Sassy.Caressed by Moonlight.Paranormal

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  • 7/28/2019 Sassy.Caressed by Moonlight.Paranormal



    Her voice brushed chills down his spine. He was afraid to turn

    around, to look upon her. His muscles clenched as he stood perfectly


    Yes? he asked, his throat dry. His cold heart tightened as he

    listened to her cross the floor. She stood behind him, he could feel her,smell her, taste her. She placed a warm, small, thin hand on his

    shoulder and he shuddered.

    Victoria came up to her tiptoes; leaned against his hard back,

    and lightly whispered, Make love to me.

    A tremor of excitement and pure happiness shook him as he

    turned. Dorian took her lips in a ferocious kiss that snatched her breath

    away and left her helpless. She fell against him, her limbs liquid. He

    did not need to be asked twice and he was not about to give her the

    chance to change her mind. He could not possiblywait any longer. Heneeded her. Now.

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  • 7/28/2019 Sassy.Caressed by Moonlight.Paranormal





    Amanda J. Greene

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    Publisher Amanda J. Greene

    Copyright 2010 by Amanda J. Greene

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced by any means.

    Cover art by Kimberly Killion.

    Edited by Kathy Davie, Danielle Donaldson, Rebecca Grimmius

    ISBN 978-0-578-06400-0
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    For my mother, Wendi Greene, who has always given me

    courage, strength, and love. You are the best mother a woman could


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    Thank you, Rebecca Grimmius for all the years, months,

    weeks, days, and hours she spent helping me with this project.

    I also need to thank Danielle Donaldson for me editing my work.

    Thank you, Robert. You always had faith in me, even when I

    didnt have faith in myself.

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    Chapter One

    1814, England

    Starvation gnawed at their bellies. They had not eaten in almost

    two days and their aunt sat at her over-decorated dining table takingbite after bite of the delicious spread set before her.

    Right this way, the butler said, leading the two girls from the

    foyer and into the drawing room. He closed the doors behind him.

    Victoria was thankful. She did not wish to watch her gluttonous aunt

    gorge herself as she and little Margaret's tummies rumbled.

    I'm scared, Tory. Are you scared?

    Scared? Their mother had just passed away and their father hadcommitted suicide soon after, leaving them all alone. Victoria had been

    forced to sell everything they owned including, the house that had been

    in her family for generations, to pay her father's debts. Knowing that

    she would not be able to support her sister, they had no choice but to

    move to London where their only living relative resided. Aunt Nelly

    was a hateful woman and Victoria had no doubt that she would try to

    take her sister from her. Scared? Scared was not a fitting word, terrified

    seemed to match her emotions perfectly. But she managed to bring a

    smile to her lips for her sister's sake. She would not allow Margaret tosee her worry. The poor girl needed comfort.

    Scared? We have nothing of which to be scared.

    Aunt Nelly never liked mother, Margaret stated, her eyes

    down cast and focused on the Persian rug. Her fingers gripped the

    wooden arms of her chair tightly.

    Victoria's heart ached for her little sister. The girl had been the

    one to discover their father's body in his study. She had screamed andrun through the house hysterically, then locked herself in her room. For

    two days she refused to see anyone or eat a morsel and now, three

    weeks later, she was beginning to speak again.

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    And, Margaret paused, shuffling her feet nervously, she

    doesn't like you very much.

    Aunt Nelly had no warm feelings toward her and she had

    loathed their mother. She had accused their mother of stealing herbrother's life by becoming with child.

    Do you think she will turn us out?

    Victoria turned to the large windows. Thick, gray clouds

    hovered ominously over the city, threatening to unleash a fury of rain.

    No, my dear, she won't, she said, her breath fogging the cold

    glass. Everything will be all right. You'll see. She prayed with all her

    might that it would be, for Margaret's sake.

    Victoria leaned against the glass, lightning flashed, thunder

    shook the window, and rain began to pour. The Kingston girls

    anxiously waited, the rumbling of their hungry tummies slicing through

    the thick silence that filled the dark room while Aunt Nelly finished her

    extravagant meal. Victoria took deep, steady breaths as she mentally

    prepared herself for a verbal attack.

    The girls did not have to wait long. Aunt Nelly swept into the

    drawing room with a cool wind following her. Victoria shivered. Sheturned and met her aunts brown beady eyes; the battle was about to

    begin. The old woman's thick lips were puckered and her brow was

    wrinkled in an ugly frown. Margaret stood and timidly straightened her


    Stop fidgeting, Nelly snapped. And stand up straight. You

    are a young lady, not an urchin from the streets.

    Margaret nodded her head meekly. Victoria came to stand by

    her sister and placing a comforting hand on the girl's slender shoulder.Do not coddle her, the old, bitter woman snarled. She needs

    to toughen up. The world is harsh and she should learn to face it.

    She knows all too well the cruelties of the world. For the last

    four months she has watched her mother slowly die from sickness. As

    if that were not torture enough, she found her father's body.

    Do not pity her. She must grow up. She is not a child.

    She is only eight years old, Victoria argued.I do not enjoy being talked back to; it is insulting, she said

    harshly, stomping her foot, her face the brightest of reds.

    Margaret hugged her sister's arm, her tiny nails digging into her


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    wiggled her fingers to counter the loss of circulation.

    Margaret, I wish to get you settled. Follow the nice maid to

    your room. I need to speak with your sister alone.

    The maid ripped Margaret away from Victoria and dragged herout of the room and up the stairs. Victoria watched, her anger

    simmering. Aunt Nelly sat in Margarets vacant chair and fixed her evil

    eyes on her oldest niece.

    You look exactly like your mother, she spat.

    Men and women alike had praised her mother's beauty and

    Victoria had loved to be compared to her, but Aunt Nelly had loathed

    her sister-in-law and her good looks. Therefore, compliment was no

    compliment at all, but a grave insult.

    I am aware that your father, my beloved brother, has left

    Margaret in your care. However, you are unsuitable to support the child

    and you cannot deny it. We both know you haven't got a penny to your

    name after paying off his debt. So, I am willing to take her off your


    Victoria grew tense as her aunt slowly studied her form.

    How old are you?

    Twenty-two, she answered a bit hesitantly.

    Yes, Aunt Nelly said thoughtfully, you are definitely old

    enough to marry.

    Marry? she said as shock shot down her spine and made her

    toes tingle.

    Indeed, she nodded, I am going to be perfectly honest, I do

    not want you here. You resemble your mother too much and I have nodesire to be constantly reminded of the bitch who stole my brother. So,

    this is what I propose, she paused in thought. Victoria held her breath

    waiting for her damnation. I will allow you to live here, in my home,

    for one month and at the end of the month, you must leave. I care not

    where you go.

    What of Margaret? Victoria demanded.

    She will stay here with me. She was not a child conceived in


    Victoria ignored the jab and asked with the most level of tones,

    Will I be able to see her?


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    On one condition, Aunt Nelly said, holding up a chubby

    finger. You must be married.

    Victoria sank to the seat behind her, breathless and light

    headed. There it was, Aunt Nelly's dagger.You see, she continued, I would dearly love it if you would

    leave tomorrow but it would be nearly impossible to find a suitable

    husband in one day. So I have decided to give you a month to find a

    man and wed.

    If I don't marry I won't be allowed to see Margaret. Her aunt

    was trying to separate her from her sister. This was what Victoria had

    feared the most. She had hoped with all her heart that Aunt Nelly

    would not be so cruel, but she had known better. She had givenVictoria a task to perform, knowing the likelihood of her failure.

    Of course not. No niece of mine will associate with a lowly

    servant. You must marry.

    Victoria bit her tongue so hard she thought it might bleed. If

    anyone had been a disgrace to the family, it was Aunt Nelly. She

    repelled all good society and had never married. No man would want

    such a cruel woman for a wife. Victoria was convinced Aunt Nellys

    lack of friends and suitors was due to her wickedness.

    Stop grinding your teeth, it is a horrible habit.

    And one that I intend to keep.

    Her aunt glared at her. She knew her proposal was ludicrous

    but she did not care. She had wanted the girl gone and out of her house.

    Victoria would fail, she knew, and that brought a crooked smile to her

    lips. She was doing this for her own enjoyment, but it was also in

    Margaret's best interest. She would make sure that her youngest niece

    would not be plagued by the shadow of her bastard sister.

    Well, Aunt Nelly sighed as she stood, I'm off to bed and I

    suggest that you do the same, no man wants a wife with dark bags

    under her eyes.

    Victoria sat alone in the drawing room. The storm still raged

    outside, the branches scratched at the windows, and the wind howled.

    She had to marry.

