Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil

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  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


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    Box 2 4 2 7Knoxvilie

    Vo l XXXVIII

    TN 3 7 9 0 1

    First Semester 1988

    NonproU.S. PPA

    PermiLogan, K


    BRAZIL CHRISIIAN MISSION Technical production and mailing by: The Logan RepublicanAddress Correction Requested: Logan Republican BCM, Box 97, Logan, KS 6764

    Forty Year FocusForty Years Ago, on March 28, 1948,Lloyd and Ruth Sanderswent to Brazil as part of the Brazil Christian Mission. They are,this year of 1988, celebrating 40 years of serving Christ in

    Central BrazilFor^ was an Important number In the Old Testament Therewas 40 days and 40 nights of rain for Noah and the Ark. Noah sentout the raven after 40 days (Gen. 7:4,17; 18:6). Moses was 40 whenhe began his ministry. He lived in obscurity for 40 years (Acts.7:23, 29, 30). He stayed on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights(Ex. 24:18; 34:28). Moses lay prostrate before the Lord 40 daysand 40 nights because the Lord had sa id he would destroy thepeople for worshipping the golden calf (Deut. 9:25). The Israelitesate manna 40 years (Exod. 16:35). They were in the deser t for 40years one year for each of th e 40 days they explored the land(Num. 14:33). The spies exploring Canaan returned at the end of40 days (Num. 13:25). Joseph directed the physicians to embalmhis father it took 40 days (Gen. 50:2,3). Goliath, the Philistine,came forward every morning and evening for 40 days and took his

    Sam. 17:16). Eli jah fled to Horeb and traveled 40 daysd 40 nigh ts (IKings 19:8). The Seige of Jeru salem wasymbolized as Ezekiel was told to Lie down again, this time onur right side, and fear the sin of the house of Judah. He wasssigned 40 days, a day for each year (Ezek. 4:6).Forty waa an Important number in the New Testament Jesusas in the deser t without food or water for 40 days and 40 nights,eing tempted by Satan. After His suffering (death and burial),e appeared to His disciples over a period of 40 days and spokeout the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:2; Acts 1:3,4).Forty isan important number Today Israel became a state 40ars ago The Brazilian Bible Society was established in June,948. It is celebrating it's 40 year anniversary in June, 19881 Andes, Lloyd David and Ruth Sanders are celebrating their 40 years

    th th e B raz il C hr is tia n M is sio n in central Brazil lYou can help as celebrate this 40th Anniversary. You haverayed, given and labored together with us during the past 40e arc suggesting that you choose a day in May or June of this1988 in which specialofferings and giftscouldbe received forazil Christian Mission. Perhaps someone would like to give SIor each of the 40 years ($40)... or $5 for each year ($200)... or0 for each year ($400). . . Thus you would be helping celebratehe pastt by giving to the future

    FORTY YEARFOCUS CELEBRATIONThis celebration can be a part of our Five Year Plan to meet aallenge of completing our larger goal, as the Brazilian churchesill in the gaps.We would like to offer a Forty Year Focus Picture Bookofthepast40years forallwhogive a one-timeprojectf t. Details will be found on back page.

    ^Or '95


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    io.f 'of *' ' Of

    77ie Past, the Present , an d the Future . . . Lloyd David andSanders with Luiz Carlos P. an d Starla Joy S. de Azevedo aCarlos' graduation. These four work logdher ' ' 3

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Brazilians and Americans Share[Ministry to the Whole-Man]Two years ago, Brazil Christian Mission launched out tosponsor the CEPTRO - Pro-Life (ministry to the whole-man)PROJECT. This project is aimed at helping men, women andchildren in their social, physical, mental and above all, spiritual

    needs. The churches , bo th in Brazil and in th e U.S.A., werechallenged to give on a 50/50 basis in money, t ime and laborA first victorywas the giving of funds for the semi-artisian well(without which the project could not go forward) by the BethanyChris tian Church in Anderson, Indiana . The church in SandCreek. Oklahoma, gave substantially toward ievelopment of theproject and other churches began giving one cime gifts or regularmonthly gifts toward the var ious aspects td' the project. Now theSunset Hills Christian Church in Kansas City. Kansas has sent anadditional $2,000 toward the water system, getting the water to thehomes and into the irrigation set-up. This church is also planningto send a group of workers to Brazil in 1989 to help in the finishing of the homes.

