V, 7,, 2 12. 4 ) s. s I' t 1 ."' lsl a f ". V. rsv a MrrniHp the . Our of the titiiet iitciMues I fre- - ucntiy ItH.ulge in, i to go to n rocky jMiint imtltiu', out front the shore against ltkh the v.ics break In curl- - ingsprav, and with my book pass the morning while my little gill amuses herself picking shells from the sand, or ..thine xcvt iwc in inc.sions 01 servitude nranny, wjrm tulne. I tioiign so near uic mi i.igc of llilo, it isquitr shut iiumy from it. and I am free to read, or dream the happy hour awaj, undisturbed. To- day the waes toss In unusual violence, alone the iukkciI roast far as my eye reach, a firnge of white , touches the green, and tiK)i. the horizon line a misty seil hangs down, as if the storm which has swept ocr the region the ast week were only suspended, gathering breath to come in renewed onset upon us. And yet the angry breakers with their ctuel crawling foam only add a fascinating wildncss to the scene, quite in harmony with it, Nature in primitive forms is at home here, it is civilization only that is in cotigriioiy., I ni)sclf a,m nn intruder, and my little white robed maiden with her )cllow tossing curls might some dainty sisitant from a lunar realm, but not an inhabitant of this tropic soil. Right before me, however, is the nat- ural outgrowth of it all, as much a nart of it. as the cocoa-palm- s or gorge hibiscus that stains with tlamc the mossy banks alone the coast, a wahine snuattina on her heels on the rocks cleaning the weed which her keiki, brings tier, running back and forth over 111c suppers rags, tiiuiiiL'iciu is.- - sulintcred lava or drenching spray, in tent only unon her task dislodging l the vivid substance from cranny and fissure., A faded calico chemise U the mother wears. The child is bare to the waist, and her brown shoulders and supple limbs glisten in the glowing sun. Drawing nearer I see that they have a mass of the gelatinous stuff in the hollow of a rock, and evidently soon to breakfast upon it. This is a satisfsing dainty that I know nothing about. Of course this Hawaiian aristocrat knows, this, and she smiles in a 'superior way upon curiosity and ignorance. Have her ancestors for ages grown among these rock and found in just such food as this the nourishment for their sinuous bodies and tapering fingers and rjazling teeth that I admire so much. Docs every inch of thi.'i wave-swep- t pantry hold for her a nutty shrimp or a drowsy crab, an appetizing snail or some toothsome limu. Kchold the generous fare, and ready for the taking what need her the struggle for existance, the horny hand of toil, brain and muscle developed to their utmost to contend with a ureeuy push ing world? bhe has all she cat, and plenty to give away, and she knows that and forevermore the same sumptuous feast is waiting for her. ,, Out from behind cliff appears another lord of this rcmon. crives nie a hasty glance, and then with regal dig- nity quite ignores my existence. Why should not? What hac I, or what am I measured by his standard of val lies? Have all his grandfathers swung the and plunged into the seething surf with the same fearless grace that is doing now? See him on the waves, how they lift and bear him just where wants to and how in a moment his skilful liand and crafty eves have lured into his reach the delicate morsel which even my foreign palate appreciate. It seems only pastime to him, a rap- ture of- - sensation and motion. Hut what should I among those horrible breakers? What if I had to fish a living? Now as emerges triumph- ant with his finny captives must pity my inferiority and am 1 not humiliated in the comparison? It must a grand thing to a Viking among vikings1 Out there where the waves break over the shallow coral reef, is a canoe. sharp as an arrow, making way with unerring aim direct for shore. 'T would more than I could do to keep a seatvfor moment, in such a tiny cockle- shell, but the bare brown shouldered native inside seems a part of the little craft and comes bounding on, helped by every curling- - monster that spouts it fountains upon him. To him each crested wave is but a prancing .steed with foaming mane, harnessed to his taaple chariot and obedient to his every wish. Are these natives aristocrats of the sea as well as the shore? What "they know or care foe ihe omnipotence steam when they have the omnipotence of their own right arm? It is suck as I, effete of modern civilization, who must carried on spacious decks above gilded saloons it is such M I who tremble at every heaving billow and shudder at every stormy blast. " While my eyes have Iwen fascinated by the nautical skill of native canoeist, another figure has appeared sj.my side, an old crone, shrivelled and bent with a shock heavy white n( tailing uvcr a lace parcnmeni. 9c Udown in the sand groping with skinny hands for bus wood to make tM tire tor her morning meal. And Mate they arc, ready and abundant tH her, fragments of the protruding wots the cocoa trees waving above her, jtions rotten plank iMg high on the beach, branches of koa and mainanc that have come on a long career down from the mountain fortsls, through noisy torrents. No matter how, it is all. for her and lifts her from servitude aud want. Is she net richer than J who must send thou-Mul- t of mules Tor the costly fuel my dcmailds?. Down here in the which she loves and which is i"a friend to her, she heap to- - H i pOr fagots that when lighted shall Vk, the food within Jicr reach, and Jk'IPkfwtti he can He on the rocks and doze till ib) light mfi. "What terror ixmity for her 4JJR0 can make nature her ally, can find 1 Akm S.a.1. j al. ..uu, !.. I... t jtWK " " f WW, m the Mauklitu (om. her shelter ."" -- l i H "f " Ua rwl f Truly, L -' ". k wwltiivg a Mt4of taml Saturday Press, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SEPTEMBER 20, 1884. VoiA'MK NuMlHSR WllOI.B NUMIIEK representative tipiicHy of vnnti, entiles. cra1ngn and juiicrlliious wortlc. Tli.it hooting ner lect ami aim fan out its be ous sea jiunc of all are my not up not ill for can hc he not net he lie he go, all can do for he he not be be the its not of do of be my of nice of all of nut of can V ha .!.... "" of our steam wliis-il- from yonder ugar mill .t U hut an aium protest from such an outlook m this those huge storehouses ate btoti on the l.mdsrape Ho they not mean endless toil, and those waving cane fields, what are they but cspres- - to every refinement of luxury, but n new embargo upon care and happiness and content. And so my hour's musings have brought me to this thai the life of the savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version, and reads like this Go to the Kanaka. 0 American, consider that sluggard and Iw wise. And to reinforce this bit of wisdom those comes to mind the testimony ofa noted phjsician who declares that there is hardl) a lady who shines in society today, whose nerves are not broken down, or in a fair way to break down. In his opinion, all civilized states arc suffering physical degeneracy and n penury of great minds is noticeable. There is a quaint bit of Hindoo liter- ature which says, "There is print on the trees in every forest which every one who likes may pluck without trouble. There is rool and sweet water in the pure rivers here and there. There is a soft bed made of the twigs of beautiful crcejicrs. And yet wretched (tcujile suffer pain at the door of the rich" everywhere. Wc must go bark to solitudes and become nature's children once more. Who ever heard of a kanaka with neuralgia or one who committed suicide because of business worries ? Did not Chinese Clordcn find his greatness through meditation and re- tirement, and has not llismarck been a martyr for years to that high pressure of living which never allowed the tor- tured nerves to rest for a moment? Hut Tennyson ha voiced the thought in his own immutable words and they find fitting arcompanament in the languor of this and the soft waving of these drowsy palms " Why arc we weighed upon with heaviness Antl utterly consumed with slurp distress While all things else liase rest from weariness? AH things have rest; why simuiii we toil stone, We only toil who are the fust of things, Anil make perpetual moan, Still from one sorrow to another thrown: Nor csei fold our wings And cease from wanderings Nor strep our brows in .slumber's holy lialm or hearken what the inner spirit sings, 'There is no joy but calm!' Why should we only toil, the roof and crown of things?" M. C. K. llilo, August 30, 1SS4. Zfrtrrv' Letter How do )ou do, dear Willie! .nd how are you grtunc alonj I am goin ro write yon a letter. Ami all in the the shape of a souf I want very much to see you. And (.lay with you out in the yard -- I hey took me away from you. Willi.j And I thought it was sery hard They tarried, me on on the water. Where I w no crass or trees At first I did not like it. And did nothing else lut tease. I teased Tor papa, a.nd you, Willie, lease d to lieon the land. At home where 1 wouldn't be And where I could walk and stand 1 was afraid or tumbling over, Tor the ship rolled all about. And I sept my berth for a week or more Ilefor I dared to go out Hut after a little w hile, Willie, 1 didn't mind it at all I liked loVatch the sailors. And l learned lo pull and haul. We lived en board so many month. ' That l col to feel at home. But I always remembered jm, Willie. And cried for you Income At tat! we reached Aunt Sarah's. And here 1 like to May, And if my mother would live here. Care not ro go away Rut I shall er forget you, Willie lie sure I love you still ; Sometimes 1 ask to go back there. Tis just as I happen 10 feek I enjoy the winter weather. The pretty snow and ke, I love to go Oh, Willie, 'tis so nice Vour Cousin Eddie can tell you About the skates and sleds. And how the boys go coasting And fall and break their heads ; And how they Jump up crying, And then go at tt again, Uutil they get as hard) And brave as little men. I have two little plamates, Who both hasc got your name. !( seems so scty furny. To call you all the saine. Willie Knu and Willie Kicker Art my companions here At ibo Mauds, Willie Damon, I think Us scry queer. 1 though of yoo on Christina,, And wondered what ou had. When you went to get your stockinf , What you found lo make you glad I Lad a boa of A little cotfee pot, A par full of candies And other things I got. Suuc darling little sleigh-bell- Sewed on to pretty reins,- - M) dear Aunt Kuuaie knit them, How kind to take such palus, Hut mul. etki my story, Or el 'twill t o long lTialjouwill bediiguried With letters strung in song Now you must write me. Will., And tell me how you do, And tell ma all about those bous And all your playthings, too. IVay give m love to mother. Remember father, too, tk not forget each brothel, fiesidee a heap to )ou. If I go bask to see you, Willie, Some present 1 shall cany, Ssa keep your mind oo that, Willie, And do oos grieve fvl Maaay, -- .Vey IVr. ,., ld Men who determinedly control their appetites find themselves stronger with each victory to resist the temptations of evil and indolence, and achieve at last a Spartan ruggedness and granite firm- ness that makes life one long, triump- hant content against the assaults of the common enemy, Hulvser ; If a uood face is a letter of fwoweiwndation. a good heart U a , !tJm m MfMMMkMt tatinjt, with our HiullMrtr of credit Mnke ,V Vr V,jreie; Up to the picscnt time I never heard dealer in intoxicating liquor lmvc any good reasons: for being in the bujlnessj but I have heard men, who ought to know better, tryto whitewash the li- quor trade It Is not very hard work find out those who cannot see any- thing good resulting from the iiunufai tine antl sale of Intoxicating liquors. Home. v ears ago, as foreman, I be came acquainted with a printer. His wife who had left her friends In Nova Scotia and come lo New Vork with her husband, had suffered the deepest wrongs from hiui who should have been her thief supiHirt Unc day he was drunk, a few davs after in a penitent mood, at another time pawning every thing he could lay his hands on, ami shortly after in tears for the ruin he had brought to his household, Death one night entered his above and took away the spirit of his only child, leaving nothing but an emancipated body. No money in the house, hardly any clothes in which 'o nttpiul the funeral, his wife went among his personal friends mfd raised a sufficient amount 10 buy a t:of fin and burial for the corpse. While out making a few purchases, her husband spent what few cents he had'been able to raise for drink, ami not knowing how lo get more, went home and took the clothes off the hotly of the child in the coffin and pawned them for a small sum, and.soon was on a drunk that lasted several days. Learned antl well-to-d- men may have the nerve to say that the result of the saloon business arc not as bad as some tiocplc would try to make the public believe; but what do you think that poor woman thought about it on returning' home and finding her naked dead babe in the coffin ? She told mc,hut I hope she will never tell A boss carpenter in this city, named Frank Haas, residing at 307 Seventh avenue, was brought before Justice Gardner, of the Essex. Market Police Court. His wife died the day before. The father left the house in the morn- ing, leaving his three children with the dead body of their mother, anil in a short time he was dead drunk. Ten o'clock on Monday morning was the time set for the funeral; some good neighbors raisetl money to bury the woman, which was handed to Haas when he got sobered; and the result was, it was all spent for liquor, the littleJ children being found playing around the room, and the lather sleeping oil the effects of his drunken debauch in a corner, at the Hour appointed for the burial of the dead mother. Question Can you hunt up an excuse? You can't, try ever so hard. What do you suppose one of the little children will think of the liquor-traffic- , who, when its mothers body was being removed by one of the health department officers, said! "Dood-bye- , mamma, dood-bye- ; turn back soon to baby '' Do you feel sorry enough for George (aged six years) Charles (agetl ten years), and "baby" Lena (aged four years) to stop giving excuses, and help at the ballot-bo- to break up the wicked traffic? Since the day when "they all with onccons6nt began to make excuse, "to the date of writing this article,cxcuses have been plenty some worth listening to and others of such a character that they ought never to have been uttered. And it is about time that thinking people stopped excusing the practice of men and women drinking that which intoxicates, and also excusing the men and women who sell it. Educate the people until the doctrine thou sftalt net drink or sell any spirituous liquors, unite, beer, or cider, shall be as well re- cognized as a part of the belief of the masses as "thou shall not steal." G. Ji, Scott, in the N. '. Witness, Jtorlrtf Journalism Coleridge, in tlie recent Yates case in hnclanu, delivered a sermon from the bench on society journalism, that might be read and taken with profit in a land in this direction. Mr. Yates published in his naner a scandal about Lord Lonsdale; that is, it was so worded as to lead the reader to the conclusion that Lonsdale had eloped-wit- h a certain lady. There was no truth in it. bo soon as Mr. Yates discovered that fact he apologized, and inaue every eiiort to niuio the wrong and riidit the injured parties. This was honorable, and at least testified to the ab sence of malice in the publication. He pleaded that he had been deceived by another party, and had every reason to believe the information given to be true. Hut Mr. Yates was found guilty, and sentenced to four months' imprisonment and n fine. When he appeared at the bar Lord Colerigc took, occasion to lecture on " Society Journalism." He stood stronely for the freedom of the press. but was very bitter upon the license seized upon by some puhushers under that grant In the course of his re marks he said he could not believe that an) body found pleasure in feeding upon the unwholesome dishes the sensa tional press sets out. He was certain no educated gentleman could feel any- thing but humiliation and contempt in having to hupiily such food. The learn-e- d judge would not need to reside long in the United States to become con- vinced that he is in error. Thcrojis unfortunately a large class of coprl who take delight in the filthy scandal- - that are dished up by sensational vapcrs, while there are men of fair educa- tion who do not feel any scruples about making them as vile as literary ability antl devilish ingenuity can devise. Whether this taste for the scandalous lias been created by a vicious press, or whether the scandalous press is the result of a vicious taste among the jieo-pl- c, c do not need to now consider, though we hold thatihe pre is more at fault then the people. Scandal is bad enough inihc mouth, but worse in print, even if the truth is adhered to. The demoralization of virtue among the newspaper-readin- g public is bail enough when it results from the unwarranted publication of such privileged matter as the proceedings in the abomination, for instance. A'ne Yori Hour, . Shakespeare There's no art to find the mind'reonstruction in the face. Pi'OfCDOioillll H'ltrbo. CMITH A TIIUUSTON, ir 0, .SMIfll, lltnrHepi nt I fttf. I No ll MmrtHShT If near ., itmi'ii 1 J!' , ILLIAM O, SMITH A Co, w I - A, lHWroi l V O. Swim. .SrirA UMif ttfttt ;l,l lhiihr$t N MmniMHr Rfumr llmm-tr- (HiMHiktttn 1W) tr PUntntlrti,, HjnlnwtlUtejittone nn.1 mUi l'w ANIt Nil tt 01 CoMMtttio .Monty leitAfml on SiocL SeturtiiM MO-t-f O n. noLii, itttinrtttr ttt I tttr unit Xnlttvf VuUHr, nrriiit, LtiRNKN four Afi Mmcmant Sr"rT. Honi.lui.i J m H, CASTLE, .Htnrurft rtt l.tttt ittttl nhtfft I'tihtlf tictif1 ll llie Courtj tf tlie (tnst1om, i COWARD PRttSTON, tttnntfft nml '( tit ,fir M four Stkkrt lloN.nriv LDBRT C. SMITH, Iffill1 In tttkr .tctimnrtrt(frtnrot to lntrttmrnf. Or ncr With A S llftMvtrll, ovr ilie Rink 9).)r KS. CUMM1NGS A MARTIN D .Surtmtt tttul laurititfiir 7ffrfiiM. Omen Fort anu Hcrrtania St.. Office ttoun-Unt- llg a. M,t ami from 6:30-- 8 p.m. SJ n. KMBRSON, M. D. fftfttclttH rtml Siltfrnn, llnsoiritT .... ... II. I 'IPIRrMONK NVMRKR lajg. Office hour from 84 la 10H " I H o l!J P " OtHceantl KeKlfnce, No. s Ktikul Mrirrt, rorner Fori trryi. 51 T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. Itruttit Itontun'oH fort .Stvrrt, llovnLVLU . II. I, Office in Itrewer' Iltock. corner HtMe nnil Fort M reef 1. entraiKe on Mottl Street. xitilliam b. McAllister. tirnttm, Jt.RMAMKNriV UKATKU IN IIONuLI'l V. Office, corner of Fort aivl Hotel street, oer 'Ireslnan Siorr. Pantcular attention paid to re&toration goM Allings. Retinii on Rood work at reasonable Charge to cam the cor. (..fence of the public. 55 6 n rEO L. BABCOCK, (latk nr oklanu) Teacher of the Pi.inoFirte. Address LVCAN t CO. Kh.siuF.vcK No, 10 l.mma utreet, tBs'iy Uufiincss QTurbs. C M. CARTER, ttfrnt to tnkr Artiuotrtfil(oiriilM to m to tMhor Husnuixr, Hawaiian Ui.Astx 15 R w. LAINE, Cottttnlttnlnttet' uf ltee.lt For llie Slate of California, for th Hawaiian Klan.U. and General Ajjeut lor Ihe Pacific Mutual Life In. surauce Company of California. 14, TNO. A. HASSINCER. Aient to tttht AehHowletlumrnt tn foil- - IrttrtHj'nr I.nhnr, Interior OrricR ...Honoclu JOHN H. PATY, Saturn I'lthllr mitl C'oi.tmUaloii of Iteeiln, For the Slates of California and Xeiu YnrVr. HITir at the Itank of Itishop St Co. Itci.voiULl', Osill', II. I. 1 P T. LENEHAN & Co, Importer nml Coutmltnlon Merchoiittt. NlUANU StKKKT, HONOLUIt'. PRANK GERTZ, Hoot ttmt Stmrimtkft; Hoot and Shoe made to Order, No, 114 Four St. nrcnsiTK Panthkos Stahifv A7'ILLIAM,roRN VV V5L 'rartleM OjtSMitk 3, Kim. Si nr.T. r- 5v f OaWV liniorlcr oAoiencan-fJewerfporever- descrip- tion, (Konnclfy 4Tan t'a4oyico,cs-Vli(qrnia- so V 7 I.. SMIT Importer ijrtrf ihntter UA liliuttntrr, MertttfH StlwVlatrtt'U'ure, Rritrkett Var, No. 44 Fort Stkret Hunoluiii KIns't Comlnrution Spectacle And Keglaue, Lutral Wire Wart, Fancy Soaps, Picture Frame. Pi, tols, WoitenhoW Pocket Cutlery Powder, Sh and Ammurutlon. CLirk'a Spool Cotton, MaOune Oil, all kind of Machine Need.le, IoaicttcM Paper Fa in ion. Sole agent of the universally acknowledged Us.it. Uunnin Domettic Sew in Marhlne AX BCKART M Watchmaker, Jrtrettr, Ettyrttrf ami Ittamomt Setter, No. hi Fot Struct . ..; Hnsmi'LU All order faitlifu'.Iy enccuted. y P H. OBDING, Kurr nml ttntymnti. Freijftit, Packages, and Hagsagc deliternt lo and from an pari ni iionoiuiu atkI tcinity, Carviul at tcnilon paid lo moving Furniture, with WAGONS KXI'KKSSLV tOR THK PURPOSK. TctcjihofM M; KevUfnee, tjj Punchlovl urrci. Utlure. 80 King btreet. lotVtl AATONG LEONG ft CO., ,ljye,. for Mmtnut .Sufjirt I'tttttmit Hie VtHtationt Ami Ka'tluA Rice Plantation and Mill NlrL'tNIi STKKRT . .. . CORMRK MARINA miy I AHLO. Dealer la Itru (,., Uttr, Ten, Milk mmi tttttry (oo... Hat; llnut, , Shoe, ItrttH, fretl nail Hour, Clunr anil Tohttero Also peceralaf if Mice and Suiar Planlattona at Htueohe, Koolau, VV'alpu, hwa, and llreia. Nuaki akii (.itirLAiN Sar., HiiMiLrn- - aoo-- iy A W. RICHARDSON Co IsirURTMt AND DatLi.S kl llnul,, HMur; A'HriilaAlMt llumlt Hat, Cap, IVmhIk, lalltet, t'eifiinvers- - and Soaps Wtlihara Walh.., rioe Jewelr), etc, CinsKl'o.r AXuMaacuAKi Sm.tis, HuxnuLi' ITYMAN UROTHBRS, liniHirtcr of tleaeral MrrttttHillr r--m rranrr, KmqIhhiI, tlermaan anil Ik Cutletl Stale: Sis. ljl jtit ... . .Ilnloivl TTYMAN BROTH HI'S Whol! ilrortr, tiAauiilCAUtuniASmir.. .San 1'asi.ciscu. Parliculu atleuUa uid lo fMnt mj shlpplaj Is- - 'jhtfiintJOG .trbo. .p H. WILLIAMS, MHR1R ANd PnAtCR IN ! nf Hrtttf Mm r i(f Mi ,tln t'ihtr!trrrp tttttt .Mittmfitrhifrr Fiirniitm VVurvrnumi . if) ll Sirl Work fthi nt iU itAtnl on I loifl Kttwt All or An omly Aiirntlr.) to. it " C. COLrtMAM, htitrkmntth Miirhhttttf I'tirrhttffi It'll ., UnlM t'l . II I rUniiitt MeuMncry, tic Sit-i-n mi Kind ftirtttl wt in C.mI A Obnkt'a 173')' I W OIRVIN, fottimtmhnt .Urtrtmut iimt'llrni'iitl ttrtttr hi llrif (hunt, AIH Kl, Mftt'l . I (nnenV. IUiMffre, Stationery rtffH MtiHrmr, Peifwivry onJ (lUart N I?. nuRonss, tUtrttutermi Itutltlrr. All ktml of '"(MA pmiitptly atltmle.l 10. 'Ite nonr.Nft.' jo, Will Urn wn't Lxpreu Office ?Hor, No. 14 Kim, STur-r-- r ..llnsor t;i v A. SIlni'AHU, WrttrhMilher run tleieelev. Wntoh ropntrlnic rami Spnolitllty. All orilers from tlie otliei Utantls proinptly attrniled to. No. 5, llorM. SrmT . .... Ilnrmf iii, II. I. it.) i)r H OPI A CO,, King Strict t?huttfrrtm, tiropfVM ami tivotrr hi alt htittt of r'nrnltiirr releplione No 143. 176- - TUT THOMPSON, Attui'nrft nt Litii'ttmt Sollritorhi f'irf rrr( Practices In ihe Court, nnd preparer Heed Wills Mortgages Lees Contract, Aftrtrtrrnt, etc., and nejfotUte Mentytd Limit, etc. HfWnittt? II. I, OrPlCP Corner Fort nnd Mr reliant Street. yotf H OLLISTER A Co., Wttnlffittt? ttmt Jtetitlt ttriitfyt! unit l'o. iHirrontmit. No. 59, Nuimnu SrSKRT .IIf)NOe,ULU "pllOMAS LINDSAY, Jeweler 11ml llntmninl Setter, N060, . ...S...NUVANU fitKMiT, lose. 1. If, 11. (OpKite llollister it Co.), Particular attention imitl tn reiamn;. CD. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co. tiiijioitrrm ami Comminmfoii Merchant. Honolulu Oamu, II. I,, RiTRS. A. M. MELL1S, Fafthioh'thfr ItrvM itmt Vtortk Muk'rr. No. 104 Fort Strbkt Honiii.iti. PD C. ROWb, Itontr ttmt SlfH I'ohitrv, Pm-k- r Hangkr. etc., No. 107 KtMn Sthkkt . '...IIonoliilij i im A S. CLEGHORN & Co. tmjtaitrr ami ttmlft'H tit Uenri-n- t ft Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. J A1NE & Co. Commtuntoti Mrrrlutntf I in port en and dtalent tn Hay, C.mtn and (General Prod lire. Honuluiu H. I "THOS. G. THRUM, iMrOFTINC; AND M ANtirACTUKING Stat tour r, Sfrws Aycnt, Printer, elr,. And nulilistier of the Sati;hii4V PmLs,.arid ,tn.iii. ah Almanac a utt Animal, .Merchant Mrcet. Hell er in Stationery, ooV Muic, lo and Taney Good; Fort street, near Hotel, Honolulu. THE GERMAN1A MARKET. IIONOLVLr, II. I, Ilet Veatt Mutton, J.onit, t'ottttrff ami Ftmh Contiantly on hand, and of choicest quality. Pork Sausages, llolocnat, etc, alwa 011 luud. Our neau are all cui and put up in KaMern t)le. All orders faithfully attended to. and delivered In any tart of the city. Shop 'on Hotel Street, letween Union and Fort Mreet. 406m o, RAUPP, Proprietor. C. H USTACE, (roRMERIV WITH UOLLE& & CO.) tt'hnleitnlr titttt iletttll llroeer. nt. KisoS .Undkr Harmony Hall. Famil, Plantation, and Ship stores supplied at short nutice. New kooiIs hv every sleatner. Orders from the other Islsnd faithrully caecuted. Telephone No. 19. l7Vt)T TVA PHILLIPS a Co. Imtutterit .!.( H'holetale nrttlrrm In Vlotli- - Intl, Hunt. HhaeH, lint; Mrtt'm fur- - ulkhhtu tlootla, t'ttttry Unotlti, Ktr. No. 11 Kaaiiumaku Strutt .Honoll'lii O J. LEVEY & CO., . M'hnlennle tltttl itrtull tlrnrerti, I'ORT .SrRRKT . .IIONOIIUti Fresh jcroccrie and provisions ol all kinds on hand and rcccivedrcaularly from Kuroi and America vthich s ill bo sold at the lowest market rates. Roods delivered lo an) part cf the city free of charge. Island orders solicited and prompt attention will tie Riven to the same. ni.iy TOHM T. WATBRHOUSE, Importer ami Dealer In tlexettil Mer ehttatllite, fiK SreT . . IIonoluu ft Co. litiliiirteri nml Healer lit llartltrnrr, t'ttl- - lerit. Tool, Paints and O.li, and Rcncral Mcrcliandis. No. 37 lnr SrKsur .Iliuoiuiu yHBO. H. DAVIES A Co., (I.at (anioi, Osik A Co.) liuitnitrr anil ComtmJlon llerrhuttl: At.nNrt roR Uoyd'sand the Liverpool Underwriters. ItrilUh and r'urciirn Marine Insurance Company, and Nonhern Assurance Coni(iany i T M. OAT Co. MuffiMiidrr. 7.l(. n all fJr.rrfjirtofia matle. aait regtalretl, llonal'lf H 1 f lajft lit A. t C oole's new nprproof tmilding, fo.4 i4 Nuuanu Street. at TJONOLULU IRON WORKS Co.. AleuiM tinulM,, Holler, Sugar Mill, Cooler; Iron, Unit ami l.rml Vntlluu. Union tu , . . 11 1 Machlnsry of .very dostl4lon nude to order, Particular aiienlinn paid to bhlp'. Illaclsmkhlo. Job work esecutcd on the sliorlrst nutlca. to JOHN NOTT, Tin, t'mpir um4 She SrvH H'mrkfr, JLrorr mud Hanger, of all kind. 1ua.licn UsxL aiui meuJ. Lu furnlhi tfltl guod, chaudelter, Ut)4, etc till, I KAAHlMAhU SfKUT HOfcOLlll! P A. SCHABPBR Co. im tarter amt VttmmUsUH MrrAut0 UaKHAUt Sritar Hoj.sjh.iv 'rac-s LK tiiiciiuoo cTavbo. I. RMMKLUTH ft Co., Tl i. lth ttmt VtHMt,rnt I trot ?t rf tn fitnm, ftiiir, ltttt N. $ ' SfttRBl , HnNotci t H B. MclNTYRB A BROTHER, ttmrrrft ttmt 9'errt St Off, fnP Kif. ANn Fort Sm H'lHiU I w. IIINOLDV A CO. J MttHfittturer nf llitrmtti t'liiitr. IMniHTirns iwtt mrsip)rli I'olinrtsi, Clrtlls, .Slid Sici.jlm' .Vilifies I lie miHt slnrk In the lilnf.lnm. Kind street, (near Alasea) tlnii.,ltilii I KWttKS A COOKH, (Sin rssoes in I. swiiM K lli.KHnM,) Itttimtier .,. Healer lit t.Hmher tttul nil khttlm nt llttlltllnii MitlerhtlM. Kom Srr , ...IIonhu'iu 'ry " "- - lUI S1. ORINDAUM tor Imiittrter ntut Wtnleittile hettler Itt llett rrttl Merehtttttttne, .Makrr's Hiimtk (Jufpn Sneer, llnNniutit a. ORINDAUM A Co. M rnrtvtirtllntl tttul f'mnmliuttnti Metrltttttta, 414 Cai iroRNiA St., San PitANcisin. Snertat fatilitles for anil niirlcul.ir attention luiM to romirninenti of islam! prouuee. a C MORN, Vlntteer fiteitttt Ctimtff Mitnuf'ttrtni'tt ttmt tinkrrif. HoNolt'ltr . . . .: h. 1. Practical ConOu loner, Plr Coik mid Hiltr, Number ;i Hotel ilreeli lelwren lonmid Nutwrtu fttreetn. CDRBWHR m & (Umttft.) COMPANY, ttmmit Mrrrn nt ft ttmt Comintlon .tfrnti QvrKt ISTHBI'Ta HosoLirtu. Offiter P. C J one, Jr., rr evident And manager; Joseph O, Curler, treasurer and necrrtary, Hireclortt Horn. CIiatIm K, HUhopnnd II. A P. Carter: Henry May, Auditor. 11B XXTILLIAM McCANDLESS lirutrr hi Vhotrrnt tlrrft Vrnt, Mutton, Ktr, No, 6 Quvrt StRfFr, Fmh Markst. Pa mil y and Stripping orJem carefully attended in. I.Ue Stork ftirnUlied to Vessel at uliorl notice. Vegetable of all kind supplied In order. iFirrnnNr No. ati. T YCAN A CO, Importer ftml Jteittrr tn utt htmt of Mutte floorta, i'ttney 1lotnlnt Aa pun erne flood n. Nov ii anp 107 Fort Strt. .. Honolvli ' Furniture, O.iiri, Sewing Macliine, Mirror anj Mirror Plate, Picture Frame and Cornices made to ortler. !37-- r O HALL & SON ..(Untiled) IMP0RTFR4 AN) DKALI-R- IN llitnttrttrr ttmt tie newt Merclmmtlme, Cornkr or Kisr. amp Fort Strpts Hunolitlu orriCKR; William W. Hall . .PreIdent and Manager I. C Aide., .Secretary and 1 reaurer George K, Howe. Auditor Director II. Ma,, K. O. White. 15 1kr W. McCHESNEY & SON, Okalilk in leather, tthtc, Tnttotr nmt ('ommtntiion Merchant, Agent for the RoaI Soap Company. Nn. 49 Qt'CRN Strkbt. . ., Homoluiu T M. OAT, JR., & CO. Stilt toner ttmt Mrtrn Heater Iteit It 11 ther Stamp Atfury GAZRTTK MlOCK a, . No. 95 MFHCH4NT STKKPT M3 HoHOUTLt II. I. T YONS & LEVEY, Aaetloneer anil Vamtiillnn Merrltanl, IIPlVER llLOCK, QllKKN STS, KT, H()lOI ULl. Sales of Furniture. Stock. Keal Estate and General .Merthandiie. promptlv attended to. Sole azents for American and European merchandise. J I, 1.S0NS, B.r (l. J. I.ISKV THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN' X vestment Company (limited.) Money loaned for long or short periods on approved security. Apply to V l GREEN, OITice Heaver Itlock, Fort St. Manactr. ioa--rr HACKFBLD& Co. H flenerftt Cumnttatatt Afjettts. Qlekn Strkft . HosoU'Ltt A ULBN 8l ROBINSON, Healer tn Lumber a mt all ktml of Jtulltt- - Inu Material, ratals. Oil, Xatt, etc, Honoiulu, II, I,, AC It NTS UP fcCHOONKKS Haleakaia, KuUmanu, Kck&uluohl Mary BlUn, UlUma, Panahl and Leah I. At RoMruoii's Wharf. ' 1 A W. PBIRCE tt Co. .Ship Vhanitter a tut VommtmMlnn Mer chant. Hnhpuru., Hawaiian Ulamus. Agents fur Urand'i Gun and llomb lance and Pcr ry L4 v,U' Pain Kilter. P P, ADAMS, J .tucttoHecr atttl Vnmmlatloa Merchant Qurcn Strkbt Honoli'LU Y WILLIAMS, Vhotographtr Arltt, 101 am 104 Port .Strrkt. .HovoLi'tu Picture of all Jie ami kindt nude lo order, and frame nf all description conManily on hand, AKo Corali, Shell and CurloIiic of the Pacific, ' 1 BOOKS PERTAINING TO HAWAII Jane' lliuury ofthe Hawaiian HlaiuU. Andrew's Dictionary. Whitney Guide ItsjuL, Mlu lltrdkMx Month in the SatkUkh (Uand. MU Gordon C'uuiming'a Kir Fountain. Mr, udd'ft Honolulu. HavaiUn Almaiuu: and AiuiuaL Togctlier with a Uri(eiocV of valuable an! entertain nx buua, li of which U published In (he Mipplemcnt of (hi fajicr. For tale at TlttlH. , THHVM'S t'urt fit. Store, TNO, O.POWLBR ft Co., I.KKDS. KNGUNl, Ar ptrprt ! furnth i'tan ami K'- - tnutf fur Mttrt I'OHTAIU-- TRAMWAYS, Wiih or vilbout Cart anj l4xmtAtt S,,jlU AHAPIKH JOK SIIOAR HUNTATIOXK. r t O PeruuiMnt RUy. i4 ln.oauxhi and tar Ir ikmi i.n,natf aoa auivi uiaMkvjii. mmm lahmi and CoUlvatins Machiiwiy, Port "SI I BVniM Ua ail rwut, Wi.wliug Knofinatai law iislsas. CalaUtta iiHlHuurall, M.mIUU aaJ "A Craih tdiU hUtvm fUnli w4 Machinery taay be md at im UiVtallt unJertlci L W. I . (iktV H and G,V,a4ACKAKlANE&C0.,AtiaiU )na a. ft v- (T'Ciicriil Jlbbtrliormcnlo. apASTLP. A COOKII, ,slilM "ml fonttMhuloH Uerrlttttit, No , Kinn Smut . ... Ilonoliii; turtiei ah ntair-- in (Si'.NKItAf. MHKC'HANmSK, As.ntt tnr . llie Ililrlieusk ft Cotnpans. Plantation. Ihe Aleiamlrr & llal.loin riaitalion. It tlaUtea.l. nr VV'alaliia Plantation. V II, Smith tx Ubmiians, Nxlua, banal. J M Alesamter, Haiku, Maul, I he I UiVu Cvrnn)'. Ihe KnliaiaTin.sar Company lUlnaVlia Planlallon Hi Union InttimrM.e loniiHiny A .San frankiaA. I ne new FnsUnd l,.li.iurnc timiiany of Uoinii 'Hie HUVt MantifAttiinnj Conifmnv of tkton O.M, Wrtlon' Patent Crnffi-'tigi- l Mc 'Ihe New ork nnd Hottolnlii Pre Let Ine. Ihe .Mtrtlmiit't IJnf. Honolulu ftml Ktn Frattflwyi Dr. Jjiynei A Kon C.tlrAled MdUlne, Wlttof A tllM.'i blnjcf MunufMltirinif Cmnpany WliederAt Htlon'ilnf Mliine, fvivr 1. M MAiMftt Ah. M It MACfAtt ANr. imporxerf uommimon neronanii nnil flngitr rntor. ""'' Piiiroof llntldinn; Queen trerl, Hnnotttlii AGfTi fan KiUnea Suer Co, Kauai. 'Ihe W.liu .SttHr PUntntlon, Mtil, Hie Spencer KtiRar Plantation, If it waif HorfhinA Sugar Co, Hawaii, Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maul, IIuelA nutcar rianlatlon. aiaui, Keriprorlty Stijiar Cn.( Ilanj, MakAli.i hugar PUniailvMt, Oalrn, OoLalA StiRar Co- - llilo, Hawa'.l, Olowatu Sujar Co, Maul, Pun ton Slieep Hancli Cn, Hawaii. J, Kowler tt Co't Steam Plow and PortaW I'ramHA W01V1. Icdi. Mirrlem, Walton ft Co'a Sugar Machinery, OUkow (lai(ow and Hnnotulti Line of pAcfceti, LUerprMl and Honolulu Line of Packet. Indonand Honolulu I.lne of Stenntern, htm Fire Imurance Co. of lindon. 9'-- B ISHOP & CO., Uinltfr HiiHt.LL'Lt', Hawaiian Im.anih. fcI)raw i,i.lianit on IIHfllXNiLcir CAMI'OKNM, SAN FKANCISCO. :. c-- a T tv ajr Ami ineir oeni in i- - L NI'.vV V2L-- -1." C, 7' ST, MONO KONG. .Vlessrs. N ni.sciiii.it sons. LONDON, llie COMMERCIAL IIANKINIV CO., OF SYDNEY, LONDON. The COMMERCIAL HANKING CO.. Or'sYllNEY. SYDNEY 'I he IIVNKS OF NEW ZEAIN1J: AUCKLAND, CHKISrCHUKCII, AND WELLING TON. THE HANKS OF HRl'CISII COLU.MIIIA, VICIOKlAi II.C AND I'ORILAND. OR. Tia 11 lite it General Hanking Jlittineii. ).ir EW GOODS N ir R?jznvr kx " MmttiA Davw," ' MalNicate," wnd eied en ' Maripn-- and nther vessel Ito'lon Cant .Matchc, Hone Shoes and Nail DOWNKRSand NOON PA V Od. I.uhricating Oil of all kind, Cut Nail), all ue, Clinch Nailt, all ie. Cotton Wauein bale. It lacks tnith Itellow. CI leap Rim Clock 1, Garden Hroom Uron Soap, in cae. Wire Handing Hatltettfor Vein, Itc, Iine'a Plantation llotw, H inch Coocnecl( Socket Hoe, Ice Cream Freeier Lawn Mower. bet Vind, Caw Genuine Amokea Denims, Case's Genuine Amotkeaf; Marincri Stripe, Iteide a ihouand article in the Hani ware line at way ' on hand. Soon e petted, not by the "Siartan, a nuHt coin (deU aiwrtment uf ItalVmStect Vloir ami llreaker, With eitra Handle. I lea in and Point. All iheie will te found at the corner brick More of 161 K O. HAM. A. SON. Limiud. EMMELUTH & CO. J Ho. & Nnuauu and 4 Merchant Strext Honolulu, I Use on hatul a lull line if the H SI'I'KHIIIH, A UAH A hit, HI AMDS It HOCK MtlllA UK, KIIHKKA, XKtr ! A II A IIIIS II II I II 11 Tt IV, tll'lt Hllfllfr:. 4 nviKtiiy, .i.v aihiii.h sTtirK.s, A.VIt 11 HI Kit It.tStlKS. Aecuts fur It.. MONTAGUE anj "SUl'ER- - IOK" Ran,s f.H setllnn In brisk. Lylmates Mr. (hated tv yultlnii up the saute ilh ot wilKmil hot aler IfiariioNa No. ,ll i. EMMEI.UTH CO.. I Nt.'aajb anu , Maacitam Sis, au Auj. 16. LANKS, BLANKS. B' Labor Contract, H.Iltt Iodine, ItilUoT k.chAuxr. Puuti of Attoroty .!... (luilcr Part. "Ti'Kf"' Cmtirct, An. of AreaLeitf Oessis putiitry orwta. laMa, IVirskascrs' aa4 aJanuiaiur.rs lnssJe, Mar. tUi Ccni4fai,stUaiUn form, letter Mk Utol llse IOsoJ., Han. HufeliUu. Ihans ol lriAl()al isrts Haisaii J, UR ANY BLANKS PRINTKO TO ORDK .11 TMOH. II, TUUVM'a U.schskt Srar Sla. foim uoir. JOHN HOTT, ( at tiii 01M ftTAtfn nOmhi;h t lUKKirr, L corcnK, AND SHEET IKON WORKER, 'PMJMMING IN MX ITS nHANCIIi;.S Artesian Well Pipe-- til Uf. HtovoH itti1 ItaiiHTM, Uncle Pam, Medalllfrfi, Richmond, 'Ifrtnp, Palace, y Mora, May, CnntcM, Grand Prire, New Rival Derby, Wren Polly, Gypy, (ofnfi Pa my, Army Range, Magna Chart a, I tuck, S'ueKof, Magnet, Oceola, Ala meda, liclij-e-. Charter Ojk, Ninibte, lnootl and Ijtmdry Sitm. GAI.VANIZr.D IKON and COPPKR. H01LI.KS POK RANOI.S, CRANIir. IRON WARH, NlgKP.h PLA'IF.DAND PKAIN. Galvanized Iron water Pipe, all sizes, and laid on at lowest rates, also cast Iron Lead Soil Pipe. Homo FurnUfcing Goods all 11bU. RUBBER HOSE, , , All tre and and Force Pump. Culfm r Pumps, Galtaniaed Iron, Sheet Copper and Sheet Lead Pipe, Tin Plate Water Ouet, Marble lab urn, bowl, enameled jrahtand. CHANDKUHRS LAMPS ANP LANTFK CARTER S. P. GRAHAM S.M S. M. CARTER & CO-- , RKTAII. ItKALRII PIRP.WOOI). COAUIamiKKP HAY anuOAT Free Pelneryioall part of ib City. . ! ' Jlewetuler Mil, Nl.Vfl STMKF.T, . s 'jw-- r r 11 Aal Tel.llKSnc N r. '; ill ' s 44-j- S GEOROE LUCAS,' CONl KACrOK srvl Rtll.lli.K, STKAM fLAXIXti MtJ.I.S, r.eplanao'e, Honolulu.'' ' Manufactur, all llisjs u! Moulding, Br.ckeU, Window frames, Blind, uabct asd'DOsH and all kind of wood-wor- k InJak. Turaiuc, artU, asA Wa4 aawiB AM kloJ, ftf I'lanlut; nd Saisina, lArtisittc, au( Ten, us(, " r Okllr.K.S PROMPTLY AITCNDKIr TO (tinr' ' WOKK OUAKANTCIEIJ OrJer, from lit. wherisUisissolKueJ. icaVr ' C1ORM BOOKS, r FORM BOOKS. lllll UrCMVAlILt aat, I'AVAHI.K HOOK-s- Note. HusMa, NT Huuva; Kent Moaea K.rriaW., Mlfil., XelriaW.. ftrsfer ttooh. MeAtU KXasral. I'laftiaiUnTliM bocks. Ivlae Kec.li, Uimu Of tee, BUiiks c, c, cwsutulf im haasa, m SiwcUI f Mas. Mtat ,, t (Mm m -- . Hk, M TN(M. U. rl't' Winn"! Smart aaoiuat StkUT Sluts.. tA i e f 't F . v i. y,i fi n.1 ft

