How to do laundry Sangkyu Lee July 22, 2014

Sangkyu laundry

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How to do laundry Sangkyu Lee

July 22, 2014

First step Grab some dirty clothes

Second Step Separate colored clothes and white clothes.

Third Step Put the piles in the different baskets.

Fourth Step. Bring your quarters with you.

HAHAHA I’m George!

you need to have six of me to do laundry~



Don’t worry son there is way to get quarters

in campus.

How to get quarters on

campus. If you do not have enough

quarters, go to vending

machine put 1dollar and

press cancel button.

Vending machine will give

you four quarters.

Fifth Step. Bring laundry detergent

Sixth Step.

Go to laundry room

Seventh Step. Put quarters in the laundry machine

Eighth Step. Put the dirty clothes in laundry machines

*you have to separate colored and white clothes.

Ninth Step. put detergent in the laundry machine and press the button withe your finger.

*If it is white clothes, press the “white button”, and if it is colored clothes press “colored


Tenth Step. Put your wet clothes in the dryer.

You can wear your new

clean clothes. HaHa Im done laundry,

feel thanks to Sangkyu!