    It sounded so simple but it was near to impossible. She had no

    money, no land, and nothing to bring to a marriage. She was much

    older than the other women who would be enjoying the Season. She

    had no gowns and even if she did possess fine clothing she would not


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    have an occasion to wear them to. She was on no one's guest list for

    balls or parties or picnics.

    Her childhood friend, Lana Richmond, could possibly help her.

    She would know what to do. She would know how to hunt for asuitable husband. Victoria nodded in decision; she would call on her

    friend in the morning.

    So be it.

    Victoria pushed her worries aside and went in search of

    Margaret's room. She mounted the stairs and pushed open the first

    door on the right. Margaret sat before a vanity, brushing her hair. She

    smiled at the homely scene and crossed the room.

    The young girl sat the brush down and spun around in a fury.

    That maid was not nice like Aunt Nelly said. She made me

    take a bath and scrubbed me so hard that I turned red. Margaret

    pushed back the sleeves of her nightgown and held out her arms.


    She just wanted you to be clean.

    Mother wanted me to be clean too but she never scrubbed

    until my skin turned red, Margaret protested.

    No, but you hadn't bathed in days and I'm sure that you were

    covered in dirt from the ride here, Victoria added. But it doesn't

    matter, you are clean and you smell very nice.

    Margaret nodded and threw her arms around her sister's waist.

    I don't want to stay here, Tory, she said. Aunt Nelly is a

    mean old hag and that maid

    Everything will work out. Now it's time for bed.

    Victoria gathered Margaret in her arms and carried her to the

    large bed that swallowed her tiny frame. She lay beside her and

    Margaret curled up into a ball wrapping the blankets tightly about

    herself. Victoria sang softly the song their mother would sing every

    night before tucking her youngest in bed. Once Margaret was asleep,

    she placed a soft kiss on her brow and moved to the chair before the


    She had lived in the country all her life and had only venturedout into the world when her mother had taken her on a tour of the

    continent for her sixteenth birthday. Hating the city and the

    gossipmongers who lived there, her parents refused to allow her to have


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    a Season. She had attended a few parties and picnics back home but

    they were nothing like what she would experience here. There would

    be more people watching her, criticizing her behavior, and gossiping

    about her parents hasty marriage all those years ago. Now they would

    be spreading rumors about their deaths.

    Sighing, she rested her head against the back of the overstuffed

    chair and let the warmth of the fire wash over her.

    This is not going to be easy, she whispered to the flames. Her

    whole future happiness rested on the outcome of this very month.


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    Chapter Two

    You what?

    I must find a husband by the end of the month, Victoria said

    before taking a sip of the dark, delicious tea.

    Why? Lana asked.

    It is rather complicated.


    Victoria took a deep breath. She did not want to show her

    nervousness to Lana. Yes, you see, my aunt is going to toss me to the

    streets if I don't marry by the end of the month.

    Oh, Lana said in understanding. Well, you needn't worry

    about that, you can come live here. I'm sure that my parents would be

    glad to have you.

    No, you don't understand. I must marry in order to see

    Margaret. Aunt Nelly has made it clear that if I don't wed I will never

    see my sister again.

    Oh, dear, Lana sighed. But one month isn't much time. How

    can you possibly get to know someone well enough to marry within a


    I dont have time for a normal courtship and I am prepared topropose, if I must. Will you help me?

    Of course I will help you. I just don't like these circumstances.

    A wedding should be something beautiful not a necessity.

    I dont like it either, but I dont have a choice.

    On the thin side, Lana was fetching, with her soft blonde hair

    and blue eyes. It was odd that she had yet to find a husband, but her

    family had never pressed the matter. Victoria longed to be in Lanas

    position right now. Victoria had enjoyed every freedom there was when

    her parents were alive, but now her aunt was forcing her to marry. She

    only hoped that the man would be understanding and not oppressive.


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    This is so unsavory. How can someone hate their own flesh

    and blood so much? Lana said with disgust. Taking up her own cup of

    tea for the first time since Victoria sat down, Lana insisted, You must

    accompany me to the balls this season.

    I have no gowns, Lana. I have no money or dowry. Who will

    want me? I pale in comparison to the other women. This is going to be

    very difficult, if not impossible.

    Difficult? Impossible? Tory, you will have men coming at you

    from all sides, money won't matter to them. As for gowns, I have old

    ones that we can tailor to fit your form and modify to match the trends

    of the season. It will be simple. Dont you worry about it, Lana

    smiled. We will find a man to come up to scratched for you.Thank you, Lana, I don't know what I would do without you.

    I'm sure you would have managed without my help.

    Do you think that Ill have a problem because of my age? I am

    twenty-two after all.

    You are hardly a spinster, Tory, Lana laughed.

    A lot of the other women are younger.

    You are much more beautiful than those other women. They

    don't stand a chance against you. Lana squeezed Victoria's hand. I

    always wished you and I would marry for love.

    Most marriages are loveless, she said matter-of-factly.

    Yes, I suppose you are right, Lana paused in thought, then

    with a smile and a chuckle, she added, You could always take a


    Victoria laughed, spilling a little of her tea on the great terraceof the Richmond mansion. She could not remember the last time she

    had a good laugh. For some time she thought she would never laugh

    again. Her mother had lain dying for months and, with the sudden loss

    of her father, she was sure she would never find happiness again.

    The Allen's are having a ball this evening. It will be perfect

    for your first appearance. Lana studied her. Green would be an

    excellent color for your gown. I think I have an emerald one that will

    match your eyes perfectly. My aunt gave it to me as a gift last year, butit looks horrible on me.

    I doubt that.

    Lana shook her head.


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    Let's just say I don't have the bust for it, but we will deal with

    the dress later. Right now, we should focus on men. London is stocked

    with distinguished gentlemen. I'll make a list of the most eligible and

    worthy bachelors. Now, Victoria, I must warn you, London men are not

    like those nice boys out in the country. They are crude, ruthless, andwill take advantage of you the first chance they get. Whatever you do,

    don't let your guard down.

    Yes, I cant afford a scandal. But I have been to the continent,

    Lana. I spent four months in various countries surrounded by strange

    and rakes. I think I can hold my own.

    Lana nodded her head in agreement. She had spent a little time

    in France and well she knew the forwardness of some of those mencould be. She sat back in her chair, bringing the rim of her cup to her

    lips. Let me think. With whom could we match you with? She took a

    sip and then another, her eyes focused off into the distance while she


    Lord Albert is a great man. Hes about forty and is quite

    handsome for his age. He has a bit of wealth, but hes never been

    married. Hes the old bachelor type but with your looks and figure we

    could get him to change his mind.

    I dont want to force myself on anyone, Victoria said with a

    light laugh.

    Lord Rogers is suitable and wealthy. Hes very polite. There

    is also Sir Wendell, who is a widower with three children. You dont

    mind children, do you?

    I love children. I may even like to have a few of my own some


    Sir Wendell is a sweet man. Lana continued with her list,

    Baron Fraser would make a good match for you and Sir Millings. Oh,

    and Lord Shillmend and Mr. Tavis. Yes, all of them will do, Lana

    nodded, pleased with herself. They are all very nice and pleasant to

    the eye. However, I think I will have Ben investigate them.

    Oh, Lana, do not drag your brother into this.

    He can help us quite a bit. All these men seem perfect and

    respectable, but he could get to know their true nature. Most of the menin London like to visit Willows.


    It is a notorious gentlemens club. Every mysterious. Ben was


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    before he married and moved to his country estate.

    That is a brilliant idea. Men are more likely to reveal their true

    selves in private. I just don't want to trouble your brother.

    It is no trouble. I'm sure he will be more than happy to help.

    Thank you, Victoria sighed, her shoulders slumped in relief.

    Don't worry about a thing. I will find you the best possible

    husband there is.

    It was nice of Lana to say that she would not have to worry, but

    how could she not? Victoria had only a month to find a husband. Why

    hadn't her father pressed her to marry? Why had he given her so much

    freedom? In truth, a woman Victorias age should be wed, not huntinglike a lioness for unsuspecting prey.


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    Chapter Three

    Dorian rubbed his temples as his head throbbed beneath his


    Are you insane?

    Yes, I'm insane. I have gone completely out of my mind. I'm

    crazy, like Hadrian.

    Raphael gasped and jumped back. God save us!

    Hadrian had been a great vampire ruler. After the murder of his

    brother, he had gone insane and exiled himself to an ancient fortress

    high in the Carpathian Mountains. There he lives alone in silence and

    madness. No vampire world dare to journey to that ancient palace.

    It was a joke.

    Hell's teeth, Dorian. That's not funny. The vamp truly hasgone completely mad.

    Is that not what you are accusing me of?


    What is it that you want from me? Dorian asked.

    Raphael had not stopped hounding him since he had walked

    through the door.

    You deserted your Clan.

    I did not desert them.