Saturday Press, - University of Hawaii...brought me to this thai thelife of savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version,

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Page 1: Saturday Press, - University of Hawaii...brought me to this thai thelife of savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version,

V, 7,, 2 12.





t1 ."'





a MrrniHp the .

Our of the titiiet iitciMues I fre- -

ucntiy ItH.ulge in, i to go to n rockyjMiint imtltiu', out front the shoreagainst ltkh the v.ics break In curl- -

ingsprav, and with my book pass themorning while my little gill amusesherself picking shells from the sand, or

..thine xcvt iwc in inc.sions 01 servitude nranny,wjrm tulne. I tioiign so near uic mi

i.igc of llilo, it isquitr shut iiumy fromit. and I am free to read, or dream thehappy hour awaj, undisturbed. To-

day the waes toss In unusual violence,alone the iukkciI roast far as my eye

reach, a firnge of white ,touchesthe green, and tiK)i. the horizonline a misty seil hangs down, as if thestorm which has swept ocr the regionthe ast week were only suspended,gathering breath to come in renewedonset upon us. And yet the angrybreakers with their ctuel crawling foamonly add a fascinating wildncss to thescene, quite in harmony with it,

Nature in primitive forms is at homehere, it is civilization only that is incotigriioiy., I ni)sclf a,m nn intruder,and my little white robed maiden withher )cllow tossing curls might somedainty sisitant from a lunar realm, butnot an inhabitant of this tropic soil.

Right before me, however, is the nat-

ural outgrowth of it all, as much anart of it. as the cocoa-palm- s or gorge

hibiscus that stains with tlamc themossy banks alone the coast, a wahinesnuattina on her heels on the rockscleaning the weed which her keiki,brings tier, running back and forth over111c suppers rags, tiiuiiiL'iciu is.-


sulintcred lava or drenching spray, intent only unon her task dislodging l

the vivid substance from cranny andfissure., A faded calico chemise U

the mother wears. The child is bare tothe waist, and her brown shouldersand supple limbs glisten in the glowingsun. Drawing nearer I see that theyhave a mass of the gelatinous stuff inthe hollow of a rock, and evidentlysoon to breakfast upon it.

This is a satisfsing dainty that I

know nothing about. Of course thisHawaiian aristocrat knows, this, andshe smiles in a 'superior way uponcuriosity and ignorance. Haveher ancestors for ages grown amongthese rock and found in just suchfood as this the nourishment for theirsinuous bodies and tapering fingersand rjazling teeth that I admire somuch. Docs every inch of thi.'iwave-swep- t pantry hold for her a nuttyshrimp or a drowsy crab, an appetizingsnail or some toothsome limu. Kcholdthe generous fare, and ready for thetaking what need her the strugglefor existance, the horny hand of toil,brain and muscle developed to theirutmost to contend with a ureeuy pushing world? bhe has all she cat,and plenty to give away, and she knowsthat and forevermore thesame sumptuous feast is waiting for her.

,, Out from behind cliff appearsanother lord of this rcmon. crives nie ahasty glance, and then with regal dig-nity quite ignores my existence. Whyshould not? What hac I, or whatam I measured by his standard of vallies? Have all his grandfathersswung the and plunged into theseething surf with the same fearlessgrace that is doing now? See him

on the waves, how they lift andbear him just where wants toand how in a moment his skilfulliand and crafty eves have lured intohis reach the delicate morsel whicheven my foreign palate appreciate.It seems only pastime to him, a rap-ture of- - sensation and motion. Hutwhat should I among those horriblebreakers? What if I had to fish aliving? Now as emerges triumph-ant with his finny captives must

pity my inferiority and am 1 nothumiliated in the comparison? Itmust a grand thing to a Vikingamong vikings1

Out there where the waves breakover the shallow coral reef, is a canoe.sharp as an arrow, making way withunerring aim direct for shore. 'T would

more than I could do to keep aseatvfor moment, in such a tiny cockle-shell, but the bare brown shoulderednative inside seems a part of the littlecraft and comes bounding on, helpedby every curling-- monster that spoutsit fountains upon him. To him eachcrested wave is but a prancing .steedwith foaming mane, harnessed to histaaple chariot and obedient to his

every wish. Are these nativesaristocrats of the sea as well as theshore? What "they know or carefoe ihe omnipotence steam whenthey have the omnipotence of theirown right arm? It is suck as I, effete

of modern civilization,who must carried on spaciousdecks above gilded saloons it is suchM I who tremble at every heavingbillow and shudder at every stormyblast.

" While my eyes have Iwen fascinatedby the nautical skill of nativecanoeist, another figure has appearedsj.my side, an old crone, shrivelledand bent with a shock heavy whiten( tailing uvcr a lace parcnmeni.9c Udown in the sand groping withskinny hands for bus wood to maketM tire tor her morning meal. AndMate they arc, ready and abundanttH her, fragments of the protrudingwots the cocoa trees wavingabove her, jtions rotten plankiMg high on the beach, branches ofkoa and mainanc that have come ona long career down from the mountainfortsls, through noisy torrents. Nomatter how, it is all. for her and liftsher from servitude aud want. Is shenet richer than J who must send thou-Mul- t

of mules Tor the costly fuel mydcmailds?. Down here in thewhich she loves and which is

i"a friend to her, she heap to- -

H i pOr fagots that when lighted shall

Vk, the food within Jicr reach, andJk'IPkfwtti he can He on the

rocks and doze till ib) lightmfi. "What terror ixmity for her4JJR0 can make nature her ally, can find1 Akm S.a.1. j al. ..uu, !.. I...

t jtWK " " f WW,m the Mauklitu (om. her shelter.""--

l i H "f " Ua rwl f Truly,

L -'


k wwltiivg a Mt4of taml



tipiicHy of vnnti, entiles. cra1ngnand juiicrlliious wortlc. Tli.it hooting

ner lect ami aim



















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steam wliis-il- from yonder ugar mill .t

U hut an aium protest from such anoutlook m this those huge storehousesate btoti on the l.mdsrape Ho theynot mean endless toil, and those wavingcane fields, what are they but cspres- - to

every refinement of luxury, but n newembargo upon care and happiness andcontent.

And so my hour's musings havebrought me to this thai the life of thesavage is w oni tienciitent one.iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachingsnspirntiou lakes on a new version, and

reads like this Go to the Kanaka.0 American, consider that sluggardand Iw wise.

And to reinforce this bit of wisdomthose comes to mind the testimony ofanoted phjsician who declares that thereis hardl) a lady who shines in societytoday, whose nerves are not brokendown, or in a fair way to break down.In his opinion, all civilized states arcsuffering physical degeneracy and npenury of great minds is noticeable.

There is a quaint bit of Hindoo liter-ature which says, "There is print onthe trees in every forest which everyone who likes may pluck withouttrouble. There is rool and sweet waterin the pure rivers here and there.There is a soft bed made of the twigsof beautiful crcejicrs. And yetwretched (tcujile suffer pain at the doorof the rich" everywhere. Wc must gobark to solitudes and become nature'schildren once more. Who ever heardof a kanaka with neuralgia or onewho committed suicide because ofbusiness worries ?

Did not Chinese Clordcn find hisgreatness through meditation and re-

tirement, and has not llismarck been amartyr for years to that high pressureof living which never allowed the tor-

tured nerves to rest for a moment?Hut Tennyson ha voiced the

thought in his own immutable wordsand they find fitting arcompanamentin the languor of this andthe soft waving of these drowsy palms" Why arc we weighed upon with heavinessAntl utterly consumed with slurp distressWhile all things else liase rest from weariness?AH things have rest; why simuiii we toil stone,We only toil who are the fust of things,Anil make perpetual moan,Still from one sorrow to another thrown:Nor csei fold our wingsAnd cease from wanderingsNor strep our brows in .slumber's holy lialm

or hearken what the inner spirit sings,'There is no joy but calm!'Why should we only toil, the roof and crown

of things?"M. C. K.

llilo, August 30, 1SS4.

Zfrtrrv' LetterHow do )ou do, dear Willie!.nd how are you grtunc alonj

I am goin ro write yon a letter.Ami all in the the shape of a souf

I want very much to see you.And (.lay with you out in the yard --

I hey took me away from you. Willi.jAnd I thought it was sery hard

They tarried, me on on the water.Where I w no crass or treesAt first I did not like it.And did nothing else lut tease.

I teased Tor papa, a.nd you, Willie,lease d to lieon the land.At home where 1 wouldn't beAnd where I could walk and stand

1 was afraid or tumbling over,Tor the ship rolled all about.And I sept my berth for a week or more

Ilefor I dared to go out

Hut after a little w hile, Willie,1 didn't mind it at allI liked loVatch the sailors.And l learned lo pull and haul.

We lived en board so many month. 'That l col to feel at home.But I always remembered jm, Willie.And cried for you Income

At tat! we reached Aunt Sarah's.And here 1 like to May,And if my mother would live here.Care not ro go away

Rut I shall er forget you, Willielie sure I love you still ;

Sometimes 1 ask to go back there.Tis just as I happen 10 feek

I enjoy the winter weather.The pretty snow and ke,I love to goOh, Willie, 'tis so nice

Vour Cousin Eddie can tell youAbout the skates and sleds.And how the boys go coastingAnd fall and break their heads ;

And how they Jump up crying,And then go at tt again,Uutil they get as hard)And brave as little men.

I have two little plamates,Who both hasc got your name.!( seems so scty furny.To call you all the saine.

Willie Knu and Willie KickerArt my companions hereAt ibo Mauds, Willie Damon,I think Us scry queer.

1 though of yoo on Christina,,And wondered what ou had.When you went to get your stockinf ,

What you found lo make you glad

I Lad a boa ofA little cotfee pot,A par full of candiesAnd other things I got.

Suuc darling little sleigh-bell-

Sewed on to pretty reins,- -

M) dear Aunt Kuuaie knit them,How kind to take such palus,

Hut mul. etki my story,Or el 'twill t o long

lTialjouwill bediiguriedWith letters strung in song

Now you must write me. Will.,And tell me how you do,And tell ma all about those bousAnd all your playthings, too.

IVay give m love to mother.Remember father, too,tk not forget each brothel,fiesidee a heap to )ou.

If I go bask to see you, Willie,Some present 1 shall cany,Ssa keep your mind oo that, Willie,And do oos grieve fvl

Maaay,-- .Vey IVr. ,., ld

Men who determinedly control theirappetites find themselves stronger witheach victory to resist the temptations ofevil and indolence, and achieve at lasta Spartan ruggedness and granite firm-ness that makes life one long, triump-hant content against the assaults of thecommon enemy,

Hulvser ; If a uood face is a letter offwoweiwndation. a good heart U a

, !tJm m MfMMMkMt tatinjt, with our HiullMrtr of credit

Mnke ,V Vr V,jreie;Up to the picscnt time I never heard

dealer in intoxicating liquor lmvc anygood reasons: for being in the bujlnessjbut I have heard men, who ought toknow better, tryto whitewash the li-

quor trade It Is not very hard workfind out those who cannot see any-

thing good resulting from the iiunufaitine antl sale of Intoxicating liquors.

Home. v ears ago, as foreman, I became acquainted with a printer. Hiswife who had left her friends In NovaScotia and come lo New Vork withher husband, had suffered the deepestwrongs from hiui who should have beenher thief supiHirt Unc day he wasdrunk, a few davs after in a penitentmood, at another time pawning everything he could lay his hands on, amishortly after in tears for the ruin he hadbrought to his household, Death onenight entered his above and took awaythe spirit of his only child, leavingnothing but an emancipated body. Nomoney in the house, hardly any clothesin which 'o nttpiul the funeral, his wifewent among his personal friends mfdraised a sufficient amount 10 buy a t:offin and burial for the corpse. While outmaking a few purchases, her husbandspent what few cents he had'been ableto raise for drink, ami not knowing howlo get more, went home and took theclothes off the hotly of the child in thecoffin and pawned them for a smallsum, and.soon was on a drunk that lastedseveral days. Learned antl well-to-d-

men may have the nerve to say thatthe result of the saloon business arcnot as bad as some tiocplc would try tomake the public believe; but what doyou think that poor woman thoughtabout it on returning' home and findingher naked dead babe in the coffin ?

She told mc,hut I hope she will never tell

A boss carpenter in this city, namedFrank Haas, residing at 307 Seventhavenue, was brought before JusticeGardner, of the Essex. Market PoliceCourt. His wife died the day before.The father left the house in the morn-ing, leaving his three children with thedead body of their mother, anil in ashort time he was dead drunk. Teno'clock on Monday morning was thetime set for the funeral; some goodneighbors raisetl money to bury thewoman, which was handed to Haaswhen he got sobered; and the resultwas, it was all spent for liquor, the littleJchildren being found playing around theroom, and the lather sleeping oil theeffects of his drunken debauch in acorner, at the Hour appointed for theburial of the dead mother. Question

Can you hunt up an excuse? Youcan't, try ever so hard. What do yousuppose one of the little children willthink of the liquor-traffic- , who, when itsmothers body was being removed byone of the health department officers,said! "Dood-bye- , mamma, dood-bye- ;

turn back soon to baby '' Do you feelsorry enough for George (aged six years)Charles (agetl ten years), and "baby"Lena (aged four years) to stop givingexcuses, and help at the ballot-bo- tobreak up the wicked traffic?

Since the day when "they all withonccons6nt began to make excuse, "to thedate of writing this article,cxcuses havebeen plenty some worth listening toand others of such a character thatthey ought never to have been uttered.

And it is about time that thinkingpeople stopped excusing the practiceof men and women drinking that whichintoxicates, and also excusing the menand women who sell it. Educate thepeople until the doctrine thou sftaltnet drink or sell any spirituous liquors,unite, beer, or cider, shall be as well re-

cognized as a part of the belief of themasses as "thou shall not steal." G.Ji, Scott, in the N. '. Witness,

Jtorlrtf JournalismColeridge, in tlie recent Yates

case in hnclanu, delivered a sermonfrom the bench on society journalism,

that might be read and takenwith profit in a land in this direction.Mr. Yates published in his naner ascandal about Lord Lonsdale; that is,it was so worded as to lead the readerto the conclusion that Lonsdale hadeloped-wit- h a certain lady. There wasno truth in it. bo soon as Mr. Yatesdiscovered that fact he apologized, andinaue every eiiort to niuio the wrongand riidit the injured parties. This washonorable, and at least testified to the absence of malice in the publication. Hepleaded that he had been deceived byanother party, and had every reason tobelieve the information given to be true.Hut Mr. Yates was found guilty, andsentenced to four months' imprisonmentand n fine. When he appeared at the barLord Colerigc took, occasion to lectureon " Society Journalism." He stoodstronely for the freedom of the press.but was very bitter upon the licenseseized upon by some puhushers underthat grant In the course of his remarks he said he could not believe thatan) body found pleasure in feeding uponthe unwholesome dishes the sensational press sets out. He was certainno educated gentleman could feel any-thing but humiliation and contempt inhaving to hupiily such food. The learn-e- d

judge would not need to reside longin the United States to become con-vinced that he is in error. Thcrojisunfortunately a large class of coprlwho take delight in the filthy scandal- -

that are dished up by sensationalvapcrs, while there are men of fair educa-

tion who do not feel any scruples aboutmaking them as vile as literary abilityantl devilish ingenuity can devise.Whether this taste for the scandalous liasbeen created by a vicious press, orwhether the scandalous press is theresult of a vicious taste among the jieo-pl- c,

c do not need to now consider,though we hold thatihe pre is moreat fault then the people. Scandal is badenough inihc mouth, but worse in print,even if the truth is adhered to. Thedemoralization of virtue among thenewspaper-readin- g public is bail enoughwhen it results from the unwarrantedpublication of such privileged matter asthe proceedings in theabomination, for instance. A'ne YoriHour,

. Shakespeare There's no art to findthe mind'reonstruction in the face.

