L%VE L%VE CARDS CARDS In-Depth Relationship Analysis for Michael and Lisa Marie Created on 7/9/2009

Sample of Relationship Report

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These reports present a very detailed look at any two people’s relationship. Names of the people involved in the relationship will appear in the text as if it is a book about the two of you. These reports make great present and amaze those who read them with their accuracy.

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Page 1: Sample of Relationship Report


In-Depth Relationship Analysis for Michael and Lisa Marie

Created on 7/9/2009

Page 2: Sample of Relationship Report

Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

How to get the most from this Relationship Report The success of your relationship is never determined by your Birth Cards or your connections alone. Though some cards have it easier than others in this important area of life, ultimately it is each individual who holds the responsibility for the success or failure of their relationship. This report will act as a guide to help you achieve that success if that is what you truly want. Pay special attention to the affirmations listed for each connection in this report.

Welcome to your personal Love Cards report. The purpose of this report is to reveal as much information about you and your partner as possible, using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. It is our hope that this report will enlighten you a little, and maybe even help you to make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about you, your partner, and how the two of you interact. However, in no way is this meant to tell you whether or not you will be successful as a couple. That success is always in your hands. No matter what connections you share, this relationship can be successful if both partners want it and are willing to commit to making it happen. However, you may discover herein just how easy or challenging that may be for the two of you. Your Relationship Report consists of two separate parts. The first part is where you will find the description of each of your Birth Cards and Planetary Ruling Cards, if you have them. This section will reveal some of your personality traits, values, and other factors that make each of you who you are. You can get a basic feeling for each of you in this section and perhaps get a new perspective on who you are. This section may also reveal some of your relationship patterns - what sorts of people you are each attracted to, whether you are inclined to commitment or not, and other factors that may influence your love life. Once you have learned something about each of you separately, you are ready to learn about how the two of you connect energetically. In the second part you will find out exactly what 'connections' you share with your partner that explain what each of you experiences when you are together. This is where you will find out what areas are easy or challenging for the two of you, what things you may like or dislike about your partner and why. Your connections explain how your relationship will be experienced by both of you. Some connections are good for sex, others for marriage, and others for working or business relationships. This report was created with the intention of opening up doors of understanding and awareness. May your awareness grow and along with it, your understanding of your life and your happiness with it.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 2

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

Report Overview - Significators and Connections The cards that represent us are called our Personal Significators. The most important of these is our Birth Card but there are others that play an important part as well. On this page are listed the personal significators for each person that are used to find the relationship connections in this report.

Personal Significator(s) for Michael, born on 8/29/1958

Personal Significator(s) for Lisa Marie, born on 2/1/1968

Birth Card

Birth Card

Planetary Ruling Card

Planetary Ruling Card

1st Karma Card

1st Karma Card

The Relationship Connections used in this Report The heart of this report are the energetic connections found between this couple. Here is a list of ones chosen for this report, from the first to the last.

Michael is the Jupiter Card to Lisa Marie

Life Spread

Michael is the Uranus Card to Lisa Marie Spiritual Spread

Lisa Marie is the Venus Card to

Michael Spiritual Spread

Lisa Marie is the Venus Card to

Michael Life Spread

Michael is the Saturn Card to Lisa Marie

Life Spread

Michael is the Moon Card to Lisa Marie

Life Spread

Lisa Marie is the Cosmic Lesson Card

to Michael Life Spread

Lisa Marie is the Cosmic Lesson Card

to Michael Spiritual Spread

Michael is the Jupiter Card to Lisa Marie Spiritual Spread

Lisa Marie is the Jupiter Card to

Michael Spiritual Spread

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 3

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

All about Michael`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime. It is the card that we most identify with, and through which we have the greatest gifts to share with those around us. It is also called our Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Ten of Hearts Person

The Social Success Card

Like the Ace of Hearts, these people have much ambition in their life and could stray off the path of truth as a result. However, they have already experienced the truth and they have this knowing that is their birthright to guide them at each step along the way. They are creative and usually artistic. They are leaders, not followers. They love children and groups of people that they may regard as their children or audience. They are either in a field where they can perform in front of others or are surrounded by many family and social concerns. In either case they are surrounded by the ten hearts of their birth card. They are innovators and can make a great contribution in their chosen field as long as they exercise clarity in their judgement. Their motives can either be humanitarian or selfish, and this usually has a lot to do with their ultimate destination. They are independent and often impulsive but this is usually kept in balance by their wisdom. They can make a unique mark on the world through the application of their inherent gifts. They are usually gentle and wise people - at least the wisdom is there. Their wisdom is their protector and guiding light.