    You packed up and sailed across the ocean without a word to

    anyone, Raphael argued.

    Dorian slammed his fist down upon the desk.

    Are you accusing me of running away? he said, his voice low

    and menacing.

    Raphael took a step back; fear began to creep up his spine. He

    swallowed hard and said, No, my lord.

    Good. Dorian relaxed back in his throne-like chair.


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    It's just that the hunters

    Are on a mission to destroy the clan, Dorian finished. And

    they wont be satisfied until every member of the Mylonas Clan is

    dead.Raphael nodded. Why are you here in London instead of back

    home where you are needed?

    Can you think of anything more terrifying to a hunter than a

    vampire chieftain residing in London, which so happens to be one of

    the most populated cities in the world? Raphael's eyes grew wide in

    understanding. I am here to draw the attention away from the Clan.

    That is brilliant! You are a genius, Raphael raved, grinning

    from ear to ear.

    And a moment ago you were accusing me of being insane.

    Genius and insanity go hand in hand.

    I suppose, he said. Why did you follow me? You couldnt

    have honestly believed that I would abandon my Clan.

    I came to talk you into coming back, but now I understand

    your motive for leaving. Raphael paused as he chose his next words

    carefully. Its Kal. I believe he is trying to turn the Clan against you.

    Dorian tipped his head in agreement. There is no doubt in my

    mind that Kal is up to something. He has always desired the Mylonas


    Dorian had left Kal to rule in his absence, giving him complete

    control. He had trusted him, but it was obvious that the vampire did not

    merit his trust. Was he trying to steal his throne? Kal could have hired

    the hunters to exterminate the Clan in hopes of building his own. Thatsort of treachery, he feared, was not beyond him. He must change his

    second-in-command, for the protection of his people.

    I never really liked Kal.

    Then why on earth would you make him your successor?

    Viktor had requested that I make Kal my second. It was his

    last request before the curse took him. How could I say no? I kept my

    word and, upon his death, I accepted the throne and named Kal as my

    heir. As I have said, I never liked the vampire. Dorian leaned back inhis chair and glanced at the tall, mahogany clock that stood against the

    opposite wall. I have a task for you, Raphael, Dorian said, yanking

    off his boots. You are to be the ruler of the Clan during my absences.


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    You are a military man; you have stood by my side in many battles. I

    know I can trust you and I know your loyalty is to our people. You will

    do what is best for them.

    I thank you, Your Majesty. I will be honored to be yoursecond and your heir.

    I should have given you the responsibility in the first place,

    but I could not go back on my word, Dorian said, massaging the nape

    of his neck. My Clan and I are suffering because of Viktors mistake

    in judgment. It is obvious, from your description of Kals actions, that

    he cannot be trusted and therefore he must be removed from power.

    Raphael nodded in agreement.

    Now no more depressing talk, Dorian sighed as he stood,

    rubbing his temples once more. An irritating tingle had begun at the

    base of his spine and was now spreading throughout his body. I must

    get ready. I have a ball to attend.

    A ball? Raphaels brows rose with surprise.

    Yes. I must be sociable, Dorian said as he stepped into his

    large dressing room, closing the heavy, wooden door behind him.

    Otherwise I'm not a threatDorians voice failed him as unbearable pain rippled over every

    inch of his body, causing his muscles to spasm. He silently fell to his

    knees, his hand gripping his chest. Raw, pure emotion engulfed him

    and ignited his black soul. Loneliness, despair, and misery consumed

    him. He gasped for air as sweat broke out across his brow.

    The curse dug into his heart with poisonous talons. Dorian

    prayed his death would be quick but the witches would never allow

    that. Every king who had come before had suffered, why would he beany different? He had known one day he would join the other chieftains

    in Hell. He had ruled for almost four hundred years, making him the

    longest reigning monarch in vampire history. It was a miracle he had

    lived this long. He had failed, just like the previous rulers, in finding

    his mate and he would die. He only hoped his demise would not come

    until he had saved his people. They needed him.

    As another wave of burning pain washed over him, he clenched

    his jaw, his teeth grinding together. A need to be loved, to be held, tobe cherished ripped at his soul until he thought he would cry out from

    the agony.


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    He refused to let the curse weaken him. Dorian gathered his

    strength and desperately tried to shove the pain aside. He pushed

    himself to his feet but had to press his back against the wall for support.

    Closing his eyes, he took in deep, calming breaths. As the emotions

    began to fade, he ran shaking hands through his hair. He pushed awayfrom the wall and stumbled to the water basin. The cool liquid was a

    blessing to his tense, heated flesh.

    Once he had regained his composure, he continued disrobing

    and reached for a fresh white shirt.

    I dont suppose you would like me tagging along to watch

    your back. The news of your presence here, Im sure, has traveled fast.

    Hunters must be swarming the city.Dorian took a quick peek into Raphaels mind and was relieved

    to find his friend had no idea what had just taken place within the

    closet. He could not afford to have his secret known.

    He cleared his throat. Youre right in assuming that I dont

    want you hanging on my coattails and I've been protecting myself for

    over threethousand years. I don't need your help, but I do appreciate

    your offer.

    Raphael rubbed the back of his neck. He hated socialgatherings and he knew that the king loathed them even more. Their

    Clan rarely held parties for that very reason. Dorian was not a social

    being; he was a warrior.

    I do understand why you are mingling with the rich and

    entitled but I am having a hard time picturing you at a ball. As boring

    and stuffy as those balls are with all those blue hairs chatting like birds,

    the young hopefuls prowling for a husband, and the men boasting


    It will be dull but I must draw the hunters attention to me.

    When Dorian stepped from the dressing room clothed as his

    title demanded, Raphael found it difficult not to laugh aloud.

    I do hope you enjoy yourself.

    Not bloody likely, Dorian snapped, noting the laughter

    dancing in his friends eyes. But I must be on my way. I am already

    late. Giving himself a quick scrutiny in the mirror, he turned to theother vampire, I trust you will take care of the Clan.

    You may rely upon me, my lord. I will set sail tonight.



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    Chapter Four

    What did I tell you? Lana smirked as she pulled Victoria

    away from her mob of admirers. She had been the center of attention

    since she walked through the door. Men crowded around her and

    argued over which one would dance with her next. Her feet ached from

    their clumsy feet and her ears rang from their boisterous voices.

    I told you that your age would not matter, nor your lack of a


    Indeed, you did, Victoria whispered back.

    And these girls certainly pale in comparison to you, Lana

    went on. You look ravishing and I'm confident that all the men here

    will agree with me.

    I had not expected to have so many suitors. How am I to


    Well, all I can say is that every girl here is jealous of you. No

    woman has ever had so many men after her at one time.

    I feel like a fox in a fox hunt.

    Yes, and they are the hounds, Lana said as she glanced back

    at the group of men watching them walk away. But you needn't pick

    one just yet, there are more parties to attend, more men to meet.

    London has a pool of young bachelors ripe for the picking.You make them sound like fruit, Victoria laughed.

    And when you hear them talking about us they make us sound

    like brood mares waiting to be bred.

    The girls giggles vibrated through the room, turning curious

    heads. They smothered their smiles and slipped from the ballroom to

    the hall.

    So, Lana began once she got her giggles under control, haveany of them caught your fancy yet? I noticed some very handsome

    gentlemen surrounding you. Would you like to add any of them to the

    list we made this morning?


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    Just about every one of them in that group, she glanced over

    her shoulder, are too young for me.

    Too young, my foot.

    If you haven't noticed, Lana, all the older and more maturemen are in the card room. Those that are in the ballroom have kept their

    distance. They must be intimidated by all the young blood.

    Lana glanced across the hall at the smoky room. Those men

    are no fun.

    Exactly, they are more serious. If I told them my predicament

    they would be more apt to understand than those featherweights

    parading themselves out on the dance floor.

    So, you don't want some jack-a-dandy. That makes sense,

    Lana said with a shrug. I don't blame you, I wouldn't want my

    husband chasing after light skirts all the time either, but the men in the

    card room have perfected the game of seductions like an art form. They

    know how to twist a woman's heart.

    Scandal is more than likely attached to their names, but I also

    think they would find a marriage in name-only more suitable.

    That is a very good point if you don't plan on having anychildren, Lana added.

    I could marry a man who already has children.

    Miss Richmond! a woman called, waving her handkerchief

    in the air.

    Lana groaned as she smoothed her dress and rolled her eyes.

    We have been spotted, she whispered.

    By whom?

    Tabitha Wisten and her mother, the two worst gossips in all of

    England, Lana said. They probably want an introduction to the

    woman who has been turning all the young men's heads. Be careful,

    she warned, they may pounce on any word you say.

