Report Prepared on: Wednesday, MM/DD/YYYY Overall Organization: Acme Corporation General Survey Respondents: 13 Leader Survey Respondents: 13 Attachments: TalentWatch Team Meeting Guide (double click the name to open) TalentWatch® Report Group Results Acme Corporation Copyright ©TalentKeepers, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 Sample Report

Sample Report TalentWatch Team Meeting Guide · Use this guide to conduct a Team Meeting: Meet with your team to discuss the results of this survey. This might seem intimidating,

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  • Report Prepared on: Wednesday, MM/DD/YYYYOverall Organization: Acme Corporation

    General Survey Respondents: 13Leader Survey Respondents: 13

    Attachments: TalentWatch Team Meeting Guide (double click the name to open)

    TalentWatch® Report Group Results

    Acme Corporation

    Copyright ©TalentKeepers, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1

    Sample Report

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    TalentWatch Team Meeting Guide

    Purpose of the TalentWatch Results Team Meeting

    The purpose of this 30 minute meeting is to provide feedback to your team on the results of the

    TalentWatch Survey. Hearing about the results of the survey is very important to those that participated.

    This should be a positive experience for your team, inspiring them to be supportive and engaged in the

    improvement process.

    Meeting Objectives

    Thank your team for participating in the survey.

    Provide highlights of the TalentWatch survey results.

    Ask questions to learn how you can be more effective as a leader.

    Share actions that will be taken based on the feedback and results.

    Meeting Tips

    Decide whether you should share the results first in a team meeting, or if you should first meet

    with each individual team member. If all of your team members are comfortable sharing their

    opinions in front of others, you could meet with your entire team first. However, if some of your

    team members are reluctant to speak their minds in front of others, or you have a few very

    dominant team members, you may want to meet with each team member individually first. In

    this case, be sure to meet with your entire team after meeting with each individual.

    Prepare for the meeting by reviewing the results, anticipate the challenging questions, and

    prepare what you will say in advance.

    Remain positive and enthusiastic and be sincere in your responses.

    Embrace the opportunity to role model professional growth behavior with your team.

    Start the Meeting

    Greet you team and thank them for their feedback from the TalentWatch survey.

    Explain that the purpose of the meeting is to share the results of the survey and engage them in

    the improvement process.

    Provide the structure of the meeting by stating that you will share highlights of the results, ask

    questions to gain their feedback, and that you will share next steps based on the results.

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    Share Highlights of the Results and Ask Questions

    Refer to the action planning sections of your TalentWatch Report.

    SHARE: Satisfaction at work percentages.

    o ASK: What recent events, changes, or practices can account for this (favorable or

    unfavorable) trend in satisfaction at work.

    SHARE: The favorable rating percentages for at least one or two engagement items from

    Organizational, Job/Career, Co-Worker, and Leader engagement that need improvement or that

    are most important to your team.

    o ASK: Open-ended questions regarding how you can be more effective for the

    engagement items that need improvement.

    Use the Stop, Start, and Continue question sequence by asking team members to

    share what things or behaviors they would like you to start, stop, and continue

    to increase engagement in these areas.

    o ASK: What actions can be taken to increase engagement for engagement items that are

    important to your team or organization.

    SHARE: The most frequently cited stay and potential leave reasons.

    o ASK: What you can Stop, Start, and Continue to address these stay and leave reasons.

    o ASK: What the organization can Stop, Start, and Continue to address these stay and

    leave reasons.

    Use the suggested responses at the end of this guide to help you answer questions employees may

    have about engagement factors, especially if their questions are difficult or challenging.

    Share actions that will be taken

    Share to the extent possible your knowledge of how the organization and senior leadership are

    going to utilize the results.

    Share how you will utilize the results with the team and the actions that you will take based on

    their feedback.

    Close the Meeting by Sharing your Commitment

    Let team members know that you will follow up with any pending items.

    Commit to continuously provide updates on action being taken.

    Share your commitment to the improvement process and ask for their commitment as well.

    Engage your team by confirming that you are motivated to improve your leadership skills and

    that you invite them to share feedback and questions or concerns.

