PRO MHiflimmiuinouiiiiHiii vfllllllllilllll VERITATE IISHOli) - CONTENTS The Inflnrner of Ecnmeahm _ - f*W, Krrl rn SrJufVig ** FAtffag]' and Polities -- Kerl en Brreld The Rote of n Centre wi IMX Training Chrisius en die Wereld ran More -- Kerb eti Wettld/Churrli and World 0\t soek rttf Hrldrrhr/d .. ,. Chrislefike ln\tituut _-. - - _,__,. r r •? .1 i 5 0 7 a CHRISTELIKE MAANDBLAD VIR SUIDEUKE AFRIKA Jaargang III, Nr. 5 Intekengeld Rl Subscription 5c By die ttturfpoxkantoor a* SttusHttd prrepitlrrrr* CHRISTIAN MONTHLY FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA Sept 15 Sept. 1964 Volume m , No. 5 Hcr>UCrrJ at ihe PaU Offlcr ui a f/rwspaprw. THE IKIIIENCE OF ECUMENISM OIV CHRISTIANITY Samuel S. Seane "Ecumenical", "ecumenicity", "ecumenism'* — what a word in the vocabulary of Church history, particularly in this, the 20th century! William Temple has called the ecumenical move- ment "(he great new fact of our era" in church history. Others have called the ecumenical movement "Ihe greatest miracle of the 20th century", and some have called it "the movement of the Holy Spirit in the Church of God"\ The word ^ecumenical", Ihe word "ecumenism" conies from the ft reek word "OIKOC- MENE", which, originally, means "Ihe whole inhabited earth" — "the whole inhabited world". The New Testament use of OIKOO MENS is more often in reference to the whole inhabited world than lo ihe church. We find references in Ihc New Testament lo this political Oikouinene, which now went bc>on<l ihe Roman Empire, e * Luke 2:1: "In those days a decree went out from Caesar Auguv iu* lhai all the world should be en- rolled/' In fact ihis OIKOUMENE b sometimes claimed by the devil in the New Testament: Luke 5: 5 & *, "And the devil took Him (Jesus) up and showed Him all the Kingdoms of Ihe wnrid in a moment of lime, and said to Him. to you I will give all this authority and their glory for it has been defivercd lo me. and I give ii lo whom I will," Bui for the author of the Hebrews the OIKOUMENE was out in the first place Ihe politically, religiously or diabolically marked world, but a world the whole in- habited world • destined lo hr re- deemed by Christ, Thus he wrote about the "OIKOUMENE TO COME" Hebrews 2: 5 "for it was not to Angels that God subjected the wnrW to come, of which we ure speaking**. In Jesus Christ the OIKOUMENI Ihe whole inhabited world — received its king, ils messengers, ;ind thus IW fulure* This becomes clear in Matthew 24: 14 "And ihis gospel of Ihc King- dom will be preached throughout the world, as n testimony to all nations, and ihcn ihe end will come*" The whole inhabited world therefore* ihc OIKOU- MENE, is the object of Graft mission - the object of God's mighty acts of salvation, claimed by ihe risen Christ and Ihc coming Lord. A CALL TO REPENTANCE There grew ur> gradually and quietly in the minds and hearts of certain men. a conviction that the divisions* in the Hotly of Christ, the Church, are sin- ful and contrary to the will of Christ. Such a consciousness had existed be- fore in christian history, bur as a pas- sionate motive for christian action it hardly existed except in some isolated individuals for nearly a millcnium and a half. For St. Augustine the real unity of the church had been a unity of love and for him the distinguishing mark of the heretic and the schismatic was that both lacked this love for the Body of Christ, the Church. Bui in ihc Catholic Church of the first centuries it had always been Ihe other* who were the sinner*. But in ihis new ecumenical con* sciousness of the 20th century, those who feel it. feel the judgement of God on the sin of schism addressed to iheitwelves. They feel themselves in- volved in this sin and they feel them- selves called lo repentance. During my study course in Geneva. I listened lo one church leader in the ecumenical movement say Ihis: "I never thought that in my lifetime I would live to hear a Pope of Rome say: *lf we (Roman Catholics* have wounded any people in the past, we ask foe forgiveness — and if any people have wounded us w* forgive tnemV This is the heart and essence of ecumenism, and Pope John XXIII, that great protagonist of ecu- menism in the Roman Catholic Church shows this — a consciousness of sin, a consciousness of forgiveness, for our sins*, a consciousness of mutual love and respeei. a consciousness of give and take, where there is no parly superior and no party inferior in Ihc ecumenical dialogue. "Ecumenism** says William Nieholls. "will always remain a mystery to anyone who docs not *ee that repecrtan^ is the driving force behind it — that it fa a movement of amendment of life — a movement of committal — a movement of re- newal/ 1 Ecumenism arises from a mectinic • •! men and women through God the centre of nl life and of "all reality. Lifer, IK thc> meet together, talk to one another, listen to WE another, and through the lfnl> Spirit llnd them- selves fajQjIu n rich fellowship, lhe> bei -ii'Ti- conscious of tin* (act thai unit> Is already a 0ft of God; and thc> be- come M M that unity can only be worked for hy a recovery of love he* twee it separated christians, by a new humility in our relations with one an- other and finall> by the gracious ac- tion of the Lord Himself, who alone can redeem U from our sinful situa- tion. \% V A. Demant puts it, *we are not weak because m are divided, we are divided because we are weak*** A MOVEMENT OF PRAYER The focussing point of ideas and inspiration which made the new ecu- menical movement possible was the Ldinburgh World Missionary Confer* encc of \W) Stephen Neil) calls Ihis ecumenical conference "the watershed between two eras of church history**. Before 1910 he says the ecumenical movements were like rays of light struggling; through a closed shutter in- to a dark room. Since 1910 the shut* ters have been flung back and light pours into all the corners of the rovio, ami here we arc laughl something of the wav in which "God moves Ihe world through Ihe church, by leading His faithful people lo pray for those things which it is His will lo grant." Fcumcnism is a movement of prayer, /Contained on page 2f GOD, KERK EN SENDING Die mens 06 hooding leenoor die Sending is nit? maar net 'n eie loss t a ancle opinio wat niks (e doen hot mel die res van sy tfe'oof en fly godsdiens nie. Hit is deel van sy Rclncrf in Cod. sy verhoadjng tot die Here Jesus en ook deel van wat hy oor die kerk van die Here slo. Dit moet so wees want Sending is nie maar indiwidue se werk nie, dit i*s die kerk se werk wat hy doen in dankhare s'ehoorsaamheid aan die hevel van die Here Jesus Kintlik en in laaste instance is dit God se werk, dit is God se Sending, Dit is Hy wat ccrste gestuur hct* ..God hct sy Seun in die wereld gc* sluur/' se Johannes (Job. 3: 171 en die rede waarom Hy sy Seun sluur is Sy groot liefdc tot die wereld, „Wani ^> lief hct God die wereld gehad dat Hy sy eniggebofc Seun gegee hct . Ons is by vcrrc na nie so lief vir die wereld nie, trouens ons is nie eers ali^J m Oris skifc met God sc lichle sir die wereld nie, Ons wmj eraag he dat God net summige merise ult die wereld lief* h^ t eintlik die wat so bietjie bokanl die WCR'M staan — sons ons by >oorheeW, Ons wat in ons kcrL is of una ons volk hchoort maar onfc nie almal in ons kerk nie, want daar is noj; die wat ook in nm kerk Is \ .m wie ons nie hou nk\ huflc is eintlik dip hingelaars en die fariseers en God moet hulte ook nie tiefhv nte* I>an mint God ons volk lief- tte, maar die lierde heteken nte dat hulle almal prvd mwt word oV^ur die hloed van ChrMus nie, dit hclrkrn eintlik dat Hod om volk moet bewuar teen Kotnmtinlsle en bartvare, teen die V.V-O. eo almal wat ons hunt, Om. moet beiVHf word om t c kiln vonrtbe- Maan, En as om nou *ra maar waurom moet ons volk voortbestaan e« wnt doen ons sulk nou \odanig dat ons God §G bcAdnlng mr>et oiitvaitg, dan word ons skevf aanpekyk en ter *yd> gese: Kvk hoe ver het die lil^ralisme al h\ horn ook deur-cdrirtfi, hy is seker nie Vi uoeie Afrikaner nk k> Om alle twyfel uil die haric wcg (c neem wi| ek u versekecdal ck my volk ook bciie liefhet en gcrccld vir my volk en sy leicrs en sy beskerming bid. net- SOOS Kiie van u, Maar ck wil daar by- vt>cg: Ons praal mos nie nou oor ons volk nie maar oor God sc volk en ook nie oor ons kerk nie maar oor die kerk van Christus — mag dit so wees dat ons kerk ook die kerk van Otrislus ts! Nou in hicrdie kerk hot ons die ware God. die Vadcr van ons Here Jesus leer kca Fn in Sy Woord leer Hy ons dat Hy geen behae hct in die dood van die sondaar nie, dat dit te gcring is dat Sy Seiin net die vcrvallc huts van Jakob sou opcig maar dat Hy Horn gemaak het *n lig lot verligting van die nasics. DS. G W. H. BOSHOFF Oil is hierdie Goil wat die wereld so Sief hct. *n wereld vol van skurke en p.oillonnaars, komnuinistc, barhare, sclfvcrhoogdes, skynheiliges. roekeloses, h;indeloses 4 wredes. ontugpkrers — in ccn woord *n gcvalle wereld, "n vv^reld wat midde in die dood Ii. Fn log hct God die wereld Itel, met *n liefde wat nie net *n gcvoel is nie maar 'n liefde wat *n gawc word, liefde wat ge^taltc kiy in die persoon van Sy eniegehore .Seun. Mecr nog. liefde wat *n coffer wonJ, wat gekruisig en beftrawe vvord, liefde wat kan ly en ter belle neerdnal terwttle van die vcrsocning van hierdie wereld. Ry Golgota hct God *n Bron, *n fon* tcin van hcil en lewv geopen maar waar is die kanale om daardie waters na die d<irs|ige werckl te voer? By Go!- gota het C i- ».j *n kragstasic ^ebou, maar waar is die hoxvgspariningsdrade om die krag na duisternis en slawcrny te voer? ITnc kerk is Christus se hoogspan- ningsdrade. die Christenc is sy kanale. Oil is vir hulle wat Hy sc: Gaan dan hcen , . * Sons die Vadcr My gestuur het, stuur Ek jullc * t . Ons Sending is die voon.sctting van God SO Sending As ons so na die Sending kyk en ons vra na die voortgang van die evan- gelic in ons lyd* word oils ernstig d u r - van bewus dat daar iels radikaal ver- keerd is. Nfcnsc wat met wereld statist ieke werk hct vir ons ontnugiercnde feitc aan die lig gebring. Oit blyk dat ^ic (Vervdg op bladsy 2)

Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

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Page 1: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

PRO MHiflimmiuinouiiiiHiii

vfllllllllilllll V E R I T A T E

I I S H O l i ) - C O N T E N T S

The Inflnrner of Ecnmeahm _ - mdash

fW Krrl rn SrJufVig

FAtffag] and Polities - -

Kerl en Brreld

The Rote of n Centre wi IMX Training

Chrisius en die Wereld ran More - -

Kerb eti WettldChurrli and World

0t soek rttf Hrldrrhrd

Chrislefike lntituut _- - - _ _ _



bull 1

i 5 0 7



Jaargang III Nr 5 Intekengeld R l Subscription 5 c

By die ttturfpoxkantoor a SttusHttd prrepitlrrrr


Sep t 15 Sept 1964 Volume m No 5

HcrgtUCrrJ at ihe PaU Offlcr ui a frwspaprw


mdash Samuel S Seane

Ecumen ica l ecumenic i ty ecumenism mdash w h a t a word in the vocabulary of C h u r c h h i s to ry pa r t i cu l a r l y in this t he 20th c e n t u r y Will iam Temple has called the ecumenica l moveshyment ( h e g r e a t new fac t of o u r e r a in chu rch h i s to ry O t h e r s h a v e called t h e ecumenica l movemen t I h e g rea t e s t mirac le of the 20th c e n t u r y a n d some h a v e called it t he movemen t of t h e Holy Sp i r i t in t h e C h u r c h of God T h e word ^ecumenica l Ihe word ecumen i sm conies f rom t h e ft r eek word O I K O C -M E N E which or ig ina l ly m e a n s I h e whole inhabi ted e a r t h mdash t h e whole i n h a b i t e d wor ld

The New Testament use of OIKOO MENS is more often in reference to the whole inhabited world than lo ihe church We find references in Ihc New Testament lo this political Oikouinene which now went bcgtonltl ihe Roman Empire e Luke 21 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Auguv iu lhai all the world should be enshyrolled In fact ihis OIKOUMENE b sometimes claimed by the devil in the New Testament Luke 5 5 amp And the devil took Him (Jesus) up and showed Him all the Kingdoms of Ihe wnrid in a moment of lime and said to Him to you I will give all this authority and their glory for it has been defivercd lo me and I give ii lo whom I will Bui for the author of the Hebrews the OIKOUMENE was out in the first place Ihe politically religiously or diabolically marked world but a world mdash the whole inshyhabited world bull destined lo hr reshydeemed by Christ Thus he wrote about the OIKOUMENE TO COME

Hebrews 2 5 for it was not to Angels that God subjected the wnrW to come of which we ure speaking In Jesus Christ the OIKOUMENI Ihe whole inhabited world mdash received its king ils messengers ind thus IW fulure This becomes clear in Matthew 24 14 And ihis gospel of Ihc Kingshydom will be preached throughout the world as n testimony to all nations and ihcn ihe end will come The whole inhabited world therefore ihc OIKOUshyMENE is the object of Graft mission

- the object of Gods mighty acts of salvation claimed by ihe risen Christ and Ihc coming Lord


There grew urgt gradually and quietly in the minds and hearts of certain men a conviction that the divisions in the Hotly of Christ the Church are sinshyful and contrary to the will of Christ Such a consciousness had existed beshyfore in christian history bur as a passhysionate motive for christian action it hardly existed except in some isolated individuals for nearly a millcnium and a half For St Augustine the real unity of the church had been a unity of love and for him the distinguishing mark of the heretic and the schismatic was that both lacked this love for the Body of Christ the Church Bui in ihc Catholic Church of the first centuries it had always been Ihe other who were the sinner

But in ihis new ecumenical con sciousness of the 20th century those who feel it feel the judgement of God on the sin of schism addressed to iheitwelves They feel themselves inshyvolved in this sin and they feel themshyselves called lo repentance During my study course in Geneva I listened lo one church leader in the ecumenical movement say Ihis I never thought that in my lifetime I would live to hear a Pope of Rome say lf we (Roman Catholics have wounded any people in the past we ask foe forgiveness mdash and if any people have wounded us w forgive tnemV This is the heart and essence of ecumenism and Pope John

XXIII that great protagonist of ecushymenism in the Roman Catholic Church shows this mdash a consciousness of sin a consciousness of forgiveness for our sins a consciousness of mutual love and respeei a consciousness of give and take where there is no parly superior and no party inferior in Ihc ecumenical dialogue Ecumenism says William Nieholls will always remain a mystery to anyone who docs not ee that repecrtan^ is the driving force behind it mdash that it fa a movement of amendment of life mdash a movement of committal mdash a movement of reshynewal1

Ecumenism arises from a mectinic bull bull men and women through God the centre of n l life and of all reality Lifer IK thcgt meet together talk to one another listen to WE another and through the lfnlgt Spirit llnd themshyselves fajQjIu n rich fellowship lhegt bei -iiTi- conscious of tin (act thai unitgt Is already a 0ft of God and thcgt beshycome M M that unity can only be worked for hy a recovery of love he twee it separated christians by a new humility in our relations with one anshy

other and finallgt by the gracious acshytion of the Lord Himself who alone can redeem U from our sinful situashytion V A Demant puts it we are not weak because m are divided we are divided because we are weak


The focussing point of ideas and inspiration which made the new ecushymenical movement possible was the Ldinburgh World Missionary Confer encc of W) Stephen Neil) calls Ihis ecumenical conference the watershed between two eras of church history Before 1910 he says the ecumenical movements were like rays of light struggling through a closed shutter inshyto a dark room Since 1910 the shut ters have been flung back and light pours into all the corners of the rovio ami here we arc laughl something of the wav in which God moves Ihe world through Ihe church by leading His faithful people lo pray for those things which it is His will lo grant Fcumcnism is a movement of prayer

Contained on page 2f

GOD KERK EN SENDING Die mens 06 hooding leenoor die Sending is nit maar net n

eie loss t a ancle opinio wat niks (e doen hot mel die res van sy tfeoof en fly godsdiens nie Hit is deel van sy Rclncrf in Cod sy verhoadjng tot die Here Jesus en ook deel van wat hy oor die kerk van die Here slo Dit moet so wees want Sending is nie maar indiwidue se werk nie dit is die kerk se werk wat hy doen in dankhare sehoorsaamheid aan die hevel van die Here J e s u s Kintlik en in laaste ins tance is dit God se werk dit is God se Sending

Dit is Hy wat ccrste gestuur hct God hct sy Seun in die wereld gc sluur se Johannes (Job 3 171 en die rede waarom Hy sy Seun sluur is Sy groot liefdc tot die wereld bdquoWani gt lief hct God die wereld gehad dat Hy sy eniggebofc Seun gegee hct trade

Ons is by vcrrc na nie so lief vir die wereld nie trouens ons is nie eers ali^J m Oris skifc met God sc lichle sir die wereld nie Ons wmj eraag he dat God net summige merise ult die wereld lief h^t eintlik die wat so bietjie bokanl die WCRM staan mdash sons ons by gtoorheeW Ons wat in ons kcrL is of una ons volk hchoort mdash maar onfc nie almal in ons kerk nie want daar is noj die wat ook in nm kerk Is m wie ons nie hou nk huflc is eintlik dip hingelaars en die fariseers en God moet hulte ook nie tiefhv nte Igtan mint God ons volk lief-tte maar die lierde heteken nte dat hulle almal prvd mwt word oV ur die hloed van ChrMus nie dit hclrkrn eintlik dat Hod om volk moet bewuar teen Kotnmtinlsle en bartvare teen die VV-O eo almal wat ons hunt Om

moet beiVHf word om tc kiln vonrtbe-Maan En as om nou ra maar waurom moet ons volk voortbestaan elaquo wnt doen ons sulk nou odanig dat ons God sectG bcAdnlng mrgtet oiitvaitg dan word ons skevf aanpekyk en ter ydgt gese Kvk hoe ver het die lil^ralisme al h horn ook deur-cdrirtfi hy is seker nie Vi uoeie Afrikaner nkkgt

Om alle twyfel uil die haric wcg (c neem wi| ek u versekecdal ck my volk ook bciie liefhet en gcrccld vir my volk en sy leicrs en sy beskerming bid net-SOOS Kiie van u Maar ck wil daar by-vtgtcg Ons praal mos nie nou oor ons volk nie maar oor God sc volk en ook nie oor ons kerk nie maar oor die kerk van Christus mdash mag dit so wees dat ons kerk ook die kerk van Otrislus ts

Nou in hicrdie kerk hot ons die ware God die Vadcr van ons Here Jesus leer kca Fn in Sy Woord leer Hy ons dat Hy geen behae hct in die dood van die sondaar nie dat dit te gcring is dat Sy Seiin net die vcrvallc huts van Jakob sou opcig maar dat Hy Horn gemaak het n lig lot verligting van die nasics


Oil is hierdie Goil wat die wereld so Sief hct n wereld vol van skurke en poillonnaars komnuinistc barhare sclfvcrhoogdes skynheiliges roekeloses hindeloses4 wredes ontugpkrers mdash in ccn woord n gcvalle wereld n vv reld wat midde in die dood Ii Fn log hct God die wereld Itel met n liefde wat nie net n gcvoel is nie maar n liefde wat n gawc word liefde wat ge^taltc kiy in die persoon van Sy eniegehore Seun Mecr nog liefde wat n coffer wonJ wat gekruisig en beftrawe vvord liefde wat kan ly en ter belle neerdnal terwttle van die vcrsocning van hierdie wereld

Ry Golgota hct God n Bron n fon tcin van hcil en lewv geopen maar waar is die kanale om daardie waters na die dltirs|ige werckl te voer By Go-gota het C i- raquoj n kragstasic ^ebou maar waar is die hoxvgspariningsdrade om die krag na duisternis en slawcrny te voer ITnc kerk is Christus se hoogspan-ningsdrade die Christenc is sy kanale Oil is vir hulle wat Hy sc Gaan dan hcen Sons die Vadcr My gestuur het stuur Ek jullc t Ons Sending is die voonsctting van God SO Sending

As ons so na die Sending kyk en ons vra na die voortgang van die evanshygelic in ons lyd word oils ernstig d u r -van bewus dat daar iels radikaal ver-keerd is

Nfcnsc wat met wereld statist ieke werk hct vir ons ontnugiercnde feitc aan die lig gebring Oit blyk dat ^ic

(Vervdg op bladsy 2)

PRO VERITATE Sepl IS Sept 1961

THE l i l 01 E H gti I ISM o CIIIIISTI v n v

Cmtim4 ftum [way I)

llll 10 ft fision The il is a cnmmiui to World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman Or MotL who sand Let us umic a laquo k M laquo in Ihc urnvcrsilfe of the world in witae for a r i a The fcnnaiana of Ihe Young Men ( V n i U D Awxi-ittfia the Ycmng Women (nrvutan A w v cmlarm and other MmUr f hmian AssoaaiKm caaac man cusieucc he-cause their leaders rcahod that aaorc and mnrr the wid needed the w p laquo l of cD-oniinjud o V i u a i force

remnenrsm mdash Inn aaovemenr of the Hot Sfir i within ike church nmm fcsied iiclf in matters of taath and

in nmtlcr nf Ufa and ftnrl tsl ^1 Amsterdam we sec the

of Ihc VW C a fellowship of churefcev hating a tluar hast the l laquo d Jes fnrist as l^ud and Sashyviour The theme i this first A^ltmN of the W C C w M n raquo lamarato and trim Oouaa Thi t w i m n u ^ l gathering enables the chinches in (he World lo grow in ihc fellowship of Jew Christ and in ihc reltamina-lion of ihctr misutm for ihc evangeli-saiion of ihc world

Fcumcnisjn continued bullraquo influence Christians and churches at ihc Second Assembly o( ihc WCC in V4 al FvanMon in Ihc ITSA- Al Ihis Acm-My Ihcre were lo4 churches in this ecu-menical fellowship representing 4H nation and having laquo ihcir theme bullf ftrtst ihe hope ni ihr world With greater impetus and dclerminnlinn ihc churches of Ihc world decided lo go oui into Ihe world lo no nod bear wit ncss to this truth Appeal from ihU ecumenical assembly were sent out to governments lo churches to the pre service of ihc laquoKlil to leaders of nations lo settle in future their differshyence^ by peaceful nicaiK The rasage and brutalities perpetrated during the Second WorU War were -Jdl freh in the menngtries of men and women

I n n Emwanau IW lawmhrr churshych camrht af roll the tnw mtmma laquof the church In the raquo bull a ato rrno-sttnrs of thr tnrti oi the ltogtsnrl am mr

laquo4 n t nanrnn aw i m A bull-lae n bull ovanpni hi ml Ihr

4 hmmm aaV - m me (arnrn^ In t a r u l u l i nnd in romanmr laquobull ittdctslrs

In najBvano naoar m aft faaanl

t a v t n ^ t t f l e m n l m M And from Ivamton lo New Demi

in 1degwl ccnmrmire bm heen urflocnc imt thrtsiun force in Ihc world In 11 a laquo lac W C f mrrpay wnh Ihe Imernatiooal MIVMltWUTgt C otaacil for a gicalcr aotnes and c n laquo by ihe OniTch of C V w in the wurid Tocrc is here a re-eurmnalion of the plnce of the tatty ihe 1am mdash the people of tiod in the life and witnew of the church jrralct emphasis on eangdim and Ihe definitiltraquon nf the nature of that unity for which we sert We hear of Anglican Mcthndivl Con vcisalions in l_npland and all ihi is done in ordci lo wc rnffiund foi f itxl We have heard of the 1 rniicil flwrch of Canada of Ihe Iniieil (Tiurch of South Indin of plans Tor church unions in Africa in Asin and In Australia mdash led by ihc Holy Spiril we can see here how ecumenism influences Ihc churchcN to be conscious of their mition in Ihc world - bull w see the outreach of the church into new frontier for ihe evangelisation of the world

In South Africa we hear under Ihc Christian Council of South Africa of uExpundiiwraquo Prnfrmmmr lor tottcfhrr-nr-at of chnrch and new dimritslon^ bullf mMMi for sHiih Africa todat VVe hear of a Durban Masnr whltraquo mviied all the churvho to the cits hatt of Ourban on a Sunday hefltraquore fliriamav raquo amm md a m In Wmdashmgt raquo bull aVmnmiraiNHi of ChnStUn uatgt a Ihr hawk aeuro ma larmnaalaa bull In a tr-

pirn about thK servioc I underhncd ihoe woniv Tm nimhinrd mMMf pina nf Camntic and Protrslanf a i r uropean laaaan fricaa and lt olnuf -ed slaadiaz ^houWrr lo shnalaW wm enaWave that ltbull k at laquo o r i In Ihw HraquordL c laquo m S o n Allien m Sooth Afnca we hear of that cvumem-caJ fclow^aip the fhr is tun Imiifuie with i b wonderful aumsiry of rtcOaV dhabon - - reilaquoanhjiion hetoeen man nd God between n u n and man and between race and race And af there t -whin iKn South Africa needs ltgt

da ) it 1 ihat the r acn mis comv trgt honai le^rn a lhegt are kd K C o l to fatal ID one another lo maV I n cue aneaaarr t o aaaaw oav another 10 aunacJ and moe one amlaquohcr In l e a n h m l a i n Imwaamr m aaanv an 1hrlaquo heWsed e-aaatn af aaamc tat aW nf a aaaai Icamenism can h d p as m this tasi ban this is the tast rf Chrwitamti and laquo are ^bullfiftf to thi way of hfe


nunm A we have wtl Ihraquot the cvumcmcal

mostment is Wrongly amt^rncd with the relevance of ihc church ami H message in our modern situation ecushymenical discussions are concerned wiih ways and means of intensifying Iho outreach of the church into the whole ftocicly that the word of ltJltKI should he interpreted in the tongu^c ihc ihoughl-forms the theology and Ihe idiom of the people

For the so-called undcrdcwlii|icd countries or the so-called Younger churches or Mission Field Chrlv tianitv would not then appear an ftn exotic religion on the oil of Ihe people but would be related to the heart ami soul of ihe neop1^ To illustrate fur-iber this point mdash of a Christianity that dioukl he related lo the uwl ami soul of ihe people let me quote from a Element nude by the International Mgtvt4onarv Council f onterence alt Willingenin l deg 5 i under the hendinf iThc nnnrrsal church in il nvat ei-tintT Unite ltnc timtxh of Chhn ui anv place and at my time muraquot ei-labil Ihe aaars wataonl wmch u will not he a church it ka ihr responsibd-ity to cthtbu them in a distinctive way worporaltna into the laquoerrice of Chrni whatever hexttatr of cnJtural lahan it

aave been p laquo i by God pace

lo me laquonnV The sharcfa cam naagt be rooted in O m Baa eLmmnaknl drvcogtsina^ hraquove drscerned thai the ei-Kjvd naosi be laquoraquopresented t o m e n a n j wtvnea that it ctattemfa-ari and jiM^mlft nresancr is rectspMwl It i ami i be i o ffcopascd as knwi as ii appears in a forcnm guoe mnialmf and leprodudaw the characlertsuo of a church in soanc remote and alien maaL r^wn in one sense the ihurrh must always be because ils cilirenship rs in heas-en and il is an agent of transshyformation Bui despite the dangers of identi5cation with this world wr urpe that fo re igner in the more earthly vense of the word is something to be outgrown with all possible speed Churches shoold take a positive yel critical altitude to ihc national culshytures bull

fn trying ugt win Africa for Christ the Church in Africa Ihc churchc in the ecumenical fellowship in the con-lineni of Africn will have lo walk Ihat road mdash the road of making the giwpel of Jesus Christ relevant and meaning-ful understanding ihe fact that for Ihc African the spiritual and the material are indivisible We can preach and preach and this is good bui what fnca needs today rs the putting into practice of oor preaching A John While puts il the rhurch must u dowu twin the pit with the miner imtn Ihe i M a k h the tailor Into the umm wtth the iaaaaaaafu mlo the factory ami fieht and mlo me m r t p ) I Likx the laquoau the church must rV w

mto the very nook of the shoreline of humanity mdash and must nractrc what is prcache


Let me now move towards the coav dnsaon bgt aregtMng what I have taaj so far txuaacaaian uanccts uv chris tuan aaaf churches to the centre of the church and the worU to the Tnune God from there raquoc are hnM op and

iroagihcned m trace We are noav enabled lo a n s a a p G o d

and to know Hon agt He has nrvcakd IhameaT m the whoar Bime to a i aaeaa-ben of the church m the courvr of it total tradition Fcanncta im ehrects BK chrisUam and camirchev lo go beycmJ the mner hfe of o w church and ata Mi k^iJ^KA omcturcs ^m5 jtiraquohata m the ends of ihe O I K laquo MhNfc and ihe end of time Kcumeniun draws n^ out of icfiltalaquoaptacenl church work lo frontier work where wc are caampnd to he spent m witnen and icrvkr Ecav menism txwnmiu us to the MrupKle for mamfestinf umty among chriaians and bulln the whole of humanity tcunicnisni aims not vn much ai conservative reshyunion or sialic uniformity but the growth into the wholeness of God rich economy of grace

fn alicmptuig to undersiand the re-liTtniivliip between ecumenism and Christianity ihc outreach of ihc church in evangelism is shown by a picture mdash I wo concentric circles the lurgcr cir cle of the OIKOUMENF and the smaller circle of the church and hold having their ccnlre in the Triune (Jod I uimcnism means that christians and churches set out from the suburbs of

their particular cotifession country and culture leave the fleshpots of f gypi behind b i t take the treasures o f G o d grace ^ e n to them and come as (he different tnxips from ihcir difshyferent camps lo the centre From (here they are vent out a witnevscs and er-sants beyond the ecclesiastical suburbs inUi the raquomgtle inhabited world and ils tragic and ghtfHais history From the ornire lo the outward circle spins a sfvraJ to show that the Pilgrim Church fimK and aaamlesis thai rich unity which God gives lo His camrch and the Cisaaox The above description shos^ ihe church on ihe march mdash the Pilgrim pcorne of God the church setting mat on a nlgnmngv mdash on a way of repentance (hung and rwanf of eagt peciant seV^sacnfice cfansuans aaaf cmtrchci fmmmg one another as uan move out touaids the end of the bull n r U and the eaut of tune and space tn evangetruaL making dtscipae of a l naunnrv and in Ims great Usk and ciaamwKon mdash in tht great pilgrimage chnsuam and caWwchet reahvt how they need each other how they travel together Mwanls ihe same goad mdash the goal that the earth may he filled wuh the glory of God a Ihe waters cover the s raquo

Taa omtrr ol churrh and world and rhr rndi i limr and lamr lrlomi to-viin r And hrnr Ihe ahose men tinned nictarr breaks down The Triune God who k Ihr it-aiir of all premies us to ihr imniHtv | | e ubn K the centre ol world history I njaj its bepnnia^ iiad end IhV Alpha and (gtmcfn-

HhlW wi coal ess with Ihr Reforincrsi that whemer Ihe wnnl of God Ls taitithl the Hot) Communion rrkhral- i nnd wherever ehristiam gather bullbull bull- iin i MIraquoI i ilw discipline of God

will there is the church In Ilk presence

fCoMttsmd on fwfe 5)

GOD KERK EN SENDING flVriufg ran hWsi I)

kerk me kan byhou by die groei van chc wcrclJhcvi4ktng sic Terwyi die Chnsiendom nog tot in die befftc van harrdie ecu ecn-sicrcU van die W J M U -besouVing intgemoak net sal Jit teen 1XP n u a r scmat een-kwart wee en tern IWi cen-syfde teen chc cindc van che ecu nuar een-scsde

Terwil die Mohammeuanisrnc en Kismammasaae met ammrnatnu tempo gruei i die Chriuehkc sotkc bevg om c omkervactc Oanoiaaagmad kerk-tooshewi en syandighesd teenoor dhr lerk nocm loe ccr by chc faougpckxr-dex loc by die arruaders en nou dmaj sV dewr na che grwoor naclckJgroep

