Samsung Placement Papers 5 September 2011 Samsung SEL Placement paper it-bhu 5th sep 2011 Hello everybody, I am Amit Sharma student of MCA from Banaras Hindu University. Samsung(SEL) visited to our Campus on 5th sep 2011.They conducted the test sharp at 10:00 am. The test pattern has following procedure- There were total four rounds in the selection process 1. Gsat(Global Samsung Aptitude Test) 2. Technical paper based on C,C++,Data Structure, Operating Systems 3. Techincal Interview 4.HR Round First Round included total 50 questions in which 25 questions were from quantitative aptitude (That had 20 questions based on Data Interpretation and 5 questions based on simple arithmetic) 25 questions were from reasoning all are based on puzzle. (there are given certain conditions and we had to find solution based on these conditions) Second Round : This round has technical paper in which 20 question were from C &C++ (only 2 questions from c++),5 questions from D.S and 5 from OS. Here are some questions 1. The following program fragment for( i=3; i printf(“%d”,i); Results in a. a syntax error b. an execution error c. printing of 12 d. printing of 15 2. int j=3; int *p=&j; printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);


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Samsung Placement Papers

5 September 2011

Samsung SEL Placement paper it-bhu 5th sep 2011

Hello everybody,

I am Amit Sharma student of MCA from Banaras Hindu University. Samsung(SEL)

visited to our Campus on 5th sep 2011.They conducted the test sharp at 10:00 am. The

test pattern has following procedure-

There were total four rounds in the selection process

1. Gsat(Global Samsung Aptitude Test)

2. Technical paper based on C,C++,Data Structure, Operating Systems

3. Techincal Interview

4.HR Round

First Round included total 50 questions in which

25 questions were from quantitative aptitude

(That had 20 questions based on Data Interpretation and 5 questions based on simple


25 questions were from reasoning all are based on puzzle.

(there are given certain conditions and we had to find solution based on these conditions)

Second Round :

This round has technical paper in which 20 question were from C &C++ (only 2

questions from c++),5 questions from D.S and 5 from OS. Here are some questions

1. The following program fragment

for( i=3; i


Results in

a. a syntax error

b. an execution error

c. printing of 12

d. printing of 15

2. int j=3;

int *p=&j;

printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

3. #define Sqr(b) b*b;

main( )


int i=3;



4. Main (){

Char c=,a,;

Printf("%d %d", sizeof(c),sizeof(,a,));


5. Main()


Int i=4;




Case 1:


Case 2:




}what is output??

6. Switch(i)


Case 10


Case 5*2:


}what is output/error?

7.union xyz{

Char c[2];

Int I;


Union xyz a;




8. Main(){


} what is output?(stack overflow)

9. Main(){

int i=2;






Char str[]=”hello\0samsung\0india”;

Printf(“%d %d %d ”,strlen(str),strlen(str+5),strlen(str+13));


11.,12.there are 2 questions are based on pointer to string similar to test ur c skill type

13,14 . 2 questions are from c++

In which one is based on empty class

And in another question a structure(contains self referential structure pointer) was

declared inside a class and a object of that type of class was declared. something like

Class ABC{

Struct node{

Int a;

Struct node *ptr;};


ABC t;

What is sizeof(t) and sizeof(ABC)??

15. if(a=0)

Printf(“a is zero”);


Printf(“a is not zero”);

16.No of node in full binary tree

a).13 b).15 c).16 d).14

17. a question based on heap tree property

18. a recursive function stores in-------

19. a question based on binary tree

20. Question based on file system

21. Question based on interrupt handing

22.Question based on bootstrap program

There were some other questions also but I have only these questions in my mind .

Third Round(Technical Interview)

Questions were asked based on c,java, operating systems, mathematical puzzles and from

area of interest. The main emphasis was on c and java(core).

5 students from MCA were selected and I was one of them.

Wish you all the best for a good placement .

New Delhi ,25 October 2010

There were 2 sections

1. Technical 2. Aptitude

Technical was a bit difficult than aptitude. In technical there were mainly questions on

Datastructures, OS and Networks.

Networks questions were mainly from datalink layer and network layer.

DS questions were on linkedlists,binary trees and hashing.

OS questions were on paging and schduling.

In aptitude they have asked to arrange sentences in order, questions based on passage and

some direct aptitude.

