THE SATURDAY PRESS. A S I'.VVfU'AI'I'.U f Ml I.I H UK II WliRKI.Y M'narnll-rtn- i riVr.JJOI.I.AU.S A YKAH IN ATIVANOR "nli-- i libera Bin) AiUnlU' t '" mltlr Mr Tlioa (I 'Ii.ihiii .s .Urtnnii r K mi mailer for Hi. Nalnnlay I'n ln.nlil linrutdreaaeil I.. Hi- - H.M'llllim I'lllHH Clirlntniiui live. 'I lin Mlcnlii-t- plnji il llinlr (.'lirlnltiina tiuin TihiIiiM liMHtilli my iillnni(ivrii, Willie, miil!lii tiy it I'iflv iiiiHiiii 'I lio iiiirlmliiiM lutitnlit, Illicit with leiiYcn, (lnvn Imrkn rlcli nml tliilliif Miron 'I'linl iitrrimwiTi'd thnlr imttirnl ufriiii, 'I'liriiiiuli lilll nml vrtllny ovrry lirrwn llitil aimli In I i"it Willi fnliliil wIiikh lit Ml wnn lliiinlr, lull not Irrnzo, Nor chri'k llm nttnilo of Die nit I nun ((.i nlimt nml linnly worn llm Imiiil 'I lint icinjH'il tlm rliunln villi Mrciiuntii linml. Anil wlm lint llatrtinl T Ml wnn pulil ltciKCl Immrv ltininliN' olnlin I 'I lie urnilliiLt kIwii Mm iiuiitln ilnyol In Manor of 1'iifli Imnxi'liiilil nnniii, Iuly iirt)iioitnriil Tlt1i Innty roll. Slid "Merry ('lirUtnnvn" Ulird In nil t O limllicr 1 1 rrrrro Mm rliolcn 'Mini liHik limn from tliy imlivo lilllni Anil It In kIvimi limn In rnjolitti I'lniiiiiti ptililln rtro full ufteii tllln llcnwu only wlliiem. of llio loll--- A Imrmu nml liiijiriiliilnl noil. Vol, Wotilil Hint Itioti, with inn nml inlnn, llnilnt licnrilllin iii'Vit fillln rlto Ami hpi'II on oilier fnron nhliin A I rim rnvlvnl of llm Unlit, Wliloli nnlnrn, nml dm nnilln jxtwitrn In aliuplo nhllilliiKiil nprcnil llironuli mini I I'nr plenniirn Imili nut noiinoil In wnlt Oil ilinun i'iN('tl'il nillUlill rutlltilH, Wliollior tlm rich innit'ii miinpttiotiN unto ('nil forth tlm iiiii'lnliiirnln rmnmln Or llicy nrniiriril nl llm iloor 'I'hnl minritn lliu lowllonl of tlm HKir. How Innrliliiu, when nt mliluliilit wi wliiilx, nml nil In ilnrk, M'i lioit- r- nml hIiiIi "huIii In nloop I Or, nt nn rmrller mil, In mark, lly liliir.liiK fire, llio Hit hiihk'Iihi Of Ituiocriioo. Tlm mutual noil tlm urnvn tllftuiil'iit Of hiMirlx with ulnililni'wi lirlininliiK oo'r Ami wiiiiii iiiililililnu Innri Unit rlno I'ur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii nlono, Willi iinililiMit Ktriuinm mom pnrn nml liriultt 'I linn fnlili'il (Jytlmrpn'rt sronn, (llittoring lioforn llm Tlmmliircr'n nllil, In In my hturl of hour In onilonrrtl Thu Krouiul whom wo worn liorn nml retired. Ilnll, nnclont inmmern I imro ilufonrn, Whom thoy rmrvlvo, of wlnileiimmi Iiiwh i KriiiiinnlH of love, whoan miulonl hhiiho 'I'Iiiih Into nnrriiw room withdrawn) Ilnll nmiuiiHof irlnliiu) niniitd, Ami yo Hint ;nnrd them, inoniitnlim old I Yet, limy c-i- mnkn, who fnll to find Hluirt IciHiiru oven In tlm liunlonl dnyH, MoniciitH to cihI n look hohiml, And profit by I huso kindly rnjn 'Mint thiiiii(li tlm clondHilo HiiiuntlmrH ntonl, And nil llm fnr-ol- f punt rovcnl. Woiidhhoutii, Foreign Nows Itoms. liOStiON, Novomlior 20lli. Tjonl Colo-ritlK- i, Cliiof JiiRlico of llio Coinmou LMohh, linn Iicoii nppoitiled Oliiof JiiHlicn of tlio (Jin'oii'i Jlonuli, vico Sir Aloxnudor Cuolc-liiir- n, deceived. Vibnna, Novombor 2Clli. Tlio Aronlo-lipgrii- m pnsRL'd Ihrongli Mn.m-.i- , lonving i i,fnrr!f!uii tlioro, nud occu)io(l tlio Turkish iiitroiiuhmontn on tlio lioiglttn. A dctnuli-itiu- nl Hiib.sc(lii)iitly ndvnuuod to inko of Dtilcigtio. Haouha, Novombor 2Clh, Tlio Monlo- - JicjjrinH nro to occupy tlio town tuid distriut of Dulciyiio with nioti nnil 12 piocoH of nrtillory. OoNsrANriNOri.r,, Novombor 26th. In tlio lighting whioh procodod tho ocouptttion of Duloigno by Dorvish Pnshn, tho Tnrkfl lost 200 killed nud wounded nud tho Al- banians 100. Vienna, Novombor 20th. Oflioinl in- formation in rccoivod thnl Dorvifih l'nshn pcrsoimlly surrondored Dulciguo to tho MontcnogritiB. Duiu.tN, November 2Gth. A crowded mooting of loynl inhnbitnnts wns hold nt LiHburn rccoiitly. It wnn nttondod by tho country gentry mid Protestant clorgy gou-crnl- l', nud Hovornl fnrmers woro prcsont. llciiolulioiiH woro passed condemning tho liuul ngitntion nnd ngrnrinn outrages. Tlio Court of Quooii'a IJonch hns finally nppoiutod tho 28th of Docombor ns tho date for tho commencement of tho trinls of tho indicted Land Longuors. Iloaly nnd "WnlHh will bo tried, nt tho Cork Assizoa on Dccoulbor 7 th. Captain Beamish, n magistrnto nt Cork county, hns written n lottor to Forator, slating that ho hns rccoivod n threatening letter, nnd has thoroforo sought tho pro- tection of tho polico. His object in writing to Forbtor is, thni if his death should bo nddod to Uiobo of othor landlords who have been murdered sinco tho present Govern- ment camo into power, it cannot bo ploadcd tlml it was oithor justifiable or took plnco becauso Govornmout protection wns not called for in time. Tho Ulster men loft Lough Musk re- cently under n strong csoort. Thoro wns mi demonstration. Tho hussars romaiued to protect Boycott. Tho Ulstor mou slopt iu tho barrnoks nt Ballinrobe. Lord Landsdowno has just boon obligod to lleo to KnglMid from his Korry ostatos because ho felt his lifo to bo in joonardy thoio. Tho immodinto cnuso of his flight hasnotyot boon nnnouueed, but no doubt it was hastened by Hho receipt of throaton-in- c lottors, whioh seem to bo Hying over Ireland in oil directions just now. 2Gth. Tho Novombor Nkw Yoiik, World' Loudon special says : It is undor-hlbo- d that when Parliament asMmblra, GlndRlono will propose n grant of XJ0.000 to General Sir t'rodonck Uoborts, tho horo of Cnndahnr, for his military sorvicos in Afghanistan. OlUcial denial is made of tho rumor that llm MnrciuiB of Lorno will resign the Gov- - of Canaila nt tuo oua oi ip three yoars, nnd return homo. WAKiiisarOH. Novomber 2Gth. Thoro 000 in gold bullion "lauding to the credit of tho United States Tro' surer, out of which it has boon deeded $10,000,000 of tho do. lo monthly ,mi. ation of $5 nnd $10. No gold coins donomination than 5 will bo coin- ed M at present. Tho work will bo performed nt tho'Philadelphia mint. November 2Cth A great, LosDOsr, tho Scotch coast. A on Btnrm or1 of "xsso ta IU? Clyde have drag-- I Z hoir anchors. It foarcd thoro htw feeousomo loss of life. Tho ship Vandyke, for Groonook, is nshoro nt 1Ceath point. Tho bwkVom A. liar. . r.. VnrL-- . for Dublin, previously S hoou Wexford coast is likely tXcomo n total wreck. A lifeboat has Bono to tho rescue. I'lio Gorman steamer Katai, captain Wbs, from Glasgovv, No-voml- ier l&th, for New York, has arrived at Queonotown, nftor being at sea ton days. Her decks woro swopt nud hor ougtnos are out of order. London, Novombor 20th. Tho JTew savs Tho Pauama canal, whou oomplotcd, will bo a groat boon to shipping it is cortaiu, but that it will provo a protUablo tiou for auother twenty yoaia w doubtful. Saturday VOIiUMK I. II. in nn nxri'lloiil, but prnmntnro work, wliirh would Imvn been butter for finpporL by nuliniilioi froin llm (lovnniiiHmlii Thu Tinifit ntm n view of llm Pniminn cnunl nimilnr to llirtl, iu tlio jVnrit. U'AKHINnTON, Nnvniiibdi'Qnili. Secretary KvnrlN imyn Hint llm full dnlniln of tluniniv, Cliliii'Hn t ninticn hnvonnl been iccoivnd yol, bill, hn Miippoioil of rnurso tlmy are in I with tho instructions given to tho CninminMoum'fl. In I lint casn it will bo m liruly mitinfnctory to 'nil nculionn of tlio 'oiintry, nud will carry out llio vtnwn of llm Ailminintrnlinu on llinCliiuiiNO (iirmllon mi mil forth in llm ripcuinl iiKiNHiign mid veto of llm I'romiluiil of llio Iimanuro paiidod by (Joiigrosi. Tlm oIimihoh of llio iimigrnlion Ironty proviilo cnrltiin iqiecilh: icgiilntioim lo govern this perplexing Iioh-Hu- In llio fiiluro omignmlM will lie lo tlmsu llinili by miitunl of tho Gliiuunn nml Amciricnu (lovoru-mo- n In, IIiiiii pruvoiiling thu introduction of tho low olnmnn, whioh linn cnuncd no much comptiiiut, nnd vomoviiig nil objoutionnblo foaliiniH of (ho niirlingamo Ironly. Tlio commeroinl treaty will bring Chinn within llio fmino rolatioim with nn us nro enjoyed by tlio more favored natiomi. Tho iimtrnclioiiH lo tlio CommissiouerH woro very full on this point, nnd tho Secretary holinvoH that tho ronultswill provn eminent- ly nntisfiiclory. Ho duHirL'il tlioin lo convoy lo tho Government ul I'ekiu the wish of the United Statos to uultivnto tho closest' relations of friendship nud commuruo, look- ing to tho opening of extended reciprocal mnrilimo roltttiotin with the two countries. w. Secretary Kvnrlt Raid that with thin tronty iu full force a fow yoars will develop tho fact that oiiO'tliird of thu cereal prodiiotn of tho groat West, whioh now find their wny to other mnrketH, will ho engorly sought for in China, nud that iiiHtond of I'higlund maintaining control of tho China tr.idc, nn sho doon to-dn- tho United slates will be- come her most formidable comiiolilor. Yokohama, Novombor 8th. His Mxcol-lono- y Hnnnhumi, ilnpnuoso Arinistor Jtcsi-do- nt for Coroa, is to lifavo for that country no or about tho lfith instant. The Coroau Government nl lougtli appears to bo some- what noxious ns to tho future of their country. A lottor rccontly rccoivod iu Japan from Coron states Hint tho loading momhors of tho Kmbnssy which rccontly visited Japan hold n great council in tho cnpital on the Gilt of October, at which up- ward of eighty high dignntnrics of Stnto 2 nttondod. Tho subjects for discussion woro tho desirability or othgrwiso of restricting tho prcsont intercourse botweon Coroa nnd Inpan, improving tho .National Army, nud entering tho comity of Asinlic States. Tho rosult of tho deliberation is not mentioned. Uonokono, Novombor 4lh. Tho West- ern Empress, it is snid, has docidod that nil tlioso who nro in favor of wnr with Russia should sign a document guaranteeing that if China should loso, tho subscribers will pay nil tho indemnity that mny bo psyablo by Chinn to llussin, since Ilin Majosty is not of ngo, and thoy are but two women, nml would not tnko tho responsibility of declaring wnr ngniust llussin. This docu- ment is said to liavo bcou sont first for sig-uatu- ro to Li UungiOhang, Grand Secre tary nnd Somor Gunrtuan of tho bmporor, nud nlso ns tho principal Grnndco, nud ho, nftor consulting with his principal ollicers, declared in favor of peace. At n rocont grand council of tho Wostorn Empress ,tb.o Princess nnd tho Senior mom-bo- rs of tho Six Boards, ns well ns Chung How, nttondod, and it is stated that it wns agreed thnt nrbitration b& resorted to for tho sottlomont of tho Livndin Tronty quest- ion, ouo of tho foreign Ministers on ono side nud Li Hung Chang uu tho othor. ED. C. ROWE, Home anil Sluu Paiiitor, Pnpnr Hnngor, &c 7(0 1) Xu HIKort Hlreet. llimoliilii. s xin:o. II. WAVIliN, LlTt Janioh, Oblkn X Co.J iMrOBTER AND COMMISSION UEBCHANT, au Aaciit ron l.hiyil'annd tho Uverpool Underwrllera, llrlll.h nud Foreign Mnrino In.uruncu Company, anil Northern Aa.nraiicoCimipiiny. uTtO ly OASTl.i; Ai HATCH, dflLti'tonioyisi vt Tjcxw. W. IU CAHn.r., Notary Public, nttcml ull tho C'uurln of tliA Hlugdom. rnrtlculnr attention puld to llio ntBollallnii of I jib ns, Collecllnc, etc, OB" Money lo lunu on MorlSKR. ortlcu: No, IS Kanliiimmiuatret, Honolulu, Hawaiian I.Unila. 7l ly IIOI.I.INTIIIt V tUO., l)rvggltt Aiolhttartt, Importers of Tobacco nnd Cigars, Manufnclnrere of Hmln Water, Acciita for 1'. I.vrlllard & Co' Tin Tur; W. H. Klmlinll & C'n'n Viiully l'ulr; miilOomlwIu .tUu'iUM Judge, Tobuccoa and UlKiircllea. 810 .M S3 Numum Slrff I. Honolulu, ly i. W. DUCrAULAilillA; CO.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION KEBOHANTS, Itobliiiou'a I'lropioof llulldlni;, QuecnStroct, Honolulu, 11,1. lacNin ros Tht (lU.gow ami Honolulu Line of Packet!. Juliu Kay .t C.i'. I,lerwl aud I.omlou 1'ackela. Tha Walkapil Plaiilatloii, Tlm Spoiicor IManUlloii, llllo, lUkalau I'Untallon, llllo. lrrlee, T.H t Wation, fugar Macldntry. Tha I'nultM Slioap Itiiucli Ooiiiiny. 7W a.K.OAITLK. J. n. ATHHIU0.1 CANTI.I'. v iiooui;. BUirPISO AND COMMISSION MERCHAHT8, IMI'OIITKIIS AND Dealers in Conoral Morchandlso, No. b0 Kiug Street, IIuuolulu.Hawallau Ulauda. .,., AOKNTS V0II ....-T- he Union Ininrance Cotuptuy of San Francisco. The New H'ljliuil Mutual l.lfa Insurance Company, lUnlvn. TlnsOrezou Packet Line. The llohU I'l.nlalluli, lir.Jayuo A doii'aCvleurated Tha Haiku Plantation, UliMlettiej. aiaiua I'laniaiion, IVheelee A Wllion'a Sawing1 llauuku PlautalloD. Machines, liw iy) iiy.uai-- ; 1IIIUN., Importers of General Merchandise I'UOM FltANOE,ENaLANl), aJSKMAM', AND UNITED STATES, No. IU MucUtnl Street, . Honolulu, II. I, IIYMAX UKON.. WHOLESALE GR00ERS, SlOaudSlS California Street, NAN r MAN IIINIIO, fST Particular attention paid to fllllux and ahlpplns Iiland orJera. WU 17 1000 GALLONS OF SPERM OIL. rivitt 1M Hi; ah rit'i.t; or Hun oil j rr on h"io from Iho "Tronic HlrC" Tho Oil la ,tr lined, aud lo it ckar and nuuv ua water. For alo by i j i JIUl.l.l.q a. vv. HONOLULU, M. L, SATlfllDAy, .1. M. DAVIDSON, Attiii'iiny ntul Uiiiiiipinllor ut I.nw, I Jlfn limit lit , llmirilnlti, II I j I'.DWAllI) l'UITON, Atlornny mill Coiiiuidlor nt I.mv, Ijr Ml I'ml Hlrrrl llniidlnln I " mum, i). ii. oniPPiN," inn t'.itl hi , tlmioliilii I'i1ilonii1iln rilllliinrj mill IDrnn Mnlinr. Nrw (IimhI. nml Hljli rcMlnil frry inonlli j DR. N. II. r.MKUSON, If A'fKXCJXVrW AWW MU IIUMOW Olllrnntllr llnirninlili'ii Ilfini lltnrr, 31 Mctrlinnl Ht HrtiilKiiri, ruriipr linknl nml I'nrl lrr I (tlinnM Ktnrr pci'inl.i) llillcn limirn tllull M.Uinli'.M II llm .1. NOT!' & CO., ImiiuHnr mill DuiiIom III HIovm, Ilmiicrn, .Mc'Ul., Iloiian I'cniil.lilnv' (ln'iila, I'rucUi iy, (linn nml Chinn Wnrn. mriiriu ,mcci niiica, iiiiimiiini, II. i. I Iy A. W. ltlOHAUDSON Sc CO., l!tl'iiliTi:it M li imAI.Klin IN lliuiln, Hliora, Kiitiil.lilnit Omnia, llnla, I 'it p., Trunk', Vnllnfo, I'l'tfiiuiry nnil Nimii, Wnlllmni Wnlrlm., l'lnn .li'wi'lty, etc., riirimr (if Vint nml .Mti Imnl Hl., Ilnimliilii,ir, I. I Iy , M. DICKSON, P)iotKnpliio Arllnt, H nml 101 lfrl I'lflnri'. nf nil aire nml klinta innrin In onlitr, nml I'mnii'. of nil ilrixTllitl'ili" rnii.lmilly on linml, Al.'i, Hlii'lla, t'nrnl, nml (.iirl'ialllca nf llm I'm inn. 'J Iy " Jj. W. IIOPI Culilnnt Mnlinr, UplmUloror, Dnnler In Fiiriilturo, No. hH Kins Hlrri't, l"twcon Minmiiii nnd I'nrl Hlrcula. Atntlrrmi'H ron.lniitly nn linml or nimlii lo nnlcr. iMy THO.S. O. TIIIIUM, Importing mill Mmnirnnttirlnj' Sfjtlonnr. Nnwfi Ai;ant, Uoolt Illmlnr, &o., Mfrcliniit Httirl, nml Denier In l'lnn Hlnlliinrry, llnokn, Mn.lr, Tnyn nml I'nncy (IikmIb, I I'nrl Hired, iii'iir Hold, IIiiiioIiiIii, Iy m. wtNNrit. joiin HWKNKnr., WENNEU 8c CO., I'nrt Hlrrel, iip.iml(.i (Mil 1'e.llown' Hall, Mmiuriifitiii'lni; Jownlnrn, Dlimiond Snttnra, Kmirnveri., nml llenlern In .Icwclty nf nil IJinla, Hliell nml Kuktil .lewelry ininln In mrter, Orilern nlmi riv relvetl nml fnlllifiiMy iillemleil In fur nil kluiln of ill r Work In Jewelry nr .Menmrlnl llralKiia. I Iy D. W. GliARK, "Wutoli Multor mnl .Towolor, Dii'iiiiTKiinr Vtl(ttim ami all oilier Amrrlnnn Walchcn, Ulovkn anil Jewel)'!. Wnlch . Uctmlrlni! ".,. iiimli! n Htieclnltv. ...... ,. . iy iMii. u .lerni'iiii rurnci, iinnoiniii. FRANK GERTZ, fimSj BOOT AND SH OE Nl A KER No. SI .Merchant Ht., next In Thou. (I. Thrum. Ilitolx mill Mlioei .11 i 1 o til Onler, of Ilfnt IWn (erliil.iiiul lit Iti'MMiuiltlfl I'rlrrs. Boots and Shooo mnclo for Cash only M. S. GRINDATJM & CO., Importom nml Whnloaln Doulom lu Ooim- - rnl MnrolimiillNO, Jlnkcc'n lllock, (Jiiecn Hired, ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Forwarding mnl CoiuiiiIhsIoii Mnrohnntn, Sit California Hl.,Hnn I'mnclrcn. Heclnl fncllltlea for nnd pnrllralnr nttcnllon paid to 2 coiinliiiiliiontn nf lalinil produce. ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Imporlnr ami Donlor In Crooltory, l'laln nml Decnrnlml l'oreelnln. On' nnd I'renf eil (Unas, Hiker l'lnleil Ware, (Jullery, C'luuulclk'rc, I.ampi, Olilmnrrii, I'.tc. l'lru Proof More, cor. Kliif nml Niumnii His., Honolulu. - J y E, COOKiWEBB.M. D., Homoopnlhlst, (1Mb Chief of SUiff llnmeiMiathlc Ilo.pttnl. Wnrd'8 Inlnml, N. y.) Oftlco 0 Kort Hired. Hpcclnl attention to dlcnea uf women nml children. Olllco lmnrH Until 10 a.m. 3 to I P.M. Sly O. HEIIEI.KKN. (I. r.SUl.lHO. G. SEGEI.KEN & CO., No. 5 Xiiumiii Htrect, Tlnnmttlm nml Plnmliorn, Donlnrs in Stoves, llatiRea, Tin, Sheet Iron mid Coppi r Ware, keep on luiiiil a full nanrliuent of Tlnuaru, Oiilvnn-lA'- d Iron nml Lead Pipe, India Uulibcr lloie, ic, &c. yiy A. I.. SMITH, 'II rortT BTItKKT, IMI'OIITKU ANIIIIRALKnlN Merldcn Qu.idrupln Plated Ware, (IIiipsuiuc, KliiR'a Coniblniitiun Hpectnclen and ive (llmffeH, llrncketa, Vnicn, I.'i.trnl Wlm Ware, 1'micy Hnni s, Plcturo VrameK, Wo.tenholmV Pockit Knlvc, Hclf.ore, l'ia-lol- Powder, Hhol nnd Ammnnltlon, Clnrk'a Hpool Cotton, Jlachlno OH. nil kinds of Mnchlno Ncedlea, "DonieHtlc" Paper Kii.hlnna, Hole Aeut for luu nckuouledeil IilRbt Running Domcntio Sowing Machine. it. E. VIIITKV. J. w, UOnEnTBOK WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Successor to II, .M. Whitney) Stationers, Puulinhors, Now Sealers and Book-Binder- s. 1 Merchant Hlreet, Honolulu, II. I. 1y THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDER- Y DOES BINDINO OF ALL DESCRIPII0NB. The work executed nt Ihls eatuldlaliment la under the supervision of Mil. JOHN J,. ItKHa.wlio i noil known nn nu experienced workman, und cannot bt ntriatttl. WOKK 1IIIM! AT llli: LUWCIT IIATK. .. leiiimvev iimimirunK. Hlntloners, Pnlillshers, Nc l)encre and Hook Illndcrs. lly HONOLtTIsU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE it. BROTHER,. Proprietors, NUUANU SltEKT. l'llot, Jtcillum nnd Navy Ilrend always on liand nnd inadn In order Also, Water, Hoda and lluttcr Ornck-er- a, Jenny 1,1ml Cnkcp, Ae. Ship llrrnil on tho aliortest notice, l'amlly lireau, ninucoi ino iieaiciour, oaKeu iiniiyaim aiwnya on hand. N. . Ilrown llri'iul n r llm licit Itunllly SJy citATiat or or uii.awka, W. II. 17ENTZ, MANAGER. Plenty tn eal, a ronainir lire, clean bed, nnd tlio beat utieiiiianco on ine iinnauan lainuua. Vlaltor reipiirlni: any umiaual ilia ay nr volcanic action will kindly clui Maiincer nt leapt ten days notice lu lluu weather, and from eleM-- to thirteen In foul. 5 ly TIION. v 'I'll uim, JUI'OIITINII ANI UANUPiCTUIllMI STATIONEB.NEWa A0ENT, EOOK-BINDE- tt AHD PAPER RULEB, Merchant SI. near I'orl, aud furl Hi. near Hotel, Honolulu Oaliu. II. I. Also, l'lihllthrr of the llawalhn Almanac and Annual, and llnuralliii lilrrctory mil Cal'iidar, .Ic, Ac. The Merchant .Heel Htnre will le davoleil to (Initial bla. Ilonery, 111 ink llooki, News and Htmllng lieparlments. 'I he Port alrt-- etore will emhracu Fluo stationary. Hook., ArlUl.' Mterlila. Toys aud r'aiic) lola. 783 ly BISHOP & 00., IIONOI.UI.U, till IIAAVAIIAN INLANDHI . . HIIAW l'.XOHANOK ON...... HIE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SAN FRANCISCO iD TUMI 1UINTI l New York, lloalon, I'nrla, Aucklnnil, THE ORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION, : : : L0N00N AKD TUIla IIUJCUIIIK lloni; Kuiiki Myilney, and llelbouruc, An-- Iranaact aOaneral Uanklnar llualncaa,. S7 ly v. ;. ;oi.r.:uAN. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST lltirao NlHH-liik- CnrrliiKti Work, l'jiilnllua Muclilurrjr, Ac. w Klion on King Street, next CnalliTj; t'twiko'a. ly THOMAS TANNATT. (No. SI Fori Street, oppo.lle K. U. Hall & fun. Wutolioa, Clocks. Jowclry aad Miuio Boxe rorSalo. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. t!rra from Iho other lalanda promptly attended to. TcH ly FIONESR STEAM Candy Manufactory and akary ar. xxof.Ta7, Prctlcl Confectioner, Paltry Cook tad Btktr, BIS 71 Hotel treet, between Nuuanuaud Fort. Sly ....I ii OFFKK-OI-il) KONA COVFKE. c ll for iJle by HOLLUS A Cu JMLovolxtxxxt Tailor. Jo W". niH'nrtHt ,lif.iw lir nlaiiinwiilil. Iy 1IIGOIN8 Ik JJ'JiHKrr, N.i, MlnmlMKInitllt., 4J4)CiiitIii(o Iliillilnn, TilniJ l.J.fcr Jrl23ci?ion,( 'ii i I ,!, Vnrnlftlinr nSSa Allklnilanf llpitlrln nllenilei) In. nnd unml wnrk uiinrauleeil. nl liw Hull a H Iy 'l'IIO.H.N I , Mill, MAOlICISrXS T. JVti. 10 I'ori Nlrr.il, QQ yK ulll nllrn.l n nil nrili-r- In llm jr( LOCK, HUM X GENERAL REPAIR LINE. Iln will itlvi M'tIiI Rllciillnh Iii ilemiliiK, nn.f reKiiUtliitf Hewliin Mmlilne., nml nil ntlier ainitatir Until Mm lilnery mnl .Mitlil Wiirk f every ilcacrliillmi, ItMckainHliInK, fin. Aln, nn Imlnl niit pir antn rlienp, AVarioty of Sowing Maohincs 4111114. I'IhIiiIh, filiol, Alilllilllillllill, XVXncliino Oil, OTccdlcs, Ac, Ac, Ac. Hewlim Mnelilnn Tiiekem, IIIiiiIom, nnil nil ntder enirn nml ilnillen(ii purl, nr ni.ohlnM mippllnl ml uliorl nnllcu, 4- i- IU nt MrlilliiTwll,-n- o , , . fiolt Apni in thli Klnyilon nr Tho I'lnreneeHeivliiK .Mn.ililne, froin 1 10 la 110. Wlill.iHewlmtMiiililiie. rriim (H lnt7A, HiMiiiiflliilKliiHimliiU Mm lilllv, fioni (11 to lll. Itrr Inelll.llllK nil elMl W)1 Ijr t iiavi: ii:'iiitici a FIRST -- GLASS HORSE -- SIIOER fflh tjO.' Ami nin irinrnl to rnrry on Cti In llrnnrli my limine In n mnidinr Mntln- - fnelory t my I'lilronn. OWNERS OFFINE STOCK Will do woll to give mo a Call. Hoi-bo- s sont to my King St. Shop Will bom'ttiilli iittondrd to. wl "" C. WEST. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. A I.I. AM lli::tl!!:ilT, l'ii.rlelor. ir - jfeistew ivw, !K'fJAiii.-,'!mW:'-i- IK 1 mfKSWS imf; ' v ?z- -n )'' aiar"- - V30i : 1IOTKI. HTHUKT, IIONOI.UI.U. Kntrnncos on Hotel, Illchurdu, and Ilerclaida Htreele FIRST-CLAS- S IN EVERY RESPECT. .lrlcca tli pamo as Klrat-Cla.- Hotel In Han Franclaco. mi fa SPECIAL NOTICE. S15CUUH1) TJTH HAVKG the ncll.knrmn 'UriIOI.HTl'.IIBU and DltAPBll, )lll. J. .MAIUNIIUUK. llm nnlv ilnt-clas- Upholaterer III the Kingdom Outo of Han I'rnnclaco), I am prepared to do all klndx of TJPECOXiSTEH TTVCa-,- ' In tho Latest ami Heat Hlyle. WOKS WS&ilVTED Call nml Sco our iioinr.iiH, III! II IAIU.M1E.S, NOFA j1KII, AC JJ.Tl. Mr. SI. haa aclecteilaflnn lot of Upholalerlnc (looda, Parlor Heta nnd I.ounsep, Chairs, Ac, of tho latest ptvlep, which have Jut arrived from Ban Fran- claco. I hnro also pint recched, ft new lot of Tho Latest Styles of Furniture ! rllNlmtV MIAIIKS, l'lAKO ANIt TAni.F. COVERS, iit:ruiti: conn, kaum, etc. All of which will lie for tale cticnp. It will pay you to call nt .Vn. II I l'ort Htreet nud examine the Uomls cltcuhero. S C. K. WILLIASIS. MRS. POOLE'S PARISIAN AND AMEKI0AN DRESS MAKING ROOMS Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., Up Stairs. rooTjH vounD kkspkct-l'ULL- Y call thu attention of I.tullcs to her very Superior System of Measuring and Cutting, Which cannot fall lo glvo Ilia ncrcaaary ease aud sraco so vaaetitlal lu tUtinc uvtry llure. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO Mourning, Wedding and Traveling Suits. LADIES' ItlDINQ IIA1UTS A SPECIALTY. I .it cat Parisian and oilier lending l'a.lilon l'ulilka. tlona on hand for cuitomera' rcftreuce. frOrilera from thu other IaUndau 111 recelvo prompt allcntlon. I baj ly qr HAWAIIAN Furniture Manufactory J. H. BRUNS, JR., IMANUfACTL'IU; AIL KIM DF FDRMTURB. ANII AT THE LOWEST PRICES) :f xj hist t xj i si AI.WAYH ON UAXD. ANB ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE XHS FORNIT0BK IS ,V11 abXamcle lay 3MCt.olxlnsrar AND OP TIIK BEST SEASONED STUFF, AMD- -NO Pains will be Spared TO GIVE SAW ACTION TO IU OUtTOIHU VpkotelartataT Cafflns Alwaya wn Hand. 713 TCAtaANU KK.ai4 7 Prams. J)lfiOlfiMBKU 25, 1880, THE LIVERPOOL 8, LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. I'.alnlltlalio.l IKT0. Unllmltod T.ltil.lllty In Htor.ltlinldnrn. Al ,,, , .,,,, ,, 1l.f.,ljn Id. me,,., iOMljrt) Inroinn tur l7U 1'rrmlnriin rcrelxil nfmr ilnlnrilnn of re'ln- - mirniim ... J a.Vipn l.oi.ea promplly mljnate.1 nnd pnld Imp, I 3m IIINIKil A 'i AneiiU. JjJ TIB MAN'S (fND IneurancojCompariy. A Loading Homo Company. AMa,.!mm,-Vt- l , ,.,.,,..,.. .tTr,7,W.I7 Aildlllonal Unali Capllnl (now lielnjf rnlled In) m),Uit.ln Tolnl Aiae , , gl,tl7rf.ir ryilK KlltKMA'N'H KIWI) INHiril- - .1. A.VCi: (;O.MPANV Imala II. tlalma to Mm le,t imlrnnnKiiiipon Haaiiiiml (Inn rielnlionilttloti.rrfn furred '.. .ernlnii of rnplul. jfllni It orer n inllllou ilollnia In naaela) It rlli'li.lvn ayalem of Acenrlea, llnlnrRnpreinlmii Income, mIUi.miI Mm ri'cea. ally of lirniry coiicentrallon of llneat Ha mlherenco In llm lie. I prlnelplea nnd prnclleea of llndernrlllnxt hy open, Mir nml rleaily etpreaaeil conlraria, nml prninpl nnd eijiillnliln ndjii.tmriil arid payment of ejllmatn lo.aea. I'or .eyenteen renra It lina lieen fnvornldy known n a rnnawAtlvo niiilerwrller, nnd diirliiK th.it Ulna ho. paid orcr 4,000,000 IN LOSSES, I'aatlnR triumphantly Ihrouxli tlio lienrlofit toiiflxra. lloua known In mod'rn Idatory, IIIMIOI A. Co., Aw"", I Hm Honolulu, II. I. Floston Hnaril of (InilcrHrlttrs. A OI'.HTN for tlm llitwnllnii InlntuU, J Ml-l- j O. llllKWI'.lt A CO. I'lillailclplila Itonrd of lliiilcrwrllcrs. AtlKNTN for tlio llawnllaii lalmwla, U. llltKWI'.ll .fc CO. '. a. h;iiai:i'i:ii. AdKNT nrilreinen llnnrit of UuilerMTllera, of lltMlpu llonid of Undnrorllrra, Aiient of Vlnnna llmnl of Uiitlcrorlttra. Clalma ajtnln.t Iii.uranrnComtril.'i nltldn tha Jnrla.llcllon oftliealKivn lloanlaof IJielprwrlleri, wlllliavo tootcertl flwl lo hy th ahoriagpnl lo make tlieni valid. TV) ly iIV.iiiiiiikJii-iiicim- ii: FIRE IN8UEANOE COMPANY. f1lll: TJNII'.UHlnM';i ImvInK hern np- - JL pilntel ARcrita of tha nliove Company, am prppar..! tolii.uroil.kaniipln.lflre, on HIoiipmi.I llrlck llnllil-lnf;- a. nml on lernliniiillno .lorel lli.relii, oi Ilia moat f iv.irnMe tarim. for partlculara aiiply at Hie ndice nl 7W ly V. A. HCIIAKKKIl CO. THANH -- ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIIIIIKl. Capital : : : Six Millions llcichtmtirk. KINIlrl INIIIIi;i O.V IIIIII.DI.V.iH, Aflllt and rurnlturo, oh llh-r- al terniB, hv iTM ly II. IIACICFKM) A ,()., Aeenta. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIIUIKI. WiiiMiiMiri. .Mi:n:iiAMnsr:. iiiii.m. Insured Mfnlniit rireou tho moat f.ivomMo terma. A. JAEGER. Agent for Iho Hawaiian lalanda. l ly Insurance Notice. rpur. '.mii:iinhim:ii a in: iiiKiAnKi M. tn wrlto upon Merchandise, per flrat-cla- veieola between thin and tho Coant Porta, covering loaa or ilamniie, If nmnunllni; to III per cent, or more, on the pound value of the whole elilpment at port of delivery , upon fnvoralilo terma. IHSIIOI & Co. Agenla of tho I'lremen'a I'und Iuauranco Company. Honolulu. Jan. 80. 1H), tol 3in Insurance Notice. AGIiNT FOR TIIK IIIIITIHH THIS Marine In.uraneo Compiny, (Limited), haa re- ceived instructions to reilnco (he rutca of liiiiiraocn between Honolulu and Porta in tha Pacific, and la now In i.auo Policies nt the lowest rites, with uaeclal reduction on freight per iteamern. THRO. II. DAYIKR. ly M Agent llrlt. For. Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAN PIIANCIHVO, 3VZn.x-lzi.- IKOOHPOKATBD, 1868 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS 819 Far the llawmllitn lalmnla. ly Rhonish Wostphnlian Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, Ol' M. I.AIHIACIf. llboulaU I'rnooiit. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, OF AAVIU'.X. (AIX.I.A.fll.tPKI.I.K.) ri.Ai.its ron rAiiTicui.An avi:iu AI.I. foistilned by tlooda nrrlvlne here, and Insured In tuo above Companlca, hav lo ho made with the cos nlzanco of and certified to by tho underaisned. In order to be valid. (133 ly) J. C. (II.AIIK. A lent. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. 1' o ifru NA General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. milK ABOVE INMIHAXCF. COMPAXIKM X have catubllshcil a General Asency here, and the nnder.lsiied, (leneral Ageuta, nreauthoilzcd to take lllakM nKaluatlbo lHii(tcror llio He.ial Ike oat Kenaoiinbln llnten, aud on Ike Mual Fnvornble Terms. 815 ly F. A. faOHAEFEIt A CO., General Accnta. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capita!, Five Millions Reiclisaark. rpur. iNnKKMiiiNt: havinu iikkn JL appointed Audita for the above Company, aro now ready In lauol'llricnnllit RUkNori'lreon Hollil-Iu- k, McrcltaiiilliMi mill t'lirnlluret on terma equal tolboie of other respectable companlea. Lo.se paid for and adluateil here. i'or partfculara, appl; to 71 II. HAOKfl'.t.l A Co.. Acenta. NORTH BRITISH AND MEBCAHTILE INSURANCE CO., OV I.U.1UUN AND KUINUUUail. KSTADUKIIKD 1S00. CAPITAL. AI.OOT.ai Arcumulisteil and Invested Fund. ,tt3N,H8 riliiK n.nKUHin.Ki iiavk iikek a p. M. I'OINTltll AllKNTi for Ihs Sandwich Islands, sad are autliorlied to Insure agtintt rlio uion Uvorable tsrioi, ItliVs taken Inanj part of the Islands on Stone and U'uoJan Uull'tinaa and inerabsuill.e alonl thertln, Dwelllar. llou.ca and furulture. Timber, Coala, tihlpt in harbor with or with eul cartcoaa, or uuder repair. 01 ly Kn. HarFiCIfLAKdtKACO TUB New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MASS I Nil OKI uk Art: ii, is a a. 7i OUUtt Partly Mutual IJe Insurance Co.tn the United States. Policies Hmed oa tha most favorable Ttroi. Esmuple or ffou.rorrriluraa llaa, iS8ur.KD.Aat;, hs liib rus I Annual premium conllaur.l'ullij 3 j.ars lli)i i Annual prtnituei eouliuues Poller I j.sr. II iUjs 3 Anuual premium continues Puller Ars!7 ilars I Anuual premium continues Pulltj a r.'ia 14 ;. t Anuual preuilumcoolluuae plly 10 years 14 dsrs jkmQtm. i 5xa,aoo,oooi Umm rsUd UarBcU llaatjlalaa Ageucjr, t4000 CAtTLV h COOKE, AJilNTt III rot THE IIAWAIIAa.IH.AMUa. Ir Haw ZUb4 VaUttMt. niiirraa sealaebia, a iu mt m nf New Cron. last received. - l4 rwr oisi uj sivs.i.0 m vv. vtrj mmmi n. uuin I " yT WILDER A CO.. AkoiiIx for Hie llnirnllnii lalnnils, -- OC Till'. Miitunl Lilb Insurance Go. OI' WI'.W VOIIH, Lnrfjont, Onfoot nnd Mont ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Assets ()H0). $90, 000,000 Now is a Good Timo to Innuro Hon bul Flrit-Cla-u Itliki Taken, nu- - Hi. INTO DE3 3NT C3H 1ST 33 Hlioilld Im without Hm American Cylinder Cup 0 which over Ten Tliouaand ara In na, THE AMERICAN KfctLal la tlm only LUBRICATOR IN THE WORLO That rsi, lie relied npon, A .MI IH WAKKAKTKII To perform All that li Claimed For It. A rerlaln nnmlier of ilmpa per minute or p'r hour (vl.lhlo in Ihn eyej.wlll VeepjoiirUyllnder lulirlraiiil roiitlniion.ly, (The old alylo of ciipa do not feed cuitlniiou.ly.) It will pay for llaelf In fori every lo inoulha; In oil every reveii to ten month.; In wear, paeklniE and lalnir wry four tnonlha. The aliove, nl.o (,'upa for Hhaft HearliiKP. Oyllnder Oil and I,iilirlralliii;('oinpouud may ho had of Hie Ayenla, DII.MNOIIAM & CO. wn on rn CALIFORNIA runiilure Jtlaimfactiiring Company HAN rilAMJIHCO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS AXjXj X303rBIC3IXiaPTIO3Xrj3 household Furniture PARTIES IN HONOLULU Or other part of the lalanda, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN UAVK TIIKIH Orders Filled at Lowest Rates lly iipll.att.m lo Mr. K I. ADAMH, Queen gtreel, woo haiour llcacrlpllvu Cetaloguo with Prices. ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L W. HOPP hu NTitKirr, Black Walnut Bedroom Sets, muck Walnut Sldcbonrdg, Jilnck Walnut DiniiiE Chnin, Oak Cane Heat liining C'balic, Cedar Ocdroom Ncti. E. P. ADAMS, AGENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 621 3rn CHALMERS-SPENC- E AIR SPACE,' AND FOWLEU'S YUCCA BOILER COVERING Ptentod Jananry 19, 1866. Has been victorious orcr all other derlcea for corerln? bollcraulth which Ifliaa been brought Into competi- tion, both In Kuropo and America, for the pa.t tvrelro yeara. Kndoraed by the ScUitflflc Aim rican and Lowlon Knglnurlnrj evcryithero na bcln? Iho beat Nonon doctor, the moat Itcllablc. the most Economical. THE ATR 8FAOEI. The "Air Spaco" tlaa mechanical derlce. The old method of corerin; boiler, ettam and other hot pipes, wa, to smcir a coaling of plaiternrcr the Imllera and pipes, and directly in contact with the hot surface.. Common avnaa teaches thai any compound thus applied will tuon haro tho Ufa burnt out of 11, and that the ex. panalou and contraction of Ibe melal over which it li smeared, will cause It lo loosen and crack, lo that It vrlll, after n lime, fall off. Ucsldes this, experience baa prored that the lime and other compcunda used for this pnrpoac, when applied direct to the boiler surfaces, corrodea lliir.bollcrs ao aa to greatly injure them, ThoAIr Spacoserreaa twivfold purpose; Brat It pro- vides a alratum of air entirely around the boiler, which Is the beit known of heat, tiecond. It Erorldes a surface which is entirely Independent of the upon which the corerini compound Is placed, and this surface belns formed of wire cloth of mesh, fumlthc a aplcndld means of cllnchlne or fasteuins the compound around the boiler. The wire space Is supported at the apace of an inch or more from tho Iiollcr or hot pipe by metal stud placed close together, so tliat the expansion or contraction of the bol)cr or pipes arouud which It Is placed will not af- fect the outxldo covering, because the atud allows a euiUclcut movement without dlitnrblns the surround. Ins lre and cover Experience and practical tests have demonstrated beyond a doubt that the radiation of beat from a boiler nrrtiunded bv tho"AlrSDace "and Its covei.u?.ls lea than that from a holier covered with any of the other well known boiler corcrluj;s; consequently there Is a greater saving nf fuel. In proof of what Is said about the superiority of the Chaluicrs-Spviic- Air Space, see StitntlXt AMtrican, Dee. 1, 1b7, and loiulon Jlnyliu4rta, July U, Ib77. (). a. FOWLUU, Solo Owner for I'atlflc Coast. H. HACKFELO A CO Agents, 3-- 2 Honolulu. GrXM.&,'sr&, Jelly, MANUFACTUHED OK REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAB BV Pratical Confectioner I. Pastry Cook XI JX. JD Xt. TT Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory Lemon and Tunarind lyiopi alwaya oa haal T , tyi ct rxxLm l'at up In A.'o. t nelntd Su;irs, hl;hly recommended for See, vojijes. American, French, English and QemAa FutriM Made to Order at short Notice Wedding Cakes Ornament In the blshest Sljle or Art. IUch fresh home made ChocoliteCreims, Cocoannl and o Cream Candles. Ea. 71 Hatal Mlract b, ) ! Far g lr gr hip Chandlery. AUHUK AtUMKTMKST, Hemp and Manila, Couon Duck, lleup I'aovas. FUx CaaraJ, Vlax Hall Twine. Cotton Ball Twin, lllock.. Osra, llul Hoops, Jib llanavs, BY THE LATEST ARRIVALS IMim flAJ rilA5 !). "AJtt UAVK ItKf'KIVKI) A IMIIOK. VV ad'llllon tinnr former lftfc of fihlprtundlpfy, llhlp Mlnf.i, Proililoni, At, Ac,hUh gltea n. IM Orcatcot AnBortmont of Ooodo Kept on It.. Iilandf , all nf whl'li ttlll U (old it Ihi liweal Market l'ilra, a ntnal. Oar fflenda and llm "!S.Xti'tHr r ifipetlfnlly lnll't l eiamlno. i nnM.nn a no. 1'AINTH AN!) OILS. ATf.!TIC MIAII l.t fACllAliffir ITIt .Ine Wlill llnt.liq.lr t, IMIe.1 1'alrit (Ml In Inlk r.d In Knllon .Iramt, A fallaiitOTlm'nl fancy Color Palrm. ' '" IIOM.KM A CO. LIJIIIUOATINM OILS. SIRMM Olf, . A.f V IUITITr Ritlrr4t.' . (JII.nd5iallon Iln.. nOLLBrlACO. -- .VIltK HIOOINO. Sir.iJi rn)i iimjii iu m t.fi'iiM. ron t.y IHfll.l.KH A CO. MANILA CO It DA UK. a rirr.i. AMoitTm:air otr ntw.r.n mon jm an : thread lo lire Inch J (Hi IHM.I.r.M & CO. JIKMI'COItDAOK. AND HOLT ROI'B. A 5 AHHnir:tr.HT or ntxrjt mon a i- -a Inch tol In.h Aim, Hp'inyirn, H'UInf, lUDIn, lloH.ellne, ilarllne, llmmdlnj:, Ac nil nOM.EM ft CO. IJI.OUKH AND MAST HOOfS. PATKMT WO ITRri'K HIAH'Um, Iron Mrpp"l Hloeka, Tatent llualilnir. Plain Umbilici fill aaaotlmrnt of alr. a UU JtlOI.I.BM ft CO. UHOUKitlKS. i.amo in rittn. n a mt. paeli. Iliiller In Jara and Kera. Coe. .'a.a A..orpil Tahlo I'rulta, Canned Meal., Jama and J'lll'a, Honey In fllaaa, I'lcrlra Kp of I'l.kl'., Vej;ptahla, llewa of J'l J'ork for family n.e, Hafa of Co(T- -, l.lie.la and Caddlea of Finest Tea, Mardlnea In fr and hf lioiea , vrrmirrin, iatcaroui, uracaera in vaneir. vnrni nnrar , Keg Hajftr. noi.i.r.n tiixj. I1KKA1). SXtAUtK IIRKAD tit VAHM AMU WmXWM. lrted, Hwlt Crackera In ca.ea, Hod Crack-er- a In lioica and Tlii, r.ge Jnmhlta. Ilatiaoa Cakra, Ac, Ac. flOJ.MJB ft CO. r. HI7 EXTUA MKSSJIKKF. Ann KAirKKiv kxtma pkimb rnmc Hale hy IIOLI.EB ft CO I BID IIAMSAN1JHACON. JlrtT AT II A .HO. I'or Kale by I10I.LEH ft CO EXPECTED. i:iih:ha ro ARRivr, A.t ADM tlonil Htock of Ocneral Slerchandl.e. t bPJ IMJLI.KH ft CO. POTATOES AND ONIONS. r.::i villi i'i:it .'irr or hkw tork, Jlav the PI licit I.t In the Market. 2 81ft . WJM.KS A CO. GOLDEN GATE KLOUIl. llAKIlll'n KXTHA. KXTMA FAMILT IK M J nnarterand half licka, Kldorado flour In quarter parka. Corn ileal. Oat Meal. Cracked Wlieit In 10 lb has, received direct from the Jlllla every month, and warranted ftetb, and of llio tw at ouallly. S tH nolXKU ft CO. LIMK. tgdnnnr.iM rittviii CALIFORNIA ;TvFt.F Mine Juat received. SI UOLI.KH 4 CO PIONEER LiINE FROM LIVERPOOL. THEO. H. DAVIES OFFEBN TOM. HALE or CITY OF MADRID AND 0I1ER0N, (10S Oasrsi Paastsssre) JTJ8T TO ttLJl.NI Conilitin-o- f thcmoil asiortment of DRY GOODS & CLOTHING O.ilranizcd Iron Roofing nn4 Fence 'Wire, l'ortlnnd Cement (WUito'n), Fire Ilriclu, Dine Mottled Soap, Best Welch Btcnra Coal, Galvnnitcd Iron Ware, fvuldlery, 3 pair Jlirrlc-- , Tait &. WaUon's ContrifaraU, Wines, Uquorg, ic tc. eta. AtBO To Arrive per LIZZIE IBEDALE DUK 1ST DECEHBEB, CO Tons Railroad Iron, T Sail, Reostaic Slates, fte. fie SHC TIIEO. If. DAVIES. raSeHafaaB ' (jAHKrgSHjlMARin m naBaHaKlUaaLBBBBWrr" 'ctewiitei M pane For Sale by A. W. KICHABEE A . 3m Comer. Pott and Merchant sts.. llooololo. N. NEUFCLD, 01AID, gQUaUUI AID UPKISIT FIAX0-MAXZ- 1. llSLDr. H. KukfeU Ca, AgaaU tar a XawaUaa UaaaU Th Sydiuf Mall, 5afA.'j. JauarfV, U8, pagu 117, US. Pianofortes inthe Exhibition. In nor previous notice of the PUo-- v la tax KiMbi. lion (So. IV.) In connection with those of the Oerman Court, we were enable to du nore Huia'mvaeralf tha eihl-.l- t It L. XKVVtLD, of Berlin, and Uut eaunera. lion was trroncoa., blnce wrlliosT lhs.1 ssllc. th brdney agents, Mes.rs, Ka bone, Kccx A Col. have ilrrn ns an opportunity of of 'which, four are exhibit -- it Instead of two. a formerly suted, Tha ruralla A l.raod of full Maupi. 7V octaree orerstruns. "an avu'llccl metal frame tn azTtaTcs, the action la perfect unfipL,- - reoeiltloti." All the modern laiproTomenUarapvned the lnilruairnt Is cased In walnut, of nne tone and light loach, i-- .d belui lo addl Hon bj far the most pilctwoith cuiht to coaunajsd Iba most ready nuulut. Ea.SU an nprUbt cottaxe crand, with Iron frame oicrstrung. well Isilshed, and cased In a handsom frame In the toale Qaatorso stile. Ess. a Is aa cottsj e, simpler la the exterior, hot with aobsUu-tla- l mtlsl tram, and all the sitdeacts of thorwtck car In the Uteroal constractlon. Ea. t Is aa ovtrsUaaa aprlxht boaiolr rottaj of very seixeable tone. . lUilar thnrouzhly exuataed the workaasaihlp and construction, and tested ton aad loach, w are aMe to apeak with coaAdene on the sterile menu of Ike Instruments, rspeclslly when we esxnnata Ike prlcee wSth those ol oli.r exblhtta. laF Jtaao ara aow aa ezklbltloa at Ike store of MBSu H. HACsOfBUl A CO. OLD JUDGE TOBACCO AW ClfAmiTTU,, AT HsMXaETsUI aV 1st'