Iht is ivd oan hah ic roep bat iv tyd om ngt die cicamiake hiervan te vra_

n Bekende Icoiooe in Holland dr I C Hockendi | t ve che fout moef me nuar by die SendlogaLsie gesoek wsord aac die foot Ic uacner eta K by cm Godihcgrip- by cms kerkbegnp en dan by die Sending

(in ifOusoegnp

tm Godsbecrip - dl i die haais van allc gltxlsdiens Hoekendigtk se ons bet God gebuiilisccr mdash van God Baal gemaak bullbull God van die Groep On God is die God van die Christcnc en ons is dankbaar en tevrede as om Horn kan loccien en die groep by Horn hou Hy ssgt on Scndingwcrk is nicer jtegrond iin laquo bictjic filantropiese neigings by God ccrder as uit die bewussyn dal God die God van die wereld die hele wcreld en die ganse mensdom i die Claquoraquod van Pv 34 Die aanJe bchiHVl nan die Here en sy vol held die wereld rn die wat daarin woon die God van Joh 3 16 So lief hct God die wereld gebnd

Ims Kerkhefrip

Ow Lrrkbetriac Het dtt ook hier fout gcgaan Die kcri van Christu H die hg san die wlaquorrhL die out van die

dwv hy bestaan

terwtlle van die verheerliking van God en lerwille van die verk^ving van die wcreU aan die kerk en aan niernand ander is die heiKhoodskap gtan die kna ttarvenrou Hoeiendifk nocm dii die prisltkutcttsic van die kerk mdash dac bctaan vir

ami kerk art uac ty ear hev auvarf hgt rffna hy ay

en ivrioor hi uW hvfanajmtfli malt van n amaaaar me kerk

hreisrp ofgt uV aanaavaae eat i van s aahmam mi

iNiaVrmaamr art

SoUnk GOUDV begnp en kerkhegnp nac ccavncawScrd persent solgrm die Bs+H is nic kan dac Scndinghegnp awe in orde wees mc dan is dii die (mJcrneminc van n klein grocpie iciaJirigbdanestdicTidev wat in nsxm mag wen me Die kerk moet

talocn WOT oor haar sending omdat dii die sekcrle bcwgt- is dat sy nog vvnrt gaan mcl die werk san Oirisius en die Sending van God

Aiken so kan dii die uiak van elkc gclowigc word en as dii die laak van elkc gclowigc is sal dii binnc die ver-mltlaquo van elkc gemccntc wees om sy eie Viulilitu te ondcrhoti en sy cic veki ic henrhei

Allcvn dan sal die dakikJc tendens van die kerk in die wtfrcld gekeer word

Vitnaf n kerk wat sy cic lidmalc vvflnor n kerk wat steeds klcincr word tecnoor antichristclike magic wat grotcr word sal die kerk weer oorwin-ning hchaal en groci ho die getallc van bevolkinjsaanwns en kommumV licsc serowenngs

IhntM+Jf h laquo rtJt wur 4 ooifro t-ham krf fiaVm n wm^jm^wrrj m ale V rf firrtt -f+rtmir o raquo r u W f tm a laquoWir-arurrm a araquoV mmUMd ^iW Cmh ran SVnfrnwWF vw

Sept 16 Sept 11 PRO VERITATE 3

11 J5 bull P-Mlaquoraquolaquolaquo



THKOLOGY AND POLITICS The Prime Minister has often told South African theologians

thiii their interference in matters of Government and politico is not welcome According to a report in Die Trnnsvalcr (27th August 14| he has however reserved for himself the right to make pronouncements on ((ucstions of theology and church-life Addressing the Cape Nationalist Party Congress in Port Fhvabcth he is reported to have said the following-

People must not think the Government is heing petty when it refuses to yield to the demand for integration within the sphere of the church in South Africa bull Attempts an being made to create the impression that we are wrong if wc do not allow multi-racial churches Wc do not wish to change our church from the way in which wc have inherited il and experienced it forccmurie

The Prime Minister may have very shrewd (party) poBtlcal reasons for these statements hut his views lack Biblical and theoshylogical justification Firstly he suggests that both the Governshyment and wc have the right to decide what the character and membership of the church or churches should be This suggests Ihil the Government and wc instead of our Lord Christ is the head of ihe church and may oppose His purpose to create out of the two a single new humanitv in himself thereby making peace (fcph 122232 15) Secondly he suggests that the changes taking place in the life of the churches in South Africa is something which tftf may judge as righl or wrong It is not altogether clear who he means when he speaks of wc hut if he means thjt Christians have the right to decide whether or not our church change from the way in which wc have inherited it and experienced it for censhyturies then he is not merely heing petty (klcirtsiclig) he is without any Biblical justification for his opinion Christ is the Lord of the (l iurch and He is also the One who is making all things new ltRcv 21 5k Thirdly he suggests thai the Churchs life and characshyter must be evaluated in terms of political concepts such as Inteshygration and multiracialism But although the Church sometime uses these terms the Churchs concern to remain loyal to the com mandmenl and prayer of her f-ord - - Love one another as I have loved you On 13 34-35 17 20-23) mdash is not a matter of politics hut of theology (theos logos Word of God) Thus it is necessary to point out to the Prime Minister that neither the church as a whole nor individual Christians can agree with his statement as reported without being guilty of flaunting Ihe commandments of God The Church has alwaysprayed for the governmem under which h has lived and it will continue to do so Part of its prayer has always been that governments will not create a situation in which Chrisshytians have cither to disobey the government or deny their Lord Any attempt by a government to force apart those whom Christ has brought together will be such a situation

O Father of justice of thine infinite goodness direct the hearts of all who bear authority Help them with the power of the Holy Spirit protect them from the snares of the enemy and the pride of power and grant that fukrs and people may with one mind serve thee our God and King through Jesus Qnltf Amen



KERK EN WERELD Drie artikels in hierdic uitgawc gaan oor die verhouding

tusscn kcrk en wcrckk Die wcrk van die akademies vir Icke-oplei-ding die evangelisasicwcrk in die nywcrhdd en die vraagsluk van ekularisasic is vcnkillcndc uitdrukkingc van die nuwc besef Odder Christcne dat die ke^k nie n weclde-arlikcl in Gods plan is nie maar n middel wat Hy daargestel het vir Sy werk in die wSrcld

Al hicnJie bewegings is uitmge van die kcrk se nuwc besef van die allcs-omvattcnde Hecrskappy van onse Here Jesus Chris-tus en van die omvanp van Syrcddcndc wcrk Lunk reeds is Christcne bewus van die bctckenis van Christus se kruisdood en opstanding in hulle persoonlikc tragedies en problem Sy barm-hartighcid is dcur die eeue heen vcrkondig aan bedroefdes vcr watdes censames en skuldigcs Sy kcrk het vertrooMing gcbring aan die met sonde bclaaklc en treurende kinders van God maar daar het geweldige verandcringc gekom in ons wercld mdash in nywer-hcid massakommunikasies die politick daar waar die moderne mens feitlik sy hele bestaan voer mocs hy Homself ast ware indring omdat Sy kcrk te besig was met sy cic programme en akltwiicite om werklik bctrck te raak in die wercld soosdil is

Die genoemde bewegings is in hoofsaak n antwoonl hoe onvoJmaak ookal op die uilnodiging van die Chrism van die hele skepping aan die mens om aam met Mom Sy reddende wcrk te vcrrig ook op daardic terreine waar Hy die meesic veromag-saam en misken word

Hicrdie bewegings dui ook daarop dat die kcrk sy begrip van die mens moel hersicn Die onpcrsoonlike aard van ons tcgnologiese tydvak het n nuwc soort mens voortgehring mdash die massamcav

Daar is die wcscnlikc gevaar dat die mens sy persoonlikhcfcl ltal vcrloor dat hy n Mote rat sal word in die gioot nywerheids-masjicn Elke mens in hicrdie nuwc sinikmur is w^liswaar onmis-haar maar tcrselfderiyd is nicmand reglig nodig nilt Die mees fundamentele gemecnskapsccnhcid die gesin word in toencmende

y^ehed vir (benheid Here Jesus op die vooraand van U dood

het U gebid dat al U dissipels een mag wees

soos U in die Vader en die Vader in U een is

Laat ons met bedroefde harte ons skuld aan die

verdeeldheid besef Skenk aan ons die opregt-

heid om te erken en die moed cm te verwerp

wat in ons nog aan onverskilligheid wantroue en

vyandskap skuilgaan Verleen son ons dat ons

almal mekaar in U ontmoet sodat uit ons harte

en van ons lippe onophoudelik U gebed vir die

eenheid van alle Christene mag opstyg soos U

wil en met die middels soos U dit wil

Laat ons in U wat die volmaakte liefde is

die weg vind wat na eenheid lei in gehoorsaam-

heid aan U liefde en U waarheid sodat die

wereld kan glo dat dit U is wat deur die Vader

gestuur is

Amen ~tgtie Hrufi Jaiiunrtr 1961

SAMARITANS ANONYMOUS A Joint Projeel in 4ape Town

The amalgamation of Suicides Anonymous and the Guidance Bureau is now complete Samaritans Anonymous Ls a reality Its aim is

To aid people distressed through personal and social problems and partishycularly problems concerned with alcoholism drug addiction suicide marriage

and youth by the practical application of (he ftMpel of Jesus Christ

The Rev T Kotze of Sea Point Methodist Church is Chairman of the Manageshyment Committee and the Rev D L Crawford is Vice-Chairman Miss Ada Mac-Farlane has resigned her job in a building society to come into full-time service for Christ as Organising Secretary

A distressed person phoning 2-2212 for help will hear her smiling voice or that of one of the trained telephone counsellors Such a person is immediately put in touch with trained lieUT counsellors or an approved organisation able 10 cope with the particular problem

The office b in the city This service operates daily from 9 am to 12 midnight It is available at all limes to all people in every area of human need

7fre PtvsbMrrian Lender mdash Mlaquo ViW

mate bedreig dcur die ingrypende invloedc van n tcgnologies-georganisecrdc gemwiskap Minshyder en minder persoonlikc imsiatief en verant-woordctikhcicl word van ons verwag maar dis ook vir die nuwc mens vir wie Christus gc-Merf het en ook hy het die bedicning van die kcrk nodig Dis presies hierin dat die uitdaging vir die kerk gclcpound is want die mens het in groot en onrusbarende mate vocling vcrloor met die lual en die lewc van die kcrk Hy is nicer be sorgd oor die aantal skofte wat hy moet WW as txgtr sy sondes Hy het gcen skuldhc^cf niet maar ken allerlei frustrasics Heiligmaking en hciligheid is vir hom onverstaanbarc fterme hoewcl hy noatans probcer om Mordenilik lc wees Aanbidding is vir hom vreemd en van die numineuse wcct hy hoegenaamd niks As hy ooit aan die hiernamaals dink dan is dit net op die allervaagste wysc Hy stel eenvoudig niks helang in daardie vraagstukkc waaraan die kerk in ons tyd smed aandag wv nie litur giese hervorming die wramwoordclikhctd v-an die kerk in die gemcenskap ens

Boscnocmdc bewtgings is pogings om hicrshydie mens te ontmoet om hom te vcrstaan in

plaas van hom te ignoreer of met minagting te bc)een Maar die bewegings stel in haic mcer ingrypende vraag mdash die vraag oor die aard en die taak van die kcrk In hoevcrrc bcantwoord die tradisionele inslellings van die kerk aan die roeping en taak van die kerk in ons tyd Is ons kerkgebwie ons crcdienste en kerkvergaderings die aanwending van oris fondse die oplciding van o t t leraars wcrklik toereikend Dw nuwc bewegings Is pogings om die antwoorde op hicrdie vrae te vind om te ontdek hoe die kerk ook in ons tyd die evangelic en die redding van wat Christus onder alle omstandighede kan bicd kan bring ook aan die -jiuwe mens

Die genoemde vraagstukkc hot geen maklikc oplossings nie Dal hulle wcsenlik is staan va en die kerk kan hulle slegs teen bale groot geshyvaar vcroniagsaam Dat hulle al die skeppendc aandag vcrdicn wat kan kom as ons in gchoor-saamheid wag op die leidtng van die Hciligc Gees is duidelik want slcgs op die wysc sal die soul wat Christus sfi orts is waartik soul kan wees in die tyd waarin ons lecf


4 I R O V E R I T A T K S c p L 15 S c p l I9f i l

The Role of a Centre in Lay Training EXOS Z SIKAKANK

T h e arupel in A f r i c a n r s i n t r o d u c e d by m i s s i o n a r y brionjt1 in i o d i f f e r e n t d e n o m i n a t i o n s W e w e r e t h e n c h i l d r e n h u t now w e a r e b e c o m i n g m e n T h e f a c t t h a t e a r e m e e t i n g h e r e in I t l o e m f o n t e i n a s m e m b e r s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h e s La a HIRO of g r o w t h I s ay a g a i n a n d nnlgt n -^ it b e c a u s e A f r i c a i s o n l y -r--niHnK t o w a k e u p t o e x p r e s s i t Chr i t f l i an c o n v i c t i o n s W e a r e Iwi r i t tn ing t o p u t nvyiiy c h i l d i s h a p p r o a c h e s t o t h e laquogt igt I a n d a r c n e e k i n ^ u n i t y nn m e m b e r s o f t h e b o d v o f C h r i s t w h o IN t h e H e a d

I hrm prayed that wc nun he lt w that ihc world may hehevc We Have hfiHhcf m l sisters of the CTmsttan Ctuunvnnuy all over the wurU A Lgt lt cat re ltsjkJ proswie a chance fat a-trraJiiciion and fifhmdash ila^i It

my visits m mjftgt btwwev and oampUntion overseas faat

I reafatd More cfeartgt what Christ had done fur us at Calvary in Hi Mimtn of rets irritation One of the great prophecies of Isaiah is thai -


confrMnJ with a problem of findin-a modern present i nf t a r gospel deg lac ihnurhi font of tht Something mug he Acme by lav io attract vouaar men and bull oanrn ltraquo o t tNc U r n io miU their full laquo r f r i -balion t o effective cvingrw m in ihe cultural and spiritual ill n l H mdash m degf Afrit a Some kind of approach raquo necessary that would appeal to people in even walk of fife

After completing the 11 ltbull scmes-ler if the Ecumenical Institute laquot Bossev I Innl the privilege or visiting MIIIIC IJty Centres in llollnikl iilaquod (icimanv When I visiicd Ihc KtKK en U i k l I IJ INSTITUTE IN IfOL-1 M i f uav told hy ihc Director tbal it raquoa established with the aim of maitnc the church aware of her aposshytolic character a church tof the world i o help the work ugt find a way of real

la 0 | w v at the itxearn Wunslorf near the citv of

The Director tufivnued me the I O m M ACADTMY was

i centre where men and women voanaj aad oMgt met for the purpose of devjv imr wav and meant hv whkh to revise ihc spirit of Oir ia in ihc Com numiiv I wn convinced Ihut iliin was (he kiml of n centre we needed imme diiilrlv for the revival of our own sense of Community in th Republic of South Africa

Th- Mindola Ecumenical Cmte rnamhatioa on Lav T r a i n w definrd in hraad lenm the fuacttoo of a I^AY M R I alaquo f o f l o laquo -m U gt iraiokac woU doop lead

e n A lacOrorr fc fM k woukj otaie a foamhvboa t o

research m o area of hfe of the Church and laquooodgt It Mirrwc^ the coowraquooa fmuad oo which the Church eaten into a Jtalotue with the world It give an opportunity lor Uw Church t o carry 4HII its task of rcconciliution



f l ) Thr wed for n l laquoy O M M

A l a y Ceoirc i- one of our mosl imtnediate nnd prea^csi ncetl^ fur hcln-ifiR the churches to become the Church It -) unfortunate that Cm^tlimlgt io Africa wa introduced by different cknoirautioits emphasMftf raiher ihaa what w raquo t hewraquo The p r o n t x ^ o o of ArTcreat ckoornuaalKflH ha t o l e r a t e d the rroraquoth of aaore i f t u IflOD wxt to the Reruhfcc of ampmk Atria raquo W i t We haw the rcoMctn of a rfowinf numher 4^ elite o have hecoaae ahenated from the church btvausc it dlaquoies nol meet their need It is regarded as an institution of the clergy which

exists 10 he mainlaincd ralher than to erve the rcuiirrranents of the cxwtmo-nity MauOrrgt and cvanpdiu appear 10 he cutaanerctal travetten who vfl pinwal gnirxh wracfa ampiKxigt Bantt Io has Am b v a u a laquoho Laics aa active pan m the church raquo repnloJ as helpshying ihc aauarster rather than offering htlaquo seoKe to God ax hn cootrthajtvon tti ihc Kmndocn The faymnai in the mapsnty case does not datm the church a hi- spiritual and cultural home He regard^ the church a an institution figtr limes of crisis connected with xicknos and death

We need i ccnlre where wc nhnll be coosLmily reminded of the role the laity Inu plagtcd in the church since IcMik chose the first iwrlvc dtHi|gtles from fishermen ia collciiorx and ordinary flt4k We need to he reminded that the mud layman accnrdine to the New Trviaaacnt mcam the chosen

Therefore all the mem-hen of the church are b u m the ch-wewpevifaeofGcal

H r aw NI an afr iimiaaiaiJ hy

nlacr^ for the night FananVt u w In and around town Maan nronlr tawanf much tit thrir time h da whetv they are employed and ttics drsrkip u n a kind -I fdhmship and comuinnits lin bullnana] frllow worker Kmplosrr md riMM i - vno the coninaat of llnir clcrV s n p m thitn Ihjit of ihelr own wlvet

The (icrrruin Evangelical Acudenn Report on T e n Years of Teamwork puhhehed in September I^5_ M^ J h important ^ursiion

1 0 prwAihlc to maaninin or ngt surrect a hsiny cxwraquocgatraquoos in that area of hfe where its meanherx oraH deep4 Thr aac4cugen of God prixreds the report the odweanow ^ south the prorjtets of the sjurks

no longer sec what noes on ui the ineciahsctl areas cat the modern inshydustrial world in the Ltrgr city behind ihe gates of ihe factory-

Thc l a y Academy hy providing a place of deeper fellowship would crciiic living spirits from which new fnrcvn would proceed into the urea of everyday life The messenger of Ood should have an ear and a voice in those pUcvs where the battles of evefvday We is fought

The cnarwgtnn mav be nsied what is it thai t a raU he 6cm hy the L J gt Centre mWh canoof ix oVnar hy the dnaitfcn It aausl he understood that the lay centre ahhoudi n han a difshyferent approach rt an uuegral part of the church There r 00 cvgtmpctition between the two neither imposes it authoon on Ihe other nor claims to he doing belter Bach one musi allow the other Io do its work

The role of 11 centre in lay training is Io awaken Ihe layman to put (Tins-tianii) into practice io his dally life The role of the layman in the mission of ihc church is to inlefpret (he eospel in term of the mora nd piniuit iwars of hi time

T V b y centre wlaquon4d rvrmde a for a layman to tnMk neak

and he Tinunaacd to e a n u m a u t JCMTS went aSn raquoub H k folkiwen aencav ne and doing thtnp He ilrnwmlaquoritn Hrs teaching hv rxactisint The Master n i l T- and 60 thr S l e w r There wmkl certainly he an oorjortunity at the b y centre for conference with various profevsiooai group leuroW consul-hUioa confronlilion frusiraiion and

I V ideal place for dialogue ts the training centre where all tspcs of people could he free to expect their iiaJcfCTdcm oraniorts

From my experience ai Ihc I cumcni-cul Institute (Bi^sey) I have found thur frusimtion may be useful in fiirlhering llw cause of ChriMianily Wc hnve to he broken if we tire to be useful in our Mazier ltivice even as His own KxJv wax btigtken fltraquor us- Our group al Ho-laquoey WB one of the mo troublewmie rraquoties there were different view from diffcting cmraMfgt in doa^naucv The Hirectors had laquoolaquone difnoili times in their aftraafU to recoocile dnarch trada^ons a tht ckxl WB1gt 6ac ant mean confa -Tnere are vanou laquoift bo the pKraquot There are dlaquoTtfrencrx of rsiraimn but the tgtraquoe Lord

There 1 a deeper friendship that de- clops ha a group which meets and xiayi iitgeiher for tr^i dagtx than Ihcre is in the IHK group of people who stay for fifty year separately in the same community The climnx of my experience nt Bossey was the last Lord s Supper when all the student wraquoih the exception M ihose belonging 10 the Orthodox Church ^ r n e forward 10 re-ceise the sacrament At the end of the ltmc-icr we were reluctant in Iravr Rosxey bemg worried by the fact chat w - were to n a m We were all con^ctoaic boweser of the fad that our unttv in Chnst would naaamahi the (aaniK xgirit until the day when we shall at His tabic and accr pan

TW I n T Ccmnr wlaquolaquoM

On the Sooth Coast of Natal ihere is an African Camp uxed figtr rtireatv picnics recreation and studying I hnve iixcxl Itux umip annually for |iLiunlitg the work uf ihe Methodic AMoui Circuit wilh my leaders and rlaquociicheigt The three dngt spem in ibis rough camp every y raquo r has-e been more effeclt live in ltrmcnling relation hrtueen our ujembrrx than the fifty-two Sunday laquo v i c c s and fifty-two feHowship aaeet-iran heU in our ciiurcbev Here they live cat and sleep together The groufw of ytxajog aad end pcofir at the end of three dasx ^x this 1 m a p have always saaj It av good for us to be

The mhr nf a lraanaaagt orntrr nM he rhc Imxen ih-xdupfnc a Christian communits and pntducini lamrn who wrwld H I O M in the market places In public affairs and educational Imtrttt-thms ami factories Moreover it would produce Ijmuen t^hn art lint afraid In meet Ihelr brothers and sistrr nf another colour nr race

One of our while Methodist minis ters made a sialernent in a nrcs intershyview to the efleci that AD men are hrotherv for Christ dearly speaks of rraquocxi ax being the Father of all men There is a special and deeper sense m which those who have entered into the Clen^iiifi fimils K ^n accertarxe rt iosfs as laxd u d Saxioxar are brraquosgt therv t h i i sOnflBent no ikmt wouU not he accepted by all Chnxturrv oncciaBy mane cottservatisc white Chriclunx as heing relevant for Sraquouth Africa Before any agreement can he reached iheic would have to be group discussion by black ami white Chrisshytians ul a centre where ihcre would he consultation confrontation 11ml a commitment 10 Christ The lay train-inc centre would be ihc leaven The harvest truly is great but the Ubourrrx are few The iWd of the harvest would send forth more labourers if rjrtmslaquoi were made for b y training along cvu

l l hnex

to enjoy and to feed that winch rs common to thrwe who share it I reshygard fellowship ax ope of the most important rote of a by centre ll would he the role of a lagt centre to develop the fellowship of different pro fcssionnl proups and workers in various fields The imiciinil problems of the people would create more fellowship They would he sharing somethint in common and ihix would be ihe kind of fellowship which would gradually dexeius into Christian fthicv

Omte a number of business men have been heard ^1bull^ft^f statenaeaas to the effect thai they do not mix reunion with hirsiness ax ihoorb hststncvA o afaen to rehpon He rx the Son of Man and ix imere led in fa i cuaamum i kh all men m a l ihrir cKcarab-nvs

Chrw represents the higher hfe Ami we as human beinggt rerxesenfl ihlt-kwver The kmcr life efows by shannt with the htaher The higher life descended in Jesus Christ t o have felshylowship with the lowef He became what wc are in order thai Me rnivhi make us what He Himself is The im-portanl role cf ihc fellowship OMlffl would he to abolish fe^r and hostility and to create himvin

One of the Directors at B t w after a very crMrnverstaf BiHe drcttssraquoou said to me Thcrr is afrways eood rrtv aresa when discussions are contrcneT-siaJ because thev aroose the interext and the initiative of even the nmsl

rar t topantv

wonM hr f51 A Lav TraWna O a Centre nf

There should he prayer for n o w -dliation annum denominafions and Ihe best pbec is a lav training centre- Some churches teach lhil the church should be one anil undivided and thai rneiiil-isls arc out of tunc with God

Such doctrines require reconciliation These men of dod must meet and tell its what lhegt mean and how thcxc docshytrines can he nut into practice A lav centre oukJ breal the wall of partita rntion and ma le the two one Tnewe who are in agreement wooU b e

and he reconciled The continue ate wort of the

cromof ChrwC

I am one of thewe who are coaninced that Arka has a distinctive coMribngt tiraa to aaale Io the wU If Afncans had winex they would fhv rf there were sufficient opportunities for exploratim of fellowship both in extent and depth there would he irood relations with holh black and white

A lay training centre would open more gate for fellowship within South Africa and with Ihe world The lime will come as we practice It will never come merely by waiting and doing nolhing

Lannarn an ant aewn Io he aVtatrd l a hv minhlrrlal n p r f t s what CmTi waff k for t h e m rather he fixtw an aaawfuaitv and Jilirnami AW rwnd to units

In corhvius4gtvn I wnuii h i e hj o- -e fVcar l e e in the ecwpeaical wer th of the T7ih fiilv |Q6t He said that

People must dfcoriver that even tluwjeh thev may differ they are drawn together by common asoira lions hones ideals iroaU and in-tcrests Tims fellowship can be gthe means of Mgbrt iMm human trlo-tionshios of such unalitv that each person is able to realise the sjiiriiu moral intellectual and nhvvicwl rn-ti-ntist with which Corf hix endowed H m Such would h the nature of a twr

crnniBMBatv and bull would he the role of a centre in b v

Fellowship raquox part of the human hfe as a whole Where two or aaote novxfc couac loaether there is fellowship Those who share it mast have tome-tlunit in omimon It ha been SraquoH) that the purpose of all fellowship is both

ejrjrHmndrar IhWni nf Ah Cm m

r f tn-aum nf Ttun nmrnr h oV manvanri W

Cimitrtmrr in rVtvmmirrut 5ia - Tth

Sept 15 Sept 14 PRO VERITATE 5

CHR1STUS en cue lie Wereld van M ore KOBUS OOSTHUIZEN

bull W B will n o t b e a b l e r e a l l y t o g e t a l o n g s i d e m a n i n o u r m o d e r n w o r l d u n l e s s w e b e g i n t o 4 de - re l ig ion i s c C h r i s t i a n i t y C h r i s t i a n i t y is a s e c u l a r m o v e m e n t

( J C H o e k e n d i j k mdash S t r a s s b o u r g 1960)

oulomaliscring kcrncnergk ruimtc-vaart ens) volg en aanvaar Jal mense wai in so n wereld letff noodwendig anders moct dink en reageer as die landelike mens aan die begin van ons jaartclling (ook anders as die middcl-ccusc of lMc ccuse mens) On inocl ook aanvaar dat waar ou gcvcsiigde sosiak structure onder invloed van die mndeme indusirielc kulluur kom die Iradisionclc wms van bdquokcrklikhcid spnedig heflin kwyn mdash self vcrdwyn

Ten Iweede Die kerk van more kan so niaklik n kerk in verslrooting word BOdal die bullgroei van die chnstelikc kcrkc in feile beicken n gruei na n minderheid Dit is vanjag ongclukkig Tn hekende feit dat bcvolkingsannwas die aanlal tvkeerlinge lot die chnstelikc ijcloof ver oortrcf Jaarjiks kom daar 25-maal sovcel nie-ehrisiene by die wtittklhcvolkiag hy Jn WW was die Chrisicnc H van die wtfrcldbevol-king in 1955 31 in 2 laquo raquo ( ) - - Onwilkkcurig kom die vrae Wai sal die optrede van die Chrisicnc wees in die wcrckl van marc Sal hulk nog vcrgun word om in gtfmccmcs gcor-ganiscerd ic wees en ook geboue vir aanbidding op tc rig Sal daar nog gepraat kan word van Xhristclikc volke Hrg onwaarskynlik Is die toc-komsbceld en die kerk nie die van ver-bulldrooiing nie Sal ChriMcnc hulk nie mod ofen in die kuns om as minder hcidsg roe pies die soul vim die aarde 1c ve ra nie fH R Wchcrl In tocnemen-de male dui haie dinge int n tcrugkecr lot die N T huisgemccntc Ons sicn dit reeds gebcur dramatics in Oos Europa waar die kerk reeds moes leer om gtoo die koringkorrct ic icrf om wcrklik le kan lewe minder dramatics in WevFuropa dcur die toencmende vcrbrokkcling van die georganisccrde kerklike lew Ons kan nie help om aan die vnlgcnde le dink vir die kerk van more nie Hicr lt daar _ oral klcin groepks gelowiges besig om sja-lom fvrcdcl le bring in n wpoundrckl waar onvredc hcers

Ten derdc O k p v N van WJIJlri-visit kan nk meer gtslitit word nk Sommice ntense se pofiioc om vir l l U nopound n 25stc uur in die wereld van R-tor le lewe vonrdat die nnweuro dag aan-hivck b n onnifMinlBkc ajik Hoe 4iodiger ons ons drampelvree oorwin rn die mme sdui l ro mtiM Mimctnc hoe beter

Dil bring ons by die kernvraag van


Die wooixl sekularisask (ook vcr-xvcrekJIikingl is afgelei van jlaquoreuliim Gcdurendc die Middclccue het die mense ondenkei lusscn die regligieiw (of sakrale) en die tvdtflikc (of scku-lire) ardc Toi ecrsgenoemde is gcre-ken die kerk en die klenis lot laav gcnocmdedkstaa lendiegewone volk Oortuig van sy roeping toi heerskappy hcl die Middclceusc kerk cgter as heer en meesier alle lerreine van die lewe hchwrs wal gcki het toi n Nllcrc magsfryd lusscn kerk en slaat In die laaL-Middclccuc4 en vera) gcdurendc die Renaissance begin die staat fen die burgerlikc maatskappy) daarin slaag om horn van die kerklike hecrskappy los te maaL Dil was d k begin van die sekulasksasieproses In d k daaropvol-gende ccue ncem hkrdk proses van verwcreldliking in momentum loe en dring dil dcur tot alle kwenstcrreine n Nuwe (iguur verskyo op die horison die seknrc re staat Un nog steeds gaan die proses voort t Die chnstclikc kerk van vandag is in sO n posisic dal alle s-ereldlikc i U I i i p f ) van horn onlncem is

Dil was die Maalkundigc kant van hicrdic proses Bclangrikcr vir ons doe) is die godsdiensjige Ny Ten gevolgc van d k sckula risasieproses krgt o1^ n (H1S

lyd ook tc doen nWI n nuwe mensetip^ die sogenaamde sekulere mens Mag ek

D k groot wlaquo- sekularlsask Itel gcval Reeds op die Inlernustonak gtScn-dtngkonferensk in Jerusalem U92H) is dit druk ncsprcek Toe was daar reeds sprake van bdquo n bedreiging vir die kefk

Dk kerk Jn a nuvte wctvld

FXvivdx in Jerusalem hcl mense al besef dat d k christelike kerk wcsenlik in fn nuwe wereld te staan gekom bet Irgcr nog dat d k gevesligdc kerklike Mai in hkrdie nuwe wereld elke dag onvcrMannhaarder begin word het Scderl fdeg2S bci d k christclikc kerk besef dal die kerklike laal nie meer deurdring nk Hoe ernstiger hy bom-self verstaanbaar niaak hoe nicer kom hy in die wrpoundrcld te staan voor d k feit dat bate d k taal nk vcrstaan n k en Jus d k hoodskap ook nk KonmuiMi kask lusscn die kerk en wereld hcl veetal opechou om ic bestaan (Krae merl

Jerusalem le nou reeds baie p re agtcr d k rug en daar is ongclukkig nog men^c wai n k hkrdie feii aanvaar nie Hulk praai nog steeds van dk ge-vaar van sckularisasie gaan nog sicctls van d k standpunt uit dal die wereld die laal van d k kerk wel ver siaan I n iniussen word d k misver vtand lusscn kerk en wereld ongcluk kig groter en ernstiger