    Meantime, the Brazilians have not been idle A group ofvolunteers set-up by Starla Joy and Luiz Carlos de Azevedo beganspreading the need through the churches and social agencies inBrazil. They have been given the victory of seeing the church inSao Paulo promise to build the first home for the elderly. AndNow, the contribution of the Brazilian Government social agencyof approximately $20,000 toward btiildlng homes for the elderly.They have also asked for full calculations and plans for the homesfor the children and for the half-way house, with promise tostudy carefully the possibility of helping toward them, as well.Construction has begun with the clearing ofland and the purchase mater ials

    Volunteers Continue to Go OutThe Volunteers continue to go out into the highways andbyways in witness and service. The following is one of theirreports: When a person is trying to do the will of God, It seemsthere isalways a fewstumbling blocks in front of our feet to makeus fall, but through the Lord's strength we do not give up evenwhenthings seemto comeapart. Wehavehad so many blessingsthat it is hard to co un t th em all .

    Starla continues, Last week, we took the 'Trailer-Clinic' ou tto a rural area to help the people there. It seemed everything wasgoing to gowrongfrom beginning to end, but the group did notgive up. It took hours to organize and resolve the problems. Butin the end, over20 peoplewereattended by the young ladydoctorand the lady denti st (both members of the Brasi lia Church).Through this ministry, weare also serving the area around thecamp grounds where Pro-Life (Ministry to the Whole-Man) isbeing established.News comes that 10,000tons of medicines in 50 different typesweremade available in 1987 by the government for persons of lowincome throughout Brazil. The first 50 tons left Brasilia onNovember 24 . for the most distant territories in t he no rt hwes tRondonia and Roiama where posts of health will overseedistribution to the poor.

    Brazil Christ ian Mission and Pro-Life have had some of thesemedicines made available for us e in th e Hea lth T ra il er Clinicwhich goes out to low-cost residential and rural a reas wheremedical t reatment and dentistry is a long distance away.Would You ike o Get Further Involved In This Sharing ?+ Pray regularly for the PROJECT - PRO-LIFET Give regularly $100 monthly for ten months - $1,000 Give regularly $50 monthly for ten months $500 Faith Promise Put your faith on the Altar. Cars, land, stock: We can use any donation.+ Church. Bible Study/Friends: You may be able toinOucnce a $500 $1,000 $5,000 unit of giving,-r Do you have any extra love to offer?

    Pro-LifeVolunteers meetat theAzevedo hometo pray andways and means for progress.

    L David Sanders Carlos Henrique Oliveira and Geraldo Blook at plans fo r first homes to be built.

    Carlos Henrique andtheDentist goover supplies before begitreatments. The Doctor is with a youngpatient, at right


    Lined up waiting for the ir turns with the Dentist and D

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Word from a Brazilian Brother1 would like to greet you in the name of ChristI would like to thank you for your support in helping theBrazilian people in the central part of Brazil through evangelism,prayer, funds, and social help. I would like to speak to you aboutthe need we have for you to continue to give your support and

    prayers to ou r work here:1. There is a necessity to develop missionary work among theabandoned children, giving them the right to a better life andteaching them the truths about Christ so that they may accept Himas their Savior. In this way, we will all be obeying His command:Go and preach the Word to all creatures.2. The Elderly are not forgotten either, for we want to givesecurity to those who don't have any, provide them housing, foodand medical care, and most important teaching them about Christso that they may become strong in faith and obedience towardtheir salvation.3. We also want to reach drug addicts and those cast out bysociety,so that they may have the opportunity to know Christ, forwe know that God does not make any difference between people.

    Dear Brothers an d Sisters in Christ, we know that God sent HisSon to the ear th to reconcile us to Him, and at t he same time tostart His church which is composed of priests. And the job of thepriest is to reconcile men to God. That is why God gave us thisopportunity. The Earth will be His Kingdom, and the agent incharge of informing all nations and all creatures about thisKingdom of love,glory, unity and perfection is the Church. It isthe willof God that one and all participate and learn that Christwill come back and will si t on His Throne here on Earth. All whoare saved willinherit eternal life and willreign with Him. Paul andother apostles spoke of this Kingdom(Acts 19:8;28:23). This iswhyChrist gave us this command: Go and preach the Word toall creatures. Do you know why this command was given to theChurch and whyall need to know of this Kingdom? It's becausethose that do not accept will be cast out and will suffer the seconddeath togetherwith the deceiver. Because this Kingdom will beone of uni^ [one body], love, glory and perfection.Let usobey the great commissionwhich the Kingof Kings gaveto usLet us quicken the return of ChristWe know that God lives in us We know that God has all timeand that from the time He was here up to now, many prophesieshavealready taken place. To us, this time may seem long, but toHim, it may be just a few days. Sothat iswhy weneed to hurry.Let u s work and contributeGive in some way praying, preaching, praising, supportingthe work of the Lord. Let us be one body where all the memberswork together doing their par t.Christ said, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and theending. That is why we have hope AMEN

    Luiz Carlos Pinto de Azevedo(Translated from Portuguese byhiswife,Starla Joy Sanders de Azevedo

    Luiz Carlos, as he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree inSocial Sciences, December, 1987. Following his graduationceremony, the FAMILY all had pizzas to celebrate, at right.

