TJH: Saturation, Low-x, QCD Workshop Villaggio Guglielmo, July 2-18, 2007 1 Saturation, Low-x, and QCD at RHIC, Part 3 T. Hallman Villaggio Guglielmo, Italy

Saturation, Low-x, and QCD at RHIC, Part 3

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Saturation, Low-x, and QCD at RHIC, Part 3. T. Hallman Villaggio Guglielmo, Italy. Ultra-peripheral relativistic heavy ion collisions: a unique testing ground for QCD. The interest in UPC’s. What are Ultra-Peripheral Collisions: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Saturation, Low-x, and QCD at RHIC, Part 3

TJH: Saturation, Low-x, QCD Workshop Villaggio Guglielmo, July 2-18, 20071

Saturation, Low-x, and QCDat RHIC, Part 3

T. Hallman

Villaggio Guglielmo, Italy

Page 2: Saturation, Low-x, and QCD at RHIC, Part 3

TJH: Saturation, Low-x, QCD Workshop Villaggio Guglielmo, July 2-18, 20072

Ultra-peripheral relativistic heavy ion collisions: a unique testing ground for QCD

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TJH: Saturation, Low-x, QCD Workshop Villaggio Guglielmo, July 2-18, 20073

The interest in UPC’s

What are Ultra-Peripheral Collisions:

• Electromagnetic interactions that occur at impact parameters b larger than twice the nuclear radius, where no hadronic interactions occur

• Flux of “almost real” virtual photons (a la Enrico Fermi in 1924) scales with Z2 so heavy ions are an intense source of photons and cross sections can be large

• The study both two-photon and photonuclear interactions is possible

• With the Lorentz boosts, two-photon energies up to 6 GeV are achievable at RHIC

• At RHIC, -Au cms energy of ~30 GeV/nucleon and and -proton cms energy of 300 GeV are achievable

Some topics of interest:

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The interest in UPC’sThe gluon distribution in heavy nuclei:

• Photoproduction of coherent J/ production (virtual photon fluctuates to a quark-anti-quark pair which interacts coherently with the entire nucleus) can provide a window in gluon distributions not measurable with DIS.

• Avoids problems in studies using hadronic interactions are subject to uncertainties due to higher order corrections and the Cronin effect.

• STAR will study the gluon distribution of heavy nuclei using two photoproduction channels: coherent J/ production, and open charm.

• The total cross section isn’t very sensitive to shadowing, but the rapidity distribution is.

• If gluon shadowing is “large”, as predicted in HIJING and the diffractive model of Frankfurt and Strikman, shadowing may reduce mid-rapidity J/ production by as much a 40%.

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The interest in UPC’s

Meson Spectroscopy

• Photonuclear interactions are a prolific source of vector mesons. At RHIC design luminosity, the exclusive 0 production rate with gold beams is 120 Hz! Although the ‘ground state’ 0, , andmesons are well understood, their excited states are not. For example, the particle data group points out that the (1450) and (1700) may be 1 particle or 2

• Data from UPC’s at RHIC (and elsewhere) can resolve this question. If they are two particles, they will likely have different absorption cross sections, and consequently, the mass spectrum from -A interactions will have a different shape from studies at e+e- colliders. These excited states have production rates ~ 1% of the ‘ground’ states.

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Interest in UPCsInterferometry• The symmetric geometry in heavy ion collisions allows for interesting tests of quantum

mechanics. STAR has already observed the interference between when nucleus 1 emits a photon which scatters from nucleus 2, emerging as a vector meson, and vice versa.

• This process requires a non-local wave function which retains amplitudes for all possible particle decays even after the decay occurs.

Electrodynamics in Strong Fields

• The usual picture of two-photon interactions is that each beam particle emits a photon, and the photons collide.

• Since the coupling constant Z~0.6 at RHIC, this picture may fail.

• Extensive theoretical effort to study e+e- pair production in UPCs at RHIC; these studies have found relatively small changes in the total cross section.