Na die 1 wecde Wercldoorlog beleef d k chrisiclike kerk verskek omnug-(eringc Groot dele van die sogenaam-dc chrislelike westc word w laquo r n in iil-iiM d Die stroom van die kerk na d k wercU word n loenemende vloedgolf Ciroot dele van lrankryk hvbdquo word opnuul n sendingvcld Skaar 3 ^ van die hcvolking kef nog akttcf met die kerk mce+ Wat vroeer allcen maar n aaktige vcrmocde wa word nou dcur navorsers be vest ic naamlik dat grool $roepc mense rce^ls vir d rk toi vter geJagte los van die kerk lewe sondcr doop betvdenis of enige besef van die christclikc cvan-ffclk n Tckcn aan die muur vera I as on in gedagte liou dal Frankryk gewoonlik maar net 50 jaar voor die res van luropa loop

Elke dauj word die becld MMlMlder I jlaquou-ili MI dk wtfttd skn dk thri-telike kerk sj invtocd in twee uiltrs lraquoelanttrikr svktors van die s^imek^in te verionr onder d k intellipentsia en die (industriele) artgteldefK Dil If n jnnlikt ^tda^te ^eral as ons dayman dink dat tegidek t a imlusfrinfisasic oral TOWKI In dk nntwlkkelinesprn-pram van dk wereld van vandag staan

In d k jongste lyd begin d k kerklike stalistieke (sclfs die van die jongcre kerke) ons ook daarop aitcnt maaL dat die crskillcndc kcrkc oral besig is om te vemnder omdal die perscntasic jcugdige kerk I id nunc daal en d k van die oocr lidmaie stvg Dit kan diiv ge-hcur dal d k kerk voortaan net uit oucr pffsone bestaan en die jcug daar nie mccr tuis vocl nie

n Mens sou op hierdie wysc kon voortgaan Allcs dui daarop dal die gioep men^e tot w k die kerk spreck vinnig knmp Dit geld vir alle christc-like kcrfce - Protestamc Onodoksc en Katolicke

Die feite laquoaarmee Christeae hulk vandac sill moet tersoen

l^t pas elke Christen om onder hkrshyd k omstandighede die fciie nuuler in d k bull-- le sien en alk moontlike illumes tc verba n

Ten eerste bull nel ons aanvaar dal ons midde in n vcranderdc wereld staan In ons poging om in gesprck met d k wereld le iree nmei ons hereid wees om d k laal van die mondigc vvereld (Bonhocffer) le spreek Met aandag inoet ons die softcnaamdc tweedc in dusiriele revolusie (gckennwrk dcur

bom koriliks vir u bcskrgtwe Ecrs nega-ikf dan posiiief

f^egatief ooderskci die sekulfirc mens horn van die religku-sc mens soos volg tM-jiiinLii- staan hy afwysend tcenoor a lks wai maar enigsins aan kerk of rcligie herinner religkusc gc-vockns tbv ccrbtcd vir die huidkc of die bonatuurlike en sondebesef) is by horn praklics afwesig (as dil soms nog in krisisiye by horn opkom bejeen hy dit met dknc wantrouc) in sy denk-wereld hcl d k begrip Almaglige God1

in onbriii ^craak sy praktkse kwenv-hiKiding word bchcers dcur stiiw^r humanisiiCNC moiiewe susiaal distan-sieer hy honi van a lk kerklike of rclishygie use groepc

Posiiief tree d k sekufcre mefts na vorc as iemand met n besonderc hoe waaixfering vir d k mens e intclkkluk en legnksc prcstasics gedrewe dcur n dkpe verlange om van h k r d k wereld n hclcr ivfrcld tc maak vercensclwig hy horn vollcdig met die verandetde lewenskode van die nuwe tcgnies indusiriek maatskappy waarin hy hom hcvind

Om van d k tK^staan van h k r d k orknlcrc mens te ontken is onrealK-tklaquo Hgt het oils tvdftenrwit ceugtrd Oral kom ons hom tee op straut In oitv k II- H 11 mil vcK)rtopiigt sclfs ook nog in d k kerk Hy is ons udpenoot maar hclaas nk ons )poundC^preks|poundcnool nk Voordat ons weer met hom in gesprek kan tree sal ons ers ook d k kenV moct vekularister

n SeknKre kern in n sekulenr wereld

Binne die raamwerk van ons om-skrywing van die sekulere mens bete ken sekulere kerk ln keik ontdaan van alle vornie van reliuiositeit of sakrafiteit

In cms bCOOfdAtt van d k Iwlntig eeiie van kcnceskiedenis wat a^ter ons le moct oas ondcrskei Htssen Christendom uvliviv| en Clirivtelike evnngelk (blve tsdinuk D k inhoitd gtan die blw LgtltIiiTT waarmee CTiristus (en die Christen dcur dk wereld gaan h wesenlik serlossing^ vnheid en vrrde | L 2 14 Job 20 26) Dit k gtoor d k hand I =bullbull- ml dat dit met rrlipc of siikrallteit nlks te doen bet nk Na Clt4pota hel rvltpk M betekenK meer nk (liristus het ons daarvan llaquovrvvertos Om dit weer uit te haal en te nrobeer rest oner Is sinncloos trt sakralitert hel dk evangelic ook nlks te doen nk Dit beteken dus dat ons ook moct ont-sakralister Ons s peroepe om gewoan in dk wereld te k raquo e n vrye v t r ioA meitsr mdash Chtis-tene Religkusc wette en sakrak hursks hoort by onvrye byRelowige mense - tveldenegt

Waller konsekwensics het dit nou vir on praktkse lewe as Chrisicnc Hicr open d k voorbccld van Jesus Christus self vir ons nuwe perspckiicwc Hy het homsclf onikdig die gesialic van n dienskneg aangeneem en aan mense gclyk geword (Rk 2 7) Hy hei n k gekom om gcdkn te word nk maar om tc d k n (Mark 10 45) Die Woord hcl vices geword en onder ons kom woontloh I 14)

Terme 500S solklarilcii identifikasic kommunikavc selfvvrlotning offer en dienshetoon kry in die lig van bogc-noemde vcral die feit van d k inkar nask nuwe beickenis Ook in die Chrisshyten wil die woord vices word en onder d k mense gaan woon Die Christciifcc van die kerk sal tot onhcrkenbaarwor-dens loc in die mcnslikc moct in gaan Die heil moct in die taal van die handc vcrtolk word (Hoekendijk) Wil die cvan^elk in ons moderne wereld verktHKlig word dan sal dit Re dtmonstreer moct word Woord moct daad word (M Warrenl Evangcliscer is nie n gcbod waaraan die kcrlc moet Bchoorsaam nk maar haar wyse van lewc op aarde (Pop)

Dns d k kerfc moct oral te Wnde wees waar mendike kwens in stukke If skk K in d k man van ilk soide verkeer bedrchi word met onderganp deur honper ol rninpe Diiir moet ons die kerk aantref besig om te herald te

heel te beskerm te versadfc en te onderstciin IMe kerk is in met en vir dk wereld ^laar vir andere (Bon-hOtflM Solidaritetl mrt d k wereld bctcken voorlopi^ niks anders as soli-dariteil iikel d k armes en elkndtges nk (Matt 25 3146)

Die sekulurtsask van dk kerk be ttken dus dat die kerk hom moet oefen In d k knns orn in d k wvreld onder dk mense te lewe mdash nk as heerser nie maar H dknslltneg

Ons wen na vnre

Wil ons die evangelic weer effektief in hierdie wireld verkondig- sal ons verplig wees om die eis om d k ver-miwinft van d k kerk met groot hcJist bcid tc stel O p d k vraag na die pre-siese aard van hkrdk vemuwing kan ons voorlopig nog geen finak aniwoord

C nie- Ons gaan voorlopig n tgtU van damenlck onsekcrheid binne Be

langrik is dat ons h k r d k onsekcrheid sondcr panick of vrces vcrdra die risiko aanvaar om improviscrendewys tc gaan Icw^ Met locwyding iivoel ons in ltS^ kerklike laboratorium ckspcrimen-tccr Op ons weg na voa sid ons hereid moet wees om vcel van ons ou vcrtrou-de reisbagasie agler ic laat uu mctodes en legnkkc oorgekwerde vorme en handclwy^es Ons moct vcral nie hui-wcr om ons vrae heel skerp le stel nk Dus vra nk hoc moct oas prcek n k maar moet ons nog prcek (Of is dit onnioontlik dat die evangelic ook in n andcr gcstalte as d k van die gesprokc woonj toi d k sondaar komk

1 - ltdntt af met n sleutelopnKrkins werklik bdquowfreliK kan alleen die Jcfcr wees 11 nil Is d k evanuelistc van more l lnlk kan in die iilkdaagse kwe iets demoovtreer van Chrislns se Milidaritcit

Ifrnut 0ampuituiltti it at fan ilaquorf( gte ^eifc met ituvrandtt itttdir in Xrttfriuttd Btr-rurtlaquo- in oorwnffm vm Jththus AnxtitfttK S964

The Influence of

Ecumenism on

Christianity (fiotttiiuwd hum ifai^t 2)

of its Lord we may not fm^et that Cod Is not linprLvined in the church and church history The aearcr the church draws lo Its Lord the nearer it draws to the world

In his book Ecumenism and Cat ho licity William Nicholls says The recovery of the church is necessarily ft recovery of the churchs mission in history The ecumenical movement arose out of the missionary movement and its Truil must be a truer commitshyment or the uniting churches to thai mission The distinction between church and mission is being more and more clearly seen to be a false one The church as we see it in live Bible through ecumenical eyes is a missionary church and its theology will he a misshysionary theology Il is not that we should haw one department of our theological thinking which will have to do wilh missions but thai all our ihco logy will be missionary

And this is the goal or ecumenism - the journeying together the talking

logeiher of ihc churches in fellowship the crusading together into the unshyknown as Abraham did in faith and hop mdash into lhal unity which is of Ood inal in ihc end the Kingdoms of this world may be transformed into Ihc Kingdom of God and of His ThrisL

Tht Rtrtf Samurt A Stanr is Co-St^Crr ftirv of ihc ChrMm Cittztnshlp gt wr ffiiitf of the Xifthfitfist Churvh md Super- miwdtm of the TfWArtVr-Vw African Circuit ThU atticie is the yuhitmtcc of u paprr prt-wnted to the fJgtAMjtS^1-Cotifewttcc tit fltwrnforiteirti 5lh mdash 7lh

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 2: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

PRO VERITATE Sepl IS Sept 1961

THE l i l 01 E H gti I ISM o CIIIIISTI v n v

Cmtim4 ftum [way I)

llll 10 ft fision The il is a cnmmiui to World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman Or MotL who sand Let us umic a laquo k M laquo in Ihc urnvcrsilfe of the world in witae for a r i a The fcnnaiana of Ihe Young Men ( V n i U D Awxi-ittfia the Ycmng Women (nrvutan A w v cmlarm and other MmUr f hmian AssoaaiKm caaac man cusieucc he-cause their leaders rcahod that aaorc and mnrr the wid needed the w p laquo l of cD-oniinjud o V i u a i force

remnenrsm mdash Inn aaovemenr of the Hot Sfir i within ike church nmm fcsied iiclf in matters of taath and

in nmtlcr nf Ufa and ftnrl tsl ^1 Amsterdam we sec the

of Ihc VW C a fellowship of churefcev hating a tluar hast the l laquo d Jes fnrist as l^ud and Sashyviour The theme i this first A^ltmN of the W C C w M n raquo lamarato and trim Oouaa Thi t w i m n u ^ l gathering enables the chinches in (he World lo grow in ihc fellowship of Jew Christ and in ihc reltamina-lion of ihctr misutm for ihc evangeli-saiion of ihc world

Fcumcnisjn continued bullraquo influence Christians and churches at ihc Second Assembly o( ihc WCC in V4 al FvanMon in Ihc ITSA- Al Ihis Acm-My Ihcre were lo4 churches in this ecu-menical fellowship representing 4H nation and having laquo ihcir theme bullf ftrtst ihe hope ni ihr world With greater impetus and dclerminnlinn ihc churches of Ihc world decided lo go oui into Ihe world lo no nod bear wit ncss to this truth Appeal from ihU ecumenical assembly were sent out to governments lo churches to the pre service of ihc laquoKlil to leaders of nations lo settle in future their differshyence^ by peaceful nicaiK The rasage and brutalities perpetrated during the Second WorU War were -Jdl freh in the menngtries of men and women

I n n Emwanau IW lawmhrr churshych camrht af roll the tnw mtmma laquof the church In the raquo bull a ato rrno-sttnrs of thr tnrti oi the ltogtsnrl am mr

laquo4 n t nanrnn aw i m A bull-lae n bull ovanpni hi ml Ihr

4 hmmm aaV - m me (arnrn^ In t a r u l u l i nnd in romanmr laquobull ittdctslrs

In najBvano naoar m aft faaanl

t a v t n ^ t t f l e m n l m M And from Ivamton lo New Demi

in 1degwl ccnmrmire bm heen urflocnc imt thrtsiun force in Ihc world In 11 a laquo lac W C f mrrpay wnh Ihe Imernatiooal MIVMltWUTgt C otaacil for a gicalcr aotnes and c n laquo by ihe OniTch of C V w in the wurid Tocrc is here a re-eurmnalion of the plnce of the tatty ihe 1am mdash the people of tiod in the life and witnew of the church jrralct emphasis on eangdim and Ihe definitiltraquon nf the nature of that unity for which we sert We hear of Anglican Mcthndivl Con vcisalions in l_npland and all ihi is done in ordci lo wc rnffiund foi f itxl We have heard of the 1 rniicil flwrch of Canada of Ihe Iniieil (Tiurch of South Indin of plans Tor church unions in Africa in Asin and In Australia mdash led by ihc Holy Spiril we can see here how ecumenism influences Ihc churchcN to be conscious of their mition in Ihc world - bull w see the outreach of the church into new frontier for ihe evangelisation of the world

In South Africa we hear under Ihc Christian Council of South Africa of uExpundiiwraquo Prnfrmmmr lor tottcfhrr-nr-at of chnrch and new dimritslon^ bullf mMMi for sHiih Africa todat VVe hear of a Durban Masnr whltraquo mviied all the churvho to the cits hatt of Ourban on a Sunday hefltraquore fliriamav raquo amm md a m In Wmdashmgt raquo bull aVmnmiraiNHi of ChnStUn uatgt a Ihr hawk aeuro ma larmnaalaa bull In a tr-

pirn about thK servioc I underhncd ihoe woniv Tm nimhinrd mMMf pina nf Camntic and Protrslanf a i r uropean laaaan fricaa and lt olnuf -ed slaadiaz ^houWrr lo shnalaW wm enaWave that ltbull k at laquo o r i In Ihw HraquordL c laquo m S o n Allien m Sooth Afnca we hear of that cvumem-caJ fclow^aip the fhr is tun Imiifuie with i b wonderful aumsiry of rtcOaV dhabon - - reilaquoanhjiion hetoeen man nd God between n u n and man and between race and race And af there t -whin iKn South Africa needs ltgt

da ) it 1 ihat the r acn mis comv trgt honai le^rn a lhegt are kd K C o l to fatal ID one another lo maV I n cue aneaaarr t o aaaaw oav another 10 aunacJ and moe one amlaquohcr In l e a n h m l a i n Imwaamr m aaanv an 1hrlaquo heWsed e-aaatn af aaamc tat aW nf a aaaai Icamenism can h d p as m this tasi ban this is the tast rf Chrwitamti and laquo are ^bullfiftf to thi way of hfe


nunm A we have wtl Ihraquot the cvumcmcal

mostment is Wrongly amt^rncd with the relevance of ihc church ami H message in our modern situation ecushymenical discussions are concerned wiih ways and means of intensifying Iho outreach of the church into the whole ftocicly that the word of ltJltKI should he interpreted in the tongu^c ihc ihoughl-forms the theology and Ihe idiom of the people

For the so-called undcrdcwlii|icd countries or the so-called Younger churches or Mission Field Chrlv tianitv would not then appear an ftn exotic religion on the oil of Ihe people but would be related to the heart ami soul of ihe neop1^ To illustrate fur-iber this point mdash of a Christianity that dioukl he related lo the uwl ami soul of ihe people let me quote from a Element nude by the International Mgtvt4onarv Council f onterence alt Willingenin l deg 5 i under the hendinf iThc nnnrrsal church in il nvat ei-tintT Unite ltnc timtxh of Chhn ui anv place and at my time muraquot ei-labil Ihe aaars wataonl wmch u will not he a church it ka ihr responsibd-ity to cthtbu them in a distinctive way worporaltna into the laquoerrice of Chrni whatever hexttatr of cnJtural lahan it

aave been p laquo i by God pace

lo me laquonnV The sharcfa cam naagt be rooted in O m Baa eLmmnaknl drvcogtsina^ hraquove drscerned thai the ei-Kjvd naosi be laquoraquopresented t o m e n a n j wtvnea that it ctattemfa-ari and jiM^mlft nresancr is rectspMwl It i ami i be i o ffcopascd as knwi as ii appears in a forcnm guoe mnialmf and leprodudaw the characlertsuo of a church in soanc remote and alien maaL r^wn in one sense the ihurrh must always be because ils cilirenship rs in heas-en and il is an agent of transshyformation Bui despite the dangers of identi5cation with this world wr urpe that fo re igner in the more earthly vense of the word is something to be outgrown with all possible speed Churches shoold take a positive yel critical altitude to ihc national culshytures bull

fn trying ugt win Africa for Christ the Church in Africa Ihc churchc in the ecumenical fellowship in the con-lineni of Africn will have lo walk Ihat road mdash the road of making the giwpel of Jesus Christ relevant and meaning-ful understanding ihe fact that for Ihc African the spiritual and the material are indivisible We can preach and preach and this is good bui what fnca needs today rs the putting into practice of oor preaching A John While puts il the rhurch must u dowu twin the pit with the miner imtn Ihe i M a k h the tailor Into the umm wtth the iaaaaaaafu mlo the factory ami fieht and mlo me m r t p ) I Likx the laquoau the church must rV w

mto the very nook of the shoreline of humanity mdash and must nractrc what is prcache


Let me now move towards the coav dnsaon bgt aregtMng what I have taaj so far txuaacaaian uanccts uv chris tuan aaaf churches to the centre of the church and the worU to the Tnune God from there raquoc are hnM op and

iroagihcned m trace We are noav enabled lo a n s a a p G o d

and to know Hon agt He has nrvcakd IhameaT m the whoar Bime to a i aaeaa-ben of the church m the courvr of it total tradition Fcanncta im ehrects BK chrisUam and camirchev lo go beycmJ the mner hfe of o w church and ata Mi k^iJ^KA omcturcs ^m5 jtiraquohata m the ends of ihe O I K laquo MhNfc and ihe end of time Kcumeniun draws n^ out of icfiltalaquoaptacenl church work lo frontier work where wc are caampnd to he spent m witnen and icrvkr Ecav menism txwnmiu us to the MrupKle for mamfestinf umty among chriaians and bulln the whole of humanity tcunicnisni aims not vn much ai conservative reshyunion or sialic uniformity but the growth into the wholeness of God rich economy of grace

fn alicmptuig to undersiand the re-liTtniivliip between ecumenism and Christianity ihc outreach of ihc church in evangelism is shown by a picture mdash I wo concentric circles the lurgcr cir cle of the OIKOUMENF and the smaller circle of the church and hold having their ccnlre in the Triune (Jod I uimcnism means that christians and churches set out from the suburbs of

their particular cotifession country and culture leave the fleshpots of f gypi behind b i t take the treasures o f G o d grace ^ e n to them and come as (he different tnxips from ihcir difshyferent camps lo the centre From (here they are vent out a witnevscs and er-sants beyond the ecclesiastical suburbs inUi the raquomgtle inhabited world and ils tragic and ghtfHais history From the ornire lo the outward circle spins a sfvraJ to show that the Pilgrim Church fimK and aaamlesis thai rich unity which God gives lo His camrch and the Cisaaox The above description shos^ ihe church on ihe march mdash the Pilgrim pcorne of God the church setting mat on a nlgnmngv mdash on a way of repentance (hung and rwanf of eagt peciant seV^sacnfice cfansuans aaaf cmtrchci fmmmg one another as uan move out touaids the end of the bull n r U and the eaut of tune and space tn evangetruaL making dtscipae of a l naunnrv and in Ims great Usk and ciaamwKon mdash in tht great pilgrimage chnsuam and caWwchet reahvt how they need each other how they travel together Mwanls ihe same goad mdash the goal that the earth may he filled wuh the glory of God a Ihe waters cover the s raquo

Taa omtrr ol churrh and world and rhr rndi i limr and lamr lrlomi to-viin r And hrnr Ihe ahose men tinned nictarr breaks down The Triune God who k Ihr it-aiir of all premies us to ihr imniHtv | | e ubn K the centre ol world history I njaj its bepnnia^ iiad end IhV Alpha and (gtmcfn-

HhlW wi coal ess with Ihr Reforincrsi that whemer Ihe wnnl of God Ls taitithl the Hot) Communion rrkhral- i nnd wherever ehristiam gather bullbull bull- iin i MIraquoI i ilw discipline of God

will there is the church In Ilk presence

fCoMttsmd on fwfe 5)

GOD KERK EN SENDING flVriufg ran hWsi I)

kerk me kan byhou by die groei van chc wcrclJhcvi4ktng sic Terwyi die Chnsiendom nog tot in die befftc van harrdie ecu ecn-sicrcU van die W J M U -besouVing intgemoak net sal Jit teen 1XP n u a r scmat een-kwart wee en tern IWi cen-syfde teen chc cindc van che ecu nuar een-scsde

Terwil die Mohammeuanisrnc en Kismammasaae met ammrnatnu tempo gruei i die Chriuehkc sotkc bevg om c omkervactc Oanoiaaagmad kerk-tooshewi en syandighesd teenoor dhr lerk nocm loe ccr by chc faougpckxr-dex loc by die arruaders en nou dmaj sV dewr na che grwoor naclckJgroep

Iht is ivd oan hah ic roep bat iv tyd om ngt die cicamiake hiervan te vra_

n Bekende Icoiooe in Holland dr I C Hockendi | t ve che fout moef me nuar by die SendlogaLsie gesoek wsord aac die foot Ic uacner eta K by cm Godihcgrip- by cms kerkbegnp en dan by die Sending

(in ifOusoegnp

tm Godsbecrip - dl i die haais van allc gltxlsdiens Hoekendigtk se ons bet God gebuiilisccr mdash van God Baal gemaak bullbull God van die Groep On God is die God van die Christcnc en ons is dankbaar en tevrede as om Horn kan loccien en die groep by Horn hou Hy ssgt on Scndingwcrk is nicer jtegrond iin laquo bictjic filantropiese neigings by God ccrder as uit die bewussyn dal God die God van die wereld die hele wcreld en die ganse mensdom i die Claquoraquod van Pv 34 Die aanJe bchiHVl nan die Here en sy vol held die wereld rn die wat daarin woon die God van Joh 3 16 So lief hct God die wereld gebnd

Ims Kerkhefrip

Ow Lrrkbetriac Het dtt ook hier fout gcgaan Die kcri van Christu H die hg san die wlaquorrhL die out van die

dwv hy bestaan

terwtlle van die verheerliking van God en lerwille van die verk^ving van die wcreU aan die kerk en aan niernand ander is die heiKhoodskap gtan die kna ttarvenrou Hoeiendifk nocm dii die prisltkutcttsic van die kerk mdash dac bctaan vir

ami kerk art uac ty ear hev auvarf hgt rffna hy ay

en ivrioor hi uW hvfanajmtfli malt van n amaaaar me kerk

hreisrp ofgt uV aanaavaae eat i van s aahmam mi

iNiaVrmaamr art

SoUnk GOUDV begnp en kerkhegnp nac ccavncawScrd persent solgrm die Bs+H is nic kan dac Scndinghegnp awe in orde wees mc dan is dii die (mJcrneminc van n klein grocpie iciaJirigbdanestdicTidev wat in nsxm mag wen me Die kerk moet

talocn WOT oor haar sending omdat dii die sekcrle bcwgt- is dat sy nog vvnrt gaan mcl die werk san Oirisius en die Sending van God

Aiken so kan dii die uiak van elkc gclowigc word en as dii die laak van elkc gclowigc is sal dii binnc die ver-mltlaquo van elkc gemccntc wees om sy eie Viulilitu te ondcrhoti en sy cic veki ic henrhei

Allcvn dan sal die dakikJc tendens van die kerk in die wtfrcld gekeer word

Vitnaf n kerk wat sy cic lidmalc vvflnor n kerk wat steeds klcincr word tecnoor antichristclike magic wat grotcr word sal die kerk weer oorwin-ning hchaal en groci ho die getallc van bevolkinjsaanwns en kommumV licsc serowenngs

IhntM+Jf h laquo rtJt wur 4 ooifro t-ham krf fiaVm n wm^jm^wrrj m ale V rf firrtt -f+rtmir o raquo r u W f tm a laquoWir-arurrm a araquoV mmUMd ^iW Cmh ran SVnfrnwWF vw

Sept 16 Sept 11 PRO VERITATE 3

11 J5 bull P-Mlaquoraquolaquolaquo



THKOLOGY AND POLITICS The Prime Minister has often told South African theologians

thiii their interference in matters of Government and politico is not welcome According to a report in Die Trnnsvalcr (27th August 14| he has however reserved for himself the right to make pronouncements on ((ucstions of theology and church-life Addressing the Cape Nationalist Party Congress in Port Fhvabcth he is reported to have said the following-

People must not think the Government is heing petty when it refuses to yield to the demand for integration within the sphere of the church in South Africa bull Attempts an being made to create the impression that we are wrong if wc do not allow multi-racial churches Wc do not wish to change our church from the way in which wc have inherited il and experienced it forccmurie

The Prime Minister may have very shrewd (party) poBtlcal reasons for these statements hut his views lack Biblical and theoshylogical justification Firstly he suggests that both the Governshyment and wc have the right to decide what the character and membership of the church or churches should be This suggests Ihil the Government and wc instead of our Lord Christ is the head of ihe church and may oppose His purpose to create out of the two a single new humanitv in himself thereby making peace (fcph 122232 15) Secondly he suggests that the changes taking place in the life of the churches in South Africa is something which tftf may judge as righl or wrong It is not altogether clear who he means when he speaks of wc hut if he means thjt Christians have the right to decide whether or not our church change from the way in which wc have inherited it and experienced it for censhyturies then he is not merely heing petty (klcirtsiclig) he is without any Biblical justification for his opinion Christ is the Lord of the (l iurch and He is also the One who is making all things new ltRcv 21 5k Thirdly he suggests thai the Churchs life and characshyter must be evaluated in terms of political concepts such as Inteshygration and multiracialism But although the Church sometime uses these terms the Churchs concern to remain loyal to the com mandmenl and prayer of her f-ord - - Love one another as I have loved you On 13 34-35 17 20-23) mdash is not a matter of politics hut of theology (theos logos Word of God) Thus it is necessary to point out to the Prime Minister that neither the church as a whole nor individual Christians can agree with his statement as reported without being guilty of flaunting Ihe commandments of God The Church has alwaysprayed for the governmem under which h has lived and it will continue to do so Part of its prayer has always been that governments will not create a situation in which Chrisshytians have cither to disobey the government or deny their Lord Any attempt by a government to force apart those whom Christ has brought together will be such a situation

O Father of justice of thine infinite goodness direct the hearts of all who bear authority Help them with the power of the Holy Spirit protect them from the snares of the enemy and the pride of power and grant that fukrs and people may with one mind serve thee our God and King through Jesus Qnltf Amen



KERK EN WERELD Drie artikels in hierdic uitgawc gaan oor die verhouding

tusscn kcrk en wcrckk Die wcrk van die akademies vir Icke-oplei-ding die evangelisasicwcrk in die nywcrhdd en die vraagsluk van ekularisasic is vcnkillcndc uitdrukkingc van die nuwc besef Odder Christcne dat die ke^k nie n weclde-arlikcl in Gods plan is nie maar n middel wat Hy daargestel het vir Sy werk in die wSrcld

Al hicnJie bewegings is uitmge van die kcrk se nuwc besef van die allcs-omvattcnde Hecrskappy van onse Here Jesus Chris-tus en van die omvanp van Syrcddcndc wcrk Lunk reeds is Christcne bewus van die bctckenis van Christus se kruisdood en opstanding in hulle persoonlikc tragedies en problem Sy barm-hartighcid is dcur die eeue heen vcrkondig aan bedroefdes vcr watdes censames en skuldigcs Sy kcrk het vertrooMing gcbring aan die met sonde bclaaklc en treurende kinders van God maar daar het geweldige verandcringc gekom in ons wercld mdash in nywer-hcid massakommunikasies die politick daar waar die moderne mens feitlik sy hele bestaan voer mocs hy Homself ast ware indring omdat Sy kcrk te besig was met sy cic programme en akltwiicite om werklik bctrck te raak in die wercld soosdil is

Die genoemde bewegings is in hoofsaak n antwoonl hoe onvoJmaak ookal op die uilnodiging van die Chrism van die hele skepping aan die mens om aam met Mom Sy reddende wcrk te vcrrig ook op daardic terreine waar Hy die meesic veromag-saam en misken word

Hicrdie bewegings dui ook daarop dat die kcrk sy begrip van die mens moel hersicn Die onpcrsoonlike aard van ons tcgnologiese tydvak het n nuwc soort mens voortgehring mdash die massamcav

Daar is die wcscnlikc gevaar dat die mens sy persoonlikhcfcl ltal vcrloor dat hy n Mote rat sal word in die gioot nywerheids-masjicn Elke mens in hicrdie nuwc sinikmur is w^liswaar onmis-haar maar tcrselfderiyd is nicmand reglig nodig nilt Die mees fundamentele gemecnskapsccnhcid die gesin word in toencmende

y^ehed vir (benheid Here Jesus op die vooraand van U dood

het U gebid dat al U dissipels een mag wees

soos U in die Vader en die Vader in U een is

Laat ons met bedroefde harte ons skuld aan die

verdeeldheid besef Skenk aan ons die opregt-

heid om te erken en die moed cm te verwerp

wat in ons nog aan onverskilligheid wantroue en

vyandskap skuilgaan Verleen son ons dat ons

almal mekaar in U ontmoet sodat uit ons harte

en van ons lippe onophoudelik U gebed vir die

eenheid van alle Christene mag opstyg soos U

wil en met die middels soos U dit wil

Laat ons in U wat die volmaakte liefde is

die weg vind wat na eenheid lei in gehoorsaam-

heid aan U liefde en U waarheid sodat die

wereld kan glo dat dit U is wat deur die Vader

gestuur is

Amen ~tgtie Hrufi Jaiiunrtr 1961

SAMARITANS ANONYMOUS A Joint Projeel in 4ape Town

The amalgamation of Suicides Anonymous and the Guidance Bureau is now complete Samaritans Anonymous Ls a reality Its aim is

To aid people distressed through personal and social problems and partishycularly problems concerned with alcoholism drug addiction suicide marriage

and youth by the practical application of (he ftMpel of Jesus Christ

The Rev T Kotze of Sea Point Methodist Church is Chairman of the Manageshyment Committee and the Rev D L Crawford is Vice-Chairman Miss Ada Mac-Farlane has resigned her job in a building society to come into full-time service for Christ as Organising Secretary

A distressed person phoning 2-2212 for help will hear her smiling voice or that of one of the trained telephone counsellors Such a person is immediately put in touch with trained lieUT counsellors or an approved organisation able 10 cope with the particular problem

The office b in the city This service operates daily from 9 am to 12 midnight It is available at all limes to all people in every area of human need

7fre PtvsbMrrian Lender mdash Mlaquo ViW

mate bedreig dcur die ingrypende invloedc van n tcgnologies-georganisecrdc gemwiskap Minshyder en minder persoonlikc imsiatief en verant-woordctikhcicl word van ons verwag maar dis ook vir die nuwc mens vir wie Christus gc-Merf het en ook hy het die bedicning van die kcrk nodig Dis presies hierin dat die uitdaging vir die kerk gclcpound is want die mens het in groot en onrusbarende mate vocling vcrloor met die lual en die lewc van die kcrk Hy is nicer be sorgd oor die aantal skofte wat hy moet WW as txgtr sy sondes Hy het gcen skuldhc^cf niet maar ken allerlei frustrasics Heiligmaking en hciligheid is vir hom onverstaanbarc fterme hoewcl hy noatans probcer om Mordenilik lc wees Aanbidding is vir hom vreemd en van die numineuse wcct hy hoegenaamd niks As hy ooit aan die hiernamaals dink dan is dit net op die allervaagste wysc Hy stel eenvoudig niks helang in daardie vraagstukkc waaraan die kerk in ons tyd smed aandag wv nie litur giese hervorming die wramwoordclikhctd v-an die kerk in die gemcenskap ens