    Ceilandia Church ActiveCeilandia Church has struggled through nearly 20 ye

    frustrat ions. Cei landia now has 60 active adult members. Itcommunity of interested friends of over 200.Christmas in Ceil and ia demonstrated New Lif e in 1987Osorio and Lidia Goncalves participating in the ministry tLidia, though completely unable to walk alone or feed hedirected a live dramatization of the Christmas story . . . thaspects of the Life of Christ . . . from birth to the grave


    Lidia directsfrom her chair at extreme left. Fourth fromMarisa one of the babies Ruth found a home for. whworks in a law office. Married to a deacon of the churchexpectingherfirst baby. At right are the actresseswithLuzdaughter ofLidia and Osorio. mforefront. She helped her min the direction of th e drama.

    Congregation of the Ceilandia Church participates.ManuelMarinho isone of thefirst graduates of Christian C

    One hundred andforty Christmas baskets [iSac iS] were distrby the Brasilia Church in December, 1987, throughout needyof Brasilia. Several satelli te churches received sacks forneedy members. SisterAbigail Seve Mesquita directed theoffunds an d distribution. Various women of the church filsacks.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Church Grow th and MissionThrough the ministry of the local Brasilia Church, several newchurches have been established in the past three years . . . one

    church in the city of Sao Paulo in the state of Sao Paulo, one in SaoLuiz in the state of Maranhao, and one in Recife, state ofPernambuco .The newest church in the city of Sao Luiz, capital of Maranhao(northeast Brazil), was ofticially inaugurated in August. In July,the elders of the church in Brasilia received a young man who hadheard of the teaching of the Restoration Movement, and made thetrip to Brasili a to visit the church and her ministry there, histestimony and story were heard with rejoicing. The pastor andelders were invited to his city to help organize the work after thepattern of the New Testament Church.Recently several churches in Be lo Horizonte have united withthe ministry of the Brasilia Church. Through these churches andthis minist ry many lives have been won for Chris t.

    The Brazilian church is beginning to send missionaries to othercountries where Americans have difficulty entering, bu t Brazilianshave easy access. The local Brasilia church ishelping support twomissionaries abroad. One in Albania and one in England who willeventually go to Rumania. Pray for their ministries Robert Fife,second generation missionary, will be going to Portugal partiallysupported by the Brazi lian churches.

    Training and Discipling WorkersTraining of National workers has received a big boost with thecalling of the Brasilia Church, another co-pastor. RonaldoBertolette was baptized at the Brasilia church and took specialcourses in discipling with Campus Crusade work in Sao Paulo. Heworked several years with them, but wanted to get back into thefellowship with the churches of Christ in central Brazil. He is nowgiving full time toevangelism anddisciplingin the universities andchanneling converts into the churches, as well as having a pastoralrelationship with the churches. In January, he held a week'snightly course for married couples in their relationship with oneanot he r, t h ei r families and t he c hu r ch .Discipling is being emphasized more and more at Chris tianCollege with actual evangelistic and church experience inleadership. Each student is participating in a mutual discipleshiprelationship and is challenged to win new disciples in theircommunity or in their jobs. Eighty per cent of the s tudents havefull time jobs and are studying at night.Each student is required to turn in a monthly statement of hisevangelistic activity and participation in some leadership activity,emphasizing discipleship. Need has Increased for training of theministry

    AScholarship Isnow: Full - S50monthly; Half - $25monthly.

    Forty Year Focus CelebrationThis celebration can be a part of our Five-Year Plan to mchallenge of completing our larger goal, as the Brazilian chufill in the gaps.We would like to offer a Forty Year Focus Picture(highlights of the past 40years)for all whogivea one-time p

    OneTime Gifts For Development Of:Direction Center/24 hour Prayer Chapel 515,0Fish Pond 510,0Small Tractor & Equipment 5 5,0One Home fo r Children 510,0Share In A One Time Gift Equal to $5,00055,000 One time gift51,000 A year for five years$ 100 A month fo r 10 monthsA OneTime Gift In This 40th Anniversary to Establish ProjeBeRelated Personally With Your Gift - Be A Prayer WarriAdopt a House-parent 5 600 monthAdopt a Child $ 20 monthAdopt a Ministerial Student 5 50 monthAdopt a Missionary Couple 51400 month

    One Person a n M a ke O ne Gift To e edThe Physically and SpirituallyHungry

    Restoration Movements are springing up in many areas in BUnitymovements and Divisionmovements are just as promiIn Brasilia, Pastor Carlos Alberto, leader of the Brasilia cinvited The New Life church over for a Sunday moconfraterization. Nearly 400 members of the two congregpart icipated in the Lord's Supper as a part of the challenbrotherly lov Pastors and elders read the Bibleand prayLord s Table.

