:,t :,.) , :- '/ ; La . t / (.' " -lt; (.) (3) \vircr.c tirc-Ciricf of 'thc Canadirrn Witdlife Sclvice or tlrc Chicf Provin- cial daine O1lccr of A,Ianitoba is of opinion that Whooping Crane may be in the XIa:,itoba Sanclhil] Crane Nlalragen'.ent Area during tire period specified in Pari VIi of Schcdule A as the opcn season for sandhill crane in that area, such 1m.". may pr.ohibit thc hr-rnting of Sancthill Crane in that area and forthwith tirer.caftcr no pcrson shaII hunt oI kill Sandhill Crane in that area during that yeai:. Ad(lttionol Shootinll Rcstrictions tn Saskatcheusan 22r\. Wlrcrc tl.ie Clricf of the Canadian Wildlife Scrvice or the Chief ProviDcial canrc ofllccr of saskatchcrvatr is of opinion that-whooping crane ;;-;;;,.' ori"rl.n numccl i* thc Table in Pa.t VIII of Schedule A during the p"iioa specificd ii-r that Tablc as opcn scason for Sa'dhil1 Crane in that area' such Olticer ,",r"y prohit it, the lruptiirg oi Sandhill Crale in that alea, and forth- u,itjr thcrcafter no p".ron shall huni or kill Sandhill Crane in that area during that ycar. Adcliliorral slrooting Rcstrictions in' British' Columbta 22F.. (1 ) In the Provincc oI Blitisli Columbia in thc portion of the Lower Ir{ainlarrd linown as Bounclary Ea},, in t}-re Nlunicipality of Delta, tying west of a straight line drarvrt due solriit Iront the south cnd of Benson Road to its inter- seclion rvith tire 49th parallcl of north latitude' no person shall (o) hunt braui, sct out brant. dccoys or guicte or in any other way assist persons in thc irunting of brant on more -than two succes- sive days or on morc than trvo days in each wcek; (b) set oul morc than onc flocl< or set of blant dccoys; (c)setoutafloc](orsetolbrat-rtdecoysthatcxceedsfiftyinnumber; (d) place a floc]< or set of brarrt clccoys rvithin two hundred yards of ' orry other flocl< or sct of brant dccoys; or (e)usemoretilanoncb]irrdlorcac}r.iiockorsctofbrantdecoys. 1 I t I I J I i .! I I ! i 1 I j t I I I I I ,i ) qt a pSrson person (o) (b) (c) ,scicntilc Killingl ancl Banding Permits (1) Notrvitirstanding anything in thcsc Reguiations' 'authorized' by him, nray issue a permit to a person to liitt migratory bircis and subject to subsection (2) take the eggs or ncsts of migratory biros ior any scientiflc purpose; to captulc Ini(r'atort' birds for banding pulposes; or to lti1l migratory birds that, under extraordinary conditions' have caused ol are likely to cause serious injury in a community' (2) No eggs Lrlicn pursuant to paragraph (o) of subsection (1) shall be incrrbated. (3) The permits specified in paragraphs (o) and (b) of subsection (1) may be isslred on)1' (a)uponapplicationfronrapcr.sonrvhoseapplicationisaccompaniedby rvr,itten tc-stimonials from t,,vo ornithologists of recognized standing; or (b) upon application from, and for the purposes of' (i)arccognizcclmuseur:r'universityorscientificsociety'or (ii)adellartmenlolthcGover.nmentofCanadaorofaprovinceof ' t' cana.la, or of the govcrnmcnt of any country or state other than ^-.-^J^ udlldud. (4) A holcicr of a pcrmit c.lcscribcci in paragraph (a) of subscction (1) may posjcss, transport or sell the calcasscs and skins of migratory birds l<illed and ii.," "gg, or nests of migratory bircis talien in accordance with a permit. the Minister or that entitles that I I I 1

Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder

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Page 1: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder


:,.) , :- '/ ; La. t / (.' " -lt; (.)

(3) \vircr.c tirc-Ciricf of 'thc Canadirrn Witdlife Sclvice or tlrc Chicf Provin-cial daine O1lccr of A,Ianitoba is of opinion that Whooping Crane may be in the

XIa:,itoba Sanclhil] Crane Nlalragen'.ent Area during tire period specified inPari VIi of Schcdule A as the opcn season for sandhill crane in that area, such

1m.". may pr.ohibit thc hr-rnting of Sancthill Crane in that area and forthwithtirer.caftcr no pcrson shaII hunt oI kill Sandhill Crane in that area during thatyeai:.

