1 Hello Craigville family and friends, This summer has been a time of growth and relaxation for many of us. As we look towards moving into the next season, I find myself trying to take “pictures” in my head of the beauty that is around me at Craigville. These are the memories that I want with me when the snow is pilled high, when I am steeped in work, and when life seems overwhelming. I carry Craigville with me my whole year. -Kate McKey-Dunar, Chronicle Editor Welcome Home!- Welcome Jabeon Anthony Viust, who weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and is 22" long! Proud parents are Macayla Wasbhurn and Johnny Viust; grandmother, Kelly Wasburn; and great grandparents, Roger and Ann Washburn! New Tabernacle Sound System- Thanks to the generosity of Dick and Ann Trull, Sam and Sharon Carpenter, Greg and Julie Pinto, and Rick and Barbara Ireland, the Tabernacle has a new state of the art sound system. A fast and stealthy installation of the new system by Nantucket Sound yielded a pleasant surprise for Edward Dunar. During the Friday night “Evening of Stories and Memories” gathering, Edward had trouble locating the power switch on the front of the amplifier where it had been on the former old sound system, and was surprised to see that there was a whole new system! The new system has the capability of playing CDs and hooking up an MP3 player, as well as quality amplification. The first Tabernacle service with the Lighthouse of Faith in Christ church of Brocton, MA showed us a vast improvement. -Jim Lane Fire Alarm at the Tabernacle- Early Sunday morning the fire alarm sounded in the historic Tabernacle. The COMM Fire Department responded quickly. It was determined that spiders had shorted out the alarm sensors. With some difficulty, the firefighters were able to reset the alarm system. If the system would not have been reset and had continued to sound, occupancy of the Tabernacle would not have been permitted. The COMM Lieutenant at the scene cautioned that well- intended help before their arrival could have been dangerous when opening the door to a potentially oxygen starved fire. Associated Alarms will vacuum out the alarm sensors ($$$$) high on the ridgepole this week. Saturday, August 22 nd Catholic Mass – 5:00pm @ Tabernacle Sunday, August 23 rd CCOA Meeting- 5:00pm @ Tabernacle Thursday, August 27 th Art and Spirituality Night- 7:00pm @ Tabernacle

Saturday, August 22 Catholic Mass – 5:00pm @ Tabernacle ...craigville.org › CurrentEvents › Chronicle082215.pdf · • Saturday, August 22, 5pm: Catholic Mass (Tabernacle)

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Page 1: Saturday, August 22 Catholic Mass – 5:00pm @ Tabernacle ...craigville.org › CurrentEvents › Chronicle082215.pdf · • Saturday, August 22, 5pm: Catholic Mass (Tabernacle)


Hello Craigville family and friends, This summer has been a time of growth and relaxation for many of us. As we look towards moving into the next season, I find myself trying to take “pictures” in my head of the beauty that is around me at Craigville. These are the memories that I want with me when the snow is pilled high, when I am steeped in work, and when life seems overwhelming. I carry Craigville with me my whole year.

-Kate McKey-Dunar, Chronicle Editor

Welcome Home!- Welcome Jabeon Anthony Viust, who weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and is 22" long! Proud parents are Macayla Wasbhurn and Johnny Viust; grandmother, Kelly Wasburn; and great grandparents, Roger and Ann Washburn! New Tabernacle Sound System- Thanks to the generosity of Dick and Ann Trull, Sam and Sharon Carpenter, Greg and Julie Pinto, and Rick and Barbara Ireland, the Tabernacle has a new state of the art sound system. A fast and stealthy installation of the new system by Nantucket Sound yielded a pleasant surprise for Edward Dunar. During the Friday night “Evening of Stories and Memories” gathering, Edward had trouble locating the power switch on the front of the amplifier where it had been on the former old sound system, and was surprised to see that there was a whole new system! The new system has the capability of playing CDs and hooking up an MP3 player, as well as quality amplification. The first Tabernacle service with the Lighthouse of Faith in Christ church of Brocton, MA showed us a vast improvement. -Jim Lane Fire Alarm at the Tabernacle- Early Sunday morning the fire alarm sounded in the historic Tabernacle. The COMM Fire Department responded quickly. It was determined that spiders had shorted out the alarm sensors. With some difficulty, the firefighters were able to reset the alarm system. If the system would not have been reset and had continued to sound, occupancy of the Tabernacle would not have been permitted. The COMM Lieutenant at the scene cautioned that well-intended help before their arrival could have been dangerous when opening the door to a potentially oxygen starved fire. Associated Alarms will vacuum out the alarm sensors ($$$$) high on the ridgepole this week.