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    Use the following tactics as a guide to help you discuss and respond to questions about specific employee

    engagement items. These tactics will also serve as a guide to help you develop engagement levels for

    each of these items.

    Credible Leadership

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    My leader tells the truth and meets commitments. Does what he/she

    says he/she will do.

    Be aware of the accuracy of what you say and the specificity of the commitments you make. Your team members will remember and depend on this information. If you are uncertain about the accuracy of something, or your ability to meet a commitment, state it that way, or don't state it until you can verify. Remember it is okay to say you don't know, or that you need to think about/research an issue before committing to something.

    Mean what you say, and say what you mean. Once you have made a commitment, be sure to follow through on it, even if that means following up to say something has not been done, or that you have changed your mind about it.

    My leader is someone I can trust. Build trust by telling the truth, meeting commitments and maintaining confidentiality of privileged information.

    Check in with your team members and co-workers by asking them to tell you how they see you on truthfulness, keeping commitments and maintaining confidentiality. Practice being open and non-defensive and ask for specific examples so you can best understand the issues or situations which present opportunities for improvement.

    My leader listens when I have suggestions on how to do things


    Practice active listening by re-stating what you hear your team members’ suggesting to ensure you have an accurate understanding, and demonstrate the importance of their suggestions.

    Specifically address every suggestion you receive as something you will or will not consider and, if not, explain why. Be sure to follow-up with team members if you commit to considering a suggestion.

    My leader clearly communicates expectations and the reasons behind changing priorities.

    First, ensure your team knows what expectations are changing so they understand the new definition of success.

    Second, fully explain the reasons behind the change in priority or direction so they feel “in the loop” and can appreciate the need for the change.

    The feedback my leader provides me helps me improve my


    Ask your team members to describe the type of feedback they find most useful, and if it is possible, commit to using this approach.

    After providing feedback, to a team member ask them how this feedback will help them improve their performance. If needed, adjust your feedback accordingly.

    My leader is an effective coach and motivator who enables me to

    achieve the career and professional objectives I have set.

    Ask each team member to describe their career and professional objectives, and ask them how they think you can be most helpful.

    Think about how you can match work assignments and organizational goals with your team member’s objectives. Point out how the goals align, creating a win-win.

    My leader helps me feel empowered and creates an

    environment that encourages decision making.

    Clearly define the issues that require your approval and ask team members to come to you ready with their recommendation on how the issue should be handled. If you disagree with their suggestion, explain the reasons why you arrive at a different resolution.

    Whenever possible, allow your team members to make decisions on issues within their role. If mistakes are made, be careful not to chastise, instead use the situation as a learning opportunity so the mistake will not be repeated.

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    Credible Leadership

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    My leader recognizes my efforts and achievements and wants me

    to be successful.

    Explain to your team that your success is dependent upon their success. Ask your team members how each of them would define success, level-set any missed expectations, and express your commitment to help them achieve their definition of success.

    Ask you team members for suggestions on how you can recognize them for their efforts and achievements.

    My leader makes work challenging and satisfying by encouraging fun and provides as much choice as

    possible regarding work activities.

    Encourage a fun climate by creating contests, varying repetitive work tasks, and making time to celebrate successes.

    Share best practices but also ask team members how they would prefer to approach tasks and work activities. If their preferred approach works just as well let them use it. Challenge them to improve on the best practice.

    My leader increases my desire to come to work and do my best.

    Tie your team member's personal goals to the goals of the work group and/or organization. Show them how their efforts are contributing to their own and the organization's success.

    Express confidence in your team members' abilities and challenge them to give their best effort. Recognize effort as well as achievements.

    My leader is interested in having only the best qualified people

    added to the team.

    Talk with your team about the skills and abilities required for success in their roles. Be open with them about how new team members meet these requirements and what you think they bring to the team.

    If possible, involve your team members in the selection process. Have them meet candidates and discuss their qualifications and experience. Ask them about their perceptions of how well a prospective employee would fit in.

    My leader is concerned with a new team member's fit with the

    organization's values, goals, and practices, as well as how likely

    they are to stay with the organization.

    Talk with your team about the importance of aligning talent with the organization's values, goals and practices. Be open with them about how new team members align with these things and what you think they bring to the organization.