Boscnocmdc bewtgings is pogings om hicrshydie mens te ontmoet om hom te vcrstaan in

plaas van hom te ignoreer of met minagting te bc)een Maar die bewegings stel in haic mcer ingrypende vraag mdash die vraag oor die aard en die taak van die kcrk In hoevcrrc bcantwoord die tradisionele inslellings van die kerk aan die roeping en taak van die kerk in ons tyd Is ons kerkgebwie ons crcdienste en kerkvergaderings die aanwending van oris fondse die oplciding van o t t leraars wcrklik toereikend Dw nuwc bewegings Is pogings om die antwoorde op hicrdie vrae te vind om te ontdek hoe die kerk ook in ons tyd die evangelic en die redding van wat Christus onder alle omstandighede kan bicd kan bring ook aan die -jiuwe mens

Die genoemde vraagstukkc hot geen maklikc oplossings nie Dal hulle wcsenlik is staan va en die kerk kan hulle slegs teen bale groot geshyvaar vcroniagsaam Dat hulle al die skeppendc aandag vcrdicn wat kan kom as ons in gchoor-saamheid wag op die leidtng van die Hciligc Gees is duidelik want slcgs op die wysc sal die soul wat Christus sfi orts is waartik soul kan wees in die tyd waarin ons lecf


4 I R O V E R I T A T K S c p L 15 S c p l I9f i l

The Role of a Centre in Lay Training EXOS Z SIKAKANK

T h e arupel in A f r i c a n r s i n t r o d u c e d by m i s s i o n a r y brionjt1 in i o d i f f e r e n t d e n o m i n a t i o n s W e w e r e t h e n c h i l d r e n h u t now w e a r e b e c o m i n g m e n T h e f a c t t h a t e a r e m e e t i n g h e r e in I t l o e m f o n t e i n a s m e m b e r s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h e s La a HIRO of g r o w t h I s ay a g a i n a n d nnlgt n -^ it b e c a u s e A f r i c a i s o n l y -r--niHnK t o w a k e u p t o e x p r e s s i t Chr i t f l i an c o n v i c t i o n s W e a r e Iwi r i t tn ing t o p u t nvyiiy c h i l d i s h a p p r o a c h e s t o t h e laquogt igt I a n d a r c n e e k i n ^ u n i t y nn m e m b e r s o f t h e b o d v o f C h r i s t w h o IN t h e H e a d

I hrm prayed that wc nun he lt w that ihc world may hehevc We Have hfiHhcf m l sisters of the CTmsttan Ctuunvnnuy all over the wurU A Lgt lt cat re ltsjkJ proswie a chance fat a-trraJiiciion and fifhmdash ila^i It

my visits m mjftgt btwwev and oampUntion overseas faat

I reafatd More cfeartgt what Christ had done fur us at Calvary in Hi Mimtn of rets irritation One of the great prophecies of Isaiah is thai -


confrMnJ with a problem of findin-a modern present i nf t a r gospel deg lac ihnurhi font of tht Something mug he Acme by lav io attract vouaar men and bull oanrn ltraquo o t tNc U r n io miU their full laquo r f r i -balion t o effective cvingrw m in ihe cultural and spiritual ill n l H mdash m degf Afrit a Some kind of approach raquo necessary that would appeal to people in even walk of fife

After completing the 11 ltbull scmes-ler if the Ecumenical Institute laquot Bossev I Innl the privilege or visiting MIIIIC IJty Centres in llollnikl iilaquod (icimanv When I visiicd Ihc KtKK en U i k l I IJ INSTITUTE IN IfOL-1 M i f uav told hy ihc Director tbal it raquoa established with the aim of maitnc the church aware of her aposshytolic character a church tof the world i o help the work ugt find a way of real

la 0 | w v at the itxearn Wunslorf near the citv of

The Director tufivnued me the I O m M ACADTMY was

i centre where men and women voanaj aad oMgt met for the purpose of devjv imr wav and meant hv whkh to revise ihc spirit of Oir ia in ihc Com numiiv I wn convinced Ihut iliin was (he kiml of n centre we needed imme diiilrlv for the revival of our own sense of Community in th Republic of South Africa

Th- Mindola Ecumenical Cmte rnamhatioa on Lav T r a i n w definrd in hraad lenm the fuacttoo of a I^AY M R I alaquo f o f l o laquo -m U gt iraiokac woU doop lead

e n A lacOrorr fc fM k woukj otaie a foamhvboa t o

research m o area of hfe of the Church and laquooodgt It Mirrwc^ the coowraquooa fmuad oo which the Church eaten into a Jtalotue with the world It give an opportunity lor Uw Church t o carry 4HII its task of rcconciliution



f l ) Thr wed for n l laquoy O M M

A l a y Ceoirc i- one of our mosl imtnediate nnd prea^csi ncetl^ fur hcln-ifiR the churches to become the Church It -) unfortunate that Cm^tlimlgt io Africa wa introduced by different cknoirautioits emphasMftf raiher ihaa what w raquo t hewraquo The p r o n t x ^ o o of ArTcreat ckoornuaalKflH ha t o l e r a t e d the rroraquoth of aaore i f t u IflOD wxt to the Reruhfcc of ampmk Atria raquo W i t We haw the rcoMctn of a rfowinf numher 4^ elite o have hecoaae ahenated from the church btvausc it dlaquoies nol meet their need It is regarded as an institution of the clergy which

exists 10 he mainlaincd ralher than to erve the rcuiirrranents of the cxwtmo-nity MauOrrgt and cvanpdiu appear 10 he cutaanerctal travetten who vfl pinwal gnirxh wracfa ampiKxigt Bantt Io has Am b v a u a laquoho Laics aa active pan m the church raquo repnloJ as helpshying ihc aauarster rather than offering htlaquo seoKe to God ax hn cootrthajtvon tti ihc Kmndocn The faymnai in the mapsnty case does not datm the church a hi- spiritual and cultural home He regard^ the church a an institution figtr limes of crisis connected with xicknos and death

We need i ccnlre where wc nhnll be coosLmily reminded of the role the laity Inu plagtcd in the church since IcMik chose the first iwrlvc dtHi|gtles from fishermen ia collciiorx and ordinary flt4k We need to he reminded that the mud layman accnrdine to the New Trviaaacnt mcam the chosen

Therefore all the mem-hen of the church are b u m the ch-wewpevifaeofGcal

H r aw NI an afr iimiaaiaiJ hy

nlacr^ for the night FananVt u w In and around town Maan nronlr tawanf much tit thrir time h da whetv they are employed and ttics drsrkip u n a kind -I fdhmship and comuinnits lin bullnana] frllow worker Kmplosrr md riMM i - vno the coninaat of llnir clcrV s n p m thitn Ihjit of ihelr own wlvet

The (icrrruin Evangelical Acudenn Report on T e n Years of Teamwork puhhehed in September I^5_ M^ J h important ^ursiion

1 0 prwAihlc to maaninin or ngt surrect a hsiny cxwraquocgatraquoos in that area of hfe where its meanherx oraH deep4 Thr aac4cugen of God prixreds the report the odweanow ^ south the prorjtets of the sjurks

no longer sec what noes on ui the ineciahsctl areas cat the modern inshydustrial world in the Ltrgr city behind ihe gates of ihe factory-

Thc l a y Academy hy providing a place of deeper fellowship would crciiic living spirits from which new fnrcvn would proceed into the urea of everyday life The messenger of Ood should have an ear and a voice in those pUcvs where the battles of evefvday We is fought

The cnarwgtnn mav be nsied what is it thai t a raU he 6cm hy the L J gt Centre mWh canoof ix oVnar hy the dnaitfcn It aausl he understood that the lay centre ahhoudi n han a difshyferent approach rt an uuegral part of the church There r 00 cvgtmpctition between the two neither imposes it authoon on Ihe other nor claims to he doing belter Bach one musi allow the other Io do its work

The role of 11 centre in lay training is Io awaken Ihe layman to put (Tins-tianii) into practice io his dally life The role of the layman in the mission of ihc church is to inlefpret (he eospel in term of the mora nd piniuit iwars of hi time

T V b y centre wlaquon4d rvrmde a for a layman to tnMk neak

and he Tinunaacd to e a n u m a u t JCMTS went aSn raquoub H k folkiwen aencav ne and doing thtnp He ilrnwmlaquoritn Hrs teaching hv rxactisint The Master n i l T- and 60 thr S l e w r There wmkl certainly he an oorjortunity at the b y centre for conference with various profevsiooai group leuroW consul-hUioa confronlilion frusiraiion and

I V ideal place for dialogue ts the training centre where all tspcs of people could he free to expect their iiaJcfCTdcm oraniorts

From my experience ai Ihc I cumcni-cul Institute (Bi^sey) I have found thur frusimtion may be useful in fiirlhering llw cause of ChriMianily Wc hnve to he broken if we tire to be useful in our Mazier ltivice even as His own KxJv wax btigtken fltraquor us- Our group al Ho-laquoey WB one of the mo troublewmie rraquoties there were different view from diffcting cmraMfgt in doa^naucv The Hirectors had laquoolaquone difnoili times in their aftraafU to recoocile dnarch trada^ons a tht ckxl WB1gt 6ac ant mean confa -Tnere are vanou laquoift bo the pKraquot There are dlaquoTtfrencrx of rsiraimn but the tgtraquoe Lord

There 1 a deeper friendship that de- clops ha a group which meets and xiayi iitgeiher for tr^i dagtx than Ihcre is in the IHK group of people who stay for fifty year separately in the same community The climnx of my experience nt Bossey was the last Lord s Supper when all the student wraquoih the exception M ihose belonging 10 the Orthodox Church ^ r n e forward 10 re-ceise the sacrament At the end of the ltmc-icr we were reluctant in Iravr Rosxey bemg worried by the fact chat w - were to n a m We were all con^ctoaic boweser of the fad that our unttv in Chnst would naaamahi the (aaniK xgirit until the day when we shall at His tabic and accr pan

TW I n T Ccmnr wlaquolaquoM

On the Sooth Coast of Natal ihere is an African Camp uxed figtr rtireatv picnics recreation and studying I hnve iixcxl Itux umip annually for |iLiunlitg the work uf ihe Methodic AMoui Circuit wilh my leaders and rlaquociicheigt The three dngt spem in ibis rough camp every y raquo r has-e been more effeclt live in ltrmcnling relation hrtueen our ujembrrx than the fifty-two Sunday laquo v i c c s and fifty-two feHowship aaeet-iran heU in our ciiurcbev Here they live cat and sleep together The groufw of ytxajog aad end pcofir at the end of three dasx ^x this 1 m a p have always saaj It av good for us to be

The mhr nf a lraanaaagt orntrr nM he rhc Imxen ih-xdupfnc a Christian communits and pntducini lamrn who wrwld H I O M in the market places In public affairs and educational Imtrttt-thms ami factories Moreover it would produce Ijmuen t^hn art lint afraid In meet Ihelr brothers and sistrr nf another colour nr race

One of our while Methodist minis ters made a sialernent in a nrcs intershyview to the efleci that AD men are hrotherv for Christ dearly speaks of rraquocxi ax being the Father of all men There is a special and deeper sense m which those who have entered into the Clen^iiifi fimils K ^n accertarxe rt iosfs as laxd u d Saxioxar are brraquosgt therv t h i i sOnflBent no ikmt wouU not he accepted by all Chnxturrv oncciaBy mane cottservatisc white Chriclunx as heing relevant for Sraquouth Africa Before any agreement can he reached iheic would have to be group discussion by black ami white Chrisshytians ul a centre where ihcre would he consultation confrontation 11ml a commitment 10 Christ The lay train-inc centre would be ihc leaven The harvest truly is great but the Ubourrrx are few The iWd of the harvest would send forth more labourers if rjrtmslaquoi were made for b y training along cvu

l l hnex

to enjoy and to feed that winch rs common to thrwe who share it I reshygard fellowship ax ope of the most important rote of a by centre ll would he the role of a lagt centre to develop the fellowship of different pro fcssionnl proups and workers in various fields The imiciinil problems of the people would create more fellowship They would he sharing somethint in common and ihix would be ihe kind of fellowship which would gradually dexeius into Christian fthicv

Omte a number of business men have been heard ^1bull^ft^f statenaeaas to the effect thai they do not mix reunion with hirsiness ax ihoorb hststncvA o afaen to rehpon He rx the Son of Man and ix imere led in fa i cuaamum i kh all men m a l ihrir cKcarab-nvs

Chrw represents the higher hfe Ami we as human beinggt rerxesenfl ihlt-kwver The kmcr life efows by shannt with the htaher The higher life descended in Jesus Christ t o have felshylowship with the lowef He became what wc are in order thai Me rnivhi make us what He Himself is The im-portanl role cf ihc fellowship OMlffl would he to abolish fe^r and hostility and to create himvin

One of the Directors at B t w after a very crMrnverstaf BiHe drcttssraquoou said to me Thcrr is afrways eood rrtv aresa when discussions are contrcneT-siaJ because thev aroose the interext and the initiative of even the nmsl

rar t topantv

wonM hr f51 A Lav TraWna O a Centre nf

There should he prayer for n o w -dliation annum denominafions and Ihe best pbec is a lav training centre- Some churches teach lhil the church should be one anil undivided and thai rneiiil-isls arc out of tunc with God

Such doctrines require reconciliation These men of dod must meet and tell its what lhegt mean and how thcxc docshytrines can he nut into practice A lav centre oukJ breal the wall of partita rntion and ma le the two one Tnewe who are in agreement wooU b e

and he reconciled The continue ate wort of the

cromof ChrwC

I am one of thewe who are coaninced that Arka has a distinctive coMribngt tiraa to aaale Io the wU If Afncans had winex they would fhv rf there were sufficient opportunities for exploratim of fellowship both in extent and depth there would he irood relations with holh black and white

A lay training centre would open more gate for fellowship within South Africa and with Ihe world The lime will come as we practice It will never come merely by waiting and doing nolhing

Lannarn an ant aewn Io he aVtatrd l a hv minhlrrlal n p r f t s what CmTi waff k for t h e m rather he fixtw an aaawfuaitv and Jilirnami AW rwnd to units

In corhvius4gtvn I wnuii h i e hj o- -e fVcar l e e in the ecwpeaical wer th of the T7ih fiilv |Q6t He said that

People must dfcoriver that even tluwjeh thev may differ they are drawn together by common asoira lions hones ideals iroaU and in-tcrests Tims fellowship can be gthe means of Mgbrt iMm human trlo-tionshios of such unalitv that each person is able to realise the sjiiriiu moral intellectual and nhvvicwl rn-ti-ntist with which Corf hix endowed H m Such would h the nature of a twr

crnniBMBatv and bull would he the role of a centre in b v

Fellowship raquox part of the human hfe as a whole Where two or aaote novxfc couac loaether there is fellowship Those who share it mast have tome-tlunit in omimon It ha been SraquoH) that the purpose of all fellowship is both

ejrjrHmndrar IhWni nf Ah Cm m

r f tn-aum nf Ttun nmrnr h oV manvanri W

Cimitrtmrr in rVtvmmirrut 5ia - Tth

Sept 15 Sept 14 PRO VERITATE 5

CHR1STUS en cue lie Wereld van M ore KOBUS OOSTHUIZEN

bull W B will n o t b e a b l e r e a l l y t o g e t a l o n g s i d e m a n i n o u r m o d e r n w o r l d u n l e s s w e b e g i n t o 4 de - re l ig ion i s c C h r i s t i a n i t y C h r i s t i a n i t y is a s e c u l a r m o v e m e n t

( J C H o e k e n d i j k mdash S t r a s s b o u r g 1960)

oulomaliscring kcrncnergk ruimtc-vaart ens) volg en aanvaar Jal mense wai in so n wereld letff noodwendig anders moct dink en reageer as die landelike mens aan die begin van ons jaartclling (ook anders as die middcl-ccusc of lMc ccuse mens) On inocl ook aanvaar dat waar ou gcvcsiigde sosiak structure onder invloed van die mndeme indusirielc kulluur kom die Iradisionclc wms van bdquokcrklikhcid spnedig heflin kwyn mdash self vcrdwyn

Ten Iweede Die kerk van more kan so niaklik n kerk in verslrooting word BOdal die bullgroei van die chnstelikc kcrkc in feile beicken n gruei na n minderheid Dit is vanjag ongclukkig Tn hekende feit dat bcvolkingsannwas die aanlal tvkeerlinge lot die chnstelikc ijcloof ver oortrcf Jaarjiks kom daar 25-maal sovcel nie-ehrisiene by die wtittklhcvolkiag hy Jn WW was die Chrisicnc H van die wtfrcldbevol-king in 1955 31 in 2 laquo raquo ( ) - - Onwilkkcurig kom die vrae Wai sal die optrede van die Chrisicnc wees in die wcrckl van marc Sal hulk nog vcrgun word om in gtfmccmcs gcor-ganiscerd ic wees en ook geboue vir aanbidding op tc rig Sal daar nog gepraat kan word van Xhristclikc volke Hrg onwaarskynlik Is die toc-komsbceld en die kerk nie die van ver-bulldrooiing nie Sal ChriMcnc hulk nie mod ofen in die kuns om as minder hcidsg roe pies die soul vim die aarde 1c ve ra nie fH R Wchcrl In tocnemen-de male dui haie dinge int n tcrugkecr lot die N T huisgemccntc Ons sicn dit reeds gebcur dramatics in Oos Europa waar die kerk reeds moes leer om gtoo die koringkorrct ic icrf om wcrklik le kan lewe minder dramatics in WevFuropa dcur die toencmende vcrbrokkcling van die georganisccrde kerklike lew Ons kan nie help om aan die vnlgcnde le dink vir die kerk van more nie Hicr lt daar _ oral klcin groepks gelowiges besig om sja-lom fvrcdcl le bring in n wpoundrckl waar onvredc hcers

Ten derdc O k p v N van WJIJlri-visit kan nk meer gtslitit word nk Sommice ntense se pofiioc om vir l l U nopound n 25stc uur in die wereld van R-tor le lewe vonrdat die nnweuro dag aan-hivck b n onnifMinlBkc ajik Hoe 4iodiger ons ons drampelvree oorwin rn die mme sdui l ro mtiM Mimctnc hoe beter

Dil bring ons by die kernvraag van


Die wooixl sekularisask (ook vcr-xvcrekJIikingl is afgelei van jlaquoreuliim Gcdurendc die Middclccue het die mense ondenkei lusscn die regligieiw (of sakrale) en die tvdtflikc (of scku-lire) ardc Toi ecrsgenoemde is gcre-ken die kerk en die klenis lot laav gcnocmdedkstaa lendiegewone volk Oortuig van sy roeping toi heerskappy hcl die Middclceusc kerk cgter as heer en meesier alle lerreine van die lewe hchwrs wal gcki het toi n Nllcrc magsfryd lusscn kerk en slaat In die laaL-Middclccuc4 en vera) gcdurendc die Renaissance begin die staat fen die burgerlikc maatskappy) daarin slaag om horn van die kerklike hecrskappy los te maaL Dil was d k begin van die sekulasksasieproses In d k daaropvol-gende ccue ncem hkrdk proses van verwcreldliking in momentum loe en dring dil dcur tot alle kwenstcrreine n Nuwe (iguur verskyo op die horison die seknrc re staat Un nog steeds gaan die proses voort t Die chnstclikc kerk van vandag is in sO n posisic dal alle s-ereldlikc i U I i i p f ) van horn onlncem is

Dil was die Maalkundigc kant van hicrdic proses Bclangrikcr vir ons doe) is die godsdiensjige Ny Ten gevolgc van d k sckula risasieproses krgt o1^ n (H1S

lyd ook tc doen nWI n nuwe mensetip^ die sogenaamde sekulere mens Mag ek

D k groot wlaquo- sekularlsask Itel gcval Reeds op die Inlernustonak gtScn-dtngkonferensk in Jerusalem U92H) is dit druk ncsprcek Toe was daar reeds sprake van bdquo n bedreiging vir die kefk

Dk kerk Jn a nuvte wctvld

FXvivdx in Jerusalem hcl mense al besef dat d k christelike kerk wcsenlik in fn nuwe wereld te staan gekom bet Irgcr nog dat d k gevesligdc kerklike Mai in hkrdie nuwe wereld elke dag onvcrMannhaarder begin word het Scderl fdeg2S bci d k christclikc kerk besef dal die kerklike laal nie meer deurdring nk Hoe ernstiger hy bom-self verstaanbaar niaak hoe nicer kom hy in die wrpoundrcld te staan voor d k feit dat bate d k taal nk vcrstaan n k en Jus d k hoodskap ook nk KonmuiMi kask lusscn die kerk en wereld hcl veetal opechou om ic bestaan (Krae merl

Jerusalem le nou reeds baie p re agtcr d k rug en daar is ongclukkig nog men^c wai n k hkrdie feii aanvaar nie Hulk praai nog steeds van dk ge-vaar van sckularisasie gaan nog sicctls van d k standpunt uit dal die wereld die laal van d k kerk wel ver siaan I n iniussen word d k misver vtand lusscn kerk en wereld ongcluk kig groter en ernstiger


Na die 1 wecde Wercldoorlog beleef d k chrisiclike kerk verskek omnug-(eringc Groot dele van die sogenaam-dc chrislelike westc word w laquo r n in iil-iiM d Die stroom van die kerk na d k wercU word n loenemende vloedgolf Ciroot dele van lrankryk hvbdquo word opnuul n sendingvcld Skaar 3 ^ van die hcvolking kef nog akttcf met die kerk mce+ Wat vroeer allcen maar n aaktige vcrmocde wa word nou dcur navorsers be vest ic naamlik dat grool $roepc mense rce^ls vir d rk toi vter geJagte los van die kerk lewe sondcr doop betvdenis of enige besef van die christclikc cvan-ffclk n Tckcn aan die muur vera I as on in gedagte liou dal Frankryk gewoonlik maar net 50 jaar voor die res van luropa loop

Elke dauj word die becld MMlMlder I jlaquou-ili MI dk wtfttd skn dk thri-telike kerk sj invtocd in twee uiltrs lraquoelanttrikr svktors van die s^imek^in te verionr onder d k intellipentsia en die (industriele) artgteldefK Dil If n jnnlikt ^tda^te ^eral as ons dayman dink dat tegidek t a imlusfrinfisasic oral TOWKI In dk nntwlkkelinesprn-pram van dk wereld van vandag staan

In d k jongste lyd begin d k kerklike stalistieke (sclfs die van die jongcre kerke) ons ook daarop aitcnt maaL dat die crskillcndc kcrkc oral besig is om te vemnder omdal die perscntasic jcugdige kerk I id nunc daal en d k van die oocr lidmaie stvg Dit kan diiv ge-hcur dal d k kerk voortaan net uit oucr pffsone bestaan en die jcug daar nie mccr tuis vocl nie

n Mens sou op hierdie wysc kon voortgaan Allcs dui daarop dal die gioep men^e tot w k die kerk spreck vinnig knmp Dit geld vir alle christc-like kcrfce - Protestamc Onodoksc en Katolicke

Die feite laquoaarmee Christeae hulk vandac sill moet tersoen

l^t pas elke Christen om onder hkrshyd k omstandighede die fciie nuuler in d k bull-- le sien en alk moontlike illumes tc verba n

Ten eerste bull nel ons aanvaar dal ons midde in n vcranderdc wereld staan In ons poging om in gesprck met d k wereld le iree nmei ons hereid wees om d k laal van die mondigc vvereld (Bonhocffer) le spreek Met aandag inoet ons die softcnaamdc tweedc in dusiriele revolusie (gckennwrk dcur

bom koriliks vir u bcskrgtwe Ecrs nega-ikf dan posiiief

f^egatief ooderskci die sekulfirc mens horn van die religku-sc mens soos volg tM-jiiinLii- staan hy afwysend tcenoor a lks wai maar enigsins aan kerk of rcligie herinner religkusc gc-vockns tbv ccrbtcd vir die huidkc of die bonatuurlike en sondebesef) is by horn praklics afwesig (as dil soms nog in krisisiye by horn opkom bejeen hy dit met dknc wantrouc) in sy denk-wereld hcl d k begrip Almaglige God1

in onbriii ^craak sy praktkse kwenv-hiKiding word bchcers dcur stiiw^r humanisiiCNC moiiewe susiaal distan-sieer hy honi van a lk kerklike of rclishygie use groepc

Posiiief tree d k sekufcre mefts na vorc as iemand met n besonderc hoe waaixfering vir d k mens e intclkkluk en legnksc prcstasics gedrewe dcur n dkpe verlange om van h k r d k wereld n hclcr ivfrcld tc maak vercensclwig hy horn vollcdig met die verandetde lewenskode van die nuwe tcgnies indusiriek maatskappy waarin hy hom hcvind

Om van d k tK^staan van h k r d k orknlcrc mens te ontken is onrealK-tklaquo Hgt het oils tvdftenrwit ceugtrd Oral kom ons hom tee op straut In oitv k II- H 11 mil vcK)rtopiigt sclfs ook nog in d k kerk Hy is ons udpenoot maar hclaas nk ons )poundC^preks|poundcnool nk Voordat ons weer met hom in gesprek kan tree sal ons ers ook d k kenV moct vekularister

n SeknKre kern in n sekulenr wereld

Binne die raamwerk van ons om-skrywing van die sekulere mens bete ken sekulere kerk ln keik ontdaan van alle vornie van reliuiositeit of sakrafiteit

In cms bCOOfdAtt van d k Iwlntig eeiie van kcnceskiedenis wat a^ter ons le moct oas ondcrskei Htssen Christendom uvliviv| en Clirivtelike evnngelk (blve tsdinuk D k inhoitd gtan die blw LgtltIiiTT waarmee CTiristus (en die Christen dcur dk wereld gaan h wesenlik serlossing^ vnheid en vrrde | L 2 14 Job 20 26) Dit k gtoor d k hand I =bullbull- ml dat dit met rrlipc of siikrallteit nlks te doen bet nk Na Clt4pota hel rvltpk M betekenK meer nk (liristus het ons daarvan llaquovrvvertos Om dit weer uit te haal en te nrobeer rest oner Is sinncloos trt sakralitert hel dk evangelic ook nlks te doen nk Dit beteken dus dat ons ook moct ont-sakralister Ons s peroepe om gewoan in dk wereld te k raquo e n vrye v t r ioA meitsr mdash Chtis-tene Religkusc wette en sakrak hursks hoort by onvrye byRelowige mense - tveldenegt

Waller konsekwensics het dit nou vir on praktkse lewe as Chrisicnc Hicr open d k voorbccld van Jesus Christus self vir ons nuwe perspckiicwc Hy het homsclf onikdig die gesialic van n dienskneg aangeneem en aan mense gclyk geword (Rk 2 7) Hy hei n k gekom om gcdkn te word nk maar om tc d k n (Mark 10 45) Die Woord hcl vices geword en onder ons kom woontloh I 14)

Terme 500S solklarilcii identifikasic kommunikavc selfvvrlotning offer en dienshetoon kry in die lig van bogc-noemde vcral die feit van d k inkar nask nuwe beickenis Ook in die Chrisshyten wil die woord vices word en onder d k mense gaan woon Die Christciifcc van die kerk sal tot onhcrkenbaarwor-dens loc in die mcnslikc moct in gaan Die heil moct in die taal van die handc vcrtolk word (Hoekendijk) Wil die cvan^elk in ons moderne wereld verktHKlig word dan sal dit Re dtmonstreer moct word Woord moct daad word (M Warrenl Evangcliscer is nie n gcbod waaraan die kcrlc moet Bchoorsaam nk maar haar wyse van lewc op aarde (Pop)

Dns d k kerfc moct oral te Wnde wees waar mendike kwens in stukke If skk K in d k man van ilk soide verkeer bedrchi word met onderganp deur honper ol rninpe Diiir moet ons die kerk aantref besig om te herald te

heel te beskerm te versadfc en te onderstciin IMe kerk is in met en vir dk wereld ^laar vir andere (Bon-hOtflM Solidaritetl mrt d k wereld bctcken voorlopi^ niks anders as soli-dariteil iikel d k armes en elkndtges nk (Matt 25 3146)

Die sekulurtsask van dk kerk be ttken dus dat die kerk hom moet oefen In d k knns orn in d k wvreld onder dk mense te lewe mdash nk as heerser nie maar H dknslltneg

Ons wen na vnre

Wil ons die evangelic weer effektief in hierdie wireld verkondig- sal ons verplig wees om die eis om d k ver-miwinft van d k kerk met groot hcJist bcid tc stel O p d k vraag na die pre-siese aard van hkrdk vemuwing kan ons voorlopig nog geen finak aniwoord

C nie- Ons gaan voorlopig n tgtU van damenlck onsekcrheid binne Be

langrik is dat ons h k r d k onsekcrheid sondcr panick of vrces vcrdra die risiko aanvaar om improviscrendewys tc gaan Icw^ Met locwyding iivoel ons in ltS^ kerklike laboratorium ckspcrimen-tccr Op ons weg na voa sid ons hereid moet wees om vcel van ons ou vcrtrou-de reisbagasie agler ic laat uu mctodes en legnkkc oorgekwerde vorme en handclwy^es Ons moct vcral nie hui-wcr om ons vrae heel skerp le stel nk Dus vra nk hoc moct oas prcek n k maar moet ons nog prcek (Of is dit onnioontlik dat die evangelic ook in n andcr gcstalte as d k van die gesprokc woonj toi d k sondaar komk

1 - ltdntt af met n sleutelopnKrkins werklik bdquowfreliK kan alleen die Jcfcr wees 11 nil Is d k evanuelistc van more l lnlk kan in die iilkdaagse kwe iets demoovtreer van Chrislns se Milidaritcit

Ifrnut 0ampuituiltti it at fan ilaquorf( gte ^eifc met ituvrandtt itttdir in Xrttfriuttd Btr-rurtlaquo- in oorwnffm vm Jththus AnxtitfttK S964

The Influence of

Ecumenism on

Christianity (fiotttiiuwd hum ifai^t 2)

of its Lord we may not fm^et that Cod Is not linprLvined in the church and church history The aearcr the church draws lo Its Lord the nearer it draws to the world

In his book Ecumenism and Cat ho licity William Nicholls says The recovery of the church is necessarily ft recovery of the churchs mission in history The ecumenical movement arose out of the missionary movement and its Truil must be a truer commitshyment or the uniting churches to thai mission The distinction between church and mission is being more and more clearly seen to be a false one The church as we see it in live Bible through ecumenical eyes is a missionary church and its theology will he a misshysionary theology Il is not that we should haw one department of our theological thinking which will have to do wilh missions but thai all our ihco logy will be missionary

And this is the goal or ecumenism - the journeying together the talking

logeiher of ihc churches in fellowship the crusading together into the unshyknown as Abraham did in faith and hop mdash into lhal unity which is of Ood inal in ihc end the Kingdoms of this world may be transformed into Ihc Kingdom of God and of His ThrisL

Tht Rtrtf Samurt A Stanr is Co-St^Crr ftirv of ihc ChrMm Cittztnshlp gt wr ffiiitf of the Xifthfitfist Churvh md Super- miwdtm of the TfWArtVr-Vw African Circuit ThU atticie is the yuhitmtcc of u paprr prt-wnted to the fJgtAMjtS^1-Cotifewttcc tit fltwrnforiteirti 5lh mdash 7lh

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 3: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

Sept 16 Sept 11 PRO VERITATE 3

11 J5 bull P-Mlaquoraquolaquolaquo



THKOLOGY AND POLITICS The Prime Minister has often told South African theologians

thiii their interference in matters of Government and politico is not welcome According to a report in Die Trnnsvalcr (27th August 14| he has however reserved for himself the right to make pronouncements on ((ucstions of theology and church-life Addressing the Cape Nationalist Party Congress in Port Fhvabcth he is reported to have said the following-

People must not think the Government is heing petty when it refuses to yield to the demand for integration within the sphere of the church in South Africa bull Attempts an being made to create the impression that we are wrong if wc do not allow multi-racial churches Wc do not wish to change our church from the way in which wc have inherited il and experienced it forccmurie