Some of the Ten of Hearts Issues Concerning Relationships

Ten of Hearts have 'power in love' and are attracted to those of power. They are also not afraid to work for the love they want in their personal relationships. They are charming and well liked. They will make the first move to start a relationship and then are willing to work for it. This is good and can be just the winning formula for success in love or marriage. These people have basically good karma in the love arena but there can be some indecisiveness that in some cases leads to problems. Relationships with Diamond women are often karmic and difficult as these women remind them of some of this

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 4

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

All about Michael`s Birth Card indecision and capriciousness. Ten of Hearts are very smart people and when they apply their mental power and creative energy to the area of love, it can get them into trouble when they try too hard to make things turn out as they plan. Love cannot be planned and manipulated in the same way that we plan out our daily schedule. Often there is the need to learn to feel things instead of thinking them out in matters of love.

All about Michael`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts like a second Birth Card to give you a new slant on your personality and character traits. It is very important in terms of your personal relationships since it represents a part of you that you identify with strongly.

Ten of Diamonds as Your Planetary Ruler

Be grateful that you have this card as a ruling card because it bestows some genuine good fortune on all who possess it. It is called the 'blessed card' and so many things in life will be just given to you. However, this does not guarantee your happiness. That will always depend upon your appreciation for what you have. This card also gives you an innate business ability. You could do very well in your own business, and the larger it is the better. You probably enjoy being the center of attention and have some natural abilities, either artistic or otherwise, that can get you that attention. In relationships you are very self-centered and somewhat high strung. For these reasons, you may have some challenges in this area.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 5

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

All about Lisa Marie`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime. It is the card that we most identify with, and through which we have the greatest gifts to share with those around us. It is also called our Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Jack of Spades Person

The Spiritual Initiate or the Thief Card

Through an excess of mental power and creativity, the Jack of Spades can either become a visionary, a spiritual leader, or a thief. This card also represents the 'spiritual initiate' but has also been called the 'Rip-off Card'. Most Jack of Spades will have a little of both of these qualities present and it is up to the individual to direct their highly creative minds with truth and wisdom. Otherwise, their lives can become a complete sham and they are lost, believing their own stories that were concocted to avoid unpleasant life situations. There is no doubt about their creative power and their ability to do anything with their minds. The question is whether or not they direct this energy with wisdom and patience or whether they are lured by the 'easy wins' they can extract out of many situations and move towards the low side of their card. They sit in a powerful place and this power can either take them to the highest or tempt them to the lowest. These people always do well with the public and can become successful artists or actors and actresses. They often inherit money even though they can make enough on their own. They are usually ambitious and can expect a successful life in most cases. It is their basic value system, learned in their childhood, that is most responsible for their direction and ultimate success.

Some of the Jack of Spades Issues Concerning Relationships

The Jack of Spades has some love karma to dispel in this lifetime. There are bound to be relationships that come into their lives to show them the value of truth, commitment and the proper use of their strong sexual drive. They are very creative, romantic, and independent and these qualities combined can get them into trouble if not coupled with wisdom and integrity. More than most cards, they dream of an ideal lover or partner and it is this dream that often

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 6

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

All about Lisa Marie`s Birth Card keeps them searching. It may also be responsible for the high turnover rate in many of their love lives. It may be that no one person could ever match up to the high ideal of love that they hold. Their success in love is always in their hands so there is no one but themselves to blame if they are not satisfied in this area.

All about Lisa Marie`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts like a second Birth Card to give you a new slant on your personality and character traits. It is very important in terms of your personal relationships since it represents a part of you that you identify with strongly.

Eight of Spades as Your Planetary Ruler

This ruling card adds a great deal of power to your personality, making you someone to be reckoned with on a personal level. It could also make you a workaholic. You probably attract others who are also powerful and in these relationships will resolve some of your power and control issues. You have a strong desire for work and to make money, but you must be careful not to abuse others to acquire your goals. Your power can be used for healing or to do many other good things. You probably have more energy than the average person and may seem to be somewhat of an extremist at times. But you learn by doing and trying things yourself. This card gives you the strength to overcome any obstacles and problems that come your way.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 7

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

All about the Love Connections you share Look at each connection between you as a cosmic link that connects each of you to some part of yourself that you want to look at, develop or explore in some way. Your partner is your mirror into your own soul.