    The tw ocongregationsduring Sundaymorninggreeting time.

    Editor L. David SandersMissionaries

    L. David and Ru th Sande r sStarla Joy Sanders de Azevedo

    Mailing Address:Cabca Postal 07 - 0862

    70.359 Brasilia, D.F., BrazilResidence- Higs - 708, BL-I, C-

    Send ai l contributions anquestions to: Joe Means, AgentBrazil Christian Mission

    Box 17067Wichita. KS 67217Please help keep our recordstraight by designating your offerings for missionary or projec

    Please do no t send checks or bills tth e field.

    Address corrections should be sento: The Logan Republican BCMBox 97

    Logan, KS 67646

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil




    Forty YearsIn razi l


    P ERU

    1948 - 1988


    io Branco1395

    Manau s1195Porto Velho^ 1175

    BOLIVIA uiaba545


    Goian ia110

    v^SaotuisJr 950Te re sma 820


    Belo Horizonte390

    joaoPessoa lllORecife 1065

    Maceio 930Aracaju 800

    ^^Jvador 665


    Vitoria 590Niteroi

    Sa^Paulo de Janeiro545 575IFlorianopolis

    815Porto Alegre


    Rl da Jona lr eSB e PouleBale HorlseniaPdrto AlagraRaciftBaUm

    57 5 mllai54 5 mllaa39 0 mllai

    1005 mila t1065 mllat98 5 mllat


    Pictor ia l ReviewLloydDavid and Ruth

    Sander s

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    In 1943, a young Lloyd DavidSanders left Johnson Bible College witha visionto carry the Gospel to the very heart of Brazil. Sponsored byhis graduating class, L. David set out to find a way to take Christ smessage to Brasilia, a citywhich as yet had not been built, and whichmost of the world (including many Brazilians) doubted would ever bebuilt. Sound idealistic? Perhaps, yet L.David s vision is nowa reality


    u t h S an de rs

    Here bread and milk were delivered d i rec t to th eSanders door.



    lAoyd David Sanders

    In March of 1948, L. David and his wife, Ruth [Snodgrass] Sanders,arrived in Brazil, the first missionaries of our brotherhood to pioneerthis immense country. Their plans wereclearly laid: first toestablish aChristian Church as close to the proposed newcapital city, Brasilia, aspossible.

    After three months oflanguage study in Rio deJaneiro on the coast ofBrazU, the Sanders moved inland to Goiania, the capital of the stateof Goias. Inside the boundries of this state, larger than the s ta te ofTexas, would be situated the future f ederal d ist rict of Brazil.Although Goiania at that time was a small, under-developed town, itwas the largest city near the planned location of Brasilia.

    ^ T

    With no washing machine, the clothes were washedthe near by stream.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Rut h u sed her accord ion inopen air and house meetings.

    In September 1948, the firstSunday School was begun. Here isone of the first Sunday Schoo lclasses held in th e Sanders home.

    I A

    In January. 1949, a house a^ rented in the Vila Nsuburb and Sunday School, Christian Day School, ChristEndeavor and preaching services were initiated. Here isfirst Day School.

    \Teodoro iMcerda helps Davidin Bible Dist r ibut ion.

    Five converts were baptized during this firstyear in River Meio Pontes, a two mile walkfrom Goiania.

    I ^X, I I

    mm.Lazaro was the first Brazilian Davidwitnessed to. . . . l ater he woi baptized... .and sti ll later , he helped Dale McAfee withthe one-time Heifer Project.

    Ruth and David had guardianshipresponsibilities with Amanda Coqueiro.When Amancio was 14, h e sa ve d th e twoSanders children from fire in the Sandershome.

    S 4J -Visiting American minister, WillShewman an d his friend, MaynThurston \from Indiana] take tiout fo r fishing in interior Brazil.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    During the next 12 years the mission workwould center in Goi an ia , a s t he Sande rs werejoined by other American missionaries of ourbrotherhood. J. Richard and Carolee Ewingand Miss Ruth Spurgeon arr ived in Brazi l in1950. At this time the work was strengthenedand expanded in several locations andsurvey-preaching trips were made fartherinterior.

    Ruth Spurgeon making hernursing calls by bicycle.

    >Martin Austel, son ofNew Tribes missionariesand Starla Joy Sanders listen to loud speaker..Martin later died of the Black Fever whileAustel s were out with an indian tribe.