Some questions I have in mind are, I am giving answers after the question itself:

1. what is the size of IPv6 ---16 bytes

2.how many possible trees are there such that both preorder and

postorder traversal are same if there

are n nodes in a binary tree ---0

3. four ques were given on error detection and control, like CRC

code,hamming code etc..

4.which protocol is used to convert the ethernet address to IP address

--- RARP

5.which is undeterminnistic network structure among 802.3,802.4,802.5


6. some nodes were given and they are inserted into a binary search

tree, which is the root --- 8

7. which of the two codes executes fast







ans: first code

8. int j=3;

int *p=&j;

printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first on p before *, so

address gets incremented and

garbage value will be there.

9. two questions were asked on doubly linked lists, for deleting a node

like given some piece of code

which is correct.

10. a question on interrupts in OS, what happens when a higher priority

process requests the CPU

when it is servicing a lower priority process.

11. a question on quick sort, given some numbers what happens after

the first iteration.

New Delhi ,25 October 2010

There were 2 sections

1. Technical 2. Aptitude

Technical was a bit difficult than aptitude. In technical there were mainly questions on

Datastructures, OS and Networks.

Networks questions were mainly from datalink layer and network layer.

DS questions were on linkedlists,binary trees and hashing.

OS questions were on paging and schduling.

In aptitude they have asked to arrange sentences in order, questions based on passage and

some direct aptitude.

Some questions I have in mind are, I am giving answers after the question itself:

1. what is the size of IPv6 ---16 bytes

2.how many possible trees are there such that both preorder and

postorder traversal are same if there

are n nodes in a binary tree ---0

3. four ques were given on error detection and control, like CRC

code,hamming code etc..

4.which protocol is used to convert the ethernet address to IP address

--- RARP

5.which is undeterminnistic network structure among 802.3,802.4,802.5


6. some nodes were given and they are inserted into a binary search

tree, which is the root --- 8

7. which of the two codes executes fast







ans: first code

8. int j=3;

int *p=&j;

printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first on p before *, so

address gets incremented and

garbage value will be there.

9. two questions were asked on doubly linked lists, for deleting a node

like given some piece of code

which is correct.

10. a question on interrupts in OS, what happens when a higher priority

process requests the CPU

when it is servicing a lower priority process.

11. a question on quick sort, given some numbers what happens after

the first iteration.

DCE delhi ,25 August 2010

Hi friends,

I have appeared in Samsung soft. They taken two separate paper one for aptitude and

another is technical .

In aptitude there are two sections.


Mostly question from data interpretation approximatly 20 out of 25 and 5-7 questions on

general math.


There are all questions on non verbal reasoning like sitting arrangement, house color each

section have 25 Questons in aptitude no -ve marking.

In technical there are three section each have 10 Questions it have Questions from

1 C and C++

2 Data structure

3 OS

These Questions are simple and logical

DURGAPUR ,8 January 2011

ample of the technical questions asked

1. If integer needs two bytes of storage, then maximum value of an unsigned integer is

a. 2^16-1

b. 2^15-1

c. 2^16

d. 2^15

2. If integer needs two bytes of storage, then maximum value of a signed integer is

a. 2^16-1

b. 2^15-1

c. 2^16

d. 2^15

3. What is the output of

printf (“%d”, printf(“tim”) );

a. results in a syntax error

b. outputs tim3

c. outputs garbage

d. prints tim and terminates abruptly

4. Length of string “correct” is




d. implementation dependant

5. Consider the following program fragment

char c= ‘a’;

while(c++ <= ‘z’)


If the required output is abcd…wxyz, then xxx should be

a. c

b. c++

c. c-1

d. --c

6. Consider the function

find(int x, int y)


return ((x<="" y="" –="" 0:x="" ?="">


The call find (a, find (a, b) ) can be used to find

a. maximum of a, b

b. positive difference of a, b

c. sum of a, b

d. minimum of a, b

7. If abc is the input, then the following program fragment

char x, y, z.

printf(“%d”,scanf(“%c%c%c”, &x, &y, &z));

results in

a. a syntax error

b. a fatal error

c. segmentation violation

d. printing of 3

8. Consider the statements



If ab is the input, the output will be

a.an error message

b. this can’t be input

c. ab

d. a b

9 The operators ., ||,

a. . , || , < , =

b. =, < , || , .