    If possible, involve your team members in the selection process. Have them meet candidates and discuss the values, goals and practices of the organization. Ask them about their perceptions of how well a prospective employee would fit in.

    My leader recognizes and takes into account my work-life balance


    Ask each team member about their work-life balance needs so you are aware of any unique or exceptional needs. Make every effort to accommodate these needs as appropriate.

    Monitor the stress levels of your team members as it relates to work-life balance. Discuss the issue with those who you suspect are struggling and address whatever issues you can, as appropriate.

    My leader provides me flexibility and choice in how I do my work.

    Ask team members how they prefer to approach their work activities and whenever possible (i.e., approach yields acceptable results) allow them to use their preferred approach.

    Determine each team member's preferences in terms of what and how they like to do. Whenever possible, consider these preferences when assigning tasks and work activities to leverage their preferences.

    My leader holds team members appropriately accountable for


    Clearly communicate performance expectations and standards to all team members. Monitor your own, and each team member's, ability to meet these standards. Recognize those that meet and exceed expectations and meet privately with those that don't to develop improvement plans.

    Be sure to have consistent responses/consequences for all team members who meet/miss performance standards. If exceptions are made, share the why behind the exception whenever possible.

    My leader supports high goals, keeps me informed of progress, and emphasizes how my work contributes to organizational


    Build accountability and empower your team members by providing opportunities for your team members to self-assess or access performance progress metrics. Ask them to initiate discussions with you regarding their progress so you can compare each other’s perceptions.

    Frequently communicate with your team how their efforts contribute to the organization's success. Use specific examples, both positive and negative, of how their performance reflects on the organization as a whole.

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    Credible Leadership

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    My leader believes an engaged and stable workforce is important for

    organizational success.

    Talk with your team about the importance of having an engaged and stable workforce. Ask them to describe the impacts on the team and organization if everyone is engaged and committed to staying with the organization.

    Discuss with your team examples of groups and organizations who represent high engagement and stability, as well as examples of low engagement and stability. Talk about the different outcomes these factors yield in terms of performance, reputation and morale.

    My leader is caring and concerned for me as an individual.

    Talk with each team member to understand what they need from you as their leader to succeed. Listen for the differences in each of their responses and reflect on these needs as you lead each of them.

    Ask each team member about their goals and aspirations, both within and outside of the workplace. Look for ways to tie these into their projects and task assignments so they see the link as well.

    My leader is aware of team members who may be thinking of

    leaving and takes appropriate action to encourage them to stay.

    Be attentive to changes in attitude, attendance and performance, which may be signs of disengagement, disinterest and intent to leave. Discuss the factors/issues that may be driving the change and address as appropriate.

    Whenever you learn that a solid performer is thinking of leaving, meet with them and ask what would enable them to stay. Don't put any restrictions on their answers. Ask them to give you some time to consider what they have said, discuss it with others, and come back to them with a clear statement of what can be done.

    My leader identifies top performers and creates ways to engage and

    retain them.

    At least once a week, find ways to recognize the achievements and efforts of team members who perform well.

    Macro-manage your high performers by giving the stretch goals and assignments in which they can excel. When giving assignments, describe success in every way possible, but do NOT tell them how to achieve it. Rather, ask them to think though how they would approach it and come back to you to discuss it. This will enable them to be creative and increase their sense of accomplishment.

    My leader adapts his/her communication and coaching style

    to effectively relate to younger workers.

    Take time to understand the tendencies of Generation Y team members within your team. Use this understanding to more effectively engage each team member by communicating, in ways they prefer and about issues they view as important.

    Consider enrolling in TalentKeepers Leadership Development Module: Engaging and Retaining Generation Y Employees to build your understanding of their preferences and develop attics for successfully working with them.

    My leader is sensitive to generational differences in the

    workplace and responds appropriately.

    Consider the generation from which each of your team members comes (e.g., Generation Y, X, Baby Boomer) and adapt your approach to leverage their preferences and values.

    Be aware of generational differences when assigning team members to work together. Help them understand each other's perspectives so they can appreciate each other's differences and work effectively together.

    High Performing Organization

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    The organization’s vision/mission/goals inspire me

    and help me be more productive.

