1 | In-depth Lives Of Life Changers Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com SAMSON Judg 13:1KJV And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years. Israel as a country had been slaves of many colonial masters. They have had different kinds of independence. They had national independence and civil independence. Their national independence was once and for all. They were freed divinely from Egypt. As for their civil independence, they were kept captive in their own country not because of mineral resources, but because they were sinning against God. They began to have civil independence immediately after the death of Joshua. This implies that Joshua enforced the fear of God into their hearts. During the time of Judges, there was no king. So the people did according to what they thought was right. The high priest was the highest in authority, but even he could not control them. Phinehas was the high priest as at the time of Joshua’s death. Though praised for stopping a plague, he could not stand out to stop the evil practice. Num 25:6-13. They were delivered several times but immediately their leader dies; they go back to their sin. This was included in the prologue of the book of Judges in Chapter 2. Judg 2:18-19. The word again serves as a reminder that this was not the first time the Israelite will practice evil in the sight of God. It now almost becomes a chorus that is sung immediately after the death of a judge. But the perplexing thing there is that a particular conjunction follows it. The conjunction is and. Then the remaining sentence is ... God delivered them into the hands of the.... This gives a reminder of God’s commandment to them that if they turn to these pagan gods, they will be punished by Him. Deut 11:16-17. Here, this scene looks very paradoxical. The Israelites worship the same pagan god worshipped by the surrounding countries, yet their captors are those surrounding countries. Aren’t they supposed to be friends? Naturally, yes. But when God is in the system, nature has no say. This verse mentions their captors to be the Philistines. These set of people are lifetime enemies of the Israelites. This is not the first time of being the colonial masters of the Israelites. During the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath, they colonised Israel. The years of colonisation during this time were not specified, but we


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Galatians 5:22-24

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1 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com SAMSON Judg 13:1KJV And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years. Israel as a country had been slaves of many colonial masters. They have had different kinds of independence. They had national independence and civil independence. Their national independence was once and for all. They were freed divinely from Egypt. As for their civil independence, they were kept captive in their own country not because of mineral resources, but because they were sinning against God. They began to have civil independence immediately after the death of Joshua. This implies that Joshua enforced the fear of God into their hearts.During the time of Judges, there was no king. So the people did according to what they thought was right. The high priest was the highest in authority, but even he could not control them. Phinehas was the high priest as at the time of Joshuas death. Though praised for stopping a plague, he could not stand out to stop the evil practice. Num 25:6-13. They were delivered several times but immediately their leader dies; they go back to their sin. This was included in the prologue of the book of Judges in Chapter 2. Judg 2:18-19.The word again serves as a reminder that this was not the first time the Israelite will practice evil in the sight of God. It now almost becomes a chorus that is sung immediately after the death of a judge. But the perplexing thing there is that a particular conjunction follows it. The conjunction is and.Then the remaining sentence is ... God delivered them into the hands of the.... This gives a reminder of Gods commandment to them that if they turn to these pagan gods, they will be punished by Him. Deut 11:16-17.Here, this scene looks very paradoxical. The Israelites worship the same pagan god worshipped by the surrounding countries, yet their captors are those surrounding countries. Arent they supposed to be friends? Naturally, yes. But when God is in the system, nature has no say. This verse mentions their captors to be the Philistines. These set of people are lifetime enemies of the Israelites. This is not the first time of being the colonial masters of the Israelites. During the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath, they colonised Israel. The years of colonisation during this time were not specified, but we 2 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com know that they were conquered by Shagmar.During the days of Jephthah, they were co-colonial masters with the Ammonites. Here, they colonised them for eighteen years. Now, they are colonising them for forty years. All together, they had colonised Israel for more than 58 years. Though this was the last time they colonised Israel and the most direct, they still waged war against Israel.This verse teaches us that repetition of sin though forgiven by God will not go without been punished. Also, it teaches of the love of God. That no matter the situation, He will raise help for us. Judg 13:2 KJV And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not. Now, this verse begins the solution to the problem in the first verse. In verse 1, verse 2 came out. Verse 1 summarized the rule of the Philistines. Every other verse from Judg. 13:2-Judg. 16:31 was inside verse 1. This means the whole life of Samson was embedded in verse 1. Samsons life was the representation of Gods help to the problem in verse 1. This problem never ended until they were totally eradicated from the territory of the Israelites and that was also the end of Samsons life. Before verse 2, there has been a search for a pure and blameless vessel so that the saviour can be brought forth. This implies that not all Israelites sinned against