This report uses the most advanced techniques available to give some real insight into the inner workings of your relationship. Using the ancient system, now known as the Book of Destiny, it determines the energy 'connections' that reflect exactly how the two of you interact. These connections are essentially described as planetary energies, for example Mars or Venus. Some connections are harmonious, while others create certain kinds of friction or stress between you. All of the connections between you serve an important purpose and contribute to the experience that you share. Keep in mind that most connections have a higher expression and a lower one. The affirmations given for each connection indicate how to access the highest expression of each one. The connections are listed in the order of their importance. The first connection is the most important and the second is the next important, etc. But even the last connection between you probably manifests itself in your experience together. Therefore, regard all of them as having some important information for you. You may have only a few connections, two or three, or you may have as many as fourteen. Each couple has a unique number and kinds of connections - as unique as the love and feelings they share for each other. Look to see if you have more than one kind of connection between you. For example, you may have a total of two or three Mars connections between you. When this is the case, you should study these connections carefully, realizing that this probably indicates some of the most important reasons that you are together and the issues that you most often face together. Finally, there are no bad connections. If we are attracted to someone so much that we spend time with them, there are important reasons for this. The descriptions of the connections in this report can help you understand why you have made the choice to be together, which can in turn help each of you to understand your individual personalities and needs better. Of course, some connections indicate stress and challenge, but this is because we often use relationships as the vehicle through which we resolve our own inner conflicts. If the love is there, there are many good things for each of you to gain from being together.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 8

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The First Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Your first connection is always considered the most important of all and, in most cases, will represent the dominant pattern that is your relationship. Study the connection described below carefully, as it may reveal some hidden opportunities for the two of you.

Michael is the Jupiter Card to Lisa Marie Location: Life Spread

This is a wonderful connection that is often found among the cards of happy and productive relationships. One of the main benefits of it is the financial end but it has other significant benefits as well. Jupiter is known among astrologers as the 'great benefic'. It is the only planet in our solar system that gives off more energy than it receives from the Sun. Its location in our natal astrological chart always points to some area of our life where things come easily to us and where we have many blessings to be thankful for. In this relationship, Lisa Marie has much to be thankful for, thanks to Michael, because he is a major blessing in Lisa Marie's life. These blessings may take many forms but they are often of the financial nature. Even though as a couple Michael and Lisa Marie may not be wealthy, Michael definitely likes to give things, including money, to Lisa Marie. This natural inclination to give is one of the signs of prosperity consciousness. Therefore, if not now, it could lead to great financial success in the future. This is an especially strong possibility if Lisa Marie expresses and feels appreciation for Michael. Appreciation is one of the most important keys in obtaining prosperity. If Lisa Marie will allow the appreciation engendered by this connection to grow, and if she expresses this verbally, this relationship could bloom into a prosperous and happy life together where there is much more money and things than they could ever use or need. On other levels the Jupiter connection can bring blessings of many forms. There could be a sharing of philosophies and spiritual ideals. Michael may provide beneficial guidance and inspiration to Lisa Marie. Essentially he will have a natural desire to give whatever he has that Lisa Marie values. If Lisa Marie wants to see the blessings in this relationship grow, just remember to feel and express the appreciation, as was mentioned earlier. This connection increases the overall compatibility between Michael and Lisa Marie to a good degree. The fact that they have this connection points to some good karma for both of them, something that they earned by doing good

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 9

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The First Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

deeds for others in the past. It is a sign of good fortune and if harnessed in the ways mentioned above, will develop into one of the cornerstones of their happiness together and provide the prosperity that will ensure an abundant and happy future.

Affirmation for Michael: I am glad to be a blessing in Lisa Marie's life and hope that I can give her all that I have to give. I allow myself to express my generosity in its fullest with no expectation that Lisa Marie must act in any particular way as payment for my giving. My giving is complete in and of itself.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I am grateful for the presence of Michael in my life. I accept all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with appreciation and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings and transform our relationship into a powerful force for prosperity, peace and abundance.