• Preliminary results support these calculations, finding cross sections close to the lowest-order prediction. However, the additional photons are likely to make their presence felt in other ways, by changing the angular distributions, and in the production of multiple pairs.

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Photo production of the 0 in UP AuAu Collisions at RHIC

The pT and p-p invariant mass spectrum of two-track events collected in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions with the minimum bias trigger, from coherent photoproduction of ro and direct p-p pairs accompanied by mutual Coulomb excitation. The pT spectrum is peaked below 100 MeV/c, as expected for a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus scattering coherently from the other nucleus, emerging as a vector meson.

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Two-source interference

photoproduction in dA

Coherent production of 4-prong final states

Correlations in mutual Coulomb excitation

Ongoing analyses in STAR

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200 GeV 0 dataset (Preliminary)

mass spectra show 0, interference with direct production– Accompanied by mutual Coulomb excitation (MCE) [left] and

1n1n MCE [right]

Inv. mass Inv. mass


Inteference Term

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Main Preliminary Results

• d/dy for photoproduction– With and without mutual excitation

• M spectrum: and direct

• pT spectrum for – Coherent + Incoherent production

helicity analysis– Helicity is conserved in photoproduction

• Spectra & results for 1n,1n excitation

d/dy:Data + 3 theoretical predictions

pT spectrum

Blue – coherentRed- incoherent (AuAu → AuAu) = 509 34 107 mb

Consistent with theory prediction based on Glauber but not parton saturation model

inc/ coh = 0.29 0.03 0.03

Ratio of to direct similar toHERAAnd independent of photon energy



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0 interference paper

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0 interference paper

• Interference between 0 production on two target nuclei observed– Fit spectra to

– R(t) = Int (t)/Noint(t)• Int(t), Noint(t) are t-spectra with & without interference• c = 1 – ‘full’ interference• c = 0 – no interference

– c =96 +/- 5 +/ ?%– Systematic error still under evaluation

)]1)((1)[exp( tRcbtAdt


t ~ t = pT2 (GeV2)

DataInterferenceNo interference

Minbias data, |y|<0.5


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dAu --> analysis (Preliminary data)

• dAu --> dAu & pn Au – Photon mostly comes from Au– Breakup channel (pn) cleaner due to

use of ZDC in trigger

• Measured d/dy, d/dpT, d/dM






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Au Au --> Au* Au*

• Nuclei may be electromagnetically excited to a Giant Dipole Resonance & decay by single neutron emission– Vector transition --> 1—

– Neutron pT follows photon (transverse) polarization

– – b is the same for both nuclei

• Convolute two cosines

=1- 2 Nucl. Phys. A729, 787 (2003)

)(~)( bpCospP TT

2/)2(1)( CosP


(transverse view)

n (East)

n (West)



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UPC trigger & rates in 2007 run• Trigger on low multiplicity + ZDC coincidence

• As of June 6th – 1.74M UPC triggers in 228 hrs

– Mean rate 2 Hz (after prescale)

• Expect ~ 2.2M UPC triggers

• If trigger yield (N/Ntrigger) is what we hope

– based on best 2002 yields– ~ 50,000 – 600 4-prong (’)– Other good stuff

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J/ trigger in 2007 run

• L0 trigger– Two EMC towers with E>~ 1.2 GeV

• Separated by at least 600 in – Low multiplicity in CTB

• L2 not used for UPCs• Rate: 2,380 triggers as of June 6th

– Expect ~ 3,100 total

Real Data, p+p Run V

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4-prong analysis Preliminary data)• Coherent 4-particle (Q=0) production seen in 2004 data• Use 2007data for publication

– Better understanding of trigger efficiency, statistics

4-particle combinationspT (GeV/c) 4 Mass (GeV)

~100 events


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Outlook• UPC’s in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and in the future at LHC

provide a fertile field for fundamental QCD studies which avoid problems with other measurements

• In STAR, particularly when the DAQ1000 upgrade becomes operational, this physics should really “come into its own”.

• It is a great time to think about this problem theoretically and publish your work