God. There were still some faithful to God. Maybe they were probably struck down by the words of Joshua or kept their faith due to the wonders theyve seen. The surprising thing here is that the tribe where the saviour was sorted out is Dan, a non-recognised tribe. Of all tribes, Dan is very small. This implies that God does not need number to move; all He needs is the heart. Judah was left out; Simeon was nothing to write about. Even Levi, the chosen ones of God wasnt chosen. It had to be Dan, a scavenger, who moved from one place to another before it settled. Judg. 18:2-30. Matthew Henrys Commentary comments that the prophecy of Israel on his sick bed was the one taking its ground. He said; Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Gen 49:16 KJV Zorah, a town allocated to the Danites was the hometown where Manoah, meaning rest came out from. Josh. 19:41. Practically, Zorah was a neighbouring town of the Philistines. It was pressed in between the narrow strips of mountains and seas. This 3 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com gives an implication that it was a small town all the more reason to prove that large numbers does not move God. All that matters is the state of the heart. Manoah was the man who came from the tribe of Dan. His wifes identity was hidden. Certainly, she also should come from the tribe of Dan. What we know now is that she is barren. Most of the mothers of heroes had problems of barrenness. Some heroes of the bible like; Isaac, Samuel, Joseph, and John the Baptist came from barren women.Then, the bible gives another clause ... and bare not. This gives an impression that Samson was the first child of Manoah and his wife This verse makes us understand that the condition we are in does not determine the move of God in our lives. God does not depend on peoples opinions to move because it is the heart that matters to Him most. Summarily, God is idea-independent. Judg 13:3 KJV And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. We have a concern here. An angel called The Angel of the Lord appeared to her. The angel of the Lord, could it be Gabriel or Michael or the Cherubim or the Seraphim? In the bible, there are majorly three known angels who run errands for God. They are; Gabriel, Michael and The Angel of the Lord. Michael is mainly sent for deliverance. He is described as the archangel. Jude 1:9. Gabriel is an angel of message. He was sent to Zechariah, Mary, the mother of Jesus, Daniel. Dan 8:16, Dan 9:21, Luk 1:19, 26. Michael and Gabriel returns all glory in their messages back to God. The Angel of the Lord talks as God. He talked to Abraham, Moses, Balaam, Israelites (Judg 2:4); Elijah and He aided Hezekiah to kill the Assyrians, Joshua to restore his priesthood, Jesus to escape from the hands of Herod, Peter from prison. He also smote Herod, destroyed the Israelites when David made a mistake. We will discover that during his messages, He refers to Himself as God. He referred to Himself when He stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Gen 22:12. He said Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest 4 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from ME. He referred to Himself as we can see in the word ME. When talking to Moses, He called Himself; I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the Lord, the I Am That I Am. Logically, the Angel of the Lord is more than an ordinary angel. Even when talking to Balaam, He told him (Balaam) to say whatever He tells him to say. Num 22:35. When Balak asked Balaam what he was doing, Balaam said: Must I not take heed to speak that which the LORD hath put in my mouth? This clearly shows that The Angel of the Lord is none other than God coming in the form of an Angel.In 2 Sam 24:16, it seems confusing. Lets look at it; And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, it is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshing place of Araunah the Jebusite. The angel here was the Angel of the Lord as in 2 Sam 24:16b. If we were to use our first inference, we could say that God was talking to Himself. But David could see the angel and God was talking from above, this only further proves the reality of the Trinity. We know that God the Father and the Holy Spirit cannot come down to earth and go up like that in the form of an angel. The Holy Spirit is a spirit which is unseen, while God the Father is overseer of heaven and earth. Only God the Son who died could come in an angelic form to save, deliver and warn his bride (the church). Since He is God (the members of the TRIUNE GOD have the same name), He can be delegated to pass down the message. The verse continues to show us the recognition of Manoahs wifes condition as a barren woman by God (the Angel of the Lord). This shows that no matter the condition we are, God knows. At the latter end, God assures her of the solution to her problem and at other verse, she was made to understand that the child to be given birth to is not for her comfort only but for the comfort of the Israelites. This verse explains to us that God is Omnipotent and that we should test all spirits so as to discern the good from the bad. 1Cor 12:10. It also explains that we should use what we have for others. It explains that all we are is for God and He can use it anytime. 5 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com Judg 13:4 KJV Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing: The next thing after assuring the woman is the instructions for the well-being of the saviour. This we know with the presence of Now therefore.... The Angel of the Lord continues His instruction with the word Beware. That word is a strong warning against problems or steps about to be taken. Perhaps, He had foreseen that immediately Manoah heard of the good news, he would order a feast. And probably maybe his wife would have drunk from it. So the Angel of the Lord forbade her.He now said ...I pray thee.... This implies that God recognizes the fact He created us with choice. This means that God knows that Manoahs wife may choose to drink and therefore defile the baby. This was not the first time God gave humans choice. He once gave the Israelites choice in Deut 30:19. But the thing is He still advised the right