Ad(lttionol Shootinll Rcstrictions tn Saskatcheusan

22r\. Wlrcrc tl.ie Clricf of the Canadian Wildlife Scrvice or the Chief

ProviDcial canrc ofllccr of saskatchcrvatr is of opinion that-whooping crane

;;-;;;,.' ori"rl.n numccl i* thc Table in Pa.t VIII of Schedule A during the

p"iioa specificd ii-r that Tablc as opcn scason for Sa'dhil1 Crane in that area'

such Olticer ,",r"y prohit it, the lruptiirg oi Sandhill Crale in that alea, and forth-u,itjr thcrcafter no p".ron shall huni or kill Sandhill Crane in that area during

that ycar.Adcliliorral slrooting Rcstrictions in' British' Columbta

22F.. (1 ) In the Provincc oI Blitisli Columbia in thc portion of the Lower

Ir{ainlarrd linown as Bounclary Ea},, in t}-re Nlunicipality of Delta, tying west of

a straight line drarvrt due solriit Iront the south cnd of Benson Road to its inter-

seclion rvith tire 49th parallcl of north latitude' no person shall

(o) hunt braui, sct out brant. dccoys or guicte or in any other way

assist persons in thc irunting of brant on more -than two succes-

sive days or on morc than trvo days in each wcek;

(b) set oul morc than onc flocl< or set of blant dccoys;

(c)setoutafloc](orsetolbrat-rtdecoysthatcxceedsfiftyinnumber;(d) place a floc]< or set of brarrt clccoys rvithin two hundred yards of'

orry other flocl< or sct of brant dccoys; or









a pSrsonperson



,scicntilc Killingl ancl Banding Permits

(1) Notrvitirstanding anything in thcsc Reguiations''authorized' by him, nray issue a permit to a person

to liitt migratory bircis and subject to subsection (2) take the eggs or

ncsts of migratory biros ior any scientiflc purpose;

to captulc Ini(r'atort' birds for banding pulposes; or

to lti1l migratory birds that, under extraordinary conditions' have

caused ol are likely to cause serious injury in a community'

(2) No eggs Lrlicn pursuant to paragraph (o) of subsection (1) shall be

incrrbated.(3) The permits specified in paragraphs (o) and (b) of subsection (1)

may be isslred on)1'(a)uponapplicationfronrapcr.sonrvhoseapplicationisaccompaniedby

rvr,itten tc-stimonials from t,,vo ornithologists of recognized standing; or

(b) upon application from, and for the purposes of'

(i)arccognizcclmuseur:r'universityorscientificsociety'or(ii)adellartmenlolthcGover.nmentofCanadaorofaprovinceof' t' cana.la, or of the govcrnmcnt of any country or state other than


(4) A holcicr of a pcrmit c.lcscribcci in paragraph (a) of subscction (1) may

posjcss, transport or sell the calcasscs and skins of migratory birds l<illed and

ii.," "gg,

or nests of migratory bircis talien in accordance with a permit.

the Minister orthat entitles that



Page 2: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder



(5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder oft[e permit from any or a].I of the provisions of section 15.

(6) on or before the 28th day of February next foliowing the e-xi.liraticnof a pei.mit issued pulsuani to this section the person to '"r'hom the pelmit r'"'as

issued shall make a rcport to t[e Minister of specimens ta]ien during thecalendar year. for. which the permit lvas issued and containing such otirerinformation as the lltinister may require'

S cientiftc Captttre Permits

24. (1) Notrvithstancling anything in these Rcgulations, the I,Iinistcr orany person authorizecl by him may issue a permit to any person to capturemigratory birds and subject to subsection (4) take the eggs of migratory birdsfor scientific or educational purposes..

(2) The permits specified in sr.rbsection (1) may be issued oniy(o) upon application from a person whose application is accompanied by

written testimonials irom two ornithologists of recognized stalrCing; or(b) upon application from, and for tire purposes of,

(i) a recognized museum, university or scientific society, or(ii) a department of the Goverrunent of Canada or of a province of

Canada, or of the government of any country or state other thanCanada.

(3) The birds captured and the e.qgs tal<en pursuant to a permit issuedunder this section may be possessed by thc permittee and may be transportedby him to any person holding a permit issued pursuant to section 25.