c. =, || ,


10. The following program fragment

unsigned i=-1;

int j = -4

printf(“%u”, i+j);


a. garbage

b. -3

c. an integer that changes from machine to machine

d. none of the above

11. The following program fragment

for( i=3; i


results in

a. a syntax error

b. an execution error

c. printing of 12

d. printing of 15

12. The following description of the program, please pick the wrong one?

int main(void) {

int i= 100;


int**dpi = π


a. dpi to store a pointer with the address for pi is a double pointer

b. (*pi==i) is true.

c. (*pi== **dpi)is true.

d. (*dpi == 100) is true

13. Below, please find the results for the program do?

int counter = 0, i;

for(i=0;;i++) (

if (i < 100) continue;

counter ++;

if (counter == 100) break;


printf(%d%d”,i, counter);

a.199 100

b. 200 100

c. 199 99

d. 200 0

14. See below for a description of the defined array, please choose the

wrong thing ?

int a [] = {10,20,30,40};

a. successive one-dimensional array of elements in the array a[1], a[2] is located in the

contiguous memory space.

b. a[1] and a* (a+1) is the same.

c. During the initialization of an array; array size must be specified

otherwise the initial value at compile error occurs

d. & a[1] which has a +1 value, such as the address

5 September 2011 ,Whole Testpaper

Samsung SEL Placement paper it-bhu 5th sep 2011

Hello everybody,

I am ......... student of MCA from Banaras Hindu University. Samsung(SEL) visited to

our Campus on 5th sep 2011.They conducted the test sharp at 10:00 am. The test pattern

has following procedure-

There were total four rounds in the selection process

1. Gsat(Global Samsung Aptitude Test)

2. Technical paper based on C,C++,Data Structure, Operating Systems

3. Techincal Interview

4.HR Round

First Round included total 50 questions in which

25 questions were from quantitative aptitude

(That had 20 questions based on Data Interpretation and 5 questions based on simple


25 questions were from reasoning all are based on puzzle.

(there are given certain conditions and we had to find solution based on these conditions)

Second Round :

This round has technical paper in which 20 question were from C &C++ (only 2

questions from c++),5 questions from D.S and 5 from OS. Here are some questions

1. The following program fragment

for( i=3; i


Results in

a. a syntax error

b. an execution error

c. printing of 12

d. printing of 15

2. int j=3;

int *p=&j;

printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

3. #define Sqr(b) b*b;

main( )


int i=3;



4. Main (){

Char c=,a,;

Printf("%d %d", sizeof(c),sizeof(,a,));


5. Main()


Int i=4;




Case 1:


Case 2:




}what is output??

6. Switch(i)


Case 10


Case 5*2:


}what is output/error?

7.union xyz{

Char c[2];

Int I;


Union xyz a;




8. Main(){


} what is output?(stack overflow)

9. Main(){

int i=2;






Char str[]=”hello\0samsung\0india”;

Printf(“%d %d %d ”,strlen(str),strlen(str+5),strlen(str+13));


11.,12.there are 2 questions are based on pointer to string similar to test ur c skill type

13,14 . 2 questions are from c++

In which one is based on empty class

And in another question a structure(contains self referential structure pointer) was

declared inside a class and a object of that type of class was declared. something like

Class ABC{

Struct node{

Int a;

Struct node *ptr;};


ABC t;

What is sizeof(t) and sizeof(ABC)??

15. if(a=0)

Printf(“a is zero”);


Printf(“a is not zero”);

16.No of node in full binary tree

a).13 b).15 c).16 d).14

17. a question based on heap tree property

18. a recursive function stores in-------

19. a question based on binary tree

20. Question based on file system

21. Question based on interrupt handing

22.Question based on bootstrap program

There were some other questions also but I have only these questions in my mind .

Third Round(Technical Interview)

Questions were asked based on c,java, operating systems, mathematical puzzles and from

area of interest. The main emphasis was on c and java(core).

Whole Testpaper

SAMSUNG Placement Sample Question Paper

Regarding the selection.

1. they will conduct a test on apptitude.

2. there is no test on technical , the same in iitm

3. candidates will be shortlisted by test.

the test questions are basically from

quantitative appptitude - r.s.agarwal

questions from: ages, simple interest, work done, ratios,

percentages, some english.

Samsung paper 2004.

There were total 60(30+30) questions out of that 46 is here........