    Here you are. I have been looking all over for you. Have you

    been hiding from me all night? Miss Tabitha Winsten said with a

    smile. No, of course not, Lana lied. She had deliberately stepped

    from Tabitha's view every chance she got.


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    I see that you are being quite rude, Miss Richmond, Lady

    Wisten noted, her eyes pinned on Victoria. Will you please introduce

    us to your friend?

    Yes, I'm sorry. Lady Wisten and Miss Wisten, allow me tointroduce, Miss Kingston.

    Kingston? That name sounds very familiar.

    Of course it does, Miss Wisten, we just read about Lord

    Kingston's death in the paper, the mother said. I'm sorry about your

    parents, it must be hard.

    Yes, it was hard, Victoria agreed, ignoring the woman's

    insincere tone.

    Are your son and husband in attendance this evening? Lana

    asked, changing the subject. She knew that if she did not interfere,

    Lady Wisten and her bitch of a daughter would rip into Victoria like a

    sack of grain.

    Garry is in the card room with my husband. Is any of your

    family here?

    My mother, Lana replied.

    I trust she is in good health? Lady Wisten asked, her eyes

    still fixed on Victoria who returned her stare.

    Yes, my mother is always in excellent health, thank you.

    And your aunt, Miss Kingston, is she well? I am afraid I have

    not seen much of her recently.

    She seemed in perfect health when I arrived.

    And when was that?

    Last evening.

    Don't you think attending a ball so soon after your parents

    deaths is inappropriate? I would

    Oh, mother, Miss Winsten interjected. Did you see who just


    The Wisten women craned their necks as they peered down the

    hall to the front door.

    What is he doing here? Lady Wisten asked.

    Thank god. They have someone else to talk about now. Watch

    these gossipers go, Lana whispered in Victoria's ear.


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    He has not accepted an invitation to a social gathering in

    almost two weeks.

    No doubt hes been entertaining himself with all the ladies

    that threw themselves at him at the last ball he attended, Lady Wistengrunted. I heard the widow, Lady Tillman, was spotted leaving his

    home the other day and just this morning, three gypsy women departed

    from his front door. One can only imagine the sinful things that are

    taking place in that fine house.

    Or perhaps he did not like any of the other hosts, Victoria

    suggested. She had no clue as about whom they were speaking, but she

    could not resist the urge to ruffle their feathers.

    The two Wisten women cast irritated glares at her and returnedto their chatting.

    I heard that Sir Rowels wife was seen leaving his home as


    Do you think he even received an invitation? Lady Allen

    normally doesn't approve of his type, Miss Wisten pointed out.

    My dear, his type does not need an invitation and Lady Allen

    will probably be ecstatic that he has graced her overstuffed ball with hispresence.

    His type? Victoria asked Lana in a whisper.

    I can't see the man, but I assume they are talking about Prince

    Dorian Vlakhos. He is rumored to a prince from some far-off country

    near Russia. He arrived about a month ago and quickly became the talk

    of the ton. Women flock to him every time he enters a room and,

    according to the gossip mill, he has sampled his fair share of ladies this

    season. Despite the rumors of his love making skills, he remains quite amystery.

    Well, he won't stay a mystery for too long with those two

    around. Lana smiled and they turned their ears back to the gossips.

    Have you heard about Prince Dorian, Miss Kingston? Miss

    Wisten asked.

    A little, she answered, glancing toward Lana.

    He is the most eligible bachelor this season, extremely richand titled, Lady Wisten stated.

    But he is a rake, Miss Wisten added, and it is just sinful the

    way women flaunt themselves before him.


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    He is very handsome, Lana admitted simply.

    Mother and daughter gasped at her forwardness and Victoria

    bit her lip trying not to laugh.

    I wonder how many hearts he will conquer tonight? MissWisten said. It seems that the second he enters a room all the young

    girls fall in love with him.

    He will conquer plenty I fear. You two, Lady Wisten

    snatched up both Victoria and Lana's hands, should be careful. He will

    try to steal your hearts I'm sure. Don't fall for his sugared words or his

    sinful smiles. He is a devil, that boy, and he will lead you straight to


    Being ruined by him wouldn't be so horrible, Lana


    What was that? Lady Wisten said.

    Your advice will be heeded.

    Good, she released the girl's hands and once again fixed her

    eyes on Victoria. I'm sure the last thing your parents would have

    wanted is for you to be swimming in scandal.

    I full-heartedly agree, Victoria said.

    Your mother caused enough trouble for your family, you

    needn't add to it.

    Victoria opened her mouth, a deadly insult ready on her

    tongue, but Lana pinched her arm in warning. Victoria glared at her


    It is awfully warm in here. Lady Allen really should cut her

    guest list, Lana said as she tugged on the back of Victoria's dress.

    Yes, Victoria agreed, fanning herself with her hand.

    Champagne may cool us off.

    I could certainly use a drink, Victoria mumbled under her

    breath before she turned and stomped into the ballroom, leaving Lana

    behind to excuse them.

    She snatched up a glass of champagne but did not stop. She

    smiled to a few of the men at the refreshment table and continued oninto the night. To Victoria, the cool air was refreshing and a blessing. It

    was hot beyond belief in that crowded room and her rising temper was

    no help at all. Lady Wisten's words stung. She would not be surprised if


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    the lady and her aunt were best friends. Their opinion of her dear, late

    mother was the same.

    Dorian despised parties. He hated the young girls fighting for

    his attention and he hated the jealous men. But he could not serve his

    Clan if he wasnt seen. He had to mingle with society if he was to draw

    the attention of the hunters away from his family.

    Women smiled at him, fluttered their lashes, and even winked

    at him as he made his way through the room. Some were even bolder.

    They pressed against him and quickly whispered their names andaddresses in his ear. It was the same everywhere he went. Even when

    he had been human, women would beg for him to take them to his bed.

    Ever since it got out that Lady Tillman had paid him a strictly

    social visit, he was now the talk of the ton. He had been interested in

    renting one of her properties to stable his horses and, naturally, the

    bored, twisted minds of the aristocracy would have to distort it into an

    afternoon tryst. Whoever had spread the gossip must have completely

    forgotten that Lady Tillman had entered and departed his home in thepresence of her full-grown nephew, who had taken over her financial

    affairs since the passing of her husband.

    There was no possible way he could not deny that he had taken

    lovers within the last month but he preferred his own kind. Humans

    could be so fragile. His few tumbles had been with vampires and those

    very talented gypsy women.

    Dorian shook hands with a few of the men and exchanged

    pleasant words with a few of the more respectable ladies before hedashed outside. He took in a deep breath of the fresh night air and

    spared a glance up at the moon. The sky was not as clear as it was back

    home and he found it irritating. The one thing that had ever given him

    peace was the brilliant shine of the moon.

    It isn't as clear as the country.

    I'm sorry?

    The sky. It is clearer in the country, Victoria said as shestepped from the shadows of the trees.

    The man turned to face her and she gasped as if she had been

    struck. He was tall, taller than any man she had ever seen, muscled and


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    thick. Strands of deep brown hair fell across his angelic yet masculine

    face, her fingers twitched with the desire to brush them away from his

    magnificent eyes. Those fathoms of blue were like the sea after a

    tremendous storm, piercing, penetrating, and exotic. His jaw was

    straight and square, his lips thin and alluring. He was absolutelybeautiful, in a dangerous, very masculine way.

    Yes. Dorians delicious lips turned up in a smile.

    His husky voice moved over her skin like a caress, her entire

    body was aflame as his smoldering gaze that roamed over her, leaving

    nothing untouched.

    Dorian was swept away by this young woman's beauty. She

    looked like an ancient goddess. Her nearly black hair sat in tightringlets atop her head. He could see every detail of her face in the

    moonlight. Her deep, green eyes framed with long, flirting lashes, her

    slim nose, perfectly molded cheekbones, and lush lips that would tempt

    any man. His eyes slowly moved down the length of her bare neck,

    over her slender shoulders, and paused for the briefest of moments on

    her full breasts then continued their journey across her waist and hips,

    all the way down to the hem of her gown.

    Victoria shook her head trying to remember why it was she hadcome outside. She commanded herself to think and forced the thick,

    sensual haze from her mind. She turned her eyes back to the man and

    found that his had never once left her. The way he studied her was

    beginning to grow irksome and she had the sudden desire to slap that

    satisfied smirk off his face.

    I do believe you are staring, sir.

    I am, he said, his smile widening. And he wasn't finished.

    He looked her over once more, much to Victoria's aggravation. Doyou belong to anyone? he asked.

    Belong, sir?


    I dont believe that is any of your business.

    Ah, no one? he said, his interest rising.

    That is not what I said.

    And why is it that such a beautiful woman belongs to no



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    I'm not married or engaged, she stated then snapped her

    mouth shut. She should not have given this seductive man that

    information. In his hands the knowledge could be dangerous.