(a) No birds captured under a permit issued pursuant to this section, orbirds hatched from eggs taken under such permit, shail be killed for consumptionor sold.

(5) A person to whom a permit is issued pursuant to this section shail(o) keep bool<s and records that shall correctly show at all times the total

number of migratory birds and their eggs of each species captured ortaken; and

(b) on or before the 28th day of February next follorving the expirationof the permit, rnake a written report to the Ministcr showing the totalnumber of birds and eggs of each species captured and taken duringthe calendar year for which the permit was issued and containing suchother jnlormation as thc Minister may require.

Permits to Po.ssess

25. (1) Notwithstanding anythingMinistcr or any person duly authorizedperson to br-ry, sell, possess and tlansportpropagating purposes.

(2) I\{igratory birds bought, sold or possessed pursuant to a pcrmit issuedunder subsection (1) may be killed by the holder of that permit in any mannerexcept shooting for consumption by himself or others, but the carcasses ofsuch birds shali not be sold.

(3) A l)crson to whom a permit is issued pursuant to this section shallkeep'boolts and rccords that shall correctly shorv at ali times the total numberof migra1or1'bilds and thcir eggs of each species in his possession and shall malieto the triinirtcr, on or before the 28th day of February next following the

contained in these Regulations, theby him may issue a pcrmit to anylive migratory birds or their eggs for

expiration of tire pcrmit, a written report showing

Page 3: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder









Parr Vlll-ConcludedHighway No. 2. on the rvest by Highway No, 2 to its intersection with High-way Nb. 14. on the north by Highway trt-o. t+ to its intersection with HighwayNo' 20; north'on Highway No. 20 to its intersection with Highw"y fro. d,east on Highu'ay I.Io.5 to its intersection rvith Highway No.35. on-the easiby Highway No. 35 to its intersection with the soulh"rn*ost limits of Town--ship 31, {est of the 2nd Meridian, thence westerly al.ong the southernmostli-mits of rownship 31, west of the 2nd Mericlintr, to iti intersection withHighway No. 6, thence southerly along Highway No. 6 to its intersectionwith the southernmost limits of rownship 26, west of the 2nd Meridian.

t)to i/


SCHEDULE A-Continued

Part IXOpnx Seasoxs rx Al,nrnra


Column I


Column IIDur:)<s, )lrrils,

Cioots anrl\Yiison's Snipe

Stptcrnbcr 13 toNovcrrrLer 27

Slptrnrbcr 2.1 toDce rrrtlrct .1

Scptcnrbcr 9.1 !ol)cc<rnrbcr'-1

Colunrn IIICrrild:l Gccse

rrnd Whitc-fronted Gcese

Scptcmbcr 13 toNovember 27

Sr:ptcrnbcr 2-1 toDeccrnbcr 4

S( fitclnl)er 2.1 tc)l)cc.lmlrcr 4

Column IV

Othcr Gecse

Scptcmber 13 toNovcmber 27

October 9 toDeccmbcr 4

Scptcmber 24 toDcccmbcr 4

_ 1', In this Part, the open seasons in the table incLude the opening and theclosing dates.

2. In this Part,(o) the Northern zone of. Albelta comprises that part of the province

lying north of c line clescribccl as follows: Comirencing at the inter-section of llighrvay No. 16 with the Alberta-Saskatchewan boundaryat Lloydrninster:; thence westerly along Highway No. 16 to i.t.s inter-section with the eastern boundary of Jasper National park; thencenorthwesterly along the eastern boundziry of Jasper National parkto the Albelta-British Columbia boundary; and

(b) the Alberta Goose llanagement Area comprises that part of thePlovince cescribed as follows: commencing at the inter.section ofHighway No. 50 and Highrvay No. 12 at Siett1er, thence sclutherlyalong r{ighrvay No. 56 to Highway No. g, ilrence easterry a}ong High'-way No. 9 to the Alberta*Sasl<atchewan bounc.ary, thence n6r.tire"r1yalong thc Alberta-Saskatchewan bor-rnda'y to I{ighway No. 12 nearCompecr, thence rvcsteriy along Highrrzay No. f Z 1o Highway No. b6at Stc't tllr