    Discuss the organization's vision/mission/goals with your team. Invite team members to share how they feel about them.

    Discuss with your team how the work of the team impacts the organization's vision/mission/goals. Talk about how differences in performance are reflected at the organizational level.

    Senior Management in my organization is open, honest, and transparent in communication.

    Take time to discuss senior management communications with your team. Discuss your team's perceptions of the intent and content of the message.

    Share your perceptions of how senior management is doing and the issues with which they are dealing.

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    High Performing Organization

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    Senior Management is accessible and approachable when necessary.

    Frequently invite your team members to share their feedback with you: the good, bad, and indifferent.

    Listen compassionately to your team members when they provide feedback. Do not blame the messenger, but rather thank them for sharing information with you.

    I feel that I can question a policy or practice, without fear of being


    Invite your team to share any concerns or questions regarding policies with you. Explain that you will share their concerns, confidentially, with your manager as appropriate.

    Explain to your team that one of your responsibilities is to be their advocate with the larger organization. Invite them to share with you anything that is affecting their engagement or performance so that you can address it if possible.

    My organization's policies and procedures help create an effective

    work environment.

    Ask your team members to share their reactions to policies and procedures, especially new ones. Help them understand the reasons behind the policies and procedures. If you are unsure of the reasons, commit to getting more information and follow up with them.

    If your team members question the effectiveness of a policy or procedure, explain the purpose of it, as you understand it. Ask them to come up with alternatives, which they feel would be more effective. If appropriate, commit to sharing their ideas with your manager. If you do, be sure to follow up with your team on how the conversation went.

    My organization consistently demonstrates that delivering

    customer value is a high priority.

    Clearly communicate the priority of delivering customer value every day through your own behavior in 3 ways: how you treat customers, how you praise team members who perform well, and how you hold accountable those who don’t.

    Ask your team members for examples of how you could demonstrate that delivering customer value is a high priority. Commit to integrating those examples that are appropriate into your style.

    I get excited about the products and services offered and am eager

    to tell others about them.

    Ask team members to describe the products/services they are most excited about. Gauge their enthusiasm and explain how your own perceptions vary and use this as a way to educate and enhance their excitement.

    If team members are not excited about a product/service, discuss how your customers utilize the products/service and the benefits they get from them.

    I would recommend my organization as a good place to


    Ask team members what would prevent them from recommending the organization as a good place to work. Provide feedback as appropriate on how these issues can be overcome.

    Share with your team the reasons you would recommend the organization as a good place to work. Share how your organization compares to others in the market.

    My organization's process and procedures to evaluate and promote employees is fair.

    Discuss the organization's process and procedures for evaluation and promotion of employees. Ask employees to comment on aspects of the program they like and don't. Address areas they don't like, as you understand them. Commit to learning more and following up if there are areas in which you are unsure.

    Explain the reasoning behind the organization's evaluation and promotion process. Share your observations on how you have seen the process work effectively.

    My organization shows respect for employees.

    Discuss with your team how the organization shows respect for employees and address concerns they have. Commit to learning more about any aspects on which you are unsure, and share what you learn with your team.

    Explain how see the organization showing respect for employees. List examples where you have seen this in action.

    My organization supports a balance between work and personal life

    Ask your team about their work-life balance needs and how well they are being met. Ask them how the organization could better support those needs.

    Watch your team for signs of stress, meet with those who seem to be struggling, acknowledge what you see and ask how you can help.

    I am satisfied with the location where I come to work on a daily

    basis/my commute to work.

    Talk with your team about their commutes. Explore ways to minimize inconveniences if possible through schedule adjustments, car pools, etc.

    If transportation options and/or distance is a concern for existing team members, be sure to discuss these issues in detail with prospective employees as part of the selection process.

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    Job & Career Satisfaction

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    My decision making authority is sufficient for me to perform my job


    Clearly define the issues on which your approval is needed and ask your team members to come to you with their recommendation on what to do when they encounter such an issue. Explain that your goal will be to approve their recommendation or explain why you feel differently, so that over time you build their decision making skills while increasing their feeling of empowerment.