The Second Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Michael is the Uranus Card to Lisa Marie Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of the past-life connections that tells us that Michael and Lisa Marie have already been together before. In fact, in that previous lifetime, they developed a true friendship and mutual respect for each other that has carried over into this lifetime. Now, they can enjoy those qualities and use that to build an even stronger relationship. However, both should know the implications of this connection, which tells us that it is not ideally suited for all couples. Michael and Lisa Marie have a great possibility here, but also possibly a great challenge. It all depends upon how well they are able to allow each other that personal freedom, especially when that freedom may scare them or leave them feeling uncertain. The Uranian relationship is certainly not for everyone. It is for those who want to experience the highest form of

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 10

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Second Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

unconditional love in the context of an intimate relationship. In particular, Lisa Marie may be the one who is most affected by Michael's behavior. At times he may seem to act in such an unexpected manner that Lisa Marie is taken off balance by him. If she places big demands or expectations upon him, Michael will seem to be even more uncontrollable and unpredictable, which may engender even more uncertainty for her. This is because Lisa Marie is the one who is receiving the Uranian energies the most, unless other connections point out that Michael is also receiving some. In any case, the call here is for Lisa Marie to drop her expectations and learn to appreciate the time and things that she does share with Michael, instead of focusing on the parts that she is not getting the way she wants. This can be an easy lesson or a hard one, it depends mostly on Lisa Marie and her attitudes. We might say it is a matter of having both faith that Lisa Marie will get her needs met and her having appreciation for all that she does have in the context of this relationship. However, this connection tells us that Lisa Marie has already learned these lessons in the prior lifetime. She probably will not have such a hard time of it. Most of the relationships with this connection are good friendships. Both partners usually have separate careers or lives, but allow each other the space to do as they please without placing big demands upon each other. They truly enjoy the time they spend together but do not require that this time be scheduled into their lives, as if there wasn't going to be enough of it. It would be well for both Michael and Lisa Marie to model themselves after these ideal characteristics, which is the Uranus connection in its highest expression. The Uranus connection often provides a psychic link between partners. They just seem to know what each other is thinking or doing. Sometimes they can transmit thoughts to each other. It is really a beautiful thing when a Uranus relationship is working well. Both partners are relaxed and unconcerned as to whether or not they will see each other again. They both feel the love they have for each other and that is enough. The time they do spend together is like the icing on the cake, and another chapter (and adventure) in the book of their friendship.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 11

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Second Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Affirmation for Michael: I realize the powerful effect I have on Lisa Marie. Though I will never allow her to control me or dictate my actions, I will express my love to her so that she knows that I really care.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I allow Michael to be completely free to be himself. In this way, I am creating the relationship of my dreams - one based upon true friendship and unconditional love.

The Third Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Lisa Marie is the Venus Card to Michael Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of those 'love at first sight' connections that is responsible for many successful marriages and friendships. This connection tells us that Lisa Marie and Michael have shared some past lives together. In at least one of those lives, they were involved in a long-term relationship into which they each had to put a lot of effort in order to maintain harmony and compatibility. In that lifetime, they developed a deep love and respect for each other, as well as trust. Now, when they meet in this lifetime, they almost immediately sense this other soul with whom they have shared so much. They may or may not actually enter into a committed relationship during this lifetime, but what matters most is that a love exists between them that was already there, which will remain forever more. If they do decide to get together again, they have what few other couples have and that is a great head start. Because they have already worked out the mutual trust, respect and admiration for each other, they can immediately advance to a very compatible and harmonious life together. They may or may not actually have much in common. In this lifetime, the personalities that they have may be much different than before. Other connections, especially among the Planetary Ruling Cards, will reveal how their personalities actually interact

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Third Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

in this lifetime. There are cases where the personality differences are so great that it becomes impractical for them to be together as a couple. The love is there and it is strong, but their personal directions may be much different in the current lifetime. In those cases, the love is recognized and acknowledged, but never completely consummated. This connection makes believers of those who doubt that love is forever. The fact that Lisa Marie and Michael have found each other is a sign of good fortune for both. These kinds of relationships only happen to those who have some purity of heart and who are aware enough to recognize the value of it. So, we can say that Lisa Marie and Michael have reached some high degree of loving in order to have found each other again. It is a good sign and a blessing. Hopefully they will be able to take this foundation of mutual love, respect and admiration and go forth to create a beautiful future for themselves.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: It feels very right to be with Michael, with whom I share some kind of deep and timeless love. I appreciate his presence in my life and feel blessed by it.

