Om Sri Ganadhi-Pathaye Namaha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha

Santhoshi Maa Vratha Story English

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This is an english translation of a story read while performing a popular religious observance, which goes by the name "Santhoshi Maa Vrath".

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Page 1: Santhoshi Maa Vratha Story English

Om Sri Ganadhi-Pathaye Namaha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha

Page 2: Santhoshi Maa Vratha Story English

Many hundred years back in a small village in Northern India, lived an aged widow, who was a mother to seven boys. The youngest one was named Shrikar. Shrikar grew up to be a jobless young man more interested in spending time with his friends and on other village topics, rather than seeking regular employment or having any interest towards earning money. His mother got him married to a girl named Kalyani, from a noble family. Despite his marriage to Kalyani, whom he loved deeply, he still evinced no interest in seeking a job. So his family’s frustration towards Shrikar and also his innocent wife were on the increase. They often fed him with leftovers from the grand meal the elders in the family had. Shrikar meanwhile was completely unaware of this family’s growing animosity towards himself or his wife. One fine day Shrikar’s wife Kalyani brought to her husband’s attention the attitude of his family. He at first refused to believe her and but soon on careful observation it became obvious to him that his family considered him to be nothing more than a sheer burden. This sudden and strong realization hurt him deeply and he resolved to win their respect and love again. To do that, he had to secure a job and no one in the same village would be willing to give him a job, considering his lack of experience and bad reputation of being a careless, irresponsible individual. So he decided to leave his village and family behind in search of a job. He first told of this decision to his mother, who immediately approved of it and insisted upon his leaving, without any further delay. He then went to his wife Kalyani, who was busy working in the fields, drying up cow-dung. Kalyani even though saddened by the thought that Shrikar had planned on leaving alone without her, suppressed her personal emotions and instead choose to provide complete moral and emotional support to Shrikar. She prayed for his success and overall wellbeing. Shrikar then left his village and traveled far and wide in search of a job. At last he reached a village where a rich businessman, impressed with Shrikar’s enthusiasm and honesty, granted him a job in his trade firm. Shrikar worked hard and slowly but steadily he made lots of progress in that trade firm. Meanwhile Kalyani spent days, months and years in loneliness and agony of having been separated from her beloved husband. One such day during her wanderings in the forest, for the cutting and collection of firewood, she happened to come across a house, where there were festive celebrations in progress. Upon enquiry she found out that the members of the family were performing the “Udyapan of Santhoshi Maatha Vratham”. Instantly her curiosity was kindled and she learnt more about the vratham, its history, rules of performance and stories about various people who had performed it in the past. All this created in her a desire to adore Goddess Santhoshi, by observing the vratham herself. But alas, how could it be that a poor girl such as herself could find money to purchase the needs for the performance of the vratham. Her in-laws mainly her husband’s sisters-in-law were very hostile and cruel to her. All these thoughts made her very sad. Unexpectedly the same evening on her way back to her home from the forest, a rich merchant’s family met her & offered to pay a hefty sum for buying the firewood she was carrying. She immediately agreed to this

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offer, as she felt she could use the money to purchase the articles required for performing Shri Santhoshi Maatha Pooja, every Friday. Thus began her devotional practice of worshipping Divine Mother Shri Santhoshi. She sincerely for many weeks followed the rules and regulations of worshipping Mother Santhoshi, mainly on Fridays. All her time (even on the remaining days) were spent in constant remembrance of the Divine Mother, who always dotes on her children. It was now nearing 12 years since her husband Shrikar left the village. There was not even a single message from any direction indicating his wellbeing. Rumors were abounding in the village, about Shrikar having died. Despite hearing such heart-breaking rumors Kalyani held steadfastly to the worship of Mother Santhoshi, believing the Divine Mother never fails her children. True to her faith, one afternoon while she fell fast asleep under a tree near the forest, where she usually went to cut firewood, Kalyani had a wonderful dream! Shri Santhoshi Maatha appeared in the dream and instructed her to write a letter and keep it in the envelope marked with the address of the place where Shrikar lived. No sooner did she wake up Kalyani indeed saw an envelope with Shrikar’s name and address. Kalyani immediately wrote a letter to her beloved and send it through some travelers who were heading in the direction of the city in which Shrikar was working. Shrikar meanwhile had made great progress in the trade-firm and held a very high post just below the firm’s owner. Consequently he had lots of job responsibilities and difficult challenges. He confidently met them all, but his involvement in the job became so intense that he had almost forgot his wife and family. But the letter Kalyani sent him rekindled his earlier life memories. Shrikar’s heart longed to reunite with this wife. But his job responsibilities were so complex that he could not afford to return immediately. Instead he resolved to keep regular correspondence with his wife and also send her some money, so that she could maintain a decent living. Kalyani was immensely relived that Shrikar was doing all right. His letters were to her what life giving rain is to a person in a desert. Kalyani’s in-laws noticed this sudden improvement in her financial condition. They also learnt through their children, that Kalyani receives regular letters and money from Shrikar. This caused them to be very jealous of her. But Kalyani unmindful of their attitude not only continued her prayers and worship but also showed love and respect to all of them. Kalyani cherished a desire to be a mother of a child. Divine Mother Shri Santhoshi, who pervades the deepest recess in everyone’s heart as the Inner soul and witness, sanctioned Kalyani’s noble desire. She appeared as a divine looking Brahmin lady in Shrikar’s dream and admonished him for having stayed away from his loving noble wife, to fulfill his mere thirst for wealth. Shrikar in his dream begged the Mother to forgive him and also prayed that all the complexities in his work, which had kept him tied to his work place, would be solved by Mother’s grace. Mother blessed him accordingly.