Written Test paper consists of 30 questions on Aptitude and 30 questions on

Technical section.


Q1. If length of rectangle of increases by 20% and breadth decreases by

20%. Then the area

a) decreases by 4% b)---- c) same d) none

Ans) a

Q2. If it costs x dollors for making certain item if quantity is 1000 and if

quantity increase then the item is made using y dollars. If z number of

items are made which are greater than 1000 then what is the total cost.

Ans 1000(x-y) +yz

Q3) A girl is at 11th position from both th ends of a straight row. Then

total no. girls in a row are Ans) 21

Q4) series is given such as 2,7,6,-,12,-,20,49,---- ? Ans) 71(sure) break

into 2 series

Q5) If the distance between two trains is 110KMs and two trains travel

opposite in direction . If one starts at 7AM and other at 8AM and their

velocities are 20 and 25 KMPH then they meet at. Ans 10AM

Q6) In a row of 5 girls conditions such as Radha and Asha never sit

together and other conditions Ans Radha

Q7)Problem on average ages given age of captain 25 and wicket keeper,s Age

3 years more than captain,s age. now the average of the remaining team is

one less than the avg of whole team. what is the avg age of each. Ans) 22

Q Asoka is as much young as Vimal and as much old as Arun. GIven sum of

Vimal and Arun ages to be 40. then Ashoka age is --- Ans) 20.

Q9) F is brother of A , C is daughter of A, G is brother of C, who is uncle

of G and some conditions Ans) F

Q10) In an innings the score done by A,B,C is 128runs A and B scored 90, C &

A scored 68 is some number What is the score done by C

Ans) do not remember(que from R S Agrawal- Average)

Q11) If m people take d days to complete, then m+r people take how many days

Ans) m*d/m+r

Q12 - 14) Three questions were on Analgies one was:

Square:___ :: Quadreplet:couplet

options were a)parallelogram b)triangle c)___ d) ______

Ans) do not Remember

13) Gazzle:swift :: Earth options : a) life b) zoology

14) if DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT is written as


then THURSDAY will be written as ans) a ( HTVSTYAD)

Q15) A is 10 km from B and C is 17 km from B. then which option is true.....

a)A is in between B and C.

b)B is in between A and C

c)C is in between A and B

d)a and b Ans) d

Q16) find out no. of 8,s preceded by 5 but not just followed by 3 in the

series ( very easy Ques)

series was something like this: 2158367983856787325839076 (but not


Ans) 4 (sure)

**now one situation was given and over that 4 questions were asked( these

were very simple donnt miss to attempt)

Big university and small colleges decided to make committs for inspection.

Each 3 member committee have 2 from university and one from small college.

in each committee no two members belong to same subject...

Now conditions:

for university: M--Maths teachers


K--Natural Science.

for small college:N--maths



Based on this situation 4 ques were asked.

Ques17): If M survyes what other two members will be:

a)L,K b)L,N c)K,O d) none of the above

Ans) c (as K and O belongs to other subjects.)

Ques18) If L not survey then what are the possibilities of 3 member team

a)L,N,H b) M,K,P c)K,M,N d) none of the


Ans) b ( as condition is each team should have 2 from university and 1 from

college also no two members belongs to same subject)Ques19 - 20) like above

Next Situation: on this there were 5 Ques:

Situation: 6 faces of cube were colored with 6 different colour: Red ,


conditions: 1)black is opposite to red.

2)Green is adjacent to brown

3)Blue is adjecent to black.

4)white is adjecent to blue.

5)Red is at the bottom.

Q21)what 4 colurs are adjacent




d)black,blue,white,brown Ans)d

q22- 25) like above there were 4 more questions

Q26) there are 7500 students. 75% offerd physics and 45% offered maths. How

many sutends offered both ? Ans) 1500

Q 27) A,B,C have their average weight 84. including D their average weight

becomes 80. if E who have his weight 3 more than D joins then by replacing A

, then their average age becomes ---. what is the age of A?Ans) 75 ( R S


Q28) 602(507)210 then 527(?)244 (data not correct)

There was one question of this type. So please luk such type of questions.