Saturday Prams. - University of Hawaiiur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii

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Page 1: Saturday Prams. - University of Hawaiiur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii


M'narnll-rtn- i

riVr.JJOI.I.AU.S A YKAH IN ATIVANOR"nli-- i libera Bin) AiUnlU' t '" mltlr Mr Tlioa (I

'Ii.ihiii .s .Urtnnii rK mi mailer for Hi. Nalnnlay I'n ln.nlil linrutdreaaeilI.. Hi- - H.M'llllim I'lllHH

Clirlntniiui live.

'I lin Mlcnlii-t- plnji il llinlr (.'lirlnltiina tiuinTihiIiiM liMHtilli my iillnni(ivrii,Willie, miil!lii tiy it I'iflv iiiiHiiii'I lio iiiirlmliiiM lutitnlit, Illicit with leiiYcn,(lnvn Imrkn rlcli nml tliilliif Miron'I'linl iitrrimwiTi'd thnlr imttirnl ufriiii,'I'liriiiiuli lilll nml vrtllny ovrry lirrwnllitil aimli In I i"it Willi fnliliil wIiikhlit Ml wnn lliiinlr, lull not Irrnzo,Nor chri'k llm nttnilo of Die nit I nun((.i nlimt nml linnly worn llm Imiiil'I lint icinjH'il tlm rliunln villi Mrciiuntii linml.

Anil wlm lint llatrtinl T Ml wnn pulilltciKCl Immrv ltininliN' olnlin I

'I lie urnilliiLt kIwii Mm iiuiitln ilnyolIn Manor of 1'iifli Imnxi'liiilil nnniii,Iuly iirt)iioitnriil Tlt1i Innty roll.Slid "Merry ('lirUtnnvn" Ulird In nil t

O limllicr 1 1 rrrrro Mm rliolcn'Mini liHik limn from tliy imlivo lilllniAnil It In kIvimi limn In rnjolittiI'lniiiiiti ptililln rtro full ufteii tlllnllcnwu only wlliiem. of llio loll--- A

Imrmu nml liiijiriiliilnl noil.

Vol, Wotilil Hint Itioti, with inn nml inlnn,llnilnt licnrilllin iii'Vit fillln rltoAmi hpi'II on oilier fnron nhliinA I rim rnvlvnl of llm Unlit,Wliloli nnlnrn, nml dm nnilln jxtwitrnIn aliuplo nhllilliiKiil nprcnil llironuli mini I

I'nr plenniirn Imili nut noiinoil In wnltOil ilinun i'iN('tl'il nillUlill rutlltilH,Wliollior tlm rich innit'ii miinpttiotiN unto('nil forth tlm iiiii'lnliiirnln rmnmlnOr llicy nrniiriril nl llm iloor'I'hnl minritn lliu lowllonl of tlm HKir.

How Innrliliiu, when nt mliluliilit wiwliiilx, nml nil In ilnrk,

M'i lioit- r- nml hIiiIi "huIii In nloop I

Or, nt nn rmrller mil, In mark,lly liliir.liiK fire, llio Hit hiihk'IihiOf Ituiocriioo.

Tlm mutual noil tlm urnvn tllftuiil'iitOf hiMirlx with ulnililni'wi lirlininliiK oo'rAmi wiiiiii iiiililililnu Innri Unit rlnoI'ur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn jTruro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmiluI'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I

Ah not for cniornlil flelilii nlono,Willi iinililiMit Ktriuinm mom pnrn nml liriultt'I linn fnlili'il (Jytlmrpn'rt sronn,(llittoring lioforn llm Tlmmliircr'n nllil,In In my hturl of hour In onilonrrtlThu Krouiul whom wo worn liorn nml retired.

Ilnll, nnclont inmmern I imro ilufonrn,Whom thoy rmrvlvo, of wlnileiimmi Iiiwh iKriiiiinnlH of love, whoan miulonl hhiiho'I'Iiiih Into nnrriiw room withdrawn)Ilnll nmiuiiHof irlnliiu) niniitd,Ami yo Hint ;nnrd them, inoniitnlim old I

Yet, limy c-i- mnkn, who fnll to findHluirt IciHiiru oven In tlm liunlonl dnyH,MoniciitH to cihI n look hohiml,And profit by I huso kindly rnjn'Mint thiiiii(li tlm clondHilo HiiiuntlmrH ntonl,And nil llm fnr-ol- f punt rovcnl. Woiidhhoutii,

Foreign Nows Itoms.

liOStiON, Novomlior 20lli. Tjonl Colo-ritlK- i,

Cliiof JiiRlico of llio Coinmou LMohh,

linn Iicoii nppoitiled Oliiof JiiHlicn of tlio(Jin'oii'i Jlonuli, vico Sir Aloxnudor Cuolc-liiir- n,

deceived.Vibnna, Novombor 2Clli. Tlio Aronlo-lipgrii- m

pnsRL'd Ihrongli Mn.m-.i- , lonving i

i,fnrr!f!uii tlioro, nud occu)io(l tlio Turkishiiitroiiuhmontn on tlio lioiglttn. A dctnuli-itiu- nl

Hiib.sc(lii)iitly ndvnuuod to inkoof Dtilcigtio.

Haouha, Novombor 2Clh, Tlio Monlo- -

JicjjrinH nro to occupy tlio town tuid distriutof Dulciyiio with nioti nnil 12 piocoHof nrtillory.

OoNsrANriNOri.r,, Novombor 26th. Intlio lighting whioh procodod tho ocouptttionof Duloigno by Dorvish Pnshn, tho Tnrkfllost 200 killed nud wounded nud tho Al-

banians 100.Vienna, Novombor 20th. Oflioinl in-

formation in rccoivod thnl Dorvifih l'nshnpcrsoimlly surrondored Dulciguo to thoMontcnogritiB.

Duiu.tN, November 2Gth. A crowdedmooting of loynl inhnbitnnts wns hold ntLiHburn rccoiitly. It wnn nttondod by thocountry gentry mid Protestant clorgy gou-crnl- l',

nud Hovornl fnrmers woro prcsont.llciiolulioiiH woro passed condemning tholiuul ngitntion nnd ngrnrinn outrages.

Tlio Court of Quooii'a IJonch hns finallynppoiutod tho 28th of Docombor ns thodate for tho commencement of tho trinlsof tho indicted Land Longuors. Iloaly nnd"WnlHh will bo tried, nt tho Cork Assizoa onDccoulbor 7 th.

Captain Beamish, n magistrnto nt Corkcounty, hns written n lottor to Forator,slating that ho hns rccoivod n threateningletter, nnd has thoroforo sought tho pro-

tection of tho polico. His object in writingto Forbtor is, thni if his death should bo

nddod to Uiobo of othor landlords who havebeen murdered sinco tho present Govern-

ment camo into power, it cannot bo ploadcdtlml it was oithor justifiable or took plncobecauso Govornmout protection wns notcalled for in time.

Tho Ulster men loft Lough Musk re-

cently under n strong csoort. Thoro wns

mi demonstration. Tho hussars romaiuedto protect Boycott. Tho Ulstor mou sloptiu tho barrnoks nt Ballinrobe.

Lord Landsdowno has just boon obligod

to lleo to KnglMid from his Korry ostatos

because ho felt his lifo to bo in joonardy

thoio. Tho immodinto cnuso of his flight

hasnotyot boon nnnouueed, but no doubt

it was hastened by Hho receipt of throaton-in- c

lottors, whioh seem to bo Hying overIreland in oil directions just now.

2Gth. ThoNovomborNkw Yoiik,World' Loudon special says : It is undor-hlbo- d

that when Parliament asMmblra,

GlndRlono will propose n grant of XJ0.000to General Sir t'rodonck Uoborts, tho horo

of Cnndahnr, for his military sorvicos inAfghanistan.

OlUcial denial is made of tho rumor thatllm MnrciuiB of Lorno will resign the Gov- -

of Canaila nt tuo oua oiip

three yoars, nnd return homo.

WAKiiisarOH. Novomber 2Gth. Thoro000 in gold bullion

"lauding to the credit of tho United States

Tro' surer, out of which it has boon deeded$10,000,000 of tho do.

lo monthly,mi. ation of $5 nnd $10. No gold coins

donomination than 5 will bo coin-


at present. Tho work will bo performed

nt tho'Philadelphia mint.November 2Cth A great,

LosDOsr,tho Scotch coast. AonBtnrm

or1 of "xsso ta IU? Clyde have drag-- I

Z hoir anchors. It foarcd thoro htw

feeousomo loss of life. Tho ship Vandyke,

for Groonook, is nshoro nt

1Ceath point. Tho bwkVom A. liar.. r.. VnrL-- . for Dublin, previously

S hoou Wexford coast is likelytXcomo n total wreck. A lifeboat has

Bono to tho rescue. I'lio Gorman steamer

Katai, captain Wbs, from Glasgovv, No-voml-ier

l&th, for New York, has arrived at

Queonotown, nftor being at sea ton days.

Her decks woro swopt nud hor ougtnos are

out of order.London, Novombor 20th. Tho JTew

savs Tho Pauama canal, whou oomplotcd,

will bo a groat boon to shipping it is cortaiu,

but that it will provo a protUablo

tiou for auother twenty yoaia w doubtful.

SaturdayVOIiUMK I.

II. in nn nxri'lloiil, but prnmntnro work,wliirh would Imvn been butter for finpporLby nuliniilioi froin llm (lovnniiiHmlii

Thu Tinifit ntm n view of llmPniminn cnunl nimilnr to llirtl, iu tlio jVnrit.

U'AKHINnTON, Nnvniiibdi'Qnili. SecretaryKvnrlN imyn Hint llm full dnlniln of tluniniv,Cliliii'Hn t ninticn hnvonnl been iccoivnd yol,bill, hn Miippoioil of rnurso tlmy are in I

with tho instructions given to thoCninminMoum'fl. In I lint casn it will bo mliruly mitinfnctory to 'nil nculionn of tlio'oiintry, nud will carry out llio vtnwn ofllm Ailminintrnlinu on llinCliiuiiNO (iirmllonmi mil forth in llm ripcuinl iiKiNHiign mid vetoof llm I'romiluiil of llio Iimanuropaiidod by (Joiigrosi. Tlm oIimihoh of llioiimigrnlion Ironty proviilo cnrltiin iqiecilh:icgiilntioim lo govern this perplexing Iioh-Hu-

In llio fiiluro omignmlM will lielo tlmsu llinili by miitunl

of tho Gliiuunn nml Amciricnu (lovoru-mo- n

In, IIiiiii pruvoiiling thu introduction oftho low olnmnn, whioh linn cnuncd no muchcomptiiiut, nnd vomoviiig nil objoutionnblofoaliiniH of (ho niirlingamo Ironly.

Tlio commeroinl treaty will bring Chinnwithin llio fmino rolatioim with nn us nroenjoyed by tlio more favored natiomi. ThoiimtrnclioiiH lo tlio CommissiouerH worovery full on this point, nnd tho SecretaryholinvoH that tho ronultswill provn eminent-ly nntisfiiclory. Ho duHirL'il tlioin lo convoylo tho Government ul I'ekiu the wish ofthe United Statos to uultivnto tho closest'relations of friendship nud commuruo, look-

ing to tho opening of extended reciprocalmnrilimo roltttiotin with the two countries. w.

Secretary Kvnrlt Raid that with thin trontyiu full force a fow yoars will develop thofact that oiiO'tliird of thu cereal prodiiotn oftho groat West, whioh now find their wnyto other mnrketH, will ho engorly soughtfor in China, nud that iiiHtond of I'higlundmaintaining control of tho China tr.idc, nnsho doon to-dn- tho United slates will be-

come her most formidable comiiolilor.

Yokohama, Novombor 8th. His Mxcol-lono- y

Hnnnhumi, ilnpnuoso Arinistor Jtcsi-do- nt

for Coroa, is to lifavo for that countryno or about tho lfith instant. The CoroauGovernment nl lougtli appears to bo some-what noxious ns to tho future of theircountry. A lottor rccontly rccoivod iuJapan from Coron states Hint tho loadingmomhors of tho Kmbnssy which rccontlyvisited Japan hold n great council in thocnpital on the Gilt of October, at which up-ward of eighty high dignntnrics of Stnto 2

nttondod. Tho subjects for discussion worotho desirability or othgrwiso of restrictingtho prcsont intercourse botweon Coroa nndInpan, improving tho .National Army, nudentering tho comity of Asinlic States. Thorosult of tho deliberation is not mentioned.

Uonokono, Novombor 4lh. Tho West-ern Empress, it is snid, has docidod that niltlioso who nro in favor of wnr with Russiashould sign a document guaranteeing thatif China should loso, tho subscribers willpay nil tho indemnity that mny bo psyabloby Chinn to llussin, since Ilin Majosty isnot of ngo, and thoy are but two women,nml would not tnko tho responsibility ofdeclaring wnr ngniust llussin. This docu-ment is said to liavo bcou sont first for sig-uatu- ro

to Li UungiOhang, Grand Secretary nnd Somor Gunrtuan of tho bmporor,nud nlso ns tho principal Grnndco, nud ho,nftor consulting with his principal ollicers,declared in favor of peace.

