SATuRN’s  associated  groups  work  and  results  in  a  more  formal  way.    

Examples  of  reports  recently  published:  

Report:  2nd  Nurses  and  Health  Care  Workers  Drug  Resistance  Training  for    the  scale-­‐up  of  resistance  tes)ng  in  the  Free  State  Province,  South  Africa  Authors:  Dominique  Goedhals  &  Cloete  van  Vuuren  -­‐  2012-­‐07-­‐10  

Links:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/report.php?id=16  

Report:  SATuRN's  Featured  Partner:  New  TB  centre  at  the  London  School  of  Hygiene  and  Tropical  Medicine  Authors:  Richard  Lessells  &  Tulio  de  Oliveira  -­‐  2012-­‐07-­‐03  

“The  TB  Centre  at  the  London  School  of  Hygiene  &  Tropical  Medicine  is  a  unique  collaboraCve  academic  centre,  represenCng  the  largest  collecCon  of  researchers  working  on  TB  in  Europe..”    

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/report.php?id=15  

Report:  Deep  sequencing  shed  light  on  low  levels  of  PI  resistance  in  pa)ents  with  poor  adherence  Authors:  Wolfgang  Preiser,  Gert  van  Zyl  –  2012-­‐07-­‐02  

“A  team  from  Division  of  Medical  Virology,  Stellenbosch  University,  University  of  Western  Cape  and  University  of  California,  San  Diego  performed  deep  sequencing  and  analyzed  results  from  7  South  African  paCents  who  failed  a  second-­‐line  lopinavir/ritonavir  based  regimen.“  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/report.php?id=14  

Report:  Transmi7ed  Drug  Resistance  data  now  more  accessible  through  HIVDB  GIS  Tool  Authors:  Justen  Manasa,  Gillian  Hunt,  Tulio  de  Oliveira  

"A  new  interacCve  Geographic  InformaCon  System  (GIS)  displaying  studies  of  HIV-­‐1  Drug  Resistance  in  ARV-­‐Naive  PopulaCons  has  just  been  added  to  the  ever-­‐expanding  HIV  drug  resistance  monitoring  tools  developed  by  Stanford  HIVDB  group  and  their  collaborators  (Rhee  et  al.  CROI  2012).”  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/report.php?id=11  

Reports:  400  to  800  words,  1  to  2  pictures  (size:  600x400  pixels)  


SATuRN  Guidelines  for  contributors:  Reports  

“On  31  May  2012,  the  Free  State  IniCaCve  on  Resistance,  Surveillance  and  Treatment  (FIRST)  and  SATuRN  hosted  an  HIV  drug  resistance  training  workshop  in  collaboraCon  with  the  Free  State  Department  of  Health  Comprehensive  Care  Management  and  Treatment  of  HIV  and  AIDS  Program  (CCMT).”  

Page 4: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

In  the  news  secCon  of  the  SATuRN  website,  we  disseminate  printed  and  online  media  coverage  of  SATuRN’  partners  work  and  its  applicaCon  in  everyday  life.  The  great  majority  of  the  news  arCcles  displayed  in  the  website  was  published  by  a  news  agency  and/or  website.  The  original  news  text  is  repeated  in  our  and  acknowledgement  to  the  news  source  and  author  is  provided,  in  addiCon  to  the  original  news  web-­‐address  (i.e.  URL).    

Examples  of  news  recently  published:  

News:  Dissec)ng  diagnos)cs  -­‐  TB  drug  resistance  in  rural  South  Africa  Interna)onal  Innova)on  -­‐  2012-­‐09-­‐20  

News:  Local  centre  proves  'surrogate'  HIV  infec)on  Zululand  Observer  –  2012-­‐08-­‐24  

“The  Africa  Centre  for  Health  and  PopulaCon  Studies,  Zululand's  HIV-­‐AIDS  research  hub  based  near  Mtubatuba,  has  revealed  the  first  proven  HIV  surrogate  transmission  case  in  South  Africa..”    

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/news.php?id=41  

News:  Life  Technologies  and  SATuRN  Collaborate  to  Increase  Access  to  HIV  Tes)ng  in  Africa  The  Wall  Street  journal  –  2012-­‐07-­‐24  

“NEW  YORK  -­‐  Life  Technologies  today  announced  a  collaboraCon  with  the  Southern  African  Treatment  and  Resistance  Network  (SATuRN)  covering  sequencing-­‐based  diagnosCcs  for  HIV  paCents  in  Africa.”    