    I concluded that, but surely your parentsVictoria tilted her chin up. My parents have recently passed


    I'm sorry, he apologized, his smile gone.

    Why should you be? You didn't know them, she stated,

    fighting the tears that threatened to fall. Now was not the time to cry,

    not in front of him, even if she had the desperate desire to feel his

    strong arms around her.

    The little kitten has claws, Dorian said intrigued. I like


    She laughed. It was a warm sound that made him want to kiss

    those rich lips of hers.

    You are trying to make me blush, but it won't work. Ive dealt

    with men like you before.

    It was Dorian's turn to laugh now. She had never dealt with

    anyone like him. He was no ordinary man. He was a vampire king.

    Men like me, kitten? he asked when he had finally gained

    control of his laughter.

    Yes, she said with a nod, her irritation growing. He had

    laughed at her. Did he think she was a young nave chit who knew

    nothing of men and their ways?

    You are the rakish type whose only talent is seducing innocent


    That is not my only talent. Although I must admit, his smile

    turned devilish, it is one of my favorites. He took a step forward.

    Tell me your name, sweetheart, his voice was bewitching, smooth,

    and elegant.

    Her name? Her name? Her mind was a whirlwind of sinful

    images, tender caresses, and feather light kisses. Her name? How could

    she have forgotten her name?

    Dorian chuckled at her confusion. She looked so sweet, her

    emerald eyes glazed over with passion. Her lips parted and moist, and

    he took another step.


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    Please, a name, my lady, he begged, moving closer.

    My name? she asked herself. IMy She shook her head,

    clearing it of its sinful haze and announced, at long last, Victoria

    Kingston.Victoria, he repeated with a nod. A gorgeous name, it suits

    you well. Another step, now they stood a breath apart. He could feel

    the heat from her body; her rapid heartbeat was music to his ears. This

    woman was a treat and it appeared that he would no longer need to

    amuse himself with gypsies and vampire whores. His policy was to not

    bed women who were members of fickle court life but he was more

    than willing to make an exception for this girl. She was a delicacy and

    everyone deserved a little indulgence once in a while.Victoria backed away; she could not allow herself to be so

    close to him. He was a libertine and she could not afford to be seduced.

    She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak, but

    before she could say a word, he announced, I am Dorian Vlakhos.

    Her eyes flew wide. This was the man about whom Lady

    Wisten had warned her. This was the prince who had caused such a stir.

    Now she understood why the women were fawning over him. He was

    everything he was said to be, a devilishly handsome man with who hadseduction on his mind and she was out on the terrace alone with the

    rake. He could ruin her. He could tarnish her good name. Panic began

    to flutter in her belly.

    Well, Your Royal Highness

    Call me Dorian.

    Your Royal Highness

    Its much less of a mouthful to say.

    Prince Dorian

    As you please, he said with a shrug.

    Your Royal Highness, she snapped. I really must be getting

    back to the party. My friend is waiting. She moved to step around him,

    but he caught her arm and pulled her back.

    Not yet.

    Victoria sighed in exasperation. Prince Dorian, I have no

    desire to become another one of your conquests for this season.


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    I just want us to become better acquainted, Dorian stated.

    And we will, he added with a raised brow.

    No, she declared, yanking her arm back. We won't. She

    turned on her heel and stormed back into the house.Dorian watched her with a smile on his face. He could not

    remember the last time he had smiled and this girl had him smiling like

    a fool. He fought the urge to go after her, pull her back outside, and

    into the shadows where he could make good his promise.

    Victoria Kingston was going to be a tough skirt to catch, but he

    was not a man who backed down from such a challenge, especially not

    when the reward was so sweet.


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    Chapter Five

    Dorian reclined in a high-backed armchair, his feet propped on

    a footstool as he waited for his host to arrive. He had requested an

    audience with an old ally, a vampire who belonged to no clan, an

    outcast in their society. Dorian stood when the sound of footstepspricked his ears. The door opened and the vampire greeted him with a


    So formal, my lord? You dont have to stand when I enter the

    room. Please, be seated, Gabriel urged as he closed the door. We will

    not be disturbed here. The women and servants know not to bother me

    unless a fight is happening or if someone wins big money.

    You have them well trained, Dorian said with a light

    chuckle, resuming his seat.

    Ive barked and snarled at them a few times; they are dumb-

    witted humans but they understand threats. Crossing to a table upon

    which lay several decanters and crystal glasses on a tray, the vampire

    asked, Would you like a drink?

    I thought that we could share this. Dorian slipped a hand

    inside his coat and pulled out a golden flask. I brought it from home.

    Unscrewing the cap was all he needed to do to make his friend smile.

    The scent of the alcohol was strong. It was truly the only liquor uponwhich a vampire could get drunk. Dorians Clan was the only one that

    knew the secret of the brew.

    I cant remember the last time I had the pleasure of drinking

    Silver Moon. Give it here.

    Dorian chuckled and forfeited the bottle. You are looking

    well, Gabriel.

    As are you, the vampire noted as he poured the liquor.

    London must agree with you.

    Its better than some places, Gabriel said with a shrug.


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    Dorian nodded. This vampire had a tortured past. His face was

    young and beautiful, but despite his youthful looks, his eyes told an

    entirely different story. Gabriel was a vampire whom no one should

    ever underestimate.

    But I wont be here too much longer, Gabriel sighed,

    handing Dorian a glass of the glowing, silver liquid. He took a seat in

    the armchair next to the king. I will be heading to America at the end

    of the month. Its a booming, rising country. They are having their

    troubles but who doesnt have troubles?

    Are you going to be closing down here?

    Yes. He took a sip. London is done for me. I need some

    place new.

    I didnt know you were planning on packing up and moving. I

    suppose now the reason for my visit means nothing. I came to inquire

    on how my being here in London has affected your business.

    The hunters you have brought with you havent disturbed me.

    Everyone and everything knows that this seedy part of the city belongs

    to me. The witches know to stay off my territory. Besides, I have

    roving guards to pick off any trouble makers.

    Dorian was impressed. Gabriel had been making a name for

    himself in the underworld.

    Ive heard a rumor recently, Dorian began before taking a

    drink. Boras is planning on unifying the outcasts.

    Yes, that is indeed his plan. I dont give dont care whose

    businesses he takes over or whose territory he claims as his own just as

    long as he doesnt come anywhere near mine. Ive given him a

    warning. Boras better not interfere with what is mine or there will behell to pay. I keep whatever belongs to me. Gabriel turned to Dorian

    and asked, What does the royalty think about an outcast forming a


    I can only offer you my opinion. I never speak for others, but I

    feel the same as you. As long as Boras stays away from my Clan, allies,

    and businesses, then he can do whatever he likes.

    Gabriel propped his feet up on the short table in front of him.

    Boras would be a fool to think he could threaten a clan. He

    doesnt have the strength himself not to mention his army would be

    made up of outcasts, typically the weaker beings of our society.


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    You have quite the following yourself, Gabriel, Dorian

    pointed out. I imagine many vampires will be joining you on your

    voyage to America.

    They are free to make their own choices. If they choose tofollow me then they are welcome. They will be provided with work,

    shelter, protection, and food.

    By the looks of this room I would say your gambling business

    is doing well.

    Very well, Gabriel boasted. I plan to set up a couple

    gambling halls in America. Im heading to New York and maybe down

    to New Orleans. I might even work my way out west.

    Taverns are popular among all classes of society.

    A knock sounded on the door. Gabriel beckoned for the

    intruder to enter. It was his vassal.

    The guards caught a witch snooping about.

    Lock him up, Gabriel said.

    The servant nodded and retreated.

    I assume you were followed, he said to the chieftain beforedowning the rest of his drink.

    Of that I have no doubt.

    Ive received word from the continent that your Clan is slowly

    being exterminated.

    Unfortunately, that is true. I have come to London hoping to

    draw some, if not all, the attention away from my people. Hunters have

    followed me, but not as many as I would have liked. I am hoping with

    my appearances at London's ton gatherings I will attract more of the

    witches interest.

    I have a feeling the witch sitting in a cell in my basement is

    more interested in conversing with you than with me.

    Its a Red Order witch you have, Dorian stated. I can smell

    his blood.

    Gabriel studied his friend for a moment. That comment had

    caught him off guard. Generally, Dorian had his powers in check,keeping them in a stranglehold. Gabriel couldnt smell the blood. He

    was nowhere near as old as Dorian nor was he as powerful, but to pick


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    up the scent of magic in blood was difficult. This could only mean that

    the beast within Dorian was stirring and growing hungry.

    I would like you to do me a favor, Gabriel.

    Name it and it shall be done.