At n rocont grand council of tho WostornEmpress ,tb.o Princess nnd tho Senior mom-bo- rs

of tho Six Boards, ns well ns ChungHow, nttondod, and it is stated that it wnsagreed thnt nrbitration b& resorted to fortho sottlomont of tho Livndin Tronty quest-ion, ouo of tho foreign Ministers on onoside nud Li Hung Chang uu tho othor.

ED. C. ROWE,Home anil Sluu Paiiitor, Pnpnr Hnngor, &c

7(0 1) Xu HIKort Hlreet. llimoliilii. s

xin:o. II. WAVIliN,LlTt Janioh, Oblkn X Co.J


l.hiyil'annd tho Uverpool Underwrllera,llrlll.h nud Foreign Mnrino In.uruncu Company, anilNorthern Aa.nraiicoCimipiiny. uTtO ly

OASTl.i; Ai HATCH,dflLti'tonioyisi vt Tjcxw.

W. IU CAHn.r., Notary Public, nttcml ull thoC'uurln of tliA Hlugdom.

rnrtlculnr attention puld to llio ntBollallnii of I jib ns,Collecllnc, etc, OB" Money lo lunu on

MorlSKR.ortlcu: No, IS Kanliiimmiuatret, Honolulu, Hawaiian

I.Unila. 7l ly

IIOI.I.INTIIIt V tUO.,l)rvggltt Aiolhttartt,

Importers of Tobacco nnd Cigars,Manufnclnrere of Hmln Water,

Acciita for 1'. I.vrlllard & Co' Tin Tur; W. H. Klmlinll& C'n'n Viiully l'ulr; miilOomlwIu .tUu'iUM

Judge, Tobuccoa and UlKiircllea.810 .M S3 Numum Slrff I. Honolulu, ly


Itobliiiou'a I'lropioof llulldlni;,QuecnStroct, Honolulu, 11,1.

lacNin rosTht (lU.gow ami Honolulu Line of Packet!.Juliu Kay .t C.i'. I,lerwl aud I.omlou 1'ackela.Tha Walkapil Plaiilatloii,Tlm Spoiicor IManUlloii, llllo,lUkalau I'Untallon, llllo.lrrlee, T.H t Wation, fugar Macldntry.

Tha I'nultM Slioap Itiiucli Ooiiiiny. 7W




Dealers in Conoral Morchandlso,No. b0 Kiug Street, IIuuolulu.Hawallau Ulauda.

.,., AOKNTS V0II ....-T- he

Union Ininrance Cotuptuy of San Francisco. The NewH'ljliuil Mutual l.lfa Insurance Company, lUnlvn.TlnsOrezou Packet Line. The llohU I'l.nlalluli,lir.Jayuo A doii'aCvleurated Tha Haiku Plantation,

UliMlettiej. aiaiua I'laniaiion,IVheelee A Wllion'a Sawing1 llauuku PlautalloD.

Machines, liw iy)

iiy.uai--; 1IIIUN.,

Importers of General MerchandiseI'UOM


No. IU MucUtnl Street, . Honolulu, II. I,


WHOLESALE GR00ERS,SlOaudSlS California Street,

NAN r MAN IIINIIO,fST Particular attention paid to fllllux and ahlpplns

Iiland orJera. WU 17

1000 GALLONS OF SPERM OIL.rivitt 1M Hi; ah rit'i.t; or Hun oil jrr

on h"io from Iho "Tronic HlrC" Tho Oil la,tr lined, aud lo it ckar and nuuv ua water. For alo by

i j i JIUl.l.l.q a. vv.


Attiii'iiny ntul Uiiiiiipinllor ut I.nw,I Jlfn limit lit , llmirilnlti, II I j

I'.DWAllI) l'UITON,Atlornny mill Coiiiuidlor nt I.mv,

Ijr Ml I'ml Hlrrrl llniidlnln I

" mum, i). ii. oniPPiN,"inn t'.itl hi , tlmioliilii

I'i1ilonii1iln rilllliinrj mill IDrnn Mnlinr.Nrw (IimhI. nml Hljli rcMlnil frry inonlli j


Olllrnntllr llnirninlili'ii Ilfini lltnrr, 31 Mctrlinnl HtHrtiilKiiri, ruriipr linknl nml I'nrl lrr I (tlinnM Ktnrrpci'inl.i) llillcn limirn tllull M.Uinli'.M II llm

.1. NOT!' & CO.,ImiiuHnr mill DuiiIom III HIovm, Ilmiicrn,.Mc'Ul., Iloiian I'cniil.lilnv' (ln'iila, I'rucUi iy, (linn nml

Chinn Wnrn. mriiriu ,mcci niiica, iiiiimiiini, II. i.I Iy

A. W. ltlOHAUDSON Sc CO.,l!tl'iiliTi:it M li imAI.Klin IN

lliuiln, Hliora, Kiitiil.lilnit Omnia, llnla, I 'it p., Trunk',Vnllnfo, I'l'tfiiuiry nnil Nimii, Wnlllmni Wnlrlm.,l'lnn .li'wi'lty, etc., riirimr (if Vint nml .Mti Imnl Hl.,Ilnimliilii,ir, I. I Iy


M. DICKSON,P)iotKnpliio Arllnt,

H nml 101 lfrlI'lflnri'. nf nil aire nml klinta innrin In onlitr, nml

I'mnii'. of nil ilrixTllitl'ili" rnii.lmilly on linml, Al.'i,Hlii'lla, t'nrnl, nml (.iirl'ialllca nf llm I'm inn. 'J Iy"Jj. W. IIOPICulilnnt Mnlinr, UplmUloror, Dnnler In

Fiiriilturo,No. hH Kins Hlrri't, l"twcon Minmiiii nnd I'nrl Hlrcula.

Atntlrrmi'H ron.lniitly nn linml or nimlii lo nnlcr.iMy

THO.S. O. TIIIIUM,Importing mill Mmnirnnttirlnj' Sfjtlonnr.

Nnwfi Ai;ant, Uoolt Illmlnr, &o.,Mfrcliniit Httirl, nml Denier In

l'lnn Hlnlliinrry, llnokn, Mn.lr, Tnyn nml I'nncy (IikmIb,I I'nrl Hired, iii'iir Hold, IIiiiioIiiIii, Iy

m. wtNNrit. joiin HWKNKnr.,

WENNEU 8c CO.,I'nrt Hlrrel, iip.iml(.i (Mil 1'e.llown' Hall,

Mmiuriifitiii'lni; Jownlnrn, Dlimiond Snttnra,Kmirnveri., nml llenlern In .Icwclty nf nil IJinla, Hliell

nml Kuktil .lewelry ininln In mrter, Orilern nlmi rivrelvetl nml fnlllifiiMy iillemleil In fur nil kluiln of ill rWork In Jewelry nr .Menmrlnl llralKiia. I Iy

D. W. GliARK,"Wutoli Multor mnl .Towolor,

Dii'iiiiTKiinrVtl(ttim ami all oilier Amrrlnnn Walchcn,

Ulovkn anil Jewel)'!.Wnlch. Uctmlrlni!".,.iiimli! n Htieclnltv....... ,. .iy iMii. u .lerni'iiii rurnci, iinnoiniii.


No. SI .Merchant Ht., next In Thou. (I. Thrum.

Ilitolx mill Mlioei .11 i 1 o til Onler, of Ilfnt IWn

(erliil.iiiul lit Iti'MMiuiltlfl I'rlrrs.Boots and Shooo mnclo for Cash only

M. S. GRINDATJM & CO.,Importom nml Whnloaln Doulom lu Ooim- -

rnl MnrolimiillNO,Jlnkcc'n lllock, (Jiiecn Hired, ly

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Forwarding mnl CoiuiiiIhsIoii Mnrohnntn,

Sit California Hl.,Hnn I'mnclrcn.Heclnl fncllltlea for nnd pnrllralnr nttcnllon paid to

2 coiinliiiiliiontn nf lalinil produce. ly

T. J. MOSSMAN,Imporlnr ami Donlor In Crooltory,

l'laln nml Decnrnlml l'oreelnln. On' nnd I'renf eil (Unas,Hiker l'lnleil Ware, (Jullery, C'luuulclk'rc, I.ampi,Olilmnrrii, I'.tc.

l'lru Proof More, cor. Kliif nml Niumnii His., Honolulu.- J y

E, COOKiWEBB.M. D.,Homoopnlhlst,

(1Mb Chief of SUiff llnmeiMiathlc Ilo.pttnl. Wnrd'8Inlnml, N. y.)

Oftlco 0 Kort Hired. Hpcclnl attention to dlcnea ufwomen nml children.

Olllco lmnrH Until 10 a.m. 3 to I P.M. SlyO. HEIIEI.KKN. (I. r.SUl.lHO.

G. SEGEI.KEN & CO.,No. 5 Xiiumiii Htrect,

Tlnnmttlm nml Plnmliorn, Donlnrs in Stoves,llatiRea, Tin, Sheet Iron mid Coppi r Ware, keep

on luiiiil a full nanrliuent of Tlnuaru, Oiilvnn-lA'- d

Iron nml Lead Pipe, India Uulibcr lloie, ic, &c.yiy


Merldcn Qu.idrupln Plated Ware, (IIiipsuiuc, KliiR'aConiblniitiun Hpectnclen and ive (llmffeH, llrncketa,Vnicn, I.'i.trnl Wlm Ware, 1'micy Hnni s, PlcturoVrameK, Wo.tenholmV Pockit Knlvc, Hclf.ore, l'ia-lol-

Powder, Hhol nnd Ammnnltlon, Clnrk'a HpoolCotton, Jlachlno OH. nil kinds of Mnchlno Ncedlea,"DonieHtlc" Paper Kii.hlnna, Hole Aeut for luu

nckuouledeilIilRbt Running Domcntio Sowing Machine.


WHITNEY & ROBERTSON,(Successor to II, .M. Whitney)

Stationers, Puulinhors, Now Sealers andBook-Binder- s.

1 Merchant Hlreet, Honolulu, II. I. 1y


DOES BINDINO OF ALL DESCRIPII0NB.The work executed nt Ihls eatuldlaliment la under the

supervision of Mil. JOHN J,. ItKHa.wlio i noil knownnn nu experienced workman, und cannot bt ntriatttl.

WOKK 1IIIM! AT llli: LUWCIT IIATK...leiiimvev iimimirunK.Hlntloners, Pnlillshers, Nc l)encre and Hook Illndcrs.


R. LOVE it. BROTHER,. Proprietors,NUUANU SltEKT.

l'llot, Jtcillum nnd Navy Ilrend always on liand nndinadn In order Also, Water, Hoda and lluttcr Ornck-er- a,

Jenny 1,1ml Cnkcp, Ae.Ship llrrnil on tho aliortest notice, l'amlly

lireau, ninucoi ino iieaiciour, oaKeu iiniiyaim aiwnyaon hand.N. . Ilrown llri'iul n r llm licit Itunllly


citATiat or or uii.awka,W. II. 17ENTZ, MANAGER.

Plenty tn eal, a ronainir lire, clean bed, nnd tlio beatutieiiiianco on ine iinnauan lainuua.

Vlaltor reipiirlni: any umiaual ilia ay nr volcanicaction will kindly clui Maiincer nt leapt ten days noticelu lluu weather, and from eleM-- to thirteen In foul.

5 ly



Merchant SI. near I'orl, aud furl Hi. near Hotel, HonoluluOaliu. II. I.

Also, l'lihllthrr of the llawalhn Almanac and Annual,and llnuralliii lilrrctory mil Cal'iidar, .Ic, Ac.

The Merchant .Heel Htnre will le davoleil to (Initial bla.Ilonery, 111 ink llooki, News and Htmllng lieparlments.'I he Port alrt-- etore will emhracu Fluo stationary. Hook.,ArlUl.' Mterlila. Toys aud r'aiic) lola. 783 ly


. . HIIAW l'.XOHANOK ON......



New York,lloalon,



lloni; KuiikiMyilney, and

llelbouruc,An-- Iranaact aOaneral Uanklnar llualncaa,. S7 ly


lltirao NlHH-liik- CnrrliiKti Work,l'jiilnllua Muclilurrjr, Ac.

w Klion on King Street, next CnalliTj; t'twiko'a. ly

THOMAS TANNATT.(No. SI Fori Street, oppo.lle K. U. Hall & fun.

Wutolioa, Clocks. Jowclry aad Miuio BoxerorSalo.

Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. t!rrafrom Iho other lalanda promptly attended to. TcH ly

FIONESR STEAMCandy Manufactory and akary

ar. xxof.Ta7,Prctlcl Confectioner, Paltry Cook tad Btktr,

BIS 71 Hotel treet, between Nuuanuaud Fort. Sly....I ii

OFFKK-OI-il) KONA COVFKE.c ll for iJle by HOLLUS A Cu

JMLovolxtxxxt Tailor.Jo W". niH'nrtHt ,lif.iw lir nlaiiinwiilil. Iy

1IIGOIN8 Ik JJ'JiHKrr,N.i, MlnmlMKInitllt.,

4J4)CiiitIii(o Iliillilnn, TilniJl.J.fcr Jrl23ci?ion,( 'ii i I ,!, Vnrnlftlinr nSSa

Allklnilanf llpitlrln nllenilei) In. nnd unml wnrkuiinrauleeil. nl liw Hull a H Iy

'l'IIO.H.N I , Mill,MAOlICISrXS T.

JVti. 10 I'ori Nlrr.il, Q QyK ulll nllrn.l n nil nrili-r- In llm jr(LOCK, HUM X GENERAL REPAIR LINE.

Iln will itlvi M'tIiI Rllciillnh Iii ilemiliiK,nn.f reKiiUtliitf Hewliin Mmlilne., nml nil ntlier ainitatirUntil Mm lilnery mnl .Mitlil Wiirk f every ilcacrliillmi,ItMckainHliInK, fin.

Aln, nn Imlnl niit pir antn rlienp,

AVarioty of Sowing Maohincs4111114. I'IhIiiIh, filiol, Alilllilllillllill,

XVXncliino Oil, OTccdlcs, Ac, Ac, Ac.Hewlim Mnelilnn Tiiekem, IIIiiiIom, nnil nil ntder enirn

nml ilnillen(ii purl, nr ni.ohlnM mippllnl ml uliorl nnllcu,4- i- IU nt MrlilliiTwll,-n- o , , .

fiolt Apni in thli Klnyilon nrTho I'lnreneeHeivliiK .Mn.ililne, froin 1 10 la 110.Wlill.iHewlmtMiiililiie. rriim (H lnt7A,HiMiiiiflliilKliiHimliiU Mm lilllv, fioni (11 to lll.Itrr Inelll.llllK nil elMl W)1 Ijr

t iiavi: ii:'iiitici aFIRST -- GLASS HORSE -- SIIOER


Ami nin irinrnl to rnrry on Cti In llrnnrlimy limine In n mnidinr Mntln- -

fnelory t my I'lilronn.

OWNERS OFFINE STOCKWill do woll to give mo a Call.

Hoi-bo- s sont to my King St. ShopWill bom'ttiilli iittondrd to.


A I.I. AM lli::tl!!:ilT, l'ii.rlelor.

ir - jfeistew ivw,!K'fJAiii.-,'!mW:'-i- IK

1 mfKSWSimf; ' v ?z- -n )'' aiar"- -

V30i :


Kntrnncos on Hotel, Illchurdu, and Ilerclaida Htreele

FIRST-CLAS- S IN EVERY RESPECT..lrlcca tli pamo as Klrat-Cla.- Hotel In Han Franclaco.

mi fa


DltAPBll, )lll. J. .MAIUNIIUUK. llm nnlv ilnt-clas-

Upholaterer III the Kingdom Outo of Han I'rnnclaco), Iam prepared to do all klndx of

TJPECOXiSTEH TTVCa-,- 'In tho Latest ami Heat Hlyle.

WOKS WS&ilVTEDCall nml Sco our

iioinr.iiH,III! II IAIU.M1E.S,

NOFA j1KII, ACJJ.Tl. Mr. SI. haa aclecteilaflnn lot of Upholalerlnc

(looda, Parlor Heta nnd I.ounsep, Chairs, Ac, of tholatest ptvlep, which have Jut arrived from Ban Fran-claco. I hnro also pint recched, ft new lot of

Tho Latest Styles of Furniture !


iit:ruiti: conn, kaum, etc.All of which will lie for tale cticnp. It will pay you tocall nt .Vn. II I l'ort Htreet nud examine the Uomls

cltcuhero.S C. K. WILLIASIS.


DRESS MAKING ROOMSCorner Fort and Hotel Sts., Up Stairs.

rooTjH vounD kkspkct-l'ULL- Y

call thu attention of I.tullcs to her very

Superior System of Measuring and Cutting,Which cannot fall lo glvo Ilia ncrcaaary ease aud sracoso vaaetitlal lu tUtinc uvtry llure.


Mourning, Wedding andTraveling Suits.

LADIES' ItlDINQ IIA1UTS A SPECIALTY.I .it cat Parisian and oilier lending l'a.lilon l'ulilka.

tlona on hand for cuitomera' rcftreuce.frOrilera from thu other IaUndau 111 recelvo prompt

allcntlon. I baj ly qr

HAWAIIANFurniture Manufactory




:f xjhist txji siAI.WAYH ON UAXD. ANB



,V11 abXamcle lay 3MCt.olxlnsrarAND OP TIIK


Pains will be SparedTO GIVE


Cafflns Alwaya wn Hand.713 TCAtaANU KK.ai4 7

Prams.J)lfiOlfiMBKU 25, 1880,


INSURANCE COMPANY.I'.alnlltlalio.l IKT0.

Unllmltod T.ltil.lllty In Htor.ltlinldnrn.Al ,,, , .,,,, ,, 1l.f.,ljnId. me,,., iOMljrt)

Inroinn tur l7U1'rrmlnriin rcrelxil nfmr ilnlnrilnn of re'ln- -

mirniim ... J a.Vipnl.oi.ea promplly mljnate.1 nnd pnld Imp,

I 3m IIINIKil A 'i AneiiU.

JjJ TIB MAN'S (fNDIneurancojCompariy.

A Loading Homo Company.AMa,.!mm,-Vt- l , ,.,.,,..,.. .tTr,7,W.I7Aildlllonal Unali Capllnl (now lielnjf rnlled In) m),Uit.lnTolnl Aiae , , gl,tl7rf.irryilK KlltKMA'N'H KIWI) INHiril- -.1. A.VCi: (;O.MPANV Imala II. tlalma to Mm le,timlrnnnKiiiipon Haaiiiiml (Inn rielnlionilttloti.rrfn furred'.. .ernlnii of rnplul. jfllni It orer n inllllou

ilollnia In naaela) It rlli'li.lvn ayalem of Acenrlea,llnlnrRnpreinlmii Income, mIUi.miI Mm ri'cea.ally of lirniry coiicentrallon of llneat Ha mlherenco In

llm lie. I prlnelplea nnd prnclleea of llndernrlllnxt hyopen, Mir nml rleaily etpreaaeil conlraria, nml prninplnnd eijiillnliln ndjii.tmriil arid payment of ejllmatnlo.aea.

I'or .eyenteen renra It lina lieen fnvornldy known n arnnawAtlvo niiilerwrller, nnd diirliiK th.it Ulna ho.paid orcr

4,000,000 IN LOSSES,I'aatlnR triumphantly Ihrouxli tlio lienrlofit toiiflxra.lloua known In mod'rn Idatory,

IIIMIOI A. Co., Aw"",I Hm Honolulu, II. I.

Floston Hnaril of (InilcrHrlttrs.A OI'.HTN for tlm llitwnllnii InlntuU,J Ml-l- j O. llllKWI'.lt A CO.

I'lillailclplila Itonrd of lliiilcrwrllcrs.AtlKNTN for tlio llawnllaii lalmwla,

U. llltKWI'.ll .fc CO.

'. a. h;iiai:i'i:ii.AdKNT nrilreinen llnnrit of UuilerMTllera,

of lltMlpu llonid of Undnrorllrra,Aiient of Vlnnna llmnl of Uiitlcrorlttra.

Clalma ajtnln.t Iii.uranrnComtril.'i nltldn tha Jnrla.llcllonoftliealKivn lloanlaof IJielprwrlleri, wlllliavo tootcertlflwl lo hy th ahoriagpnl lo make tlieni valid. TV) ly

iIV.iiiiiiikJii-iiicim- ii:

FIRE IN8UEANOE COMPANY.f1lll: TJNII'.UHlnM';i ImvInK hern np--JL pilntel ARcrita of tha nliove Company, am prppar..!

tolii.uroil.kaniipln.lflre, on HIoiipmi.I llrlck llnllil-lnf;- a.

nml on lernliniiillno .lorel lli.relii, oi Ilia moatf iv.irnMe tarim. for partlculara aiiply at Hie ndice nl7W ly V. A. HCIIAKKKIl CO.


OP IIAMIIIIIKl.Capital : : : Six Millions llcichtmtirk.KINIlrl INIIIIi;i O.V IIIIII.DI.V.iH, Aflllt

and rurnlturo, oh llh-r- al terniB, hviTM ly II. IIACICFKM) A ,()., Aeenta.



WiiiMiiMiri. .Mi:n:iiAMnsr:. iiiii.m.Insured Mfnlniit rireou tho

moat f.ivomMo terma.A. JAEGER. Agent for Iho Hawaiian lalanda.

l ly

Insurance Notice.rpur. '.mii:iinhim:ii a in: iiiKiAnKiM. tn wrlto upon Merchandise, per flrat-cla- veieolabetween thin and tho Coant Porta, covering loaa orilamniie, If nmnunllni; to III per cent, or more, on thepound value of the whole elilpment at port of delivery ,upon fnvoralilo terma.

IHSIIOI & Co.Agenla of tho I'lremen'a I'und Iuauranco Company.Honolulu. Jan. 80. 1H), tol 3in

Insurance Notice.AGIiNT FOR TIIK IIIIITIHHTHIS Marine In.uraneo Compiny, (Limited), haa re-

ceived instructions to reilnco (he rutca of liiiiiraocnbetween Honolulu and Porta in tha Pacific, and la now

In i.auo Policies nt the lowest rites, with uaeclalreduction on freight per iteamern.

THRO. II. DAYIKR.ly M Agent llrlt. For. Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited




CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS819 Far the llawmllitn lalmnla. ly

Rhonish Wostphnlian LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

Ol' M. I.AIHIACIf. llboulaU I'rnooiit.

Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,Limited,

OF AAVIU'.X. (AIX.I.A.fll.tPKI.I.K.)ri.Ai.its ron rAiiTicui.An avi:iuAI.I. foistilned by tlooda nrrlvlne here, and Insured

In tuo above Companlca, hav lo ho made with the cosnlzanco of and certified to by tho underaisned. In order tobe valid. (133 ly) J. C. (II.AIIK. A lent.

GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

1' o ifru N AGeneral lnsuranceCompany of Berlin.

milK ABOVE INMIHAXCF. COMPAXIKMX have catubllshcil a General Asency here, and thennder.lsiied, (leneral Ageuta, nreauthoilzcd to takelllakM nKaluatlbo lHii(tcror llio He.ial Ike

oat Kenaoiinbln llnten, aud on IkeMual Fnvornble Terms.

815 ly F. A. faOHAEFEIt A CO., General Accnta.


Capita!, Five Millions Reiclisaark.rpur. iNnKKMiiiNt: havinu iikknJL appointed Audita for the above Company, aro

now ready Inlauol'llricnnllit RUkNori'lreon Hollil-Iu- k,

McrcltaiiilliMi mill t'lirnllureton terma equal tolboie of other respectable companlea.

Lo.se paid for and adluateil here.i'or partfculara, appl; to

71 II. HAOKfl'.t.l A Co.. Acenta.



CAPITAL. AI.OOT.aiArcumulisteil and Invested Fund. ,tt3N,H8

riliiK n.nKUHin.Ki iiavk iikek a p.M. I'OINTltll AllKNTi for Ihs Sandwich Islands, sad are

autliorlied to Insure agtintt rlio uion Uvorable tsrioi,ItliVs taken Inanj part of the Islands on Stone and U'uoJan

Uull'tinaa and inerabsuill.e alonl thertln, Dwelllar. llou.caand furulture. Timber, Coala, tihlpt in harbor with or witheul cartcoaa, or uuder repair.

01 ly Kn. HarFiCIfLAKdtKACOTUB

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON, MASS

I Nil OKI uk Art: ii, is a a.

7i OUUtt Partly Mutual IJe Insurance Co.tnthe United States.

Policies Hmed oa tha most favorable Ttroi.Esmuple or ffou.rorrriluraa llaa,

iS8ur.KD.Aat;, hs liib rusI Annual premium conllaur.l'ullij 3 j.ars lli)ii Annual prtnituei eouliuues Poller I j.sr. II iUjs3 Anuual premium continues Puller Ars!7 ilarsI Anuual premium continues Pulltj a r.'ia 14 ;.t Anuual preuilumcoolluuae plly 10 years 14 dsrs

jkmQtm. i 5xa,aoo,oooiUmm rsUd UarBcU llaatjlalaa Ageucjr,

t4000CAtTLV h COOKE, AJilNTt


niiirraa sealaebia, a iu mtm nf New Cron. last received. -l4 rwr oisi uj sivs.i.0 m vv.

vtrjmmmi n.uuin I " yT

WILDER A CO..AkoiiIx for Hie llnirnllnii lalnnils,

-- OC Till'.

Miitunl Lilb Insurance Go.OI' WI'.W VOIIH,

Lnrfjont, Onfoot nnd Mont


Assets ()H0). $90,000,000Now is a Good Timo to Innuro

Hon bul Flrit-Cla-u Itliki Taken,nu- - Hi.

INTO DE3 3NT C3H 1ST 33Hlioilld Im without Hm

American Cylinder Cup0 which over Ten Tliouaand ara In na,

THE AMERICANKfctLal la tlm only


That rsi, lie relied npon,A .MI IH WAKKAKTKII

To perform

All that li Claimed For It.

A rerlaln nnmlier of ilmpa perminute or p'r hour (vl.lhlo inIhn eyej.wlll VeepjoiirUyllnderlulirlraiiil roiitlniion.ly, (Theold alylo of ciipa do not feedcuitlniiou.ly.)

It will pay for llaelf In forievery lo inoulha; In oil everyreveii to ten month.; In wear,paeklniE and lalnir wry fourtnonlha.

The aliove, nl.o (,'upa forHhaft HearliiKP. Oyllnder Oiland I,iilirlralliii;('oinpouud mayho had of Hie Ayenla,

DII.MNOIIAM & CO.wn on rn





AXjXj X303rBIC3IXiaPTIO3Xrj3

household FurniturePARTIES IN HONOLULU

Or other part of the lalanda,


Orders Filled at Lowest Rateslly iipll.att.m lo Mr. K I. ADAMH, Queen gtreel, woo

haiour llcacrlpllvu Cetaloguo with Prices.


hu NTitKirr,

Black Walnut Bedroom Sets,muck Walnut Sldcbonrdg,

Jilnck Walnut DiniiiE Chnin,Oak Cane Heat liining C'balic,


621 3rn



YUCCA BOILER COVERINGPtentod Jananry 19, 1866.

Has been victorious orcr all other derlcea for corerln?bollcraulth which Ifliaa been brought Into competi-tion, both In Kuropo and America, for the pa.t tvrelroyeara. Kndoraed by the ScUitflflc Aim rican and LowlonKnglnurlnrj evcryithero na bcln? Iho beat Nonondoctor, the moat Itcllablc. the most Economical.

THE ATR 8FAOEI.The "Air Spaco" tlaa mechanical derlce. The old

method of corerin; boiler, ettam and other hot pipes,wa, to smcir a coaling of plaiternrcr the Imllera andpipes, and directly in contact with the hot surface..Common avnaa teaches thai any compound thus appliedwill tuon haro tho Ufa burnt out of 11, and that the ex.panalou and contraction of Ibe melal over which it lismeared, will cause It lo loosen and crack, lo that Itvrlll, after n lime, fall off. Ucsldes this, experience baaprored that the lime and other compcunda used for thispnrpoac, when applied direct to the boiler surfaces,corrodea lliir.bollcrs ao aa to greatly injure them,

ThoAIr Spacoserreaa twivfold purpose; Brat It pro-vides a alratum of air entirely around the boiler, whichIs the beit known of heat, tiecond. ItErorldes a surface which is entirely Independent of the

upon which the corerini compound Isplaced, and this surface belns formed of wire cloth of

mesh, fumlthc a aplcndld means of cllnchlneor fasteuins the compound around the boiler.

The wire space Is supported at the apace of an inch ormore from tho Iiollcr or hot pipe by metal stud placedclose together, so tliat the expansion or contraction ofthe bol)cr or pipes arouud which It Is placed will not af-fect the outxldo covering, because the atud allows aeuiUclcut movement without dlitnrblns the surround.Ins lre and cover

Experience and practical tests have demonstratedbeyond a doubt that the radiation of beat from a boilernrrtiunded bv tho"AlrSDace "and Its covei.u?.ls lea

than that from a holier covered with any of the otherwell known boiler corcrluj;s; consequently there Is agreater saving nf fuel.

In proof of what Is said about the superiority of theChaluicrs-Spviic- Air Space, see StitntlXt AMtrican,Dee. 1, 1b7, and loiulon Jlnyliu4rta, July U, Ib77.

(). a. FOWLUU, Solo Owner for I'atlflc Coast.H. HACKFELO A CO Agents,

3-- 2 Honolulu.



Pratical Confectioner I. Pastry CookXI JX. JD Xt. TT

Pioneer Steam Candy, FactoryLemon and Tunarind lyiopi alwaya oa haal

T , tyi ct rxxLml'at up In A.'o. t nelntd Su;irs, hl;hly

recommended for See, vojijes.American, French, English

andQemAa FutriM

Made to Order at short Notice

Wedding Cakes OrnamentIn the blshest Sljle or Art.

IUch fresh home made ChocoliteCreims, Cocoannl ando

Cream Candles.

Ea. 71 Hatal Mlract b, ) ! Farg lr gr

hip Chandlery.AUHUK AtUMKTMKST,

Hemp and Manila,Couon Duck, lleup I'aovas. FUx CaaraJ,Vlax Hall Twine. Cotton Ball Twin,lllock.. Osra, llul Hoops, Jib llanavs,


"AJtt UAVK ItKf'KIVKI) A IMIIOK.VV ad'llllon tinnr former lftfc of fihlprtundlpfy,

llhlp Mlnf.i, Proililoni, At, Ac,hUh gltea n. IM

Orcatcot AnBortmont of OoodoKept on It.. Iilandf , all nf whl'li ttlll U (old it Ihiliweal Market l'ilra, a ntnal. Oar fflenda and llm"!S.Xti'tHr r ifipetlfnlly lnll't l eiamlno.

i nnM.nn a no.


ATf.!TIC MIAII l.t fACllAliffir ITIt.Ine Wlill llnt.liq.lr t,

IMIe.1 1'alrit (Ml In Inlk r.d In Knllon .Iramt,A fallaiitOTlm'nl fancy Color Palrm.' '" IIOM.KM A CO.


. (JII.nd5iallon Iln..nOLLBrlACO.


Sir.iJi rn)i iimjii iu m t.fi'iiM. ront.y IHfll.l.KH A CO.

MANILA CO It DA UK.a rirr.i. AMoitTm:air otr ntw.r.n monjm an: thread lo lire InchJ (Hi IHM.I.r.M & CO.


A 5 AHHnir:tr.HT or ntxrjt mon a i- -a

Inch tol In.h Aim, Hp'inyirn, H'UInf, lUDIn,lloH.ellne, ilarllne, llmmdlnj:, Ac

nil nOM.EM ft CO.


Iron Mrpp"l Hloeka, Tatent llualilnir.Plain Umbilici fill aaaotlmrnt of alr.a UU JtlOI.I.BM ft CO.

UHOUKitlKS.i.amo in rittn. n a mt.paeli. Iliiller In Jara and Kera. Coe. .'a.aA..orpil Tahlo I'rulta, Canned Meal., Jama and J'lll'a,

Honey In fllaaa, I'lcrlra Kp of I'l.kl'., Vej;ptahla,llewa of J'l J'ork for family n.e, Hafa of Co(T- -, l.lie.laand Caddlea of Finest Tea, Mardlnea In fr and hf lioiea ,vrrmirrin, iatcaroui, uracaera in vaneir. vnrni nnrar ,Keg Hajftr. noi.i.r.n tiixj.


