Sample CRQs

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Sample CRQs. 2011 - #1 Part A. Primate city: cities that are more than 2x the size of the next largest city AND exert social, political, and economic dominance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 2: Sample CRQs

Primate city: cities that are more than 2x the size of the next largest city AND exert social, political, and economic dominance

Rank-size rule: Sizes of cities are in proportion to one another. If x is the largest city, then the second largest will be ½ x and the third largest will be 1/3 x.

According to the statistics for the populations of Mexican cities, Mexico has a primate city since Mexico City is more than twice as large as the next largest city of Guadalajara. Mexico does not follow a rank-size rule in the population distribution of its cities.

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Large market for goods and servicesCan benefit from the advantages of

agglomerationCan offer high end goods and services

because of larger threshold populationCreates global trade networks (primate

cities can compete on global scale and attract foreign investment plus gravity model shows high degree of interaction among cities with high populations)

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Unequal distribution of wealth and/or power

Brain drain – migration of educated people to primate city

Unequal distribution of education, entrepreneurship, opportunities

Disproportionate effect of disaster in the primate city on the entire country

Hard for people who are not in the primate city to access essential services such as hospitals.

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Using contemporary examples, explain how each of the following has contributed to the development of national identity and the strengthening of a state.Economic developmentRelocation of a state’s capital

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China Any of the Asian Tigers

How this helps national identity…

• Since Deng Xiaoping, China has incorporated capitalism into their economy

• As of 2001, China joined World Trade Organization (WTO)

• Has allowed foreign investment into their country

• Relocation of factories to China has provided citizens with jobs

• Used the international trade approach to increase their economic development

• Have focused on skilled labor, electronics, and clothing

• Rapid growth of economy

• Strong economy creates jobs, supports a sense of well being, and supports confidence in leadership and loyalty to state

• Economic prosperity helps to hide other problems the country may be experiencing

• National pride reinforces national identity

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Brazil Nigeria How this helps national identity…

• Relocated capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia in order to relocate population to a central area

• Helps develop the interior which was mostly inhabited

• Break ties with colonial past (importance of cities along the coast to provide to Portugal)

• Relocated capital from Lagos to Abuja

• Since Nigeria is comprised of so many ethnic groups, there has been constant conflict

• Capital was relocated to a central location to accommodate different ethnic groups

• Strengthens the state and provides stability

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Nigeria: A Case Study for Language Conflicts

493 languages3 main languages

Hausa (15%)Yoruba (15%)Igbo (15%)

55% speak one of the other 490 languages

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Using contemporary examples, explain how each of the following may detract from the development of national identity and weaken a state.EthnicityTransportation/infrastructure

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Yugoslavia Nigeria How this hurts national identity…

• Ethnic tensions between Serbs, Croats, and Bosnian Muslims led to genocide during the 1990s

• Ethnic tensions between Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba has led to constant violence and fighting

• Ethnic tension weakens loyalty to the state

• Tension between ethnic groups can lead to balkanization, separatism, devolution, etc.

• Placement of political boundaries without regard to ethnic territories leads to problems

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Chile Democratic Republic of Congo

How this hurts national identity…

• Elongated state therefore poor communications

• Weak government and rebel groups have deterred the maintaining of infrastructure

• Poor transportation infrastructure contributes to isolation and a sense of separation

• Size or shape of a state may hinder development