Page 4: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder




Fart X

Opar.T SeasoNS rN BnI'rrsH CoLUMBTA


Snorv C c'cso

.Ilurrrrl' 15 toIlrlc)r l0

.I:rnu:rr)' I i-) tOIllrch l0

,lr'rnultrY 1ir toJ!lrrelr l0

No opt:n scitson

No opcn scrt'r'n

No oltcn sclsttn

Sentcnther Ito'(J(toLcr I I

October I toJlnu.rrY 12

Colunrn II I

IJl:rclr BlanttlrrLn Llirlcr

Duclis), ('ootslnd (itt 'c

(urcr'pl lll:rcliIl|lrttt lrll(L

Snorv Gr-:esc)

T.\IlLll ll


Colnttrnl I lfori.nirgl).r'us

Ylrc, simiurrrrnecl 11n1\'.!.11:l"I',.t':'lil-1,'.:i:':i];l1t,ttf ""l;lilIlrlc. Sitrtillilt,rrrcen lIn{1. Crl'nrl llorllt-(il(ill$-('r)u-l-ru\rrrr'r'trl

l,)lcctorrrl l)iirIr(:rs u, .'*I"ri"i"Nu. i tc ll "r' N"s' ?' 5 "]l'l.t.t::l.our,fl-itt tt oi U) " ' I

Tho North on.l $6ulh-Olirltllt*irn Illcctorrrl I)islrir'1s r.lf l)i"trictt

No.a (G.]l .-\' \os' /'\*iiJ!lr" I

I(,'nloops, S,rlnron .r;l'1, .c-:'il',o^l:'l;,'lJ:lifll, li:i]i'ilil]ii, Lli,llili:lilllSSi:ti:"S:1.1,'i-'C:,i^'ir;!l ti*\:,'.i" t :"';l,lt" il'lil'\l,ll::ii,,nuiobt.,..xelson-,c;,c:;t('1'.1,],li'i lill',,'"i"\;.'ii ,il.ii..{..r,,..lillil';l:"1;'llfilii"il'iil'lJl*.i'iii'""""'ir'l*Lioiri) 1

!ri;lil;",'.ti'il:if,l r"jjTJ;iilj,lj-ijlill::,ll; {l ii;)i;;). .)l'.' l s..,,,",,,r.er , rc, octor,e r ljr

St'ptctrrl>cr I to Octobcr:ll

Octobcr 0 to Oe toltcr :ll

1. In this Part, the open seasons In

closing dates.

the Tablcs include the opening and

?;iL{ll,ir"iio. r or British columbia comprises thar pirrt oJ the Prc'vince

inciuded in l"uul"tioi-Gonl" Mtttrgtnittrt r\rcas Nos' 3' J and 4;

(b)DistrictNo.2ofBritishColurnbia.comprisest}ratpartolt'}.reProv.ince incnidecl i";;;i;;;l"i C^*" \Ianagcmcnt Atea No' 5;

*-ritoc +hrt nart of tlte Province(c) D:strict No. 3 of Fritish Colu]:"!tt :-"

Page 5: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder

' 30

SCHEDULE A_Continued.

Fart X-Continuetl(d) District No. 4 of British corumbia comprises that part of the provincejncluded in provinciaf Ca*"

-ilonagement Areas ivos. ?, 7A, B, 9 andthat portion of provinciar came ltnnog.*unT;;";';{o. 6 lving withinthe yale provincial Electorai nirtri.il---^4varL

r\rsd r'

' (e) District No.-5 0f.British corumbia compriscs that pa.rt of the provinceincluded in provincial G;; X,i;agement Arsa No. 21; and(f) District No, 6 of British corumbia comprises arr that part of theprovince not inclucre,r i" d;;;;ts Nos. !,-i,-i-, i"r.a b namery pro_vincial Game Management ar"!L rv"r.. iq,-i1,,12,*ir, 14, 1s, 16, 1?,18, 19, 20 and that pirt of No. o tying rvithin the Kamloops and SalmonArm provincial Electorat Districts.3. In this part. the,provincial Gamc Management Areas comprise the areasdefi'r'ed in rhe Briiistt cot""riii" ciir"-irgutir;or,, -oJu

-fy b.au, in councilNo' 1800 approved June 24, roos, as-atnendea from time to ti-u.