Pi'OfCDOioillll H'ltrbo.


lltnrHepi nt I fttf. I

No ll MmrtHShT If near ., itmi'ii1 J!' ,

ILLIAM O, SMITH A Co,wI - A, lHWroi l

V O. Swim..SrirA UMif ttfttt ;l,l lhiihr$t

N MmniMHr Rfumr llmm-tr-

(HiMHiktttn 1W)

tr PUntntlrti,, HjnlnwtlUtejittone nn.1 mUi l'w

ANIt Nil tt 01 CoMMtttio

.Monty leitAfml on SiocL SeturtiiMMO-t-f

O n. noLii,

itttinrtttr ttt I tttr unit Xnlttvf VuUHr,

nrriiit,LtiRNKN four Afi Mmcmant Sr"rT. Honi.lui.i


.Htnrurft rtt l.tttt ittttl nhtfft I'tihtlftictif1 ll llie Courtj tf tlie (tnst1om, i


tttnntfft nml '( tit ,fir

M four Stkkrt lloN.nriv


Iffill1 In tttkr .tctimnrtrt(frtnrot tolntrttmrnf.

Or ncr With A S llftMvtrll, ovr ilie Rink9).)r

KS. CUMM1NGS A MARTIND.Surtmtt tttul laurititfiir 7ffrfiiM.

Omen Fort anu Hcrrtania St..Office ttoun-Unt- llg a. M,t ami from 6:30-- 8 p.m.


fftfttclttH rtml Siltfrnn,llnsoiritT .... ... II. I

'IPIRrMONK NVMRKR lajg.Office hour from 84 la 10H " I H o l!J P "

OtHceantl KeKlfnce, No. s Ktikul Mrirrt, rorner Foritrryi. 51

T M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S.

Itruttit Itontun'oH fort .Stvrrt,llovnLVLU . II. I,

Office in Itrewer' Iltock. corner HtMe nnil FortM reef 1. entraiKe on Mottl Street.

xitilliam b. McAllister.tirnttm,


Office, corner of Fort aivl Hotel street, oer 'IreslnanSiorr.

Pantcular attention paid to re&toration goM Allings.Retinii on Rood work at reasonable Charge to cam

the cor. (..fence of the public. 55 6 n


(latk nr oklanu)Teacher of the Pi.inoFirte. Address LVCAN t CO.

Kh.siuF.vcK No, 10 l.mma utreet, tBs'iy

Uufiincss QTurbs.


ttfrnt to tnkr Artiuotrtfil(oiriilM to m

to tMhorHusnuixr, Hawaiian Ui.Astx 15


Cottttnlttnlnttet' uf ltee.ltFor llie Slate of California, for th Hawaiian Klan.U.and General Ajjeut lor Ihe Pacific Mutual Life In.surauce Company of California. 14,


Aient to tttht AehHowletlumrnt tn foil- -IrttrtHj'nr I.nhnr,

Interior OrricR ...Honoclu


Saturn I'lthllr mitl C'oi.tmUaloii of Iteeiln,For the Slates of California and Xeiu YnrVr. HITir

at the Itank of Itishop St Co.Itci.voiULl', Osill', II. I. 1


Importer nml Coutmltnlon Merchoiittt.NlUANU StKKKT, HONOLUIt'.


Hoot ttmt Stmrimtkft;Hoot and Shoe made to Order,

No, 114 Four St. nrcnsiTK Panthkos Stahifv


'rartleM OjtSMitk3, Kim. Si nr.T. r- 5vf OaWV

liniorlcr oAoiencan-fJewerfporever- descrip-tion, (Konnclfy 4Tan t'a4oyico,cs-Vli(qrnia- so


Importer ijrtrf ihntter UA liliuttntrr,MertttfH StlwVlatrtt'U'ure,

Rritrkett Var,No. 44 Fort Stkret Hunoluiii

KIns't Comlnrution Spectacle And Keglaue,Lutral Wire Wart, Fancy Soaps, Picture Frame. Pi,tols, WoitenhoW Pocket Cutlery Powder, Sh andAmmurutlon. CLirk'a Spool Cotton, MaOune Oil, allkind of Machine Need.le, IoaicttcM Paper Fa in ion.

Sole agent of the universally acknowledged Us.it.Uunnin Domettic Sew in Marhlne

AX BCKARTMWatchmaker, Jrtrettr, Ettyrttrf ami

Ittamomt Setter,No. hi Fot Struct . ..; Hnsmi'LU

All order faitlifu'.Iy enccuted. y


Kurr nml ttntymnti.Freijftit, Packages, and Hagsagc deliternt lo and from

an pari ni iionoiuiu atkI tcinity, Carviul attcnilon paid lo moving Furniture, with

WAGONS KXI'KKSSLV tOR THK PURPOSK.TctcjihofM M; KevUfnee, tjj Punchlovl urrci.

Utlure. 80 King btreet. lotVtl


,ljye,. for Mmtnut .Sufjirt I'tttttmit HieVtHtationt

Ami Ka'tluA Rice Plantation and MillNlrL'tNIi STKKRT . .. . CORMRK MARINA

miyI AHLO.

Dealer la Itru (,., Uttr, Ten, Milk mmitttttry (oo... Hat; llnut, ,Shoe, ItrttH, fretl nail Hour,

Clunr anil TohtteroAlso peceralaf if Mice and Suiar Planlattona at

Htueohe, Koolau, VV'alpu, hwa, and llreia.Nuaki akii (.itirLAiN Sar., HiiMiLrn- -

aoo-- iy


IsirURTMt AND DatLi.S kl

llnul,, HMur; A'HriilaAlMt llumlt Hat,Cap, IVmhIk, lalltet,

t'eifiinvers- - and Soaps Wtlihara Walh..,rioe Jewelr), etc,

CinsKl'o.r AXuMaacuAKi Sm.tis, HuxnuLi'


liniHirtcr of tleaeral MrrttttHillr r--m

rranrr, KmqIhhiI, tlermaan anilIk Cutletl Stale:

Sis. ljl jtit ... . .IlnloivlTTYMAN BROTH HI'S

Whol! ilrortr,tiAauiilCAUtuniASmir.. .San 1'asi.ciscu.

Parliculu atleuUa uid lo fMnt mj shlpplaj Is- -

'jhtfiintJOG .trbo.



! nf Hrtttf Mm r i(f Mi ,tlnt'ihtr!trrrp tttttt .Mittmfitrhifrr

Fiirniitm VVurvrnumi . if) ll Sirl Workfthi nt iU itAtnl on I loifl Kttwt All or An omlyAiirntlr.) to. it" C. COLrtMAM,

htitrkmntth Miirhhttttf I'tirrhttffi It'll .,

UnlM t'l . II I

rUniiitt MeuMncry, tic Sit-i-n mi Kind ftirtttlwt in C.mI A Obnkt'a 173')'


fottimtmhnt .Urtrtmut iimt'llrni'iitl ttrtttrhi llrif (hunt,

AIH Kl, Mftt'l . I

(nnenV. IUiMffre, Stationery rtffH MtiHrmr,Peifwivry onJ (lUart

N I?. nuRonss,tUtrttutermi Itutltlrr.

All ktml of '"(MA pmiitptly atltmle.l 10.

'Ite nonr.Nft.' jo, Will Urn wn't Lxpreu Office?Hor, No. 14 Kim, STur-r-- r ..llnsor t;i v

A. SIlni'AHU,

WrttrhMilher run tleieelev.Wntoh ropntrlnic rami Spnolitllty.

All orilers from tlie otliei Utantls proinptly attrniled to.No. 5, llorM. SrmT . .... Ilnrmf iii, II. I.

it.) i)r


King Strictt?huttfrrtm, tiropfVM ami tivotrr hi alt

htittt of r'nrnltiirr

releplione No 143.176- -


Attui'nrft nt Litii'ttmt Sollritorhi f'irf rrr(Practices In ihe Court, nnd preparer Heed Wills

Mortgages Lees Contract, Aftrtrtrrnt, etc., andnejfotUte Mentytd Limit, etc.

HfWnittt? II. I,

OrPlCP Corner Fort nnd Mr reliant Street.yotf


Wttnlffittt? ttmt Jtetitlt ttriitfyt! unit l'o.iHirrontmit.

No. 59, Nuimnu SrSKRT .IIf)NOe,ULU


Jeweler 11ml llntmninl Setter,N060, . ...S...NUVANU fitKMiT, lose. 1. If, 11.

(OpKite llollister it Co.),Particular attention imitl tn reiamn;.


tiiijioitrrm ami Comminmfoii Merchant.Honolulu Oamu, II. I,,


Fafthioh'thfr ItrvM itmt Vtortk Muk'rr.No. 104 Fort Strbkt Honiii.iti.


Itontr ttmt SlfH I'ohitrv,Pm-k- r Hangkr. etc.,

No. 107 KtMn Sthkkt . '...IIonoliiliji im


tmjtaitrr ami ttmlft'H tit Uenri-n- t ft

Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.

J A1NE & Co.

Commtuntoti MrrrlutntfI in porten and dtalent tn Hay, C.mtn and (General

Prod lire.Honuluiu H. I



Stat tour r, Sfrws Aycnt, Printer,elr,.

And nulilistier of the Sati;hii4V PmLs,.arid ,tn.iii.ah Almanac a utt Animal, .Merchant Mrcet. Heller in Stationery, ooV Muic, lo and TaneyGood; Fort street, near Hotel, Honolulu.


IIONOLVLr, II. I,Ilet Veatt Mutton, J.onit, t'ottttrff

ami FtmhContiantly on hand, and of choicest quality. PorkSausages, llolocnat, etc, alwa 011 luud. Our neauare all cui and put up in KaMern t)le. All ordersfaithfully attended to. and delivered In any tart of thecity. Shop 'on Hotel Street, letween Union and FortMreet. 406m o, RAUPP, Proprietor.


tt'hnleitnlr titttt iletttll llroeer.nt. KisoS .Undkr Harmony Hall.

Famil, Plantation, and Ship stores supplied at shortnutice. New kooiIs hv every sleatner. Orders fromthe other Islsnd faithrully caecuted.

Telephone No. 19. l7Vt)T


Imtutterit .!.( H'holetale nrttlrrm In Vlotli- -Intl, Hunt. HhaeH, lint; Mrtt'm fur- -

ulkhhtu tlootla, t'ttttry Unotlti, Ktr.No. 11 Kaaiiumaku Strutt .Honoll'lii

O J. LEVEY & CO., .M'hnlennle tltttl itrtull tlrnrerti,


Fresh jcroccrie and provisions ol all kinds on hand andrcccivedrcaularly from Kuroi and America vthich

s ill bo sold at the lowest market rates.Roods delivered lo an) part cf the city free of charge.Island orders solicited and prompt attention will tieRiven to the same. ni.iy


Importer ami Dealer In tlexettil Merehttatllite,

fiK SreT . . IIonoluu

ft Co.

litiliiirteri nml Healer lit llartltrnrr, t'ttl- -lerit. Tool,

Paints and O.li, and Rcncral Mcrcliandis.No. 37 lnr SrKsur .Iliuoiuiu


(I.at (anioi, Osik A Co.)liuitnitrr anil ComtmJlon llerrhuttl:

At.nNrt roRUoyd'sand the Liverpool Underwriters.ItrilUh and r'urciirn Marine Insurance Company, andNonhern Assurance Coni(iany i

T M. OAT Co.

MuffiMiidrr. 7.l(. n all fJr.rrfjirtofiamatle. aait regtalretl,

llonal'lf H 1

f lajft lit A. t C oole's new nprproof tmilding, fo.4 i4Nuuanu Street. at


AleuiM tinulM,, Holler, Sugar Mill,Cooler; Iron, Unit ami l.rml Vntlluu.

Union tu , . . 11 1

Machlnsry of .very dostl4lon nude to order,Particular aiienlinn paid to bhlp'. Illaclsmkhlo.Job work esecutcd on the sliorlrst nutlca. to


Tin, t'mpir um4 She SrvH H'mrkfr,JLrorr mud Hanger,

of all kind. 1ua.licn UsxL aiui meuJ. Lu furnlhitfltl guod, chaudelter, Ut)4, etc

till, I KAAHlMAhU SfKUT HOfcOLlll!


im tarter amt VttmmUsUH MrrAut0UaKHAUt Sritar Hoj.sjh.iv



tiiiciiuoo cTavbo.


Tl i. lth ttmt VtHMt,rnt Itrot ?t rf tnfitnm, ftiiir, ltttt

N. $ ' SfttRBl , HnNotci t


ttmrrrft ttmt 9'errt St Off,fnP Kif. ANn Fort Sm H'lHiU I

w. IIINOLDV A CO.JMttHfittturer nf llitrmtti t'liiitr.

IMniHTirns iwtt mrsip)rliI'olinrtsi,

Clrtlls,.Slid Sici.jlm' .Vilifies

I lie miHt slnrk In the lilnf.lnm.

Kind street, (near Alasea) tlnii.,ltilii


(Sin rssoes in I. swiiM K lli.KHnM,)Itttimtier .,. Healer lit t.Hmher tttul nil

khttlm nt llttlltllnii MitlerhtlM.Kom Srr , ...IIonhu'iu'ry " "- -lUI S1. ORINDAUM tor

Imiittrter ntut Wtnleittile hettler Itt llettrrttl Merehtttttttne,

.Makrr's Hiimtk (Jufpn Sneer, llnNniutit

a. ORINDAUM A Co.Mrnrtvtirtllntl tttul f'mnmliuttnti Metrltttttta,

414 Cai iroRNiA St., San PitANcisin.Snertat fatilitles for anil niirlcul.ir attention luiM to

romirninenti of islam! prouuee. a


Vlntteer fiteitttt Ctimtff Mitnuf'ttrtni'tt ttmttinkrrif.

HoNolt'ltr . . . .: h. 1.

Practical ConOu loner, Plr Coik mid Hiltr,Number ;i Hotel ilreeli lelwren lonmid Nutwrtufttreetn.




ttmmit Mrrrn nt ft ttmt Comintlon .tfrntiQvrKt ISTHBI'Ta HosoLirtu.

Offiter P. C J one, Jr., rr evident And manager;Joseph O, Curler, treasurer and necrrtary, HireclorttHorn. CIiatIm K, HUhopnnd II. A P. Carter: HenryMay, Auditor. 11B


lirutrr hi Vhotrrnt tlrrft Vrnt, Mutton, Ktr,No, 6 Quvrt StRfFr, Fmh Markst.

Pa mil y and Stripping orJem carefully attended in.I.Ue Stork ftirnUlied to Vessel at uliorl notice.

Vegetable of all kind supplied In order.

iFirrnnNr No. ati.


Importer ftml Jteittrr tn utt htmt ofMutte floorta, i'ttney 1lotnlnt

Aapun erne flood n.

Nov ii anp 107 Fort Strt. .. Honolvli

' Furniture, O.iiri, Sewing Macliine, Mirror anjMirror Plate, Picture Frame and Cornices made toortler. !37-- r

O HALL & SON ..(Untiled)


llitnttrttrr ttmt tie newt Merclmmtlme,Cornkr or Kisr. amp Fort Strpts Hunolitlu

orriCKR;William W. Hall . .PreIdent and ManagerI. C Aide., .Secretary and 1 reaurerGeorge K, Howe. Auditor

Director II. Ma,, K. O. White. 15


Okalilk in

leather, tthtc, Tnttotr nmt ('ommtntiionMerchant,

Agent for the RoaI Soap Company.

Nn. 49 Qt'CRN Strkbt. . ., Homoluiu

T M. OAT, JR., & CO.

Stilt toner ttmt Mrtrn HeaterIteit It 11 ther Stamp Atfury




Aaetloneer anil Vamtiillnn Merrltanl,IIPlVER llLOCK, QllKKN STS, KT, H()lOI ULl.

Sales of Furniture. Stock. Keal Estate and General.Merthandiie. promptlv attended to. Sole azents forAmerican and European merchandise. J I, 1.S0NS,

B.r (l. J. I.ISKV

THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN'X vestment Company (limited.)

Money loaned for long or short periods on approved

security. Apply to V l GREEN,OITice Heaver Itlock, Fort St. Manactr.


HACKFBLD& Co.Hflenerftt Cumnttatatt Afjettts.

Qlekn Strkft . HosoU'Ltt


Healer tn Lumber a mt all ktml of Jtulltt- -Inu Material, ratals. Oil, Xatt, etc,

Honoiulu, II, I,,


Haleakaia, KuUmanu, Kck&uluohl Mary BlUn,UlUma, Panahl and Leah I.

At RoMruoii's Wharf. ' 1

A W. PBIRCE tt Co.

.Ship Vhanitter a tut VommtmMlnn Merchant.

Hnhpuru., Hawaiian Ulamus.Agents fur Urand'i Gun and llomb lance and Pcr

ry L4 v,U' Pain Kilter.

P P, ADAMS, J.tucttoHecr atttl Vnmmlatloa Merchant

Qurcn Strkbt Honoli'LU


Vhotographtr Arltt,101 am 104 Port .Strrkt. .HovoLi'tu

Picture of all Jie ami kindt nude lo order, andframe nf all description conManily on hand, AKoCorali, Shell and CurloIiic of the Pacific, ' 1


Jane' lliuury ofthe Hawaiian HlaiuU.Andrew's Dictionary.Whitney Guide ItsjuL,Mlu lltrdkMx Month in the SatkUkh (Uand.MU Gordon C'uuiming'a Kir Fountain.Mr, udd'ft Honolulu.HavaiUn Almaiuu: and AiuiuaL

Togctlier with a Uri(eiocV of valuable an! entertainnx buua, li of which U published In (he Mipplemcnt

of (hi fajicr.

For tale at

TlttlH. , THHVM'St'urt fit. Store,


I.KKDS. KNGUNl,Ar ptrprt ! furnth i'tan ami K'- -

tnutf fur Mttrt


Wiih or vilbout Cart anj l4xmtAtt S,,jlUAHAPIKH JOK SIIOAR HUNTATIOXK.


OPeruuiMnt RUy. i4 ln.oauxhi and tar Ir

ikmi i.n,natf aoa auivi uiaMkvjii. mmmlahmi and CoUlvatins Machiiwiy, Port"SII BVniM Ua ail rwut, Wi.wliug

Knofinatai law iislsas.CalaUtta iiHlHuurall, M.mIUU aaJ "A

Craih tdiU hUtvm fUnli w4 Machinery taay be mdat im UiVtallt unJertlci L W. I . (iktV H andG,V,a4ACKAKlANE&C0.,AtiaiU )na a.ft v-

(T'Ciicriil Jlbbtrliormcnlo.


,slilM "ml fonttMhuloH Uerrlttttit,No , Kinn Smut . ... Ilonoliii;

turtiei ah ntair-- in


As.ntt tnr .

llie Ililrlieusk ft Cotnpans. Plantation.Ihe Aleiamlrr & llal.loin riaitalion.

It tlaUtea.l. nr VV'alaliia Plantation.V II, Smith tx Ubmiians, Nxlua, banal.

J M Alesamter, Haiku, Maul,I he I UiVu Cvrnn)'.

Ihe KnliaiaTin.sar CompanylUlnaVlia Planlallon

Hi Union InttimrM.e loniiHiny A .San frankiaA.I ne new FnsUnd l,.li.iurnc timiiany of Uoinii'Hie HUVt MantifAttiinnj Conifmnv of tktonO.M, Wrtlon' Patent Crnffi-'tigi- l Mc'Ihe New ork nnd Hottolnlii Pre Let Ine.Ihe .Mtrtlmiit't IJnf. Honolulu ftml Ktn FrattflwyiDr. Jjiynei A Kon C.tlrAled MdUlne,Wlttof A tllM.'i blnjcf MunufMltirinif CmnpanyWliederAt Htlon'ilnf Mliine, fvivr

1. M MAiMftt Ah. M It MACfAtt ANr.

imporxerf uommimon neronaniinnil flngitr rntor. ""''

Piiiroof llntldinn; Queen trerl, Hnnotttlii

AGfTi fan

KiUnea Suer Co, Kauai.'Ihe W.liu .SttHr PUntntlon, Mtil,Hie Spencer KtiRar Plantation, If it waifHorfhinA Sugar Co, Hawaii,Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maul,IIuelA nutcar rianlatlon. aiaui,Keriprorlty Stijiar Cn.( Ilanj,MakAli.i hugar PUniailvMt, Oalrn,OoLalA StiRar Co- - llilo, Hawa'.l,Olowatu Sujar Co, Maul,Pun ton Slieep Hancli Cn, Hawaii.J, Kowler tt Co't Steam Plow and PortaW I'ramHA

W01V1. Icdi.Mirrlem, Walton ft Co'a Sugar Machinery, OUkow(lai(ow and Hnnotulti Line of pAcfceti,LUerprMl and Honolulu Line of Packet.Indonand Honolulu I.lne of Stenntern,htm Fire Imurance Co. of lindon.


B ISHOP & CO., Uinltfr

HiiHt.LL'Lt', Hawaiian Im.anih.

fcI)raw i,i.lianit on



a Ttv ajr Ami ineir oeni in

i- - LNI'.vV V2L---1." C,


.Vlessrs. N ni.sciiii.it sons.LONDON,








Tia 11 lite it General Hanking Jlittineii.


ir R?jznvr kx

" MmttiA Davw," ' MalNicate," wnd eied en

' Maripn-- and nther vessel

Ito'lon Cant .Matchc,

Hone Shoes and Nail


I.uhricating Oil of all kind,Cut Nail), all ue,

Clinch Nailt, all ie.Cotton Wauein bale.

It lacks tnith Itellow.CI leap Rim Clock 1,

Garden Hroom

Uron Soap, in cae.Wire Handing Hatltettfor Vein, Itc,

Iine'a Plantation llotw,H inch Coocnecl( Socket Hoe,

Ice Cream FreeierLawn Mower. bet Vind,

Caw Genuine Amokea Denims,Case's Genuine Amotkeaf; Marincri Stripe,

Iteide a ihouand article in the Hani ware line at way '

on hand.

Soon e petted, not by the "Siartan, a nuHt coin(deU aiwrtment uf

ItalVmStect Vloir ami llreaker,With eitra Handle. I lea in and Point.

All iheie will te found at the corner brick More of161 K O. HAM. A. SON. Limiud.


Ho. & Nnuauu and 4 Merchant Strext


I Use on hatul a lull line if the



A UAH A hit,


MtlllA UK,



II II I II 1 1 Tt IV,

tll'lt Hllfllfr:.4 nviKtiiy,

.i.v aihiii.h sTtirK.s,A.VIt 1 1 HI Kit It.tStlKS.

Aecuts fur It.. MONTAGUE anj "SUl'ER- -IOK" Ran,s f.H setllnn In brisk. Lylmates Mr.(hated tv yultlnii up the saute ilh ot wilKmil hot


IfiariioNa No. ,lli. EMMEI.UTH CO..

I Nt.'aajb anu , Maacitam Sis,au Auj. 16.

LANKS, BLANKS.B'Labor Contract, H.Iltt Iodine,

ItilUoT k.chAuxr. Puuti of Attoroty.!... (luilcr Part."Ti'Kf"' Cmtirct, An. of AreaLeitf

Oessis putiitry orwta.laMa, IVirskascrs' aa4 aJanuiaiur.rs lnssJe, Mar.

tUi Ccni4fai,stUaiUn form, letterMk Utol llse IOsoJ., Han.

HufeliUu. Ihans ollriAl()al isrts

Haisaii J,


.11 TMOH. II, TUUVM'aU.schskt Srar Sla.

foim uoir.



at tiii 01M ftTAtfn nOmhi;h t


L corcnK,




Artesian Well Pipe-- til Uf.

HtovoH itti1 ItaiiHTM,

Uncle Pam, Medalllfrfi, Richmond, 'Ifrtnp, Palace, y

Mora, May, CnntcM, Grand Prire, New Rival

Derby, Wren Polly, Gypy, (ofnfi

Pa my, Army Range, Magna Chart a,

I tuck, S'ueKof, Magnet, Oceola, Ala

meda, liclij-e-. Charter Ojk,

Ninibte, lnootl and

Ijtmdry Sitm.




Galvanized Iron water Pipe, all sizes, and

laid on at lowest rates, also cast Iron

Lead Soil Pipe.

Homo FurnUfcing Goods all 11bU.


All tre and and Force Pump. Culfmr

Pumps, Galtaniaed Iron, Sheet Copper and

Sheet Lead Pipe, Tin Plate

Water Ouet, Marble lab

urn, bowl, enameled




S. M. CARTER & CO-- ,




Free Pelneryioall part of ib City.

. !

' Jlewetuler Mil, Nl.Vfl STMKF.T,. s 'jw-- r

r 11Aal Tel.llKSnc N r. ';ill ' s 44-j- S


CONl KACrOK srvl Rtll.lli.K,

STKAM fLAXIXti MtJ.I.S,r.eplanao'e, Honolulu.'' '

Manufactur, all llisjs u!


Window frames,Blind, uabct


and all kind of wood-wor- k InJak.

Turaiuc, artU, asA Wa4 aawiB

AM kloJ, ftf I'lanlut; nd Saisina, lArtisittc, au( Ten,us(, " r


OrJer, from lit. wherisUisissolKueJ. icaVr '


lllll UrCMVAlILt aat, I'AVAHI.K HOOK-s-

Note. HusMa,NT Huuva;

Kent Moaea K.rriaW., Mlfil., XelriaW..ftrsfer ttooh. MeAtU KXasral.

I'laftiaiUnTliM bocks. Ivlae Kec.li, Uimu Oftee, BUiiks c, c, cwsutulf im haasa, m

SiwcUI fMas. Mtat ,, t (Mm m -- . Hk,M TN(M. U. rl't'Winn"! Smart aaoiuat StkUT Sluts..










Page 2: Saturday Press, - University of Hawaii...brought me to this thai thelife of savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version,


A Nfwip.i lulilliriel WeeLle

snTPfmnnf5.ou i nut i imwtS el..iilkvf,.

SM I $,, tsessrws istttteet aVeettisntteai.

iATURtlAY SIII,niMnilHiu4

M .tflliltli reel tlntvW lriejMtlwir Cvyi fr, MAm II I'lli

A . Wf ml nfirfntm vvlm n, ioniitently, a friend of the I'io, oiiilout an ssjrfwttmt inrtmslsienr) in imrimfiitupl) ctimnnluR Jtitlfie AlmttV)ipolmmnt on the rlciulfic rtmttnlsmn to Wellington, iitiiiieil in ListctV Imnie. 'flu fileml sav tint)

ili,t th IVts hail jirtv lotul) sliovinholo In Iw t rmnit official, that hi

motnl hamrtor was luirl and that lilttrvoftl a rgi4tnr was slMiitcftil. .tilmlt the rttinener nf our fiirnd'nHtotet What we tid of Aholo In noen Imlwswi him. l'roTe)r

slutcrl to the writer thut prnl)alii) no native who could he wntwould lie more suitable It Is under-Morm- ,

of rourie, thai Mr Aholo goesa , vreentalle ilummy, hut there is

irh.im no other native who 1011I1I

havf clone-licttc- r Mr Ceorgc Kit liartl--

would hove added nunc scuficknowledge to Aholu'a fund of generalintelligence and would hnc liecn iiltcas dignified. Hut Mr. RtcliariUnn Itnot .t Hawaiian, and Aholoit And the government having madeup its mind to send Aholo, why notnuke the Ivcst uf it and Rive the fellowa chance. We said nothing about liismorn! character or about his social fitnew. He was certainly a better choicethan almost any other native memberof the palace party, became he knowshow- - to keep his c)cs open and his mouthshut, is gentlemanly in address anddistinguished in apearancc.

As to the value of the commission it-

self, there may he an honest differenceof opinion before reading the follow-

ing delicious bit of oracular wisdomfrom a contemporary

Moreover wc not only hvc;rast:tlouots e

to Mr. Aholo' abilities as a scientifictlnnVer, but wc line susolutcl) noiloubt at tothe otelestncM of thf eapeslillon altogether.If such an expilillon were ncccsui), thtrr, ofcourt?, can I no doubt that I'iofcssir Alex

amler Is the proper msn to 1 sent s but ofwhat particular advantage to the eotintr) Is it

to be repreientesl at this meeting? Absolutelynil The whole thing is a matter of vanity on

the part of cettaln l.'uropran who insistupon a meridian at variance with the Unglishspelling ntllons of the vsoihl. Does Hawaii

pect to he heard in the matter? Wc ttovv

not tl It on the part ot the gournnicn.t,which engineered! this item through the aemMy, limply an ndvcniting dodge

Wc, who have ignorantly supK)sedthe meridian congress was in the in-

terests of science, owe our contem-porary a debt of gratitude for setting usright. "The whole thing is a matterof vanity on the part of certainEuropean States, who insist iixii ameridian at variance with the Knglish-scakin-

nations of the world " Ridic-ulous' just as if the miserable broodof foreigners couldn't lc content withGreenwich ' or Washington I (Though,evidently the local critic nevi:r heard oftlie meridian ol Washington), it tscertainly a shame that effete Germanyand degenerate France and decayingAustria and insignificant Russia shouldhae anything to say in such a matter.Three big mistakes have been madefirst, that the congress has been called ,

second, that the foreign office shouldtake any money from the fund for useful foreign junketings and devote it toto ile a use as the encouragement ofscience ; third, that none of the severalable-bodie- d editorial writers of theGazette and 1'rcs.s were selected to go in

Aholo's place.