Section B : Technical

there were atleast 15 ques from networking

Ques1) out of the following which supports error checking and error

correction in data link layer

a)802.2 LLC b)802.3 CSMA/CD c)802.4 Token Bus d)802.5 Token


Ans) a

Ques2)How many bits of IP address are required to make 8 subnets

a)1 b) 2 C) 3 d)4

Ans) 4 (as 000 and 111 0f 3 bits are not valid subnets so take 4 bits)

Ques3)Which statement were incorrect regarding multicast and broadcast

options do not remember

Ans)regarding whether NIC checks the multicast address or cpu ?

Ques4) network equipments make hierechy in which topology

a) bus b)star c) ring d) tree Ans) Tree (checkout)

Ques5)which of the followinf is not CDMA technology

a)DS-FH (Discrete spectrum-freq hoping) b)DS_FT C)DS- d)TDMA-FS.

Ans) d

Ques6) Determine network ID of classful IP address

a)192 b)192.42 c)192.42.14 d) Ans) c ( class c )

Ques7) what is the advantage of ADSL(assymetric digital subscriber line)

over modem Ans) it has normal uplink band width but higher down link

bandwidth (something like that)

Ques8) Why DSL is faster than normal modem Ans) d ( all of the above)

Ques9)Min sampling freq for 20-20kHz analog signal is

a) 20khz b)40khz c)44.1khz d) 20hz Ans) b

Ques10)Adventages of digital over analog signal:

a)noise immunity b)data security and integrety c)efficient transmission

d)all of the above Ans) d

Ques11) MPEG stands for Ans) Moving Picture Experts Group

Ques12) Question on Umbrella cell Ans) it covers microcell only.

Ques13) why channel coding is done

a)to secure data b) to maintain integrity of data c) effective transmission

of data d) all of above Ans) c

Ques14)Question on error reselient and sustain to burst which is

a) solomon code b) cyclic c) gray d) huffman Ans) a(chek out)

Some C questions





printf(I=%d i=%d",++i,++i)

} Ans) vary compiler to compiler



{ unsigned char i=0x80;


} Ans)256





~B ;


} Ans) 0xFFFF


Func(int a, intb)


int a;


return a;

} will there be any error and some other options are there.

Ans) No error.

Ques19) string is given Myprog one two three

Where Myprog is an exe file. What will the output of the following program ?

main(argc, argv)



some thing and the progname is myprog on command line.

options) a) m b) n c) none d) myprogram


In 1.5 fixed format how is -1 represented

a)0xFFFF b)0xF000 c)0x8000 d)0x0001 (options may not be correct

but ques is correct) Ans) a


#define Sqr(b) b*b;

main( )


int i=3;


} Ans) 11

Q 22)


Char c=,a,;

Printf("%d %d", sizeof(c),sizeof(,a,));


options:- a) 1 1 b) 2 2 c) 2 1 d) 1 4 ans: d

Q 23) question related to the ICMP Ans) d( chek out)

Q 24) question ralted to ARP ( which machine will respond for the request of


Samsung Paper Candidates Experiences IIT-Guahati - 1 August 2004

SAMSUNG had visited IIT-Guwahati on 8th Aug. 2005. It had 60 questions 60 min.

Section 1 : 30 aptitude Section 2 : 30 Technical

section 1 :

First 7 questions on Passage. Try to avoid answering them.

8. No. of trailing zeros in 100! = 22 (check)..

9.No. numbers <= 100 which are not divisible by 2,3,5

: a) 24 b)26 c)29 ans.(check) d) none

10.if a + b + c = 0, then (a^2 + b^2 + c^2)/(ac^2 -ab) = ?

A)0 b) 1 c)-2 d)-2 check ans a)

11.some salary problem. 1/4th of salary for rent,

1/5th of salary for transport remaing deposit.

he deposited rs 50/- then monthly salary ??? ans.

1000/- check..

12.some time & work problem.

a & b can do in 8 days

b & c can do in 12 days

a & c can do in 24 days.

then b can alone do in ??? days

13.some diagrams were given see gre barron book find shaded area

one square was given in that one 4 circles

inserted. find the area left by ciclrs in the square

ans : 16(4-pi)...

14.Train problem.. find length of train... ans ) 75

15.1mile g cents and m cents extra cost. for 100 miles cost ?????

16.there is W kg rice in bag. a rat eats r kg of rice each day. After 25 days what percent of

rice was eaten by rat ???

ans) 2500r/w (check)

17.COSMOPOLITAN word was given. some letters from that word picked. formed word

: option

18.A-->B 75% distance travelled at v kmph in T hrs. remaing distance at S kmph. how

much time was taken to cover remaing distance???

