Selecting The Right Dental Implants In San Diego Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbones beneath the gums. Once these posts get fused into the jaw, the dentist mounts the replacement teeth onto the posts.The advent of Dental Implants in San Diego has helped improve the appearance, smile and confidence of patients. Dental implants help preserve facial structure and prevent deterioration of bone that starts when the teeth have been missing for a long time. For most patients, the placement ofSan Diego Dental Implants involves a two-step surgical procedure. The first step in the procedure involves placing the dental implants within the jawbone. It takes approximately three to six months’ time to get bonded with the jawbone. You need to ensure that you take all precautions during this time as the chances of gums getting infected are high. Once the implant gets bonded with the jawbone, the surgeon begins the second phase. In this phase, the surgeon uncovers the implant and attaches small posts to it that protrude out of the gums. These posts are the anchors for the prosthetic teeth. When the surgeon places the artificial teeth on these posts, these become invisible.In today’s fast -paced world, theneed is for quick Dental Implants in San Diego procedures. One such procedure is the “teeth-in-an-hour”. This is a revolutionary concept because patients are provided with fully functioning teeth in an hour’s time. This procedure is based on team work between the surgeon and the family dentist. It is revolutionary because there is precise implantation of the implants with the help of surgery, similar to arthroscopy, causing minimal damage to surrounding tissues and hence better and faster healing. The prosthetics are fabricated before the implantation procedure is begun. This ensures that when you come in, it is ready to be fixed. The second revolutionary concept in San Diego Dental Implants is the advent of “all-on four”.This is useful when large number of teeth or the full set of teeth has to be replaced. Here, the whole dental bridge is placed on four dental implants per jaw. Due to the lesser number of implants needed, there are many benefits to this procedure. The process of healing is faster The procedure is cheaper than conventional implant procedures The need for bone grafting reduces The discomfort is minimal There is greater stability in the bone structure This Dental Implants San Diego procedure improves the quality of life and renews confidence. You can talk with your dentist if you are looking to fill in the missing teeth with quick fit solutions that last longer. Though there are many dentists offering these services, you need to ensure that you only get treated by the best dentists in the city. This will ensure that you get the most experienced dentist working on your dental implants.

San Diego Implant Dentistry

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Randall Stettler, DDS 5565 Grossmont Center Dr. #129 La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 463-4486 http://www.randallstettlerdds.com/ Dr Stettler has practiced as an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon for 20 years. For over 10 years Dr Stettler has specialized in immediate load, procera, and all on four. In addition to implants he had routinely treated patients with Preprosthetics and other Dento Alveolar surgeries. He has been one of the top implant Oral Surgeons in the country who is capable to do full mouth reconstruction.

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Page 1: San Diego Implant Dentistry

Selecting The Right Dental Implants In San Diego

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbones beneath

the gums. Once these posts get fused into the jaw, the dentist mounts the replacement

teeth onto the posts.The advent of Dental Implants in San Diego has helped improve the

appearance, smile and confidence of patients. Dental implants help preserve facial structure

and prevent deterioration of bone that starts when the teeth have been missing for a long


For most patients, the placement ofSan Diego Dental Implants involves a two-step surgical

procedure. The first step in the procedure involves placing the dental implants within the

jawbone. It takes approximately three to six months’ time to get bonded with the jawbone.

You need to ensure that you take all precautions during this time as the chances of gums

getting infected are high. Once the implant gets bonded with the jawbone, the surgeon

begins the second phase.

In this phase, the surgeon uncovers the implant and attaches small posts to it that protrude

out of the gums. These posts are the anchors for the prosthetic teeth. When the surgeon

places the artificial teeth on these posts, these become invisible.In today’s fast-paced world,

theneed is for quick Dental Implants in San Diego procedures. One such procedure is the


This is a revolutionary concept because patients are provided with fully functioning teeth in

an hour’s time. This procedure is based on team work between the surgeon and the family

dentist. It is revolutionary because there is precise implantation of the implants with the

help of surgery, similar to arthroscopy, causing minimal damage to surrounding tissues and

hence better and faster healing. The prosthetics are fabricated before the implantation

procedure is begun. This ensures that when you come in, it is ready to be fixed.

The second revolutionary concept in San Diego Dental Implants is the advent of “all-on

four”.This is useful when large number of teeth or the full set of teeth has to be replaced.

Here, the whole dental bridge is placed on four dental implants per jaw. Due to the lesser

number of implants needed, there are many benefits to this procedure.

The process of healing is faster

The procedure is cheaper than conventional implant procedures

The need for bone grafting reduces

The discomfort is minimal

There is greater stability in the bone structure

This Dental Implants San Diego procedure improves the quality of life and renews

confidence. You can talk with your dentist if you are looking to fill in the missing teeth with

quick fit solutions that last longer. Though there are many dentists offering these services,

you need to ensure that you only get treated by the best dentists in the city. This will

ensure that you get the most experienced dentist working on your dental implants.