Affirmation for Michael: I experience a love for Lisa Marie that is hard to describe, and yet feels very familiar and right. I sense that we have been together before and look forward to more time together to share this unique love that we have for each other.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 13

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Fourth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Lisa Marie is the Venus Card to Michael Location: Life Spread

This is a wonderful connection for any kind of relationship and guarantees that Lisa Marie and Michael can be good friends at the very least. The fact is that they both have a lot in common. This gives them many things that they can share and do together. It is a wonderful sign of compatibility and adds a lot to the potential of this relationship to be successful. In particular, Michael just adores Lisa Marie. Even though he may get mad at her at times or irritated by things she does or says, there is an underlying current of love that is always there that Michael can tap into and experience at any time. This essential compatibility helps them be 'friends first, everything else second' in their relationship. This 'friends first' attitude will help them when conflicts arise. It will allow them to let go of personal demands in order to be a friend to their partner. This can have a powerful positive effect on the relationship and allow them to resolve difficulties in a relatively short amount of time. It is also very likely that Lisa Marie and Michael have a similar, if not the very same, set of values. This means that they give importance to similar things in life. They may have similar life goals or directions, or merely like the same kinds of pleasures. This is also a pleasure aspect. Sexually, Lisa Marie and Michael should be very compatible. They will enjoy similar experiences and have similar likes and dislikes. This makes their time together more enjoyable and gives them many options and possibilities of things to do together. Put all of this together and we can see that Lisa Marie and Michael have very good chances of success as a couple. Unless other connections between them conflict heavily, this one connection alone can be a guarantee of high compatibility. To get the most out of this connection, Lisa Marie and Michael only need to remind themselves from time to time of all the wonderful things they share and focus on those things.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 14

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Fourth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I love being with Michael, with whom I have so much in common, and enjoy being appreciated so much by him. I think we could spend our entire life together.

Affirmation for Michael: I appreciate all that Lisa Marie and I have in common. It is the many things that we share that make our life together so enjoyable. I tell Lisa Marie just how grateful I am for her presence in my life.

The Fifth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Michael is the Saturn Card to Lisa Marie Location: Life Spread

Saturn has traditionally been known as the planet of hardship, coldness and difficulties of all kinds. And in fact there are some Saturn relationships in which these qualities predominate. However, there are many Saturn relationships that have other qualities, and in these we see the more positive aspects of Saturn's influence. We cannot predict exactly how this relationship between Michael and Lisa Marie will be affected by this connection because that will depend upon how consciously they choose to apply the energy of this connection. It can be very constructive or it can be difficult and depressing. So, here we will define some of the qualities more specifically so that it can be understood fully. In this relationship Lisa Marie has somehow chosen Michael to be her teacher. Though this may not have been a completely conscious choice, it is so just the same. Michael, being her Saturn Card, will experience a natural inclination to help Lisa Marie by making suggestions for improving her life or career. Just having Michael in her life is a reminder to Lisa Marie of things she needs to do in order to make her life better than it is. A Saturn person teaches us how to be more responsible, grown-up, practical, disciplined, conscientious and fair. They will help us to become more aware of how our words and actions affect those around us. These lessons can result in Lisa Marie

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Fifth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

becoming more successful in her work, especially if she has strong career aspirations or goals of things she wants to attain. On some level, Michael is a father figure to her and indeed he may remind Lisa Marie of her father in many ways. Taken with a positive attitude, Lisa Marie may make great progress in her life by the presence of Michael. The closer this connection is to being the first connection in this relationship, the more important this relationship is for Lisa Marie in terms of what she needs to learn. The best possible attitude would be where Lisa Marie acknowledges Michael as her teacher. Not that she needs to give up her own thoughts or beliefs to Michael, but just that there are probably things that she can learn from him. In extreme cases a person that is Saturn to us can be abusive. The other side of that coin is a person who inwardly hates who they are so much that they secretly desire to be abused, just as much as they abuse themselves already. In these cases, the Saturn person will be the mirror of our own self-hate and disrespect. Indeed, in these cases, the Saturn person is abusive, verbally and otherwise. The key then, is 'When do we stop being abused by the Saturn person?', or 'When do we start loving ourselves enough to attract someone more loving and considerate?' Our relationships are always a key to find out how we treat ourselves. We invariably choose someone who mirrors the way we feel about our self. Lisa Marie would do well to reflect on this if she finds Michael exhibiting any of the abusive forms of this Saturn energy. The most positive Saturn relationships are those that help the partner achieve their dreams by aligning them with the hows and how-to's of success in the world. A Saturn partner can provide us with direction, understanding, coaching and wisdom - all of which can help us achieve our goals. The Saturn person can handle us. They can put us in our place, where other people may be unable to do so. Therefore we can develop a lot of trust and respect in them. And sometimes that is just what we need, someone to show us the boundaries and discipline us a little. If Lisa Marie is, or was, strongly attracted to Michael, then this is very likely the case.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 16