SXtAUtK IIRKAD tit VAHM AMU WmXWM.lrted, Hwlt Crackera In ca.ea, Hod Crack-er- a

In lioica and Tlii, r.ge Jnmhlta. Ilatiaoa Cakra,Ac, Ac. flOJ.MJB ft CO.

r. HI7


Ann KAirKKiv kxtma pkimb rnmcHale hy IIOLI.EB ft CO



I10I.LEH ft CO

EXPECTED.i:iih:ha ro ARRivr, A.t ADM

tlonil Htock of Ocneral Slerchandl.e.t bPJ IMJLI.KH ft CO.

POTATOES AND ONIONS.r.::i villi i'i:it .'irr or hkw tork,

Jlav the PI licit I.t In the Market.2 81ft . WJM.KS A CO.

GOLDEN GATE KLOUIl.llAKIlll'n KXTHA. KXTMA FAMILT IKMJ nnarterand half licka,

Kldorado flour In quarter parka.Corn ileal. Oat Meal. Cracked Wlieit In 10 lbhas, received direct from the Jlllla every month,and warranted ftetb, and of llio tw at ouallly.

S tH nolXKU ft CO.

LIMK.tgdnnnr.iM rittviii CALIFORNIA;TvFt.F Mine Juat received.SI UOLI.KH 4 CO





(10S Oasrsi Paastsssre)

JTJ8T TO ttLJl.NIConilitin-o- f thcmoil asiortment of

DRY GOODS & CLOTHINGO.ilranizcd Iron Roofing nn4 Fence 'Wire,l'ortlnnd Cement (WUito'n),Fire Ilriclu, Dine Mottled Soap,Best Welch Btcnra Coal,Galvnnitcd Iron Ware, fvuldlery,3 pair Jlirrlc-- , Tait &. WaUon's ContrifaraU,Wines, Uquorg, ic tc. eta.



CO Tons Railroad Iron, T Sail,Reostaic Slates, fte. fie


raSeHafaaB '(jAHKrgSHjlMARin

m naBaHaKlUaaLBBBBWrr"


paneFor Sale by A. W. KICHABEE A .

3m Comer. Pott and Merchant sts.. llooololo.


FIAX0-MAXZ- 1. llSLDr.H. KukfeU Ca, AgaaU tar a XawaUaa UaaaU

Th Sydiuf Mall, 5afA.'j. JauarfV, U8,pagu 117, US.

Pianofortes inthe Exhibition.In nor previous notice of the PUo-- v la tax KiMbi.

lion (So. IV.) In connection with those of the OermanCourt, we were enable to du nore Huia'mvaeralf thaeihl-.l- t It L. XKVVtLD, of Berlin, and Uut eaunera.lion was trroncoa., blnce wrlliosT lhs.1 ssllc. thbrdney agents, Mes.rs, Kabone, Kccx A Col. have ilrrnns an opportunity of of 'which,four are exhibit --it Instead of two. a formerly suted,Tha ruralla A l.raod of full Maupi. 7V octareeorerstruns. "an avu'llccl metal frame tn azTtaTcs, theaction la perfect unfipL,- - reoeiltloti." All the modernlaiproTomenUarapvned the lnilruairnt Is cased Inwalnut, of nne tone and light loach, i-- .d belui lo addlHon bj far the most pilctwoith cuiht to coaunajsd Ibamost ready nuulut.

Ea.SU an nprUbt cottaxe crand, with Iron frameoicrstrung. well Isilshed, and cased In a handsomframe In the toale Qaatorso stile. Ess. a Is aa

cottsj e, simpler la the exterior, hot with aobsUu-tla- lmtlsl tram, and all the sitdeacts of thorwtck car

In the Uteroal constractlon. Ea. t Is aa ovtrsUaaaaprlxht boaiolr rottaj of very seixeable tone. .

lUilar thnrouzhly exuataed the workaasaihlp andconstruction, and tested ton aad loach, w are aMe toapeak with coaAdene on the sterile menu of IkeInstruments, rspeclslly when we esxnnata Ike prlceewSth those ol oli.r exblhtta. laF Jtaao ara aow aaezklbltloa at Ike store of



AT HsMXaETsUI aV 1st'

Page 2: Saturday Prams. - University of Hawaiiur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii

CO Iff M KKCI A T.IIOHOI.HI.I', lifr , l

llnslness lias lieeti genrrallr rttlet llila nrrk lliiiugrithe mntemenls nflneal atrainera on lntiitar ami thn

rilrnl ami ilcpartnrc of Hie regular strnmer frnm llieColonics nn Tneailar, lent a spel' nf temporary nctlrllj-

llipotli fnf id rpfc lie the Amy Turner, llnrnrrl anilZealarvlls. fur the emst consist irltielil nf nar,tlrr, frnirn. irr. Trie (lliitannl Aplanl aalleil forI'amilnK'a Islaml on t h' S"lli with nn aspnrliil eargtinfKeneral mere liamllae fiimi tills putt.

The, mil Imports from tlie, Crtaal ulnr r our last noticewirr!rWMiil hy lhi Knreka nn llif Oilli Thn nmlImportant Item or lirt tytgn waa a quantity nf flour

The Zralamllii lirnnphl (ry Utile frrljlil trnm Hi'e.mtli. 'IliMierman ateamrM'aaean.Ira attlYeil nn MirWith ftmn f'anlnn, Olilna, with an assorleil (argn forChinese merrlianU,

A portion nf llie, cargo nf the Mnlilcan from NewYnr Ina lieen. itl.rnme.l In lia.tr l.een Injnrnl liywater, Knit nilent lit Hip I,... not known

Thpa alp of lamia nf llip K'anslii estate look plare latMnnitay.TniiiileeewatKalltil ar,M for l.T.W.avllninrresal I'4iiiiki (Nawyfr'a janl) inlrl fur fl.ln). atWafklkl Iimitirhl$l3l II arres rtre laml al Manna. $1!.tV) 719 arn a at llaklpii, KnoMiipoko, Ml aerea nfwhich were flih pnnila, hrontlil fXii.

There are to lie large laml sales also neil inoiithflaleanf t'hrlalmaa fcflmla have been imiiirroiia and

Urns iluilnti Ihn week


Arrlt-mt- .

I)ft ID-- I.lkrllkr. from U'lmlnaril-r- lrh Wallplo, from Mallkn-- Hcli Maloln, from lllln

Hell Kaulkrnonll, fmnt llnnnkaa-f-ell Wnrwlrk, rrntn Kalaupapa.Hcli Mattnn. frimi ltii,i,LM.

jji- - Cjmilr, LiitiKf r. Kl iIjh f,nm Cantonlin Ja Makrr, from Ka.na.1 ' '--Atn Ilk llticna Vlala, Callmun M ilnya fromPurl ttaniltln

Hfh Krkmiliinlil, from llnnnlrl. 111 C H lllahnp, from Knnnl

Hell Mhnllhii, from Kona mnl KanHrh Jpiiii, rinm NalllHtm Mokolll, frotn KonlaiiHtm l.rlinn, frimi llaint anil Maul

"Htm tlaa lukru, from rriiSnTlnil.

lire I.rluia. fnrMnloknl ami lianaHim Mlanra Hon, for Kahiilnl

, HI in t) It HI. In, p, foi KnnnliAm lik Amy Turner, NumcII, for Han rrnncl.coun Attn l.lkrllkn for U'lnilwuni

rnln'iilla, Ohrnllrr, 'or Hun l'ranAm lifc'llif llnrnril, .Mlllrr, for Hun rrniicl.rulUw ach tiliiMiil Aplanl I,onK, i:iiKali, for

Hfh Mununkuwal, for llannniaiiliiHch Warwick, for Kalnuiinpa

-- Si Ii Wnllrlr, for MnllknHch I.llln, for Kamilhnn

la- - Hch Maloln, for llllo- Hvli KnlAiininii, for ICaliolnlrloMnk'iA, for Kmntl

Hch Marlon, for Kukiillinnln

Vcwaola in Port.lUivpelirJnllft A LongAm liktnc.l A I'nlklnfiiinr, lluhhanlAm hk II U .Murrii), KatruaAm lik l.nily l.amppoii, M.irlonAm hk .Mohlrnn, llrrryrtvrnllah lik llermliiu, I.nnimrcnAm liklnr llurrkn, Nnrillmri;tier H rl Caaanmlrn, I.nnci rAm lik Hurna Vlatn, C'nllioiinJklnll lictnn Nlcnlntia

Vxln Erjioctciln' lli.iiolulii. from ForolonPort.Ilrll lik I,lf It Inil.ilr, Mii,.ni, Mrrrpnnl, ilnr T II

lliulca, AruiiIIlrll lik Vlnln, 1'rler, Mvrrpool, 1I1111 Uoe Itvntl

'r11 11 w ,"""",t'li helirock, llrrmrn, ilnr,,''"" mvo v vii, jigruiHer lik Atnlantn,fnld .a f.i a..iu

Ilrll lik Alkflian, Tnllr, OI(Enw, tn mil mlilillc Nov, (1A Macfarlaiio .1 Co, AkchIm

Ilaw fik Kalakaim, Jrnka, Han Kranelaco, iluc lice S.V.T0l) Afone, Aci'iil

Am bk I.liilo ilBr.hnll, Ilohlrr, Port HlnWlr, ilucAllrn .V ItnliliiPini, A!Piita,

Am hk IMwiril .May. .Inlnipon, lloilon, loaillnc Nova,0 llrritrr .t Do, AirrntaIlrlt lik lllKliflyrr. Hclilirmnnn, I.onilnn via Mnilcrln,

aallnt NnvHtli,- - -- At;niU?rS.H.!J"ln.,"i lloliKkiuiit, ilnn Jnn II Hack.

fclil ,t Co. Atrrntar M H H City of New York, I'lilib, San Jranelprn, iluclire S5, II Ilnrkfclil ,t (Jo. ARrnla

Am tern Compeer, Hlrkliolm, Port (Inmlile, Icnlli.t; Nov'.'I, II llackrelil ,t Co, Aci-iit-

Ilnw l.k Kale, Ahlliorn, llremcn, to anil In lire, II Hack- -fclil A. Co. ARrnta

Am liklnr Monitor, Nelum, Ilumlinlilt, lomllnr NovII IlnckfrM Co, Ai;ert

Am cell IlMi, , Hiiniliolill, lonilliiR Nov WilderA Co, Accnta

Am tern Una, , Humboldt, Homling Novllnw liglno rltorm HIM, Trarney. Smith Hen Ialand,

duo in all Jnn, I'replilrnt Ilonnl Iniinleratlnn, Al-'-IHan listnnrvrniirp. Tripp, Sfl Islamla, iluc In nil .lull,', l'rcaldcnt Ilonnl Immigration, AccntIlnw lik llaunll, Whitney, H H lalnndp, duo In nil" Jnn,I'rrpldeul Hoard InimlKtntlan, AgentHnlntrn pclir Vitld, Unwioy, I'nimlnca I, dun Dec IMn,Til Ilnlr, AccntAm clir C'up.Ic Haywnnl. I,o Ilnlliplcr, llnmbolilt, tot aaiuneelat, Allen ,t Hoblnaon, Am-nt- a

Aln bi'tne.I II Hpreckelp, llanaeii, bnu Krnnclpco, due( lrln ,t Co. AcenlB

Am atm .Melfnn, Cunnluitham, from Ilnuckonj;

SHIPPINO NOTES.The Am bk I) C Murray, la off I'lth .Market whnrf

nwnltluir Ihcnrrhal of tlinpch llalonknla, from Kmipa-kuen- ,

when aho will anil for Han Franclaco, which willprobably bo on Monday next,

.Tbc'Am bktno.7 A rnlklnbnrp, It at Jlrcwrr ,t Cn'awbarf loading for 8an Frnnclaco, nnil If the coupler

lodny with uc;nr, aa alio will anil onMonday next.

Tho llrltialf bk Lady Lampaon, la loading at llrewcr A1.0 a wnnrr, for fan Iranclpco, for which port alio willrnu uuoui ine 10111 10 ivui 01 January.

The Am bktno Eureka, la dlprlinrL'liit n rnrroof merchandiao from Snn l'rnnclaeo, nt the Eriilanadoonpoaitu the diatom lluusa. She will load buck withuiapuicn.

TI10 Am bk Mohican, la now dlecliar;ln tho Inptof hercarso, at the Old Steamshlpwhnrf; ahe wlil'aallfor San Kranelaco, tho latter purl of next week.

Thn Am bk lluvua Vlatn, la dlaChnnjIm; a cargo oflumber nt the foot of 1'ort at. M10 will return to theHound In balait about Haturdny next.,

Thn Sue'dlihbk Ilermlne, la at the foot of aim I,lkc-llk-o

dock, laid on fur lluukong, to anil about thomlilillo of nextiweek.

Tho Herman atinmahlp Caapandra, la at I'M S 8 Cu'adock liuUlnc for IIoni;koni;, to aall on Monday.

At tho foot of fort at, the carpentera are erecting aailed on the new wharf Juat completed, which wo

la for Foster A. Co'a ateamcra.Thn l'KBo City-o- f Niw York, will be duo from

Hail Kranelaco Hilar. M. with dates to the IStli Inpt.Bhould fhearrlje tltnlsht, o underMand that cliv.uJllnut bo brought Into pint until morning.

Tho City of Peking, whlih waa exneeltd from Chinaliaa been lthdrnwn, but In, alt prubabllity aumu otheraleamcj lll bo cbartered to tako her place.

Ilia reported that tlicrawai a German bk, called thoIlermlne, loading at Hongkung fortliU port port whentho CataaniUa Palled.

" Wo Slid the following deacrlptlnn nfMeaaraT. 11.Foater Co'a now ateanier lu tho Hac. Uulun,

A acrew aliaiuer of nboutStU tonaburden, (about 1WU tuna Hawaiian uicaaurtniculkU beingcouatrucled at the I'otrcro, ban Kranelaco, by Dickiellroa. Hhtt lal'ti foetlong on the water line, and IMifeel oier all. Her breadth of beam la .7 feet, and depthof Imld la fuel, bhe la strongly built and la expectedto attain a apictl of eliveu knuta an hour. A compoundengine with cylinders 1 and 31 Inches In diameter,will Urlvo her propeller which la V feet I Inchtm pitch.In addition to Iter iteain power ahu la rigged aa aachoourr. Hho It deatlued to ply as a freight and tr

boat In the Hawaiian waters,and will be luuneh-a- Iaumo ttiuu next January,'1

Tliu abotu learner U Intended for tho Kona and Kautrade.

II II M 8 Gannet, which left this port Nov 8th, boundto Callao. arrived at ban Krauclaco .Noy. aitli. elm en-countered easterly wiuda the rnllrepaaanse, bvlug compolled til'sUSm the greater pait of I lie I line, and couscSilently rail uul of ciuil, aud had la put In for fuel,

fur Culluo oil tho atith,Tho Am'bk Uxxle Marahall, which left Port Town.

pviid .Nov, asth for this pull, went naliomal Whldbey la.Nov. aiJth; no iiarllenlar. Bhu had a cargo of lumberrouatxiifd tojieasrs Allen A. Itobliuun.

MEMORANDA.Uepoit of tier 8 n Capaauilru, Langer Commander

Left t'aiitnn, Nov 'it, nt tl . m. pap oil Kunuoaa llec 1,wind easlirly heavy sea with ruin to llec lib. when Ihowind changed tu Wo'lwatd with clear wealhur, Dec 7wind Ireah from Suuthward, and finally blew a gale, ac-

companied with very heavy sea. I.al al 'M ,N, l,on 1I1 . cxperlrnceil cuulluiiuua calms. Die. 14 and HI light

a K wiuda. Decauib, artlud In Honolulu harbor allwell,

llepott of Am bktne Kuraka, Nurdberg, Master Lefttan VrancitcoHuiiday Nov an, wlud light S, W. con-tinued wllh light variable wlud mostly Iium bouthwardlo ail N i:W then trades for a few days: sighted theIslands llec llth, arrived In Honolulu huibor, llec UH

days passage.

IMPORTS.Krouv fan V'runclaco, per Hureka, Dec ao- - V A

rlchaefer & Co, au bales bags; It (lrlou',n bales paper;lllllluehain A Co. act hardware. 10 rs shot, lil tiki'spowder; llnckfeld t Co, du ca aalniun 13 es r r material,I ca silk, INI pkga bread. It) cs unions; 1 II (Irittlii I cmdse; (1 W Macfarlaue X Co. ami bales hay 37 c whisk-ey ulcs been l.el.eau Pros, II cs drugs, VI cs mdse;Uueeu Hospital, 4 cs drugs, 'J tibls I, me; Order 7 csdrugs; llojrd of Health, 1 cs drugs; K H Cuiiha, Ml csboeit WO I'arke 8 nkgs edicts; O K Fyfe, S cs furul-tuie- ;

L Htveraucr, 3 pkga mdse; K 1' Adams, S'J jikgtalnion;TeIephuue Co.tics mdse; II Makay, 1H5 skssalt. 111 pkga leather; (jilubauui Av Co, 4 carfgoiHls; (1bsgelkru d.Co, ifi pkgsb ware; 51 Mclurriiy.acs hats,Ullii apples, Sc boots; llolltiler A: Co, a show cases, 3rs soap, 4 cs cigars; Phillips A. Co, Ulcs d goods, UUUsksnour.uusfcs nour, ui ska corn, I J rs groceries. Ml

liitg luiniiuiv, t 11 Thrum. 1 14 lwukp l.rwr. .!HIIUU tt pkga h Ii gtHxls, la pkgs bware; Allen XUnlitInsou.HpkgsUh goods, T II luilea, Kl pkgs drygoods; )trowii A. Co. 110 cs Utr; M J Itose, IW pkg"ijnisaT iiui,mi,jiuiijibiiiu,, oca Hrueeries; a

botiles, Holies & Co, l.v sks potatoes:Uit sks potatoes, 40 ks isirots, 1M sks barley, IT skaiiais. lUbbla lliue. 64 ska beans. 40 sks flour, f'- -i i,.i.hay, Tea sadVllery, 4U cs groceries, 1 pkgs plows, limules; It I!, a horses, a buggies, 1 cs Imrnrss 1 bdlewhips, 3d Lalts liar, IXJ sks oats; A Me Ills, Tea d goods;II ti bresotlch.ail pkgs fruit; llymaii llros, 11 pkgssaddlery, b cs d gnosis. cs clears; J Don .alt. 3U bishay, a hursts; Wilder Co, 1 pk-c- s Imare; Hall A Co.CO Pkgs groceries

.. aud bwarv;..lloilslutleger X Co. V cs....i. ir. .!.. lu, i..-.,-.,- .- - -

uiupvi ipwvui 44uuipnuu,ip irpip,, irsusr a goest,chickens. M ducks, 1U) sks oats, 141 ska bailey, Va sks

wheat. W.U sks (lour, K'Jsks (lolatoua, lusjr w posts, on)bdls shingles, TUIplckels and tundxyiudse to Chineseirmlioipkgs.

l'rrim ('anion ppr t ftppamlra. lleeember 'JMh JIMpkga mrlae to I hlnese rlrma

I'rom Hyilney ami Anrklanil, per Zenlamlia r

111 llaTlea.tto lea meals, I le8iiirti itt 11 inpkganiilse, Mnrfarlane . t'n 'M plea Honor", llarkfrlil .Vl.'iv Biealoilter. tl W Maetarlana A I'm Ilea i)oienlliewer A In W pk potatoes, May A to II raimtatnea, onl'r ijieplanoe rcrliirs 3 ea tnilse; anilI7HI pkga In liln.H

from I'laalaily. prr Iliiena Mala, lleeemlicr !

ll'i.MI fl rnuitli Inmlipr, tn.JII frfl iliepsfil ilo, tori It) Mlallip, t'1'4 M phliiRlrp.


. ... .I'linnlniT'tr-Iplantl:..irr ninvannl. Aplanl,. Deevn

rtr rrail, ' mala nee 111 a 11 Rmiiia, ami aiinniii'aVai I'nrrUll, fl l

for Hnii Vranrlari), lirrAmy Tnrn'f. It fi" W Ma(f tklna, lll'M't( I , m pkl a Hrti Urtrk, tMl il hlilrp, HIliktfp llinn rnlllnKPi "" nucli linitanna. Ihon nlitjninin.n

I'or tnn Kralirl-ro- , pr llaranl llrrSlR'rt.llH Itpa

aiiliaf, iril,l")lli rlrp. r(a cla lnnlara, !rrl pra lAitra, '."

aka linrnp, tflnl Ilia lnlo, ,) ahrrii lo'lla, I l,aln aklna,Vnl rmrtjin. J.MI t ( Vnl lloni fftrt.llfj 11

I'or Han I'Miularn, prr Zralamlln. Ilrr St HMOIt Iliapnuar IH ra liftrl Iravrp, 10 iikt fruit, 1311 lAirha Imnli- -

tup. a tikr aiiuae roup iioni ninr, 51 in.i.ii miValor, ja-l.t-


I'mni ."an I'mnflarii, prr lliirrku, llrf It McKinT A V lliililnnm, V Id' Slrrppi. l I'ntmnn. I. I'hll.

Ifp, tl It Htrmirr, H llrrrrly, II MrNral, II M llolililna,A Lamnplrr f" llrjp, U' .Marrfpr .1 Marrla W'nlhriiHon

I'rom t'nnton, prr t'naainlra, Ilrr "10 t'lilnrn1I'or l'iuitiliiit' latlnil', per Olovnnnl Aplnnl, Die 'Ji-

ll CnnialnrkI'nr Han I'riinrlarn. prr AmtTiirnrr, I)rfI'or Han I'tnnclpto, irr Xodanilln. Ilrr 41 II Him-roil- "

.1 M Ha". t' V t'ollirru ntnl nlfr, V Alrxninlrr,llr Mini, C.I I'rrn nil nnil lfc, I) ('iilhcrir, t; llrliiprii,l llrnliiill,.! t'lliroril, MMI1111, II lllrrrk. I' I llroirnn.II N'i'Mrr. (' I, lliinl. H llnliluinl, .1 Hurt. I'liimu MIiik. 'lliPKiilll, (I rrnnrlrrii. II Itrnl 'I' It Hrlirlk, II ,M Murton ,1 M llrliprn anillln, .1 N Cotrniati nnil ultr, MlaaAlilrlrh, II Mnrkay, ami II t'liliiainrii


At "The Ilnic'a N'rl," Nuiinnii Aenui', nn llir lllliItiat., to thr ulfnnf II .1 llnrl, adiuuhlrr.

In till city, llcctimtirr 8IpI, to thn wlfn nf II. Ilergrr,n run,

niKD.IIAHTINtIM At Newton, Mna . f H. aTSov Blril,

Mm. Hhiaii W. Harti.nop, mollier of I' A. Hnrndnn, ofHilarity.

THE SATURDAY PRESSI'libllPlieil for Ihn HATiriniii I'lirpa Ap"oition by

HOIII'.ItT tnticvi:,Hook, Job nnil (Irmrnl I'rlnler,

Honolulu, II. I.

The, HTtiiiiir 1'nraa raiinnl 'indrrlnkr to returnconunuulralloiip, nrceplrd or rrlutrd, and nnhninlorrqurpt eorrcppoudriitr In npiirnil II11 Ir Irnr nnmi a midaddretaea, not uircprmHy for publUnllon, If pii ill"aired, but ap n uuarnnteo of Ihn kmhI fnltli uf the writer.

(Kl. HaTiiiiiur I'nr.pa


Ilia Majkstv tim: Ki.vti ntitl tlio Itoynliirly totnrlR'il from tlioir vinit lt Mnwiiii ftitljtilt Stllidny liKirtiing. No Hiililto vnn fiii'd tin

tlioir tvrrival ciwinj; vn iicriiinio lo (lie

11 f IHh Mnjcttly for llio ititirniiii;Hltitnbtint (if liin hiiIijucIh. On leaving .Mulin

kntin, tho party went dlrtilKlit to Ililn, wherelliuy liuuiiino thu j;nrlH (if llio ioHiititlilu 1'upl.T. Siunecr, tho Ainr-iieni- i Coimiilur Aciit nl

that I'ott. IliH .Mtijonly vinited Hcvernl of theiliiiiliilioiiH in tho iicililniiliood of llilo, ami

on Sunday luldii'Ksi'd tho ictidu in linlli lullKUagi'Ms eoiiritttihitiiig thi'iii on the ovt'drnrexof ptoHpciity he miw every wliuromoiiiiil. ThehinHH liniiil of Ililti Hi'ienuilud llio Kin onAVcilnestlny evctiina; nnd on ThiirHilny thoioynlp:trty eiiiliniked for 1 rmtil nl 11 .

TllK Kdilor oftho jUfrrrliw-J'lrpre- si dhotlhlrcitictnliur that ho did tint Hell, or hiro out, 11

monopoly of tenuinu Inynlty, Iicciiihu hu lint

iinni to put In tho tnurkot. Hucli loyalty ;ihIii'h, ho ifl welcotnu to tnottopnli.o, lint wo wishho would keep it from under our tttmtrilulUUIIll. ' .'.'. 4

Wii ought lo learn, on tho nrrivnl of thoCity 0 New Ynrk Iroin Sun Francisco, llio fulltext of Iho treaty recently negotiated botwecntho United States nnil ChiiiCRo Gover-nment. .Wo read in Iho Intent papers front thoCount that Iho Secretary of Stato would tratm-m- il

n copy of tho treaty to tho Senate iuimo-diato- ly

on Iho iiBseuililine; of ConejrcHB, mid, axConrcHH met on thu (Hit of Dcccuihur, thotreaty lias undoubtedly been published in t)ionowsptipers cro this.

Vi'v. lmvo boforo us nnothor Iimtnllmcnt ofKiilightoiiinent. It in not worth noticing uxceptfor two HtatdtiiouU, which our Knlightuuorwoultl tlo well to fiuhrUntitinto or to correct,viz: ho says (1) " with guns, with ruin, with" deception woto Iho greater numbers of theso" people, called South Sea Islanders, por--"

Biinded'to como heru." (2) " they wuiooii- -"ticcd a'wuy, taken by force, cruelly treated,

" and tlirTwinjoriy mettratl." Theso nreof 11 very startling character and

should iiot bo mado at random, or miVi essal tothe natives only. Lot iho onliro community knowif thoy bo true or falso 1 Tho rest of tho pa-

per is a moro rignmrnk', an inconsequent in-

dictment of tho Into Board of liuuiigiittion ingottoral and of its l'lcsidcnt Mr. Wilder inparticular. Wo mo sorry to say it is to bocontinued next wcok.

Wis proposo for tho futuro to tlovoto 0110

column, moro or less as may bo required, toforward tho agricultural interests of the king-

dom. In tho "' Planters' Column" wo hnpo tocollect all sorts of information rel;itive,to thoculturo of Btignr, rice, coffeo or any other pro-

duce. Wo shall bo glad io receive communi-

cations from all who tnuy wish to discussquestions, or give to tho publics tlioir oxpur- i-

enecs, or to suggest, imprnvomouts, to reporton experiments, itobato 011 labor, mills, imple-ments, &c, and In every way wo shall striveto put planters in fieo comiuutiicatiiiti with unannothor, and to assist in tlissciuiiiuting usefulinformation throughout all our plantations.Wo will guarantee impartial publication aud nwido citeulalion. Coiiimuuicatiuus should lioaddressed to tho Kditor of thu Satuhday1'ltK.ss.

W'k recommended a Council of Regency, intho event of tho King's prolonged absoucofrom tho Kingdom and wo repeat tho rccommendation. To say that theio is anything inthis suggestion which-implie- s hostility to thoHawaiian Monarchy, or to thu Independence oftho lluwuiian Kingdom, is sheer notmeuso.No. amount of malice, and it certainly is notwaiitii'g, can torture our wmds Into anythingrouiololy lescmhliug tho accusation mudo by)a JbUjtHX, No aiuoiiut of lietveited ingo-imi- ly

could Icgititinitaly tliaw hiiuIi conolu-Bioit- H

fiotn such premises ; indeed, very judi-ciously, no attempt tu tin so has been mado by(he licenser, but tho llbtl is moro bald, baselessaiscttion, and wo defy tho libeller to pointout when or how wo liuvu shown hostility tothu lltiwtiiiuu Kingtlu'ii uiid its indenendoncu.both of which vu emphatically deslru to up- -.

hold, lo say that wo ollcrvd a gratuiloiis in-

tuit to II, It. II. the Princess l.iliu is to offer agratuitous Insult to common voracity, Wotako tho paiugruph in tho iVyirtvn as merelyanother installment of that peculiar "loyalty"of which wu have spoken elsewhere,

Ciuubtmas day litis como round ugnin nndwo wish ull our friends and rendtis "A merryChristuius, a happy Now Year " and many oftleiut To thu little oies, joyful holidas, andstockings well stuffed by Santa Clans. Forweeks past toys and fancy stationery lmvoboon displayed seductively in tho shop'windows, unit many a little noso has flattenedItself on tho window paiies, and many a pair ofbright eye has brightoned still more, on being told to chooso some luuch-desir- ul toy.More recently what enjoyable wrapping uuaud labelling, with tho pet names of sistor orbrother, cousin or school fellow, for whom isdestined tho enclosed treasure ! What

Bccrots were, flying about, in order

that rnch gift may prove a surprise) I Nor isit tho litllr ones only who rojolcr.grand-main-tn- it

appreclilr-- s her plnlly work lmsknt, andpp. I in nnd tnitrmtm tho nvidences of tho tnstonnd tlioughtrulnrnn of their children, as eachlittlo li'iri el Is opntiril. ns fully ns thn youngours thmnsolvcs, Ohi folk look linclf lo thopast, nnd young folk look forward to tho fu-

ture, mid though thorn in ofleti n drop of sad.Hess in Ihn lotrnsprct of llie forimjr, as nomndear fninillnr faco is nilanlug, yet with nscarcely suppressed nigh, all join in tho mer-riment nriiiitid us.

Thn ('Illiniums tree, Ihn tn.iglc lantern, thomctry ilniict', wind up thn nvcitlng. mid llltlohlun 03 cs lakes her nnw dull lo bed with her,nnd little uiiiiiuikiu sleeps soundly in spite of(he nrtuy of tin soldlofs with which he hassprinkled his couch, llolh had gotm olf thnnight beforo drlcrinliicd In sleep with mm nyoopen In cntch, If iiossihlc, old Haliln Clnus io- -itig his midnight rounds, but " iiatuto's swenttrslornr, bnlniy sleep" asserts her power, andwhen tho morning breaks, thu surprlso isacknowledged, and "oh do look hern I oh, souwhat I liuvu goll" riugsl hroiigh the cliililrnii'srooms. To thnso past thn ago for toys woluiiko ns 11 ('htisltiiiin present, thn suggestionthat limy tend, if il hu fot Ihn fiftieth lime, Ihograndest Odn in tho Mnglish language, to ourliking Milton's Ode on tho Nativity.

Tiii; Hongkong flnily 'ir nays that thopopulation of China has been habitually over-

estimated hy statisticians, thn misconceptionprevailing on thin point being generally duolo travelers who, like tho Alibo Iluo, lmvodrawn largely on their imaginations for farts.Hue estimated tho united population of Han-

kow, llan-ynii- g and Wuchang, thrco citiesgrouped together on tho Ynngtszo, al eightmillion, " whorons," bsjh tho Dully I'rcnt,"tlioytlo not contain much over 11 million.Other wi (lets, noting Iho crowded appearanceof towns nnd thu extensive villages havelargely overestimated tho population. In al-

most uvery instance the first estimate of lliopopulation of n Chincsu city has been shownto hu erroneous, and theto is now 110 doubtthat tho population of tho empire is muchsmallur than was believed, oven by those bestinformed, somo fow years back. In fact it isdoubtful whether thu population of tho CentralKingdom reaches thimi bundled millions.Tho exaggeration was not so unnatural usmight nl lirst sight bo supposed. ThuChinosopcoplo livo for the most part out of doors, midtheir nartow streets naturally iissiiinu 11 veryanimnlcd appeal anco. Tlioro tire alwayscrowds of cuiioiis idlers in tho larger cities,who follow foreigncis about mid help to keepup thu illusion ol tho thronged streets, Now,however, wo are nblo lo obtain somo approxi-mate itloa oftho population, aud it is coit.iinlynot so deuso in many parts of tho eighteenprovinces as in Home Hiiropoan countries.Neither ts llnj land under such universal culti-vation as foiiiigueis ignorant of China wouldsuppose. Not only tiro Yunnan, Kwoichow,anil p. its of Kwaiigsi mid KiiiihiiIi very thinlypopulated, hiitcvouin somool thu mote denselypeopled pi evinces thcru arn large districtsstippoi ting only u scanty number. There 1110

many extensive tracts of land quite unoccu-pied in suvetal provinces, the result of famineor war or pestileuco. lOven in thu populousand comparatively prosperous province ofChekiiiug llieto are, uccoidiug lo a recent pro-clamation of the doveimr.', extensive areas ofuncultivated laud." Thus, one 1)3' one, ntobanished tho impressions euleitiiincd fiom ourcatlier ycats of cotiutiies lilllo known;

cugrnftcd as ttulhs on thu pages ofhistory I13' ignorant or uninformed travelers,mid cortohoratcd l3 their sticcessuis untiltho3" havo hocotno universally recognized nswuudui fill facts. Ignorance is ever extrava-gant in its laudations.