    The first church building was completed in VilaNova in March 1953 for a congregation ofnearly 70 members. In October 1951 MissMary Ellen Case arrived to work with themission. The missionaries in insert Mary EllenCase Ruth Spurgeon Ruth and DavidSanders. During these years Brazil ChristianMission established four churches in Goiania,as well as churches and preaching points invarious outlying areas.

    Starla Joy was baptizedin RiveMe io Pon te s.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    This sameyear,1953 workwas openedin the strongRoman Catholic village of Silvania, 60 miles awayfrom Goiania. Besides the Sanders and Ewingsinitialwork,Ellen Case and Ruth Spurgeon livedandworked here for a time, u nt il Artur S ouz a Silva, anational pastor was able to serve. In later years, DavidSanders and youngbank clerk, Lucas, talk overplansfor the Silvania Church. Lucas had been preachingsincehe was12 years old. Aparecido, in doorway waspastor-evangelist at t hi s t im e.

    In July 1953, the first preacher training session washeld with 12 enrolled. The first full year of preachertraining Institute was held in 1954 w it h 24 s tu de nt s.First classes and boarding-in students were in homesin the Bo ta fo go a re a. Thirteen girls lived with theSanders in t he ir home.

    This same year a tract of ground was given byJeronimo Coimbro Beuno f ormer governor of thestate and senator . The foundation was laid for thefirst b ui ldi ng and d ed ic at ion was in 1955.

    Gertrude Shields with one of the first classes aftermoving into the new b ui ld in g.

    Agroup of the Institute students outside the new building [belowleftIn 1956 th e Edwin C. Knowles and th e Kenneth L. Mathis familiearrived to participate in -- vthe work. J. Richard rSRuth Spurgeon, Edwinand Lula Knowles, ^

    Kenneth n Clarice Mathisan d family in front of theEwing home.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Dale and Carol McAfeean d family

    Dale an d Carol McAfee an dfamily working with the CeresG o i a s c h u r c h .

    \ f

    The Carol Lowe Family came toin print ing l at er r et ur ne d toStates Th e Kenneth Mathis faresigned in 1959 to take a pastorathe States an d Miss Mary Ellen Cresigned to many Eugene HughePattonsburg Missouri Th e MeShields family arrived in 1959 an dDale H McAfee family joinedmission 1961.

    Gertrude Timothy andM e r l i n Shields.

    W m

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    [i][r sd d

    Architecturaldrawing ofproposedBrasiliaChristian Church [inset:interior baptistry\ Toseat640 insanctuary; 400in educationalplant.Estimated cost 100,000; goal for completion 1963.

    A team of missionaries: J. Richard Ewing, Kenneth Mathis, EdwinKnowles, William E. Loft down from Belem, Para) and L. DavidSanders visited the beginning capital in 1956 where they madeapplication for a churchlot which had the number001 and anfor camp grounds just outside the ci^ proper, but in the fe^rudist r i t

    AN IDEAL LOCATIONFour super squares formneighborhood unitEach unit is zoned foronly one church

    * The Christ ian Church hast i t le to this area

    * 10,000 persons live within18 feet of th e church

    Super-square of Apartments

    MB I306 ^ 305

    In 1960,Sanders left the general evangelisticwork in tGoiania area and moved to give full time to developithe plans for Brasilia. At that time the need was to gtitle to the pro|>ertywhich was made available in Ap1960, just a week before the new federal capital winaugurated. Receiving the title, the Sandeparticipatedin the inaugurationof the new capital anwith missionaries, Dick and Cay Ewing, Merl in anGertrude Shields, Ed and Lula Knowles, and RuSpurgeon, held an inauguration evangelistic servicethe church lot, one of the first to be given in the capitcity of Brasilia.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    utting the roof on the main assembly dining hall andkitchen on the camp grounds. One of the first youth congresses.

    The church in Luziania. near Brasilia, was started alsoin 1958 with evangelist Artu r Souza e Silva [sincedeceased\

    The missionaries go tto see PresidentDwight Eisenhowerwhen he visi tedBrasilia in 1960This monument wasput up in his honora t th e en tra nc e tothe American Cons u la t e

    Later in January , 1963,the Harry Scates familyarrived to a ttend thelanguage school inCampinas, Sao Paulo.They worked with theSanders in th e Brasiliawork until 1969 whenthey left the mission forUberlandia, MinasGera s.

    st m ntumm tm tirisn mms m mtm.fiasTll E*

    (BuewniMiiioew cattumt M m n M M ixw

    Elaine Scates wit h Vaca ti on Bible Schoin first wooden chapel.