Page 2: San Diego Implant Dentistry

Why Select An Experienced Implant Dentist San Diego?

Although there were procedures and artificial tooth/teeth available for replacing the lost

tooth/teeth, they had their own drawbacks. With the advance in technology in the field of

implant dentistry, there are now specialized Implant Dentist in San Diego.There aremultiple

reasons for losing a tooth or a number of teeth asstated below:

Dental diseases majorly cause loss of tooth along with gum diseases and dental


Trauma results in loss of teeth and this getscompounded by injuries to the

surrounding tissues, requiring other interventional procedures.

Congenital absence wherein the tooth has not erupted right from the beginning.

An implant dentist is a specialized oral surgeon with advanced training, having earned

certifications through rigid examinations. He/she is board certified and a recipient of

“diplomate” status. The surgeon is a member of various appropriate associations.

The Implant Dentist San Diego should actively pursue excellence in implant care through

continual educational courses and be abreast with the latest in this field. The dentist should

continuously hone and refine the requisite skills.

If you are suffering from tooth loss and have been referred to a specialist in the field of

implant dentistry, you should enquire about the experience of the surgeon. An experienced

surgeon looksout for potential complications and nips them in the bud. Whether they

prescribe antibiotics or suggest surgery to get new teeth implants, you need to ensure that

you are visiting an experienced dentist. Ask about their license, experience and online

reviews about the treatment they offer.

Additionally, you should inquire regarding the number of dental implant procedures the

Implant Dentist San Diego performs in a month. A surgeon who places more number of

implants every month will be more skilled at performing the procedures. Thus, look for

experience and the popularity of surgeons. Usually the busy ones do a better job.

A good Implant Dentist in San Diegoinvests in the latest technology for diagnosing and

treating. Some of the advanced technologies are digital x-rays, in-office CAT scan imaging,

and 3D imaging. Not only do they understand all about these technical diagnosis but have

staff on payroll that looks after these factors.

A good Implant Dentist in San Diegoprovides alternatives such as “teeth-in-an-hour” and

other procedures such as bone grafting that enhance the rate of success of the implants.

The surgeon uses growth factors routinely for enhancing the healing process.

It is imperative that you be comfortable in the ambience provided by your surgeon. You

should be comfortable with your surgeon so that you are able to discuss all your

apprehensions without any hesitation. If you have any ailments including diabetes, thyroid

related issues or hypertension it is essential to let the doctor know beforehand. Additionally,

if you have suffered from tumors, cancer or other diseases that needed exposure to

chemotherapy or radiation let your dentist know.

Page 3: San Diego Implant Dentistry

Essential Aspects Of San Diego Implant Dentistry

In the field of cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry is the most sought after procedure.

Many patients opt for this treatment to improve their confidence, appearance, and

smile.San Diego Implant Dentistry deals with implantation of dental implants as well as

Lumineers and dental veneers. Most general dentists are not qualified to perform this

surgical procedure. The oral surgeons that perform the surgical procedures undergo

advanced training and certifications. Hence, the surgeon you choose should be well qualified

and experienced. This will ensure you are comfortable with the knowledge that if anything

unforeseen occurs; the surgeon is in a position to handle the case.

San Diego Implant Dentistry is sought for replacing the missing tooth with an artificial tooth

that is fixed with the help of an implant.These implants do not require extra maintenance

other than what you would require for your natural teeth such as regular brushing and


Though the initial investment in dental implants is very high, the implants last long periods

of time. This will ensure you are saved from frequent changing of your artificial teeth. On

the other hand, the dental bridges need to be replaced every 10 years.San Diego Implant

Dentistry is a procedure that is suitable for all age groups and is quite popular amongst the

elderly.If you have more than one missing tooth and they were aligned together, then you

do not have to get an implant for every missing tooth. Your surgeon would space apart the

dental implants to support the artificial teeth.

Are you the right candidate for San Diego Implant Dentistry? This is an important question

to ask because not everyone can get the procedure done. If you lost your teeth due to

illness, the doctor might need to check and see the physical condition and other aspects.

If you have lost a tooth or teeth, then you are eligible for dental implant, but you have to be

in good health and not suffer from any medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes,

radiation to the jaw due to cancer, or uncontrolled periodontal diseases. Additionally, if you

are addicted to alcohol or cigarettes, your success rate willbe affected. You must not hide

anything from the surgeon you are consulting regarding your current medical and health

status as well as all the various medications you are taking presently and in the recent past.

When you meet your San Diego Implant Dentistrysurgeon for the first time, you should

discuss all your apprehensions. Your surgeon would first completely assess your jaw and the

gums before declaring you as the right candidate. Thus, get a referral today or start looking

for an implant dentist that can take care of your imperfect teeth. You need to see if the

insurance covers full or some part of the expenses. It is an expensive procedure so you’ll

need to budget accordingly. Otherwise you might need to use it from your savings to get

the procedure completed.