path to take as a good Father to His children. The remaining words show that really the child to be given birth to is really special. To be a nazarite from the womb is a divine bestowment. Those words are only meant for those who had made a vow to be owned by the Lord. Some of them are Samuel, Anna the prophetess, e.t.c. This verse shows that though we have choice, we should choose the right thing rather the wrong thing. It also tells us that when we are warned, we should take to it. Judg 13:5 KJV For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. Perhaps the Angel of the Lord perceived the confusion in Manoahs wife. He now further explained why the instruction was given. We are going to break this verse into three parts and discuss intently for deeper understanding. a.For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head.... The angel had to break down the meaning of bear a son or maybe He was trying to re-affirm what He said in verse 3. If He was trying to re-affirm His statement, it 6 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com means that Manoahs wife was in doubt of what the angel said or perhaps, she thought He was trying to pacify her. We affirm this from the two words for, lo which are used for confirmation and assurance in the bible. You can see it when God was talking to Solomon in 1Kings 3:12.Probably, when the angel saw that He had broken down the wall of doubt, He proceeded to finish the warning He gave in verse 4.Why must his hair be kept? According to the law of nazarites, their hair are not to be shaved during their days of separation _ except if they had become unclean; they would shave their hair and start all over again _ and they are not to drink wine or any strong drink and this is similar to the instruction given to Manoahs wife. We find the answers in b. It is because he has been made a nazarite from the womb. Logically, he is a nazarite by birth. b.... for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb.... This shows the reason for the instructions. The angel first broke the wall of doubt with the question is it possible? Then He went further to break the wall of questions of Why? It is illustrated by the diagram below;

DOUBT QUESTIONS HEART WORD WORD QUESTIONS HEART WORD 7 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com The diagram shows that God is systematic. He does one after the other. He does not rush into things. It also presumes the fact that he (Samson) has been pre-ordained before he became ordination. His pre-ordination began from the time he was conceived and his ordination was the day he was born. That is why it was included that she will conceive before she bears. c.... and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. This clause gives a disturbing but perplexing understanding. Why was the deliverance of Israel from the Philistines starting from Samson? What about Shamgar, Jephthah who had delivered Israel from their cruel hands? Why now? I understood that the deliverance of Shamgar and Jephthah were only temporary meaning nothing had happened yet. No deliverance, they are just saves. Samsons era was the last heard of Philistines colonisation over Israel. Samson had to be special to deliver Israel from Philistines. Israel was also delivered through the hands of Samuel, David and other people. When people are delivered from something, it is for good. This verse means when God is talking, we should believe Him and not doubt Him. We should also remember that when we are delivered, we should not go back. Judg 13:6 KJV Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible: but I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name: Practically, here we can see that the angel has left. Then we see that the wife told Manoah, her husband all what she was told. Immediately, she was told the news, she wasted no time in telling the news to her husband. This shows that it was a Christian family. God was so good to choose a perfect family. She described the angel as one who was terrible. Maybe this was due to the fear experienced when she saw the angel as do others. Due to the fear, I think that brought about the walls of doubt and questions but she told her husband her impression, how she felt, the total impression and everything she felt. She also described Him as one who had the countenance of an angel of God. Since no one can compare the seen with the unseen or the known characteristics of the 8 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com seen/unseen with the unknown characteristics of the unseen, we can only infer that she had encounters like this before. Perhaps in visions, revelations, dreams because she was surely startled to see one like an angel talking orally with her. This shows her as one who is closer to God and not an unserious Christian. She serves as an example to other Christians that they should get closer everyday to their Lord Jesus and be rooted in Him (the Word).This verse explains to married people that they should share with each other since they are one. It also shows that God does not move through the lives of sluggish Christians but through fervent Christians. Judg 13:7 KJV But he said unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death. Manoahs wife laid a good example to every spouse that they should communicate with and not only inform their partner. She said every little thing she could remember until the last clause; ... for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb TO THE DAY OF HIS DEATH. Recognize the phrase to the day of his death. Lets recall what the angel said concerning this portion; ...for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. Manoahs wife (whether intentionally or mistakenly or due to over excitement) skipped the part of the purpose why he will be given birth to. She decided that he will be devoted to the Lord till the day of his death. I dont think that was the original plan of God. God was just using Samson as an instrument to deliver his people. Making him a nazarite means making him for a special purpose and when that purpose is fulfilled; his becoming a nazarite is no more needed. Perhaps, when God saw these words from a genuine heart of a woman, He laid on it and restructured His plan. If