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Soon the day arrived when Shrikar with the wealth amassed in his job; choose to leave for his hometown. Meanwhile Devi Shri Santhoshi appeared in Kalyani’s dream and commanded her to make preparations, prior to his arrival. They involved dividing the firewood into three parts and then putting one part near the river-bank (on the route to the hometown), another near the temple (at the village entrance) and the third to be kept with her. Kalyani acted accordingly. Shrikar, who first arrived at the river, spent the night there in the warmth of the fire lit with the firewood that Kalyani left there. Next morning taking bath in the river he went to the temple located at the entrance of his village. After having darshan of the Lord in the temple, he used the firewood found outside the temple (left by Kalyani, the previous evening) to cook some food for himself. Feeling completely refreshed, he entered his village with his servants and wealth. The entire village was dumb-stuck at Shrikar’s grand return. He first went to his mother and sought her blessings and then met Kalyani. Kalyani meanwhile had just returned from the forest and as it was a Friday, she sought her (sour free) food, which essentially consisted of some coconut water and few pieces of chapatti. Seeing Kalyani’s fragile worn out frame and tattered clothes (due to the ill-treatment she received from his family and also due to the stress of having been separated from him) Shrikar’s heart instantly melted. Kalyani’s joy knew no bounds. In her heart she thanked the Divine Mother for having answered her prayers. Shrikar’s coming back successfully from his long mission of accumulating name, fame and wealth coincided with the completion of the Santhoshi Maatha vratham which Kalyani had so diligently and devoutly performed till then. Shrikar also had by then become a devotee of the Divine Mother Shri Santhoshi. The re-united couple invited their family to join them on the auspicious occasion of Udyapan. Except for Shrikar’s mother (& Kalyani of course) none in his family found any reason for being happy at Shrikar’s return. Infact Shrikar’s sisters-in-law decided to spoil the function by breaking one of the fundamental rules of observing the Santhoshi Maatha vratham, which was not to partake of sour food articles. They silently made some lime juice and mixed it in the prasadam that was offered to Shri Maatha Santhoshi. As the quirk of fate would have it, Shrikar found himself arrested on the eve of the pooja for income-tax violations. Kalyani implored in front of the mother Santhoshi’s image in the temple. Divine Mother immediately told the king to release Shrikar and Shrikar for his part paid off his dues. So Kalyani happily completed the vratham with her husband. One fine day Divine Mother choose to appear in queer looking form of an old woman with pieces of jaggery in one hand and gram in other. Hunched in back and tottering upon a stick, she appeared at the door of Shrikar and his family. Thinking her to be some old witch from the forest, the kids in the streets threw stones at Her. The stones however landed on the jealousy-ridden sisters-in-law. They hurriedly closed the door upon Her. But one angry glance at the door, flung the doors apart! Kalyani meanwhile came to the scene of action. In spite of all the excitement around her, her mind did not fail to recognize the Divine Mother of the Universe in the form of the old woman. She at once fell at the feet of Devi Santhoshi, who has appeared as the old lady & pleaded forgiveness on everyone’s behalf (despite being blameless herself). The Divine Mother pleased with Kalyani’s devotional mind, blessed her and vanished from everyone’ sight.

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Normally such divine incidents inspire noble minds to sing Divine Mother’s praises but the minds of Shrikar’s sisters-in-law, filled with ugly jealous thoughts, as they were, choose to take the extreme step. They poisoned the milk, which Kalyani was about to take. As fate would have it, when Kalyani was about to drink it, Shrikar called her on some errand. She immediately left the glass of poisoned milk behind & attended to the errand. Meanwhile one of the young sons of Shrikar’s sisters-in-law saw the glass of milk, unaware of its real contents, drank it on his own volition. The poison in the milk took effect and he fell down dead. The sisters-in-law noticed it and raised hue and cry saying Kalyani killed the boy. Kalyani who came to know of this incident and also the accusation, prayed to Divine Mother Shri Santhoshi to absolve her of this accusation and also bring the boy to life. Divine Mother granted life back to the boy and the boy to the surpise of everyone stood up and declared he drank the milk of his own accord and Kalyani had nothing to do with this. Immediately the elder-most sister-in-law who did infact mix poison with milk, let out a cry and wriggled on the floor clutching her stomach. This was due to a sudden bout of excruciating pain she experienced, in her stomach. This pain increased to such unbearable levels that she realized only Kalyani could save her through Divine Mother’s grace. So she fell at Kalyani’s feet and prayed for forgiveness for all the misdeeds she did in the past, including this recent act of poisoning the milk. Kalyani folded her hands in prayer and begged Devi Santhoshi to forgive them all and cure them of all physical and mental maladies. Immediately the elder most sister-in-law’s stomach pain disappeared and all she was left with was a remorseful heart! The entire family truly reunited & sang praises of Devi Santhoshi and her great devotee Kalyani. The entire family resolved to perform the pooja of Devi Santhoshi by observing the vratham in its entirety for a stipulated period of 40 weeks! Through Mother’s grace they completed the entire period of 40 weeks without any hindrance. The Udyapan was held successfully by Mother’s grace. During the day of Udyapan, kids were not given money even by accident (as they might end up buying some sour food articles) instead they were given sweet delicacies. Towards the end of the Vratham period, Shrikar and Kalyani announced to rest of their family and friends that Kalyani was on the family way. Soon a son was born to them. Thus Shrikar, Kalyani and their family & friends lived happily thereafter, with constant remembrance of the Divine Mother – Shri Santhoshi Maatha. Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha Jai Shri Santhoshi Maatha