The Prime Minister may have very shrewd (party) poBtlcal reasons for these statements hut his views lack Biblical and theoshylogical justification Firstly he suggests that both the Governshyment and wc have the right to decide what the character and membership of the church or churches should be This suggests Ihil the Government and wc instead of our Lord Christ is the head of ihe church and may oppose His purpose to create out of the two a single new humanitv in himself thereby making peace (fcph 122232 15) Secondly he suggests that the changes taking place in the life of the churches in South Africa is something which tftf may judge as righl or wrong It is not altogether clear who he means when he speaks of wc hut if he means thjt Christians have the right to decide whether or not our church change from the way in which wc have inherited it and experienced it for censhyturies then he is not merely heing petty (klcirtsiclig) he is without any Biblical justification for his opinion Christ is the Lord of the (l iurch and He is also the One who is making all things new ltRcv 21 5k Thirdly he suggests thai the Churchs life and characshyter must be evaluated in terms of political concepts such as Inteshygration and multiracialism But although the Church sometime uses these terms the Churchs concern to remain loyal to the com mandmenl and prayer of her f-ord - - Love one another as I have loved you On 13 34-35 17 20-23) mdash is not a matter of politics hut of theology (theos logos Word of God) Thus it is necessary to point out to the Prime Minister that neither the church as a whole nor individual Christians can agree with his statement as reported without being guilty of flaunting Ihe commandments of God The Church has alwaysprayed for the governmem under which h has lived and it will continue to do so Part of its prayer has always been that governments will not create a situation in which Chrisshytians have cither to disobey the government or deny their Lord Any attempt by a government to force apart those whom Christ has brought together will be such a situation

O Father of justice of thine infinite goodness direct the hearts of all who bear authority Help them with the power of the Holy Spirit protect them from the snares of the enemy and the pride of power and grant that fukrs and people may with one mind serve thee our God and King through Jesus Qnltf Amen



KERK EN WERELD Drie artikels in hierdic uitgawc gaan oor die verhouding

tusscn kcrk en wcrckk Die wcrk van die akademies vir Icke-oplei-ding die evangelisasicwcrk in die nywcrhdd en die vraagsluk van ekularisasic is vcnkillcndc uitdrukkingc van die nuwc besef Odder Christcne dat die ke^k nie n weclde-arlikcl in Gods plan is nie maar n middel wat Hy daargestel het vir Sy werk in die wSrcld

Al hicnJie bewegings is uitmge van die kcrk se nuwc besef van die allcs-omvattcnde Hecrskappy van onse Here Jesus Chris-tus en van die omvanp van Syrcddcndc wcrk Lunk reeds is Christcne bewus van die bctckenis van Christus se kruisdood en opstanding in hulle persoonlikc tragedies en problem Sy barm-hartighcid is dcur die eeue heen vcrkondig aan bedroefdes vcr watdes censames en skuldigcs Sy kcrk het vertrooMing gcbring aan die met sonde bclaaklc en treurende kinders van God maar daar het geweldige verandcringc gekom in ons wercld mdash in nywer-hcid massakommunikasies die politick daar waar die moderne mens feitlik sy hele bestaan voer mocs hy Homself ast ware indring omdat Sy kcrk te besig was met sy cic programme en akltwiicite om werklik bctrck te raak in die wercld soosdil is

Die genoemde bewegings is in hoofsaak n antwoonl hoe onvoJmaak ookal op die uilnodiging van die Chrism van die hele skepping aan die mens om aam met Mom Sy reddende wcrk te vcrrig ook op daardic terreine waar Hy die meesic veromag-saam en misken word

Hicrdie bewegings dui ook daarop dat die kcrk sy begrip van die mens moel hersicn Die onpcrsoonlike aard van ons tcgnologiese tydvak het n nuwc soort mens voortgehring mdash die massamcav

Daar is die wcscnlikc gevaar dat die mens sy persoonlikhcfcl ltal vcrloor dat hy n Mote rat sal word in die gioot nywerheids-masjicn Elke mens in hicrdie nuwc sinikmur is w^liswaar onmis-haar maar tcrselfderiyd is nicmand reglig nodig nilt Die mees fundamentele gemecnskapsccnhcid die gesin word in toencmende

y^ehed vir (benheid Here Jesus op die vooraand van U dood

het U gebid dat al U dissipels een mag wees

soos U in die Vader en die Vader in U een is

Laat ons met bedroefde harte ons skuld aan die

verdeeldheid besef Skenk aan ons die opregt-

heid om te erken en die moed cm te verwerp

wat in ons nog aan onverskilligheid wantroue en

vyandskap skuilgaan Verleen son ons dat ons

almal mekaar in U ontmoet sodat uit ons harte

en van ons lippe onophoudelik U gebed vir die

eenheid van alle Christene mag opstyg soos U

wil en met die middels soos U dit wil

Laat ons in U wat die volmaakte liefde is

die weg vind wat na eenheid lei in gehoorsaam-

heid aan U liefde en U waarheid sodat die

wereld kan glo dat dit U is wat deur die Vader

gestuur is

Amen ~tgtie Hrufi Jaiiunrtr 1961

SAMARITANS ANONYMOUS A Joint Projeel in 4ape Town

The amalgamation of Suicides Anonymous and the Guidance Bureau is now complete Samaritans Anonymous Ls a reality Its aim is

To aid people distressed through personal and social problems and partishycularly problems concerned with alcoholism drug addiction suicide marriage

and youth by the practical application of (he ftMpel of Jesus Christ

The Rev T Kotze of Sea Point Methodist Church is Chairman of the Manageshyment Committee and the Rev D L Crawford is Vice-Chairman Miss Ada Mac-Farlane has resigned her job in a building society to come into full-time service for Christ as Organising Secretary

A distressed person phoning 2-2212 for help will hear her smiling voice or that of one of the trained telephone counsellors Such a person is immediately put in touch with trained lieUT counsellors or an approved organisation able 10 cope with the particular problem

The office b in the city This service operates daily from 9 am to 12 midnight It is available at all limes to all people in every area of human need

7fre PtvsbMrrian Lender mdash Mlaquo ViW

mate bedreig dcur die ingrypende invloedc van n tcgnologies-georganisecrdc gemwiskap Minshyder en minder persoonlikc imsiatief en verant-woordctikhcicl word van ons verwag maar dis ook vir die nuwc mens vir wie Christus gc-Merf het en ook hy het die bedicning van die kcrk nodig Dis presies hierin dat die uitdaging vir die kerk gclcpound is want die mens het in groot en onrusbarende mate vocling vcrloor met die lual en die lewc van die kcrk Hy is nicer be sorgd oor die aantal skofte wat hy moet WW as txgtr sy sondes Hy het gcen skuldhc^cf niet maar ken allerlei frustrasics Heiligmaking en hciligheid is vir hom onverstaanbarc fterme hoewcl hy noatans probcer om Mordenilik lc wees Aanbidding is vir hom vreemd en van die numineuse wcct hy hoegenaamd niks As hy ooit aan die hiernamaals dink dan is dit net op die allervaagste wysc Hy stel eenvoudig niks helang in daardie vraagstukkc waaraan die kerk in ons tyd smed aandag wv nie litur giese hervorming die wramwoordclikhctd v-an die kerk in die gemcenskap ens

Boscnocmdc bewtgings is pogings om hicrshydie mens te ontmoet om hom te vcrstaan in

plaas van hom te ignoreer of met minagting te bc)een Maar die bewegings stel in haic mcer ingrypende vraag mdash die vraag oor die aard en die taak van die kcrk In hoevcrrc bcantwoord die tradisionele inslellings van die kerk aan die roeping en taak van die kerk in ons tyd Is ons kerkgebwie ons crcdienste en kerkvergaderings die aanwending van oris fondse die oplciding van o t t leraars wcrklik toereikend Dw nuwc bewegings Is pogings om die antwoorde op hicrdie vrae te vind om te ontdek hoe die kerk ook in ons tyd die evangelic en die redding van wat Christus onder alle omstandighede kan bicd kan bring ook aan die -jiuwe mens

Die genoemde vraagstukkc hot geen maklikc oplossings nie Dal hulle wcsenlik is staan va en die kerk kan hulle slegs teen bale groot geshyvaar vcroniagsaam Dat hulle al die skeppendc aandag vcrdicn wat kan kom as ons in gchoor-saamheid wag op die leidtng van die Hciligc Gees is duidelik want slcgs op die wysc sal die soul wat Christus sfi orts is waartik soul kan wees in die tyd waarin ons lecf


4 I R O V E R I T A T K S c p L 15 S c p l I9f i l

The Role of a Centre in Lay Training EXOS Z SIKAKANK

T h e arupel in A f r i c a n r s i n t r o d u c e d by m i s s i o n a r y brionjt1 in i o d i f f e r e n t d e n o m i n a t i o n s W e w e r e t h e n c h i l d r e n h u t now w e a r e b e c o m i n g m e n T h e f a c t t h a t e a r e m e e t i n g h e r e in I t l o e m f o n t e i n a s m e m b e r s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h e s La a HIRO of g r o w t h I s ay a g a i n a n d nnlgt n -^ it b e c a u s e A f r i c a i s o n l y -r--niHnK t o w a k e u p t o e x p r e s s i t Chr i t f l i an c o n v i c t i o n s W e a r e Iwi r i t tn ing t o p u t nvyiiy c h i l d i s h a p p r o a c h e s t o t h e laquogt igt I a n d a r c n e e k i n ^ u n i t y nn m e m b e r s o f t h e b o d v o f C h r i s t w h o IN t h e H e a d

I hrm prayed that wc nun he lt w that ihc world may hehevc We Have hfiHhcf m l sisters of the CTmsttan Ctuunvnnuy all over the wurU A Lgt lt cat re ltsjkJ proswie a chance fat a-trraJiiciion and fifhmdash ila^i It

my visits m mjftgt btwwev and oampUntion overseas faat

I reafatd More cfeartgt what Christ had done fur us at Calvary in Hi Mimtn of rets irritation One of the great prophecies of Isaiah is thai -


confrMnJ with a problem of findin-a modern present i nf t a r gospel deg lac ihnurhi font of tht Something mug he Acme by lav io attract vouaar men and bull oanrn ltraquo o t tNc U r n io miU their full laquo r f r i -balion t o effective cvingrw m in ihe cultural and spiritual ill n l H mdash m degf Afrit a Some kind of approach raquo necessary that would appeal to people in even walk of fife

After completing the 11 ltbull scmes-ler if the Ecumenical Institute laquot Bossev I Innl the privilege or visiting MIIIIC IJty Centres in llollnikl iilaquod (icimanv When I visiicd Ihc KtKK en U i k l I IJ INSTITUTE IN IfOL-1 M i f uav told hy ihc Director tbal it raquoa established with the aim of maitnc the church aware of her aposshytolic character a church tof the world i o help the work ugt find a way of real

la 0 | w v at the itxearn Wunslorf near the citv of

The Director tufivnued me the I O m M ACADTMY was

i centre where men and women voanaj aad oMgt met for the purpose of devjv imr wav and meant hv whkh to revise ihc spirit of Oir ia in ihc Com numiiv I wn convinced Ihut iliin was (he kiml of n centre we needed imme diiilrlv for the revival of our own sense of Community in th Republic of South Africa

Th- Mindola Ecumenical Cmte rnamhatioa on Lav T r a i n w definrd in hraad lenm the fuacttoo of a I^AY M R I alaquo f o f l o laquo -m U gt iraiokac woU doop lead

e n A lacOrorr fc fM k woukj otaie a foamhvboa t o

research m o area of hfe of the Church and laquooodgt It Mirrwc^ the coowraquooa fmuad oo which the Church eaten into a Jtalotue with the world It give an opportunity lor Uw Church t o carry 4HII its task of rcconciliution



f l ) Thr wed for n l laquoy O M M

A l a y Ceoirc i- one of our mosl imtnediate nnd prea^csi ncetl^ fur hcln-ifiR the churches to become the Church It -) unfortunate that Cm^tlimlgt io Africa wa introduced by different cknoirautioits emphasMftf raiher ihaa what w raquo t hewraquo The p r o n t x ^ o o of ArTcreat ckoornuaalKflH ha t o l e r a t e d the rroraquoth of aaore i f t u IflOD wxt to the Reruhfcc of ampmk Atria raquo W i t We haw the rcoMctn of a rfowinf numher 4^ elite o have hecoaae ahenated from the church btvausc it dlaquoies nol meet their need It is regarded as an institution of the clergy which

exists 10 he mainlaincd ralher than to erve the rcuiirrranents of the cxwtmo-nity MauOrrgt and cvanpdiu appear 10 he cutaanerctal travetten who vfl pinwal gnirxh wracfa ampiKxigt Bantt Io has Am b v a u a laquoho Laics aa active pan m the church raquo repnloJ as helpshying ihc aauarster rather than offering htlaquo seoKe to God ax hn cootrthajtvon tti ihc Kmndocn The faymnai in the mapsnty case does not datm the church a hi- spiritual and cultural home He regard^ the church a an institution figtr limes of crisis connected with xicknos and death

We need i ccnlre where wc nhnll be coosLmily reminded of the role the laity Inu plagtcd in the church since IcMik chose the first iwrlvc dtHi|gtles from fishermen ia collciiorx and ordinary flt4k We need to he reminded that the mud layman accnrdine to the New Trviaaacnt mcam the chosen

Therefore all the mem-hen of the church are b u m the ch-wewpevifaeofGcal

H r aw NI an afr iimiaaiaiJ hy

nlacr^ for the night FananVt u w In and around town Maan nronlr tawanf much tit thrir time h da whetv they are employed and ttics drsrkip u n a kind -I fdhmship and comuinnits lin bullnana] frllow worker Kmplosrr md riMM i - vno the coninaat of llnir clcrV s n p m thitn Ihjit of ihelr own wlvet

The (icrrruin Evangelical Acudenn Report on T e n Years of Teamwork puhhehed in September I^5_ M^ J h important ^ursiion

1 0 prwAihlc to maaninin or ngt surrect a hsiny cxwraquocgatraquoos in that area of hfe where its meanherx oraH deep4 Thr aac4cugen of God prixreds the report the odweanow ^ south the prorjtets of the sjurks

no longer sec what noes on ui the ineciahsctl areas cat the modern inshydustrial world in the Ltrgr city behind ihe gates of ihe factory-

Thc l a y Academy hy providing a place of deeper fellowship would crciiic living spirits from which new fnrcvn would proceed into the urea of everyday life The messenger of Ood should have an ear and a voice in those pUcvs where the battles of evefvday We is fought

The cnarwgtnn mav be nsied what is it thai t a raU he 6cm hy the L J gt Centre mWh canoof ix oVnar hy the dnaitfcn It aausl he understood that the lay centre ahhoudi n han a difshyferent approach rt an uuegral part of the church There r 00 cvgtmpctition between the two neither imposes it authoon on Ihe other nor claims to he doing belter Bach one musi allow the other Io do its work

The role of 11 centre in lay training is Io awaken Ihe layman to put (Tins-tianii) into practice io his dally life The role of the layman in the mission of ihc church is to inlefpret (he eospel in term of the mora nd piniuit iwars of hi time

T V b y centre wlaquon4d rvrmde a for a layman to tnMk neak

and he Tinunaacd to e a n u m a u t JCMTS went aSn raquoub H k folkiwen aencav ne and doing thtnp He ilrnwmlaquoritn Hrs teaching hv rxactisint The Master n i l T- and 60 thr S l e w r There wmkl certainly he an oorjortunity at the b y centre for conference with various profevsiooai group leuroW consul-hUioa confronlilion frusiraiion and

I V ideal place for dialogue ts the training centre where all tspcs of people could he free to expect their iiaJcfCTdcm oraniorts

From my experience ai Ihc I cumcni-cul Institute (Bi^sey) I have found thur frusimtion may be useful in fiirlhering llw cause of ChriMianily Wc hnve to he broken if we tire to be useful in our Mazier ltivice even as His own KxJv wax btigtken fltraquor us- Our group al Ho-laquoey WB one of the mo troublewmie rraquoties there were different view from diffcting cmraMfgt in doa^naucv The Hirectors had laquoolaquone difnoili times in their aftraafU to recoocile dnarch trada^ons a tht ckxl WB1gt 6ac ant mean confa -Tnere are vanou laquoift bo the pKraquot There are dlaquoTtfrencrx of rsiraimn but the tgtraquoe Lord

There 1 a deeper friendship that de- clops ha a group which meets and xiayi iitgeiher for tr^i dagtx than Ihcre is in the IHK group of people who stay for fifty year separately in the same community The climnx of my experience nt Bossey was the last Lord s Supper when all the student wraquoih the exception M ihose belonging 10 the Orthodox Church ^ r n e forward 10 re-ceise the sacrament At the end of the ltmc-icr we were reluctant in Iravr Rosxey bemg worried by the fact chat w - were to n a m We were all con^ctoaic boweser of the fad that our unttv in Chnst would naaamahi the (aaniK xgirit until the day when we shall at His tabic and accr pan

TW I n T Ccmnr wlaquolaquoM

On the Sooth Coast of Natal ihere is an African Camp uxed figtr rtireatv picnics recreation and studying I hnve iixcxl Itux umip annually for |iLiunlitg the work uf ihe Methodic AMoui Circuit wilh my leaders and rlaquociicheigt The three dngt spem in ibis rough camp every y raquo r has-e been more effeclt live in ltrmcnling relation hrtueen our ujembrrx than the fifty-two Sunday laquo v i c c s and fifty-two feHowship aaeet-iran heU in our ciiurcbev Here they live cat and sleep together The groufw of ytxajog aad end pcofir at the end of three dasx ^x this 1 m a p have always saaj It av good for us to be

The mhr nf a lraanaaagt orntrr nM he rhc Imxen ih-xdupfnc a Christian communits and pntducini lamrn who wrwld H I O M in the market places In public affairs and educational Imtrttt-thms ami factories Moreover it would produce Ijmuen t^hn art lint afraid In meet Ihelr brothers and sistrr nf another colour nr race

One of our while Methodist minis ters made a sialernent in a nrcs intershyview to the efleci that AD men are hrotherv for Christ dearly speaks of rraquocxi ax being the Father of all men There is a special and deeper sense m which those who have entered into the Clen^iiifi fimils K ^n accertarxe rt iosfs as laxd u d Saxioxar are brraquosgt therv t h i i sOnflBent no ikmt wouU not he accepted by all Chnxturrv oncciaBy mane cottservatisc white Chriclunx as heing relevant for Sraquouth Africa Before any agreement can he reached iheic would have to be group discussion by black ami white Chrisshytians ul a centre where ihcre would he consultation confrontation 11ml a commitment 10 Christ The lay train-inc centre would be ihc leaven The harvest truly is great but the Ubourrrx are few The iWd of the harvest would send forth more labourers if rjrtmslaquoi were made for b y training along cvu

l l hnex

to enjoy and to feed that winch rs common to thrwe who share it I reshygard fellowship ax ope of the most important rote of a by centre ll would he the role of a lagt centre to develop the fellowship of different pro fcssionnl proups and workers in various fields The imiciinil problems of the people would create more fellowship They would he sharing somethint in common and ihix would be ihe kind of fellowship which would gradually dexeius into Christian fthicv

Omte a number of business men have been heard ^1bull^ft^f statenaeaas to the effect thai they do not mix reunion with hirsiness ax ihoorb hststncvA o afaen to rehpon He rx the Son of Man and ix imere led in fa i cuaamum i kh all men m a l ihrir cKcarab-nvs

Chrw represents the higher hfe Ami we as human beinggt rerxesenfl ihlt-kwver The kmcr life efows by shannt with the htaher The higher life descended in Jesus Christ t o have felshylowship with the lowef He became what wc are in order thai Me rnivhi make us what He Himself is The im-portanl role cf ihc fellowship OMlffl would he to abolish fe^r and hostility and to create himvin

One of the Directors at B t w after a very crMrnverstaf BiHe drcttssraquoou said to me Thcrr is afrways eood rrtv aresa when discussions are contrcneT-siaJ because thev aroose the interext and the initiative of even the nmsl

rar t topantv

wonM hr f51 A Lav TraWna O a Centre nf

There should he prayer for n o w -dliation annum denominafions and Ihe best pbec is a lav training centre- Some churches teach lhil the church should be one anil undivided and thai rneiiil-isls arc out of tunc with God

Such doctrines require reconciliation These men of dod must meet and tell its what lhegt mean and how thcxc docshytrines can he nut into practice A lav centre oukJ breal the wall of partita rntion and ma le the two one Tnewe who are in agreement wooU b e

and he reconciled The continue ate wort of the

cromof ChrwC

I am one of thewe who are coaninced that Arka has a distinctive coMribngt tiraa to aaale Io the wU If Afncans had winex they would fhv rf there were sufficient opportunities for exploratim of fellowship both in extent and depth there would he irood relations with holh black and white

A lay training centre would open more gate for fellowship within South Africa and with Ihe world The lime will come as we practice It will never come merely by waiting and doing nolhing

Lannarn an ant aewn Io he aVtatrd l a hv minhlrrlal n p r f t s what CmTi waff k for t h e m rather he fixtw an aaawfuaitv and Jilirnami AW rwnd to units

In corhvius4gtvn I wnuii h i e hj o- -e fVcar l e e in the ecwpeaical wer th of the T7ih fiilv |Q6t He said that

People must dfcoriver that even tluwjeh thev may differ they are drawn together by common asoira lions hones ideals iroaU and in-tcrests Tims fellowship can be gthe means of Mgbrt iMm human trlo-tionshios of such unalitv that each person is able to realise the sjiiriiu moral intellectual and nhvvicwl rn-ti-ntist with which Corf hix endowed H m Such would h the nature of a twr

crnniBMBatv and bull would he the role of a centre in b v

Fellowship raquox part of the human hfe as a whole Where two or aaote novxfc couac loaether there is fellowship Those who share it mast have tome-tlunit in omimon It ha been SraquoH) that the purpose of all fellowship is both

ejrjrHmndrar IhWni nf Ah Cm m

r f tn-aum nf Ttun nmrnr h oV manvanri W

Cimitrtmrr in rVtvmmirrut 5ia - Tth

Sept 15 Sept 14 PRO VERITATE 5

CHR1STUS en cue lie Wereld van M ore KOBUS OOSTHUIZEN

bull W B will n o t b e a b l e r e a l l y t o g e t a l o n g s i d e m a n i n o u r m o d e r n w o r l d u n l e s s w e b e g i n t o 4 de - re l ig ion i s c C h r i s t i a n i t y C h r i s t i a n i t y is a s e c u l a r m o v e m e n t

( J C H o e k e n d i j k mdash S t r a s s b o u r g 1960)

oulomaliscring kcrncnergk ruimtc-vaart ens) volg en aanvaar Jal mense wai in so n wereld letff noodwendig anders moct dink en reageer as die landelike mens aan die begin van ons jaartclling (ook anders as die middcl-ccusc of lMc ccuse mens) On inocl ook aanvaar dat waar ou gcvcsiigde sosiak structure onder invloed van die mndeme indusirielc kulluur kom die Iradisionclc wms van bdquokcrklikhcid spnedig heflin kwyn mdash self vcrdwyn

Ten Iweede Die kerk van more kan so niaklik n kerk in verslrooting word BOdal die bullgroei van die chnstelikc kcrkc in feile beicken n gruei na n minderheid Dit is vanjag ongclukkig Tn hekende feit dat bcvolkingsannwas die aanlal tvkeerlinge lot die chnstelikc ijcloof ver oortrcf Jaarjiks kom daar 25-maal sovcel nie-ehrisiene by die wtittklhcvolkiag hy Jn WW was die Chrisicnc H van die wtfrcldbevol-king in 1955 31 in 2 laquo raquo ( ) - - Onwilkkcurig kom die vrae Wai sal die optrede van die Chrisicnc wees in die wcrckl van marc Sal hulk nog vcrgun word om in gtfmccmcs gcor-ganiscerd ic wees en ook geboue vir aanbidding op tc rig Sal daar nog gepraat kan word van Xhristclikc volke Hrg onwaarskynlik Is die toc-komsbceld en die kerk nie die van ver-bulldrooiing nie Sal ChriMcnc hulk nie mod ofen in die kuns om as minder hcidsg roe pies die soul vim die aarde 1c ve ra nie fH R Wchcrl In tocnemen-de male dui haie dinge int n tcrugkecr lot die N T huisgemccntc Ons sicn dit reeds gebcur dramatics in Oos Europa waar die kerk reeds moes leer om gtoo die koringkorrct ic icrf om wcrklik le kan lewe minder dramatics in WevFuropa dcur die toencmende vcrbrokkcling van die georganisccrde kerklike lew Ons kan nie help om aan die vnlgcnde le dink vir die kerk van more nie Hicr lt daar _ oral klcin groepks gelowiges besig om sja-lom fvrcdcl le bring in n wpoundrckl waar onvredc hcers

Ten derdc O k p v N van WJIJlri-visit kan nk meer gtslitit word nk Sommice ntense se pofiioc om vir l l U nopound n 25stc uur in die wereld van R-tor le lewe vonrdat die nnweuro dag aan-hivck b n onnifMinlBkc ajik Hoe 4iodiger ons ons drampelvree oorwin rn die mme sdui l ro mtiM Mimctnc hoe beter

Dil bring ons by die kernvraag van


Die wooixl sekularisask (ook vcr-xvcrekJIikingl is afgelei van jlaquoreuliim Gcdurendc die Middclccue het die mense ondenkei lusscn die regligieiw (of sakrale) en die tvdtflikc (of scku-lire) ardc Toi ecrsgenoemde is gcre-ken die kerk en die klenis lot laav gcnocmdedkstaa lendiegewone volk Oortuig van sy roeping toi heerskappy hcl die Middclceusc kerk cgter as heer en meesier alle lerreine van die lewe hchwrs wal gcki het toi n Nllcrc magsfryd lusscn kerk en slaat In die laaL-Middclccuc4 en vera) gcdurendc die Renaissance begin die staat fen die burgerlikc maatskappy) daarin slaag om horn van die kerklike hecrskappy los te maaL Dil was d k begin van die sekulasksasieproses In d k daaropvol-gende ccue ncem hkrdk proses van verwcreldliking in momentum loe en dring dil dcur tot alle kwenstcrreine n Nuwe (iguur verskyo op die horison die seknrc re staat Un nog steeds gaan die proses voort t Die chnstclikc kerk van vandag is in sO n posisic dal alle s-ereldlikc i U I i i p f ) van horn onlncem is

Dil was die Maalkundigc kant van hicrdic proses Bclangrikcr vir ons doe) is die godsdiensjige Ny Ten gevolgc van d k sckula risasieproses krgt o1^ n (H1S

lyd ook tc doen nWI n nuwe mensetip^ die sogenaamde sekulere mens Mag ek

D k groot wlaquo- sekularlsask Itel gcval Reeds op die Inlernustonak gtScn-dtngkonferensk in Jerusalem U92H) is dit druk ncsprcek Toe was daar reeds sprake van bdquo n bedreiging vir die kefk

Dk kerk Jn a nuvte wctvld

FXvivdx in Jerusalem hcl mense al besef dat d k christelike kerk wcsenlik in fn nuwe wereld te staan gekom bet Irgcr nog dat d k gevesligdc kerklike Mai in hkrdie nuwe wereld elke dag onvcrMannhaarder begin word het Scderl fdeg2S bci d k christclikc kerk besef dal die kerklike laal nie meer deurdring nk Hoe ernstiger hy bom-self verstaanbaar niaak hoe nicer kom hy in die wrpoundrcld te staan voor d k feit dat bate d k taal nk vcrstaan n k en Jus d k hoodskap ook nk KonmuiMi kask lusscn die kerk en wereld hcl veetal opechou om ic bestaan (Krae merl

Jerusalem le nou reeds baie p re agtcr d k rug en daar is ongclukkig nog men^c wai n k hkrdie feii aanvaar nie Hulk praai nog steeds van dk ge-vaar van sckularisasie gaan nog sicctls van d k standpunt uit dal die wereld die laal van d k kerk wel ver siaan I n iniussen word d k misver vtand lusscn kerk en wereld ongcluk kig groter en ernstiger


Na die 1 wecde Wercldoorlog beleef d k chrisiclike kerk verskek omnug-(eringc Groot dele van die sogenaam-dc chrislelike westc word w laquo r n in iil-iiM d Die stroom van die kerk na d k wercU word n loenemende vloedgolf Ciroot dele van lrankryk hvbdquo word opnuul n sendingvcld Skaar 3 ^ van die hcvolking kef nog akttcf met die kerk mce+ Wat vroeer allcen maar n aaktige vcrmocde wa word nou dcur navorsers be vest ic naamlik dat grool $roepc mense rce^ls vir d rk toi vter geJagte los van die kerk lewe sondcr doop betvdenis of enige besef van die christclikc cvan-ffclk n Tckcn aan die muur vera I as on in gedagte liou dal Frankryk gewoonlik maar net 50 jaar voor die res van luropa loop

Elke dauj word die becld MMlMlder I jlaquou-ili MI dk wtfttd skn dk thri-telike kerk sj invtocd in twee uiltrs lraquoelanttrikr svktors van die s^imek^in te verionr onder d k intellipentsia en die (industriele) artgteldefK Dil If n jnnlikt ^tda^te ^eral as ons dayman dink dat tegidek t a imlusfrinfisasic oral TOWKI In dk nntwlkkelinesprn-pram van dk wereld van vandag staan

In d k jongste lyd begin d k kerklike stalistieke (sclfs die van die jongcre kerke) ons ook daarop aitcnt maaL dat die crskillcndc kcrkc oral besig is om te vemnder omdal die perscntasic jcugdige kerk I id nunc daal en d k van die oocr lidmaie stvg Dit kan diiv ge-hcur dal d k kerk voortaan net uit oucr pffsone bestaan en die jcug daar nie mccr tuis vocl nie

n Mens sou op hierdie wysc kon voortgaan Allcs dui daarop dal die gioep men^e tot w k die kerk spreck vinnig knmp Dit geld vir alle christc-like kcrfce - Protestamc Onodoksc en Katolicke

Die feite laquoaarmee Christeae hulk vandac sill moet tersoen

l^t pas elke Christen om onder hkrshyd k omstandighede die fciie nuuler in d k bull-- le sien en alk moontlike illumes tc verba n

Ten eerste bull nel ons aanvaar dal ons midde in n vcranderdc wereld staan In ons poging om in gesprck met d k wereld le iree nmei ons hereid wees om d k laal van die mondigc vvereld (Bonhocffer) le spreek Met aandag inoet ons die softcnaamdc tweedc in dusiriele revolusie (gckennwrk dcur

bom koriliks vir u bcskrgtwe Ecrs nega-ikf dan posiiief

f^egatief ooderskci die sekulfirc mens horn van die religku-sc mens soos volg tM-jiiinLii- staan hy afwysend tcenoor a lks wai maar enigsins aan kerk of rcligie herinner religkusc gc-vockns tbv ccrbtcd vir die huidkc of die bonatuurlike en sondebesef) is by horn praklics afwesig (as dil soms nog in krisisiye by horn opkom bejeen hy dit met dknc wantrouc) in sy denk-wereld hcl d k begrip Almaglige God1

in onbriii ^craak sy praktkse kwenv-hiKiding word bchcers dcur stiiw^r humanisiiCNC moiiewe susiaal distan-sieer hy honi van a lk kerklike of rclishygie use groepc

Posiiief tree d k sekufcre mefts na vorc as iemand met n besonderc hoe waaixfering vir d k mens e intclkkluk en legnksc prcstasics gedrewe dcur n dkpe verlange om van h k r d k wereld n hclcr ivfrcld tc maak vercensclwig hy horn vollcdig met die verandetde lewenskode van die nuwe tcgnies indusiriek maatskappy waarin hy hom hcvind

Om van d k tK^staan van h k r d k orknlcrc mens te ontken is onrealK-tklaquo Hgt het oils tvdftenrwit ceugtrd Oral kom ons hom tee op straut In oitv k II- H 11 mil vcK)rtopiigt sclfs ook nog in d k kerk Hy is ons udpenoot maar hclaas nk ons )poundC^preks|poundcnool nk Voordat ons weer met hom in gesprek kan tree sal ons ers ook d k kenV moct vekularister

n SeknKre kern in n sekulenr wereld

Binne die raamwerk van ons om-skrywing van die sekulere mens bete ken sekulere kerk ln keik ontdaan van alle vornie van reliuiositeit of sakrafiteit