Seriously, however, there is one graveobjection to the commission in this wecordially agree with the Gazette wecannot afford the luxury; for it is aluxury. Wc are confident that Pro-fessor Alexander will return with afund of valuable information. He in-

formed the writer of his intention tovisit the principal survey offices of theprincitial eastern cities, and ad whoknow htm know that the country willbe the gainer by his observations. Hutall the same wc could not afford it.However, while unqualifiedly abusingthis particular mote it may be as well

to recall a few or the beams in the Independent optic.

Let us begin at the beginning. In1S75 we sent the king away in quest ofa golden fleece, otherwise known as thereciprocity treaty. Wc virtuously andcontentedly consented to bribe ourruler to look after our material interestsin the treaty by encouraging him tospend the jjeople's, money in a ro)aljunket It was at first announced thatthe king was to go abroad at his ownexpense. The result proved that thisprivate expenditure was repaid out ofthe publirtreasury. I hen came tricking ssecond junket as consented to by theCarter-Armstron- g cabinet a icward tothe king for "firing" Moreno. Mr,

V. N'evins Armstrong is a man inhose honest intentions most of us

believe, but he yielded to the" king'swish to go abroad (and sciid moremoney than the country could afford)either through weakness or lack of in-

telligent compiehension of the situation.Mr. Armstrong's part in the junket wasa delicate reward for hit complaisance.Vet Mr. W. Nevins Armstrong writesabout the Independent movement ontime islands in tins laslnon - " I Hey(the Independents get up in the morning, make faces at their foes all day,and then go to bed. (J11 the morrowthey repeat the rformance. ' Howmuch could we hoc from the leaderhip of Mr W. N. Armstrong, or some

nun like him, if he were here to-d- ?

Uut Mr. Arnuirong's junketing aideditid abetted by Minister Carter -- was110 more vicious in principle than thatof Or. J. Mott Smith, sent to Washington in the intercuts of the treaty whichthe king'k junket tour had hclpcdjtecuic .sir ninitii went 10 vt asumgiou,vas never otticially recognized as(om-initsionc- r

because the United Stateshad no simitar official here and wasconsidered by the New York iugarmen as a mere lobb)ut in the interestuf eur uar men. His wink m Wash-ington did us, officially, mure harmthan go&J, and added to the lutkma!outUy. He kept his phce merelyIttcaute he ujs mi icnui of socialfrieudliiieu with (iloii , and the sugariieLlc here, notwithstanding that fail,

liclicvcil uvs.is K'xxl !' keep htm then in Hie .uumi.t mi iiui.Ii llir niun lortuIf the jiinki'imiit fr wlmli tin. (ul.Mmn.Uc wo linn- - is tin ir..wn ho wellltnTtiitnrnt is rcsiKiiniliIe were worw,unit nunc wi imvr incniinncii. in

frimiff, wc shall be gr.Ueful to thewritri wim will niiow ti why limewn, aUo, when Mr Armstmitft, inattorney fpneul, held the Hiien whlihmight have innvirted Mr Aholo andMr (iilmon, nlmi, bv the w) ofnlTcnes whhh might have renderedthem ineligible to pnhlli nihie Hutfor some reawin powdhlv to be rvplained by lilt junketing lour MrAtmvtionp failed to prosecute. SoiihhIi for that pan of the itibjedAnd now isn't it nUiiit time we stoicpedthltlhibynhuseofthrGilMoniMlminUttntion htfmttt it iMitr,ltfritnifi Isthetc not, in the long catalogue of lismore or lew indk table i rimes enoughto charge agninst It without resortingto the puerile foil) of blaming it belauw it kccpMtsfriendslnnlike' I'mhaid.) the Kcntlrinan "'"' twaddle r

full) neaiust the government folks because they give the hwvei and fishesto their political friends, would dumbtite thine loaves and fishes among thttiMlhiral enemies if they were in jiowcrI'crhnps ' We who rare for refoitnmust wink hard for it Hut we needto do it in n mete manl) fashion

I hose who Mid for and whooH.'dup the reception to His Majesty Kal.ikatt.i, on his return from globe trottingin company with Messrs. J mid andArmstrong, must be doing some seri-

ous reflecting at this time. Willsome one speak out in order that wcma) be saved from any sin. It itonsense in the future? It is a v icious pratlice. Itdeservesnll theabusetl leteives,and more, too Hut ttiswclltoicmemberthat the Junket kill was set rolling bymany of the same honest,patriots who combined to defeat thewill of the people by securing theelection of the present king. '1 his isnot sarcasm It is histoiy, Wc donot imply that these well meaning

oliiiciaus dishonestly believed that thesupposed good end could justify the badmeans. We think they deceived them-selves. At any rate the taxpayers oftoday arc about to reap the whirlwindof that sowing.

To go kick to Mr. Aholo that peris undoubtedly a bad man , and

any attempt to palliate his past is inde-fensible and ought to be frowned upon.So far so good. Hut let us not forgetthat we Independents arc leaning uponsome exceedingly rotten reeds menwho are admitted to fellowship on suffcrence , and have to be watched withargus eyes--

, lest they " fall down" be-

tween sun and sun There are one ortwo such Independents among thosewc elected last year. They were keptin line, it is true , but their fealt) understronger temptation may well be qttestioncd. 'These Aholos in Indcendeutclothing arc less dangerous out of thehouse than in- - and ought not to bereturned.

1 Hi: ituriKi or citixi-:..miii- :

'The first duty of every man is what ?

To be true to his Maker, then to hiscountry, and then to himself, hi beingtrue to one's God one is morally sureto be true to one's country, and truepatriotism comptehends truth to one'sself. 'The trouble with many men isthat they try to reverse the rule, and,naturally, fail in all three duties. Nowthis preachment was not meant to be asermon. It is with one's patriotism thatthis article has to do. 'To determineone's duty to country demands an accurate determination of the sometimesvexed question, "'To which in times ofpeace, does one's allegiance belon;to the country of one's birth or thecountry of one's allegiance?" In theopinion of one set of reasoners, themsnifest duty of every nun, "first, lastand all the time," is to the country' of hisbirth. To another set of reasoners,every man's duty is just as plainly dueto the country in which he earns hisliving, whether it is the land of hisbirth, the home of his adoption or thecountry to which he has gone "to makea stake." We agree with the latterreasoners and our application is tothis kingdom. All of us who arc earn-ing our livings here owe our first alle-

giance here. At least we owe a dutythat demands an active, wcrkint inter-est for national Hawaiian progress,whether we go to the length of becom-ing citizens or no. Wc understand andappreciate that love of fatherland whichmakes the idea of taking the oath tosupport any other country repugnant tomany men. Hut we think-- that anyman who can live anyutere, careless ofthe national prosperity and blind tonational dangers, is unfit for citizenshipin the nation of his birth. Every manowes a certain duty to every other man.Every citizen belongs in a sense tothe community His welfare, his for-

tune, his liberty, his very life arc at themercy of the people with whom hedaily associates. He cannot abandonthose plain duties of citizenship whichthe age recognizes without violating asacied resionsibility. Nor can he doso without weakening his own right tothe protection of law and the supportof his fellows. Wc do not go so far asto contend as has been contendedthat the man who is qualified legally tobecome a voter in any country, anddoes not vote, has no right to complainif there is bad government. Wc donot so contend bccuise we believe thatnon voters may often be quite as otent(even mote potent) for j;ood govern-ment than if they voted. Hut wc holdthat every man who has money, talentsor established character ought to employeach or all of those owerlul agents onthe right side It may seem ratherearly (or rather late) in the day to talkabout the duties of citizenship. Hut "itis never too late to menu, and atthe risk of becoming vvearisonie in iteration it is not too early to " strip forthe fight of 1886."

It has been suggested by a polishediiatron of the Press that what wc needto reform Haw-aiine- i is "a titanic forte- something that cohere in itselfthat goes for it bald headed, like a bullfor a sinner." 'I his may be mixedmetaphor, but it is about what the pub-lic thinks it wants. " Does the publicknow what it wants? Would it followa leader if it had one ? Perhaps. JJit had one tut it lias none- - ftrh'tftit would. 'Two peichanccf, qualifiedby a negative, represent the ossihiliticaof Hawaiian regeneration, isno king but rex and Gibson is hisprophet. Aloha ka moi --and tlie deviltake the hindmost." Vny ttue. Hutright (s divine and must prevail ; wrong1$ yaianic and must, perish. If wc fall

worth ImviitKtts the inmnui rnnrtwilntn

Wc wlih vry wnslblo lntletrndetilwmild enter his protcat against theoffenilvf aMiimpilnn-n- f leadership onthe nun of n knot of men who, narrowof mind, shallow of ion', and Arcticof limit, haw no tyimmiliy with tlieunlive rare, no loinluemtlnn for thelew well In tlu of their own i.ice. andno love formiv- - thing cm epl their sel-fish selvr anil thme who minister totheir needs Ciilrenship i annul bemore nobly .iwerlcd limn lit defense ofpnnciple Ami ninnnii the knot ofwould be lenders whom wc mean arcmen who live up 10 pnnriple, in so faras honest) and mnmlii) go I hey do10 became the) ure shrewd enough toknow thut integrlt) in most thing Ki)s.The) believe in honest governmentbecause it lightens their taxes andmakes It easier for them to makemono) . the) dislike Iwd ruleis for ron-cr-

reasons. Hut these men are asInert as jell) fish. The) awaken noresponsive thoid In the popular heartThe natives distrust litem; the whiles

do not follow them. Vet these menaspiic to lead and ienlouslv underminethe inllueiite of those who might lead,unless they (the jcll)nslies) ma) planthe i.impaigus. "'Hie hour is ripe."It waitcth lor the man Hut when liedocs come, he will not he a pol)p.

We are a " terribly " virtuous lot andwant "reform" "ical bad." We can getit in just one way Hy " pooling ourissues," forgetting our selfish differences,chosing leaders, and following them, .11

any cost, to the one great end, inteili-Stil- t

fiitrtrmtnt ' Hut bcfoie we 1 an follow to its logical sequence any suchplan as is outlined above wc must cometogether and thoroughly understandeach othei, We must stand shoulderto shoulder and no skulking. Wemust reptnt the follies and the wrongactions wc have committed, franklyacknowledge them (so their can be no"sktilduggcr)" afterwards,) and fight fora icfortn that shall mean something-determi- ned

to have it, or. If necessary,die in trying for it,


tSottt rum

Kroni four acres it would seem to bea difficult matter to get a net profit of$1300, )ct this is the record made bya market gardener of Morris, Illinois;further, the vegetables used in his fam-

ily do 110' not enter into the calculation

'I he seclusion of Indian women isconsidered to have been considerablylessened by the late Calcutta Exposi-tion. Over 50,000 women passedthrough the Ladies' Court, evincing theutmost interest and astonishment.More freedom is now allowed 10 somenative ladies in Madras, as at a recentarchery meeting a native princess com-peted with the Etuopean ladies, andmade a very creditable score.

Since the railwa)s penetrated thenorthern plafns of the United Statesmany have made a lucrative business ofcollecting the bones of slaughtered buf-faloes and deer which arc scattered farand wide over those breezy pastures.'These arc worth eight dollars a ton atthe railway, and hitherto have beensent chiefly to Philadelphia; but a millfor grinding bone-me- is about to beerected at Bismark, Dakota. 'The mealis used in making fertilizers.

In nature, seen under ordinary day-light, theje are for the healthy humaneye about t,too distinguishable colors,

a hundred and two of these, Rogethas names; but the number of color-nam-

in modern French is said to benot short of 500. Alma Tadema icpro-duce- s

his of the an-

tique world by a palette of twelve colors,while the palette of Virgil's vocabularycontains twenty-seve- n terms of highcolors, and fifteen more for shades duelo excess or deficiency of illumination.

Here is another one of Edison's pre-

dictions: "As to the changes whichwill be effected by electricity withinfifty years in the city of New York, Iwould say that I believe that electricitywill propel the cars of the street andelevated railroads, light the city w ithinand without its buildings, furnish powerfor all purposes, work telephones andburglar alarms, deliver the opera, con-vey parcels, detect and signal fires,operate fire engines, and possibly dis-

place animal locomotion for vehicles."

Henequin, istle and Sisal-gras- s nowpay an import in the United States of$15 a ton, and India hemp, Indiamanilla and other like substitutes forhemp, $35 a ton. Under the reciproc-ity treaty between Mexico and theUnited States, Mexican fibers are ad-

mitted free of duty. In consequence,the heavy duties on Manila hemp, In-

dia jute, etc , must cause a displace-ment of those articles in favor of theMexican fiberis, just as Mexican hene-quin has for general use, as well as forharvesting, already in the manuiactureof twines, displaced or supersededManilla hemp, the fiber of the plantainof the Phillipine Islands.

There has recently been arranged inthe Egyptian Museum of Boolak a col-

lection of dried garlands of flowersfoundwith mummies coeval with Amenoho- -

ten 1. They consist largely of lotusflowers and are as tierfect. in most cases. and as brilliant in hue as those ofthe same sort dried y; and were itnot that the evidence shows the garlands to have been tied with the date- -

leaf thread three thousand years ago,no ordinary obsever would suspect thatthe) wereantiquc. Onoiiemuinniy,datedabout 1100 H. C., was found a lichenof a kind indigenous to the GrecianArchipeligo, which is sold for medici-nal purposes by the native druggists.

It appears that in Rhondda Valley,in Wales, " a great extent of themountain-toil- s was recently carpetedwith the bodies of large caterpillars; sothickly did they lie on the s

that the cottagers were burning themfor fuel." Mountain-top- s mufiled upin large caterpillars constitute sucn aphenomenon as may be considered lolerabl) unique, Perhaps, however,most suprising of all is the use to whichthe simple villager puts this truly andawful visitation of worms. Wc knowthat the Arab turns the scurge of lo-

custs to advantage by eating the crea-tures, he picks off their wings and legsand devours them shrimji-fashto- n, orhe shakes them up in a bai; with a littlesalt, and puts them by dried for futureconsumption. Wc know, too, that thewily African, when he is invaded bythe armies of the ants, boils them downinto bud-lim- Itut thoscctcrpillar hies

rim 111111111 inn stun loun.month aao. the iioliiii.tl slnisiliin

in England was about as follows Thei imscmmvc piri), Homing a majorityIn the house of lords, refused to ronslder, that Is, refused to read a secondtime, Mr. Gladstone's bill mr the estension of the franchise I hat billwhen passed will give the franchise toolarge number of iho English poor, nowdistrain hiscd by the force of rlrcuin-Mantes- .

The Conservative lords de-tla-

some of their onlagonists say"pielcnd" to be cordially in svmpath)with the movement to extend the electoral plvilege, but disagree- with theLiberals as to the methods of bringingabout the desired end 'I he rirctimnance, howcvci, has occasioned muchexciting talk, stilling, lor the move-ment, the i lantor over the Egyptianand Irish questions, So deenly inearnest ate the English people In thematter that the) aie discussing asthey frequrnti) have discussed beforethe abolition of the house of lords. Itis to the redit of the English Liberalsgenerally ilul the) prefer the orecpledand consliluii011.1l methods by whichthe lords have previously been obligedto yield, A correspondent of the NewVotk Post sums mi the situation as folIons

I he tppatcnt iiicillon befoif the cnuntr) Is

whether a measure enlencllng the fiancUe totwo millions of new vuten thill he peimiltedlo uss without being ncconipmlcd l anolheimrtsttrr providing for iirli'iV.rr-nlluliiiri- o(

eats as shall give lhec neWcounly volem a

ihaic of membcK, proioillti!icd t licit

numbers and at the same time, containIng sccmlilcaugiliiM the, eompljle ellicementof ininociticK by majorities. The real fiiction,huuever, it rather thlti Which put) thai) havethe carrying of n ledUtrlhullon hill ? 'Diecharacter of such n hill imy determine the bahancc of political power for some )r.irsiocotne.Ilenee the Tories, knnwlnit that the fiamlnjjof It will fall into the Intuit of ll.c presentgovernment If the present idtllnncni listt,areea.gcilofotceadlssolutionofpaillaiiitnt. 1 he) wish

to reject the franchise billlnorderloprnvokelhethe government lo dissolve psrlianienl,conslilerllmt anew pailhment will be more favorable toablelothem than the pietem. Onlheotherhandthe Liberal's, knowing that the ToiieS will crit-

icise adversely, and If possible defeat, a (weep-ing scheme of redlstilbullon, think that theirbest, if not their onl,clmnce of gelling such ascheme prompllylhiough parliament lics!npass.,:ing Hie iranchise bill wit, because then DieTories will be o unwilling to fiec a generalelection, on the piesent allotment of teats, butwith constituencies swollen hy lite new voters,that they will accept a rcdlstiibtltion scheme atthe lesser of two evils. v,c,

parly all along foresaw the moves in the gamewhich the other would make. The govern-

ment knew well enough lint the lords would

reject the franchise bill If they ilsnil ! and theonl) question was, "Would they dare ?" It

would look as If they distrusted the humblerclasses of the counties, those counties in which

their strength has hitherto chlelly liln, and It

would brine forcibly liefoic the nition thequestion of their own place in the constitution

a question which the Radicals often tried to

call attcilion lo, but so hr with little success.Lord Sslisbitrywit know lo be burning for thefra). lie is discontented with his position at

the heid of a ast majority in the upper housewhich has repeatedly hid lo submit lo theLiberal majority in the house of commons.He thinks, and indeed he declares, that if tliehouse of lords is never to use its power, It

may as well cease to exist altogether.

The issue is at last made and neitherside seems likely to surrender withouta struggle. In the meantime many ofEngland's best minds are at work upona solution of the problem. Wc givebelow the plan of Prof. John StuartHlackie, of the University of Edin-burgh, who writes in the Scotsman ofJuly. 1 8th as follows:

I observe in your columns tome serious talkin regard to a reform of the house of lords.One of your corrcsponcdcnts seems lo himselflo have scltled,lhe matter in a sery easy way,

by simply turning that noble assembly abouttheir business, and giving full sweep lo thecommons, without check or hindrance in allmatters of legislation. With lliis extreme pro-

posal I scarcely think any sensible man will

agree. That acouilnfrevisionmaybe as useful

in legislation as it is In law seems a conclusionthat Hows plainly from the weakness and thefallibility of human nature. Nothing Is moredangerous in a state than hastylegislation; and every democracy, liable'as it ts

to sudden fits of intemperate passion, ought to

be kept in check by some superior assembly ofmore cool or cautious temper. In order, how-

ever, that a democracy may submit to have its

decisions mollified or negatived by a court of

review, that court must beconstitued as habitu-

ally to command the respect of the great mass

of the people. It ought to represent the high-

est practical wisdom of the nation. Now, anyone may see at a glance that an assembly ofhereditary peers, constituted as the British Houseof Lords is, cannot, in the nature ol things,be looked upon asrepresentlnglhehlghcst pow-

er of the practical wisdom and experiencedstatesmanship of the country. Practically, so

far as my observation goes and 1 am no par-

ty man, but only a loser of my country and a

student of social science it represents not su-

perior wisdom In any tense, but ratherthree things one of which Is sufficiently rep-

resented elsewhere and the other two shouldnot lie represented anywhere vu., properly,pride and prejudice; The principle of a he-

reditary house of senator U Indeed a manifestabsurdity; one might as well have a liodyof he-

reditary Judges In the law courts, hereditarybishops in the church, hereditary professorsIn the university, heredltaiy editors for thenew spa pert.

'The professor solves the problem asfollows

(t.) No hereditary peer, simply as such,shall be entitled lo vote as member of thehouse of lords, unless he had previously gonethrough certain bunches of the public service,

at in the army, or ruvft or otherwise, for a

prescribed number of years say twenty orthirty. He would thus gain ciptrience whichwould enable him to know what he was talkingabout when he meddled with legislative mat

lert,12.) No new hereditary peerage shall be

created to last beyond the third generationthat is, the title shall just lo the ton andgrandson of the person on whom it plight be

conferred, and Ibcn determine, iiuch a peer-

age, for a limited number of )car, would be asufficient encouragement to patriotic eacrtion'while it would not entail on the country a ractof persons artificially encouraged to claim re

tect from then fellow cittscnt on grounds al-

together Iiidcwndcnl of private virtue or pub-

lic services. The worship of rank meielyrank, there can I no hesitation In aajing, ItIdolatry an idolalr) disowned alike by reli-

gion and by philosophy,

(.) There (hall be created a new door ofentrance into the supieme council of the nationIn tush fashion I hat a certain number of

who have served the publjc efficientlythrough any regular career of the public ser-

vice, and attained lo the highlit dignity towi'

Mr in llial rarrer ilull ( ,nle, rneivehonorary titles from the rrown, and piss mmthe house of Inula at a mailer of nmtte Inunite such way, and only In tome such way,

in far as I can see, It II possible lo bring tlielimits- - of lordt Into iiirh a position of htiinony

llh the house of commons and with thein enable I lie Irglvhllve machine in

work monthly In the caieer of pmgirss onwhich, In lids gr of xiclal ciltlcltm, ii It Ine v

lubly hunched. At mallrit ( present Mind,the onl) function thai sreint In he performedby the house of louts It Ihit of a drag In ihncouch a very useful one, noiloubt, when thecinch happen In he going ilolenlly down hill 1

lint what If (he rigid honorable gentlemen whohue Ihe (tower of Ihe drug Insist upon pullingII on on til aerations, and specially when thecoach Isdilvlng quietly along a perfectly leveltniiU Itlheretinta likelihood lnsiifliratelli.ittravellers who ate prrsseil in gt in the end oftheir Jqiimic) may insist tm flinging the drag

way altogether, nr, at least, in taking Ihemsn-agemen- t

of It into their own hands? Ist t.nidSalithiii) consider this.

Apropos the same .subject, Mr. W'llHam llonil, of the lil.isgow Liberal As-sociation, who last winter addressed theLiberals of that city In favor of the abo-lition of the house of lords, and iheformation of a second chamber on npurely representative basis, having re-

cently forwarded n copy of Ills addresswith a letter, to Mr, Ileibcrt Gladstone,M. P., has received a reply to his plan,which is as follows

(I.) I would pats a bill-c- all il fih tit 11,

if you the house ol limit andIhe house of commons. (1), I would Institutean assembly, Ihe tneinbeithlp of which, with,out nretenlly fixing numbers', I would thinvopen In all classea of the people, escept (a)soldiers- - who would be Interested In makingstatu) () clergymen who would neglect theirecclesiastical duties and (f) government con.Irrctott who would legislate with an e)e lotheir pockets. (3,) I would dissolve Ihe as-

sembly every Ihrcc )can. (,) I would Insti-

tute a senate (or second chamber), tin- - mem

bership of which, in the fiist Instance would

consist of all those who had been members ofihe house of commons for fifteen ycart Imme

diately preceding the almllllou of that house.(5.) The membership of the senate would bemaintained from time to lime, by the additionof all members who had completed fifteen

years' service in the lower house. Inthisvvay,without any election or expense, a member ofIhe assembly on the completion of his fifteenthyear as an assemblyman, would become Jtjurias well as J ata a senator. (6.) The senatewould have power to adjourn at any time, butwould never be dissolved. (7,) Members of thesenate would only sit for ten years. (8. ) Mem-

bers of the assembly would be free to remainthere If it were their desire although qualified forthe senalntship on two conditions! First,Any member foregoing his right 10 a scnatorshipmust remain in the assembly until it Is dis-

solved ; or, Stioiul, on going lo Ihe senate be-

tween terms, his term of membership therewould date from the time when he first becameeligible not from the time of entry, (9.)

would be eligible for to theassembly after completing their term as senators. (10. Members of the cabinet would bechosen as far as possible from lioth houses.(11.) All serious differences, should any arise,between the two houses, and all legal disputeswould he referred to a special judical coint.consisting of all the judges of the high courtsof the three kingdoms. 'I he judges, howeser,would only be allowed to advise; any decisionthey might conic In would not be binding un-

less sanctioned by the two houses and thecrow 11

Mr. Herbert Gladstone's reply showsthe son of his father, while not less agood Liberal, is sufficiently a Conserva-tive to desire to look before leaping- -

Dear Slits I have to thank you for tendingto me your paper on the house ol lords. Per-

sonally, I regret to say I am utterly unable toapprove of vour proposals. In the first place,they cannot be carried out; and, secondly, asecond chamber such as you propose wouldhave meTst of Ihe vices of the house of lords,without any of its distinctive merits. I shouldbe very glad 10 see considerable and thoroughreforms in the house of lords in order to ex

clude incapable members, and to bring thehouse Itsell Into touch with the people. Itut I

believe that, with all its defects, our parlia-

mentary system is the finest in the world, andby jsut and careful rclorms can be made yetstronger. There is no evidence to show thatyour scheme, while it proposes to upset everything, would in any single respeel be preferable to our present institutions. For my ownpart, therefore, I can only condemn il in thestrongest possible manner. I am, dear sir,yours very faithfully,


William Ilond, Esq.

Diplomatic privilege has not oftenbeen strained in a more singular, notto say audacious,fashion than in thiscase reported from Brazil. A Europeanthargt d' affaires wooed and won awealthy young heiress. But when themarriage contract came to be mootedthe prospective bridegroom demandedthat the lady's money should be settledupon him, while her friends insisted thatit should go to her and her children.Neither side being willing to yield theengagement was broken off, and thebattled diplomat returned to his ownland, leaving his inamorata not dis-

pleased to escaped the toils of a fortune-hunte- r.

But she reckoned without herhost, for she was soon served with aformal demand through the gentleman'slegation for a fulfilment of the contract.Whether this implies that the thriftywooer's country will declare war againstBrazil, in the event of a refusal, ormerely an aprieal to thecourts, it certainly savors more of di-

plomacy than gallantry.

A good idea of the condition of theEgyptian fellah is published in the Lon-don Times : "The sheikh of the villageofEl Keassah inherited forty acres, whichare cultivated by ( including children )twenty-seve- n persons. After they haveeaten enough of the grain produced tokeep them from starvation, there remains.8 1 ;of this the government takes s

leaving to the sheikh, as interest onthe value of his forty acres, and to pro-

vide clothes and everything else fortwenty-seve- n people, .ao. the y

is said to have cost 50 j con-sequently allowing five per cent, inter-est on this, the sheikh and his familyget, in addition to bread, 1 2$. 61L perhead for all their other requirements,whilst the government gets tsi perannum from this land and from thesheikh's labor."

Apropos the leading editorial, it isrumored that I'rofessor Alexander wastold at the last moment that Mr.Aholo was the head of the MeridianCommission. Ila I ha I It won't takemore than one session to convince theMeridian Congress that, in the case ofthe Hawaiian commissioners, the tailtragi the dog.


ft si.ipl'.. i

Iht lflvilhin,He, .luijnti-- . nf the Honolulu t namlier ol

t nmmeiir. paed iinMiimmnly Srpirmber 8,IKH4

Ktwlml,I. Ibnthls chamber lias Irarmtd, with the

deepen rcitrrt and IniHgnalion, ol Ihe jiereiiiplory ilNmltswl of Colonel )'. Allm, fromIhe o(lie nf rnllrelnr general nf esulnmt,which post hi- - Inss held for a perM of twenty,one yeart.

, I hal, ilutintz hit long Innimhcnct.'olonelAllen hat won Ihe honor and esteem nf the en-

lite community, by lilt upright discharge of IheiuiKitiant duties confided lo hint hy successiveklngt of I fawall, In no Instance hit he lxnknown lo tacrlflce li; claims of hit officeany personal fear or fsvnr,'nd In him ihegovernment have had an ofhVer nf the sir IciestIntegrity and linpullslli), In whose Intuit theinlemts tif llio nation were alnnlutcly Mft,

I ilut Ihe positions which Colonel Allenhat held at a member of tin- - ptUy councilof ulc, and officer oil the personal sltfof three llavvallin klngsiii tucceslon Iheconfidential iclallnna which he hat hllheitoheld with he king and government, andwhich were almost Inhcilird from hit latevenerated falher, who devoted gieal pan ofhis long life to ihe welfare and progresof Hawaii, Ihe discretion with which hr lias atall limes held aloof from public, iollllcal, oriiitlon discussion, an absolute

silence nt to hit own vlcwi, have mlnled milColonel Allen at Ihe last man who should havebeen Healed h) Hawaiian olficlalt wlih Ignomyor disrespect t and tills chamber cannot he Ig

notani of the fact that this dismissal hat beendoubly pslnful by Ihe circumstances of lt

I. 'lint Ihe foregoing considerations, andthe aWnce nf anyetfiresscd reason for ColonelAllen's removal, force iqion the chamber thegrave conviction that this Is but another stepIn Ihe procriloic which hat gradiiilly with111.1v.11 mc imixiiiani iiiianri.il interests ol tillskingdom, I10111 Ihe inntiol of men, who have,by their long service, won Ihe confidence ofthe public,

5. Tint, while the clmmlirr disclaims alldcslte In take part In any purely political dis-

cussions, it cannot, without Ignoitng ihe re-

sponsibilities which Its chatter imposes, disre-gard any public course of action whose effectmust be to bring Into contempt and discreditthe cnmmcrcl.1l and fimnclal repute of thenation,

(. 1 hat an engrossed copy of these resolu-tions signed by the members be sent lo ColonelAllen, with an expression of the unshakenconfidence of the chamber.