19.some word problem... ORGANISATION...

Section II : Technical........

1.Ipv6 ---> 16 bytes.

2.multi cast addressing range...

3.subnet was given how many computer can be connected

??? ??

4.RS232C binary 0 ----> +4v (+ve)..

5.socket programming ---> select (not related to

socket system calls)

6.HDLc ---> a) GO back n b) Go back n-1 c)select

repeat n d)none of the above..

7.piggy backing ---> acknowledgements..

8.ATM --> basic question.

9.Max no. of outstanding acknowledgements...

10.int a;

static int a;

int fun() { return a;}

static int fun() { return a; }

which of the above 2 statements can,t exist in the

same file...

11.some program



extern int i;

print i;


ans ) linker error..

12.Advantage of digital over analog signal ??

13.study digital modulation techniques..

int j=3;

int *p=&j;

printf("%d %d", *p++,++*p);

it will not increment j value as ++ is done first

on p before *, so address gets incremented and

garbage value will be there

14.Which is non-deterministic structure a)ethernet

b)802.4 c) 802.5 d)none ans)ethernet check..

15.3 bits on size of structures...

16.Linux ---> memory model a) small b)hughe c) flat

d)none. see..

17.Which one does not involve direct recursion..

a) backtracking

b) divide and conquer

c) dynamic programming

d) none of the above..

18. sort time complexity based on

a) No of comparisions

b) no of swaps.

c) no of copies.

d) all of the above (check)...>a ans:( )(e)

> none of these


> 7.A and B are two stations 330km apart.A train

> starts from A at 8pm.and

> travels toward B at 60kmph.another train starts from

> B at 9pm. And

> travels towards A at 75 kmph.at what time do they

> meet?(a) 11am(b) 12pm

> (c) 11.30am ans:(a )(d) 11.45am


> 8.if you have a sixth sense, it may help you to

> solve this one

> 6 396 2376 1425.6 8.5536 ?(a) 4.5536(b) 2.5536(c)

> .513216 ans:(d )(d)

> .00513216


> 9.20 ? 150 18 11(a) 2(b) 4(c) 6 (d) 8 ans:(c )(e)

> none of these


> >> The one in our paper was 100 365 24 60 _?

> Ans 60


> 10.if (BE)^2=MPB and the letters B,E,Pand M stands

> for distinct

> digits,then M equals:(a) 1(b) 6(c) 3 ans:(c )(d)

> 9(e) 5



> Direction:Read the following instructions carefully

> and answer

> questions 11-15 given below:


> Each question below is followed by two numbered

> facts. You have to

> determine whether the data given in the statement is

> sufficient for

> answering the question. Choose one of the following

> choices best fitting

> the

> question and mark A,B,C,D or E as explained below.

> (A) if statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the

> question, but

> statement 2 is not sufficient.

> (B) If statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the

> question, but

> statement 1 is not sufficient.

> (C) If both statements together are needed to answer

> the question, but

> neither statement alone is sufficient.

> (D) If either statement by itself is sufficient to

> answer the question.

> (E) If enough facts are not available to answer the

> question.


> 11. Is X =Y?

> (1) X-Y=X^2-Y^2 ans:( )(2) X and Y are greater than

> 1.


> 12. Is CAB a code word in language Q?(1) ABC is the

> base word.

> (2) If c immediately follows B, then C can be moved

> to the front of the

> code word to generate another word?ans:( )


> 13. A dress was initially listed at a price that

> would have given the

> store a profit of 20 percent of the wholesale cost.

> What was the

> wholesale cost of the dress?

> (1) After reducing the asking price by 10 percent,

> the dress sold for a

> net profit of 10 dollars.(2) The dress sold for 50

> dollars. ans:( )


> 14. If X and Y do not equal 0, is X/Y an integer?(1)

> X is prime

> (2) Y is even ans:( )


> 15. What is the price of a banana?

> (a) 14 banana and 35 oranges cost Rs. 84

> (b) with a 50% discount on banana, Rs. 12 can buy 4

> bananas and 5 oranges.

> ans:( )Analytical Reasoning


> In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by

> side in a straight

> line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it.