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Fifth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Affirmation for Michael: I understand that I have the ability to see all of Lisa Marie's faults and shortcomings and share suggestions with her lovingly and with the awareness that I have a powerful effect on her.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I realize that I chose this relationship with Michael to help me grow in important areas of my life. With that in mind, I accept his suggestions so that I may learn and make progress in becoming a successful and happy person.

The Sixth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Michael is the Moon Card to Lisa Marie Location: Life Spread

Of all the connections that exist among the cards in the deck, the Moon connection is probably the single most powerful one when it comes to decisions about long term commitments. When someone is our Moon card, we feel very close and comfortable with them. In this relationship, Michael is a Moon Card influence to Lisa Marie. His presence in Lisa Marie's life is like a healing balm that soothes her. He provides Lisa Marie with nurturing support and a sense of foundation, security, home and settledness. Lisa Marie, on the other hand, brings many good things into Michael's life. She brings new ideas, fresh perspectives, new information, a broadening of experience and important direction for the relationship. In this relationship Michael and Lisa Marie have a strong communication link. This makes it easy for them to share ideas, thoughts and feelings and makes this one of the highest connections that exists for overall compatibility. Whether they realize it or not, Lisa Marie is the so-called 'leader' of this relationship. That is the nature of being the Sun Card in a Sun/Moon relationship. When we envision the ideal male/female relationship, a symbol that comes to mind is the Sun and Moon. One rules the day, the other, the night. One is fire and the other water. Together they balance each other out and fulfill

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 17

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Sixth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

each other's vacant spots. The Sun warms the water (Moon) and the water cools the Sun. This is the most ideal connection for a couple who have these essential male and female qualities and nearly guarantees the success of the relationship. Thus, it is not surprising how many successful marriages are based upon this important connection. Keep in mind though, that this connection only supports partners who are willing to play the Sun and Moon roles. Some Sun/Moon relationships have ended unsuccessfully because one or both of the partners was unwilling or unable to play the role dictated by this connection. What this means for this relationship is that if Michael is not willing to be the supportive, nurturing person in this relationship, or if he is unwilling to take the back seat to Lisa Marie in key situations, this relationship may not last. Likewise, if Lisa Marie is unwilling to provide leadership, perhaps because she doesn't have any clear direction for her life, then the same result is likely. However, when two people become involved with this connection they are usually willing to play these roles. On a basic energy level, the roles are demanded of them and usually dictates how they are together. When Michael and Lisa Marie are harmonizing themselves with these roles, much happiness and satisfaction is the result. This is a relationship that could easily last a lifetime. There just is no better connection for compatibility and long-term harmony.

Affirmation for Michael: I am very grateful for Lisa Marie's presence in my life. She is a breath of fresh air that is always bringing me new and wonderful things. I love our communication together and enjoy being Lisa Marie's support person. It feels natural to give of myself in this way.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I am grateful for the presence of Michael in my life. I feel that I have found a perfect partner that supports me in the directions that I feel are important in my life. I appreciate all the wonderful things that he does for me and our easy and natural communications.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 18

Page 19: Sample of Relationship Report

Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Seventh Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Lisa Marie is the Cosmic Lesson Card to Michael Location: Life Spread