    Ask team members what additional decision making authority they feel they need. Use tactic one to build their empowerment and decision managing skills.

    I receive the training needed to perform my job effectively.

    Ask team members to describe the training they need. Explore how they can obtain these through existing or new means.

    Make it a practice to review the training options that are available with your team. Review who has participated and who has not. Ask how well the training is meeting their needs.

    I have the information and resources needed to effectively get

    my work done.

    Ask team members to describe the information and resources they need. Explore how they can obtain these through existing or new means.

    Make it a practice to review the resources that are available with your team. Review who has utilized them and who has not. Ask how well these resources are meeting their needs.

    At work, I have the opportunity to utilize my skills and do what I do


    Ask each team member what they feel their strongest skills are and find ways to leverage those talents in their work assignments as much as possible.

    Ask team members what work activities best match their strengths and ask for their ideas on how they can do more of these activities.

    This is a career that I love and believe in.

    Ask team members about their career aspirations. Explore ways to align their work activities and job assignments with these goals, even if it means they would transfer out of your team/department.

    Talk with your team members about the career opportunities the organization offers. Explore if these opportunities are of interest to any of them and follow-up as appropriate.

    I am satisfied with the tasks and responsibilities associated with my


    Ask your team members, to describe the aspects of their job they enjoy and dislike the most. If possible, increase their exposure to the positives and reduce the negatives, or explain why the negatives are necessary.

    Take time to ask each team member about their current tasks and responsibilities, listen for opportunities to modify what and/or how they are performing them in order to increase satisfaction.

    At work, I have sufficient opportunities for personal and

    professional growth.

    Ask your team members about their personal and professional growth goals. Find ways to help them achieve these through work activities, tasks, and projects whenever possible.

    Talk with your team members about opportunities for personal and professional growth the organization offers. Ask if these opportunities are of interest to any of them and follow-up as appropriate.

    My job is challenging and interesting.

    Ask your team members to describe the most challenging and interesting aspects of their jobs. Explore what makes these aspects challenging and interesting and invite others to comment.

    Ask your team members to describe the least challenging and interesting aspects of their jobs. Explore ways to make them more so and discuss the importance of performing these aspects well.

    I am satisfied with the benefits my current job provides.

    Take time to review the full list of benefits available to your team. Ask what additional benefits they would like, share their ideas with your manager and be sure to follow-up with your team on that conversation.

    Invite a representative from your Human Resources department to meet with your team to review the current benefit plan and listen to their feedback.

    I am satisfied with my current work schedule.

    Ask team members about their schedule preferences and make every effort to accommodate them as appropriate.

    Take time to explain the scheduling process to your team, why it is setup the way it is, how team members are assigned, how they request certain preferences, etc.

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    Job & Career Satisfaction

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    I fully understand my compensation plan.

    Ask questions to test your team members’ knowledge of the compensation plan. Address gaps you find through discussion and training.

    In team meetings, make it a practice to invite team members to ask you questions on parts of the compensation plan they find confusing.

    My compensation is proportional to the contributions that I make.

    Talk with your team about the organization's compensation plan, how it works, and how they can maximize their earnings. Share how the plan compares to competitor's plans as appropriate.

    Take time to ask each team member about their compensation. Ask if they feel it is proportional to their contributions and address any issues you feel warrant further action. If not, explain how you feel the plan is fairly compensating them and what they would need to do in order to earn more.

    Supportive Co-Workers

    Survey Item Tactic #1 Tactic #2

    Most of my co-workers communicate effectively with me.

    Talk about the importance of effective communication with your entire team. Watch your team's communication patterns and address any problems you see.

    Talk with each team member about their communication needs; explore ways to address any needs that are not being met. If their needs are unrealistic or unwarranted, clearly explain why you feel this way.

    I receive the support I need to be able to succeed from most of my


    Talk with your team about expected levels of support from each other. Watch your team carefully to identify co-worker support problems and address them.

    Talk with each team member about their co-worker support needs; explore ways to address any needs that are not being met. If their needs are unrealistic or unwarranted, clearly explain why you feel this way.

    Most of my co-workers demonstrate interest and concern

    for my personal well being.