Saturday, August 22nd Catholic Mass – 5:00pm @ TabernacleSunday, August 23rd CCOA Meeting- 5:00pm @ Tabernacle

Thursday, August 27th Art and Spirituality Night- 7:00pm @ Tabernacle

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Please join your neighbors at the End of Year Meeting on Sunday, August 23 at 5pm. We will share what we have done over the summer and look forward to the summer of 2016.

Please remember to send your dues to Willie Shoemaker. It is our private village, our special place of grace by the sea, and we need to commit to its well-being.

-Lee Williams CCOA President

If you have not paid your CCMA dues, it would be most helpful and much appreciated if you would get them to the Craigville Retreat Center Office ASAP. Now that it is the middle of August, it would be wonderful to have all of your memberships up to date! Thanks! -Nancy Hansen

We will be meeting on Thursday, September 10 at Della Schultz's home to discuss 'Claude and Camille-A novel about Monet' by Stephanie Cowell. It is available in paperback or you can put your name on the list at the Centerville Library. They can get the book from the inter library loan if they do not have it. It is a fascinating read.

Kate’s last day is Saturday the 22nd, so please stop in to wish her good luck with her senior year. Filling in for the rest of the summer is Avis Parke’s daughter, Allison, so stop in to welcome her as well. We close the Post Office Gift shop on Sept. 5th, which is only two weeks away. Don’t forget to get those stocking stuffers before we close for the season.

Things are slowing down a little bit here at Craigville Retreat Center. We will be transitioning from summer guests to fall retreats over the next few weeks. Groups: Boston College Appalachian Group Cottages Jehlen Family Bowman Family MacBride Family Marks Family Malkin Family Buchholz Family Tedesco Family

Our weekends are nearly full from Labor Day until Thanksgiving.

-Mary A Woodbury Director, Craigville Retreat Center

The Craigville Tabernacle is a sacred space for all people in our community. A crucial part of our commitment to this mission is our long-time tradition of hosting a Roman Catholic Mass twice each summer.

Join us for Mass this Saturday, August 22 at 5pm. Fr. Richard Casey will be our celebrant and preacher. Members of the Craigville community will provide music, with Ellen Cardarelli at the piano and the Craigville Children’s Choir (directed by Meghan Lahey) leading us in song. Special thanks to Fran Lahey and Lee Williams for making this Mass possible.

This Sunday, August 23 at 9:45am, we gather for our second annual Celtic Spirituality Sunday. The ancient Celtic Christian tradition introduced many distinctive insights and practices to the wider Church. In the past century, there has been revived interest in Celtic spirituality among Christians of all denominations who are attracted by its emphasis on the presence of God in nature and the sacredness of everyday life. In The Center is Everywhere: Celtic Spirituality for the Post Modern Age, Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly writes, “The way of Celtic Christian spirituality finds divine revelation in the

Page 3: Saturday, August 22 Catholic Mass – 5:00pm @ Tabernacle ...craigville.org › CurrentEvents › Chronicle082215.pdf · • Saturday, August 22, 5pm: Catholic Mass (Tabernacle)


cells of bodies, the glistening waters, the colors of the rainbow, and the human imagination. Celtic spirituality experiences God in all things and all things in God. God is found in the rising of the sun and the rising of the Crucified One.”