Wi: giro elsewhere tho details of a mostatrocious umssacro of tho Ijioitt. Commanderand a boat's crow of II, 15. M. S. Simdjly onouo of tho Solomon Islands. Tho Sam(lyis ono of four Bchoouuin, odkorcd nnd mannedfrom tho Australian squadron for tho jointpurposes of watching tho doings of tradersand labor vessols, nnd of snrvov'ing in thoSouth Pacific. Tho officor in command of thoSundjly was Liout. IJowor, recent' appointed,aud who wont from Auckland to Syduoy liytho Zealimilia 011 hor last trip, to tako up hiscommand, in high spirits at having reachedtho position of chief of n survey and Captainof a ship. It scorns that tho day's work wasdone, tho boat boachod, a firo lit and waterboiling for tea, two men purtuitlcd to bathe,ouo stationed in the boat, Liotit. Bower andono of tho mon going off a littlo dislnuco tofinish a bit of work, tho other mail on his wa3-bac-


to tho boat with a messago from Lieut.Bower, when theso blood-thirst- 3' aavagosrushed forth from a long-arrang- carefullydesigned ambush, nnd slaughtered tlio bathers,the messenger, and tho boat keeper; this lat-to- r,

however, snatched up a stretcher midfought furiously for his life, but to no purposeHis body was found aftorwards horribly mu-tilated aud hanging fiom a sort of scaffold noartho bcoiio of massacre Tho other two, I,ient.Bower and a man mimed Savage, escaped intotho bush, and tho latter altor hair-bre.id- lh es-capes, including a seven or eight miles swim atono time chased I13' caunos, at another surround-ed by slimks, was taken prisouoratid finally al-

lowed to return with his ghaBtly story to thoschooner. Tho unhappy coiuinaiidor tookrofiigoju o, trco, mid olttdcd tho fiends in searchof him for tho night, but in the morning thoyresumed tho hunt and discovered their pro3.He- - was immediately shot, and his body wasfound at the foot of tho treo, without head orright arm and horribl3 hacked about. A oung

left in command of tho Smuljlyglowing anxious at thu prolonged, nlisenco nfhis senior, sent another boat to search in ouodirection, whilo ho worked the suhoonor in thoopposite direction so as tu make tho circuit ofthe' Island; tho natives endeavored to entrapthis second Ixntt, but the oOtccr in charge ofhor, tho boatswain, was to wary for them, andavoided t)io snare. At last tho Aimljly ro.fchedtho neighborhood of tho murders, and sout olfanother armed searching p;rty. This was firedon from tho bush, but thoy persevered and bofar drove off tho natives that thoy wcro ableto land, uinl thoy discovered the remains oftheir ciuunimider anil two men and buriedthom; thny bin ut tho nearest village, mid

with Ihoir sickening slorj" to tho Sund.jltt, Tho man Savage wiib taken on board nndtho schooner made sail for Sydnoy, Such isthu outline of ouo of tho most horrible atroci-ties on record even in tlio South Sens, Inmany respects it stands without parallel ; herowere no trading, no squabbling, no knowledgeindeed, 011 tho part of thu victims, that theywere in 1111 unlriendl v island mid were being"htulked" us tjioy went along. On tho oilierhand, it appears that thu B.ivagev, through aninterpreter, had loamt that tho parly hud en-

camped uu tho shore before, for ti night, andconcluded at pneo that I hoy wo.ro detachedfrom their ship and must fall mi easy proy,mid thoy laid their plain, accordingly. TheSydney Herald states that theso savages, likesome of tho Dyaks of llornej are "Atml-hitnter- a"

and he is held in tho highest cstoomwho possesses tho greatest nuinbor of htwU,Nor only this, tho Btate of tho remains of thubout keeper, who fought su stoutly, showed Ihohideous savagery of these Islanders, Not onlywas tho head taken for a trophy, but thobiceps, muscles, mid the wrists ol tho stoutarms which hud wielded thul stiotehor, irerucut Ihruiiffi, probably whilo the uimi was yetslivu- - Yet tlioso barbarians could, and did,says the solitary survivor, undynnmUtfot IhtdntruciioH ofjUi, and woro possosod of riHoand steel tomahawks. WI1.1t can be donewith such Wioajrrigibto wretches. Sir A. Cor-don lato, Odvcymr ol Fiji is now tho (lovorttorof Now Zealand, but Is still High Commis-sioner for the South Pacific. It will rest withhim and with Commodore Wi)soli to dctormino,the most effectual means of precluding' tliopossibility of any rooiirroueo of such u hor-rible, objectless slaughter.


Orti neighbor tho UnrHlr comes out wllh abran now, nngltml noveloltn not n bud oneolllior, though Wo must saythit llio boat pattynto polished off in n most mclo. dramatic mannor. However, tho heroine, hnr lover mid

brother ennui out nil rigid, nnd wo cannotwonder Hint tho hair or tlio hrhlo had turnedwhite. Him might lmvo saiiti

"Mr hair Is white, but not wllh years,Nor irrmr It wlnlu In n slngli) night,

As men's have) grown through siuldnii fonrl"

Tilt', pcdcalal for tho stnluo of KnmeliamchaI Is npproachlng lompletlon. Thn materialused is conditio, tho same us that of which tho(jovnitimniil buildings tire constructed. Tliotolnl height from Ihn gioiimi 10 tlio loot ol tliostatue Is 10 feel 0 inches. Tlio slnlnn Hstilfwill stand on a short Hilled column, 'J feet A

Inches in height, which rtsls on n nqitnropedestal of I feet high, tills ngnin on nn oc-

tagonal tilliilh of 2 foot 0 luulics, and thu wholeIs raised from tho ground by thrco steps, eachf) inches hitth of 1111 inouiiliir octagonal form:that is, llieto arn four principal sides, mid fourleaser sides, ns if tho corners woto cut tifffrom a square, Ihn lowest step measures 12feel 10 Inches ncross from one principal sideto its opposite. Tlio ulfect wo think will bovery good, mid wu hope soon to see the statueof tho great Hawaiian In Its place.

A i ill I'M', ordination was hold nl llio Angli-can by the Illshop of Honolulu011 Sunday last, when Dr. II. O. linker, headmastcror tho llishop'n nehonl, (lolanl College),Mr. A. Clarke. In charge of thn school andohapcl tit Walafuii, and Sir, Merrill, of Wuilu-ki- t,

tecoived the order of Dunoon, Tho Illshoppreached mi improssivn sermon, partly

to tho candidates, nnd In tho afternoonndmitiistorod thuritu of Confirmation to sevenHawaiian youths. U In Iho iulmilloii of Ihnllitthop mid Miss Willis to uinku n trip lo Kng-Int- id

early next year, returning lo the sceuo tiftheir labors in tho Autumn. This will not boa more holiday tlip, lichly ns tho Illshop hasearned a Icimioniry iclicf fiom labor, Ouoobject lo bu Nought for, is to raisn additionalfunds for thn uihiiitcminco oftho Mission, andfor thbcoiislrucliou of 11 permanent Cathedral,A great effort is licing made for theso purposes,Mr. ,1. Campbell has handsomely given theslouu needed, mid under nlro.idy'cxistiiig ar-

rangements Iho Illshop hopes to havo nil thustone necesaary for tho shell of the fabric onthu ground in tho course nf Juno next, 'Aseparate "subscription liit is opened for thepurchaso of a now organ lo bo built in Boston,mid wo heartily wish both enterprises HtmHiT.rn, and hope all friends to tho cause willput their shoulder to thu wheel.

It nppoars that Mr. Joamcs Yollowplush,whoso admirable pupma muiised us so inTliackurny'rt time, has been retained an specialreporlur for tlio ". V. A. to record Iho Itoyiilprogress in Hawaii. Ho docs his work cmiimnre n h ho should do, bearing in mind thathis papor wns paid beforehand, " to bo in-

variably Iisval lo his MujvHty, " but it seemsto us a quuur'idoa of loyalt- - which takes thoform of a redundancy of adjective, positive,comparative and superlative; hut thou Juamcsknows best 1 Tho account of tho ball at Ko-hal- a

was positive' delicious, but Jeamus'grandest ellort was tho description of the em-

barkation at 'Mahukolia. Tho stalwart Ha-

waiian who breasted tho waves, holding high"ids torch oflovo" lest, wo suppose, a chancespray should extinguish it, ought to have aHtatuo or two, suriilyl I.i'iilty at per ad-

jective (paid in advance) is not a savory dish,being altogether over-spice- d. In fact poorJoamcs docs not seem to know wherein liestrtto loyalty. Wo suppose loyalty to bo not

co nor co altogether, butsound counsel, warning if need be, mid honestopinion, honestly expressed, in order to helptho head of tho Stale, to point out tho dangersof listening to udvcuttircis, and hired flatter-ers, to check tendencies towards going wrongat tlio suggestions of interested back-sta- ir

politicians, or popularity-huntin- g intriguers.Hut oh Joamcs! dear Jcanies, look to thylaurels 1 thy cousin Jenkins, ho who cor-responds with tho Gazette, on "Kohalu outdoingitself" is striving hard to outdo thee, hisbrother Flunkey I ohmost orucl and unkind!

Communicated."Different People Act Differently."

A fow days ago a gontlomnti rodo into town loget an acknowledgement taken to n siguaturo.Time pressed ami procrastination could not bobrooked. Tho only agent to bo round in tho dis-trict waa a leper residing nt Waishu. As it wasHobron's: clioico, tho geutluruan was compelled togot a conveyance and carry his would-b- t testatorto tho loatlicsomo den, whosu occupant was unableto leave tho preinios. Tho Minister of tho In-terior can throw tlio blnuio on no one's shouldersns ho is well posted in tho number of agents totaku acknowledgment to instruments for thu dis-trict, and was aware that two of them would bo atCourt at Ijahaiiia and also that number three is ahorrid leper.

Again, Wailnku has had for tho past two yearsan ngont to acknowledge lnuor contracts, who is anindjstrioas nitiD, always U bo found nt his placeof business, which all will admit is a greatly to buappreciated fact. Although ho has filled tho position Upnoinlily and kept an accurate record ofeach 'transaction, yet tho Minister of Interior

ho must resign, because ho gains his liveli-hood bj clerking in a store.

A lata law, which is not yet decided to lw uncon-stitutional, becanso not yot tested, states that nostoro-lceop- shall be appointed to tho position ofagent to take acknowledgments to labor contracts.

Wcro it n merchant and likowisa agont, etc ,should protest against tho law finaly, constitu-tionally j nnd secondly, should object to resigningas tho law savs "shall not bo appointed" but docsnot refer to those, if nny, already holding tho posi-tions. Ifow much moro then should the mereclerk protest ? Vet a Minister can occasionallyconstrue a law so as to suit his own purposos.Wailuku having sent two of tho worst members totho late legislature (? has been hitting in sack-cloth and nshos ever snico, but wu do not caroto have thu Minister of Interior rub it in by tryingto pluasd thoM) moinbord, by iuilicting them on usin different itty positions.

Wo havo latoly had nnothor boro in tho shaie ofan nstuto assessor. Ilo would ncccpt a suomstatuiueut from a proporty owner and then chargetho figures without notifying the party. 1 presumetho law is faulty and does not sta'o ho shall notifythe parties, but politewr.8, if he had any, wouldurge him to let tho tax-pay- 1 now that ho dis-believed him or differed from him in opinion ofvalue of curtain properties. lu futuro, this mightbo remedied by a regulation of tho Minister ufFinance,


Editor 8ATunn.iv 1'rehs : Allow mo to correct nmisstatement which nppo.iw in your issue of thollth inst. It says five of our whlto mon refused towork, iVc. This Is incorrect, Wu have about fifty-whit-

men hero, nnd not Hoe of them stver refusedto work. In justice to, mo and my men, yuu "willoblige by inserting this ill jour paper.

Voura, ivu., It. Maufik, Jn.,Malinger Kilaue.i Hugar. Co.

Kilauon, Kauai, Deo. 17lrW).

Wnltlaam Wutchea.from tht .VyJney Daily Tfltgraph, Junt !, ISfli).

The Wallliam Watch Company have been awarded thoonly cold medal ulien for watches al the Sydney Inter-national Uihlbitiou.and are Ilia only exhibitors In anyclass from tlio Untied (States who have reielviO thisdlstluitlvo recognition.

M. MoINKKNV.1 Hole Ascut.for the lU.ill.in Islands.

Pluce ofWorahlp.HatUKN'a Hktiieu-- Iter tl U Damon, Chaplain, Ktu:

treel, near llie hallors' Hume, al II a a.Seats free. Sabbllh Hrhool beforo lh moriilni; servltr,Prayer meetlut: on Wednesday evenings at 7J4 u'clock.

I'miT Stiii.i;t Uitpiirii Iter W Krear, Pastor, cornrrof Fori and ll'retaiila streets. I'reiielilii!: u Sundaysal II a x and 71, r u. Uabbatli Hchcol al 10 a K.

Ht. Aeimnw'a OsTHU'iuu Itcv- - Alex, MacKlntosli,Christmas UayiAiV, Holy Cnnimunlon (llawallun)j

7:., Holy Communion (Knglish); tl;:m. Matlens and.Sermon (Haaliau) II. Malleus ald Hrniou(Uujillsli;

-. Holy Cuiiimuiilon (Kni:llsli)i I, Ktcnsoug";J, Kseusuiiasud bc'inou (Kncllll); liynina

itlnjllih) ilornliiii II, 1'rocsaslon, Anihem, 41, fl.NH,41. 1'rot.essiori, f.', 11, IS, Ml Procession

llyruns and Holy L'aaiuiiiulon; 41, 41, 14. 'the s

and music, includtuz u new Te Ileum, by WrayTaylor, of Christmas Hay, "111 tin reiieatrd on hiiudsy,wall, except that Ihe serrlcti at 1) o'clock will boomitted The odVrlnrles oil Christmas Hay will bu furHie support of Ht. Cross School, forbids, al I.ihalus.

KawauuaoCiiuiu.-i- i Uov II II Parker, Pastor, Klncstreet, above the t'alaca, Striltis lu Hawaiian cierybuuday at 11 a it. Habbtth tkhiad al 10 a n. Kiculnicseivlcesat7S( o'clock, alternaliii wllh Kaitruakaplll.lllslrlcl meetings In various chapels al 3.aj y u. Prayermeetliii; every Wednesday al 7s r

KiusiKinu Ciiuarii Uev X Kuata. Pastor, Here,tanla street, near Nauauu. risnlcts In llavihllaa everyHuuuay at 1CK a M. Sabbath School at lH A at." Kreu.In: services at 71i o'cliick. allernalluir Willi Uavalahau.l'rayer meeting eery AVediiesday at 71 r .

llowAM Catuouo (Jiiuncii- -. Under tha chares, o litltrvllisbop Malxrct, assisted by Iter r'slher Hermann;Fori street, near Herclanla. rkri leu every buuday at10 A X aud S v M.


fit siur, January U Mermona lleb MSMii.inAr. January 1 I'ralae and Tlisnkaglvlng for all

Westings I'a. 114 17

Jannary 1 Humiliation for peraonal and ra- -

llonil sins Han n s, P.

Waniranar. Jaf.nary a Prayer for Hie Clinreh nf Christthat It may li" fruitful and iinllnl I'l'1'"" ai7

Tiitmsiur. Jannary r. Prayer Tor llio yrrnng and theirInslrnriora; for irema, tulle, es, and Msuday aehonla-- Huut.

Knout. January rl Prayer for all nations and rulers,(or universal (Ibetty, and for the reaaallon of all Kara

I'a 71 17

HaTlintiAr, January B I'rnyer.fnr Christian Mission.and all engaged In promoting them Numlwra II '41

MuKiur, January tl Mermona l.nke II 11

llr order of Hoard of Havr I'.taiigellral Association.A O PIHIIII'.H, ( orrespondlng Heeretnry

Fort Street Church NoticerpiIIC A'NlrAIs HAIil'J )!' VKW'H

1 In ihn fori hlreei I hnreh vslll lake tdaea mi M011

day ei nlnif, lleeember in, SS), al 7t ii'i loekn.u 17 11 I1' f Jo.Vriel. .Ill HefrettfT

Marshal's Sale.lv vntri'i: i'' a whit )!' n.v- -

1 M eenlloii IHsiinl lir the Hupteuie t'onrl. upon a Indent niralnal l.ulkl, lien udanl In eieciitlnn 111 lasor 01

Allen A Koliliiaon, iilalnllira In eiieiillon, for firi H7, I

hate lesli d upon and shall etpoae fur sale lu llie hlirlpl

"oU HATUIIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1871,At i M., at Alllolnnl Hale, the f. Ilowlnif properly, vlr.i

All that lot of land situated In Kapalaiun, (Mini, andemitalnlns Wll'l neres, lonelher with Hie wi, slorydwelling hoiipe and rairlave ImiiPO anil siaiuea uiereonsituated, nnlesa the aald judcmeiit. Inteieal, eosla nfault niidoxpeiisca be ptetlnuply pntlsled

W'(J I'AltICK, Marshal.Honolulu. Ilee !il ism 17 S.1I


Maprptlani riinplllute Hie fllfn of Cnrnvrrtl A.

Co., ilnlne liiislnnsa as Huxar I'lnnlera nt IV'nlkapti 1'laielallon UlPtriel or wauiani. lainuii m iisni,

llouolulll. Ileeemlieral. IrW 17 tit

Asaltrnoo'a Notlco.urn ir.vi)ijitHioNi:i) havixo

J. been niip'iluled Alneea Mr U:n enain or i.uuiHun, of Wnlliiku, Maul, hereby Klvn nollcn lei all p

Indebted tn the aald esialn lo make linmedlatnpnyuienl InT. W Hvcretl, Wailuku, or to the under-alune-

and all parlies clalmliiK to bn creditors to tire-ae-

their rlnllna without delay lo llie, undersigned, alHonolulu, (Mini, M. I'llll.l.ll'U A. CO.

llntiilnlu.Ileremliej' I7tli. ISSO,

Oixx.o,r7- - Birdsp'or Knloyti Isiard tho

Swedish bark Hormino.Ar.so

g 3IK:-- 7 3--.,--7l-.


Superior Manila Cigars !


1721 H. HACKFELD etc CO.



by the Houorabli: (.'. (J. Ilnrrla. Chief .IiipiIcoof thn Hupri-in- ('oiirt. lapueil on ttiurdh nay of Jauuary,A. H. JWtl, the undersigned "III sell at public auction

OX 'MONDAY, IAMJAKV ill, A. I). 1881,Al J o'clock noon.

At llie front door of Alilnlanl llalu. all thn rlpht, titleand Interest which the aald Charles Kanafnn. diceasi d,had of, lu or to (lie folloivlni; parcels uf land altuatuupon the Island of Maul, vizi

I. Ol' NO, I, Hltuatc lu Pneohl, t,ahalnn. containing1 acre, 1 rood and VJ perchea, near to the CatholicChurch, and Is planted with cane.

Mil' Sit. V!. Slluata In Illkahl, and containing 2rooda and 17 perchea.

I.O I' .NO. :t Sltimtn lu Illkahl, Hahalua, andpoles.

LOT .NO. I, Sllu.itc In Kenienlkl, l.ahalna, andeonlnlnlng nlucti en perches. This la the store lot sit-uate near to the wharf.

I.O I'.NO. 5, Hltuatc In Kuhnlllea, Lnholna, con-taining 1 aero nnd II ruoda.

l,or. .NO. (1, Hltuatc ill Kuhollli-a- , Lnhainn, con-taining li acre.

WIT Jfo. 7, Apana 1 of tho Ahupnna of Uknmc-hain-

containing hUVs ncrea, 6J4 ncre of which la knlolaud, and a stream of water runs through the centre ofsame.

i.or .no. s, llelng Apaun 2 of aald Ahiipuan altuoteon thobeaph. and conlnlnlnc H ncres. Oof which canbo planted with cane. Tluru la nlao aald to boa fishlinfright belonging to thla laud extending 3(s.3 feet alongtha beach nnd seaward.

LOT NO II. Tile Ilia of ruunhala and Kannnnku.altuatcln Wailuku, containing'.. acres, in of which I

enne laud and has been planted by the Valluku SugaCompany.

I.or NO. 10. Is n I.e,. nf Piiuohnla, In Wailukuaforesaid, and contains t ncrcs.

LOT NO. II. Heine the III nf ICaohe, in Wallnkaforesaid, cont.ilnlng liSSJ-lO- acres. A portion of Hoit kalo land and a portion grazing aud wood land.

MIT NO. I'--. Two what arn known as I'oallmas, b,lng two knlo patches, stluatu inside of Itoynl l'atci,6ST5.

LOT NO. I.'l, Ilclng tho III of Manianla, contalnln80-I- acres.

I.O T NO. 1 1, Ilelng a I.clc of Kauonokn, contalnlnof an acre, ami comprises two large kalo patche

LOT NO. IT. Ilelng tho III of 1'iihlawaawa, aud contains 2 acres cane land.

I.or NO. Ill, llelug the lit of Lcmukec, containing0 ncree cano laud.

LOT NO. 17, Situated In Kapanul, Wallukn, ancontaining an arei of of an acre and compriilntwo largo k.ilo patches.

I.or NO. IS, The fihlng right In the Wallnk.stream.

LOT NO. 10. Comprises two pieces of land tltui nIn Kapuoho, Waiehu, and cnulalna ) acres.

LOT .NO. 'jo, Ilelng a certain pleco of land allurteIn l'olckunu. Island of Molokal, and contains 4 acresand 811 fathoms.

LOT NO. SI, Ile'ng one undivided half of thu Ahapuaa nf I'eiemukit, on the Island of Molokal. SalAhupuaa contains 5315 acrc, the greater portion .which Is kalo land.

ISLAND OF HAWAII.LOTNO.U'J, Ilolnt tho Innda known na Kula nn''

llnlekamahlna, slliute la I'unn, Hawaii. The first pleccontains Hi Wacrea; tho second piece contains SO acresand the third llti'J acres, all gruainj; land, hubject tolease existing nu said lands, which esplrca April la1W1, at an annual rental of $1'M, payable annually 1

advance; taxes tn be paid by llio parly iioldlng the leaseLOT NO, Ilelng the Ahupuaa nf Kapohn, sltu-i- t

in Puna, Hnw-all- , and containing 4(M aens. bald lamla subject to n lease which cxplrca the 1st day of Jam:ary, lo, at un annual rental of tAM, payable semiannually In advance; taxes to be paid by the party holdlug Hiy lease,

LOT NO. l, Ilelng the Ahupuaa and Ash ponds otKalapulnuaa, altuate belnw Kawalhae, containing atarea oCWI acres, HH, nf which are llsli ponds. Hubjeeto a lease (reserving the largest dsh pond n' 4 7U--

acres) which expires on tho-.-Jt- day or .Mar, leas, al aiannual rental of $ltni, piyabln taxes lube paid by the patty holding the lease,

LOT NO, '..1, Ilelng the III of Anachomaln, whichadjoins the above land and contains an area of S7!l acres,4',4 acres nt which ara fish ponds.

LOT NO. UU, Ilelng iho Ahupuaa of Kapatalaea,coulalnlnj; an area of acre.

I.OT.NO. V!7, HelnffihelanH-Vrow- n as Kalamaku-mu- ,Koua, Hawaii, containing itjiJ acres.

LOT NO. 'J8, Situated in Walplo, Hawaii, and con-taining J of an aero of kalo land.

LO r .NO. '4t, Ilelng the lands situate In Waloll.llasalel, Kauai, and known as I'uuone, consisting ofseveral largo kalo patches,

I.or Nlbllli, Apana 1 of Hoyal Talent 7411, situateIn Kallhlwal, Kauai, and containing an area of 1 acreand III perches, all kalo land.

Lot' NO. UI, Apana 3 nf Itoyal Pa-tent, containing 1 rood arid k'l perches, '

lAtl' NO. 'J, Ilelng Apara S of ltojal Patent No.tTd, situated In Walplo, Hawaii, and containing MO ofau acre one large kalu patch.

LOT NO. 3-- Helug Apana .1 of above Itoyal Patent.Cool ilns ot an acre uf kaln land.

LOT NO. a I, Ilelng Apana I of above Itoyal i'aleut.Contains of an acre ot kalo land.

LOT NO 31, lleina all the right, titlo aud Interestof aald deceased in Hoyal Patent 74 W, comprising Splei.es of laud aud roulaiulng an area of 1571 loui acres,slliuloil In fte, Oahu.

I.or NO, 30, Ilelng tho Ahupuaa of Kapatalaea,situated lu ICbna, Hawaii, suneys of which aroiucoutseof preparattou.

Aa soon aa surveys can be made, list, Ahupuaa ofWalplo, nn Hawaii, and of Alae in Klpahulu, on ilaul,will be sold.

Terms Cash, and Head at expense of purchaser.If WI W.V i'AKKi:. tiUlli.lluuiT.

Wailuku Poi Factory.tiL'UilTY OK 1A1AI MAN-utaciur- td

(.uusiautly, All ortlers dllixl vslib dls--I II Hill I'Vpaich.!: Wailuku. Maul.


AS VKH8ON8 INDKU'VKT) TOadersleued arts reauestcd to luaka seltlenisnl

winds, wououius from date or their accounts wil beput in the bands uf a collector, '

It. A. I1KENMakawao. November 19, lhtf). u am


THE .VKM MAHOXIO IIArI,llulldluj, curucr of (jucen and fort ala. apply 10

V.O. U.lillUlt,

Veterinary Surgeon.im;iihox iiavino hioic okAsv boisea ran h'-- ailflre by lalllnj on the

underpinned, al Mr Ihdsler a. nn tin llnnaalow mrem

fr. W imPHIKNKN II All orders promptly tlndl In. It

"NJTs'jrsTJ Ji2DiT323.WII Kit HAS, Till-- ; liVDICIlHUWHI)

by dee.1 nfas.lcnment. dated Ile.9h, IBM,been appnlnl-- t apslsjnees of lb l!tai nf Miana. allpersona havlnurlalms ajaltisl Hie said ealala Sra herebylniue.1e, lupreaPiit llnr'ame. and all persons IpdeblHIn Ihe said estate to make Imrm dlale tiaymenl In ihr .aidaaliitires T II WAI.KHIt,

II W ricinnnhllniintnln. lleeember HI. n 1 1711

Aaalgnoo'a Notice.fpin; i;'I)HHhkkvico iiavinci.1 been appointed assignee nf Hie estate nf I' V

llaHels. of Honuapo, Kan Island nf Hawaii, glrrsrnillee In all prrsoiislndebt'd lolhPsabl estate liimakuimmedlaln p.iyment In the nnaerplpneil. and all partiesclaiming In be eredllof a In pri enl their claims withoutdilayatthentneenf M I'h'lllpp A Co . Un I'J Kaalm-man-

HI , Honolulu17 A I.OHWKNIWItn

The Germania MarketAN III'.IIN Tlloi'MtMilll.V ItllNOVA'f lllr,II and a now con t.inlly In r elpt or Hi" belt or

m:i:r, .iiutto.n, i:ai, and mmii,I'mm Ciiiic-a- t Herds

I'ork Haiipaijea. Ilolonaa, lit A ( i"sp. (letmanHausa ea A c always hand, a al the lie'l of I'oiillryand I'IpIi

(Itir... Mi ala nrftnll..rut .and...lint un In Hastern alvln.- Allmilera rallliluliy aiieii'irn 111, anil Ilsrre.l In any jsitrt111 ill" eny

17 r,m ,,AI il'l H( 'MtAHHH. I'miirlelors,

Marshal's Sale.IN MKTI'K OK A WIMT OK KXK- -I ciitlnh Issued by the Miif ferns t'outl. nKin a Jmltf-tnen- t

against II I 11. McI'imiI. defrndant, In favor of IIW (Irnniila, plaluHtrln rxeeutlon fnrS'MDI. I lutelevied nponind shall expose fur sain tn Ilia highest bid- -

ON SATURDAY, JAN, 22, 1081,In front of Alilnlanl Mate, at li M.,

All thn thlil. life and Interest nf the said Mf.'.'ool Inand tillhe lullowlui.' P'nperty, vlx Unndwelllii2 houseand lot nf laed. situated on thn corner of I'ensaenla andI'llkol alreela aril known aa lot 31 un Ihn (Invernmen tHurvey, unless aald ludiiiit, Inl'resl and cost lxprrtlfiiisly satlsfled The terms nf fie aslc am Cash,and IlLcda at Ike expense of the purchaser,

'I he situation la a scry desirable, one aud will make aflnn residence for a family.

W li. I'AIIKK, Marshal.Ilnnnjult:, IW, 17 m.1

Isiiillus' iSlrnHgerH' Fricml b'oclely.CO KIM5iLfKNT 1IAVK WKVJX TJI 13ij calla (if late upon Hie Hinds nf this Hoelty, that IhnMnnnera, at Hie aiiKKeptlou of anrun nf the prumliii ntbiirlnesa men of the community, uinku an spinal to thepublic for fnnils Inmret lliacnnrtanldeni.mda npon theirrapury nf the Hoclely. One ceutleman pronosea InKlvn J'i1, nliliunlly, or J J fur mouth i ntinther, l'i annu-nll-

or S' l"r month ! mid ulhera e, nuiiiially. or V) its.tier month. Thus rrmiurnurd. a subscription poper willbu circulate!, and It la hoped a ireneroua repimriaewlJIbn given. Tnnds may bo fotwardid to Mrs. H.V. Hamuli,l'repdenl,.Mn (' II I'.lshnp, Vl(e I'realdnt,nr Mrs. H

K. Illshop, Treasun r. A piibserlptlrm paper will b; leftal the Hank, nnd another circulated. 1'Klt OltDKIt.

Ilnnoliilu. December IS, IKMb 10 31

Direct from Boslon mill NowV.x bark Amy Turner, we have recelred

lllls'K MIS, I TO III. MiTTO.N' HuvensVor.lol'luz. (,'oltonHII Twlur B, 0,7 and

H ply. New Iledford ilnnlla L'orilai;, lea from Mi tof. Inch, Hlaal Hope, il, !l and It thread Knnnyarn,:t yam and '! yarn, louseltn Hei7lnif, n, 9, ii and 15thriad. OA IIS Ash Oara, aires fronitl l feet.

All nf which will be enld na low aa ran bn bonriht lullils miiikct. Ml 15 I!OI,I,I:h A. CO.

B IjOCJCS ok AJjIi Ml 13 S AM)filylee, for asle by

bll 1IOM.KH ,t CO.

ITXTUA JIKSSIIETCK' Hnstern Kxlra I'rlinn I'ork, California Vie I'ork,

for sale by Bll 15 1IOM.HS A CO.

0 cH O

5P S

5 is wR g C


s ? &

Q !l ?fl J !

a i k3 .5

8 & Shiti o


A LAHGK STOOK ?rOf tho Fnvorilo

Automntic Sheet iirio costs nbout thoNow Music can bo ordered at nny time.

Stylo "A" cofits only

$12, and plnys tlio tnitno

kind of music as Stylo

" 0."

t0 ror


613 1


STOCK. OF GOODS,Junto tno lijr llio

Amy Tiirni'r, Mdlilcmi, ami Isitrckn.Ilrsldea mr nsual fnll assnrtmsntrif nrrliinille,,wn

wbold tall attention in Ihe f .I'owlng llr ma



The alandaid branila. Noonday and lloHncr , tf'shfrnai Hie Jtefiniil'p Th' ft'midajr (III l nf hlrli leland la nowronsld-re- d I III. Ilt.ftl I'AJIII.s OilsIn In had in Ihr maikelI HI1 Old 11 In Imrrela,I.UIIIllCA'lINd ()IIa'-I- rw Iflceil-f:na- tnr Oil,

Jicnti I'leKIII, (lyllnder Oil, Clu-n- Jnin totHni'tk lack ni it run work ,

HaJl's Steel Plows,A fall line from Un n to '.In II, with extra Hliarea am!