    Talk about the importance of caring for each other with your entire team. Watch your team's interaction patterns and address any problems you see.

    Talk with each team member about the quality of their relationships with their co-workers; explore ways to address any areas of concern. If their expectations are unrealistic, clearly explain why you feel this way.

    While working on assigned tasks, most of my co-workers do not just participate; they seem engaged in

    their tasks.

    Talk with your team about the value of being truly engaged in their work. Invite team members to share aspects of their work that are most engaging to them and why.

    Watch your team members for signs of disengagement. Meet with those team members who seem disengaged and talk about their satisfaction with their job, the organization, you as their leader, and their co-workers. Explore ways to address issues raised as appropriate.

    Most of my co-workers deliver quality work and put forth extra effort to help our organization


    Leaders demonstrate their commitment to quality in 3 ways daily: Their personal work habits, how they praise high performing team members, and how they hold low performing team members accountable. Examine how well you are communicating to your team in each area.

    Share with team members how their individual efforts contribute to the success of the team and the organization.

    Most of my co-workers value and support my work and career goals.

    Talk with your team about the many career goals individuals can have, and how each can be a valid and valuable goal (i.e., not everyone desires to be promoted).

    Talk with each team member about their career goals; explore how their goals are currently being supported by their job, you as their leader, the organization and their co-workers. Address any areas of opportunity that are raised.

    TalentWatch Team Meeting Guide

  • Ø







    TalentWatch® Engagement Survey ResultsThis report will help you understand the following:

    Organization, Job/Career, Co-Worker, and Leader factors that influence employee engagementFactors that influence employees to stay or consider leaving your organizationCurrent employee satisfaction and satisfaction changeEmployee Net Promoter Score (ENPS), which measures employees' willingness to recommend (WTR) theorganization as a good place to work and recommend products and services to others

    Your survey results present a rare opportunity to learn exactly how your team members' feel about the organization, their

    jobs, co-workers and their leader - you. This information will enable you to improve your ability to engage, retain, and

    get the best performance from your team. You will benefit from these abilities throughout your leadership career.

    How to use your results:

    Look for surprises: : The most valuable outcome of this and any survey is to learn something new. While

    reviewing your results you will come across data that will fall into one of the following categories:

    Gifts: "Gifts" are results that are better than you anticipated. Use this data to leverage your strengths in

    engaging and retaining talent.

    Affirmations: "Affirmations" are results that reflect exactly what you anticipated. Ask for additional feedback

    from your team on how you best improve in areas where you have the opportunity to do so.

    Surprises: "Surprises" are results that unfortunately, are worse than you thought. Nobody likes these types of

    surprises, but the good news is that you're now aware of these areas and can focus on improving them.

    Surprises are the most valuable results you can receive, so do not rationalize or discount them. Without this

    knowledge, you would continue behaving in your normal way, unaware of the negative impact it was having on

    your team.

    Set Action Planning goals: Complete the Action Planning items within the guide to help you incorporate what

    you've learned from the survey into your daily work experiences with employees.

    Meet with your leader: Schedule a meeting with your leader to discuss your current results, your action plan and

    your goals. Be prepared to discuss (1) the factors influencing your current goals, (2) how you set your goals, and

    (3) what actions you will take to meet your goals. Share with your leader your plan for how you will review these

    results with your team and get his/her assistance in any areas you may be uncomfortable.

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  • o







    Use this guide to conduct a Team Meeting: Meet with your team to discuss the results of this survey. This might

    seem intimidating, especially if you have a number of areas to improve. The great news is that you don't need to

    be prepared to tell your team how you're going to improve. You just need to be prepared to ask questions on

    how they would like you to change.

    It is important to get feedback from all of your team members. If you have a team in which a few of the

    members tend to dominate discussions, it may be appropriate to meet individually with each team member to

    ensure every team member can provide you with feedback. Here are some tips for discussing your results with

    your team:

    Thank your team for their participation in taking the survey.

    Review some positives and some areas for development.

    Ask questions. For areas where your team has indicated you could improve, ask open-ended questions

    regarding how you could be more effective in the area. A powerful question sequence is Start, Stop and

    Continue. For each improvement area, you simply ask team members to tell you things/behaviors they

    would like you to start, stop and continue. Use these suggestions as part of your action plan.