J. II. Atiihuon, Secretary.

thf I'ttlrtitl ,1iirftin hiltimn fur ,SY,',r.

'Ihe Itlair IMucatinml gives each stateIn the first year for which It

makes appropriation aliout $1.12 foreach person among its populationover the age often )fars who Is umble loreadand write, as shown by Ihe last United Statescencus. The number of such persons in theUnion reported was 6,239,95s. These weredistributed In different proportion in all thestatu. The greatest proportion of Illiteratesin any state was 50 9 per cent. In Alabamaand Ihe lowest 3.6 In Nebrasa. The percen-tage in Missouri was 13.4. The number ofperson-abo- e the age of ten who could notread nor write in the following Southern states,being mostly negroes, was as follows:

AUlamxGcortia ..... 43J.SS7

JJ,4ltKriuucL,y ,. 1S.J9Ixiuitiana .318,380Mainland J4iS88SliuiliiH J71.'olMissouri . . ao3,;ssNorth Carolina, 453,971boulh Carolina... joo.BslIrnneisre ... 410.7. aleias. ... J1&.4JIVirair.U,.. 430,3JWest Virginia S.37'

Thcbillappropriatcs$77,ooo,ooo. Over two-thir-

of the sum will go to the stales named.St. Ltuis Ktfutitan.The general superintendent of the United

States .Service has furnished Ihefollowing lable of "Wrecks afid casualties toAmerican vessels on or near the coasts and inthe rivers of Ihe United States, and at sea andin foreign waters during Ihe last nine years, in-

volving loss of life":Fiscal V tttelstear No. of Ton I oral partial un- - Lives

ending Vessels. nace. loss, loss dm cil. lost.1874-7- .. 149 45.4 OS 918,1-76- .. .. 184 SJ,"0 73 39 i.1876-7- 7 .. 313 7J.OM '?! 41 63

US 57,'" 43 771S7S-7- 9. .. 73 77.903 97 5 1311879-8- 341 8o,ooj 5" 44 47

94.950 ii 5 I6qlB3l-8- i. 3S9 '07.179 190l88-- 300 J'.49 57 171 - 099

Azgrcaate 3003 713,616 660 363 1071 6973

Xo statistics of marine disasters were col.lected by the United States Oovcrnment pre-

vious to 1874.I

George Augustus Sab, in the IllustratedLondon News for August and, admirablyepitomizes the subject of "fashion" as follows:"The aim of the is to show thatthere is nothing unsighly in healthful attire;and that only a vitiated taste, nourished on anunnatural craving for notoriety or vulgar

gave birth to the extravagancieswhich ultimately became 'Fashion.' Unfortu-nately for the fashion is, amihas been In all ages, a mystery. It is like fan-

cy. No one can tell with precition whetherit It bred In the heart or in the head. Itcomes no man knows ,whence and departs andno man can tell why or whither. The onlycertainties about the fashions are that at irregu-lar periods and in a modified form they will re-

cur over and over again, and that so long ascommunities are wealthy the dress of womenwill be exceedingly costly."

Reports from thirteen plantations ofHawaii, Maui, Kauai and Oahu were re-

cently printed in one of the papers. In com-

parative value, calculated from mean basis andnet returns, Makaha i'lamttton, adjoiningWaianae, stood first. Last season this neatplantation, the property of Mr. V. V, Macfar-lan-

cropped only 40 acres ; this year It has in160 acres, and ihe manager expects a highlysatisfactory yield.

Keeping one or two oyster shells In a teaket-

tle almost entirely prevents Its becomingIf akettle is badly coaled. It will nearly

alt scale oiTby drying and slowly heating it onthe back of a stove. It mutt be turned from

tide (Aside as It cleaves off. The tame free

Ing from clinkers of a ttove or oven can besecure by burning in either a few such shells

George I'atton, charged with furious andheedless dririnc. on Ihe 18th inl, plead guiltyand was remanded for sentence until the JOlh

instant. Officer Tell made a ceUuieof a smallquantity of opium, togclries with smokingapparatus, in a house clcue lo the bridge, nearihe Chinese Theatre. Ah Lum, the proprietor,was taken to the station house,

A birthday paitr was given at the residenceof Mrs. Lick, on tmma urcet, last Thursdaynic.ru, in honor 01 aust rrancisj. uck, .situyfriends were present. Croquet was played onthe lawn, which was brilliantly lamp-li- t for lliroccasion, aiutic, conversation anu a aelicioui supper completed the evening's festivity,

The Hawaiian-wh- ile not obiectisc to ihtGuide's commendation of the roititgvMM feetheir cultivation of the Punchbowl atop havt

a quarrel with the goats that infest that mim,and which, for the most pan, belong lo thtl'ot-lugutve- .

Kach contrrsufary is right.

A Japanese nun u' star It olT the harbor ate go la lutM.

or il U, Iht 'Jitrrii Dntmgrr0w n 1 lime ears, c j mighty 'At we, Thy ( Imr. h, with nne accord

Do send our prayers on high.'Iliy griclmli promise now fulfil,Let our petitions - thy will,

And hear our humble Cry

Tor one, llie light nf this deaf landIt ttiickrn hy Thy powerful hand,

O help her In her need!() spare her, linll her dayt Increase)Make all her anguish now lo faet

Hrek not llir bruised icetll

Uur prayer halhhanlly leached 'Ih) thioneSShen 'thou hatt all 'Iliy mercy shown,

'Iliy servant doth tintiul.1 he lamp of life replenished more,1 he oil ol gladness doth nuliour,

And ulferfng oon will end,

Accept our gialtful thanks and puis,1) loving (tot whleli we il nice

Unto thy merry seal,

0 may Ihe my stcry of kiiiilie for our precious loverl one't gsin

And bring her to 'Iliy feel.

Anglttiui CSmth Chnni,k,V .1 V .1, llnihrtt lllhlr Itnhilug I lint.

'Ihe second lesson wat given by the generalsecretary lsl Wednesday at follow

In our last lesvm we learned lint (.enesls ItIhe oldest of 1miLs, written 1491 year beforeIhe lime of our Lord Jesut Clirlst nnJ, It

gives Ihe hlitury of the world lor ajGS yeaiti, t, 165& )eirt fiom Adam lo the I lootl and71a yrnrt from ihe flood to Ihe death ofJoseph, who riled at the age of no, In I'gypt,

"In the lleglnnlng (Jod Created the Heavenand the Itorlli." 'Ihese worrit teach a truthof the most solemn lniH)itance. Il Is by Ihellible that we have knowledge of the truth,and Is b) Fallh that we hive happiness toknow it with ceitalnly. So St. I'aul told theHebre- w- "through faith we understand thutthe world were framed by ihe word of God,to that things which were seen were not madeof things which do appear, " licit.

Moses says nothing ol the lime before Ihe"beginning." Il is n depth too great for manto look Into, a time too long for man to concelvc. I'or Owl Is from "Lverlavllngto liverlasting." p. oo.a. "liefore the mountainwere brought fyrlh, or rser thou hatt formedthe I'arlh and the World, even from liver la ttIng to Kvcrlasling, thou art God,"

llcforc Ih' "llegliiiilng," Revelation docsnot (Kiiiray, God was (Gen. r, r), ChristJesus-I- he word, was (John 1, 1), the HolyGhost, the I'tcrnal Spirit, was. (lieb. 9, ra).As finite beings we cannot fully reallte theperiod of time that man has been upon theearth, 5,888 less the eternal ages of God, in

whose sight a year Is but as yesterday.Kearl romd I'salm, as it Is quoted in Ihe

Kpistle to the Hebrews, l:8lo.In our Lord's list pra)cr white he was on

earth, when he knew that Ihe hour was nearwhen he was to leave the world and return toihe Father, he speaks of Ihe time before thebeginning of Ihe worldwhen he was with IheFather, lie siys, John 17:5:241 "And now,

0 Tather, glorify thou me with thine own selfwith the glory which I had with thee beforethe world was Thou lovest me before thefoundation of the world." "Christ is theLtcrnal Son."

Let us distinguish between the two words," created " and " made." Moses observes Ihedifference when he says in Gen. 2:3 : "Godrestcrl from all his work which he crtatttl andinaJt."

"A watchmaker maktt a watch, but hedoes not and cannot trtutt it. He gets thegold, and the copper, and the line, and (liesteel, and all the other materials oul of theeaith, and then he forms them Into a watch ;but he could not have made il from nothing.Man can make. God alone can create. No man,no, not even one of the angels of heaven cancreate even the smallest grain of dust. Thesewords, " God created," ought to fill our mindswith wonder and admiration.

Says one, "How farVe is above all, notonly above us, poor worms of the dust, butabove the highest ol the angels I There is lestdistance between a grain of dust and thehighest l than there is between thearch-ang- whom God has crtaltit and calledout of nothing antl the great God who hascreated him. The jsmallesl insect and thehighest ingel, the smallest speck of dust and thestarry heavens are all alike God's creatures.He created them all. He alone Is the Creator

far above all, greater than we can even con-

ceive. The angels are commanded to woishipthe Eternal Son, who created them j as it is

written, " Let all the angels of God worshiphim." Col. r, 16., Hcli. 1, 6.

When we think of God, we may well saywith the psalmist, "Such knowledge Is loowonderful for me, il is high, I cannot attainunto it." t'sahn 139, 6. " Great is the Lordand greatly to be praised: His greatness isunsearchable." I'salm 145, 3. " No man cfefind out the work that God maketh Irom thebeginning 10 the end" Eccl. 3, 11. "Uns-

earchable are His judgments, and His wayspast finding oul." Rom. It, 33. "How littlea portion is heard of him ? Ilut the thunder ofhis power who can understand." Job 36:14.He it omnipotent, omnipresent. This wonder-ful thought, " God created," makes known tous still further what God It to us, and whatwe ought to lie to God. God Is ilinightyj wefinite.

God knows all, since he has made all. TheImmensity of the heavens and the earth, fromIt surface ro its centre, the heart of man andthe heart of angels, all alike are ojien in Illssight. He has "numbered the very hairs ofour heads," and counted the sands of the sea,and measured the dust of the earth, as he hasalso counted the unnumbered starry sunt thatroll on high In the heavens above our heads.

The tame Cod who created all thingsgoverns jll things. He keep them everymoment by the same almighty power thatcaviled them into being at first. How grosslyin error, then, are those who claim circum-stance at the controlling power. Circum-

stances aie not omnipotent, God alone Is

omnipotent He governs. "Asparrow shall not fall lo the ground withouthit notice," Matt. 10-1- " Unless God were

to keep, guide, control, his creation, It couldnot continue 10 be, and their preservation is awitinual trtJliiti. Thut our Lord JesutChrist says, "M rather workcth hithertoand I work," We, Ills creatures, are everdependent upon him do we realiie It? Godasks our voluntary service, Un whether wesubmit or not, he holds the reigns of govern-

ment In his own hands, Isaiah 45: ZJ.'Every knee shall 1." Koni, 14 HI I'hil.

J, 10 ; Kcv. JIIJ." In the lleInnln:.', John I; I 5.

(general JstertUtwtrtU.

SAL BSTATK AT AUCTION.RTW U iIm nun of Hand Cmauvatag,

a tMAkrmu. iU tail aa ruUac auawa, w tt bait raylrj ol AuwLiil Houm. HomJuIu. oa ta Mis Ow

bsMUr, ISuMayl at ta a slosh twaa, ait theriatu lUUaaJuanrMo tU uU ltiuaa la afrf uMaul, btsai on sfca b SSv)ti M ft, asttv tnm

sioi-iooac- Aho. -- ll tUtTMt to It tm ItCaaiarAla, KwUa, MmL Urn 10 sWt la krlrsuuilt,m liwisluntxr taitmUrt tut U olsaWJ fcgas

- j. acAjuu.fot IM AMltVNfl U IMS W S.I


VVlltlstlt In Klfltala, Simlr ftli, In ih trV

t Oieirieer V iltlama. t (war II III, ton

C0AH- - In litis, Niienilrtib, rn ika if efS I

Cnan, s ui.

Iciu (Abiitrllocnunlo,


J Join and after lh yah litsunl, M a. silverns Mliarilianlhwii a teht ftiairtnf AiwitVa

ar of ik Hawaiian IslaMt, Kill not U rslail byis n itttiositi

W li Uf nJna mi ihail llu mM"l alova artbalr saint Ik altlrrtnattt' lii;, ithiiof ro


No. ICI'.

U. JlstmMi ltenjti ai,oWy$if fa Itrrt ti Arm

Mi dv ntHnr s fOiiAH'i.M rn

11 m


At M rtmHiati rp'ifAf h WIlpti &iir lmfty. Iild Ii Honolulu mi iU y4U of AuiuM bUlnvt

llj MW(n fttVtft ; ttalftt fwf th friMilfix ytJt1'ftnU'j.i ,. WlllUm II UfnrltVkt r,fMf.f ,.Uny MaK-V-" H.SUU.Au'JIlor I' VV Matfailai.'


III at



Win. 11. OLESON,I'tlneliitl lilln tttmntlui Hthbitl,

Hawaiian revlsttl bf Htv. A. 0 -- U$

1 1,1s rirlbnl litlU wml titslfn1 tut andironttsIa fnsirvnlon lu i!i rttsn ltnt uaa taa

lurti tie Iia4 In quantities losult, upon apilciMOriloKey, Wm, B. OUaon, HUo, or

r. 11. riiniiH, uii.la- - yn


It it rrnmtrriJ,tUlsn llit F(liUni!i (ifiMijof byAtnxr, a. ti, il, Wm. II. OUuxi. of lllU,ltut.il (if IUwt.fl, lUwsiUn IvUnJt, En Kxonlarwtwllli Vci-W- j of an "Auto ewwiirtg Unniit Ut thltKlntf.lom, l;y curing th cop! gf Until IM tkoktto th Auihoti nj J'roietori of tilth ctUi,- -fUf J mi the iit nf UCHbCrf A OrlUi, Jl d

pmitril In ihli Oir.c, l) llil of hit IW. " Lkgluhl, . rOR JfAWAIIAtUV

'17. rtfitiU&f whkh Ii cUimtat untr jnj proptilor. In tolirttw whereof, I Imn Itcrrunto mi my

l.aml if I cautxd th tot of tU !ntHr !"mri faIm (!.iJ tl.lt Light sm h (i(th)d4 of 5pttraWr,A.ntS34 i. UVLK.K,

tKAlJ Mfafttrroftli rttrfor




f. niii'.n Kit a cmii-Axr-, Avf- -

Merchandise received Slorsgf Fre. andYWrat east,advances rna.J un thinMt Lv iMs line



Titr. Kt.v,t vKlhO .... .. ...CoUMAHOta

l.avrt ever) Tuesda) al 4 r. M., fcr lliaina, Maalaea, MtVrna, Mativkona, KawaHi, 'Laupaboatiotand llilo. Leaves llito 'HiUrsdaj-s- , louclilri al ll.cam ("Mis on rsurn, arriving Uk-I- balunliv at a r M

TIIK LIKKf.IKKjnntnttit ..CoUMAKtiaa

Leaves Mondays il r.n for Kaiu.aUtai, KaIivlul, Kearue, lluelo, liana, Klpahulu and Ntni. Kturning will stop si il,e aWt pons arriving Uric Salai.day morr.lngs.

For mails and passengers on!.

TtiK i.r.nvA.VV'iisaaaTll.. CnstMANiiaa

leases Monda al t r. M. for Puuhau, KoliaUlele,OokaU, Kukalau, Ifonoldna. Laupaluxhot, llaialauand Onomca Returning ftill arrive liacV vaili balur! -


McDonald ., CouuahuibSVlit leave taeti WrdiKvliy foe SUM IxntlaMl.e lliua

THKMOKOt.il..McCaaoo. .. -- .. roukiAiinLeaves each VVedtieidar for KaunalaU!, KaiuAlan,

Huluio, .Moanut, Malawi. Wailau, Pelebunu andfttnming each Monday evening v




Sirainrr Vlttuter,Itsris CuimiI..

Will run regularly for KONA and KAC,Lavt Htnalnl at P. M.I

Tuesday . . July tt Turlay. ....SeptAug 1 irtsuv., . 1,. 1,1 hwHlav. ,1

trlday .. " aal 'Raturain-- , Ttsiltsttst M Uul

Tuesday ...July a I Tln-uJa-y .. . ....Sew .Atjuu




Friday.. ., 't .

Stettmtr luatlani.Cameron, cocnnvailir,lttt--t LloswWu every Tarntyatsom. for NawiUlal, tXatVai, Rank, teaal tVa

use. Kaaaa. rtatlinung leasts Naitllll ever)evening

Steamer Jmme MketISM tan tl nsjnmaa !

sUy, at 1 aa, lor IsVss tsnd.liUSMM. 'u-- mtu

.nl.a.esKAUAl.vcry Siottiay al a ssaa., ami roe!..in at WabsriM Loth sravs,

. Steamer V. K. JtVtAeu,


Dttls, CJwroaiMlar, lum Honolulu Tuesday "Jr..ai 4 r.u. u Nuauuvaie. llouokava. anal rusvtvtss. Ka-- . f ' 1

-.,- .-. ......n,, , wwwii. yapnitii-i- e .s ,i.. ?.....,.



foK of KllmegMieel. near iKe r M.S. STwCLrL' tfDACIFIC MAIL STBAWSHII COMPANY.,

TOR SAN rRANCIUCQ . 0Tlie Splendid StumVvlfs

ili leas Hon. radu iff 5n Franclara

VITV Or HXIiSKYDear bora.., ..

SJS.tM- - -

4- -i 3fr.pOR SVDNBV VU AUCKUANf,.


.. .VVKBiSH.


SaA rteSeiaca aeeal reaeuas twmeeeTgW MtteMLLVtV

SrBl ,

FartVsttS4'aW,egpltl '

in H,HAJlcsMJfAtX. VtHMt








L r



.:MlL.' f i


' '.;;:all

Page 3: Saturday Press, - University of Hawaii...brought me to this thai thelife of savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version,






Dfc.? "




SATUKDAN l'KlSSSl'iiM,elln.ffltll Mr.M (ri ftil

trrltl ttwwii at Fn l'"'Snturilr-a- i l A 'lll"r IH cMr.

tHOS O TIIHtJM. l"MIl.f ! I'nin((i.,MI mttlrr for Ifcr SaluiJay l'(Mi thoiil.t tin

a.t.liMte.l I Iho " !8. rUlliiAV PHltSrVrlatlrartany nlt rfttittml lianiiiTitnr Mi

lh lhr tlari.li -- til ! Hiatikriillyi"!"-- !

ur ruifiim, cifiiUUMt iequett.l t

if in,! lliHt tint In ll eowiminilrallunt,

nl ff lni(.B((WBftllr.l'H inaianl"ll.nt Ilia willef It attlria. In tw,l fHh

..atuiwiav sniMRMnim ,!

JIHfWl lntr)l,wi.snltllhl-twtlllA- lot nf elflks,

ixmaikeei mi f luvrt Vi fit Off ntht iU)

I u i rwmtni; mtf ll thini. prnifn lilm

i .1 an tt. t mUiA l hrm wtih nil

tm hml wftpttw rfl mv f i think

liit ' yung and fall ttrlitir spnak

i man-- It Hnnlltl.t lhl "'"' RInslelmwOHiVfit srwiih hi artillr 'Wtll,".ml I, "fna t letkll do rm l.i live Uf ifinlrsmillrd ittnVptrwIetir' 1" tlm tci,n,aml

I Ime mi thmbt Imi lb - arid nwfal clefs- -

IllWfllll, FIBI, irmi iliwr, uiryrottnratit with tUiKthln iMth mmr.V.. In uniiK fur A inwlllnn

thliiR in l hh MtrX lit R0"1 wilr nf

lluitntillii wHhoflHl. mt, uliifli, Ilk tli

HiwsiMti nviiirin, iliipUytth ninny 4iiiIi,)nn)nttil." I wp1ol fll wtll

(jmo iht mKh if imii cmiifiwtltm tint I

1(,iiiifilitf ly Jmnpfit p fmni th lulile ml unin In th nfficf n Ak the til) nlltor If lie

..MM Irt me nilte piere lxit cleik. 1 he

tu) eilllvi irt In, bill Veiil na, "Veulktieil I" ml Inirtt Intn the unctmnmaniUtiini-ble-

ntet an KnftlUh eiltenee In ihe lliillctln

hih I) Ins il the llnnr, "Jiut leml thitlt thinV Tie nmek due llilncanil I jwt nam

the oM mm In fet me wriif it up- - .yon ct It'llV,lfa all the f;iiU nJ "Uth ' Iwj" quoth

etl "tou'er text enlhuilsMlc 1 people will

think ynu Ixloni; la the 'I lcr Hall If ytnt n

thu ij. I iliillkeil VeMl fiy wiichfot Hit

unVlml lenmk, ami, I HihxI at the eml of

Ih uhle ehewing my (wncll 1 ileleimlneJ,

that whether he liknlltor not IMilleKimethinit4Cllnl the cleiki, So t tadl lth it mncilli

line tmlle, "Well) Veol, if yon think I'm too

firh, I'll tell ymi what e misht 1I0: I ilon't

like thme il.le cleikinyay,amla)ouaiealway itefenilme eiery loly that I tWi like,

rjpp-K- 1 wilteupthecleika(ilherecthen,amllet ym hsie enouf.h of my vpace to My

inrlif almut the nay they themehe?Vcial lookeil al llh lih eje ciy whle

open anil taiil "Vnu'll uant to nlilui ofthU

jupei netltoni yiu ? Ibtuahcilamliiouiniatiil,aflerafevvmlnnteofpnfiunilllenceiluiinEuhleh he looVeacto the itrett in a ilicamy

way until hii eytirtleil on one of the clciklynidei eomlnc mil of Ihe Union, Vcial a!1 "AllHRlitJ coaheail, hut l cateful you ilon't tellanything hul Ihe trulh a you umleilanil It."

"The finl thinj I vtih lo impieupon yfcut

minJ Veral," I iK&n, "ia the fact thai the

tame relatione ahnuld eit lietneen the em-

ploye! ami hit cleik that exit lteen matteran.l servant. That i hitcl foi a certainnun to petfoim a ilefinile oik ami for no othereml. lie it not uiil lo pul on I)le, to neg-l- e

hiiemnloier't inlercil, to liie a "gat"life, or to aait In lowering the moralMamlml of society. Now our Ilnuolulu clerks,a 1 bcly, tlo all these things, beside ilhplay.nc mim eccentricities whicli tend to makethem ridiculous In the eyes of their employersend people generally, t might as well My theMorst thing I can say against them first, anil

hat is that Ihe hackmen always defend theclerk lien any thing is said against them."

"Vour sacanm is partly mailed, loma,"aidVeralj "hul its to sweeping. There are cleiks

ml clerks, and there are hackinrn and hack.men. And t know clerks in thi town uhoarethoroughly gentlemen in breeding and by na-

ture. 'I now hackmen ho are considciate,conscientious esen chiialrons- - '

Tint was more than I could stand andI shouted, "What ! do you use the noids'conscientious' and 'chiialrous' in connectionwith a hackinan. Hul Iknow what you're after, Veralj you think you'll get me after thehackmen and then I'll forget alwut ye clerks,

O no I you don't play any government tac-

tics on me my dear Veral t What I want tomake you understand and appreciate is this.

That most of the clerks in this town a set

of snobs who have never learned their trade,

lor trade it is, and has e only picket! up thebusiness in order to gain a livelihood by whatthey deem light and 'genteel' work. That they

aie not men in the proper sense of that word,

sho live and ftel the earnestness of life, itsresponsibilities and duties, its reciprocal inter-

ests and trials: but are rather society mothsv.ho spend most of their time fluttering aroundthe candles of the rich and waiting like the so-

cial adsentures they arc, for something 10 turnup,"

Von said 'most,' Ionia, I think you mean'roany,'" replied Veral, " It is all eiytn generalise and condemn sneepingly. Be

ipcdfice, 'an it please you, CJIse instanceto warrant such wliolesale condemation."

Thai was just what I wanted, and I openedupon him with my fund of eapcrience withHonolulu clerks. " No, Veral," continued I," I mean ' most,' unles you use 'many' incomparison with the lew who do not comewfthin my category. But, specifically, I cangive you numerous Instances of uncleikly con-

duct w hich have fallen under my observation,or to which 1 has e often had my attention calledby complaining employers or Indignant patrons.(I) 1 haie seeN different clerks wait upon cus-

tomers with a pipe, cigar or chew of tobaccoIn the mouth, punctuating their sentences withIntermittent spittings upon the floor, (I use theSaxon 'spitting' because it expresses ihe filthyaction tAMljr,)ot with clouds of tobaccosmokeMown urn the patient customer's head or Intohis or her facr. (I) 1 base watched clerksvhlle away their time til conversation withchums, ur in listless gaping while the dust set

lied over counter and goods, and became quiteIndignant if they were reminded that they werenot attending to their employer's Interests. (3)1 have seen them fall under suspicion of show-n-

fasoritism to races by leaving white womenstanding at the counter and then dcliber--

'itcly walking off to wait on some native belle4 whose smiles they wish 10 gain. (4) I have

sttn ye clerks allow a woman to stand in themiddle of the store, without cien olfciing heia chair, as long as fifteen or twenty minutes,while another clerk was sent out for a desired ar-

ticle. (5) I hae een clerks, whose rulingunibiiion was o shine In social ciictcs, displaytbeii cheek by Intruding themselves Into thehouses U iheir patiuru, after an only casualacquaintance with some members of thehousehold, (C) I have Seen them, time andJjain, show the greatest Indirfcrcnce to thewants and wishes of their customers, and tnthe Intemts of their employers la ditpming ogoods and chattels, (;) I have seen themmake walking, gunning nuisances of themselveswhile esncislng their Uly. killing piopensities,i, s they style it In eleganl counter jumper

Urvglivli, making a mavh, (S) 1 have ternthe young bhxI display a

style and espem that would soon Iting hiemployer 10 ihe veige of bankruptcy. (9) I

have seen these young bloods hand and glovewith the hackmen, tiding aftci immoral piaclice and hilling iheii thoit comings under a

. nuiiwc of ictprctaliihiy. (lo) I have comjMJol their Inability with the efficiency of om

, il . ,r n I 'lb 'mil I i h i' n tlll

li i He'I tut l Il,inn1ulii unit

mmtilntnt mtrli.nlt, who ( mm


'"' of

MI .prttkmt) on tM wtltkrt k. I

Mrmti nt miimn hunt, full .i mm.timr ImN lit erMh, M In trl ji twwr-m- nf ftn-li- :n fm (hiIt mini Ml MNM In life W h llti!lm In lrt lreii eiitlirt miluid, wllh IhrHti4i- -. sml tlMt (rfl iltt ii (! ' ryini,,,, n,r rrll nf ihr Mt. U IIWh--

rwt of lih hnthi IffP llif m ni 'It"1ort hl lmtlit. Cnwwii lht mI of rtntng

liiiilrw! nllli lll In llwwhilti lltf,tirrni rltiV grt to ihrMiif liy frtjlrt nt Iwir

!( fljhl n'rtwt In (Iw mnirltij(l iliwi !fl

ttnfk In fllili l, linprfiil rtHntlft unlit litf(MX Nh In iWf ftMmn, anl h) f!p ti'tlinVha h nlT .1. rl.iil(j lilmwll Inin ilinl. K hrimi ihil hnin lln rltwl of llil )H-n- i nlIf idtlilp K tnn pUlul) tfcn in III nwiltllnii nf

wit tnim. (tnnlilf nf rot nr Inn, nnw nfllnrmliltii't lntn nlill.ll llil tuMrfnl ilUplny

iiwl tt9ti)rmnlf pntl, ulilfli li im of lliemwtf(w nf HKXrw In Amf lt I'nchinit.UntMtllM i th fl)lf tiMtiimcrHlle nf lunM

nf rwi Hritf, nml mnfirMtm M mi piwtil thfilI mvt fntinrl h) imrrhlni; , nlrlI wMlfii In pmrliAK' wlilrli th rlfiV dwuicil

inlhf j illil n hmr. I In )it hiwuliif fnf an!........ 1..., .1 .. ...1. i.i . ..tt.-- k ir.i...iPlh

,iii,n ' nfie In the flly lni







( fiiidRn miinlllrn, wnnlil tinnilriMiifolHi, iflhfi siirstnleilin fiilvllngthemwlvtnlnlna lwiilon, iImi ilir wmihl l kept nmi ihana fmliilijhi? Veial, I hnv taken giml mlns

In find mil lm ih wnilil frrla im thU matlfr,ami after ome ninnihsntaiivlety haveiecelinlIh following iTr, I'll first was wiiiti-- liy

my fiietiil t'liMlw .Mgeuum Swlnlwmilurliii! his siunnifi vac.illnn iimi the subiiiluf lnuliiii ihe second a mntilhiilnl by

Mi, ( hill Waiifti hliird.iid ndcr purclns-lus- t

nip around town--

llmS dn,U, ilfiLUi ilmW,(lvf il nmiiirr ilivn'i I rii.t

Mash maVlnf tltnWMaMiiIni ftm,tt

tlV.Uli.,la,lll clriV.VllK nn Insaiw srnll an.1 ilt miiV.