Ilandlea A full tar load direct from Mollne.

Hall's Hickory TraBh Forks.A nrv litri Pliase

order sample to try,

Hnll'n Cano Plnntcra orA new tool for covrrlnj seed alter being

pi e.nl In Hie furrow; wllh II on manc n do (lie wotk of ihrce.

IMiilmi'x Haw, Fllci, Citiin KnlrM k Tooli,HafalowHUirr Company's Celebrated

8tovc. Ranges nnd Caboo'c, "",

1'nrmcni' Caldronii, auoried.HTflt-n- nn MnclilnUf TiwU,


Belno Twinn nnd 1'lali I.lnea.

Hubbuck's and OilsJlasnry'a Colors In Una. nt IIoiipi or Cntch I'alntlnif.

aekiiowledxed by all jrood painters to b the hit Jlaili.Wiitcr 1'iltera, Icn Oram I'wf.tit, ltefricrnl'irs!,

Ilyilniullo Jncki, llflliitf 7 lima 'Jt Inclicn. Jlur-illck- 'n

Kinlilnr CillUrx, NniUof fTt'ryilewrlption,Jxwk'H of every ilmcrliitlnn, Ani'MVlj Dcnlinx,liy tliu Iialo or plcco I Anumkcnu TickliiK, by tho

m cc.rOWDKIC IllMitlng. Olnntnnil Hnrcnlm, HfKirt-I'uwil- ur

trotn H UtlVt lb. tin, Uliint I'uwilur nnjl'erotiaalon CiM.All fur pale cheap by

E.O.HALL & SON.4,'nrlier Kliinml 1'iirl rslrslsj.

NOTICEllf'.Ki:iirilVi:.N TII,TTIir. fnne-rle- sIHor ilr. Frank Marco with thu Klrm of I.. (I. Kreso-vle- li

A; Co, aa Huperlnt'iidenl nf their business In theHawaiian Islands has been dlssulved, and direction ofaald l.u.lnepp baa been assuinid by llr. Prank Hlmpsou,with whom all business most hcrrafler If liaiisscttd,

(i 21 I., tl. l V IO.



HONOLULU IRON WOEKS COThis Utile apnaratii" olla llie cylinder constantly and

perfectly. Kn little oil la ned that a savins of oil andwear eipial lo four times Its cost may bo i Heeled In oneseason.

Pint Size, $43. Half Pint Size, $30.e.VJ- -2 3m

X 13 I) OOOI) H A H. AUG 13C1 assortment oLltoaton and Han Pranclsco paeklnir.



erf- -









S25 TO SI5!samo as shoot music prepared for the Piano.





C3iro-lr- .




ONE PRICK BAZAR,IttHIsltlt 4r - IWTKls ftT.

1IR9KB- - il')Vl o

sUE"HsBsr 1 G)

jBSiSil'x'-'"-i "' i'-- '" ' J " ' 'Jh a

b r vi 'h co

rTK&rJs&R5&!2SKtUA iUHrA ojsi Mj! IBQi "ji'3 rfrTsrH jflHHmmHHix' v


Thoso TnstrumontB reprosont both tho Organ nnd Orgnnist, Mnsic, Mumcian nnJfusio Toucher. Piny liyinn Tnncs, Popular Airs, Sols of Qiindrilles, Polkas, altzos,aieeiK nuu jiorupipea wiiu cicaruoss, nccuracy nnd jicrlect execution. .senq$6,000




ciaeH nnil








I Invito tlio publlo to cxamluo my Mneiiiflcvut Stock of Kuroiwrui nnd American Dry Ocxxls, bich fawitUuut ijueoliuii tho

Largest and Best-Select-ed Stock in tho Cily of Honolulu.

Mr pricoti fur iwrfcctly I'ltllMII XV.W IMIIK1'M nte punilirtly lowrr tlin ara csriced byother Horn for UI.U, hllUr.tl'Ult, HUII.III f04l.i, nuder the Rulsso of MlUsEs,J OIT!Don't be Deceived, Gome and Examine for Youraelvei.


Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Clothingand Gonta' Furnishing Goods,

sou CINTS' NEW CLOTHING AT GREAT BARGAINS.?!I Inrita n careful iniectioii of my Gxx aud icc NO TUOUIUsU TO BUOW QOOO Ordsna

from tko country carefully executed.


Page 3: Saturday Prams. - University of Hawaiiur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii







At Mo'eliWk A M at Males. Itnnm,


Clothing,Fancy Goods,


A Lino of Now Groceries:Htiunr Cured Hftins nml ltnron,MrMiirrny'H Oysters, Culm Hngnr,l'liin Tumi, Onndonspil Milk.1'nlln Leaf IjinI, I,n f'rolx (liwn Corn,Crackers, Sardines, Fnlmnii,Fresh Tnblu FrultK, Ac. Ao. Ac.

I'. I' A DAMN. Aiift.r.


By ordor of Y. C. Jones, Jr., Esq.,os

Monday, December 27th,AT 13 OVt.OUK M AT HAI.KM IIOOU,

I will offer it Public Aiirtlmi Hint rrrliln plcen of LnnilIn Nininnii Valley above the Hli Mill. at tiillrn fromIIiiiioIiiIii, known ns t lit III nf Knhapaakal,

Contfilnlnp; an rirca of 24 78-10- 0 Acres

miii Tin: iiihini: tiii:iii:i..H In n very desirable location feir timall Farm nr for a

Hummer Itcslclctieu, The Lot linn ft substantial frncontiHimiit. Tiri.Ki'iiiirnirr.

Tnotlilrils of tho purchase money run remain on

mortgage, with lliterpst t per rent, per milium. I'm

fiirther imrtlculnr. npplf to 1 V JONIIH, .In., Ksn , ri; - AIIA.MH, Auctr

Lease of a Fishing RightAT AUCTION.

Tlir Lease nf Queen Downier Kmiiin'n Tlicliln ntitt prtttligeslnthe. Ahnpiiai f llalana, Oahii, will be ottered


For i term of HVI! I'll . Its, to commence nn the 1st.Iny of Jnminrjr, IHHI. For full particular, npply to

A. J. OAHTWltmilT, Knnhiimaun HI., nrIS. P ADAMr), AlKt'r.



MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1881,At 11! o'clock noon, nn Hi" premises,

will lie snlil Hint

Valuable Piece ?of LandKltuntednn IheHonth-cns- t slilonf Hmlth's Lane, lliinn

lulu, being originally a pari of LaiiiH'iitnmlssloti Aunril"lull miil.llTSn, ilntril April 10, 1IWI, containing nil areanf alg5 square fret.

With all tho Buildings Thorcon,Consisting nf

A Hood Two Story Dwelling HouseWITH

A Largo and Convenient StoroON Till: LOWEU FLOOIt.

l'nr further pnrtlcnlnrs, npply to

Crcii. IIii'iwn, Hsu,., Attorney, or

K. P. ADAMS, Anct'r.



LUNCH PARLORS,Nos. 7C nml 78 Hotel Slroet,

HART BROTHERS, Propriotors.

Hoard by tho Day, Vook or Transient

Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco,

Soda Water and other Iced Drinks.

Meals Served, in First-Clas- s Stylo


HBNItY J. 1UU.T, 825 0 KIiLIH A. HAllT.

REAL ESTATE!Ituslrnblu rrojicrty on Fort St. For Sale.

riMlK AYKIjn KNOWN LOT SITU- -X ntPd on I'ort htn-e- t nliora llerctanlii. This lot Is

Its) feet frontage on P Xreet, anil 181 feet rear. ThcroIs a. tun-stor- ilwoli , on tho lot, nearly new,with cook hoiisii, luilli lion. Hii-- t privy, mid two wellsM) fel deep, well sloned n, ti n lko biittnin for sewer-Ht- t

purpos. Tim water H !v. r In '' differentplaces, and plplui: all In RimvI condition. Thcro l

uiuplu room for tho erection of two UrKP collages. I hervnrlnE Is all new. This la ono of tho most luulthy andcentrally located lots for a resldcnco of any III the cityof Honolulu. Tho ubovo sale, oirers n tiotsr opportunityfor tho permanent t of capital.

Tlllo perfect. Deeds at tlio exponso of Ihu purchases.A part of tho purchase money may leinaln secured byinortease on tlio premises. For furlher particulars, apulr to II. W. SI AC Y, on the nreiiilscs, or

A I MAIITVI.MMllli'f' Van.":".y. '."" ' " -Where plan of the lot can be seen. tbi



r-- Small I'aymmits In Ai1iup. llalaiice. to SutlVurchnsers. One Coltrgn already built by II. .Urin.ills and ready for occupancy. Tint otlioM are uotv bt'l"?built. Kacli Cottaco iniitalua four nlco rooms, bathroom and ilelaclied Kitchen,

"WTltlx Wator ltvld on.Al'l'ly '"

Rrria hahky J. . miCqql



Ami l'oi tUlo byblT-- l! H. UAOKl-'KL- A CO.


Just to hitud Kx "Kuruku," nwd for Salo bytlio UudcrHlenvdi

100 Mils. Prime Plantation SaltnoAt the Lotcot MirXtt Jhitrti,


Commission Merchants and For-warding Agents.

Onii-- No. i!0 Callfuriilu St., Sun Frnnthfo.

Con.laumeiit from tho llawutlan UlamU tle.lrcd.Th Ileal Prliea WarrAiited, ami oalca Uuarautcid.


NOTICE.rpiIK ITKDKUSIGXKI) IIAVI NOX been appolulwl by tho Court a Administrator ;fthe Estate of Ulurlf a Long, dtceased, rcuuestall part-- .

leVlvdebtrd to the E.late. lo nuko Immeolnto du4mcnuiidallprllclilii clW a.Mliut the aald fc'aut toureaent Ihem for to Iho uuderalgti wllulustKx moutlu (roiu duo or they will be

Administrator pf lUo estalo of Cius.'Liinu,Honolulu, Nut ember 1st. It- - M " "'" .

Bran and Oati- -



(iiiiirdlini'.s Siile of Itrul IMiilr nl Knnpii,Mnml of .Mini!.

f)V Vlll'I'I'K, Ol' AN OIlDKIl.1 m lileby the linn A Francis .fluid. .IhsHip nf thHupreme Court nn Hie 'loth ilay nf November, It', I willsell l piilillr muiion nlilirftntitnilMiiic of Alllolanlll.lr, In Honolulu,

o.v ,ii.ma v. tiii; JTrn i:fvr ..vr,At I'J o'clock noon, all that plcre of land knonn as theAhiipnna nf Kiimoniil I situate In Kanpo ofMniil. being the impiiiIsps ilrsfrlbril In Itnyal PatentNo. 7Vl.nT.anilAimmlsl n Awnnl No. WW In IIllnm llntlifltilp Minilnltn an nrpaj of lllnrrrs Dicilssi the expense of the purr lis. it

It " llt:Nft f KWISKIN.(linitillnn of Main Kahana .t. ( hn I'. H HmIiiUiii. minors

(I. H. HAH'IOW, Anct'r.


Wednesday, December 29,At 10 A M nl Hiles Ilnom,


English nml Australian Haddlpfi.

Chnlco Lot of OrocorloH for ChrlRtmnn.Cnllfntnli .Urns, Tnliln I'rnlln. I.iinrh TniiRiioa,Hiiprrlor OyslTs, Hnlmnri, lli.nl I'lirrsr,Hnnni(i' Mini, Lobsters I oineil Href,Msrillni's, (Irern I'cas nml ( ornAs.iirint Milk nml Hol Crnrkers,llor of 1'nnilles, Hnip, Hnprtlnr Chepse,Alulnllifr Men linmllsp,llxs of Corn, Hnperlor limns

O.H. HAUTOW, Atirfr.

On Friday, December 31st,AT II O'CLOCK A. M..

In the ynnl nn Merclinnl Ht nilJolnliiR l.nvejoe A Co'nHlnre. Ilm iiinlerslgni'd Is iiinlrcurtril In sell

AT PUBLIC AUCTION!4 HnrBfH, 1 Dnukny, I Hull, 1 Cow .V. llolfur,.'I Ox (Jnrlii. '1 (JarrlnufH, 1 WnRini,1 Dmililn IInriiiM, SHIiihIo llnrimiH,li Ox Ynktrn niiil Uowh, I'J Ox CIiiiIiin,

Lor, oi J in'ii i;uvo.t M. IIAUTOW. Anct'r.

MULES AND HORSES.tv. oum:its wn.i. ah: in 'i;ivi.i nvsji-v,- . Hie iimlerslKiiiil forllm pnicliiisenf Mules nmlrvvf) Hor.es, nnirpersniml otiuillou kIvpii Ipy n per--- J

s'l sou In Hnn Frnnilsio to seliclliiu nml pur- -

rlinsliiK llio sninc netonlliiK lo onler Kieii .,....,C H. .

For Sale.om: 'orr,Ji: i'iano, a iooitoiieil Instruiiienl.

(',. H. IIAHIOW.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALEYiilmilili! lis nn lincMlmcnl.

Ilenleil to qiioil lennuls for n Ioiir perloil llnllillncs InLMmct repair nml plensniitly lomliil Apjily to


fe2i?riti:.iii: coi'itr or tiii: Hawaiianr Islnmls In llnnkriiiiley. Intliuinntterof WILLIAMIN(1 I'OO, n Milunlnry Imiikriipt.

Niitlcn Is lierehy lw n.tlint n meillnRof the ere'lllnrsulio Iiovp prni cililebtenKnlnit the psliito of snlil Wllllnm

UK Too In tho nniomit of SH'I. or inorp, will ho held nttlipnfllen of thn Clerk nf ihnHiijirenie Court, nt AlHolnulIlnle, In Ilnnelulii, on WKDNI'.SDAY, the Kil ilay nfIII:cKMIII:K, a. ii. IWXI, nt lUirclwk a. m for the e

or eleetlnc Asli;iiecs of nlil lmnkriiptV eslntopnrsiinnl In Ihestnlnte A ItOSA, Ilepiily Clerk.

Ilonolillll. NoveinlierKlth, IS-)- 11 'it

contr or tiii: haaii..vSuiiii:mi; In 1'rohilc -- leHml nf Onlm, llnnllnnIslnmls, r. In the mutter or Hie I'.etnte of Ll'dKNi:II. HAUHIN, ilecenscil. Order nppnlntlrii; tlino for

Will nmlillreclliiK piilillcnllnn of nntlceof snnio.A document, purporting to he tho Inst lll nml testa-

ment nt i:iijr nn It. Mniiriu, ileeeusul, hnvlnt' on the "MMdny of October, A. n IHI, been presented In slid Prohalo Court, nml a petition for tho probate t hereof, nmlfor Hie lssunnce of letters test imentaiy to W L Wilcoxhaving been Hied by Mm, It is hereby ordered HintMON'ilAV.tlicirrni day of DKOIIMIIint, a. ii, IHhd.nt 10

o'clock a. m. of snlil il.iy.nt the court mini nf snld Court,nl Allinluiil Hale, In llnnnliiln, he, nml the same Is,hereby appointed tlm time for proving said will andhenrluc snlil application, when and wliero ny personInterested may uppenr ami contest Hip until will, and thoCrnnllnK of K'tlers tesl.imcnlnry. It Is further ordi red,that notice then of be Riven hy publlcntlnn, for three,successive wciks, In tho Saturday Press, a newspaperprinted nnd published in Honolulu. And it is furtherordered, that citations bo Issued to the subscribing wit-nesses In snlil will, and to the heirs of the testator Inthis Kluudom, to appear and contest tho probata of saidwill, at Inn tlino ntinolutcil.

Dated Honolulu, II. M Dccemlier titli. lbM).CHAS. 0. 1IAUUIS.

Chief .Tusticu of tho .Supreme Court.Atlest! A. IIika. Deputy Clerk. Pi 3t



a (sui:at suufkisi: TO iio.vomjluAT


STEAM CANDY FACTORY71 Hotel at. Iet. Fort and .Ntiimnu.

Tho nbovo ;ould respectfully call tlio attention ofIjidles, Heads of Families, nnd tho l'ubllc generuiiy oftheso InluuiU to


Confectionery and CakesNever seen In Honolulu before, consisting of several

thousands of the NKWIZST DllbUiNS AND NOVIU.TlUh of Now York and Chicago, spch aa ChrUtmaa ulftDotes, largu assortment of

Christmas Troo Ornaments,delation Comets, OIH Walnuts, Motto Hcirts.Iloimcliigllables, Cupid Pictures, batchcls, Vnsoa. l'lai and Hol-

low Sugar Hgurcs nutt Animal' of all descriptions.Fruit Clusters, Tanoriiuia. Uggs, I ud ninny other articlestoo numerous lo specify. Also u few hundred pouuda ofMs delicious

SOFT CHOCOLATE CHEAMS,Hand inndo Cieams, Double Caramels, Pure Fresh HumDrops, and neural thousand pounds uf

Pure Homo Made Confectionery in (irentVurlety.

Fancy Hoxe s, Surprises, Cornucopias tu all sizes, u

Mottoes and Cassao,uc, uml a ery largo assort-ment of

Eich and Plain Fruit Cakes,Pound, Hound and Mould bpougc, l'jraml.l and JellyCako lu all elzea, oinamenud in his usually rich style,and plain.

ClirlHtmus nnd New Ycnr'H Mluco PicsOf lllcheat Quality. M1N0E Ml! AT FOIt SASE

K. HOUN resiiectfully lntltes Ilia Public nml Dealersto luspicl Ills largo stock before Importing or buyingelspwuere, us Ma Clouds will Invariably bo sold llmCheapest. ii -- "

BEST AMERICANSTEAM ANDJIATER PIPE.Wo would call tho attention of llioso re(ulrli.g Piping

to our largo stock of

154,000 Feet On Hand!lll.ick Welded Slcam Plpo l to" In. diameter.Unltsiiilzcd Water Plpo)i lo 3 In. diameter.

Tho abut o at Moderate Prices.


rvr1 3E3QT ALmTLKAVK TO Nl'OKM IMSBKt.S and the public generally thut ho Is nuw

prepared to do all kinds ofWatch Itcnalrlng A: Jewelry Mauiiracturlng;

ln the best manner, nml satisfaction guaranteed.Ho would also state that all Matches left bv Mr. Welter

are now In his charge, and will be attended, to promptly.Thankful for past fatora, and hopes for a continuance

oi tho sumo, MAX ECKAUT, Jeweler, Ac.lUmolulu, Sept , lfW). Is31 '


rpiIBVIHSTSTKP WAS TO CllOOSKX a MoUerulor b.W M waachos-i- i aa Urand. Ho

called the C'ommltteo to report- -

Uttohtd; Aa Iho Holldats aro neirat hand It Is sup.nosed that ouo and all will make a present to their

I?ol; Tint whoo-c- r shall bur,1'liie. Cigar Hold-

ers, Clarelt Holders, or any Uouta In the buwkerline, shall gel a line article;

Ultoltnli Thai every Pipe shall bi .coiupnlwl byof MeUleate.1 Tobacco; tha ech aud ft err 1 1.package.. , .... ... ...... .i.lu.l v.111. mil, 1m, i,r I liMrlil" - - - ":lioiuer snail o avviiii...."tlgara; that each Clgarotto Holder shall havo attaclieU

with It one box of Cigarettes. .,,,,,, Vt wn.Ilia. best. . of goods, did there. .

aro....lion better lu Hie Miirit i .1. ..I I.i nn snli m .t flu til

Uom, tils iiepoi suau uo ino iu i" ; ;" "- -

cordlug lo th Judgment of tue orauu vuiruss.1W it rurir.tr liuoiceit: as it i unpousioio w "

the receiver bo punished by flue, or be caused to use tnogoods that hu may havo ubialned.

lis UfurtW fMofivd; That a copy rf the.o Ke.lullonsbo aiut to the llrauch Caucusis throuxhoul theKTifeeUreolutlons were put to the Intelligent audlcucoHid unaulmou.ly adopted. ,,.., K.r,.apv



&.. j--aav Lampson,

alzttUif MAIIHTON, Masttr,Will Imvo quick dlspntcli for abovo port.

l'nr freltht or psssnpe, applyMl 17 C Illir.Wrilt A CO, Acenls "

KOJtSAiV I'MLAiNCFSCO."j'.MM . The I'll si Hnlllnif UnrkPntliiP;y Tlv. i.--i t a t --- a

NOIItlllt 11(1, Master,Will havo Quick Ulnjinlch for nhovo port.

l'nr frelglil or pnssnuc, apply Inhti 17 ii ii tirt:r.tt ,t ro., AftM

PaciJic Mail S. S. Company.mukm: iv co..sicM:r..s.

Cm iHim iii;'i:ivi:ii at thih roiir I'r.itV t H i ' sleamers from Man 1'rniiclscii nr

Ansirnlln will be ready for delivery at Hip HlPniners'Wbnrf Itnmidlfltely after Hip sailing of the sirnnierI oiisljrnecs are ririuesled to reeelrp Hielr Roods wllhlnIhlip dnys nfler surh ileparlnrP or the poods will ho reluotrd lo the Custom IIoiisp nt their i xpense nml rl k

II, IIAI KI'CI.I) A. CO., Airenilloitolulu IbTPinberH, WD Kit IR ai


Tho I'nvorltn Amerlenn Hark

Mks . C. lMUItllAV,OiJSSS!' I' O KAVIINH. Master.

Will oail on Monday, DccOmbor 27l'nr frfslRlil or pnnjc.ipply toln ai (' AI'()N(l.tCo

Ivor'san I'Miancjisco. "

tiii: fAMr haili.no iiAiuniN'iiNi;.A).


Will hnvo Quick Dispatch for abovo Port.l'nr Frcli(lil or l'nssni;p, apply loK!H 15 I'AHTLI". A, COOKK, Agents,

1 1 ONO KONG.The AI Nwedlsh Hark

&3L wSftLONNOUIIN. Master,

Will n turn with illspalch In Hongkong.Tor freight or passage npply toS.T II

From Honolulu to Hilo Direct.Tho A I Clipper Schooner,

26 " 31 A JL O J, O," 3L.(IOODMAN. MAHTIMl,

Will salt from Honolulu lo llllo direct, nnd will call atIntermediate Ports on the return trip.

Tor Freight or Passage, apply to tho Captain on board,I or A. KKANK COOKi:. Agent.


Tuesday, December "Hi. n p m IlilnTuesday, December I Ith, li p m .Circuit of HawaiiTuesday, December 21st, f. p m. lllloTuesdaj, Dicemhcr 'JSth, 5 p in .Circuit of Hawaii

irrt- - No OpiIU lor e Jlonrj. --h"Wo positively di eline to open accounts for l'assapes,

and wp partlculsrly rail thn attention or tlm Irntellngpublic lo Iho in cesslly of having llaggngo anil Freightplainly marked; tno Steamer will not be responsiblefor any nnmarkiil lliiggage, or for Freight or Parcels,unless Itppi'lptpil lur.

Frol?ht Monoy Dno on Demand.In nil cases nf freight for parties not responsible, or

unknown, I ho freight money will bo rcqulri din advanceI'AC'KAtlKN or I.KtIlOItS mill H'INUS MUNi

in: PLAINLY .IIAIIKI'.OFor Iho party whom they nro for, or plainly stated In thereceipt to whom they art consigned

All demands for damngu or loss must bo ruado withinono month.

In no way liable for loss or accident to live stock.fc7 Hack Driw rs. Hoys, and such like, will not be

allowed on board tho Mcnmer on arrival, until after thopns.engcra have been landed.



For San-Francisc- o.



ii:aiiiioiin. co.m.ii an nr.it.WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO

On or about Monday, Jan. 17.



CITY opNBW YORKC'OIIII, Coiiiiiinnilcr.

On or ah out Saturday, Deo. 25For Freight and Passage, apply toMl 3n. II. llACIU'KLD A CO.. Agents.4iiMiN Kir .Nhliiiu'iit per .Slonmur can mtw

ln Nltirpit, Free il C'liaro- - In llio Firo-iiro- fM'iirtliint npiir tlm felemiM-- r i harf.


Wailclo, Maloloif5wWnioll. XiUiu,Wnlolin, vv nimniu,Goii. SIoroI 5, AMAI...W,

and Maun.FI.AO Kcil with While Hall. Ofllco-Cor- ncr of Queen

817 and Niiuanu Streets 1


jl4S C. Browor & Co. Agents.Hx3? Merchandise received Morale I"r?r.QSS

and liberal cash adt auces made on shipments by thislino. TWO ly C. illttWKK


fijt C. Browor & Co. Agontstlv-Uii- Favorable arranemnnta can alwa a boV

made for stora:: anil shipment of OIL lfmip. Wooutiles nml oilier Jlercnamilse lo .".ew iieiuorii, nosion,New Vork and other Kasteru 1'orts, BiyCash advancesin.iile. Wl ty .


H. W. SEVERANCE,Hawaiian Consul & Commission Merchant

7 310 California M., CuL. llooin No. 4. ly


fl Nit. IU l.lllliw Htroel. ly

S. M. CARTER,Afjont to talco AcUnowloilumonts to Con-trao- ts

for Lnlior.Ofllcoat P. M.S. Doqk, Esplatwide, Honolulu, II. I.

ml 15 ly

NOTICE.17IIO.U AIfI AI-TKI- t THIS DATKX no shooting nf game or any epeclees of wild fowlwill be allowed upon the lands (omprlslng Hie Kaliukuand llonuulliili lUncheewlthoutlho wrllten permUslonof myself or of my Agent, Mr. Cecil llrown, and all s

found Ire. passing upon said lands will bo dealtwith according in law. JAMES CAMP1IELL.

onolulii. Nutcniber'JI. IS'. la It


NO. 1 SPRING SALMON,lu Ilurrvls) ami Half linrrrlsi,

Which 4 w IU M'll nt l.ou Hates.15 lm J. II. IIUl'NH. Etplsnado.


rIX C 11 11 111 I? II in i x.raiiiK hniii:kniiini:i iiavk jint hiI. HKIVKH per Amy Turner, from lloloii, full assortmenl of these eelebratr.1 Pumps, which ure guaianM lo be cheaper and better than any other all olpump I alitor ted. We mil tin stlnitlon of planters parlhvularlytolbe Vacuum Pump, which Is Iras coiuplkatedtad mora aervlce.bla bau olner puiui.a.

all 8m la If Oj HtKWKIt at CO

For Sale or Lease.I.VVIVHTXKNT.-Tl- lfi WellAltllNIKABI.v: of Iho uudctalgncd, tltuata ou

Klug street, togclh-- r with tho furniture, etc.. of the..in If il...lr. .1. Ths liou.t has II rooms. Is 111 iroodorder, and Is well furnished throughout, Him glvlug anexcellent opportui nt Iv lu turtle, desirous of continuingIts long-citat- 'l ed butlueas. lor furlhrr particularsapply to 12 tf THOS.A.tHHUM


37 Fort Stroot,

HAVE JUST RECEIVEDP. "Amy Tomer" and Mnliifan," nml by Hall from

New York via Mm Franrlsri),

Olrt'cl, From Mio MumiracltirorH !

InvoiccH nf MOfiINI-- I'liOWS,made extra siring, specially for us, as-

sorted sites Extra parts constantly onband,


JowoII'm Wutor Killcrn it Uoolorrt,.fswett's Coolers, .Imvrtt's Itefrlgeralnrs,Zero Ilefrlgernlors. Ico Crpani Fiepfrs,Hygienic Water niters (no len rriiilinl).

DissIoii'h SawH, Ilnntl HftWH,

Onn .Man Haws, t'.JIolfeel Iluck Haws,(lrealmctlcanC'rns-cii- t Haws, I'i lot ft,Haw Jlucks, Haw Handles.

Mnyilolo fe Clionoy'fl llnitimtrn,Illneksmlllis Hledgos. CoopcrV and ,Ma

sons' llitmiicrs

Cnrpol nml UjiliolHlort'r'H Tncks," Puliiam" aml'Mllolie" Horse Nails, CutNails, lalvanlf.nl Nails, Wrought Nails,Hplkes, PI'.IIKINH'

litglit I'nttorn Flown SIiocm.

Ohio Onnilsloncn, Fn'mily Griiitl- -

stonrs, (Irlmlstiinp I'litiitrs.

II Flint it Dnv'n Axch, lintcliolH,.Mattocks, Hire, Harden and Planter'sHops, Manitrp ami Ilay Forks (2 tiifltlncs),Picks and Plok Mattocks.

Fvitiflloy'H AxIch, Hoatnnd OnningoHprlngs, WhlMletrPCS, single and ilntilile.

lliiHlt and GrnnH ScytlicH andHnaths, Handiisky Planes nnd Piano Irons,Cue's (lenulno Wrenches, Anvils, VisesAnvils and Vises combined.

l'lantcrn' IIoo llntidlog, HickoryPick, Hle.lgo.Axo and Hammfr Handles,

Kakii and Chisel Handles.

SIiovoIh nnd SjiadoH, (long nnd Dhandled), Sanderson's Steel Scoops, Hoys'Hpailes a full assortment direct from (lieiiiaiiufacluiers.

IFnrrowH, Itond Scrnpcrs, HayCutters, Scales, Lawn Mowers, ClothesWringers, Wheelbarrows, Portiblo Forges,Ham) and lllacksmttlis' Hollows.

Iliiip;lmm Bttckots, Stop Ladders,Wooden Trays. Clnlhciplns, S'ashhoariIs,Wool and Horse Cants, Curry and ManeCombB,

.Slinkor Sockot Diooms, RuttnttYard Ilronms, Mops nnil-M- Sticks.

Uctl Scrows nnd Jcd Keys, KngloCarriage Units, Holt Ends, Bolts,Hqnare and Hexagon Nuts, Washers.

Standard Rubber Hobo, 3 nnd 4

ply, Carbolljcd Itubber Hn, Sand i ply.


KEROSENE OID,Candlo it Kcroseno Wick, Lnmpg,

Chandeliers, Lanterns, Chimneys, Unrncrsnnd Fixtures, Kcroseno Oil Stoves, Wrap-

ping Twine, Tumblers, Fish Globes,Nnrsq Lamps. i ,

TINWARE.Toilot Sols, Chamber Pnils, Cus- -

pldorcs. Trays, Child's Troys, Cash andLunch lloxes, Cnko Iloxes, Splcu BoxesPieced Pans, Cako Palis, Dread Pans, DishPans, Itlnslng Pans, Cnllcnikrs, MilkStrainers, Egg Whips, Egg Poachers,Funnels, Seines, Skimmers, Jelly Moulds.


Shelf Hardware,Agricultural IrnplomonU,

Hougo Furnishing Goods,Faints, Oils, Varnishes,

Terpentine, etc., itc, Ac.AfiENTS FOIt

Tho Bain Wngon,Cortland Wngon Company,Ilnllidio'fi Ilnrbed Wiro nnd Staples,llnllidio's Pntont Wiro Rope,Avcrill's Chomical Pnints,California Wiro Work,American Lubricators,Albany Lubricating Compound,Albany Cylindor Oil.

DILLINGHAM & CO.831 37 ft'ort Nlrcet. Honolulu,

POUND NOTICE.roi.i.owivo i:.vrnAYiioR.iKs

be sold at auction on Friday. Dec. 30th.Ssi 10 o'clock A. v.. In the Uovcruincnt Pound atHonolulu! 1 bav hnrse. wllh n

white snot on forehead, branded on the right hip 11 overI w ; l nay norse, wit a tvnuo spot on lorencau, brand-ed P, with another brand indescribable; 1 black mare,branded on the right hlti J J.

a. ii. a.uuauu. rotmu .Master.December 31. IpW. 17 li

Xs Rtf

i cJJE.

1J f e - 1 e r i r Vrt1Z " - C " trfii f 3


-- 3eP0B:aSSrtoes vs' & Si-r- .




IVutfs. oi every liiiiitlALWAYS ON HAND.

Fresh Eastern Oysters in the ShellHEOKIVED UY EACH STEAMEH.



Richard Street, between Mefehsuxt mailQneen Street.

Hoard $1 rwr work, with fresh eggs each morning.For Sale Fresh Eggs. Chickens dressed, or as re-

quired.Deef Tea, and Soup, at all hour.tfT-- 3! Mrisl TtekeU-WI.O- O.

liain ALFHEIl II. HOUOHTON. Proprietor.



II Ofttconp to and Including the SUth day of Augustinuil be settled with J. II. Ulack only. All Indebtednessup lo the same date will be settled by

J. II. BLACK.,Honolulu, Ausu.tM, 11. Bl7--.


.-- - x - Jllitsliipti Airnnt's Nntlon.