    Share some of the actions you will take based on the survey results.

    Provide status to your team on next steps and follow through on your action plan.

    Take Action on your results: The true value of this survey is based on your ability to manage differently based on

    the survey results.

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  • Table of Contents

    Summary of Key Metrics 5

    Factors which led employees to JOIN the organization 6

    Committed Employees, How long employees intend to stay 7

    Satisfaction at Work 8

    Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS) 9

    Employee Engagement 10

    What is Employee Engagement? 10

    What is an Engagement Index? 10

    Action Planning for Engagement Drivers 11





    High Impact Leadership Development Opportunities 21

    Free Response 23

    Free Response Stay and Leave Reasons

    ENPS Free Responses

    Appendix A i

    Taking Action

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  • Summary of Key Metrics

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  • SUPPORTIVE CO-WORKERSSupportive co-workers play an important role in enhancing workplace experiences through work relationships and

    interactions. As a leader you influence these elements through the support of a positive environment.

    Action Planning - SUPPORTIVE CO-WORKERS: Complete the action planning steps for at least two engagementitems.

    1st Engagement Item for improvement: ______________________________________________________________


    What are your initial thoughts on actions you could take to increase the percentage of team members rating this item

    favorably? ______________________________________________________________________________________


    Suggestions from your team and leader on behaviors to:

    START: ________________________________________________________________________________


    STOP: ________________________________________________________________________________


    CONTINUE: ________________________________________________________________________________


    * Items should receive priority for improvement AverageRating

    % of team members who rated(F)avorable, (N)eutral, or


    While working on assigned tasks, most of my co-workers do notjust participate; they seem engaged in their tasks. 4.38




    Most of my co-workers communicate effectively with me. 4.31 F84.62%N



    Most of my co-workers value and support my work and careergoals. 4.31




    Most of my co-workers deliver quality work and put forth extraeffort to help our organization succeed. 4.15




    I receive the support I need to be able to succeed from most ofmy co-workers. 4.15




    Most of my co-workers demonstrate interest and concern formy personal well being. 4.00




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  • How will you be able to measure the effectiveness of your actions?


    Define the specific timeline in which you will begin and complete this action plan.


    2nd Engagement Item for improvement: ______________________________________________________________


    What are your initial thoughts on actions you could take to increase the percentage of team members rating this item

    favorably? ______________________________________________________________________________________


    Suggestions from your team and leader on behaviors to:

    START: ________________________________________________________________________________


    STOP: ________________________________________________________________________________


    CONTINUE: ________________________________________________________________________________


    How will you be able to measure the effectiveness of your actions?


    Define the specific timeline in which you will begin and complete this action plan.


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  • High Impact Leadership Development Opportunities

    Credible leadership is comprised of 11 talents. Leaders who demonstrate these talents are considered more engaging by

    their team and as a result their employees perform better.

    Employees rated the extent to which they agree you are exhibiting these talents. The following table lists the credible

    leadership talents in order of developmental priority, starting with the talents you have the most opportunity to improve.

    You are encouraged to use the Representative Behaviors listed next to each definition as a way to improve each talent.

    For further development TalentKeepers® offers web-based training modules for each leadership talent. If you are

    interested, ask your leader if your organization has access to these modules. Use the Action Planning section that follows

    to document what you will do to develop your skills for at least two credible leadership talents.

    Credible Leadership Talents in order of Priority. The highest priority items are listed first.Developmental

    Priority Leadership Talent Definition Representative Behaviors

    1 Trust Builder Create a sense of respect anddedication with employees

    Demonstrate Personal Trustworthiness: Keep commitments, tell the truth, ownmistakes, build non-blaming environment, & prevent misrepresentation.

    Create an accepting, fair, and open work environment.