we are to join the changed clauses, it will form something like this; ...and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines TO THE DAY OF HIS DEATH. This is the type of heart God is looking for-a heart that will not withhold His blessing to it; instead, it lets it out. This type of determination made by Manoahs wife was also made by Hannah, the wife of 9 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com Elkanah and the mother of Samuel. This implies that Manoahs wife submitted back Samson to the Lord. This verse refers to mothers both blessed and barren; all children given to you are for you to submit back. They are not yours. You didnt create them. Their creator gave them to you to shepherd them. And you will be held accountable for everything in their life. It also speaks to all that everything God has given is for you to use so that you can return all glory back to Him. Judg 13:8 KJV Then Manoah intreated the Lord, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born. Manoah absolutely believed his wife. He did not doubt his wife any bit neither did he dispute with her over what she said (that the child will be a nazarite to the day of his death). The next thing he did was to take it to the Lord in prayer.What we should consider are the contents of his prayer. Firstly, he personalized God. He took God as his father. He didnt estrange himself from His God. He continued to say that God should resend the angel to them. Note he did not say to me neither did he say to her, he said to us. This means he was not jealous of his wife. The next thing is that why is God going to resend his angel since His word is yea and amen. Manoah understood and said ...and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born. So he was not telling God to confirm what his wife told him, he was telling God to show him the responsibility in taking care of the child and how to carry it out. He didnt assume he knew it all.Matthew Henry commented that; There was not found so great faith, no, not in Zechariah, a priest, then in waiting at the altar of the Lord, and to whom the angel himself appeared, as was in this honest Danite... Good men are more solicitous and desirous to know the duty that is to be done by them than to know the events that shall occur concerning them; for duty is ours, events are God's. This verse shows us the reality that jealousy is a bad spirit that could eat up into the homes of the married. It shows us that we should not run from our duty. 10 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com Judg 13:9 KJV And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again unto the woman as she sat in the field: but Manoah her husband was not with her. Following his prayer was the answer of God.Probably the same day or the next day butthebiblesaidGodhearkened.ThismeansthatManoahwasacceptableinthe sightofGod.ForGoddoesnotaccepttheprayerofanunrighteousman.Pro15:8. This refers to husbands, you are to guard your wives and take up everything in prayer even to the least decision. God then sent the same angel and not a substitute. A message sent through series of people;whenitgetstoitsdestination,itwillnotcarrytheexactmeaningfromthe origin. See the illustration below; AD B C The illustration above shows that the original information passed from A was not the same information received by D. The angel came back to the woman not to Manoah. Under normal circumstances, we would say God did not answer Manoah but the bible said: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen 2:24. So both Manoah and his wife are one. The woman was in the field when the angel appeared. Perhaps, she was resting or walking. This shows God loves to talk in a quiet place rather than in a noisy place. The husband who prayed was working in a noisy place. So, it is quite clear why the angel appeared to the woman and not the man. This verse teaches us that as husbands and wives, you are both one. Also, the prayer of the righteous availeth much. Jas 5:16 Come with your card tomorrow to the shopping mall. Without it, you wont be allowed to enter. Just take your card to the shopping mall because without it, they wont collect your money Make sure you take your card to the shopping mall or else, nothing to buy there. Take your card with you tomorrow to the shopping mall. If it is not with you, you cant enter. 11 | I n - d e p t h L i v e s O f L i f e C h a n g e r s Gods Word www.godswordng.blogspot.com Judg 13:10 KJV And the woman made haste, and ran, and shewed her husband, and said unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me, that came unto me the other day. Thisverseshowsusthatthewomandidnotthinkinherheartthatshewasmore spiritual or holier than her husband. Instead, she made haste and not sluggishly. She ran. She did not linger like Lot. Gen 19:16. Considering our reference, we can see that Godisnotlookingforlazypeople.AllHelooksforarepeopleofthepresentnot people of the past that draws them back nor people of the future that procrastinate. Shemadehasteandran.Shethenshowedherhusband.Lookingattheeventof things,wecanseeherethatshedidntasktheangeltogoandmeetManoah.She wenttocallhim.MHC(MatthewsHenryCommentary)commentsthatshecould haveaskedforpermissiontogoandcallherhusband.Italsocommentedthatshe did not call the angel to follow her; instead, she called her husband to meet him (the angel). This means we should learn to meet God where He wants us to meet Him not at our own convenient place. Shethensaid;Behold,themanhathappeareduntome,thatcameuntomethe other day. She told her husband that the angel had appeared to her but referring to herlastexperience.Thisgivesusaninsightthatweshouldalwaysremember whatever God speaks to us. If possible, we should have a record. This verse explains to us that a spouse should take his/her partner along in anything. ThemottoGodwantsanddesiresforeveryhomeisnomoretwainbutone. Superiority in a home is not proper even though you are the head. You are the head toedifyyourfamilyandmakeitpresentable;nottoruleitasaruler.Youareone body. The head though superior does not boss around the rest of the body; instead, itbringsthemtoanunderstandingofwhatitwantstobedone.Nocompetition shouldbeinthehome.Summarily,GodappealstospousesthatNOMORETWAIN BUT ONE.