All advertisements for thi hTfK0T Pniss mint tinnl In by Friday noon. Ho Insertions for IliP enrrrnt

Issns ran Ii gnarantseH hsn sent In later.Advertisers will mark the nnmb'r nf Insertions ie.

sired from whlfli data they charge Arty not so markedwill lie charged it months

TIKIS. O. Tlllttf.M. Dullness Agent.

NOTES" Or "TffB WEEK.A Mrnnr, inrrry ('liflatmnit to nil.

Tiir.Hotith Koa IitlnnilprNiitiTniton'iiplntilntion,Mntil, linvo rpmimed wnrk.

Wnrni! In tlmt Mmm rnller, nml why nrcotir enr-rl- n

go wluels iloliiK Kh work ?

Hrnnr Hmitii linn recnlvpil Hit npjioltilinpttlftf nclerkslilp In tlm Intnrlnr Ofllrn.

Amrrion union of Clirltnmn jjikhU Imvo IipphntitnpriniH dttriii(( Hip Inst two weeks).

'I'nrttr; will lo n Clirlntinnn I'rnlnn HittIco luFurl Hlroel Chtircli on Htmtl.iy pypiiIhk next.

A itiiAttt' Bottiill rm l'rlilriy iniiriilntr from Cmnoiitli.woKl did n ijikxI dcnl of timber lopplnp; In nfpw minuted.

irnHni.tif.ulinn n Inrijo ntuiilipr of crlckot elnlitnow nnu wo oti((lil to litinr of nomo iiod nmtcliKnimn noon.

'I'liriin will Imi n jmlilln Inatnllitllon of tlm tinwlvplpctnl oinpora of Hriwnlinu lot!gp, F. nml A. M,,Hint .Montlny ul(lit.

'i'nrtir will I mi n innlrli KUinn of linan Imlltint Atlili'tlrH nnd Atlilplol y ni'J"A)

p. M., on tho Kitlnoknlnin I'lnlim.Wp. nro liiidor olillcntloti to Cnptaln NordlmrK,

of thn Imrkpntlnn Hmfkn, for novprnl cop!cnof tlioIIotlKknntt Ihtltj I'rrm.

Mahk TwAlti'a workn linvo mpt with nnlvpranldpmntid, lint hid Intent in not for wile. It Is n (tii

nn Innocent ntllomp.KoHTr.n A Co. nrn Imvlng ft lird prretpd on llio

nuw wlmrf pxtuiidltiu from llio end of tliu CHjilfi-und- o

nt tlio foot of 1 orl rttrcot.

Tnpnr. npcm lo lm n fnw liuridnrn ntlll lurkingn round tho comrntinlty. Mr. B. O. llnll'Hrenldoncoreceived n vlnit a few nights. np;o.

llr Into pnpprB from tlm Connt wn lonrn Hint H.Ii. M. corvette dunnel, rcrently In tills iwrt, leftKnn 1'rnticlBco for C'nllno, l'crn, on tlm "JUli "It.

Tlio linrkpnllno Kmtkit, which nrrived from tlinCo.iRt Inut Snltirdny invriiiiicjiroiiirlit newapniiormnilH for uowh donlorn, hut no nmll for tlm lont-ofllc-

Tun pntprlnlnmenl on lielmlf of thoncwChlnenoCliriHtlnn Clturcli wiiHiiutofT In defcrenco lo tlinnotico Innucd by tho l'rcHideiit of tlio Itonrd ofHonllli.

TitPim linvo Iippii reported nt tlin Quren'n IIob-liil- nl

t'miccpHRful vnccinntloiiH for tlm week end-l- n

December i'd, lbHO 3t of theno were HoutliKea iHlnndcrR.

The Ocrmnn Rtenmpr Catiantlra nrrived fromCanton Inst Monday, briiiRinK n enrco of iiiprcltnn-dln- o

for Chinese morclmntx nnd CAO CliincsoInbornrfl.

Tnr. trndo-whid- n nnd dry weather of last weekhnH been nncreedpd by Houtlierly winilrt ngnin tbiHwsok. nnd for two or Ihreo dayB it liaH been quitonqually nnd Bliowery.

Osk of tlin crew of tho Xenlnwlia recoiTed scveroInjariofliii tlio Icr lnnt , wliilo lltcy werolyiiiK nt tho wharf tnldiiK In cnrKO. Ho ih nowunder treatment nt tlio Quoon'fl Hospital.

At n I'rivy Council lield on Tlinradny tho 2I1instant, n clinrter wns (ranted for tlin incorpora-tion of the Hawaiian Hell Telephone Companynnd nlso to tho Knhulul Hallway Company,(llobrou ,t others).

" Haiieb in Tne Woon" wnn played nt tho IloyalHawaiian Tlientor by tho Cnlifornia Theater Com-- p

iny last Monday night for tho third lime. Thosewho saw tho piny speak highly of tho porformnnco.

EnwAnn Keixt, tho notorious Australian bufih-ranco- r,

wns hniiRod on tho 11th of Noiemlier. Hinbrother and ulstor recently visited Sydnoy tooxhibit thcmsolvoj nnd boido of KellyB relics, buttho pollco placed a veto on tho exhibition.

Tne Hoard of Health havo posted up n noticorcqnostinp; people to avoid largo fjathcrinKB ntpresent, whilo there i a possibility of small-pox- ,

beinp; in our midBt. Tho prccantion is n ejood one,but it is rather lata in tho dny to speak of it.

Oait. Jno. Urown, tho ARont of tho Hoard ofHealth, is running out a Iour jetty from tho qunr-nntin- n

establishment, in order to enable boats" tocomo in at anv timo of tide to land rMBsoneorsquarantined, or to tako casoa from that establish-ment to the hospitnl on tho reef.

The latest ndvices from San Francisco per Eu-reka nro up to November An item in thoDaily Chronicle of that dato Bays: "Of twelvecaso9 of Bcnall-po- x reported yesterday but eip,htwore verified. Of thoso Beven wero Bout to thohospital and ono was quarantined."

We ncrco with the Gazttte that valuable statis-tical information in tho possession of tho Govern-ment hhotild lo nrraiiRpd in convenient form andruado public A tabulated Btntument of informa-tion uathored by aascBsors during the present yearwould bo interesting nnd instructive both at homonnd abroad.

TunorjououT Wednesday there was n freshsoutherly breeze, with hhowers, and on Thnredaymorning tho wind had risen, with heavy rain, andour nnoroid stood at .2T bolow tho trade-win- d

standpoint, and it looked as if we wero nbout tooxperienco an Kona. However, to-

wards tho afternoon it cleared up nnd our Konaseems to bo postponed.

The findics Stnmcem' Friend Society is inwant of funds to carry on their good w ork. In noplaco is moro generous help extended lo theso cos-

mopolitan clmritioa than in Honolulu, nnd wodoubt not our citizens will respond libornlly to thonppoal. Mesdamcs S. C. Damon, C. K. Hishop,and S. E. Bishop will be glad to receive subscrip-tions.

' If nil parties! on the several islnmls of this groupw ho havo kept a record of the rainfall for 1880, ora portion of the year, will send nB copies of thoHimn. wn will Dublish them on noon as wo can cotBnfhcient data to make it of interest. te wouldlike also to receive records of thermometrical nndbarometrical observatioiiBnnd other meteorologicalrecords. An nuthentio aud comprehensive annualtable of this kind would be valuable.

Mb. C. O. IiEnnER is in chargo of the telephonehusinoRs, Mr. Hubbard having retumel to theConst by tho Zealawlia. The ponU are now np asfar nn the Ice Works, aud the wires are beingplaced. Over fifty connections a day nro now thonverngo nt the central office. A charter ha beenapplied for. nnd tho organization of a compinywill bo proceeded with aa soon as tho charterBigned.

OnmsTMAs, tho season of gifts, has como ngain.Now ia tho timo to remember not only the poor,lint every good object ns woll. Wo.lern that onegentleman among us, n for his liberalityand publia spirit, has jast-Nen- t tho Library Asso-ciation n Christmas preaent of several valuablobooks. Wo shall bo glad to eco so excellent anexample generally followed.

In n recent Usnotho i7ri litir reqneetitd con-temporaries in their criticism to nllndo to its" beauties" aa well aa it " blemUhes." Last wcok,in criticising nn nrticlo on tho Hawaiian Islandsby Oeu, Armstrong in tho Soulhtni H'orimiiM, it"conflnttii it endeavors" in a two-colu- editorialto what it dooms the blemishes of the article, andhas nothing to say of ita beauties, although manygood points it certainly possesses. Handsome isthat handsome docs.

The statement in tho Gattttt of Inst Wednesdaythat another case of smnll-po- x had lieen reportedIs, we arp happy to Bay, incorrect. Tho room-mat- o

of White, who was quarantined, hag exhibited nosigns of thn disease nnd has, not lieen taken to thoreef hospital. No cases have lieeit discoveredamong redldeuts of Honolulu, nnd if proper pre-caution to taken to prevent tho landing of anymoro infected passengers, o may consider our-sclv-

sate from thn scourge.

The macadamizing of Fort street which was begun nt Queon street n bhort timo since is nownearly completed to tho crowing of King street.The rock tuetl is very hard nnd will make a goodsolid bed. We nro inYnjKd to note that Htonocrossings have been laid ncross the street at thorornera of Merchant street. They nro laid nt in-

tervals like stepping stones. It would prottablyhnvo lieen better to linvo sot them end to end in acontinuous lino across the street for, ns tlio;" noware, tho wheels of heaiily loaded dra) a aro llabloill tho courso of timo to venr rata between them.

Os Thursday p. v. an entertainraci.t was giveobv the HUhop to tho bojsot loluni College nndtheir friends, nnd to the public generally. Therchool-roo- wna gaily decorated with ferns and(loners, Mags, and illuminated texts. A itago waserected and an act of l'turwforo lterfonnett by theboy dreaseel In charncter. Little ISnttercup wutaken by 1-- LoweC the Adtnlrnl's jvirt by J. S.Kickard, and tho Captain wna Ifebeulnb, and thecrew numbered ten Bailors, Souga and recitationalso er given, and competent critics docUredthe singing and acting to be admirable. We arevxirrv that tlio matter was ao unfavorable, butuuvorthelea there w.a a large la theevening llr. Taylor exblbiUxl a uiagio lautero,nnd the lioya Jiujoyod their brealung-u- dayiniiucugely.

riiMiwifrl la ft IUl of tlm nfnrprii nf lyiilon It 'I1T k "Xiflt I'Il Clf r(nT TTfTrrogre do l'Ocpnnlp, No. I.I, A. I'. A. A M.,tfilio i

Instiilleil liPtl.Momlny Dromher 27lli tW.M.. I), Dayton i H, W., I. .1. Illgglns) .. WJohn A. Hptar Hpprplnry, .1. M. (Mt, Jri Orator,John H. Walker. Tln-- o invibd In nttctid lliocpr-etnoti- y

nrnrp(tiPpdti)bniirpapitbpforoH r. M., nntlio Insinuation will begin promptly nt Hint hour.

Tnr. ,(rf li(ifrr, ptibllslipil In Now York Is onnof tho lonillng pnbllcnllottit of ltd elnsn, nnd Is fastgrowing lutn pnblln favor, 'llio Novpmbpr number,nmvoii our Inblp, Is a air representative of tho,tntnlrnr, 'tlm rending matter Is interesting nndvaried, imbrrtclng nil dppnrlinrnlfl of art, anil alending fpatttrnnf Ita Illustrations Is tlm repro-duction of tlm pilnlingn of thn host artists. Tlionwho take nn Intertill in art fnatters will find Itvaluable monthly.

Iiie bnnd will giro n Christmas C'onccrt thlnftprnofin pprtnittlngl, nl Hmma llquare,nt a o'clock. Following Is llm programme t

March Mprry Chrlstmns. ,, Knpp'yOvprlnre Halidlt 'Pricks ,,, Hnppollallnd Hocked lu thn Cradle of Iho

Dipp , KnightKelecllon Mndatno Ati;ot.(. .... ,..,., y-- . 1

Knlppllon Mnrltnnln WnllncoWnltr-Mpr- rler Htlll ...HlratiMMedley A Musical Tour Hi rough

KnrotKi Conradl

'I'm: Zralait'tl'i nrrived from tlio colonies lastTuesday morning half a dty behind lime, owinglo having h'itd winds most of tl.o wnyfrom lAurklniid. Kim brought lour iiaswuignrnfrom Australia for this place, nnd thirty-on- o

from hero by her for tho const. Hhn broughtdalps of jnpTa n fow dnys later than thoso

from Han Francisco by thn Hurtlu. Himleft nt 11 o'clock A. i. An nntisunlly largo nrmUxTof js'oplo were on thn wharf to pmi hi-- r olf, 'ILnHitud wan tilmi in nttenilauco ns usual nnd favoredthn assoinbhgn with Belectjons of voc.d nn.l In.BtrtiinPtital music. As llm Xnitiiintln Bt'med awayfrom tlm wharf thren hearty andphi era wore given for tho Hai.d by tho pasyietigurrfmid crew.

Mu. ruiiKrAux, tlm artist, lias returned fromIinwnil, not without making good uso of bin time,nnd cicoptlonnl, If not nltognllier unique, opjior-tunltio-

All tho nkutches, now finished pictures,of tho recoil t eruptions nro most realistic, nnd de-

pict tho scene) of tho outbreak as no g

could no. Ono in particular, taken from Knwnl-ha- e.

in very remarkable. Token Just nftor sunset,wo havo tlm two great mountains Mnnua Ioa nndMnntia Ken, ono cammd with bwjw and tho otherwllh fire, but both lllinnlnaleil with tho glnrn fromtho grent outhrenk. Mr. Furueanx hnn other pic-tures of tlm strange scono noirly roady for exhibi-tion, taknu under nlmost every variety of nlmoH-tihori- n

condition, nnd sun or moon or volcanloIllumination. Ho Iiojich to bo nbln to oieu nnexhibition of Ids paintings of Hnwnilnn neencrybefore tho week is out, nnd wo certainly ndvlsoevery ono In Iho placo to go nnd tu-- them.

The concert of tho Honolulu Amateur MusicalSociety was held ou Friday evening, 17th instant,nt tho Lyceum. In llm first chorus, "Awake,Eollan Harp," thoro seemed to bo a little Incfc of

confidence, ns if tho practice hnd )ecn insufficient.Tho other chorused went vory satisfactorily. Ofino boioh laeiiPH nrsi jiisbiwwboiib piano piece,"Hungarian Melody," was played with excellentinstu anu inciilty t of tliu vocal boIos wo tlmpalm toMias fi. King on her pong "In Bovlla, ' hichwan encored. Of llio gentlemen, Mr. Harnden's"Tho Hnow lion White." nnd Mr. Horgcr's "ErlKing," wero admirably rendered. Tho ncrompnni-tnin- u

wero played by Mm. II irndcn, Mr. Horner,tlm bnndmnster, nnd Mr. Jones, jr., nnd wore nilthat could bo desired. There wero iipwardsof twoh uml rod llstonors, who wont away delighted withtheir entertainment; and n lienntifnl moonlit nightadded to tho pleasure of their homeward Journey.

Folijwino is tho record of Pollco Conrt Bonten-cs- s

for tho pst week 11. H. Hcrimgour, drunken-ness, pleaded guilty nnd was fined finnd ?1 costs.Onrrick, nnd J. D. Elson, drunkenness, failed tonppcar nnd bail, C, was forfeited ; Olapua, (k)tnr assault and battery on Chin Lo, on board thoUkelike, was fined fr.nnd 3 7 costs ; John I'clci,furious driving, fintd 5 nnd ?1 20 costs; Learough, found guilty of receiving stolen goods, thoproperty of the Hawaiian Government, nnd knonby defendant to bo the mine, was fined iW) nnd$1 --0 costa nnd BPiitenccd to threo months

nt hnrd Inbor. On nnother charge fortlmsamo oircntiohawnB remanded until tho tilthinst j Kuukn.drunkenn';s,$).md ?1 cot'.sj Ktiakn,charged with threatening tho life of ono Uilani,was roninnded to tho 27th intslnnt; Goa Volt,charged with having more than ten cases of kero-Ben- o

oil ou his premises was tried yesterday morn-ing. This is ono of thoso peculiar cases whichsometimes Ls difficult for tho Court to decide. Thelaw provides Hint no person shall receive, keep orKtoro in any one place other than the Governmentstorehouse, moro than 10 cases of kerosene oil, Ac,

c. in uoo miifl caso iup Kerosene 18 caseswas taken tjhia nlaco on ThursJar whlln lm unlwent. It wax for distribution to dinercnt partiesnnd he hnd given instructions to have ten castasent to tho Jamet Makte for to Kauai,when it nrrived by tho drny. Thursday night hehad only eight cases at his place. He had no in-tention of Htowln;,' moro than tho quan-tity of oil, or of breaking tho law, nnd said that hadho been prest'ut when it nrrived only tho eightcases now nt his place would liavo been loft thero.Tie woe "was found not guilty" and discharged.

On Wednesday morning Inst tho community wnastartled by tlio report that a murder had been com-mitted tho preceding night nt Knmoiliili, andmany conflicting accounts of il wero givon duringtho day. Tho particulars of tho caso as given intboftestiniony of several witnesses before thoCorouor'u jury nro substantially ns follows: OnTuesday Knpela, the deceased, (a native woman),nrrived home from Honolulu in an express bring-ing witli her a bundle containing wexinng apparel.She laid tho bundle on a table nnd went to n neigh-b- ar

shortly nftcr hernrrivol. Hor biubaud, Samuel8 uit'j, opened tho bundle nnd,iscovering its con-tents said ho would liko to know whero Knpela ob-tained money to purchase tho articles. When shoreturned ho Bpoko to her nbout it and words passedbetween thorn until both became nuito nncrv.Emma nnd Anuiu Smith, adoptcel children of SamSmith, and tho only other occupants of tho housoBtato that they wero still qnarelling when theywent to bed. Ono Honnu (k.), who wns at thohouse that night nnd heard them disputing saysthat when ho was leaving Knpela wns fixing a placeon the door to sleep. Ho told hor to sleep on thobed but she refused to do so. Smith told her thatif sho did not behnvo bettor she did not know whatho would do to both her nnd himself. In tho nightSmith woke the littlo girls aud told them Jo stayat tho house; thnt be wns goiug off to take poison.After he bad gouo tho girls looked at Knpela nndfound that sho was dead. They remained therotill daylight when they informed neighbors of thehomicide. Afterwards one Kukuli was gent to in-

form the police. A lint iron wns lying on the floornear Kapeln'a head. Tho only injury found on herbody won a fracture of tho skull over tho left tem-ple, which would alono havo been sufficient to causodeath. There wns an extensive hemorrhage from tholeft ear nnd sho wns lying in a nool of blood. Tho

.wound in tho skull was the same shape as wouldbo produced ny n corner oi tne tint iron, nnu onocorner of tho iron was. covered with blood. It isthought thnt sho was struck when lying down. Thouorouer s jury rendered n verutct in accordancewith tho above facta ; that Knpela had come to herdeath by a blow from n lint iron in the hands ofSamuel Smith. Smith has not been found yet,aud it id not known whether ho ban taken his lifoor uu'

Hawaii.Tne weather nt Kohala is very pleasant and the

cane U doing well.A ciiuncu social wna held ou the night of tho

10th instant at tho residence of Mr. E. 0. Hond.It was well attended and nil enjoyed a ploasanttime.

These has lieen no marked change in tho crup-tio- u

at Mauna Ixn since our 1 lit issue.

From our Hilo Correspondent .

Hilo, l)co. IC, 1KO.EorroB Satubpat lnst We have neon but a

littlo of tho tlow during the ivibt week. Could wotha two (there aro two now) places thatitprocssUfrom, and could see tho end, which ia quito brightmid seems lo Imvo gained nt least ten milts sincewo naw it last. It ia thought to be coming thiaway, nnd flowing quito slowly about n milo perday. It is nlsjut iwvenlevn miles from Hilo. asucir n.i can bo uilculttoj. Thj grent attraitlonbore, him ever, ia tho King uf thtae beautiful Isl-ands. Hu nddretocd tho pcoplo at tho nativechurch (Haiti) last Sunday, 'Ihero waa a largeaudieuc). He siddrcaM-- them in tho nntito undEnglUli languagei). Mndo a short address. Hehad visited Koliala K'foro coming here. Uo

himself plonaud to see the health, wealthaud uroaperity that ho had obaerTrd. He saidthat no was pleased to addreM them in the largestnativo church of the Island (Hey. Titua Co.ui,I'dator). The audivneo and the King wero after-war-

addre-uot- l by our lleprctseutativo the Hon.Mr. Wahiue, Tho King has viaited tho plantationof Mr. Afong at lVpeekeo, and y went to Wni-ak-

to see a plantation und ride on car overthe cane fields In bloom. Thero waa a variety of

last evening, in front of the real-leu-

where ho is stopping, which were continueduntil a late hour. Our new brass baud played anumber of aelectiona nnd played "GodnavulheKing" idevly. There are seven piece, nnd for anew band we consider them a succeaa . We havono " Hcrger," but a liawaiuii, to lead them. TheLiltliU did not arrivo until 10 thia a. u. I'artleawho returned from Kilaoen yeatereUy afternoonreport it aa actlvo as ever) all tno lakea in a iryactive condition. In your last iasuo I am made toany November ia the timo to oome here I thought1 aa.id Huto U the time to come. For Ihu lust aixweeks I think the weather here hajrxctiUodaluiimtauy pirt of tho world. A. U.

N.ar.IATli,''- - Z. ,



' i . ia i i ii. - i ,i s i . i ii ivJ uitJ- - . urn; v'Va.js-USX- V..-- ; rttt - s j i a il.Wo ohsnrto In tho ScithHlc Amtrttttx or

November 27th nn account and cngrnvlttg of nvory lnri;o vacuum pan, which Messrs. It,lleoly & Co., of Now York City nro mannfao-Itifin- g;

for Mr. Claim Hiifpckols of Han Fran-cisco. Tho pin will hold 7,fl00 gallons nmlyield at every striko nbout 250 to 2C' barrelof dry sugar. Although 12 feet In tiiainctorvIt Is constiiictcil in sections of comparativelysmall iilaltis Iiottrr! logrther, r plan whichwould bo very valuablo for nomo of our plsti-tnli- oni

to which It Is illfllcult to transportlioavy anil tinwlohly nieces of machinery.Tho curved plpo to tho contlcniior, fi foct indlntnotcr, when bolted together, looks n

nffalr. Wo presume it may bo said thnt(hla grcnt plcco of work might not havo beenundertaken, but for tho Hawaiian ItcclprocilyTreaty.

A Kootl many of the recent nrrlvald ofChlticao arc shipping on tho sugar platilatlrjnsnl SIO per month, on it two years engagement,advance 860. Another steamer load is ex-pected In two weeks, and although the Cliincsofor Mr. Hprcckol" wero loo Into for llio t7i nfJ'tUit, It Is oxricclctl thnt thoy will come bytho succeeding Pacific mall sleainer. Wo havonoticed a good many lots going down to tho(Iifiercnt Inter-Isla- nd nteamors nnd Bchoonors,and although thoro wero nomo of the gangswhich ".corned lo consist of fine slronc men,othcra consisted largely of boyn or elderlymen. It will bo woll for tho planter' ngeiibito look out fur the clnss of Rhlncso they fcet.The Chinese planters seem In know how toobtain real agricultural Inborcrs, but clinttcnvessels may perhaps only succeed In takingtogclher il. o rowdy buys about tho town, amitheir Btntitlfatliorsj

Wo nro gjnd to hoar that the wire rojss tram-way nt Kc.ilin, Knttal, ii now repotted a suc-cess. Kvery improvod method of gottlnK'ciinolo tho mill, whoro flumlng; is not practicable,

'Ii of Croat Imtiortanco lo our planters, Nar-row gtiago rails and loconiritivcn seem also toanswer woll In many situations, and wn havohoard it miggcAtctl tint locomotives on thocompressed air system would bo particularlysuitable iiiiiongnt our enno fields. Tho enginethat drives Iho mill might perhaps be mado towork tho nir compressor.

What, has bocomo of tlio Jloynl HawaiianPlanters' Association ? It really looks m If aPlanters' Association In Honolulu was not nfensihlo project, Ono reason, wo doubt not inthat the planters nro not In Honolnlu, but scat-tered nbout tho group, hundreds of tnilca fromeach oilier.

At a meeting of tho Privy Council held onThursday Iho 23d, nn ordfnanca wan passed,appointing; n limited number of agents, licensedto act ns shipping masters, for thoso imm- i-grants who may arrivo here, net specially in.tho ulinrgo of tho Hoard of Immigration, orunder contract for service.

Translatun,Some Enlightenment

As wo said last week, only soven thonnand dol-lars remains of tlio Appropriation for Immigration,nnd niuety-fiv- o thousand has Ix-c- expondeel.What lias been the nilvnntngeto tho country? Andwhat wero tho benefits to bo expected from thiaBum of money ? Thia is a grcnt question, and onnwhich tho economist will earnestly ponder and actujsin with nil Ills' intelligence, and with a patrioticheart. While wo are on this subject we think itwell to explain tho reasons why this largo sum hasbeen appropriated by past sions, nnd even bytho present session of our Legislature. Theroaro two considerations that Influence the mind ofman to grant assistance to immigration, and manythings nro involved in theso considerations. Thofirst good renson for expending n large sum ofmonoy in bringing in other nationalities to ourcountry is for tho puriosQ of increasing tho peoploof tho country, one of tho objects; for which ourcountry-lovin- g nnd race-lovin- g King is makinggreat effort, iho second ia to procure labor to de-velop tho pecuniary resources of tho country.These are the chief reasons thnt move the real as-pirations nnd strengthen tho good purpose of tho

economist of tho Government ; these alsoSreat tho minds of the King's Ministers to applyevery session to tho Legislature for aid, and alsoof tho representatives who sit and deliberate as tosetting npirt a sum of money for thia great work.Wo will not refer to tho work of immigration pro-vio- un

to tho timo of the Wilder Cabinet. From thotime that Cabinet went into office till tho expira-tion of two veera. over one hundred thousand dol- -tara were spent, nnd up to the month of August ofthis year, for the first five months of the presentperiod, nearly sixty thousand dollars havo !eenspent by .Minister Wilder, with which the previoussum makes one hundred and sixty thousand dol-lars, more or less. Thia is a large Bum of money,aud if thia money had been spent with'an boneatpurpose to replenish tho people and develop thoresource! of tho country, then we should say wehnvo been fortunate. Ifut it would seem that suchis not thejrtlat; ships have been purchased fortho Government from the forementioned sum, nln low price, but including the expense of refittingthem and keeping them in repair, thia purchasehas cost tho Government more than the ex-

penditure of a proper sum of moneyforgood shipswould havo. In tno lepaira and other expensesthat were mixed up, tho costa of the ships waa in-

creased until it was liko the price of now ships;still to seek where these strange crxpenditurea weromade, involves a mystery. Passing theM expenses,thero remains the eipenso of sailing among theSouthern Islands in search of immigrants. Ilcrois an apparent loss, beexusa time was wasted bytho dela) of tho ships by reason of the misman-agement of the President erf the Hoard of Immi-gration, Minister Wilder. An unfit foreigner wonsent aa agent of tho Board, and for more thantwelvo months wero hi decda of folly continuedhere ; nnd on account of the grcnt wickednee ofhis acta the English Commissioner very earnestlypetitioned that lie bo turned out, and ne wna dis-missed ; still thero remained a stain on the goodname of the Hawaiian Government. With guns,with rum, with deception wero the trreattcr num-bers of these people called South Sea Islandempersuaded to como here. The cost to the Govern-ment fur theso people waa shown to be over ninetydollars for each adult, fifty dollars of which' waarefunded by tho employe who shipped thou;but wo have been correctly inforuitil throughstatistics of n certain captain who sailed on one oftho Government immigrants ships that, if thovoyago waa made in five months, the proper coatof each adult would be only fifty-si- x dollars, andif tho voyage waa made in four months the coatwould be between forty and fifty dollar; thereforewhero is tho balance of tho ninety dollars andover that the slippery-hande- d cunning fellow --bomtho h'uokvi praises, has expended 7 It ia tho cardof tho haole it ia concealed, for them people amprejudicial to themaelvea rrdy until the evil daycornea, and then it ia concealed, they are mamwhile their friends, Henry, William. WilUie, andthat other William, Jeddy alao and some otherones of tho Pharisaical ring who were broded andhatched In Hawaii nei. cover on matters.

And when these people, who are desired by thwhole Hawaiian race for the purpose of increasingtho nation and developing the resources of thocountry, reach Hawaii nei through thia great oat-la- y

of money by the Legislature, with the addi-tional outlay of fifty, sixty and seventy thousanddollars by thoso who employ them, what record dotho Ooternmcnt officers make public cotuxraingthem ? It ia true the Portuguese who have ar-rived are good, they are increasing ; but who madethe.n good l It waa not through the ears andwatchfulness of the Hoard. They aro good byreason of their strength, Intelligence and habits ofIndustry in their own country, and as we have saidnot by virtue of the caro and watchfulness be-stowed upon them.

Now turn and behold what may be seen aa re-gards another race that baa been brought here bythe Hoard. What is tho record 7 Their record ISlike unto that of the anliuaU. Tho greater portiouof them if wo mistake not, are in poverty. Ia thisa good record of the Ministry for whom the a'-Ii- m

it so jealous that the King, who is disgracedby these betrayals of our fellow-men- , should putcoufideuoo in tlenif Alaa for those whoso factashall not er again behold their families and theirnative laud. They were enticed away, taken byforce, cruelly treated, and the majority aro deadof thiMo who were brought hem, in order thatthoir blood might mingle with that ol these poo-pi-e,

that a stock might bo obtained to promote arenewed growth of the poonle'of the country, thnlyi skim whom tha white skiua of the future willcauso to servo aud over whom they will lord it,Aud those who died, what did they die of 7 Theyarrived here fatherless, desiro of oiuliug a. latherin the Hawaiian Government, to watch oyer andearn for them, Hat they might live and raise upseed, with thoso who should come after them, andthat the numbers of our race might continue togrow from uew scions until their seed shouldbring forth seed i then indeed would our weari-ness) be over j then would we need no longer tospend money in largo sums for immigration i forour eSorts will have found theirfullflluieiit, as also our efforts fur the developmentol of tho country, 'I his we thougtilwas the proper thing to do, so nlao thought, aarrmtmiber, Hush aud Kuaea ol the late Cabinet.Thrice unitedly did they invite Uev. HtWluua toassist in caring fur these fathvrlt poutse whocame among us, with the hops that when tuey weresettled in olHce they might send llev, Jaluaa audllev. Maboe, and soma other well-to-d- o taeu, as aIloyal Communion to tueet lu eouferruee with thechiefs of those Ulanda and to consult Jn a frisndlyaiauuer with them about their surplus populationcoiplng hero lo a country where thcru is muc--k

laud, but lew inlialiiUuU. Maiuuutoa..( IWiMUed mjtt mtk; )

Page 4: Saturday Prams. - University of Hawaiiur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah not for cniornlil flelilii



llnrnlh tho western heaven's spanlinn sunk tho golden il ij t

'I Im rlouilV rich stinni t hues ami UntilHath (Hi it In nlimln nwny ;

'Urn tllm mIrIiI rotiiM fmm mil tho rantWith nUnini nml vnr Rrny.

Tim star far In tho sky's liluo depths'llirlr tIkHi 'win to kirpl

The moon nlxnn on rnatnrii hillCllinlm nn Ihn lofty lcen j

Tim niKht-wlnt- tml with (jentle wlnp;Alxirn tlin flowers ftslecp.

The birds iiin tho tunelm sprayHave folded clone their wings '

Anil to the. allenl night nlonnThn winding rlvr r rIiiks

Its hdiik In nf thn woods nml meads,A hundred happj llilngi.

Noyolen Is In tho trnnipil! nlr,tin mitrmer save Its imn t

'J Im earth Ih hushed nn heavmi nliove.,Whcrpijlrt with cloudy zone,

'1 hn moon uim-- tip among tho starsTn tnkn her cImiii thninn.

Hweel calm, nml nndislurlieil rcpoio,OVr nil thn Inmlncnpu rent J

Yrl I there In (Im lircntldeKSpccnoA vnlco which thrills (Im ,

A somclhlnK, which In thanks nml InroAIny only bo cxprfnwil.

Cliitmlrit' Join mil.