    Preachingservices were begun sporadicallyin 1958 in the FreeCity [now known as Nucleon Banderante\ This work wasspear-headed by a brother in Christ, Luis Lira ofGoiania, whenS an de rs h eld services in his home. Later, he worked withWilliam Metz to establish a church in Gama [another Satellitefin t. Simultaneously. William A. Loft moved to a beginningSatellite city, Taguatinga, and founded a new church there.Here they ar e laying the cornerstone.

    Harry Scates andDavid Sanders observe beginninconstruction of new Brasilia church.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    ^ JIIWRuth Sanders and Ruth Spurgeon lead Vacation Bible Schoolin Brasilia wooden chapel. In November 1963 Miss RuthSpurgeon married Homer McKinley and resigned from themission Then in March 1964 J. Richard Ewing resigned tobecome Administrative Assistant at Puget SoundCollege ofthe Bible in Seattle Washington.

    Harry and Elaine Scates and Ruth Sanders prepato go ou t with youth f rom the Brasilia church intosurrounding apartments with Gospels and Tracts

    In 1964 the Thomas W. Fife family came to razilto serve inGoiania. Theyassisted in the local and rural churches especiallyco ordinating leadership training classes.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Merlin and Gertrude Shields were home on furlough aftertwo terms of service in Goiania In 1968 they severed theirtenyear fellowship withthe mission as did alsothe ThomasFife family Both families continue until the presentworking in Brazil in evangelism and leadership trainingThe ew Cass family and Mauriceierce family worked fora time in central Brazil though not with BCM

    An early Sunday School class with Ruth Sanders andAlicia Ribeiro {Daryl Bruce is second from left\

    A visit of three elders from the Glenn Park Church inWichita Kansas, Jo Jones, Bi ll Naylor an d BobBaker, meeting with DaleMcAfee and DavidSandersin the McAfee home in Brasilia

    Many never believed that the city would develop but it was theSanders belief that here in th e center of the nation, the Church of ou rLord Jesus Chri st could and s ho ul d b e established


    Thomas Fife mth the North Goiania Congregation


    The Sanders family in 1965 Starla Joy DBruce Ruth, Maria Joyce an d David in front ofBrasilia church.

    Women who met in th e early days in th e BChurch.

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    In 1980 the Brasilia congregation took the importantstep of calling its ownfull time minister Jairo Gomes deMiranda. While with the church the Christian Collegewas begun under his encouragement. As PastorEmeritus L. David continued to work.

    Sunday School an d Vacation Bible School has broughtin many children and their parentsto th e Brasi l ia church .

    Early morning Prayer Breakfast on Easter Sunday.



    Ru th Sande rs directs th e Brasilia Church Choir.

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    Dale and CarolMcAfee located in Ceres, Goias in 1966 aftert heir first f ur lough, to evangelize along the long, long t rail Brasilia-Belem road), beginning congregations in Sao Luizdo Norte, Estrela do Norte, Nova Gloria an d in Ceres. OneofDale s companions on many such evangelistic trips on theroad north was Tom Fife. With the c oo pe ra ti on of theEarl F. Haubner family, they were instrumental in plantinga church in Ceres. After t he Haubne rs moved to Goian ia i nJanuary 1973 where they continue to work in e van gel ismand leadership training), the McAfees led out in a buildingprogram for the C er es church. The church in Ceres is nowunder the le ad ers hi p of Joel Moreira de A ra uj o, formerdisciple and convert of Dale McAfee. The church at NovaGloria, Goias is also represented here as they came down forspecial baptismal service. Nova Gloria is under theleadership of Jose Alves da SUva, former slave who turnedevangelist.



    Dale and Carol with Danny and Sammy in front oftheir Valley Falls. Kansas, home, in 1985. Shortlyafter this picture, Dale suffered a seri ous heartattack an d stroke. Now in 1988, he is up an d wellon his road to recovery. We praise the Lord fo rthese wonderful co-workers


    In 1978, Dale and Carol McAfee and their family moto Brasilia to work in the Church Grow th Ce nt erResearch and Training for E vangelis m and ChuExtension. He also worked closely with the Ceilancongregation. This congregation suffered many triincluding sabotage on the building constructipersecutions, law suits and falling away of membFinally dedication services were held in J une, 1982, athe congr egation has continued to grow. It is c ur re nunder the l ea de rsh ip of Manoel Marinho de Senagraduate of the Christian Seminary and is constructassembly and class rooms on the rear of the b ui ld in

    The Brasilia congregation gather fo r a f ar ew el l to the M cAf amily as they leave Brazil fo r Valley Falls, Kansas, to be nhis mother, Mrs. TaylorMcAfee, who war seriously ill. Alsothe special educational needs ofDaniel and Samuel, their tw

  • 8/12/2019 Sanders LDavid Ruth 1988 Brazil


    On November 20 1983 a ne w church o f C hr is t wa sorganized in Sao Paulo. Thirty six persons were baptizedon November 15 by missionary David Sanders an d twohelpers. Relatives an d some former brethren who hadmoved to S ao u lo from Brasilia cal led David fo r ninitial organization to be guided by the New T^tamentmodel as known by th e restoration movement InJanuary 1984 another visit was made to re enforce theirfaith and to present a simple constitution of by laws fortheir approval. Adeil Fonseca is local leader. In 1987David went for another 40 baptisms and furtherleadership training.