f"r]"l;ii; iil:r:"tt' the open seasons in Tables A and B do not apply in the

(n) rtll llt:tt. arr:it l*:)r.y1 hi!.h-,,,;o1.r,, mirrk -in .lhct::4 t11216,rs of Vancou,rert!.:t,t,'t rr.,,.ttt, ,,:;,ti:. r,..,!//,,,,1 ti,,,1"),)',r,!,r,rl !1,,,tj r17..c-y.,),1..t :r..:!h t.i -,tlt:t!!-)t\ )ttt: t't,r,itti', t:r:.1 ,r,tj ,ilt::,1 t,..trrn f;]u,41,.r* iij^jrr",jjirrlJ't';jttL

^nd lil that str:ip <.rf tan,i c,ruercd- by watc.-r'i""*iitt one thou_sand (1,000) fect, me'asur.,r r.".r".a r."i. rrlgl-r-rrotu"*-n.r. of theeas1"er1y shore of Vancouver Irro"i, ^q; ;H;; 'u?i"rra,

from thenortherlv extremity of. the Ets;il;tt: Spit to iir"'aiu"ri"Head Light_house, Esq'imart iana oisrrili""r't*o,, as ttrai ;il;';r rand thrcehundred (300) fect i" .'i;i;-;"JJr...0, i"lrr-,,]. r.#,!r,.0 n,rn_*",".mark and rvhich extends i."* tfr""r"yrl::r" extrenr.ity of said Esqui-malt Spit to the said Albcrt Heaa-irg.,tthouse;(b) that portion of Ganges. Harbou' rreiw_r,igrr-water mark lying northof a st'aicht rine running' rrom sclit poi;t du; ;;;; the nearestpoint on the rvcst shoreljne "i in" ,"io harbour;(c) that portion of yare E-recto.ar otrr.r.t. in the- vicinity of Minnie Laked cscri bed as f o,orvs : co--..,..In* "u

i't tro,rortn"rri-.ir'-cr'ot Lor r r7 7 ;thencc rvc-sterry along thc ""rtrr.irv nouncraries of Lots 1177 and 11?6of the nortirrr,'cs' .cor'er of Lot tti6;- thcn.ce fol,owing a st'aight )inein a south'zesterJy crircction ;"-;;'

'orthwest .or.,Er-oi Lot 12gB;thence eastcrrv a101g^1rcin.,:,-'".rv'ro*dary of said rot to the north_east corner of Lot t28o; thencel"ltn".tv nro,ls:th;l;;;;iu bounclaryof said rot to the southcast .";;;1";;d lot; thence along tire southernboundary of Lot 1288 to i;;;;;;Ji::i,i", of Lot 111e1 thence alongthe easter,v bounda.ics "ir",.'iiic, ttrB and r099, to the southeastcorner of Lot r.099.; thcnce souti-,eailcrty in a straight line to the nearestpoint on the north bant< oia;;;;;:;; Creek; thcnce along the northshore of said *eek to *re1o]rlr;;;;';o.n",'of L't 490; tience arongthe'easterly bounda'y

"r r,oi ag0 t" ihe northeart.o.n".-ot said lot;thence along the southerly Uo,rnjn.v of- Lot 6g5 to the southeastcorner of said 10t; ^thence

irong tnc- &st boundary of Lot 6g5 io thenorthrvest corner gfl^ot oer; tn?nee-ii a straight rine from the north_west corner of Lot .6g3 in o nortir*"rterry !1r:.6."1i"" t" ?"t. 695, 694.. old ltT8 to the point


Page 6: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder


SCIIEDULE A-C ontin uecl

Part X*C.rrt('/1(/c(l

Rivels bounded o.n the north by thc Canadian National Railu.aysbridge (main line) at Kamloops Junctiou, and on the easr by theKamloops-Blue River H:ghrvay briclgc at Iiamloops, and .on thc r'.'estby the Kamloops-Tranqr-rillc Highri'ay tsr'idgc;

(e) that portion of thc l(amloops Elcctoral Distlict clcscribccl as follorvs:Cornmencing at the northelst corncr oI Lot 341; t)rctrcc sor-rthcrlyfollorving line Jcnce to southcaqt colncr ol Lot 3-11 and at.lotr'-','.':r,.crmark; thence wcstclly follo,,vin1l slrolr'linc at ]ow-ryater rn:rrk, tosouthwest corncr c,f Lot 3-13 on lal<csI'ror.c at lorv*$'atcr marli; thcncenortherly along lvest bor-rndary of Lot 3-13 to northr','cst corncr ofLot 343; thence easterly alon.g nolth bounclerl' of Lots 3{3 ar-rd 3{2to not'theast corncr of Lot 3,12; thence sorrtherly to itrtelscction rvithRoad No. i17 (Tranquille-Cliss Crc.cli lload); tl'rence elrsterly alongnorth bounclary of Tranquillc-Cljs:; Crecl< Iloed to jnter.scct,jon tyitirCanadian National Railrvay linc; thcncc caster)y along said iine to apoint directiy dr"rc north of northc.ast corncr oi Lot 3{1; thenct-. southto point of comrntnccment:

(J) tha: pcrt:cn of tLe S.l:::i.:: -l::: Ili::_-r...1 D:s:::i.: i,.s-.'..:'-'.:,.:. :..s i.".'1..,.,..s:Cornnlencing a., ri:e n:cuih r i S:...-.::-...'.:s 11.,,,..r il:lc.) s-:...1k: :':....:..1-,follorving the east sirorelinc of Jiar':r L:rlic., siclurous N:rrL.rr','s, andShusrvap Lal<e in a nortlrn'estel'ly 1li1'q.tion to X{r.rr.clocli Point, ri.hichis approximately trvo (g) milcs no.ilrr'cst of Sicarrrous Nnr:.'orvs, ina stlaight linc in a southccstclly clir.cclion to Semaphorc point one( 1 ) rnile rl'cst of Sicamous; thcncc 0astcr.l1, aiong ihe shorc,l ine ofShusrvap Lalie to sicamous Nalrorvs; ilrcncc soutircr.ly fo)lor,,,ing t)relvcst shoreiine of sicamotrs Nrrror.",s ancl A.Iara l-,al<e to a point knorvnas carney's 1:olc-yarcl, approximatcly tu'o (2) nriles sor-rtl.r of Sicanrous;therlce in a straigl:t line in a norlhc:rstcrly clir.e.ction to 6c poi:rt oicommenccnrcnt;

(g) that portion of tl-re Salmon Alr:r of Sl.rLrs,,vap Lake rviilrin the boulciaryof the Municipality of Sa)mon A.m )y.ing sor.rthcastcr.ly of a straighiline of approximatcly onc ancl o.c-q'ar.tcr ( l.l ) mllc.s ir-r ten.qtn,commencing at thc ottter cud o.i the Sllrnon Arm *'htrrf ; t5cncc north-easterly to white mar'lier whcrc lhc sholcline of saicl. Salnron Arnr ofShr"rswap Lal<e jntelsects rvitlr lhc r.tollhcr.rr bouncla15, oI ilrc nor.,rlrr,.,cstqnarter of Scction 24, Tou'nsltip 20, Rangc 10;

(h) in that portion of the South Olianagan Elcctolal District dcscribcd asfollows: commencing at thc intcrscction of ttic \vcst Iicrotonay porverand Light Company right-of-way and Ol<anagnn IIighrr,,r1, No. g?,situate and lying.in Distrjct Lot 119; thence northcaster.l)l:rnd-northerlyaJong the east boundary of saicl r.ight-oi-rvay to thc nor.ihclll, bouncar,vof Section 35; thence rvesterly aiong the northerly bour:clarics ofSections 35 and 3.1 to oliarrrgan Highrvay No. gT; ihence southcrlyalong the said highr,vay to the point of comlnenccn:ent; and

(i) that portion of the Fort George Electoral D.istrict.linorvn as Buck-thorn (Buckthorn) Lake.

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",7 at

SCHEDULE A-Concluded

Farr XI'

. OprN Snasor.rs rN TliE Nonrriwssr TnRnrronrss


Column IIDucks, Gccse, Rails, Coots and

Wilson's Snipe

l. TbrougLout ths Norllrrvest 'lerlitories. . . :. . . . . . I September 1 to October lb

Part XIIOpEw SBnsoNs rN TirE YUKoN Tennrrony


Colunrn fArcn

Column IIDueks, Gecsc, Illils, Coots and

\\'ilson's Snipe

Scptember 1 to October 3lt.j'iIJ

Page 8: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder



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Page 9: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder
Page 10: Saskatcheusan of or i* in killa100.gov.bc.ca › appsdata › acat › documents › r22560 › 1965... · a 13 (5) A permit issuccl pursuant to this section may excmpt tbe holder