IIAlif,il rlrk I

SmlTk! mill I1

Veial limkeil neivmis, I llnwelu -- I iumiiIlo Maggei him, If I cinild. II wnileil' fully

line mlniitn i he eipcnnl nn 111 and ihenhe ild "Vour 'specific' chaiges ni sllll al

togelhci geneial. lint I appreciate your un





Hit rtmnil mill c inmlmi itmnltt 9,,fwm prnfiultlc til rnhrwtiit, nml

.kA !. In UiIa tllIMBrm orvtwl


f t






t t


willingness 10 'name lumes't and irmgniiclIhe manifcsl Inipioprlety nf i lining. Il is'enough, ) nn think, tn htlng specific chaig,

lei iiubllc place II S Hawaiiwhen thei Hut, I coniro-- !'"r f1;!" Knuil way

veil whvt tnstances yoiinentlon, jet I cannot liellfveaie Just In thinking thc.mivbehavinr speakof Is general. I refer In your clntges In

inter, (l I have een ont llnnnluhi clcikworking with a pipe in his mouth ;lmt one. I

am sine practice Is by nn means geiici.il.Some Ilnuolulu cleiks aie lary -- some .11c

The same condition evists eveiy where.

'"' iirtV'i Im tn lilipmihiiirty. plcm tfiiilrilrti'lmrt htilifr 1050 plct M.hllcry

lilt fml UMkta4il ttI







(3)Thc on sci I.enhimay be occasionally what you say It Hut,

other things beim etiat, the nallvr womanwho comes fiil oughi in lw liist sriviil.The iniiolitenc of allowing a hdy tn standwhile goods nrc being sent for Is, of course,unpanlonable -- esccpt when the store happensto be crowded, all chairs occupied, all

the clerks busy than they might :n be.

(5) I fancy tint cleiks are not the nnl) offen-

ders against social giiinl usage - in the mailerof inlrusion, or in any similar Impertinence.




Honolulu, .September







following programme




KnmiaMn tsmlily llcklM.imiIuimI IhhiU'I vmswli, ami

liwtn wtlisl tlw fryhmllnnkiwg,





1) chtmlir Is


filthnilly linnnll), andIntpiilMI),

eiilrsWmpiilleaCiHinlving ehingr.

M.mhIai Iniiam,.1 mortg.ije

inrclsnf i,il(eini vMiliins

file will

timiUli Oiri;iin







SeptembercanMI CnnMnce

though and'' W"Uncharge, a,


Kekaiihiohi Knuai.and



wailing firu wahines llamakua


in:i:tiirvniti.MondaV, September

Marhmvi al


TUkMisv, SepleinbcrI'epcckfo


are.hcUonly iiilinilers, it is ,l,V.,',,,u ,l,:"'

10 out, not il unjust. If) llr!l ctatlna Hnnckoncclerks intruders as a clas, it to Kalnhow

so: if is unjint. I special bk C O Wluiinnre Snuii.lought 11 alls certainly, A,n ,)o,1Ke KllreUa

j U nksiy. Septemberso swecpingi). is merelya restatement your second chaige. 1, ?!' p Yror'',J-loo, lwuniUuriuleinanlincss in attcnlinns to Sell l'unaluiilomers. if Honolulu young vsnianSch Waioli

WWisabsolutelv J,.,m. go,,.which innocent Ibitation possible,

; riiUKsiuv, September S.she is a v.nlety Stmr Walmanaln.

I fancy that making' is not Sch Kainoi LauiKihiKhoo

indefinitely as a game, Am

loma. " charge indirectly alleges dis-- FRIDAY, September

isolaleil lie if 11 is

generally, employers must be a Vessels Expected from Foreignprecious set to fact I.ivikisxiu, bl.

IJuensw. li. MacfjrUne 4r. .1 ,,i v i... :,imi ,w vu, ii.uii, ,,, ..j.,. rv- -loriunaie on tor argument, so larown espcriencc goes, v on a San trail-cisca-

long residence, 1 am one birth.you mean to include San Francisco in

comparison I nave cen more rudemore incapacity, more ever) dis-

creditable the San Fianciscan clerksI dealt In theHonolubn clerks I have dealt with.may twenty of the average clerks thatSan Francisco can furnish, I will matchthem by Honolulan clerks, who aretheir in morals and manners, in businesstact and business

was rather excited, so I asked him whatof the rpicry sobered

him. He looked at me fixedly a moment,then, turning away, began lo wiile. A

few minutes rose, handed Yne someand went out of the

some from "William Tell." Thewere these :

Il stems me sou quite forget,O cruel, cmelTrwt anil lUerf snic damninc tin

not the vide cycle in.

If here a falletlithere a ssins renown,)all of us vile, because

One mocked him !aslur one clerk is not


inr. liinl

have thau



lather ten aie.forvou.1 tried to him hack, for I wanted him

lo show me (he " " ; but was gone.lost.,

tS, 1SS4.

.4 ( fltr m VhttrtltIn considering the subject of Future

Ihe Hethel Church, last Sundaymorning, Kev. 1.. C. Oggcl made instance, Ihe following plea for a churchedifice, as deemed essential to success andwider influence. trusted hemated by a spitit of pride or ambition, buta real the honor of the Ixml.It admitted by all, no doubt, that a certain harmony In uinls of attracliieucss aniWI

comfort between our homes and th house ufthe should Many iasage from

the words could adduced tuthat (iod' hnu.c should the piceniiuence,and that in In apioiutmenti it should

ihe that it stands in outand vol Inn. This subject should

out most chesiful and gcnciout gifts, atthere not the coucspondencc Ixrtwecn

the private houses of I louolulu ami churchhome that there should lie. There werethe attractions and here

weie needed and asked this matter be

nude a subject ql rawest consideration tu ihrthe lSclhcl congrrgation In

build Ihe senicc a hou.e shallan oiiuincnl tn this fait and an Imnor

lo Ills

The Hoyal Hawaiian Hand will play al

r.uiina Square this afternoon al 4130 r. at.The is the 1

Oveinut- -" Tl. Oaib Aubljllo;-- H FuiMueva Lcutner

St. AguesSc!lisM Caran ' PUctVV.hr -- " Meisier

Sleamets Lehus snd Kilauca may no!

(hAt la tctbtl rountiurt, awl no j bt: llilo Sunday moinlog.


September Jo, tSSl

ftmit llltftirn, with Wign nl ileil. in. ihe

ill Mniwtfi, for San I'mrwhen,and I aiallna Ih ('. (). Willi

ntnie hit III lh Mat) l(lgHi of by the vsiiIihk imi

tin fm th itimmni In

nf ttlltfll III imik f.Sr,77.. IS

Ih nl t itllTni genrial I.Allen after iwenl) nf fallhlnt In

the rtnlnm Iwnar lias ciillavl fnilh 1111 earnestpiniest Ihe nf twnmfii, ivhkh

lit full liwlir' In this lunieiWlnliifl In An ftllifvi who senrtl Ih mun-It- )

an and llie uieitiiiiIII cniiiiminlii meets on with

nf ennteuipl -- enlileiilrt all

limaiil theOn nvi, th jjii.I I!

I'. Adflins will hold nf

seier.il sltnil innf ill Ullnds

Abnifilt h aim on Monday

nevt linm "iiii 1'iaiulwii, with dalrs In th51)1 liKUnl, li is KHsllite she Im lit,; the

pail) nf fiom mkii nlIn this lu.

.IKM'.l.i,Seplnnbei 1,1.

Sell Man.1 fmni 1'ii.ikaatlklne Kuirkit fiom S.in l'rancii.iiMini Kin m fmm Maul and HawaiiSch from Knul.inSell Kit fiom Iriinpaliiielmr

Sn.NiiW, 1.

C. It, llislmp from IhnukuaStmr Iwalanl fmni KamiSch ill ftuiii I Una

MONIIW, 5. --

Sch fiom llaualriSlmr I.rliua fiom llawiiiiStm Moknlii fmni

ch Knwuilani from

September l((iei baik C R llishop fiom lltcmen

iinmdvY, 17.- -

truttiilr, ami the the M

cannot Mki;c frnni pomfnmi UliuIh truth nf the in



the und

kiiiav, Mepieinnerfmni Walalua.

I'auihi from Kauai.Sch fiomSim l'lanter finm Knna Kail.

SruRn.V, 20 -

stm from Maul.Sch Wiiinialu from Kau.ii,

Knuikt-nul- i fiom Knhilafmni Konlau

practice of from



15.Slmr KmiicIscohtnu I.ikchke fnr KahululSell KoolauSch W'aialua

Sell HnleakaltSch Wallelc MalikoSlmr Kilauca I Imi forSlmr I.t'hu.1 for windward poits,Stmr C H llishnp fnr llamakua.

If they of course ,mr, '

lAr I,

just single them if is forarc social is just ' Schr KooUu

say not. it think that I Am for the,cr" Ma,V f,,tcount not lo W made

not (f.) This charge 17. -of (;f '

seen clerks oveisu-- Ihe of H,nlr ,Ioi,0; Molok.11their lady cus

Hut. the for ll.in.i

that of ! "spirit makes I .

. .then very suwnor of her '

Waimanalosecie. 'mash for

carried on sided I b,iK W G '"" for San FranciscoIS) This 19.

instance, may just. Hut,

true then the Portsof softies, not out the Vakuns.

1... V. Co.,iiti,,-v,,- .. , (M,i .

your as my

areby by


in few

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(As Lrvther

Not arebrother at Ckxt's

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l)id exist.

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lUllal- -' hie ,.

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)wti urivif















for San noon,





have forfor

free execs,



find lint

, ,,..,,



Due Uct. s. I. II. Davics Co., Agents.Jail-it- , lla. bgttte 11 szako 'lierne

Due In all October A. F Cooke, AgentHuston, Am bk Maiuma (Mvi llenson

Hue Oct. ao--5. C Ure.rr A L'o , Aecnts.Navs YokK, flerhk Hams 'I hornbulin

Due Oct. Castle & Uooke, Agent.Navs Yon, Am. urn bk Gko. S Ilnum ..l'crr).

Due bep. coal for L.', S. Government,

lir lowNSKMi, Am. bk FoRRsr QCBKS Uodrennue :seii. , .vgents.

LustJON, sia St. Michaels, French ss IIokukalx,Due Sept. (J. Masfarlane A Co , s

Clascow, II1I1. bk IIsnca Jtirberros.rosail about Mi, 1, A. bhaeferA. Co., Azenti

HoscKosic, Anu bkAaoiK CARVaa I'eiullctonleading Aug, 1. . , Agents., Amss Lirvof svnsv DearbornDue bejit. , 1 UckfelJ 4 Co., Agenlv

New Castik, N SW, llrit.bk llatueDue or. Wilder K. Co., Agl.

NswCASTtv,KSU',Ant.bk NiCiioLAsTiiAVsa.Crosbyi.uAiiing ,ug. 14. - Agents.

I'ORT I'owNSVNt,, Am bktne Vrkstli-r...-t or Kahutui, due Sept. 0. Vj'ildcr at Co., A'g'l

btN I HANCISI.O, Am bk D. C .YluanAV IlerryDue bit 0. , Agents.

asN rxANciscn, ,vm uglne LiNscrLO CousinsDue Sept 5. . t;. Irssln & Ca, Agents.

San r iMMCIscn, Am s s Alaui-d- ,,,MorseDue Sept 31. Y. (,, Irwin a. Co., Agents.

dan Francisco, Urit s sfALANuu ,.WebberDue Oct s. llaikfelda: Co., Agents.

Merchant Vessels Now In Port,Am. ship Kl DoraooAm. bktne Klrska,....lie, bisrk C. K. lltstioe.


I'.t.s.lK.Vr.'KK.sj.For San Francisco tier W. G. Irwin, Sept 18

--Mrs J II (iabbs, Mrs II Kings, John Hutk.Captain Hodgkin.

For San Francisco per Mariposa, Sept. 15.Mrs M A Wallace and daughter. Miss A Km- -

rick, Mrs C J Fishel and 2 children,!! M Al- -

cxander, W I) Alexander,! I) Spreckcls, famliy and live servants, Asa Harder and wile,M Daggett and wife, D O'Connelt and family,ur j .unit .simin, J .si .viacne, .Mis 11 ,

and daughter, Mr Colfcc, I, Aholo,Mrs M A I'aty, I) II llrown and wife,T C Afong, Mrs Tucker, Mrs McCar-Ine-

J. T. MacC'rrtsson, 1'aul Iscnberg, W.Circig Jr, I'lince Kawananakoa M Seisser,Mr and Mr Hrening, W II Cornwell, li W.Macfarlane. Miss ljneline Afong, John Cum.mings, A. I. Campliell, S J Levey J M Hor-ner and wife, F. K Miles.Miss M UrugKcrnun,

V C Woo.1, Mrs F A Hounds and child, I.Lander, Mrs 11 Vellguth, J Cabial wife and 3chlldicn. V Dennis, wife and son. Mrs I Gomel and child. Mrs R Habile and 3 children, I,

dcSilva, I I'rcila, wife and 5 children, Mliuticr, .viacauicy, A rouge, J I io.t, hMoxlcy, S I Gieenc, FSlcwatd, J II Goh1,i: I Uyan, 0 Summer, C I'urdy, V Mental,K Doyle, I Manuel, II II Curr. J Grace,Mills, F lllgglns, I" Johnson and 4 Chinese-To- tal

109.From Hiotncn per C, K, llishop, .Sept. 16

F. Harlmann,!! Tgescud,wife and 3 children,I Iauipe,wife and 4 children, II Lundgiaf, FUoskiiig, W Kramer, D Tolklng, F Omtcr, Fl'laggemeicr.

For Kauai and waypotts, t James Makes-- ,

Sept 19 M. Dickson, Major Wroughlon,Mis Netilham, ami 20 deck.

Fiom windward ports, per l'lanter, Sent 19( II Robertson,, J II l .

Mr W lisanil Mr and Misami 4 children, J IS Kubinsou, J McCarthy, AIIdeck.

.iiarim, Ulvln,

Smith, II II Williams,

For.wife child,

YV Is I loll, ;

riom Maui ei Likclike, Seit.Winter (j, i: Dowtcil, Ml.s M Doisctt,

C'has llrash, II Olxtl, Miss Iv ,Mosiu4n, MisLulu MaVev Kev C V, (iro.cr, 11 11 1'luinciiJ I'lumer, W I' Johnstone, Luhiawa, 95 deck.


Fiom lliemen, lieC. It. Hiihoo, Scl, 16

joo ton and 144 csks coal, 4J2 pkgpaints aiul oil, 356 pkg lxci, 066 pkgs

etc, I4J4 ptgt wines and liquois, 11(kwji woulrn goods 4y hblt Ui, 301) empty

ilfniijulin-.- JfiS pltR fmnmiir, fi jwhik mailnnn KM ilaiWy Cfml. 5 pl-- ffftrtu 6IiIiN nifK. innlBit", SJ'4 !'! wiwl twlw.



nnir, imiim) mi) "r iiktii t .,h..- -ruin., IdH'l Km linn Kll'l liti.ll plw, I" !'Ihi, jft m Iii m IiiKV. Imti thkf.

I'tron Hitii I imulwii wr I 1.1

H lilila mIiiioii, I v lnnilluir, l,t)S ik llmir,Wl iV kliIii nml lrwl, !) ilt 'hip rliAillKij',

k t)"S iiipjI, jo W lift J'iImIm nf hoy,ij p lf, iilu rtmUr), n limnO). 7$nfn, in iUiiioliii, iwn IiimiI, t e milnil, 7rliitl(hr. IJ.7IH litkka, l,6J l'llhml, M ' I1""' lJ Mil' nnn'- 5"

h'i'l einrniI'll II IX

111 San I lanclwii iwr V (i lnMii, Srpi. iH

,1,'iri I'kga, II,jSi II., .iinntt isr !. ')5.'yi II, iiii lout. vl. ij,iiy ).

I'm I'm I rmvnsend pel f O. Whllmnir,Sepl, li fi; pkg iig.it, 10 list lie. I is '!

p.ini ilniiillc value li hi. I'nielgn vainilj.75-

For San I i.huiai iiei M.iilt4, Hpt IJliilfi iiktt sugar, l.iuol.ei ilc, lolip.i iiifr., ......... I. I.l. ,1 L...I . .,,u, .LI... , I....Ir.ili, skim, l,Sjbiirh bananas, Ifi lis Intelleai. ipica liraml), 50 hmll rune, j iki;I1I1I1I ivxili, 9 east J.lliu, 1 ca Ll.is:lie, I

linrsr. I'ltrrlgn Viihl $.t5'l I ibiinslli mine

lie llllirr I'lillltl:t'aptaln He) uolds has lieen apHiliitrii m

vejoi and nisloni hnilsi-guaii- l fm th mit nfKahulul, Maul, vie M F Newtiin, ilrasrd,

.Noble Mailln and Hepifsenlallv Knuhan

lereivrd an 1111 Ihrlr lelurii to Kitu

T heir roiiise duilng the I.U leglslailie session

was appmseil liy a large nnjoilly nl t licit mistllucnts In it most iiniiiislakrablr iiiinnrr

Kohati Plaiitnlloii has shlpK-- i upwanl of

iSini Ions nf siigur for llie fibp of 1SH1, ThelatiKins fniiu Ihe lowest Alnakea field, on the

hiie Inwiiid the eiutl, jlelded iipwanl nf Iwntons pit neie, Ih plant cane fiom III sain,tn a previous season, lining itrldi-- Ions per


Maingn Wells, nf llnlaun, aslimlsheil people, nml his own tiimvchiild as well, by com.Ing back fmni Iht- - last week and ie(n)it-lu-

himself to be a mauled nun. II did 1101

biiug his wife but sailed rit'inc fmni S.111

I'mnclssn Iwn nr time hunts nfler Ihe

Mis. Wills will nun on later. Congratulations me in order.

The steamer James Makce on her last dipIn K11111I mulcted valuable aid in saving tlieschoonet linn llntklns from total In atAu.ihnla, Th schonner had dini;geil her.ltichois nml wns In ihe surf nml near theincky shoie, ,vtlh her decklo.id nf lumberthrown nvcihnaiil nl Ihr linn- - the sieanicr




and Jo

leached her.

The IIII11 Siigm Co,, formerly WninakuMill, llilo, Hawaii, has ordered n new doubleelfect from ihe Honolulu Itnn Works. Together with the new plan! for Kukalau Plan,tation, llamaktt.t, Hawaii, and s.uiuus otherjobs, ihe works arc fully occupied at prcsen(.Among the ' other jjbs" an-- two new Imilers,on foi the I.ikclike, the other for the Kilaucalldu ; the one for llie I.ikclike will weiuh over

30 ions.

A vrry pleasant evening was spent at theresidence of Mr. KufusA. I.) man, Paauhaii, onllie evening of the 51I1 inst,, when ni.iny of

altendeil and kinill) helped tocairv out the prngramme. Mr. (imnlcll, atthe orgm, icmlriitl some very fine music,which vias greatly appicciileil by all present.Such cntctlninmcnts will serve ti bring thepeople together often, strengthen the social lieand "drive dull car away." may theycontinue I

The church al llimnkaa. llamakua. wasoiganied, and n sunday school established onthe 2jlliiilt. The new pastor, Uev. I (.nndcll,of Hiadford, Massachussctls, took up the work I

uun great vigor, anti an went away iccungthat the success of the new enterprise was cer-

tain. 'I lie church Sunday- - school and day- -

school formed there meet a need long felt, andthe greatest real is shown by nil In the

to help on the good cause. Mr.Coodel! is a good musician, and a trainingschool for Ihe young as well as the old, in iheatt of rendering good music will soon benrganired. All feel cheered by this continuedsuccess through Ihe difficult stagcn of raisingIhe proper funds, securing the proper man for

energetic church woik and organizing churchand school.

The V. 1'. C. A, Rending Knoni in llalawafinished and furnished. Structurally, it is a

single room, 18x2s, furnished with a few lirxik.shelves and closets, a large table for papers,seats, chairs and lights. An attempt will lie

nude to keep a supply of papers and a few

lxioks, and keep the room open four eveningsduring the week, beside Sunday afternoons andevenings. The society is small and cannot beexpected lo do great things, but it is hopedthai ihe building will grow In usefulness andbe appreciated by those for whose enjoymentand good il was chielly built. To see that itis practically appreciate! and does good utuoni;residents and strangers will be all the rewardasked for by its promoters. Spare rcadinc

nutlet, second hand or otherwise, will lie

gratefully' received. It should be addresed"V. F. C. A. Heading Hnom, llalawa.Hawaii."

" Knglish lrvsons foi Hawaiian,"a neatlyprinted and well written little Ixk, wasplacet! in the hands of the reviewing editorone day this week. It is by Kev. W. II. Ole-so-

principal of llilo Hoarding School, andrevised by Kev. A, 0. Forbes, It will, b.yond a doubt, supply a general demand for awoik that would lurnish a basis for systemalic and progressive instruction of the I'nglUhlanguage in Hawaiian schools, It gives a suf-

ficient vocabulary anil an airangenient wellcalculated In fix the meaning and relation ofkindred words, and should supply a long feltwant in teaching Hawaiians Knglish,

The purchaser of Ihe schooner F.hukal asshe lay stranded on the reef at Kacna I'oint,Oahu, has been to the scene of misfnitunc w itha gang of workmen, and iffair weather con-

tinues and no mishap occurs, report the pros-

pect favorable for rescuing her. Wilh n

team 01 nine yoke 01 oxen she was drawn onskids from her bedded position on the reef uponto the beach and I there being patched,Her masts and all other moveables will lietaken out so as to allow hei to lie floated overthe icef foi tonage lsack to this igrt for rom-plcl- e


Service at (he Hethel at tlA. M. and 71JO p m. The Kev, 1 C. Oggelwilt picach In the, morning, subject 1 TheHighest Good and How tn Secure It. In theevening there will be a gospel Itmpcraiiceservice len minule addles by the Kev. WC. Alettilt, the Kev. S, K. llishop, Gcn'l-Sec- .

Mason and the pastor. Tlie evening unclingwill lie prccesleil by a seivicc nf song, con-ducted by Mrs, Dillingham and commencingat 7110 o'clock. A eoid'ul invitation is rsietrded to these service.

Mr, Ciiwan's llrVme't ftuitdav will be, inthe moiniiii;, C'hiiactciisilcs of a (ileal Uivc,ami In the evening, The Worship of theGol.lt n Calf. The moiiihly cullertrju foi citymission woik will 1 taken Sunday mottling.

The pi Ivy council wtll meet al the palaceUM,

rni. in 1 in:Mmnltlftf .Vritf mfcer' IMIi

I laiurdiy night n lnrliiiMi hrlpnl(111 ihe lailnii hme slau. Ih(l wasnn at

rf fnf turner), nn fnr ioiiilloi lir anltai,nrnl nn fni itianntrily ri mil 111 i ih inrliyjii rmiiiil, Vaipily, iIht. a only nn r

!! fnt asawllltl

I'lldaj miilng kindly Inn Hm( in nnmlrmaplui mil Ins, mhii In (juiheilng fni l

iiifflfnfl with in wIhiImxiisby Ih Maitrmn for Suit I riirlo and aaMtinill, and filhel again III wrlnitne linmeniiinf IliMaj wlmlm iiilly trluMiil.

" A MftAitfli'ily w nf nl, A nmiRhli"Utile 'My, having hem ilitMlmnl wllh n

vvhtppfng, IniTii iH I1M1I." I hei w 11 nunliirlimliiij)' tas nf antetde In f'alUomti (

wnli). 'Ihfipwa a "liiing" Jul) 1 ami ih" riiinllonal liiunlty" man W 1I0

ihw lliiiifKHir In llnwtill,

A ttl)' nf solur flyhly pcitnii ha lieeil

rrsiniieil In IVtll-tnd- , Dntiuu, In sink oil thu

phuliKH think of Ih webb font slat and UnkIn ih pneiinliil siiiithlii of Hawaii nel, I'l'l'

tlly It cleuil uem inonlli, Knlisos I'll)ifU In send us a pans befmr X'miis, and

IMHM In Clilengn tnul New vmk aie ililiil.lui;nf rnnilnq thl way iIiiiIhk Ih wlnlri

" Ikhtml II tiueiald cnveilng the seductiveeiieiiinb'ei fniiemU a mw of double teelh, and

woe to Ihe Tnau who ruler ihe entiilinl wllh li

'Ihe ciiciimhei iiemr show

light uiilll nflcl II Is down, Mrn have beenVnAivn In wiemtle nil night with a curiiinbei,and aim mil sernnd best In the moiiiing "The genlltm.ui who semi the (iiildi- thealrfive, iytM,Ti only good thing pm down10 Ihe tiiilit lir ihe cnciiiiilici Is il sovt'iflgnvnluesfl ro.irh Iwne. 'ul up fw slle,pill linm tn your iitry am! e '

Sevcrnl new' concern have JhM .mule theiroptnlng Ikiw tti)hc llouohihi piihlic, lo calei

kfiir Its pilionage. The ircnl cnUigi-meli- l ofthe Temple nf Cushion and gmnd npenlni! ha

been an rvenl of Ihe wtek, On SnluidayMesst Weiinei and Jacobson openeit iheiiJcweliy istablishruciit, on wiihiileniptliig display) while lb I tituiUhi, a blnckfiitlher up Ihe sluet, opened with a sup

ply cool sodas, etc., and, this morning, i an-

nounced Ihe oieiiliigiif the haiatngi House,on Itolcl Slieet, Willi nlllhtlullnsof tradecompetition Is liecomiig severer.

Captain ll.iyw.1nl of t lie M.ulmsJ lint ar and li.ilfsp.inlcl named " llos'n,"

A great sivlnunet Is " llos'n," as is a huilytaint I. dog of the tlcxk.it known is " Nig." IlIs gicat fun to see them to in liy.ellicr alterthe same stick, "llns'n " Is neivtms, "Nig"phlegmatic. When Ihey teach Ihe stick,"Nig" lelstiicly but firmly lake hold, while

his companion tugs v Intently, generally tnilllughimself under ihe water for his pains. Hul on

neatitig the shot "Ho 11" neatly alwayssucceed in gelling the stick away, by a suddenjeik, and swims tiliimpb.inlly ashoie ahead nf

his stronger but less agile companion.

There is a lady now temiKiratily resident In

Honolulu whose family has had extensive mili

tary experience. 'Ibis lady Is Mrs, Wallace,widow of (Jen. W, II. L. Wallace ami sister

ofC. II, Dickey of Haiku, Maui, Therceordis wnrlh publishing, as well lor llsgtncral in

terest as for its special Interest In members ofIheii. A. It. and other Umleil-Slale- s sol- -

lien. Her fuller- - now Judge T. I.ylc Dick

c), of the Supreme Court of Illinois setvedin Ihe Mexican war 11s a captain of volunleers.In the war nf the rebellion, Captain Dickey re-

cruited the Courlh Illinois Cavalry and wentInlo the war as ils colonel; wns lor a lime nn

Grant's staff, afterwards icsigning because of

ill health, Her brother Cyrus F. Dickey wasa captain in the eleventh Illinois Infantry, w.n

aiislnili.ndiuL1lit nen'tal niUhc-ataftrt- f Geiveral Hansom; ami was killed 11 MansfieldCourt House in Louisiana, during Hanks' Red

River Campaign. Lieutenant C. II. Dickey

was an officer in his father', regiment, theCotirth Illinois. Cavalry, and was wounded,near Atlanta, during Sherman's "march 10 ihesea." Mrs. Wallace's lowland, Gen. W. II,

L. Wallace, went In the Mexican war ns a privale and came out an adjutant with the rankof major. He went into the rebellion as thecolonel of the Kiev cnth Illinois Infantry. IIwas rapidly promoted and in the summer of1861 was placed in charge of a diiisioii, rank-in- g

with Sherman. In the terrible battle ofShiloh he commanded a division that was sur-

rounded by the enemy. Rather than surrenderWallace ordered his men 10 cut their waythrough. In making the attempt Ihe gener-al fell and was left on the field for dead. Mrs.

Wallace, who had obtained a kiss through thelines, reached her husband's hcadrpiarters, a

transport anchored on the Tennessee River, onIhe morning of Sunday, April fi, iSfii. Ashort lime after she reached the iot her hus

hand's horse galloped down lo the river, rider-

less. The general was found on the field next

morning, not yet dead, lying beside an emptycassinn, his head propped up by a roll of blan-

kets, placet! iheic by a humane rebel. Ucliu--

only four tlay s longer, Icav Ing an env iable rep- -

uialmn.for bravery, and soldier like qualities.One of his brothers. Col. M, K. M. Wallace,went out as major nf Colonel Dickey's regi-

ment, and afterwards commanded il. Capl.John Wallace of the same regiment, died nfyellow fever. Matthew Wallace, orderly ser

gram of the same rsgimcnl, was drowned atCairo. Mrs. Wallace has been fo some tlay

a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N'otl.

'I'tieadrfy, September tilth.1 he Kinau has ieen taken up on the Ma

line railway and will lie thotoughly oscrlnuledand icpaintisl during tier week' respite.

About 200 passjiorts tuv e lieeu issued to out-

ward 1 mil nd Chinese K--r barks C'cylon'andfor Hongkong, both of which me ex.

pc'iling'to jjet away to daj.

Judging fiom llie nuinlver of lei that wcnl

out on llie Mariposa yesterday, the Iri makers,Imth amateur and professional, mutt have done,1 "busy business" as Dan Chaucer halh it,

There aie sonic folks who do not read theuncrs, 01 bulletin lxjartts either, evidently,

judging by the number of Main! individualswho were left behind yesterday by the e.

