Sample Chapter the Accidental Husband

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  • 7/29/2019 Sample Chapter the Accidental Husband



    April 2008

  • 7/29/2019 Sample Chapter the Accidental Husband



    1. Sylvie

    Back then, when life seemed s simple, befre she knew

    what life was capable f thrwing at her, Sylvie was a

    natural wrrier. Anxiety fllwed her arund like a small

    dark clud, cnvincing her that smething terrible was

    just abut t happen. As a child she wrried abut her

    mthers rages, which didnt stp them cming. As a yung

    wman she wrried abut making enugh mney as a

    textile designer, which meant she had t supplement

    her incme by painting huses. As a yung mther she

    wrried that Eve wuld rll nt her frnt and never

    wake up, and when Jnathan was late hme frm wrk,she wrried that smething had happened t him.

    She wasnt wrried, hwever, the mrning he sat n her

    side f the bed, leaning ver t tie his cycling shes then

    rlling gently n tp f her and kissing her, tipteing his

    ngers up her inner thigh until she gave up all pretence f

    being asleep and giggled, shving his hand away.

    Nice arse, she called ut, pening ne eye as he

    reached the drway, causing him t spin and adpt a

    mdel pse befre blwing her a kiss and clmping dwn

    the stairs.

    Thirty minutes later she was cutting a piece f tast

    int slices fr Eve, wh was meticulusly nibbling as far

    as the crusts then giving each crust a name and persnal-ity and dancing it rund her small purple melamine plate.

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    When a plice car pulled up utside the huse, Sylvie

    frze. Eve, sensing smething, climbed nt her mthers

    lap, curling up and sucking her thumb. There was n way

    they culd have knwn, and yet they bth knew.Mments later, the drbell rang. She knew the plice

    were n the ther side. Befre she even pened the dr

    she culd see their expressins f sympathy, knew they

    wuld gently ask her if she knew a Jnathan Haydn. When

    she said she was his wife, they wuld lk dwn at the

    grund fr a secnd, their faces wracked with sadness,

    wishing they didnt have t tell this yung wife and mther

    that her husband wuld nt be cming hme, wishing

    right nw they were anywhere else but here.

    Fr years afterwards she wasnt able t speak f it withut

    her thrat clsing, r her eyes pricking, but nw the wrds

    cme s easily. My rst husband died. Brain aneurysm.Yes. It was a tragedy.

    Furteen years later, she can say the wrds withut feel-

    ing a wave f lss wash ver her. She can, and des, stp

    suddenly while walking dwn a street, r in a stre, because

    she has seen smene wh has his walk. Or smell. Or

    hair. But nw she can stp, remember, and keep mving,

    withut being engulfed by lss, and grief, and pain.

    She mved t La Jlla, fund friends thrugh Eves

    kindergarten, and began building a new life in which she

    was, if nt happy, cntent.

    She wrked in an art gallery part-time, ccasinally

    exhibiting her wn paintings in ne f the cafs in twn.

    She had stpped wrrying, waiting fr the wrst t happen,because it had already happened and she had survived.

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    On her wn fr three years after Jnathans death, she

    had becme self-sucient, a tight unit with Eve. Dating

    didnt really interest her, despite the kind ers t x her

    up; neither did the prspect f merging her life with sme-ne elses. Dating, kissing, making lve with smene ther

    than Jnathan wuld have been a betrayal; it was a step

    she felt unwilling t take.

    When she did take it, it didnt feel like a betrayal. It felt

    right, as if Jnathan had given her his blessing. Eleven

    years after meeting Mark, Sylvie des nt ften indulge in

    memries f Jnathan. As the years have passed she has,

    largely ut f respect fr Mark, allwed them t fade.

    She was s yung when she was with Jnathan, s unaware

    f the enduring nature f marriage, f the ups and

    dwns, the highs and lws, the wrk required t keep yu

    in the game.

    She had nly fur years with Jnathan. When he died,they were still in the hneymn perid, never having had

    a chance t reach the stage where they irritated each ther,

    fught ver nthing, simply passed each ther in the huse

    barely speaking a wrd.