This connection doesn't have a major impact on a relationship in a personal sense. Because it is one of the universal or cosmic connections, it has more to do with how this couple connect in relationship with the world around them. Specifically, Lisa Marie is a reminder to Michael of how he has, or could have, an important role to play in terms of helping mankind. This is about Michael's career and role in the world. If he is not career-minded at all, then Lisa Marie's influence may just have some implications about whatever role he is playing in his life, as seen by others. But, in some way, Lisa Marie's presence in his life is telling him that he should be doing this or that - essentially things that will both improve his life as well as help others through his contribution to them. In many cases, our Cosmic Lesson Card is a symbol of the kind of work that we could do that would be our own highest and best personal contribution to the world. This information could be very helpful for Michael if he is searching to find his purpose, or to decide what kind of work would best fit him. By studying our Cosmic Lesson Card, these sorts of things are revealed. The fact that Michael has attracted someone who is his Cosmic Lesson Card into his life is probably an indication that he is ready to achieve some of his potential, or that he will be lead to his rightful place, workwise, by Lisa Marie's influence in his life. On a personal level, this connection doesn't usually manifest in any particular behavior patterns. The only discernable characteristic might be Lisa Marie's reminding Michael of his highest potential, or somehow offering suggestions that may help his career. However, Lisa Marie's presence in his life already serves as that reminder. She may even be involved in the kind of work that he aspires to, or may eventually become involved in. In other cases, it could be the way she does what she does that is a clue for Michael as to what it is that can benefit his career or direction.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: My awareness of how I am a reminder to Michael

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 19

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Seventh Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

of how he can make a valuable contribution in this world reminds me that I am an important influence in his life. I wish only the best for him and hope that my influence is a positive one in his life.

Affirmation for Michael: I am grateful for the presence of Lisa Marie in my life. She reminds me of what I can do and become in a way that inspires me to my highest potential.

The Eighth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Lisa Marie is the Cosmic Lesson Card to Michael Location: Spiritual Spread

From a past life of being together, Lisa Marie has returned to Michael in order to play an important role in his life. This role will help him find himself and his life's work if he is looking for these answers. This represents a karmic debt that Lisa Marie must repay in order to fulfill her own aspirations. Somehow, Lisa Marie will be able to help Michael realize his highest potential. At the least, Lisa Marie's presence in his life will act as a sign to point him in the right direction, a direction where Michael may fulfill his obligation to the world and make a valuable contribution through his efforts. On a personal level, this connection has little, if any, influence. It may not affect the feelings they have for each other unless the subject of Michael's most important issues revolve around his purpose and career. In that case, Lisa Marie may find herself reminding him of how he can improve himself, or of what things he can do to get more success in the areas to which he is striving. If this happens, Michael may react with gratitude or with resistance, and this could play an impact on just how they get along with each other. The more important these issues are for Michael, the more this connection will affect the relationship. But, in most cases, the reminder is more of a subtle nature, and doesn't manifest in any sort of personal confrontation between the partners. To the degree that Michael is aware of his own personal need to play

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 20

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Eighth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

some important role in his life, he will find Lisa Marie to be a helpful influence in this regard. She may even be doing the kind of work that he is wanting to do, or is destined to do. They may be able to share this work. In other cases, Michael may not be career-minded at all and Lisa Marie merely serves to remind him of characteristics that will help him fulfill whatever roles he is playing in his life more effectively. There is definitely an implied student/teacher relationship here, though it is not necessary for either Lisa Marie or Michael to be aware of it. However, Lisa Marie's presence is a lesson to Michael on some level and the more he is aware of this, and then acts upon what he is receiving from her, the sooner Michael will elevate himself in respect to whatever roles he is playing in his life.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: My awareness of how I am a reminder to Michael of how he can make a valuable contribution in this world reminds me that I am an important influence in his life. I wish only the best for him and hope that my influence is a positive one in his life.

Affirmation for Michael: I am grateful for the presence of Lisa Marie in my life. She reminds me of what I can do and become in a way that inspires me to my highest potential.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 21

Page 22: Sample of Relationship Report

Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Ninth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Michael is the Jupiter Card to Lisa Marie Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of the past-life or 'earned' connections, and it happens to be one of the better ones in terms of what it brings into the lives of Michael and Lisa Marie. This particular connection indicates that Michael and Lisa Marie shared a past life where they held the same spiritual or philosophical views. There is a strong possibility that during that lifetime, these philosophies and beliefs were a major theme in their life. Perhaps they were members of a religious group, or somehow entered into a life of spiritual disciplines and study. This lifetime had a powerful and enlightening influence upon both of them, revealing many truths about life and the laws of the universe that they still draw upon for guidance and direction. Now that they have found each other, Michael and Lisa Marie are reminded of the connection they once had. By being together, many positive results are manifesting in their lives. Michael enjoys being the giver in this relationship and he will give everything that he can to Lisa Marie as a natural expression of his love for her. He will provide guidance and inspiration when it is needed and will act as a reminder of the high level of truth and integrity that they once shared. This connection is about truth and integrity, but it is also about giving, prosperity and abundance. Lisa Marie is the one who receives most of these benefits because she is on the receiving end of this connection. Michael also benefits because giving is in reality another form of receiving. Michael and Lisa Marie have a natural inclination to give to each other and if this giving and receiving is allowed to grow and be appreciated, it can grow into one of the most important cornerstones of their relationship. It has the potential to fulfill many of their dreams and desires by attracting opportunities, good relationships and things into their lives. In particular it is up to Lisa Marie to stimulate this potential by practicing the art of appreciation for the many good things she shares with Michael. Appreciation is one of the magical keys to prosperity, one that could unlock