This Sunday, the Rev. Connie Bickford will lead us in worship. Rev. Dr. Dianne Carpenter will play the organ for us. We will sing several hymns inspired by the contemporary Celtic Christian tradition.

The service will include a reflective Giving of Ourselves practice and our final children’s message of the season. Help us send off our beloved Donald Dragon! -Edward Dunar, Worship Coordinator

Additional information about this week’s readings and hymns, including links to text, sheet music, and recordings, are available on our website (craigvilletabernacle.org). This week’s readings:

• Luke 5:1-3 (Jesus teaches the crowd from a boat before calling the first disciples)

• Revelation 21:1-6 (God reveals the new heaven and new earth)

This week’s hymns: • All Things Bright and Beautiful (United Methodist

Hymnal #147) • Behold, I Make All Things New (Iona

Community) • You Walk Along Our Shoreline (New Century

Hymnal #504) • Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (UMH #664)

Preparing for this week: Throughout the summer, we have been reflecting upon the theme of generations. We have prayed for our family members, we have shared wisdom and stories, and we have cherished the children among us. For this week’s reflection, we are looking forward. Many of the children in our midst will someday be parents and grandparents. New generations will rise, and God will continue to speak to them and guide them. This week, think of one prayer you wish to lift up for future generations.

• Saturday, August 22, 5pm: Catholic Mass

(Tabernacle). Fr. Richard Casey will be our celebrant and preacher. Members of the Craigville community will provide music, with

Ellen Cardarelli at the piano and the Craigville Children’s Choir leading us in song.

• Sunday, August 23, 9:45am: Sunday Morning Worship: Celtic Spirituality Sunday (Tabernacle). Rev. Connie Bickford will teach us about the Celtic Christian tradition. We will sing several Celtic-inspired hymns together. Rev. Dr. Dianne Carpenter will play the organ. This service will also feature our final children’s message of the season.

• Tuesday, August 25, 7:30am: Morning Prayer (Tabernacle). We welcome the morning through prayerful exploration of the Celtic spirit in Christianity led by Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly.

• Thursday, August 27, 7pm: Art and Spirituality Night (Tabernacle). An evening of artistic inspiration. We will share and discuss art that has played a role in our journeys of faith. Bring a piece of art that is spiritually meaningful to you.

We are excited that Edward Dunar will return next summer as Worship Director and Theologian in Residence. As Edward has been given the challenge to "publish or perish" in 2016, we reassure him that we encourage him to write and research every day! We look forward to seeing him throughout the village next summer as we spot him under the shade of a tree, on a bench at the post office, or in the Reading Room in the Tabernacle working on his manuscript for publication. Kate will be a visitor to the village next summer as her schedule permits. We will miss her smile, weekly Chronicle editorial, and Tabernacle children's ministry as Donald the Dragon. Roger and Nancy Hansen generously offered Edward the occasional use of a car next summer to enable him to move around town. Linda McKinney has offered the use of her bicycle, giving Edward additional transportation options. As city folk, Edward and Kate will no longer have need for a car, which initially posed a hurdle to Edward's return.

As well, Edward has accepted the Editor of The Chronicle position for 2016 as Kate will have academic requirements for Yale Divinity School to fulfill next summer.

Sunday will be Donald the Dragon and Kate's last Sunday in the Tabernacle. Kate will leave for Yale this coming week and Edward the following week for Fordham University, where he is starting a Ph.D.

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program. Our last service is Sunday, August 30th with South Congregational Church.

We thank Edward and Kate for their hard work and dedication to the spiritual life in the village and the things which pertain to God; and, I thank the village and the Religious Activities and Tabernacle Committee for

the continued spirit of cooperation and support of the Tabernacle, Edward, and Kate.