In cms bCOOfdAtt van d k Iwlntig eeiie van kcnceskiedenis wat a^ter ons le moct oas ondcrskei Htssen Christendom uvliviv| en Clirivtelike evnngelk (blve tsdinuk D k inhoitd gtan die blw LgtltIiiTT waarmee CTiristus (en die Christen dcur dk wereld gaan h wesenlik serlossing^ vnheid en vrrde | L 2 14 Job 20 26) Dit k gtoor d k hand I =bullbull- ml dat dit met rrlipc of siikrallteit nlks te doen bet nk Na Clt4pota hel rvltpk M betekenK meer nk (liristus het ons daarvan llaquovrvvertos Om dit weer uit te haal en te nrobeer rest oner Is sinncloos trt sakralitert hel dk evangelic ook nlks te doen nk Dit beteken dus dat ons ook moct ont-sakralister Ons s peroepe om gewoan in dk wereld te k raquo e n vrye v t r ioA meitsr mdash Chtis-tene Religkusc wette en sakrak hursks hoort by onvrye byRelowige mense - tveldenegt

Waller konsekwensics het dit nou vir on praktkse lewe as Chrisicnc Hicr open d k voorbccld van Jesus Christus self vir ons nuwe perspckiicwc Hy het homsclf onikdig die gesialic van n dienskneg aangeneem en aan mense gclyk geword (Rk 2 7) Hy hei n k gekom om gcdkn te word nk maar om tc d k n (Mark 10 45) Die Woord hcl vices geword en onder ons kom woontloh I 14)

Terme 500S solklarilcii identifikasic kommunikavc selfvvrlotning offer en dienshetoon kry in die lig van bogc-noemde vcral die feit van d k inkar nask nuwe beickenis Ook in die Chrisshyten wil die woord vices word en onder d k mense gaan woon Die Christciifcc van die kerk sal tot onhcrkenbaarwor-dens loc in die mcnslikc moct in gaan Die heil moct in die taal van die handc vcrtolk word (Hoekendijk) Wil die cvan^elk in ons moderne wereld verktHKlig word dan sal dit Re dtmonstreer moct word Woord moct daad word (M Warrenl Evangcliscer is nie n gcbod waaraan die kcrlc moet Bchoorsaam nk maar haar wyse van lewc op aarde (Pop)

Dns d k kerfc moct oral te Wnde wees waar mendike kwens in stukke If skk K in d k man van ilk soide verkeer bedrchi word met onderganp deur honper ol rninpe Diiir moet ons die kerk aantref besig om te herald te

heel te beskerm te versadfc en te onderstciin IMe kerk is in met en vir dk wereld ^laar vir andere (Bon-hOtflM Solidaritetl mrt d k wereld bctcken voorlopi^ niks anders as soli-dariteil iikel d k armes en elkndtges nk (Matt 25 3146)

Die sekulurtsask van dk kerk be ttken dus dat die kerk hom moet oefen In d k knns orn in d k wvreld onder dk mense te lewe mdash nk as heerser nie maar H dknslltneg

Ons wen na vnre

Wil ons die evangelic weer effektief in hierdie wireld verkondig- sal ons verplig wees om die eis om d k ver-miwinft van d k kerk met groot hcJist bcid tc stel O p d k vraag na die pre-siese aard van hkrdk vemuwing kan ons voorlopig nog geen finak aniwoord

C nie- Ons gaan voorlopig n tgtU van damenlck onsekcrheid binne Be

langrik is dat ons h k r d k onsekcrheid sondcr panick of vrces vcrdra die risiko aanvaar om improviscrendewys tc gaan Icw^ Met locwyding iivoel ons in ltS^ kerklike laboratorium ckspcrimen-tccr Op ons weg na voa sid ons hereid moet wees om vcel van ons ou vcrtrou-de reisbagasie agler ic laat uu mctodes en legnkkc oorgekwerde vorme en handclwy^es Ons moct vcral nie hui-wcr om ons vrae heel skerp le stel nk Dus vra nk hoc moct oas prcek n k maar moet ons nog prcek (Of is dit onnioontlik dat die evangelic ook in n andcr gcstalte as d k van die gesprokc woonj toi d k sondaar komk

1 - ltdntt af met n sleutelopnKrkins werklik bdquowfreliK kan alleen die Jcfcr wees 11 nil Is d k evanuelistc van more l lnlk kan in die iilkdaagse kwe iets demoovtreer van Chrislns se Milidaritcit

Ifrnut 0ampuituiltti it at fan ilaquorf( gte ^eifc met ituvrandtt itttdir in Xrttfriuttd Btr-rurtlaquo- in oorwnffm vm Jththus AnxtitfttK S964

The Influence of

Ecumenism on

Christianity (fiotttiiuwd hum ifai^t 2)

of its Lord we may not fm^et that Cod Is not linprLvined in the church and church history The aearcr the church draws lo Its Lord the nearer it draws to the world

In his book Ecumenism and Cat ho licity William Nicholls says The recovery of the church is necessarily ft recovery of the churchs mission in history The ecumenical movement arose out of the missionary movement and its Truil must be a truer commitshyment or the uniting churches to thai mission The distinction between church and mission is being more and more clearly seen to be a false one The church as we see it in live Bible through ecumenical eyes is a missionary church and its theology will he a misshysionary theology Il is not that we should haw one department of our theological thinking which will have to do wilh missions but thai all our ihco logy will be missionary

And this is the goal or ecumenism - the journeying together the talking

logeiher of ihc churches in fellowship the crusading together into the unshyknown as Abraham did in faith and hop mdash into lhal unity which is of Ood inal in ihc end the Kingdoms of this world may be transformed into Ihc Kingdom of God and of His ThrisL

Tht Rtrtf Samurt A Stanr is Co-St^Crr ftirv of ihc ChrMm Cittztnshlp gt wr ffiiitf of the Xifthfitfist Churvh md Super- miwdtm of the TfWArtVr-Vw African Circuit ThU atticie is the yuhitmtcc of u paprr prt-wnted to the fJgtAMjtS^1-Cotifewttcc tit fltwrnforiteirti 5lh mdash 7lh

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 4: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

4 I R O V E R I T A T K S c p L 15 S c p l I9f i l

The Role of a Centre in Lay Training EXOS Z SIKAKANK

T h e arupel in A f r i c a n r s i n t r o d u c e d by m i s s i o n a r y brionjt1 in i o d i f f e r e n t d e n o m i n a t i o n s W e w e r e t h e n c h i l d r e n h u t now w e a r e b e c o m i n g m e n T h e f a c t t h a t e a r e m e e t i n g h e r e in I t l o e m f o n t e i n a s m e m b e r s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c h u r c h e s La a HIRO of g r o w t h I s ay a g a i n a n d nnlgt n -^ it b e c a u s e A f r i c a i s o n l y -r--niHnK t o w a k e u p t o e x p r e s s i t Chr i t f l i an c o n v i c t i o n s W e a r e Iwi r i t tn ing t o p u t nvyiiy c h i l d i s h a p p r o a c h e s t o t h e laquogt igt I a n d a r c n e e k i n ^ u n i t y nn m e m b e r s o f t h e b o d v o f C h r i s t w h o IN t h e H e a d

I hrm prayed that wc nun he lt w that ihc world may hehevc We Have hfiHhcf m l sisters of the CTmsttan Ctuunvnnuy all over the wurU A Lgt lt cat re ltsjkJ proswie a chance fat a-trraJiiciion and fifhmdash ila^i It

my visits m mjftgt btwwev and oampUntion overseas faat

I reafatd More cfeartgt what Christ had done fur us at Calvary in Hi Mimtn of rets irritation One of the great prophecies of Isaiah is thai -


confrMnJ with a problem of findin-a modern present i nf t a r gospel deg lac ihnurhi font of tht Something mug he Acme by lav io attract vouaar men and bull oanrn ltraquo o t tNc U r n io miU their full laquo r f r i -balion t o effective cvingrw m in ihe cultural and spiritual ill n l H mdash m degf Afrit a Some kind of approach raquo necessary that would appeal to people in even walk of fife

After completing the 11 ltbull scmes-ler if the Ecumenical Institute laquot Bossev I Innl the privilege or visiting MIIIIC IJty Centres in llollnikl iilaquod (icimanv When I visiicd Ihc KtKK en U i k l I IJ INSTITUTE IN IfOL-1 M i f uav told hy ihc Director tbal it raquoa established with the aim of maitnc the church aware of her aposshytolic character a church tof the world i o help the work ugt find a way of real

la 0 | w v at the itxearn Wunslorf near the citv of

The Director tufivnued me the I O m M ACADTMY was

i centre where men and women voanaj aad oMgt met for the purpose of devjv imr wav and meant hv whkh to revise ihc spirit of Oir ia in ihc Com numiiv I wn convinced Ihut iliin was (he kiml of n centre we needed imme diiilrlv for the revival of our own sense of Community in th Republic of South Africa

Th- Mindola Ecumenical Cmte rnamhatioa on Lav T r a i n w definrd in hraad lenm the fuacttoo of a I^AY M R I alaquo f o f l o laquo -m U gt iraiokac woU doop lead

e n A lacOrorr fc fM k woukj otaie a foamhvboa t o

research m o area of hfe of the Church and laquooodgt It Mirrwc^ the coowraquooa fmuad oo which the Church eaten into a Jtalotue with the world It give an opportunity lor Uw Church t o carry 4HII its task of rcconciliution



f l ) Thr wed for n l laquoy O M M

A l a y Ceoirc i- one of our mosl imtnediate nnd prea^csi ncetl^ fur hcln-ifiR the churches to become the Church It -) unfortunate that Cm^tlimlgt io Africa wa introduced by different cknoirautioits emphasMftf raiher ihaa what w raquo t hewraquo The p r o n t x ^ o o of ArTcreat ckoornuaalKflH ha t o l e r a t e d the rroraquoth of aaore i f t u IflOD wxt to the Reruhfcc of ampmk Atria raquo W i t We haw the rcoMctn of a rfowinf numher 4^ elite o have hecoaae ahenated from the church btvausc it dlaquoies nol meet their need It is regarded as an institution of the clergy which

exists 10 he mainlaincd ralher than to erve the rcuiirrranents of the cxwtmo-nity MauOrrgt and cvanpdiu appear 10 he cutaanerctal travetten who vfl pinwal gnirxh wracfa ampiKxigt Bantt Io has Am b v a u a laquoho Laics aa active pan m the church raquo repnloJ as helpshying ihc aauarster rather than offering htlaquo seoKe to God ax hn cootrthajtvon tti ihc Kmndocn The faymnai in the mapsnty case does not datm the church a hi- spiritual and cultural home He regard^ the church a an institution figtr limes of crisis connected with xicknos and death

We need i ccnlre where wc nhnll be coosLmily reminded of the role the laity Inu plagtcd in the church since IcMik chose the first iwrlvc dtHi|gtles from fishermen ia collciiorx and ordinary flt4k We need to he reminded that the mud layman accnrdine to the New Trviaaacnt mcam the chosen

Therefore all the mem-hen of the church are b u m the ch-wewpevifaeofGcal

H r aw NI an afr iimiaaiaiJ hy

nlacr^ for the night FananVt u w In and around town Maan nronlr tawanf much tit thrir time h da whetv they are employed and ttics drsrkip u n a kind -I fdhmship and comuinnits lin bullnana] frllow worker Kmplosrr md riMM i - vno the coninaat of llnir clcrV s n p m thitn Ihjit of ihelr own wlvet

The (icrrruin Evangelical Acudenn Report on T e n Years of Teamwork puhhehed in September I^5_ M^ J h important ^ursiion

1 0 prwAihlc to maaninin or ngt surrect a hsiny cxwraquocgatraquoos in that area of hfe where its meanherx oraH deep4 Thr aac4cugen of God prixreds the report the odweanow ^ south the prorjtets of the sjurks

no longer sec what noes on ui the ineciahsctl areas cat the modern inshydustrial world in the Ltrgr city behind ihe gates of ihe factory-

Thc l a y Academy hy providing a place of deeper fellowship would crciiic living spirits from which new fnrcvn would proceed into the urea of everyday life The messenger of Ood should have an ear and a voice in those pUcvs where the battles of evefvday We is fought

The cnarwgtnn mav be nsied what is it thai t a raU he 6cm hy the L J gt Centre mWh canoof ix oVnar hy the dnaitfcn It aausl he understood that the lay centre ahhoudi n han a difshyferent approach rt an uuegral part of the church There r 00 cvgtmpctition between the two neither imposes it authoon on Ihe other nor claims to he doing belter Bach one musi allow the other Io do its work

The role of 11 centre in lay training is Io awaken Ihe layman to put (Tins-tianii) into practice io his dally life The role of the layman in the mission of ihc church is to inlefpret (he eospel in term of the mora nd piniuit iwars of hi time

T V b y centre wlaquon4d rvrmde a for a layman to tnMk neak

and he Tinunaacd to e a n u m a u t JCMTS went aSn raquoub H k folkiwen aencav ne and doing thtnp He ilrnwmlaquoritn Hrs teaching hv rxactisint The Master n i l T- and 60 thr S l e w r There wmkl certainly he an oorjortunity at the b y centre for conference with various profevsiooai group leuroW consul-hUioa confronlilion frusiraiion and

I V ideal place for dialogue ts the training centre where all tspcs of people could he free to expect their iiaJcfCTdcm oraniorts

From my experience ai Ihc I cumcni-cul Institute (Bi^sey) I have found thur frusimtion may be useful in fiirlhering llw cause of ChriMianily Wc hnve to he broken if we tire to be useful in our Mazier ltivice even as His own KxJv wax btigtken fltraquor us- Our group al Ho-laquoey WB one of the mo troublewmie rraquoties there were different view from diffcting cmraMfgt in doa^naucv The Hirectors had laquoolaquone difnoili times in their aftraafU to recoocile dnarch trada^ons a tht ckxl WB1gt 6ac ant mean confa -Tnere are vanou laquoift bo the pKraquot There are dlaquoTtfrencrx of rsiraimn but the tgtraquoe Lord

There 1 a deeper friendship that de- clops ha a group which meets and xiayi iitgeiher for tr^i dagtx than Ihcre is in the IHK group of people who stay for fifty year separately in the same community The climnx of my experience nt Bossey was the last Lord s Supper when all the student wraquoih the exception M ihose belonging 10 the Orthodox Church ^ r n e forward 10 re-ceise the sacrament At the end of the ltmc-icr we were reluctant in Iravr Rosxey bemg worried by the fact chat w - were to n a m We were all con^ctoaic boweser of the fad that our unttv in Chnst would naaamahi the (aaniK xgirit until the day when we shall at His tabic and accr pan

TW I n T Ccmnr wlaquolaquoM

On the Sooth Coast of Natal ihere is an African Camp uxed figtr rtireatv picnics recreation and studying I hnve iixcxl Itux umip annually for |iLiunlitg the work uf ihe Methodic AMoui Circuit wilh my leaders and rlaquociicheigt The three dngt spem in ibis rough camp every y raquo r has-e been more effeclt live in ltrmcnling relation hrtueen our ujembrrx than the fifty-two Sunday laquo v i c c s and fifty-two feHowship aaeet-iran heU in our ciiurcbev Here they live cat and sleep together The groufw of ytxajog aad end pcofir at the end of three dasx ^x this 1 m a p have always saaj It av good for us to be

The mhr nf a lraanaaagt orntrr nM he rhc Imxen ih-xdupfnc a Christian communits and pntducini lamrn who wrwld H I O M in the market places In public affairs and educational Imtrttt-thms ami factories Moreover it would produce Ijmuen t^hn art lint afraid In meet Ihelr brothers and sistrr nf another colour nr race

One of our while Methodist minis ters made a sialernent in a nrcs intershyview to the efleci that AD men are hrotherv for Christ dearly speaks of rraquocxi ax being the Father of all men There is a special and deeper sense m which those who have entered into the Clen^iiifi fimils K ^n accertarxe rt iosfs as laxd u d Saxioxar are brraquosgt therv t h i i sOnflBent no ikmt wouU not he accepted by all Chnxturrv oncciaBy mane cottservatisc white Chriclunx as heing relevant for Sraquouth Africa Before any agreement can he reached iheic would have to be group discussion by black ami white Chrisshytians ul a centre where ihcre would he consultation confrontation 11ml a commitment 10 Christ The lay train-inc centre would be ihc leaven The harvest truly is great but the Ubourrrx are few The iWd of the harvest would send forth more labourers if rjrtmslaquoi were made for b y training along cvu

l l hnex

to enjoy and to feed that winch rs common to thrwe who share it I reshygard fellowship ax ope of the most important rote of a by centre ll would he the role of a lagt centre to develop the fellowship of different pro fcssionnl proups and workers in various fields The imiciinil problems of the people would create more fellowship They would he sharing somethint in common and ihix would be ihe kind of fellowship which would gradually dexeius into Christian fthicv

Omte a number of business men have been heard ^1bull^ft^f statenaeaas to the effect thai they do not mix reunion with hirsiness ax ihoorb hststncvA o afaen to rehpon He rx the Son of Man and ix imere led in fa i cuaamum i kh all men m a l ihrir cKcarab-nvs

Chrw represents the higher hfe Ami we as human beinggt rerxesenfl ihlt-kwver The kmcr life efows by shannt with the htaher The higher life descended in Jesus Christ t o have felshylowship with the lowef He became what wc are in order thai Me rnivhi make us what He Himself is The im-portanl role cf ihc fellowship OMlffl would he to abolish fe^r and hostility and to create himvin

One of the Directors at B t w after a very crMrnverstaf BiHe drcttssraquoou said to me Thcrr is afrways eood rrtv aresa when discussions are contrcneT-siaJ because thev aroose the interext and the initiative of even the nmsl

rar t topantv

wonM hr f51 A Lav TraWna O a Centre nf

There should he prayer for n o w -dliation annum denominafions and Ihe best pbec is a lav training centre- Some churches teach lhil the church should be one anil undivided and thai rneiiil-isls arc out of tunc with God

Such doctrines require reconciliation These men of dod must meet and tell its what lhegt mean and how thcxc docshytrines can he nut into practice A lav centre oukJ breal the wall of partita rntion and ma le the two one Tnewe who are in agreement wooU b e

and he reconciled The continue ate wort of the

cromof ChrwC

I am one of thewe who are coaninced that Arka has a distinctive coMribngt tiraa to aaale Io the wU If Afncans had winex they would fhv rf there were sufficient opportunities for exploratim of fellowship both in extent and depth there would he irood relations with holh black and white

A lay training centre would open more gate for fellowship within South Africa and with Ihe world The lime will come as we practice It will never come merely by waiting and doing nolhing

Lannarn an ant aewn Io he aVtatrd l a hv minhlrrlal n p r f t s what CmTi waff k for t h e m rather he fixtw an aaawfuaitv and Jilirnami AW rwnd to units

In corhvius4gtvn I wnuii h i e hj o- -e fVcar l e e in the ecwpeaical wer th of the T7ih fiilv |Q6t He said that

People must dfcoriver that even tluwjeh thev may differ they are drawn together by common asoira lions hones ideals iroaU and in-tcrests Tims fellowship can be gthe means of Mgbrt iMm human trlo-tionshios of such unalitv that each person is able to realise the sjiiriiu moral intellectual and nhvvicwl rn-ti-ntist with which Corf hix endowed H m Such would h the nature of a twr

crnniBMBatv and bull would he the role of a centre in b v

Fellowship raquox part of the human hfe as a whole Where two or aaote novxfc couac loaether there is fellowship Those who share it mast have tome-tlunit in omimon It ha been SraquoH) that the purpose of all fellowship is both

ejrjrHmndrar IhWni nf Ah Cm m

r f tn-aum nf Ttun nmrnr h oV manvanri W

Cimitrtmrr in rVtvmmirrut 5ia - Tth

Sept 15 Sept 14 PRO VERITATE 5

CHR1STUS en cue lie Wereld van M ore KOBUS OOSTHUIZEN

bull W B will n o t b e a b l e r e a l l y t o g e t a l o n g s i d e m a n i n o u r m o d e r n w o r l d u n l e s s w e b e g i n t o 4 de - re l ig ion i s c C h r i s t i a n i t y C h r i s t i a n i t y is a s e c u l a r m o v e m e n t

( J C H o e k e n d i j k mdash S t r a s s b o u r g 1960)

oulomaliscring kcrncnergk ruimtc-vaart ens) volg en aanvaar Jal mense wai in so n wereld letff noodwendig anders moct dink en reageer as die landelike mens aan die begin van ons jaartclling (ook anders as die middcl-ccusc of lMc ccuse mens) On inocl ook aanvaar dat waar ou gcvcsiigde sosiak structure onder invloed van die mndeme indusirielc kulluur kom die Iradisionclc wms van bdquokcrklikhcid spnedig heflin kwyn mdash self vcrdwyn

Ten Iweede Die kerk van more kan so niaklik n kerk in verslrooting word BOdal die bullgroei van die chnstelikc kcrkc in feile beicken n gruei na n minderheid Dit is vanjag ongclukkig Tn hekende feit dat bcvolkingsannwas die aanlal tvkeerlinge lot die chnstelikc ijcloof ver oortrcf Jaarjiks kom daar 25-maal sovcel nie-ehrisiene by die wtittklhcvolkiag hy Jn WW was die Chrisicnc H van die wtfrcldbevol-king in 1955 31 in 2 laquo raquo ( ) - - Onwilkkcurig kom die vrae Wai sal die optrede van die Chrisicnc wees in die wcrckl van marc Sal hulk nog vcrgun word om in gtfmccmcs gcor-ganiscerd ic wees en ook geboue vir aanbidding op tc rig Sal daar nog gepraat kan word van Xhristclikc volke Hrg onwaarskynlik Is die toc-komsbceld en die kerk nie die van ver-bulldrooiing nie Sal ChriMcnc hulk nie mod ofen in die kuns om as minder hcidsg roe pies die soul vim die aarde 1c ve ra nie fH R Wchcrl In tocnemen-de male dui haie dinge int n tcrugkecr lot die N T huisgemccntc Ons sicn dit reeds gebcur dramatics in Oos Europa waar die kerk reeds moes leer om gtoo die koringkorrct ic icrf om wcrklik le kan lewe minder dramatics in WevFuropa dcur die toencmende vcrbrokkcling van die georganisccrde kerklike lew Ons kan nie help om aan die vnlgcnde le dink vir die kerk van more nie Hicr lt daar _ oral klcin groepks gelowiges besig om sja-lom fvrcdcl le bring in n wpoundrckl waar onvredc hcers

Ten derdc O k p v N van WJIJlri-visit kan nk meer gtslitit word nk Sommice ntense se pofiioc om vir l l U nopound n 25stc uur in die wereld van R-tor le lewe vonrdat die nnweuro dag aan-hivck b n onnifMinlBkc ajik Hoe 4iodiger ons ons drampelvree oorwin rn die mme sdui l ro mtiM Mimctnc hoe beter

Dil bring ons by die kernvraag van


Die wooixl sekularisask (ook vcr-xvcrekJIikingl is afgelei van jlaquoreuliim Gcdurendc die Middclccue het die mense ondenkei lusscn die regligieiw (of sakrale) en die tvdtflikc (of scku-lire) ardc Toi ecrsgenoemde is gcre-ken die kerk en die klenis lot laav gcnocmdedkstaa lendiegewone volk Oortuig van sy roeping toi heerskappy hcl die Middclceusc kerk cgter as heer en meesier alle lerreine van die lewe hchwrs wal gcki het toi n Nllcrc magsfryd lusscn kerk en slaat In die laaL-Middclccuc4 en vera) gcdurendc die Renaissance begin die staat fen die burgerlikc maatskappy) daarin slaag om horn van die kerklike hecrskappy los te maaL Dil was d k begin van die sekulasksasieproses In d k daaropvol-gende ccue ncem hkrdk proses van verwcreldliking in momentum loe en dring dil dcur tot alle kwenstcrreine n Nuwe (iguur verskyo op die horison die seknrc re staat Un nog steeds gaan die proses voort t Die chnstclikc kerk van vandag is in sO n posisic dal alle s-ereldlikc i U I i i p f ) van horn onlncem is

Dil was die Maalkundigc kant van hicrdic proses Bclangrikcr vir ons doe) is die godsdiensjige Ny Ten gevolgc van d k sckula risasieproses krgt o1^ n (H1S

lyd ook tc doen nWI n nuwe mensetip^ die sogenaamde sekulere mens Mag ek

D k groot wlaquo- sekularlsask Itel gcval Reeds op die Inlernustonak gtScn-dtngkonferensk in Jerusalem U92H) is dit druk ncsprcek Toe was daar reeds sprake van bdquo n bedreiging vir die kefk

Dk kerk Jn a nuvte wctvld

FXvivdx in Jerusalem hcl mense al besef dat d k christelike kerk wcsenlik in fn nuwe wereld te staan gekom bet Irgcr nog dat d k gevesligdc kerklike Mai in hkrdie nuwe wereld elke dag onvcrMannhaarder begin word het Scderl fdeg2S bci d k christclikc kerk besef dal die kerklike laal nie meer deurdring nk Hoe ernstiger hy bom-self verstaanbaar niaak hoe nicer kom hy in die wrpoundrcld te staan voor d k feit dat bate d k taal nk vcrstaan n k en Jus d k hoodskap ook nk KonmuiMi kask lusscn die kerk en wereld hcl veetal opechou om ic bestaan (Krae merl

Jerusalem le nou reeds baie p re agtcr d k rug en daar is ongclukkig nog men^c wai n k hkrdie feii aanvaar nie Hulk praai nog steeds van dk ge-vaar van sckularisasie gaan nog sicctls van d k standpunt uit dal die wereld die laal van d k kerk wel ver siaan I n iniussen word d k misver vtand lusscn kerk en wereld ongcluk kig groter en ernstiger


Na die 1 wecde Wercldoorlog beleef d k chrisiclike kerk verskek omnug-(eringc Groot dele van die sogenaam-dc chrislelike westc word w laquo r n in iil-iiM d Die stroom van die kerk na d k wercU word n loenemende vloedgolf Ciroot dele van lrankryk hvbdquo word opnuul n sendingvcld Skaar 3 ^ van die hcvolking kef nog akttcf met die kerk mce+ Wat vroeer allcen maar n aaktige vcrmocde wa word nou dcur navorsers be vest ic naamlik dat grool $roepc mense rce^ls vir d rk toi vter geJagte los van die kerk lewe sondcr doop betvdenis of enige besef van die christclikc cvan-ffclk n Tckcn aan die muur vera I as on in gedagte liou dal Frankryk gewoonlik maar net 50 jaar voor die res van luropa loop

Elke dauj word die becld MMlMlder I jlaquou-ili MI dk wtfttd skn dk thri-telike kerk sj invtocd in twee uiltrs lraquoelanttrikr svktors van die s^imek^in te verionr onder d k intellipentsia en die (industriele) artgteldefK Dil If n jnnlikt ^tda^te ^eral as ons dayman dink dat tegidek t a imlusfrinfisasic oral TOWKI In dk nntwlkkelinesprn-pram van dk wereld van vandag staan

In d k jongste lyd begin d k kerklike stalistieke (sclfs die van die jongcre kerke) ons ook daarop aitcnt maaL dat die crskillcndc kcrkc oral besig is om te vemnder omdal die perscntasic jcugdige kerk I id nunc daal en d k van die oocr lidmaie stvg Dit kan diiv ge-hcur dal d k kerk voortaan net uit oucr pffsone bestaan en die jcug daar nie mccr tuis vocl nie

n Mens sou op hierdie wysc kon voortgaan Allcs dui daarop dal die gioep men^e tot w k die kerk spreck vinnig knmp Dit geld vir alle christc-like kcrfce - Protestamc Onodoksc en Katolicke

Die feite laquoaarmee Christeae hulk vandac sill moet tersoen

l^t pas elke Christen om onder hkrshyd k omstandighede die fciie nuuler in d k bull-- le sien en alk moontlike illumes tc verba n

Ten eerste bull nel ons aanvaar dal ons midde in n vcranderdc wereld staan In ons poging om in gesprck met d k wereld le iree nmei ons hereid wees om d k laal van die mondigc vvereld (Bonhocffer) le spreek Met aandag inoet ons die softcnaamdc tweedc in dusiriele revolusie (gckennwrk dcur

bom koriliks vir u bcskrgtwe Ecrs nega-ikf dan posiiief

f^egatief ooderskci die sekulfirc mens horn van die religku-sc mens soos volg tM-jiiinLii- staan hy afwysend tcenoor a lks wai maar enigsins aan kerk of rcligie herinner religkusc gc-vockns tbv ccrbtcd vir die huidkc of die bonatuurlike en sondebesef) is by horn praklics afwesig (as dil soms nog in krisisiye by horn opkom bejeen hy dit met dknc wantrouc) in sy denk-wereld hcl d k begrip Almaglige God1

in onbriii ^craak sy praktkse kwenv-hiKiding word bchcers dcur stiiw^r humanisiiCNC moiiewe susiaal distan-sieer hy honi van a lk kerklike of rclishygie use groepc

Posiiief tree d k sekufcre mefts na vorc as iemand met n besonderc hoe waaixfering vir d k mens e intclkkluk en legnksc prcstasics gedrewe dcur n dkpe verlange om van h k r d k wereld n hclcr ivfrcld tc maak vercensclwig hy horn vollcdig met die verandetde lewenskode van die nuwe tcgnies indusiriek maatskappy waarin hy hom hcvind

Om van d k tK^staan van h k r d k orknlcrc mens te ontken is onrealK-tklaquo Hgt het oils tvdftenrwit ceugtrd Oral kom ons hom tee op straut In oitv k II- H 11 mil vcK)rtopiigt sclfs ook nog in d k kerk Hy is ons udpenoot maar hclaas nk ons )poundC^preks|poundcnool nk Voordat ons weer met hom in gesprek kan tree sal ons ers ook d k kenV moct vekularister

n SeknKre kern in n sekulenr wereld

Binne die raamwerk van ons om-skrywing van die sekulere mens bete ken sekulere kerk ln keik ontdaan van alle vornie van reliuiositeit of sakrafiteit

In cms bCOOfdAtt van d k Iwlntig eeiie van kcnceskiedenis wat a^ter ons le moct oas ondcrskei Htssen Christendom uvliviv| en Clirivtelike evnngelk (blve tsdinuk D k inhoitd gtan die blw LgtltIiiTT waarmee CTiristus (en die Christen dcur dk wereld gaan h wesenlik serlossing^ vnheid en vrrde | L 2 14 Job 20 26) Dit k gtoor d k hand I =bullbull- ml dat dit met rrlipc of siikrallteit nlks te doen bet nk Na Clt4pota hel rvltpk M betekenK meer nk (liristus het ons daarvan llaquovrvvertos Om dit weer uit te haal en te nrobeer rest oner Is sinncloos trt sakralitert hel dk evangelic ook nlks te doen nk Dit beteken dus dat ons ook moct ont-sakralister Ons s peroepe om gewoan in dk wereld te k raquo e n vrye v t r ioA meitsr mdash Chtis-tene Religkusc wette en sakrak hursks hoort by onvrye byRelowige mense - tveldenegt

Waller konsekwensics het dit nou vir on praktkse lewe as Chrisicnc Hicr open d k voorbccld van Jesus Christus self vir ons nuwe perspckiicwc Hy het homsclf onikdig die gesialic van n dienskneg aangeneem en aan mense gclyk geword (Rk 2 7) Hy hei n k gekom om gcdkn te word nk maar om tc d k n (Mark 10 45) Die Woord hcl vices geword en onder ons kom woontloh I 14)

Terme 500S solklarilcii identifikasic kommunikavc selfvvrlotning offer en dienshetoon kry in die lig van bogc-noemde vcral die feit van d k inkar nask nuwe beickenis Ook in die Chrisshyten wil die woord vices word en onder d k mense gaan woon Die Christciifcc van die kerk sal tot onhcrkenbaarwor-dens loc in die mcnslikc moct in gaan Die heil moct in die taal van die handc vcrtolk word (Hoekendijk) Wil die cvan^elk in ons moderne wereld verktHKlig word dan sal dit Re dtmonstreer moct word Woord moct daad word (M Warrenl Evangcliscer is nie n gcbod waaraan die kcrlc moet Bchoorsaam nk maar haar wyse van lewc op aarde (Pop)

Dns d k kerfc moct oral te Wnde wees waar mendike kwens in stukke If skk K in d k man van ilk soide verkeer bedrchi word met onderganp deur honper ol rninpe Diiir moet ons die kerk aantref besig om te herald te

heel te beskerm te versadfc en te onderstciin IMe kerk is in met en vir dk wereld ^laar vir andere (Bon-hOtflM Solidaritetl mrt d k wereld bctcken voorlopi^ niks anders as soli-dariteil iikel d k armes en elkndtges nk (Matt 25 3146)