    2Engaging &Retaining

    Generation Y

    Understand how Generation Y traitsimpact job-related experiences,expectations and work styles

    Be flexible to generational differences in your leadership approach: Identify keytraits to break down barriers and adjust to new ways of working andcommunicating to bring the best in employees across generations

    Learn how generational traits impact job-related experiences and work styles andadapt to new ways of coaching and developing others to drive engagement andproductivity

    3 Flexibility Expert Recognize and take into account theneeds and views of each employee

    Respond to work and job needs of your team: Rotate job activities, encouragedifferent points of views, recognize stress, modify physical environment to stimulateemployees

    Recognize and respond proactively to employees' circumstances: Respond in atimely manner and be cognizant of work-life balance concerns and manage requestaccordingly

    Tie Talent FinderBe an effective resource when selectingand recruiting high performingcandidates

    Find and select the right talent to drive organizational success: Become a subjectmatter expert on job requirements to seek out talent

    Apply sourcing and selection practices: Gauge candidates' job stability, understandthe importance of realistic job previews, and engage employees in the job referralprocess

    5 Climate BuilderBuild an environment that makes workmore challenging and fulfilling and theworkplace enjoyable and satisfying

    Make work more challenging and fulfilling: Observe, ask, and provide choices aspossible.

    Make the workplace more enjoyable and satisfying: Create an environmentemployees want to work in, create achievable short-term goals, and encourage funas appropriate.

    Tie Esteem BuilderGive employees responsibility andfreedom to act to drive productivity andbe a part of a winning team

    Encourage and reinforce team member responsibility and initiative: Motivatedecision-making, don't micromanage, and allow responsibility for work

    Value and make visible team member inputs and accomplishments: Give credit forwork, share ownership and visibility, and identify skills and abilities that motivateand reinforce employees

    TieHigh Performance


    Create conditions that encourage andreinforce high levels of team memberperformance

    Value high performance: Communicate the value of high performance, recognizeand reward, high performers, make employees feel valued and engaged to driveresults

    Achieve high performance: Establish expectations, link team wins to organizationalresults, reinforce top performers, be an example and provide respect

    Tie Retention MonitorWatch for signs that employees mightbe thinking of leaving and take thecorrect actions to keep talentedemployees

    Be aware of employee retention statistics and related costs to the team. Monitorchanges in employees' work patterns and be aware of employee retention practices

    Take action to increase employee retention: Anticipate turnover issues, encourageemployee to discuss their concerns, make your retention expectations clear, anddevelop a plan to engage and retain your top performers

    Copyright ©TalentKeepers, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 21

  • Action Planning - Leadership Development

    What are the leadership talents most in need of development? You may select the leadership talents listed toward the

    top of the list or other talents which you think would most improve engagement on your team.

    1. _________________________________________________________________________________________


    2. _________________________________________________________________________________________


    For each of the talents you selected, describe the leadership behaviors you can modify to improve that leadership talent.

    Consider using the Representative Behaviors listed for each talent as part of your plan.

    1. _________________________________________________________________________________________




    2. _________________________________________________________________________________________




    Are there any barriers to carrying out these leadership behaviors on the job? If so, what ideas do you have to help

    overcome these barriers?


    Credible Leadership Talents in order of Priority. The highest priority items are listed first.Developmental

    Priority Leadership Talent Definition Representative Behaviors

    9 Retention ExpertBelieve in the importance of employeeretention and have the knowledge andexpertise necessary to retain highperforming team members

    Understand the value of employee engagement and retention and the impact if notaddressed: Understand cost, causes, and consequences of employee turnover andhow it effects the customer experience and perceptions on your organization

    Build behaviors that influence employee engagement and retention: Link individualcontributions to the organization's success and create a sense of belonging

    TieTalent Developer &


    Uncover learning styles to effectivelyhelp employees grow in their roleresulting in a greater commitment tothe organization

    Partner with team members to determine and achieve career development goals:Ask about growth needs and career aspirations, create development plans, utilizegoals to coach on performance, and provide frequent and meaningful feedback

    Provide opportunities for career growth and development compatible with anemployee's desires

    11 Communicator Practice two-way communication bysharing and asking for information

    Encourage information sharing: Be approachable, listen effectively, ensure two-waycommunication, & proactively share information.

    Demonstrate the value of input and feedback. Value accomplishments bycommunicating wins and recognition.

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    Request a product demo to see the full TalentWatch report. Contact us at solutions @talentkeepers.com

    or call 407-660-6041 etx 124 to schedule your demo.