> The cups are

> numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the

> balls is painted a single

> solid color. The colors of the ball green, magenta,

> orange, purple, red

> and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the

> cups in a manner that

> conforms to the following conditions:

> The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-

> numbered cup than the

> orange ball. The red ball must be hidden under a cup

> immediately adjacent

> to the cup under which the magenta ball his hidden

> The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.

> 16. Which of the following could be the colors of

> the balls under the

> cups, in order from 1 through 6?(a) Green, yellow,

> magenta, red, purple,

> orange

> (b) Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow

> (c) magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange

> (d) orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple

> (e) red, purple, magenta, yellow, green, orangeans:(

> )

> 17. A ball of which of the following colors could be

> under cup6?(a) Green

> (b) Magenta(c) purple(d) red (e) yellow ans:( )

> 18. If the purple ball is under cup4, the orange

> ball must be under(a)

> 1(b) 2

> (c) 3(d) 5(e) 6 ans:( )19. Which of the following

> must be true ?

> (a) The green ball is under a lower - numbered cup

> than the yellow ball.

> (b) The orange ball is under a lower - numbered cup

> than the green ball.

> (c) The purple ball is under a lower - numbered cup

> than the red ball.

Samsung Paper Whole Testpaper

SAMSUNG Placement Sample Question Paper

Regarding the selection.

1. they will conduct a test on apptitude.

2. there is no test on technical , the same in iitm

3. candidates will be shortlisted by test.

the test questions are basically from

quantitative appptitude - r.s.agarwal

questions from: ages, simple interest, work done, ratios,

percentages, some english.

Samsung paper 2004.

There were total 60(30+30) questions out of that 46 is here........

Written Test paper consists of 30 questions on Aptitude and 30 questions on

Technical section.


Q1. If length of rectangle of increases by 20% and breadth decreases by

20%. Then the area

a) decreases by 4% b)---- c) same d) none

Ans) a

Q2. If it costs x dollors for making certain item if quantity is 1000 and if

quantity increase then the item is made using y dollars. If z number of

items are made which are greater than 1000 then what is the total cost.

Ans 1000(x-y) +yz

Q3) A girl is at 11th position from both th ends of a straight row. Then

total no. girls in a row are Ans) 21

Q4) series is given such as 2,7,6,-,12,-,20,49,---- ? Ans) 71(sure) break

into 2 series

Q5) If the distance between two trains is 110KMs and two trains travel

opposite in direction . If one starts at 7AM and other at 8AM and their

velocities are 20 and 25 KMPH then they meet at. Ans 10AM

Q6) In a row of 5 girls conditions such as Radha and Asha never sit

together and other conditions Ans Radha

Q7)Problem on average ages given age of captain 25 and wicket keeper,s Age

3 years more than captain,s age. now the average of the remaining team is

one less than the avg of whole team. what is the avg age of each. Ans) 22

Q Asoka is as much young as Vimal and as much old as Arun. GIven sum of

Vimal and Arun ages to be 40. then Ashoka age is --- Ans) 20.

Q9) F is brother of A , C is daughter of A, G is brother of C, who is uncle

of G and some conditions Ans) F

Q10) In an innings the score done by A,B,C is 128runs A and B scored 90, C &

A scored 68 is some number What is the score done by C

Ans) do not remember(que from R S Agrawal- Average)

Q11) If m people take d days to complete, then m+r people take how many days

Ans) m*d/m+r

Q12 - 14) Three questions were on Analgies one was:

Square:___ :: Quadreplet:couplet

options were a)parallelogram b)triangle c)___ d) ______

Ans) do not Remember

13) Gazzle:swift :: Earth options : a) life b) zoology

14) if DISTANCE is written as IDTUBECN and DOCUMENT is written as


then THURSDAY will be written as ans) a ( HTVSTYAD)

Q15) A is 10 km from B and C is 17 km from B. then which option is true.....

a)A is in between B and C.

b)B is in between A and C

c)C is in between A and B

d)a and b Ans) d

Q16) find out no. of 8,s preceded by 5 but not just followed by 3 in the

series ( very easy Ques)

series was something like this: 2158367983856787325839076 (but not


Ans) 4 (sure)

**now one situation was given and over that 4 questions were asked( these

were very simple donnt miss to attempt)

Big university and small colleges decided to make committs for inspection.

Each 3 member committee have 2 from university and one from small college.

in each committee no two members belong to same subject...

Now conditions:

for university: M--Maths teachers


K--Natural Science.

for small college:N--maths



Based on this situation 4 ques were asked.