Four o'clock came round nn hour toosoon lot some of them.

Ijist Saimday, in dumlieis liefote JudgeMcCully, Mrs. Jane I'., Gumcy was aipointcdailminisraliix- - nf the estate nf Joseph S.

uurncy, tieceasetl. lion. A. f. Jiuld pre- -

senled his Dili annual accounting fni thestate of Mis Irene li, which was examinedand approved.

'Ihe well kown while toad stallion King

William was a passenger liy the outgoingMaiiposa. I le didn't like climbing the natruwgangway and several methods of enticinghim on hoaid were tried, including the follow

tiii'k of sending another horse ahead.si. i:i i.irn.ir..i.i..t t--t ..te,,.,, j, .,, .,,, s,iihi,,,,,,, muc,, rnsr!

him up the gangway most cleveily, a,tllllllf. I,ts nl iK. IfS.I 1... r.lk.. n.l!.,,ll,mlts-- '....... ........ .... ...... ,., ,n.... K s".jjiuooig 111 iau.

Mr. K. j. Nichols, civil engineer of thiscilyt ha been appointed gential agent for ihHawaiian Islands of " Dnwii.-i'- t Kucalyptmlloilei-scal- 1'icvciilivr ami Kcinoui," anArucilcan applicalhui which U tahl In betcvolutlonUhig fuel consumption in AmciisM.

Tlie pirparalion It uid tn act as apiesrttatite

,f tin hoilet, preventing mat entirely Hi-- . Ing nf several of our schonnera was

appln. I by simply adding ih (nipound Oi!t ilnjl few nm gelling nlT till yrsterdsywale, If the mvr.iimn prme ..,ual ... he ,r ttM (,f f, KuUh K)kl Alt, ,!elaluia made fnt II. WMIiict owner. Ii,e a ,.,.. ,.,, ,,. i.,. ni,L.,inttf,lfi In mTigiMitltlr lhelnrtv


Jo Motilli, ilMlgnl wllh riMiitl wllh itdl)wWimi ill ill itWlIrt nf llsntdkiw, lllivntl,WAS )ntrrila mottling istliirtilllnl for Dial byChlrf Jmllre jmlil, in I lirunt nl ih N'mtnlher Mini of lli stipirm nil ai Wilinm,

Ifiwnll, Miliar, wlm, liy Ihe was, hv lll!land mil was raplm! lit I nwln'al gln well inonih,ynid last liindiy nlghl liy Oifii MHniair,who filllnwtll a llnrilptlnll aelll flflfll I IAsAMII,

Ml. J. Ilniiin irn;nl lilm and h fl

held ns.ilhne si.ilrsl, lib pita Is lint guilt).'Ih native wlimn lie It thaigrsl wllh mlliiii;wa IhOuuhl In be mil nf ilsngi-- when lasl

lieriiil fmni,H e,ite,l,f, ,eilen,le,' I III,,

On CIiIiicmi fm laitrny of fnli, nne InwneCIiIiimA wniiian, and .1 iiallvtilinnk enmiilMtttlist iifghl'a aiirsl.

( leik of th Milpifiii ( otlll I'naler will

by Ihe Alaiimln iiesl Moiiilay, Duniigtils alssenre Deputy (Telk tinllh Ii.sk filletl ihp'rtllliin In a mm I Kilnsi.iklng and ohllliiglinilliel.

'f h lirriuau lmik f It lllsliop, CaptainWolleia, aitlved yealenlay, ifii da) fiomllieineii, ronslgiiiil In Messrs llackfrld A Co,wllh a general caigo iiud 17 (iernMii lahorna,Including 8 men, 2 women and 7

I'ala plantation, Maul

Dotlor McKlbbln'ph.eliiiib)iy wassupnHdin lieaslowaway nil lni.uil the ( , (), Willi- -

mine sn Ofhter l'rhll-- i went afiri andMm, The mini olliici raughl a

on boaid the Maty Dodgr anil tChinese ditto ru build Ihe Calallna,

In ihr siiptcme couil last Ms.ntl.iy ihe full

roiirl cmiflrnicd the pirvious judgment ofJudge Austin hi Ihe case of I'diiinnd am!

Unit, is, I It II Knpu et al, Allkecon-(i- i

Hint Ion was made in Ihe mallei of ChiefJustice Ituld'a pirvious decision In nfC. Afong v, Chun Tung Afong r als,

It It i an "they ay"tliat enieipilslngoprator has seemed and "sailed away" $70,- -

In siller cerllficalcsfor which he Jiope

hlldren Lpleasui. 'I'wcnly ago W,

Ihe case



In obtain gold from the government oil Decern-he- i

1st, Another, has put away $0,ooo am!several other nte holding smaller sum for thesame puipose. Of couisr Ihe ceillfiratrs pre-

sented must Ih-- of ilenmulnallons ovei len do-


It is most peitlncnlly suggested by fiiendof Ihe Guide (hat ihe government ought toerect shear leg at one of it wharves for Iheplacing in position 01 temoviil of holler andllie inachint i of local steamei. At presentmany of th local vessels an- - sent to the coastbecause nf Ihe expense and Inconvenience ofspcciall) erecting sheet Itg. There are few

cities of Honolulu's comiiicrci.il Imoiancethat arc without permanent hoisling apiaralus.One capable of hoisling 50 Ions Is needed here.

If any one cares to sec a busy sight, let lilmlook in .11 llie bank today. Thittydwu bain;

of Mexicans came In last Monday, chief!)

from the other islands, each bag containing$500, and much nioic came in yesterday, allof which ha to be counted. Occasionally"once in an Infretpiency," as Mr. Gilflory

says- - the bank clerk's life is not a merry one.The reason of this sudden rush is the facl thaithe Mexicans inusl be exchanged for s

liefoic the end of this month or not atall, and (he does most of ihe exchanging.

The Ceylon and Ihe Catalinn gnl away yes-

terday afternoon, the former wilh 160, thelatter wilh 101 Chinese passengers. Theseemigrants go home to spend theirwealth in the acquisition of wives find othervaluables'." Ceylouihe'sgentBfutnish only fuel and water. An enterprisingChinese caterer put up Ihe requisite bunking andagreed lo furnish" rice, pig. lea and otheressentials of Chinese dietary. for $14 .1 head.The passage alone was $15 a head, TheCeylon may go on to Hoston with a cargo andmay return lo this iort.

King Lunalilo and Judge li have been theonly Hawaiians tn bequeath anyof Iheir property 10 charitable or religiousobjects. In Judge li' will II was providedthat of the income from his prop-

erty should lie devoted 10 such charitable andicligious objects as the executor should determine upon. In pursuance of thit duly, JudgeJudtl has set apart from the Income of Mivs li'sestate ihe year ending July 1, iSSt, thefollowing bequests :

I'uitior. and support of Libbie Komoikchueliu. .$l j6 oor.ws ciiurcn. ,...-Hawaiian Hoard of Home MissionsHawaiian llo.rduf Foreign MissionsKawalahao Church


tcoICO (JO


$4l 10

The "Saratoga" Kcsiaurant, al 99 HotelStreet, opened Monday night under the catcr-shi-

of Mr, Kllis Hart. The premises atecool, atiy, neatly ami attractively furnished,and in all respects inviting. The kitchen andstore rooni are detached from Ihe diningsaloon and ptfvate: supper room, and the heat amiodof of conking do not intrude, as is the rulein American restauiant. The representativesof Ihe various newspapers were invited, butonly four resiMindcd t Ihe Flele, the Advertiser, llie Htillctin and the Guide. The dinnerwat a good one and admirably served. Mr.

Sleiner, Mr. Halt and the steward in chargenot fcrgetling hi majesty of ihe kitchen

are tn be commended and congratulated. So,also, is the public, if it shall prove possible tokeep on a ha been lietrun.

The icport wa cutrcnt yesterday afternoonthat Collector-Genera- ! W. 1. Allen, had beensuperseded liy Curtis I'. laukea. The news,il true, will shock not only the business men of

Csbis city, but all who have commercial InterestsIn the islands. And yet, probably none willlc surprised, for it has been evident forsome lime past that a man of Mr. Allenintegiily, notwithstanding his long evrieiicrand ability at the head nf this principal sourceof government revenue wa a galling thorn inIhe side of the administration. It has oftenbernlsscitcd, and this art shows, thai honestand capable men are not what the powers that"tun" Hawaii want. Fraud i held al a

premium in high circles. Consequently cor s

sulk triumphantly through Ihe land.It will suit Hawaii's present pnlicy well for

vry Ironest man to desert her service.

7liNi-aifni- .sjrni-r- MIA,

The C. It. llishop hauls in in lb I'acifiMail whaif locnmineiirrillscluiging.

King Kalakaua has pjicliased tlie I'uaiwa.Mr. T. It, Lucas rerenlly imported lvai for

$45- -

TheConslance ictuincd yesiciday, from heicruise to Hawaii, hut wrnl through raiiovsttfuflcarasjajrtiveis ofTllie hail-n- i, by way of

'" f) r) C'W ocioie coming into rt.

Trr l l ftrewet CV a very pretty lit-

rVjimdet tihe Jajvl; furnace. It Is made o(XiUA walrYta'ajptl lepietcnts lli internal and

lW the furnace so lhal anyone sjh ro'iow ti

.,i.r-w.- . n 'On TuosUyattttniain Ihe dejuituie of fout

foreign vessel, fiom this il, fiom 3 manyililTeienl winivcs. ocrasinnrsl such 1 luituingof line and w arpiuu into .itii.n that the sail

ytftftitsy. T lit pililanr was InlhtfrTtrt lhaltliltr nf the four Alkti w found not guilty

fimt allnrknl a f liln n Nntwmi Avenue11 I Ih flim blldgr, last naiuiday ntghl,llie) sfletssntiW allarkeil a WDUMfl, Ml.

Iillln ilmmmi win In III wftiiMn'a srl-


anr, and wo atlsekrd liy iheiii. Ih lineFieutli- - weir nn

'Ih I'niiHViira nhuliat itMsl lli titaksllope nf I'linrhliowl hliWKiui a lli pumpkin

ilne.aiMl im gietn at I he oiililri( foul, hifImsed llielr Hill holdings on veiy slum trim.Many nf limn Mvr lliwarl In lirlr.lic, If ralyInstalment air obulmihle, Atmoil all nf Idem

at m, In dtfie In niich,ie lln-.i- l holdings,1he lw ilniionilialnl Iheii rapidly foi Im

proilin; the Will Hiidei illsfntiraglng rliruinitaiuil and II I lo the) will lit arrntded a Inner in aequlie lute

I h alliMllon hi th 1 iisloui hottsr It fol

low Mr. Allni was iiotlfinl of MluiilrrUnpens ' wish foi hi imlgnnlinn on T'iipxljy,Ile did tint einl In lit rlgiiallnii a was sd- -

veilltnl by 1 Ifirtl notlrr Imi will pinlnthlytin so 'I he law My lhal Ihe king, by

mid wllh Ihr consent of Hi iilryrounil,tbi!llopimlnt a tollable lo ) mllcelor-geii- -

rial, who shall hold iiffitr iluiiug Ih king'

for yraia I . was




made mllectnt general by Kninthimehi V.

lit Id office during lhal king' pleasuir, timing I.uiialll'i' plrasuie and, until now, duilngKalakaun a pleasure, For a manifest wonder,the ptrsriit king' pleasmr ha (In lliitcompaiallvely u,lainl lnvianre) the plentuicnf Ihe entire inercinUle cnmiminlly, Hut llirieha (.0111 a kink In Ih kings pleasitic a

twltl of th all ixiwciful (iibsrin wiisl am!

the king's schoolfellow amiis lellred for iluuhle puipvse lo gel laukfi011I of Ihe foirign office (lliercby gelling Webb

nioic Ihoroughly ') and tn icplacr lit I he cut'loin limine Mr, GllsonV fiiend Hemlry , Thegentle Cuill iloesn'l like the "gentle racket"

so say hi friend, Hi fine diplomat!mind pirfci hi t in llie foreign offic lothe exacting position of head of ihe customs'department. Hul Mr, Inukra hat always beena Mi Gibson, In a tense,he has lcen check um him because lie wa

an intimate" nf the king and could I'll him thoseof Mr. Gibson's schemes lhal fell mulct hi

notice liefore Mr. Glbvm wat ready lo havethem (old. So Curtis was sent abioad lo get

him out of the way, and now, for Ihe tameieasf,u, he Is given Ihe fat billrl of collector- -

general provided he will takecaicof Mr.friend, Mr, llrudiy, Cuills is kicking

his friends say. He Is willing lo be collector- -

general, if he mint, but he doesn't w ant to IwsjiI- -

died wlli a man whoiiiMt, Allen keplaslongashe ioslbly could and retain Id

a man whom he befilened when Ihe man had

no friends here; and whom he defended againstany and every allack until his eye were ihoroughly opened. The apxiintment of so inex

perienceei a man a laukea, ami Ihe reappoint-uirn- l

of a man like Hendry (a virtual headwithout Ihe check of a chief like Allen) opensthe door for every specie of irregulailly. Ifthe king cares still further in goon record as

the entire mercantile eoiumunily, so he

St. Hut soler second thought may orii theking's eyr to Gibson's little gmie anil he may

see his way to winliack alittlenftheprerotjilivewhich Gilescm has usurped.

I'rlilnu, Srplrmhrt Hill:There were only livo ariesls last night, one

Inebriate and one reckless diiver.

There were eleven new mcmliers elected tothe V. Al. C. A. ranks last eveninu,

There are plenty of skipjack (Imnitos), bigrrrl liltlr, iicm in lit mwrkel. -

Kamakaahoa, the native house

mover ami dismantlcr of old hulks, died sud

denly.ai the premises known as Kapuukolo,on King street, near the bridge, last Wed-

nesday night.

The chamber of commerce met yesterdaymorning and unanimously passed resolutionsendorsing Collectors Allen's sdministration ofthe customs department, and expressing themercantile community's displeasure at Ihe con-

templated rtmoval.

The king requested the resignation of Collector-gener- Allen yesterday afternoon, which

was according sent him, though it is not knownthat any meeting of the privy council has beenheld to apiKiint Mr. Gilison's nominee at thelawful successor.

A lot of current quartern, $1,000 in value,

was lefusetl at ihe lieasuiy yesterday, on thespecious (or "special specie") pica that thenew currency law does not mean what 11 says

or. in other words, that Ihr tteasury- - department is a law unto nsclf.

Tlie haitmr present a depressingly tranquilappearance just now, with aliout all the coast

Ing fleel alisent and the three merchant vessels

in port all lying at, and adjoining, the Pacific

Mai! whaif. This situation render ihe Con-

stance, the only vpiate-tigge- i in the hailmr, a

relief In the eye.

Tlie native "oio" banana ought to be moreextensively cultivated than it is at present. Ifcarefully wrapped in paper while yet firm, andallowed In fully ripen, 10 "mellow," the skinwill crack open, so that It will peel off

when the piper is removed, leaving within adelicious morsel, nne that might well makePomona's inouih walci.

The Ilutlclin pokes fun at the AdveitiveiVmusical ciilic, terming the latter an "amateurcritic, Mr. eslield Is one of thebol knownmusical critic San Francisco lias ever had. Foisome year he ilidmusical criticism fur the I'ostunder Ihe signature of i. Ianplay, ncighlior. Il would I "real mean," now,if sonic iinrshoultl call Mr. may- la)loi an"amateur reporter."

Mr. Webb--he of the Aucklaivdiaii lecord,and foreign office flavor has gone back lothe Titer staf- f- at least "suggestively." ThusMr. Gibson (through Mr. Webb, through theTiser) U(on Mr. Allen enfutcml letlirmcnt t

. "wliile Colonel Allen u a most

able and intelligent office! lie hasnol been in accoid with the government. "Why, blc you, sweet Mr. Webb, innocentMr. Gibson, gentle Titer, how could he be inaccoid with the goveinnienl, and, al the tametime, I an "able ant! intelligent orrtecrt"

Hotel Stttcl, on both sides of Nuuanu, issight lo behold o' eaily 1110'ning. Alout si

u'tlock the native salt vendeis gather at the

sidewalk of the one of the two comet gin mills

ncvint Fori Slieet. Heside them, fiirthci on to-

wards Foil, arxlon llie npotile sidewalk, gJtheiChinese fowl peddle!, wilh duck ami chickensht baskets and eggs In tin On theMUunaks-- a tide of .Suiunu the fruit arnl

Vegetable ixstdleis, half a bundled of them.

Iheie lest hejHsl with all the"standard" sort 'f "ganlen tiuek," lineare melons gieal, s

aivl goklot ranlakKipe. Unfortu-luitl-

llie fiuit supply, so fai as the HotelSurcl "oin market "goes, ends with melons,

Hul, ssi (ai ait goes, the tight i worth getting

up rally to tec ; and, apiuicnlly, the catlyhousewife might tin wchc In hei maiketlinthan vivilthe of Nuuanu and HotelSt 1 eel t say fiilf after turirix.

lit Inlrfretlrrf l.tllrvAl.uil Ih rrvilril plarr In llonnhihi I Ihr

O, s S to, dock The wind wan-let- s at It

llilrtli finm inatika In inakol (begging th

pinln't pjiilnii I) mid ih ilfiught It alvla)tfiesh and almost I uclngsa wlirn lh iluilfiom the a.ljolnlng whaif jwe rrinipaiilIhe Inrrre and illsgiiintlr ihe tlvllor. A l

In ihr lt of ih nflVt on tn tlrainetday I heller limn l In ih linagellitutt. f'imirtly, fate, inrloilrama, sy.ami liageilyslm, at pliyeil Iheielwkr tveiynioiiih, line I fal, tlrrk, niinpUtrnlImiklng f hliir damns meilhaiil, II hassent sway one luindirtl ami lhlily-iil- litwK.hr

and rnniMri ihr hlpmiit wild tslltfartloiiII Krs rjtit ami ihne roinr in, wear amiheay fynl, a I'otliigKe OHipl all,) llir I woclilldirn, a Ihi alwl nine, 1 giil i,rniirnllyllitflrrn. 'Ihry ir Intnul for ibal iKr4 allurInn nf 111 Dora-bin- - f allfmnU wlm iheywill find riot Irtt hard will awl no t;ret'i

rilbllill of "grtllri mi," In lhal close Mlijjgt i nalrib rw, ii it only ih ntM,'man I'llday, turn tn link afier ih' wleker(hairs, llie liunW, itf, M lh iulb arul hifamily, line I liunly planlslUu agio'linking If there was no Udlom 10 fall ful ofllie aogai tnaikei. .Thnegorn a plaiiln, whoown mi esisie norlh 1 'imilel of s millionstilijerl i iiilgjg tid Mhei rlelit 3g.gilIng iiraily half million. He look, liowrirr(

If lie owlie seyeul plantaliont, liftcome an Inkerpei and t piofesloiial fileml ofpublican and tiuiieis, a vrry lis and etteedlngly vntaille young man, capableof gell.lng ihe living Ihe woild owe him,al Ihe etpense of Ids Irs alive ami Its veitaill fellows, Vonder stands one but Jut! a

widow, and by her tide a blide only a few

monlht mauled, ami ntai them lady whowill soon liromei bild. If Ihe widow'sweetl are t wattling thai human hipplnet isan unknown and undetrnninalr, quantity inIhe ualon wecalllifr.thrie I liirouragrnteiilIn the faces of thai old and loving couple whulean over Ihe rail, and wave kindly ftienelltlotheir friends Mow, And now Ihe band be

fin lo play, The rairiagr come more upldline cornrt a man of science fand not far

behind dignified, Kitlh Hawaiian gentleman,also, for Ihe nonce, a man of tclenc, Tlulelderly Hawaiian wllh no end of leltaluul hineck Is ime of tin. few succcttful planters of hisrare. Thai liulr maiden who follows lilm so(eaifnlly wilh just one more love gailani "forUiiclejohn"! one of Ihe prrlliest of half castes.Tlieisfl Ihe mpular little tfatighter of a con-

sul, wilh iihpianl face and lear-we- l lashes, saying goo! h)e 10 a seoieof friends, misses Inlecnt, and young men in iheir twenties andfriendly el.lerlles of ill ages. Their, with a

wreath around hi solid looking thirrsl il anAmerican tliplomal- - the next United SlatSenator from Nevada. And now, alnte Iheha!-- of eager Voices, alene ihe limit of tlieIhe mates, and nimble of ihe wlierli, above eventhe music of the band, ting out Ihe janglingdiscord of llie gong that order the slay. Uhllulton shore. Ami reluctantly Ihey go, and theladder is raited amidships and llie gangwayloosened aft and the last laggard hunies up ilas the shieiking whistle founds foi noo- n- and,acioss the widening chum 'twist dock anddeck, final luck the alohas and Ihe last golIAe. Vours Iwmetlckly.

G. UsilrHonolulu, September Ijtli.

Ihe "real(imio."Kuiiok MoK.siiin Giiinr.-- .Vt Herewith

find tome thoughts of mine anenl the recent"resignation" of Col, W. F. Allen. Shouldany of the iersont mentioned deslie rny name,yon ore at lltierty lo ;ire il.

I,am not, in Ihi paragraph, lo discuis theoutrage Um the mercantile community, inthe remoial of th colleclorgeneialnfcustout;but I wish lo say something llial will impress

uin this community the meanest, Ihe mostdespicable feature of this outrage I refer10 the acceptance by Mr. Hendry of the com-

mission to call uwn Colonel Allen, his latechief, who dismissed him for cause, and tiemand the keys and money of the cuilom-hous- .

N'o person with a spark of inanlincM couldItave done so ignoble a ihing. It is no excuseto say that Ministers Gil-so- and Gulick asked.Mr. Ilendty lo do sn. If anything could makeso mean an act laser, it it the willingness totlo the spiteful ditty-wor- of such a contemptable pair of creatures.

Dear reader contemplate, wilh equanimityif yon can, the conduct of Major GulicL.Jfotni-erl-

a comrade officer wilh Colonel Allen, Imtnow trying to fill the office of minister ol inte-rior, in sending a discharged employee of tliecustom-hous- to demand of Colonel Allen thekey snd money of thai institution. Aman would suppose llial the major could hardlylook a brother man in the face after suchan inisoldicrly act J but, (o those of us whoknow the rcrditl of ihe major as clerk of theinterior department, this crowning act of turpitude is nol surprising. Villi:.

Telet4H le.

KtilTOK MoRM.sc Guide Xir: In thecolumns of a conlemorary are published Ihereductions in monthly talcs for the instrumentsof the Hawaiian 'Hell Telephone Company.As a suliscrilier thereto 1 duly appreciate llieconcession, as it means $2 less ei month for

my telephone. Hut as a stock-holde- r in ihenew company it represents the handsome return of two pri cent, a month nn 1117 investinctil of $100. In other words my $100 inthe Mutual, has helei lo bring about a usingl me of $3 per month which is equal 10 a dividend of two per cent () a mom h on theiar value of my slock. A MUTUAL.

Foi want of fulids to lemove llie stone-ciushing apparatus from Kanioiliili 10 a newfield of tocks nearer Diamond Head and ex-

tend the HeriUnia-Slree- t railroad thereto, thwork of preparing load metal has been sus-

pended till the lieaiuty becomes in bettercondition. In the meantime, the workmen'snaps have been brought in and roost nf thmep dischaignl.

For four weeks, beginning tlie politeattentive and experienced cleiks of Mr. GooKim's Nunanu-siiec- t wore will hold a levee, at

which they will assist an appreciative publictq lniy itself rich. Theie will I told girilhaigains In all line of ladies, gentlemen's andchild ten's wear. Au4 J aJm lilt Itiiraft ytur 1 itiltnl alltnlitH., t ' il . . L 1


rlVucUou fta(t0.



I ant latitudes' lo safer si Put-b- e Aaciicw,

MtiyilJ V, HKfTKUMKH ttu,l,

al is a'tWl lusat, u a tatetfetx.

tWi ferula tics tsf wkai It tkit iWtt9, sm Ituwutl't ist.iaf it UnJ ta . I

Iki.tl, l;. ,a,a Ji,U4m(J1.s. "Kksosw.k.tuuUliUttiiiallL, kdilliU t.is.Ms

let A, a hl at as la As & )P t. 1; j Urwul,(j katwu ikuko a le tluu) aLsit, iu Ve tla FJuS W h K jT ' W Si lafsul, & to" W ,.Sal, atula, ask ifl Ataaeu N jr W lllUfmlI,U. as It SAleua kr.su.La .V fs L ui lasal 4





h 2V .

I- Vs. y.lts' il - fi. G


Page 4: Saturday Press, - University of Hawaii...brought me to this thai thelife of savage is w oni tienciitent one. iK'cn'in the light oi todays teachings nspirntiou lakes on a new version,

IA,I l

' sV



run r.nri.r max ih rii rirMwnt r.

Tnti linniltmt jef kk"! 1mol at llio

rrjr moment wlimt III solitlorti wctn pn

irxing HlrMlNttirft, III 1M ftotrll nlrultsiout (mm l'oiilalnlilrn ! IaIsp iwtvInn In wron of Ms linw rniiincnl.

Tint tlsjr Wliiri llil Is l f, mi llm

Will of Hiilfmlwr, ICHI J.oiils XIV.Iitil rvnnounrrtl to lilt mml, In tint

nf o Merman Amlmanmlnr, HintIi liait insitn lip III Uilllil In K1' I" Hlrns-luillr-

Ill tinier to rrcrlrn llm (mill nf

frahjr wlilcli llm treaty of N'imofpifiRKTPlilm tliprlRlit lit tuael from llm oily. Itwits n --mift itf thtalrt mill no mlslnVn,

lint linw lm''iio.l II Mint Dirt Kllip; niun nfll Itifiirm! aa lo ilie-- actus.! pntiiH

lion ill atTnlr. nt mi illMiint n piiliil 'Well, tlin story run as follow a

Dim (lit MlnlitiT Iwmilsiit for n yoiiiiK man who liml Ihmi

rrromniimilttl lo hi rooiI nrnee, nl"'til "Hlr, jdii will Rt't into n xwt

(rrlfo wlilrli you will flint nt my iloor.My servants Jinrn eiaet ttintrtiotftiiiflwliat toilo. Yon iUII pnx-n'- il lo JIaIdwithout Mopping, nml you will tmolithorn nlsonl 3 oVIooU. lo morrow, Vim

will iiroefetl Immoillnlely In thn lirliltfe,which mwi llio Hliltin, Yon will

thorn until I o'olivk, You willivtrefnlly 1101110 nil Hint you nmy sentlirro. You will limn ngnln fjet Into thnearriafro ami, willionl losing n mtniilo,

111 mtiirn nml renrt lo mn nlml yourosy liititi upon,"

'1 ho young innu Imwi'il ntnl atnrlotl ntonoo. Thn ilny after, nl 3 o'clock, horrnohoil Ilnln nml nt 01100 hnntcunl lotnkn up lid station on tho lirllgt.Nothing rilrnonllnnry attrnrleil hit ntlimlion. It M market-tiny- , ntnl soniucaants worn jinming ntnl ropniulug,

bringing s.egetnlile.1 nml Inking hnok

thoir empty earl. A nqunil of mllillnpimpd. Townsfolk crossed tho lrlls,Ulklng of Ilia Haws of thn tiny, nml n

little mnn, wearing n yellow oont, lennrtlmcr tlio nilHng ami nmnscil )ilmlf byilropiiug ttotioK Into tha wntor, an If tocrentc circling million, which howntchoilwith n nntiiiuVil look. Tour o'clock

truck, nml thn Mlnijlcr'n mraiwngurtnrlcd on hln return to I'nrin. Very

lata In tha ocning Iho young mnn,greatly disappointed nt llm rcnult of liinmiitoion, arrlol nt thchounoof IouroiH.'I1in Miiiiitorwiw still nwnkonnd rimliodlo noo hl protcgp,

" Wlmt did you hpo?" ho nuked." I nnw pominntH going nnd coming ; n

Uftd of inilitin pnBued over tho bridgo ;

citizenx who walked nlong dicuiug thodn' nw, nnd a littlo nmii wenrlug n

yellow cont, who wnn nmiming hiumollliy dropping ntoncn Into tho wntor,"

Tho Miniitcr lmd hennl enough, nmlho hurn'od to tho King. Tha littlo manin yellow was n ecrot ngent, nnd thehtonei dropH3l Into tha water n u

Ignnl thnt nil difllcultloi hnd lcon overcome, nml tlint Htrnibourg boloiiged tollrnnce.

ES 0 VIM A VX MO II AIM A .VZ1 1IKAV1VSpcnking of nmuhcmentit MiggciU tin

lntot Required riilizcd viro nmoiir-th-

Iqulmftux whichkiiowlcdga they hnTcncipiirednlongwitother qurntionnlila things from contactwith tho whido-ruen-. i I tho stoppin ,

plnces moit frequented by whnling Miff

wohnvohoon nnked fov piny f

and tho women nhowed 110 nicety i 1

their mornli. An & rnlo thoy nro nnything but fnscinnting. In fact, I h.a

eccn but one n woman who enmonbonrit Cupo I'rinco of Wnlos who migl

pprhnps hnvo been g

11 wnrm bath. 8ho wn totedIm1Io, nnd by wny of m.ui

testing this fact.nho received from nppr.rintivo blue jnkoU uumeroui chuelunder tho chiu with tho Kanio nir of yral-iflp- il

vnnity that a popular beauty ilof.1!