    I would like your men to thin out the herd of hunters for me

    while youre still here. I will be doing my own patrols every night, but

    it would be useful if I had a little help. I want to kill as many of these

    bastards as I can.

    It will be our pleasure, Dorian. I havent been on a good hunt

    in years. I must admit that I am a bit sad mercenaries arent in such a

    high demand these days. I thoroughly enjoyed that line of work.

    I did too.

    Would you like me to start with the one in the cell


    No. Dorian stood. Use him as bait.

    I will do what I can to help out.

    Dorian shook Gabriels hand. You may keep that bottle as my

    token of thanks.I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to drunkenly falling into

    my bed in the morning, he said laughingly.

    I must be taking my leave. I have a pressing engagement and

    beautiful prey to stalk.

    Gabriel laughed and raised his glass. Happy hunting.


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    Chapter Six

    The room was filled with guests; their voices rumbled the

    walls. Victoria longed to be alone in a quiet place where she could read

    or draw, but the Henningss house would not be it, neither would her

    aunts. She would receive no privacy or peace anywhere she went.The work was just finished last week.

    I hear that you completely remodeled the majority of the

    rooms, Lord Rogers said from his seat beside Victoria on the lightly

    shaded, floral sofa.

    Yes, I did. Would you like a tour? the woman asked.


    I think we would all like a tour, Miss Winsten agreed,standing.

    Rogers held out his arm to Victoria who quickly took it and

    allowed him to lead her after the line of guests that were now following

    their hostess, Lady Hennings.

    As they weaved in and out of the rooms, Victoria took the time

    to study Lord Rogers. He was the best kind of gentleman, as far as she

    could tell. He was young and handsome with thick, blond hair and

    warm, brown eyes. His smile was genuine and his laughter inviting. Hewas a man of considerable wealth and courtesy, from what she had

    heard, and he seemed to have a great interest in her after their first

    meeting at Lady Allens ball. He was at the top of her list, but Lord

    Rogers did not rob her of her thoughts with a smile.

    Victoria chewed her bottom lip in thought. That insufferable

    prince had wrapped her up tight in his cloak of seduction. Since their

    meeting, two nights ago, she could not tear her thoughts away from

    him, but it was hopeless to dream about a man whom she could neverhave.

    Is something wrong? Lord Rogers asked.


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    No. Why?

    You were practically gnawing your lip off, he smiled.

    Oh, she gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. Her

    fingertips brushed lightly against her swollen lip and she winced. Iwas thinking.

    He chuckled and took her hand in his. He rubbed the pad of his

    thumb over her lip gently and smiled.

    Hard I would say.

    Yes. She smiled awkwardly. His touch was forward and not

    at all invited.

    The next room is the one that my husband insisted that werefurnish, Lady Hennings announced. It is the library.

    Victoria was shocked when they entered the massive room.

    Books lined every wall and stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

    I just love books, she whispered in awe.

    Her eyes were wide and full of happiness as she walked to the

    center of her personal heaven.

    They are mostly foreign, Lady Hennings stateddisparagingly.

    Really? Victoria asked excitedly, paying no attention to the

    womans tone.

    I hope you have a library at your home, Lord Rogers, Lana

    whispered with a mischievous smile.

    Lord Rogers nodded and watched as Victoria twirled about the

    room like a child, but Lady Hennings was already leading the tour on toanother room. He could not spoil her enjoyment. He continued on with

    the group assuring her that he would return when the tour was finished.

    Victoria was so caught up in the splendor of the great library

    that she had not heard the door close and lock.

    Dorian leaned against the doors, his dark eyes following her

    about the room. She plucked a book from its resting place and began to

    thumb through it, a bright smile lighting up her beautiful face. So he

    waited for her to notice him. It did not take long.

    She turned and the smile instantly vanished.


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    Prince Dorian, she gasped, her voice would have been

    inaudible if he were human. She cleared her throat and snapped the

    book shut once she conquered her surprise. I had no idea you were

    coming to this party. When did you arrive?

    A few moments ago, he said as he pushed his large form

    away from the doors.

    Why didn't you continue on with the others?

    They don't interest me.

    I don't think we

    Lord Rogers, he continued, his voice turning hard. Is he a

    friend of yours?Victoria's grip on the book tightened as he drew nearer.

    Yes, and I don't see how that is any business of yours.

    I beg to differ. Since you are fixed on marrying, I hope you

    find a man of whom you will quickly tire.

    Who informed you of my desire for a husband?

    Dorian shrugged. What young lady doesnt want a husband?

    Besides, I have heard rumors that you are prowling around. He smiled

    Her eyes narrowed.

    I do wish you luck. The sooner you become tired of your

    marriage bed the sooner you will come to mine. Rogers, from what I

    know of him, is a great and upstanding gentleman. He is perfect for a

    nice girl, such as you, to marry. But he is also the kind of man that a

    woman would become bored with easily. Have you tried to have a

    conversation with the man? He talks mostly of the weather and his fine


    He is not my only suitor. I have a long list full of others.

    If the rest are anything like him, I promise you will come

    happily to my bed.

    Is that a fact? she said, her chin stubbornly tilted up.

    That, he smiled, is a fact and I'm willing to wait.

    I will never come skipping to your bed.I have all the time in the world, he assured her with a shrug.

    I can wait.

    I think its time we rejoin the group, she said.


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    Why? They don't know I have arrived and your friends know

    where to find you.

    It is hardly decent for us to be alone.

    Well, he crossed the room with measured strides, lookaround you, kitten, he said spreading his arms wide, there is no one

    here to see us. We are completely alone.

    They now stood an embrace apart. Victoria clutched the book

    even tighter, her knuckles turning white. She began to chew on her

    bottom lip nervously and grimaced as a bead of blood welled.

    Dorian gazed at the tempting, crimson droplet that colored her

    luscious lips. He immediately closed the space between them and

    slowly slid his hand over the delicate flesh of her throat and cupped the

    back of her neck. He could hear her pulse jump and her breath quicken.

    He could smell her arousal and, when he looked into her eyes, he was

    lost in pools of emerald desire. She wanted him to kiss her. She needed

    him to kiss her.

    He slipped his arm about her waist pulling her against him. His

    hand resting on her hip its heat burning through the thin material of her

    gown. He bent his head, his eyes the darkest of blue. He kissed the

    corner of her mouth and swept his tongue gently over the tiny bead ofblood. He had never tasted anything so sweet.

    Victoria closed her eyes savoring the pleasure of his light

    caress and when his lips pressed fully to hers she surrendered

    completely. The loud thud of the book hitting the floor met deaf ears.

    Dorian's grip on her waist tightened as he deepened the kiss.

    He did not want to frighten her with his desire and he struggled to hold

    on to the thin strands of his sanity. He could not remember the last

    time he had wanted anything, anyone so badly. It was the hardest thing

    he had ever done, chaining his passion, when his body demanded that

    he take her. The beast within him roared for her. Never had he reacted

    like this to any woman. She was different, special.

    He made her mindless with his ever-demanding kiss, his

    tongue playing and dueling with her own. His hand had slipped from

    her neck and was now massaging her shoulder. His strong fingers

    branded her soft flesh and, when they began to knead her breast, she

    groaned in pleasure. Dorians lips left hers and blazed a fiery trail down

    her throat pausing a moment to run his velvet tongue over her enticing

    pulse. She gripped his massive shoulders as he bent her slowly over his

    arm and sprinkled feather light kisses over the tops of her breasts.


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    She was helpless against his prowess and was utterly seduced.

    She was ready and willing to do whatever it was he wanted, Dorian

    smiled with satisfaction. He lifted her and set her on the desk just

    behind them. His thumbs hooked in the small sleeves of her dress and

    he nipped at her shoulder as he dragged the material down.

    Victoria clutched at his shirt wanting to tear it to shreds. She

    needed to feel his hard body against hers.

    Miss Kingston, Rogers called as he tried the knob of the

    locked door.

    Dorian cursed. He could kill that man. He reluctantly pulled

    away and straightened her sleeves. He set Victoria back on her feet, her

    eyes still closed, lips still parted, and cheeks flushed. She was beautifuland he could only imagine what she would look like in his bed, beneath

    him. He smiled to himself when her eyes finally fluttered open; she had

    not heard Rogers at the door. She gazed up at him confused. Then, as

    she regained her elegant composure, her emerald eyes narrowed and

    impaled him. If he were a mortal man her intense stare would have set

    him aflame.

    He saw her hand rise and felt the hard slap she delivered. He

    smiled and fingered his jaw.I suppose that means we will be finishing this later.

    She raised her hand again but he caught her wrist. I deserved

    one but I won't allow you a second.

    Victoria snatched her hand away and pushed him aside so she

    could pass. There will never be a later, she snapped, her voice low

    and threatening.