Die sekulurtsask van dk kerk be ttken dus dat die kerk hom moet oefen In d k knns orn in d k wvreld onder dk mense te lewe mdash nk as heerser nie maar H dknslltneg

Ons wen na vnre

Wil ons die evangelic weer effektief in hierdie wireld verkondig- sal ons verplig wees om die eis om d k ver-miwinft van d k kerk met groot hcJist bcid tc stel O p d k vraag na die pre-siese aard van hkrdk vemuwing kan ons voorlopig nog geen finak aniwoord

C nie- Ons gaan voorlopig n tgtU van damenlck onsekcrheid binne Be

langrik is dat ons h k r d k onsekcrheid sondcr panick of vrces vcrdra die risiko aanvaar om improviscrendewys tc gaan Icw^ Met locwyding iivoel ons in ltS^ kerklike laboratorium ckspcrimen-tccr Op ons weg na voa sid ons hereid moet wees om vcel van ons ou vcrtrou-de reisbagasie agler ic laat uu mctodes en legnkkc oorgekwerde vorme en handclwy^es Ons moct vcral nie hui-wcr om ons vrae heel skerp le stel nk Dus vra nk hoc moct oas prcek n k maar moet ons nog prcek (Of is dit onnioontlik dat die evangelic ook in n andcr gcstalte as d k van die gesprokc woonj toi d k sondaar komk

1 - ltdntt af met n sleutelopnKrkins werklik bdquowfreliK kan alleen die Jcfcr wees 11 nil Is d k evanuelistc van more l lnlk kan in die iilkdaagse kwe iets demoovtreer van Chrislns se Milidaritcit

Ifrnut 0ampuituiltti it at fan ilaquorf( gte ^eifc met ituvrandtt itttdir in Xrttfriuttd Btr-rurtlaquo- in oorwnffm vm Jththus AnxtitfttK S964

The Influence of

Ecumenism on

Christianity (fiotttiiuwd hum ifai^t 2)

of its Lord we may not fm^et that Cod Is not linprLvined in the church and church history The aearcr the church draws lo Its Lord the nearer it draws to the world

In his book Ecumenism and Cat ho licity William Nicholls says The recovery of the church is necessarily ft recovery of the churchs mission in history The ecumenical movement arose out of the missionary movement and its Truil must be a truer commitshyment or the uniting churches to thai mission The distinction between church and mission is being more and more clearly seen to be a false one The church as we see it in live Bible through ecumenical eyes is a missionary church and its theology will he a misshysionary theology Il is not that we should haw one department of our theological thinking which will have to do wilh missions but thai all our ihco logy will be missionary

And this is the goal or ecumenism - the journeying together the talking

logeiher of ihc churches in fellowship the crusading together into the unshyknown as Abraham did in faith and hop mdash into lhal unity which is of Ood inal in ihc end the Kingdoms of this world may be transformed into Ihc Kingdom of God and of His ThrisL

Tht Rtrtf Samurt A Stanr is Co-St^Crr ftirv of ihc ChrMm Cittztnshlp gt wr ffiiitf of the Xifthfitfist Churvh md Super- miwdtm of the TfWArtVr-Vw African Circuit ThU atticie is the yuhitmtcc of u paprr prt-wnted to the fJgtAMjtS^1-Cotifewttcc tit fltwrnforiteirti 5lh mdash 7lh

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 5: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

Sept 15 Sept 14 PRO VERITATE 5

CHR1STUS en cue lie Wereld van M ore KOBUS OOSTHUIZEN

bull W B will n o t b e a b l e r e a l l y t o g e t a l o n g s i d e m a n i n o u r m o d e r n w o r l d u n l e s s w e b e g i n t o 4 de - re l ig ion i s c C h r i s t i a n i t y C h r i s t i a n i t y is a s e c u l a r m o v e m e n t

( J C H o e k e n d i j k mdash S t r a s s b o u r g 1960)

oulomaliscring kcrncnergk ruimtc-vaart ens) volg en aanvaar Jal mense wai in so n wereld letff noodwendig anders moct dink en reageer as die landelike mens aan die begin van ons jaartclling (ook anders as die middcl-ccusc of lMc ccuse mens) On inocl ook aanvaar dat waar ou gcvcsiigde sosiak structure onder invloed van die mndeme indusirielc kulluur kom die Iradisionclc wms van bdquokcrklikhcid spnedig heflin kwyn mdash self vcrdwyn

Ten Iweede Die kerk van more kan so niaklik n kerk in verslrooting word BOdal die bullgroei van die chnstelikc kcrkc in feile beicken n gruei na n minderheid Dit is vanjag ongclukkig Tn hekende feit dat bcvolkingsannwas die aanlal tvkeerlinge lot die chnstelikc ijcloof ver oortrcf Jaarjiks kom daar 25-maal sovcel nie-ehrisiene by die wtittklhcvolkiag hy Jn WW was die Chrisicnc H van die wtfrcldbevol-king in 1955 31 in 2 laquo raquo ( ) - - Onwilkkcurig kom die vrae Wai sal die optrede van die Chrisicnc wees in die wcrckl van marc Sal hulk nog vcrgun word om in gtfmccmcs gcor-ganiscerd ic wees en ook geboue vir aanbidding op tc rig Sal daar nog gepraat kan word van Xhristclikc volke Hrg onwaarskynlik Is die toc-komsbceld en die kerk nie die van ver-bulldrooiing nie Sal ChriMcnc hulk nie mod ofen in die kuns om as minder hcidsg roe pies die soul vim die aarde 1c ve ra nie fH R Wchcrl In tocnemen-de male dui haie dinge int n tcrugkecr lot die N T huisgemccntc Ons sicn dit reeds gebcur dramatics in Oos Europa waar die kerk reeds moes leer om gtoo die koringkorrct ic icrf om wcrklik le kan lewe minder dramatics in WevFuropa dcur die toencmende vcrbrokkcling van die georganisccrde kerklike lew Ons kan nie help om aan die vnlgcnde le dink vir die kerk van more nie Hicr lt daar _ oral klcin groepks gelowiges besig om sja-lom fvrcdcl le bring in n wpoundrckl waar onvredc hcers

Ten derdc O k p v N van WJIJlri-visit kan nk meer gtslitit word nk Sommice ntense se pofiioc om vir l l U nopound n 25stc uur in die wereld van R-tor le lewe vonrdat die nnweuro dag aan-hivck b n onnifMinlBkc ajik Hoe 4iodiger ons ons drampelvree oorwin rn die mme sdui l ro mtiM Mimctnc hoe beter

Dil bring ons by die kernvraag van


Die wooixl sekularisask (ook vcr-xvcrekJIikingl is afgelei van jlaquoreuliim Gcdurendc die Middclccue het die mense ondenkei lusscn die regligieiw (of sakrale) en die tvdtflikc (of scku-lire) ardc Toi ecrsgenoemde is gcre-ken die kerk en die klenis lot laav gcnocmdedkstaa lendiegewone volk Oortuig van sy roeping toi heerskappy hcl die Middclceusc kerk cgter as heer en meesier alle lerreine van die lewe hchwrs wal gcki het toi n Nllcrc magsfryd lusscn kerk en slaat In die laaL-Middclccuc4 en vera) gcdurendc die Renaissance begin die staat fen die burgerlikc maatskappy) daarin slaag om horn van die kerklike hecrskappy los te maaL Dil was d k begin van die sekulasksasieproses In d k daaropvol-gende ccue ncem hkrdk proses van verwcreldliking in momentum loe en dring dil dcur tot alle kwenstcrreine n Nuwe (iguur verskyo op die horison die seknrc re staat Un nog steeds gaan die proses voort t Die chnstclikc kerk van vandag is in sO n posisic dal alle s-ereldlikc i U I i i p f ) van horn onlncem is

Dil was die Maalkundigc kant van hicrdic proses Bclangrikcr vir ons doe) is die godsdiensjige Ny Ten gevolgc van d k sckula risasieproses krgt o1^ n (H1S

lyd ook tc doen nWI n nuwe mensetip^ die sogenaamde sekulere mens Mag ek

D k groot wlaquo- sekularlsask Itel gcval Reeds op die Inlernustonak gtScn-dtngkonferensk in Jerusalem U92H) is dit druk ncsprcek Toe was daar reeds sprake van bdquo n bedreiging vir die kefk

Dk kerk Jn a nuvte wctvld

FXvivdx in Jerusalem hcl mense al besef dat d k christelike kerk wcsenlik in fn nuwe wereld te staan gekom bet Irgcr nog dat d k gevesligdc kerklike Mai in hkrdie nuwe wereld elke dag onvcrMannhaarder begin word het Scderl fdeg2S bci d k christclikc kerk besef dal die kerklike laal nie meer deurdring nk Hoe ernstiger hy bom-self verstaanbaar niaak hoe nicer kom hy in die wrpoundrcld te staan voor d k feit dat bate d k taal nk vcrstaan n k en Jus d k hoodskap ook nk KonmuiMi kask lusscn die kerk en wereld hcl veetal opechou om ic bestaan (Krae merl

Jerusalem le nou reeds baie p re agtcr d k rug en daar is ongclukkig nog men^c wai n k hkrdie feii aanvaar nie Hulk praai nog steeds van dk ge-vaar van sckularisasie gaan nog sicctls van d k standpunt uit dal die wereld die laal van d k kerk wel ver siaan I n iniussen word d k misver vtand lusscn kerk en wereld ongcluk kig groter en ernstiger


Na die 1 wecde Wercldoorlog beleef d k chrisiclike kerk verskek omnug-(eringc Groot dele van die sogenaam-dc chrislelike westc word w laquo r n in iil-iiM d Die stroom van die kerk na d k wercU word n loenemende vloedgolf Ciroot dele van lrankryk hvbdquo word opnuul n sendingvcld Skaar 3 ^ van die hcvolking kef nog akttcf met die kerk mce+ Wat vroeer allcen maar n aaktige vcrmocde wa word nou dcur navorsers be vest ic naamlik dat grool $roepc mense rce^ls vir d rk toi vter geJagte los van die kerk lewe sondcr doop betvdenis of enige besef van die christclikc cvan-ffclk n Tckcn aan die muur vera I as on in gedagte liou dal Frankryk gewoonlik maar net 50 jaar voor die res van luropa loop

Elke dauj word die becld MMlMlder I jlaquou-ili MI dk wtfttd skn dk thri-telike kerk sj invtocd in twee uiltrs lraquoelanttrikr svktors van die s^imek^in te verionr onder d k intellipentsia en die (industriele) artgteldefK Dil If n jnnlikt ^tda^te ^eral as ons dayman dink dat tegidek t a imlusfrinfisasic oral TOWKI In dk nntwlkkelinesprn-pram van dk wereld van vandag staan

In d k jongste lyd begin d k kerklike stalistieke (sclfs die van die jongcre kerke) ons ook daarop aitcnt maaL dat die crskillcndc kcrkc oral besig is om te vemnder omdal die perscntasic jcugdige kerk I id nunc daal en d k van die oocr lidmaie stvg Dit kan diiv ge-hcur dal d k kerk voortaan net uit oucr pffsone bestaan en die jcug daar nie mccr tuis vocl nie

n Mens sou op hierdie wysc kon voortgaan Allcs dui daarop dal die gioep men^e tot w k die kerk spreck vinnig knmp Dit geld vir alle christc-like kcrfce - Protestamc Onodoksc en Katolicke

Die feite laquoaarmee Christeae hulk vandac sill moet tersoen

l^t pas elke Christen om onder hkrshyd k omstandighede die fciie nuuler in d k bull-- le sien en alk moontlike illumes tc verba n

Ten eerste bull nel ons aanvaar dal ons midde in n vcranderdc wereld staan In ons poging om in gesprck met d k wereld le iree nmei ons hereid wees om d k laal van die mondigc vvereld (Bonhocffer) le spreek Met aandag inoet ons die softcnaamdc tweedc in dusiriele revolusie (gckennwrk dcur

bom koriliks vir u bcskrgtwe Ecrs nega-ikf dan posiiief

f^egatief ooderskci die sekulfirc mens horn van die religku-sc mens soos volg tM-jiiinLii- staan hy afwysend tcenoor a lks wai maar enigsins aan kerk of rcligie herinner religkusc gc-vockns tbv ccrbtcd vir die huidkc of die bonatuurlike en sondebesef) is by horn praklics afwesig (as dil soms nog in krisisiye by horn opkom bejeen hy dit met dknc wantrouc) in sy denk-wereld hcl d k begrip Almaglige God1

in onbriii ^craak sy praktkse kwenv-hiKiding word bchcers dcur stiiw^r humanisiiCNC moiiewe susiaal distan-sieer hy honi van a lk kerklike of rclishygie use groepc

Posiiief tree d k sekufcre mefts na vorc as iemand met n besonderc hoe waaixfering vir d k mens e intclkkluk en legnksc prcstasics gedrewe dcur n dkpe verlange om van h k r d k wereld n hclcr ivfrcld tc maak vercensclwig hy horn vollcdig met die verandetde lewenskode van die nuwe tcgnies indusiriek maatskappy waarin hy hom hcvind

Om van d k tK^staan van h k r d k orknlcrc mens te ontken is onrealK-tklaquo Hgt het oils tvdftenrwit ceugtrd Oral kom ons hom tee op straut In oitv k II- H 11 mil vcK)rtopiigt sclfs ook nog in d k kerk Hy is ons udpenoot maar hclaas nk ons )poundC^preks|poundcnool nk Voordat ons weer met hom in gesprek kan tree sal ons ers ook d k kenV moct vekularister

n SeknKre kern in n sekulenr wereld

Binne die raamwerk van ons om-skrywing van die sekulere mens bete ken sekulere kerk ln keik ontdaan van alle vornie van reliuiositeit of sakrafiteit

In cms bCOOfdAtt van d k Iwlntig eeiie van kcnceskiedenis wat a^ter ons le moct oas ondcrskei Htssen Christendom uvliviv| en Clirivtelike evnngelk (blve tsdinuk D k inhoitd gtan die blw LgtltIiiTT waarmee CTiristus (en die Christen dcur dk wereld gaan h wesenlik serlossing^ vnheid en vrrde | L 2 14 Job 20 26) Dit k gtoor d k hand I =bullbull- ml dat dit met rrlipc of siikrallteit nlks te doen bet nk Na Clt4pota hel rvltpk M betekenK meer nk (liristus het ons daarvan llaquovrvvertos Om dit weer uit te haal en te nrobeer rest oner Is sinncloos trt sakralitert hel dk evangelic ook nlks te doen nk Dit beteken dus dat ons ook moct ont-sakralister Ons s peroepe om gewoan in dk wereld te k raquo e n vrye v t r ioA meitsr mdash Chtis-tene Religkusc wette en sakrak hursks hoort by onvrye byRelowige mense - tveldenegt

Waller konsekwensics het dit nou vir on praktkse lewe as Chrisicnc Hicr open d k voorbccld van Jesus Christus self vir ons nuwe perspckiicwc Hy het homsclf onikdig die gesialic van n dienskneg aangeneem en aan mense gclyk geword (Rk 2 7) Hy hei n k gekom om gcdkn te word nk maar om tc d k n (Mark 10 45) Die Woord hcl vices geword en onder ons kom woontloh I 14)

Terme 500S solklarilcii identifikasic kommunikavc selfvvrlotning offer en dienshetoon kry in die lig van bogc-noemde vcral die feit van d k inkar nask nuwe beickenis Ook in die Chrisshyten wil die woord vices word en onder d k mense gaan woon Die Christciifcc van die kerk sal tot onhcrkenbaarwor-dens loc in die mcnslikc moct in gaan Die heil moct in die taal van die handc vcrtolk word (Hoekendijk) Wil die cvan^elk in ons moderne wereld verktHKlig word dan sal dit Re dtmonstreer moct word Woord moct daad word (M Warrenl Evangcliscer is nie n gcbod waaraan die kcrlc moet Bchoorsaam nk maar haar wyse van lewc op aarde (Pop)

Dns d k kerfc moct oral te Wnde wees waar mendike kwens in stukke If skk K in d k man van ilk soide verkeer bedrchi word met onderganp deur honper ol rninpe Diiir moet ons die kerk aantref besig om te herald te

heel te beskerm te versadfc en te onderstciin IMe kerk is in met en vir dk wereld ^laar vir andere (Bon-hOtflM Solidaritetl mrt d k wereld bctcken voorlopi^ niks anders as soli-dariteil iikel d k armes en elkndtges nk (Matt 25 3146)

Die sekulurtsask van dk kerk be ttken dus dat die kerk hom moet oefen In d k knns orn in d k wvreld onder dk mense te lewe mdash nk as heerser nie maar H dknslltneg

Ons wen na vnre

Wil ons die evangelic weer effektief in hierdie wireld verkondig- sal ons verplig wees om die eis om d k ver-miwinft van d k kerk met groot hcJist bcid tc stel O p d k vraag na die pre-siese aard van hkrdk vemuwing kan ons voorlopig nog geen finak aniwoord

C nie- Ons gaan voorlopig n tgtU van damenlck onsekcrheid binne Be

langrik is dat ons h k r d k onsekcrheid sondcr panick of vrces vcrdra die risiko aanvaar om improviscrendewys tc gaan Icw^ Met locwyding iivoel ons in ltS^ kerklike laboratorium ckspcrimen-tccr Op ons weg na voa sid ons hereid moet wees om vcel van ons ou vcrtrou-de reisbagasie agler ic laat uu mctodes en legnkkc oorgekwerde vorme en handclwy^es Ons moct vcral nie hui-wcr om ons vrae heel skerp le stel nk Dus vra nk hoc moct oas prcek n k maar moet ons nog prcek (Of is dit onnioontlik dat die evangelic ook in n andcr gcstalte as d k van die gesprokc woonj toi d k sondaar komk

1 - ltdntt af met n sleutelopnKrkins werklik bdquowfreliK kan alleen die Jcfcr wees 11 nil Is d k evanuelistc van more l lnlk kan in die iilkdaagse kwe iets demoovtreer van Chrislns se Milidaritcit

Ifrnut 0ampuituiltti it at fan ilaquorf( gte ^eifc met ituvrandtt itttdir in Xrttfriuttd Btr-rurtlaquo- in oorwnffm vm Jththus AnxtitfttK S964

The Influence of

Ecumenism on

Christianity (fiotttiiuwd hum ifai^t 2)

of its Lord we may not fm^et that Cod Is not linprLvined in the church and church history The aearcr the church draws lo Its Lord the nearer it draws to the world

In his book Ecumenism and Cat ho licity William Nicholls says The recovery of the church is necessarily ft recovery of the churchs mission in history The ecumenical movement arose out of the missionary movement and its Truil must be a truer commitshyment or the uniting churches to thai mission The distinction between church and mission is being more and more clearly seen to be a false one The church as we see it in live Bible through ecumenical eyes is a missionary church and its theology will he a misshysionary theology Il is not that we should haw one department of our theological thinking which will have to do wilh missions but thai all our ihco logy will be missionary

And this is the goal or ecumenism - the journeying together the talking

logeiher of ihc churches in fellowship the crusading together into the unshyknown as Abraham did in faith and hop mdash into lhal unity which is of Ood inal in ihc end the Kingdoms of this world may be transformed into Ihc Kingdom of God and of His ThrisL

Tht Rtrtf Samurt A Stanr is Co-St^Crr ftirv of ihc ChrMm Cittztnshlp gt wr ffiiitf of the Xifthfitfist Churvh md Super- miwdtm of the TfWArtVr-Vw African Circuit ThU atticie is the yuhitmtcc of u paprr prt-wnted to the fJgtAMjtS^1-Cotifewttcc tit fltwrnforiteirti 5lh mdash 7lh

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 6: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

(i PRO VERITATE Sept 15 Sept 19H

Kerk en Wereld bull = =mdash Church and World

Die Werk van n Industriepredikant bdquo D a a r w e r k in N e d e r l a n d d e e s d a e o p e n k e l e s t r a ( e laquo i e s e

p l e k k e p r e d i k a n t e m e t d i e o p d r a e o m h u l p a s t o r a l e a r b e i d v e r a l op d i e m e n s i n d i e i n d u s t r i e t e r i g s k r y f d i C P A n d e l in bdquo V o o r d e n D i e n s v a n 1 8 J a n u a r t e 1964

S o o s d a a r g c a p r e i k w o r d v a n bdquo h o s p i t a a l p r e d i k a n t e n v a n bdquo s t u d e n t e p r e d i k a n t s o i s d a a r d e c s d a e n o k n bdquo i n d u s t r i e p r e d i -k a n t H y d o e n ay w e r k in o p d r a g v a n d i e k e r k w a t honi b e r o e p h e t

die induvtriele lewe in aanraking deur die welwillcndc samewcrking van die bedryfslmofdc Immcrs die aansleliing van die industriepredikant is slcgs moontlik omdat bcpaalde bedrywe wil saamwerk en dil gewoonlik deur mid-del van lttic bestuurders wat kerkledc is of die kerk gocdgcslnd is Die induv tricpredikanl hci dus n ope dcur ook lot ander lerreine van die bcdryfslcwe Hy kry die kans om vcrgaderinge by 1c WQQII waar sake van maalskaplikc-siclkundigc aard bespreck word of hy woon n personeelvcrga tiering hy waar

suiwer tcgnicsc sake aan die orde is Sums word hy selfs uitgennoi om n dircfcsicvcrgadcring by le woon

Omdul daar hicrdte openhctd vir die prcdikant in bcpaalde hedrywe is kry hy allcrhrinde moontlik hede vir per-soonlikc komakte en kan hy 101 n gc-sprek kont mcl alle soortc mense van hoop lot laag Hicrdic gesprekke kan moeilik tydens die wcrktyd gevocr word Die bcdoeline is ilan ook nic dat die sielsorscr die fabrick as tonccl vir sy evangclisasiewerk sou kies nic maar hier word die kennis ingewin en korgt taklc gemaak wat die proud vir die ware pastorale werk voorhcrci

Lay Training in imy Com^re^ation

Die industricpredikanlc in Nederland ontmocl mekaar op die vcfgadcrings en koofercasics op die werk en sludiegroepe wai gcorgunisccr word dcur die Seriralc Raad vir Evangelic en Industrie Hullc ncem deel of hei dcclgcnccm aan die grondige kursussc wai dcur die Univcrsitaire Instituut ivjn Bedryisleven in Utrecht gehou word Hicrdic kursus is tot nog toe deur ongevcer scsiig predikante uil verskillerxic kcrkc Hcrvorm Gere-formecrd Baptists ens mdash gevotg en van hierdie gctal staan daar maar net sewc in die hesondcrc diens wat met die naam Jndusiricprcdikantc onv skryf kan word

Hicrdic beskeie gclal steek af by die mecr a hondcrd sg ltbedryfsaalmoce-nieiV van die Rooms Kaiolickc Kerk Maar dit hoef ons Proiesiante nic le ontstel nic Rome is self nog maar in die ckspcrimcnicrc stadium van hierdie werk Wat vcel bclanpriker vir hierdie werk is a blotc gctallc is die gocd dcurdagte wyse waarop die werk uil-ccbou en die oorluigingskrag en inner like sckerheid waarmee dil uiigcvocr word


Daar bcsiaan geen kenmerkende beeld van dipound indusiricprcdikant nie en die werk dra die stcmpcl van elkeen bullv ncrsoontikc individunlitcit Fn log is daar otn opsig waarin hulle almal oorcenstcm n( die manicr waarop hulle begin Hullc moet hullc pastorale orientasic begin dcur Hullc ccrs in te lecf in die werklikhcid van die indus triee Die industric immers bepaal tot n grooi mate die Icwenspairoon van die mens in die algcmccn en van die fahrickswerker in die besonder Dit 14 voor die hand dat die industriepredishykant vir n bcpaalde periode in een of meer fabrieke sal gaan werk rocesal in die posisic van n ongeskookle tirheider Hy vervul sodoende nic die rol van die priestcrarheider van Frankryk nic Dit is horn daar wcrklik le doen om ecn van die arbridcrs te wees sodat hy n insig kan kry in die verhoudinge en loestandc in die be pa aide werk k ring

Die industriepredikant kom ook met

PRO VERITATE Vcrskyn elkc 15dc van die maand

Korrespondensie en Admioistraw Alle hriewe vir die redaksic en die administrasie aan Posbus 487 Jobanwsburg

Krdnksioncle Be^tuur

Dr B Fngclbrccht Ds At W Habclgaam Ds E l Mahabawc Ds A L Mncubc Ds+ J E Moulder Mnr J t Oglethorpe Ds R O m Prof dr At van Seta

BMndaldm IKCF B Kmdamp


Rcptjbliek van Suid-Afrika SWA die khodesies en Prolektoratc R l per f u r vooruilbctaalbaar Oorsce RUM per jaar vooruitbelaal-


Tjek en posonkrs moet uitgcmaak word aan t lPro Veritate (Edms) Bpkt Posbus 487 Johannesburg

C^cdmk dcur Prompt Orulpcr 1--iistLipp-ltFiHntJ Bp l Ilarritolraat t l WvU^i tc Inhinnc^burg


Die indusiricprcdikant is dus nie fabrickspredikam me maar Iwrder en Icraar vir die mensc wat hy in die fabrick leer ken Hy is geesielike raads-man van die wat hultc nic meer in die kerk luis voel nie en hy sock hul op waar hul buile die fabrick tc vindc is Igtuar is gewoonlik maar min w b a n d tussen die daagliksc werk en die kerk en die industriepredikant wil dii vershyba nd wee

Ifeur middcl van die fabrick en daarmcc die allcdaagse werk kry hy aanknopingspunte met gesinnc en laquo -kclingc w^t deur die kerk en sy amps dracrs nit bcreik word nie Deur sy pastorale werk kry hy ingang tot hul huisc en haric

Naas die aanlal pa^oralc kontakte sal die industriepredikant egter ook die opbou van gCNprcksgrocpe ter hand ncem Kringe word gevorm uit ecn bcpaalde laag van die fabrieksmcn^e of uil n dcursnee Soms is dil moeilik om wetenskaplikes mcl cenvoudigc ambagsm^nnc Icidinggewcnde p a n shyned met ongeskooMe arbeiders in cpound Scsprekskring tc verbind en dan rooci hulle maar geskei word

Die kringc hci geen siMematiese program nie Hulle spreek en luistcr vanuit die daacliksc werklikhcid en onimoct daaiin hul Here Hulle ncem kennis van wat in hul cie wereld of in die jiroot wircld gehcur en soek die amwoord van Gods Woord op al hier ik dinge

Aanttesigheid in die werk siudie van sosiale en ckonomiesc vrae ner-snonlikc kontak huisbesock en krin^ wek vorm die jtewone urbeid v^n de industrienredikant maar put dit nic uil Die Hy moet oral luister en diens-haar wees aan die mens in die bedrvfs-lewe Hy sal sckcr mctterlgtx1 intraquoeskakcl word in die vorming van die bedrvfS-jeue Narrate sv crvarinlaquo en tnsipte uroei sal hv die probleem van die arbctdslcwc in n nuwc pcrsnektief sicn maar hy al nie die HewilBfffi dienaar van die Industrie word nie Hy sal vry slaan om aan almal in die bedrvf ondcr alle omstandichede die cvaneelierxxvl skan te brine ltial esuv Christus die Veriosscr van die bedrvfsmens en die Here ook van die indusiriele wereld i^

B y G E O R G E 1gt W r I L K I E

S t M a r l i n s is a n e w c h u r c h ( o f 12 y e a r s s t a n d i n g ) in a new h o u s i n g a r e a o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f a s h i p - b u i l d i n g t o w n A b o u t 10000 p e o p l e l ive in t h e p a r i s h a r e a of w h o m a l a r g e p e r c e n t a g e a r e R o m a n C a t h o l i c s I t i s a n e n t i r e l y w o r k i n g c l a s s c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e r e a r e n o w a b o u t 8 0 0 c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r s o n t h e conshyg r e g a t i o n a l rolL W e l l n o w w h a t o f l a y t r a i n i n g in t h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n

Jntfr Nor April 1964

In a sense what I am going to talk about is lay training of my congregashytion rather lhan in n because looking hack it started as that and continues as that though later it required grades of iraimng within the congregation It had no formal pattern indeed wc did not think of it as training at all rather we aimed to do more effectively in small groups what everyone knows to be the work of the Church in the world Then we realized that we had hit upon house churches and finally that wc were in ihc process of training ihe congregation for its work


Wc did not begin by sagtinpound iCft have training We first aimed lo let our congregation be the Church in the given situation

And here I would like to throw in a thought for what it is worth though it may be commonplace in Ihe thinkshying of those who arc daily concerned with lay training That training of G o d people cannot be considered apart from an awareness of the operashytion of the Holy Spirit in giving gifts unto men Gods promise is (hat to every obedient church will be given ihc gifts appropriate to the tasks lie calls on it to perform (some apostles

some pasiors some teachers Thereshyfore training in a sense is revealing Gods gifis in the members of his Church Gifts which wilt match the work lo he done And so lay training must always be closely related lo ihc real work that God needs to be done and for which he is wilUne to strengshythen and undergird hK Church

Given a new church in a new housshying aren the temptation is great to build up a soceeutiul church with wrtl-attended 9ervlccamp and thriving organ-batfans A | the laymen who came to us from other churches knew that this was what was wanted and were willing to work for It The whole orientation of their past church life had shown thctn that siiccew meaflt numbers in church and a Rood balance sheet Against this we kept on saying the telaquot of the life of this church is not what happens inside Ihe church buildshyings but what happens in Ihe parish what new qualitgt of Kfr K to be sren there because of our existence


As a beginning we set out to serve Ihc parish The most obvious thing to do was lo gather as a congregation to discuss means of serving the people round about us We used an evening service once a monlh and discussed the problems of the aged and the young Ihc influence of newspapers the rise of juvenile delinquency the needs of Indians the conditions in refugee camps and ihe colour problems of Africa And we often did something about it We sent letters to our memshyber of parliament or a deputation lo a local councillor or town official or headmaster Or wc collected money or clothes for needy people across the seas and so on But we soon realized that although on paper we seemed to be fulfilling our remit in fad we were not serving the people in our parish in ihc personal way in which they most needed our help We were only helping them at a distance and very

often not coming into comae with ihcm to discover their real problems

Our congregational gatherings were also a mailer of deep concern for us Attendance al the meetings was poor Pven ihosc who took pari hardly fell any sense of fellowship among them Therefore we decided to hold instead of ihc congregational gathering small meetings of church members in each elders district It was not easy ugt pur-sujidc the elders 10 accent leadership hul finally wc began calling together meetings of church members in their areas Wc must have scented exiremcly vague about what ihc object of these meetings was Wc said wc wanted to he the Church in ihe street wrttt-ever that meant Toe onl things wc were sure it included were serivce of neighbours in need and study of ihc Bihle to discover Gods will for us


On this basis we began about 10 years ago and have been functioning in a recognizable wav over half ihc area of the parish since sometimes nourishing sometimes hanging on with the few4 enthusiasts until imaginations are fired again Al least in the Kirk Session (the elders meeting) it is now officially accepted as a basic part ol the pattern of our church life and not just as a new fad

The meetings of ihesc house churches take place in a house in the elders area once per month We stress thai the elder should issue an invitation to evergt| member in his area for every meeting so thai it does not become a meeiinE of a little clique who are in Icrestcd in this son of thing but is a real meeting of the church Let mc give you the agenda of a typical mec ling

i l l After the usual informal welshycomes the meeting begins with a short prayer led by the elder (prepared or extempore)

(2) Then the passage for Bible study is read fall have Bibles) and lime given to think about it The elder has already heen over il al Ihe Kirk vSession meetshying and may say a word or Iwo aboul ihe background He may also have a few questions to start the discussion going At first most members were afraid of Bihle study Then they found it easy and wanted to go on all night airing Iheir pet theories Sometimes ihey were rather proud when they spent the whole evening doing little more lhan Bible study and having no time for Ihc rest of ihe agenda This is a typical church altitude mdash thai Ihcre is virtue in doing Bihlc study in ilpoundeurolf But of course it probably meant thai I hey were not facing some other tc vponsihility fully and we had to remind Ihcm lhal Bible study should be limited to 11 - 40 minutes

A method of Bible Muth whkh we iiiu- been using quite recently with some success hus been to take lt subshyject like peace faith forgiveness etc and give vach member of the group a different pavsaoe In which this word is mentioned The member has to act as custodian for the text he has been id mil mdash nad the Idea behind it mdash rtitrim the dfceussion which follows This ve find firings evcryoo into the slurfv and inii-n leads to a deeper un-