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 22

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Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Ninth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

the door to her most cherished desires. When the natural giving that Michael does is complimented by Lisa Marie's felt and expressed appreciation, it generates a potent energy that attracts many good things into their lives. Many couples who have this connection end up quite well off financially and they seem to be 'lucky' by most standards. This so-called luck is not really by chance though. It is a natural outcome of the right frame of mind. With such a fortunate connection between them, Michael and Lisa Marie have a lot going in the right direction for a happy and prosperous future. Even if it is not intentionally cultivated, this connection will definitely bring many good things into their lives.

Affirmation for Michael: I am glad to be a blessing in Lisa Marie's life and hope that I can give her all that I have to give. I allow myself to express my generosity in its fullest with no expectation that Lisa Marie must act in any particular way as payment for my giving. My giving is complete in and of itself.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I am grateful for the presence of Michael in my life. I accept all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with appreciation and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings and transform our relationship into a powerful force for prosperity, peace and abundance.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 23

Page 24: Sample of Relationship Report

Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Tenth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Lisa Marie is the Jupiter Card to Michael Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of the past-life or 'earned' connections, and it happens to be one of the better ones in terms of what it brings into the lives of Lisa Marie and Michael. This particular connection indicates that Lisa Marie and Michael shared a past life where they held the same spiritual or philosophical views. There is a strong possibility that during that lifetime, these philosophies and beliefs were a major theme in their life. Perhaps they were members of a religious group, or somehow entered into a life of spiritual disciplines and study. This lifetime had a powerful and enlightening influence upon both of them, revealing many truths about life and the laws of the universe that they still draw upon for guidance and direction. Now that they have found each other, Lisa Marie and Michael are reminded of the connection they once had. By being together, many positive results are manifesting in their lives. Lisa Marie enjoys being the giver in this relationship and she will give everything that she can to Michael as a natural expression of her love for him. She will provide guidance and inspiration when it is needed and will act as a reminder of the high level of truth and integrity that they once shared. This connection is about truth and integrity, but it is also about giving, prosperity and abundance. Michael is the one who receives most of these benefits because he is on the receiving end of this connection. Lisa Marie also benefits because giving is in reality another form of receiving. Lisa Marie and Michael have a natural inclination to give to each other and if this giving and receiving is allowed to grow and be appreciated, it can grow into one of the most important cornerstones of their relationship. It has the potential to fulfill many of their dreams and desires by attracting opportunities, good relationships and things into their lives. In particular it is up to Michael to stimulate this potential by practicing the art of appreciation for the many good things he shares with Lisa Marie. Appreciation is one of the magical keys to prosperity, one that could unlock

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 24

Page 25: Sample of Relationship Report

Relationship Report for Michael and Lisa Marie

The Tenth Connection Between You

Michael Lisa Marie

the door to his most cherished desires. When the natural giving that Lisa Marie does is complimented by Michael's felt and expressed appreciation, it generates a potent energy that attracts many good things into their lives. Many couples who have this connection end up quite well off financially and they seem to be 'lucky' by most standards. This so-called luck is not really by chance though. It is a natural outcome of the right frame of mind. With such a fortunate connection between them, Lisa Marie and Michael have a lot going in the right direction for a happy and prosperous future. Even if it is not intentionally cultivated, this connection will definitely bring many good things into their lives.

Affirmation for Lisa Marie: I am glad to be a blessing in Michael's life and hope that I can give him all that I have to give. I allow myself to express my generosity in its fullest with no expectation that Michael must act in any particular way as payment for my giving. My giving is complete in and of itself.

Affirmation for Michael: I am grateful for the presence of Lisa Marie in my life. I accept all the good things that she brings into my life and respond with appreciation and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings and transform our relationship into a powerful force for prosperity, peace and abundance.

Report by This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 25