    Special evangelistic youth congress was held in 1987 in theparking area of the Brasilia church.

    In 1982 Jairo Gomes de Miranda left the ministry of tBrasilia church to become part of the Brazilian BibSociety in Rio de Janeiro. Ulysses Borges de Oliveira wcalled as minister of th e Brasilia church [He is secofrom l ef t in the pictu re] . It was at this t ime that tchurch in Jardim Novo Oriente began the ir buildiprogram under the leadership of Iraci Candida [wmicrophone] This congregation is now under tleadership of the Luziania church which is completithe building and supporting the young Brazilian pasto

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    It was during this period tha t Starla Joy Sanders deAzevedobegan her work with the i tine rant s, thehippies of the area. A convert and discipleof hers wasSueli. Sueli s man did not accept Christ and she lef th im .. . she and he r two children ar e now in the state of SaoPaulo witnessing and teaching Christ ^

    Ulysses Borgesde Oliveira returned to pastor in Fires doRio and Carlos A lber to de Azevedo was called to theBrasilia church. He baptizes Sergio Seiffert, a convertout of the many hippies who found their way to theBrasilia church an d its warmth and understanding ofyouth.

    Bruce and June Colson came to Brazi land fo r a short time served with th eBrasilia church. They went to CuiabaMatto Grosso for several years. Whilethere, they received the gift of theFAME trailer which is now beingused in health and evangelism in thefederal district. Bruce was called toBrasilia to serve a s d ir ec to r of th eChris tian College. In 1988, he wascalled as pastor to the Brasiliachurch .

    A high-lightof the Missions Convetion in 1987 was the set ting asidfor specific service for the LordStarlaJoySanders de Azevedo (for tministry of the whole-man);Delvany Souza de Lima and his wifNubia Carla (forpreparing for furthservice in missions in Brazi l School of World Missions andFuller Seminary in California); andRobert and Derlani Fife nowPortugal serving as the Brazilichurches first foreign missionaries

    Iran Bemardes da Costa and his family were welcomed back to Brazilin September 1987 to begin immediately his role of Rector at theBrazilia Christian Theological College. He had been attending, fortwo years, Emmanuel School of Religion at Milligan, Tennessee,where he received his M.A. degree. In March 1988, he gave apre-semester professors training course. Here Iran is presenting L.David an d Ruth Sanders with a copy of his thesis from which he tookthe five-night course fo r professors in the College. L. David is Deanand he and Ruth continue as professors at Christian College.

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    David Eubanks, president of Johnson Bible College and hiswife Margaret visited Brazil. They brought inspirationalmessages to the annual missionary conference and visitedsome of the Brazilian churches. Here they are visiting thechurch in Gama [Satellite ciry of Brazilia] where GeraldoBorges and his wif Sebastiana minister ^hey are in frontof the Gama church building\ Geraldo is also active in theproject Ministry to the Whole-Man which Starla Joycoordinates .

    President ofBrazil ChristianMission Darel Boston andhis wife, Jo Ann are nowpastoring the church inJunction City, Kansas. Thispicture was t aken during avisit to Brazil. They ar e avital an d encouraging partof the work in Brazil.

    Remembering our secondgeneration missionaries:Philip and Tabitha McAfee\pictured\ He is son of Daleand Car ol McA fe e and isworking in Rio de Janeiro toestablish th e c hu rc h there.Robert and Derlani Fife. Heis son of Thomas and LibbyFife and is now in Portugal.Starla Joy and Luiz Car losde Azevedo. She is daughterof David and Ruth Sandersand works with th eMinistry to the Whole-Man

    Many of the Cos tudents also tooktraining course. Amthem were four forstudents: tw o fAngola, Africa,from Peru andfrom Mexico. Ther e64 s tudents inCollege.

    The missionaries from all over Brazil who work together in wfor the Lord as they meet for their annual missionary conferenGoiania Goias in January of 1988. Among these herepicturefour couples not mentioned earlier inour review butwho have bpartofthe centralBrazil thrust.... Paul and Shirley Lanham wiChristian College inGoiania Gaiy Alan andPamela BurreGeraldand Arlete Kennedy in evangelism and the ChristianCin Goiania .... and Gerald and Mary Holmquist, establchurches in Goias.