(f]tmtititter on JMJf 7

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 7: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

S e p t 15 S e p t 19t i l | raquo R O V K R I T A T B 7

OP SOEK NA HELDERHEID Die W r r e i d r a a d v a n K e r k t i in 19IS in A m s t e r d a m c t gt l t f

H i t r d i e u p b v o o r a f j c e c u n A e w n Line g e ^ k d t r m mdash e n n nroeiame) p r o s e s H i e r o o r n i l o n nie m m p r c e k n i t W a t w d o n a a n d a g s e r d i e n ilaquo d i e s t a n d p o i n t t a n s e r k i D o n d k t r k v a n K t r r f o r m c r r d c b c l y d c n U t e n opMtf le v a n a a n s t u t t i n e by h i t r d i r o r g a n i s a s i e O o k in o n i e l a n d h c l d i e s a a k al h c t l w a l p r o b l t r m e o p K e l e w e r t e n n e l N in d i e ( i e r e f K e r k in S A w o r d h i c r d i c p r o b l e m nujc n l w d s b e s l u d e e r

t a M t f i It nlaquomnnn

finafc hesJwt nrneeni OK bull laquo d nog venkr bcksk_

en die

Wnamp fttt nou egler wcl die nan i AII voiig is enkek aegewerb nftl

opyetcken Main in n Nuuvhricl al uttecprc 11 dcur die sekrctanaat san die Gcrcf rkumenicNe Sim tie under kvdinj jn ltJr P G Schnncnhoer ran O iu rgt i m nljiuda Inierewnf i mershyes ekcn- hrdutic van die Gcfcf Kcr-l o t in ^ciVrUni] en die rcakae daar-bull y dear n krrk MI Amenka

M M gt r t I VAX f M t t F k t X k t N I S NFDfrRJ Mgt

I V run like JotMn naartoc taenia bull i^k Hui van ons grkom bet h dat daar vera brsimrnde hcklwl dVur Hk 1 ^ l r rlh ^ ^ i r n laquo - i n l l ien hgt d

V Mr iul m a | t l u l t 11 N O g U W

sal hulk1 ivng nic lot hienlic Map oor-uaurt nic nuiar cers hour wal die gc-m k m VU hulk eie kerkc in Neder-Li ml b iivrnik ecrs die opinio van lclc-kctfcc U die Gcref I kumenicx Sinraic probcer hcpnaV Op hierdie via-bullhum i i l u r dws geen aaahrvehnf of v^itui ooi Ajo^ioiilm nic

Oic rapport wal J agJcryond van benJie SeOtu nedicn bet hevai naJcr nana dW ^4nmde panac

I Wr k f l nvoei hnnV e i t

bullV I h i l i ^ SLril vcrvnt 2 Rv d k ukvorrine M hkrdk meshy

ntor binder ltff nir bull nV crond-VUK na hicrdic cittmrairvr raquoer-vtjintknp mlt vulLittih ontrcirvtun iiwl dhgt ltfrirf_ Kdvifrnllaquo oW laquov dit nH MI met die SIH1 holv nlc in n Mjl^vr lt hrUlcrtView knrnk-ler hrt

V IMe U r k r mnet die luiflvjmrde l - vir hullr rrkcnvlup

n m n erwilfs laquoeelaquo om op ltLur-UC vcranigtortiint

f ^ bull aruftd-to duraquoi laquo | M

m - t i k n - v

MoL dlaquom onm

5 a r t i vr

nvrvpmW van nm nltuwnidfcnh n M afMvfc vnn dir bni en nk In hnlle eic i r rkc dnnnwir r nmjifi v^ord nic

S T N O r i i T VAN ORfHODOX PKISKVIfKIAN t i l l Kltll


HKrdie kerk in die V S A hci +amp m hicrtltc | jar Simxk cchou en d u r h v tmk ee^preci ooe hierdic Nraquoiteniltmde SeOuii van die ^kdcrlandve Cleref rcrl n Kippgtrt van n kmitu^ve bet daar frdien Die koaxlwie raquoav dal dil rt-rruf al rj araquo i i e Gerei kef ien in Sederland K die WereUrud aan-Onk ea haOe daardew f e n v ^ m k al worJ ivnt die vuvurvertund le desr nreH Die iank k to( vtctMntne ne-brinf en met IIIUJ nicrblid inrni i hegt vJuit dai Jraquoc rappoa bcroonvrcg mnei word ttm die kommivJe uictchra nixd tn dill mel die olccndc umide rer hierlaquoHraquor nchtindel ltx word

Ilticwcl ilic saak dus mgt9 nic iifc-hnmlcl iv nic mdash en die viftifyevieldc vcrnmninp aan die adrcn sin die Netfcrlandso kcrk nog nic | e r i | iv nic

- iv dn r l imereuant oni (e let op draquoe inniilaquod vnn die rapporL Ine bXB-i m w net op grund van n uudic gtnn die Skrf Cot die voendc ki^nklovie erirvn oaf die heciiack nnt vtr n r b m i o t t r Urk vltrei ced HI vle af e n h n f a n e c e a U p

Afv4ri4hnpound vnn inffbinf rv RvM-

nr laquonnvnail I I NV anna laquof tnmd m nlnUdnai

k die trlwrk nm tr fin nf nr ar-n w v a w i I N nvc vocirnrillr vraquon die litHtCr SkriL

A Wrlerlnic nm van dk oiraquolaquorlool Mnndpiinl iraquo tc skti of vjmtrtviT I in daarmce brina inev Tn die

tlirlvlcn of die vraquore ChrU tefike kerk nVel bet aan die viuld vnn dhr bme crke van nVncne van nW nalk benooet ai vl4

4 fUe r laquo r r bnvn vir i mdash mnlng

vaa nV EvnnlaquoHk IMr nmmrrbcM | Ill I I m n nV netvdenh nl kgtnfmigtnrir lomMdr a nic nV enicitr mnatvtnf tk vjintrnrrklrqr ol alvkdolnft nle Av die kritK ra vlaquoaarbeid van die lraquor-iisiii- mit M Mord boe fltKil dk fnrtmle ooltil h mdash dnit iv Mime werklnu laquoniiMintlik en iiivlidditiK n verelvle

Die Slncxle van die Geref Keik in Suid-Alnka net tKgtk in 14 te d(laquon prhad met n king en deefftke rapport cor die bete aanncteentnead vran cku

pfoMrnnr tgtA mVr r (e ra

7lt en mas van (j Xc vsers Gcafic Rcdakve

r LU- Jurucyn|awe van PRO Vr RITA1 f word sc gevallc van Hantoe^ nekrgtl U l onihennuv miKl ly weenv die wel op irekiirheid Gruag vcrncem ck dcur u kokmime

h ol bull nil i icvuLk iilgemeen oiuki die heuokkc Bantiicv voorkom dan ot dit uilvondcringe b

1 natter fnwp i die puot^le amp^ wai dear die net bevoorded vvrnd of oW nm dew die betke net


Met vmmdet te gmenr D i e v n c

J VAN DEft WALT Hooter Honac


Geafte Redaltie

In antnotird op die vrae n n kor-r^mvudenl Mnr J van der Wall loon die geiuiemv vcrvaniel in die KeivLunti-hoek Tatklelike Ondcrvxk avook n mccr onlatlfixa ^tudle van die Unlverd-(cii van Ktiapvlud dut meer ibull n kwtiri van die Hantocs UIIL in die siad werk MJNI i geirtHide mam is raquoo binder hulle vrone in die vtad lecf Viraquoljcm die fctallc m die Tonilin^^nvervfcif feshynce vpnndeer nerkcr- in die nyncracid fdie mvne me mcereken) nmmiHpM r dnc per n w tuigt Mnr 6c Wet Nek lof Mnntvnrr van Bnntoe Adnvini bulltra-ac net op Z Jannam |ngt3 A^iraa t1 -derttt ic Vol 9 1ltngt bh r-laquoi iQ die Vo t tv rud vcrk lu r dnt vnn die 1 U 1 1 mam ni cnnenWamere in Laafn 17JQO ncttoud nav Die mam nal allev in bulk u lnme doen ntn hulk cgscnoic na die and le bring i du

nic uiwndenanx nie hulk verteen-n-oordig era kwn van die arberaquodnw wnl venxHded t om pexkei VM hutlc families ic krwe vir 4 wcke in die jaar n Ondcrvoek van die ickords van de Advievkatiloor Aihlone Kuup loon 80 Oagligk vcnJcre ncvnlle van vrouc VCIIK Aniixi Mh en Mcv M wic c nwnv kwnlifivecr om in Kaapstad t w e e t

maar vir wraquoc verlo tenrder i om by hulle man le nrvc llnrrdie gevalle bet bionc 21 maandc vocnvkom Tuvvcn I n u lt e r l en 30 I tn i e l laquo laquo bet I J2 I nat mt k^apoad uiiscHnlovicer n die Kant iM brvoek Die nnxrdef bevd van nuDe raquoaraquo vroue n vcrtina bet o raquo by bnUe CffjEnontn le Nv

As a r n r i n j a n d i i i bnmd nH bernvM r t d m i k bvvfi kom i v i Innt bnt ntcanndr kmniv^vwtnp np cnraquoee raquocekv-dag kotn ca een ot bnie fnjaendr in die th i bull l mi kinn dcnrbrini rn linvter Av kgt dii |secta duen vnl bv nle lanpcr die vcnuorde koester dai d k f-evatk bullbull it i if |v bullbull drrinqe iv nk

Wal die bdquoVIWKICUS van die toevtro-mingsheheer vir die sicdelike Bantoev beiref hcviaan dit in die verhevklim van die Hanke en nie in die alledjaftc lewe van dgte nngtbbnkc n i c Drraquo bng lernayn innonerv raquoat ia n nnlniiinji vet val dear die ^ixvdine van haJle vnnnr ea dear dW nr^ inn j onm kinder n a t in die +xl neKivt tv oaaar na kigtvxknn seminar t^ loe te Innt oaa ncer bgt nnlk anraquoie nan le VgtM nannrex bulk die dconl vcrlaat

MONICA WJISDS Pniver^iieii van Kaapaad RondeNgtHh


A T B c v ^ l a a r e n J Spoetvtra mdash R^mr m d k Kctornulk exn ponaag lot eer t |k njapnoV (I H Koi s V KampaM Dr fvter Beycrhau TWnin-

rSA Adw^ory roanaaacc cm Tnevnopcai lAOirntrv C o T O Btn W irjumtehurf gtUeniraquol Dr I I O e f c u i r - Dk Sntrllk-told van d k n d tSimrnmhwR-lil----laquo il dm i Bpk Pontai amp37t fCnajnindV Prof Dr A L Janse de Jonge

Antbmpikit-k- en ltbdquobull bull I VolkvKrondheid (C J IL Kok NAt KampcnV PfQf Or M H Vov i--i--tnt de llhfck en Inkidm- Ot de Mltvbcieertc van de ftrkkrn en de Kocncinea I C C K Callen-hacb NV Ni|kerk) Barnard GtlbJnad - tenVirfc iSftMooduim -1 tifenerv if dnw t ftpk hvseva 3737 kUapundt Watctnaaa te Db niinanb

Cnr ink iU fcmc frfarrUrkkc la

Evcrvanaat^Lappy PDAbat lgt2 DoAepaan mdash R l 45k

Nnj W In nV XlfWrMnnr Difgukkiev vir Ticnderptifrv iClinoclike rilivnCNiuiatvkaprn

- H O O K S I U H I M I I

Povhav 132 Roodepoor t -RI^5V Dr J H P van Roovra - kerk

en Scant a Yergehkinf tu^ven knvper ea van Rukr (Doitorak fcoefvknl vcfkrvfhkar van Praquo b w tf7 l e t e n a u b n n mdash I U 0 0 1

i a Prof N f van Wvk Lonngt -LtntnatynL n Haorvpd Sumo dtum 1 itnener (Entevl Bpk Povrntv J 77 knaftand)

IL Prof Dr J Verkuvl mdash 7i Afc GolaquoKdknlaquoclaquo (^D|k O H Kok NA k^itiipcn)

12 Pmf Monica Wilvin mdash lt no Finn ptd JKIUMICT mdash Map laquoeen imm vkel nk l P O t Box^PovhiiH 4S7 Johnnncvburg mdash Enkelkonii grati Pimgeld per lien kon|raquo S ltoi Soitflc ogtpies free of cnarpe lo Ligtpicgt or mntt 5 vent per 10 to iovet poMaee)

I T t o t rWv U the Cnmrian Miniv trv In lriea A pubfceabon of the An Alma Conferanx of Char chen PnNtUvlaquoe van onr -An Africa Conerence of CmnKbe iPO Bgt Kv^hvv laquo 7 Johanorv-N a a mdash l-nkeamporiie jraiiv nf k corne free i charge

14 VcfftrananV Aknk Driaved r f t W fPO Bcu KKOUV laquo 7 Johannes horn mdash R075gt

vaa J n v C r r i n W a ^ v


LAY TRAINING (Contmtnl Iron wgr 6)

dervanding fraquol tbc fiiilh than uhra onlv one fnmacr Iv under relaquoir

(3) Then there iv a rilaquo calL The elder read^ over the bl of metnberv for the U Q to vee if any nrre in need Thrv leadv to brotherh care for the vkk the anoj the Thml the gtoaangt etc II a k o provnfev a qiacfc nmy of knonnaf nheihcr a pcrvon hm been drofqnna ona of tannnv and na not been nrcanad naach mdash m wfonrh cave hr feJamr-amnv b e n can no and tee nhai raquo nrornj and h d p i o h n n g h m b a c i

44gt nraquoen there r ervke ltrf ibe neighbourhood I there anyone m the bullstrccL be they ProtcvUint or Catholic or rltimmunivt igtr Jew mdash Qngtxinc who i in need H iv veklom there is no one thourit wc divenvcr bltiw easy il U to rorget about ibe family neit diw r c have become vo uved 10 their problem Soitictime il iv Uranthtforward help voting the laquok helping the raquoidow the naanMlP50l the man otT work Ibn^och K k n o v Often it meam u k -

rcnoJ a pared of food bolter erj L Sonaetinngt it naore doTi-laquo W

alcrihoiic the nclaquorltw i ^ n oungt o m l by ber nevphhoarv ibe rrtornaa| nrivoncr the wrfc raquobo h raquo pt mto hojpek^ debt the adoegtcent who hav ftioe off the railv e t c Bnt in each c a ihe church in ihe vjieet trie to 0ow ii^ care and c^preve the love iT God in u quite practical way And how often when Wt iy ltn h d p in a pracshytical way the opportunity is given or talking of Ihe deeper convictions wc have

(5) Then after a cup of tea an oppor t unity w fjvea for any general di^cim-laquooa on any vubjevt of coacem to tho^e present mdash mabc n vabfect of national cninxfa naaybe kxal workinf condi tion or edueanoa or tttmtgrrv etc This alowv smone in the j roop nho n worried ahoal ^mc nailer to bnnf il It hisftchVnraquo-Chmaam for their help and etndancc

(M Then homc-oing pragtcrv And I believe tnc real i n t cn^^on for the pahUi goe on in thevc groups rather Ihati in ihe more ftirmal statements on Sundav AH lhal ve have been thinkshying aboiil and all the peopk w c tire trying to help C0MP naturally into our proyerx

The elder i always the chairman or the meeting and though the miniuer b present as often as possible he take a bnck tent raquoo thai it does not become a auction and answer section

nith hinvdf craquo- cocnwuncanti

uroction for corrfinnatioa to the meettnfv and ocavgtomlTv bonrs raquoho are not members of the church come a k m | and Ukx part m the dWtivvionv and even come Into the church

Once or twice thr inrctinc has hceua with a eelebmtkin m Ihe Sarmnmit ol llnlv Communion usim the oniinms Inbte the nrdlnnrv cloth the orffinur^ brcud from the bread tin and VIMIHE round In the nnHnars raquoagt In the living

fMha II ha^ U l(raquo n M e present an rntiretv new vision of the sacrament In r LHf-m to nrdlnnrv H e Thnnt nf m who are ant nevanfonted to mH crlrbradnaa dn ant nmffnr what a nm-f Hjfcd rsnrrknee this caa he fnr nW

bull h n haw r V than rto

la rto tTo he concinded)

fjdn~ mdash Wlrnn W nV IV $ nV Lmn mud m nW C Wen laquo U f m n im rtorrn Fmri

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily

Page 8: Samuel S. Seane · il is a cnmmiullll 10 fti t fisioo n The World Christum Students redcrabon cane into being because of far-sighted leader* hke ihat dynanuc Anarncan Mcthodtst lasman

a PRO VERITATE S r p l 15 Sept I l

Christelike Instituut van Suidelike Afrika

Christian Institute of Southern Africa P t n t v e r k l a r i n g u i t j c c r e i k n a a a n l e i d i n g v a n d i e v e r k U r i n r r v a n D r J D V o r s t e r e n D s A J V B u r g e r l l laquobull v o o r s te l l e o o r

J s bull-bullbullbullgt k l - o i t l o p d i e v e r K a d e r i n v a n d i e W e r c l d a l l i a n t t i e v a n G e r e f o r m e e r d e K e r k e F r a n k f u r t 15 A u R i i s t 1MU

Na 1 mil-nilH-J van die veiklannge d m dr J D Vorvtcr en dv A L V Burger uitgcrcik ap die (hrtvleukc I iw i tuu i van Suidckkc Af r ik j i dit noodvaaklik oca die votgendc le t d -

Dr J D V o m e r lt m y vcrktanng vncnraquo Die Vadcrtand va 12 A ^ v u m llaquo64 N a r r u n d la O n e -h ie krangr beiwyfci dot die arKaJ gt bull hrfdc na net Lot ecn r n htrvra t n e -

I raquo vWntn d Rand Dudv MaaT w JacscHdc daman l i n l W r f c h n raquo duty to ee thai jusavce to dime

h k r d k aJUprake van nV vonatr na mrfcnirvf A Mnar as dr nratcr riCfrr riaanuin toexwv dat h k r d k dim o i iN l hp^ i u i i i M onbr fwi i -bull i i i U dal dtf nit- nii l i is perti-nt-nlr i-i -luifi daufoor I t nrenr raquok k m i ren Chrampenpoundtklow ifr hum daar-nave verrenaclwij nM-

So n utt^praak nninccm die t t i r i ^ icklc Kerk die bcvuvJcrhod ro die krag van m pdwews varum dar beson Jcre i f xmhu iM vmn God in ncrdic

Ditt is inderdaad nie n saak wat In die kommunisme sy oorsprong het nie maar dit is nn wesenskenmerk van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus dat dit bnng tot skuldbesef


Dat inv|slikasac a daann d i t da lt-i n k NajoSkap van dar Skrif a t n mcmkkc gcnnienvhap wai ingrng raquo op die frondslac van die ayutugrard en van die Ik fde fwmarvuor J e w ook nan die krutv gestcrf hetl in vo n male m die gesondc vcrvtand vnii die mens kan k dal di t in hierdic wercld o onihodiphcid kan word

IHl h wel wnnr di l l die gt tukni van kgt pound i re l ight id en tan d k Ikfde bull bull1ltraquo-vHfvnrrkrnd In die laquo r r sua die Kcrl t In hiiort niaar di l m u k nr- ngt ale Liitrlra t i n h k r d k ertawrnh ana bull P-nvnlajr ltbull ma wayinvipe rn-W nnr-nanflf a k f U i r o m arord raquoAartvt lr vac vnnMaf r v r k a d hv die hewaiere ^fien-

eike Sonidif weef cngt c n a a a o a a v a ^ t f ^

die Umcvlaquo van die i ^ M d i k e Re t t oor dat t r i e raquo c laquo laquo


Dat raquo eiumemeve h^Tiam mef tampl-Ifik- nxi^ die aancen Ur Vraquowgtter

M onhcftrvplik rcapeer higtm vtin n imveraniwooniclikc en bdquotraquongttfgcef-

Ike iftviiuinvic icen die ecn o l inder erk vou hal icn mel die duel -m n

val^e vkuldjtcvoel bv hierdic ke^k tc |xihecr kwcek ilaquo n twiwaardipe en len^^rrphke hew^crinc

i nr iUmr m w bnttc a - i i i dVur ugt n arlaquo lt n n - Uat annlri - u M W ^ L r r i nngt wat t t r t m r a a n la va t t r r

aiaVnl vaa v bratnaa rn v prtaae In naV laquo r n k i nant a a tjmnd van

an naarik d j i h |rrn bull bull bullnajr Gad to M v net a i r Da er f

i n mrt avt ^ok ingtlaquonV

oa4 In Sand-Xfr iU (n I ns in die dnncUkvr kgte

DM ihc verko^ndiging v^n die cenhcid van allc udotticcs in lt l in t i j uu in Sml-Afrika n K ^ m k r c aktuii l i ictt verkry liel en daaroni lydilaquo en onlgtdig moet |cgtkicil dat die dmidUerkllkc uit-k-winj van hierdic ccnhekl vieedi deur die kerk peMiek en aim y ledc vr^fge-hi HI moct ward en dal om in a l i o ^F nikraquo verder p ^ o n i net nie a^ n kkrin

alte klcm mdash hep mel vaa die f c -bullaamhcnl aan C o d nctwd - - d i l aUem i n n laquoondn^e verhanfine God en in n enc aocaitfc en=f-

orgcfeytffncvJ o f l l kn i

nac f T i a ^ v crnve nnni laquok Ink 5 iagt W

i nwdaK na nnr op ^^er laquoitter aVrl nnkat van sv

hr^taan m er1nrni in harrdlr w i f r M kaa prvn k e r l van Chmln btv nk

Bnaae dat frcn^e v^n Jm kerk ca op Jat Srer tcrnan van JJC vnfilelaquo awet j ik diagc vtmrtdufend j an dac loetv van CMJ Vvonrd onderwerp amed Fn di l i eemtuul n Teii dal daar t a l k dinpe i v MIWCI in die hekid wal deur die kerk in Suid-Afrika viHWfe^laan word mel hetrckking lol ravvevcrhou-dinge (mnar mccr nog in die gehrek kigc wyvc waarop posilief Chnslclikc eleniemc van hierdic heleid deur |pe-lowigc iincclccf word) a in die raquoct-gearing van die O M I Cm n ook in y ris^weieewing en in die turpainpound d u r v a n l n a l d k loetlaquo van da S ln f U a k a n

r s r t o o - n o i t M i r

O k C Vioeaekc h r l i i g m j r dl v o shyder nralaj oai die vcratcrpUnctJ van dat ded van dat vcrkUniar van d A J V Burner laquo a l handd OQf die petvk-hcut van a l k rauc en gemeemkaphke j-inbtdding onder d k aandajr le hring en le wiursku teen die verwarrende in-vlued wnl KOdanigc uilvprake knn he raquo|gt die ftcmocdcrc van Cliriuenc wnl nek na dukkl ikheid oor die vraag na die ware (hi is iel ike gc^indheid in mvvevcrhltHjdinge en Icen die vcrwne-Ifnde uilH^rkinc wax di t kan he op die u i lkwing detir gekvwige van hu lk LvnfccaJ ca f l i n ^ o v A dv Rnrner natt n verk br ing hedod dal dar aficltlaquoieT-lke oarwiLkekaaj van ra^c Iwaarmairr rlaquoA vrr4aan kan word dar v^aaamg vaai cat aeanccnte^ deur gei7wlaquofe IMC aer-kimmk ra^ae) aae notvlmcndnj d i v khmmaMC teen ChrMene an n ander rat vernrakrvlel nie U n oav ens i t k W u j l daannec vlaquorengtdraquot f

la aV ^rrkaarinc raquon nV lUrar r woml dar Skraftnnrfikr waarWM van d k u rhkhr ld an a l k rnwr vnor Gnd en in ChriMm efgtter nntkrn iUor cfie bull bull-i bull i ni bull il op vti ii WgtM In d k Uii-ptgtiat It1 h imker dat dnnr ffetn t tk tgt bulliraquoP Ifehfin word mot d k hiktor vnn d k wtftck ftk en by prvnlg word d k ^rrvkctrknnrkl met nl d k tkcloinRP at dit mrebrtne op an a MVC be-arnde dat daar fcen rrkrnhae crbltra

n kr t^

nam ltir an-km-in m la

V bnk av wai Chvwrnc bu lk dew nanW pltiaiiv-to3antgtei arJnnne ba t bullv tU f aJ aadkr onayioeng h r j var d k wnaJe an ravAJ^rvnatfattar in d k Kerk van ( n m t v t en onder CnrvueD-rd^mtrc en VJI hinV ho ik im d k annde w h j r d tcnaler om dcefecm^e le wiwd van dar ^reugde van Chniteltkc TC-mcen^kap^hcicfcnmf oraquor die rrenc van m en u a l en kulluur heen hinne d k eenheid von die l imaani van r h r U l u v

I gtit d i l notxlwendig nioel lei lo l die retfverdigmj van n vnmligc en on-hvhel^c divkrimina^e icen pekiwijses w w ^ i ander rav waardeur d k helyde-lit van d k eenheid van die Kerk van O i n u t N met d k daaJ en in dar nrak tvk werrfraquocck word b h i d a i m i l dat rflt dlaquoe pnsjraee nillutfing a amnV g t a j i i n v i nat d k kerkkke kwe op arond vaa ralaquo klenr cd na lioann-aflL m a verkLinne voo die raquonn dV D a t c i invrftski bervkii nnad

Ok H UaanWvkJa l a atryaX air a l -I r t a m i l a v Sir t f n k naanr na4 nart dn ldc ik r hrlddvvriLarincr ana d k Nrd itTti Kerk waaoan d Bi it ampMlmer K


Dil i ccnmial n k waar wai d l l u r ecr hew re r nl dat daar in die kerk like kwc Jlarper Jinge iraquo araquo d k ge-snnentkke aanbtdding deur gckiwifr ale Oat laquoouak eenalaquorlaquokap rcraquok gewn nat darper of bo t r an dat t xaboJ an Cnnvtaw voor d k troon van vlaquood ca rondom Jf Sa rmaaKt i f d nat A kde m dar arggiam van C h r m m ca at mederwaraerv aan dat hcaknci en bnaV senuie van Cod ^ Oamtcnc ^^ trat k u r geNnd met bande wai vicrker en mincer i na enige natuurUkltr bandc bv van Niwal of ra of aolk o l funnlk

Dit k in d k vvrklaring van da llaquoraquof gcr nnmivkenhnar duidelik dat die nf-weer teen n uiilewing van die Thr ive like eenheid in die kerklike levve g raquo

skied vanuit die oorweging van wat hy hak R die niecr helangrikc of diepcre aangcvoel wtvd nl dat di t ook n agrv kcer op vovuk vlak moet meehnng

l loewel di t onnr k dat d k nardr-vamalv bealhn en d k nanajar-

varaquo Gnd anrnjaar nok in alk f r vaJ W r i r a tn

war dnar pnmav^ind in d k -rAanarnlliir terfceer naH od ( hmarnr naorf n r r daarlevn wank nan urt v r m v k d k emte d k ontlaquovkine an d k iMtrdr nt f i I I bernep op d k A r H le wit h verd i^ INl h n pveodo-leltdtnck wnl aan aWfcM lgtbull nkloosheid en vrlUnu dkftvhaar urimiak wnrd


JOHANNESBURCi 27th AUGUST 1961 riom of ila members I D tht fat anal witnev to offer raquon neap io canarviagt and orgaaayalaiaav egtpevan tfaolt who arc i n tonch wi th ovr vtudentv i n com baling the rnrdratnm and owtftnann aaanogc otir iudent^ and tupprvina them wiih (he ckar guidance ihegt nent

Srudk en Akik

Bj i k lode Iwt die vraag geicl ol die Chriaicljkc hiMiiuui nms y ^r^dtp m betpntking enige vcrdere voigtrli|tiii^ uor -ifc-f gaan gee of ^elf odantpr ChriMeliLe akvk gaan loodv As ant wooed wd om dit duidefik vie) dal laquon cike l id verwaf word oaa agt iadivaduek r h r w e n le nandel aa d k kg an oor ru ipna vml ant gt oaont vaa God Woord g c K n nvajd D i egler ook dm-dekk dal d bull Raad van Benecr dar kde laquoaJ nanei voorfcg oor enage gesanamikle Ckhuekke getnanan wat k d e ntag word om le etc vaader I viduek kde te bind wai ander ^atninge rtug hukJtr O i turaquop om in dae ko-nacnde ja j r duidclikc voodi | t ing i t help gee ivir the pctuicni^ cnonirwie wai van 4 hrilciK erwan word iraquolt bepnnlde pmbknic en raagmkkc wuarmce ons nfmal worMd

Kiid gtm betaer

Tne IftMume wat evtabfcacd on ine 15th AugnM Iigtt i t h aprjrtgttirtaangt K I narmberv at proem ihc rnenv berxhip c u r e d A Thousand add ilaquo i n -creaving ucadily The Institute hnv the monil Hupport o f al l the diurchc in Smith Africa wi th the exception of the three Afrtkuunv churches The highest y4gtverning bodies of theie thuwhc have cither denounced the Institute or

detbreil thai it K utciccepiaWc to them VAc regret lhec prooounvemenl because laquoc arc ernvweed thai they arc based either on a airstBidcruanding of the work and aim lt4 the InOwuic or cm an aaaloanakd leaf o f the raVa-

tinngt laquo4 I BtblicaJ wvnegtt for the hnt and bull ltrk of the O a m t h

Av a ntMan of this the narfnbrr o f fnkaon member ha auc been av

brgc an tmgirul lv npecaed and a cershytain number of ibc^t member have rvi|ncd because of pn^mrc ^rtniaht hi bear upon them

He s prr k I mxn nw pe

Onv Hyhelstudks i onr die nlgc meeo bak punstig onivang en die rap-pone oo die hcvprckinj wai in ki i i i jw plaasgcvtiid hct was hate heiit0raquovitgtd H k r en daar hei kde gev^ocl dat d k ltJudagt le laprwiLkeid tv rtuar p g^^nd van pervTonkkc waamcfnuie ca vvrsiae kan oirs nan dUnkhaarfacaJ m r i l dat ODi krinne met enkek mt4lthrnife baie gned vorder Tot dnwvcr hc-vnaaa 5 knnpe gesiig hoofaakhk aaw oac Rand in Pretoria Durbnai Kaap-aad en SiehVnHwch n A M U I van nnr knnge raquo Iwertalig- l c m gt l a nanu l A n k a a m en n a jn ta l andef IbullngeU a i voertaal hei

Dit hct ook p iu gchhk dal dit mU$ ^al wwv om gcrecldc kon IpgfMtnl vir verlcenwixirdigers nit elkc gmcp tc hmi om kde le leer hoc om hullc krincc mkawvo) le lei Die ecrsie van u1kc nnweck Jeiersbyecnkomsle word Heshyrman vir emde September ur Wilgc-vpnnt


The rcactmai of vcnagte po^eaV who have been addte-ltd bgt nanclf or nvv

dearfv aaoacaac^ the Uck of and dirrvTkni aaacnaga r h r W

l i j n ytwMh a to the convktuiar w h k h Ihcy A Cltrisdjrr mlaquoi hold on thnac ivsuex in which wc are prescrrtly en gtfagett in South Afr ica The Institute iktnv it rKvex^in to draw th alien-

t i p die Mgemetv Jaant i d k vtileende perNonc in on sang met die KonUituwc sertie H I k d e van dat name Raad van Renter dkcxTTvie Uen vtr n ivdrvrri van twee p j en d k iwcede oen v k n tvdpetk vaa ecn uar met Jlaquoe fee van bcrkrnf na verAtrykaag van bant daotavdneri

T w w Jann I X R H M Brvmn N^kop R B Burnett dr B I nnel brecrit prof d r A V Geyser dS A W rfabelicaarn d v t E Maharvinc m n r J V M MKi ta mcv M Mai-herS m n r S A Mohono mnr F h n Wyk

K M tain igtr I Da l r i d d ) n Davks mnr M T Eddy bivkim H Foaicuv dr A M t Hugo prof dr 0 C Oogt4huien d i R Orr mnr H ttamaila na) M Wallher d v C I W c k h

(^aknaan laquof the Hard -w

Ptc ^ rev^crvs the newtgt eke cd chminmn of the EViartl He saneed^ rhe Revd l gt J B Ver who rcltm^ from the active raquoork of the rnmaatry at the end of the year and who hecaawe of taking up residence in V i t a l re queued to be released from Ih i rcsportsihilily