    She turned on her heel and headed to the doors. Releasing thelock, she threw the door wide open. Rogers stood smiling like a

    schoolboy and Victoria roughly took his arm and practically dragged

    the man down the hall. Dorian watched amused. Her temper was

    glorious and he loved it. It had been hundreds of years since anyone

    had been so open with him. He appreciated her honest anger. He idly

    rubbed his jaw and grinned. His kitten had claws.

    Dinner was being served. Rogers seated Victoria then moved to

    the chair on her right.It is too bad you missed the rest of the tour, Tabitha tripped

    over her clumsy feet, bumped into a table, and knocked one of Lady


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    Hennings's Italian vases to the ground, Lana whispered. It was


    Dorian entered the dining room and all conversation stopped.

    Your Royal Highness, Lady Hennings said coming to herfeet. I had no idea you were here. Please, have a seat.

    Thank you.

    Every eye watched as he took the only remaining seat.

    Good evening, Miss Kingston, he said as he sat directly

    across from her.

    You two know each other? Miss Wisten asked.

    Victoria clenched her teeth, anger sparking in her eyes.

    We met at Lady Allens ball the other night, he answered.

    You did? Lana exclaimed, surprised that Victoria had not

    told her.

    Every eye now was turned to Victoria. She knew the thoughts

    that must be running through their minds. If she had not told her best

    friend about their encounter she must be hiding something.

    You arrived just in time, Your Highness, we just sat down to

    dine, Lady Wisten said. It is too bad that you missed the tour, Lady

    Hennings has preformed marvels with her home.

    You don't say? I would like to hear about it.

    Dorian had started the conversation and everyone slipped into

    it easily. Jokes were told and the laughter was loud. The food was

    delicious and the wine exquisite, but throughout the entire meal Dorian

    did not eat a sliver of meat or vegetable and only took a few sips ofwine. He occasionally participated in various conversations, but there

    was one thing he did constantly during the meal that everyone took

    noticed of, his eyes never left Victoria Kingston.

    Victoria had tried to ignore him, tried to pretend that he was

    not there, but she could not. He had such a demanding aura and figure

    that her eyes kept drifting back towards him. Every time their gazes

    met, he would smile a dangerously seductive smile and she would

    remember how that very smile tasted.Once the meal had ended, the men went off to play cards and

    enjoy their brandies while the women retired to the drawing room.

    Victoria did not wish to face the interrogation she would undoubtedly


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    receive from the gossips and so she claimed that a headache plagued


    It would be terrible if you fell ill, Lady Wisten said.

    Oh no, I just need some rest is all, Victoria said

    I hope you feel better in the morning and do not miss my

    picnic tomorrow, Lady Stevens said.

    I wouldnt miss it, she assured the group.

    Will you be staying, Miss Richmond? Miss Wisten asked.

    No, I really should take Miss Kingston home and see that she

    is well looked after. Good evening.

    The women bid farewell and all wished Victoria good health

    before the pair were escorted to the door by the butler.

    Victoria did not relax until they entered the coach and pulled

    away, sighed and sank down to lay across the rich, red velvet-covered


    I'm sorry I didn't tell you I met the prince.

    I don't care about that, Lana said waving her hand. It was

    just a bit of a surprise thats all. What I would like to know is if youhave added him to your list.

    My list? Good heavens, no, Victoria announced, shooting up.

    He is unsuitable.

    Unsuitable? Lana asked, raising an eyebrow. Hardly. He

    would make a perfect husband. He is rich, handsome as the devil

    himself, and rumored to be a great lover.

    That last part is what makes him unsuitable.

    I hate to disappoint you, Tory, but a man can change. Take my

    brother for instance. He was a rakehell and many unfavorable rumors

    followed him. We all feared that he would never marry and curb his

    lustful ways, but he did. He is absolutely head over heels for his wife,

    Carol. So you see? The prince could change.

    Victoria sat up and gazed out the window.

    I saw the way he was looking at you, Lana stated. And if I

    were you, I would put him at the top of my list and pray that the rumorsof his sexual skills are true.

    Victoria could not help but laugh at Lanas forwardness. She

    was a woman who always said what was on her mind. Unfortunately,


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    she did not have that luxury. Victoria needed to be the pretty, meek,

    and somewhat silent type to snatch a rich husband quickly.


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    Chapter Seven

    Dorian was pleased with himself. The party had gone well. He

    removed his greatcoat and tossed it to Dobbins then collapsed on the

    plush sofa. He folded his arms across his chest and smiled to himself.

    His fire-spitting kitten was not as indifferent to him as she pretended.She may shoot daggers at him with her eyes and slice him to bits with

    her tongue, but she desired him. He could taste it in her kiss and feel it

    in the warmth of her body. However, she would not give in easily. He

    knew that she would take great care in never being alone with him

    again. She would avoid him and be on her guard, which only meant he

    would have to try harder.

    My lord? Dobbins asked from the other side of the studys


    Come in, Dorian called, sitting up.

    Your mail, sir.

    Thank you. Dorian took the small stack of papers offered to

    him and stood, sparing a glance at Dobbins. Everything well?

    No, my lord, the butler answered, his voice quaking.


    No, Dobbins repeated. There is a young man here for you.He arrived just after you left for your meeting with Sir Gabriel. He is in

    bad shape. The poor lad has been attacked.

    Where is he? Dorian demanded. He had been so completely

    consumed by his thoughts of Victoria that he had not noticed the aroma

    of young blood that filled his home.

    He is in the guest quarters. He says that he has a message for

    you.A message? Dorian whispered to himself as he took his seat

    behind his wide desk. Bring him here, Dobbins.

    The servant nodded and hurried off.


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    Dorians brow knitted in a frown. He knew the message must

    be from a hunter. His plan was working; the bloodthirsty witches had

    followed him. He just wondered which hunter would be brave enough

    and depraved enough to send a bloody messenger directly to him.

    The scent of blood polluted the air and Dorian cringed

    inwardly as Dobbins helped the boy into the room.

    My lord, the boy groaned.

    Set him on the sofa, Dorian instructed, shooting to his feet.

    Dobbins gently set the injured messenger down.

    Sir, the lad said again as he reached into his blood-soaked

    pocket, I have a letter for you. He held out the parchment, his handshaking. Dobbins took the note, broke the wax seal, and handed it to his


    Who did this to you? Dorian asked. Ignoring the paper for

    the moment, he set it on his desk. Did you see them?

    The boy shook his head and winced as pain rippled down his

    spine. I was sleeping on a bench in the park when I was attacked.

    Did he say anything to you?

    He said that if I didnt find you and the messenger moaned

    and doubled over in agony, give you that letter, he panted, he would

    kill me.

    Dobbins, take the boy back to his room and Ill have Mrs.

    Dobbins tend to him.

    Dobbins leaned across the desk and whispered, I dont think

    the boy will last through the night, sir. Mrs. Dobbins cant help him.

    Death has marked this lad.

    Yes, but it hasnt taken him, Dorian whispered back. Then,

    to the boy, he said, You will be cared for here. You neednt worry.

    The butler grumbled and helped the boy to his feet.

    Once the study was empty, Dorian pulled open the top drawer

    of his desk and removed an ancient dagger. He fingered the tip then

    slowly ran the blade across his palm drawing blood. He willed the

    wound to stay open as he allowed blood to drip into a brandy glass.When the bottom of the glass was covered, the wound promptly



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    Mrs. Dobbins, he called. Dobbins wife poked her head into

    the study. Mix it with some tea and take it to the boy.

    Are you sure you wish to use your blood? Mine should

    Mine is guaranteed to work, he stated. See to it that he isproperly fed, bathed, and, in the morning, send him to Mr. Crumbells

    home. I know he can use a new stable boy.

    Mr. Crumbells stable boy had quickly met his end earlier this

    evening after Gabriel had used the young witch as bait.

    Yes, my lord. She curtsied and took up the glass.

    Dorian waited until Mrs. Dobbins to close the door before

    returning to his seat. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, thensnatched up the note.

    Mark Wright, he read with a scoff. I should have known.

    The hunter had the biggest ego he had ever encountered in his long life.

    It was no wonder that he would be the one to follow him to London and

    send a battered messenger to his front step. That little bastard was

    trying to intimidate him. Of all the brainless and Dorian froze as he

    read the last line.

    Damn it, he growled as he crumpled the note and viciouslythrew it to the floor.

    The hunter knew about Victoria; that fact sent a shiver down

    his spine.

    I dont think you want anything to happen to your precious

    human, Victoria Kingston, Dorian repeated to himself. He slammed his

    fist on the desk.

    That hunter had no idea with whom he was dealing with.Wright hoped to frighten him with his knowledge of Victoria, but

    instead he enraged him. How dare he threaten to take what belonged to


    Dorian started in surprise at his own thoughts.