    Al l th e miMlonarlea over Brazilaie an importantpart of thesepast For^ yean

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    The years pass and Ruth McKinley returns to visit friendsand brethren in Brazil with her husband. Homer, and theirdaughter, Damares, in 1982. Ruth is the former RuthSpurgeon who was mission nurse in Brazil for 12 years.This year of 1988, Ruth was called home after a caraccident. She had continued faithful throughout all theseyears in prayer, encouragement and financial support ofthe mission. A special word ofappreciation fo r her life andwitness

    James Richard and Carolee Joy Ewing. The first couplejoin with the Sanders in the work in Brazil are nowBoise, Idaho. He is president of Boise Bible College anshe is a teacher. Through the years, they, too, hacontinued being a mainstay and an inspiration

    Our review would not be complete without pictures of ou r famwho have been and are a necessary and intimate part of owitness in Braz il . Here is Starla Joy, ou r oldest daughter, hchildren: Kalinka, Kaliula, Kyula, Kevan and her husband, LuCarlos Pinto de Azevedo, as they depart fo r th e USA in Apr1988, to visit churches to present the work they ar e doing in Brawith the project Ministry to the Whole Man. (The first 12 homfor 24 elderly are being completed. And their plans for homeschildren and health clinic and school have been approved by tBrazilian Social Services).

    Our son, Daryl Bruce,his wife, Pamela Ruthand sons: RussellLloyd and RichardDaryl. They live inCharleston, SouthCarolina, where hehas been in the Navyfor the past 10years.He will go into civilianlife in September.They are active intheir local church.

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    Our youngest daughter, Maria Joyce, withou r oldest grand-daughter, Kyula. Mariateaches English in a private schoo l inBrasilia a n d is active in the Bras i l iac h u r c h


    Russell Lloyd [Daryl s jon] andM a r i a s tw o sons : Mar ce lo Jason a n dRafael, at the base of a papaya treethey would like to climb. This picturewas taken during a visit of Daryl andPam t o B ra zi l i n Oct ober , 1987.

    \ \Rafael MariaJoyce s two year old is being kissed by cousin Safira.Starla and Luiz Carlos were in process of adopting Safira, havingcared for her for nearly the entire two years of her life when herfather returned and forcibly took her from their home.

    As a pan ofour 40year celebration among the Brazilian churches.Lloyd David was given a trip to Italy Israel and Egypt. He went inApril, 1988. He is in front of a Sphinx in Egypt.

    During our 40 years in Brazil, we hhelped care fo r and placed in Christhome, over 50 children. This is Elizabewhom we adopted before placing her innew home this is ou r last babproject and we consider her asdaughter-grand-daughter shecontinue to be in our hearts along withour children and grand-children.

    i- J110 I..

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    r t 1 t

    Robert Fife, then minister of the North-Goiania churchJust beforehis departure to Portugal, shows David the new churchconstruction fo r the nor th Goiania area

    Celebration again in the Brasilia Church, alsoFebruary, 1988. They uncover the plaque placed in the fof the church commemoratingthe Sanders 40years in Brtheir 8yearsin the Brasilia church and Lloyd David s i r y tm i

    A reception and cake a ft er the Celebration Worship Service. The Brasilia Church congre gation on M ar ch 31. 1988.

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    %Lloyd David Sanders Rath Edna Sanders


    Literally hundreds have given of life, substance, time and varied gifts for the Kingdom in Brazil.Especially do weowe thanks to J. Richard Ewing, Lynnton Elwell, Dallas Meserve, William A. Cook. BobBaker, Kermit Pugh, Max Whiteman, Earl Heald, and Don Lawrence, former board members who havegiven of their years for the cause of Christ in Brazil.

    We extend our appreciation and thanks also to those former Trustees of the Mission: Bob Baker,William Shattuck and Joe Means all of Wichita, Kansas.

    We cannot forget those who have helped throughout the years in publication and promotion of theMission: Mrs. Victor Fai r and her Denver Staff, Mrs. Carolee Ewing, Mrs. Bonnie Connell, Mrs. TaylorMcAfee, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Durham as wellas Capstan and Mission Services to these we also say,Thank you

    More recently, we are grateful to those who are serving today: Darel Boston and the MissionsCommitteeof Glenn Park Christian Church in Wichita, Kansas, with Lew Lutz and Jo Jones; Joe Means, asTreasurer and Forwarding Agent; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Atkinson of Logan, Kansas with publications; andMrs. Bonnie Connell who continues to coordinate our schedules an d stateside correspondence and personalfunds.And to the churches and individuals, who throughout these years have sustained us with your prayers,your lov your counsel, and your gifts, we say, A v ry special, 'Thank You '

    L. David and Ruth Sanders