Ques17): If M survyes what other two members will be:

a)L,K b)L,N c)K,O d) none of the above

Ans) c (as K and O belongs to other subjects.)

Ques18) If L not survey then what are the possibilities of 3 member team

a)L,N,H b) M,K,P c)K,M,N d) none of the


Ans) b ( as condition is each team should have 2 from university and 1 from

college also no two members belongs to same subject)Ques19 - 20) like above

Next Situation: on this there were 5 Ques:

Situation: 6 faces of cube were colored with 6 different colour: Red ,


conditions: 1)black is opposite to red.

2)Green is adjacent to brown

3)Blue is adjecent to black.

4)white is adjecent to blue.

5)Red is at the bottom.

Q21)what 4 colurs are adjacent




d)black,blue,white,brown Ans)d

q22- 25) like above there were 4 more questions

Q26) there are 7500 students. 75% offerd physics and 45% offered maths. How

many sutends offered both ? Ans) 1500

Q 27) A,B,C have their average weight 84. including D their average weight

becomes 80. if E who have his weight 3 more than D joins then by replacing A

, then their average age becomes ---. what is the age of A?Ans) 75 ( R S


Q28) 602(507)210 then 527(?)244 (data not correct)

There was one question of this type. So please luk such type of questions.

Section B : Technical

there were atleast 15 ques from networking

Ques1) out of the following which supports error checking and error

correction in data link layer

a)802.2 LLC b)802.3 CSMA/CD c)802.4 Token Bus d)802.5 Token


Ans) a

Ques2)How many bits of IP address are required to make 8 subnets

a)1 b) 2 C) 3 d)4

Ans) 4 (as 000 and 111 0f 3 bits are not valid subnets so take 4 bits)

Ques3)Which statement were incorrect regarding multicast and broadcast

options do not remember

Ans)regarding whether NIC checks the multicast address or cpu ?

Ques4) network equipments make hierechy in which topology

a) bus b)star c) ring d) tree Ans) Tree (checkout)

Ques5)which of the followinf is not CDMA technology

a)DS-FH (Discrete spectrum-freq hoping) b)DS_FT C)DS- d)TDMA-FS.

Ans) d

Ques6) Determine network ID of classful IP address

a)192 b)192.42 c)192.42.14 d) Ans) c ( class c )

Ques7) what is the advantage of ADSL(assymetric digital subscriber line)

over modem Ans) it has normal uplink band width but higher down link

bandwidth (something like that)

Ques8) Why DSL is faster than normal modem Ans) d ( all of the above)

Ques9)Min sampling freq for 20-20kHz analog signal is

a) 20khz b)40khz c)44.1khz d) 20hz Ans) b

Ques10)Adventages of digital over analog signal:

a)noise immunity b)data security and integrety c)efficient transmission

d)all of the above Ans) d

Ques11) MPEG stands for Ans) Moving Picture Experts Group

Ques12) Question on Umbrella cell Ans) it covers microcell only.

Ques13) why channel coding is done

a)to secure data b) to maintain integrity of data c) effective transmission

of data d) all of above Ans) c

Ques14)Question on error reselient and sustain to burst which is

a) solomon code b) cyclic c) gray d) huffman Ans) a(chek out)

Some C questions





printf(I=%d i=%d",++i,++i)

} Ans) vary compiler to compiler



{ unsigned char i=0x80;


} Ans)256





~B ;


} Ans) 0xFFFF


Func(int a, intb)


int a;


return a;

} will there be any error and some other options are there.

Ans) No error.

Ques19) string is given Myprog one two three

Where Myprog is an exe file. What will the output of the following program ?

main(argc, argv)



some thing and the progname is myprog on command line.

options) a) m b) n c) none d) myprogram


In 1.5 fixed format how is -1 represented

a)0xFFFF b)0xF000 c)0x8000 d)0x0001 (options may not be correct

but ques is correct) Ans) a


#define Sqr(b) b*b;

main( )


int i=3;


} Ans) 11

Q 22)


Char c=,a,;

Printf("%d %d", sizeof(c),sizeof(,a,));


options:- a) 1 1 b) 2 2 c) 2 1 d) 1 4 ans: d

Q 23) question related to the ICMP Ans) d( chek out)

Q 24) question ralted to ARP ( which machine will respond for the request of