    He knew he was a possessive man. It was in his nature, but

    possessive of a human? A mortal he had only met two days ago? There

    were plenty of them walking the earth. Why should he care about this

    one? He desired her and wanted nothing more than to get her in his bed,but after a few nights of passion it would be over and he would move

    on. That was always the way of it. So why should he care that Wright

    was threatening her life?


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    He leaned back in his chair and propped his large feet on the


    What could make him feel this way? She was a special woman,

    he knew. She was brave, intelligent, determined, passionate, andhonest. She never hid her emotions from him. Even when he was

    human, people guarded themselves, never showing or telling him what

    they truly felt. They had shied away from him, scurried off when he

    entered a room. He had been a great, ancient warlord who had fought to

    gain all that he had.

    Victoria was different. She was hot and cold, sweet and sour,

    and he loved it. Her lavender scent was refreshing, innocent, and

    seductive. Her eyes were mesmerizing, her lips inviting. He longed tofeel her warm, soft body beneath his, her legs wrapped around his hips.

    His fangs sprang free as he imagined burying himself deep inside her

    over and over again as her sweet, spicy blood slipped down his throat.

    He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. He was more

    than just physically attracted to her but what other kind of attraction

    was there?

    He absently rubbed his chest. Ever since he had met Victoria

    the curse had not attacked him. Sorrow and loneliness had not ripped athim. They had not crept up on him while he was alone, nor did they

    haunt his dreams.

    His hand paused over his heart, a frown darkening his brow.

    What did all this mean?


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    Chapter Eight

    It was a beautiful day for a picnic. The sun was bright, the air

    was warm, and a fresh breeze blew, tickling the hairs on the back of

    Victorias neck. She sat on the white blanket with the titled ladies, eachdelicately holding their parasols. Victoria noted that she was the only

    one not wearing laced gloves. She knew that it bespoke of her lack of

    wealth but she didnt care. She had never liked wearing gloves.

    Children ran about freely, flying kites and chasing each other.

    Victoria had wanted to bring Margaret along but Aunt Nelly would not

    have it and refused to give a reason for her decision. Margaret could

    use some time in the fresh air and she would have enjoyed frolicking

    with other children. If she were to grow up in London it would not besuch a bad idea for her to make friends.

    Did you invite Prince Dorian?

    Hearing his name shattered her thoughts. She turned and

    frowned at Lana who only smiled back.

    Yes indeed. I sent him an invitation, Lady Stevens said.

    Why do you ask, Mrs. Richmond? Miss Wisten pressed, her

    eyebrows raised.Lana ignored the suspicious glances of the women surrounding

    her and sipped her tea. I was just wondering if he would be gracing us

    with his presence on this fine afternoon.

    I heard one of the most vulgar things this morning about the

    prince, Lady Wisten stated.

    The women set their cups down in anticipation, except Victoria

    and Lana, who both rolled their eyes at the gossipers.Do tell, Lady Hennings urged.


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    I was told, by a very respectable source, that last night before

    your dinner party, Lady Hennings, he was seen entering and leaving

    Willows from the back door.

    Gasps and murmurs took over the crowd.Leaning toward Lana, Victoria asked, What does that have to

    do with anything?

    Everyone knows that Willows is a popular place for the men

    to visit. It is respectable to enter Willows from the front entrance as

    only gambling and drinking take place in the front. But whoring,

    paying off large debts, and seriously dangerous business goes on in the

    back. Its quite damning for a titled and wealthy gentleman to be seen

    coming from that door.

    No doubt he was visiting the women there, one lady said

    with a huff.

    Perhaps he has lost his fortune playing cards, another added.

    Only vermin do business there.

    He does appear to be quite the philanderer, Lady Hennings


    I'm shocked that Beatrice allowed her daughter to dance with

    him at Lady Allens ball. It could ruin her reputation and all her marital

    prospects, Lady Hennings added.

    A dance is harmless, Lana protested.

    It wasnt the dance, it was the way he was holding her, the

    older woman clarified. Her reply was met with agreeing nods and more


    Do you all remember the first ball he attended? He dancedwith Lisa Norse and her engagement was ended the very next day,

    Miss Wisten added.

    Perhaps that is the reason Prince Dorian does not attend many

    balls, he doesn't wish to upset others lives, Lana said. And I doubt

    that he is out to seduce every woman in London.

    Just me, it would seem, Victoria thought.

    I wonder if any of the young women this season will ensnarehim. It would seem that all the great rakes find a wife in their later

    years, Lady Wisten said, reaching for a teacake.


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    He is hardly old, Lady Stevens said. But at the rate he is

    going he is bound to be caught by some lovely lady.

    Victoria clenched her teeth. For some unexplainable reason

    their gossip rubbed her nerves. Yes, she knew full well that he was outto seduce her, but they were not privy to that fact. These women were

    out for blood, trying to damage his name. Even though she felt no great

    love for the man, she did not think it was fair that they should be

    tearing him apart with rumors and suspicions. Venomous tongues were

    what destroyed her mothers reputation. Rumors and falsehoods

    surrounded her parents marriage and they had driven them out of


    Caught indeed, Lady Hennings agreed with a nod. At theend of the season he will most likely have ten bastards on the way. He

    probably wont marry any of the mothers.

    I seriously doubt that he is so lacking in honor. How dare you

    speak of the man in such a distasteful manner when he is not present

    and therefore cannot defend himself.

    Victoria was shocked by her words, as was everyone else. She

    felt as if she should protect Dorian. He may be a libertine but he did not

    seem to be a dishonorable man. He never once played her falsely.Dorian had been honest, he admitted he wanted her from the start, and

    she respected him for that.

    I think the rumors speak for themselves, Lady Hennings

    countered with a dismissive shrug.

    They are rumors, Victoria tossed back as she came to her

    feet. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll be leaving. Lana, Ill meet you

    later this evening. I need to take a walk.

    Victoria could not get out of the garden fast enough. Lord

    Rogers waved to her from where the men stood. He had brought three

    of his finest horses with him today Lord Stevens having mentioned at

    the dinner party the night before how much he would like to purchase

    one. She waved back but did not stop; she was in no condition to flirt.

    Many of the men on her list were present this afternoon but she was not

    in the mood for interviews. Another ball would be held later in the

    week and she decided that would provide a better opportunity to get to

    know her suitors.

    Her heart was racing. She knew she should not have interfered

    on Dorian's behalf, now those busybodies were going to go blabbing all


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    over town how she and Dorian were having an affair. That was just the

    rumor she needed to circle the ton while she searched for a husband.

    She stomped across the well-manicured lawn, her eyes on the

    ground as she silently cursed herself for being a fool. She was about toround the corner of the house when she suddenly slammed into

    something very hard. Victoria looked up, an apology ready on her

    tongue, but she quickly bit it back and snapped, I defended you.

    Well, thank you, Dorian replied in confusion.

    That was not a smart thing to do.

    Why not?

    Do you know what they will think of me now?Dorian gazed down at her with a smile. She had the most

    adorable face, her anger narrowing her thin brows, her annoyance

    pouting her lips. She was a vision even when she was in a temper.

    What who will think?

    He had no desire to read her mind to find the answer. This was

    quite an amusing game.

    When her eyes met his, she gasped and covered her mouth withher hand.

    I shouldn't have told you. It is not your concern. A hot flush

    of embarrassment crept up her throat to set her cheeks on fire. Needing

    to change the subject, she asked, What are you doing here?

    I was invited.

    Oh, she sighed, gathering herself. I knew that.

    She had told him that she had stood up for him and that stupidsmile on his face told her he was happy. Now he would have no doubt

    that she No! She did not like him. She could not! He would only

    ruin her. She could not lose her sister. But even those thoughts did not

    change the fact that she could not stop thinking about the kiss they had

    shared, the way his lips felt against hers, how his warm his fingers felt

    on her skin. She could not help but wonder what else would have

    happened in that library if Rogers had not rudely interrupted. She

    chided herself mentally once more. Lord Rogers had saved her from


    And what are you doing? Shouldnt you be in the garden with

    the ladies?


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    I'm walking home.

    Allow me to escort you.

    I can get there all by myself, thank you.

    The Stevenss house isnt exactly in the heart of the city, my

    kitten. Youre a long way from home if you mean to travel by foot. My

    carriage is right over there, he said, pointing to the black box with

    midnight-blue velvet curtains covering the windows. The stable boy

    took the horses but Im certain I can get them back, he added with a

    light chuckle.

    No, she snarled. I mean, no, thank you. I need to walk. I

    need to clear my head.

    Dorian ignored her protests, took her by the arm, and began to

    tug her across the driveway to the collection of carriages. She dragged

    her feet and struggled to free her arm, but it was no use, his hand was

    like an ir