    Until she met Mark, and fr sme time afterwards,

    Sylvie always felt Jnathan was watching ver her. She

    wuld talk t him in the car, ask him smething, then turn

    n the radi and nd her questin answered by the lyrics

    f a sng; pick up a bk and turn t a randm page, t

    nd the wrds that were exactly what she needed t hear.

    There is n such thing as cincidence, she wuld think,

    blwing a kiss f thanks t the heavens. This is Jnathan,

    as lud and clear as he is able t be.When Mark came alng eleven years ag, she knew

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    Jnathan had sent him t her, that it was n cincidence

    their wrlds kept clliding; she knew that this was sme-

    hw meant t be.

    Even the fact that Mark has always travelled extensivelyhas been a psitive. It has allwed her t keep the clse

    bnd with Eve, t be present fr her in a way that isnt

    pssible when Mark is at hme.

    This marriage is entirely dierent frm her rst. Frm

    the beginning this felt less like a fairy tale, mre real. She

    and Mark have never lain in bed whispering fantasies abut

    their lives tgether, r shared the wnderment f giving

    birth; they have nt had time tgether withut children,

    lazing in bed all weekend making lve, nly ging ut t

    run t the deli n the crner fr paninis and chclate.

    What they d have is what Sylvie nw thinks f as

    grwn-up, prper lve. She is, still, ercely attracted t

    him, respects him enrmusly; she adres hw kind he is,hw he takes care f them.

    She has watched marriages all arund them fall apart

    in the last cuple f years. The wrds mid-life crisis are

    whispered in knwing tnes, as husbands are discvered

    sleeping with their secretaries, wives having aairs with

    neighburs, r simply leaving t nd themselves.

    Sylvie knew she was safe. Whatever else might cme

    between them, Mark wuld nt have an aair. He was

    appalled and dismayed each time anther cuple came

    undne at the hands f smene else.

    Thank Gd yu, at least, take yur marriage vws

    seriusly, Sylvies friend Angie said. He, n the ther

    hand . . . she added, narrwing her eyes as she glanced

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    sideways at her husband, nt s sure. But he knws whatll

    happen t him if he even thinks abut it.

    They had all laughed, Sylvie with the security f knwing

    her marriage was sacred. Nthing wuld ever g wrng.And yet fr the past few mnths a lt feels as if its

    nt exactly ging wrng, but nt ging right. Eve will be

    leaving hme t g t cllege in September, and Sylvie

    isnt ready. She is starting t feel abandned, even thugh

    ratinally, f curse, she knew this day was cming; she

    knws Eve has t leave.

    Her jb at the bkstre ended in Octber, and the last

    six mnths have been spent attempting t lk after her

    mther, ding the dd bit f painting, althugh it n

    lnger hlds the thrill it nce did, and wrrying abut

    what n earth she will d when Eve leaves.

    She knws her hrmnes are playing a part, fr her

    perids are erratic, and Mark has started referring t herPMS as OMS, fr Onging Menstrual Stress, which

    Sylvie nds either hilarius r infuriating, depending n

    the day.

    She is ging thrugh changes; they are all ging thrugh

    changes signicant nes, nes in which they will need

    t supprt each ther but Mark seems utterly discn-

    nected. He isnt wrking ut mre, hasnt bught himself

    a new Ferrari r a new haircut, but he is distracted and


    As a result they have started squabbling in a way they

    never have until nw.

    After years f knwing exactly where she std, inse-

    curity has pushed its way thrugh the dr. Wh is she

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    suppsed t be if nt a mther? If Mark didnt travel all

    the time she wuld be ne, because she wuld have the

    rle f wife t full. It didnt matter befre, while she was

    a full-time mther. But with Eve leaving, and n jb, hwis she suppsed t dene herself?

    Sylvie needs her husband, but, fr sme reasn, these

    days he is away mre than ever. Sylvie is starting t

    wnder if her mthers right: is Mark having an aair?