(uo attention of half n dozen jouug til-Iw- k

at gcrmnn. To add to their npulslveness, tho females tnttow their'hlnn; their dress is of tho iumt nnbcoming style, nnd tho smoky, cct.ioeafluby jerfumo diffused through theatmosphrn in their immedmte victniivts anything but hgrecnble to rifini'iotwtrils. Cor. Xcw York llemUl,

Airi:ttriMa ra. tiitujuiKiis.During the liait fw yenra thero his

been a manifest change ou tho jiart ofwholesale nicrchtviits in tho appreciationof tho valuo of travelers as comparedwith nowspiper advertising. A (Inn ofheavy dealers in Cliiiigo, nliout throeyears ngo, dispcnsct! with its drummer,and, for tho purposa ot i'ieriment, ex.jxiuded tho amount of their annual oxpeujciin (ulvcrtisitig, with such excellentrciult as to cauid thera lo do away withdiuiutncra altogether. Other firms iuMirloui parti tf tho country are laid tohavo done likewise.

Tho cost of "druminera" U enormousIt is stated that tha weekly cost ol theonimticial traveler of New York citylone for railway fsrea and hotel 'bills

ncvttU 8.500,001. Add to this theiralantw, whioH nro not lea than 4&00.-00- 0,

and it will bo una that the annualcost of drummer) of that one city U

310,000,000. jThe Mkmo propor-tii.tiat- o

cost prevails throughout thecountry.

MorclnuU are Iwgiiming to see thattho ruiuIU do not justify this outlay,and Hint the method", of competition ofmany Jrummorn nro such that the in-

tent U of legitimate trad' kineii would bebi widl, II not belter, secured by newspa-l- r

ruhtr tiling, ami at much less uiHnse'fliouew papcr nowadays r.aohes everyhousehold aud ovvry doaler, aud ad.dressos thoussuds, where tint eummor-1- ,

traveler addrcstea one, a fact that isliving apprecUtsl mora aud more everytUr ly uifie'iiints, wholesala as well asfUt).-r- br .V.iifrA I'Mvator.

Dx Makcii h3) tht)Uot cura (or lira-liric- a

l todltiharga the) aenraut ylrLlu hi opinion thvro is uoUilug likeLltk kjik-Im-j and usqIu! occupatioti tuaivii tliu nt r out ttm (rum hccumini;uattuu(. Hoiuu cuiu Uibk the;ouut a phjfciciun, ho iya, wheu theynull uiud a serubbiig hrush.

Is tho retjular army ot Veuczuehttl.rru aru 80,000 QiueraU aj.d ahvu'.U),ty uiwu, 'I list U tu ay, out Oi'iicnutotMiuM. Iu a grurl way thutaruiyU Uut uuhku our uaty.

Inoiiriiiitt flollcco. Jttcdt.u.iciil.

AMnurm-MAnnnnur- rtim insur.H anra Cotninf nf UamtitirtA lAfitbR At AW

n4tttl tgrtlnM I tr tm Iht html UnA Urmi. 1

I5 pMIf ftf lUllll),

lit )wv InMttnr lwpintf. h f1til iftMAl AftMV Kfr. aMhl I h IWfilr4t(afltvL tlnftl

mmi f4H 11 m


A lk mh tm lit

IitUn llrtri) o( Urt.litltft,V(tnn IMiiiInf UnlfwMt'r

f, it IItaw(Un 11 ml.

LLOYD MAIMNfl INilUUANCRGnUMAH Cftitnnr of Itiilin

ll .. - L Il..l..l1.uI no ft i fM iiHnninrii .tmptinf Minimiinmmwn'r nihoH.t In ul KUV lnl ih tUnn'M ( th

5 llh mat ifMiMM( 11, rl wt lh iihn( tvrmmtnn inina.

HAMnunn.mu.MnM.'HmiMHunANcnr 4 si. HA RfhR V C,AGhtiTS

Ih AtNtva ntM hvta !n titnU(I uttnt of iMt)Mny r i4Afril hi rntm tlit Aftnl ftr mi

(nn nml HrkK ImiMtnt anil cm MnthanilU M.!tKrrln, on ill nvrwt frfiiM lrim I'pr (taftfciiUdafffNi htt-,n.-

I'tMK INSUKANCnT Cnmpan of llnmhim,HUKw;t,n xt Attmi

( 4 pi a! ft.rtl IUJtv HHimlk 6,rn,nIhur li iimiTumw LtHnMini4 ini,5i,iwPet! Hf(cltBMiri ijt6y,ana

ne aBi if lh l)v Cointwinr. Otf lUwalUnf irpi'l la Irum Itullitm-ji- , (urnlimf,

MortttBtfalUn ah, I lnfitlir. MfKlillM'tV. tlC. aI1 UueTand Kltt Millt, athl trtt1 in lN hatl-t- r a?atn( lmor iUma(4 by ftra, rwt lh moi fanintlt Urmt, t


ii it.nnK c , Aat.vrs,lAirtt, !iitfrl nml mii l.VoHOHilr.l? I.lff

liiiiriilir"fiiijiiii' i the llnrhl, 'CASH ASSETS OVER for.ooo.ooo.For futltifr Informaltun rontrrnlnf tli Cmnpanv.

ami tot iale r Inturanr apply dl ihe AiCenit, or loJ K Roliitln AB'di i

OnTM.OnMAN FIRR 1NSURANCRN Company of Hammitx.It HACKf-KU- V t., AGKVTS.

Capiial ami Kfrvc Ktichimaik 8,830,00.1llieir K innuranfciuoniiwnifi, " ,twi,an

lift Aftrnu of lit t Comjwn), for tU HawaiianJiriilti. iirtdrel la Intura llnlMinirv rurnltltrr.; - . . .. ..... r '

MrrrharHiiM ami iTtxiucr--, Aiacinnrr). rtc. also tisram! Kk lilU, ami t In lh liarUtr, a(Int loor tlam4se by lue, on lit ntot favoraM trnn.

RITISII FOURION MARINR INSUR- -B ance Lorn p any, (Ulinlifd)

THhO. II DAVIKS AGRSTlha above asrnl bait received Iininiitoni to te

duteth raiei vf Inttirincc Ixtwecn Honolulu amiI'ort In th IScific, Ami t now prepared In Itie polltn at, Ihe lowest rates Ith a upecUl reduction onirrtgiu ter itratntii, ?


KTafMitaD 1836,

Vnthnltnt Uithlllttj In .Stockholder.Aiseti .$11,136,100Keierve. . 6,750,000

incomk ran 18791

Premhimt rfcelved after deduction of reIniuranco . $ 528,a9S

txe prom4ly adjuttetl and paid here. t

RNGLAND MUTUALLIFE INSUR.NRW ance Company of 13 on ton.


lscoRroa.TKp 1835.

The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurancecompany in tne unitcu states.

t'ollrtm Ttniinl on themoMt Favorable TrmKYAMrMC Or NQK POKntlTURR MAN !

Intttred age 35 j ear ordinary life planAnnual premium continue Policy a yean, 3 days

a Annual premium continue Policy 4 years, 11 '3 Annual premium! continue Policy 6 years, a? "a Ar.niiki nremiu mi continue Pottcv 8 vears. ao '5 Annual premiums continue Policy 10 years,s6 '

Loii paid throueh Hnoluolu Agency, $40,000


Agents for lh H.w.lUn IiUnJi. i


C 'BKII'KK & Co..

Agents for the HawslUn IiUnJi.


I incorporated 1875.

foreign ,3lbbcrtiocmtnts.


t Caufohma St., Cau, (Room No. 4 )

1r.11r.1r. 1.v coxivi. .t- commismioxJlertluiHt. 7




Uruernt CommttMlon Agtnt:SpIaI attention giiea to ihe purctiaMng of good for

the lU.auan trade, trclrht at lomet rateft.

(General Jlbbcrtiemcnts.


Prmottoul Druggtsta,

iij KO 115, FORT STREET,

"... tr ,iv

Ueot for

aoKticKB . tcfttrrk's csiasaATin iiourcnpaTinc


HUkMetXfr't IVrwin



T A I N E Co-

llate A'l.ar.s itocw op ins


Mch cffeicd at the


and diLtf ltd fiet to any tort of ibe tity,

Aftfttt for tlte

I'Htlflr .Mutual ll Itinintiirr Co.


"As..uWotU HOOVER lEUrilONI.

Conmluloocr cf Dxdt fur lU Sue J Caltforaia.

". I

ILLU'IIONK NO 14; itt-l-



Job Printing- - Office,


(Mftthanl ltflf)


Tha Highest Styl of 1pocrstphla Art

















LaCl suid( aWrosmtU Blanks,LAIIELS,



lli. atovr. In tonntctlon with tht long tvlalliihd

Btwh-Btadtv- x, Papr-KullB- a; '&lamk Back MaBfartar7i

Fnatl sk uiulenicncj lo lay claim lo cotnoctcncy

in all tUpartmrntt, at tach U umlcr th car. ot

.ptilrmcj wotktnm.

Tk SUtlasarr DssvriaaBt

Will carry a lull lin. of iccutin IIUANKS

A all dftcrittlon or Cjt ftal zim ot tUu ol

HUnl lloAj, lit aJJltwn to tk utulMl auartnicnt of

CoaaircUl, L.jal and Oak SUUontrr,

AUonlcnfUIJuU)r aiifad.4to aiul your patroaas

.l(i(ullr KJrtUtJ. THUS. 0,TllKt'U(

HwAollitu, IL 1 !

Ccncriil JllilicrUociiicnlcf.


Ilm0t, II I

Wsnld rail itlanllon la Hull t,it andtail'd .tl.Kli of


Clinlllm af tti nmltM Puis

lU'viilthm Wow,

I1 Multti. Suit lliiatrrt. and I iiimwlnf P6,IU. fuel l'l-- all tftet PUnel, )t CtltlK

v.lrtfl, Dill IVl)lt,

John l)fiarAs Ohiik flows,

Platurn' llrt nf (It it male

ihsstonv cn,i:iiR,rr.i) Case Rnivw

made lo ortler. AiW SnoveU an-- l Jfinl,(Unlen IIom. Canal lUrrowt, 0

Mown, YfjLtft Chaln, Fence(.fiiln.

Sugar Mitt Requirements.


Cuntbrlud Coal,

Sperm Oil, Cyliniler. Lardami KeroAenOil, Per feci

Lubrlcatori. I lumWuo, Albany Oreate. UUitW and

b ant J, riles, alUifeiamtItlnJv Steam 1'acWtnK. FUl

and Hound India Kulbef,and Soap Sion.

Max I'acWInr;, India KuuUr low, )i to i Inch, 1'ipet

and Coupling, Kuu andW.uliri, finithed. .Machine

llolli, all ilre, Cold prettdllUckmlih'ft,hngi"ran'l

Carpenter' llamaieri, 1'ipoCutleri, Winche, Blncn to

4 inch, AnviU, Vices, 'I ulwScraper, OrindMonet, Ilet

American liar Ironand 'lootSteel, Uutlder Kardwarfi,

all kind and tilet, Hubbuck's I'alnts and Oitt, raw

and lioiled. Small Paint InOil, In (art variety, Vty

I'alnti, U mltr, Veiieinn,Red, Ochre. Metallic. &c,

Whitlnj, Oerman Windowat'td ilie. .Manila Kope

Staple Groceries,No. i and j Hour, No. i and s Rice,Crushed Sugar, China and Japan Teas,Oysters, Clams, Salmon, Lobsters,Finest Table Fruits from the Factory-Pur- e

English Spices, Condensed MilkCocoa, SPECIALTIES: The 1'at-ftr- e

JtVrojtPH' Of Helton'trifuyal tAninyt 14 Inch. HubbrrMprlHff and Cattwa Jimkit just athand.Blake Steam Pump Valves, Pack,in if. c, Blake Boiler Feed, Juice orMolasses, 1 rrtffattng & Vacuum Pumps

Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete.


California Hay, Barley, Potatoes. HindiSalmon. Hams, Atbctoa Mixture for Boilers

anil Strain Pitu. vmrv chran. rence Wireand Staples, Galtanired Roofing


Wilcox and Gibb'i Automatic; Singer ManufacturingCompany, Assorted: Remington Company, Y amtly;Wilson Machines, the best assortment to be found,and at Hot torn Prices.

New Goo by every arrival from England, Nework and San Francisco.

1 Nw Trotlon Engine, power.

Orders from the other Islands filled at Best Rates andwith dispatch



Kino Stkeet, HoNntLii'

Would Lee to notify tha Public that they

hat lust received a shipment of the famous


Any person whhInk!tODUrihaMasewInCDUrhin.

X?Id do well lotiamint them. ,


a nuraVer of superior

Double-barr- Breach-loadlo- Shot Cutis,

Wlachcsttr Rifles, Kenoedr Rifles

Parlor RIBes,

Smith A WIsson Revolv.n.

A lull auortment of CARIHIDOES, brass and(aier shell ; and bportuncn'a Geueral bupptlcs.

UT Call and .aamln. our Stock I

llavine in our employ a fvrstUu Lock and GunSmith. w ar prepared to do all Mods of rcpau log In s(intIass manner and on short notice.

MeirlMg .WiirAliie. rrflirt4 and OnrW

And all kinds of Iron Wurk mad. and repaired.ijKt,


Wt have 011 hand a full supply of Galvarajtd irontripe, nttiofs also of Hra inds for water and gatfromM to I ioche inclusive whkh U be sold atreasonable ica Lsilusatea given on (dam of pipstork fur water, xaa or ueam. On hand at all tfoSanitary Good at foiltw 1

JMAf ula, n (MarUe and EuahhUJ),

Mtnka, Murqu Hlap $iowr, Wuttr

7ae. Hutt Vipr, Lead,

rw riyt Tvk,Kt , X ate.

OrJtiiin thUf.M will tecelve priK at not Ion,

a, BtunxuTM a oo.,, Nti'axi! ahu MsaoiaNr Sis. '

(Ticncr.tl Ibbcrllocmcnlo.


Ofa fr Ait (Metrivitf the Karl

"MAUTIIA thll'W ,

jtHt artv.l, Oi flldl ftit of Mrlfin.lfie

Or t'ttfI tttfit 'rirria Wayon,

ritrnlntt tof C,trrlttJ"l

f earn Coal,

CutnhrttttnA (Uftttt

n 1: turn k. i nth,Cftmnrtn Wood Chstri


Hnt Il.rraj HK,Wi,

UK St S ,


trt Cliesli, No, t, 5, and 3.

Ifv Handl,sAntti, tdb Una.

Means, jth. Tins,

KptHfe I'UfiVt,

May Cm I'M, No, f, and jfAstt rtteate,

tulrhtint,' Mnitr, ,n. 7, f, IO,ll, UI''J

I attir lulling,

Centilfunol Unlngs, 14 Incites,

om position Nallt, i Inch and cli

Mimmotti Horkeri,

Rales Kxcelslr,

Manila Cordage, Assoited,

r.Kcelttor Mattreses,I

(Jalv. Fenr Staples,

Farmer's Hoders, ?o and 15 Coils

Sisal Kope, Aorted

A.li I'tanks,

Dump Harrows,

Aine' Shovels,

Yellow Mrtal Sfirithtnt,

Hair Mattresses,


RuUer Hose,

Hide Poison,

Haib Wir,

Refined Iron,

Annealed Fence Wire

Galv, Screws and Wadie

&c, Vc &c


Have just teceived an ,

IuTolce of New aud Dealrmble GoodSuited to the wains of this marlcel,


JrutttUr's IturtUvat,Mechanist Tool,

and a Rood line of

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM ENTSWe would call the special attention

of Planters to our

Vatrnt Joubtr Mouttt Hoard llnetwhich has been pronounced the best of

the kind ever used In this countryWe have also received a

new lot of the


lo. 17, 14 In., uhirji are giving perfect

satisfaction whereser they

are used


The endless variety of goods which

we are now constantly re-

ceiving are now being



Dillingham ot Co


Has juM received per Mariposa and other late arrivals:

Whittiker Srar Ham, Dreakfasl Bacon, CaliforniaCream Cheese, Fairbank's Lard, Table rruni. Pie

Fruits, Cranberry Sauce, Anncar Sauce, .SaladDressing, jams and Jellies, IVkles, Olive

Oil, Comet and Oolong 'lea, J Holes;Enitlish Ilreakfast lea. 5 Boses;

Japan lea, boned Chickenand Turkey, Curried

t owl, urouedt-tucae- n

Roast Chicken,Crushed IndianMeal, American

Ilreakfast Cereals,While Oats and V heat,

Buckwheat Flour and MapleSyrup, Graham I lour. Oat Meal,

Corn Meal, Wheat, Corn, Barisy,Potatoes, Cube, Powdered and Graou

laled Sugar, Fresh Spices, Fish Chowder,Clam Chowder, Atrnores Mine Meal, Palace

Kerosene Oil, Crackers of all kinds, c, 4c, fc, &l

rraalt Ortmast CoVm snr D.LEAVE VOUR ORDERS, OR KINO UP

r.LSrtlONB Ka 110.







Just d fiora Huetlaod. Or(on. by

CAST 1.1 4 COOaUut

Tmm Flab cm b ftl4 upo a FUH-Cto-

Cjcucntl bucniocincnlo. 6cncr.il bbcrllocmcnlo.n


isrnn ntr .irrnsint.s' or tun

nnijo a tottxrnr Mr.htui.iyi

fi partiafttUr, toihU jrt bM

filled isMotlniefit vf

hixmiono'.y vr.itnwr.tt v,

JBI flvl, 'lht H .tlnlij,f.

l I tin flnM lfurrt. Is ll,f

wSfM, All A ofi. 'U.ttly,

Orrat atlty iA otot ily)t

an.1 irflrct, li

C.llulolil Truassfi.)

(Illl.ail anJMl')

Hurtrloal Inatrumont.,

Pbotograpbars Huppllaa

and lit. lafffM ami hwm toin'ltc ttHl( cl




rvrrtrift In tlilt i Ingilotn, a

lrj Involc ol


dliect from Furopf, fle from

and or dirt, Aif'nil tor .


Pharmaceutical Preparations


Patent Medlclu.a,

llorieford Acid Phoiphates,

Green's August Flower & German fjyrup,

Allcoclt Porous Plaster Co ,

Murray & Lanman's Florida Water

Yetba Duena Bitters.

OLLISTER & CO.,Hare also Proprietors and Manufac

faCturers of the celebrated

Kheurrutic Liniment


Agents for Wm. S. Kimball & Co'

rrayrttut Vanity fair,

Toharro a$ut Ctttttttwhich have no rivals. The

largest assortment of




has alwas been recognircd as the

best in the mart el.


being manufactured from our own

private formula in f

"New York.'


Stoppered bottles as desired.






We have rcrcKcd a furtive consignment of

.Vetera. Mtrrrt,l Watson Jt o,'a Machinery

And have nov on liand. ready for delivery

One Triple Effect, on handsome Iron staging, coniaminf

3,41$ square feet of heating surface, stub Tumping

Engine and discharging Monijus, complete.

One I ouUe. Effect, having 9,990 square feet of heating

surface, with Hngine and Monljut.

One set of Four Weston's Patent Centrifugals, with

Engine and Miser

One set of Two Weston's Patent Centrifugals.

Itavta Increased facilities for the manufacture of

these machines, (the Weston Patent, for which, a

Great Britain haa c spired), we arc thns enabled lo offer

them at .mamiy reduced prices.

We base a full assortment of Centrifugal spares

linings, brasses, rubber banls and bushes, etc.e

Two Piagonal Knginc. cacb 4 Its, by 11 In.

ClarlneTS. rlat Coolers, I by 6 by t and 6 by by i.y.

One Spare Top Kollcr foe 6 by n in. HOL

One Spare Side Holier for dow do

One Spare lntertnedlale Spur Wheel for gearing of do.

16) tf a W- - MACPAKLANE 4 Co.



la all ihe desirable no tubers.Quill Pens JnncerUn, Cooustercial ad CuUosst I loose


Cross S(krrphic Cens-p- and gU nosiote!-rnnce a t ossntaia :m

Eaule Ca.i Aulosuatk I

. seiweayBQ ureea 1

DIXON, rABEHatsJGRq&SJIKftqill KURTZfemils. No. I to a. AtnsT KsnaSt. IV.wljrUt srt Ma, rusvaM eSssXTMsM

Wacsks alaan or bs 1

ai tuum. 0. tumVM't CiMsschsnt SrssaT asu Fe.T f tun Sroaaa.



A S11IIOUI,Under MllitaT

lx-ai- In l4 UamtfHt villi tf&tn Msle9, m thar Uabfiih.! lis llAf. tttutftn initu-t- tl ittMit.heated by MMm, arnl are Its ety iiy arringed fve theUrffrS July f 4

ror ivrui taformiitot M ff !', fuM ttt.


tmtit mt dlrt tn


And IfulMltiK MeiUl

tA ill MfwU, fust irtvtd, ts )( artsslt, eraUff mwi !! MtM,ld gt A


fAtiijIn, all tlie ususf atk: slet

In Scintlinr;, Tltnbo,

Fencing:, Pickets,

flanks and Hoards.


Seamling, Plane sulfate and rough -I- Ward-sur

fated and rough Uatlciit, IV km, Kutllc.Jtti ind Clapljoardi


All tisel, tJ Eastern and California mVt, m furtale in quairfiit't to suit, at low prices

Alw, ih Stock,






A fine assortment of


1st latMt stjlsw.


Nails, Screws,

Locks, Bolts,

Butts, etc.,



Importers sb4 oealers lo

Cat. IluyuHtlGoods promptlydellvered.

ItlandprJtrtSflicitlJ." a tJMffk are

Telephone No. t;s 4

P.O. Boa t;.

IJS-- lf


Bees to announce Co his friends and the public in ,eneral that thbove Saloon provides

First-CUs- ss sVssiSssiUFrom j a. M., till nr H

The rineit


Clean, Pipesasd

Smoker'. SuudrUa

tOXSTaKTlY OalfiaHO.

One of Brunsw Ick k Balkt's celebrated

BUlUra TsVInIs connected with the establishment, where losers 01

the as. can participate

THB CASINO.at KartokANi Pask

is now open dallv. where Rcfieshmcnts war b had atalt limes on shoal notice.

II. J. KUl.lt, lloasvstor.ir





' UIST1TD llv 10 PlAT'S AMD s) EkCiAV.


Pile, t vrf , 7j pajrs ...n. . .InyoFor Sake St

cITUe. , nsrusM'. f'mH lUrtrl Mfrr.




kTlississWrMsf ssasst Mflrt.umm vuaNiauae sv Twa day ok


jwnum rawrfr4rraiUrKa.

bs osiasnassv, a. Wta.sh.oaV.es"

6ciur.il bucrHocmtnlo.


roit no 'h,y Dlnclpllnc,nVwthWn IVfhe H. H.. si mile, (mm Bf fifnctvt(.e.lih and rmirt ( the itAli. IMr t

addim n. Airi'Fi ur.K HRr.wr.,i.AjJ

RB. THOMAS LACK,MWo. 19 fort RtrMt. HonoUlo,

iHNi.tt. mn mAlt I"


'!(, AH'"""'"1'! "" '""' .!'AnrHI tut til

Whiis .sdl),- - lnr.)(Biirio MewllrW MaWn

H..rd'a la.l,lM K's, all IMi6;kirs Mil, In all cdo ulllart-Mt'- t Xntn 'Ifciea-l- i

UuViO N. I. MaMn Dxi'M,

Mm, Dtmtmfi KtlfoWt Cut 'ar rllonmd miueatifrtis

D'sletln Kirtri,Ksvulvs.s,

riVM.i'ds'MMIrflf (mm,' SHr, FiD, Can,

and MiruUSJ't "-- '''

Kr.mtni'.xr. firm'fcs, ( uii .

R..ii..Mh;n, ltd and OsaKe(aufr'f f.F,,allervloflo. '"




Impotter and Dealer in

KI.K08KMK FIX1URPA.Uiandelieri, lamps, Pendaoti, Ilrarkrt lawps;

0 'I ubular, feuJ. 'I lular, IkaliiiJ boisse,and PotK. Lanterns) N.rse, I'oiket. dTable Larnpsl OVbs,CJiirs, Rell'ctuis,1 amp Holders for

StOVt. AND RANGE- S- Uncle Ua. IloUPatent, HUI.,i, K.a lo," Pert, Ov.la,

Hawaii AMis Almeda Flora.

MISSISSIPPI KANOB-O.v.-ni: C.tir tomen.

FKI.KCII KASOI'A-F- or restaurants, hotels, eevj.ivate reskletues, wilh cewlilwul Lot water

circulating boilers.

WFJTLNHOI.JIS I X L COTLF.KVA hoe assortment of Table, Desert, and lea

Knives and Forks Carvers and ht eels, withplain and ornamental Ivors' hstajes : alsoPocket Knives. Raws. Sliears. Itallvb-h-

and Ladies' fccitvxs, Hread Knives, etuulne, French Coiik Knivee, Itulther and F.Uclll



'lAd'ies' Worktaod P.asket; OfSre, LmsCi-,- ,

Laundry and Market llaskets.

DOORMATS Assorted sut and palterns. rSILVER-PI-ATE- WAKkt

Koeers llrottiers'and Mersdeo Plating Wot ka;Water and Cram Pitchers J 1 able. Desert,and 'lea Knives; torks and Svrmt, byuonHoMrs, Napkin Kings, Uuklreii's Jloei.Pickle and Cruet Stands, Baiter Boats,Card Receivers, Fruit Mandt, Preserr'Disbes.

ACATE WAKL: .Tea Sets, sn part or wboJe,

very neat tnl desirable; plain tickingUtensils In large vanetv.

STAMPFDTINWAKLiklilk Pans. Pudding and plam llauns, JliISc

iloilersj Klce, Jelly, and Mouldsnew patterns tn Stew Pans

SAUCEPANS Enameled and tinned iron,froni J pintto 1 gallon.

JAPANNED WARE! .soiiet sua, lones w, " vw...

Cake, Cash, and Knife Dote.: SputoonsCuspidors, Children Trays.

SCALES: . ... .rairbajiks flallorm, voumer, ana rvnenen


AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS:aloline Ploas, shovels, spades, noes, Kates.

Rice and Manure Forks Oos, Hoe Handles,ltow Handles anI Ueama,


UALDWIN FODDER CUTrERS Three sues K, lH and cut, an A r article.

RUI1BER HOSE:Warranted best grades Sew sorit uandard.

and carbolied. , K. . H. , iririiHot, nottin and sprinklers ftc.

PLUMIIER AND TINSMITHS' MATERIALMseet Lead, a to 14 lbs. sauarc foot ; Sud Ptpe

lead and cast iron; Water Closets, CasesSheet Tin; fcheet Copper, clean and tinned.14 to 60 os,; Hose Bibbs Kosut; Sinks,black aid enameled ; dnto WaJuundt;Sheet Zinc; Soft Solder, our own make,warranted

GALVANIZED IRON IPE J4 10 inch! elbo.spiUgTss,

PIPE VICF.S. take to 3 inch pipe ; nocVs and dfea,cuts to) inch pipe.

BIRD CAGES Lareett variety in maAei,bnbt, an Jbrass svtre.

IUUV CARRIAGES, Iley1 Cocarts.

AGENT FORI lalls jastls Fire and Burclar proof

ISaies. We keep in stock the lareeu asuxtmeni of Safes to be tonod svest ciCkIotvux,Cuts mailed opon aplicatHM.

GELETTS ICE MACHINES;Just the thin for use oa plantattoos svbete

Kican it available, biaail ste uiakea it lbs.ice In four hours aecood auCf yolbswla aeveeihosirs. Cots, srjth full direction for svorfcinf,mailed to your addretw on apotaiioeu. M m

are auihorued lo dbr these macJuoealotilde at makers prices, adding osdy eoot iokinz-cac- t and frcifbii.

CUSTOM WORK of all kinds tn tin, copper, andsheet iroo srkinc attended to. VorkHhopover store. Work e teemed by cemjieifmworksnen at rejucoable prices.


N untie wipe we trtter than a slow ahUlliiX Jkd


ficncral J.e4strtlsmtnU.

PENHOLDERS, ETCFAaaa'a Auorru PiuiudLiatau


Rubber Holders, Cork HoUe, Ivory A EboyyHc4dcrt joM soostmed, Jrory and Hone

FoIcUrsaad Paper Cutters, raUrsTaVWlraacrs, Deaisoa'e Velict Erasers,

Vrrstat Mstbustr, KobLer sn wooa--pcsKtiakaMw TtMtwb Tacks

reetcu troiectors, hsvwHand 4 snsrsoa

aiaeswc.esc..tor Mult ssl THOU. S. THVM'

'MsKHakrSr.srr ao Srosas


thk kkahox or arm mcckhm.

dabaslassM an strict Hlncl.laa,W. kasra sssiw a sVaatt irrsslsaj ass, a prasU.

rjfv rxmcKxrAtiK uxlt m 'ahukbTit TMK C0T or TNaT M(.

swsnar asuiala arsssi th. attest aaasWW. aag rira.aia1.ar.,. Ws swTal fSSssflk asalaar ork. ias aasia sva.

W rtsxria?W. aacsvaa,. oasis cssattWI.. svssl istpm

ausatf wHssMty srswat susahl a. asV as

our MorrojA thtki of At. year m Wy a tktf as s ssaa isf

jipuie.--- U faisMsisr KiattnsW.

klakesuausul.l Saw tW .. tl4fc SjSw. 4SJ wSts

TaUteLS OT aaVMSfeM. , ,

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