Links:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/news.php?id=43  

News:  HIV  drug  resistance  is  spreading  in  Africa,  experts  say  Los  Angeles  Times  –  2012-­‐07-­‐23  

"WASHINGTON  (By  Erin  Loury,  LA  Times)  -­‐  Scaling  up  the  distribuCon  of  HIV  medicaCon  over  the  last  decade  has  vastly  increased  the  number  of  people  receiving  treatment  around  the  world.  An  esCmated  8  million  infected  people  received  the  anCretroviral  drugs  in  2011,  compared  to  just  400,000  in  2003.”  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/news.php?id=36  

News:  400-­‐800  words,  0,  1  or  2  pictures  (size:  600x400  pixels)  

“Researchers  based  in  northern  KwaZulu-­‐Natal  in  rural  South  Africa  are  exploring  the  impact  of  novel  molecular  tuberculosis  diagnosCc  system  on  clinical  outcomes  for  paCents  with  mulCdrug-­‐resistance  TB.”  

Link:  hSp://www.bioafrica.net/news.php?id=45  


SATuRN  Guidelines  for  contributors:  News  

Page 5: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

Twi7er:  SATuRN  has  a  very  ac)ve  twi7er  account.  Please  send  us  tweets  and  messages  to  @drug_resistance    so  we  can  re-­‐tweeted  to  the  greater  SATuRN  community    

SATuRN  collaborators  are  also  welcome  to  help  us  to  do  twiSer  coverage  on  HIV  &  TB  drug  resistance  events  and  conferences.  The  last  events  that  we  have  covered  were:  

KUALA  LUMPUR,  14-­‐17  Nov  2012  -­‐  SATuRN  researchers  tweeter  coverage  at  43rd  Union  World  Conference  on  Lung  Health.  

DURBAN,  9-­‐11  Oct  2012  -­‐  HIV  and  TB  bioinformaCcs  presentaCon  and  tweet  coverage  at  K-­‐RITH  opening  

WASHINGTON,  22-­‐27  July  2012  –  We  have  hosted  a  meeCng,  presented  many  talks  and  posters  and  tweeted  a  lot  on  the  XIX  InternaConal  AIDS  2012  Conference.  

We  have  plans  to  do  twi7er  coverage  of  the  following  conferences,  please  join  us!  

-­‐  KUALA  LUMPUR,  IAS  2013  Conference  

-­‐  PARIS,  44rd  Union  World  Conference  on  Lung  Health.  

-­‐  DURBAN,  SA  AIDS  2013  Conference  

SATuRN  twi7er  @drug_resistance  

Please  help  us  with  tweets!          5  

SATuRN  Guidelines  for  contributors:  TwiSer  

Page 6: SATuRN:(GUIDE(TO(CONTRIBUTORS( - KRISP · Reports(is(athird(person(essay(thatdescribes(amanuscript,(resource(or(group(thatis(associated(to(SATuRN.(For(example,(anew(publicaon(or(apresentaon(ataconference

For  contribu)ng  material  and  more  informa)on  on  how  to  par)cipate  in  SATuRN  ac)vi)es  please  contact:    

Dr.  Tulio  de  Oliveira,  Africa  Centre  for  Health  and  Popula)on  Studies,  UKZN,  South  Africa.  Tel  :  +27  35  550  7500,  Fax:  +27  35  550  7565,  e-­‐mail  :  [email protected]    

Prof.  Chris  Seebregts,  South  African  Medical  Research  Council,  South  Africa.    Tel:  +27  21  938  0318,  Fax:  +27  86  683  2449,  e-­‐mail:  [email protected]  

Disclaimer:  The  SATuRN  consorCum  wishes  to  express   its  graCtude  to  the  following  funders  for  their  generous  support  for  the  producCon  of  this  report:  European  Commission  (EC),  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  PrevenCon  (CDC  funding   for  SoPH/UWC  and  CAPRISA),  President's  Emergency  Plan   for  AIDS  Relief   (PEPFAR),   InternaConal  Development  Research  Centre   (IDRC),  Council   for  ScienCfic  and   Industrial  Research   (CSIR)  Swiss  /  South  Africa  iniCaCve  and  the  Wellcome  Trust.      

The   SATuRN   website,   newsleSers   and   reports   are   published   as   open   access   under   a   CreaCve   Commons  ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  (CC  BY-­‐SA  3.0)  license  (hSp://creaCvecommons.org/licenses/by-­‐sa/3.0/)  and  is  available  in  printed  format  as  well  as  electronically  as  PDF,  Web-­‐format,  etc.  The  contents  of  this  report  and  the  opinions  expressed  herein  are  solely  the  responsibility  of  the  authors  and  do  not  necessarily  represent  the  official  views  or  policies  of  any  of  the  funders.  

Funded  by: