With e c 5�nt of digut+I word oe5� o, pmyic rcrci!11li@' @f d1lal pr+ic .ve y +pp=cd whil + minrepiion aut wring ķ · stran DT i lefi rcuci h+5 cm_ Caurim tbi e t: promin�cc of titr studic� t e mlu1�i e wors @f :nownꝏ atnhor +� prodt�, : raher m pracs_ My gi1+I t+l iting proj�t, "'A. Seltion mm a . Mcript of M Ki Ra.i· li 'a n@\Jl Th ai,r", � t h mpl a Puliꜩ-P w . nnag 0\'C], re YrliH,, dcr. AI "orj� awlig �clirg ici her cokn @ h� Cro�9 ck m 193_ ' ' l 939. Ppb. P .K Yg Liy, Gaine�ilk · . which r ,,,,itb t;d d b+nd-.·ri tten i:,io. Uti liing TE1-¼b moodi , my pr ojt will cre+ti: di�nct ·viw:ing opo+ r R+ lu ' manu�ript +! +llo w u�cr� t e docnt by ,·iran-p to +nsw e qutian, ''To .·bat extnl doci viion ' , _ . "'" " B ' b d ' h . h ' . , - · I f m wrutl : , . c0mp+nrag t · . oct wit OT wll out n ,.e o R+wlig' :¥15i@n, u�r� .-ill u ndi;td Bi ific: 0 r c tmg li ,'rk while alo dng e d1+ih:d prac of a ntcan+lly acowlcd autb@r_ ] lenting utk: mðo� of digitl dilin Co st: · !he pifiD lgitLD choi of Mc Ki□ m. Rawlgs, my prjct' in!cn1eti mod�l ll asa �re a n mcthod @f vicwi d alng c text, ·li ortn lĜy,:r di tb@ may be obKun,d in e o, g al_ A an in-plh � dy of wll' . reti>' c +d !jcal r eisions, my pajct off rci r rch opp0uti� fo both scbolan of ?oriD d ctive ite l[ Co ex+m: lhe Xt. t lo which ng chges t hro ugh proDes @f vion_ T@ 1n:rd my iptia +ppro+, ic. i imp!. to fir�! dd n5l: of e U. m.t being lcd. Maorie Kin n Rawli�s w+ ++ Ari autbor ,a "''ote her liczr Prl-wi:dng na,,-I, rhe . Year l ing, bctwccn 193 7-1938. The P .. K Yong llbr at e Unh,·crsity of Flori prc·e� .Rawlin , g's litc mpL�, d +mong . i +n ly a of e Y1·Ji. Thi a lycp1,t m++1�?i illn 1ng a !ewriLr_ In add,[an to e rii n+I � Ccx wlgs adde iꝏ + d111::t d infu,n1+1i0n . d, and. tyewnir. I� Llleved t th: dicrenl. ision took p!+De @ diffcrl : mcrnn in ii pmp: in difnt si:a�H 5 ,]]_ Y wh dcr vie, , !h gln+I mpt, ey l l d it +s . + �ingl· nli¥e bec= they ,]] _ fllow ie flow @f R·!i &'s ing wi out ol+Di iʦ dit lay. In is +p praa�h, c+m in. l ignor r1lcrs l+ce word: or ln R+· li cro�ed 0 ,,l o+tian ne add +t_ My ripiion ·oj t wou! in�l+ +i th mu�cpt +� fo diffcrt toe rinI, e on a+tcd ee. ly revi si w +dd � one ln which h+nd- lln n:vi�ion: add, a lh:tic+I "fin+I" +ſt tht Wu[d ilude ill vian: al onc. My would wi revis ion a step btwcn a, bu t my projccl.'s 5pph . - u�d Ue�t +t ,·[�l@. in of itlf pdo multuplc dlra.fl�, b wt ey c only hiducn in a ducunt, lh . wttim frh new p+, p._ SARAH VIRG NIA DUMITRASCU • - l wlirg, orie. e lmg. l ]_ e Kir Ra·liflG� Paפrs. P.K Y� Li. GainesviJlc L �- • . t . ,.,1 - - o 1 dr, , ii Wf u 0 J ,l)r, . , l l! lt 1 - ,� ,·I� . lu œ ,\l • , I I Hhl u• 11M" · .... -. 1 H " i � l nf 1, . 4 n , u flf a a l , ":, Ml Uhw - lu ,,n kil U -.d U . ll o w w 0· o "'� l�"•" J l r . , , it >• -- - · 1n1 1,w UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA Th im�e to tbe lft L� th e fm.t p5g of e . ah ripl, ic+and bJ, du� K Lib _ The numbers +ddcd � 5 a key ta e f0[�ag ki,k and rcvi5ias my npli n projt not: ] - ) The 0r4li l iHn tary. Mja ri Ki++ RP-IF. , !lS · wrote e arling 1ing her p\:r, oo :majority @f m+n+?t mp@sd of her 0noI pripL 2_) Hd-wrutlcn ian: ct Rawlin add OC 0 : muhi l wor by h+nd ug a Ct. Som !h ]Hng crtwitian of tb:se wu 'C no t rcgulmzd by h_cr_ )_) T d rcvi5io n: ougb, .si l · lctlr_ Moe Kian R+wlin . � tk rough smnc or h lcfls b,· [ i " o□. lhe kr_ 4_) H5nd-wrutln ian: rau, multipl W@a Rawlin ao k rough scntc +. wnolc ''O� wit lin p=il lines_ 5_) H5-wrut!cn vion: snkðro u, n:+1+nt. wt□gs sc tough some s1mns +d wo פn.cil, : 5.dd · .a i . n, ··ioot IS, by .hnd l 1h i s , c o� out t1 . yp h. d-l .-a er+i times, fore in , g e new word sne e _ t t ) T d rcvision: c1ougb, ,,.-a. In +dditJ0n R+wlin , g tki rough letters, e: +!�0 stck rough cnii ·or by using ·''\ on :r type,rl�r. 6) Ty . re,,-isJm1: ct, ntfrc ,<or d_ Rawling u�s slh .d new wi h, y, wh[ c li �he wro! +b0· e l ln.c se \rking oa_ 7_) T ed rcvi�ioo rc]a:c sgl . In +di. cwsing out rgl� l? th +n "'x", Rawlings rl5ccd ] ting O\:r tm. She .-{] uld da . is moi . t oſtcm far :i-cll cd wo. My scup0n " 0d sg TE:l-XML in t: Oxycn �ſtwe. Thi prujcl. w+ gi11lly slwtd + + p. f.Dr _ Mc] ' Introduction lo Di i l+I Tl Eilin cr�c, sa, he 5i:d mc wi much omy hology. O+lly, e - XML c:lcn a>'+il+ble did no t h+,· · cnoh c help m ii.tgsh e difl11. l+y of wlrnss' :xi. T, < o o ꝏmmw we cre ,,-ith 5icc o. f br . Mcl.e to not+te bso:s, w. o o. ta na h+wr,1tn cg. Wii a of c� lwo si�, new TI- XML cla.ʦ = ta dt5!inish bclwccn doě N+· li m+c wilh cl, wiout cl, or w, , a:l i p!+, +s wll + deLon5 RawlJn , ga made nd I.ext +i. w� +d dd in thi pl5c_ While I .'O th front end of scp on, Dr_ McC+d dit th Fdhi ·cb1s . it to roprc□. t my nꝏd� . Fo diflnl , a d d.c to rcflcct th e : c+tcgo f tb · cnood. · o s rip!, wbch e �cn i t: fo cr=sho abo\:_ fn on >' i w, c c �cc tg xt of R+wlin� ' a pt, atripp or +ny rvisi@. In "Typsccpt wi Ty Chnge�" · viw , u5c = +n �cc th· - ' I - ' ' R ]' . ' - I 'L- .,, --· .IT ' ",L H _, ' CL-- " " - l" ' h d ' . - ' ' b 'I f 'L- ' - _, onn+ tet Dn on to aw 1n 5 typa, Vton n t , cpl . ., ufl 11,,1ug, U5 ran w. m� T1 ·rcv1s10+ u1 I. an ta p tu.c · Ogrn" ::t d vi�l@. In e '·Rcvid Dſt Reflcng All Ch ", IJF5 �c cc fi□al " -wnt R+wUmgi' ncw p! rou!d h� lꝏk. like if �h h+d d ew, imp!. n ail her mkd change. Thc puOc o tb fO >' i cw i to obs e xL wih R-· li 'a mpt cha d e T 5he rud ir, -ich i.5 ꝏ�c:d by e by nĜ of t: ginal m+ 1 D.1u;pt. ln lh s=rnho 5a,·e, u ra 1 D !h ¥aluli0D of some of R+wlig� ' fir.�I 5ni, which m 6om rhe m1cpt'B fin;t p+_ This projccl bg0 +n apt to dd si i. cc •□ - ti1r rc,·[sim_ , Qms -:n ading + t pice of lite, e ii li· wosi on +ot w Lh@ wmk C to be. The oothor' acko or hiri=l me pe mi!i b d�c ut ly, h o"' th e +tb or physically ot tbat ok or 0' i: not lad. Tbis C- ive +d e i5ir1 t i ws - ln5t +.o� bo m c auor's iu whn, n lity, m+y : gnt h� t oomple, �, en c0mpl1d ffi. for lil schal my pt m.odc] t be somL to cmul+1 ·bm expfang e nces ,a r a ecific aulhar's ng pracc�_ My mel might ao help cho] r- e-+fua cxing lilratun:, where entirly n e= or suhjct mht h+ve cvo.cd 5s a ok w+: ag v: by iʦ auLMr_ Crei>'c w . rlt mighl +lo stwl} , jcct ta obsJV re-iio.iry procc5s of one .own aOT d kc n@L5 tht y mclp lo \ lhir @Tl work_ Ƣ·rll, pon pr□jcl hol nific for + '\cly @f n, g studi� fiel m e study of ?oc, to lilr, c+ti ve ,ng. Colof Pauu1g f Mau1e +1+ R ,fi+gs sirimg l a urul rbl wir Nrllr P.K Yoc Lr. ircs\'ill_ NEW AND FUTURE S . TEPS A:.r ꝏntu� tbi prujcl ughoot Spng 2021 imes:, r haC pd my ITcp1ion\ scop i+ ba ntca. t fĝtion+li1y_ Wh . c th +iiptian pv. ioly c:ndcd to pgc 8 of Rawlgs's scp m� new work -ill ilue c fit cbapt of e □ pl, which clodd mo: l 50 pags_ Having �pd c ITcption ·+�, c . IT: km f vio Rawlin mok on�itenlly, fm p to pg, m well as @CI V c :,<r, r ola han: _ With hcl p of Dr. McC, e eolnty of jct bs scn gr=t c_ We M>'C ulcd a k th@ dislinishes Rawlin's v-is ,,ian h' ꝏ color ++d �ꝏl :so Ĝt e trscpan ADA. ꝏmplit. Most imptly, ,<c h1w md wcilc so usrs +n c ii ta fil their nds_ Usrs mD\' or hi !he key, �how OT ldc non-oe nal C !t do not n=sily flow J wlln . g's occBc 1.Ã1 " nti>', or iby c bꝏ t o hide p brcs +ll log_ hwv c also dd tbc op@n of a rw: vi. Th o p . s d0+blc tbc lmption 5@ 1� can choose ·i ·,.' !h wis h ta s in ch on_ Ths will low them ta coe ca.ch �c of re-i0n b1ttr d +c ie imrlH. c d imp+cl f c:11:h i slo Rawl� m_ Fure D for i proj�t cl +n d+td Omc exhibit upon cmplc0. @f lh spng me:, ї u�+1cd brdown of e trscption' mp, 5s wel l . oo- aad M@I"ly a,le . Mcl for p@tl publi+ti= vn Pand ar Scholar ili. lh: b11P§· ifo f db UarWn£w-,d�tion ,rcu¼11d4n ,html- - P .r oj�t t � · �io n


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With die rcc=l 21rl�nt of digut11I

word p:ruoe5�orlil, pm.yi;;ical

rcp:rci.eJ!l!11li@'.Dli @f c:d1lorial

pr11ctica: rui.ve rargely dii;;11pp=cd

while: 11 mi1>CC1nrepiion about

writing :;u, 311 ·inst.rnraneolil:!l DT

:!liniile-<lrafi p:rcu::ci;s h115 cmergied_

Comi;taurulim..i,: tbi.!I is rue l!i tru:

promin�cc of titi:e:r.ary studic� that

emp-lu1�izc lhe wor.lis @f n::nownoo

atnhor. 11� prod.uc:t�, :ra.lher Ihm

pracc::s.:s;i=.s_ My tligi111I ti:,:;,itu11l

editing proj�t, "'A. Seli,ction ff'mm

a Corrected. M,anllllcript of

Majorie: Kimran Ra.i.·li111;:i;; 'a n@\Jc:l

The: H-arli,rR"", �c:i::l\;.s ta- IIIIIIl:s,.crlhc,

thi:: manw;rnipl a.f Pulitzi::r-Priz-e

w.innnag !10\'C], 1lre Ye<1rliH,.:1!',

Andcrsoo. AIBJL "Marjorj� Ki11111n ltawlicig!I bt�clir.ig ici her c111i:kn at haru� rn Cro�9 Crccak m 193°'3_'' l 939. Photagupb. P .K Yong.: LibJary, Gaine�ilk·.

which is rn21rked ,,,,itb t;-µc:d and b11nd-..,.·ri tten DC;:',li:,ioru;. Uti li.;i;ing TE1-¼b.ll. moodi!l,J/l, my

project will cre11ti: di�nct ·vi.c:w:ing optio11.!i f@r R11n,,,• luniii;'i;; manu�i:ript th11! 11llow u�cr� ta­

re::irl the doc:umcnt by re,·i:sran-typc, to 11ns.wi:e:r the qu.csstian, ''To ..,·bat extc,nl doci. revii;;ion

' ,_. "'----"" B ' b d ' h . h ' ., --- · I f m wrutlniJ :rn21ua , . 'f c0mp11nrag t .c:· . ocumc:lilt wit OT wll out c:ei:iain ,uc;.,.e i; o

R11wliii1g_i;.':!l Tc:¥15i@n!i, u�i::r� ... -ill unda-i;t.rnd lhc, Bignific:11ru:c: 0 r cditmg literary- ,.,,'0"rk while

al.so i;tud,ying the di::111ih:d praci:i.«.s of a nu,tcan11lly ackaowlcd,gi::d autb@r_ ]mplcmenting

.iuilirntk: metho� of digit.il c:dilin,g; Co slllltyz.c:· !he s,pc:i;:ifiD linglli!i.tLD choi,c.a; of M.ujor:ic

K.i□m□. Rawlings, my pr{]jc:ct's, in!cn1.etivc: mod�l will a.Isa �ri:e:atie a new mcth.od @f vicwiR,!l

and i:salallng lhc text, -re.·i::11li!l,!/l oc::rt.rln l11Cy,:r. OT dcli!.ils tbat may be obKun,d in the

ori,ginal_ Ai; an in-dc:plh �tudy of Rawlllilg;!l'i;. r:re.ati>' c 111I1d !i:e:iijcal re,,,is.i.ons, my prrajc:ct

off.en; rC!:!lcirrch opp0rt1JJ1utii::� fol" both scbolan of rhetoriD and cri::llftive writel!'!l llll[lic: Co

ex11m<inc: lhe (:Xtc,□.t lo which writing chBJ1ges through proDesi;c:i;; @f r-;:viaion_

T@ 1.1ndc:r.;tsnd my tl"iOliCTiptialil 11ppro11c:it, ic. ii; impo:rta:IJ!. to fir�! 1JJ1den;.ta:od lhi:: n21lurc: of

lhe U.Oc:tlmi:e:□.t being odilcd. Marjorie Kinnllil Rawli�s w111> 1111. Amc:rii;:IIII autbor ,.,,,ha

"'' ote her P'Lllicz.i::r Prlzc-wiru:dng na,,-c,I, rhe .Yearling, bctwccn 193 7-1938. The P .. K.

Yonge: llbrllIY at the Unh,·crsity of Florid!! prci;.er.·e� .Rawlin,gi;;'s litcir-.uy m::mllliCTipL�,

and 11mong nhi:e:m. ii; 11n early drall: of .'f'lre Y<?t'l1·Jilij1'. Thi!i l!i a lyp,c,-i;crip1,t m11111.1�ri?i

wrillc:n t1li1ng a !.ypewriLc,r_ In add,[tian to ilie o:ri.!lin11I ty�i,d Ccxt, !R.a.wlings added,

n::v:i.soo., 11rrul rc:d11.1::ti,d infu,n1111i0n. by hand, and. by ty,pewnii:e:r. I� L� b,c,:,lleved lhirt th.c:sc

dif:f:crenl. l"C','is.ioncS took p!11.De at diffcrenl :mcrnnc,ntl!i in iirne, pm.:ap:. in different s.etti:a�H

21.s ,.,,<c:]]_ Ycl, wh.CJ1 r=dcr.!l vie,.,,, !he, il'rigln11I m21ni:=npt, they w:ill n::11.d it 11s. 11 �inglc:·

n111ITBli¥e becu,= they ,.,,,J]]_ fa-llow ilie flow @f Riin,,,·!ill,!::&'s odiling without c:xlnrpol11Din,i:

its di±Tc:nmt layrm:. In this 11ppraa�h, ci::rt11m infurmalio:□. ls, ignored llli rc:.1.1lcrs :repl11ce the:

word:. or senli::noea R11,,,,·lill.$i; croi;;�ed 01li ,,..-llh ia.fonn11.tian s!eine addc:d .l11tc,r_ My

lranscrripiion ·proj �t wou!-d in�li::11.d trc11i the: ma:au�cript 11� four diffcrc,nt i;t.orieas--dte

0:r4lin11,I, lhe onll a-c11tcd whee. t:hc, lyped revisicrns wi:e:rc 11ddi::cl., l!h� one ln which h11nd­

'l!.'llllc:n n:vi�ion:. !!Ill!' addod, and! a lhc,on::tic11I "fin11I" dr11ft thert W{]u[d include ill

n::vi!iian:. al once,. Mimy would wnsitler revis ion !l!i a step bc:twcc:n draft:!i, but my

projccl.'s 21pp:rnach ..,.-{]u�d !ieU!l!Je�t th11.t re,.·[�l@□. in an of its!eic:lf prad111.Ca multuplc dlra.fl�,

blli thwt they w-c only hiducn '1!..-ilhin a du.curnc:nt, ralh.er lh.m writtim fres.h on new p11,pc:..-_



_I l

Kicitian llawlir.igs:, Marjorie. TT.le Tu.:lf'lmg. l ')],:)_ Marjorie Kinnar.i Ra'l',·liflG� Papers. P.K Y� Librsiy. GainesviJlc., boot L

n,,.�,_-.,. bb.• .... t...,.,1-lf!';; ilh�-""1 or: 1tr.,

d..ir, Ti,,,, ii W.B:sr"f wi,,.,,,; il u'1iJed mTID 0.. Mui, ,,f ii,;, l'lfrJ ,l)r, .,i&;

Tho?� \"115 l'°-11'l\m!I!' l! lo!!t 11'11 f'Jtlru il"1 fil)'- ThMi ,� ....,,�·•ffi<"' I� l?...i..t la!<, II» 'blu., oe it.,\pal •I:)• ,,nJ,, l!IJ:.,;ii,uiy,. LLll.'I rll'jl �I luH•h.il �'J,

llu• ....,11M.i"· .... -.1H INJ,:i" -wf.,rl"fP i.- � lhP n-d nf 11,,.... <l"'.f'. "'" 4 n.,,,-., , Mil ..i """ UJ,:, 1,1w:, ,,. u.. fl.j>f.el a .,. a • pnl <1,., ...,. """'&':}', """' Ml""!1" Uhw llul e,<ll]I'-

Tut,� wa,; b:lu.a ,.,t,_,..,.n kil U.. 1\.-..::l.d Uta da.)". ll 11'..u..:I .-no o,,. blw ,:,i w eyral 01<)· op,! "'� I"> l""-C<""�"•""" g,,,J 111<-l.>o}- J<,dr .,..,.,-d,orl it >p,,rulatiJ•&, TI-,

--L; �- ·1n1 !11,w.:



The, im�e to tbe lc:ft L� the fm.t p21gc, of 'l'ne .Yearl'h.rR" rn.anw;crripl, i.c11_1an:c:d bJ, du� P:.K

Yo!l,J/l:C: Library_ The numbers 11.ddcd �c:f'l/"e 21.:!l a key ta lhe f0[�a-wirng kiru:li; 0£ fflll,ki; and

rcvi5io:as. my tran.srniplio:n projc;c:t note.ti:e:s:

] -) Th.e 0r4linal typc,:-wriH:c:n i;tary. Mrujaric: Kiru:i1111 RIIVP-IF□.,!lS· wrote The Yearling

1.1::;ing her typC'l\rritc:r, oo the: :majority @f the, m11n111!ii:ri?t is romp@sc:d of her 0rigin111I


2_) H2111d-wrutlcn rcv:i.sian: c:11rct Rawlings addro OT:IC 01" :muhiitlt: worm; by h11nd ui;ing

a C!IIl!e:t. Someti:rnc:s, !he, :!ipC:]Hng fil c21p:rtwiizllitian of tb.c:se wuooli> 'l!.'Cn:: not rcgulmz:c:d

by h _cr_

)_) Typc:d rcvi5ion: strili:c1hrougb, .si!l,!/llc:· lctl:c:r_ Majorie Ki11I1an R11wlin.� i;trui::.k.

through smnc or her lcfl:c:rrs b,· typ[io;g: -ll!Il. "':,;_" o□. lhe typ,c,:wrikr_

4_) H21nd-wrutl:c:n rcv:i.sian: i;nriiliiethraugh, multiple: WO:@lia Rawlings also i;b:uL'.k.

through scnti:e:ni;:ci; 11ru!I. wnolc 'i','Ortl� wit&i lincerr p=il lines_

5_) H21nd-wrut!cn rcv:iBion: sl!rnkethrough, n:11111.ttmi::nt. R:aw.lt□gs sinl.cli through some

s1mtc:nc:c,s 111I1d woru!I in pen.cil, :.mtl 21.dded ·..,,,aru!I i.n , ·,,,,·ilho111.t t:!!lfl:IS, by .h::ind. llil 1his

C,illiC:, i;mc cr-o� out the: 1.ypc:d! iJJJil hHr□.d-wriltc:rn .,,-an:I !ie\/c:r11i times, before k:cq:iin,g

the new word sne wrote in_

tt) Typc:d rcvision: strili:c1hrougb, t:llliirc ,,.-an:!. In 11dditJ0n l@ R11wlin,gi;; i;tT:ikill.$

through letters, &he: 11!�0 struck through cniirc ..,·ord'.5 by using ·'i,;_'\ on ru:r type\',rl�r.

6) Typed. re,,-isJm1: c!llfcet, c:ntfrc ,.,,<ord_ Rawlingi;; u�c:s s.llli!lh l@ .e.d.d in new woca� with

hi::, -typc,:writa-, wh[cli �he wro!:c: 11b0�· ilie lln.c site 'l!.'l!li 'l.\'il'rking oa._

7_) Typed rcvi�ioo:r: rc,p]a,;:cd, single, ldier. In 11d.ditJ.0□. le cwsliing out r.i:rigl� lettcn.

with 11n "'x", Rawlings re-pl21ccd ],::!ten; by typing O\<c:r tbc:m. She ..,.-{]uld da. lhis moi.t

oftcm far :rni.:!l-spcllcd word.:!l.

My lr3nscrrupli0n """21" ,;:0dc:d 1Js.ing TE:l-XML in tru: Oxyi;:;cn

�ftw11re. Thii;; prujc:cl. w11i; origi11..illy slwti,d 111; 11 pill"li.{]f.Dr_

Mcl'.:ur] 'i;, Introduction lo Di,!lil11I Tc:xtual E.dilin,g cDl!r�c, sa, he

21:s;silitc:d mc winh much o.fmy mdhodo.logy. Origi:rn11lly, the TEI­

XML c:lomcn'i:!i a>'11il11ble did not h11.,·c:· cnolJ.,!lh ccrmm2111dl!i to

help me: clii.tinguish lhe diflc:1en1. l11ycn; of Rawlrnss'i; tc:xi. T,.,,<o

gts o.f oomm.anw. were cre.i.ted .,,,-ith the, .a.s5ii;taJ:icc o.f br .

McLllrl----o□.e to not11te typeo c"bs111gc:s., w. oo.i:: ta nah!tc:

h11.rrulwr,1tc:n clh;angeli. Withil!l c:a.:::&i of thc�c: lwo sc:i�, new TI.I­

XML clomi::a.ts were =tc,,d ta dt5!inw-,ish bclwccn !!dd:itio11B

N.11,,,,·lilll,!li> m11.tlc wilh c.ill"Clli, wilh.out cill.Cli>, or w,,atc:ltypro iin p!11ce, 11s wc:ll 111; de.Lrlion5 RawlJn,ga made ::ind I .ext th11i. w� 11dd:c:d in thc:ii- pl21cc:_ While I .,,'Orked {]Jl the: front end of lhc:

transcription, Dr_ McC11d c:ditro thi: UNFdhi ..,.·cb1s.iti: to ropreasc□. t my c:nood�ng. Four diflcrcnl ,':iew.!i were add.cdl to rcflcct the: c11tcgorii:e:s {]f tbc:· cnoodro. ·rnanoscrrip!, wb.ich are �c:cn ilil tru:

follf" .scr=shoi:s abo\cc:_ fn one: >'ic:w, w;c,:rs can �cc the: or:igmul text of R11wlin� 'a m3Jllllrnpt, atrippi:od or 11ny rc:visi@ru.. In thi:: "Typsccript wilh Typed Chllnge�" ·vi.cw, u5crn = 11ll)!-in �cc the:·

- ' I - -·'di ' R ]' • .J. ' - I 'L- .,,. ----· .IT ' ",L H _, '

CL--" "- l" ' h d ' . - ' 'b 'I f 'L- ' - _, ongin11 te;,;t., Dn "-" tion to aw 1ngi, 5 typi:a, rt:Vl!lton!i.. n tu,:; ""'.,.,liC:<1 ypc;sc:npl . ..,..,l!li :anuwn.tkfl 11,,1.ugi:e:s, U5C:t:5 ran �.o;: ...... w. m�� i; Uill ,,,.T1ttrn ·rcv1s.1011.!i u1 I. an tap o· tu.c· OJJgrn"-' tc::..t

and lyp,ecl :revi�l@:a.:!l. In the '·Rcvi.si,d Draft Reflc:cting All Ch.ang,ea", IJ.!i(:F5 �c:c II thcDTCtical "'fi□al drafl:"-wn.at R11.wUmgi.'s, ncw IIl3Jlll.SL'□p! rou!d her� lookoo. like if �ht'.' h11d !itartcd anew,

imp!c,rn.c:ntl!lll,!l ail her m!llkc:d change!>. Thc purpO!ic o.f tb.c:l>C fOUli >'icw1> ii; to obsc:1"'111:: lhe c:xL=t l@ wh:io::h R-·lill.,ll!i 'a manll!iCT.lpt challl,!lc:d the i'wthc:T 5h.e r-;:rui,d ir, ,,,,-.bich i.5 oo�cl!l.-rc:d by the

bill.lily n11Ctun: of tru: original m111D.1.u;,::ript. ln lhco s=rnhot!i 21.ba,·e., uli.c:r. ra1D i;ec: !he, c:¥a•luli0D of some of R11wli::ag� 'i;, fir.�I 5c:nii::ru:c:i;, which -oom1:, 6 om rhe m11n1.1licript'B fin;t p11.gc:_

This. projccl bc:g-110. llli 11n attempt to unden;.timd lhll signific:111□.cc •□-ff' ti1:c:rar.y rc,.·[si.:m_

,Ql't,c,:T,Jlimc:s ..,.-bc:n :reading 11 ,b'le.a.t picc:e of liteni.ture., Ith.ere ii. little:· wi;:111.Ssion 1100111.t

ruiw Lhat wmk C"-illIIC to be. The oothor 'i; b-ackgrollilrl or hitifu:ri=l lime period mi,!l!i.t

be: diJ.!ic:u:s�cd, bout 1i1!11liLI ly, h o"' the 11l!l.tbor physically wroti:: tbat boo.k or i>l0!}' i:. not

i:,:;,iplan::d. Tbis C-l!D ,!live re11denii the imp:rc:!15io:r1. that th:c:i.c: wrn¼.s ..,-ere ln5tfflt111I1.c:o�

born from lhc audior's ,!limi.ui; whc:n, iin reality, m11□y drafls :rnlgnt he,� b,c,en fm.t

oompletcd, di�i:.mtled, then c0mpli::1i::d 2igll!ffi. for lil.c:rary schalan;.,, my project's m.odc]

rnl,gli.t be som:c:l!hLng to cmul111i:: v,·bm expfaring the nllilllces ,a r a :!ipecific aulhar's writing

pracc�i;,_ My model might

a.I.so help �cho]an; ri,­

e,,-11fuatc cxi�ting lilc:ratun:,

where entir-ely new lhe=

or suhjcc:ts!ei mi,!lht h11ve

cvo.l,,.cd 21s. a book w11:. b,c,rag

rcvis:c:d by its. auLMr_

Cre..il.ti>'c w.rltcn; mighl 11li;o

stwl}, my projcct ta obs.rJVc,

thi:: re..-ii;io□..iry procc5s of

one n::□.owned aulhOT 11nd

takc n@Lll5 th.at 11111ry m.clp lo

impro\ce lhc,ir @\1,Tl work_

Oi.·i::r.i.ll, my lraru.c:ripiion

pr□jc:cls; hol,di; ::;i,!lnificanc:c;

fo.r 11 '\'l!llcly @f writin,g

studi� fie.ld, from die study

of rhetoric, to lili::r.itw-c,, to

cr:c:11tive ,.,,'llting. Colof Pauu1;ig ()f Ma,jut'1e K/111ttJ11 R<l ,.fi11gs sirimg <ll a,11

ur.ulOOY r.:Jble: wirJi typeNrllt!r. P.K Yocii;ic Library. Gair.ics\'ill,;-_


A:fb.i::r oontinu� tbii; prujc:cl. tthrougho111.t th:c: Spring 2021 i.c:mestc:1", r hal/'C c::,;_p21m.dc:d my

IT.aJ1licrip1.ion\ scope: i11 bath c:ontca. t 2IDli f11Dc:tion11li1y._ Wh.cn: the: 111mi.criptian pn:v.ioll!lly

c:xtc:ndcd to p;a,gc 8 of Rawlings's ffllliII.Uscript, m� new work ,,,,-ill illl.Clutle lhc fin;t :5

cbapti:e:rs of the ID.il!llll!SC:□ pl, which incl111.dc:d more: l.nlllJ 50 pagc;s_ Having o::�p::indc:d thc

IT.uni;.cription in !his v,·11.�, Wlc:ns c.an IT.u:-k tb.c: kmd!i a-f revi::;iolll.li Rawlingi;; m111k.es.

c:on�ii;tenlly, from page; to p;a,g:c:, m. well as @b:sCIVc ru:,.,,<c:r, more, isolated •L'.hangc:i;; _

With the, hclp of Dr. McC:m, the fimetion111lnty of my ljl'Tilji::ct bsi;; al!iO sc:cn gr=t cheingll!i_

We M>'C c:uralcd a key that dislinguishes Raw ling:5's v-.uiDl!s. n::,,i!iiani; hi)' oonh color 1111.d

�ymool.:!l :so ili11Ct the trill1scriptian is ADA. oompliant. Most imprntmtly, ,.,,<c h1wc:

•c:lll'lomiizcid wcmiilc so usc:rs i:::11.n cw-atc: ii ta fil their needs_ Usi::rs c:BJ1 mD'I.\' or hide: !he key,

�how OT irldc non-i;,eq111eniial pa,!lCli !hat do not nc:=sruily flow Jlil Rawlln.gi;;'s othcrwcBc

ll1□.C31" n3Jr.lti>'c:, or ibc:y c.an i:.boo:sc, to hide page, brc.iks 11ll log_cilic,r_ We hwvc also lllildcid

tb.c opll@n of a rwo--pim.c: view. Th-e two p:mcs.s d011blc tbc lnl!Ils,mption 5@ 1.1�c:n; can choose

·..,,·.bich ·,.-ic:'I!.' !hey wish ta si::i:: in each one,_ Th:is. will allow them ta compll!re ca.ch. �U!Jlc of

re,,-i::;i0n b1�tt�r and tr11cll: ilie imporlH□.cc: an.d imp11cl a-f c:.11:h DC;:',lislom, Rawl�i; m..ul:c:_

Fuhire !;::D.il.l:!i for lhii; proj�t include: 11n upd11tc,d Omc:ka exhibit upon ccrmplcli0□. @f lh-e

spring semei;lc:-t:, 1111 u�111cd breakdown of the trilJ!lscription'.!i m.u:kllp, 21s well !!Iii, ::i. oo­

aulhan::d l!iM@IHfI"ly artii:,le w:ith Dr. McCarl for [email protected] publii::11ti= vn Panditm ar

Scholarly EdiliflK.

l..inh: b11P§· if/uo f db UarWn£1,;w-,d�tion ,rcuruku¼11d4n i:,html-➔- P.roj��t ti-a li!i�rip ·�ion