-Rev. Joanne Hartunian Chair, Religious Activities and Tabernacle


We are planning a house tour for Sunday afternoon July 10th, 2016, 12-4, with five or six newly renovated homes in Craigville on it. It should be a great day! Mark your new calendars!

Red Lily Pond will have its annual Dinner and Auction next summer on Saturday, August 13th, 2016. We will have another fun-filled night and buy some great items. Your new Red Lily Pond calendars have the dates already on them! Calendars, filled with Craigville photos in various seasons, can be bought from Terry Farquhar for $15.00 each. Thank you again to all who helped with this year’s fundraising. We have cleared over $9600.00 so far and are still collecting membership dues and donations.

Each week this summer, we have focused on the forms of life that comprise the watershed of which the ponds are a part. This week the focus is the native species of plants, which we continue to encourage as we eliminate the invasive plants.

As their name suggests, “lilies” are native to the ponds, and each summer a healthy crop appears. Once there were red and pink lilies as well as yellow and white, but these proved so popular that at some point in the last 200 years, they were harvested and sold by our ancestors! Whatever the color of the flower, lilies are essential to the overall health of the pond, because they shade (and cool) the water beneath, providing respite

during hot summer days for the many species of fish that live in the ponds.

Another healthy native plant that grows in the pond is pickerel rush, a type of grass that never needs to be mowed! It flowers in the late summer, and can be mistaken for the invasive purple loosestrife. From a healthy pond perspective, the two are vastly different. Loosestrife extracts nutrients and oxygen from he water. This harms the fish and other pond life.

By contrast, pickerel rush, which evolved as a native species along with these fish and waterfowl, adds oxygen and food. It provides a balanced and nutritious natural food source for fish and other pond life. It’s “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” for ducks and fish! Mallards, Wood Ducks, Teal and Black Ducks feast on pickerel rush, as do muskrats and (of course) pickerel! Indigenous human populations of Cape Cod made bountiful use of pickerel rush, harvesting its seeds and grinding them into flour for bread, or boiling them like rice. In a pinch they can be eaten raw and thoroughly digested — one of the few starches that can make this claim.

Along the pond embankments, as the invasive phragmites and purple loosestrife are removed, we plant beach plums and rosa rugosa, short hardy native grasses, sage, and other native herbs. Over the course of generations, the ponds and embankments are gradually restored, thanks to our close work with the town and conservation districts, landscapers who understand the importance of native species, and, most of all, our contributors who make this preservation and restoration possible! Thank you!

For a more complete description and discussion of native plants, we recommend the Audubon Society’s “Pond Watcher’s Guide” which is available from Mass Audubon at www.shop.audubonnaturalist.com. Enjoy the abundance of summer on Red Lily Pond!

-Steve Brown

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Meaning: Poverty stricken or very poor. Origin: This saying was originally said to be hungry as a church mouse. Churches in the 1600′s had no kitchens to cook meals and no storage or pantries to store food. A

mouse that was so unlucky to take up residence in a church would find no food there. The lucky mice would find a place to live in the cellar of a house, restaurant or a grocery store, not a church. As time went on, the saying was changed from hungry to poor.

-Debbie Almy

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                 August  2015    

Sunday   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday   Saturday  

16   17   18   19   20   21   22   *Catholic

Mass- 5:00pm @Tab

23   24   25   26   27   28   29  *CCOA meeting-5:00pm @ Tab

*Art and Spiritually Night- 7pm @ Tab

30   31            *Last Tab Service- 9:45am

******************************************************************************************************************************************* WE WELCOME ALL NEWS ABOUT CRAIGVILLE ACTIVITIES AND NEIGHBORS. You can always find us on the web at Craigville.org. The Craigville Chronicle is sponsored by the Christian Camp Meeting Association and the Craigville Cottage Owners Association. It is produced weekly from the last week in June through Labor Day weekend and off-season during the fall (November), winter (February), and spring (May). Please email your news to [email protected]. You can find Craigville Retreat Center information at www.craigvilleretreats.org