Another Miuutncro In tlio South Sea Ialnnik

lntonRo nxcilomotit was felt in incrcnntilonnd shipping circles yesterday morningwhen it Wcntno known llmt 11. 11. M. S.Sandjh lind arrived from llio Solomon

tlmt tho coiiimnndcr nnd fivo of hercrew had been killed by tho unlives nt n,

Hmnll island of tho Solomon group, midUmt otia tnnn wan wounded. From Mr.Urndford, noting subdiontonaiiL, .Mr. Cough-In- n,

ho boatswain, nnd A. J J. .Snvngo, thonolo survivor of tho massacro, wo linvo beennblo to glonn full dotniln of n foul outrngo,tho lnto.it of hundreds which Imvo mndoUritish seamen and traders nbhor tho Sol-

omon group :

On Wcdnowlny, October 13th, tho Sand-jl- y

boing anchored nt Tcsotnboko, Lioulon-nnt-commnnd-

Lower left in tho wlmlc-bo- nt

to Hiirvoy tho oast const of Floridafrom liarntinorn. intciidini? to bo back

on tho ltilh. With him ho took n crow offivo tnen : Francis Snvngo, A. .; Uon-jnmi- n

Vonton, of Ikthnnl Orccn, Loudon,A. IJ.j Alfred Cnrno, Soulhwnik, London,A. IJ.; Willinm Pnttorsoii, Belfast, Irclnnd,A. I),; nnd JonO'Noil, Soulhwnrk. London,A. IJ.

Tho 17th, 18lh, nnd 19lh passed withouttheir returning, nnd on tho 20th thoM'hoonor weighed anchor, nnd mndo fortho onht conHt, Mr. Urndford Hooding thogig round ouo side, and going hiuibolfround tho oilier, so that n thorough searchmight bo mndo. Tho gig wns couimnndedby Mr. Coughlnn nnd manned by four sca-mo- n,

nil boing well nrmed, and tho BtnrL

wnH mndo from cast point. When nonr thotioulh-on- st const of Florida Ihlnnd, a cinoowns noticed coming oil" from tho const, butnn tho gig ncarcd it, tho four men in thoiHlnnd craft rowed for tho bIioio, closelypursued by tho gig. Tho ennoo wnB beachednnd Coughlnn Bccing n number of nntivos ontho bench ho estimates thoir number ntlfiO United tUo gig witUout beaching her,nnd oponod parlay with tlio Ibliiudcrs.Ono of tho occupants of tho ennoo n chief,whoso nnmo wns nftorwmds iound to boBilly spoko n few words in tho nntivotonguo, nnd immedintoly tho pcnccful-look-in- g

pooplo on tho bench nppcarcd armedwith spenrs, nnd bows nnd nrrows nndEnglish tomahawks. It nftorwards trntifl-pire- d

thnt round a littlo promontory lurkedtwo woll-mnnn- wnr canoes, nnd (hnt lindtho gig been benchod, her crow would hnvoboon riddled from front nnd roar with nBhpwcroffiponrs. Coughlnn,howovor,wns toocautious not to turn his gig's bow Boawnrd,nnd to Unvo his mon ready for n skirmish,nnd so opon hostilities wcro wnived in favorof nn attempt to decoy tho Englishmen tothoir death. " Como in 1 Cnuoo como in,nnd you como in, " shouted Billy ; and thounddod "I 6pcnk. " Somo nntivo wordsbrought ono Jnok, nn Islander, wUo couldRjionk pigeon English. " I Jack, snvo Louis(Mr. Nixon, mnstor of tho Bchooucr J'aiiflc),you eavo Louis ?" said this worthy. "Yes,"nnsworcd Coughlnn. "Boat gono to Islnnd,nil snmo Snvo, " rojoinod Jnok, " 5 followoar, 5 fellow mon " nlluding to tho com-mniul- cr

nnd his crow. Coughlnn knowthat this was (ho Sandfly bont, nnd sopulled back to tbo ship with tho nows.Thoy then wont to East Islnnd, thou alongtho const, whoro in tho evening thoy sawmany fires burning, nnd whoro thoy (lashedlights nnd did everything that might pos-nibl- y

nttrnct tho wnndorors; nnd thoynoticed thnt tho bench wns literally alivewith nntivos, dancing nnd yelling likofiends. Thoy roached Mboli harbor at 1:30A. M. on Thursday, nnd about 8 o'clockCoughlnn, with two mon all well nrmed,nnd on thoir guard wont on Bhoro andniado coflbe, but nono of tho natives wouldown that thoy know a word of Enclish.Tho gig then went right round tho islnnd,nnd through Snndfly passngo tinecd nndimrood by Lioutennnt Bowor nnd bo re-

turned to tho vosboI, to find Snvr.go onbonrd, with tho melancholy nows of thoJnatsacro of whicU Uo wns solo suvivor. Itmay bo stated that Air. Coughlnn touchednt Nbgu Island, nnd searched it thoroughly.Ho saw tho naked headless bodios of thoinisning crow, but thoy wcro baked blnckby tho sun uutil they looked liko natives,nml it was only when Snvngo told hisstory that tho men could manngo to

and identify them.When tho whalobont left tho ship on

October 13th, her crow rowed to Sescrgn,whoro tUo captain took n Bight; and (herotlioy BtayeU thai uiglit. .Next morning (hoyrowed to East Islnnd, nnd enmped thoroon Thnrbday night. On Friday they pulledover to Lnviuin bay on tho uiniulaud, thoBjiot where tUo tcrriblo Laviuia mnbsncrotook place, and tho mon, answering thocunning questions of tho natives, told thornwhere thoy had blept tho night beforo, thuslotting thorn boo that thnt thoy woio uwnyfrom tho ship. From this moment theirlies woio iu thoir hands, and nil thnt sav-ng- o

cunning could dovUo iu nu islnndgiuup wheru n man's importuiico is reckon-ed by tho number of heads of murdoiedeuomicB ho can show, and whoro tho headoi every well-Know- n trnuor lias a pricefixed upon it by tho chiefs was bet iu mo-tion to out oil' that boat's crow. Tho cap-tain was ou fihoio, but Ihh men kept thoirfiroanuB ready, nml Uo got bnfely on board;nnd kept along tho coast, Burvdyiug, uutilUo got to Nogu Islund, on Friday ovoning.lloio lUoy Uixulod tho boat up nnd madetea, preparing to camp for tho night, in ut-ter ignorunco of tho fact that ovou thorndark forms wero flitting through tho dousobubh ; and that onal oyeballs wero flashingat tho thought ot getting tho whilo men'sUcnds as soon ns tho amp was siloucod inhleep. Canoes had followed tho boat, andwhon it lnuded, the trackers stole round totho other sido of the island, and crepttUrougU tho thickets to au ambush wIk.tothoy could bo ready for a surprise TUouiouicut cauio boon enough. Curuo aud

O'Mcil got Icnolo bnllip, nndnplnshrd into(ho wntor. Vcnton was told ofi to looknfior tho boat; nnd Lioutennnt Bower,with Snvngo nnd 1'ntcrson, went along thoboncli to do n littlo moro annoying. Thoywrutn short distance, nnd then l'ntorflourolurnrd furnoiuctliing. Soon nflcr, SnngohcardjellB, nml, running hick, ho snw ncrowd of nbout fifty nntivos whirling roundtho boat, nnd moio hurrying through thoIiiirIi. Returning to llio captain, ho shout-ed, " tho boat's nltncknl; " nnd tlio cnplniu,nlno retiiruitig In sto tho liulh, wns espiedby tho nntivrs, sit of whom broko oil' nndran for him. !Io cried, "My Clod, Snvnge,it is n cnfiol"nnd ihrlnl inli tho hush,fiavngo snw no moro of him, but sub-sequently learned lint ho hnd eluded pur-suit by .limbing n trco. It wns now

h nnd l! o clock, junt growing dusk,nnd tho Bky cloudy; and Snvngo, ns hodoubled nnd through (ho thick-ol- s,

which roach to tho wntcr's edgo, knowthat his only chancoof lifo wns to get nwnyfrom Xogu ; ho, after a brief rest, ho plungedinto tho sen, nml struck out for n littlo is-

land near tho mainland. Tho tido wnsstrong, nnd ns ho got out ho wns Bwoplhick littlo by littlo until ho wns oppositotho cono of thn mnssnern. Tho unvngcshnd pilot! up tho tiro lit fo mnko tho Ion,nnd wcro dancing nnd shouting round it,whon tlio clouds broko, nnd n burst ofmoonlight showed Savage. With n yell,his foes innnnrd two or thrco ennocs nndpursued him. Snvngo Hwntn for his lifo,hut his pursuers drow up nntiLlhoy weroonly Bomolifly ynrdsnwny, when tho moonwnsonco moio ovprcnot. When nexln gleamof moonlight enmo tho fugititivo saw hispursuers fnr oil', making back to thoir com-panions. Thoy evidently thought ho hadgono down, llis next danger wns from thosharks, which literally swarm nround thosoreefs. At ono timo no less thnn thrcobackfills woio sweeping round him in thntominous curve, over growing closer, whichprecedes n rush ; but ho pplnshcd faintly,nnd no kept, them oil' until, nflor nn eight-hour- 's

swim, ho lauded on n small unin-

hibited islnnd. This wns tnboocd to thoking of tho tribo ndjoining tho murdcrom',nnd'Snvngo rested thoro in safety during nheavy stonn which enmo on. Noxt day, onSntnidny afternoon, ho dotormincd to gotover to tho mninlnnd, and mndo n rough-and-read- y

raft nnd paddled ncross. Whenho wns nbout fiOO yards from thoshnro twoor thrco canoes put oft", nnd tho Bwinimcrwns taken on boaid nud convoyed to land.Tho chief wns nwny, but ono of his enptorswho could speak English said it wns " nillight, " nml Snvngo, to his suipriso, wnstnken to a fresh wntor spring and bathed.Then ho was lobbed of his llaimel bIuiI, hissolo romnining giimont; but in oxchangotho English-speakin- g nntivo gave him npp'r of tiousois, n jacket, nnd n hat ordiunry Undo goods and taking him to n hutgavo him tish nnd bomo kind of broad. OnSundny night tho chief letuincd nndtnboocd him, nnd not host thing gnvohim a pipe, tobacco, nnd mutches. But onMonday Snvngo's lifo wns ouco moro inclangor, for ho was taken round to Barran-ng- o

bay, nnd nil tho males in tho tribo,nbout fiOO men nud boys, nssomblcd for agrnntl council. Snvngo wns in tho contro,nnd from looks nnd gestures, ho could seothat ho wns being spoken of; but dcliuitoinformation ho could not obtain, sinco toevery quostion tho English-speakin- g nativoreturned only n grunt. Afterwards (hismnn boenmo moro communicative, nnd con-fided to him thnt ho wns nnito snfo now,nnd would bo kept until Louis ( CaptainNixon, of tho JWlflo) enmo along. Thoparly thon took to fishing with no less civil-ized nn ngont thnn dynnniito, which thoyknow poilectly how to uso. Tho captivesaw in thoir possession Snidor rifles nndplonty of ammunition. Tho chief wns onoTimhncorn. Tho intorproter, who was enp-tni- n

Nixon's trntling ngont, grndunlly toldSnvngo of tho fate of his companions.

Tho trco into which Bowfir climbed wasft very conspicuous ono, situnto near thonhoro, but tlio captain expected to, oscnpoobservation thoio. Tho murdorors soughthim in vnin that night, but next morningthoy paddled nil nround tho islnnd, nuclseeing him iu tho trco, landed nnd shot himtwice through tho body with tho rifles theyhad tnkon from tho bont. Ho dropped totho earth, nnd then n series of namelesshorrors onsuod. Whon found his body wannnked, headless, nnd divested of tho rightnrm, nnd groat pieces of flesh wcro strippedfrom tho baok. Tho men who weio bathinghad been clubbed nt ouco ; Fnterson, tnkenfrom behind, hnd shared tho snmo fate; butVcnton, who hnd timo timo to seize a boaUhtrotcher, fought hard for his lifo, ns ft

nntivo nftorwnrds nddmitted. " Ono mnnvery btrong, " snid tho intoiprotcr to Snv-ngo " plonty fight. " Tho nttneking partythought Snvngo drowned ; nnd us O'Noil'sbody wns not discovorcd by tho Sandjli,though tho interpreter snid ilvo mon werokilled, it ib likely thnt it wns loft in thowntor whero tho poor wiotch wna struckclown. Snvngo was told thnt tho arms gotin tho bont woro " fivo rillo, ouo small fel-

low riflo, " (a revolver).Snvngo remained noar Bnrrnnngo bay

until Thursdny nftornoou, whon his signalsworo porcoivcil by tho Sandjly. Mr. Brad-ford sent tho skill' for him.

On Fridny morning tho Snudli wont toNogu Island, which is shaped liko n penr,tho thick portion wooded, nud tho Btnlk abnio snudspit. On this hnudspit, visible amile nway woio two stakes bearing a cross-bar, to which tho hondloss body of Vontonwns bound. Tho biceps musclo wns outthrough to tho bone, nnd tho wrists wcroslashed ncross ; ho wns covered with toma-hawk cuts, and tho contraction of tho ld

what his death agony hnd boon. Itmay havo been that ho was tortured beforoho died ; ho wns tho only ouo who was nbloto stiiko n blow, nud tho only ono whosobody wns bo treated. Further on, lny thoheadless bodies of Cnrno nnd Piiterbon; nndn littlo way iu tho bush Mr. Coughlnn

tho cnptniii'H body, under tho tieowueiu no wnshhot. Thoy mined tho ruinniiiH, rond tho Service ovor them, nndthou leturucd to Barraungo, tho only safenuchorngu noar. On Sat ui day, Coughlnnreturned to Nogu for n litlo, left behindtho preceding day ; nnd ou Sundny Mr.Urndford nud eight men, well armed, wontinto Rita bay to seo if thoro wero any signsof tho whulcbont. All that thoy saw wnsn jumper lying on tho boach, and ono oftho men went fur it. It proved to bolongto Snvngo. They could not got tho vesselinto llita Bay, nud ou Sunday, Octbcr 31st,Mr. Bradford nnd his crew again pulled iu,in tho teeth of n heavy fuo from concealednntivos. Thoy returned tho fire, landed,dibcovcred two wnter-cask- s nnd a tarpau-lin belonging to tUo whaloboat, burned thnvillngo. and wero just embarking whontiro was opened on thorn again. RobertBuckle, A. B., was shot througU tho heart,and a seaman named WUitlock was wound-ed in tUo loft forearm. On Monday, No-

vember Ut, tbo Saiuljh wcigUed ancUorfor Syduoy. Sydney jJcraUi,


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BM 10

W3LDER CO.Importers and Dealers in







IIITII HMD m1113 m ill jj ill






A Host Complete Stock of

DRY REDWOOD!Scantling ; Plank, surfnrml nnd rough,ISourds, eurfucod mid lough ; Ituttens,1'ickutB, ltustic, Lattice, OlupboarJi,



LA-rr.N- r wt..H.NAILS, LOCKS,


Paint and Whitewash BrushesWUITK I.KAIt,





ai.i, i.i:n,Of Eastorn and California Make.


X. "Wlll sit

NEW DRUG STOREon NiiuAxii Nrui:trr.


THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC,To the Vact Hut the liato

Opened at their Old Stand.No. W Kuuum Street, a I'ull Lino nf







Complete Assortment of PerfumeryIN THK CITY.


Uln chart; of I'lunntccutlit nf Urco cxperlenco,thoroughly loiuptteut uit reliable,

I coMiiouadetl at all hour of Uar orolKht

aiuur MXLOK-rut- : iuont uwtn.





ILLLLTj JI sasss Jfe!


O 0 I! II 'J'O 0 nmiii TO O R It 'J' HOOOO i; u T







"ATALANTA' FHOM UltEMKN,(To ho fnllunnl hj tho "Knlr" anil "lolnnl,")

And per Steamer, via Panama.INVOICES OF

Tlie Following: GoodsAro now in our jwiscsnlon :


Now I'rinls, Htnr I'iuIh, Ac,Jlro n Cotlonti, Horrock's VliitoCottortB,A .V BTurkey Htl Cotton, TickiiiGH,Hluo Ootton Drill, Ulna niuU'ancy riiANNUL,TiHtings, Hnlinn Cloth, JEcpm,l'nncy Wlnto unci lllnck DlUlSS GOODS,Jnciiiiaril, Aloliiiir, Mmireu lin.i, .TncouotH, Ac,UnriRO, Curtains, Liimlircqninu, Tulilo CoTern,

U; Ac. Ac. Ac.


Unckiltiim, DocflklnH, ContinRi, DidRonaln,l'rintcd AlolcHkinn, Jlrown CoiUb,White Linen DrillH, Ac

An Assortment of Shirts,"Woolen, Flannel nml Cotton Mixed,Merino nnd Cotton Uiulcndiirlu,"Wool Jivckctfl, fcihnwls, Blaukctx, Towels, Ac

HOSIERY:KockH nnd itockkigs, Balbrjegnn,Children's Ac '

Bilk HnndkcrcliicfH, Fonlnrdi,T. It. nnd l'mioy Cotton Ilnndkerchiofg,Ntcktics, Woil nnd Silk Brnidn,JUHlHiiiH, 'lureiul, Kntlons, Ac

India Rubber Coats and OverallsFnnoy nnd Toilot ArticltH : Florida "Wntor,

Genuine Enu de CoIorho, l'hilocome,Combo, Tooth liraahcH, I.ubiu'H Kxtrncts,Fciither Dusters, linrmoniciiH,Violm BtiiiiRH, l'lnyint; CnrdH,LookinK Glnsscs, icnnti Chairs.


Blank llookn, Iedf;crs, Jonrnals,Day Books, Coin- - and Itccciiit Books,Gold Leaf. WltAl'l'ING 1'Al'lUt,Sniienor I'rintini; l'nncr, two mvt,Manila Ilopo nil sios( Spuujarn,Flax and Hemp l'nckini;,

Wixiljiack, Barlats, Sail Twirio,inula ttuiilier I'ncKiiiK,

SADDLES Sydney and English.Powder, Lead nnd Zinc Faint,


Feuco Wire, 1, C, (5; Hoop Iron, Ilivctn,Galvanized Iron l'ipes to inch,

, Yullow Metal Hi to 10 oz., Nnils, Steel Hails,I'crforntcd Brnss, Buckets, Cutlery, Scissors,Butcher nud l'ocket Knives,Ifnzors, Shtep Shoars, Saw Files, Ac

GKOCKKUY In Assorted Crates. Also,Dinner, Breakfast nnd Ten Sots,Bowls, Itieo Dishes, Cups, Flower l'ots.


Snrdiues, VinoRnr, Durot's Olivo Oil,Gorninu Siiuwie,Ultra Wnsh Blue, Blue. Mottled So.ip,Tnblo Salt, Ste.irmo Cuudles, 47. Ac


Boutellau Brandy, Gin, Hum, Alcohol,St. rani's Ale, Mullcr's ivfsx Bier, Oliiunp ijrne,Ch. Farro nnd IliiUuok Dry Monoixilo, Ac,limply Demijohns, Market Baskets,Molasses and Tallow Barrels.'

CEMENT:Stockholm Tar. Tiro Clny, Fire, Bricks,Bed Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Boats,Blacksmith's Cunl, Steam Coal.c.



Pianos from L. Noufold, BerlinFOlt HALF. 1IY

1 II. lIACKtl'.I.II 0.

HAMBURG TEA.T IN ini'ONMlll.K TO NAYTIMI lll'l'll l.

mpralfo of tliU good ulit utondaril family MullclnoIt raiinut ho tuolilchly rccomincnilcil, ai It U truly aMurvel ol llio Ae, anil mi houiuhclil nhonhl ho

without It. It prevent as well a cures Nklu llio.eiwc'o, (Join, ItlieiiiuiillKiu, Jriitclimilnl Hill-nr- y

liioni. Aireeinl I.Ucr, llt'itilMt'lin,ttiuiscn, llile, Wlinl, InillKenllou, t'uuitllm.Ion. I'eirr nml Aljiie, Mcrileiii'k, l.nnl

liiile. 1'uiil llri'alh.aml every ilUcanu brouchl on oruKruvalcil by a illionKrul ttomacli.

It purine tha IIKkhI, OUuikc tho Moruach ami Hawls, and ule tlio whole )ttcm a lltullhyanil lKllxht

fill Tone Tluru nrcr ai a mnllc'no for tho Nurerynpml to It, uud hvinK coinpotil of Herbs ouly, ItcuuIm ulvui lately to Infanta. II la a triumph la mciliclim

yet iffcaclou. Int aluable lu tho family, onthu roail, at eu, aud rwilnre.

For falo by all Druliti, an J at uholctalo byBID McLKAN IlltOS.

3Boxl5.la.iroltJF train, an nt all affi., l'Olt HAUK.nbJSF

v-- buxed ond ilullvrreil In r or jli-- ".rhooner, AT HUDKltATK 1'IllUEb.

1'erMu wlalilHatK start tallla tha Ural Ntockr to liiiurwva wliiat tlay muw hat,

caia lay lu palra nut ablu.&.M a A. HEUUKKT. Hawaiian llotul.

x Cyane.rimiM nty, valiioknia oath, hayM. lirau, hulc aud liiDuinl Hiirlcjr.TM for bait by LoLLKS i. Co.



liir Tin: fink


Nr.Wr.I.t., Mf ter, now about line from Ilojlon,

The Following list of Merchandise :

Blcnm Tml In linllr,Riiinlicrlnnil Cm I in ennkn nml lmlk,

Hlovo Coil In ennks nml lmlk,Oak rinnk, 1 Incli to 8 Inch,

llnrroln Tnr. l'ilcli nnd Hnnln,Cnnnl Harrow h with Iron WIiccIh

(KixcTiiw nitAxn.)

Tiirpcnlino, I'nfrit Oil, I,nn1 Oil,L'jRtcrn I'iiio Hand Slinoks,

Boston Card Matches.

NEW STYLES OF FURNITUREJ'uilor and lkdroom Sell.

A Fine L.ino of Groceries s

Toiiinln nml Mock Turtle Soup, Irish Slow,Stowed Calves' Jlcad, lluiriuit Milttun,I.olislcrs, Cliiiiis, Com, Pens, Tomatoes,Sausage, Chun Cliowdor, Lard, I'uinlly I'ork

Cotton Duck, Nos. I to 10Oakum, Boat Hoards, WIiMcIkuiIh,A choito solcctiuti ol Jloston Cnickcrs In 2lh

tins,Mnniln (Jonhipjc, nil sizes from 0 llirciitl to

Usj incli,Siiinynrii, Marlino.

Oars, Wnslihoanls, Uuckcls,

Asia :iltxialac.,Hnir MnltrcsscH nml Pillows,

Cm led Ilnir, Kxcclsior,Iron Snfcs, nssoilcil nies,

.Michigan Pine Lumber,lloo Ilamllos, Wood Seat Chniis,

Hide Poison, Sugar Hugs.

Rolling Top Offlco DesksOfllco Chairs, Baby Carriages,

JumptSeat'Extension Carnages,Brewster Buggies,

1 Brownoll's Buggy.

An Invoico of Itcfined Iron, assorted.Corrugated lion. Feuco Wire, Hubljur Belling

an iiwoici: of

Burnett's Extracts,AND COI.OONK.

Downer's Kerosene OilMULE CARTS,

New style, cot up especially for IMnntntlon ne for cane

Lxtra Wheels and Axles Tor Mule Carls,' t37AH of thn aboTo Oooiltwlll bo offered to the tradeat prlcei that ill bo nuro to is'ilt.

631 i c. iiiti:vi:it a co.

Latest Departure.

IRON STONENickle Mounted in SotB or Single

Pieces, such as

Tea Tots, Coflbo Pots,

Oroam Jugs, Water Jugs,

Slop Jars, Sugar Bowls,

Spoon Holders,

Toa aud Coffee Urns,

Sets Toto-a-Tot- o,

Buttor Bowls.

-- ALhO-

Plain GraniteIron Stone Ware

The nliove Hnre la put together not klmply 10 take therye but la well mailu In cicry rcpect.

-- AI.80-


China Ware !Plates, Platters,

Dislios, Ohainbors,

Cups and Saucois,

Tuilut Sots, plain and fancy,

Ohoefao Covurti,

Dinner and Toa Sots,

Dosort Sots, Ac., Ac.


METAXS,Agricultural Implements,

Tlxx Woro.NOTT Co

Practical Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker',1 ly Kaahnmanu htreet, Honolulu


Criuliwl Hu'iar lu llarrclt. lirjr Oranulalnl SucarlnlUinla.- - fur bale by tut t uullho vv.



THEIR STOCK OF NEW GOODSitr.iKivr.ii rr.it i.ati: ai!Uivai,h,ani to aiiuivi: vt.n

W. H. Whiton, from New York, City of Madrid and Cily of Nankin, from England

TIIRSi: (1001)1 Alt!'. ADAlTKll J'Olt

Plantations, Country Stores and FamiliesAniltHiiiRlilfrmiiriHHT HANDS FOH CASH, ntul n III l.owlil for OAHIf, witli IjchI uincotnil ful

niiiin, or on nimnl tenns to imrtfcH niproM-tl- . Wo olTor mi Imml nml to nrrlvo,

Palace Water White Hiph Test Korosono Oil,Vnlcnn Water White Abovo Standard Korosono Oil.

I,nril Oil. Cnntnr Oil, NpixIb I'(Kit Oil. Cylinder Oil. I'lni Ktcnm rncklnn,Indln Until r Pint I'nrklim, JUIll. Ao.j AnlM-nto- htwini I'ncliiiiK, Anlirfltou llollor CovcrlnRHililiit Mi-tn- Cnnnl HnrrowH, liitrn Ix'ntlipr, fnllirr ll llliitr. , . , H, 10 nml 1'J Incli j

(KtoirHf'(liltlfniml ItfllliiL', n BitHrlor nrtlctu J Diiwlon'j Cnnn KiiitiN,lluxli HcjIIkm nml HimltliB, ()i Hoh, Mnlo Cnrt AxIih, Mnlu CoIlnrH nml HnincK, Mnlft filiorn,

rlllllU IH 1 IIH ft. Aid1.1! llio old fnvnrlto nnd unexcelled .Mitllmi HtcelIwlulll iio. o I hiwh. I min'fc Jr. Homo Ilon.rl fewlohii i)i ero mnko l)U Hose, 1, 1,1 'i nndII. at Ktmiilnril Wenton's C iilrlfii(jnl I,lnlns, 11!

llnldwln IV iil Ctittcri, liulo Anvils, Ki.nr.V.Inckson'stDisston's ei li lirnted Knws, nil sinst Alnehl"slH'Hnrclinrniiii trrs nnd H run 'I liermonieters, CirtHorsr rllinos, Iliirwi Nnils, I'IiiIbIiIiii; Nails.

riCK AiniKirKK, J mm ihiiik

ntul 1 men, i nuaniy : i oriniiin i oresDlsstmi ,t Htuhlir Afsortul I ilis,

MnsoiiH nml Blacksmiths' Hniiitiirrs,Nails, all sins ! Cut Hoikcs, V roilht Nails,


Jocks, llntts, Screws, IIIriKcs, Aiiri rs, Auer llitu, Chisils, Haws, Braces, Bolls, Catches Ac,Machine and Carrinuo llollh, lesl iimiiufncturo; Hinooth, Jack nml Joiutir I'laucs,l'los nnd Mutch I'lnuts. A I'ull Lino of

Paints and Oils of tlio 15ost English and American Brands 1

STAPLE GOODS, SUOU ASAtnoikcnK Denims. 8 nnd 0 or. 'I iekinns, A C A H nml I) Blenched Cottons, M wide, liest mnko)llulile.iehed Cottons, Cherii, Medium and Tltto j Briron nml Hluo Drills. I.lnen Drills, heavy )Jtiisnia DiaKr, I'nro l,ineii Blicillnj:, ritio.Mnsruito Ince, Blue Flannel, KcarlttA tiuiwrior AHsortinent of American White Flannels.

STA.3PL.3U GEOCEEIES :Oohlen Onto Hxtr.i I'miilly Flour, Hnvtniliui l'ia. Corn Htnreh, Japan, Comet nnd Cheap Tens,Cube H u uar, Ilnwniiuu Huinrs, Corn nnd Fins, Cmideiisid Milk, Corned Hief nnd 'IVjiij-iich- ,

tiirillms, Oxfuiil Hnitsnucs. McMurrny's Ojslers, Kvaus A !. seller's Finest Hpiccu,'I hn Fiiwirltii Fancy ami vnshiti(j Siajis, ( nllfornia nnd lnstcrn brands;HauiH, Corn Meal, Aveirn, Omhanf Flour, ' c, A.C., Ac.

Tho Goo. P. Blako Mfg. Co's Stoum Peed Irrigating & Vacuum PumpsWaton'a J'ulcrtt Centrifugals,

Woodward C Jlrown' Celebrated Pianos,Ncio JIavcn Organ Co. J'ai lor Organs

Washburn (0 JIdcji Mfg. Co. Jlarlml Wire, the fieri Jlarbrd Wire vianvucturnJ'ortltind Cement, Sugar Bags, Oats anil Jli an, California JJay,

Columbia Jtivcr Salmon, bbls. and If. bbls., Salmon Jlcllics in Jvits Very Fine.


Plow, Horse.MtJIilfSIiliAnu




Mm ,TOn,tfc 21 a JiSwmW CS 7M m m


Tho Finest Gold and Silver Watches cyer brought to Honolulu!

hVQSSkpConsisting of "

"Win. Ellory," "Ap- -ploton, Tracy & Co.," Sterling," " Iloinc,'and tho " Broadway, '(all Wnltliam move,ments), as ns alltho Nowcst and FinestStyles from tlio best

W.UDIIMCTo suit all tastes ami ages, ami

ALL SIZES, POR AND BOYS.Ha lias also on hand tin Exteusivo nnd Elognnt

OFSuch as Finger Rings, Ear Kings, Breastpins, Studs, AmiilotB, ntul nil clnsscs of flood"

tho olry Lino. Tlio Diamond Settings aro tlio purest and best iu tlio rnurkot, and tliostyles tho most superb offbicd hero.

also, a i'Ui.i. mxc orTlio and most

& m yH ks -- y .


VHOM THE GUH1IAM CO., U. A'--iiik.




Chron-ograph," "J'.S.naitlolt,"





Best Eleg-mi- t SSiH"oivm"e

gijfeSgE53fc"SSat xm

YSrXGSSE aSlaaaW HWSAa aWa3?iaaaaa


THE UNDERSIGNED BEINGSole Agent on these Islands

tho nbovo CJooiIb, nnd ns Iio imports direct from tlicinaiiiifuctiirorB on his own account for Cash, ho is preparedto sell


anywhere outsiilo tho United States. Tlio Trudu aiippliod ongoiwl terms, and a Liberal DUcoiint ullowtd for Cash,



ALai-g-o ItotofHayOKTIli: NEW OltOP. ALhO,

Whole ami Ground Hurley, Oata, Jlran,and Alj'alfa Hay,

carry the lrxel HiktU of llorie Fred In llilahjiiKdiiiii, anil aro alwaya irt'iarird tu til ordiraVilli accutlouiid iuuiiluiia, and

AT LOW RATES FOR OASU.DtrClralii Ground to Ordrr.UEi

Wheat, Corn, CratLtd Com. Oil C'aVc, Jllddllnci,Peed, etc., alw ara on hand.

1 3ia LAINK i. CO.

rj.OIJKN OATK FJOUJt.VJI Kxlra fauitly Vlour,

muorauu riunr.llran, (.round Ilarler, Whol Darter,Com for feed.Oatmeal, Corn Meal, 'Cracked Wheat In lulb.uaga.

All fnU aud utw, KoraaloliyUOU.KH Co

millllrmkinu Xf) nml XI Htccl Plows,







AT bo




KILO STORE,At the Old Corner, Krnnt and Walanulnul tita.


Dcalors in General MerchandiseGroccriiH, Hardware,

Uootsmid Hbocs, Clotliina,Vry and Fancy Ooods.eta.

Ladles' and Ueutlcwi-u'r- i FhiuIiiiK Uuo4a,Late lm(Kiriatloii, In Rnal variety.

CkeicMt Braads of Tobacco a&d Cigan.WLh AM) COJfl'LETK

--UWORTMEKT Or CAWlfSO OOOMVrcU Importation.

en'tJd?" t""'1 ll" co'l'"y H"Plljr wd Mtelllr ewI'artlcularattintloii plv. 1. 1,. n.u ..,ri,..i..,. ..i coocla

Sur'ictil'auu"1""' l" MuI,olu,i W l iUvi-''- u by

"r1" J, U.MAUY, Manager

